As our society rots in peace along with the materialism and hedonism that comes with it, it is becoming clear that the only way to bring back true masculinity is to return to our warrior roots. Men were meant to battle for domination and conquest, and the fact that our modern society has relegated us to be useful money-making drones is what’s leading to the degradation of masculinity. It is no wonder that we are all lost as to what our true purpose is in this world.
Masculinity is man’s capacity to be a warrior
While there is much debate as to exactly what constitutes masculinity, I believe that it is defined primarily by men’s capacity as tribal warriors just as wolves are defined by their ferocity and their propensity to hunt in packs. You simply cannot be a man without being a warrior.
Now, some will disagree and say that you don’t have to be a warrior to be a masculine man. They will point to men of accomplishment in areas of money-making, creativity, and philosophy. But we should remember that being talented and great doesn’t necessarily make you masculine. These are different qualities.
Some others (especially the MGTOW crowd) associate masculinity with making scientific breakthroughs and contributing to the technological advancement, bringing up examples of Newton, Nietszche, Tesla, and so on. While their profound minds are admirable and their genius is undeniable, can we really say that these men were masculine?
To take a more modern example, we all saw what happened to the scientist Matt Taylor when he was targeted by feminists over a shirt he wore: he broke down into tears. While men certainly have higher logic than women and more productive minds, I wouldn’t tread too far and say that intelligence alone makes one masculine.
Masculine traits as warrior traits
Manhood is intrinsically connected to testosterone and testosterone is what fuels us to assert our violent will against the world. If you analyze all the core traits of masculinity, you’ll realize that they all correspond to traits that are both necessary attributes of warriors and cultivated through fighting as one. Those are:
- Physical strength and skills necessary for combat.
- Endurance, resilience, and the power of the will.
- Bravery and decisiveness in the face of danger.
- Stoic disposition and mental toughness.
- Discipline and austerity.
- Propensity for violence and aggression.
- The drive for dominance and power.
- Focus on a mission and a sense of purpose.
- Intelligence and cunningness.
- Honor and loyalty.
It’s also no surprise that many warrior traits are related to the Dark Triad traits that women find so irresistible, which explains why serial killers seem to activate a deep-seated sexual attraction within many women. To take another recent example, a woman who was working for the FBI flew to Syria to marry an ISIS fighter she was investigating. I guess all the other clean-cut, male agents in suits she was working with didn’t exude the raw and untamed masculinity of an Islamist soldier.
But even without such extreme examples, the facts are clear: women love and respect violent men who possess the warrior spirit. Just ask the wives of Vikings and Samurais if they ever thought about cheating on their husband or asking for equality.
Warriors are the backbone of a strong and healthy society
While many lament the demise of nationalism and traditional nuclear families, I would say that the disintegration of strong male groups is, by far, the greater calamity that is leading to the societal decline that we are witnessing all around us. In fact, hierarchical male order is the backbone of a strong and stable social order that allows vigorous national identity and patriarchal family formations to thrive. You can’t have nationalism and nuclear families without there first being men who are warriors.
Of course, the problem is that there is no need for strong group of organized men in today’s consumerist society. Our “civilization” has disintegrated male order in favor of an atomized population that is easier to exploit as economic units by the elites. Masculinity is becoming systematically obsoleted.
Being a warrior gives man a sense of purpose
Unfortunately I can’t remember nor find the the journal I’m referring to here from years ago, but the gist of the psychological study I had read showed that young European men in the military enjoyed the time they served as they were better adjusted, healthier, and formed deep social bonding with each other. They actually liked going through a routine, being told what to do, and having a sense of purpose. But once they were discharged and back home, many started to become lazy, unmotivated, and even depressed to a point of not wanting to get out of their beds.
While we use Alpha-Beta divide to (wrongfully) distinguish between masculine men and men who are emasculate and supplicating to women, we should remember that Alpha-Beta actually refers to male hierarchy (the actual antonym of alpha males would be the omega males). In the primal world, being a beta doesn’t mean that you aren’t masculine, but that you are subordinate to the alpha leader. Beta males are capable warriors in their own right and often challenge the alpha to become the new leader.
Knowing this, you have to wonder just how many “betas”—from effeminate cucks to frustrated youth full of angst—are merely men who never had a chance to be led by a strong male leader. When we don’t live in a warrior society, when we don’t have any brotherhood to belong to, we become lost and without a purpose like the European men who had just gone out of the military.
Men long to be warriors
I have a new friend who told me how much he loves the television series, Vikings. On a whim, I asked him if he wished he could live like a viking. His face brightened up and he answered with a resounding “Yeah!” And this is a shy and awkward young man who grew up under a domineering sister and without a father, a classic “beta” who barely works out and spends his free time watching anime. But in spite of it all, hidden inside his heart was his desire to be a warrior.
All men strive to become warriors whether they know it or not. They are fueled by the same testosterone that makes them desire sex. We know that boys who reach puberty want sex without ever having experienced it before as it is one of our core primal drive. The same is true for men and their desire to be warriors—it is something that is imprinted in our genes.
Why else do you think men enjoy aggressive sports and video games? Why else would men enjoy watching tribalism and violence through movies and television shows like The Expendables and Walking Dead? What other motive would push men to train in MMA, shoot guns, and join a gang or the military?
We all long to be warriors and we all enjoy the adventure, brotherhood, and the excitement that comes with it. The problem is that all we have today are surrogate activities as we no longer live in a warrior society.
Surrogate activities and compensations
As our society discourages and forbids our primal drives, it’s no surprise to see hordes of men dedicating themselves to surrogate masculine activities to compensate for their inability to actualize their lives as warriors. And those drives are often exploited by governments and corporations for their own gain. Masculinity has become commercialized.
Think about it: what are competitive sports if not surrogate activities that simulate war? The most popular sports are the ones where two opposing group of men, the modern-day gladiators, fight for victory in a controlled battlefield. And they exist for the sole purpose of keeping men’s testosterone in check by providing them an outlet to vent out their masculine energy while profiting from it.
The same can be said of other forms of entertainment. It’s not by accident that men love television shows and movies that depict violence, survival, and power struggle. And the most popular video games for men are RPG’s and first-person shooters where the player is a warrior in an adventure or a solider in war.
The compensatory activities also extends to other areas such as bodybuilding, money-making, picking-up women, Internet tribalism, and political struggles. They all use fragments of our warrior traits to achieve a section of our masculine needs. But they are never complete for they don’t honor our core identity that is buried deep within us. Surrogate activities cannot bring us contentment.
We should open our eyes and realize that all the hyped-up, macho entertainment exists only to keep us doused. No matter how many “masculine” and “red pill” films you watch, they will not make you a man for the same reason watching a marathon of martial arts films isn’t going to turn you into a Kung Fu master.
Masculine Intellectualism as just another surrogate activity
It wasn’t long ago that I wanted to read classic works like the Iliad, Count of Montecristo, Fight Club as well as the philosophical works of Seneca, Nietzsche, and Evola—not to mention the countless history books that recount the achievements of men. But now I find myself wondering: what the hell for? What will they add to all the works that I’ve already read? For example, I’m currently reading a book from the manosphere circle that is highly rated, but I find it far too trite to continue.
I used to believe that reading books, especially the timeless tomes of our forefathers, was a worthy task in cultivating our masculinity. And it is—up to a point. The problem with indulging in books is that it doesn’t take long before it turns into just another surrogate activity, one that traps your ego high up in the ivory tower. It becomes an exercise of intellectual masturbation to satisfy one’s own deep-seated longings: a way to escape from the modern degeneracy so that one can take refuge in words and thoughts instead of fighting in the real world in flesh and blood. It is just another way of compensating for our inability and unwillingness to move the world around us.
No book will ever compensate for lack of experience in real life. The brutal truth is that even if we spend our entire lives reading thousands of books on masculinity and the lives of great men from history, none of it will actually make us a masculine man, let alone change the society and culture. It’s safe to say that one month of fighting in a brutal war will harden a man into masculinity more than decades of reading “manly” books.
We have to admit to ourselves that we read and write on the topic of masculinity as a compensatory activity because our society prohibits us from exercising our warrior spirit. I’m sure that without the life-time of social conditioning that has made us passive and weak, most men would jump at the chance to live a life of a warrior instead of just reading and writing about it just like how no healthy man would prefer watching porn over real sex. And that’s exactly what “masculine” literatures are: porn for men who thirst for a masculine existence.
