Human nature. It’s important. It’s how I’ve come to realize there are serious political and cultural snowball effects when a decision is agreed upon and implemented within society. After gay marriage was legalized, it wasn’t any time shortly after that you could be casted as a bigot for not supporting children who desired to attempt transitioning into the opposite sex. It can at least be observed a specific timeframe and the political on-goings which shortly led toward that sickening direction.
Same with feminism and female’s rights to vote. Now it’s considered socially acceptable and admirable that females be field cops and serve on the frontlines of war. There are political and cultural snowball effects to every single decision. It’s human nature at play. Why else does the mouse ask for a glass of milk? Because you gave him a cookie. Why is the little punk now staying at your house rent free? It started with a single cookie.
This may get controversial, and a lot of assumptions may be made. But I’m about to divulge things I’m not sure I’ve ever heard anyone else really talk about or write about. I’m about to divulge some thoughts, which some may be construed as outright negative, about the Founding Fathers.
The Founding Fathers Didn’t Understand Human Nature
The Founding Fathers are deified and glorified far too much. I believe their biggest flaw was believing a society, bound by ‘independence’ and ‘freedom,’ could honestly sustain itself for very long.
America is dying. She most likely will not survive another 100-200 years, if that. President Trump may halter the impending doom, but that’s all it may amount to. Nothing more than a temporary halt on the hell which awaits America. Radical individualism, egoism and a full-fledged capitalist mindset are, what I believe, led us here in 2018 America.
Now, I’m not suggesting I’ve turned full-fledged socialist, but from my observations, in accordance with human nature, capitalism cannot manifest in a real society and last very long. Neither can anarchy, libertarianism or communism. They all fly in the face of Nature and how She demands we operate.
Law and order must be maintained by some sense of force. Ragnar Redbeard himself wrote that there is the man who rules, and who is ruled over. That’s paraphrasing but accurate in representing his point. In nature there are rules and, if not followed, they become original sin sand eventually destroy society by crushing the latter generations.
The Founding Fathers Were Radical Revolutionaries
The big beef with Britain was taxation without representation, right? Well, I look around and I do not feel very represented. Hell, a percentage of my tax dollars go toward universities who’d legally discriminate against me due to merely being European-American. My tax dollars are being injected into socialist programs which I do not benefit from while border jumpers cash in on free meals. Taxation without representation much?
I most certainly understand the Founding Fathers aggression toward Britain. If I was in their shoes, I’d probably said fuck it and waged war. It’s understandable. But, to the contrary, what did they really accomplish? Many of the folks did not want war. A minority of men – I’ve heard it estimated around only 10% – wanted to throw their fist in the air and play little revolutionary. If I know anything about revolutionaries, they get a lot of people killed. On both sides.
The term ‘radical,’ in this sense, is obviously propaganda, as what is deemed ‘radical’ is in the eye of the beholder. What’s the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter? Depends on your level of power and/or position. It’s that simple. But, to get a tad ‘radical’ here, the Founding Fathers were terrorists by its given definition. They used both aggression and violence for a political purpose. And, again, what did they really accomplish?
Law and order are part of the animal kingdom. The human animal is only exempt due to the fact we seem to possess the ability to defy Nature and Her orders. But that defiance has severe comeuppances.
The Founding Fathers Gave The West A Death Wish
I cannot help but come back to this view that capitalism has its place for scrutiny just like communism, anarchy or libertarianism. They all four seem to believe humans can naturally work together and, for all of time, be peaceful amongst ourselves. Religion, race and differences in political ideologies have damn well made it clear that just isn’t the case. And, this I swear to you, never will be. Not ever.
Radical individualism sounds rad on the surface, sure. Myself, I do not like even walking or sitting in groups. I do not care to join the herd and march to the beat of your drum. It goes against my nature. But my intellectual side recognizes this more-so as a flaw and not a compliment. Then again, it depends on the productivity of the herd versus the destructivity of the herd.
Authentic Conservatism Cannot Last
The Founding Fathers could perhaps be, at least somewhat, categorized as anarchist, libertarians or conservatives. There are differences between these terms, sure. But self-governing seemed part of their gig. Self-governing, as I see it, is authentic conservatism, along with traditional roles, in the Western sense, between men and women. Being part of the Republican Party does not equate to authentic conservatism, in my view. You could be liberal as hell (as I’m sure many are) and be part of that damned party.
