The Left Is Being Destroyed By Their Own Frankensteins

You can’t help but marvel at what’s going on with the Weinstein phenomenon and the cannibalism of the left. The advent of the New Puritans, feminism’s “Children of the Corn”, has elevated their orthodoxy to religious levels, and what new religion isn’t enraptured with its doctrines and prolific in its zealotry?

Humans have an innate need to believe in a higher power, and since the left has eschewed belief in the Judeo-Christian God, it was only a matter of time until they filled that hole with something else. I’m struck by two analogies:  Frankenstein and Puritanism.

In Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein, young Dr. Victor Frankenstein creates a grotesque and unnatural monster, who being unable to fit into human society, and loathing itself, goes on a killing spree across the countryside, tormenting its creator by killing his friends and loved ones.

It coerces Victor into creating for it a similarly abhorrent mate (cucked pajama boys, anyone?), but the monster exacts revenge by killing Victor’s new bride on their wedding night. These tragic events in Victor’s life ultimately lead to his death, but Frankenstein finds Victor’s death has not brought him the peace he sought; instead his crimes have left him isolated and alone. As it vows to kill itself, it disappears into self-imposed exile and is lost in darkness.

The left has created its own aberration, a Feminist Frankenstein. The motivation was different. Under the guise of equality and female empowerment, it was a weapon used to strike down its enemies. Since the election it has aggressively and successfully targeted its opponents with charges of sexual harassment. It ended the careers of Bill O’Reilly, Eric Bolling, and arguably the lives of Roger Ailes, and Bolling’s son.

The left wanted these scalps badly and were very pleased. But then something unexpected happened: the monster believed in its own purpose, and it didn’t differentiate between left and right. It went on a rampage exposing the dark perversions and open secrets of liberal Hollywood—sexual assault, rape, pedophilia. The carnage continues with near daily new victims.

The Feminist Frankenstein of spurned hypergamy, and the newly minted legal doctrine of turning “morning after regret” for poor decisions into sexual assault and rape charges, has set the hills of Hollywood ablaze. But it hasn’t stopped there. Now it is setting its sights on D.C. and their age old privileges of power. It is quite amusing to watch Senator Al Franken’s current spectacle.

This is the left’s fatal mistake; it so expertly wielded the tenets of Saul Alinksy’s Rules for Radicals, particularly of using your opponent’s beliefs against them, that it is becoming  a victim of its own success. You see, you can’t have your beliefs held against you if they are relative and changeable, or simply absent. In those cases, one is immune from such an attack.

But the left has gotten sloppy, adopted their own religious tenants, and have inadvertently lost their immunity to that strategy.  Free from a belief in God, they loosely subscribed to a variety of secular humanism, atheism, moral relativism, and the stalwart of the sexual revolution, feminism. But their freedom from any real or strict orthodoxy gave them a free pass to do as they pleased while attacking their opponents for doing the same.

Those in power are never truly that much different from one another, whatever their politics. Narcissistic and given to enjoying the spoils of their power, they have always reveled in privileges not afforded to the masses, and are probably all equally as guilty.  However, since they derive their power from the people, be it programmed by the popular culture or media, they still are answerable, to an extent, to their constituent fan bases. And establishing a new religion for the leftwing fan base has upset the status quo. Now their fans are actually expecting them to live up to their own dogma.

As with any faith based belief system, faith is the evidence of things not seen. Under this belief, the rule of law and the fundamental tenet of innocent until proven guilty no longer really matter. Evidence is not necessary and, in fact, is discouraged. We are told victims should be believed without evidence, and subsequently, guilt must rightly be assumed, no matter the circumstance, how far back in the past the event occurred (20-30 years), or the lack of evidence or hazy recollection. One should have “faith” the accuser is telling the truth due to their gender and perceived power imbalance. Now that they have their own rigid, unfettered, and Puritanical belief system, it is consuming their own.

For most of my life, I’ve watched the left bludgeon the right with their beliefs, wielding “family values” like a weapon of mass destruction against conservatives. Now they are reaping what they’ve sown. In less than a month, Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Al Franken, Andy Dick, and Louis C.K. have falledn. The list grows longer each day.

History does surely repeat itself, and I am gripped with excitement to watch these New Puritans burn their own at the stake. I just have one question: who’s going to bring the marshmallows?

