Do Not Try To Help A Woman Who Is A Victim Of “Domestic Violence”

Helping women who claim to be victims of “domestic violence” is one of the best ways to suck up your own time, not to mention inject unnecessary emotions and drama into your life. Most of the time, your attempts to help will not be met with gratitude and, in fact, will frequently garner hostility from the person you are trying to “save.” Moreover, the target of your rescue mission generally doesn’t want to be saved anyway.

There is no need for anger or bitterness when you wash yourself of a woman claiming domestic violence, as hard as suppressing those emotions may be. Like someone dependent on drugs, an obese person, or another kind of addict, plenty of women are addicted to the rush of either a violent man (who is part of a small minority of men) or the thrill and attention of claiming to be the victim of a violent man who isn’t actually violent. Any logical, rational advice you give will invariably engender her opposition or inaction.

Particularly if a woman returns to her “abusive” boyfriend or husband after you have tried to save them, helping someone claiming domestic violence leads over and over again to unnecessary, sometimes aggressive or violent conflict with third parties. Even when this does not happen to the worst extent, you find yourself invested in an emotionally unstable woman, whether she causes the instability herself or not.

Most important of all, there is usually no evidence to support claims of domestic violence, bar the fickle testimonies of the couple. If you choose to help, you are almost certainly engaging in a wild goose chase with next to no merit. In today’s climate, asking a woman to do the dishes is probably considered domestic violence.

My experiences

Does the helping hand really help? Most times it doesn’t.

I learned fairly early on in adulthood that helping women “abused” by men is typically a fruitless exercise. For example, around the age of 19, I attempted to intervene in a situation where a female friend was being told, among other things, that she was worthless by her boyfriend at the time. At one stage, he even told her to kill herself. With zero sexual interest in the girl, I simply thought the guy’s behavior was wrong.

Yet, rather than thanking me for my assistance, my advice to this girl was greeted with histrionics and ingratitude. It also attracted a series of threats from her boyfriend, none of which eventuated. I had brought myself into heated verbal exchanges with this guy, without it having any impact whatsoever on the girl. If anything, the whole saga solidified her feelings for him. Aside from maybe interjecting in the “kill yourself” part, I had wasted my time completely. Nevertheless, it was a great lesson to learn so young.

I came to realize that women like this ex-friend are positively attracted to men like him. No amount of investment in time or energy would deter what were emotional longings for Mr. Demeaning. Second-hand experiences I had before and after this situation suddenly began to make sense.

#WhyIStayed and other similar bullshit

The internet exploded with questions about [Janay Rice] … why didn’t she leave [Ray Rice]? Why did she marry him? Why did she stay? I can’t speak for Janay Rice, but I can speak for Beverly Gooden. Why did I stay? … Leaving was a process, not an event. And sometimes it takes a while to navigate through the process. I believe in storytelling. I believe in the power of shared experience. I believe that we find strength in community. That is why I created this hashtag. I hope those tweeting using #WhyIStayed find a voice, find love, find compassion, and find hope.”

— #WhyIStayed “creator” Beverly Gooden promoting Beverly Gooden

Yes, because hope, rather than self-preservation, will save a woman who is a victim of actual domestic violence.

In addition to biological drives that impel women to stay with or seek out domineering sex partners, boyfriends, and husbands, good old feminist “storytelling” also motivates females in sticking by or returning to men that they claim hit them or, much more ambiguously, “mistreat” them. A whole cottage industry has developed to support the narrative that women can and should stay with supposedly abusive partners.

If we’re being brutally honest, #WhyIStayed and other feminist call signs keep swarms of feminist typists gainfully employed. They sustain the small rate of actual domestic violence so that these typists can continue to publish articles, despite them being highly exaggerated ones.

Of all the modern-day battles we could say are uphill because of perverse cultural conditioning, seeking to assist a woman who claims to be abused takes the cake. Realistically, what are your prospects of dissuading a woman from what is usually a self-determined, psychological, or biological course of action? If you say your chances are relatively high (whatever that means), is the expenditure of time and energy really worth it? The impact on your own life is likely to be much more than you anticipate.

An exception to the principle for sisters, female cousins, etc.

Doing more for family still makes sense, with limits.

There are some common sense exceptions to what I have been saying. If you or your family have more skin in the game and find one of your relatives in trouble, you obviously should try harder. Inasmuch as family units have been eviscerated in recent years, blood and similar ties still count for something nowadays.

Bear in mind, however, that many of the same limitations you have with female friends or acquaintances will apply in large part to your relatives. Maybe you will draw the biggest line when it comes to protecting your (future) daughter, but the rest of the time you are probably gnashing your teeth over sisters, cousins, or other female relatives who will just not listen to you (and who are in all likelihood gilding the lily about the level of mistreatment, too). If laying down the law doesn’t work the first or second time, cut your losses and move on for the time being.