We have been robbed of our way of life
Much is said about how men today are turning into low-T betas and cucks, but why should they be any different? What motivates them to keep their masculinity sharp? The men of today’s West live in infinitely peaceful conditions and live in a culture that values safety over bravery. And since our society has no need for warriors (save for the professionals who will fight like dogs for the elites), they have absolutely no incentive to be masculine except when it’s time to pretend being tough for ego-validation.
For today’s technology-addicted, materialistic, and “progressive” men, maintaining masculinity is like still wearing a coat when it is summer. They have no use for masculinity and they don’t want to make the effort to cultivate it. The women, in turn, have no reason to respect men and behave feminine, which explains why our society is becoming more androgynized with each passing day.
And what about men who still value their masculinity? What serious options do we have? There are almost none. We have been robbed of our lives as we’ve been trained from childhood to serve a matriarchal system with “tolerance” and “equality” as our religion. The society doesn’t want us to be men; it wants us to become mere cogs for its machines. It wants us to be tied down to some soul-sucking and meaningless jobs.
I personally lament the fact that I never got to experience being a warrior in my youth. And what other meaningful activity should I be pursuing in my short life? I’m not interested in writing endlessly to vent out my repressed masculine drive; I’m not interested in making money or chasing “success” to compensate for emasculation; I don’t want to develop blabbering skills to attract women; I don’t want to continue pissing my life away on the Internet; and I certainly won’t be wasting any more of my time with entertainment and books.
My only real opportunity to be a warrior is to join the armed forces of a country I have no love for (Canada) just to be shipped out to fight people whom I have nothing against. And that is pretty much the choice of all men in the West: your only outlet to be a true warrior is to be a pawn for the state, risking your life in wars to benefit the globalists.
So, to answer the question: Can men be masculine without being warriors? The answer is yes and no. I suppose if you engage in just the right surrogate activities, train aggressively like a fighter, and put yourself through many life experiences that challenge your mind and body, you could simulate being a warrior and develop the masculine traits listed above. But ultimately, it will not be authentic and men as a whole (on average) will continue to be stripped of their masculinity.
Warrior is the only way for a man to be and all our social problems related to masculinity can be attributed to the decline of warrior culture. Any and all talk of defeating feminism and restoring masculine order is futile until we are willing to become warriors again.
Read Next: 10 Masculine Virtues That Went To The Grave With Our Grandfathers
Yes, Goy: join the military to kill other White men. Meanwhile, your government will bring in lots of African and Middle Eastern men to screw your women after you’re dead.
50 million Europeans killed in ww2 is justified with the quirk “we’d all be speaking German if we didn’t win that war”
Well now those nations enjoy a torrent of ‘refugee’s’ that will permanently destroy their homelands, people and embrace a degeneracy the world has never seen.
Honestly, German ain’t a bad language. My grandparents spoke it.
Hitler may not have been right, but he was less wrong than we like to believe.
Living under the Third Reich still would have sucked.
I guess that all depends on how Deutsch you are, and whether Germany expanded to capture your country. Pre-war documents seem to suggest that there wasn’t so much an expansionist agenda for the Third Reich as a “Don’t tread on my people” agenda (and they REALLY didn’t like the communists – that land war with Russia was a poor strategic move).
How much worse could it really be than the modern Germany? I can’t see a successor to Herr Hitler opening the floodgates of invaders, for example.
The problem with the Nazis was their wacky ideology, their overt paganism and his belief in superiority of Germanic peoples. Hence Germans, English or Nordics==Good. Latins (italians, spaniards) == likely to be subjugated. Slavs/rest of the world ==slated for enthralment and/or extermination.
Hence his divisions were received in the East with flowers and expelled by fire.
Don’t tell that to Balkaner!
I’d rather live in Bismarcks Reich than in Adolf’s “Tausendjähriges Reich”.
War with Russia was inevitable, whether in 1941 on the offensive or 1942 on the defense in Germany’s industrial heart (unlike Russia Germany didn’t have thousands of km as buffer between its borders and its industrial centers). One if not the greatest tragedy of the twentieth century’s Germany was the overthrowing of its monarchy, due to the cowardice of Wilhelm and the conspiracy of forces within Germany itself that would rather see Germany utterly destroyed than ruled by someone but themselves.
Even do.. war completely destroy their country … in less than half century… they rebuild their country… and now are one of the best countries to live on… so they are in some way superior to for example latin americans countries that never had catastrophic wars on them…
“Latins (italians, spaniards, et al) == likely to be subjugated.”
Roman Empire anyone ?
And according to some history books he wanted to exterminate everyone who was not blonde haired and blue eyed. I guess that included himself.
Hahaha, those are hyperbole and lies, however you should read Mein Kampf and the writings of his “spiritual mentors” especially Rosenberg, then you will come to a better understanding of his mindset and why he lost the war. There is an interesting book, called
Hitlers Tischgespräche im Führerhauptquartier
from which I’ve only read quotes, I’ll have to buy it but as far as I’ve heard is one of the few instances you will get to know Hitler’s opinions. Curiously is not cited often in the regular literature.
The problem is mindset and their package of lies is very different from the narrative Latinamericans have to endure. Starting with the victim mentality. When you are a victim, you can’t do anything glorious or worthwhile. Start believing sincerely you are an eternal victim and well, you get what you get. The first lie is that Spain plundered your countries.
The Germans like most Slavs were not fond of Gipsies that resided in Slavic nations. It is my opinion there has been distortion or confusion on this matter.
Many thousands of Slavs were taken in as refugee’s by the Nazi’s. Unfortunately a lot of them were killed by allied fire bombing in the city of Dresden.
That is correct, they tried to make friends with some Slavs…almost at the end of the war. There has been a lot of misinformation in this topic. Not many people know that by the end of the war there were Arab and even Mulatto units in the Wehrmacht due to the loss of man power. Had they tried to appeal to the Slavs, specially Russians and offer them freedom from Stalin’s hellish tyranny instead of enslavement and death, the course of war for good or ill would have been very different.
The Russians/mongols were under some intense propaganda and fear from their (((leaders)))
Not to mention the massacre’s and rapings to the unprotected German towns in the north. The German villagers being strung up on crosses in mock crucifixions. Appealing was not really an option.
A lot of Slavs opposed the communist threat and saw the Zionist menace for what it was. I don’t believe Germany took numerous refugee’s as a desperate bid to ‘make friends’ as you suggest.
The greatest irony is that this guy has a street named in his honor in Berlin.
Of course appealing WAS not an option in 1944 let alone in f***ing 1945!
Nazi = Natiolal SOCIAISM.
Hitler was a leftist.
A different breed, no doubt. We can look at some of his policies and derive an understanding of exactly where he would fall on the whole leftist scale:
– Immigration – we saw how non-Germans were treated in Nazi Germany in the lead up to WWII, so we’ll say NO or HEAVILY REGULATED
– Social Control of Financial Markets – here it gets a bit trickier. He was anti-Communist, but he did believe in “Germans helping Germans” (a bit of a paraphrase, but close to his speeches). How this would have evolved is up to anyone’s interpretation, but his speeches seem to reflect more a culture of charity than a modern welfare state.
– Societal Control via Propaganda, etc. – Here, he’s very authoritarian, but that’s less a right-vs-left divide than a liberty-vs-control divide. For the sake of polarization, though, we can choose to call this leftist.
– Family – The Nazis were very into eugenics, and a lot of their propaganda encourages the Deutschefraulein (terrible at German) to marry a strong German man and bear him many children. We’ll put this one closer to the right than the left, I think.
– Imperialism – not exactly a right-or-left divide, either, as imperialist ambitions are found everywhere. However, as the Weimar suffered under the thumb of the Allies, we can assume something like the E.U. would not have been appreciated. In addition, depending on which primary sources you read, there may have been more limited imperial ambition than we tend to believe.
I concur, I’d rather not live in a Nazi state if the American state envisioned by our forefathers was still an option. However, I strongly suspect that the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei would more likely ally with the Alt-Right than the Control-Left, for reasons like those expressed above.
“Family – The Nazis were very into eugenics, and a lot of their propaganda encourages the Deutschefraulein (terrible at German) to marry a strong German man and bear him many children. We’ll put this one closer to the right than the left, I think.”
The National Socialists encouraged women to have sex out of wedlock (as long as it was with an aryan man), get pregnant, and turn the baby over to the state to raise.
This was about self-improvement and embracing your nature. Don’t make this about anything else.
Join the military? Why? To get my head shot off by a Gook sniper in a coconut tree? I don’t care about whether Koreans or Vietnamese go Communist. Not my people, not my problem.
