Don’t Date A “Dog Mom”

It’s mid-morning on a Sunday in April, which just so happens to be your favorite time of the year. The sun deftly emerges behind the trees, as the air sprightly nips at your cheeks. While taking your dog for a stroll through the park, you meet “Madison”, who is jogging alongside her golden retriever. After exchanging brief yet knowing glances, you slowly approach her.

Sanguine in stride, the two of you indulge in small talk about each other’s pet. In between coy flirtations, she tells you his name is Maxwell. Gushing as wildly as a new mother, she declares, “I just adore him. I feel like he is just the most perfect dog. He’s my whole world. Is that weird to say? Sometimes I call him my fur baby. I don’t know – I love being a dog mom.” And that was the moment where you hit the eject button on the conversation. Or at least you should have, anyway.

See, “Madison” is just one of many basic MAW’s (Millennial American Women), possessed by this strange notion that owning a canine is just like parenting a human child. The next time you hear a woman declare that she is a “dog mom”, grab her by the shoulders (carefully though, or you might get charged with sexual assault), and repeat the following: “No, you’re not. You’re a dog owner, not a ‘dog mom’. You didn’t carry the dog to term. You didn’t deliver the dog. You’re not genetically related to the dog. And while it is just precious to insinuate that you are its mother, you are just its owner. It is property, not a person.” Maybe give her the old Sean Connery treatment for good measure (please don’t).

Virtually every woman holds a desire, or at the very least a capacity, for maternal nurturing. Certainly, we can conjure examples to the contrary, but those are by and large outliers and as such will not be discussed here. Most women hold either a conscious or unconscious desire to be a mother – it is an undeniable component of female psychology. Foundational, even. Considering this, it is tragic what our culture has done to the feminine instinct to nurture.

Since at least the 1960’s, women have been conditioned to view maternity as a barbaric institution of male enslavement. According to the feminists and gender activists, motherhood is for peasants and dullards. Real women go to graduate school. Real women grind out a 50 or 70-hour work week! Female empowerment is just over the other side of a 401k plan. And even with all this anti-feminine programming, women still look for ways to express their maternal instincts.

Yes, those are dogs in that baby carriage instead of children

Enter: The Dog Mom. Women who give the gift of unconditional love. Unconditional love is critical in the early years of a child’s life because they need that warmth to develop empathy and social skills. Without it, they quite literally perish. Medical and psychological research confirmed this fact in the early years of the twentieth century, referring to the absence of maternal warmth as ‘the failure to thrive.’ But since our culture works to make marriage and childrearing as distasteful as possible, MAW’s are herded away from this path.

I’m sure there is more to it than that; the failures of the Boomer generation have also contributed quite heavily to the collective bad taste in the mouths of Millennials. Rampant philandering, divorce, drug problems, and a litany of other hypocrisies and immoralities produced countless broken homes and ruined childhoods. Many American Boomers lived as if their careers were more important than their own children. Babies raising babies, as it were. So, who picked up the slack? Television. Daycare centers. Or worse, the other kids in the neighborhood.

The Boomers failed to uphold the cultural and moral values that America was founded on, and in doing so, undermined the beauty of our Western way of life. Combine intergenerational trauma with the social engineering I have discussed, and you create the necessary conditions for young people to abandon that most noble act of procreation. But these circumstances do not change female biology; women still want to love and nurture adorable little balls of flesh, and so that maternal instinct gets displaced.

The anxiety and unresolved emotional distress around childlessness drive women toward a softer, more infantile target, and so the new object of unconditional love becomes Bailey the beagle, a kind of canine surrogate. And a miserable one, at that. If you observe a pattern of displaced feminine instincts (of which this is merely one expression), you should probably start looking elsewhere – especially if you are interested in things like, say, reality, or having children.

It’s not your job to screw a damaged person’s head back on straight. In fact, in attempting to do so, you will only loosen the screws of your own. The mental gymnastics it takes to justify the phenomenon of the Dog Mom all but confirms the stereotype of the solipsistic woman.

