Women lie. They lie easily, often, and without any sense of guilt. This is all easy and rather fun to prove which I’ll show you later. The question that lingers in the air, like smoke, is how do they live with themselves given the blatant immorality of what they’re up to?
I struggled with this after I discovered my first wife was someone’s mistress at the time I married her, and that she continued in that role until her lover divorced his wife; at which point she left me and married him. My marriage was apparently used as leverage to torpedo the ex-wife. I drove round to the house he bought for her after the nuptials, big and solid as a brick shithouse.
My second wife used to give blowjobs to my cameraman in the parking lot of the television station we both worked for while I was in the editing booth. How did she keep the smirk out of her eyes later? That’s the question I’m about to answer.
The key to understanding this is to realize that all women today are the daughters of slaves; slaves both in the physical sense and mental sense. Until a hundred years ago, women were chattel and were passed from father to husband at a public ceremony called a wedding. All the aggressive, self-aware, moral women were long since gone; killed in disputes with their partners or the enemies of their family and tribe. The rest greeted their conquerors as heroes, threw flowers at them and opened their legs.
As slaves, women developed a kind of prisoner mentality: no snitching with the guards, secret codes, networking, compartmentalization of thought. This went on for generations, decades, millennia, until we arrive at today where these patterns of thought and actions are genetic as well as cultural. Women live in a world of compartments. They have one for their partner, a second for their female friends, a third for a lover, and a fourth for their imagination. Actually, they can expand that number easily to create a separate box for every one of their relationships.
They way they manage to live with themselves, questioned above, is to believe that nothing that happens in one compartment impacts anything in any other compartment. So, since an affair is in a separate box from a marriage, there’s no moral problem involved. What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him is what they believe. If an infidelity were to occur in the husband box, let’s say with a mutual friend, well then there would be a crisis, but not of morality, but rather practicality. Her first reaction would be anger at whoever called her out, and secondly, ‘Where do I live now?’
Consider the issue of privacy. It’s a very big issue for women. They hate it, loathe it, if a former boyfriend shows up during a new relationship. He is immediately accused of “stalking” her or worse. The very last thing any woman wants is for a former flame to have a chat with a current lover. All her lies would be exposed immediately; so bad mouth him on social media, threaten to get him fired, apply for a restraining order, make “revenge porn” illegal; anything and everything to keep the boxes separate.
This is why when you ask a woman to tell you about herself, she’s momentarily stumped for an answer. Which of her many stories should she give you? Quel problème.
I said earlier I’d show you proof of how women lie. Here’s the first proof: ask your girlfriend how many men she’s slept with. She won’t tell you; that’s private. Actually, she won’t tell you because if she did you’d be appalled at the number, the age of the partners, the sexual games they played, and the number of times money or favors were exchanged. What do I mean by that last crack? I mean that trips, apartment loans, car rides and clothing went one way and sex went the other. Yes, from your little Betty. Shocking, I know.
Secondly, listen closely when a friend or family member asks your partner to come over, join them for an event, or go to choir practice. She’ll say she has a cold, a previous appointment or her period, but that she’d love to join her some other time. The mother-in-law or girlfriend is mollified, and your honey will go on with her day as if nothing has happened. As is always the case with women, a little white lie is easier than honesty if it smooths over a potential social conflict.
Here’s a third proof. Listen to a woman describe a major event you both lived through, like a boat capsizing, a fight at a bar or a bride throwing up at the reception. Look for exaggeration for effect. Once you do it will stand out like a sore thumb. Women not only lie, they exaggerate everything. And exaggeration is just another form of lying.
Back to wife number two. When I demanded an explanation for her adultery, she demanded to know who told me. I give her a name. “That bitch,” she shouted. “I’ll scratch her eyes out.”
Note that the issue wasn’t that she’d cheated on me—it was that her girlfriend had told me. The girlfriend had broken the prisoner taboo; snitching to the guard. The girlfriend had breached the invisible barrier that separates one female box from another.
In my whole life, that young woman stands out as exceptional, as an exception to the rule that women lie. She told me what was going on because my wife was planning to have her lover’s baby and call it mine. That was a bridge too far for the girlfriend, who spilled the beans.
Thank you, Ruth, wherever you are.
Read More: The 7 Most Common Lies Women Tell In A Relationship
More Pop-Ups than at an old carnival pep show!
It’s surprising how hard you have to push a bit of news until most of your audience knows about it.
Game is dead bro, nevertheless, I will buy 50 books with proof of purchase sent to you Roosh, if the use of the breadmaker is somehow included in your book and how it related to game. I will go to my local colleges to hand them out to young men, I will be a foot soldier for the revolution.
Waifu’s of the Far-Right support Duce (Leader) Roosh and his Game book!
Duce! Duce! Duce!
Free breadmaker included with purchase of any order!
Game still works in Latin America and Asia (except India and Moslem countries). Game wouldn’t work in feminist cities like Toronto unless you’re an 8yo male student who won the lottery with fucking his female teacher.
I’m a 5’2″ dechnical suppord worker from India. Will this book deach me how do creade sexual dension with zuper hod zupermodels? Can id deach me how do get a dreesome togeder?
