Why Civic Nationalism Will Fail

The alt lite and the alt right agree on several things, namely the need to respect national sovereignty, strong borders, and opposing globalism. But the biggest difference between the two camps is that the alt lite believes that it is still possible to hold the United States together using civic nationalism. But here’s why civic nationalism is doomed to failure.

What is civic nationalism?

Civic nationalism is the idea that diverse groups of people can get together and build a nation without their ethnic loyalties taking a priority over that of the nation. The US in the 20th Century was a good example of a working civic nationalism. Groups of mostly western Europeans laid aside their old loyalties and committed themselves fully to the American project. Immigrants often did not bother to teach their children their native languages because they wanted their children to become Americans, not Germans, Italians, and Frenchmen who happen to live in the US.

The opposite of civic nationalism would be ethnic nationalism. In ethnic nationalism, people support the nation because it mostly consists of others who are more or less related—they look similar, they speak the same language, they have the same religion, and they have a shared culture. Some examples of ethno-nationalist states are South Korea, Japan, Israel, and Poland. It doesn’t mean that they have no foreigners living within their nation; it just means that the overwhelming majority of people are from the same ethnic group.

It is important to note that in an ethno-nationalist state, foreigners may be respected and treated well, but they may feel that they can ever become fully Korean or fully Polish. It may take a couple of generations before their descendants finally become part of the ethnos.

Forging a new people

Unity based on a soft drink

Civic nationalism only works if a new people is created. This happened in the US in the 20th century. American culture replaced the immigrants’ old culture. There was even a sort of national religion which political philosopher Samuel Huntington defined as a Christianity without Christ. When asked who they were, these Americans did not say, “I’m German-American,” or “I’m English American.” The response was always, “I’m an American,” and it was said with pride.

The one group that was somewhat excluded from being fully American were blacks. There were several reasons for this including the history of slavery, cultural differences, and the fact that they looked very different from the white majority.

The war on poverty

Starting in the 1960s, the US undertook a herculean effort to incorporate the black community into the American mainstream. American elites, through government legislation, affirmative action, welfare, judicial activism, Hollywood, television, and educational institutions put in place measures to remove all impediments to blacks integrating.

Fifty years later, it is fair to say that the effort to integrate blacks into the American mainstream has failed. While it is true that some blacks have benefited from Byzantine conglomeration of measures put into place by the elites, blacks “continue to lag far behind whites in key areas of economic well-being like wealth, income and home ownership.”

Of course, this system to integrate blacks is not free. Publisher and sci-fi writer Vox Day calculated that the average white American will transfer almost a million dollars to a black American over the course of a lifetime when you take into account interest on the federal debt. If the calculation is correct, the system the elites have put in place is unjust and unsustainable.

Plan B

If Americans were aware of how big the failure of the war on poverty has been, they would immediately put a stop to the system. But the media and universities deliberately whitewash the real story to preserve the system for a while longer. Meanwhile, the elites have implemented a Plan B to solve the problem.

Plan B takes a different approach. Rather than trying to integrate blacks into white society, Plan B aims to do away with white society altogether. It does this in four ways:  through unchecked third world immigration, encouraging miscegenation and low birth rates, and calling for a need for an end to “whiteness.”


Before 1965, virtually all of the immigration into the US was from Europe. Now, the vast majority of immigrants come from Central America, Asia, and Africa. And we are at record high immigration levels. Whites have gone from 89% of the population in 1960 to 62% in 2010. This sort of population replacement normally does not occur except in cases of full scale military invasion.


State Farm ad

The media is encouraging intermarriage through television shows, movies, and commercials. The excuse given is that the producers are just reflecting the diversity of the US but it seems a lot more pervasive in the media than it does in the real world.

Encouraging low birth rates

Another common tactic aimed at whites is trying to persuade women to have fewer babies. But you’ll never see a “have fewer babies” article with black, Asian, or Hispanic women and babies. It is always white women and babies that are featured. This is one area where the media completely forgets about diversity.

An end to “whiteness”

The latest attack has been to challenge “whiteness” itself. Whiteness is a social construct that is inextricably linked, we are told, with racism. Some have gone further, even issuing not so subtle calls to violence against whites. But we never see articles encouraging blacks to give up their blackness or for Jews to give up Jewishness.

How will it end?

Donald Trump subscribes to civic nationalism. His campaign promise, and I believe he was being sincere when he made it, was to make America great—lifting all Americans, whatever their color. If anyone could make civic nationalism work, it would be Trump.  Sadly, it doesn’t look like Trump is going to get the support of his own party in realizing his vision. Establishment GOP politicians are too beholden to wealthy plutocrats to allow any serious derailment of their plan turn the US into a country with no identifiable majority.

In truth, though, even Trump’s plan to restore civic nationalism does not go far enough. To do that, it would take more than deporting a few illegals and improving the US economy. It would require a complete rollback of the entire affirmative action apparatus, a moratorium on immigrations, and a complete reworking of existing social programs. No one, not Trump and not the alt lite, is talking about this. Thus, the civic nationalism train has left the station.

Rather than civic nationalism, the future looks more tribal—men will align with whatever group they share the most commonalities with. For most Americans, that may mean embracing some form of white nationalism. There is already an increasing amount of agreement between far right groups in the US and Europe. The elites recognize this and they are frightened, and with good reason—there has never been this level of cooperation between white nationalist groups across the globe.

But white nationalism is not the only possibility. There are a few religious groups that have the possibility of forming tribes that do not strictly break along racial lines. Catholics, Mormons, the Orthodox, and Muslims all possess the strong infrastructure necessary to unite their adherents into self-sufficient communities once order begins to retreat.

Finally, there is one possibility that does not involve tribalism—an empire built upon spiritual unity. The Holy Roman Empire, which lasted a thousand years, encompassed many different peoples but who shared a common faith. Given the disappearance of belief in the US and Europe, this possibility is a long-shot.


Civic nationalism is only possible when there is something that strongly unites a group of people. American elites, perhaps with good intentions at the start, have systematically undermined everything that bound Americans together. Now we are left with a bunch of groups that will become increasingly polarized over the next decade. Begin preparing now for the inevitable.

Read More: Why Democracy, Nationalism, And Globalist Economics Can’t Coexist

323 thoughts on “Why Civic Nationalism Will Fail”

    1. Some say the world will end in fire,
      Some say in ice.
      From what I’ve tasted of desire
      I hold with those who favor fire.
      But if it had to perish twice,
      I think I know enough of hate
      To say that for destruction ice
      Is also great
      And would suffice.
      Then again, swamp monsters also possible

      1. Swamp monsters is a definite possibility. Like war is #1, swamp monsters #2.

        1. Generally, usually, most things will pretty much, more likely than not, end… except when they don’t really.

        2. We’re at the beginning of the end…or maybe the end of the beginning. At least we still know which end of a bitch to spank.

      1. the ouroboros never ends. Neither does lesbian porn where the actresses eat each other out in a circle

        1. Somebody shat in a urinal in a roadside bar near San Diego, and left something looking just like ouroboros coiled around the urinal cake. Must have been a holy man…

    2. Just as life eventually ends in death. What is the death rate; one per person.

  1. Civic Nationalism, by which I mean a pure focus on values over blood, has basically never worked. It is open to subversion, as we see in the west now where we have redefined our values to be about diversity and openness. But that is just the beginning
    Quite frankly, civic nationalists do the exact same thing socialists do. They assume their own success. If you ever argue with a civnat he will assume only the best and most adapted will come to his hypothetical nation without ever explaining how he will make all these groups equal participants in the system.

        1. I go with Remington Steele Potism….that is a religion where Pierce Brosnan smokes pot and everyone worships him

        2. Pierce Brosnan… the guy who made a career out of being a second rate James Bond until he actually made James Bond second rate.

        3. That may be true. However, you would be hard pressed to find a better Remington Steele.

        4. Oh, well, that’s where you’re wrong, because there are plenty of morbidly obese, transsexual, queer, disabled, black pedophiles that would have made a much better Remington Steele, you dirty bigot!

        1. I always preferred cast iron; black as the ace of spades when properly seasoned.

    1. Cohesive groups with a strong bond can easily conquer and manipulate an indifferent majority of feel good individualists.

    2. Completely wrong. We have always had ethnic nationalism. And guess what? It has always failed.
      It is suicidal to try to appease everyone just because he merely happens to have been born into a certain race. I have as little as possible in common with all that white filth.
      “Open to subversion…”
      Hah, anything is open to subversion. But unlike ethnic nationalism civic nationalism can tackle the problem directly. And this problem is us and our weakness.
      We uphold civilization and we are solely responsible if it falls.
      You don’t agree with us, then you don’t belong to us.
      No subversion possible if done radically.
      With success we will always grow weak and then we cannot hold subversive forces back anymore.
      That is why we should cut off the weak even if they happen to be born into our people.

  2. The civitas is the sum of the culture of the majority ethnic group.
    So initially ethno and civic nationalism are the same.
    But then often there is an attempt to split it.
    I need to make a split between a minimal “proposition nation” civic nationalism where we are all “created equal and endowed … rights…”. which can’t work because every word requires the cultural lens of interpretation (i.e. the Constitution is NOT a living document, but means what Jefferson and Washington would have understood it to mean), and what I might call a “cultural nationalism”.
    Last Samurai as Tom Cruise’s character in Japan where he adopts their way, or James’ Cleavell’s Shogun.
    Or the immigrants to America that assimilated to a WASP public schools curriculum.
    (We have a secular multicultural curriculum that is anti-assimilation today).
    If your paradigm, your learned history, your loyalty is of your new country, then cultural nationalism is possible, but it requires the “norm” to be the ethno-national majority. You have tohave something specific and well defined to assimilate to.
    One of the big problems today is with multiculturalism, there is no template to assimilate to. While the Civic Nationalists see a single menu item, the multiculturalists have provided a cafeteria. Englsh, but you can substitute spanish. Christian, but you can have Muslim/Sharia.