I think the most pernicious aspect of this whole ordeal lies in the fact that only the young fall prey to this trap. In other words, when we are young, lacking in experience and vital brain development, we are told certain untruths about the future. An untruth like, “Children are less important than your career. They are less important than your education. Don’t worry, you can put off that messy, time-sensitive biological business. Go out there and make your government some money!”.

Our society can benefit from that lie for the next ten, fifteen, maybe twenty years before those being lied to realize that life has passed them by, and they will no longer have the kinds of options that they might have had in their youth. Marriage and children might not even be on the menu by then. It’s tragic.

The dog mom phenomenon cheapens true motherhood by insisting that wholly different things are identical – a false equivalency of the highest order. It is a truly misguided attempt at self-delusion by MAW’s, and an abdication of their truest and most natural role. Desperate for meaning, but not desperate enough to do the right thing, MAW’s think that adopting the ‘mom’ moniker will set their world right.

She may have her reasons, such “The world is overpopulated,” “I’m just not the mom-type,” “I just can’t imagine bringing another life into such a horrible world,” and so on, but these are nothing more than a loose stitching of psychological defenses, flimsily arranged to avoid examining the damage beneath them. In short, she is not worthy of your time or attention.

Read Next: Never Date A Girl Who Has Rescued A Dog

98 thoughts on “Don’t Date A “Dog Mom””

      1. ‘Animal hospital’ and veterinarian businesses have a lucrative racket doing $2000 kidney transplants on cats, that’s right a measly ball of fur. Then humane societies are a bunch of anti human birthrate fascists who are in league with their law enforcement arm ‘ANIMAL CONTROL’ who carry sidearms and some have arrest powers. Reality shows like ‘Animal Cop’ are modelled after the fascist Child Protective Services who racketeer and traffic in human children.
        If you don’t get a $2000 kidney transplant for some mutt you found, then your idiot childless neighbor who licks pedigree dog’s asses calls Animal Control to come knocking and show you who’s boss. He tells you to either euthanize the mutt for $200 or cough up the $2000 for the transplant and virtue signal to your neighbor who is a total culture-wiped moron. Either way you PAY mother∫u‹kr. You PAY!!
        Notice how the posh suburban veterinarians rake in the dough servicing domestic pets. They have training to do useful farm and ranch work, but the real cash cow is the city dwelling brainwashed white pet lovers and the name of the game is marxist and dystopic – to EXALT animal above Man.
        They have pet cemeteries and funeral parlors and mediums to contact your deceased road kill surrogate child and SOME really brain wiped pet lovers actually go through mourning and grief like they had lost an actual human family member.
        Well MCGOO has a word for all you retarded brainwashed whites who worship your pet moreso than your own family clan. In the end when YOU die – all you end up with is a SHAGGY GOD!! SHAME ON YOU!! Amen.

        1. @MCGOO: While I detest the humane societies as much as you do, they’re the only ones that will euthanize for free. I gave them $40 to at least cover the shot.

  1. I like dogs. But I agree with this article. Also, I’ve noticed something. I’m not white, but most of my friends are white and I’ve dated a lot of white women, and I have a theory; dogs are partially responsible for the decreasing white American birthrate. I’ve seen so many young white women with the “my kids have four legs” stickers on their cars. So many white couples are seen with dogs, and none of them have children, as if their obsession with dogs gets in the child bearing. They have said stuff to me like “we don’t really want children, we just want a pet” or “dogs are much better than babies”. I think it’s secretly just pure selfish hedonism and not wanting responsibility. Sad!

    1. Dogs are not responsible for decreasing birthrates. “Dog moms” are a effect of the feminist plague. Just like Trump got elected because of Obama and his pussifcation tactics inside of the United States. I guarantee the majority of these “dog moms” are also on some cocktail of anti-depressants. All roads lead back to feminism

      1. I second what Maverick is saying about antidepressants. Doggy Moms often take a cocktail of pills to just stay sane. They ruin their own lives with alcohol first, than get pump n’ dumped into the new century, and once their beauty is gone and they are raggedy, they freak out and try to land some Beta provider.
        Since MGTOW and Red Pill movements are removing a lot of guys from the marriage market and Beta providers are becoming more scarce with time due to the planned decimation of the American middle class, then become “doggy moms”.
        RoK has one fo the best specials on Western women’s love affair with antidepressants and subsequently, become permanent pet moms.