The conservative aims to be left alone and doesn’t tread on others. If your neighbor two blocks over has ten abortions every two years, the authentic conservative doesn’t care. As long as you don’t come stomping on their grass and banging on their door, why bother?
I believe it is the liberal mindset which aims to spread its ideology and ‘tolerance’ through force of government. An authentic conservative wants little government as possible. See where I’m going with this? An authentic conservative mentality ultimately gets destroyed because it bucks up against human nature by advocating for individualism on a highly irresponsible level. So, how does one achieve an actual conservative society?
By means of government. My intellectual side sees such flaw in attempting to limit government. It isn’t going away. Not ever. There will always be men who rule, and who are ruled over. Accept this hard fact. Now, that doesn’t mean one is liberal because they utilize government to enforce their beliefs or ethics, but it does suggest authentic conservatism is just as absurd as, to reiterate yet again, the likes of communism or libertarianism or anarchy. I firmly believe it cannot work.
These are just my thoughts. I’ve chewed them over for many hours on end. In truth, humans will always kill other humans. But I do believe some systems last far longer than others. I wish well we could all be bloody humanitarians and just be peaceful little angels. We are not. We are ruthless, we are vicious, we are animal.
Nature is watching. Find a way to adhere to Her, or perish.
Read Next: Ted Kaczynski’s Manifesto Predicted The Catastrophe From Technology And Liberalism
Don’t attack the founders this country was founded by white Protestants of good moral character for white Protestants of good moral character. But your right fag marriage is unconstitutional and women belong In the kitchen
I like the way you think
You Brits killed mah boy! So y’all gotta die and we get independent ‘Murica!
Damn redcoat bastards
Sure it was. You conveniently forget the Catholics like Charles Carroll, Daniel Carroll, and Thomas Fitzsimmons who signed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. You also forget the Catholic powers of France and Spain that gave you money, lots of it, and fought the Brits all over the world.
You protestants think you do everything by yourselves.
Go pray to your communist king in his stupid pointy hat
LOL. I remember that most of them, especially the French only got involved when they felt we had a chance of winning. Not from the beginning. Most countries, unlike modern oil loving America, don’t get involved in other people’s conflicts unless it A, benefits them. And B, has a reasonable chance of success in conquering a mutual foe.
Spare me the sanctimony. Every country over agitprops it’s history. Including every last one you stated.
Signed? You mean witnessed. Nobody signed the Constitution.
Forget this article. This is the only thing you need to know today:
White women love to stick their noses/beaks in my black bum crack, even when I haven’t wiped after ablution!!!
They would rather kiss my stink hole then kiss a white man’s lips.
Let that sink in.
You may proceed, gentlemen
You are dumber than don lemon and that’s saying get something
So they lick your bum crack that is full of shit than they kiss you on the lips….fucking gross dude. You’re a sick fuck.
I would rather they kiss your stink hole than my lips. You can keep all the white landwhales. You guys are the only ones that want them.
🙂 That was funny. You can have them. They’re all fat walruses we didn’t want anyways. That said, I’ve nailed numerous black women. They were hot by my standards too. One gave me a baby.
I didn’t get any complaints. And they always came back. Does that bother you?
By the way, I’m European American. Not white. Thanks. It’s like me calling you black. When you’re African American. BTW, sincere question, do you know which nation abducted your ancestors and sold them?
