Nice guys with rich, beautiful, or even just average girlfriends, beware. “Hot con” Jeremy Meeks is on the prowl and proving once again that criminally-inclined men, especially good-looking ones, almost always win with women. He has just snared Chloe Green, the daughter of British billionaire Sir Philip Green. In the process, he has apparently cuckolded Green’s nice-guy-boyfriend and demolished his own marriage with the woman who stood by him while he was in prison.
Here’s the rich in girl in question:
Even as a 4/10 (arguably), Green is constantly surrounded by many of Britain and the world’s most eligible bachelors. Of all the men she could choose from, she selected one with a felonious past and gang affiliations.
We told you so

Robert Cavalli, the son of a mega-wealthy fashion designer, didn’t stand a chance against Jeremy Meeks.
Over a year ago, I wrote an article entitled, “Every Violent Male Criminal Is Rewarded With Sex From Beautiful Women”. I described high-profile cases of hot women falling for men who had been in prison as a “a microcosm of a significantly wider trend.” From Ted Bundy to Jeremy Meeks, a lot of girls, many of them very high-quality in physical terms, either will actively chase violent men or would love to if given the chance.
Despite the mounting evidence (and the gut feelings of almost all of us), countless men still rationalize that they can find and keep a woman by being considerate, a good provider, and otherwise fully attentive to her needs. The problem is that so many guys confuse what they think are her needs with her true needs.
Jeremy Meeks has been accused of ‘stealing’ Chloe Green from Robert Cavalli after Meeks and Green were spotted all over each other on a yacht in the Mediterranean. Even if we disregard Meeks’ much better looks, Cavalli, with all due respect, has the demeanor of a wimp in comparison:

He had no chance.
There’s no point in moralizing what happened here, largely because female psychology is not morally-inclined by nature. No amount of ‘love’ or fealty to Cavalli prevented Chloe Green from following her biological imperative.

She just couldn’t resist a convicted felon.
Meeks’ good looks don’t explain everything
There’s no doubt that Meeks sits on one of the highest rungs in terms of raw male attractiveness. That said, the popularity he now enjoys is really due to his criminal rap sheet. Being handsome was a necessary but not sufficient condition for his newfound fame. Just as many are silly for assuming that having game obviates the advantages other men have in being more physically attractive, good looks are not a sure-fire way to drown in pussy.

Men like The O.C.’s Chris Carmack are arguably just as good-looking as Meeks, but fade from public view. Meeks’ looks do not explain everything.
The world has millions of good-looking people who will never come close to capturing the public’s attention like Meeks has. Every five times you visit a run-of-the-mill coffee store in a major city, you’re likely to see a male barista or patron who rivals or perhaps surpasses Meeks in the looks department. Yet the former is earning minimum wage or an average salary while the latter is reaping the rewards of his extended past as a miscreant.
If you want even more profound examples of this, look no further than the celebrity world, where a revolving door’s worth of good-looking men are discarded. Recently a girl I was with bought a copy of a terrible straight-to-DVD film called The Butterfly Effect 3, the second sequel to the original film starring Ashton Kutcher. I struggled to remember where I knew the male lead from, but eventually realised it was Chris Carmack from The O.C.
Carmack and those like him, irrespective of their looks, will never be a Jeremy Meeks precisely because they didn’t go down the path of crime and a disregard of authority. Study after study is demonstrating that women prefer men with darker and badder personalities, most commonly in the form of the Dark Triad. Good looks may ice the cake, but they don’t bake it.
Things are going to get much worse

Kate Rothschild got similarly wet for bad boy rapper Jay Electronica as Chloe Green did for Jeremy Meeks. Electronica didn’t have Meeks’ overtly criminal past, but the feel Rothschild got from him would have been close to identical.
A permissive social environment encouraging women to slut it up is only going to encourage the sort of behavior Chloe Green demonstrated on that yacht. Men without a knowledge of game and even many of those with it will continue to face an uphill battle. They will struggle to get and then keep average women, let alone high-quality ones, in the face of competition from life-long, real bad boys with a history of objectively anti-social or foul behavior.
Society is very unlikely to change its present course. I predict (and I’m sure others will, too) that many of game’s current value-demonstrating routines will become redundant or far less effective. The sexual marketplace will make Main Street versions of a Chloe Green all the more common. Roosh himself admitted in his recent Q&A session that Bang had a shelf-life of about ten years, which is why he is writing a new book that can last for thirty.
Funnily enough, even ‘respectable’ families like the Rothschilds have found a daughter falling for either criminally-inclined men (her recent boyfriend) or men who give off the air of being unashamedly intimidating (her former boyfriend). Kate Rothschild destroyed her marriage with Ben Goldsmith, himself from a very Rothschild-like family, when she got the tingles for rapper Jay Electronica. Last year she was dating a former drug dealer, showing that the elite are not immune from the degeneracy they squeeze onto the masses.
The moral of the story is that crime often pays for men’s sexual relationships with women. Good looks certainly help, but plenty of either good-looking women or high status women from the ‘best’ families are unable to resist the man with the dark, violent past.
Read More: Every Violent Male Criminal Is Rewarded With Sex From Beautiful Women
(((shakin’ muh head)))
Don’t worry . That Nice Guy faggot takes it in the ass from Jeremy Meeks too.
Meeks, with his somewhat “pretty boy” looks, probably had to do some unsavory stuff to survive in prison.
Ah yes….the old internet sensation Fleece Johnson.
Why are all famous internet prison rapists “youths”??
This gives me shivers
haha most likely
They both seem rather effeminate. Probably hard to project anything more manly in Europe of the current year without tripping the “toxic masculinity” trigger.
So, if I’ll start robbing people, beating the crap out of people, even going so far to commit mass murder, I’ll have all the sexy and rich girls swooning the hell out over me, I’ll become their ULTIMATE ALPHA FANTASY? Alright then, good idea to get myself tons of bitches, No more nice guy, I’ll change my life from now on and start doing all things listed above, then all bitches will come crawling at me.
She really does look like a Manson clan girl. He attracts a certain type.
Feral lost fairy girls in search of a strong father.
She looks a bit like Susan Atkins.
At least Manson had a stroke of genius to him
A Manson article here would be very interesting. I’m all for learning whatever positive traits I can from someone and discarding the rest, even if they are Literally Hitler.
There’s some irony to Manson still in prison 46 years after using game to convince young women to kill someone, while that chick in the drug lab whose lying put tens of thousands of men in jail illegally has already served her time and been released.
Charles Manson didn’t kill anyone.
America just didn’t want to admit that middle class white teenagers, particularly girls, were capable of grisly murders so they had to say Manson “brainwashed” them. Nothing like not taking accountability for one’s actions.
I haven’t researched him fully but he’s interesting because he was wise to the jewish takeover of America, which might answer your question tbh. The terrorist actions he was instigating was to kill Hollywood celebrities and execs, it wasn’t just random insanity with no motive. I’m not advocating such things, but it’s interesting that I didn’t hear about this angle of it til I started looking deeper into his interviews and accounts. Similar to Ted Kazinski.
Anyone is capable of murder. It just takes the rihht button to be pushed. No doubt Manson pushed those buttons. Those girls were still responsible though.
Wow. I had no idea.
I think ROK will have to do the article, or no one will. While Kazinski was of course sick and perverse for killing innocents at universities, I find it hard to disagree with his writings. I first read about them here.
I think Kazinski fleshed out his thinking much more clearly, but Manson is interesting in his own right. Now I didn’t say Manson is a genius, but I think there is a stroke of genius to the guy.
He is a lot smarter than I thought…it comes across in this interview. I think he just acts batshit crazy to confuse people.
yeah i’m not even sure.. he might actually have gone a bit crazy… but it’s not like i can even blame him if he did..
Charlie! Don’t stick your dick in crazy!
Isn’t he 78?
He’s 83! He was born in 1934.
“There’s no doubt that Meeks sits on one of the highest rungs in terms of raw male attractiveness.”
Are you kidding???
He’s a mulatto and a tattooed freak, with one tat on his face no less. Looks has nothing to do with it.
He was made famous by the media, and it is this idiotic, fabricated fame that is getting him this fat, ugly, rich white girl.
If anything, Cavalli should be thankful that she left him. Now he is free to use his money (I assume he is well off) to bang hot, petite young girls and forget all about fatty.
Agreed. I was reading that thinking.. well.. I guess he has attractive eyes. But he’s really just a normal guy. One who has lowered his looks with a fucking face tattoo.
And the daughter of a billionaire knight?
I was expecting much more than that piece of trash with the arm tattoo. Do billionaire knighted elites not even care about their own legacy anymore?
The sick thing is how we have created a culture that glorifies the degenerate and chastises the good.
Where have you been? In the clouds? When a female has thought (by herself not due to society pressures) in her legacy? For females, the timespan related to her decisions is in the here and now, hence cause and effect are not things that go into her “decision-making engine”.