If we had won the Korean war, we would not have to deal with the threat of a nuclear-armed communist North Korea.
ISIS are not soldiers: they are permitted to exist. If America wanted to, it could wipe ISIS out in 1 single day. ISIS is permitted to exist and supplied to justify American actions abroad. If America brought the same ferocity to bear as it did against Germany, ISIS would be gone in a single day.
Israel wants an Isis victory and a crippled Syria
If you join the military today, you will be used to spread ideas like “tolerance” and “equality”
delivered via drone
Hunting and MMA are good substitude, as a beguinning.
Deer haven’t ruined my country. Why would I want to harm them?
In fairness they taste better than terrorists.
Has Pabst calmed down enough that I can unblock him yet?
no. still with the simpsons clips and how great korn and limp biskit were
Fuck sake
We have different standards.
We have standards?
Those bands need to merge, if only so that we can finally have a band named Limp Kornbiscuit.
Damn, that’s a good band name…
That would fulfill the Prophesy.
O happy Day!
Then Limp Kornbiscuit needs to die in a fiery tour bus crash.
You’ve probably been preparing terrorists wrong.
they taste like moose jerky
You eat a lot of moose?
Ill have you know moose jerky is a staple in the nyc’ers diet. also: cronuts
So you’re implying that it is only justifyable to wage war if the people you’re fighting against have done something to “ruin [your] country”?
That’s retarded.
I guess all the great conquerers of history were such bad, terrible oppressors. By your logic, the Pilgrims were not justified in waging war against native American tribes to conquer and take control of the land. After all, the native Americans did nothing to “ruin” England.
You don’t want them to eat your crops.
Even the great conquerers were terrible oppressors , who cares ? What’s important is that they were great…and European.
i agree with you, in case you didnt realize.
i was not aaying that the great white conquerers of history were evil, i was merely pointing out to the previous commenter that HIS LOGIC would lead to that conclusion.
No you missed the point. It is stupid because you’re doing it for globalism interests and blue pulled cuckoldry. Fuck dying for that shit.
They weren’t just European. They were Westerners. Balkaners didn’t conquer shit. Leave the men’s work to the Atlantic facade, Djordje.
We were the Byzantine Empire , the backbone of the Ottoma Empire and played an important role in the Roman Empire. All of them conquered a lot. Also the European civilisation was born in Balkans. Try again faggot.
In case you didn’t realise , I said it’s ok even if they were evil. It’s how nature works.
Who eats the limp biscuit?
Because when you kill with respect, consume all of your prey, you became a better man. You expand your real Self.
And this works even better if you hut animals instead of Leftists.
You either join the crops or the Corp
Its interesting how regular folks, including cucks support it when the military invades some foreign country, and soldiers kill someone that never personally did anything to them. Think about it, sending soldiers to Iraq to kill Iraqis, it makes no sense. The Iraqis are not going to give flowers to people coming into their country with tanks and cannons, they are going to have a natural response which is to fight back.
At the same time these same people will be outraged when an ordinary citizen tries to protect themselves or a family member from someone who actually wants to harm them.
You would be a real warrior if you went to Italy and commanded a vessel to find a way to prevent refugees from bringing brought to shore. Unfortunately, the Italian officials find all sorts of ways to prevent you from doing that including refusing to allow your ship to use a harbor or dock. Hell, the Navy will open fire on you but won’t open fire on the invading migrants.
Ah, don’t worry, Italians aren’t really white anymore anyway. They have been polyglot mixed-race since at least when the Moors fucked all their broads, so surely they don’t mind letting Arabs deep dick their womyns now.
That’s Southern Italians. Northern Italians are white.
I’m 1/4 Italian. My grandmother was born in Genoa. She is 100% white.
The Guido “Jersey Shore” Italians make all Italians look bad.
So what if they aren’t white? Muh white rice faggots have already been outted as crypto-fedoras and vagina worshipppers long time ago.
Only fool would look for real experience or “masculinity” either in books or in video. Books are just tool to acquire knowledge (learn trades, languages, acquire insights etc.), entertain yourself or train the mind. Nothing more. Once someone forgets this little fact, only then can reading become harmful in the way you describe.
I agree that there are numerous surrogate activities in the present society. I also agree that some pursuits are fairly neutral rather than purely masculine. But the warrior lifestyle should come with an understanding that soldiers are often indoctrinated and/or have no other choice than to join the army. That is the case with various European and Asian conquerors. The Japanese slaughered mulitiple civilians because they thought that they served Hirohito, the empror and sun god, and had a chance to come to the Yasukuni shrine if they fought for this idea.
The problem with warriorism is, among other things, that it does only serve honor and loyalty which is particular and very often imposed and arbitrary. So if the Japanese slaughter Pinos they are indeed loyal to the idea (which is made up of psychopaths and/or a might is right princuple) but at the expense of other people.
Also, it is numbers and/or technology that win war, not sheer masculine skills and energies. Plus soldiers – also in civilized countries such as Japan and the West – have often been real pussies who rape and kill women, children, the ill and old ones and are not much better than savages.
Fuck the rulers. I would only fight for a country if I must and/or if it is a worthy cause (that I have realized by my intellect, not caprice). However, self-defense with and without guns are masculine, and closely connected to a building a family and supporting them.
It is actually Testosterone Collapse that leads to Sex Wars for dominance and submission under fascist, feminist and communist regimes, as seen in the 1930’s:
Hitler ‘had tiny deformed penis’ as well as just one testicle, historians claim
Hitler suffered from a condition called hypospadias which left him with an abnormally small manhood, according to historians Jonathan Mayo and Emma Craigie
I explain this cycle in my book and recent article on Testosterone and Civilization:
and if they won, he’d have a ding dong the size of john holmes’ and a third ball
the victor writes the history
Better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.
It is also good to have a garden, and even better to be a warrior in it that can garden.
Absolutely. And make no mistake their are still warriors among us! The warriors job in the garden is to keep the gardener on track, remind him that order keeps the garden productive, and his propensity for violence keeps the wolves from eating all the vegetarians.
didnt hear jack squat about the american agent who flew off to marry the enemy in our media. this story has Oscar written all over it
True…but it would lose to “Moonlight 2”. Or “Crash 2”. Or “Holocaust Movie 198”.
I’m semi-detached from movies in general, but I can’t recall hearing anything about any Holocaust movies as of late. Seems odd now that I think about it, they spent decades smashing us over the head with that bullshit, and now it just kind of disappears? Or is it still there and I’m just not seeing it given as I don’t really go to movies or watch television?
They are mostly taking it as rote that we all cower at the mention of the H-bomb.
Heh, that’s a peculiar view to hold. I don’t give a shit about it, and whenever I hear people starting to whine on about “the Holocaust” I always sooth them with “Yes, the Armenian Christians took it really hard didn’t they?” or “Indeed, we should always keep the horrors perpetrated at Holodomor firmly in the front of our minds”.
Cave ab homine unius libri – beware the man of one book.
I’ve got like 3 books and some pamphlets. Am I good?
Lose the pamphlets, and we’ve got a deal
Dude, my pamphlets are legit.
“Famous Jewish Sports Legends”?
I think that’s a flier…or a matchbook cover.
“How to Gain 30 pounds of Muscle in 3 Months.”
I got that one out of a fortune cookie. My lucky number is apparently 6 million!
Jew are one lucky dog, my man…
….next up on ROK
The pamphlet industry wont touch that – gotta bring it here!
I never heard of it either until today, the only thing that could keep it from being an Oscar winning story is that she left the black German isis fighter and came back.
On second thought though, the left will give her extra points for mud-sharking and flying off to terrorist country from the evil oppressive US.
Modern day warriors are entrepreneurs. They risk a lot, they make up their own rules, they think outside the box, they act very predatory towards their competition, and they run the risk of total bankruptcy and ruin, which in this modern world is akin to death.
You are so right. And it is indeed a skill.
Join the military to become masculine? ……that shit ain’t gonna work.
The military experience can identify and foster the surpessed Manly Man that exists in all of us!
I’m not anti-military by any stretch of the imagination.
With that being said, I have seen some guys join and it helped give them direction in life but, the ones who were whiney bitchboys when they joined still were when they got back.
sure, some cases are just hopeless.
“Some men you just can’t reach”.- Boss Keene.
I don’t think I agree with that. Lots of young men get no exposure in youth to the type of training and skills that they later develop in the military. With that experience one can usually will see an awakening of the inner warrior. Not for all, but for many.