  3. Civic nationalism is plenty reasonable if immigration is limited to people who will likely assimilate. Asians assimilate well and become productive citizens despite being a different ethnicity.
    Israel is rather diverse and a poor example of an ethno-state as well.

    1. Asians do not assimilate that well at all. They mostly stick to their own group and show a distinct preference for their own group.
      What you are conflating with assimilate is their ability to be productive citizens that add value and don’t bother people/commit crime.

      1. By assimilate I mean exhibit similar values to the ones established by the founding fathers. Blacks don’t. Hispanics don’t often. Every single demo. group shows a distinct preference for their own ethnicity. Babies well before they develop show a preference to their own ethnicity.

        1. East asians tend to assimilate well wherever they go.
          I have relatives who can’t even speak an Asian language yet fluent in German and Spanish.

        2. Ok I think that is more coincidence or possibly because the very characteristics our founding fathers embodied lead towards success. It goes without question Asians and Indians are by and large well qualified and successful. But we should have a more holistic view towards immigration than “the best and the brightest” ability to fit in and assimilate should be the top priority, in my opinion.

        3. I would also argue Asians are much much more collectivists than our WASPy founders making them more similar to Catholics than protestants. Rugged individualism was a core principal and belief of our founders. So I definitely disagree with you in your assessment.

        4. European Catholics assimilate fine as well. Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims (rquatorial peoples) generally do not. Of course, they also exhibit lower average IQs.

        5. Yes, European Catholics assimilated well. That is not what I am trying to say. I am saying Catholics are more collectivist than Protestants which likens them more to Asians whose culture is collectivist.

        6. It’s not reasonable to expect the US to be a WASP only domain. Besides, denominations used to fight pretty contentiously back then too. Having more, not fewer, productive members of society should be the focus. Plenty of trailer park WASPs that shouldn’t be reproducing either.

        7. That WASP thing gets my dander up. I had an asshole who loved to point at me and say WASPs were the problem with everything.
          I ain’t Anglo-Saxon. Saxon, yes, on my mother’s side, but not Anglo and certainly more Slavic than either of those.

        8. Yes, and I am glad the US is not a WASP only domain(as I am not a WASP). America should focus on being a pan european nation with a super majority of whites. We can have a small number of asians/indians, 10% lets say. The idea being asians and indians do not form a large enough group so they have any significant power, whether economically, culturally or politically.

      2. Can’t we just all get along and not assimilate but still do what your respective ethnicity does best? Asians are happiest swizzling a wok and preparing food. I don’t want to compete with an Asian trying to make a better pot of General Pho’s lo mein. I’ll gladly eat it but I ain’t making it. I would look like a woman dancing with her carpet sweeper on the commercial if I were stirring a wok. I would look out of body and mind in other words. Men carrying a baby on a papoose also look out of their mind and body.

        1. This is the very essence of diversity. We shouldn’t be ashamed of what we made of our culture. I expect and Italians to be good with plumbing but nowadays that racist.

        2. “Asians are happiest swizzling a wok and preparing food.”
          Heh, I’m the ROK stereotype monitor, and that’s just not cool. They’re good at maths too

        3. I wasn’t aware of that fact / stereotype. I’ve known a few chinese cooks but I drove myself to their restaurants

        4. Really? Asians are terrible drivers-they’re infamous for how bad they are and how they cause countless accidents. Women are as bad. Funnily enough I’ve been in collisions from both causing them so I speak from experience.

        5. I’m not disagreeing. I just wasn’t aware of the stereotype. By asian I presume you mean oriental rather than sub-continent (I would partly qualify as the latter). I’ve been to Jakarta and they drive very badly there, but I wasn’t aware they took that with them

        6. I know you are being funny but the fact of the matter is Asians are well represented in STEM and other high paying fields. If they band together and form job networks with one another and exclusively do business with one another that could be a big big problem for whites.

        7. That I do. Although, to be fair I’ve been to Bangkok a few times and the drivers whilst insane are actually very good.

        8. I forget which comedian had that bit about “no middle ground” – maybe it was Bill Burr – but it’s funny stuff. It basically goes like this:

          There are only two kinds of Asian drivers. There are your Tokyo Drifters, speeding into the lot and making a hairpin turn to slide perfectly into the parking spot, and there are the “what’s a blinker?” people taking up two lanes and driving way below the speed limit.
          The funny thing is, there’s no middle ground. You either make a Nascar driver jealous, or you piss off everyone on the road.

        9. had a white knuckle taxi drive in jakarta, but as I recall nobody died, which must have required considerable skill in itself

        10. I’ve seen that less in the US than in places like Japan. Overseas, in their own countries, they get very picky. Here, though, it seems to be all about business for now*.
          *Indians are known to band together and hire xenophobically. Koreans, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Japanese, not so much.

        11. Advice from a friend: never tell a Korean cabbie there’s an extra ten bucks in it if he can get you there in five minutes.
          You’ll get there alive and in that five minutes, but the state of your pants is an open question. Every flat surface can be a road to a Korean cabbie, it would seem.

        12. Definitely true. And it’s funny also because you see so many here driving Japanese cars like Nissan Skyline-R32s and that are hotted up/modded to some insane degree-they’re called ‘Rice Rockets’

        13. must be the whole region then. In jakarta all I remember are chickens flying all over the place. I think they were chickens, as opposed to people. It was a while back

        14. Funny stuff. Makes me feel old because I remember them being so plentiful.

        15. Well, I work with a few chinese(some from US and some from China). I will say they are by and large good people. My Asian-American boss hired an H1B(from China) for an open position we had. The visaholder is most certainly qualified but there were white Americans he could have hired as well. He did not have to choose the foreigner. I can’t help but think ethnicity and race played into it.
          P.S. working for indians is an absolute nightmare. I have had 2 indian bosses. They expect the world from you. Absolute perfection. Anything less is completely unacceptable and is shameful. They play a lot of mind games as well.

        16. How do you know if you’ve been burgled by a Chinaman?
          Your maths homework’s done, your cat’s been eaten and they’re still trying to reverse out of your driveway.

        17. Indeed. And then those Oriental bastards like to play joke and slip the peepee into your cola beverage.

        18. I’m on a roll –
          How do you know when your house has been burgled by a Tongan?
          KFC bones in the yard, jandals are missing and your cat’s pregnant.

        19. I’m almost out, but
          I went to my first muslim birthday party the other night – musical chairs was crap, but pass the parcel was fvcking intense.

        20. What do you get if you cross an Asian and a Mexican? A car thief that can’t drive.

        21. It is a Darwinian process in Bangkok. You have to get good fast as a driver or you die. They have a very Buddhist view point that if an accident happens it was fated to happen. Therefore they do nothing to change the roads, how they drive, or the laws. Likewise they drive like maniacs because if you are going to die you are going to die and nothing you do will affect that outcome.

        22. Have you never worked in Tech? If a sub continent type gets in charge then all future employees will be sub continent types, period. It is almost as bad with Chinese. I work in a field dominated by the Chinese and they are very clannish.

        23. Clannish amongst ethnic/racial groups.
          I always find this surprising how more (white) people don’t understand this is a thing amongst all groups of people.

        24. Interesting that. I’ve been to Thailand numerous times and have business associates in Bangkok. I noticed what you say but never saw any accidents-they were all crackerjack drivers.

  4. best article ever. now please show this to the cucks over at r/The_Donald.

  5. Mr. Sebastian, white nationalism is the only option. It has gotten to that point, and if we don’t adhere to our roots and blood, we will be totally destroyed, and the goyim will be totally under the control of the Jews. They know whites are the last stumbling block to their (((New World Order))), and they attack us on all fronts. Literal erosion of what whites held dear is the game. You can call it white nationalism, white supremacy, national socialism…whatever. These people are masters at waging a war on you while telling you there isn’t a war going on. They call us cattle because we have allowed our decadence to trick us into submitting to being slaughtered and herded like cattle. And they do this openly as well, yet, whites haven’t collectively woken up to the fact that they are being targeted for death. The day that the “holocaust” is no longer effectively used to browbeat whites into destroying themselves is the day we take it all back.

    1. Ah, Dem Joos! I might have known they were behind it! Seriously, what the hell do the Jews have to do with it. And denying the Holocaust puts you in the mental retard category. Shame on you!

      1. “Seriously, what the hell do the Jews have to do with it.”
        Oh man here we go.
        lol. did you really have to ask this? Really?

        1. The root of it all is sexual. Romantic ‘love’ has forcibly replaced practical pairing in all the open market tropes. It’s sexual with the jews as well. With their dickheads nearly chopped off, of course what man can think clearly. THE DICKS must arise again and dominate. OUR GREAT BALLS of fire will be the engine that propells us out of the quagmire. Immigrants or no immigrants, the feminist disease is sinking our entire species if we let it.

        2. what was the latest research? We have one sperm left each or something, and mankind will go extinct should another jennifer lawrence sex tape get leaked

        3. I thought that was Hitler. But now its the jews. Now that’s cultural appropriation for you

        4. maybe on alt right sites, but I’m pretty sure Mr Hitler still dominates the continent. It is respectable to compare pretty much anything to Hitler. Less so with the Joos

        5. It’s a strange world, but I very much doubt that to be the case. What seems to be the case is that the nazis got a degree of finance from unlikely sources, and even that there might occasionally have been parallel interests involved – for instance such as Ken Livingstone mentioned with regard to Zionism. That doesn’t make Mr Hitler a jew though.