There may come a point when you need to involve police for the very small minority of cases that truly warrant it. That is your call. And, of course, I am not advocating against helping women when you know at the gut level that they need it. What I am saying is that you need to avoid being a martyr in circumstances where being a martyr, literally or figuratively, is against your own interests.

Remember, most women either don’t want to be saved or are willing to cost you your state of mind and resources should you put yourself on the line for them.

Read More: Yet Another Survey Shows That LGBT Domestic Violence Rates Are The Same As Heterosexual Couples

104 thoughts on “Do Not Try To Help A Woman Who Is A Victim Of “Domestic Violence””

      1. You can extrapolate to other “abuse” as well. She is excited (read dripping wet) if a powerful male spanks her or puts his hand on her neck but she wants this behavior only from winners.

    1. Or “her”. Im beginning to think that the super high dv rates among lesbians are a feature, and not a bug.

    2. Guys who beat ( or psychologically/emotionally abuse ) on women are Betas with low Serotonin levels, shown to be the case time and again. Alphas aren’t beaters. They’re just as fucked up at their opposites in the relationship. Period
      And the Women who let them do it have their own set of issues, starting with low self-esteem and self-destructive tendencies. (Reference the book ‘Alcohol – A Love Story’ to see what I mean.)
      And ultimately there’s nothing you can do to help the situation. It’s out of your hands. If they leave one abusive relationship, then they’ll just go find another. Dog to its own vomit and all that.
      And that is sad. Very sad. Because it you’re any sort of a decent guy, then you do want to help. You do want to ‘Solve’ the problem. After all, that’s what guys do; that’s what we’re good at.
      But you can’t fix this. You can’t. Only they can help themselves. They, not you. (And you risk getting dragged down into the abyss with them, so don’t do it.)
      So instead, over time, you learn to look on from the sidelines, take a deep sigh, and wish them best.
      And then move on.
      Just a thought.

      1. There’s no edit function on this. The “Alphas aren’t beaters” in the first paragraph should be in Parentheses.
        We sincerely regret our error.
        Just a thought.

      2. Wrong about low serotonin.
        Most people have an excess of serotonin which causes poor behavior, not a lack of it.
        Since you are wrong about this, you are wrong about everything else.
        Now bow down and apologize.

    3. Alt chicks covered with tattoos are definitely among the cases you’re talking about. They’re attracted to bad boys and they end up getting slapped around, knocked up, and left to become single moms.

    4. You muzzies know a good bit about that, huh “Roosh”? The blind leading the blind is ROK. Good for your bank account though, I’m sure.

      1. Roosh, like a typical Persian thinks he is more Aryan that the Nazis. But honest to God, I have met some South Indian Brahmans who thibnk that too!

    5. ^Christian Grey isn’t the fictional chad of every western woman’s dreams by accident…

  1. Yeah, unfortunately, this is true. Seen it many times: women in a weird dependency with the guys that beat them. Even if you just call the cops, she’s as likely to tell the police you made it up (“Oh, I fell”) than to actually tell the truth. Some women are attracted to violent men, and some women are lured into the relationship and then develop a sick kind of Stockholm Syndrome relationship with women beaters.

    1. That reminds me about a rommate situation. I rented a room from this lady who was about fifty. She said she was calm and chill etc. After a month, she moves in her boyfriend whos an “ex” meth head and he starts beating her. Eventually, i emailed the property manager and said someone was living with us who isnt on the lease. Dude got kicked out, and now she is saved and should be relieved right? Nope. She spends weeks crying, drinking booze all day, and accusing everyone in the complex of getting him kicked out, threatening to have us all beaten up.
      This is what women choose to be in a country where they can be anything they want.

      1. LOL. Looking at what you post here on different articles, you should just kill yourself already David. Seriously, you are the epitome of a beta male.

    2. She says “he pushed me (sob)” translates to – she went for his jugular first with her long sharp nails, and he shook her off. Then she fell down in a dramatic scene.
      Kids do this same kind of drama and theatrics in the supermarket all the time. A kid will grab for sweets or a toy on the store shelf and when the parent puts it back, the child will scream and fall down crying. It’s all an act that the child puts on in front of onlookers. Sometimes the child gets so upset that they collapse like they’ve been shot and then they scream on the store floor while the parent tries to pick them up. Then they scream “don’t touch me”. Anyone with kids can identify that the child is playing out an act.
      The danger in this situation are the shitlib onlookers and childless shitlib nitwits who perceive that they are witnessing abuse of some sort. Because they are shitlib facists without normal families themselves and because they believe that the government should micromanage the family unit, they are clueless to what normal family interaction resembles and thus believe the authorities must intervene if anything appears abnormal to them. It is the ‘see something say something’ snitch society fascism at work and that’s NOT what our country stands for. It was NEVER the intent of the founders of our republic that the government’s job was to police and micromanage the family unit. Socialist service libtards on the other hand believe that it IS the government’s and their job to police and corrall the populace from cradle to grave.
      WOMEN PUT ON AN ACT just like petulant children. It’s the same scenario of theatrics with the ‘abused’ woman and the same clueless manginas and white knights who intervene in an area where they have absolutely no expertese.