A young female would always fall for the biggest scumbags in her village. Always. It was her father who kept her away from them by force and found them a nice guy provider to marry. Yes , she would cry at the beggining , some would even attempt suicide etc but in 5 years she would be most thankful to her father and proudly admit it. Now the Westerners somehow come up with the most stupid idea ever of giving women sexual liberation and the society goes to shit.
Exactly, however we thought we were cleverer than our forefathers…
Usually that handsome “bad boy” was soon hanging from the gallows in the village square. Father and daughter would walk by the bad boy’s carcass swinging in the wind and the father would say, “Told you so! Aren’t you happy I had you marry Lord Nerdsley Geeksworth?”
if he is truly a mulatto, those must be colored contact lenses, no?
Not necessarily, mulatto is the offspring of black and white, being 50% black and 50% white. However in all likelihood the mulatto was either one of his parents or two of his grandparents.
You’ve never seen light-skinned blacks with blue eyes? They can be found.
Like our esteemed former President.
Her father is (((you guessed it))) , be interesting to see how he reacts to his offspring indulging in the miscegenation his tribe are pushing on everyone else , sauce for the goose etc ..
As intelligent men, we realize how stupid neck/face tattoos are. But some sheltered rich girl is going to interpret them as brave. Proof he’s a risk-taker.
Not a risk-taker; just somebody with poor judgment. He’s no more a risk-taker than the stereotypical redneck who manages to blow himself up after saying, “Hold my beer and watch this!”
The tear drop tatt. Oh man the gayest shit on the planet. Supposed to mean “I Killed a Man.” Correct ! You killed yourself retard.
Even without the tats he has a very rugged appearance. Square jaw, prominent lips, and other masculine features. Does the media attention help? Sure, but a guy that has his features and is a local guy in a mid sized American city or suburb is going to pull more than his fair share of tail if he has a cocky attitude go with it, than a similar guy in the same area with softer facial features
He does have some fine dick sucking lips
Haha! Go all “Deliverance” on him: “You gut a purty mouth”.
With a 3′ wide asshole from 20 Jim-Bobs in the stuffer.
This is a case where the media has helped a ton in getting this assclown to where he is. I mean ffs he’s called “Hot Felon” and “Hot Convict” while he got his mugshot blasted all over media including the DailyMail. The guy got a fucking modeling contract off of it. He’d be nothing but just another good looking dude if it wasn’t for the media. His badboy (term used loosely) image portrayed is what made the girls gobble it up.
Media attention helps with women, no doubt. A ditzy barber/stylist admitted one that she loved her fiancé but would spread her legs for someone famous in an instant. Craved attention
The whole over-enforcement thing in black neighborhoods worked against you this time. Put a brotha in jail and next thing you know, he’s banging English aristocracy. We take everything and make it great.
I’ve always said i’d kill my wife/fiance dead if she cheated on me. I could care less if the guy was famous, rich, good looking whatever. She may not refrain from it on moral grounds, but if there are physical consequences involved, it may be different.
The elite is an invite-only club. This is true with everything. Top designers fetching thousands of dollars for ugly purses are there because they know someone. Top artists with no more talent than what you see on Etsy, but only one painting fetches millions among the elite money-launderers. The top of Hollyjew, top actors, top CEOs. It’s all nepotism and blowjobs from children to get in. Being fantastically wealthy alone through sheer accident (like a video game that went crazy) doesn’t necessarily get you an invite to the club. The elite still look down upon you for being an outsider.
Someone wanted Meeks as a plaything, so the media obliged. Most of the world are owned by the same dozen masters. Maybe they’re going to use him for his sex energy for a few years before he coincidentally suicides himself as blood tribute to Moloch. An ex gang member with access to sudden wealthy being shot twice in the back in a “botched robbery” while out for a jog won’t even have any stupid goyim asking questions.
I don’t view him as “rugged” at all.
He has a pretty boy look, like the guys you would see in those “boy bands”, or Brad Pitt.
Robert Mitchum, John Wayne, Charles Bronson, Clint Eastwood. Those guys had rugged looks. Actors from today would be Bruce Willis and Mel Gibson.
He meant rugged as in having coarse features as opposed to fine features. What you refer to are men who just style themselves differently yet still have coarse features and are older. Brad Pitt himself has coarse features but he styled himself like a boy in his prime which is why he came off as a pretty boy.
I think all the guys your named were actual conservatives also, right?
Yes. And I left a bunch out as well.
Mitchum was an anarchist. That’s the ultimate.
Excellent point. The black and white worked the genetic mix well.
He’s a mulatto? That is one white looking nigga …
Quadroon probably
Coming from Africa: Yes. The skin tone gives it away. That underlying bilious yellow white instead of a tan. Then the nose. So yes, he is Mulatto and quite easy to spot if you see that kind of thing every day. Around here he would be referred to as “Coloured”. And the eyes are not contact lenses but natural. It happens.
How many White men look this way??? I have never seen it. He is absolutely mulatto
He was pushed into (((the media))) and labelled “the worlds hottest felon” for the sole reason that he IS a mulatto , (((they))) are obsessed with pushing miscegenation on the goys
Meanwhile in Israel
Do as I say , not as I do goyim !!!
Lol! Fucking hypocrites…at least they are Red pilled!
great comment
Oi vey! Shut this filth down goyim!
And white women seem to love “mulattos” or mixed men, as you call it. I love how the white hate is so strong on this site.
What do you base that on?
I do see “mudsharks” daily, as I live in a large metro area. But they are still a small percentage, and almost exclusively fat, ugly, or “druggie” types.
The female in this article is both fat and ugly, with a very strange mouth.
Bad boys get pussy. And red-pill guys realize it.
White knights? Not so much.
You can’t go around with a female being a pc fag. You are asking for it if you do. That dude looks like he was looking for his dominant boyfriend in a relationship.
““Hot con” Jeremy Meeks”
“Meeks’ much better looks”
“Meeks’ good looks”
“Meeks sits on one of the highest rungs in terms of raw male attractiveness”
“Being handsome was a necessary but not sufficient condition for his newfound fame”
Does the author have a crush or something?
Yeah, that is some strange prose there.
Same bullshit the media is feeding the masses. Black is hot, white is not. And who is running that circus?
Beware the “Dark Triad”
When and where is the media saying white isn’t hot? Hot girls certainly keep dating the Chads of the world
I’m an “Omega”, and I wouldn’t bang Chloe Green or Kate Rothschild if they paid me. Would expend not one calorie of energy
or waste one milligram of testosterone on those two ugly cows.
Suuuuuuure you wouldn’t.
I absolutely would not.
I pay to bang hot 7s/8s/9s/10s.
Why would I care about a fat cow or an ugly pig?
Well as long as you’re honest that you pay for it then I can’t really say anything else.
Always honest.
Don’t know any other way.
We all pay for it, brother.
Some don’t even get what they pay for.
I had lunch with a buddy this week who is paying $350 a month to NOT bang his ex-wife. Divorce decree. Oh and she’s the one who cheated / left.
Good thing there was no kids. Would have been a lot higher than $350/mo.
@spicynujac:disqus I think it bears mentioning that your friend made the huge mistake of putting a ring on it.
There’s paying for it and then there’s paying for it.
Good for you. Enjoy your money and don’t listen to the Puritan ‘mericans here. Selling game is a business, after all.
Our ancestors understood this aspect of human nature, so they tried to make sure everyone was married off and kidded up at a young age while dishing out severe punishments for adultery.
And the females policed themselves. The Mothers and Grandmas and Aunties and friends would not allow a young female to ruin her life with detritus like Meeks. They knew a female and her offspring would starve and die without a good provider. And then the 60s came along…
Feminism represents a total breakup of the normal family. Leftists push for anti-family policies because the family is what kept them accountable for their actions.
But today, it is not considered “ruining your life.” It is considered “living.”
Funny how quickly things can be switched.
Mom’s would literally beat their daughter’s asses. Then grandmothers, had such power over the matriarchal chain that a mere look of disgust could project shame that stuck with a young woman for her entire life. Problem is, we’re 1-2 generations deep of grandmothers who themselves were whores. While these whore grandmothers “try” to hypocritically tell their granddaughters and daughters not to be unwitting hoe-bags, the younger females have memories of mommy’s multiple guy friends, slutty ways, so it doesn’t work, if at all temporarily.
We’re already a few generations into a perpetual cycle that can only cleanse itself. Side note: A work buddy of mine went to Oregon for a week for his Lesbian Sister’s marriage to a women out there. My ex gf is trying to get back with me and spent yesterday with a Lesbian friend of her’s who had a party with her lezbo partner… on the family farm. Traditional farm families now allowing homosexuality in their families. Times have really fucking changed gents.
“Times have really fucking changed gents.”
The grandmothers today are too busy out being whores themselves to police their daughters or granddaughters.
