Instagram Is Jumping The Shark

College Humor makes fun of Instagram users in the above video with such viciousness that I wonder if it will turn fans off from the service.

I tried to use Instgram earlier this year. I thought its hipster filters were cool because it made my low fidelity images look like they’ve aged dozens of years in a basement shoe box, but in the end I got no value from it. I really didn’t care to view photos of what other people were eating or seeing. I didn’t care about the everyday-irony that exists in the world. I didn’t care to share insignificant images of my life experience.

It turns out that Instagram is no more than an outlet for women to attention whore. While in the past a girl would have to manually upload any bathroom self-shot of herself  to Facebook, Instagram gives women a one-click option to get adoration from her internet fans. Proof that it’s utterly useless for men is the fact that they can’t even get laid from it, something that you can at least do on Facebook.

If you want to be serious about photography, buy a camera and take real pictures. In the end, no self-respecting man would actively maintain an Instagram account. Thumbs down all the way.

Read Next: Women Who Own iPhones Lose The Ability To Love

18 thoughts on “Instagram Is Jumping The Shark”

    1. I think Pinterest is better because it’s about curating things instead of attention whoring. It’s actually a pretty good site to get style ideas.

  1. The world has gone ghey. Not homosexual; I mean ghey. It’s gone so ghey even Elton John can’t take it anymore.

  2. “If you want to be serious about photography, buy a camera and take real pictures.”
    -People who are actually into photography use Flickr, from which they often end up on tumblr.

  3. I don’t think I’ve ever been to Instagram. Nothing about it has every interested me enough to type the URL into my address bar. I’ll check the College Humor video.

  4. As a man from former soviet union I automatically assume that Instagram has something to do with quick shots of vodka.
    You all here lose some thousand man points for knowing what it is actually.

  5. Instagram illustrates a key difference between men and women: Men only enjoy attention and get validation with what they’ve DONE: win a sport, write a witty blog post, bang a dime. Nobody gives a fuck if a man posts a pic of himself in a funny situation or looking good.
    Women mostly enjoy attention and get validation just for who they ARE: pretty, popular, or for her interests. A pretty girl on Instagram posting photos of herself can get hundreds of followers while doing nothing of value. Women attention-whore on Instagram and everywhere else because women constantly need little pats on the head telling them them they’re “worthy” without any accomplishments.

    1. Bingo, therein lies one of the key differences between men and women, men are who are they by DOING. Women are who they are just because
      Tom leykis did a great episode on this, “What are the critieria for a being a gentleman?” What defines one? Women went on a tirade, but ofcourse when he said “What defines a lady?” they kind of just said…well you just have be there and look pretty.

    2. Because men GIVE them that attention. Just go to your average female’s social media account and look at her photos. Tons of men supplicating and complimenting her thinking it will get them in her pants. It’s pathetic really. You will rarely see a woman in her flock of orbiters feeding her attention. Of course not. It’s man. Always man.
      Men hold other men to a higher standard (based on accomplishments) but hold women to a different standard (based on looks). I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with it but it is almost basic biological instincts. There’s nothing to complain about when they can meet that standard easily. If men want women to stop attention whoring, they have to stop feeding them said attention in the first place. I don’t predict that happening anytime soon because there’s an endless supply of clueless men out there.
      A lot of men willingly give away all their power, will stab another man in the back or abandon their morals and ideals once they think spot a woman or think they have a chance at banging her.
      A man’s most powerful tool is his attention but most men are too stupid to realize it. They give it away willy-nilly.

  6. It turns out that Instagram is no more than an outlet for women to attention whore. While in the past a girl would have to manually upload any bathroom self-shot of herself to Facebook, Instagram gives women a one-click option to get adoration from her internet fans.

  7. To be honest, this video made me want to instagram… i know they were trying to shame it, but it makes it so easy to share shit you see.

  8. That’s one of the reasons why I refuse to join Instagram. I’m not giving the attention whores the satisfaction. I’m too stubborn for that…

    1. If only we all thought like this. I have one but it’s pretty much useless.

  9. i dont agree that this has no use for a sel respecting man because a redpiller could easily manipulate the female psyche through instagram to become more desirable in their eyes. this would be done through the accumulation of the much sought after “follower to following ratio” consider the average male has about 400 followers and 300 ppl he is following, if another male had 1200 followers that are primarily female and then only 300-400 people he is following, would this not look like a more desirable male in their eyes?

  10. I only focus on art on Instagram. I like posting my own works and seeing works in progress from my favorite or newly-discovered illustrators. Sometimes the occasional model makes a nice reference for a sketch. But if I were a photographer, I’d find much better places online to spend my time.

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