  2. ALL men who are domestic violence abusers have women around them. If they are with a woman, there is other women waiting in the wings. We do not live in third world rural villages without communication. A woman may not be able to leave immediately, but certainly picking up the phone and calling 911 is an option.
    Misery loves company. I truly believe that laziness is a big factor in tolerating domestic violence. Too lazy to get a job, too lazy to get your own place, too lazy to just get your ass up and move. This goes equally for men as it does for women. Also, moving waaaayyyy too fast on a relationship, moving in together, is a hallmark of domestic violence. Substance abuse in both partners also plays a great factor. And WHY would you ever squirt out a baby with one of these men or women is beyond me.

  3. It’s very rare that a man is an actual “beater”. An abuser or beater would be a guy that just comes home from work one day and just smacks his wife because he felt like it or enjoys it. Or just slugs his wife because his dinner was cold or she didn’t vacuum the carpet.
    Most “domestic violence abusers” are really a situation where the female is an emotional abuser and taunts the man she is with. The man might have a lower than average IQ and a short fuse, thereby he ends up getting into a shouting match with her that of course turns physical. The evidence is that women don’t choose abusive men, the evidence speaks for itself when you hear of a woman that has been with two or three or four “abusive men”. Meaning, she’s causing the problems with these guys. These woman usually act like children where they will try to purposely the guy off day after day after day, purposely doing the opposite of what she knows he wants, and then following up with insults to the man such as “you don’t make enough money”, “Becky’s husband bought them a huge house, why can’t you do that?”, “You’re losing your hair, you need to fix that”, etc. And then top it off with her talking to another man out in public in front of the husband…..the anger and resentment just builds. Eventually the guy blows up and gets physical instead of just walking away from the emotionally abusive relationship.

    1. man, your comment is spot on. the is the Modus Operandi that women operate under. ALL of them do this. all my ex girlfriends and both ex wives did this shit all the time.
      people think im just a bitter old man, but when i chime in on some topics concerning women, boy fucking howdy you can bet im speaking from personal experience.

    2. Have you ever seen the movie Red Pill? In the movie they interview a lady who used to run shelters in the 70s, she got to the conclusion that 60% of the women in there admitted to be violent too, after publishing her findings, feminists threatens to kill her for saying that.
      In a domestic violence situation is usually a bitch, screaming, scratching, burning your stuff, destroying property, vandalizing your car, and hitting you whit kitchen appliances for hours until you had enough and bitch slap the bitch, even just pushing her can hurt them or just holding her by the arms because she went for the eyes, can leave marks in their arms and body that the police will take as evidence against you. What the hell you could be in your knees with open arms receiving all the violence and the police will arrest you anyway.

        1. Thank you so much for putting forth this woman’s name. I just finished watching two Youtube vids on her. She is so right about the learned behaviour of domestic violence and how it starts in childhood. Our prisons are full of domestic violence victims and it is certainly not just the men doing the abusing. Most abuse was due to the mother and her current boyfriend. Really tragic.

    3. You totally nailed it here, David, all the way. Also, let’s face it, considering the SMV in America nowadays (for instance), if a guy has a girlfriend who provides him with steady sex, is reasonably thin/fit, is even remotely decent looking, then why the hell would he mistreat her in 99% of the cases where she claims “abuse”? The whole thing is totally ludicrous considering both the aforementioned and the points you laid out. Also, the princess save-a-ho complex is simply endemic in guys in this culture. I can’t tell you how many guys I have considered friends who can even will themselves to get a rudimentary grasp of the red pill and who would rather be the personal shill/peanut gallery/pedestal carrier for emotionally abusive/evil/shithead women.

      1. Everyone think this women are like Carol from the first season of walking dead, where the husband beat the wife for meaningless things like forgetting to buy milk, and she begs and supplicate ending in the floor being kicked in the stomach. That´s a lie and very rare, that´s like .00001% of cases, the other 99.9999% are batshit crazy borderline personality women with crazy violent men living together until they escalate to physical violence. For them is foreplay, They get an addiction for make up sex, that they get frustrated for getting the same tingles for regular sex that they unconsciously look for something to fight so they can reconcile with intense furious make up sex.