        6. He was catholic in his youth and an out and out anti-Christian pagan in his adulthood.

      2. You are quite ignorant if you are not aware of how the Jews have been trying to literally subvert our country for over 100 years. I won’t go into all the instances because I don’t have time and there are so many but know this: the 1965 immigration and naturalization act was orchestrated by the Jews to flood America with non whites. Their idea was to atomize America so white christians never gain too much power and gang up on them like hitler did.

      3. Few white nationalists and Western nationalists (there is a difference, there) appear to actually believe the Holocaust never happened. Instead, they tend to be opposed to the propagandistic use of the Holocaust.
        Were 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust? Probably, though there is apparently some question as to exactly where that number comes from.
        Were Nazi death camps bad news? Absolutely.
        But bad things happen. Evil men do evil things. My generation has more chance of meeting an honest-to-god tranny than anyone who remembers WWII, and we are certainly not goosestepping to Hitler’s fife. Even so, if you ask any of us about the Holocaust we can give numbers and names, while our grandparents are unlikely to even know when the Civil War was fought (and that had a much bigger impact on Americans).
        Holocaust-focus just sounds like whining and posturing to us.

        1. It is perfectly consistent to accept both the fact (and enormity) of the holocaust and the fact (and enormity) of the holocaust industry (to reference Norman Finkelstein). Enough time has passed for discussion of such things to happen on a civil basis

    2. Sure everyone here knows about the JQ, but the fact is that if a demographic that consists of 2% of your country pulls all your strings the problem isn’t the 2% but the 98%….Power has and will always be an illusion…How many tyrants and monarchs have thought themselves to be invincible, only to butchered on the streets by the mob…

      1. Yes. They are masters of infiltrating governments and societies and rotting it out from within. Such is the fragile nature of the system we carefully created. Remember what ben franklin said. “if you do not exclude the jew from america, your children’s children will curse you in your grave”

  6. Anyone here read anything by Yale professor Samuel Moyn? No one lays it out better,& he does it without pissing people off…

  7. United We Stand Divided We Fall is well proven where Divided We Stand Together does not

  8. People are tribal. Loyalties lie within an inner circle. Best we can do is meet halfway but I agree. It doesn’t usually work.
    Look at Turkey for example, heterogenous and ethnically diverse yet very disfunctional.
    If a strong belief system still exist it might unite tribes but that doesn’t even exist now.
    I always found the west devoid of spirit. Perhaps a war to start over might do the trick.
    The greatest advantage our civilization has over the previous ones is that the information has been made available and will carry on so long as it’s not compromised. That’s doubtful.

  9. just straight up ban Spanish
    I remember the first and only time I visited America I was greeted into LAX by announcements in Spanish, giant picture of King Nigger above the escalators and having security treat me like a terrorist
    In comparison
    First time I visited Russia i told the bloke at customs I’ve brought in more than the legal amount of alcohol and he just waved me on and told me to stop wasting his time

    1. That’s awesome. Russia is at least a nstion that has a set of balls and respects itself.

    2. “just straight up ban Spanish”
      Por que tienes mala leche? Por que lo pasas tan mal? Me da verguenza para saber que hay tantos payasos en esto sitio que no les gusta la lengua espanol y que quieren prohibirla.

      1. Los Estados Unidos fueron fundados por hablantes de inglés. Ha sido nuestra lengua.
        No me ves quejándose de que ya no hacemos negocios en Alemán.

        1. Die Vereinigten Staaten wurden von englischen Sprechern gegründet. Es war unsere Zunge.
          Sie sehen mich nicht beschweren, dass wir keine Geschäfte mehr in deutscher Sprache machen.

          If something about the translations is wrong, take it up with Google. I’m a polyglot in the sense that I can take written languages and turn them into spoken sounds, not in the sense that I read and understand past the preschool level.

    1. I guessed that from your previous comment to me on another thread. Question: Just how old are you? Also, what region of the U.S. are you from? Have you served in the military? Did you attend college?

  10. Maybe in Europe this can be applicable, but what ties Americans isn’t blood and soil but culture and soil. Therefore who are the true Americans? Southerners? Coastal Liberals? Flyover farmers? Rust Belt blue collar workers? Ethno-nationalism could work if Hispanics and blacks are granted independant states but the logistics and the overall costs of it makes it almost impossible..
    On a side note, I’ll take that figure 2.7 on demographics well salted…Nobody can tell the future…Remember Al Gore’s BS predictions on global warming? Conservative whites are exponentially having more kids than commie whites…black americans have been having an average of 4 kids per household for over 100 years and are still in the 10-15% of the population. The reason why civic nationalism has a better chance of working is because we’ve seen what happens when a black child is raised by White parents…better literacy rates, higher IQ etc. or blacks raised in 90%+ White neighbourhoods, Contrary to the lamestream media and Hollyweird, a significant percentage of blacks actually lived the Cosby-esque Huxtable lifestyle until marxists successfully infiltrated the the internal rhetoric.
    But what are the Hispanics? and what about the Mulattoes? Which side do they take?
    Interest topic and article

    1. “black americans have been having an average of 4 kids per household for over 100 years and are still in the 10-15% of the population.”
      That’s because black Americans have extremely high mortality rates for living in a modern society. If they didn’t, they would be growing as a percentage of the population.

      1. Black women also account for about 35% of abortions on average. Nearly 70% of Planned Parenthood clinics are in or near Black neighborhoods.

        1. Believe me, if it were up to me, I’d be pumping bc into the water in low income neighborhoods. Act like an animal and I’ll treat you like one.

        2. This was the goal of the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margret Sanger. She was big into eugenics, and was more racists than Hitler (literally). She fully intended to improve the populace of the US by aborting as many black babies as possible.

      2. The most recent figures I have seen show afro-americans are now a little below whites in terms of fertility

    2. I agree it has a better chance of working, but consider the following. Many young people these days feel without roots, so they turn back in their ancestry to seek inspiration. For the majority of white folks, this is little problem – their ancestors were of European stock, and European cultures, and so fit the traditional values and ideals of America as a whole. A British descendent and a German such as myself might diverge a bit – I’m inclined to be Lutheran and rather appreciate the Amish, for example – but on the whole it sort of pans out.
      Consider, now, what happens when a Black child looks back. Assume that he feels rootless despite a successful family, so he looks back to slavery and beyond. What he sees is his fellow citizens oppressing his people (even if, like many, his ancestors were either not slaves or even held slaves of their own), which embitters him. He might look to tribal customs and derive a culture that is not strictly compatible with American society (as many gangs purportedly do). This is less than productive for American culture, because the conflict is heightened.
      This is the danger to civic nationalism. It can work wonders when everyone is sold, but we live in a society where the cultural roots have been cut out. Even if this were not the case, eventually we would lose our roots to a degree and reenter a state of conflict.
      So, I am inclined to agree in part with you and in part with the article.

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    3. Your statistics are off. Which is going to influence the conclusions you draw from them.
      Conservatives are 41% more fertile than liberals. It’s 2.08 children per couple for conservatives, 1.47 children per couple for liberals. This is a big difference, though quite not exponential.
      However, more importantly…
      Black Americans averaged 2.0 children per mother in 2010 (slightly more than white Americans’ 1.8 children per mother). That’s a fall from earlier levels; it was 2.5 children per mother in 1990. But certainly is not “4 kids per household for over 100 years.” I can’t find anywhere Africans have had 4 children per household outside of African countries like Chad (where it’s 4.9 children per household).
      Black children raised in white households do see a modest IQ bump during childhood. However, once they reach adulthood, black IQs are identical whether raised by white or black parents when other things are controlled for. This is probably because IQ is only 30% genetic in childhood, with genes playing a larger and larger role as you age. By adulthood, genes are 80% of IQ, and most of those early cultural gains are erased.
      Also, in adulthood, blacks raised by white parents are no less likely to go to jail than blacks raised by black parents.
      More on civic nationalism: the Obama administration ran a trial housing experiment in Texas where inner city blacks were moved into upper middle class white neighborhoods. Their children were sent to upper middle class white schools. The black children scored no better on their tests, and were arrested slightly more often in the white neighborhoods than they were in the ghetto. There was no change for the blacks aside from more arrests. However, the whites experienced a big uptick in being the victims of crime.
      It would be nice to think we are all exactly the same, and we just need to give blacks the right environment to see them thrive in white society. But nature seems to have proved this idealism wrong more times than we can count. You can take the black man out of Africa, but it seems you can’t take Africa out of the black man.

      1. Put another way, you can take the nagger out of Harlem, but you can’t take Harlem out of the nagger.

      2. Religion gets more interesting…
        ‘Liberal’ (closet atheist) christians have about 1.5 children.
        ‘Conservative’ Christians have about 3 children.
        Wait 20 years and America will still be Majority Christian, and much less Liberal.

      3. There was that infamous study last years showing black university graduates had higher criminal cnviction rates after graduation than white working class high school drop-outs. But then, anytime a Doctor is being ‘struck-off’ for malpractice etc, he/she is invariably black.

    4. The low IQ now is the result of breeding. The biggest thug – thanks to welfare – is the strongest horse for the chicks. And since no one keeps a record about who is the father, inbreeding happens.
      But I guess, 6 fingers help with basketball.
      It’s the upside down of the Huxtable lifestyle.
      No more good times. Dynamite.