The Revolutionary War being fought over taxation without representation is a bit of a myth. Remember that Britain had spent large to knock the French out of Quebec to protect her citizens in the 13 colonies, and needed to recoup the investment she had made on their behalf. The Declaration of Independence was really the very first bit of fake news to come out of the East Coast US media spin machine, especially that bit about men being free. Men of the age were hardly free. Some of them cost over $1000, which was several years wages for most working folks. I think the real racism of the day was that only blacks were enslaved. In our globalized multi-cultural world, we understand that a successful organization cannot include members of just one race, so why not bring back slavery but open it up to every race? Imagine owning the Mexicans trimming your hedge, or the black guys growing your dope, or the Jewish guy doing your taxes, or the Asian dudes cooking your supper…
OK now. On this site I’m taught to hate Catholics, Slavs, Baby Boomers, anyone not white, and my aging Jewish neighbor down the block for everything wrong in the world. Who do you propose to engage as allies? As for Protestantism it has reformed itself all the way to cultural Marxism. How about once and former Protestant countries like those in Scandinavia and countries that historically had large Protestant populations such as the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. They are the most cucked white people of all. At least the Italians and the Slavs still have some fight left in them. Roosh this forum has turned into a full fledged disaster area, and you’re still pushing game. Game is dead. You don’t impress me as having much of it yourself but you do write very well on social, cultural and historical matters. That is where your future leadership should lie. This forum is now a disaster. Do you care?
Crawl back under your stone
This site has writers that push many agendas, with “racism” of all kinds
First of all, its not racism if its true.
Second, its always some truth mixed in with the bsd
All those posters you complain about are here because nowhere else will let them. Roosh truly follows Freedom Of Speech.
You just have to take the good with the bad.
What is with these anti-American and anti-capitalist posts on ROK lately?
I’m not sure probably buzzfeed trash coming here
The US government is run by criminals who pretend to be virtuous. It gives America a very bad name. The Zionist infiltration also runs deep. In the rest of the world, we look at this government with horror at how rogue it has become.
In fact, what America has become today would make the founding fathers vomit and be ashamed. Capitalism and democracy have been perverted, the Constitution trampled on and the rule of law split into a 2-tier “justice” system that more closely resembles a Banana Republic more than anything.
The thing is, the founding fathers warned about letting corporations and the government have to much power hundreds of years ago, and everything they warned against have been allowed to happen.
I suppose it comes from Daddy issues. Too many in the “manosphere” looking for Daddy Trump or “an elected king” to save them.
Conservatives want Daddy Government.
Liberals want Mommy Government.
Those who understand human nature and liberty don’t want to be controlled by far away capital cities.
they knew who the bad guys were…
but we were not able to keep the republic.
BTW: the chicks in the adds are getting better.
“America is dying. She most likely will not survive another 100-200 years, if that.” agreed. the american founding was an extraordinary feat but it required christianity to function. the seeds may have been planted long ago, albeit tacitly, but the ‘de-christianisation’ of america happened quite suddenly: the sixties were probably the apex of the liberation and dominance of our (((friends))) and the erosion of christian ethics and morality. it took (((them))) about two or three generations to rule. that’s just the way it is. i’d say, as this article states, that america has its days numbered. the spark that lights the bonfire will probably be an unacceptable transgression by the federal entities ie: paedophilia to be somehow decriminalized by the supreme court. as in the civil war, a fight between the union and states about the limits of federal supremacy vs state’s rights, this time resulting in the definitive fracturing of the union. and then it’s the han’s time in the spotlight.
what to do? one sounds like a broken record, and unfashionable too: become christians again, unapologetic and unashamed and in the open; thereafter, identify all that is anti-christian and oppose it, unapologetic and unashamed and in the open.
Drinking game: Go to any RoK article, especially one with a political bent, and count the number of (((echoes))) in the comments section. You’ll be in a coma in no time.
Like the French Revolution, the American Revolution created a new secular state, removing the authority of Christianity, and replacing it with ideals secretly promulgated by the secret societies.
Among the fifty-six American rebels who signed the Declaration of Independence, only six were not members of the Masonic Order. Their success lead to the establishment of the first modern secular state. The purpose of removing the role of religion from the state was ostensibly to limit the sort of persecution that had become habitual in Europe.
The Declaration of Independence was not written by Thomas Jefferson, who did not claim authorship until 1821. It was written by Thomas Paine, ideological hit man dispatched by Ben Franklin from Britain to America in 1774 to write COMMON SENSE and then the Declaration.
One of the most influential figures in the American Revolution was the writer, philosopher and scientist Benjamin Franklin. In February 1731, he became a Rosicrucian Mason and in 1734 Provincial Grand Master of Pennsylvania. While in France in the 1770’s, as a diplomat for the American colonies, Franklin was made Grand Master of the politically-oriented Masonic lodge called Neuf Soeurs in Paris.