    4. Statistics do show that. Almost as many men claim to be victims of domestic violence from their female partner. And many more men claim to be victims of emotionnal abuse i.e. constant nagging. Of course, these are just shit tests and if more men took the Redpill (and if the media stopped telling people that this is some anti-woman movement), they would know how to respond to shit tests without resorting to violence, besides a playful spanking, and more men and women would be happy. But no, let’s work with the clearly failed feminist plan that all men are abusers and all women are victims and have no agency.

    5. My mom is like that. To this day, she claims every man she knows abused her.
      I specifically remember being 12 and she held me up against the wall screaming ” hit me! Hit me! Arent you man enough!?”
      If she did that to all her exes, I can see it being impossible to not at least make some physical contact trying to escape. Then she gets her victimhood story.

      1. Now it all makes sense! You had a schifosa for a mother, and that’s why you are so CUCKtastic, David. OK. Got it!

        1. Spending all your time and energy hating others is about as loser beta as it gets man. Whatever you think of this guy, blacks, and whoever else you hate, you are simply not doing yourself any favors. Let it go and live your life, yikes.

        2. BlackPwned is either a ghetto bitch, a trolling libtard or both.
          Using hashtag as if it’s a thing for libertarians or conservatives. SMH.

    6. Ehhhh….I’m highly skeptical. I don’t believe that it most cases the abuse itself is provoked, but rather the abuser has a personality type that these insecure women are attracted to. Their lust for these men clouds their brain and makes them believe they can change him. It compels them to return to him time and time again.

    7. Also, a lot of those chubby, tattooed, pierced alt girls really do go for “bad boys” who are physically abusive and sexually dominant. It’s almost like a form of kink to them(these people are heavily involved in kink).
      But what is the *evidence* that women don’t seek out abusive men but provoke it instead?

      1. All men should be sexually dominant though. It only is called “kink” because Western society has a fucked up Puritanical view on sex. Normal natural sex is all about a male asserting his will and power on a helpless female and her enjoying it. Poll most women and they will say they love sexually dominant men. This is isn’t a deviance nor does this even make a man a bad boy. This is just normal sex, Zenopede

    8. Women have some degree of control. Women wouldn’t do half the things you mentioned above if it weren’t for the institutionalized women’s advocacy and divorce rape industry. Just like people wouldn’t become eternal unproductive slackers if it weren’t for the institutionalized welfare state.

    9. In addition these “abusers” frequently have multiple relationships in which no abuse occurs. Only with this particular woman- and over and over again with multiple men. Weird. It can’t be the victim who is at fault…..can it?

    10. Funny enough, as you make fun of Jews with your name, they have all your hot women. Seriously. Just look at the list of hot white chicks married to Jews. I see it all the time here in Manhattan. Poor white betas, look at the bright side, your Muslim leader “Roosh” will save you! Don’t forget the asian beta writers too!

      1. Lol wut? Even famous Hollywood Jewish men can’t pull chicks so they have to use the casting couch to coerce them into their dreams as actresses. Who are these Jews with hot women? Universally the White man is considered the standard by which other men are judged by. Even money can’t buy Jews hot women. And their women notoriously cuck them.

      2. First of all, girls like every nationality and you can Google any nationality and have your fill of examples (lots of hot girls out there, no shortage), second, who says white chicks are the hottest women? Ha! If you’ve never been with a black woman, you’re missing out on things that you don’t realize. But, sometimes old time thinking is a good thing, because it means more to go around for the rest.

    11. David, I couldn’t agree more. I’m trying to agree more, but I can’t because that’s how much I agree.
      I once dated this unbelievably sexy Mormon chick. This woman was just dripping with pheromones and crazy. Very smart, type-A brunette with a borderline violent sex drive. After the initial “aether” of fucking 3x a day and basking in the glory of enthusiastic road head, things went sideways rather quickly. I would say downhill but it was such a juxtaposition of raw unbridled mayhem and crazy bell end rodeos that I can’t say it was anything but a wonderful blessing and a hell of lesson. This girl had an insatiable thirst for sex and violence, using the same methods you outlined to get a rise. It was unrelenting. I remember fondly, one of the many times her incessant taunts were followed by a right hook to my granite jaw. She would stand their all sexy leaning on the counter, her body still steaming from the shower and begin this just fucking ridiculous tirade followed by a shot to my dome and an attempt at my rather large hairy balls(blocked). I weigh 200#s and have had my fair share of time in the cage too- this girl was like 120#s. It didn’t take me long to realize, her fervent prayer was to get hammer suplexed in a rage with her long Jezebel mop stuffed into a dirty pile of laundry ass up to receive my seed. It was fucking nuts man. Bear with me for another momentous occasion- She stormed into a bustling coffee shop rife with feminist gutter trash-after seeing my truck parked out front. She immediately threw a windmill of wild open hand haymakers and grabbed my brilliant white & freshly pressed shirt, rendering it in two halves with her harpy claws. I’m trying to remain calm as the women looked at me in disbelief, their expressions said it all- “what did this terrible mountain of a man do to this poor, clearly desperate woman?” She ran out the door, my laptop clasped tightly in her tiny hands as she screamed “do you want me to call the police!?” She waited angrily by my truck, and I knew the time to leave was immediately. She joined me, tossing my laptop in the backseat, her full lips pouting angrily as beads of sweat dripped down her flushed cheeks. I threatened to take her to her mother’s house (she was 29yrs old) and received a tremendous ball cradling blow job on the way. But I digress. They are all afraid of something.