My impression is it gives some of a them a sharper edge but, they already had an edge when they showed up.
I have to add- the below comment isn’t from experience it’s from the outside looking in and the impression I got from working with a lot of ex-military in a former job.
Nonsense. I joined when I was 17 yrs old, and had to step up REPEATEDLY to make the cut (graduated basic training, was the honor soldier, graduated jump school, joined an airborne unit, learned how to lead a team, then a squad, then a platoon etc.). I’d say the military makes, or at least used to make, a lot of good men.
So you weren’t masculine when you joined?
Good article and I agree with most of it. I would add something about the necessity to distinguish between a real warrior, a real alpha male, and the phony tough guy…the cartoonish alpha male. There are plenty of fakes out there. don’t be fooled or manipulated. Put your alleged red pill capabilities to the test.
“An example of a modern day warrior: Level 90 Night Elf”.
Hahahahahaha, oh shit, that was funny…
“Hey, man, I solo Dark Souls with nothing but a two-by-four and a controller made of bananas. I’m a warrior!”
There was a guy who plays with bananas
Yeah, that’s actually pretty much a true story. A sight to behold, but ultimately a waste of hundreds-to-thousands of hours of youth.
I’m 1/16th banana on my mother’s side.
waste of time but amazing, funny how high level players are always male and 90% asians, google invisible tetris the grandmaster
You da man! Lemme finish this high-fructose energy drink and I’ll join ya…
Or social justice warriors
Go learn a new culture. Get immersed and fight some bums.
We are savages at the core. We are only destined to be carbon. What you make of it in between is up to you but for the longest of time we were hunters, killers, warriors.
You can never run away from the Primal Nature of Men.
I strongly recommend everyone to read The Way of Men by Jack Donovan
yeah just don’t forget that everything he writes is based on his physical attraction to men.
Listen to Vox Day pulverize little Jackie and his absurd world view here. It’s embarrasing for him. His whole “tough guy” persona is a fucking joke as well.
The article you referenced is Vox vs. Jack Murphy, different guy.
The Way of Men is a great little book.
Yikes. You’re right. Sorry. My mistake.
Donovan’s sexuality + neomasculine values = a unique point of view on what the masculine character is, totally outside any inclination to accommodate women’s comfort zones. Good food for thought, but probably unworkable outside of Ancient Greece.
His two core insights in The Way of Men are that (1) the most basic social organisation of men is the gang, and that one’s participation in the gang depends on the four male virtues: strength, courage, skill, and honour. And (2) that there is a difference between being a good man, and being good at being a man.
I think these he is essentially correct about this. Whether he is gay or not is irrelevant to whether these claims are true or not.
True, but at least his book is not overt faggotry. Wait, or is it?
I googled the author expecting to see something like this:
Here’s the author. Looks legit.
yes he is
I agree that there are numerous surrogate activities in the present society. I also agree that some pursuits are fairly gender neutral rather than purely masculine.
But the warrior life should come with an understanding that soldiers are often indoctrinated and/or have no other choice than to join a specific army. That is the case with various European and Asian conquerors and their subordinates. For example the Japanese slaughtered multiple civilians because they thought that they served Hirohito, the emperor and sun god, and had a chance to come to the Yasukuni shrine if they fought for this idea.
The problem with warriorism is, among others, that it does only serve honor and loyalty which are particular and very often imposed, irrational and arbitrary. So if the Japanese slaughter Pinos they are indeed loyal to the above-mentioned idea (which is made up of psychopaths and/or a might is right principle) but at the expense of other people and the soliders’ lives. For what purpose?
Plus soldiers – also in civilized countries such as Japan and the West – have often been real pussies who rape and kill women, children, the ill and old ones and are thus not much better than savages.
Fuck the rulers. I would only fight for a cause if I must and/or if it is a worthy such. However, self-defense with and without guns are indeed masculine elements, and closely connected to building a family and supporting them.
A modern day warrior
Mean, mean stride
Today’s Tom Sawyer
Mean, mean pride
No his mind is not for rent.
To any God or government
Always hopeful, yet discontent
He knows changes aren’t permanent
But change is
Goy to the world
All the boys and girls
Goy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
Goy to you and me
Jeremiah was a goy bullfrog?
Jeremiah was a goy frog
Never swam ’round the globe
He put all his money
In a bank account
It was swiped by Kuhn & Loeb…
think the bail-in stuff was in the dodd-frank bill…but it will never happen 😉
No. Never happen. “They” would never do that. (Who’s “they”?)
I cant imagine what it will look like in thstreets if american depositors got a cyprus-style haircut. merrill lynch was worth nothing when it was shoehorned into BoA- there was a reason for that
I think that haircut is coming. It will probably result in a few cucks holding signs. They will get very upset and will swear to Holy God that their vote will really matter next time around, by golly…
Its why I wholeheartedly endorse the “kick the can down the road” strategy- all those derivatives contract holders will waltz up to the front of the line. keep on kickin!
Whenever you’re hating your Homeland, remember RUSH.
that lead singers voice tho…
Drumming makes up for it.
i know. i was told he can play a triple bass
I can play a quintuple bass. With one hand.
RIP Rush
they died1?!?!?
This is really going to come as a surprise to Lee, Peart and Lifeson.
Neil Peart drum solo, David Letterman show, 6/9/2011. Yeah, baby:
they just returned to their home planet
Neil Peart stands alone
Fantastic article, man. Speaks to me on many levels. A bit too pessimistic but I can understand why.
The men on the left were convinced with noble intentions to forfeit their lives so the victors could implement societies that look like the right.
I see that masculine women, whether so in appearance or behavior, are attracted to feminized men (and vice versa) but which developed first? These emasculated, girlish men, or the manly aggresive women?
The men on the left … they’re unicorns now.
“I see that masculine women, whether so in appearance or behavior, are attracted to feminized men”
Not really true. “Masculine” women (i.e. non-feminine women) need a man to be that much MORE masculine and dominant in order to be attracted to him.
Why do you think female athletes pretty much only date male athletes? You don’t see female athletes dating skinny jeans-wearing hipsters.
You’d think so, wouldn’t you?
The male/female polarity can’t be avoided, I don’t think.
An ostensibly feminine woman (long hair, dress, heels, whatever) very often thinks and lives like a man. eg I see older woman going for men younger than themselves (even teen boys), I see them looking for house husbands, gathering male harems, juggling sex toys while they focus on their career etc. That famous female tennis player who recently married … can’t think of her name yk who I mean, I’m sure … would anyone consider her new husband a strong patriarchal alpha type? Her sister is dating a skinny jeans wearing Cuban model. Male athletes marrying masculine woman are probably, despite their athleticism, too feminine in behavior.
When I became engaged to my boyfriend, 15 years older than me, a 35 year old woman I know gave me a lecture on how I was too young to marry and he was too old for me. She looks feminine enough but inside she’s pretty much a man. She has two boyfriends, pretty little things, both very submissive, and both in their 20s.
It’s like the world’s turned upside down.
All the traits of masculinity we are discussing here are about skills needed for men to destroy other men. Those are important, for sure. But the is also brotherhood. There is a drive to build, explore, discover, and pass on a legacy that survives us. There is a drive for accomplishment. There is loyalty, honor, and maybe most importantly– the creed to leave no man behind.
Taken together, this is what separates the genuine masculine identity from the consumer “lifestyles” we are indoctrinated into enacting.
Are those guys in the first pic employees of the Umbrella Corporation?
What about the army? They cut your hair and take away your clothes and start calling you a lady or give you a demeaning nickname. Not bad. It’s a start. It’s one giant step down the road to annihilating your ego and surrendering your life in service, but the question is: in service to whom? God? Or the Pentagon? There is much to be said about making the transition from Plain Warrior to Spiritual Warrior. Many of the qualities of the warrior are important to everyday male existence – such as a fixation on transcendent values and a delaying of gratification – but there is also room for great abuse of the warrior archetype when it is introduced in a climate of moral relativity – I kill therefore I am.
All of the traits valued by warriors can be developed outside of combat. You just need a sense of purpose.
Also, remember the classical warrior ideal is much different from the reality of today’s desk jockey military.
Desk Jockey? The military, ever military in history, have always had REMF types. Those dudes traipsing around getting blown up by IED’s in Afghanistan don’t seem very “desky” to me.
What unit were you with? Your post reveals you’re completely out of your depth.
Not all of us were POGs
Reading the classics might help…but wait…um…
is “Nigger” replaced with” afroamerican person of color”?
