The Southern Poverty Law Center Is The Real Hate Group

The SPLC has officially lost its way.  In February, the group designated ROK a hate group.  A Voice for Men and Return Of Kings were listed for the first time as “male supremacy groups” on the hate list.

The sole reason given was ROK and AVFM’s “vilification of women.”  As a straight white male who loves women, and is opposed to hate groups and poverty, I was triggered and offended by this.  I have personally written articles in support of diversity, family, and women’s happiness.  Hell, I’ve even written a women’s guide to not getting raped.  Yes, many of our articles are critical, and many of the targets of this criticism are women, but to call this vilification is a complete misunderstanding of our raison d’être.

Stereotyping Is The First Step To Hate

First, it is silly and simplistic to paint ROK with a broad brush.  Unlike the SPLC, which is an established institution with employees, offices, and a unified business plan, ROK is a website where men of various backgrounds and interests can come together and discuss issues.

ROK’s readership ranges from teenagers to octogenarians in dozens of countries around the world.  An organization like the SPLC should know that grouping people together based on such tenuous connections as their common identity as men is the first step of bigotry.

Zero Tolerance

If I ventured a guess, the recent inclusion was done at the suggestion of a Generation Snowflake Millennial.  As recently as 2012, the SPLC specifically disavowed men’s interest groups from being labeled as hate groups, going so far as to say many of our issues are not without merit.  So what changed?

SPLC? Do you know why you’re angry?

What caused the SPLC to change their opinion from “You make valid points, but your language is harsh” to “I can’t even! You racist misogynist male supremacists are literally Hitler?”  It’s not the message.  If anything, ROK has moved away from primarily discussing women and game, and included more articles on self improvement, diet, history, philosophy, religion, physical training, and politics.

In The Current Year, sensitive Millennials who have zero tolerance for anything not puritanically cleaned and whitewashed through politically correct censors will shriek out in agony at any message they do not fully agree with.

Sure, some of the articles here are harsh.  But sometimes we need a harsh message. And a lot of the articles are tongue in cheek.  At first I thought the ridiculous “ROK is a rape club” label of 2017 was obvious media distortion.  But today I’m not so sure.  I think many in Generation Snowflake are unable to discern humor and nuance.

What Happened To Liberalism?

When I was an adolescent, the liberals were the people who could take a joke, while conservatives were the stuffy, boring, politically correct class.  But today, successful comedians including Jerry Seinfeld, Chris Rock, John Cleese and Bill Maher refuse to perform on college campuses because the audience cannot handle risqué humor.

Then there are the cases like Louis C K, who had his livelihood and passion taken from him without even being accused of a crime.


Oxford defines vilification as abusively disparaging speech; derogatory, expressing an opinion that something is of little worth.

Do you know what is hateful?  Calling advocating for your group “supremacy”.  ROK is not a “male supremacy” site.  Recognizing the differences between men and women is not the same as calling one group supreme.  In fact, women are “superior” to men in the feminine realm, and men are “superior” to women in the masculine world, but that is an awfully distorted, negative and hateful way to view things.  We as men simply want men, women, and families to be happy, healthy, and self actualized.  If you vilify these traits, you are the one who belongs on a hate list.

If A Man Is Alone In The Forest, Is He Still Wrong?

Men who come to a site teaching them self improvement, dating tips, and behaviors to meet and achieve success with higher quality women seem to value women quite a bit. If men don’t value women, they are more likely to follow the Men Going Their Own Way “MGTOW” path which is not part of ROK.  But even then, what’s wrong with that opinion?  If men are not finding women of value in their life, is it the man’s fault?

This is a JOKE, not to be taken literally

If women are not providing sufficient value, men do what men always do:  work to improve the situation.  So we pen articles reminding women that careers, anti-psychotic drugs, obesity, and sexual exploits do not make them happy.  We encourage men to seek out more feminine and traditional women, since returning Western women to those values is a lengthy path.  And along the way we have fun and laugh, because we are happy, confident, stable men.