Times have changed indeed! A lot of so-called “Christians” now embrace the philosophy of “loving the sinner, but not the sin” and give their family members a pass on the sin of homosexuality. You just need to love them into the church, I’ve been told. I’ve seen this in my own family. Of course the queer doesn’t change, they change the church. Then the ever so noble churchians wonder why that nice queer “music minister” molested some of the little boys at church. SMH
My punishment was scrubbing the kitchen floor. On your hands and knees style with a scrub brush, no swifters in those days. Also wax by hand, no Mop’N Glow.
The grandmothers today are in their early 40s thanks to teen pregnancy.
In a lot of ghetto communities, you have the phenomenon of the 30 year-old grandmother and the 45 year-old great grandmother.
Really? Damn! Lol.
My father told me if he caught me around the neighbourhood pool hall he would kill me. And he meant it!!
Fucking boomers. They could have fucked up a bowl of cherries…or 1960 years of tradition….in one generation!
Plus a lot of crims got straight up executed or otherwise killed by honorable men.
They’re only around to be a threat, if they’re around.
With recidivism rates what they are, I wish we still did that. Black American population would decline rapidly.
Or shape up pretty damn fast!
This whole Jeremy Meeks thing seems extremely fishy to me. First, he popped up as a viral Internet sensation. Women were allegedly going nuts over his photo in prison garb. Next, a billionaire’s daughter snaps him up, and suddenly this “thug” is out hobnobbing with rich folk. I’d be more inclined to think that there was oceanfront property for sale in Kansas, than to think that this story is on the level. But that’s just me.
There’s definately something fishy there. US has the highest incarceration rate of anywhere in the world. People looking like Meeks or better literally Hitler get locked up every single day. And his was a simple gun / gang arrest that should not even raise an eyebrow. Why the national media attention on him?
My bet is some wealthy powerful elite just wanted to see if their power is that great, and if people are now that fucking stupid, that they could take a street thug in a gang, make him “famous” and turn him into a role model, just for fun.
Good theory.
Reminds me of the movie “Trading Places”.
These days, I always look at any story from the mainstream media and think, “What do they stand to gain if I believe this.” I pretty much discount every single MSM story from the get-go. They lie. It’s what they do.
Great minds think alike.
“Mr Beeks” == Jeremy Meeks?? hmm
Trading Places, written by (((Hershel Weingrod)))
Every. Fucking. Time.
Hidden in plain sight…in a “fictional” movie. Hollywood does that kind of thing over and over.
Interesting thought. He was publicized on a whim because of his ‘model looks’ and ability to get women wet. Felt his image was circulating heavily since 2012 or so. Either way, hoes gonna hoe.
Sounds like the plot for “Trading Places 2.”
It’s kind of like taking that woman with down syndrome, Madeline Stuart, and shoving her onto a catwalk to make her a fashion model. Those behind it just see it as kind of a pet project to amuse themselves.
Or like this
Yeah, so they can get the “feels”.
It’s almost like a twisted version of that movie “Trading Places”; sans the sacrificial rich guy of course. Come to think of it… I wonder if any rich dudes fell from grace at the exact time Meeks got rubbed in our faces?
Well, if the story looks like bullshit, smells like bullshit and squashes like bullshit…it’s bullshit!
I bet that motherfucker Meeks got fucked up the ass in prison by some legit (yet faggity) gangstas on the daily. Of course, even if that came out in the press somehow, many of today’s women might think it is “hawt” to date a good looking guy who was a prison bitch, because at least he was “cool enough” to have been incarcerated.
I think he just ended up doing county jail time. His sentence wasn’t THAT long. There’s not too much ass raping in the county. That’s an activity reserved for the big leagues (prison). Most people in the county are DUIs, low level felonies, shit like that.
Not much but it still happens? Clearly I have never been haha
Maybe happens. County jails are stocked with regular folks who made mistakes; not hardened sociopathic criminals. If you rape someone in county, you’re very likely gonna get turned in for it.
And thus spread AIDS. Marry a fucking virgin…..
I would believe most women would be instantly turned off if they realized their man was a punk in prison.
I see not one drop of Roman Praetorian guard in Cavalli’s face. He probably thinks world history started at the first World Cup.
He looks like a somewhat oblivious rich kid. You’ll see that same look/expression quite a bit on the Upper East Side.
So many comments from jealous guys here on this Sunday morning. Fellas: when did we start hating on guys over the class of women they’re banging?
Hate on the guy all you want for leaving his family for another woman or having a criminal record but don’t slight a man simply because he’s on a yacht enjoying the good life and you’re not.
To do otherwise only makes you look petty and jealous.
Who’s slighting him?
If he wants Miss Piggy, he can have her.
The only guy I’m hating on in this story is the billionaire who is failing to keep his daughter-bitch in line.
“Women and homosexuals are strongly discouraged from commenting here.”
If that’s true then why are you commenting on here @disqus_Bk9sDohPrw:disqus?
Oh jeez, I hope this doesn’t degrade into a “I know you are but what am I” thread…
You’re not being forced to read the comments ya know…..
Yeah, you’re right. And its a nice day out as well. Time to get some fresh air. Have a good one.
From the smarmy, scolding, sanctimonious tone of the comment, I assumed it was either a female or a queer.
But maybe it was just a troll.
You too @AutomaticSlim:disqus
Meeks is “handsome” like a black actor winning an Academy Award after an avalanche of “#OscarsSoWhite” tweets. His (((fame))) is the result of decades of social engineering efforts. And it should be of no surprise that women were the gender to once again succumb to herd mentality instincts, bolstering the point that “female nature is not morally inclined”.
TFW Jeremy Meeks looks whiter than you do …
You must be from a very white area
He is probably “very articulate” too.
Cuck billionaire Phillip Green is going to end up with with a knocked up daughter, 2 twin bastards and 3 missing classic cars from his collection.
Had that been my daughter, Mr Meeks would have already been eaten up by my dobermans and my lawyers would be claiming rape and trespassing with a suitcase full of mula. Justice loves billionaires after all.
No kidding. What kind of fathering fail went on here?
Had that been my daughter I would have beaten her up and sent afterwards her to a far away monastery for a couple of years. And Mr. Meeks would have been “visited” by professionals…The failure was the parenting, cads will always be with us…
Hang on, surely it’s the Greens and the Rothschilds who are the bad boy families here. Meeks may be a violent (kind of) ex- Crips gang member but surely he’s massively out of his depth. The financial bad uns are the top of the tree of career criminality. Meek’s is probably on the phone to his Crips buddies in the evening crying: ‘I had no idea what I was getting myself into. If I have to sacrifice one more goat…..I want out but it’s too dangerous”
I jest
The Greens and the Rothcshilds…hmmm…
well that aside, I’m just saying there’s more than one way to look at this. On the pyramid of naughtiness, Meeks is right at the base
“‘respectable’ families like the Rothschilds”
there is so much packed into that sentence
Her mother divorced her first husband who was a musician. Monkey see monkey do. Someone is still going to wife her up after this.
Sure they will.
There’s a “Tom Arnold” lurking around every corner.
I just searched Tom Arnold and saw Roseanne. Thanks.
This story proves,if true, that insanity and chaos is the currency of today’s world because it has become structureless. I disagree with the whole ‘elites controlling everything’ narrative though. There was a horizon zero where something happened, beginning the systems of chaos, causing what we see today with culture and everything going to shit.
I totally agree. Some decades ago, aristocracy and the elites, at least they had manners or they seemed to have them. Now it is a complete shitshow. The West has totally been deconstructed. Nothing makes sense anymore. That horizon zero I think it is the increasing presence of women in the public matter. Women did not create civilization, men did.
Which had good intentions but the path of evil is paved with good intentions
No future. Only here and now. Fleeting pleasure. No game plan. No goals. Just temporary notoriety. That’s what the bitch settles for in Meeks. Yeah, she’s settling. Her game? Self destruct.
The rich kid looks like a doormat…No charisma, no presence, no nothing. Money can only take you so far and the thug, just has that risk factor that women adore. I am not surprised.
Chloe Green in bikini (if you can stomach it):
and yet Kate Rothschild looks thousand times more horrible.
those guys only get leftovers.
“…those guys only get leftovers.”
Good to see you EE!
How’s business going?
Good to see you too, AutomaticSlim. I’m writing a book. Fiction. Action/adventure. I’m finishing first draft.
How about you?
Still doing the same daily grind.
Good luck with the book.
Do they though? This guy can now live effort free due to banging this chick and living off of his looks and appeal. Not as qualified as the Dominican lothario, Porfirio Rubirosa Ariza, who did the same but this is standard operating procedure for guys who get tons of women. Use one to get more.
She isn’t leftovers though. She is a billionaress who guarantees he will be financially set for life and is still young enough to sure his kids and guarantee he has a quality life to do whatever he wants to do. Likely what he will continue to do is bang chicks we all will likely never get close to.
“She is a billionaress who guarantees he will be financially set for life”
I get your point, but good god, what a terrible way for a man to live.
Most men would rather earn their own money and have a hot young woman than date a disgusting pig with money. Would you marry Lena Dunham?
I think there’s a billion dollar difference here.
Those stupid little green/black tattoos are what impress me the least.
