I truly believe that society today is not a good place for masculine men. The #MeToo movement (the outrageous ‘feminism’ excuse that’s used to normalise pretty much everything that is wrong with society and women today), and the lunacy of all this ‘gender confusion’ nonsense makes me almost glad I myself am not male.
Having been an avid fan of this site for some time, I am yet to find anything that I am not in agreement with. And now I find myself writing my first article.
Let me give you some background in to myself: yes I am a women and yes I admit I can be a little crazy at times, but that’s part of the difference between our genetics and it’s sad that the fundamental differences between men and women are no longer celebrated like they should be. I have never been the type to ride the cock carousel like there’s no tomorrow. I enjoy commitment, I can hold down an intelligent conversation, and I look after my appearance.
I appreciate nothing more than a masculine man, the confidence they exude, and their ability to filter through the bullshit most women surround themselves. He makes me weak at the knees. I want nothing more than to attract a high value masculine man, and commit my life and soul to him. I believe if I was to ever hit the jackpot and attract this type of male, I would be in my element—I would be the best and most feminine version of myself I could be.
5 things high value women want from a man
1. I want to prioritise the man above myself. His wish will be my command.
2. I want to fully commit my life to him. I would give myself to him sexually, physically and emotionally.
3. I want marriage, though not a big fancy wedding where it’s all a facade for social media. I want your last name to show you own me, to feel like I am truly yours. I am aware divorce is such a strong point to masculine men, concerned about the splitting of assets and finances if it goes wrong. But I don’t believe in divorce; I believe in hard work and commitment, and I would more than willingly sign a prenuptial agreement. In fact, I would encourage it.
4. I love housework, cooking, cleaning, admin, and organising. I want to benefit a man’s life by doing this for him. He works hard and provides, and deserves to put his feet up.
5. I want to bring ONE man’s children in to the world and bring them up as they should be, with a father present, and a mother at home to support them.
So why am I yet to find that man I want more than anything? My belief is men nowadays, even masculine true red pill taker style men, that are looking for a high value female are being blinded by the sheer volume of low value women. They are drowned in this sea of feminist culture that they are struggling to know when they’ve met a high value woman.
I don’t blame them—there are too many women today trying to cuckold men, lie and fake it, ride the cock carousel like there’s a world shortage of dick out there, and generally make minimal effort to even attempt to be of any value to a real man. It’s a sorry to state of affairs, and I completely blame it on the female of the species, as usual they’ve ended up causing more harm than good.
High value women need masculine men to come and save the genuine high value women out there. With such a lack of masculine men on the scene, the sad matter of fact that attracting cucky, blue pill, feminine men is just too easy. Genuine feminine women like myself need more than that, and we will not lower our expectations. We have more self respect and dignity then to lower our value and stoop to the lows of join the brigade of slutty women barely dressed in bars waiting open mouth for some guy to come and buy her a drink and sweep her off her feet without taking the effort to prove her value.
Please ROK readers, don’t give those women that are exceptions to the rule no option but to date low value, cucky, blue pill men. Don’t let feminism and today’s completely unappealing state of affairs make you give up looking for a high value woman. There are a few of us still out there!
Read More: Why High Heels Are Attractive On Women
A article written by a woman on ROK….that’s cute…next!
Allegedly a woman…..
If she is sooooo desperate to find a red pilled man where is her picture and email in her bio?
Why , do you want to act desperate and simpy by asking her “are you single , lol ?”
And the white knight comes strolling in I see. Don’t worry, there is no maiden to save here.
White Knight ? Haha.. I could care less what happened to her. I’d never “save” anyone from the internet especially women. You’re projection is on fleek, desperate simp.
Because she doesn’t want you to write.
A hoeman.
6. I want his money and i m lazy
Fake girl – article should claim itself satire instead of trying to pander to ROK readers
Ever heard of the web site gender hacker? This is their analysis of this author’s article.
Genre: Informal
Female = 767
Male = 574
Difference = -193; 42.8%
Verdict: Weak FEMALE
Weak emphasis could indicate European.
Genre: Formal
Female = 433
Male = 337
Difference = -96; 43.76%
Verdict: Weak FEMALE
Weak emphasis could indicate European.
