5 Ways That Trump’s Presidency Will Impact Game

Since Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States on the 9th November there has been a veritable tsunami of commentary from both the right and left speculating on what his presidency might look like, and what it will mean for Americans and the rest of the world. One issue that hasn’t seen much coverage is how Trump’s term in the Oval Office might impact on the world of game.

But with leftist media outlets like Salon and Esquire (plus The Spectator, a right-leaning political magazine) queuing up to position Trump as a consummate PUA who has successfully seduced America (with the support of websites such as this one), might we expect to enjoy a golden age of game once The Donald is inaugurated in January 2017?

Trickle Down Effect

San Pedro, CA, September 15, 2015, Donald Trump, 2016 Republican Presidential Candidate, Waves During A Rally Aboard The Battleship USS Iowa In San Pedro, Los Angeles, California While Wearing A Red Baseball Hat That Says Campaign Slogan 'Make America Great Again.'. (Photo by: Visions of America/UIG via Getty Images)

Trump has long been regarded as pro-men’s rights, largely as a result of his championing the cause of (mainly male) blue collar workers whose livelihood had been decimated as a result of globalism, plus his somewhat ‘traditional’ outlook on gender relations. Also, every aspect of Trump’s demeanour marks him out as a man’s man, an alpha who has little truck with the niceties of neo-liberal political correctness.

It is at this point that one might expect cries of “misogyny” to ring from the galleys. Let us not forget, though, that Trump’s campaign manager was Kellyanne Conway, Rebekah Mercer is a hugely influential member of his transition team and he has named both Nikki Haley and Betsy DeVos as members of his incoming administration. In The Art of the Deal he writes: “I’ve hired a lot of women for top jobs and they’ve been among my best people. Often, in fact, they are far more effective than the men around them.” So Trump is by no means a woman-hater.

Until he is office we can’t know for sure certain what policies he will implement and the degree to which these will change society. Nevertheless, the so-called trickle-down effect is very real and very powerful. With a president at the helm who has demonstrably embraced various aspects of game (whether unconsciously or not, and evidenced by his hot wife and ex’s) it seems likely that overall climate in the US will at least become more favourable for game as Trump’s term progresses.

I’d now like to examine five aspects of the Trump phenomenon and consider how these might begin to reframe game in US and Western society as we go into the New Year

1. The Death Of Political Correctness


Let’s face it, a presidential candidate who utters the phrase “grab them by the pussy” (even in jest and while being secretly recorded) is hardly a stickler for political correctness, and it seems likely that this will start to impact on the wider culture as his presidency progresses.

For the record, I have no doubt that Trump’s statement was genuinely “locker room talk” of the type that guys frequently engage in, and I don’t suppose for one minute that he was actually endorsing pussy grabbing or even suggesting that he had engaged in it himself.

How will this affect game? Well, as every player knows, a certain irreverence is hugely helpful when chatting up girls, and the ability to disdain societal convention—if applied congruently—can be hugely attractive. In a climate where the scourge of political correctness is relaxed and humour allowed to flourish once more, a space will be opened up once more for playful banter between the sexes.

2. A More Realistic Response To Women’s Requirements For Men


“You have to treat ’em like shit” Trump famously said of women to New York Magazine in 1992. Out of context it is hard to tell for certain, but again, this sounds to me rather more like alpha joshing and bravado rather than a serious instruction. Nevertheless, the quote does reveal Trump’s intuitive understanding of women—that what they say they want isn’t always what they actually desire.

How often have you heard a woman say that this or that guy is “too nice” for her? Or that she always falls for the “bad boys”? Continually? Me too. The uncomfortable truth is that women are simply not aroused by nice boy behaviours, even though these behaviours might be a welcome add-on to an already hot, alpha dude. We’ve all met the douchebag who treats women terribly and yet has sex with them in huge numbers.

Look, it’s pretty simple—men are biologically impelled to seek sex with a variety of partners. Therefore they will do whatever it takes within reason to get access to that sex. If being a really nice guy cut the mustard then every man would be doing it (and actually, 95% of men are).

Trump’s more realistic assessment of women’s desires (albeit couched in colloquial language) could be taken as a rallying cry for men to grow some balls and be more assertive during his term. More assertive men = more attractive men, which can only be better for both sexes, right?

3. Realising The Power Of Assumption


“All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me— consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected” wrote Trump in How to Get Rich in 2004. This has been quoted out of context to the horror of many over the last few weeks, but few people have stopped to consider whether Trump seriously meant it. Either way, the quote speaks to the concept of assumption—an incredibly powerful tool for men to use when pulling women.

Put it this way, when you see that cute girl at the party and you’re about to approach her, do you think it’s better that your mindset tells you she fancies you, or better that you believe you have no chance at all? Quite clearly the former is better. When you start talking to her your confidence will be high, your eyes bright and your chat more fluid. For these reasons her enjoyment of your company will likely be increased.

Trump clearly believes that walking out into the world believing that others see value in him is more effective than not doing so. Perhaps under his presidency men will feel empowered to do likewise.

4. An Awareness Of The Potential Pitfalls Of Marriage

marriage futures

Most men are brought up wanting nothing more than to meet a nice wife, work hard and have a family. This, we are told, will bring happiness. However, with the divorce rate over 50% in the West (and around 60% in many major cities) and with 75% of these divorces filed by women, something is clearly very wrong. Men need guidance and from time to time they need to hear the unvarnished truth.

When Trump said of Anne Hathaway’s dumping of Raffaello Follieri “She hasn’t remained very loyal to him, has she? When he had plenty of money, she liked him, but then after that, not as good, right?” he was only saying what a sizeable segment of the population—male and female—were already thinking.

For the record, I have no idea of Hathaway’s motivations in that case and I don’t suggest that her actions were mercenary. However, the fact remains that many men are divorce-raped, cuckolded and then hit with huge alimony notices every day of the week. I’m not saying that all marriages and relationships end like this. However, it would be a better situation if men can properly assess their options. Under a Trump presidency it looks likely this will be encouraged.

5. The Truth About Women And The Ageing Process

when-heidi-klum-was-young heidi-klum-2016-nbcuniversal-summer-press-day-red-carpet-fashion-roland-mouret-tom-lorenzo-site-3

In 2015 Trump hit the headlines once again for declaring that supermodel Heidi Klum was “no longer a ten.” Klum responded to this in good humour, posting a 12 second video of herself on social media posing with a man in a Trump mask and the hashtag #HeidiTrumpsTrump.

Now of course, Klum is still a beautiful woman. But is she quite as hot as when she was in her early twenties? I’ll let you be the judge of that.

Once again, Trump articulates an uncomfortable truth. This time, though, it is hardly a secret. Most people—men and women—are aware that women’s sexual market value decreases markedly after the age of thirty. But this is buried in a miasma of political correctness, clouding many men’s judgements of just what they’re walking into when they sign a marriage contract or opt for a long-term relationship. The girl you met when she was 21 will be changed significantly by the time she’s 50—that’s just a fact. A more honest and open discussion around this phenomenon will equip men to make better life choices when selecting a partner or lifestyle.

These are just five examples of where Trump’s insight into male-female dynamics may likely impact on the culture and the type of game that takes place within it via the trickle-down effect over the next four (or eight?) years. While Trump’s brash style has offended many (even his own supporters) there is industrial-scale hypocrisy at work given that most of us say things we would prefer not to be broadcast to the world in jest or out of the earshot of others. It should also be remembered that a lack of political correctness does not in itself indicate malicious intent.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on these example and any more you can think of in the comments section below.

Want to find out more about how to approach and seduce sexy girls in the age of Trump? Buy Troy’s bestselling book, The Seven Laws of Seduction. To learn more click here.

Read More: Why You Don’t Deserve That Perfect 10

425 thoughts on “5 Ways That Trump’s Presidency Will Impact Game”

  1. The whole “I’d lock you up in jail” statement, when he was really just teasing / belittling Hillary with no real notion of locking her up can be seen as an instruction to never take women seriously. If they challenge you, agree and amplify. Hillary wanted to challenge Trump on policy, and Trump took the exchange nuclear by saying Hillary belonged in prison. He was saying you don’t even belong here, as my equal, up here on stage. And he won.
    Now it can be seen he had no intention on actually prosecuting her for using a private email server; it was a debate tool of shutting her down. Of saying her opinion didn’t matter. Of saying she was weak and ineffective.
    Although people claim Trump is thin skinned, and he definitely does have a big ego, he does seem to maintain frame better than most politicians.
    There are some good points here, but I’m more interested in how Melania will affect our culture, by being one of the only public feminine role models in America. Attractive, thin, classy, submissive, and always supportive of her husband. I’m curious what issue she will take up as First Lady.

