The Silicone Men Of Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley in California is known for being the birth place of many tech companies that lead the world in innovation. With that in mind, it has also produced a new breed of human hybrids composed of silicone material with elevated levels of plasticity. This enables them to delegate their boring laborious work by outsourcing to third world countries, dodging taxes through loopholes in the legal system, and cutting expenses by hiring hordes of undocumented workers without having to record it in their financial reports.

Greed is a very powerful addiction. It makes one compromise his values and even drives him to commoditize his assets, spouse, employees, and anything else available just to make a profit. The odds don’t necessarily need to be 100% in their favor as was the case with Twitter blatantly lying about their numbers to lure more advertisers to invest in their business.

These guys are willing to do anything to save a buck, just so their stock will go up a fraction of a point. If they smell the green, they’re in. Now, they are pushing the limits by attempting bio-engineering with the goal of becoming one with their technology, which they hold onto ever so dearly. They also are developing the ability to leave the earth, letting its people rot in the very mess they created.

A Hybrid Race

Yes, these Silicone Men of Silicon Valley are a very rare breed indeed. They come from all ethnic backgrounds and of diverse sizes, but generally have one of four basic characteristics…

  • A pasty geeky face usually covered in blemishes with plastic-looking sheen and clown like features
  • Skinny, poorly toned body due to lack of exercise and low testosterone levels
  • A devilish or weasel like smirk that hides their eugenic totalitarian views
  • Balding with glasses or sporting the same messy-hair do

Other attributes include being cheap, addicted to marijuana and other recreational drugs, narcissistic, and ruthless. They have a superiority complex yet feel socially inferior around other people, but are masters of assuming the nice guy role to appease others in meetings where laws are regularly made.

Each one typically has a signature feature, a bar code if you will, that distinguishes them from each other, giving them a unique method of exercising their unified agenda. It ranges from having an alien shaped head, possessing mannequin like features, or simply wearing coke-bottle frames.

Some have accents, others have fast blinking eyes. One has a smile that gradually spreads crow’s feet all over his face while another walks around in an undershirt among common men pretending to be one of them. There is even one that constantly has a star-eyed bucktooth grin while jet skiing with girls who are young enough to be his grandchildren. Recently, this talentless fool treated a former Muslim-American president to kite surfing.

Ugliness is also consistent among these men. It seems no matter how much genetic engineering is done, Silicon Valley always manufactures men who are unpleasant to the naked eye. A high-pitched squeaky voice is a common trait they possess. There is also an obscure righteousness tone in their speech as if they had received their business plan from God himself (a reptilian god that is), and that whatever catastrophes that may result from their actions are merely acceptable casualties to meet their goal. A means to an end, it’s just all part of business.

Their childhood typically features them being picked on with no one giving them any worthy attention. Most of them were shoved and kicked away by others, and retreated from society to find refuge in their technological sanctuaries where they were able to play God on a computer-generated interface.

Girls never cared for them, nor even acknowledged their very existence which is why they usually marry a bossy controlling slug which is of average looks and motherly quality. Still, some of them stay single, because they unintentionally exhibit female repelling behavior as it is synthetically inbred in their altered genes. However, many were taken advantage of by sexy women for one or a few nights, solely for maximum monetary gain.

Males are usually the gender manufactured from this area, but we are seeing females also being produced as the males see them as superior and believe in a god that is feminine. They wish to ultimately submit to this energy and become its humble slave, profiting from the fruits of labor done by the blood, sweat, and tears of masculine hardworking men.

These beta males are usually college dropouts. The ones that do graduate usually have degrees from the Ivy League schools of lower learning in either computer science and engineering or business as they worship them as gods, having unshakable blind faith that only these fields of study can save the world and shape it into their envisioned utopia, a world where everyone has universal income, a laptop computer, and a microchip all cybernetically linked to a giant super computer that relays real-time personal information streamed through multiple channels of social media.

Outsourcing is universal among them and now they’ve learned to mass produce copies of their kind in other parts of the world. With alien shaped heads and gelled hair, more hybrid clones are emerging from Asian and European countries at an unprecedented rate. Their eastern arrogance along with their hard work ethic proves to be a valuable asset to the mother base of Silicon Valley.