@ Who Cares
Who Cares
Fuck off Maverick, and fuck off any guy who thinks it’s cool keeping this place a sausage fest. If a woman agrees with us that’s a good thing you fucking idiots. Fucking teenagers.
@ Author, yeah, I’m a “macho man” and ever since the #metoo I’ve kept my interactions with females I work or socialise with (in a non-fucking sense) to an absolute minimum. And I can see a few girls around me getting sexually frustrated by my lack of attention but it’s just not worth it for men to risk flirting with any female who isn’t a total stranger.
Sucks for us way more than it does for you. Women need to grow some balls (in a metaphorical sense) and tell those rabid feminist cunts exactly what you think. I mean, feminists are actually in the minority, not that you would think it from looking around, play your part.
She’s not agreeing with us , she’s just pouting that hot guys don’t want anything permanent with.her. she knows what the cock carousel is like because she so delicately told us , that’s “she likes commitment ” and prefers ” long term”
‘coz she’s probably fucken’ UGLY as fuck! ! !
That’s why!!
+ she got the baby rabies..
She’s missing a point there : “HIGH VALUE WOMEN” are other than good wife material, are VERY BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!! PERIOD!
The only asset of a woman is physical beauty!! THAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING OF ALL!!
She could be the nicest, honest person of the land, but IF ugly as fuck then all in vain!
And that’s about it.
agreed… she could be ugly, that’s why shes acting “nice” or not hawt enough for Chad Thundercock that hangs out at the bar every night.
It doesn’t matter what she says or thinks, because when the time comes for her to change her mind, cheat on you, and divorce rape you, the law will always be on her side.
‘You can trust me, I’m a traditional woman’, been then done that, and suffered the subsequent asset stripping. Fuck all you white bitches!
Just when I felt like hopping on the White Horse (which gentlemen, is usually a clue you’re making a bad decision), I read this.
You’re right!
Time for slut shaming to make a comeback.
women already shame each other and compete with one another
Your mouth speak GOLD! ! !
Time for ownership of females to make a comeback
Hey Gabe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1ZJiBHh-Yw
There is no need to call other guys as “idiots”, just because they didn’t agree or skeptic about the article.
totally disagree. If you disagree that it’s harder for non-feminists today than it was before feminism and meeeeetoo came about, then you’re an idiot.
As for being skeptical that an actual chick wrote this article, that’s irrelevant as I wasn’t arguing the authenticity of the gender of the author… idiot.
Yawwnn….this article is so clearly fake it’s embarassing.
If ROK wants to consider it satircal thats ‘fine’, but it’s parading it’self as real, which is fucked up.
Girls don’t talk like this at all, not in the slightest. It’s clearly written from a man’s pov trying to sound like a ‘feminine red pill girl’.
Maybe make an entire section which is satire and have fake articles on how women should really act instead of ‘publishing’ an article which is clearly fake as fuck and trying to get us to believe some girls write like this. Otherwise fuck off with this faggot shit.
I’d say its written from the perspective of a woman whos about to hit the wall and resorts to trad LARPing to attract a tradcon simp.
Fake girl – fake article
I believed for a second that a unicorn exists. Thanks for pointing that out. Even if this women is real, she has passed her prime/hit the wall. An 18-22 y.o. is not going to figure it out and write such an article.
For you, maybe.
If this is really a woman, I give kudos to her.
Most people will gravitate towards the ‘easy road’ as opposed to taking the hard path. Since the (((hebrews))) have decided to introduce marxist feminism, women have begun to rely on the state as their sugar daddy and the masculine man is an optional extra to be ditched if required. No wonder all the sane masculine men decided to become PUAs, MGTOWs and otherwise abandoned the Titanic that is western feminism – all the women aren’t worth keeping.
PUA and MGTOW doesn’t stop feminism.
certainly doesn’t make it worse. even if PUA is mostly fake, it is better than guys marrying single moms and old hags
Now RoK allows women to write articles. I thought this was a space for men to discuss problems in a way men would understand. Pretty soon you’ll be inviting homos to write articles, followed by trannies and then pedophiles. I mean, I know this site is ultimately (((controlled opposition))) but you don’t have to make it so obvious!