The SPLC was founded in 1971, in a time where there was great poverty and judicial disparity in the American south.  While extreme poverty is less common today, there is a larger than ever gap between rich and poor, and the American legal system is still quite dysfunctional.  From its commendable beginnings fighting the death penalty, unfair imprisonment for blacks and other minorities, and promoting separation between church and state, the organization has devolved into a 1984-style censorship organization that attempts to ban or shut down any speech that it finds even partly offensive.

The SPLC exists today primarily out of momentum.  Bleeding heart donors from outside the American south donate money out of the false impression that there are white hooded klan members popping up everywhere and this organization is bravely fighting these groups of federal agents redneck racists.  As the SPLC strays further from its path, criticism of the group has increased, from Foreign Policy, the Washington Times, and the NYTimes. Even the FBI recently stopped working with the group to track hate organizations.

Perhaps they should not be criticized too harshly for exaggerating their enemy.  After all, what organization is not self-interested to a large degree?  But the problem here is the SPLC is alienating all but its most extreme supporters.

Satire–but is this really what you want?

I have visited the civil rights memorial at the SPLC center in Alabama.  I was educated by former director Julian Bond.  And I have supported the group in the past.  But I am also a man.  And calling me a hateful man because I strive to improve myself while encouraging and seeking women who are more feminine, traditional, and kind does not cause me to question my beliefs about myself, my culture, or women.  It merely causes me to view you as irrelevant and out of touch.

You, SPLC, are the ones who are being hateful.  You hate me, as a white man, wanting the same thing my ancestors have had throughout history:  a loving, kind, happy, satisfied, feminine woman at my side.  You hate not only men, but also women, as you want to twist them into something they are not, encouraging them to be masculine, fat, loud, hostile, lonely, and everything that femininity is not.

And any man who finds value in an article here, or who recognizes, as the SPLC did in 2012, that we raise valid points, will also question why such an organization is targeting ROK as hateful.

It is because of groups like you, that when men like me attempted to meet up with other men last year to discuss our common cause, as numerous other minority groups do every day, we were met with violent mobs, and had to cancel our plans due to safety concerns.

And that’s why in 2018, one may unironically say that the SPLC is the real hate group.

Read More: SPLC Targets ROK for Leftist Violence By Smearing It As A Male Supremacist Hate Group

85 thoughts on “The Southern Poverty Law Center Is The Real Hate Group”

  1. If there wasn’t racism, the people running these organizations would have to find a real job. They are not going to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs; they know diversity leads to the destruction of social cohesion, which leads to racism, meaning profit for them.

    1. If there is anything (((they))) love, it’s money, destroying social cohesion for the goyim, and MORE money.

    2. Vladimir Putin is our salvation. He will wipe out every congregation of sodomite, tranny and feminist using his nuclear weapons. We are living in the Last Days, and it will only get worse for God-fearing people, until Russia does something to save us from the persecution from Satan. Russia will nuke Chanty Binx, Anita Sarkeesian, Trigglypuff, Lactita and other homos into thin air!

    3. “The SPLC was founded in 1971, in a time where there was great poverty and judicial disparity in the American south. While extreme poverty is less common today, there is a larger than ever gap between rich and poor, and the American legal system is still quite dysfunctional. From its commendable beginnings fighting the death penalty, unfair imprisonment for blacks and other minorities, and promoting separation between church and state, the organization has devolved into a 1984-style censorship organization that attempts to ban or shut down any speech that it finds even partly offensive.”
      This paragraph sums up the problem. The SPLC has drifted from its mission. And the biggest macro problem with the western world today is the 1% hording more and more of the western world’s GDP, while leaving less and less of it to be shared by the remaining 99%. And the western elite has commandeered all the institutions of the west toward preserving this unbalanced order. And hence, these institutions perpetuate ethnic divisions, cultural divisions, and gender divisions and cloak them in the language of diversity and inclusion. Because the 1% knows the only way it can lord it over the 99%, is to balkanize the 99% into a thousand competing factions.