“African-American person of color and ally of LGBT Rights Jimantha”
AAPCALGBTRJ lives matters.
We’re all niggers now.
Everybody except the billionaires…
What, you say a nigga cant be no billionaire? Racist craka!
They are (((billioniggas))).
I sooooo need to get my mind right…
We’ve got a nice little “camp” to help you with that.
Really? Can I bring my soy?
Oh, don’t worry about that…. we’ve already got plenty of soy — now with extra estrogen!
Well…okay then. I don’t want elevated T-levels. I might say something masculine in my yoga class and get banned.
Don’t worry about that either. We’ll prog– er, we’ll teach you exactly what to say. We’ll also teach you exactly what to feel, think and believe. All of your thoughts, emotions and opinions will be 100% pre-approved and pre-packaged.
It sounds so great…what’s the catch????
Catch? What do you mean, catch? There’s no catch. No catch at all! Did someone tell you there is a catch? How told you there was a catch? Give us the name and contact information of anyone who mentioned a catch right now.
I thought you guys already monitored all conversations. Oh wait – you just want the information the easy way, instead of having to dig for it. Gotcha.
We believe in covering all of our bases. Efficiency and effectiveness are paramount, of course.
That be a nigger trigger, G
For an instant I thought the pic was from “the tragedy of puddinhead Wilson”.
Tesla wasn’t even interested in women
not that he was interested in men, he just had much more important things to ”do”
Even though I didn’t know it at the time all the wars I fought were for Greater Israel and the (((globalists))). That sucks, but I don’t know that I’d take it back. Fighting and killing someone that wants to end you IS the essence of human life
Yeah but if it’s done for someone else how can it be justified?
How about we define masculinity as the capacity for civic progress? Technological and scientific research, rule of law, and sometimes even war should all fall under the umbrella, so long as those actions create a society stronger against invasion and more economically powerful than our enemies.
Femininity, of course, is dyscivic. Women open borders, spend recklessly, and manipulate emotionally. Femininity is only positive when masculinity is ubiquitous.
Good Points
Warrior culture does NOT equal dark triad, a real warrior has a high moral code, DT boys are just vulnerable lil fags inside despite their superficial manliness.
Men will get more manly. We as millineials struggle much more for jobs, and girls than our fathers. It is now more and more common to see guys with huge muscles as well as extroverted introverts because it is required to flourish in this world.
The problem is the vast majority of them just give up and go the hipster or MGTOW route.
Lifting weights at a gym has nothing to do with warrior culture at all. Men have lost relative value in the dating market for women. We are just playing the female imperative to get a little bit of poon. Warrior culture is about ethnicity, nation, civilization; and these gym dwellers are very far from recovering anything of that. They are closer to PUA nihilism that anything else.
Going to the gym is being clowns?
Going to the gym with the main purpose of improving your chances in the casual sex market is.
I don’t think that’s true. Clown game is a defined thing here, and I never see “go to the gym” in its description. To me “being clowns” are the guys out acting like utter fools and dancing monkeys for women to get them giggling all the time to disarm them. Maybe I’m just being pedantic today though, I generally agreed with your post outside of that phrase.
My usage of the word clown was a little bit more generic than in clown game. I travelled to ME and EE countries, their men are not jacked up and they get more respect from their women. Why? Masculine culture.
Something that I have observed from the anglo-manosphere is this obsession for the individual, generally missing the point of the collective character of masculinity.
I get your point and do partly agree but it exists a hierarchy of behavior: it is still much better and more masculine to lift weights than to play video games (if one plays more than let’s say 5 hours a month for mere recreation), which in turn is slightly better than to hold a rapefugees welcome sign dressed in women’s clothing.
Secondly, it is a first step toward a real fighting mindset. Especially if it is combined with fighting and gun shooting skills, and some red pill knowledge. For instance, I was attacked in Morocco by 5-6 local youths who wanted my money, but since I am muscular and look somewhat dangerous and behaved aggressively I could avoid it. Recently I read about a 20-year-old guy in Sweden (not a surprise) who was so pussified that he gave a robber about 700 dollars because the other guy threatened to hurt his dog. But I also read about foreign youth criminals who were beaten up because they tried to rob the wrong guys.
Ps. My extensive comments were detected as spam. Short version: good article. Many important points and something to reflect on.
I agree with your point. There is a masculinity hierarchy in how we spend our time.
Stop. Stop this shit. Your only option to be a warrior is to become a dog of the globalists? Don’t make me laugh.
Where is the gun rights you americans brag about? You want to fight, then fight! You have the guns, now use them!
Yeah, let’s all pick up our rifles at precisely the moment when the Right finally has the power to change the course of the nation overnight. Sound planning.
You are way too optimistic. And preventing the tranny insanity from being in the army is just 0.1% of what it has to be done.
If we wanted to revolt we should have revolted under Obama. But we didn’t, so we got Trump.
Can’t say life isn’t interesting.
So your guns are just for show?
I dont think you have a concept of how bloody and ugly a civil war is, just how slim the chance at victory would be.
Nor do you seem to understand these pesky things called counter revolutions.
Revolution is a cool idea, if you are a retard.
Anyone with any knowledge of world history and modern warfare goes a little cold inside when some nitwit suggests armed rebellion.
You’ve never seen a real combat zone have you?
I’ve grown up in a favela. Not the kind of combat zone you’re talking about, but still a combat zone. Even though you can have a lot of guns legally, I wonder if you ever managed to shoot at a person.
OK, then what about when you americans says things like “we need gun rights so that the people can defend themselves against criminals and have a counter meassure against opressive regimes”.
Is this last part a lie?
Shooting at a thug is easy, but you guys also imply your guns are there for revolution purposes if necessary. I thought you guys were serious when you said this.
Your people post selfies on the internet proudly showing their guns, brag about how guns have shaped part of american history, but when the time comes to actually use them you faggots back off into your confort zones. I wonder what your ancestors would think of your generation.
“I dont think you have a concept of how bloody and ugly a civil war is”
Yeah, I don’t really know how ugly is a civil war, but I’ve grown up in a war zone called favela. My neighbors were drug traficants, my friends killed and robbed people, I got myself in the middle of gunfire several times when I was just a kid, and I garantee you I have seen more human blood than you can think off. Welcome to the south american mongrel reality.
Not every country of this world is a safe paradise like the neighborhoods you white americans grow up.
I understand that civil war is not a simple matter, but what I really want to know is that if you americans really have the balls to do what you said you can do with your guns. So, what’s you answer?
If you read what you wrote you might understand why the idea of armed rebellion in america appeals to only a few mentally deficient individuals and draws laughter from the rest of us.
You said it yourself, for the most part we live in paradise, why would we start shooting each other at this point?
As written and intended the second amendment does intend for the populace to be able to depose its government. I do believe in and support that tho i question if it could be done today, it certainly couldn’t be done in the way those halfwits running around in the woods in camo with airsoft plate carriers barely restraining their beer bellies think it would get done.
As to the balls, some do some don’t, but most that are posting such tripe on facebook are probably peacocking retards who would soil themselves if shots were ever fired.
I don’t understand you guys. The “alt-right” is all about what is wrong in the current social status quo in the west. Things I hear include:
“The white race is going extinct due to lack of values and social enginering”
“Consumerism and nihilism dictates the mentality of the modern western men”
“Women don’t behave like ladies anymore and men are effeminate and weak”
“The family unity is destroyed due to sexual degeneracy and unfair laws”
And so on…
The election of Trump was suppose to be a victory, but most americans I speak with are still defeatists, and movements like MGTOW continues to grow.
I don’t know how much of this is true, but if you are so smart you should understand that even thought most of you still live in a paradise, the situation will only get worse if you keep this pace. Many americans believe there is a realistic chance that Europe and US becomes like Brazil. But to say the thruth I think if it gets to this point it will be actually worse than Brazil, because most brazilians at least still have strong values regarding to the family unity and masculinity, and that’s the only thing holding them together. But these values are exacly what are being destroyed in first world countries, and a society can’t sustain itself whitout these values. In other words, America and Europe will be worse than Brazil. You guys will probably be replaced by your conquerors, aka, the immigrants.
This situation seens pretty bad if you ask me.
I will not deny any claim that I might be naive or even a idiot, but the only I know is that if someone is trying to kill my people and my values, I will kill this person first. Simple as that. That’s how things are done here, and it works if you don’t die. Even though in my country it is almost impossible for normal citizens to to put their hands in a good gun. If we had guns we would already having a revolution, we don’t want the situation here to become like Venezuela. But there’s little we can do when so few of us have guns.