Like Washington, the majority of the military commanders of the American revolutionary army, which fought the British during the War of Independence, were practicing Freemasons. George Washington was himself a high-ranking Mason. He had taken his first degree initiation at a lodge in Fredericksburg, Virginia in 1734.
So what do I have against a man in an apron and a pair of Capris?
Nothing, so long as he’s wearing the chunky heels and leggings that go with both.
One reason why Benedict Arnold switched sides was he was against allying with the French. England had offered home rule and he was for accepting it and ending the war early. The majority favored bringing in the French and continuing the war. This ultimately bankrupted France leading to the Revolution. Was that the real intention? Was all the time Benjamin Franklin spent in France serving another purpose. The Illuminati was formed only months before the Declaration of Independence. The French Revolution was only the first of many communist style Revolutions. All of South America, Mexico, and many European States had revolutions throughout the 19th century. The United States has been a useful tool for bringing about the NWO. How would both World Wars have turned out without American involvement? There were genuine Patriots during the American Revolution that truly believed in the ideals of freedom. But they were used by others in the know, then betrayed when the Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation.
Here’s an interesting alternative history novel that touches upon what might have happened if England’s offer of home rule had been accepted:
The Two Georges – Harry Turtledove and Richard Dryfuss – 1995/1996
Perhaps somebody like Netflix will turn it into a miniseries someday.
Hope this helps.
Just a thought.
I’d wave the Union Jack if I could get the same terms that Hong Kong had.
Pio Pico, the last Mexican governor of California, did not want to be ruled by Washington D.C. or Mexico City.
He wanted the Brits to take California.
California governed like Hong Kong…that would be wonderful.
It hardly created a secular state. Maybe a secular federal government but many states had official religions up until the late 1800’s or early 1900’s. See MA and ML for examples.
Once again, nobody signed the Constitution. They were all witnesses.
Capitalism could work. The problem is greed. Every politician, president, whole US government is bought by corporate. The large corporations really run this country and make up laws. 100 years later he we are.
Per Bill Bonner on Government:
“In short, it is used by the insiders to scam the outsiders. Those who control the government scam those who don’t. It goes to zombie industries – finance, health, education and the military. ”
In other words, Win-Lose deals, backed by threats of force.
Real Capitalism – the capitalism of Win-Win deals, offing up goods and services that people voluntarily want to buy – does work. No one, for example, *forced* you to buy the computer you’re using right now. (The crap Microsoft 10 OS is a different issue.)
Crony Capitalism – Corporatism – and it’s attendant rent-seeking behaviours is something else entirely. Take car insurance. Maybe you want to buy car insurance? And if you do, then OK, fine. But what happens to you if you don’t? We all know the answer to that one, for which you can thank the efforts of the Insurance Companies* and Tort Attorneys.
There are an endless list of other examples of rentier behaviours that distort our choices and the marketplace, and none of them Free Market.
Hope this helps.
Just a thought.
*The Auto Insurance Companies as a group were instrumental in keeping the 55mph speed limit – AKA The National Joke, ask you parents kids – in force far longer than was ever necessary. They funded the various “55 Saves Lives!” campaigns, tried to ban radar detectors, and actually gifted Radar Guns to numerous police departments. But it wasn’t about “Saving Lives.” Rather it was all about being to raise premiums on “Speed Scofflaws.” In short, Rent Seeking behaviour pure and simple.
This is a spoof article, right? Whineyman complains about the Founding Fathers and capitalism, while demonstrating that he doesn’t know squat about either.
If you didn’t bother to learn history or civics, you’re doing what this author does: amidst the regnant follies of final-stage culture war, you just “chew over” your own ignorant thoughts “for hours on end”. Fat lot of good that will do you, if your thoughts don’t include the facts of history, civics, biography or economics that you pretend to rip to shreds. (In your thoughts only, champ.)
For those who want to take responsibility, there’s this:
it’s the same guy who praised hijab.
Look at the UK, and then look at the USA. Where would you rather live?
Between the two, USA duh! The UK is currently trying to turn misogyny into a hate crime. They are also being vague about misogyny is.
Who knows, may be they UK police will imprison you in a few years time, under the guise of misogyny, for simply asking out a girl.