        Never Date A Woman Who Takes One Of These Prescription Drugs

        Worth a read, IMHO.

      2. This is right. Taught that children are patriarchal oppression they have to express what maternal instinct they have somehow.
        Another symptom of the damage caused by feminist disease.

    2. You only see part of the picture.
      Who put the idea in womens heads that they could be men with a 40 year fertility window, and that the idea of working like a man as being ‘liberating’?
      Especially when every bit of data we have contradicts that: IE over 86% of stay at home mothers report being extremely happy, compared to less than 50% of working moms and far less than single childless women.
      (((Who))) led that movement?
      I’ll leave it to you to investigate the founders of the feminism movement and what part of the world they hail from. I will say their culture is alien to western civilization in general, and that they, as a people, have been expelled from other western countries over 100 times throughout history.
      They fully reject our Messiah, our faith, our values, and us. Yet they lord over us in many areas and have undue influence on our societies, far beyond their numbers.

      1. Mike Gavin – (((they))) INVENTED OUR MESSIAH, you elephant-in-the-room-missing fool. That was part of the PLOT, genius. Why do you have to think something through without being ready to drop ALL taboos and have FULL intellectual honesty? You’re denying allies to those who need it, who CAN be intellectually-honest.
        That’s not for them to fix your faulty thinking (as per not fixing broken women in this article). It’s for you to wake up to the point of teaching one’s ENEMY to “turn the other cheek”. That’s to set them up to FAIL when it comes to direct competition, isn’t it? Usury being lawful for an elite and not others? Even if that’s an accident of design – who designed the circumstances that way, and why? People lie about conspiracy being accidental – plausible deniability is the FIRST item on their conspiracy check-list.
        What the whole picture is actually made of, I cannot say, but damn, that turn the other cheek, make your brainwashed sheep meek thing is pretty glaring if you think about it. Speaking as a confirmed Christian, technically.

    3. Agreed, facts. I too am not Caucasian, and almost exclusively date white, and unfortunately have seen this phenomenon all too common among them. It is sad because their race as a whole has done things no other race can compare to in terms of civilization (asians are a somewhat close second).
      A girl that I had a fling with a few years back became a “dog mom” recently, with her beta bf(gloryhole face and all in most pictures) at her side. She posted a picture of the dog when he finally arrived as if he was a “newborn”, made an instagram page for him, take him everywhere etc. It’s sad because she seems like she would be a good mom judging by how much she likes her nieces and nephews.
      I also know of a woman in her 30’s who is afraid of having children, so to “prepare”, she bought a dog first, and she also treats the dog like a child. Needless to say, i dont see a human child in her future.
      This isn’t even taking into account all the crazy millennial cat owners. Unfortunately, this seems to be a white phenomenon. Hispanics for example do not suffer from this affliction and hispanic women end up having children early, albiet from broken homes most of the time, but at least they are having them and increasing their numbers. White’s on the other hand, with their “superior IQ”, sadly enough, are still retarded enough to fall for the choosen ones’s cultural marxism. Sad really.

    1. Exception: aka Battle Beagle.
      He notices things, posts graphs, very enlightening.

    2. Even worse, I now see boatloads of idiots at stores all the time now with an “emotional support animal”. I am NOT talking a veteran who has severe PTSD or a blind man. Oh no, I am talking spoiled rich b!tches and beta males with a dog they are holding.
      Tells you a lot about our future when a man cannot even go to Lowes to buy a hammer without some pathetic clown not having Fido with him. ‘Cause God forbid they tell him “no dogs in store”. They will have an emotional breakdown!!! Buying a hammer and leaving Fido in a car for 5 minutes is too much to ask! 🙄 Oh no, that would be cause for national outcry on Tweeter! 🙄

  2. Every time (in the course of my work) I have the misfortune of needing to go into a single females (any age) residence, even if they had kids at one time, and they have pets, the place ALWAYS smells like a kennel, especially a neglected uncleaned bathroom, and is stained up from them. I’ve have yet to see a single females residence well kept, clean and neat. Seems that with all their mental health issues, the OCD bend to cleaning is the most rare of issues….now spending and hoarding and debt and gambling…well that’s “living”….but rational self responsibility….Nah, not at all. Even my own kids fail that part , no matter how much of Daddy Drill Sergeant I was with them about cleaning up, all their space is homogenous trash heap piles… I used to beat my self up saying I failed them somehow, but more and more I get that it is biologically coded in them to live in a pig sty..i don’t know why.