As I see it, your people have the means to change your nation, you have enough people to take over, as liberals represent little treat and most don’t have guns, and you have inteligent people who could make the plans and logistics. The only thing missing is the balls. But I guess you will only act when shit hits the fan. I just hope it isn’t too late by that time.
I do wonder why the right is so apt on the Second Amendment as a means to protect the People from an oppressive regime but turn around and say the federal military needs more of our tax money for more weapons. So you want to give better and deadlier weapons to the military with your money so at some point they could point their tanks and jets at you while you defend yourself with buckshot. Strange indeed
You would be fighting trained experienced soldiers with better weapons… the kind of training and experience you could have gotten in the armed forces.
Putting all this grievances aside and defense mechanism about oh I don’t want be a slave for the state, you do experience possible combat in the army and get training that you don’t get elsewhere.
Then please, change your fucking Second Amendment.
“Student: Master, you teach me about the philosophy of war and train me to fight but here we are tending a garden. Why is that?
Master: Young student, it is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.”
There you have it. Train, prep and recruit a masculine community so as to ready your inner man for the day the veneer of civilization is removed.
Chaos is only nine meals away.
I’ll just leave this right here…
What an article. I have been contemplating this same thing for some time and I have to say, I can’t think of anything that denies this line of thinking. Maybe for some individuals, but not for a society as a whole. We have to be willing to die and have many of our friends, family and children die, to be strong. And this means truly willing, as many will.
Yes ALL men in today’s modern civilization can be warriors.
Stand up to the women who feminism has turned into nasty, hateful, man-hating bitches whose singular goal is to DESTROY MASCULINITY and ENSLAVE men.
Stop pandering and cowering to feminist women – put them in line, along with their puppet masters – the government elites – the Barack’s and Hillary’s of the world.
You want to talk about being a warrior? Fighting an elitist backed hate movement of rabid, hypocritical, denigrating, violent, misandrists who are out to destroy you will take more skill, endurance, resilience, mental toughness, discipline, cunningness, and power than active combat on any battlefield.
I don’t think anybody that reads this site “cowers” or “panders” to feminist women. It’s just that there isn’t much we can do about it on an individual level (other than being masculine in our own lives, refusing to marry sluts, being good fathers and instilling masculinity in our sons, etc .).
Even Trump, as much as I support him, subscribes to feminism (to a certain extent).
You’re right – The men who read this this site DON’T cower to feminists or feminism, and that’s fantastic. You guys have an awareness that the vast majority of men don’t – that feminism is a cancerous hatred of men that is ruining civilization by destroying the lives of both men and women. Most men are quite oblivious to feminism’s destruction even though it’s saturated their lives and become the acceptable norm.
There is so much that you can do on an individual level – and you’re doing it – “being masculine in our own lives, refusing to marry sluts, being good fathers, and instilling masculinity in our sons.”
That’s really great! – lead by example. Men who read this sight are also spreading the word about feminist hate. Your informed comments are here forever and, sooner or later, a lot of people read and understand them. You never know who may become more enlightened and aware because they happened by.
I also am a Trump supporter. I don’t really believe he is a supporter of feminism, as much as he just does the politically correct thing and claims to support certain aspects of it – which of course is bad enough. At least he’s not a rabid, in your face man hater like Barack Obama. I have seen him put feminists in line a few times. Once during the campaign at a “Town Hall” rally some little bundle of snotty entitlement barked at him – “When I start my career will I get paid as much as a man!?” Donald Trump shot back – “If you work the same hours and as hard as a man – yes.”
Yeah. I saw that town hall where Trump said that.
trump is obviously not as feminist as Obama (or even other Republicans. However, he does support concepts like “female equality”. for example, in his recent speech in Poland, he said something to the effect of “we empower women to be successful and become leaders” when discussing what makes European civilization great.
I think Trump is great for the country. I just don’t know how much he’ll actually do in terms of rolling back feminism and returning us to a patriarchal society.
Roosh published an article a while back entitled “Why the Female ‘Anti-Feminist’ is a Feminist in Disguise”:
I think a lot of trump supporters around the country (male and female) would fall under that category. Claiming to be “anti-feminist/leftist” but really supporting a lot of the core principles of feminism.
Most of the white working class communities who voted for Trump suffer from feminism (i.e. high divorce rates, their women are sluts, etc.).
Obviously, the men on this site are exceptions to that.
I think the President is probably going to be very little talk and very little action regarding the advancement of feminism. Maybe I’m wrong, but one thing is certain, he is nowhere nearly as misandric as Obama. Regarding feminism he is simply the lesser evil.
Regarding Roosh’s article on phony anti-feminist women it’s excellent and dead on. Men an women both, even those who claim to be anti-feminist, have been to some degree infected by feminist brainwashing as it has been flooding society for fifty plus years. Lies and a Marxist rewrite of history have been repeated often, are never questioned, and are accepted as truth.
Roosh’s “anti-feminist” test is brilliant.
My answers:
1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Huge yes!!
4) Sometimes …. to a degree
5) Huge yes!!
So I was going to respond to your last post, but it’s coming up as deleted. It was a long response by you about President Trump and feminism. Did you delete it, or is Disqus just being a bitch?
No, I didn’t delete it. It seems to be showing when I pulled up the comments section.
That’s weird – nothing seems to be deleted as far as I can tell.
Yeah, now I see it when I pull up the comments section.
A lot of people who claim to be anti-feminist really only believe that “modern feminism goes too far,” but agree with all of the core principls of first-wave feminism and even most of thr core principles of scond-wave feminism. Even the so-called “religious right” holds a lot of these feminist beliefs.
What is your opinion on female voting rights?
I was meaning to ask you, how/why did you find websites like ROK and start to have “red-pill” beliefs?
I always find it interesting when I see a woman on here, especially one who is truly against feminism (as opposed to the “anti-feminists” who Roosh talks about in his article).
I think it started when I was a little kid. I could never figure out why it was an unpardonable crime to say bad things about anyone on the planet – blacks, Jews, Gays, and especially women – yet it was perfectly acceptable to not only say horrible things about men, it was also okay to physically hurt them, to blame them for everything, and to degrade and belittle them. The men in my life were not horrible people like what men were portrayed like in the media. They were nothing but loving, kind, and helpful. What really perplexed me (and still does) is how men are expected to take (and always do take) endless abuse from women, but those same women still expected men to serve, provide, protect, and literally die for them if necessary – and the men must never stand up for themselves or flinch while being abused. When I was about ten years old, I remember a particularly nasty little girl at school beating up a boy, who of course didn’t fight back (never hit a girl) – she told him she could hurt or kill him and he couldn’t do anything about it because she was a girl. There you have it – female privilege in a nut shell.
When I was a teenager I heard that wonderful word – ‘FEMINISM.” It was supposedly about “equality.” All I ever heard come out of the mouths of prominent feminists was pure, unabashed hate – all of it aimed at men. They bitched about things that were either just plain lies, like women having far fewer rights than men, or stupid, petty, childish shit – like signs on construction sites that read “men working” should read “persons working.” They were to stupid to realize men had built civilization for them and they would perish if it weren’t for male intelligence, electrical and mechanical wizardry, hard work, sacrifice and kindness.
Realizing what feminism truly is, and being against it is just common sense.
I guess I have always had red pill beliefs. I always wondered if maybe I was just plain nuts, or if there were other people out there who had similar thoughts and feelings about feminism. By googling “feminism is a hate movement” etc. I found all sorts of great sites – ROK, A Voice for Men, Judgybitch, Girl Writes What, and many others.
Having a husband and a very young son, who I want the best possible lives for. I can’t ever see my red pill beliefs changing, and hopefully maybe something I post will register with other women and convince them to “take the red pill.”
One of my favorite quotes:
“The Nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools.” — Thucydides
Most great military leaders have understood this, they are typically very well read and value knowledge and the ability to think as much as martial prowess.
As a veteran having served in a recon platoon in active combat zones, I can tell you that the expression “war is hell” didn’t come about because someone felt like being poetic. When all is said and done, if you’ve been lucky enough to make it home alive and with all your limbs, the last thing you’re thinking about is how “masculine” you are. What you do think about is the fear, the screams, the smell of burning flesh and hair and blood, shitting on rocks, freezing your ass off in the mountains, being hungry, exhausted, scared and homesick.
To me, being masculine is plain and simple. A masculine man gets the job done, no matter what it is, and no matter what the cost. A masculine man will stand by his convictions even at his own peril, and will also have a tender heart for those weaker than and/ or dependent on himself.