    1. I’m more interested in how Melania will affect our culture, by being one of the only public feminine role models
      Pro tip: Let this happen organically. There is a time and place for the straightforward approach, and this is not one of those times. Resist the urge to tell the woman in your life “You should be/dress/act/look more like Melania.”

      1. I know for a fact that Melania plans to find moose and squirrel. That is the number one item on agenda.

        1. The ugly woman vote is already locked for the Democrats so it probably didn’t have much impact. And I’m actually kinda sorta being serious.

        2. kinda sorta serious? today’s version of liberalism and communism are essentially based on butthurt fuglies that can’t get laid pair bonding with the commie leaders to take down normal people. I’m 100% serious.

    2. “Now it can be seen he had no intention on actually prosecuting her for using a private email server”
      This one doesn’t fly for me. Rhetorical devices are rhetorical devices. But either Hilary Clinton committed a treasonous felony or she did not. Trump claims she did. If she did she needs to be tried for it and not let off the hook because she is rich and powerful. That is the entire point of American blind justice. If she did not commit a treasonous felony than trump ought to very publically apologize to her for accusing her of doing so. That isn’t a minor accusation. He has accused her of a very some very serious crimes (ones I totally believe she has commited.)
      So it is either the case that Hillary has committed felonies including but not limited to treason and trump has decided to give her a pass on it or that trump made up some serious accusations which were false. Either way…no Bueno amigo.

      1. And he didn’t just do it once, in the debates. That can be taken for a flippant “gotcha!” and nothing more if that’s all it had been. He went to rally after rally after rally saying this, and the crowds all chanted “lock her up!” across the nation.

        1. this is correct. He didn’t accuse the woman of jay walking or starting a fight in a bar or something. These are the crimes that people get put to death for. I can say “that goj is a real fancy jerk” and then when I win say “ahhhh he wasn’t that bad it is the heat of the moment” what I can’t do is say “oh that GOJ murdered like 40 run away teenagers and left their decapitated corpses in ravines all over southern Canada” make it the central plot of my campaign and then win and say….ahhh, ya know, it was just one of those things

        2. He also made “Drain the Swamp” his unofficial motto near the end, yet is having Mittens and a bunch of old neocons visit him in Trump Tower trying out for cabinet positions. Maybe he’s just trolling them all, but I don’t think you can put the guy down as being very consistent or reliable.

        3. I’m curious how that will turn out. He knows, everybody knows, that if he puts in Mittens that he’s immediately lost his base of support, no question asked.

        1. I will wait and watch. Curious to see how it unfolds. But in cases like the crimes that Hillary has been accused of I think this is a big chestnut out there. These crimes aren’t the things you just let slide.

        2. I agree with you. Also I am sure there are some FBI and other federal agents waiting in the wings until 21 January to make some relevations.
          The Clintons better be getting their legal team together and shifting assets as I want to see them both tried and convicted.

        3. like GOJ says below…while Obama is still president he can still pardon her. Who knows, maybe once he takes office it will be different. But you can’t accuse someone of that level of criminality and then drop it and say it was a rhetorical tactic. I am of the belief that Trump has sold a bunch of snake oil to a large swath of the American public who, in their good intentions and feelings of being marginalized, supported someone who sold them a bag of lies. A big way to convince me that I am wrong is to see some of trumps rhetoric turn into policy

        4. Funny thing is, I don’t even need them to be convicted. Let me see trump make an earnest effort to have them arrested and put on trial. They will worm their way out. Fine. Whatever. I mean, you don’t think Hillary is going to be busting rocks like Dr. Evil in Goldmember right? But for the actions to be taken is a world of good in and of itself.

        5. nice reference.
          If her case was even brought to a grand jury I would be pleasantly surprised.

        6. The process is the punsihment. I want it to go on for years as they burn through their illgotten personal fortune and, more importantly, their time trying to stay out of jail until the grave.

        7. Burn through the entire fortune, leaving nothing behind for Hillary’s daughter (whomever her father is I’m not certain so I’m not going to say “and Bill’s”) to use to start up her own political career of evil.

        8. I can see that. I seriously don’t think it will happen. They are slick customers. That said, seeing that Trump actually does what he says and isn’t totally full of shit will be the real win.

        9. They have made alot of enemies and they owe people. They are old, feable and sick, like the rest of the democrat party, and their time in this realm is about up.

      2. There is the very real concern of politics, though. If he doesn’t forgive and forget, Hillary’s allies will not forgive and forget, either. He doesn’t want to find himself on the wrong end of some ‘Trumped-up’ charges once he leaves office.
        I’m not saying it’s a good or even valid reason, but merely a plausible one.

        1. They’re losing their power rapidly now that she hasn’t won. Who is going to pay them $500,000 to “hear a speech” now that they cannot pay back in kind with political favors? In fact I’d go so far as to posit that a good portion of her “friends” counted on her winning and since she blew it, they may not be so friendly any longer because basically she robbed them of money and gave nothing back.
          I do think that if Trump doesn’t play down the “go to jail” thing right now while Obama is in office, then Obama would just issue the witch a blanket pardon and that would be that. Hopefully he’s playing the long game here.

        2. There is a massive Clinton wing of the party that survived the election of Obama, despite trying to prevent Obama as hard as they did. I don’t see them decamping any time soon, especially considering right now there are no viable alternatives. Sure, the money won’t be flowing as freely as it did in the past, but the network of operatives and ideological allies will likely continue to cling to what they’re familiar with. My read- she will be a power broker, even if only behind the scenes, for a while yet.

        3. He could also be waiting until he can appoint a special prosecutor to look into it, as he said should have been done.

        4. this is a game I could respect if it is what is going on. I am skeptical but I am keeping a wait and see policy.

        5. Thats what I suspect. The Justice Department under new leadership will be launching investigations which Trump will have nothing to do with as it is “a legal matter than conerns the department.” He will not involve himself in it, but he will definitely not interfere as they thoroughly go through the evidence and compile a case against the Clintons.

        6. Power broker using what? Her pantsuit? The entire family now not only has no actual power, but no longer can re-obtain power, at least for another decade or more (Chelsea). Continuing to ride that horse just seems to be a losing prospect in my view, if I were a mover and shaker.

        7. I think we might be disconnected a bit on the definition of power broker. I’m not talking about direct selling of legislative access or any promise she can make regarding setting official government policy. I’m talking about the people she knows, her followers, her network. It’s full of powerful people in Wall Street, legal circles, almost any industry, government, and in both parties. I promise that anybody in her Rolodex will be happy to take a call from her until the day she dies.

      3. I don’t think many people believed using a private email server was illegal. Hell, Colin Powell and others did it, and weren’t even investigated. Even if all the accusations were true, no treasonous felony is at issue. Yeah, it may look weak for Trump to just drop this, kind of the way he gave up on the idea of Obama being a secret Kenyan Muslim, kind of like how he’s going to completely drop the issue of building a Berlin wall on our southern border or deporting Muslims or bringing back coal mining jobs or how we’re going to win so much we will get sick of winning, or any of his other grand claims.
        But I’d say to get used to this, as it will be the order of business. All those claims were rhetorical tools used to get him in place so he can Make America Great Again. Or perhaps just to exercise his huge ego. I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt and hoping it was the former, but I won’t hold my breath.

        1. It’s illegal if it isn’t cleared for use, and then secured and hardened by government intelligence types actually. I was a military intelligence operative at one time, I’d still be spending my days rotting in prison for what she’s done due to that server alone. Don’t buy into the leftist thing where “Colin Powell had one”, well yeah, he did, that he cleared first and then had hardened by the appropriate parties. What she did was little more than build a linux box, set up an SMTP and POP server and plug it into her service provider’s router. That is *HIGHLY* illegal.

        2. Do you believe there was any chance that what she did was “careless” or was it consciously illegal? I don’t have the background in IT or security to understand the issues.
          I ask because you claim experience in both these areas. This is not a challenge to what you’ve said.

        3. Did you know, that intent had nothing to do with the illegality of what she did? There are two laws, both cover the same crimes, but one is intentional and the other covers negligence. She violated one of those two laws, no matter how it’s spun.
          PLUS, yes, she did it intentionally. She was doing what she’s always done since the 1980’s, which is, sell political favors for cash. This is her MO.