Economic Moochers of Society

Being experts in profit, these silicone men have a parasitical trait that they use to leech off the efforts of others to pocket more billions of dollars without giving proper acknowledgement or recognition. They’re very quick to take and run, but are quite stingy with sharing the rewards. Nearly all of them have received millions of dollars in federal funding funneled by the government which they never paid back thanks to loopholes in the legal system, and by hiring the best lawyers that money can buy. NYU and Harvard both produce a plethora of the latter.

Monopolies are their pride and they use their position to financially squash anybody that challenges them. All these people like to preach idealistic futures with impractical, unrealistic expectations. They demand the world to conform to their lifestyle, turning their backs on anyone who dares challenge their hybrid-socialist views. They profit from the labor of others so of course they lobby for the protection of DREAMers. Companies like IBM, Microsoft, and Mark “Suckerberg’s” very own Facebook, have teamed up with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to get amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Hypocritical in nature, such men tell nations to have open borders yet build massive walls around their mutli-million-dollar mansions heavily patrolled by armed bodyguards. They call for universal income yet cheat their own employees by literally working them to death, causing some to be hospitalized, and expect everyone to live the way they want while anointing themselves at the thrown as rulers of the world.

“Treating” Indians with untested vaccines, for their benefit of course

Wearing too strong of a prescription lens often distorts one’s view of the world, and this causes some of these silicone men to go to extreme measures to shape their world into their twisted perverted fantasy.

Although the white collar class tries to fight back, their evidence is no match against the billions funneled by these tech giants. Eugenics is a sacred science to them to help rid the world of deplorables.

It is hard to put a finger on them as they are quite the illusive breed. However, one can gain some understanding by studying the very material which they are composed of.

Know Thy Enemy

Silicone (noun):

 Any of a class of synthetic materials which are polymers with a chemical structure based on chains of alternate silicon and oxygen atoms, with organic groups attached to the silicon atoms. Such compounds are typically resistant to chemical attack and insensitive to temperature changes and are used to make rubber and plastics and in polishes and lubricants.

As we can see, silicone is a liquid or rubbery plastic resistant to toxicity and high heat making these men impervious to chemical attack with their underground bunkers and offshore castles, which is why they have such cold disregard for how their actions effect the masses.

Silicone (verb):

Join or otherwise treat (something) with a silicone.

Their flexibility allows them to bond to that which benefits their globalist agenda. Symbiotic unions with government bureaucrats are used to benefit the subsidiary to dodge taxes and legally push their technological empire all the while being immune to liability. Political favors, monetary rewards, drugs, and even escort services are generously provided as tokens of appreciation as a symbolic ritual to solidify their fusion.

Yes, silicone is quiet a thing. It can even make life-like rubbery skin in sex bots and artificial limbs. It may come as a surprise, but silicon and silicone are two very different things. In short, silicon is a naturally occurring chemical element, whereas silicone is a synthetic substance. This is precisely why these men have such artificial personalities with politics of high plasticity. They go wherever the money takes them as they are incapable of human emotion since they were manufactured in the biotech labs of Silicon Valley.

Since these men love their home so much, their silicone composition has allowed them to bond with silicon, giving them special abilities so one must also study silicon to truly understand their madness.

Synthetic Men

Silicon is a metalloid having properties of both metal and nonmetals with many industrial uses. Being 14th on the periodic table of elements, it is the most widely available element on earth next to oxygen. It bonds well with reactive metals, creating a class of minerals called silicates. It is rarely found in nature in its pure form which is why it’s virtually impossible to find any real personality in these men. This also explains how these men can easily mix with multiple parties of sometimes radical, or even dangerous natures as together they form more powerful entities with no allegiance to anyone.

Elemental silicon is a major player in modern technology, because it’s an ideal semiconductor of electricity. When heated into a molten state, silicon can be formed into wafers to serve as the base for microchips. Is it any wonder now why these men are all tech geeks?

Electricity is their source of power and the more they keep themselves plugged into an outlet jack, the more alive they feel. That’s why they have trouble understanding normal people, because to them the most natural state is being connected to a machine. They fear human emotion and wish to connect the population to computers. A world that resembles a circuit board would put them at ease, because then electricity would flow globally, allowing them to transfer themselves anywhere instantly in different dimensions.

Unsurprisingly, Silicon Valley (the southern region of the San Francisco Bay Area), earned its name due to the high concentration of computer and electronic companies in the area producing silicon-based semiconductors and chips.