The masculinity doesn’t come from the combat, it comes from the will and desire to put your life on the line for an idea. Whether that idea is freedom, or to protect the ones you love from violence far from home, or in your backyard. Or fixing your hot water heater so your wife and kids can take a hot shower. the list is endless.
I’m in a relationship with a veteran and he says, war is not good. War is not cool. He has seen a woman with a cut open stomach and a dead baby lay next to her. Dead people smell awfully he said.
People who say that most likely have played too much Call of Duty or think they are totally like Animal Mother from Full Metal Jacket.
I’m afraid of an uncivilised wartorn society. Not only because as a woman I can’t physically compete, but because of in a society like that there is no time or space for anything else because everybody is busy with executing, receiving or avoiding violence. Which means no garbage collection, no medical care, no constant food supply, no education.
This can’t be buildt in a war zone
War is and always has been hell. That said, I intuit the author doesn’t picture downtown Mogadishu, but fierce Sparta. It’s not just men who yearn for warrior mores and meaning. “Wonder Woman” struck gold because it struck a nerve with women. We want our heroes (and heroines) to be steadfast, brave, and down for a fight because in our hearts we know peace is the intermission between wars and only the guardians at the gate prevent the dogs of war from taking everything, including our lives from us.
Are all short men little Napoleons? It’s often said smaller men tend to be chippy and aggressive. But what’s the scientific evidence?
The name of one of greatest military leaders lent to the Napoleon Complex
Syndrome where pint-sized men overcompensate for their lack of stature with self-importance, jealousy and aggression
Stalin was said to suffer from it, as did Mussolini and Attila the Hun
But critics say people often too quick to link personality defects to height
Read more:
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“Are all short men little Napoleons? It’s often said smaller men tend to be chippy and aggressive.”
It’s true. There is scientific evidence for it. Not all but the tendency is there.
Of course, maybe they got negged for it through school, they hear “Uhm…i thought you were bigger” from tinder dates, sure many want to find other ways to outstand.
never put short men or ugly women into power positions, my grandma says.
That scientific evidence is not unambiguous but there is some evidence to support the hypothesis.
As I see it there is a constructive response to being short and a more destructive, or at least pathetic such. There is also ways to work around that. If I see a big blonde Swedish girl I do not think that, oh poor me who cannot land Ms. Big, but instead go for a girl who is 5.7 or shorter (max 120 lbs). Often works great.
I don’t have a problem with short men in general. Actually I find it quite cute, as long as he does not look like a manlet. Than it starts to become difficult for me for I cant help but feel like a child molester, because of the body proportions.
They also have it easier to develop muscles. It’s easier for a short man to look bulky.
Putin is 5’7″.
I guess he shouldn’t be in a position of power, right?
don’t know. He’s not able to install a functional industry in his country and basically fills his own pockets.
Could also be that he’s a pedo. At least I find it strange to do that to a child I’ve never seen before.
And the posing and signalling he always does. I mean he always rides bare chest through the mountains, plays ice hockey and acts tough. Look at me, I’m an alpha male. Look at me, I’m wearing camouflage clothing to prove it. Look at me, I’m carrying a rifle. As if he wants to express himself as a super tough leader. Ok, could be that Russians need that. But still feels like overacting to me often.
We have that covered.
Men have a much higher tendency to make coalitions than starting wars.
Testosterone makes men fairer, pro-social, generous, aggressive, but NOT violent, etc.
In other words, paternal, patriarchal = leaders.
– Dominance is not about violence, but self-control. He acts when it is due.
– Aggression is the potential, but an unnecessary action of violence is inferiority, this is why dominant males evolved morality to NOT destroy themselves, like inferior males do = chaotic.
e.g. Poisonous male snakes do not bite each other, as one bite and then both are dead. It is indoctrinated in men to believe that males in nature are fighting each other as war-creatures, when in reality they are defining their dominance, they are defending what they think belongs to them(by nature), like territory, mating rights, food, etc.
Dominance = defending your natural rights. Inferiority = demanding rights to the state = equality.
The same analogy is found in the brain, superior brains are energy efficient, they use less energy compared to low IQ brains. So being violent is a waste of energy. Dominant men only act when it is due, inferior ones when they can, because they are “opportunistic”. Superior males are more unique, independent individuals; inferior creatures are more equal, a collective(quantity). And modern world is based on money = quantity. So inferior males are now empowered by technology, and they are being violent in different ways, with laws, with circumcision, through women, with wars, etc. And you can see they are cowards, this is why they are against violence, pretending so to be moral men(imitators), while being violent using political ways(hypocrites)
What this means, is that violence and aggression are different things. Man is NOT violent for the reason that he is dominant but because he needs to defend what is his. Weak/feminized men are violent, because they fear their own inferiority, but they conceal that violent nature because they have no (natural)capacity to compete, so they become more VERBAL, manipulative, EMOTIONAL. This is analogous to sex, dominant men procreate more(more sex), inferior males don’t even have the chance, BUT in this modern society, inferior males support prostitution(promiscuity), whoredom, the state, marriage(through the state), because that GIVES THEM the UNNATURAL RIGHT to mate, and other unnatural things…, they raise their daughter to be sluts and their boys to be like them, frauds. The modern inferior male NOW HAS access to technology he uses as weapons to attack men, and he is showing how violent he really is, he always was. But being a coward, he emasculates boys and men, to prevent retaliation, to make men not react, NOT be conscious about this situation.
So yes, MAN, in theory, should be violent(eventually) against those who are attacking him. But not because it is in him to be violent, but because it is necessary, like it has always been in this planet. Violence that would be avoided in most cases, if it wasn’t for equality and diversity. When you mix different groups, there is always conflict. Conflict the state uses to steal from men and reign over him.
Nearly everything is a surrogate activity. A matter of degree, not kind.
Killing people and breaking things is nasty business. There is a reason actual warriors – from WW!, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq have PTSD, nightmares, and other problems.
War is hell. Bits of bloody bodies, watching your buddy bleed to death while you are trying to drag him to safety, burns and dismemberments…
The opening to “Saving Private Ryan” is a bit much but at least shows what you are signing up for as a “Warrior”.
It is still a false cartoon, even if a noble one as a “Warrior” that doesn’t shed blood.
The clean dominance games under rules? Aggressive sports where there is modern medical treatment nearby? Most men don’t even do something as basic as deer hunting which at least is real and calls up all the same “warrior” instincts. Interesting that lots of things are mentioned, but hunting – taking the life of an animal, I hope for food, going out into the wilderness is not mentioned.
Even “warriors” as such – Snipers are effective, but they aren’t under threat. Death from afar. Like Drone warriors. Nothing up close and personal (Afghanis think Americans are cowards because they won’t fight directly, they call in air strikes).
And you can simply be a mercenary, a brute. Is that a warrior when the cause he fights for is ignoble? Police are now Warriors (Balko: Rise of the Warrior Cop) so when you miss a child support payment, they will bash your head in on the way to jail. Be a white knight warrior?
Men have more brutish, aggressive instincts. But so do males of most species. The difference is Men is that they have brains so can have wisdom to channel that raw fiery emotion toward the good. Give it some greater purpose. The way of the warrior is a path that leads somewhere – either to heaven or hell.
You should watch Jordan Peterson’s lectures. He makes the case that warriors that are on the defensive and are reactionary in their actions face more cases of PTSD than that of special forces operators that are aggressive and engage in action to force reaction from their enemies.
The idea being that; if you face your fears on your own terms and act instead of react you’re far less likely to succumb to PTSD.
I think that PTSD is more likely to happen when you are in a war with a cause you don’t identify with in a subconscious American boys sent to fight the WWII even though no German division ever threatened their town, all based in pure propaganda they just accepted in a purely abstract level, the threat was never real in a very real sense until they were in the battlefield fighting.
Unlike their American counterparts The German boys and men in WWII knew well before going into the battlefield that if they didn’t fight the Russians would overwhelm their country, kill them/subjugate them and rape their wives/daughters/sisters/mothers/aunts, etc (as it happened in the Eastern regions of Germany) and the allies would subjugate them, hence no surrender and fight to the death was the main motto and PTSD was almost unknown for them.
The same can be applied to Vietnam, Irak and other conflicts. The men in them knew didn’t even advance their prospects or fought to protect the future of their family. Unlike the Roman legions of the days of yore they don’t even receive booty, just a salary and not even glory and recognition when shipped back home, they are just dumb beasts of burden for the elites that rule our countries.