      1. pS. the other truth is, Africa is pretty huge and there are a lot of different types of Africans and the Cosby’s weren’t Somalis.

    5. Might be interesting to watch Hispanic Catholicism play out vs Islamic invasion in Western culture. Curious if Islam will ever gain a toehold in Central/South America or if they may be our saving grace by making motherfuckers disappear in the middle of the night.

      1. Hispanic catholicism’s attitudes toward illegal immigration, would result in them rolling over.

        1. Most legal Hispanic immigrants hate illegal immigration, and support the alt right take on immigration overall.

        2. But what about other forms of social justice/ liberation theology?
          Latin America was compromised long ago… as evidenced by the current pope.

      2. Islam has already been growing in central America, though not rapidly (yet). I read awhile back that indigenous tribes, such as the Maya, had been converting to Islam, and there is a growing movement among mestizos and mulattoes promoting the idea that the Spaniards and Portuguese who went to the Americas were actually Moriscos and Marranos (which may be partially true for the crypto-Jews). There are even some who are promoting the idea that the Moslems reached the Americas before the Christian Europeans and converted the Indians to Islam (they base this on Cristóbal Colón AKA Columbus comparing a landmark he saw to a minaret) and that they should ‘revert’ en mass to their ‘indigenous’ religion, which for them would be Islam. This could be an issue in the future. Low IQ populations are attracted to Islam’s barbarism.

        1. “Low IQ populations are attracted to Islam’s barbarism”
          Rather, aggressive cultures mesh well with what is a warrior’s religion.
          Still, I don’t think the bulk of hispanics will convert at all. Although you mention something interesting in that a massive number of the ‘christians’ with power in south america were actually conversos or marranos (etc). The Muslims could play that up to gain converts.

        2. I still see whiteness coveted on their soap operas & rabid Catholicism throughout.

    6. The biggest argument I can think of against the ethnostate, is that white leftists would be part of it.
      Just create a separate nation without SJWs or feminists, that’s how you solve this problem.

    7. The problem with this is that the belief that all white people are equal is a new concept. The various european nationalities have always believed in their differences. Hell if you told the founding fathers of the United States that Italians and Irish people were their equals they would probably laugh at you. And asians are just as bad if not worse at this. Asians don’t see all asians as the same. Koreans are known for getting discriminated against in Japan and vice vesa as well.

      1. There were Irish Founding Fathers, and America is named after an Italian man. Many of the Founding Fathers were involved in politics which were linked, and even funded by French and Germans. Even the idea of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness was given to Benjamin Franklin by a German friend.

    8. The “real Americans” (and Canadians), are those people who’s land was stolen from them, and, who were massacred in a mass genocide (estimated at least 100 million killed over the past 400 years). It’s always interesting how they never figure in any of the graphs and charts that officials use to depict the different identities of North America.

      1. “estimated at least 100 million killed over the past 400 years”
        As a partially indigenous person whose family is half First Nations, I’d like to see the stats on this. There is no evidence in Canada of massive populations numbering in the millions.

        1. I read the figure somewhere years back, so considering how much I read, I doubt I could find the exact source. Keep in mind, that the figure was an estimate of the total of ALL the aboriginal peoples in North America. Remember…the borders that we know are all recent creations of modern man…and didn’t exist before white man came here.

      2. If you knew even the basics of population and resources availablitiy, you’d know that with Stone Age technology, such populations levels are impossible. Not to mention that Stone Age societies ALWAYS suffer from high mortality from inter-tribal warfare over scarce resources (i.e not having the technology to overcome drught etc). It is well established that the numbers people throw about in regard to native Americans are completely made up without any consideration of population levels attainable by Stone Age tech. We can observe many Stone Age tribes today, such as the Yanomami, and see that the figures would be in the low millions total population. Over 40% died from contact with European diseases, but those Europeans also had high rates of mortality from the same diseases, and had a life expectancy well under 40 up until the late 20th century. So it wasn’t exacly some evil plan by whites, it was simply the hardship of that period, and everyone suffered.
        The irony is that there are more native Americans alive now than at any time in history, all thanks to white mans technology – i.e over-coming scarcity.

        1. As I stated, don’t quote me on the exact figure, as I am going from memory, and no longer have all my texts from my studies. Estimates for the Aboriginal populations for North, Central, and South America vary anywhere from 2 to 20 million, to possibly as high as 50 to 100 million. It is also estimated that 80% – 90% perished after the arrival of Europeans. It is difficult for scholars to know the exact numbers, and, many disagree with those cited by various sources, and, I would concur with this. Consider also that the region I am referring to has a total area of 42.5 million square kilometers, covering over 28% of the earth’s land area.
          Remember, I am referring to the entire continental bodies of North, Central, and South America (again…total area of 42.5 million square kilometers), and, because of their nomadic nature, nobody knows exactly what the numbers are. Regardless of what the numbers are, I was attempting to make a point, and it appears that people seem to be fixated more on the accuracy of an estimate (which is ridiculous, since it is an estimate), rather than the actual point I was making, which is that civic nationalism is at its core a very weak proposition, and is too prone to the ebbs and flows of the economy, and the accompanying vagaries of the distribution of social goods. During periods of scarcity, civic nationalism will break down easily, unless the government incurs incredible deficit spending in order to mitigate the effects, which brings its own set of problems that further exacerbates those that begat them.
          Stop focusing on the accuracy of estimated figures, and stick to the topic at hand if you are going to reply. Otherwise, this is merely becoming an exercise of discursive ridiculousness.

        2. You don’t have the luxury of demanding I stop replying. You used completely bunk statistics, and even admitted as much, saying “no one knows the exact numbers”. They don’t know the exact numbers but they know the limits of Stone Age tech, and it doesn’t get close to 100 million. Anyways, as you are.

    9. American culture was embodied by Western Europeans, primarily Germanics, Anglo-Saxons. But what are the Hispanics?

      You mean Mestizos? Because “Latino” and “Hispanics” are misnomer.
      Hispanics are Spaniards. It’s like saying “what are Anglos”? “Hispanics” comes from word Hispania, Roman name for the Iberian Peninsula, todays Spain.
      Just because Mexicans or Mestizos speaks Spanish, it does not make them “Hispanics” nor “Latino” (Spain just as Portugese, French, Italian, Romanian, is vulgarized form of Latin language).
      Just because Indians with dots speaks English, it does not make them “Anglos”.

      But what are the Hispanics? and what about the Mulattoes? Which side do they take?

      Look most prominent celebrity mulattoes, they are more radical than full blooded or more black looking negroes.
      Majority of mulattoes chose black side, they are not aware what happened in Haiti to mulattoes.

    10. The studies I have seen have shown increased performance by black children adopted by white parents, but they’re still between 3 and 5 IQ points behind whites. Take away the influence of white parents, and observe black parents with black children/ adoptees, and the difference is 14 IQ points. Add on to this that scientific breakthroughs, which benefit everyone, and are obviously critical for various reasons, require those outliers whom score in the high IQ range, +160, and you fnd a complete dearth of black people in that range – which is manifest in the lack of notable artistic and scientific geniuses blacks have created, even whilst having benefitted from the education system whites created and use. I don’t think anyone can seriously suggest there will be a black Da Vinci, John Keets, Max Plank, Guass, Tesla, Beethoven or Bernard Riemann, yet that level is potential in most white/ European children, were we to get rid of this Marxist system. Civic nationalism, at its best, is asking us to produce those creative geniuses, for the benefit of blacks whom are incapable of doing so. How is that not a form of parasitism? It is cuckoldary at best and slavery to parasites at worst.
      You only need to look at the most ‘currently famous’ black, Dr Ben Carson*, to see that even those whom are pushed as exemplary blacks, are, upon closer inspection, hucksters.

    11. America absolutely was founded on blood. The founding fathers were white nationalists to the core. And even in America’s “melting pot” high-immigration phase, immigration was restricted almost entirely to Europeans.
      I find that the melting pot metaphor is apt because a good melting pot has ingredients that meld well together, you can’t just dump in any old crap and expect it to taste good at the end.
      South Africa is another example of this. The term is “ethnogenesis”, the creation of an entirely new ethnicity of people, and that is what happened with South Africa and the Dutch, British, and other Europeans who settled there, just like America. The blend of whiteness they created thrived and succeeded because white people are similar enough in genetics to create successful societies.
      Sure, America has a more flexible definition of “white” compared to European countries, but there’s definitely a “white enough” standard to be had.

  11. The death of the USA will be because of its imperialism and foreign wars. Jack Ma estimated that the USA has spent 14 trillion in foreign wars. You can build a lot of walls with that.

  12. So men can’t be right winged and red pilled if they aren’t white blondes with blue eyes?

    1. Race as primary is the current fausse idee claire on the “right”. The more sane idea is to be proud of your own inside of a hierarchy of values.

  13. Good article. Civic nationalism is cucked af. Like how a French soldier in WW1 would consider an African fighting for the Frech side his comrade , but a German his enemy. Civic nationalism has produced many wars between brothers of blood in Europe.

    1. That, at least, I can understand. When you are shoulder to shoulder with anyone in a gunfight, it creates a strong bond. Hell, one of my buddies looks like a racist to the casual observer, but his roommate is a Black guy who saved his ass in Iraq. They’ve got a connection unlike any I possess, and that’s something.
      After WWI, the Allied forces shat on the Germans (which, according to the German version of events, is the cause for the initial invasion of France).