OK she is a 6. Really. I mean it. Compared to an AVERAGE girl you see in Walmart, she is pretty solidly 6.
These rich guys should thank their lucky stars that Mr. Meeks took these harpies out of their lives. As they get older their riches will ensure that they have a steady supply of other women to take care of their needs.
Mr. Meeks will likely crash and burn at some point, and these women will be left in the wake.
Say WHA-A-A-A-A-A-T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We’re taking the riches too. And we don’t use war.
“These rich guys should thank their lucky stars that Mr. Meeks took these harpies out of their lives. As they get older their riches will ensure that they have a steady supply of other women to take care of their needs.
Mr. Meeks will likely crash and burn at some point, and these women will be left in the wake”
Good point. The billioniare needs to be able to ensure his assets aren’t pillaged after they separate.
Yeah, but I’d still be tempted to have Meeks whacked if I were Cavallo. He’s certainly got the cash to hire the very best professional who would be impossible to trace to him; even in light of this… “incident”.
And, no it’s not because I’d give a flying f*ck about the trollop herself; it’s about principal and showing future cons that you can’t just come into my world and play alpha and start disrespecting.
The little slut might as well become a crackhead street whore for all I’d care.
Great idea. The police would have no clue about who would want Meeks dead.
I guess you didn’t even make through the first paragraph. Just a quick glance at the first sentence and then comment. Nice. Reading is fun.
Yes mate I read it. Dismissed it as fantastical bollocks.
Right. Fantastical bollocks. Because people never have people whacked. And when they’re really f*cking wealthy, they never get away with it.
I love my fantastical bollocks
Beta male thinking. “whacked” because you can’t compete. Stop jerking off to Mob movies.
Not sure what’s more alpha than the ability to have someone snuffed out. That pretty much puts one at the top of the food chain. But whatever you say, jackass.
Maybe if you got your hands dirty and did it yourself. He still is higher than you but you actually took things into your own hands. But saying “hire” or have him done. Implies you want someone else to do your dirty work. Means you are weak and beta. In the natural order of things. You would never survive. You are inferior.
He’s “higher than me”? Why? Because one dumb slut girlfriend went for him? I don’t buy it. That means you must consider any man who gets more pussy than you “higher” than you. That’s sad and insecure in itself.
Also, by your logic, any rich powerful person is very likely to be a beta bitch hiding behind their money; seeing as how they hire people to do basically ALL their dirty work. While I do agree that people hide behind their money and a lot of them wouldn’t survive without it; we can’t just change the rules of what is considered legitimate charisma/influence to suit our argument.
He came into your house and took your property. You didn’t and can’t do anything about it. That means all men will look at you as weak.
A lot of the rich and powerful are only there because of the decisions of some stronger man many decades ago. Left to their own devices. They would be pumping gas.
Well, personally I COULD do something about it. I’m just putting myself in that schlub’s shoes.
It’s funny how you say the guy “came into my house and took my property” as if this bitch was just a chunk of steel or plastic incapable of free will. Bottom line, she’s a stupid whore in heat who probably watches too much reality TV about other cunts slutting it up so the thinks that’s cool and wanted to score her own convict.
To your last point: I agree. I have zero respect for those who inherit wealth. That still doesn’t change the fact that they can exert more influence than the average person.
‘Having someone whacked’ is actually not very manly, the whole ‘sneak around in the dark’ and ‘surprise hit’ goes with things that live under rocks.
If she’d rather be with someone else, why not just be happy for her, just get something, I mean ‘someone’ else.
Having someone whacked may or may not be “manly” as it were. When world leaders make decisions to have people sent off to war (thereby, having people “whacked”) over stupid shit, are THEY manly? Where do we draw the line at which whackings are manly and which ones arent? Is a mob boss who has someone whacked manly? How about if that someone he had whacked was f*cking around with his old lady? It’s a slippery slope.
I agree about letting the bitch go about her way, for the most part. That’s why I didn’t suggest whacking the bitch.
However, if some street thug thinks he’s just gonna come in and make me look like a punk, that’s another matter entirely.
There’s a story in Audi Murphy’s war memoirs about how some officer is angrily hurrying men over the walls of a trench to run at the enemy, and someone says to him, ‘the slowest man over this wall is in front of you’ and then he stopped yelling at the men and ran over the wall himself.
The mob bosses are snivelling pond scum, because they attack civilians who need to work all day to survive, and sleep all night afterwards, and have women and children and a house to lose.
I disagree with the concept of owning other people, loyalty should deserve loyalty, but ‘his old lady’ does she own herself or does he?
There’s nearly 4 billion vagina’s on earth, you don’t have to fight like farm animals over one that mates like a farm animal.
Things are going to get much worse? No crap. Many of the younger guys are overly nice in their social mannerisms. Not a good thing if women are falling for bad boys
Bad goys, bad goys
Whatcha gonna do
Whatcha gonna do
When they come for you…
Chloe Green, what a donkey.
The wrong end of the donkey…
BTW, love your website.
Brimelow, Sailor & Stix. & occasionally Buchanan.
Can’t get much better than that.
I bet she’s fucked a donkey or two.
Two things: anybody notice how fucking fat the fingers are of the lawyer (I assume) to the left in the first picture? The other thing is that the former bf of this scallywag looks A LOT like that Kyle Trouble geezer who writes for ROK…
I don’t think he’s a geezer (at 25 years of age), but as for the rest of your assertions, well…there is a similarity. Truth being truth and all.
Maybe he meant “Geezer Butler,” the bassist of Black Sabbath?
“Geezer” among the Brits is a generic term for a guy, irrespective of age.. Like we use “fucker” or “douchebag.”
Huh. Learn something new every day…thanks for the info.
This is why my picture is of a wrench…
Ha! Smart play…
Lot’s of calories in that noodle koogle…
He shore got a purty mouth.
And probably had to use it in prison to keep that purty face.
Beta test…
chloe green looks trashy as fuck
Like a hefty bag full of rotten meat.
Which is probably how she smells as well.
So anyone is surprised that Robert Cavalli, a FASHION mogul, lost his woman?
The first indication something like this might happen was him being a male fashion designer.
“Billionaire’s Daughter Dumps Nice Guy For Sexy Gang Banger, Proves Crime Really Does Pay”
How does this prove crime pays?
Seems to me he got a ugly, punk ass bitch. I hate to think if ever I turn to a life of crime, that’s the only kind of ho I can get.
Yeah. Sam Giancana got a top rate girl like Phyllis McGuire. This two-bit punk gets Miss Piggy.
Sam made her an offer she couldn’t refuse…
Kate Rothschild probably had a satanic arranged marriage…
If women love criminals, why no love for the Peach Bandit?
Trolling isn’t a crime.
That may very well be rectified in the future, unfortunately.
And when that happens, chicks will love trolls.
They don’t love cucks
yes, I must be a cuck for advocating for my own interests …
I think the elite know a lot of things that we don’t know, in terms of how to manipulate the masses.
It occurred to me recently that if somebody’s face is plastered everywhere, and the storyline claims that person is hot, people start to believe that person is hot. Like all the Hollywood actresses who are considered hot, but they take their makeup off, and they look like dogs.
Women are notorious for adopting their friends’ opinions. If their friends think a guy is hot, they start thinking the guy is hot.
Likewise, women are notorious star-fuckers. If the media says a dude is a star, or hot, they want to fuck him. In some cases they will get obsessed with the guy in question. So it probably has something to do with an individual’s propensity for coveting what they see over and over and over…
We could probably pick out an average-looking ROK reader, dress him up in the right clothes, tell him to sport a three-day beard, coif his hair the right way, and plaster his image all over the Internet complete with the caption – “Gets more pussy than the law allows,” or, “Bad boys get the goods”, etc., and women would break down his door.
“If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth”.
I think it’s just like that…most people think what they’ve been conditioned to think. And the media exploits it mercilessly, for purposes of social engineering.
It’s called mudshark just in case you don’t know. Kim Kardashian made it cool. So you see British billionaires copying.
Corrine Olympios is a Greek American middle class woman who suddenly got a small moment of mudshark shame and decided to claim that she was assaulted. In reality she was chasing the dark meat like them all.
People think mudsharks are poor overweight trailer trash who can’t get good white men. Wrong, it’s become fashionable for many white women to date and marry men outside their race.
This guy got a wife and kids back home, she filed for divorce. When this heiress is done with him, she will discard him, he will be left with nothing, but then again this asshole has no conscience. He got a second chance because people saw his mugshot and thought he was “good looking”. Apparently its gotten to his head, otherwise he would be rotting away in a prison block.
‘Wrong, it’s become fashionable for many white women to date and marry men outside their race.’
Are you suuuure?
When did THAT happen, pray tell?
She’s Jewish dummy. Let her get all the BBC she wants
I have seen this first hand. A “you go gurrrrl” woman with a very good, high paying corporate job but was married to an ex-con thug. While she slept at night, he went out stealing and breaking into shit. I know this because I ultimately helped arrest him. When we were talking to his lady, she acted suprised at his past record. Ironically, my buddy worked for the same high profile company, and verified she worked there and had a high paid gig
She already has money.