  4. In this day and age if a woman stays with an “abuser” whether real or imagined it’s her choice, and if she asks for your help just ask her “why don’t you just leave?” 9/10 times she will have no answer and that’s sign you can leave her to her own devices.

    1. Leave them to their fantasies of violence and abuse; one day, she’ll tire of the ‘relationship’ and have you charged with all kinds of vile crap while she’ll play her favorite role of ‘Innocent Victim’.
      Walk away from such mental basket cases and live your life for yourself.

      1. Only certain kinds of men, the uber alphas who are extremely charismatic and know how to manipulate authority(not to mention being socially well connected), can actually get away with fulfilling women’s rape fantasies. But for real, the odds are against you if you try. Most likely she will be the one to manipulate the law and have you locked up. Better to stay far away from these crazy bitches and let them sabotage their own lives. Best revenge is to live well.

    2. Those kind of women need to wife up a man who will rape them regularly, over the coffee table, upside the refrigerator, on the toilet, on the bare ruff rug (“ruff ruff”) and mercilessly doggie her with her nose mashed against the big bay window. She wants it, you better dish it then.
      How those types fare as a tittie feeding nurturing mother afterwards is another chapter. Actually with their hypergamy properly torque wrenched in its place where it belongs, these types will perform the next level fine, sitting there for hours on end, rotating that big milking areola around her tittie onto the little sucker’s mouth. Her instincts are intact when she’s been properly dominated sexually!
      Now take a typical stuck up educated woman who is fidgety and ditsy about being pounded and reamed like a wild animal, she’s just as hesitant and fidgety about her motherly tittie feeding and nurturing instincts. Your instincts come IN A PACKAGE folks. They function as parts of the whole. YOUR WHOLE. Err . . ‘hole’. The ditsy mother is like “eew he spit up on me”. She barely tit feeds for a week after delivery and then gives up. Lazy bitch. The craggy bitch can barely sit still and focus on her purpose for existence on this great green Earth. And that is to BREED, to TIT FEED and to SERVICE thy patriarchal master.
      But the virtuous woman who likes being savagely mounted by surprise anywhere in the castle and raped until the wallpaper peels will definately be a goood tittie feeding mami.

      1. Bruh you nailed it. Women deep down want to be dominated sexually by a strong male who makes her feel weak and helpless. Their best orgasms come from the submission to this male.

  5. I have mutliple similar experiences, and i sadly, but fully, agree with the article.
    That’s quite simple. With a few exeptions (very close friends, familly) don’t bother with people who choosed a violent (but exciting) partner.
    They won’t listen, they won’t be grateful, they won’t help you back when needed.
    At best, they will use your attention to get a ‘refill’, then go back to their ‘abuser’.
    At worse, you might get killed.
    Anyway, you will be hurt.
    Sure, you noticed her ‘boyfriend’ is beatiçng the crap of her ? Do the right thing: call the Cops. Don’t get stabed for a person who will let you bleed in the gutter without second thoughts…
    Sure, a relative wants to talk about her abusive boyfriend ? Even if she is sincere about it, you’re not a therapist.
    At best, you can give her name, adresses , phone number of people able to help her.
    She doesn’t want to deal with it ? That’s her problem, now.
    There is something worse than being the classical ‘rebound guy’. It’s being the rebound guy of a broken addict.

  6. Someone wise once told me that a woman who suffers from physical abuse or cheating at the hands of her husband or partner is the kind of woman who actively searches for that kind of man. A good woman will be smart enough to attract and/or choose a man that is peaceful and compatible.
    In other words I have ZERO empathy towards women who get beaten up or even killed by their men. They deserve it because there were enough good men around to her to choose a good partner. It’s just that she prefers the dark triad alpha kind of guy.

    1. My little sister has dated two maniacs who both needed mental health medication and therapy for the entirety of the relationship (5 years each). Both ended in horror…
      Yet she refuses to speak to me or my loving father because we are so controlling (from 3000 miles away.).