        4. I haven’t really looked into the details, because I’m more concerned if she would start a nuclear war with Russia or extend unemployment benefits to 10 years or implement reeducation camps for ROK readers, than where her email account was or what happened in Benghazi!, and I figure I’ll let the FBI or appropriate IT group determine if she had the proper email address.
          I suppose the FBI could be infiltrated and thoroughly corrupted, but then again if that’s the case we’ve got way bigger problems to worry about than a Clinton presidency.
          I haven’t even bothered to read her emails leaked by wikileaks, but if it’s like the previous cables they’ve released, it’s mostly benign (OK Gotta go get my nails down now and charge it to the taxpayer ha ha — kind of chatter). Hell, I’d rather find something dirty in her emails that the public is able to see because she was lax on security than have her lock everything down where it’s all secretive, but I understand where you’re coming from.

        5. You should read up on the emails released. There was some pretty damning stuff in them, including the collusion with the DNC to totally throw Sanders to the curb (not that this particular thing is illegal). I am an IT guy and was in MI, I know the details very intimately. If she wasn’t hacked by 50,000 different people across the globe, then she was hacked by more than 50,000 people. She self-compromised, even if she did it benignly, by making herself totally open to blackmail by foreign powers.
          The other points are worth worrying about, but the server is the thing that can get her put into the pokey. Plus, you know, that long line of dead bodies that seem to follow the Clintons around.

        6. Oh yeah, she definitely stole the election from Bernie, as Trump pointed out even though Bernie wouldn’t. At the end of the day, the emails helped lose her the election, if for no other reason than she *looked* like a crook, being investigated in the final days before voting. She’s an old lady and while some here would like to see her sit in a prison cell, I’m with Trump on just letting her putter about until the end of her days at this point.

        7. I see your point – in matters of security, negligence and malice both result in the same damage.
          Or to put it in movie terms (for my benefit), its like in “Casino” when Ace fired that slots manager, citing that “either you were in on it or you were too incompetent to prevent it – either way, I can’t have you here.”
          I guess I’m still wondering if she’s as corrupt as I think…

        8. Honestly, I don’t have any compassion for her. Old lady or not, she’s freaking evil personified. I like John Galt’s suggestion that she doesn’t go to jail, but has to use up all of her and Bill’s resources keeping a constant team of lawyers busy fending off charges until they have nothing left, and she dies poor and hated.

        9. Haha, that would be fitting. I don’t have any compassion for her; I just don’t care about her. She’s old news and has been for over a decade. Perhaps I’m misinterpreting Trump, but I view his decision as judging her to be so useless as not to be even worth his time. She’s not a serious challenge to him, her ideas are terrible, she’s weak, why would he exert any effort in defeating her when he already did that?
          Also remember this is a guy who has failed many times himself but just declared bankruptcy and started over. I don’t think he wants her permanently gone or anything.
          It reminds me of this clip: W got a lot of flak for it at the time, but in hindsight, this was a pretty prescient view :

        10. “The other points are worth worrying about, but the server is the thing
          that can get her put into the pokey. Plus, you know, that long line of
          dead bodies that seem to follow the Clintons around.”
          If Trump was going to prosecute, there will be pile of dead bodies by the end of the year to ensure Hillary stays out of jail. Trump is claming the Clintons and give them some assurance. There are numerous members of the FBI waiting to pounce the Clintons the moment Trump starts to reside in the White House
          There will be no pardons for both Hillary, Bill, and their assorted pedos.

    3. I never looked at it that way, he was using game tactics during the debate. Albeit was with Hillary (shudder)

    4. Trump doesn’t need to pursue hillary legally, he can have surrogates in other parts of government do that for him while he maintains an appearance of being a gracious winner.

      1. Yep, I too am concerned more about the women here considering some of the things Melania has said (looking into internet “mean” comments) and some of the stuff Ivanka has put out in her speeches, especially seeing how Trump fawns over her.

        1. The “mean” internet shit is just an amplified public version of what everyone knows, women are vicious to each other. It’s in their nature, translation – waste of time trying to mitigate it. Bullying is never going to end. But we CAN end obesity, and my god not a second too soon. I am getting really mean spirited because I’m tired of seeing morbidly obese fatass sweathogs everywhere, and these people are BREEDING, which fills me with despair and disgust. I’m losing my frame over these people. I’m coming unglued. 2 years ago I was dating probably the hottest girl Ive ever dated, and she had big problems with fatass cunts at her job bullying her because she was so god damned sexy and lean. That was the last straw.
          So, I am cautiously optimistic that having a supermodel First Lady will encourage young women to look up to her and emulate her, but I know that leftist females will double down on being disgusting to try and normalize it, and they will say horrible things about her because she’s hot. Recently I saw an article with Shirley Manson the singer from the 90s alt band Garbage, saying that “young women are under so much pressure to be beautiful”, which translates to, “I wanna be a lazy disgusting slob and pretend it’s normal, and I’m getting old and I am hatefully envious of young hot chics, and I absolutely hate men so I am going to do everything in my power to be an undesirable nasty cunt”.

  2. The powers-that-have-been will do all they can to marginalize Trump’s impact on our culture if we allow it. They worked damn hard to convince us women were equal, yet mysterious and downright superior creatures whose very nature was perfection, and they won’t squander it lightly.
    What Trump’s rise indicates is a general distaste for the hatred, lies, and censorship that have been rampant in the west for some time. View it as a mandate – the voters who voted with us have shown that we are not alone, and we are more numerous than ever imagined. We have the power in our hands to bring to pass these five changes, if we never assume victory but continually strive.
    Our memes are better. Our stories are better. Our facts are better. Our strength is better. And we have the moral authority that they have so desperately attempted to take for generations.
    Once more unto the breach, dear friends!

    1. yes, the once high flying stock of masculinity has been in a bear market for decades…. so far this is only a sucker bounce.

  3. 6. If you say or do something sexually suggestive, less and less western women will think “rape!” And instead think “that’s like something the president of the United States would do. The president of the United States is a man of great power. I like men with power”. 🙂

    1. Or it might be a shifting social environment with one set of rules for alphas, and a different set of rules for betas.

  4. ha. every single girl in that first picture looks like they are thinking “when can I get my check and get away from this orange doughy blob” sorry boys.

    1. Money and power attract trim.
      What they are thinking is “How do I get him to divorce Melania and marry me instead.”

      1. I am aware that money and power attracts them but I think true masculine game attracts them even better. I have no doubt that any of those hos would debase themselves for his money. No doubt at all. That said, they have no real attraction and I have no doubt that pretty much any tennis pro with real masculine and alpha traits will be able to bone any of the women who have their hands in trumps pockets.

        1. Lets get real. Trump is billionaire with his name in big gold letters on his own building which he used to pull top shelf pussy. Before he married Melania he was putting her up in 2 bdrm furnished condo. Those kind of alpha traits aren’t easy to mimic with clown game.

        2. clown game is for clowns but money game isn’t for alphas. I am not on board with the cult of trump who think he is an alpha. I think he is a terribly insecure and over compensating billionaire who strikes me as a total wimp. He is exactly the kind of puffed up wuss that drives me nuts. He is, in a nut shell, the flesh and blood incarnation of a key board warrior with a big bank account. Nothing alpha about putting a chick up in a condo or buying them furniture. He may very well be a good president. Jury is still out. He hasn’t started yet. But you will never convince me that he isn’t a total pussy
          EDIT: as a side note….if you want to tell which alpha acting billionaires are actually chumps who are over compensating taking a look at who is putting their name in 10 foot high gold letters is a good start.

        3. Disagree. Trump is definitely alpha through force of personality, he’s battle tested, but he is self made alpha retaining some beta personality traits, not the natural born alpha like the charismatic jock. For example he uses twitter like a teenage girl.

        4. We disagree on this here for sure. I think he is truly the epitome of clown game insecure who has enough money so the cool kids and hot chicks stick around. That’s ok….can’t agree on everything.

        5. Trump has to be understood in the context of the environment that he came from. He is like John McEnroe in the 70s throwing tantrum at the new york open, screaming at the judge that the ball was clearly on the line.

        6. again, I don’t see that at all. Where McEnroe is a true alpha who was a hard competitor in trump I seem an impotent little wuss trying to make the world see him as special. Again, you won’t convince me otherwise and I won’t convince you. But it doesn’t really much matter does it?