Why would she even choose a provider over the better looking ‘bad boy’?
Well morals and honor and shame, but women and society lost those a long time ago.
No patriarchy… brotherhood… marriage…..welcome to the matriarchal hellhole.
Ha, it was true love don’t ya know. Disney will probably make an empowering cartoon movie about it, how a young princess saw past his criminal past to see the good in him and they fell in love.
It’s all about the tingles, baby.
And jingles.
Nope, she can buy all the jingles she wants, as well as all the pringles and mingles and kringles. It’s all about the tingles for her.
But even kegels won’t help her in the end.
Is that true for all singles?
Pringles. That’s it.
The fat pig wants her daily box load of pringles.
“Nah, the girl cheating on Superman cheats on him with some douche bag who looks like an extra from Jersey Shore that is going to treat her like absolute shit.”
“Three weeks later, she was blowing a homeless man behind the corner market and sobbing about how her boyfriend was always out saving the world and never had time to listen to her feelings.”
You had this dude in mind ?
I’m fucking psychic.
These should be sacred words for anyone involved with the red pill. That is pure gospel.
Americanized girls are more masculine and less feminine and they look for extra bad boys to compensate for it..of course they would never admit their trash talking potty mouths and tramp stamps aren’t exactly feminine…for the few guys man enough to admit they were wrong about politics and join our independents united club you will get rewarded beyond your imagination
Jodie Whittaker becomes first EVER woman to play Doctor Who
I took my kid to a Comic-Con and saw a ton of young women and girls dressed as various Doctors Who. I bet they quit that now, and this decision will cost them the young female fan base.
don’t blame her for picking his guy. maybe his looks can help her produce a good looking offspring since her genetics won’t cut it
Does not compute.
meeks can do way better than that donkey face skank
$$$$$ PRETTY $$$$$
(wealth is the instant “ugly transformer”)
I suppose he can get a “Halle Berry” type mulatress, if that is what you are implying.
And yes, Miss Green is hideous, but even so, she should be avoiding types like Meeks. Plenty of fat, ugly white guys out there for that fat, ugly white girl. Being a fat, ugly female is still no excuse for crossing the color line.
Notice I said all this without using racial epithets.
I am trying to take the high road from now on.
‘Plenty of fat, ugly white guys out there for that fat, ugly white girl. Being a fat, ugly female is still no excuse for crossing the color line.’
You poor guy.
Reality is not your friend, eh?
Less than 4% of white females are willing to cross that line here in the US.
You are in England, right? Perhaps the muzzies/bantus/etc.. are taking over there. We are starting to reawaken here. And we were not that far gone to begin with.
…..hum… this the same America that elected Obamination.?
Or a different ‘reawakening’ type of America?
How many are there out there?
Sure it is.
And who is President now???
And why didn’t your once great country elect Nigel Farage and become Great Again as well?
‘……..hum… this the same America that elected Obamination.?
Or a different ‘reawakening’ type of America?’
‘Sure it is.’
Which is it?
…and how many are there?
Getting the impression you have become a troll. Will no longer waste my time.
Fair enough, but wrong.
Look, mate.
America #1 is ‘reawakening’ ie becoming more racist. Right?
America #2 has just re-elected a non-white President who would certainly have won a 3rd if legal. Right?
Hispanic & black votes can never be responsible for this contradiction.
That’s a real contradiction, surly we can both see that?
Dude.. I’ve had this faggot blocked for a while now.
Tell your similarly race obsessed friends.
Good idea. Thanks.
She’s Jewish you dummy. Not White.
You say tomato…
That’s going to be expensive for Meeks — kids, wife, and a California resident = at least 50% of his net worth will be drained straight away.
You certainly can’t blame Meeks for trading up, though — he did the same thing to his wife that countless American wives are doing to their husbands these days. Meeks was a big Bay Area (California) sensation a couple years ago…he really did “turn his life around” (for most ex-cons that’s usually a load of BS) and here we can see he took his game to a whole new level.
His wife was actually hot. This ugly Jew isn’t. Trade up how?
Can’t hate on Meeks.
He’s only doing what he supposed to do, and we know that women ultimately hate being bored.
I applaud him or any male that matter who can nab a women with their own money
Shout out to Jay Electronica too.
“I applaud him or any male that matter who can nab a women with their own money”
Why not make your own money and use it to bang hot young girls? Isn’t that the more masculine way? I think it is.
Yeah if the woman has the money then she is basically the man in the relationship and you are the female.
You’re looking at it from a provider role. To simply bang women would not really require money at all.
I know that.
But to bang extremely hot young girls, for me at least, does require money. So that is what I do. Yes, I could get 3s and 4s and perhaps 5s without $$$, but who the hell wants that?
And as far as Meeks is concerned, he is basically the same thing as Liberace’s twink. A gigolo is a kept male. Not a man at all.
‘I applaud him or any male that matter who can nab a women with their own money’
Shame about the two children.
Meeks should have resisted this billionaire woman’s pleading.
Shame that the wife allowed this miscreant to date and impregnate her in the first place.
Yeah yeah….you’re racist….you hate the reality of sexual relations in contemporary society….yeah….great.
I geddit.
I am a Race Realist.
You know, realistic about race.
Read the DOJ crime stats and gain some knowledge.
Or simply take a walk in the South Bronx.
‘I am a Race Realist.
You know, realistic about race.’
Re-a-race about who now?
I know Realistic racing?
Peruse the discussions at amren and learn something.
‘…and learn something.’
Do they teach presumption?
His wife is quite hot man.
I’m sure her parents are quite proud…
They sure love it when Meeks stops by them for dinner.
Yeah, like that movie, “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner”…well in this case, its a convicted felon.
* a mulatto convicted felon…like Gay Mulatto
What date was that again?
These girls’ fathers can still at least partly make up for twenty+ years of bad parenting:
Cut off these skanks’ credit cards, and cut them out of the will.
Supporting their lifestyles while these girls date ghetto trash just means you’re endorsing their decisions
Who cares. She’s (((not worth your keystrokes)))
I don’t think Chloe Green is ugly, just an average girl
I don’t believe any billionaire’s daughter would jeopardize her standing in her father’s will (or in the eyes of her bloodline), to the point where she would openly run around with a thug, much less while photos were being snapped. She might fuck one behind closed doors, sure. But she wouldn’t be caught dead in public with the guy. Unless it’s all a scripted media mindfuck. Which I’m thinkin’ it is.
Hollywood convinced huge numbers of women that Adrien Grody (sorry, Brody) was a hunk.
Just look at this hawk-nosed goon –
Yeah. He’s extremely desirable – and I’m the Sultan of Sumatra.
All it takes is SAYING he’s hot, over and over, putting him in movies, dressing him up, making him a leading man. Women will buy anything if they are told repeatedly that it is something that is extremely desirable – even if it isn’t. Women are extremely suggestible and the media sculptors have know it for a very long time.
They probably have this down to an absolute science now, which is why our socially engineered landscape is changing with such frightening speed. They know exactly how to elicit a conditioned response of virtually any sort they might desire. (It’s gotta be a time-tested formula by now, they’ve had plenty of time to refine it.)
What are the rules of Game for former pot dealer and ex-smack addict who was never cought, therefore served no prison term?
Is it fair to call her tainted? Meek’s may be a criminal, but the choice was hers. If she gets knocked up, wait and see how quickly she gets disowned for being a slut.
The only thing that stopped us before from taking all your women is our position in YOUR social structure as the underclass. Well, unless you go back to your original barbaric ways, we’re taking over. Presidencies, your women, your businesses and all. We are taking over it all without using war because your best method is uncivility yet you claim to be civil like we were before you and the Arabs invaded our peaceful paradises. Either be yourself and be barbaric or try to be us an lose because we’re so better at it.
Blacks aren’t taking anything over. They’re being selectively installed in positions of power and authority. If you were taking over, you wouldn’t be given an acceptance rate to medical school 10 X higher than Asians with similar MCAT and GRE scores.
Without social engineering initiatives like affirmative action, blacks would be shut out of any positions of influence or wealth.
Without white intervention in Africa (severely misguided btw), they would still be living in mud & dung huts and sh*tting in the millet field. Many of them still do.
How many countries in Africa have you been to you idiot? I’ve been to several remote villages in Africa & have not seen any mud & dung huts; Please refer me the info revealing the tribes that use feces to build homes; several village homes actually look very complex despite the tools & resources used. U brainwashed idiot, there were several advanced civilizations in Africa b4 the Europeans arrived; this is even taught in American high schools. Unlike monkeys like you, I take in all information, regardless of whether or not it will destroy my previous misguided conceptions.
“How many countries in Africa have you been to you idiot?”
None. I avoid blacks like the plague. See that, not an idiot after all, huh?