    1. I was dating heavily in the 90’s and I saw the same thing in most single women. And in now way was our society as pozzed as it is now. Most 20 something women back then were at least healthy weight, pretty to average women. There were plenty of ‘butterface’ chicks.
      Now the butterface is extremely rare and the healthy weighted females almost don’t exist outside of rich enclaves of White people. The poor areas that used to be stocked with butterfaces, are not stocked with tatooted landwhales and mudsharks.
      We’ve fallen so far, yet some things about single women have never changed — like their inability to… clean their rooms.

  3. Strange there was no mention yet of women who’d rather let Fido lick their pussy than date a sub 8 man.

    1. If a single woman owns a medium to large male dog who still has his nuts, that dog is probably allot more to her than just her “baby”.

  4. Women who are so crazy about their pets are usually more likely to date blacks. Must be some correlation there.

    1. This weird faggot ALWAYS has black MEN on his mind. As I’ve pointed out before, this closet homo always manages to tie us into topics having minimal relation to race. 95% sure he has black themed porn on his hard drive, you sick fuck.

      1. In an ironic perverse way it is usually people like him and Heartiste that beat off to black-on-blondes porn the most. Who do you think they are marketing it to?

        1. You retarded queers it’s been proven beyond doubt that The Tribe produces interracial porn at a loss because of its value for subversion and antagonism. The only people watching it are black dudes who wish they could score a White woman, and they are too broke to pay for porn so they sit in front of tube sites all day.

      2. KANG, I agree. The guy is funny sometimes but when he always tries to tie every single article to race even when it has nothing to with race, it becomes annoying and raises eyebrows. Him and some others constantly mention blacks. Secret fetish?

      3. Lang, Dman and facts, you three downlow bros need to go get a room already and quit stalking your superiors.
        I bring up the racial topics because it’s the most pertinent red pill of all. Of course you Niggs dont like that red pill because then you have to face the fact that you’re low IQ retarded savages not suited or adapted to living in a civilized society. Now back to the crackpipe you go!

        1. I’m not even black. You’re delusional. I think blacks have a shitty culture and generally are not good for the US but your posts are just tasteless, repetitive and add nothing of value; you and many others regurgitate what we already know about racial differences. Thus your comments always boil down to “niggurz r dumb LOLXD GeT it??”. Please get a life or go to Stormfront, it would be a much better echo chamber for you. Of course, you’ll only resort to ad hominem after this, (example. “Low IQ!”, “savages”, etc).

        2. @NATURAL SELECT0R So you say Natural Selector always brings race into every issue & really has secret gay fantasies ?? Kind of reminds Me of Alex Jones who just got busted for having Tranny Porn on his Iphone… But since Natural Selector enjoys ass romping this is for you. @NATURAL SELECT0R Im gonna take you to one of those high fluten swank resturants that you pick out. And Im gonna buy you things & wine & dine you. Then where gonna find some things we have in common & where gonna talk about them & there gonna become inside jokes to us & where gonna laugh about them all the way back to your crib. Then im gonna let you pick out the movie…even though you always pick the movie. And then right there right then when you least expect it in gonna bend you Over & Fuck you up your white ass!!

        3. @facts
          The visitors here determine who’s comments contribute the most “value” here.
          Whenever I make a post it generally gets the most upvotes in the comments sections, along with a few other commenters here that make this site worth looking at.
          A quick look at the upvote ratio will decide who truly adds more value here between me and you. Enough said.

        4. Ok!
          My first comment on this thread = 26 upvotes.
          Your first comment =15 upvotes.
          My follow up comment = 16 upvotes.
          Your follow up comment = 9 upvotes.
          Total upvote for me = 42.
          Total upvotes for you = 24.

  5. ROK article standards have taken a dip in the last two weeks or so. Endless cliches, life advice and even an article by a woman even as your faithful readership is looking for insightful social and political commentary.