Yeah this website is (((controlled))). Why have a woman write on a manosphere website. (((Roosh))) should be ashamed. (((Roosh))) will write an article about how he can’t find a wife but he banged over a 100 women in his life time. (((Roosh))) is behind the degeneracy that he complains about. How many future wives did he ruined from one night stands? He use to bang everything that walks and now we are suppose to feel sorry for (((him))) because he can’t find a wife.
for starters, I doubt he banged the amount and quality he has claimed in the past. just google image search him and it shows some of the sub par women who hang out with him. Nevertheless, you make a good point, if they were virgins. most of us have fooled around with previously damaged sluts. no harm, no foul.
I agree, banging a club slut doesn’t harm anyone.
I don’t see any harm in “thinning the herd” of unicorns. Because if you can fool around with them, they weren’t unicorns in the first place. So the men that want to find quality women have an easier time finding one and the LoLknees of the world can hit whatever they feel like. It’s all good.
That said, Roosh is in a really bad place to find anybody decent. What happens when somebody googles (or duckgo/startpages) Roosh?
Just tried it now. Among the top hits: “Daryush “Roosh” Valizadeh is one of the most public and reviled online misogynists. ”
Even though that is patently false, what’s a new woman going to think after getting that result?
Maybe he should change his name (and lose the stupid beard 🙂 ) and get to the point where his new name doesn’t show up next to RAPE ADVOCATE or other nonsense.
Queer Eye for the Hetero Relationship? 🙂
What’s sad is that probably exists somewhere. This world is screwed the hell up.
We have fixed the problem with a lack of good quality feminine women…we have moved our searching overseas.
If you don’t support free speech, religious rights, gun rights, property rights,
freedom from warrantless searches, and freedom from torture, what part of the
Bill of Rights do you support?
Layla, you basically admitted you’re not a Virgin . Welcome to the cock carousel.
Good job on your first article.
I wish that I could date you; sadly you are an exception to the rule in my area.
The first desperate simp shows up ! @J
J sucking the corn kernels from her schit….disgusting.
J= J e w ?
I’m calling bullchittlings on Layla. If you WANT to find a decent man , you could easily go to the library, engineering building , find professional corporate men everywhere and put yourself out there . No you want a hot jeremy meeks th at will committ to you and even if you’re not a slut, you’re probably at the bars looking for Mr. RIGHT hottness, not Mr decent guy .
Has to be fake. Very difficult for me to believe a female would use the term “cucky”.
Meh, I use it all the time. And many women around me use it too!
I mean how else can you describe the liberal, feminist white male of today?
Lol. Suppose theres nowhere to go but up from here. What ever happened to David Brown?
There is nothing you can do about it and nothing we can do about it. Society is controlled by (((them))) so they can steal our efforts, money and dignity. Whoever is engaged in degenerate activities is part of (((them))). You’ll never be one of us, free people
Thas horse dung. She can go find a decent man , in a heartbeat unless she’s fat and ugly, but she didn’t say she wanted a decent man
‘coz she’s fat and ugly…
It explains them all!
Layla! Just admit it : You’re NOT REALLY GOOD LOOKING as a female!
Then your mumbling is for futile!
1. A REAL high value woman would never BEG for a proper man, as she knows how much she’s worth and that high value man ( or whatever sick fucking standard you people categorize other human beings.. ) would come across searching for her!!
2. Some fishy bullshit snake oil selling scheme going on here…!
You either a man or a transfaggot scum or some typical youtube style tradthot biatch (aka Emily Youcis / Lauren Southern aka the rabbi’s granddaughter Lauren Simonsen / or nollagirl who’s married to a negro, but dares to play trad woman!! / and co. ) who’s trying to get simps and beta boys from this website to follow you and support on patreon! ! !
Am I right biatch?????????
While you have a point, the feminisation of men is ridiculous. I’m surrounded by guys I would have naturally assumed were gay back in the 90’s. Likewise, back in the 90’s I was also surrounded by slim girls.
No you are not a rare “high value feminine woman who values masculine men”. You are what guys around here refer to as a NAWALT, a unicorn and Female Chameleon.
Vomiting Skittles and farting cotton candy…When does a woman plan her divorce, the moment she lays eyes on her target….ahem…. targets wallet. Nearly none have a little self discipline to at least wait for the “I do” commitment..99.99% don’t.