      1. That I understand , it’s natural. My point is that it’s the Civic nationalism that has produced these absurd scenarios. They could raise wars between peoples so close by blood and culture and crippled the Western Civilisation.

  14. Sometimes I’ll play this little game…I’ll turn on the TV, and surf through all 50 channels on the cable system here at my hotel. And I’ll count how many channels show a black person on the screen. Generally speaking, it’s about 40%. Since the density of blacks in the USA is roughly 12.5%, this is an indication that the media does indeed want its viewers to see things exactly as it wishes them to be seen.
    As for the miscegenation thing, as little as three years ago, you rarely saw a black man with a white woman (or a white man with a black women), on episodic TV or in commercials. In the last couple of years, there has been an explosion of this sort of thing. And always, the white guy is portrayed as being a simp, or an idiot, or a clueless cuck, and he’s weak, and he’s an afterthought, and he’s worthy of scorn.
    Since the major advertising companies are owned by the same consortium that own Big Media (the same five or six major corporations), the collusion here is obvious. “Social engineering – it’s not just a concept, it’s a freakin’ way of life.”

    1. I noticed the same thing over the last few years, to watch television or listen to the radio one would think blacks were 50% of the population. They put those mixed race couples on television for a reason, if you see it so much after a while you don’t notice anymore then over time you get used to the idea, then it’s ok with you.
      They did they same thing with homosexuals starting in the 90s, now it’s common to see people be perfectly ok with it, after all love is love…..what a crock.
      I suppose the lefts reasoning is that if we all breed with other races then there will be no more racism and then everyone can live happily ever after in the world wide utopian socialist government that controls everything down to how much TP you can use.

      1. Absolutely. It’s all a giant mindfuck, geared towards creating a mixed-race society.
        And then we have OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) and BET (Black Entertainment Television). Imagine the uproar if we had WET (White Entertainment Television). And yet, we want equality, yes, and social justice, and fairness.
        On the Oprah Winfrey Network they run this criminal forensics investigation program. Nearly every single perp, in their case files, is an Evil White Man. Sometimes it will be an Evil White Woman, but mostly it’s the former. And the Evil White Man does incredibly heinous shit to his victims, usually women. But nary a black man can be found in these shows, as a perp, and whenever he is (for the most part), it turns out he was falsely accused (“dindu nuffin”). Which is odd, to say the least, since 65% of all violent crime in the USA is committed by blacks, most of whom are between the ages of 18 and 25.
        Good thing their viewers aren’t big on math skills (especially statistics)…

        1. I just don’t understand how someone can think that if you throw a bunch of dissimilar people together in close proximity that they are all going to get along because “diversity!” One group is always going to be envious of the other or they are going to think they are getting the short end of the stick.
          So I guess if everyone breeds mulottoes and there’s one world government then there won’t be anything to fight about.
          It’s a utopian dream, look how many times people from similar groups slaughtered one another. No matter how much they deny it somebody is always going to feel like they are being shorted by the other side and are going to be ready to scrap over it.

        2. African and Indian tribes (dot and feather) have fought generations-long and bloody feuds over slight variations in skin color and ancestry.
          All the modern focus can do is try to eradicate whites, in the same way many cultures throughout history have eradicated their enemies through breeding restriction and cultural destruction. It won’t end wars or violence in our countries, and it might even escalate it.

        3. Sometimes I think it’s too late to save them. White people are browbeating themselves into oblivion to prove they aren’t racists, homophobes, islamaphobes or whatever.
          Personally I say, fuck that. Associate with who you want to, stop kissing ass to prove how tolerant you are and if anybody doesn’t like it then, that’s too bad.

        4. Thus busing, back in the 1970s in the USA, and it’s morphed into the clusterfuck we see today, most especially with the immigration practices.

        5. While there are cases of genuine white guilt, I believe it’s mostly virtue signaling. Wealthy, “educated” white people aren’t race mixing or brow beating themselves, in any real sense. I worked on a project in the middle of a wealthy neighborhood in a D.C. suburb. There was a small convenience store nearby that construction laborers would patronize because it was efficient. The owners were glad for the business but the “locals” complained about them being there and asked that they be turned away.
          They’re hardcore liberals who overwhelmingly vote democrat but they’re very stringent NIMBY’s. Diversity is great as long as they’re insulated from it. All the other white liberals, especially the men, are simply following feminist doctrine.
          White men, like most men in this sphere, are dominated by their women. They control reproduction and are choosing not to have kids or have much less. White guilt isn’t doing this, feminism is, by exponentially raising the price of pussy.
          Look at how much money some men are willing to part with for some ass (in many cases sloppy seconds). Elon Musk is a prime example.

        6. I see the same thing with law and order/criminal shows.
          Always the white male as the child molester, racist hate crime, sadistic murderer rapist.
          If a minority is the villain it generally plays out that they only became bad because a white male boss/stepdad/priest abused them. It’s unbelievable.
          The Jewish/sjw screenwriters have a field day with this shit.
          The sad thing is this repetitive advertising or programming becomes deeply imbedded into the conciousnois of the great unwashed no matter how ridiculous it is compared to the real world facts.

        7. Diverse communities are not the same thing as communities of diversity. I’m fine with the former, the latter is living hell.

      2. What fascinates me is that I grew up with a hell of a lot of ethnic backgrounds around me, and no one gave a hoot. I think half my elementary class was either black, Indian, Asian, and Middle Eastern, but we had no problems getting along.
        Flash forward, and one of those Middle Eastern kids is part of some Palestinian advocacy group, three of the black kids are BLM slam poet types, and one of those Indian kids is all but indistinguishable from a FOB South Indian (out of a class of 15 or so).
        What happened? Civic nationalism must have failed, methinks, or else we’d all be in pretty much the same boat.

        1. A society of victims is what happened, and they all compete to see who the biggest victims are.
          I don’t know how to fix it but the class warfare pushed by the left is just making it all worse.
          I have sense enough to realize that we are all stuck here and should operate on mutual levels of respect however, it feels like the more people are pushed to get along the more that tensions rise.

        2. I don’t doubt that happened with the black kids (whose parents were doctors and lawyers, but who majored in bullshit and now whine professionally), but what about the Indian kid? The way I pieced it together, in elementary his family moved into a largely Indian community and he sort of embraced his roots.
          Even without the victimhood mentality, this is the sort of thing that will happen, and it looks natural. The Chinese immigrants working on the rails formed into their Chinatowns in much the same way.

        3. Good point. From what I understand around here back in the segregation days, most every town had a ” black business district “. They did their thing, whites did theirs. Now there’s no business in the hood, all that progress in the 50-60s apparently eliminated it.
          Maybe if well enough had been left alone most of those problems would have worked themselves out over time and we would all be better off instead where we are now with the federal government ready to twist arms to make sure whites “get along”.

        4. Same thing happened to me after high school. Syrian dude who was just a goober kid turns into a talking head for CAIR. Quiet black guy I was in choir with comes out as an Afrocentrist with anger issues.
          Where did it go wrong?

        5. Good comment. It’s not the multiethnic state that’s necessarily the problem — it’s ***the culture of victimhood*** that has grown up within the multiethnic state. 300 million special snowflakes does not make a good recipe for social cohesion.
          But then again, the U.S. was never known for enormous social cohesion — we’re known as a place to make money, be innovative, and be excellent.

        6. Man, those Afrocentrist guys have an axe to grind with everybody.

        7. Come to think of it, if you want an eye opening experience you should read Message To The Black Man by Elijah Muhammad. The really sad thing is how many morons believe that crap and follow an idiot like Louis Farrakhan.

        8. A lot of what we assume is black culture is of recent vintage. LBJ blew up the black family and multigenerational bastardy did the rest.
          Black culture isn’t actually bad, it’s bastard culture that does the rest. There used to be centers of black elites, Howard is still a pretty red pill school (men only, said hell no to cross dressing), a tremendous spiritual music tradition, and other things.
          They chased the black man out of the home. Feminism destroys all.

        9. In the 50s, black folks only did business in the hood because they HAD to, owing to de facto or explicit segregation laws. Once those laws fell, motivated black folks upped and ran.
          Now you’ve got counties in the U.S. that are solidly middle-class black–Prince George’s County in Maryland, for example–that are nowhere near urban centers. Left behind are the D students in the ghetto, the lowdown nasty ones, and without a moderating influence from blacks higher on the totem pole, they’ve really, really, really degenerated. Middle-class black folk talk about this a lot — see Chris Rock’s famous routine about the difference between black people and n—–s.

        10. I can sort of see that.
          What I was saying though is that the reason there was a black business section is irrelevant, it did exist but now it’s gone.
          There’s no way to know one way or another but I can’t help but wonder if do-gooders had a solution and were looking for a problem. If left alone would the situation have worked its way out on its on into a better situation than what we have now?
          Passing laws that made everyone have equal rights was needed but I think they should have stopped there.

        11. I’m old enough to remember when black family structure and white were the same thing. Most every family had two married parents that raised kids but,something went horribly wrong starting in the 70s and now it has started spilling over into white families too.
          I recall having a conversation about this with a black guy about 20 years ago. He basically said he didn’t understand why white people got married if they had an accident. He said black people didn’t worry about it, they just had a “baby daddy and baby momma”. I thought at the time, that was the craziest thing I’d ever heard of. Now there’s white baby daddy’s and baby mommas too and nobody thinks anything of it.

      3. “over the last few years, to watch television or listen to the radio one would think blacks were 50% of the population.”
        It comes down to, who spends the most hours watching TV? Three guesses… Programming tailored to the audience.