  7. I’m certain that at least some cases of domestic male-on-female abuse occur because the female partner has an ability to trigger a man’s deep insecurities and vulnerabilities (that were placed there by another female in his formative years, i.e. his mother). People who have been traumatized who are then triggered by present events (such as an extremely critical woman) are often unable to respond in a rational way. Of course, I am not excusing male violence but this mechanism of violence is never addressed bc it is not politically correct, i.e. it is considered blaming the victim. It is unfortunate for both men and women that it occurs. The thing feminists pretend not to understand is that men adore women and the last thing a man wants to do is beat a woman. It is this love for women that allows women to get close enough to a man that he entrusts her with a lot of his self-esteem. This makes a man who has bonded very closely with a woman vulnerable to her. She has a power, similar to the power the guy’s mom had over him was he was young, to emasculate him which can feel very threatening to men who did not have a healthy upbringing where they learned how to capably deal with such threats through verbal expression. Because feminists hate men, they would never allow that degree of nuance into a discussion about the topic. It seems to always fall back on some fatal flaw in men as a sex. Know what feminists want more than stopping male violence? – to be able to blame men for it.

    1. Dude your post has all the emotional truth that us guys deal with women.
      Guys don’t beat on women who don’t emasculate them.

  8. I saw a couple fighting in Korea once. I pulled over and I was going to whoop this guys ass. They stopped, and looked at me shocked. The guy sighed in a way that was like “aw jeez, more bullshit”. The look on the woman’s face instantly reminded me of my mom: she was a cunt causing the trouble.
    Never again will I interfere. Woman have so many options and places to walk to. Men in general want peace.

  9. I hear in the news about a white Knight been killed for intervening in a fight and die because the guy stab him, then the woman escape with the man, probably to have violent intense sex that night.
    Also worked in an hospital in Mexico, seen women with black eyes and broken bones hugging and kissing with love the man who punch them in the face the day before.

  10. The very few times I know of a man getting physical with a woman she was doing everything she could to rile him up. Emotional abuse, flirting with other men, public disrespect.

    1. THIS. Thank you for this, Mitzvot follower.
      Only POS women who think they are tougher than men are the ones who get beaten like one.

  11. Speaking of Superman and domestic violence, in his first appearance in comics ever he beat up a wife beater. Years later they remade that story and it turned out the husband when he recovered from his super beating ended up killing his wife as revenge for the fact the whole situation made him look like less of a man.

  12. With all the ressources and the laws designed to help battered women and jail abusive men (without any proof may I add… Duluth model) there should be as many cases of man-on-woman domestic violence as there are cases of tubercolosis in the West. A reasonable person therefore has to conclude that most women like being abused in some way. That’s a harsh and fucked up truth that no one is prepared to hear.

  13. Consider this; she was lying about being beaten by her ex all along. She made false claims about him, now guess who’s next?You. I was seeing a girl a while back who went totally psycho. Never laid a finger on her but she went nuts on me a few times; scratching, hitting clawing. I just shoved her off me and left. She called my best friend and told him I “punched” her in the face. He didn’t believe a word of it. This girl told me her ex used to beat her up. I actually met the guy and he didn’t strike me as violent, matter of fact he was actually an effeminate pussy. Long story short; never believe a woman.

  14. I’ll always remember this time, while I was still a college student, when a “good guy” (and he truly was) who stopped another one abusing his girlfriend on a street ended up in a fistfight with him. He knocked the “abuser” and the “victim” started screaming at him, and she called the police…
    The good guy ended up with a criminal charge. He only got a probation, but it was already enough to bar him from entering the USA, because he has a criminal file (the whole thing happened in Canada.)
    Afterward, the good guy said : “Next time I see a bitch being beaten by her moron boyfriend, I’ll let them tear off each other.”

    1. Men are not going to beat a woman over nothing. Usually if a woman is getting beaten we have to assess the reason. I have never met a “victim” of “abuse” be some innocent angel but rather a deranged bitch who tests her man more than normal.

  15. I realized last night that the only time I ever get angry at a woman is when I see her deliberately do things to hurt herself.
    It seems they blame the innocent, resent the providers, and are bored to death of good, responsible men. They lash out at people trying to help, suck the resource dry, then go right back to whatever abusive situation they complained about.
    Bottom line, women weren’t meant to be in control. Now that they are, they choose misery and suffering over peace and tranquility.

  16. If she goes back to her abuser “because I love him” then she deserves to get beaten. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. But it’s not my responsibility to assist women who are victims of domestic violence. To be fair, people sometimes make mistakes as some abusive men disguise their domineering, merciless nature but if you KNOW from experience that someone is this way and you believe you can change them, you’re too dumb to bother with.

    1. Bruh. Don’t buy into the whole “she is drawn to violent men” bullshit. The truth is these cunts provoke men and make them violent. The reason they stay is because most of the time they realize they are such a stupid provoking cunt who deserved to be put in her place.