Are you implying that soldiers has an actual opinion on war?… interesting… the first thing that you learn in war as a soldier is to forget that you are a single person… you are just another pawn… ready to die for a cause you dont understand… and for Christ’ sake they are always been dumb beasts for elites…. same way is business nowadays…. you sacrifice pawns…
The fact that they are not allowed to voice opinions and ponder their circumstances doesn’t hinder one’s brain from reaching its own conclusions, even to a subconscious level. Hence 25% of American casualties in WWII were on account of “battle fatigue…” to be a warrior, and thus a man
Train and think like a warrior. Even if you never use the skills, it does miracles for your confidence and presence.
Add in some bushcraft and woodsmanship, purchase and train with the weapons of warriors, hone your body.
Its amazing the looks I get from females that are walking next to their pajama boy boyfriends. Its like they immediately resent the fact their letting a feminized male enter them. I get another look from the skinny jean / ironic facial hair guys…..its a look of shame and fear.
God Bless the warrior shitlords and the work we do!
I still think one should constantly be at least sparring and going to the shooting range.
Good article but we don’t have to use that strong men – weak men meme with muslims anymore. We have our own version of it now.
Excellent piece. I strongly urge you not to stop reading though, a masculine man is a thinking and acting man. You write well, I fear that if you cease to read it will effect this.
I recently moved from historical books to the more practical such as the 48 laws of power & war and peace.
Perhaps you have already done that but I have found reading material to influence my thinking and actions to be of great benefit.
Also lend me your ears by William Saphire is a useful read in this regard.
Until the french revolution this whole concept of human rights as we understand them now was pretty alien to people. Most wars were also fought in those primitive times. Personally I don’t think masculinity is something we should fight for if the goal of masculinity is fighting itself; what is fighting without a purpose? What purpose will it serve to shoehorn all kinds of men into one mold? There’s many kinds of snobs in our world and some are booky snobs and some are blue collar, hard ass snobs. The hard ass snobs base their identity on perceived capacity to bully other people through bodybuilding and martial arts or plain delusions like carving tattoos on their face. In their one track mind they have things figured out and they are the ones standing when the hypothetical push comes to shove. Aside from fictional scenarios how do these men really contribute to the community other than earning lays from girls that like bouncer types? Cops, guards and the like certainly have their place but not all men need to emulate their identity and mindset just because they are united by a scrotum dangling between their legs.
For a time in my life, I was seriously contemplating joining the military for the same reasons listed in this article. Something was missing. I had that warrior spirit that was calling me.
But then reality struck. The Canadian military was cucked long ago and let in women in all the trades. Having been in cadets, I saw how incompetent people got promoted up for political reasons. And all the BS with power trips and having others tell you when you have to be back, when you’re allowed to leave, what to do etc. If cadets was that bad, I could only imagine what the real thing was like.
War is portrayed in the movies like some thing that a man can find glory, meaning in life etc. Tell that to the guy who go his legs and privates blown off from an IED. The military, for the most part is a refuge for a lot of dumb people who can’t do anything else. And when you do fight, you’re not fighting any noble cause but rather for the pocket book of some unnamed set of billionaires behind the scenes.
They sell men (and particularly young men) on this idea of masculinity, that in a society that robs men of masculinity, you’ll find it in the military. I call BS, I don’t think you will. I think you’ll find yourself cucked faster than Justin Trudeau after he met his current wife.
If there was a cause that was worth fighting for, I would gladly sign up. But I don’t see one and I would not fight for the society I live in. So I rather stay back, make my money, enjoy my hobbies and get all the poosay while ya’ll are off at war.
Go ahead. More poosay for me.
If that makes me a beta, so be it. I get where this article is comnig from, but I don’t think it’s really cognizant of reality. It’s somewhat idealistic in my opinion. I think as men, we all sort of fantasize about being warriors in some far off place facing down impossible odds. But talk to any vet. Being in war is a dirty, grimmy, odeal and at some point, even the toughest of the tough decides they had enough and they just want to come home.
I think if you need to get that warrior stuff out, take up boxing, martial arts or some sort of sport. But we need not kill ourselves to live up to some idealistic image that never really existed in the context we sort of imagined it.
Good to see you Mr. Savage. One paragraph though…are you an older man who took the red pill too late? Saying you don’t want to learn game or beat the system and get rich kind of signals to me that you are a bit dissillusioned after a wasted youth.
And for the record, I think I know EXACTLY what manosphere book you are talking about. We’re not going to name names here though hehe.
Also LOVING the SS soldiers in one of the pictures. Real men
Good article.
I understand tribalism and how collective security, wealth and personality are attained through such grouping in inherent opposition to another group with the possibility of those opposing groups becoming friends (or atleast a peace treaty based on mutual destruction / respect).
Specific to this group: it appears that the overwhelming (or at least majority) consensus is that this tribal group is based on being ethnically white, and then to a lesser degree, Christian. Is it too much to request confirmation on this?
I enjoy reading a good number of the articles on this site (although there is significant amount of drivel on occasion, in particular articles focusing on ways to pick up low quality women) but I have to question whether I can inherently, for lack of a better word, belong to this group.
I am a brown man with a Muslim upbringing for the sake of clarity (although practice often eludes me). Am I in inherent opposition to this group or, given the now globalist nature of the world, is it a movement for all men on a shared ideal? My intuition suggests the former.
When you say you’re “brown,” do you mean Arab brown or Indian/Bangladeshi brown?
Move to Switzerland and join the army.
Eh? One does not belong…
Warriors were always the betas of society, to die at the direction of the alphas. To be a warrior might seem romantic but the truth is that it is a fast way to die horribly.
Not “always” no, actually. Pirate captains were almost always chosen by their battle prowess, as were many culture’s kings prior to the Romanization of culture just prior to the Dark Ages.
Yes absolutist statements are usually wrong. I was speaking loosely. However, I understood that pirate captains were actually chosen in a vote by a crew and commanded based on leadership ability and the ability to win booty.
American “warriors” are cucked all the time by their good for nothing wives. Did the nigga who wrote this article take that into account?
Better option: renounce Western ideals. Move to another country. Become a warrior there. Otherwise you’re merely someone’s bitch. Meaning your wife and the state cuck you simultaneously.
Personally, being a warrior comes from within. Like when another man comes inside my anus, it feels strong and empowering. Highly recommended.
The US taxpayer is being cucked by the entire military-industrial complex.
I believe the US lost its’ masculine character when we decided that military, police, fire fighting, etc.. should be paid professions instead of men doing these for honor. Just like when when women decide to have sex only for money. Destroys the soul.
Dude, troops were being paid even back when George Washington was leading them.
Thanks for a great article Mr. Savage.
I look forward to more.
Like all soldiers, I’ll do my best to live and die with honor.
There are very few men who may not be called to serve on the firing line at some point because they must serve a different task: physicians, priests, and a couple of other professions.
Don’t forget pimps. They seem to have the spiritual insight in handling women.
There doesn’t seem to be an age requirement for being a MMA fighter go foe that pursuit. Nothing is more masculine then unarmed combat. There’s probably mercenary branches that might train and hire you as well if you refuse to become a pawn for your state though mercs may end up fighting those same wars. Bounty Hunter work is another option.
“My only real opportunity to be a warrior is to join the armed forces of a country I have no love for (Canada) just to be shipped out to fight people whom I have nothing against.”
Rather, you will be sent to fight for the zionist elite in all its various wars.
Alas for those who already feel so alone in their paths to true masculine virtue in this decrepate world – society will continue to make our pursuits in vain. I don’t mean – make us feel, I mean literally make us obsolete. Our suffering will not be noble or heroic, much like the persecution of believers in the kingdom of the anti christ. We will be cast out until we beg to become cogs in the machine.
I often recall the end of samurai post Meiji period. It may very well have been that era that lead to their current degenerate society that prevails today.
Some warrior groups are being accused by the MSM of being Neo Nazis and white Supremacists. One like Paul Waggener, he has a Youtube channel, if he was really a white nationalist or Nazi, Youtube would have banned him already. He’s more someone who chooses to live his life off the grid rather than on it. I guess he doesn’t want to be a cucked debt slave making mortgage payments and commuting 3 hours each day like the typical poor slob.
I guess riding my road bycicle 70 miles a week, jogging ten miles every few days, doing over 500 push ups on push up day, and moving furniture for work. Also a master with Liu Lang on mortal kombat x , a red guard on elder scrolls skryim, loves silat fighting is as close as I get to being a warrior.