  2. Women’s PRESUMED happiness, you mean.
    You know nothing about women’s happiness, neither are you interested to know. You wrote articles about women’s UTILITY.
    Women’s happiness, just like men’s happiness, lies in their careers, achievements and getting rid of assholes like you, who pretend to dictate them how to be happy.
    Fuck you right in your aorta.

    1. We know nothing of women’s happiness because, as far as I can tell, such a thing does not exist. It started in the Garden of Eden. Eve had the best man in the world, every want and need was provided, and she had to do nothing to get this. Was she happy? No. She only looked at the one thing she was told she couldn’t have. She became jealous of god. She wanted more, More, MORE, and MOAR! All of her daughters have done the same ever since.
      Men, there is nothing more senseless and futile than attempting to make a woman happy. If you pursue her happiness as your mission, she will despise you.

      1. Did you read the Bible? Eve was gulible, not some insatiable she devil. Seriously think…gullibility is a product of trusting too much…a natural tendency women have as a result of being the more dependent sex. She was gullible and listened to Satan. Note, this was not the fall of man.
        The fall of man happened when Adam ate of the fruit, not Eve. Adam was the keeper of the garden; Eve was his helper. Adam was Eve’s husband and therefor her master in a sense. He could have just admonished her and that would have been the end of it. Instead he ate the fruit. Boom, fall of man. What we can take from the original sin was really just Adam failing to be a good leader.
        Your ridiculous comment is the reason people think this site is misogynistic.

        1. Were you in the garden of eden? Did you see what happened? Well than shut the hell up. Oh its all a fairy tale? Then double shut the hell up. Pun intended

        2. lol and now we learn that there was Adam, Eve and Jackie, spying on the 2 first folks from behind some trees.

        3. The forbiden fruit is the fact that eve and satan had sex, she ate it before adam. She then showed what she learned from statan to adam, sex! Also adam and eve fist son cain his satan son, which is why he killed abel.

        4. You just admitted you’re the dependent and gullible sex , that’s misogynistic

    2. Go and make a sandwich, woman!
      And stop mouthing into conversations held by adult men!

      1. I’ll make my man a sandwich because I love him. My man lets me speak my mind because he loves me.

        1. Let them drink and be merry falsely accusing numerous men of non-consent sex, for Vladimir Putin will send atomic missiles in their way, and they need the alcohol to numb the pain of 5,000 degrees of radioactive heat melting their carcasses.

    3. FU, you can’t speak about all women’s happiness, anymore than I can about all men’s happiness. There were plenty of women happy with their lives before feminism, and they still exist in large numbers today. Only a minority of lesbians, and a minority of other basically straight women put a career before having children, and a marriage. That is their choice. Your ideology tries to force normal women to fit into your myopic view of the world.

    4. Women are incapable of being happy without a good man to simplify the world for them. Careers and lesbianism never produced a happy, fulfilled woman. Your comment proves you’re a retched cauldron of discontent. If you were too unattractive to find a good man I feel bad for you. But I suspect it was your own foolish decisions that created the hell you inhabit. Pet your cat and have another bottle of wine but stop poisoning the minds of young women who still have a chance to be happy.

    5. in fact, men’s happiness , just like real Women’s happiness, lies more in getting rid of assholes like you (feminists, leftists and sjw scum) , who pretend to dictate them how to be happy and how to think. You feminists, know nothing except blaming the entire world for your petty and unsignificative lives.

    6. White women’s happiness appears to be living alone in a house full of cats.
      I don’t hate them for being like that, enjoy, and I’ll leave them alone.

    7. It is 2018.
      Women’s “issues” have been pandered to non-stop for decades. Women can make outright false rape accusations, and not be punished, or even named.
      Why then are modern women so miserable?
      And who are you to talk? Women are always trying to define what “makes a good man,” which seems to depend on the situation- it suddenly becomes very old-fashioned whenever trouble occurs.