        7. he was. That man was like a natural well spring of testosterone. He and Andre Aggasi brought sheer masculine energy to the sport and made it exciting. Before it was kind of stuck up and prudish. Now it seems like all the really good players are the cast of every movie with eastern European hit men…cold, calculated perfection. Like the 86 mets or the Lions when Barry Sanders was playing or the Raiders when John Madden was coach they just brought raw power and aggression to a sport that made it super exciting to watch.

        8. McEnroe wasn’t country club tennis stereotype. Trump isn’t “establishment” politician. There is a very big element of IDGAF in other peoples opinions I’m here to win. If they don’t like the way the game is being played they will redefine the game. I had trump pegged at losing with 260 electoral votes. I couldn’t see him winning in blue states. If he had run conventional game he would have lost. Alphas are game changers.

        9. “He is, in a nut shell, the flesh and blood incarnation of a key board warrior with a big bank account.”
          The endless twittering provides plenty of evidence for this case.

        10. What? How did you know I was in an Adam Sandler movie?

        11. “I think he is a terribly insecure and over compensating…”
          So he is a true New Yorker? (Tongue in cheek)

        12. He reminds me of the chubby guys who go to hooters and then pay 50 bucks for a picture with the hooters girls and show it to people at work

        13. And that is the difference. I don’t see IDGaF from trump is see “please think I’m cool please please please.
          Again we differ here. Nonbig whoop

        14. I am sure he doesn’t. But he is still a chump who needs someone in inflate his ego like every other massively insecure wuss

        15. Aside from doing very naughty things to her would you really want any kind of a relationship with a woman who would debase herself for some shiny trinkets? Sure masculine game will grab ’em but such women are broken beyond repair. I think it has been discussed in these hallowed halls ad nauseam. I think Trump is well aware of such behaviour also.
          I was out to dinner with an attractive woman last weekend. Dinner, drinks, back to hers for some bedroom Olympics. Fun all around. Some sexy texts over the next few days. She then shit tests me, “You’re always talking about sex”. I text back, “You’re always talking about money”. No reply yet……

        16. I met a guy like this once. He was married to my coworker, who was fucking another coworker behind her husband’s back. All of us went out to a Vegas pool party and this dude had his wife snap pics of him with every cocktail waitress. It was humorous to watch, especially with the knowledge that 1) He was never going to fuck those waitresses and 2) His wife was fucking the guy standing ten feet away.

        17. His operating methods are unorthodox. An insecure wuss could not have accomplished what trump has accomplished. He maintained frame under withering fire and brought others into his frame.

        18. Ok dude I already said it. On this my mind is made up. You aren’t going to change it. I simply can’t get on the trump fan boy bandwagon. I see him as a total beta wuss. An overcompensating billionaire who is a tiny little man who needs attention like a fat 16 year old girl.
          You won’t convince me otherwise. I have been watching him be an insecure fat chick with money attention whoring his way through life some the 80’s.
          I get it. You think he is great and tough and masculine. That’s fine. I feel otherwise.
          Have a good day sir

        19. Is the slow realization creeping into the back of her head, that outside of sex she really has nothing to offer you? Nah. Ignore her. You will be getting flirty texts in the next 7-10 days.

        20. ok man, like I said. You have an opinion and I have an opinion. You said yours and I said mine. They disagree. I then said that it is no big deal to disagree and you have gone on first to tell me I am wrong in several different ways and now to attack me personally. I am starting to get why you are on trumps jock so much. Like I said before. I am not going to try to convince you because a) I don’t believe I can and b) I don’t see a point in it. Now, as I said before, good day sir.

        21. Keyboard alpha with no verifiable accomplishments says trump isn’t competitive. Sounds persuasive.

        22. Dude i said enough. We have to agree to disagree here. Christ you fam boys are just fucking intolerable.

      1. That is not something I’m frequently accused of. I’ve no doubt they are whores who will fuck for money. They would lick out Soros’ asshole too. But they aren’t getting tingles from trump

  5. The fall of Heidi Klum is sad to have witnessed. Who she is as a human being or what she’s done, or not done, as a human being mean nothing to me. She was, for a brief moment of time, a nearly perfect specimen of female beauty. Now look at her. Dang…
    As to Trump, I do appreciate the effect he’s had in getting people off of their high horses in regards to political correctness. Even if he’d just faded and not won the primaries, that was one of his most telling impacts in the nation, and it was sorely needed.

        1. It’s a bitter, bitter pill to swallow isn’t it?
          The 20 year Heidi Klum, sir, I might have even held the door open for like a gentleman. This one? Oh fuck no.

        2. After pictures always ruin it for me. Some of them stay attractive in a matronly and reasonable manner, but they never remain that hot 22 year old you remember from your youth. Linda Carter, for example, aged quite gracefully and had a respectable presence and mature beauty about her at least through the first decade of the 2000’s, but I don’t think that I’d given her a go in 2005. Linda Carter in 1983 though? Sign me up!

        3. Indeed sir, she does. That manjaw is huge. She almost looks like Kurt Cobain now, sans the facial hair.


        5. I’ll tell ya, seeing similarly aged Hollywood icons without the filters on makes me a lot more satisfied with who I married.

        6. Same here. My wife has never worn much makeup, and had a natural beauty that has aged quite well. That’s the trick, find ones that don’t need ten layers of goo to look like a 10, and chances are that if she takes care of herself, she’ll look presentable at age 45 or 50.

        7. Yikes, man face with hippy hair… and a drifting lizard eye. Must have been some good shit lol

        8. Yep. That wall beat the shit out of her, spat on her face and walked away.

        9. The old Heidi delivers fully the message to women that you just can’t get past the wall. It WILL beat the hell out of you after a certain age.

        10. Here is a herd of 19 year olds, Typical kids in my church. I challenge you to point out one of them that is not good looking or fat.

        11. We’re getting into dangerous territory here…
          I can say I see a couple to support my case but there is no way in hell I will identify any out of concern that they are friends/family of your good self.
          On another note, that’s a terrific sound! A great choir.

        12. They are from the missionary training center, just before they go on a mission, they will do a 3 week or 6 week school (depending if they need to learn a language) They are just typical kids. Both my wife and I did that about 18 years ago. They probably went through an audition to see if they could sing in conference.
          Granted, there are a few, but at that age, almost all of them are good looking as long as they are in shape.

        13. On a purely biological level, she is past the point of reproduction, so who cares? Like salmon that swim upstream mate, lay eggs and then die. Black widows eat their mate right after doing the deed.

        14. Yeah, she shouldn’t be flitting about in barely any clothes at her age, it’s undignified. Women her age generally go the elegant beauty thing, or settle in to a life of expecting grandchildren and learning to bake cookies (if she doesn’t know already). This “I need to be an attention whore at 51” thing is very, very trashy.

        15. Talk about sobering women in your life right the fuck up when they start thinking that their beauty makes them not have to act like decent human beings, eh?
          “Yeah honey, see this guy? Know who he is? The 51 year old Heidi Klum”
          *girl runs screaming from the room*

        16. Thought you were gonna say, “here is the 65 year old F1 boss Flavio that knocked up Heidi on his yacht before Seal.”

        17. Thank you, been reading about conquered peoples being turned into sex slaves by the Prophet Muhammad and reading Bloodhound Gang lyrics lately. I just get these visions of the good ‘ol days.

        18. The reason I picked this video is they are genetically typical girls. What isn’t typical is they are clean and take care of themselves. Minimal makeup, modest dress, I would bet you 90-95% are virgins.

        19. Amazing how hair, makeup, lighting and great photography can catapult an 7 to a 9, or an 8 to a 10.

        20. Young men need to see this though. Helps with the the depedestalization process. And the fear of rejection upon approaching.
          The best looking & best tasting fruit loses its freshness over time. As God intended.

        21. “The best looking & best tasting fruit loses its freshness over time. As God intended”

        22. ” great photography can catapult an 7 to a 9, or an 8 to a 10″
          Indeed – and when you mention photoshop – it’s more than just a mere touch up of blemishes. Literally faces get be made to look thinner, lips can he made to look fuller, parts of the body that sag can be pulled in – and extra fat can be reduced. This explains why many actual models today can look not just slightly different, vastly different in real life.
          This video is little over 1 minute:

        23. That video: As I think about this, when I was in my early teens I would have done exactly what that kid would have done – I was never really into girls my own age at that time in my life because they didn’t have the womanly curves (tits, ass and legs) that older women have – the ones who looked good anyway – like the spinster who appears in that vid who was 34 at the time it was made. At age 14 I would have happily gotten with a 34 year old chick that looked like that.
          Oddly now in my late forties I prefer women at the age 25 mark – and consider any 34 year old, regardless of how pretty she may be, to be used up, with a high likelyhood of having STD’s.
          I think my attitude is a result of the times we live in – seeing how women today have no virtue. I would wager that men want the youngest, least contaminated (and legal) female he can get.