  17. Don’t be friends with women
    There’s no real benefit for it men make better mates you only think you find a certain woman funny , intelligent and interesting is because that lizard scratching at the back of your head wants you to stick it in her
    Also your missus will appreciate it

  18. Not really safe to help family members either. I’ve been falsely accused of rape for suggesting that I might intervene if a family member’s Muslim illegal immigrant boyfriend treated her badly. He abused her and they made up allegations to isolate themselves from the family.

  19. I used to work with this girl who had an ex-boyfriend that she said was a violent abuser. He is an Egyptian guy…. I’m Palestinian, and she would try shit-talking to me about how all Arabs are wife-beaters. But her shit-talking didn’t start until I told her I was not interested in her. She had a big crush on me and always wanted to hang out. But after shooting her down she would always say how Arabs don’t respect women, they all beat their wives, etc etc, blah blah blah
    A year later she got back together with her “violent abuser” Egyptian boyfriend.

  20. Why would anyone in their right mind want to play “captain-save-a-hoe” for some solipsistic, attention whore? The vast majority of domestic violence cases, along with rape claims are greatly exaggerated, and often completely spurious. But, as always, some pissy white-knight needs to get involved and possibly even risk his life, for an eternally ungrateful slob.

  21. Re Family Members: Absolutely! Men need to protect their sisters and close family. Women are not being protected today because so many men have checked out (most likely because they are so intolerable).
    The Maid of Honor at my wedding was being abused by her new boyfriend after she left her Beta husband to eat…pray…love. I made it known that if she ever came to our house beaten up and bruised I would personally go to her BF house and water board him in the bathtub for an hour. I even bought handcuffs for him in case I needed them. LOL.

  22. Hey ROK Cucks.. maybe if you wait long enough you can find some semi-attractive pseudo-MILF DA “victim” who is damaged enough to actually spend time with you! Wait till you bring that skank home for Thanksgiving dinner and you find her in the bathroom blowing your brother.. then you will know she really loves you but it is her past abuse that causes her to “act out” as a street whore. After a good two or three years worth of your salary to pay for her psycho-therapy she will leave you for the local drug dealer from Jamaica.. aren’t you the proud American now? BONUS: you can try to explain to your parents at Christmas dinner why you failed to get your now ex-girlfriend to return the $2k engagement ring you gave her.. especially since you borrowed the money from them to pay for it!

  23. When you get to know the women in many of these cases, you begin to ask yourself why the dude didn’t beat her sooner.
    Oftentimes these cunts think of themselves as “strong women”. Many of them raise their hands to the man first. They are whores with bad attitudes who take shit testing to degrees many of you couldn’t handle. In fact most men can’t handle this type of woman so they begin to treat them like animals so they will learn.
    Essentially women being overgrown children only respond to corporal punishment. And you’d think their bullshit would stop after this. Nope.
    Really the question we should ask is not “why do women stay with abusers?” but rather why do men stay with women who require beatings to stay in line? Their father should have administered the beating many times but I can assure you these women more than likely had beta fathers or absentee fathers altogether. So in other words a man who beats her gives her the discipline she had craved all her life.
    But to be honest why should we want to be with women we have to beat in order to domesticate? These tattooed, bisexual, colored hair types are so damaged that even our physical correction does nothing. Women should be soft and delicate. Truth be told men don’t beat on soft, delicate women. They beat on the ones who fancy themselves tougher than us. Soft delicate women bring out our paternal nature to care and protect. At the end of the day after fighting the world our woman shouldn’t be there to make us go for Round 2.
    These “abusers” are better off leaving these women. I would much rather have a child I don’t need to beat than one who drains all my energy. If your woman drives you to want to slap her around, just fucking leave. You don’t need the courts against you and you don’t need the jail time. Let her be someone else’s problem.

  24. Protecting people who we think (although we may be wrong) need help is a matter of morality. No matter their age, gender, background. We can’t / shouldn’t always interfere, but praising indiference is shocking to me.

    1. You know the women that don’t get beaten? The ones who don’t have a you go girl attitude and the ones who are sweet and innocent. Men come across feminine women and we become simps. Men come across women who think they are tough and their domineering personalities make us want to slap me around. Most of us (like myself and others) don’t slap them around. We leave. The men who stay are the ones driven to violence.
      Many times these women instigate the violence. Men don’t just run up randomly like “POW BITCH! That’s for not doing the laundry”. Instead women think they can test us and try and break us with their childish behavior and we are supposed to put up with it? Nah if you want to handle shit like men be prepared to get beaten like one.
      See how indifference is so much safer?
      And why should we care anyway? Not our fucking business. She has the law on her side. If she truly is not in the wrong she is stupid for not doing anything.