  3. What do you call a black person on the moon?
    An astronaut, you racist bastard!!!

  4. Social justice warriors will be more oppressive if given the chance.

  5. The Western project has led largely been driven by greed and power-lust. Greed/power-lust put women in the workplace, now Western women are effectively men without penises, no longer respect their men, and see marriage and motherhood as a prison. One of the most despicable things the West has done is export feminism overseas, although the sexual virility and patriarchal mindset of Africans and the patriarchal family structures of Muslims offer some bulwark against the brainwashing. International development programmes are commonly believed to be lining the pockets of foreign despots – in reality they promote a feminist, anti-family agenda that will serve multinationals better. The West dismissed the agrarian patriarchal societies of Africa and Asia as inferior, and forced economic materialism upon the world, with no self-awareness that it was sowing the seeds of human destruction. Materialism always needs more – constant growth – so it becomes inevitable that women join men in the workplace, then become men themselves, meanwhile men get made redundant by technology, state handouts and before long, robotics. Those men who stand up for human patriarchal values – values defined by biology – now become maligned. Western civilisation has given us lots of gadgets, but in doing so has completely destroyed the natural order of things, transgenderism and transhumanism being an obvious example of the mess we are in. And yet we keep making out like Western civilisation is some wonderful gift to the world – when in reality its the same kind of the gift the snake gave to Eve – lots of knowledge, little happiness, and a shit-ton of confusion.

    1. Yes but farming and efficient transportation of food and the machinery that makes modern farming possible is why we can support 7 billion people eating daily. Africa had 30m when we found it and if we removed all of the innovations of modernity such as the thousands that are required for modern farming, transportation of food ect then it may fall back to that. The 30 million population had been stable for a long period.

      1. I mean when you have a stable population other than today with this wierd thing around contraception ( which is part of that large civilisation and mass production and research into material science and bio med ext ) when you have a stable population it means usually something is killing the majority of people before they get a chance to breed so only 2 survive and that can be starvation, predation, disease, or war or other.
        It wasn’t so great before modern population explosion if you think about it. Animals usually expand into a territory until they get stable populations which is usually a miserable point where they are mostly struggling to survive. Stick some foxes into a city and the first few generations they will expand and love it until evnetually they all live nearly at the point of starvation.
        Humans – if you consider them as one species which I don’t – are expanding into modernity based on tech and will hit that miserable survival point eventually in the next few centuries. The only way to remove this and go back to hunter gatherers is a mass kill of taking most people down. The carrying capacity of the Earth where we can live without destroying it is often put as 1 billion people but even that assumes modernity isn’t rolled back. To live as hunter gatherers we would have to drop by far more than that I imagine.

        1. We are expanding into the plenty we are creating but when we stabalize naturally it will be at the point of misery and extreme starvation. When humans were stable before this population explosion precipitated by intellectual advances then they must have lived in misery with say of every 6 children born 4 dying before reproductive maturity and life expectancy not above 35. Thats what we came from and to go back would be need like 6.5 billion dead so will not happen.

    2. The problem is that it is all artificial.
      If a “Lucifer’s Hammer” disaster struck and there was no longer any government making the modern model work with endless subsidies (e.g. welfare for single mothers), how long would feminism last?
      Maybe five minutes.
      This is why the economic collapse is so feared by the Left now that they are waking up to that fact: if the current governmental and economic structure falls there simply won’t be any room for any of the political correctness: if women want to fight men then there won’t be any government safety net, no “white knights,” nothing- just as, in Woodstock 1999 and Moldlylocks at Berkely in 2017, reality is going to be hard indeed.
      Everything we have today is artificial and can only exist in a society like ours. A good mental exercise is the “deserted island” question: if we were on a deserted island would (whoever) even try that?

  6. Well, to be fair to SPLC, none of the articles om this site seem to be ENCOURAGING women to do anything. Considering how women are not encouraged to comment here or even view the content in this site, I don’t know how you can make the argument that you are encouraging women to do anything. Rather, it seems you are encouraging men to be outraged that women are not living up to your standards of femininity. Most of the articles in this site about women just disparage women for whatever reason-their race, their nationality, you name it. Even the articles you linked here as proof that you don’t hate women have a condescending tone. There’s a way to make women interested in being more feminine. Sadly, no one on this site has grasped it. So yeah, from the outside looking in, this site does seem to just be a misogynistic trash bin. Your regular commenters don’t help the cause either.