        24. 1 yr ago I finally resigned from my last job and i couldn’t be happier now… I started working from my house, over a site I stumbled upon on-line, for several hours /a day, and my income now is much bigger then it was on my office work… Last paycheck i got was for Nine thousand dollars… Superb thing about this work is that now i have more time to spend with my family… http://chilp.it/728813e

        25. They are all of age, To go on a mission, church requires you to be 19-25, Otherwise you should be looking to get married. Most are 19, I was 25 because I was a late convert.

        26. That’s actually a very interesting tactic to incorporate into raising a young boy to manhood. I actually wish I’d thought of it before you said it. Dang it!

        27. Heh. Sourced from personal experience. I reacquainted myself with a woman a few years ago who I had a thing for when I was about 17, 18 or so. Easily one of the top 3 hottest girl in my final high school year. She knew she was a prize. I realized I had little chance with her at that stage of my life though.
          She was quite frank (years later) when she told me she wouldn’t have settled for me at the time anyway because….options.
          Having the tables turn over time when I actually ended up with her a decade later was part of my awakening. The obvious jealousy from her when I’d get the IOI’s from younger females & some of her female friends was…too tiresome to deal with. I remember her exact phrase to me, “You’ve turned into quite a complete package over the years”
          I’m thinking along the lines of, “Duh. We’re men. We can’t just show up like you. Gotta clock those hours in the self improvement workshop”
          Hence, I say to young men, don’t feel too bad about missing out on that fresh fruit. It doesn’t stay fresh.

        28. F*ck! She looks manly in this one! Like one of those borderline sissy dudes with long hair. Actually, come to think of it she looks like David Spade.

    1. Great tits when she was younger. She’s just another attention whore. Flitting from one man to another like an ever decrepit butterfly with growing holes in her wings. Soon she won’t be able to flit any longer. Did I mention great tits?

    2. Klum’s coal-burning makes her disgusting to any decent man, regardless of her looks.

    1. this saying is great but needs to be updated for a world that realizes that pubic hair is disgusting.

        1. I can’t even abide stubble. I would need something like, “call her a whore to get that wood floor”

        1. to each their own gunny…but I have straight up handed a woman a razor and told her to get rid of a hitler mustache in my apartment. I will not abide hair

        2. Haha, how did you grow up in the 70’s and 80’s and not have a fond appreciation of a full bush? Or is this some angsty rebellion against your youth?

        3. I still remember now the first time I got into some pants and saw a fully waxed cooz. Light shined down from heaven on me. It was like the room vanished. The girl vanished. The Alice in Chains stopped playing. All that was left in that room on Avenue B back in 1998 was me and this 19 year old pussy, totally shorn of artifice, bald, hairless, so clean and smooth as if no hair had ever even grown there. That is the first time I spoke to God. and god said “lolknee…I have become quite fond of you and I bestow upon you the gift of hairless cunt” and I said “god, I really appreciate this it is just fantastic” and he said “no problem man, enjoy” and I was transformed. It was like Paul when he was on the road to Damascus only this wasn’t the road to Damascus it was a small studio apartment in alphabet city and I did all sorts of horrible things in the name of the lord to that pussy. When I was finished it looked like the ruins of Sodom and Gomorrah after the angel of the lord smote it. Since that day I have never allowed for hair on pussy again. Not a neat trim, not a hitler mustache, not a landing strip. I am a man of god. I will have my pussy waxed.

        4. As blasphemous and vulgar your comment is, and me being a religious person myself, I would have to wholeheartedly agree.

        5. I have a standing exception for a small landing strip on natural redheads with fire crotch but it can’t be auburn or kind of red, that shit needs to be bright

        6. ARGH! if I have one rule its that there are to be no blades of any kind on site during, before or after The Act.

        7. My first was bright red. Truly illuminating, not unlike when they opened up the briefcase in “Pulp Fiction”.

        8. Nothing like a beautiful bald beaver. I’m not a fan of pubic hair on my women, but the worst is a chick with hairy asshole. No dice. Instant boner killer.

    1. Lower estrogen levels, while retaining a high sensitivity to testosterone. In essence, while their T score (which is naturally low) is kept in check when they’re young by estrogen, it’s not once the estrogen fades away. Or something like that, I’m winging it mostly here.

      1. also, there is no way that Seal didn’t totally disfigure her pussy. I would wager that her pussy looks like the scars on his face at this point.

        1. like I always say, you are never gonna survive if you don’t get a little…….crazy.

        2. Yeah that whole Seal/Heidi thing convinced me that no matter how fucked up looking you are, if you have enough money and fame, it doesn’t matter.
          I bet they have fucked up looking kids too.

        3. Agreed about money and fame but I think there is at least a chance the kids will be attractive so long as they look like a young her just with a tan

        4. They are probably beige with funny hair…. I don’t like talking about somebody’s kids however sometimes there are exceptions.

        5. I remember OJ’s daughter was a real peice a few years back not sure what she looks like now

      2. ha- Ive only known of her for about 15 yrs, so she kinda has looked the same, at least to me. She is absolutely stunning at 20 or so

    2. She’s taller female 5.9? Bone structure is different for super models. What makes their facial features stunning in their teens and 20s changes as they age.

      1. this is 100% true. Like the way that “genius” is, in a way, a mental illness the level of beauty that a early 20’s super model has is almost freakish due to bone structure. It is amazing and perfect at 22. It is strange and a little creepy at 42

    3. Menopause causes a crash in estrogen levels. Some of the loss can be negated with a good diet and exercise, but that’s a big “maybe” in our society.

  6. I don’t know in what universe Heidi Klum is pretty. Maybe it’s just the masculine face and the fake tits, but I’ve seen way better looking girls on college campuses just walking around.
    Go to Russia for god’s sakes. The average girl you meet on the street will be better looking.
    I’ve met girls in university in Kazakhstan that were passed over for a modeling contract multiple times over that are ridiculously better looking than Klum ever was. Something about men finding masculine shaped women attractive makes me wonder if fags aren’t in control of fashion.

    1. Yeah, she does have some pointy elbows.
      I wouldn’t touch this with a ten foot poll. Hideous. Disgusting. I don’t even know how she wasn’t laughed out of the studio back in the day. It’s like in walks Sasquatch, on steroids. Geesh.

      1. Face is ugly and masculine as hell. Tits are fake. There’s way better looking girls in LA party circles who’ll get passed over for a modeling gig than this.
        Legs are decent though.

        1. Oh come on.
          Tastes vary, and there’s no accounting for it, but the young Klum (not the old one, the young one) has a feminine face (there is no manjaw there dude, it’s an oval face), a nice build and is in many ways exactly what you think of in regard to Germanic perfection in women. As to her tits, whether they’re fake or not I could give two shits honestly. Modern boob jobs have become so good that you really can’t even tell any longer, unless you knew the girl “before”. They even feel real now and the sensitivity of the breasts to touch is retained due to how the procedures have changed.

        2. Now I see why we disagree. That nose is absolutely hideous in my estimation, and the way her mouth recedes too far back to appear natural is off putting. The eyes are squinty too. Nice cans though.
          And no, not a mannish face. Christ dude, get over it. She has one now of course, but at 20, not even close.

        3. Holy shit dude, seriously? Jesus…
          We’re going to have to agree to disagree here, clearly we have polar opposite tastes.

        4. He mentions fake tits in a negative light two comments ago, then proceeds to post a pic of a blonde with fake tits…
          Also, Heidi’s always appeared natural to me. I don’t think they’re fake. Could be wrong though.

        5. If I ever get around to getting my Delorian equipped with a Flux Capacitor, I’m going to go back to 1991 and find out first hand and settle the matter once and for all. No, in fact, I’ll use both hands, just to be sure.

        6. Really? Honestly, I’d walk by her in a party and not look back. She’s not fugy, don’t get me wrong, but just not my thing at all.

        7. I can’t tell you how many women have let me feel up their tits by accusing them of having fake boobs.
          “I’ve gotta feel them to be certain” works 95% of the time.

        8. I’ve actually had the same experience.
          “Those are fake!”
          *huffy and flirty* “No they’re not! Feel!”

