Many years ago, I became friends with a very hot blonde in her early 30’s who was dying of cancer. Due to her impending death, she decided that it was okay to relay a vast amount of inside information to me, regarding what women were really all about. She volunteered this information. I have never forgotten what she told me, and it has served me quite well over the years.
Here is a summary of the ten things she told me about the true nature of women, which were related to me over the span of a couple of weeks, shortly before her passing:
1. Women are exactly like little children
We are constantly poking, prodding and testing a man, in order to find out what his boundaries are. If he has no boundaries, we will destroy him, especially if he loves us. A man has to have boundaries, and he has to outline them precisely, and he has to force us to adhere to them with the power of his conviction and the power of his action. If he doesn’t do that, we will beat him over the head with his weaknesses (his lack of boundaries) until he breaks.
2. Women put up a false front about virtually everything
Our faces are fake (makeup), our hair is fake (dyed), our boobs are fake (some of us), everything about us is fake. Most especially when it comes to what is inside of us. We lie constantly, because we are far worse, character-wise, than even our closest friends or lovers will ever know, and we desperately fight to keep all of that hidden.
We are looking for our true daddies, basically – the idealized daddies that we never had – somebody who can see through all of our false fronts and call us out on our bullshit and put us in our place. The problem is, those type of men are very few and far between.
3. If a woman ever tells you, “If we don’t have trust, we don’t have anything,” she is either cheating on you or planning to cheat on you
There are no exceptions to this rule. We use that as cover, to try and make the man feel guilty for questioning our fidelity. What we are really saying here, is, “I will fuck whomever I want and you’d better keep your nose out of it or I’ll cut you off from my pussy and I’ll ruin your freaking life if you keep pressing the issue.” If we really cared about you, and if we really weren’t cheating on you or planning to cheat on you, we would tell you something like, “I am not cheating on you, I love you, and I would never do that. I don’t care if we have to stay up all night, for the next week, and go over every single shred of doubt that’s currently troubling you about this. I have nothing to hide, I would never cheat on you, and I don’t want you thinking these things about me. Please tell me exactly why you think I am cheating, point by point, and I will do anything and everything that I have to do to prove to you that I’m not cheating, in order to ease your worried mind.”
4. Women are much hornier than men
Vastly, exponentially, hornier than men. A woman will do just about anything, sexually speaking, so long as she is fairly certain she won’t get caught. For example, we will occasionally go out of town in order to rendezvous with a man we’ve been longing to fuck, and/or to have multiple sex partners in the same evening, and/or at the same time.
This is something that hot women do, most especially. In our minds, it is a natural desire, and a natural thing, and so long as nobody else finds out, it’s “game on”. Women are receptacles for cock, that’s how we have been biologically designed. Nothing feels better to us than being completely filled up with multiple penises, than being the center of sexual attention, than being the object of unbridled group lust. Since it’s something we can’t risk doing on our home turf (don’t shit where you eat), we have to think outside the box, in order to get our boxes completely satisfied. And you might find this shocking, but many women – many, many women – have sex with dogs on a routine basis. This is just one example of how insatiable we truly are.
I can see why you might not believe it, to which I say, look really hard at all of the women you know who have dogs. Look at women who have dogs whenever you see them out on the street, in the act of walking those dogs. Or at the park. You will notice that most of them have male dogs – the vast majority, in fact. This isn’t a coincidence. And look at all the female teachers who are exposed in the media for having sex with underage students. We have no self-control when it comes to sex – or anything else, for that matter. To our way of thinking, losing control is what makes sex great. Doing anything that is taboo is what makes sex great.
5. Women do not have female friends—they have female competition
We lie to our so-called female friends and pretend we are loyal and faithful to them, just like we do with the men in our lives. Secretly, we are jealous of each other, and we want all of the desirable things that other women have—most especially when it comes to our female friends’ things.
And we consider men to be things. If one of our friends has a hot man, we want him to want us. We will do everything we can to seduce him. Not because we really want him—we don’t really want anybody. We do it because we are rarely happy, and we don’t want our girlfriends to be happy, either, and we want to boost our own egos more than anything else.
And after we get him to fuck us, when our girlfriends find out that he has had sex with us, that’s when we finally get what we wanted in the first place. If we break up the previously happy couple, that’s fine, too. It’s all about our pussy, not hers. It’s about winning.
6. Women always lie about the number of sexual partners they’ve had
They also lie about not wanting men with large penises. If we told the actual truth about the number of different men and women we’ve slept with, and if we told the actual truth about our fervent desire for big dicks, our pool of potential suitors would shrink drastically, to the point where it would completely dry up. So we lie. Most often, we will claim that we’ve had between three and eight sexual partners in our lifetime. And, to our way of thinking, it isn’t a lie, because if we had five sexual partners last Saturday evening, and our man asks us how many sexual partners we have had, and we answer, “Five”, well, technically, we aren’t lying.
7. All women dislike themselves
And because we dislike ourselves, we fervently hate any man who doesn’t see through our bullshit. The more a man loves us, the more we hate him. The more he overlooks our sins, and the more he fails to see how corrupt we are, and the more he gives us the benefit of every single doubt – the more we despise him. We will escalate our bad behavior until we finally break him and he wakes up and realizes how worthless we are and what a fool he has been for believing in us.