Political Plasticity

Having no loyalty to anybody other than themselves, the plasticity in these men is astounding. They’ll sell out at 300 terabytes per second if it means gaining new business. As we’re seeing with Apple, these companies will sell out their own country to do business with China. They are your friends so long as you keep the money flowing, but as soon as you pull out of vested interests like global warming, these silicone men are quick to turn their back on you.

Getting jacked while wearing designer clothing topped with aviator glasses to sport the alpha male world domination look is easy when you’re a business tycoon.

They have the luxury of eating seven meals a day of the finest most exquisite food, chemically laced protein shakes, 24-hour access to state-of-the-art gyms, and sleeping twelve hours a day while their outsourced tech workers toil away. It’s only a matter of time before one of them reaches the hundred-billion-dollar mark, but if they aren’t stopped now, big trouble is likely to follow.

It doesn’t matter how masculine Donald Trump is, you can’t stop maniacs with that kind of capital. These people have legions of followers all over the world mesmerized by their gadgets and hybrid politics. They all have one thing in common—the desire to take over the world through globalization.

“Globalization should be inclusive” – Jack Ma, World Economic Forum in Davos 2017

Very clever choice of words, but Oxford English dictionary makes it very clear of what “inclusive” really means: “not excluding any section of society or any party involved in something.”

These people believe globalization should include the whole world whether you like it or not, a Borg society if you will just like from Star Trek. If you know anything about history, you’d know of their sneaky tactics masking their quest for domination.

Above The Law

Rules and regulations are made for the low class, the ones made from inferior DNA. Thanks to lawyers from Harvard and NYU, these men pay no tax by using tricks like parking money offshore, manipulating nifty loopholes in the system, taking a micro salary and claiming it as earned income, and even creating “foundations” in order to move their money into protected “charity” bank accounts.
With the newest nuclear threats being aimed at the western hemisphere of the United Sates, many foolishly think that these silicone men will get what they deserve. Their naivety has blinded them from realizing that these slimy, sneaky, slippery men have already purchased hundreds of acres in New Zealand, if not already the entire country itself, along with instant Kiwi citizenship all the while claiming to be a Trump supporter and proud American.

Tech giants have now bonded together in an effort to form a separate political entity which they wish to be free from government limitations. Their reason being that because technology crosses borders, culture, and economics, it is essential for companies to have less regulation. They are highly skilled in using seductive words to get what they want while masking their true motives.

What Can Be Done To Stop Them?

Their monopolies must be broken up to create a fair economy with limitations placed on what they can do. Aggressively pursuing them for dodging taxes should be done as nearly all of them have received government funding, but never paid it back.

Taxes should be placed for hiring outsourced workers and incentives given for using American workers. You’ve got to hit them where it hurts – in their wallet, or in this case, their Swiss bank accounts. If that doesn’t work, then it may be time to embrace the warrior within and take back America through more aggressive action. We are after all living in a jungle, a political one that is. If Donald Trump doesn’t stop them now, their combined efforts could end western civilization as we know it.

Featured image designed by G.S. Luthra

Read More: Silicon Valley Darling Elizabeth Holmes Goes From A Net Worth Of $4.5 Billion To Zero 

25 thoughts on “The Silicone Men Of Silicon Valley”

    1. Hey Roosh, I was surprised and impressed to find you on something called the ‘Wacko Gallery’. You have shot up in my estimation. You know you’re onto something when they label you a kook…

  1. This sort of men disgust me, but I don’t agree with that image of stupid guy put on Marc Zuckerberg.
    It seems you don’t understand the game. They play the fool, but they are not. Have you ever find a fool rising, becoming a billionaire, and being successful while sharks were coming around during the process ?

    1. Don’t believe Mark achieved what he did without CIA help. Sure, stealing the idea from the twins was all him, but the sudden rise of Facebook was artificially boosted.

    2. I suspect they are fools, just fronts for a gullible public. Great to see ROK putting up articles that are getting close to the knuckle. I hope we get an article on all these think tanks and NPOs that have been social engineering for the past few hundred years (maybe longer). First targets, the Fabian society and the Royal Society for International Affairs. Slap them bitches…