        9. What a wonderful world we live in. If you or I ever runs for political office, though, be prepared for a video leak showing you grabbing them by the titties.

        10. If one does not surface, I’ll send one to the media myself.

        11. There’s just something about her face that really isn’t doing it for me. Like the nose is a straight rail, the eyes are squinty-ish (I like large doe eyes), and for whatever reason the way her mouth area recedes too far back really seems odd to me. Smoking body though, from what I can see.

        12. That is possibly the worst nose job I have ever seen. It actually looks painful. Also, cheap extensions.

      2. I find it pretty funny when we break down supermodels for their lack of beauty. However, in this case, yeah, if you do isolate the face and just look at that, it is a masculine one. Especially in the top picture. But no one’s looking at their faces much.

        1. I don’t see that at all. Masculine faces are very square, the brow ridge is pronounced more than normal and usually you see a lot more forehead. She looks serious (or seductive I guess) in the first one, but that’s not necessarily “masculine”. And in the second, she just looks like an innocent Germanic chick in a really thin bikini who has just thought about me and got so wet that it created all that liquid.

        2. No, but I’m not the one suggesting she’s any different than what the media presents.
          I don’t know if she’s classy or not. How could YOU?

        3. It’s really quite simple. Kim puts on a persona for the cameras. She gets paid millions to ACT like a degenerate, but behind the scenes she’s quite classy and reserved. She gets cash and the media gets a degenerate whore that they can pedestalize to promote whoredom to young women and girls everywhere.
          You don’t believe Tom Cruise is really a secret spy, do you? Then why would you believe Kim Kardashian is who she’s portrayed as?

        4. I don’t presume to know (or care) either way. I’m just interested in whatever experience caused you to claim that:
          “behind the scenes she’s quite classy and reserved.”

        5. Yeah, the whole “classy” sex tape thing was a body double.
          She gets paid because of her association with two highly accomplished men (or former man in Bruce Jenner’s case).

      3. When it comes to beauty, I think northern European-descent women enjoy the highest peaks. Unfortunately, they crash hard once the wall arrives. I’m wondering if this aging affect is partially due to the high UV ray absorption from having lighter skin. From my observations, mediterranean women slam into the wall with much less ferocity.

    2. Oh gtfo klum in her prime was worthy of chaining up in a garage dungeon and risking the crime

    3. Never found any white model or actress truly beautiful either.
      Indian actresses look way better.

  7. Heidi Klum flushed her beautiful genes down the toilet when she procreated with Seal. Just look at the picture of her sons – they look nothing like her. Why did she do it?

    1. Every time I hear a white person say blacks are ugly, I can only remember when my black friends tell me I have bad taste in women for not liking huge asses.

        1. Meh. Most black manospherians I’ve met prefer the traditional black “huge ass, huge frame” dynamic. I’ve even met Africans who really love fat women for some reason. Attraction is somewhat hammered into you.

        2. Most African women that are actually in Africa have nothing even close to a huge ass. Shit, most of the black gals in Africa barely have 90 pounds of body mass, thank you lack of skills in agriculture. I think this is a Westernized Black thing almost exclusively.

        3. What? You mean you aren’t into distended bellies, skin lesions, and dysentery?
          Well then, surely you find caked-on mud, flesh-morphing jewelry, and hip-length tits enchanting…

        4. Have you seen what happens to African Women as soon as they touch down in the USA?
          They blow the F up!

        5. I’ve seen the richest, most well-built men in Jamaica have absolutely gigantic wives that are over 250 lb in weight.

        6. Let blacks like what they want. We could be a little more inclusive to black manospherians.

        7. And when Jamaica reattaches to Africa, give me a shout.

        8. I think that’s true of most women. I’ve heard horror stories by guys who went to Russia and brought back a bride. She started out a Russian Beauty Princess and five years later looks like Mrs. Blobovic.

        9. You just like being contrary don’t you?
          Generally African women are freaking rail thin, out of, get this, starvation. If they aren’t attached at the hip to a city left behind by the Europeans, they’re usually not that big. Of course you can find exceptions, but the rule is not broken by them.

        10. Just because African women “in general” are something, doesn’t mean men are attracted to them. Most women in Scandinavia disfigure themselves with piercings and dress like men. Doesn’t mean the best-looking Swedish guys even pay attention to them.

        11. That wasn’t the point. I was noting that the “big ass” thing seems to be confined only to blacks who live in a Western country, I don’t think it comes from them just being Africans or some kind of cultural conditioning that they brought over from Africa.

        12. When the boobies are swingin’, my bell is a dingin!

        13. I spent alot of time in Paris last year and I saw some real knock-outs from Africa. I understand the local culture makes them conform as the female competition is fierce.

        14. I’ve not seen very many attractive Polynesians. Now I know that this will spur somebody to scan 1,000 photos to find that one girl from Hawai’i who is hot, but generally they all seem to have these really hard, square, masculine features. At least as far as I’ve seen.

        15. Nice to know there are still parts of the world where curvy means hot, and isn’t a polite word for fat.

        16. Latinas are the beneficiaries of the finest genetics of three different races [Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid]. This delicate balance must be maintained through proper diet, because most latinas carry the obese trait, unfortunately.

        17. It is not bad if they have to forage coconuts or eat grubs, but if they change their diet to twinkies and cheesecake, it is not good

        18. Not even really talking about fat, although plenty are. They just seem like they’re faces are constructed out of Legos. So many square features.

        19. “..most latinas carry the obese trait,,”
          I always wondered about that. Most of the guys, if the ate right and exercised, would age fine, but the women… damn. I ran into a girl a few years ago I used to chase in the 80’s and I didn’t recognize her. A bowling ball with appendages.

        20. Galt, you must enjoy the splendors of Mexican/Salvadorean food, then you will understand… Most of the continental hispanic diet is based upon pig lard. Very flavorful, but very fattening. Add to the fact men are expected to be the active breadwinners while the women remain at home and housekeep, it’s only a matter of time before that 10 you married begins to resemble a walk-on linebacker for the Oakland Raiders.

        21. As a man who did time in Africa, I second this motion. Culturally and physically, African and Carib women are the polar opposite of Anglosphere black women.

        22. Roosh touched on this in an article and Ive noticed them in St Paul and other areas theyve immigrated to in USA. Africa does have beautiful women, mainly the north African ones.

        23. There is a physical condition, documented, that explains their abnormal fatass. Hold on muhfuggah…..

        24. Agreed…It depends where you look in Africa though to be honest…in some African cultures, a fat girl symbolizes wealth so she’s have many suitors..

        25. North Africans are Arabs or Berbers, not actual blacks. Eritrea and Ethiopia have the most beautiful black girls (due to some mixing with Arabs aeons ago)

        26. I actually liked one of the pics you posted but you seem to take more exception from being criticized by non-white men.
          Who cares man, to each his own.
          I’m an American Black man who likes a variety of asses. If it’s big it has to be in shape and proportional.
          Some guys like big even if it’s dimpled and sloppy. That wouldn’t be me.

  8. All these guys here would have “hit” Heidi 10-15 years ago..heck maybe even 5.
    (me included)

    1. Dunno mate. See the pic I posted below of the older Klum with no makeup.
      Now the 19 year old Klum? I’d have hit that with the righteous fury of Mjolnir.

      1. Yeah, saw that.
        She looks like a swede with no makeup on that’s getting old. Here’s the thing though..this is what most women look like with no makeup on past 25.

        1. No, actually, it isn’t. It really isn’t. Well, it doesn’t have to be in any case. My wife has aged, but in her late 40’s she’s got a graceful beauty about her, as she’s kept herself healthy and happy. That does wonders.
          And I can walk down the street all day long and find smoking hot girls who are 26-35 or so. The manosphere tends to over-exaggerate about the age that the wall hits. It does hit a lot of women hard after 35 though, I’ll say that for a fact (but not all of them).

        2. I’m glad you mentioned this. I’m 32, and plenty of girls I either went to high school or college with are still looking good. A few seem to be immune from aging at all (we’ll see in a few years). Others, however, couldn’t put down the ice cream. Bad habits will age women faster than time.

        3. I recall my 15 year high school reunion, when we all were around 33 or so, and the women that kept themselves up in fitness and hadn’t collapsed into a heap of Ben and Jerry’s looked really, really nice. They’d aged and matured, but they hadn’t yet lost their femininity, and they dressed a hell of a lot nicer than they used to in high school. My last high school reunion there were like two girls left who still looked feminine, and one of them was my wife who was not, technically, a graduate of my high school. It’s sad watching once pretty girls age, it really is.