    1. Well then, start your own fucking site so that we can go there and marvel at all your knowledge and wisdom.

    2. This article is quite relevant and timely, dumbass. This IS insightful social commentary, and reflects my observations and experiences with these dog and cat ladies.
      Fuck all you guys jumping on the “this site is going downhill” bandwagon. Write something yourself.

    3. Yes, this site has become platitudes followed by cliches held together by truisms, etc, but how much have you paid for it? Think of this site and others like it as free stuff outside a brownstone: even if everything sucks, you paid for none of it and no one is forcing you to take any of it, much less pay for it.

    4. “this site is going downhill”- the most endless cliche of them all. I’m tired of hearing it. Go fuck yourself.

    5. “article by a woman”
      Sometimes it’s best to hear the horse-shit straight from the horse’s mouth.

  6. I wouldn’t even go near to a single woman who has a big male dog. They disgust me knowing why she has kept a mean-looking big male dog instead of a cute small female dog. 😷😷

  7. Nothing wrong with having a dog. Its the cat women you have to watch out for.
    Nevertheless, women who claim dogs are their “children” are mentally ill.

  8. To be a “parent” of something, it has to share your nature. (For those with a Christian background, this is why it only became appropriate to call God “Father” after the Incarnation when He took on human flesh–and then, only after baptism whereby we enter into the mystical body of Christ.) Since dogs are of a different nature than men, calling oneself a “dog mom” is nonsensical.
    There needed to be a picture of a orange-mulleted lesbian driving a Subaru Outback with a peeling Obama-Biden bumper sticker for this article to fully capture the essence of dog-momism.

    1. I was just listening to Mere Christianity by CS Lewis yesterday and he was explaining the begotten not made.. Interesting

  9. City girls are often the strangest kind of pet owners because they tend to anthropomorphize their dogs and use them as a status symbol kind of thing. When the conditions are normal, a women’s own dog can actually be a decent ice-breaking tool in cold approaches (done it many times as dog people are often good people). But the sub-genre of “dog moms” are different because they use the dog as a narcissistic prop and throw off an impenetrably weird possessive/dramatic attitude. They’re talking to the dog repeatedly, as if it’s a full conversation, but act like the nearby humans don’t exist, or are secondary to her dog-mom narrative. They do this snobby, twee “correcting and scolding” routine with their dogs for no reason whatsoever. They flirt, touch and get licked by their dogs way too much. They want “kisses” in a borderline bestial manner. About a year ago, one of these dog-mom dogs once came running up to me and was going wild with enthusiasm (animals have always responded well to me). It was one of those hyper Miniature Pinschers. The women comes over because the dog won’t listen to her now. Name on the tag says “Pinot” — city girls like naming their pets after wine. She is not enjoying this moment because she’s not in control of the animal at all; for the moment the dog is ignoring her completely. She’s barely concealing her anger with both me and the dog now.
    She then says the following:
    “Oh, he’s just trying to make me jealous!” And she was serious.
    YUCK. All I could muster was “Uh…really?”
    She was so irritated by her dog’s affection for me I thought her head was going to explode.

    I felt bad for the life of that dog. Any man who goes with a women like that is a desperado and a moron.

  10. I know two dog mothers who all started to talking down on me like I’m their dog. Needless to say we aren’t talking anymore.

  11. I was messing with this little millennial broad recently who epitomized this article. Her dog was her excuse to flake a lot.
    When I called her ass out she said it was just like having a kid.
    To which I replied “so you’d leave your kid alone with water and food to go f**k your boyfriend?”
    Patrol these hos and check em hard gentlemen.

  12. I have some dog mom friends who fit this picture perfectly and get weirded out about “their babies”.
    I slap them into reality buy reminding them that their “child” will die by its early teens…

  13. This article is great, and right on pertaining at least to white women in America. Their dogs (or cats) are their kids. Or are at least an equal part of the family even when they have real kids. But these single or childless women and their dogs are everywhere now.
    They bring ’em into stores. They bring ’em to outdoor dining venues. They are in airports and supermarkets more than ever as so-called “service dogs.”
    One childless sister thinks killing animals is just as bad as abortion of babies. Another childless sister has 3-4 dogs at any given time, tortoises, and anything but kids. I was debating with two white female employees at the VA who were trying to claim that animal life, especially domesticated ones like dogs and cats who “give people so much joy”, are equal in value to human life.
    We are living in truly surreal times, guys. Oh yeah, and a lot of those women who have the large, un-neutered male dogs ARE doing exactly what many have conjectured about. Believe it.