Unless you also identify as a girl, you bigot.
Our Founding Fathers spelled out the limits
of government’s influence over our lives.
But it’s only enforced with the strength of paper.
Kinda like the dollar. That is why small-time judges
have more power than the President. That is why
Fakeberg is as strong as many national governments entirely. There is nothing to bring them to heel,
but there is everything to bring you to heel.
The conclusion will not be anarchy,
but technotyranny and genocide.
No wonder men try to block it out
with eating healthy and exercising
while hunting and banging solid 3’s
Julius Caesar is on deck, waiting to come up to the plate.
Almost to a man, the so-called Founding Fathers were secret society members — Freemasons — who swore oaths to people best thought of as the enemies of mankind. As such, the Founding Fathers didn’t give a shit about the future of average Americans, which is reflected in the legalese use of CAPITALIZATION within the documents they wrote — the US Constitution (Articles of Confederation and Declaration of Independence). It was written for them and their cronies — ie. We, the People (in caps).
Now, I will concede, that around the year 1776, Freemasonry was a much different secret society that may have done more good than harm — which is in direct contrast to modern times, where it’s merely the in-club for the world’s most powerful psychopaths.
I would disagree that modern Freemasons, at least in the USA are psychopaths. I would say that the Freemasons at the time of the revolution would more likely qualify, if not as psychopaths then at least Luciferians. Modern Masons are just a social club with little or no interest in the Occult.
We can agree to strongly disagree. In the modern US, the lower 3 “blue” degrees of Freemasonry are filled with all the dupes who are told to do good deeds for PR reasons, although sometimes the good intentions are legitimate. The top degrees are filled with Luciferian psychopaths who enjoy doing things that would make a Billy Goat puke.
A Trump-voting women got upset when I said that women’s vote leads to conservatives having harder to win elections. She said that she and many other women she knows voted for Trump. I said to her: would you trade women’s suffrage to make the outcome of the election more favorable? If only men would be allowed to vote, that would make a Trump win in 2022 even easier, I said. She was silent. She got my point.
Seeing as the last time Donald Trump can run for President is 2020, I doubt male-only suffrage would help him much in 2022!
Taxation without representation meant that even though the American had to pay taxes as did the British citizens, they unlike British citizens, weren’t represented in British parlaiment. You’ve fundamentally misunderstood what ‘taxation without representation’. Same with many other topics you mention in this article, which you apparently only have a very shallow knoweledge of. Would it kill you to do some actual research beforehand, and not base the entire text on the few things you remember from history class? Maybe then it would actually be worth reading.
ROK has a good article about what it means to be an American Freemason.
Maybe the Founding Fathers had their flaws (just like everybody else) but I am sure that their fight was a real fight for freedom, unlike the so called French and Russian Revolutions like the system wants you to believe.
This article is coming from an INCORRECT viewpoint of history and current events. The very laptop this D bag is typing on is essentially the result of the foundation of the United States and the ability for individuals to create innovative products. This D bag doent understand that the United States in it’s current state today IS NOT THE SAME PRINCIPLES as the foundation. We currently live in a socialized country. THATS WHY THINGS ARE GOING TO SHIT.
The Founding Fathers were revolutionaries who permitted liberty to flourish in a way that had never been tried before, which is a great reason why America became such a great nation. However, in order for liberty to function, certain population characteristics must first be in place. Liberty is a principle that may apply to a people with relatively high intelligence and outstanding moral sentiment. Because of non-white immigration, welfare, and ease of life, America’s population has unfortunately become adulterated, and the principles which have guided our nation since the birth of the Constitution have been spat upon. Many of our current problems are thus inevitable reactions to this adulteration.
Correct. American civic nationalists say “I don’t care about the race of people in America as long as they agree with American values and ideals.”
…but what they fail to realise is that “values and ideals” are a product of the people of a nation…not the other way around.
You can lecture a Han Chinese about individual liberty all you want…but at the end of they day he is a born collectivist.
You can lecture an African all day about self-reliance…but at the end of the day he is still going to demand things from others or go out and take them.
You can lecture a Jew about the evils of tribalism and hatred of outsiders…but at the end of the day he is going to be a outsider hating tribalist.