I’m wrong about the when part. It starts at the first tingle in the groin anymore even before the hymen is broken by her own invading fingers. the very first orgasm comes when she realizes she can make her special tingles PAY her huge unearned monies if she traps the right simp or cuck at the right time and in the right place and if that don’t work, straight out prostitution through “allowance” or “arrangement”. AWALT, gentlemen….A W A L T.
Lol at the comments. She’ll need to find a pseudonym with a male name if she wants to continue to write in here.
1st: only bitches uses “LOL” …
2nd: negative comments in womansplaining hieroglyphics = stalkers and rapists ?
Your mother must use it a lot then.
“your mom” cutdowns from a “mature” developed female hag. have you found yours yet?
huh? you’re a weirdo, go back to jezebel or cosmo
You are the one who must be a little womanish and a weirdo spending so much time on this comment section and knowing all about other groups. I do what arises from my pair of balls and do not care about what you have to say.
No you are !!
What am I? I only care about having the last word. Fuck off now.
This article is fake news…
About the article now, men don’t want ONE quality woman to devote their lives to her. This is what women want from THE MAN they like. Men want to fuck around with as many ladies, girls, women, bitches, sluts, whores… as possible spreading their genes and power along.
There’s no point of agreement between us but to conform reducing one’s desideratum in order to have a happy family. Maybe this is not even the ideal we all should strive for though. Just take advantage of the current situation and embrace the degeneracy doing what you want without the coercion of traditionalism.
sure, womansplain it all you want to. simple concept, the pro athlete and chad thundercock, dont want relationships with you, but a more frail , skinnier, nerdier guy will, but you dont want him. pick your poison
Man, you are posting a reply to me on a comment to the author. You’re losing your papers after so much time on this forum. Go outside and do some exercise.
are you a hermaphrodite?
I am god personified. This is why I see above the deeds of men and women alike and can describe them at will.
Layla may be real. I keep telling guys that there are still good, feminine women in America. They are mostly in the villages and small towns in red states. I’ve met a few of them, actually. The only down side is, they often marry quite young.
Feminine women are not loud and noisy the way feminists are. That is why most people don’t hear their voices. But they are there.
And Layla is not ugly. A woman who is a keen reader of ROK would have internalized some of the red pill concepts.
Layla, if you’re reading this, I want to encourage you to write more. But be careful; most guys on ROK are jaded; they simply don’t believe you exist, or that you are worth their time. I suggest you go look for red-pilled Christian guys on Dalrock’s website (dalrock.wordpress.com/).
I don’t know if Layla is real or not but I live deep in the Bible Belt and a red state to boot and I can tell you that young women here are just as lost and degenerate as anywhere else in the country. The rot is now nation wide and accelerating.
Woman thoughts about how men can make her feel possessed? I don’t believe a word she said.
I would like to thank nearly everyone here for giving dopey dumb Layla the drubbing she do richly deserves.
Because now I know that your “movement” is stillborn. It’s just a bunch of dead-end angst. Its final destination is the Prairie Palace.
And it’s totally juvenile, just like your adulation of Frank Frazetta’s teeny-bop comic book art.
speak English
Well that’s great. Now even dweeby wussburgers have a chance at getting half decent trim.
@Layla, its not men or women’s fault, nor is it the culture, its the system. The gynocentric laws like the Duluth model, no fault divorce, #YesMeansYes, false rape allegations, tender years doctrine, and many more make marriage and commitment a complete detriment to every individual man’s existence.
Men have no authority over their women anymore, and you offering an illusory form of it doesn’t make the deal any sweeter. The only alpha male left is the government that passed these laws to usurp male authority, and the only authority and power men have left to change this is to walk away and opt out of society altogether.
If you really want a husband like you claim, then there are plenty of men today who make a good living and would want a family, but hypergamy filters them out as “blue pilled betas” like you described.
“it’s the system”
which, in the end, was and still is the fault of men giving in to the demands of feminist wimmin.
I agree, and its still men in positions of high power who maintain it.
I’m just saying its not the individual man’s fault, we were all born into this prison together.
Serioussly some pathetic comments on this one
Ofcourse there are good women out there. They are rare but I’ve plenty of them
Layla, maybe start a blog yourself. And for the losers above. Maybe get out and meet people instead of sitting behind your computer
Layla, maybe start a blog yourself. And for the losers above. Maybe get out and meet people instead of sitting behind your computer
If she has diarrhea you would put a straw in her butt and slurp
what if DB lives in California and he can’t use straws?