        4. It definitely is. Especially when they lost their beauty by being lazy and raiding the buffet at Golden Corral. If a woman loses her beauty at 50 or 60, then that’s Father Time taking his toll. But when she loses it at 23, it’s even more tragic. I just want to scream, “You could have been fuckable for another 20 years!”

        5. ugh…loud talkin’, beer slurpin’, guffawing….belly out further than their tits…
          bad news…

        6. And they’re always super aggressive, especially in dive bars. Bitch, do you really think my standards are that low? Talk to the fat guy in the corner.

        7. The kind your talking about, thankfully, leave me alone in bars. I attract a small handful of types.
          The first, and best, type is the bikini model standard – Usually blonde haired, blue eyed, big ol’ titties, narrow waist, nice curvy breeder hips, you know, the gals you used to see on beer commercials. They seem drawn to me without me even trying, generally your 8.5 to the occasional HB motherfucking 10. This is a curse that I am willing to bear.
          The second type, God help me, are the really, really grotesque trailer park “solid as a rock” type (no curves, just one stocky body with no defining traits), who happens to love watching “Wrasslin” and thus, thinks “Hey, here’s a MAN who looks like them there Wrasslers!”
          The third type is, for some reason, older Hispanic women. And when I say older, I don’t mean that hot Vargas type. I mean exactly what you think of, when you think older Hispanic women. Ugh.
          I guess type 2 and 3 are to balance out the type 1’s that don’t seem to have any issue at all snuggling up to me unbidden.

        8. Yep, them’s the kinds. The Abuelas, as I call them. What the fuck is that about? I don’t look even vaguely hispanic, I’m a big ol White Boy from Whiteyville.

        9. I figured. I’ve encountered a few “trucker” girls in my day as well.
          The types that come onto me are:
          1) Cute, girl next door types, usually dark hair. Easy to talk to, cute, and usually freaks once in the privacy of my bedroom.
          2) When I lived in Atlanta, black women of all shapes and sizes. This included both favorable and unfavorable women. I’m pale in complexion, so perhaps they liked something different?
          3) Chubby bar flies who will literally fuck anything with a dick. Ignoring these ones rarely does the trick. Usually I have to walk away and go hide out in the restroom for a minute to make sure she moves on to someone else.

  9. Just yesterday we learned that game doesn’t mean shit if you’re a white man, so this article doesn’t apply to me and many others on this forum. Where is our grumpy friend today? I’ve finished up all my work, now I’m bored.

    1. He’s out, slumping on a park bench, watching all the Asian guys snatch up his women.
      Asian men. I couldn’t even keep a straight face when he kept going on about that. Not that some Asian guys can’t score big with chicks, but they are not what you see women normally flocking to, well, at least in places where he doesn’t live.

      1. That one got me too. Most of the Asian guys I see with 8’s and 9’s are paying for all the girl’s shit. No thanks.

        1. I had an acquintance from college back in the 90’s who ran off to Japan to teach English. She did the gig for 2 years and was what I would call the archtypical girl next door… blond, blue eyed, plump (for the current culture at the time) with a healthy libido (so I heard).
          When she came back she once mentioned she got approached on more than one occassion to be an escort for Japanese businessmen. The option of taking it further was up to her, but the clientel undertood that. I doubt if that is the case these days.

      2. Your smugness is really sickening.
        You’re the racist my friend. You seem to think Asian men are sitting home alone with their waifus.
        I have been in academia for over a decade, At top schools. I deal with Asians all the fucking time. More often than I deal with Whites. Asians dominate the top tier schools. The undergrads, grad students, and post-docs from China and Korea almost always have a beautiful gf or wife. The white guys are almost always alone. This is based on my experience in academia the past 10+ years.

        1. All you do is bitch and moan and throw out your scarred wrists to the world and cry about what a victim you are. Well boo fucking hoo dude. A Chinaman having a cute Chinagirl I can understand, but nobody is “snatching up your white women”.
          Christ on a Popsicle stick chief, get some professional help. And I’m serious.

        2. The only thing Asian men get in my neck of the woods are Asian chicks. The white girls here aren’t mean to them, they just don’t seem to think of them as mating prospects.

        3. White girls wouldn’t date Asian guys? Why not? They’ve got better education, better finances, better employment prospects and haven’t been blamed for causing all the suffering in the world. Visit lolknee in NYC and see for yourself.

        4. Yes, fine in your neck of the woods perhaps. But your small town is not NYC, not Seattle, not San Fran etc

        5. Nothing I say to you will penetrate your thick wall of victimization. I’ve come to see this now. You like being a victim, it’s comfortable for you, you can rely on it to be there for you when nothing else is. It also provides you with a perfect excuse to not change your own ways and habits in a meaningful manner. So in all reality, nothing I say one way or the other will do anything except bounce off your head.
          So why even bother, ya’ know?

        6. Capitol city of Ohio chief. While not NYC, it’s got a considerable population.
          In any event, keep on crying into your beer. No es mi problema, jefe.

        7. Yes any time white men voice legitimate grievances, either you or the feminists will retort, “Stop whining, you’re being a bitch, blah blah blah” Typical shaming language

        8. See? Case in point. Any attempt to break you out of your silly view you sneer back at and attack.
          You’re now a known quality. Good luck in life.

        9. I suggest you check out the CSSA cultural events at U of Ohio next time you visit. You’ll see how much game Chinese guys need to get women lolz

        10. That’s actually Ohio University, not U of Ohio. Second, I go there every year. Lots and lots of hot white chicks hand in hand with white dudes.
          You’re inventing a world of demons to persecute you out of whole cloth. Frankly, at this point, I don’t really care to even see you break out of your shell and succeed. You want to whine and moan like a woman, have at it.
          No more posts from me Pabst. Until you can do something other than cry and gnash your teeth, there’s no point in even trying to talk to you.

        11. Don’t go to the pep rally or whatever: of course all you will see at a spirit rally is white people. Seriously, check out the CSSA events. It will blow your mind. Asian girls putting on performances for Chinese guys, dancing hip hop shit like that in sexy ass costumes. Tell me when white women will put on similar performances for white men. lolz
          Argument was East vs. West culture heavily favors Asian men with Asian women being much more eager to please and more interested in being in a relationship and having a very strong in group preference.

        12. That’s my point: Asian women have racial loyalty. They prefer their own men no matter any real or imagined shortcomings. Only White women are willing to turn their backs on their history and heritage in pursuit of an extra inch.

        13. Dude, I’ve visited nearly every state in this country, several capitol cities, interacted with people from every single continent (minus Antarctica), and cannot corroborate a single thing you’ve said. The point being, it is clear that you are either not interacting with the world and sitting behind a computer screen all day, or you leave the house everyday carrying your negative perceptions of everyone around you and project your negative feelings onto everyone and everything.

        14. Yeah, I and some others did this dance with him yesterday. He’s not receptive to advice or assistance.

        15. Nah. I’ve even been around with a fellow ROK’er walking around NYC. Once I pointed out my observations, he noticed it too. Maybe he can confirm if he’s reading this. Sometimes you just don’t notice things because you’ve been conditioned, e.g. the running narrative is that Asian men are sexless and have problems getting girls. When you go into it with an open mind, you see that Asian guys have the highest rate of relationships etc.

        16. Moreover, Asian women are far more affectionate than White women. They hang on their bf or husband’s arm or hold his hand. They’re playful in public.
          Seeing White couples – in as much as you can discern they are in fact couples – is like watching two old Soviet comrades comport themselves. No passion, no tenderness, no playfulness. Just coldness.

        17. Yes, I do blame the fact that White American culture is clearly inferior to Chinese and Korean culture.
          Eastern culture is healthy: they have racial pride and eschew homosexuality.
          Unlike America which worships diversity and deviance.

        18. The point here was: Take a white guy and a Chinese guy, both majoring in computer engineering, both nerds. Chances are the Chinese guy has a beautiful girlfriend and the White guy is alone or incel. Chinese guy has to be Chinese to get a girl. White guy has to learn “game,” workout in the gym, dress better. Etc, People and cultures are not equal. Asian culture values intelligence, American/White culture does not.