Read Next: Feminist Move To Desexualize Breasts Could Allow Men To Squeeze Them With Impunity

45 thoughts on “The Left Is Being Destroyed By Their Own Frankensteins”

  1. Feminism has become like a cancerous cell that attacks it’s own body. However that’s not against left’s belief system.
    The left is the new neo-communism that seeks to throw down everyone in power for the sake of their own distorted view of equality.
    Enjoy the decline

  2. Me! I got marshmallows! Seriously this is beautiful now I know why people found witch burnings so appealing(well OK I don’t mean that in a literal sense)

  3. The article is 99 percent correct except one . There is nothing real which is called Judeo Christian value .
    The term Judeo Christian is Oxymoron

    1. I always find it interesting that people stutter and fail to name exclusively “judaic” positive elements of “judeochristian” values without referring to famous “well of civilization” Wyatt Mann cartoon.
      There is no mention about “judeoislam” or “judeomahometan” values either, how unsusual.
      Perhaps goolag ngram viewer might clarify the matter, just like coincidentally Racism did not exist until VII ComIntern Congress

    2. The dump he took on atheism is also ludicrous when in one breath he mentions how faith based belief is stupid.

      1. “Humans have an innate need to believe in a higher power”… seems my childish belief that I was a robot from outer space has been verified at last. Or at least that I didn’t need any higher power, I could mess up my life all on my own.

    3. You mean Helleno Christian ?
      That would be true if you mean Catholicism, or Orthodoxy.
      Protestantism try to rebond with the Old Alliance. In other word, becoming synthetic jews.
      In that sense, prot-estantism is indeed Judeo Christian .

    4. No you’re confusing judeo with jewry. Jewry is the Khazar, askenazhi Zionist (Babylonian) branch of satanic doctrine. In the Bible it is described as “the synagogue of Satan”. Judeo the prefix alludes to Israelites of Judah which all born again Christians are truly considered today. The new covenant forms the new nation of Israel. Aka if you believe and follow Christ (Masiach) you are born again as an Israelite. They are not oxymorons. But Babylonian, Talmudic Jewry is antithetical to Christianity.

  4. The hypocrisy runs amok in most leftist work environments. I worked in a small business firm where there’s this ultra progressive empow(d)ered young bitch who gave me the look of death when I told her that sex sells and she benefited from it, then I pointed out the fact that she wore high heels and low cut cleavage when going to networking events. Asked her why? She hated me from that day. Which leads to my next point: always relish conquering a lefturd with a solid argument. They look stupid as fuck when they fumble and mumble a half assed response.

    1. “Which leads to my next point: always relish conquering a lefturd with a solid argument. They look stupid as fuck when they fumble and mumble a half assed response.”
      This happened to me yesterday. Some fat bitch feminist boomer from my corporate job started cussing me and my friend out at the bus stop at 5pm.
      “Do you see the no smoking sign on the bus shelter??? Do you see it???”
      “Umm… yes… … and?”
      “Well the rules say you shouldn’t stand here killing the rest of us with your cigarette smoke!”
      I walk away five steps and retort “You know you really don’t have to be so aggressive”
      “How dare you call me NASTY!?” (she actually said this)
      The other dude pipes up “Hey wait a second, no one accused anyone of being ‘nasty’!”
      “You shut your mouth! Every day you come onto the elevator smelling like cigarettes. So disgusting. Trying to kill everyo-”
      I cut her off “Hey now you’re just being rude. We already stepped away to give you space.”
      She booms back “Fuck off Clark! Every day after work you smoke cigarettes in front of everyone and it’s fucking disgusting!”
      In a totally calm demeanor I respond “I honestly didn’t realize I was causing you guys trouble, and I really wish you had mentioned this earlier instead of making a scene in front of everyone.”
      She ran out of steam at that point and realized her “heroic” antics were only making her look like the one who is unhinged and disrespectful.
      Treat leftist bugpeople like the children they are… Even if they’re double your age and BMI…
      Hopefully she’ll be normal the next time I see her, but my experience with leftists is they hold grudges over stupid shit like this. That a man might not put up with her shit is probably unimaginable to her.

      1. Next time tell her to try taking up smoking herself.
        It might help her lose some weight.

  5. Women always bite and often destroy the hand that feeds them. Treat women like the dogs (aka like garbage and/or shit) they are and you’ll get the obedience required.
    This is a witch hunt on the left and right. It’ll burn out like all fires eventually do and nothing will change until women are removed from the workplace and placed in their natural setting, the home.

  6. I’m loving this! The article above is spot on, but to those who have seen these developments as an acceleration of anti maleness, a sensible observation, I say press them to consider the practical and immediate benefits. Point: all these men being exposed and taken down are left wing feminist fucktards. The left is dismantling their own levers of power. Remember, the left eats its own. Also, this shows you just how shaky of a “foundation” feminism, and for that matter the leftist religion, is based on. Yes, they’ve beaten conservatives…what frustrates me is how such an incoherent and chaotic idealogy is capable of anything. Now we’re seeing the incoherence of this ideology finally come to the surface. For its is certainly incoherent for an ideology to persecute and destroy the very people responsible for its ascension. The joke here is that conservatives didn’t need to conduct a house cleaning…the left doing it for us. And the void left from this will never be filled. Let’s pray that academia is next!
    Gentlemen, understand that the culture is up for grabs! Yes the left is in control but they are waning and destin to fail. What can we do?
    Create content! Make movies, tv shows, books!