  14. I can’t think of a more miserable life for an animal that wants to run around, be outdoors and roll in poop. I see these women carrying their small dogs in hand bags and pushing them around in prams keeping them away from dirt and locking them up day in day out in tiny apartments. The smaller dogs still have the same instincts as larger ones. Because of this the dog develops mental illness and becomes a nervous wreck. These women also have no idea and no desire to discipline, so the dog thinks it’s the alpha wolf and misbehaves. Dogs make excellent companions and they are intelligent, social animals that have assisted worked alongside man for centuries, but they are not humans and nothing will ever make them like humans.

  15. Problem is idiots making dogs equal to humans. Sod that.
    If my dog steps out of line the consequences are immediate and harsh.
    Result; very well behaved dog.

  16. Briefly dated a dog mom…It was when she was talking to the dog and referred to me as “Your Daddy” that I “Got the Hell Out of Dodge.” Plus, I’m a veterinarian. I know about dogs. They aren’t babies.

  17. Also, don’t date women who are all into horses. They are even more fubared than these dog women. I think there was an article on ROK about not dating women with horses. You have been warned.

  18. How do I order your book besides using Amazon? I am sincerely boycotting that company, but I do want to check out your book.

    1. at the moment, it is only available through Amazon, but I am working on other ways to get it out. thank you for your interest!

  19. I love animals, personally. And I like these kinds of women. I also hate kids.
    It’s refreshing to be able to bareback sometimes with me having to worry about this crazy cunt trying to get pregnant.

  20. My cousin is the biggest player I have known and an outlier in my family. He claimed to have sex with five different women (without them knowing of each other of course) in a day and while that may be embellished, he was still a bit of a natural. This was in the turn of the millenium way before sites like this entered public consciousness.
    He has had the same semi-homely live-in girlfriend for quite a few years and the woman is a ‘dog mom’. I like animals a lot but I feel embarrassed by the way she anthropomorphizes the dogs and it’s quite obvious they are the next best thing for her since my cousin has presumably refused reproducing.
    So it’s not that all dog mom women get dogs because their instincts are twisted up but sometimes they cannot find a man willing to breed.

  21. It is a substitute for kids
    And as bob smith used to say chicks fuck their dogs. I believe and seen it(possibly), dont want to believe it.
    Far too mnay people have dogs now.
    Met a model(HB10) recently – a real one – and lovely. Has dog, and boyfriend.
    During a movie “the Meg” giant shark movie. A wive’s little dog got eaten(she blamed the husband)
    But at the end we see the little dog escaped. Half the theatre cheared and clapped…

  22. Great article. Spot on. Feminism has systematically dismantled the traditional feminine ethos in the west and there is no going back. May I suggest that in the meta/long-run this is not such a bad thing, as Soyboys/sjws/leftists/feminists/lgbtxyzs/etc. “people” will eventually die off due to lack of procreative impulse. There will be a time when women will collectively realize that the only thing that they can uniquely and exclusively contribute to this world IS maternity and the over-arching psychological characteristics that this impulse drives within women, their men and all of society. It will all implode one day. The freaks will all die off one day, hell, the boomers are only now reaching senior citizen status, so it will take a couple of decades still, but leftism will cannibalize itself, as it always has throughout history. Until then, let us all unplug from the matrix, strengthen ourselves and observe the great decay.

  23. My brother’s wife is 35-36 years old. No kids. She has a dog, sorry “fur baby” T-Jay (yup, she hyphenates his name). He is dressed in clothes, has his photos posted everywhere, and just this past week had his tenth birthday celebrated with a PARTY. With CAKE.