    1. The regular commenters have broken lifes because of feminist influence, to begin with. We have the right to be angry and the right to rebel against an oppressive system. When fighting for freedom there is no sympathy between tyrants and oppressed. And women, which side do you think they are on?

      1. I don’t know what dystopia you’ve been reading, but women as a whole do not hate men. Women just think men hate women. Make them realize you don’t, and you’ll find getting them to see your points is a lot easier.

        1. I thought women were smart enough to realize that themselves.
          If women don’t hate men why do they continue voting liberals? Do you ever wonder how liberalism affects men and the relationship between men and women?
          Just admit it. Women are the fiercest supporters of liberalism. This is not a dystopia. This is reality.

        2. Unfortunately Mr. Cash is 100% right, Miss Jackie.
          Most of us had terrible lives before taking the Red Pill, thanks to our Feminist conditioning that we have been exposed to since we were born.
          None of us ever lived in any sort of Patriarchal society, nor were we ever taught or trained to be male chauvinists or misogynists. To the contrary, we were conditioned to be Feminists since the day we were born.
          It is not some future dystopia, it is PRESENT REALITY for us, young males, to be oppressed by our Feminist overlords and Goddesses, living in a Feminist society, ruled by a Feminist state.
          And finally we are REBELLING!

        3. feminism won’t last long anyway. Were the left actively trying to destroy – and winning – to destroy religion they could get to their “utopia” if it exists but all thats happening is that they rare cutting the birth rates of the secular whilst the religious breed like crazy and will repopulate the earth with a more extreme form of patriarchy.
          Problem is that women feminists don’t look to birth rates and demographics even though these things show crazy swings i mean Africans went from 30 million when we discovered Africa to a billion now and by the end of the century they will exceed 4 billion. Islam is also growing by a strong clip so feminism may last a generation but not longer than 2 or 3 as it drops birth rates too much to last.
          It won’t last like communism.
          Real egalitarian men in feminist societies are raising the children of patriarchal muslims who don’t offer women back so it will not last more than a generation or two until this whole feminism thing is swept away.
          I hope that its recorded just so that we can see the problem with ideologies that destroy ones own birth rate and cu-ck ones own men giving the civilisation to the patriarchs. There were so many men who said that this was the most stupid idea to let your own women date Muslims when these men won’t let their daughters date us but we were stifled. The societies will be swept away eventually even if it takes 150 years.

        4. You still don’t understand don’t you, in western society most women have been corrupted by the oligarchs elites and most are beyond help.
          we have better thing to do than considering the existence of lost fool that are only going to waste our time or use the system to screw our lives.
          I hope for your own intersest, you fools will awake before the plans these wicked peoples have set in motion break your lives to piece. In a way or another you’re on you own.

        5. While you can take my home and assets from me in divorce, I’ll have nothing to do with you. This isn’t hate, it’s self preservation.

    2. Woman, go and make a sandwich!
      I am encouraging you to make a sandwich. Now!

      1. Your approach is completely wrong. If there really is some ((force)) out there who is capitalizing on the destruction of the family unit and pitting and women against each other, then you’re just playing into their hands. Men and women are complimentary, 2 halves of one body. You can’t “rebell” against your own body. Men and women have to be in the fight together, or no one will be happy. I guarantee not one single article on this site will bring you closer to “overthrowing your opressors”. You’ll just make them angrier and louder.

        1. We dont have to “overthrow oppressors” only a room temp iq would think that way. We will win without even playing. We have the power and always have. The pendulum is swinging back against mindless sadists & traitors like you. Soon enough the laws of the universe will be abided by wether you like it or not & your ilk will be left out in the cold. Begging to come back in as a willing sex slave branded “Eve” across your cheek.

        2. Please note Jackie. There are (((those))) in the movement deliberately trying to undo it with comments like these.

        3. Jackie, we tried that. For decades. How do you think we got to the point of the Rolling Stone Rape Hoax and #metoo?
          If men were the oppressive beasts in the Western World feminists make us out to be do you think even “first wave feminism” could ever have even existed? Modern women were given endless chances, and look what they did with them.