  2. I’ve been commenting and replying with regard to this article on the other article published today. As this board is now open I am copying over what has been discussed over there:
    not sure if its only me, but there seems to be no way to comment on the other article about silicon valley transhumanists. The following is cryptically dropped into the article without explanation: “Males are usually the gender manufactured from this area, but we are seeing females also being produced as the males see them as superior and believe in a god that is feminine”
    Very odd statement taken on its own. What is it referring to? Which males see females as superior, and believe in a god that is feminine? I do believe there is something to this: that the goddess, the sacred feminine, be it the virgin, the shekinah or mother ISIS herself is indeed the secret “religion” of some of the most powerful people on earth. But you can’t just slip it in there like that.
    Seriously, why does everything about the occult have to be so occulted? Can’t we have some plain speakin’ esotericism for a change?
    December 19, 2017
    Yeh I couldnt comment either. But I think the essay is very bizarre. He lumps the following all together – Gates, Jack Ma, Zuckerberg, Bezos, there is not a singly common denominator so that blows the hole of the entire premise. I think its one of the poorer pieces on ROK. It will appeal to the tin foilers. Yeh some grand plot between Chinese Ma, Bill Gates and the other techies.
    I thought it was entertaining, but I couldn’t quite work out what it was saying. Bezos is certainly in bed with the CIA & Zuckerberg seems dispositionally aligned with globalism. As for Gates & Ma & any others, well they potentially share the interest common to massively rich oligarchs. Whether that means transhumanism in the sense that it is normally meant I cannot comment. Are there other connections? I’m not aware that any of them are masons, etc, but oligarch’s do seem to have learned to work together over the ages to the extent that sharing a monopoly or partaking in a greater cartel seems to be preferred and less risky than engaging in cut-throat rivalry. I don’t know that any of these men are engaged in the occult or goddess worship though
    December 19, 2017
    But as you point out in essence is that there is no common denominator.
    Staunch leftists, staunch rightists, globalists, CIA fronts, I’m sure if we delve into it we can find others like…”pro-Russian”, “pro-abortion”, pro-feminism”, “pro-…” you get the point. There really is no common theme and the transhuman stuff is off the wall. Doesnt Zuckerberg have a kid or two? Gates has a family right? Ma I have no idea. These people are very successful and have become extremely powerful but so what, I think people get jealous and write all sorts of lunatic things. These people are not “alien reptiles” who want to “breed humans with cyberborgs”.
    December 19, 2017
    well, it was you who considered there was no common denominator. The author of the article asserted that the denominator was transhumanism (although it drifted somewhat and so did I). He didn’t attempt to clarify what he meant, nor did he attempt to demonstrate why he’d chosen the examples you list. With the probable (?) exception of Ma I would be surprised if the other three didn’t have a relationship with the intelligence services (obviously Bezos does) and Zuckerberg is an ultra globalist (not because he’s jewish, but because he’s an ultra-globalist). I’ve already said I don’t know that they are ideologically or pragmatically transhumanist, and its not something one can assume, but the obvious missing entity here is google, which has as its head of engineering Ray Kurzweil, who as you may know is the probably the most famous futurist / transhumanist in the world. What these guys all have in common with google and kurzweil (again I can’t comment on Ma) is a concern to be ahead of the technological curve, and that surely means grappling with if not the singularity then at least the kind of transformation of humanity that a technologically enhanced human species will involve. Google is involved with tech-wear, as are companies like Samsung etc. Microsoft has innovated in hooking us all up to the cloud so that we can be almost hardwire connected to the all seeing eye data farms that the NSA run (we already know that data is collected en masse in these data farms). Does that amount to transhumanism? Well it may certainly amount to some variety of cyborgism and indeed to the extent that we are already hooked up to smartphones & tech wear we’re almost already there. In other words it doesn’t necessarily involve breeding us as half chimpanzee or for that matter reptilian chymerae.
    With respect to they’re not being reptilians I would say you are taking that too literally. If you believe David Icke the reptilians are pretty much like aliens in V. But reptilian may also refer to occult ideology. The symbol of the dragon, the serpent, the wise serpent, the bringer of light and knowledge, is a possible esoteric meaning of the exoteric absurdity.
    With that in mind, we also have to distinguish between those who may subscribe to such occult ideology and those – perhaps like the billionaires referred to – may simply be wittingly or unwittingly aligned with the occult or transhumanist agenda. It really doesn’t matter if you’re a paid up member or not.
    BTW, are you sure you’re a white identitatrian?

    1. As a general answer to your queries about this article you have to understand the conspiracy concept of AI humans. This article was literally stating that a lot of these silicon valley “heroes” are AI. Note: this isn’t what I believe. A lot of these ideas stem from that famous blog written by The Ruiner: it’s a fascinating piece of, either insider disclosure, or sci fi, hence a recommended read as, fact or fiction, it’s entertaining.