In fact, I live in a 30% black town, and I still manage to avoid them like the plague. Pretty smart, right? And for some reason, they seem to avoid me as well. And I am just fine with that.
That’s a great way of life, you know how you can maximize that lifestyle??? By keeping dumb ass, inaccurate opinions to yourself. It’s funny how you avoid a group of people in real life yet have a wealth of pointless opinions on the web. I don’t like certain Islamic nations or gays, for example. Cause of that, I never have anything to say about them. That’s how the country used to be; now every faggot has an opinion.
You’re not very bright are you?
Reading comprehension must not be your strong point.
Did you not get the part about living in a 30% black town? And that has been for 25 years. Surrounded by these parasites and having to walk through them every day. I base my opinions on real life experiences. And based on those experiences, I have no use whatsoever for blacks. And I avoid them at all costs.
I tried to take the high road, but you animals just don’t allow for it.
Enjoy prison, you low IQ nog.
The common denominator of your “people”, and I use that term loosely. Your kind has a propensity for faggotry, and you sound like one of the faggier ones at that.
I’m in med school, no criminal record, & don’t like men u pale chimp. I’m smarter than you son, stop this. I comprehend more than you do in a month within a week. Caucasians have a higher likelihood of trying the same sex so stop with the fake news. The funny thing is I would wring your neck out if you said this in person; it’s funny how in 26 years I’ve never run into a racist in real life but encounter countless online. You guys must know what’s up. Apparently pale chimps are quite intelligent.
I agree about being allowed access and possibly installed in positions of authority. But you forget that we are a principled people and, despite being unorganized and constantly persecuted, we never forget our goal of helping our people. Let’s call it the “Kaepernick effect.” No matter how much access you give to us in your social structure, we will eventually use that power to bring more of us into power. And we’re fine with Asians in power because we don’t have the same history with them as European men. Their growing military will likely protect Africa (their investment) from the West.
China will enslave and torture your people in ways you cannot yet comprehend.
Say’s who? Arabs and Europeans are the ones known for the crazy slavery practices that swept the world. Plus, we are already enslaved and tortured so why not see what Asia has to offer.
Unorganized??? Do you have any idea how many organizations and institutions exist to serve black people and black people only? Check out any university and you will find dozens of explicitly black only organizations: society of black engineers, society of black mechanical engineers, black honors society on and on and on. Not one for whites. Not one.
Yes, because everything by default is for white men. All year is white history time and we need to designate our own JUST to say, “we have history too” “We have engineers too,” We have great scholars too.” Otherwise, without even thinking, the vision of an engineer is a white man, “History” is white and concerning Europe.
“Either be yourself and be barbaric…”
That will happen. Sooner or later (probably later).
But it will happen.
I’d doubt it because your whole fake claim to fame is advancing “civilization.” You’re self-esteem is already low because you’re not us and if the charade ends and it becomes obvious that you failed at civilization, well, you just become a barbaric brute with no value. The last time this happened, European citizens invited Africans to civilize the place and it was a vast success. However this time around, we won’t be foolish and do away with our standing Army.
“You’re self-esteem is already low because you’re not us…”
One of the stupidest comments I have read in a long time.
Also, if you are so proud to be black, why do you call yourself “Osiris”? Of course you know the ancient Egyptians had not one drop of black blood in them. They perhaps used Sudanese blacks for menial labor, but that was the extent of blacks in Ancient Egypt.
‘They perhaps used Sudanese blacks for menial labor, but that was the extent of blacks in Ancient Egypt.’
Tell that to this guy.
The reason white men invented “race” in the 18th century was because they were beginning to become scientific and learn what human differences meant scientifically. White men recognized where they stood genetically so they had to create “race” with notions of a mental superiority (because the physical inferiority is obvious). But your subconscious in honest and you know that your little tool between you legs in incapable of producing a fastest man in the world. Your child likely will not create a new form of music that sweeps the world. You can’t give a white woman a child that the sun doesn’t hate. No marathon winners will come from you unless you mate with a black woman. The only thing you can claim is an advantage over others in the system your forefathers designed for you to have that advantage. And even on your terms we are making gains. You subconscious knows all this and it boils in your subconscious. This is why white men perpetrate so much bad on anyone who is not statedly straight, white and male.
As far as Egypt goes; You must have read the Igenea study that says Ancient Egypt was European right?
Or maybe this newest effort by white men to take away Egypt’s totally “black” past.
The mendacity of white men knows no boundaries so I’ll give you a hint: The Igenea study was done based on a screenshot from a Discovery Channel documentary. The other study conveniently begins the study from 1400BC to 400BC even though our dynastic history goes back to 3200BC. The first non-black invaders were the Hyksos around 1600BC. I don’t know why I’m telling you all this. You’re probably not smart. Sorry LOL
Amenhotep III was Asian? Wha??? Look at those slanty eyes!
Hahaha. Tell him!!!!
Judging from the shape of the head in depictions of Akhenaten, Nefertiti and their children, we can conclude the Egyptians were in fact Xenomorph Aliens
Is there anything we didn’t invent?
Sorry, I don’t pay attention to ooking and chuttering. Regards.
New form of music??? Rap hasn’t changed in 30 fucking years!
How many different ways can you beat a bongo drum, anyways?
Actually closer to 40 years: 1979-2017
your muh dick argument falls apart when I see more white women with Asian males than with black males
Try thinking instead of looking to oppose. Rap, Country, Jazz, Rock and Roll, House, Disco, EDM etc. ALL invented by black people or stem from black art. Please tell me what form of music white people invented that is sweeping the world. I don’t see people on the Charles Bridge in Czech Republic playing his music. But I did see corny white guys singing Chaka Khan. Shoot, the Banjo even comes from Africa. You couldn’t even have hillbilly music with your African parents helping you out LOL.
That’s the tap-out I’m looking for. Go back into your corner. Smart black man around.
Yeah but who made the Black Man sing the blues? Oh that’s right: The White Man!
It takes time. We have a whole lot of “white is better” brainwashing to undo. We do it by peaceful means so it takes time.
Funny all I see are ads and commercials that disparage and mock white men while portraying blacks as cool and all knowing. I wish I could see one bit of white is better propaganda for a change. It’s been about 20+ years now of pop culture belittling white men.
I’m going to buy a t-shirt that says: “Danger: Educated black man”
Your afro-centric bullsh*t tells me you are anything but smart.
Take away white intervention and you will be sh*tting in the millet field in no time. I will not be wasting any more of my time on responses to your idiotic posts.
Who invented Blue for a white man to sing “black man sings the blues?” What would Elvis Presley be without black people inventing a form of music for him to copy? Just be grateful to your parents for giving you an enjoyable world. War is not everything or else the little British Heiress would have a white boyfriend.
And if it were not for the oppression of the blacks by the white man, the slaves would not have had reason to sing soulful hymns while in the fields. So it was the White Man who is the prime mover in all this you see.
Oh I assure you I’m not enjoying this world one bit.
Tap out! Just keep in mind that you said nothing to prove Egyptians weren’t black. And you said nothing to counter my claims about an overall white male self-esteem problem. You basically opened your mouth and couldn’t back it up. Peace!
You don’t have to. That saying is imprinted in every white man’s subconscious. It would be cool to see a white guy sporting that shirt though LOL
So … blacks could build 100 million ton pyramids 4000 years ago but can’t keep Detroit from sliding into ruination and disrepair in the 20th century?
Average IQ of blacks in the US is 85. In Africa it is 70.
I see no reason to lower myself to your level. Have a great night.
Yes, I know I broke my word of not responding…won’t happen again.
And how do you account for the whole of media history belittling everyone else but white men?
There was an actual black African empire called Mali.
I don’t know why you woke Hotep niggas don’t talk about something that was actually real instead of trying to glom on to the Egyptian civilization…
I’ve read the “Bell Curve” too. All sponsored by the Pioneer Foundation. This was a think tank that funded studies to prove whites were mentally superior. You can find tons of literature saying whites are superior. It’s sad that this his how your forefathers wasted their time with science.
I have not seen a single commercial, ad, or sitcom that portrays blacks negatively or white men favorably in like the past 20 years.
“African American” is a Western culture. It has almost no roots in Africa. Plus, the Automotive Industry may have employed black people but it is a white venture in a white system. Its failure is wholly because of white people. The black people showed up for work; leadership screwed it up. Don’t blame us.
it doesn’t help when you show up to work drunk or hung over
People only wanted to buy cars built on a Wednesday: if they were built on a monday, the workers were hung over from the weekend. Built on a Friday, the workers were drunk.
Mali, Songhay, Ghana, Nubia, Egypt, Benin, Mutapa, Ashanti, Fante, Askum, Bantu, Timbuktu, Al Andalucia. Just to name a few. Our biggest legacy is that we were largely peaceful.
The Macaroni’s soggy the Peas are mushed and the Chicken tastes like wood.
You’re going to be really popular here as I predict you are among the trolls who have staying power.
The oldest known musical instruments were discovered in Germany.
He reminds me a little of the JZ95 asswipe that used to come around here.