They have a city where he can his own specialized education and training for it, and in many cases for FREE. See San Franshitco. No straw necessary.
RoK was meant to be a men’s only space. Please keep it that way.
Gender Guesser leans toward this being a male author:
Genre: Formal
Female = 447
Male = 595
Difference = 148; 57.1%
Verdict: Weak MALE
Weak emphasis could indicate European.
Genre: Informal
Female = 804
Male = 839
Difference = 35; 51.06%
Verdict: Weak MALE
Weak emphasis could indicate European.
Layla, if you truly wanted a masculine man, you could easily find and marry a genuinely kind and decent man and encourage him to own you.
If you have trouble figuring out who is what, which is understandable, as a lot of so called “nice guys” are actualky just retarded cowards, then you have a trusted male authority figure in your life choose that man for you. Ie, like your father.
But if not. Then what it tells me is that what you really want is the validation of a perfect male sweeping you off your feet and permanently commiting to you.
Im sorry Layla, but that scenario sounds about as realistic to me as a 40 year old male virgin imagining he will find some cute little lesbian “wounded little bird” that will fall madly in love with the nerd because of how nice he is.
Marriage is not about you being taken and swept off your feet. It is about creating an environment to raise your children with. It is about giving innocent people a chance to be raised in a healthy loving environment. It is NOT about tingles, it is NOT about him doing everything or even most things right, its about a commitment to something more important than your personal happiness, a commitment to create and shape the most important thing in the world: a human life.
Good luck.
Congratulations on being a normal woman my dear, hopefully you’ll keep it up. I’ll add to the above by saying that all women want, as they should, exactly what you claim to want Layla (I won’t speculate as to what “high value” means, suffice it to say it refers to appearances strictly). Properly behaved women will bring out the masculinity in nearly every male (at least 85% of men, if not 90%). If you want a masculine man but “can’t attract one,” then go on the hunt and risk rejection, or, find an average guy, behave according to your five points, and you should be all set. Godspeed Layla.
“Layla Jax” is probably a guy. Then again, I could be wrong. That top image made me laugh, seemingly all “traditional women” on the internet are always depicted as some fairy-tale looking bitch in a field (usually of wheat) with a ring of flowers around their heads and wearing a dress. Fuck tradthots and the white-knighting beta orbiters that defend them.
She says she would sign a prenup, that’s not a bad start. But that’s not enough. I’d say a prenup coupled with a huge tattoo of your man’s name above your vagina, and maybe that would convince a high value man that you’re not full of shit. I wish I were kidding but I’m not. I don’t see any other way he could actually trust you not to Frivorce him whenever the mood strikes you. I found a decent woman and that’s exactly what she’s going to do to earn the ring.
“My belief is men nowadays, even masculine true red pill taker style men, that are looking for a high value female are being blinded by the sheer volume of low value women.”
Somehow this is true, and the opposite is true. So many women are blinded by current western society, feminism and non-offending average men that they fail to see good men in front of them. You’d think the opposite is true, that the masculine man and feminine woman are so rare and valued that they’d be easy to spot, but for some unexplained reason they’re not.
To the author: DM me on IG “taelan” or “taelan28” is my id.
And y’all wonder why you can’t get laid? lol
until the feminine women do something about the feminists and the screeching hambeasts, nothing is going to improve.
But it’s folly to assume that women even have such agency in the first place.
testing 1 2
What do you do, as a woman, to oppose feminism? Just whine on RoK? Why dont you attack some of those men-hating feminists and the mainstream media and let them know that most women actually do not agree with their #MeToo BS?!
Stand up for real women – do something against it!
The only way to beat feminism is having women speak up against it, which mostly they dont.
Well, this is certainly a productive discussion.
It would be very nice if this article was written by a woman who genuinely believes in what she was typing. Alas, the chances of both of those being true are slim to none… and that’s one and only point to be made here. The rest is just unnecessary squabbling over how “fake” this is and calling each other faggots like this place is 4chan or something.
Boo fucking hoo, a lady wrote this. At least she has her mind in the right direction with wanting a genuine relationship.