Looks like another good book I know the other game books helped me out tremendously from being beta as it got back then to who I am today so am excited to look at a revamping of ‘Game.’
Is there going to be an audio or eBook version available?
Paperback, audiobook, and ebook will all be released on the same day. I recorded the audiobook myself.
The real GAME:
Write a book targeting beta/omega males with the promise of helping them get laid. Use the money made from book sales to travel and live in 2nd or 3rd world countries and get laid.
The “2nd world” doesn’t technically exist anymore as it was originally a designation for the western communist countries (the former Soviet Russia and Yugoslavia etc.) and the distinction between 3rd world countries is far too broad in this day and age.
Chile and Uruguay are still technically “3rd world” but compare the quality of life, incomes, and general sense of lawlessness or desperation there with say….. Yemen or the Democratic Republic of the Congo…
Hey, don’t sperg out. You know what he meant.
Yes I know the origin. of the terms. Today those terms are still used to classify different countries based on the levels of Gdp/economic, infrastructure, etc.
Apparently looking like you could jump up and shout Allahu Akbar on the crowded bus at any moment is a real panty moistener in Eastern Europe. Roosh needs only bin Laden game.
Nonetheless we should be generous with our hirsute proprietor due to his gracious and good humored nature. I for one support the idea of littering this turgid tome across the campuses and libraries of The Five Eyes in a covert de-soyification program.
So many downvotes! My son does not deserve this! He was only trying to make a lighthearted joke to make you all feel better because that’s what a good person he is. Leave it to you Cheeto-stained basement lurkers to drive my Benji into another one of his episodes. He refuses to come out of his room!
Roosh needs to 100% get on this JIHADI game thing with Western Wah-men. In clown world it is a very sick but true thing that if you look this way you can pick up the very sick super-lib women.
He should hate fuck them while screaming ‘god is great’ for the lulz.
Buzzfeed can’t help you where you’re going sweetheart.
Go back to huffpo or the Washington compost where you belong pinko *****
Ordering. Thanks for your contributions to masculinity. No matter win or lose, it’s a good fight to fight.
Wow, you actually improved the cover based on the comments about the cover finalists. The man is now looking straight ahead and being more aloof, just like a few people suggested.
I’m impressed.
Aesthetics aside, the aloof man is what makes the cover.
However I’ve just finished reading the youtube comments and someone pointed out that the cover is similar to that of “As You Are” by “seduction expert” Nick Sparks. Hadn’t even heard of the guy until now but if you google the title you can clearly see the stylistic similarities and the book actually has 100+ reviews on Amazon.
Whoever designed Roosh’s cover should have given him a heads up and asked him if he’s ok with it because I refuse to believe that the designer wasn’t inspired by the As You Are cover.
Yeah it makes a big difference in the feeling.
I can’t help it. I respect a man who specializes in getting pussy, then writing books about it.
I pre-ordered the Kindle book on Amazon about 5 minutes ago. Look forward to reading it.
Thanks Edward!
Do you want free advertising? Do a book launch in Toronto or Montreal haha! Feminists have gone crazy in Canada over a sex doll brothel (I post on the thread in the forums).
I think I’m banned from Canada. I don’t care to find out.
You serious? Well fuck any country which bans men for free speech that isn’t afoul of international law! Did you know that Pastors who preach in the United Kingdom of Feminists get booked for public disorder but a naked feminist march is not a breach of the Public Order Act of 1985? Fuck England, Canada and Australia!
I just got a breadmaker, the idea came from Roosh.
Any good bread recipes in that book?
I’d buy the book for that alone. The game part not so much. I go out the door and it’s nothing but hamplanets, roasties, and goblinas. I’m almost 50, past my shelf life, and the women I can “get” are too. Don’t feel like bringing any women home to my big empty house because they might get jealous and get ideas then I’m in handcuffs the next day, or something. If I never get laid again I wouldn’t give two shits.
I still use game though. Maybe the book is still of use? I use game on everybody to get what I want. And I’m immune to sociopaths who try to game me. So maybe the book on game could rest on the shelf next to Art of the Deal?
Still would like some bread recipes though.
DJ: Muesli Bread (500gm).
140gm water, 4gm salt, 20gm sugar, 20gm soy (or olive) oil, 1 3/4 cup bread flour, 1/2 cup whole wheat flour, 4gm instant yeast. Select multigrain bread, 500gm, dark and start. Mix 1/2 cup muesli + 100gm raisins + 20gm milk in a cup and leave to soak, add to bread machine on first ‘ping’ (usually about 2hr 14min remaining).
Excellent for toasting and eating with your morning coffee. Recipe inspired by Roosh after I bought a bread machine subsequent to reading his ‘essential household items’.
Correction 30gm raisins not 100gm (but if you like raisins why not).
The book seems to be available already on Amazon.
It doesn’t say pre order either
The paperback is technically available, though I won’t start promoting it until official launch day so customers can see all the buying options at once.
What if Roosh is Cyrus the Great incarnate?
What’s it cost ?
I ordered mine on the UK Amazon site for £19.99
Should arrive tomorrow.
Looking forward to it.
Is that dollars or fake European Monopoly money ?