    3. So we’re like a typical feminist site?
      O.K, we allow women to comment- then what do you think will happen?
      Answer: The same feminist shrieking and insults we are subjected to everywhere else.

  7. “White supremacy” really means “white competency.”
    For example, if white people still ran South Africa, they would have taken measures to keep Cape Town well supplied with water, the way white-run Perth, Australia has done to deal with a similar water supply challenge.

      1. The thing is the differences with races are bigger than between lap dogs and wild wolves. If you cannot see that blacks and whites and asians are so different it really just reflects quite badly on you and your analytical faculties.

      2. You can’t run a modern civilization with people who have a high time preference like blacks, as we can see by black-dominated American cities like Detroit, St. Louis and Baltimore. White people can certainly screw up, of course; but on average we tend to get a lot more of the important things right than blacks on any continent.

        1. In their heart of hearts, even the troublemakers at the SPLC know this. But there is big money to be made fighting “white racism.” So they’re running with that.
          Wonder how many of the SPLC staff live in mostly black neighborhoods down there in Montgomery Alabama? I’m betting none.

      3. Then why does it happen more often with some than others?
        Look at how effectively Japan dealt with that terrible disaster some years ago.

  8. I’m reminded of odd exchanges I’ve had with feminists.
    I’ve said a number of times that women were competent adults capable of thinking ahead and working toward goals. The result (online lately) has always been a spew of enraged accusations that I hate women and that statement proves it. Why? Because it implies they should live up to responsibilities?
    Once on a literary site I mentioned what I’d read in a couple of places, that Anne Radcliffe in 1798 wrote the first modern novel whose plot is resolved by rational explanations of seemingly supernatural events. The response was an avalanche of rage denying it because, as one male feminist typed, “no woman is capable of that”.
    Always the response to implications of creativity and responsibility, which feminists repeatedly shriek women have (but are mysteriously kept from showing by men).
    This tells us about the reality of the left in general….

  9. I wrote about the SPLC going on two years ago. It seems that Max Roscoe even ripped off my SPLC doctored logo.

  10. Most civilized countries would’ve outlawed the SPLC by now. Western countries are just too tolerant.

    They have a vested interest into making sure things get worse.
    If they ever ‘solve’ racisim. they’re out of jobs and free money.

  12. The SPLC is part of the anti-hate control system put in place to associate everything the elites fear with ‘extremism’. That is why whenever there’s a big push against jihadi terror for example the assault will be against islamic extremism and the far right. Since the former is a threat that is useful for controlling the domestic population (however it may or may not be ‘dangerous’ in other respects) the real target is almost always the kind of extremism that can be labelled ‘right wing’. Formally this is about neo-nazis etc, but neo-nazis are actually pretty insignificant politically and not a real threat to the system. The broad coalition of conservatives, (genuine) libertarians and the ‘the alt right’ (most of which isn’t extreme) are the groups that actually threaten the control system of which the SPLC is a small, and probably increasingly insignificant part. The SPLC’s blatant disregard of left-wing extremism gives the game away. I would say the SPLC, like George Soros, and the Clinton’s, while remaining part of the system and the establishment are probably pretty much ready for retirement and will therefore be made fair game. Call it to task for its manifest failing, lack of partiality, and historic corruption, but don’t imagine if it falls any great victory will have been achieved. The anti-hate speech control system more broadly should be the real target as it it is the means whereby the transformation agenda -far left institutionalized change – is protected from scrutiny and criticism. I say that with absolutely zero animus against any of the groups supposedly protected by this ridiculous legislation. Indeed I think all those ‘protected groups’ are actually endangered by such legislation. Finally, never forget, as the article indicates, all this talk of hate is indeed projection. It’s all part of the ancient art of scape-goating

  13. I am STUNNED to see this article appear.
    A few months ago ANY mention of (((SPLC))) or its supporting groups was DELETED.
    Now that Roo$h officially makes the SPLC Stalin-Purge List we can GENTLY mention that SPLC is “unfair” but NOT the HOW, WHY, OR WHO behind it all?
    Part of the reason why the USA and Western world are dying is because no one can honestly DETAIL the absolute reality that suffocates us all!~
    Part of the burgeoning Anti-JewTube Movement is the legal and supportive efforts of responsible people STANDING UP FOR THEIR RIGHTS,
    If MeToo/SJWs can change HR-School Policy for their monetary gain,
    If BLM can finagle welfare and quota benefits for themselves.
    If SPLC/JewTube can control all business and competition by Censorship,
    Then we as, non-members of the above, can CALL IT OUT!