    1. Note to Erie: this is not directed at you, replies are all I can post.
      This article has one serious flaw: it blames the symptoms and not the disease.
      Black Lives Matter: KILL WHITEY!!!!! So, less chance of friendship among races.
      Feminism: I really shouldn’t have to explain how THIS has ruined normal human interaction. Much as leftists try to mock Pence’s Rule, he’s right- any interaction with women in the workplace can put you in the crosshairs of serious trouble. So now the workplace is a colder, more miserable place.
      For the past several decades we have become more atomized, splintered, forced into becoming fearful loners (sort of like the former Soviet Union), where even a friendly autistic kid giving a fist-bump because he figured it’s what “cool” people do can end up causing him to be treated as a rapist- if he has any such awareness what are the chances of him becoming more of a depressed loner out of fear?
      These women want to show affection but- and this is why it’s usually leftists and especially younger women- are afraid of rape, harassment, etc. Brainwashed since Day One. So they expend all of it on dogs. Just because a woman owns a dog does NOT make her bad relationship material- being a feminist does, and have people forgotten how feminists praised female bullfighters and hunters? So feminism is no friend of the animal rights movement either, it is a vicious violent force!
      By the way, bestiality, in spite of what some say- and soon it’ll be the mainstream media saying it so that should tell you something- is rare. Women with large male dogs usually get them for protection, and many still believe the myth that neutering dogs makes them fat and useless.
      Blaming humane societies, dog lovers, etc. for this sort of thing is moronic, since it completely misses the cause. What, women haven’t owned dogs since before Gloria Steinman? There aren’t women to avoid who DON’T own dogs due to craziness?
      Put the blame on what has ruined social cohesion. Humans are social creatures, and taking that away as has been done has ruined society on the whole.
      It’s like those idiots who blame the Internet for lack of social interaction, when in fact that is simply becoming the only safe way to interact- which is why the Left is trying to ruin that too.

  24. I swipe left if there’s a dog in the profile pics. You can be assured that this chick can never be spontaneous because she will always need to go home after work to deal with Bailey the beagle. And when you do get her out in the evening, banging her at your place is less likely bc in the back of her mind she knows she needs to get back to Bailey at some point. Of course if you don’t want her staying overnight, this is actually a plus. But on the whole, chicks with dogs are fucked up and a logistical pain in the ass. And most are likely I’m With Her types anyway who “rescued” their fur baby. No thanks

    1. Wouldn’t that also apply if she has a child? There have been articles here at ROK warning about having any relationships with single mothers too.

  25. Women are offended by everything these days. If you tell one of these crazy bitches she’s not a dog mom when first meeting her. That’s a sure fire way to not get laid. Just play along with it until the panties drop. Then it’s okay to ridicule her for her neurotic behavior.

    1. No. If, for any reason, right or wrong, you suspect “crazy,” HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH HER, ESPECIALLY SEXUALLY!
      Unless you like being beaten up by cops and sent to jail a year later.

  26. A 45 year old childless woman was recently killed in the Carolinas by an alligator when she got between it and her small dog that the alligator was after. All the news reports treated this fact as if it was no different than the very rational decision of a parent sacrificing their life to save their child. I think it was suicide by alligator.

    1. liberals. they have no problem killing babies or sacrificing their own children for virtue signalling (see Mollie Tibbets). yet, they will fight you to the death for eating the meat of a brainless cow or even kill themselves for a dog.

      1. Well, it was also conservatives who got us into a war based on phony WMDs, and wanted enough nuclear weaponry to blast the planet thousands of times over instead of a few hundred, so their concern over human life is clearly lacking too.

  27. I actually started using a modified baby stroller (lower to the ground, extended handle etc.) after my staffy turned 17, and still enjoyed going for walks and playing at the park, but would sometimes suddenly run out energy because of an age-related heart condition.
    I didn’t think it effeminate or unmasculine to look after an old friend after a lifetime of loyalty (he was euthanized at the age of 18 when a kidney condition started causing continual pain, and made it impossible for him to continue with his arthritis medication).

  28. I had a colleague in my previous workplace who raised rats, and she spent a thousand bucks taking a sick one that she had rescued to a “rat specialist” for surgery. Needless to say, she was single, with a very sarcastic humor and about 60 pounds overweight, and dressed in drab shapeless clothes. But at least the rats were well cared for!