The only race who created and maintained the precious “American values” that civic nationalist hold so dear is the one they are totally on board with doing away with. Once we go….all your precious “values and ideals” go with us.
To have liberty you must have a population that is genetically pre-disposed towards it.
A great scholarly work on this subject is Patrick Deneen’s “Why Liberalism Failed”. The book is less a musing and more a robust, philosophical work focusing on historical trends.
1. What the hell is Mel Gibson doing up there. He’s an actor/director, not a founding father. Put Jefferson, or Benjamin Franklin or John Adams up there. Sheesh!
2. “Full-fledged capitalist mindset.” True dat. We are experiencing the agonies of late-stage capitalism as I type this. Much of what is called “cultural Marxism” is really just the byproduct of capitalisms decay.
3. “Human nature”? Human nature is just a social construct. We’re all born pretty much as blank slates (sexual orientation might be the one exception to that). Greed, envy etc. are all products of life in a “civilized” society. For early man, hunter-gatherer man, it wasn’t an issue. This is what Rousseau meant when he said man is born free, but is everywhere in chains.
Only 1 thumb up and 6 thumbs down? Damned wet-behind-the-ears millennials.
SO failures by the current generations are the founding fathers fault. Yeah that makes sense.
Pretty much.
A few things America should have done:
– NEVER allowed women to vote
– Enforced/maintained racial and cultural (Christian) homogeneity
– Kept (((them))) OUT
– Humanely repatriated blacks back to Africa
– NEVER allowed women to vote (had to mention that one twice)
John Adams, our second President, stated that “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
He was onto something with that, which seems to be the key to the whole matter here.. So lately, society has been one big experiment of what happens when you make morality and virtue optional.
Wow, the author pondered several “hours” on this issue before scribbling this article. You need more years of experience, years of research and years away from a keyboard before you launch into something you know little about and understand even less.
Felt like I was reading the script to American History X
“Nature is watching. Find a way to adhere to Her, or perish.”
GOD is watching. Find a way to adhere to HIM, or perish.
Same concept.
The ultimate problem with government is that it relies on good human behavior, and humans are born sinful ever since Adam sinned. In him we all were corrupted. The choice in distributing government power, therefore, is over which group will avoid corruption the longest. The stronger the moral values, the longer it takes to fall. America was based on individual rights, but the assumption was that Good was the ultimate judge. With no ultimate judge, there is no absolute reason to do good.
Indeed, humans are imperfect and so the institutions we create are imperfect. How to keep crooks from running the show has been a big debate since Plato’s Republic. The Founders came a long way, but modern history shows us that they didn’t have the perfect answer.
Yeah, the American system is all effed up…it’s just that every other system ever tried in the history of mankind is effed up worse.
What has gotten into ROK lately? There is nothing more beta than a bunch of men crying out for some so-called “god-emperor” to save them. The Founding Father’s were not perfect but the system that they gave us is a hell of a lot better than the authoritarian alternative that most of the new writers here advocate for.
We need “an elected king”!
Libertarians are stupid!
We need a Big Daddy government in a government palace telling us what to do!
I would cuck my life for Trump if he drafted me…but not for Obama or Hillary!
Which would you rather have. A King that promotes morality, does not interfere in a man’s right to govern his own family, respects a man’s right to use his own property as he sees fit or a democratically elected government that promotes degeneracy and treats a man as a slave refusing him the right to run his family or use his property as he wishes?
Nigga please. Where has there ever been a king–and I’m talking absolute monarch, not ribbon-cutting figurehead that ever “promote[d] morality, [did] not interfere in a man’s right to govern his own family, respect[ed] a man’s right to use his own property as he [saw] fit.” That’s not just a unicorn, that’s a unicorn that farts rainbows.
The same people that told negative stories about Kings and Nobility are the same ones, well at least their descendants that promote the current degeneracy, claim men are evil oppressors of women, there are multiple genders etc.. They intend to rule over us so are natural protectors had to be eliminated. Be aware I am claiming the true King serves his people and protects them. Usurpers and conquerors are another matter, but while they oppress the conquered they still take care af their own people.
The American empire is definitely in decline. As to what happens 100-200 years from now, I will be dead.