    2. Haven’t been out in the real world much, have you, Karolina?
      Today men are rewarded for intervening by the woman who is the “victim” attacking THEM as several real-life stories have reported. And quite often she goes home with the “abuser” anyway.
      Women, the majority of the time, are in those situations by choice or have provoked the man.
      Not interested in helping these damaged women. Let them get hit, I don’t care anymore.
      That’s the world that women have built today. Enjoy!

  25. Governments across Australia (local, state and commonwealth) seem determined to brand all men as potential abusers, that all women’s claims are true, and that any man accused of being a wife-basher never gets a fair trial, in the rare instance that a claim is actually tested in court:
    Perhaps of most interest to the RoK readership, is the clumsy attempt of the then Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police to equated “pick-up culture” with domestic violence, and it speaks volumes to the quality of Australia’s mainstream media and other institutions didn’t call him out over this nonsense.

    1. Several of the comments above where of the “why would a man put himself in the middle of this” variety. As can be seen in South Australia, men who are not violent in their interpersonal relationships are simply drafted through their tax contributions to “ending domestic violence”.

  26. I once arrived home to an apt. building to find my across-the-hall neighbor beating his wife bloody. He was straddling her in their open doorway, working vicious sets on her. Until she said ‘help’, i assumed she was dead; already so much blood and facial disfigurement. I pulled him off, and as he stood, body slammed him out into the hallway. We stood up to square off, and he was yelling “Get my knife, b**ch!”. I remember instantly thinking, ‘yeah, good luck with that request buddy!’
    When I saw that 10″ Bowie knife being passed out of their doorway, I took off down the hall. I didn’t call the police, f**k her, she deserved what ever else happened. I returned to find out he had been arrested, against her shrieking protests. That was many years ago, and I vowed then to NEVER interfere in a domestic dispute again. Not My Problem!

  27. What are some good names for the “uncle toms” who sign sanctimonious public pledges to themselves never hit a woman or remain silent about “domestic violence” and otherwise sell-out other men as potential wife-beaters, for their own career advancement and female votes etc.?

  28. This is so true I got convicted of domestic violence because my wife kept emasculating me and testing me and one argument got physical Called the cops and got arrested my lawyer only got me to plea and I got probation for a yet which sucks balls then had to take the feminist class about being an abuser damn that sucked for 27 weeks please don’t hit your wives just leave the cunt and be some one else problem

  29. I’ve found two more general rules improved my quality of life:
    1) Don’t help people unless they request it
    2) Don’t help anyone unless they’ve earned your help
    I’ve found that if a person doesn’t ask for help it means he is not open to help or doesn’t value it. Don’t waste your time.
    If a person does request your help, only help him if he deserves it. Is he a family member? Close friend? Business partner? Do you have a mutual-value relationship, or is he just a taker?
    I used to think helping anyone who asked was “good karma.” I spent considerable time and energy doing favors for people, sometimes without them even asking. I found that the “karma” thing is total bullsh*t. I did helpful favors for friends of friends, only to find that they ghosted if I ever asked for a small favor later.
    Now I ignore or turn down requests unless they’ve earned my help. Saves a lot of energy that I can channel into improve my and my family’s life.
    Oh yeah — I stopped giving to charities too. Nearly all that money is wasted. Google it.

  30. When I was a cop a fellow officer a few counties away tore a guy off the woman he was beating. While dealing with the “abuser” the “victim” snuck up behind the officer and stabbed him for hurting her man. The officer died.
    Not worth it. Captain Save A Hoe will probably accomplish nothing except to get himself killed.

  31. This is not difficult to figure out. Despite all the theories about why women stay in “abusive” relationships (shocker: these “theories” are merely attempts to show how “it’s not her fault!”), the main one, probably the only one most of time, is that most people will die rather than admit they made a mistake. All your attempts to help are only reminding her of her mistake, and since she won’t admit it to herself, why would she feel any gratitude towards you for constantly bringing it up?

  32. Bullheaded women.
    Usually a libtard/democrat sheep. Ghetto attitude & low in spiritual. Lazier than pigs, dumber than cows, but extremely manipulative.
    In this age, it’s a miracle if you never had a relationship with one, or two or ten, of those.

  33. I can assure you the worst the you can do is help women who are in a fight with their partner. I saw one woman who was getting beat by her boyfriend but at the end of the physical fight she left with him. Never help a woman period, even rape, some of these women will turn on you.

  34. Every woman i know was abused. That is right i haven’t met one yet who wasn’t. Its a lie bitches tell when they move on so they don’t look like the bad guy when they dump and immediately move kids and all into a strangers house. Either thator it is an in to get a guy emotionally invested. I want to leave him (and be available to you) but he will kill me. I am afraid. Blah blah

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