    1. Well, I’ve seen people in this poor area I live in spend hundreds or even thousands on big-screen televisions, fancy off-road vehicles, yet another iPad, etc. How is that any more pathetic?
      In any case, it’s a free country. If it’s not illegal people can spend their money any way they want. Including big-screen televisions.

  29. And if she has a well endowed male, you might have a rather uncomfortable triangle to deal with. Yes, they fuck their dogs. More often then anyone other than Larry Flynt can imagine

  30. More evidence today’s man needs to run pimp and dread game to perfection. She’s going to work, she’s going to want pets, she’s going to want to screw. Turn her out into the workplace to earn for you, make sure she has no time for a pet and enjoy the crazy sex while it lasts. Today’s women can only be handled as Ho’s.

  31. start dating her then invite her to a chinese eatery and order 2 portions of dog meat. rare.

  32. This article is ridiculous as it condemns symptoms, not the disease.
    The reason this is happening is because of the way society has allowed itself to be led for the past several decades at least. Thanks to radical feminism we ended up with “Pence’s Rule;” tell me, what exactly is that? Answer: less human interaction at the workplace. And this has to be applied in most places now, so less human interaction everywhere…
    …Another article here was about an autistic kid being punished for a friendly fist bump. He was merely trying to be social- look what happened. If he has any social awareness he may just become more of a loner.
    Black Lives Matter: KILL WHITEY! No unity there. Keep apart.
    Multiculturalism: a number of armed camps. Now, with other “social justice movements” further sub-divide, and…
    We are increasingly atomized, separated, no unity, no togetherness. No “tribal” unity unless you are of a particular (((tribe))) evidently, otherwise you are racist oppressive trash that must be “educated.”
    These women want to express love, to give something, but society has made that taboo, filling them with fear of misogyny, racism, homophobia, enslavement to a “patriarchy,” etc. etc. etc. x 100. So this is the outlet.
    To blame humane societies, animals, etc. is the height of stupidity. That is NOT how we ended up here. That is what you focus on.

  33. Shit I think I accidentally may have married a dog mom…
    Unconditional Love my ass, it’s the MAN taking the dog out for a piss at 5AM an 11PM.

  34. This article has one serious flaw: it blames the symptoms and not the disease.
    Black Lives Matter: KILL WHITEY!!!!! So, less chance of friendship among races.
    Feminism: I really shouldn’t have to explain how THIS has ruined normal human interaction. Much as leftists try to mock Pence’s Rule, he’s right- any interaction with women in the workplace can put you in the crosshairs of serious trouble. So now the workplace is a colder, more miserable place.
    For the past several decades we have become more atomized, splintered, forced into becoming fearful loners (sort of like the former Soviet Union), where even a friendly autistic kid giving a fist-bump because he figured it’s what “cool” people do can end up causing him to be treated as a rapist- if he has any such awareness what are the chances of him becoming more of a depressed loner out of fear?
    These women want to show affection but- and this is why it’s usually leftists and especially younger women- are afraid of rape, harassment, etc. Brainwashed since Day One. So they expend all of it on dogs. Just because a woman owns a dog does NOT make her bad relationship material- being a feminist does, and have people forgotten how feminists praised female bullfighters and hunters? So feminism is no friend of the animal rights movement either, it is a vicious violent force!
    By the way, bestiality, in spite of what some say- and soon it’ll be the mainstream media saying it so that should tell you something- is rare. Women with large male dogs usually get them for protection, and many still believe the myth that neutering dogs makes them fat and useless.
    Blaming humane societies, dog lovers, etc. for this sort of thing is moronic, since it completely misses the cause. What, women haven’t owned dogs since before Gloria Steinman? There aren’t women to avoid who DON’T own dogs due to craziness?
    Put the blame on what has ruined social cohesion. Humans are social creatures, and taking that away as has been done has ruined society on the whole.
    It’s like those idiots who blame the Internet for lack of social interaction, when in fact that is simply becoming the only safe way to interact- which is why the Left is trying to ruin that too.

  35. When a discussion degenerates into racist exchanges and invective it’s a sure sign there’s too many leftists there.

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