What a shit article. Sucking Trumps dick, bashing capitalism. Getting as bad as the left with baseless rhetoric.
You’re only partly right. You need to read some Jay Dyer to get the rest of the way.
The author of this article is a moron. capitalism is word made up by that lazy, good for nothing Jew, Karl Marx.
As one wag put it (paraphrasing): “Within a mere a three years or so of the country being established, the founding fathers of the country had passed the Alien and Sedition acts restricting free speech and the father of the country raised an army to violently suppress some tax protesters out in Western Pennsylvania. It was directly downhill from there. “
Dont bash the founding fathers on the problems you are facing in todays world. They were REAL men. Isnt that what this whole site is about.
What makes you think that such a king exist? Also, would not such a king be opposed to ROK as well? It is not like this site is in a position to lecture the world on Christian morality.
How about this? You and your “men who rule” should just get the fuck out of my neck of the woods and leave me the fuck alone?
I traveled the world as a soldier, fought in combat zones and honed my skills for eight years. I don’t need your protection.
I collect thousands of gallons of rainwater per month and effortlessly make it potable. I don’t need your water “system” (that you require me to have).
My house is well lit with flame every time the power (that you require me to hook up to) goes out, which is frequent. Two days it was down for five hours, and the weather wasn’t even bad. Every other morning I wake up and have to reset the oven clock after the power went out the night before. Just cut me off. I’ll be fine.
I homeschool my kids, and they are currently using a curriculum two grades ahead of them and excelling. That includes the six year-old.
I grow, hunt and fish 85% of what my family consumes, and I’ve stocked away (and rotate) a large storage of food. I can easily ramp that production up to 110% of what we consume. I don’t need your grocery stores.
I have five figures of ammo for every firearm in my house, except 12g, which is in the four figures.
I feel no need to continue. So again, how about you “men who rule” just fuck off and go find someone else to rule?
Whether certain founding fathers had their own interests at heart over the people, is debatable. Alexander Hamilton was definitely a Rothschild plant who brought about the First Bank of the United States (a Central Bank) in 1791.
But, any awake American would take a Patrick Henry, James Madison, John Adams, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, or George Washington over these babyboomer piles of excrement we have today: John Kerry, Marco Rubio, Chucky Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Maxipad Waters, Clapper, Brennan, Mueller, Clinton, Comey, Richard Perle, Jeff Sessions, and 9/11 era Michael Chertoff, Michael Mukasey, Ben Bernanke, Hank Paulson, Timothy Geithner, and a anyone who has served in a government office the past 30 years.
You delete my posts but keep Well Endowed Black Man’s sick post…Fuck your site! Fuck your game!
You say the Founding Fathers didn’t understand human nature? If you take them at face value you might think so. If you look beneath the surface and see that they were Freemasons, Deists and in many cases unrepentant white supremacists while the people they demonize (like King George) wren’t that bad and were actually decent people, you’s see they understood human nature quite well.
According to Ralph Epperson’s Amercian’s Secret Destiny, America was designed (according to Rosicrucian Francis Bacon’s The New Atlantis) and built as a Masonic social engineering project that had a built-in expiry date (roughly 500 years). Its original emblem wasn’t the bald eagle, and but was the phoenix (sometimes mistakenly identified as a turkey), a mythical bird that immolated itself on a funeral pyre and them rose from its own ashes once every 500 years or so.
Get the picture? This whole country is fake, as are its history (still a British colony despite what you’ve been misled to believe), its institutions, its wars, its culture, everything.
It’s a sinking ship. Long past time to bail or be dragged under.
Capitalism IS human nature. All these middle ground fallacy nonsense about how capitalism and socialism are both extremes and that the former should be tamed has done nothing but harm to our civilization with more and more nanny state BS that turns men into children and women into whores.
You can’t have a non-capitalistic society that is masculine or patriarchal. No real man will go to suck the state’s teat as soon as a problem comes up instead of dealing with it by himself. Masculinity is about achievement, excellence and, above all, inherently individualistic.
“Capitalism is bad” my ass, you’re just pandering to underachievers.
The Founding Fathers thought was informed by writings dating back to ancient Greece. The Constitution is a study in human nature.