    2. A few years ago I noticed that commercials for some kind of toothache relieving compound showed blacks using the product.
      I guess the company markets to blacks because it assumes that they can’t afford to go to the dentist.

      1. They do that a lot…another frontier where I’ve noticed that is payday loans. And types of insurance, too. And of course, Popeye’s Chicken. That’s pretty racist if anything is going to be considered such, but nary a peep from the target audience…

    3. It’s sickening.
      And the funny thing is there’s a study that indicates that pound for pound white men are actually stronger. Which is interesting as the records for weightlifting, strong men contests and general prowess in sports demanding such like Olympic wrestling, white men dominate handily.

      1. Agreed. Since I know sports is really shady (okay, in most cases it’s out-and-out rigged), well, there you go. The black man is being held up as the ideal physical specimen. Football, basketball and track uphold that notion (the rest of the sports, not so much).
        Funny thing is, when you look at the best FT shooters and FG shooters in NBA and collegiate history, most of them are white. Which makes absolutely no sense, since the rosters at both levels have been 70-plus percent black for a long time now.
        This is a clusterfuck of immense proportions. It’s all about perception and reality. Create the perception and have it embraced as reality. Which is interesting, because I was watching an interview with Lord God Supreme College Basketball Coach of All-Time, Mike Krzyzewski, of Duke University, and during that interview, he responded to a question by saying, “There’s perception – and then there’s reality.” And he had this shit-eating smirk on his face. Even the coaches know what’s up in that regard. But the people at large? Not so much.
        Which gives new meaning to the rise of the Super Biracial Athlete/Celebrity. Stephen Curry. Tiger Woods. Aaron Judge of the New York Yankees (and Derek Jeter before him). Lonzo Ball (No. 1 pick this year in the NBA Draft). Tony Parker. Alex Rodriguez (baseball player). In the field of entertainment, the list is endless. But then, being a celebrity is a rigged game, too.
        So these guys are handpicked. Then they are propped up to look like Supermen. Then the malleable bitch thinks, “Wow, like, OMG – I should have a half-whatever child, maybe he/she will be a super athlete or a movie star????” Either that or it’s all a coincidence…not.
        But it makes no sense when you stop and do the math. If blacks are the superior race athletically, mixing their blood with that of a white person, should dilute the offspring’s prowess, eh? But not on the big screen, no way. Not on the field of perception, versus the field of reality. No way.
        I know it’s true, I saw it on TV.

        1. We gotta pass it around if we’re gonna change things. My pleasure to drop bombs here.

        2. Here’s a partial list of famous biracial/multiracial celebrities:
          Alicia Keys, Halle Berry, Jasmine Guy, Jimi Hendrix, Jennifer Beals, Lenny Kravitz (oy vey!), Lisa Bonet, Malcolm X, Mariah Carey, The Rock, Rosario Dawson, Sade, Smoky Robinson, Tina Turner, Vin Diesel. All of these people are, or were, huge stars. Many of them are contemporary stars. You will see this happen more and more frequently, in a very quick fashion, with major sports stars and celebrities, popping up overnight, and dominating their fields, until the masses of women think, “OMG, I gotta have a mixed-race child!”, and until the deluded white male thinks, “OMG, I’m a loser.”
          Look at the NBA rosters today. Only eight white guys from American colleges were starters this past NBA season. There were plenty of white starters from other continents (Europe, Russia, Canada, Australia, etc.) But for some strange reason, white American college graduates just can’t seem to make the grade (????). Same with acting now. More and more, you are seeing foreign-born actors playing American white male roles. It’s all done by design. It’s all done to create the perception that white males (American white males, most especially) are dumb, idiotic, talentless pussies who don’t know their asses from a hole in the ground…

        3. Honestly, I’ve reached the point where if I hear one more British unknown in a video game or movie, I’ll boycott the companies. I mean, why does Rey from the Star Wars fanfics have to be the only Brit on a whole planet of aliens and rednecks – an American girl would have done, and might even have been a better actress.

        4. Me, too. It’s all done by design. They want to turn America into a Third World country. They are almost there. It all centers around perception vs. reality. Create the perception. The reality you want to appear down the road, will do so…it’s sickening shit.

        5. Alec Guinness was British. James Earl Jones as Darth Vader spoke in a mid-Atlantic accent, which is basically British.

        6. Sadly a great many have been reduced to that. However, I understand with the Great Trumpening, there has been a marked shift to the Right by Gen Y and they’re rebelling against the insanity of Obongo et.al. where they have little hope for their future, live under perpetual concern of terror outbreak, have their liberties stripped from them under the pretence of protecting them and social engineering that has infested all institutions where they’re hectored no end and vilified.
          Payback will be a bitch.

        7. Like I said, a British unknown. I love seeing acclaimed actors like Brian Blessed, Jeremy Irons, Sean Connery, Alec Guiness, and James Earl Jones, but why cast Brits when there are always American actors and actresses around looking for work?
          It’s just every day with this stuff, and I’ve had it. If your production studio is in Brisbane or London, then by all means cast Brits and Australians, but if it’s in America then there are loads of Americans ready for work.

        8. Wait…what’s wrong with British precisely?

        9. Too few Southern rednecks. Soccer hooligans were a nice change of pace, but where are the thick Alabama drawls in today’s movies and video games?

      2. Upper body strength, yes, I think it’s not really a secret in those athletic circles that white men dominate (and yes, I know, occasionally a minority will take a spot, but generally it’s white men). Our upper body strength is amazing when properly trained up. Where blacks have us is in running and I think I’ve heard some kind of rational biological reason for that but I have not verified it and I can’t even quite recall it at this point, but it sounded good heh.

        1. It is the ratio of fast twitch and slow twitch muscles which accounts for it.

    4. Uncanny that you say it’s about 40%. If you ask an average person what percent of the US they think is black they will often say 40%. People know that they are a “minority” so they can’t be near half but they are grossly over represented and the layman’s guess shows it.

      1. Weird. But not surprising.
        “The American people don’t believe anything until they see it on TV.” – Richard Nixon
        Nixon was right.

      2. I used to ask Korean-American teenagers what percent of the U.S. is Asian background. Answers usually ranged from 20% to 70%. They truly had no fuckin clue. (Real answer: 4%.)

    5. I was traveling home recently late at night and my road was closed due to a manhunt. When the cop came to my car he said to stay at friends house for the night and that if I saw “Two big black men to call the police”. I look at the news the next day and the article makes no mention of race and the suspects are still at large….

      1. Happens all over the USA. To find out the race of suspects involved in major crimes, you have to look at overseas newspapers. I’ll check out the UK papers if I want to find out race. But usually, when no race or names are mentioned, it’s blacks. It’s a concerted coverup. They are pushing to have blacks embraced as angelic, perfect, superhuman specimens. So women will breed with them. And so they can import more and more of them to European countries (and the USA). Might sound crazy and borderline KKK-ish…but that’s only due to the indoctrination of the observer…and if it’s true (and it is) well…there you go.

        1. Any time a murder or rape suddenly vanishes from the news, it’s a Muslim.
          Any time the race of a suspect isn’t mentioned, he’s black.
          What else belongs on this list? I feel like I’m missing a few…

        2. Uh-huh. The “youfs” thing, at the end of it, was a bit murky, but I’m pretty up on my ebonics.

        3. If the athlete makes “intelligent plays”, is “scrappy”, or “brings a lunch pail to work”, then he is probably a small white receiver named Wesley.

        4. Yep. And in reality he can run rings around the dindu defenders. “Slow it down, Wesley, we’re putting on a show here, dammit – it’s entertainment.” (Just as it says on the back of an NFL ticket -for entertainment purposes only.)

        1. Yeah I’m not exactly the type a cop would suggest that to and I don’t own a gun.

        2. Out of curiosity do you not own a firearm because of local laws, or just choose not to have one?

        3. That’s cool, just wondering. What’s your basic view on private firearms ownership?
          ( I don’t have an agenda in these questions, just straight curiosity)

        4. I’m a firm believer in the second amendment. It’s combination of risk aversion for me and the fact in the past I usually had a boyfriend who would protect me so no real need to own one.

        5. I did not have a gun for many years while I had small children in the house. Recently my wife has suggested I get a gun. she knows nothing of guns and would leave it all up to me. I have an abiding love for the 1911 Colt .45. However, I was looking at a Glock 9mm. I am finding my knowledge of guns, and prices of guns, has atrophied.

    6. It’s the great Brazillification drive. It’s because mongrelized dumb brown zombies are the ‘perfect consumer’ especially when circumcized. They’re like women consumers, all of them, killing each other on the playgrounds for a $150 pair of Nike Air Jordans. Big business loves that and can’t get enough of that. Big business does a golfer’s clap every black friday when the stampedes are the best. A favorite sport for them to watch. Fat light skinned mulattos and negresses gouging each others eyes out to clammer for who knows what. And when they get in and look around, they forgot what they were looking for so they rack up their credit anyway because that’s why they came. It’s the whole consumerist party atmosphere that enthralls the debased raceless pan consumer. What else do they have to live for?

      1. I don’t personally mind those who marry outside their race/class/whathaveyou – it’s their business, and they bear responsibility for any consequences good or ill.
        But those pushing it in media, they can take a half-off helicopter ride.