  14. To answer any question you need to know about the SPLC just look at their (((staff))) list. Yup. And you wonder why the Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn that commit acts of violence against local blacks in Brooklyn and other NYC suburbs never pop up on their lists (also shouldn’t they have a problem with a grown man sucking blood off of an infants newly cut penis??!?) Six dumb white guys who bought KKK robes on the internet and have a website that would make geocities laugh are worthy of a press release and a national media campaign but some (((people))) in Brooklyn who routinely assault and harass black people are just fine. “These are not the racists you are looking for…”

    1. A lot of hypocrisy, neglect and abuse goes among ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Jews and Haredis but they keep it in-house and get a free pass from the authorities. They are more closed and culturally chauvinistic than Muslims and more violently racist than whites when they get the chance. Patriarchal as fuck and jealously guard ancestral bloodlines going back to The Pale. If you ever wonder where the poor Jews went, the orthodox communities scooped them up and the state of Israel pays them to multiply and study the Talmud.

  15. Does anyone even pay attention to the SPLC?
    A bunch of know nothing busybodies.
    Commentor “Jeff” hit the nail on the head regarding the ethnic makeup of the SPLC. Tells you everything you need to know about their agenda.

  16. Wow, just look at some of the shrill comments above from the shrill cat ladies who have been trolling ROK. SMH.
    And people still ask me why I bang hot young escorts…

  17. Can you take legal action against them for defamation? I would love to see this taken to the next level. Maybe crowdfund a lawyer?

  18. They always talk about human rights and civil liberties whilst you look at how they run their own country where:
    1) ju cannot legally marry a muslim
    2) Aparthied with different laws for Muslims and ju
    3) no fixed borders always taking more land
    4) collective punishment exacted violently against family members of criminals
    5) Majority of land owned by bigoted charity ( JNF ) than refuses to loan or rent or sell to non ju and thats allowed and legal and endorsed by the government
    6) Round up and throw out African refugees and call them cancer, no right to trial or asylum yet whine about others.
    7) don’t let Dissedents or those that disagree with them enter their own state
    8) Refuse to ever criticize their own state
    9) Race based migration policies, proud bigotry
    These same guys splc guys if they went to Israel would be running hate groups!

    1. Any self respecting country should follow and do what these points say to the letter.

  19. Booker T. Washington made observations about those parasites that seek to make livings off exploiting racial divides. Notice how Booker T only rated a 1960s instrumental group, but MLK has a statue in every shithole in the country? Divide and conquer, its (((Their))) way