High value woman? Ha! Are you loyal? Do you constantly shittest? Would you cheat for feelz? You are not high value. You are just another bloated ego. Sign up for some underground homeboy brothel. It’s the only honest future you have. If nobody’s buying then it’s because you’re selling garbage.
Just another slut who wants to bang Chad. If she is hot as she claims she would have chads sperm running down her inner thigh now.
Got to have been written by one of the ROK male writers., or a Trojan horse pretending to be on our side, while she gradually sabotages things and creates conflict here. ROK should remain a male only space.
LOL who is taking this garbage seriously. I mean the fact that it is supposedly written by a female for a men’s site is some FUNNY shit. Article is good for when you need a laugh.
What is wrong with a beta provider? What does he lack that makes him unacceptable for you?
Three possible responses:
A. Fuck me a unicorn!
B. What the fuck is a woman doing here?
C. There goes our safe space. (Hahaha)
Three poss replies
1. Bloody hell a unicorn
2. Why is a woman allowed to write articles on here
3. There goes our safe space!
Fuck me a unicorn, why is a woman here? There goes our safe space!
“Congratulations on being a normal woman my dear, hopefully you’ll keep it up.”
You can’t just take the Beta out of some men. Case in point is this comment
Meanwhile in Italy….Lazio’s Ultras have declared that women are not to stand at certain places in the stadium as these are ‘sacred male only places’.
From my knowledge, that’s most likely behind the ‘home’ goal.
The authorities have lept into action, but the Ultras have considerable political pull; or they used to have.
Might be interesting.
Correct me if I’m wrong…but the Author is playing damsel in distress, asking for a Red Pill Male to White Knight and save her from the army of blue pill power bottoms?..sounds cliche..no thanks.
The premise is true, and the points are valid. The only item with which I would disagree is that our predicament is solely the fault of women. There are women like this, who want what she describes. It is difficult to find a suitable masculine male because they are largely either scared to death of women or so jaded by game they can’t even acknowledge the existence of a good one.
Can none of you spot a chameleon?
if an ugly woman in JYC just proved
any ugly woman can make men do
anything she wants with the promise
of a chance to have her meat curtains,
how can you still believe this fairy tale
of women out there who want to obey?
Don’t submit an article of this type if you can’t take the heat of JUSTIFIED Criticism and cynicism. Don’t matter what you got dangling between your legs, old roast beef and cheddar curtains or withered polish sausage. Those that have submitted one, good on ya. the heavily bruised ego is free. Enjoy.
Miss Jax. I seek and find lovelies such as you, pure Rose Like Exotic Beauties, untainted by the vulgarity of this world, pure and pristine in their feminine exquisiteness and refinement. I know exactly of what you speak, the secrets, marvels and wonders of this secret world, and your article deeply resonated with all parts of Me. I would like to form a medium of communiques between us, to exchange prime and forgotten ideas on this Sacred Subject, particularly via email correspondence. If we are meant to rendezvous online in a forum type manner to discuss this, then it will happen, manifesting in accordance with the melodies of the ancients and the billowing of beating hearts. This is My invitation to you, My opening of the channels, for I sense you are quite a remarkable woman and quality recognizes quality. Upon your response, if you decide to respond, we will take further steps to form a line communiques between us. In closing, exemplary article. You have the heart of a lordly lioness and the coveted fragility of a new day lily. What a smashing combination! Wild AND vulnerable. So precious that is, a gem you are, an unseen rarity. Take care Love. The Feminine smiles upon thee. You are Hope and Potential personified for womenkind and The Ideal Made Real for True Superior Men who seek True Beauties such as you, who know their way home.
Ugly girls aren’t real people
If it seems to good to be true it always is
I guess you could have debates about whether women should write here or not, but outright hostility seems a bit misplaced.
Roosh, did you not count on this? You allowed this girl to write here, NOT guessing hostility in advance? I’m no editor of any men’s site like this, but I already knew what the comments are like before reading the article and reading them.
fat cow chameleon alert.
Please show the appropriate amount of respect and adulation for the lovely Layla Jax and she will repay in kind. Now, want my number, Layla?
Any advice for a western girl to attract a “red pulled” guy?
Fake and gay. Is this Forney pretending to be a woman again?