      1. I will have to read it again, but that sounds rather bizarre if that’s what he is claiming. This could be disinfo: sometimes stuff that touches on sometimes sensitive but true is published in such a way as to contaminate should anyone see fit to repeat it. Associating something that might be true (in this case the possibility that the ‘reptilian’ theory might relate figuratively to the centrality of the serpent as one that ‘enlightens’) with something genuinely bizarre and counter-intuitively so (billionaire globalists are literally AI cyborgs or whatever) works to de-legitimise and make absurd any attempt to explore the former idea. I am not saying this disinfo – although ROK can’t know what it’s authors intentions are necessarily – but that is one kind of technique I see being used all the time

        1. Yes, definitely could be disinfo but, honestly, I’m open to the idea that much of our history is false, e.g. the Egyptian period.
          To mildly backup the AI storyline, just after the Sputnik satellite and shortly after the US satellite got put into orbit amateur astronomers noticed there were actually 3 satellites in orbit, so NASA (Never a Straight Answer) investigated and reported back that there was a cube satellite in space called the Black Mesa (I believe) that had been there all along. This Black Mesa is the basis for the AI conspiracy.

        2. Oh yeah, and in 2001: A Space Odyssey Krubrick (or Clarke, moreso) depicted the black monolith as giving humans their first, second and third wave of consciousness. This was inspired by the Black Mesa report.

        3. I believe the AI god the elites want to create is as already here.
          Silence and betrayal

        4. could be. You have to define something accurately before you can decide whether it’s in front of you or not
          Interesting site – silence and betrayal – even if it doesn’t look as though it’s active. I also don’t thing schizophrenia is an alien weapon directed against humanity

      2. Never heard about the black mesa until your post. Did a Google search for it and got nada…it’s like the word is blacklisted. As one who speculates that an ancient AI with psychotronic abilities(v2k, mind control) is really running things, I find this “black cube” fascinating.
        Never heard about the black mesa until your post. Did a Google search for it and got nada…it’s like the word is blacklisted. As one who speculates that an ancient AI with psychotronic abilities(v2k, mind control) is really running things, I find this “black cube” fascinating.
        The existence of a TET/Monolith entity would explain a lot: the Moby Dick code, “demonic possessions”, Targeted Individuals, how the NWO agenda lasted so long. The AI in Oblivion and this black cube seem to be one and the same.
        After I discovered I was a TI, I came across a blog that suggested that that an ancient AI is playing a role in world events.
        After I found it, it seemed to be removed from Google search results.
        You tube:
        Tactics Against Targeted Individuals 2
        Brain Tew Discusses Conscious Computers.

  3. I suspect these guys have something to do with all the dumb movies about comic-book superheroes we’ve seen in recent years.
    Consider that these movies show arbitrary rules. In “Man of Steel,” Superman and Zod in their final battle scene land blows on each other, but each Kryptonian can’t seem to hurt the other one, regardless of how much damage they inflict on Metropolis in the process.
    Yet at the climax of the movie, Superman gets Zod in a choke hold, and out of the blue he has the ability to break Zod’s neck and kill him.
    Where did THAT power come from? Superman just pulled it out of his ass.
    And that reflects how the Silicone Men try to live in the real world. When they face the sort of barrier that the rest of us have to live with, they think they can use their wealth to pull powers out of thin air to overcome it.
    So it wouldn’t surprise me if these nerds read and collect comic books, and they slip some money into Hollywood to make movies showing their childish fantasies about superbeings.

    1. Nah, you see so many movies, TV shows, games and etc. , because it’s easy money.
      Why bother making something new and original, when you can splice two or more things together and make sh*t ton of green?

  4. The SValley Nerd Icon is a Meme of bullshit. They magically launch from their empty dorm rooms with no social skills whatsoever and within months YOU are forced to suffer with their crappy products and insane left-wing agendas. Every “icon” above comes from a wealthy, Masonic (((J))) family and is given a Script to follow when they reach college age. They are NOT self-made, innovative or genius-level entrepreneurs.. they are shill puppets who barely keep the hype alive. Microsoft replaces IBM with WIN3.11? Facebook replaces Myspace in weeks with no infrastructure or budget? Google appears one day and Yahoo is utterly destroyed? Apple has a working phone available and made legal BEFORE Telecomm companies announce the specs of its “secret” grid? Amazon starts by selling a few thousand books on the internet and no one on earth can compete with it? Our shit lives today were planned decades ago… and it will only get worse. Every jerkoff reading this currently will be DEAD by within a few years… so Welcome to Hell. 🙁