    7. Bob – good comment.
      One nitpick: Its been a little longer than just the last three years.

      1. Yeah, I figured I might have missed the mark there…probably didn’t really notice it until three years ago.

    8. In the UK we have a store called Matalan. Someone at the top is very antiPC – their trucks, “lorries”, are emblazed with giant photos of white families. When they drive past in city centres people stop and look, their brains ticking over as if it is some radical subversive messege. It is literally the only UK company that doesn’t pander to niggers. They even had an advert with children dressed as animals, and the two token niggers were in ape suits. lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRcfdcQEFLQ

      1. That is fucking hilarious and worthy of admiration. We need more of that sort of thing, worldwide. As a counter-balance, I saw this commercial here in the States last night. Can’t remember which company was plugging it. But it featured a fairly hot, redhead, freckled white girl, who goes to West Africa, to “meet the natives” (or is that “meat”?), and she is shown playing chess with the natives, and dancing with them, and skipping down the street holding hands with them, and oh boy, she looks just as happy as a hooker on sailors’ payday. All the while the song, “Getting to Know You” is playing in the background (catchy, eh). It’s only her, surrounded by West African native men. I am going to go out on a limb here and figure this commercial calls out to the white Western females who have been plotting about how to get to the Dark Continent, without giving away their true motivation for going there, in order to sample the African natives’ meat poles…yeah, I’ve got to figure that is exactly what is going on here.

  15. The author uses the words civic nationalism, but he really should use the proper term **multiethnic states**. You can’t judge a multiethnic state because there are so many types. Some multiethnic states are failures, such as Afghanistan and Yugoslavia. Others are enormous successes, such as the global powerhouses U.S., China, and Brazil.
    It sounds like the author feels much more comfortable in a different type of society.

    1. Brazil is a colossal failure marred by galactic levels of corruption.
      China is an authoritarian dictatorship ruled by the Han majority.
      The US is what it is
      If you wanted to put up a credible viewpoint you could have said Australia as post WWII it grew exponentially thanks to the influx of European migrants.

      1. With the landmass, population and resources available to Brazil it should be a super power but, they are barely above being a third world country.

        1. Socialism. Enough said.
          They should have been one of the top 5 economies in the world by rights given their staggering resources.

        2. What planet are you from? Brazil is all of the following:
          1) The fastest-growing economy in the world (until 2010)
          2) The world’s 9th largest GDP in 2016
          3) The #1 regional power in Latin America
          4) Part of the BRIC system of emerging superpowers
          5) Almost totally energy independent, relying heavily on ethanol, which comes from homegrown sugarcane
          By any measure, it’s massively successful, just like the U.S. I know it hurts ethnic nationalists to admit, but these two countries in particular are proof of the power of multiethnic states.

        3. It may be there is a very important distinction between multi-ethnic & multi-cultural.

        4. I didn’t say it was a complete dump, but they are never going to make superpower status in this life time.
          The reason they are the #1 power in SA is because there isn’t much else there.
          With the level of corruption they have at this point they’ve gone about as far as they are going.

        5. “but they are never going to make superpower status in this life time.”
          Read #4 again. World economists created the acronym BRIC to describe the world’s rising superpowers. The B stands for Brazil.
          Yes, they’ve got a corruption scandal that landed their former president in jail. South Korea just got rid of their president for the same reason, yet nobody denies their economic power. And it’ll soon be our president’s turn in that particular barrel too. So we can’t judge the overall strength of a nation by a single administration.

        6. Yeah, I’ve read that theory, and it holds some water. However, using that to dismiss Brazil’s economic power is like saying Cristiano Ronaldo will never be a famous soccer player because Leo Messi exists.

        7. Vladimir Putin holds power over much of the Heartland now. You have to wonder if Mackinder’s theory plays a role in the thinking of America’s elites which want to destroy Putin and throw Russia back into weakness and poverty.

        8. I give them credit for what from the outside looking in is a sound energy policy.
          Their governmental corruption from the top to the bottom though is pretty well known, it didn’t start or end with one administration.
          Their level of agricultural mechanization has come a long way over the years bringing to a level near the US. However, getting all that production to a port for export is an adventure due to their terrible infrastructure- poor roads, railroads. They can’t even get any of that stuff built so superpower status for them isn’t happening if they can’t even build roads. They’ve been working on a railroad to Mato Grosso for 30 years and as far as I know they still haven’t gotten there.

        9. First, Russia IS economically weak — it has only 3% the GDP of the U.S., and most of that wealth is held by the FOP (Friends of Putin) oligarchs. But my theory is that American elites resent Putin for digitally meddling in our own carefully rigged electoral process — and that will be the REAL reason for the upcoming U.S./Russia conflict. It’s basically turf warfare between rival gangs, arguing over who gets to pay off the cops.

        10. Our president can’t be put in that barrel if there were no crimes committed and so far no one has found a crime…..well except for Debbie Wasserman Schutlz’s IT people .

        11. There’s a company my friend worked for whose CEO and family are banned from leaving Brazil pending corruption investigation and legal proceedings. He was wrongfully terminated by his (illegal immigrant) Brazilian boss (apparently a cousin or something to the CEO) for what can only be seen as racial and anti-veteran discrimination.
          There’s some swamp to drain everywhere, it seems.

        12. lol. wait six months, dude. the tremendous amount of incriminating shit that is being gathered by NYAG Schneiderman’s office, not to mention Mueller in D.C., is going to send us into the biggest political crisis of the century.

        13. Kind of OT- their energy policy centering on sugar cane is an interesting one.
          Sugar cane to be processed for fuel has a very short shelf life of only a few weeks. Due to the climate there they can grow sugar cane year round so those refineries are always running hence nearby people have year round employment. I bet that was the biggest boon to the economy ever seen in sugar cane growing areas.
          We can’t do that here because the only area in the US where sugar cane can be grown year round is on limited acres in south Florida and of course the environmentalist left would rather no one grow sugarcane in the Everglades.
          It could be done with corn and other grain but then left starts screeching about using food for fuel, then they protest about their hatred for GMOs(corn). You just can’t win with those people.

        14. I can’t see it happening. The only proof we’ve seen of anything is “un-named sources”.

        15. I know of a fellow who tried to buy some farmland there, he said you can’t even do that without greasing palms and possibly then still not having clear title.

        16. And ethanol is a disaster and a half. The lengths you have to go to in order to keep that crap from gumming up your engine, the fact that it comes to your tank chemically half-combusted (by comparison to petroleum), and the fact that corn is a popular foodstuff are all huge concerns.

        17. Ethanols main problem is it attracts water.
          There’s 93+- million acres of corn in the US most of which is used for animal feed or industrial uses instead of human consumption. The dried distillers grains left after the ethanol processing can still be used for animal feed so it doesn’t really affect the food supply all that much.
          Other crops such as sweet sorghum can also be used and it grows well on marginal soils too.
          It could be done relatively easy but it will never be as good or as cheap as dead dinosaurs.

        18. Did you know that Russia is the geographically largest nation on the planet? Did you know they have vast natural resource wealth locked up in their frozen northern reaches and Arctic Ocean territorial waters? Did you know that their weapons and space technology is still second only to the United States and they pull that off with far less money? Did you know that their nuclear arsenal is still super-power sized? Did you know that when global warming thaws out the permafrost all that wealth will be unlocked? Did you know that they are controlled and largely populated by blue-eyed white guys? Did you know they’d be far more valuable as an ally than an enemy? Do you know anything at all?

      2. Apparently Brazil’s economy still functions well enough that Venezuelans will travel hundreds of miles to buy groceries there.

        1. Yes-I guess for all intents and purposes they approximate something with a free market economy despite Lula and co’s whacky Socialist ideas; that asshat got done for a almost a decade in the pokey for corruption.

      3. Australia benefited from transplanting excellent British institutions during the Victorian era.

        1. This is true. But sadly it chose to forsake it British heritage in recent decades. Post Menzies it went south.

  16. There is already an increasing amount of agreement between far right groups in the US and Europe. The elites recognize this and they are frightened, and with good reason—there has never been this level of cooperation between white nationalist groups across the globe.

    Well, duh. Our elites should fear this, because they know that white men can terrorize the world if we can get our act together under effective leadership.
    Absolutely no one worries about some nonwhite person, male or female, becoming Literally Hitler because even the most delusional SJW knows in his heart that women and POC’s lack the goods to pull this off. The elites have targeted white men as the objectively strongest obstacle to their globalist social engineering plans.

  17. Having grown up in the American Deep South, I consider myself a civic nationalist having had Black, Hispanic & Amer-Indian acquaintances who shared my patriotism both in civilian life & in the military. That being said, it is doubtful that Western Civilization can be sustained & progress absent the prevalence of the racial stock & Christian culture from which it sprang. I strongly agree with the author, & have advocated for years now, for a moratorium on immigration except for those who have needed skill sets that could be of benefit to the country. As Michael Savage frames it very simply, “Borders, Language & Culture.” Immigration & Welfare must be addressed soon, the melting pot needs time to build back a national cultural identity. This article has worked to cause me to reconsider my ‘civic nationalism’. White women need to be having & raising patriots. There have been 180,000 abortions by women of European decent since the mid 70’s in North America & Europe. Our people will not maintain prevalence should this continue. I’m old enough to remember when Black families were strong & mostly devout Christians, before the ‘War On Poverty’, I’d like to see them get back to that status as well.

  18. It would take 50 Romulan birds of prey suddenly appearing in Earth orbit to bring people in the Diversitopia™ to their senses.

    1. It wouldn’t help. While the whites were trying to fight them, the blacks would be rioting for Romulan slavery reparations, the Asians would be trying to sell them cheaply made copies of their own technology, the Latinos would be trying to sneak aboard their ships to mooch life support, and the Arabs would keep exploding randomly.