He sounds like ” Thirdeye” or something like that that used to troll hereabouts.
Cool! And how does that affect European influence on music today? Earliest civilizations on Earth were African and you can’t say that we are responsible for the debacle we call Western civilization today, right?
Well, since you more or less claimed that black people invented music I was simply pointing out that evidently you’re wrong. Also the oldest known stringed instrument ever found was a lyre found in a cave in Scotland, so pretty much all string instruments descended from there so that makes the banjo argument void.
The worst debacles of western civilization are in the hood.
You can prevent making a fool of yourself by being objective and researching your facts. The bridge looking device found on Scots island is, at the most, 2300 years old (dating back to 300BC max). So if it did belong to a lyre, it came by way of Africa. The oldest Stringed instrument was found in Africa from old Kingdom Egypt around 3000BC. The next to culture to show evidence of a string instrument is Mesopotamia around 2500BC. They likely got it from Africans in Egypt. The predecessor to the banjo is the Akonting. The slaves from West Africa brought that over and white men adopted it. Look it up or prove me wrong.
I never denied the ancient flute. You said the oldest Lyre was found in a cave in Scotland and that’s not true. Now admit you were wrong.
None from Africa
I was wrong the oldest lyre was found in Mesopotamia known to be a popular hangout for ancient Africans.
How defiant are you going to be? The Lyre is not the oldest string instrument. The Lyres of Ur date back to the early Dynastic III period which is around 2500BC. They are the oldest SURVIVING string instruments. You can find books from the Scientific Racism period (18th to mid 20th century) that claim The Lyres of ur were from 3500BC but those books were white racist crap that has since been debunked. There are paintings of harps without a forepillar in Egyptian tombs dating back to 3000BC. This is the absolute earliest evidence of any stringed instruments in the world. Anything else is bull crap. Prove me wrong but don’t use those Oxford book from 1929. It was written by a man Educated at Trinity College, the same University that educated Francis Galton, one of the pioneers of Eugenics and a man who wrote 340 books and papers about race that conveniently made white people more intelligent.
Whatever man. I’ve already wasted more time on you than I normally waste debating trolls. Over time my personal policy has evolved to the point that I don’t usually comment more than a couple of times to trolls because I have better things to do with my time. However the idiocy of your comments prompted me to respond.
The reason I refuse to debate with trolls is because they are idiots who can’t carry on a normal conversation and only want to argue. I have learned not to attempt to show morons the light because they refuse to see it.
Winning an argument on the internet is like being the smartest kid on the short bus, it don’t matter.
HAHAHA!!!! It seemed to be worth your time when you thought you were proving me wrong. Suddenly you have better things to do when someone educated in the subject of racism comes along and you’re above this debate. I’ve been through this a million times. TO ANYONE READING THIS DEBATE, @UnreconstructedConfederate:disqus stepped into the ring to teach me that the Banjo came from Scotland. I blew that bogus notion out of the water so he retreated to Mesopotamia. I shot that down and HE RAN AWAY LIKE A WUSSY!!! White men’s racial self-esteem is based the fake theories of your manipulative forefathers, who also were insecure about the white man’s weak stance in relation to other human beings in this world. The Western social structure is just a crutch for a crippled type of person that is soon to go extinct. Sorry, I actually like you guys but your insecurity and desperation will be your fate.
Kook. Flagged and blocked.
Who did you flag and block?
We Wuz Kangs, amarite?
Bot comment.
Maybe I should play up my felony convictions and prison time to get more nookie. But, I refuse to get any tatoos. My body is sacared and I will not defile it. And, for the record, I regained my rights, legally own firearms, have a FFL and a concealed handgun permit. I pass the NICS. You wouldn’t know I was an ex-con by looking at me.
Now, if I had a lovely daughter and Mr. Meeks was dating her, I could not guarantee his safety from the very high probabity or some sort of accident happening to him. Slip and fall school for starters.
Maybe she’ll get chopped out of the family inheritance. Feasibility 100%, probability 30%.
Her dad ‘looked after’ those BHS Stores pensioners….choke……
That jeremy meeks guy is not attractive, he is and looks like trailer trash. That being said, that girls ex looks kind of gay.
‘That jeremy meeks guy is not attractive, he is and looks like trailer trash. ‘
You get THAT from the article and related events?
There were several paragraphs discussing the looks of this male. I was commenting on those paragraphs. Also, since when does a one line comment have to discuss what the reader comprehended from the entire article?
‘Also, since when does a one line comment have to discuss what the reader comprehended from the entire article?’
….erm……depends just how incorrect it is.
‘That jeremy meeks guy is not attractive,….’
He is.
To (contemporary) females, he is.
That’s the whole basis of the article.
‘…..he is and looks like trailer trash.’
He is.
To (contemporary) females, he is.
That’s the whole basis of the article.
It was a subjective comment from a (contemporary) female.
I see.
‘I don’t find him attractive.’
‘I hate his looks.’
‘He doesn’t do anything for me.’
I just can’t for the life of me stop giggling like a little faggot at that face
Looks like a typical 20-something hipster.
And is he has any political interests at all, they are most likely extreme left.
Look at his big eyes and tiny nose along with fat pinchable cheeks. He looks like an infant! No wonder he grew a “beard”
His skin is also wayyyy too smooth. It’s like he never had an ounce of testosterone in him through his teens and shys away from anything physical that would leave a mark.
The Greens are odious family. I hope Meeks creates years or turmoil and grief for them.
It’s doubtful Chloe ever dated a nice guy. Cavilli was just less famous and dangerous.
If laying down with used up and diseased rejects is your thing, then I guess it does pay.
Does it?
Give it a go. See how you fare.
I’m asking from your experience.
You write like a woman. It clearly states that I guess and your figurative piehole still blathers.
‘ It clearly states that I guess and your figurative piehole still blathers.’
…would be better punctuated.
Live and let live I say, some dudes just love skank hoes.
Mulattoes are freaks of nature, donkeys. Handsome? He he he. Go chop the cotton on the back 40 or I’ll tan yo mulatto ass. BTW , career criminals should be castrated or executed.
the glorification of criminals goes way back in American culture to Bonny and Clyde, Al Capone, etc
Dick Turpin.
( and Black Bess)
Many mulatto women are very beautiful
The obvious is wasted on these chaps.
You need a taste adjustment. I saw dudes like you in Cuba dlobbering over them! Nasty! God knows where that thang had been!
Why taste adjustment ? I really like mulatto, black, white and Asian women. By the way, I’m Russian living in Moscow and hate Russian women. And you’re right, I was in Cuba
That figures, you dirty Commie. Only a pervert would touch those nasty ass sheboons. I have never met a Russkie woman but they are at least humans. Do you like doing your thang with chimps?
Rodriguez, aren’t you from socialist South America ?
Nope. Rodriguez is a pen name, a friend who was KIA. I am as Ametican as apple pie (as was David). And I don’t sleep with dirty, primitive women. And I hate Commies and socialists. They have wrecked the world.
Why dirty, primitive ? Women have to be feminine, kind, non-bitchy and beautiful. Thats enough for them to be attractive
Pavel, look, as a Russian you know nothing about them. Trust me. No sane man wants anything to do with them, and that generally includes men of their own kind. That should tell you something.
I see they’re better than Russian bitches
Don’t know any Russian women but I know they don’t stink and look like gorillas.
My women didnt stink
Ha! You say that bcause you Russkies have no sense of smell! Everybody knows that! That´s why you could eat shit from the Commies for 70 years!
It must be sad to be such an idiot like you
I am not sad at all. of course, I don´t sleep with gorillas.
Then why do so many Black guys who are ex cons have ugly ass beasts by their side? Lmao looks still matter my nigga
Because they are not pushed ad nauseum by the mainstream media?
A mulatto and a rat-faced Jewess, Green deserves this for screwing his employees of their pensions.
Just googled this cunt. She isn’t even hot. Has no feminine figure at all and her ass is flat as a board. Take off all her makeup and she is a regular ugly Armenoid looking Jewess.
And with his light eyes and skin you know Meeks was ass raped in prison. Sorry but if I know my rewards for being a criminal would be ass poundings and ugly Jewish women I would rather die.
Also Robert Cavalli looks like a beta loser with his round baby face. No wonder she dumped him. He doesn’t even look like a man but a weird transitional child thing.
Hahaha! Agree on all points.
I’ll agree with you fully. That being said, I suspect Meeks is trying to pull a Federline on this bitch.
There’s no doubt the other prisoners would have run a train on him.
He looks like an infant who still nurses. LOW t count.
I think the bigger take away from all this is that the elites are not insulated from the shit they themselves promote: Daughters of the Rothschild and Green dynasties going for criminals or rappers? Hoist with their own petard it seems…
Billionaire daughters with daddy issues.
The warning signs were there – notice the tattoo’s on Chloe Green add in the fact one of those photo’s shows her smoking “roll your own cigarettes” coming from a privileged background just a guess she’s bored with her “spoilt lifestyle” and was looking for “excitement” which is what this “bad boy felon” provided in her mind until it all goes up $hit creek then she will run back to daddy to get her out of trouble.