  5. I can tell you the one common thing that makes all these people disgusting and vile.
    they all universally HATE normal humans that they cannot manipulate control and kill at will through switches, bank accounts, vaccines and electronic media.
    When you strip away all the glitz and glamour and fawning and adoration that the media and personalities do towards these people and their riches, you see in fact they all and each in their own way categorically HATE free minded people, love self destructive low self esteem junkies who rely on them and their technologies to validate themselves.
    Yet another bitter RED pill for you. I challenge ANYONE to find a single shred of love in ANYTHING these people do, the smallest iota of compassion and caring that any other these monsters ever expressed toward any fellow man that was not self serving in every way.
    please show me just one. You can’t.

  6. Your solution is utter nonsense: first of all it is literal socialism and if that were to happen to them (which I doubt it would, as I’ll explain in a minute), it would also create a route to redistribute the wealth of other people, who you don’t class as “Silicone Men”. Now to further expand upon why your idea is inane trash: what do you think that these billionaire techsters would do the minute you tried enforcing any of that trite upon them? They’d funnel everything that could be found, or deduced into modern cryptographically secure (*read mathematically untouchable) money laundering, that is, cryptocurrency. Nice try though Dunning-Kruger.

  7. The only one who sounds like he has a tone of righteousness and superiority is you.
    Even though I agree with you on some levels, like them having low testosterone levels, I still didn’t get your point?
    One of your themes is that these synthetic men get to chill with their awesome lives while outsource workers toil away?
    Oh really? Yeah these guys are mostly all pussies. But, do you really think they just chill? Have you ever run a billion dollar company?
    Probably not.
    I just think the all out assault on technology is a bit foolish, and even goes against some of the shit preached here.
    Why break up these monopolies?
    I think a better approach is, how to incentivize people (more specifically) woman to not be on social media and becoming whores. The better question is, how can we accomplish that?
    Also, some of the companies like Amazon, actually provide massive value for the end customer.
    Shit, I think Roosh needs to filter out these writers a bit more rigorously. Tired of reading BS.

    “Fawning” who fawns over Bill Gates? There is no glamour around IT geeks like him. He never fucked a 9 in his life not bought and paid for.
    Who dresses like Bill Gates the way people dress like Snoop Dogg or Jay-Z? How young people wear a yellow fucking sweater on a hot day like Bill Gates.
    Yeah, he is a pop cultural icon.
    Society does not admire computer dorks 1 % as much as the court jesters, He-Men, Manson types, pop stars, gangsters.
    Dolph Lundgren has more fans than Bill Gates.

  9. “Social Media”
    Facebook is for losers. Instagram is for poseurs. Tumblir is to get followed by the Fuzz.

  10. This is ridiculous. I have lived and worked in Silicon Valley for 20 years. I’ve personally been on the founding teams of three venture-backed startups, two of which went public. Writing a complete discussion of what this involves would take a book, but it is incredibly hard, and to be someone like Gates or Jobs or Bezos, who takes a startup from nothing to a multinational behemoth in a business as cutthroat as tech, which changes as fast, is almost impossible. The skills it took to launch Amazon are completely different from the ones it takes to run it now, and Bezos has demonstrated both. I have known a few of these guys and they are smart, focused, driven, ruthless and incredibly competitive. The sheer physical endurance it takes to manage and build a team from nothing, while dealing with VCs, who will rip you off if they can, engineers, marketing people everything, is beyond what most people can handle. There are betas and frauds of course, but if you underestimate someone like Gates, who is pure alpha, he will rip your head off. Just watch this — how would you like to go up against this guy in an argument, or a power struggle? You would not last five minutes. He’s dialed it back, and he’s definitely a major nerd, but this was twenty years old, and his sheer mental firepower is frightening.

  11. Nope. Any one of these “betas” could buy and sell the author’s ass 10,000x before breakfast. Money talks. And their contribution is more tangible, at any rate, than the biggest Wall Street “alpha”. Being a college dropout and succeeding DIY by being a f*ing computer genius is more alpha than running with a pack of douches from some fancy business school and landing a sweet job bankrupting pensioners. But of course, when I saw you were a possible anti-Vaxxer it was clear people should just believe the opposite of whatever you say. This writer is the weakest link.

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