  19. BTW, I’ve had it with Jewish propaganda sacralizing the Holocaust.
    Jews in the business of subverting American culture, like the ones in Hollywood, have gone out of their way to spread nihilism, cynicism, despair, anomie, irreverence and a sense of not having a future in the white population, only to discover that they have done their job too well. If nothing in life matters, then the Holocaust doesn’t matter.
    The fact that these Jews have worked at cross purposes makes you wonder about their alleged intelligence.

  20. Even in 2055, the Blacks will get screwed. Once Whites and Asians figure out they have more in common with each other than Blacks and most Hispanics, they’ll still dominate the boards. And Whites and Asians have BEAUTIFUL children….wow…

    1. Asian don’t buy the Black’s victim posing…they tend to be results oriented people.

    2. My first serious crush was a girl with an Anglo Father (like me, mostly Scottish) & a Korean Mother…she was stunning with two sisters just as beautiful.

      1. Half white, half East Asian never goes wrong — never never never. At the very worst, they’re average. More often, they’re stunning.

        1. For girls you mean I assume? For men born of such parents it can often be…not such a good thing.

  21. Civic nationalism could theoretically be reconciled with the thesis of this article, just employ the following thought process:
    1. We only allow people who want to abide by our laws and culture to have a place in society
    2. An overwhelming majority of other ethnicities don’t want to do that, as evidence by their self-segregation and unwillingess to abide by basic American customs (muslim communities that shelter jihadists and have become no-go zones specifically)
    3. Kick them out, for refusing to conform to our laws and cultural norms
    In actuality, however, it probably has left the station; given that all races self-segregate already as part of their daily habits.

    1. If they conform to our cultural norms, they will be attractive prospects for intermarriage with whites. That’s why I prefer ghetto animals to well-educated white-speaking blacks. The latter always try to intermarry with whites.

      1. In a way I can’t blame them… this clip from boondocks sums up why this happens

  22. “Fifty years later, it is fair to say that the effort to integrate blacks into the American mainstream has failed.”
    But the effort to move them into formerly decent neighborhoods has worked like a charm, thanks to section 8 and other programs and laws.

  23. “American will transfer
    almost a million dollars to a black American over the course of a
    lifetime when you take into account interest on the federal debt.”
    I’ve already lost more than that in taxes already, and I still have another 20+ years to go…..”Oh God!…”

  24. When I’ve seen people talking from this point of view, I never hear anything about how American society could provide a decent future for African Americans. Do any of you have any opinions on a future where African Americans would:
    1. Have freedom of choice in their individual lives (and obviously not all would choose to do the same things)
    2. Not have declines from their existing quality of life
    3. Not feel like they are worse than everyone else (since that would usually cause stress and depression)
    Obviously African Americans range from individuals who have never been around another African American to individuals who don’t personally know any non-African Americans.

      1. That’s true. My ancestors worked in the fields,factorises, mines and very few were lucky enough to have a business running.

  25. I believe in cultural nationalism, which is on a spiritual basis. Civic nationalism is economic materialism and ethnic nationalism is biological materialism. I have nothing in common with someone just because I do business with them and little in common with someone just because we’re both white. If we practice the same culture, we have everything in common. Likewise, the spiritual quality of a traditional European is closer to the spiritual quality of a traditional Japanese than it is to the spiritual quality of a degenerate European. And consider the Meiji era, where the Japanese embraced European traditions and to this day retain things the west has forgotten.
    I’m not saying that mass immigration should be accepted, but if the Berbers were still Roman Christians and not Arab Muslims, Algerians moving to France would be much less of a big deal because they would have much more similar cultures even with the racial differences. Saint Augustine of Hippo, one of the architects and cornerstones of European civilization, was a Berber. There would be no Europe as we once knew it without him. And of course within Europe there are white societies with very different spiritual qualities despite the same race, see Christian Serbia and Muslim Bosnia. It’s about spirit, not blood.
    That said, blood shouldn’t viewed as meaningless, since your nation is your extended family, but there’s always families that adopt children. Immigrants should be few and far between, and if they do not already practice a similar culture, they should be suspect. But race is a secondary issue because race has no spiritual quality. The best argument you can make is IQ, but the fact is there are plenty of low IQ whites and Asians. The issue would simply be selecting for the best immigrants and then expecting them to assimilate. That means embracing the local culture, heritage, language, etc., even changing their name to make it something recognizable. It won’t matter if they are black but are in every other way indistinguishable from a traditional European.
    I know it’s posted as a joke but that picture of the black guy wearing a kilt saying “I wear a kilt because I’m Celtic, I’m French, and I was born in Brittany” is exactly how immigrants and the children of immigrants should seek to approach life. Again, this doesn’t mean mass importation of Africans and expecting them to all become Celts. That’s ridiculous. But a family can adopt and make an adopted child their own, because even if they have different blood, they’re still a part of the family.

  26. Read the original Buck Rogers comics those touch on the themes of this article.

  27. all those of native american decent or who believe in the ways of the native american are welcome to visit the Thunderbolt and Comanche people in Kentucky

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  29. Americans in the 60s thought life in 2017 would be unbelievable, while in reality we’ve actually reversed. I’d much rather be in 1960 USA.

  30. Govt. assistance just subsidizes & rewards shitty decisions. Skanks need not pay the piper when Daddy Govt is here to bail their sorry asses out. Likewise, a section 8 renter can ruin an entire neighborhood street with the traffic & friends they bring in. Bullshit. Cut welfare off & life would get peachy for the rest of us trying to avoid the scum of society.

  31. Rome tried the diversity + civic nationalism experiment, and it failed miserably. What makes us think we’re so special and unique?

    1. Eh, that’s probably a bad example. Rome lasted for many, many centuries, and if you include the Eastern Roman Empire, which you should, then you have a society that started in the B.C. times and lasted into the 1400’s A.D. Doesn’t sound like “failed miserably”. Even if you only go by the Western Roman Empire, you still have a society that lasted for many more centuries than the U.S. has been a country.

  32. “Muslim all possess the strong infrastructure…to unite…”
    Dude, there’s a better chance of some blue-pilled wanker to stumble upon a pack of Kratom than us Muslims uniting. We’ve been trying to do that through pan-Islamism for the past one and a half centuries – Allama Iqbal, Jamal ud Din Afghani, Hizb ul Tahrir etc, they all spectacularly failed. If these guys couldn’t do it, then I don’t know who will.

  33. In one of my political science courses, we read a book about civic nationalism, of which I was incredibly skeptical. Essentially, in this utopian society, the only thing people have in common is the ID card in their wallet. This may work as long as things are going well; economic growth, sharing social wealth, etc. But, once you get into a period of scarcity, Samuel Huntington is 100% correct; people will always revert back to favoring those who are part of their “clan”, and blaming the “other” for their problems. Civic nationalism is nothing more than utopian idealism, of which our Canadian PM Trudeau is a big supporter (like his moron father before him).
    I found the most interesting reading order, that helps make sense of this. Start with Huntington’s “Clash of Civilizations”, then Fukuyama’s “End of History”, and then Kagan’s “The Return of History”. Contrary to Fukuyama (I’m not a fan), the other two are political realists (like myself), and posit the notion that history is indeed cyclical (as Aristotle stated over 2,000 years ago).

  34. Some groups blend into American society better than others, Asians come to mind, some Hispanics as well. Its mostly Muslims and Blacks who do not want to integrate into America. Even after electing a black man twice as President, many blacks such as college students are asking for segregated dorms for themselves, and there are other movements. We Wuz Kangz is one of them, suggesting blacks go back to Africa, might be a good thing since so many whine about racism and how whites are keeping them on the bottom of society. Maybe losing welfare benefits and living in the African wilderness will teach them some character.

  35. Nice f#cking article! It’s about time we start speaking about this. Well done.

  36. Great article. I think faith-based nationalism is more feasible than either civic nationalism or ethnic nationalism. Though it is true that white nationalist groups around the world are cooperating at never-before-seen levels for the time being, it won’t work in the long run. White atheists, white Christians, white pagans and white Volkish occultists are not going to be able to run societies together based on nothing but a similar skin tone. As long as rabble of all types are kept out and focus remains on pro-social and law-abiding behavior, a God-centered society with ethnic diversity will probably be more successful than an ethnically homogenous society with wildly differing spiritual beliefs.

    1. Consider: The Poland-Lithuania Commonwealth and the Holy Roman Empire. They were certainly ethnically diverse and yet thrived because of Christianity and loyalty to the Crown, unless you have a stupidly reductionist definition of ethnicity such as “white.”

  37. The best argument against civic nationalism that I’ve found is acknowledging that if the Constitution and American values were all it took to make third-worlders just like us, we can just email the Constitution to their countries and tell them to have at it. There, poverty solved, right? In this global age the entire world has had access to the text of our Constitution for decades. But first-world standards are still found mainly only in white-run countries. Civic nationalists can’t explain this disparity without acknowledging the reality of race.
    American settlers came to this country with nothing and forged a world superpower.
    Japan rose to first-world status and even to equal representation with the great European powers in under two generations entirely on their own.
    What sets them apart from third-world African countries that never invented the wheel until Europeans came along, and have remained mired in corruption and poverty for time immemorial?
    The Constitution and “magic dirt” theories can’t explain this.

  38. The Left is a big part of the reason why civic nationalism will eventually fail. The Left has encouraged mass migration to the West but has discouraged the integration of different people into life in America and other Western nations. They encourage people to keep their “heritage” even if their cultural ideas and beliefs contradict Western ideas and beliefs. Now we have a society where minorities hyphenate themselves, they never consider themselves fully American even if they live in America for decades or were born in the US.

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