        19. He said top schools. Top schools, btw, is where top men work. Top Men

        20. I don’t know much about Seattle or Adam Fran but you really view of NYC has to do more with you than the city

        21. I see about 100 Asian chicks per day…
          Mostly alone/groups.
          Never see white girls with Asian guys.
          And true they are more affectionate… I see it, and can confirm having had many Asian girlfriends…
          So as I asked yesterday — the white chicks are with the leading Asian guys at University??? — getting a free ride thru college???
          I graduated with a stem degree, and was forced to carry a few freeloader-women thru…

        22. If you could be a fly on the wall in the dorm rooms, you’d see alpha white guys sport fucking dozens of Asian chicks.

        23. THE Ohio State University is one hell of a great school. Top notch programs in a lot of different fields. It’s not an Ivy League school, but most of those are good for, basically, social networking only at this point.

        24. Yeah, I agree that asian culture is more functional and monogamous with their gender relations, he is really referring to Asian immigrants, not their Asian-american counterparts. I’ve had romantic experiences with both the immigrant and american culture, and I’ve seen a recent immigrant get fucked over by American culture and ruined with Tinder, bumble, instagram, snapchat, every single fucking piece of technonoly and leftist propaganda that it makes my head explode. Asian-American males are not gonna get laid much at OSU. But put a good amount of them in an immigrant community in NYC and most of them will be completely monogamous. Pick up your phone, too.

    2. Further evidence that stormfront trolls are omega males. The mask slips and their true face shows.

      1. So saying Asian culture is superior to White culture makes me a stormfront white supremacist?
        That doesn’t quite follow lolz

    3. Lemme me know how you use game to combat 2 decades of educational and media indoctrination that teaches white females that their oppressor is straight white males and that they should throw themselves in league with LGBTQ and POC

      1. I’ve found that the most deeply indoctrinated enjoy being fucked the hardest while being tied down and choked.

        1. Especially the feminists. They spend so much time trying to act tough and masculine that when a truly masculine man enters the fray, they want to be dominated. There is no middle ground with them, no taking it slow. You either go rough or go home.

    1. That phrase is firmly entrenched in the modern lexicon, thanks to the incessant clucking of the liberal infotainment apparatus….

  10. Wow. A lot of ROK contributors are jizzing in their jeans over Trump being POTUS. Sure he was better than the Clintons but he’s not the Messiah. I foresee many hopes being dashed.

    1. Relax Francis, nobody is jizzing in their jeans here. There is some hope and some trepidation depending on which poster you’re reading.

        1. Damnit! Lighten up, not relax. Bah, my memory is failing me!

      1. Relax Francis, nobody is jizzing in their jeans here.

        Good, because that would be painful. Also, have you taken a picture and compared the similarities? I’m right, aren’t I?

      2. if you do jizz your jeans at least take a picture of your face while you do it.

        1. I assumed that was part of the arrangement from the beginning.

        2. I think sales of Go Pro might go through the roof. They owe FO3 a great debt….

    2. I think many are of the opinion that his winning of the Presidency is just the first in a long line of battles to come….. we might just get sick of winning…..

    3. Both were propped up by the elites to make us believe we had a choice. In either case, we have a globalist puppet in power. Has always been the case and will always be the case. This time we just got to choose between a blue puppet and a pink one.

      1. did trump already started to exercise his duty as a president? no! so why call him a sellout before seeing what he gonna do.

    4. Safe bet. Although these days non-Trump supporters have a lot of seepage draining from their anus.
      He will be a better President than Hitlery would have ever been. Thats enough.

      1. this seems like a the most level headed Trump comment I’ve seen in a bit galt. Feet on the ground is really the big caution.

  11. Another result of Trump’s election:
    6. The left are scared and confused as hell. You might smile at that thought, but that fear and confusion are going to result in more anger, more shrillness, and them being more trigger-happy about condemning anyone for thoughtcrimes or made-up charges. (To wit: Bannon, Steve – widely labeled in the media as “racist, anti-Semitic” with the only “evidence” being his ex-wife’s dubious court testimony–and there was nothing about the racism.)
    So while it’s kinda fun to see a foe panicked, be ready for the left to get organised and double down on virulent “anti-sexism/racism/Islamophobia/homophobia/etc/etc/etc/etc” allegations being thrown around like confetti in the lobby of the New York Hilton on election night.

    1. But, and I think we all learned this during this cycle, they’re only weapons are words and us being afraid of them using them.
      Fuck’em. They’re just words.

      1. Exactly. Let them get their knickers in a twist. When they’re cryin’ in their frappe Trump will be getting on with business. There I no getting off this train……

      2. Agreed. I’m just worried about us folks resting on our laurels.
        After they cry it out, the leftists are gonna come back on Trump hard. A lot of it will be shrill frivolities that can be easily ignored. But some of it will be focused civil disobedience or other hues and cries that could be big enough to bend the will of a few senators or congressmen, nullifying the majorities and becoming an obstacle for Trump.
        All I’m saying is, whatever gains we expect/hope come under President Trump, we can’t just be expecting them to come easy.

        1. this time it’s a president trump they will deal with, with all the power that come with it. all their corruption will be brought to light.

  12. Only beta males need a 70-year old politician they don’t know to feel more confident. And it’s not like women will change during his reign. You guys seem pretty desperate.

  13. I hear what you’re saying Troy, but really the vast majority the anti-male biased laws that are screwing men over remain at the State level which he most likely Trump will not concern himself with. And we still do not know if he will reverse any of the federal anti-male legislation that has already been put in place.
    I’m glad he got elected – but it’s still a wait and see at this moment how it will impact the quality of life for men in general.

  14. The left might double down on political correctness, mind you – as well embittering relations between men and women.
    Nature is the true sexist, sure. Unkinder to women – but why give a fuck whether some model loses the crown of supposed human perfection. You reveal your age and fear of death.
    We all know Donny T ain’t that perceptive, he just assumed women were flirting with him because they were talking to him, not the worst strategy as a bulshitting salesman sure but not reflective of reality either.

    1. Given the women he’s married, I don’t think his assumptions are entirely invalid. Men with power and money will see a boatload of women flirting with them, who are flirting with them.

  15. Trump has no intention of making America great — his efforts are to make Israel great and to empower all Zionist shills even further. Look how he has already backed off of prosecuting the dyke Hilary; look at who he has selected / appointed around himself; discover who his puppet masters are.
    Trump and Clinton are merely 2 sides of the same coin — very different looking sides, to be sure — but they are merely minions who read their scripts and follow orders. This will become much more apparent with The Donald in the following months.

  16. Like many people I am glad the Democrats got pounded into the earth and Shillary had her ass handed to her. But this deifying of Trump is hilarious and a bit sad. Is America becoming one of those countries where buildings are draped in 60ft portraits of the president and patriots start their day by listening to a rousing podcast by The Wise One In Chief?
    I expect the president to be a competent CiC and government leader, not a role model for life or some relatable big daddy figure I never had growing up.. Conservatives getting all weak kneed over the fucking president are just as retarded as liberals doing the Obama hopey changey dance.
    Putting your faith and trust into one man, one Great Leader who will guide you to a better life is for suckers and losers. Especially if that man is a politician. You fools are a grifter’s dream…and boy do they take you to the cleaners.

  17. You losers don’t know shit about women haha! A bunch of fat conservatives guessing about the opposite sex. This is hilarious hahaha!

      1. I’m all good. I’m past having a dumb shit as a pres. But you’re going to be a pussyless loser for the rest of your life. Demonrat? Lol. What kind of faggy shit is that?

  18. My one issue with “pussygate” isn’t the locker room angle – it’s the part at the beginning where he is describing how he wanted a married woman. I’m not going to get political. Ask yourself – would I like my boss or a man who has power over me to try to fuck my wife? Add to that a self belief that she already desires him and that showing assertive behaviour like grabbing her cunt is ok.
    Now that guy has the most powerful job in the world. Good job guys.

  19. You keep using this word ‘alpha’. I do not think this word means what you think it means.
    Donald Trump is the ultimate beta male i.e. another rich sugar daddy (with Daddy’s help ) who’s only ability to attract and hold onto women is to buy them shiny things. That’s the extent of his “understanding”.
    He probably gets sex from them, but you can bet the ladies save the good stuff for that casino bartender, or that combat-trained personal security guard.
    Seriously, what are you thinking? This is the sort of lame ass that alpha males cut off at the knees. No ability to control his emotions, constantly defensive and reacting to the insults of others with — wait for it — mean tweets! Beta males react, alpha males respond.
    Jeezus, he got beat up by a woman… it’s only a quirk of the American electoral system that got him the keys to the White House.
    The only smart thing he’s done is to surround himself with people who are smarter than him.

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