    1. “Yes the left is in control but they are waning and destin to fail.”
      I realize that the left has lots of money behind it but I’ve lately been wondering if it might be possible to resist long enough to drain them of that money?
      If so then maybe the best push back should be in areas where they would need to spend the most money to counter.
      And as for the so called professionalism of film making?
      There’s really no reason anyone can’t make a movie these days for next to nothing.

    1. Feminists love to argue that false rape claims are rare because it’s too much trouble to press charges and too hard to get convictions.
      But, of course, if you believe that then it means that you believe that false rape claims would NOT be rare if it were easier to press charges and get convictions.
      And, of course, all feminists want it to be easier to press charges and get convictions.
      In other words feminists want changes to the system that they themselves BELIEVE will hurt innocent men.

  7. I’ve been trying to encourage people to create settings in society where the left can destroy themselves at an accelerated rate. I encourage anyone to do so by any legal means possible so we can be done with their bullshit.

    1. “I’ve been trying to encourage people to create settings in society where the left can destroy themselves at an accelerated rate.”
      Heh, sock puppet as a tranny and talk shit on a lesbian site?

      1. Be sure to include bits about how the dykes hate men just cuz they take their girlfriends from them.

  8. “In Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein, young Dr. Victor Frankenstein creates a grotesque and unnatural monster, who being unable to fit into human society, and loathing itself, goes on a killing spree across the countryside, tormenting its creator by killing his friends and loved ones.”
    The Frankenstein’s monster tale is a more dramatic version of the jewish Golem myth. In some sense the golem is a better description of some of these movements. Not just because of the jewish connection to progressivism but also because there seems to be a built in ‘going amok’ mechanism built into the very idea

  9. As a militant fundamentalist Christian, I am upset that we failed to impose our sexually puritan values on Hollywood and Washington DC in the 90s, but somehow these feminists are succeeding where we failed. Feminists might even bring back gender segregation in schools and work!

    1. I’m being serious here, if we did get sex segregated schools it would be the best thing for men. Men would comet right past women.

  10. The Left is merely just powering up. They will use these scandals as a full on assault on heterosexuality and finally vindicate the “rape culture” hysteria.
    Then, European Americans will be permanently legally and socially obligated to avoid sex and marriage, and the demographic replacement will kick in full throttle.
    The end is nigh.

  11. “In Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein, young Dr. Victor Frankenstein creates a grotesque and unnatural monster, who being unable to fit into human society, and loathing itself, goes on a killing spree across the countryside, tormenting its creator by killing his friends and loved ones.”
    The Frankenstein’s monster tale is a more dramatic version of the jewish Golem myth. In some sense the golem is a better description of some of these movements. Not just because of the jewish connection to progressivism but also because there seems to be a built in ‘going amok’ mechanism built into the very idea

    1. Because it was probably some pro Trump Alt Right Neo Nazi White Suppremacist bullshit.
      Go home Nazi

      1. I am a brown man. I posted a comment that mentioned that the golem from jewish legend would be a better a model than Frankenstein for comparing what is happening to the left

        1. oh and I mentioned the jewish connection to progressivism, and that the golem has an in-built ‘run amok’ mechanism built into the idea

  12. Yes it’s like a snake eating its self and all we have to do is sit back and let them destroy themselves and we will be at the top of the heap.

    1. Trouble with a snake eating itself is that it can never get itself all the way in it’s own stomach.

      1. That is also true, but I’d much rather see the snake so weakened from eating its self that it can no longer be a threat.

  13. A lot of wishful thinking here about the ‘demise of the left’. This thing is simply about the chewing up of men left right or centre. There’s a short term benefit for some women , but I think that even women, maybe half of them, realize that it’s a lose lose situation in the long term. It’s all setting the stage for China, a tightly, mechanically run automaton of a country (a male trait nonetheless, beta though it may seem on the surface), and India, a country that has just reached the level of social evolution ( re family and gender dynamics) of about 100 years ago in Western countries, to take the reigns. The US with it’s newly untestacled leaders will oversee a country that will just move where the water flows instead of being the force that changes the course of the river.
    Feminism has already taken care of the men at the bottom of the rung, as evidenced by the fact that noone gives a shit about them. Now its time for the top dogs. It’s up to us in the middle to hold fast and know that one day the pendulum will swing back in our favor

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