She’s lucky I’m not her daddy because she would be SOL.
I cant be the only one who thinks that fat white girl is Cavallis beard.
She looks like Jack Nicholsons joker for fucks sake!
Wow, that bitch is ugly. I predict the relationship won’t even last a year when this caveman bails. Not seeing how this mutant is hot shit.
If she is face down and you are doggie racing her azz to the finish line, she is an automatic ten..and 11 if she lets you go bare, that 4 is the Queen of Egypt for 5 minutes…just saying.
Hamster gonna hamster. Women only say they don’t like violent felons.
Did JZ95 create a new troll account? Some of these comments are very similar to his.
Fantastic, I’m guessing the Green family is Jewish, so I find this all rather satisfying.
So does she…..
I’m sure CH will have a take on this cuckolding by the ex-con. This Cavilli guy will surely be an example of Heartiste’s “physiognomy is real” philosophy…
A mulatto stealing a jewess from a dago. Do not care. Deport them all.
Why comment if you don’t care?
perhaps an elaborate scheme that is talked about around these parts frequently, white woman, white man, man of colour, stir together and have the MSM iron out the details we have… a wimpy white man (the fashion poof) is no match for a bad boy ‘tall dark and handsome’ tatted up crim and all white girls should desire ‘relations’ with the bad boy even if said white guy has money, security, head screwed on straight and all the other BS the MSM feeds men about what women look for in a man for LTR that they MUST possess.
for the record, the “bad boy” looks to me a little like that race mixed ‘future of humanity’ mock up Time Magazine cover that was posted here the other day.
“The moral of the story is that crime often pays for men’s sexual relationships with women. Good looks certainly help, but plenty of either good-looking women or high status women from the ‘best’ families are unable to resist the man with the dark, violent past”
Fuckin’ excellent article with a theme that always needs repeating. This is where I conclude that women are attracted to evil – they give themselves to God when the Devil has no use for them – which is to say that it’s only when former hot looking young chicks get fucked and chucked every which way but Sunday they become old, saggy titted and disease ridden do they want the responsible decent nicey guy.
The real issue with all of this is the moral dilema posed. We as men, for the most part, strive to abide by a moral compass of sorts, whereas our females have no scruples. This is why we see that successful societies keep their females on a tight leash.
“female psychology is not morally-inclined by nature”
The author speaks in pure wisdom.
Young women, with rare exception, are incapable of loyalty. A man will look at a situation and think “I want that, but because of my honor, promises and responsibilities I will not pursue it.” Women are emotionally and intellectually incapable of such thoughts.
And creationists still don’t believe in evolution…
This is simply millions of years of human evolution in action.
Choice One: Nice guy who stayed in the cave because he is son of one of the established elders of the cave and doesn’t have to do much, all he did was collect some firewood nearby and smiled (just like the image above) at the hot chick in the cave who is the daughter of the established elder of the cave.
Choice Two: The guy who drags back the carcass of a sabertooth tiger, after hunting it for a few days and nights, and stares down the same hot chick in the cave covered in the beast’s blood.
Which one do you think the hot chick is going to drop her loincloth for after dinner?
“the hot chick in the cave” lol…on a side note , the sabretooth hunter dude makes both the hot chick and the nice guy who collects wood his prison bitches
You realize that evolution and creation aren’t mutually exclusive, yes?
You are right they are can easily reconcile the two. If the Universe is a designed artifact (like a program) the rules governing how it behaves (physical laws, initial conditions) can simply be “gamed” to produce the result intended. You can “create” a Universe where evolution happens by simply designing it to occur under the conditions you want. If I could pick the physical laws (program parameters), make the start conditions what I decide then I can make it (the Universe) do whatever I want; doesn’t require “divine” intervention once established; just calibrate/program it to do what you want it to. Even time is just a construct of the “program”; so it took “7 days” or “14 billion” years is largely illusionary.
Meeks is good looking?
Looks like a typical ghetto rat to me.
Chloe Green is, as my husband would say, a “double bagger.”
If she wasn’t rich no man, criminal or otherwise, would give her a second glance.
Maybe an industry that willingly allows guys with his inclinations into their ranks deserves exactly what they get. There’s a pic of the boyfriend hob-knobbing with meeks like they are good buddies. The boyfriend is a fashion industry heir. I’ve seen guys like Meeks a thousand times. They come in and act just nice enough to make someone feel like an asshole for not wanting anything to do with them. And the women… they’re absolutely blind to what’s going on. Maybe 1 in every million women can see through assholes like this; and that’s probably generous. Anyway, they lay just enough sugar to get everyone to drop their guard then they start manipulating and controlling the weak. He’ll keep taking until someone takes him.
I know this because (and I’m almost ashamed to admit it) I used to BE one of those weak pushovers. Now, when I pick out someone like Meeks, I ghost him. As long as he stays out of my way and doesn’t fuck with my interests, there won’t be a problem. If he crosses me; I’m not the same dude I used to be.
Sociopath. Psychopath.
All this proves is men should enjoy there own fruits and not share or think you need to be nice or for that matter KNOW YOU CAN NOT BE NICE TO thIS HOES
Honestly, the female in question is past her prime and getting fat, so let dindu have her. The billionaire I’m sure has many many choices of younger and hotter looking women to choose from.
This rich bitch has to look over her shoulder because she knows there is another cat waiting to occupy the kitty bed. She does not rest easy.
Maybe my standards are too low, but compared to your average 5 in the USA( weighing in at around 140 las-dead center average and not “too fat) that girl is more of a 7 in my book. Is she fat or something? Why a “4”? Please be specific, maybe my girl rating radar (chick-dar?)is fubar.
Endless Big bank accounts ALWAYS make a rich 4 a 9 or 10 pretty quick……
The takeaway: give off an air of shameless intimidation.
I heard he was gay. Guess not. Wouldn’t be surprised he was and he just happens to know any easy meal ticket it when he sees one.
With the tattoos she has, is it any surprise she chose him? This is why i avoid girls with tattoos
unless it’s for a quick bang.
Both of these guys look really gay. In that first pic they even look like they probably are into each other. I wouldnt be suprised if they are both fags who are just trying to get a good paycheck out of the rich 4/10. Homos always will marry women for money and sleep around with other dudes.
Damn I should probably go punch a cop in Beverly Hills I’d get all the pussy there!
Didn’t we say this was going to happen at ROK when we first got wind of this guy?
Yes, as I recall that’s many things similar were said.
It goes beyond both physical attractiveness and criminality… Don’t forget that third essential ingredient: pre-selection.
Remember how he became famous in the first place, by having the police post his mugshot on facebook. That let women everywhere see not only the mugshot, but that other women were drooling over it, and that’s what really got the ball rolling. Women are attracted to what other women are attracted to, just as Ronald Fisher realized some 80 years ago.
This was a good article that reconfirmed what we know to be a fact of life. Women with options (and Billionaire Heiresses certainly have options) will tend to go for the bad boy with some edge to him. In Meeks case, he has it all when looking at what gets British females going. He is good looking, black, and has the reputation of a bad boy. Those attributes alone put him to the front of the line with most British females.
Then you factor in the fact that he is semi- famous, and a ex con…………………………………..Needless to say, he could have had his pick of women in London. While a guy like him probably would not get much attention in Brazil or South Africa, in a place like England or Sweden he will be at the top of the male hierarchy. As a result, he has used his attributes to date a billionaire. Most men would do that if they could pull it off. Most men (Black or White) can’t.
She looks like Nicolas Cage with boobs.
Women have been chasing badboys for millennia. Nothing new under the Sun.
At least Jeremy meeks isn’t a sex offender. I know a woman who is dating a chomo…
Imo thats even worse than Jeremy Meeks.
He went from risking getting stabbed in the communal shower in an American prison, to hanging out in Europe with an heiress literally buying his attention off of one mugshot. If anything he should be held up as an example of rags to riches in the seduction community.
Plus you can’t keep going on about women are deep down mainly attracted to scumbags, the rich man, the physically blessed and the criminals. If that were mainly true most of us wouldn’t even exist.
this pretty much a movie trope.
Nothing is more ballsy than a violent criminal. their very persona is; a persona that sez “IDAF about any rules or authority”. So of course women will chase these men when surrounded by beta males manginas and simps, they will opt for the one thing that makes the true alphas stand out, and of course the beta males manginas and simps will be all sorts of envious and jealous towards them..
if a woman has money why sould she go for a man that looks like a faggot version of Peoples Hernandez from Shaft. Not all women are gold diggers
could be that the blue eyed half blood is a gold digger though.
Stupid tat of some quote on bicep, check…
If only all of the bad Rothschilds were consumed by the evils they have unleashed on the world.
Seems that these women are looking to have their rape fantasies realized.They want a man who wont take no for an answer.I have no doubt that every current feminist feels the same way but is too dishonest to admit to it.