  20. “Did you read the Bible? Eve was gulible, not some insatiable she devil. Seriously think…gullibility is a product of trusting too much…a natural tendency women have as a result of being the more dependent sex. She was gullible and listened to Satan. Note, this was not the fall of man.
    The fall of man happened when Adam ate of the fruit, not Eve. Adam was the keeper of the garden; Eve was his helper. Adam was Eve’s husband and therefor her master in a sense. He could have just admonished her and that would have been the end of it. Instead he ate the fruit. Boom, fall of man. What we can take from the original sin was really just Adam failing to be a good leader.
    Your ridiculous comment is the reason people think this site is misogynistic.”
    ^THIS^ above from Ms./Mrs. Jackie is something I’m “on board” with; for she speaks truth here O menfolk.
    Hear me out… Reading through the comments on board here we can go “back and forth” but I highlight Mrs. Jackie’s comment here because she brings up an important biblical truth: *ADAM* as *HEADSHIP* failed in his leadership to not “eat the forbidden fruit his wife Eve gave him and Adam should have gone to God on this matter and not “follow the mistake” his wife, Eve, had made:
    What I most admire in her post is Mrs. Jackie’s *HONESTY* of knowing *HER PLACE* as a *HELPMEET* to man as his wife. Mrs. Jackie’ acknowledges women’s feature of “gullibility” that makes them vulnerable to being “manipulated by schemers” as the Devil, the “Serpent” tempted Eve.
    KJV 1 Corinthians 14:34-38,
    34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.
    35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
    36 What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only?
    37 If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.
    38 But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.
    And because Mrs. Jackie rightly acknowledges that the *MAN* Adam was *LEADER* and the *WOMAN* Eve was *HELPMEET* she is biblically correct to say that “The Fall of Man” began with Adam as proved by Scripture:
    KJV Romans 5:12-14,
    12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upo all men, for that all have sinned:
    13 (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law.
    14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.
    Now then, I’m assuming Mrs. Jackie is a fellow sister in Christ given her biblical knowledge and stance on this subject so I advise the “heathen men” here to “back off” as I’ve made clear that she is biblically correct on this matter by *SCRIPTURE*.
    Silly lil’ ol’ Rooshie boy at Roosh V still has me “banned” from commenting on his site haha.
    Gee, I wonder why lol.
    (P.S. Brothers and sisters in Christ: these *heathen men* need our *PRAYERS* and hard-hitting *TRUTH* of the *WORD OF GOD (KING JAMES VERSION HOLY BIBLE [KJV])* to knock some sense into their foolish heads.)

  21. SPLC, ADL, Antifa, BLM, MediaMatters, ShareBlue…its all the same and it never ends folks. It’s the Jews. They are taught via the Talmud a nihilistic version of Luciferianism that most likely comes from some splinter group from pre-dynastic Egypt. They’d be much greater in number if they weren’t so obsessed with purity of their bloodlines. Their low numbers mean they have to resort to clandestine tricks. When they gain power (ie the Bolsheviks), they line everyone up at ditches and shoot them in the back of the head. Or starve everyone in the name of communism. Or whatever. See some weird/negative shit that makes no sense? Look 1-2 layers deep and you’ll find the jew. Every fucking time.

  22. This is a really good article.
    Avfm have been on their “hate” list for years. They lost all credibility with me back in 2010. If anything RoK should be honored to be on their “hate” list. SPLC is a meaningless joke.

  23. they would be nothing without the jooz money.
    Remove that and it will immediately fall.

  24. All the blacks still whining for a handout, especially the ones who write for SPLC, please leave THE USA right now.
    If you’re a black person in America right now , you are entitled to fucking NOTHING. If you are black and a failure.. You’re not oppressed, you’re a fucking idiot or you’re lazy.
    Matter of fact if youre an SJW of any color or gender and you think youre oppressed just by the existence of the white male (aka the white male that’s responsible for advancing HUMANITY out of the stone age), then fucking leave now. Go to wakanda if you want.
    The SPLC has always been a bunch of bullshit. I knew it was a joke when they put Alex Jones on there and claimed he was racist even though Alex Jones had a black guy on his crew forever. Alex Jones has said bizarre shit but he’s never said any racist shit at all. Alex Jones isn’t even the only guy who’s been falsely crucified by the Super Pussified Libtard Cooks (SPLC). SPLC puts immigration organizations on there if they are an association calling for reduction in legal migration. SPLC slanders them as white supremacist organizations and all the other bullshit terms they think of. The SPLC can kiss my fucking ass!

  25. The SPLC is a group that’s goal is to wipe out whites as the majority race in the US and call you a Nazi if you stand up against them for your culture and race preservation. Period. They hate right wing white men and see their existence as a threat. The SPLC has always been a joke but recently their their BULLSHIT and the LEFT WING BULLSHIT pushed by MSM has failed to hold town nationalism in the US. It’s failed to stop Trump. It’s failed to stop border security and law enforcement and deportations. SPLC is anti-law and if you are a white Right Wing male, you very well could end up on their site I assure you. Seriously.

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