8. Women want what they can’t have
We want a man whom we can’t have. We want a man who honestly doesn’t give a fuck about us, who doesn’t care if we come or go. That’s the kind of man we will pursue. Call them bad boys or call them whatever you want, that’s the kind of man we want – period. The kind of guy who will make us orgasm, crudely, and give us a huge sexual thrill in the bedroom, and then discard us like used toilet paper, and fuck our female friends afterwards, just because he can. (Just like we would do with his male friends.)
9. All women are masochists
And all hot women are narcissistic masochists. We hate it when things are going well, especially if they continue to go well for long periods of time. We know down deep that we are fucked-up and not worthy of anything that is truly good. So when things are going well in a relationship, we eventually sabotage it. We just can’t help ourselves in this regard.
We could have the greatest, most handsome, most well-hung husband in the world—a one-of-a-kind man who makes all of our girlfriends jealous; we could have the greatest children in the world, who are beautiful, well-behaved and ambitious; we could have the most enviable career imaginable; we could have all of the money and prestige and the truly good things in life, and we could repeatedly tell ourselves over and over, and believe, on the surface, that we would never cheat on our husbands. But down deep we know that it’s a lie. Because one day, we could walk into a grocery store, and some bad boy could whisper just the right combination of words in our ear, and the next thing you know, we’re at the Motel 6 getting it in the ass. That’s just how we are, and any woman—especially a hot woman—who says otherwise, is a liar.
Over the years, my deceased friend’s words have proven to be spot-on, in the vast majority of cases. And if they ring true from your own personal experience as well, then I am more than happy that I shared them with you here today. I know that my deceased friend would be thrilled to know that I have shared this information with the manosphere. After all, she used to be a hottie, and she’s now dead, and by giving me the inside scoop on her female competition, she continues to beat them—she continues to “win”—even from beyond the grave.
Read More: The 7 Most Common Lies Women Tell In A Relationship
These are interesting, but #4 is a feminist myth. Even when a woman is at her horniest, a man on average has 17 times more testosterone coursing through him. Think about it logically and it makes zero sense that women could be, on average, hornier. Sorry, ladies, you just have no idea what it’s like.
just replace horny with perverted and it’s correct
I have always thought that female promiscuity was about love and not about horniness. Here me out now. I truly think that for many women they will always love their first. Like a cocaine addict trying to recreate their first high, they will spend the rest of their lives never loving anyone else and always, unsuccessfully, trying to recreate their first partner. With each unsuccessful try they get further and further from it being possible, but at the same time, because they get further and further, they imagine that first one to be better and better making all subsequent attempts worse and worse. So while they get further from their idealized first, the new ones are further and further from what she wants. It is why a woman will spread her legs for pretty much anyone, even if in a relationship. In her mind, no matter what she says, you will always be second to the memory of her first lover.
Man, that was accurate. Get your upvote.
The only way, in my opinion, to overcome the first guy is to be the absolute best. You have to literally shit all over guy number one in every way.
Taller? Yep.
Fuck Better? Yep.
Better body? Yep.
More money? Yep.
And you need — no, must! — be second, or, perhaps in very rare circumstances, third; never more than that. There is no substitute for being number one, though.
It’s the learning principle of primacy in effect. Which states the following: “the state of being first, often creates a strong, almost unshakable, impression. Things learned first create a strong impression in the mind that is difficult to erase. For the instructor, this means that what is taught must be right the first time. For the student, it means that learning must be right. “Unteaching” wrong first impressions is harder than teaching them right the first time. If, for example, a student learns a faulty technique, the instructor will have a difficult task correcting bad habits and “reteaching” correct ones.”
I’ve learned this is 100 percent accurate when it comes to women, mentoring first officers, flight instructing initial students, etc. If I was handed a student who had a shitty instructor, I had to break all of his bad habits, and oftentimes, it was insurmountable. If I had the student first — he could have been top notch. It’s the same with the women I’ve dated. They could have been wife material — had I been number one. But they just ended up being nothing more than a fuck because, at the end of the day, being number one — being first — means just about everything.
No hymen, no diamond, indeed.
What you say is true, but bad habits can be broken many times (even if difficult).
Even if you are best in every single measurable metric there is one problem….she has you. That will automatically make the first, who is long gone, more desirable.
She will be able to idealize something from the past, forget anything bad about it and allow it to be a) perfect and b) unattainable….aka every woman’s dream.
Meanwhile, you and all your awesome attributes have your first off day coupled with the fact that you are dealing with a memory….essentially the platonic form for her…and she will begin to close off, blame you, become passive aggressive and eventually cheat hoping to find that next fix.
What is even crazier is that once you are gone and she is on to the next one, you will become unavailable and be lumped in with the perfection making the next stud even worse than you.
No, women will always love all of their prior lovers more than the current one and that will be compounded back to the original, perfect one.
You are not just competing with all of her orbiters, you are competing with all of her former lovers that are infinitely better than you and they compete with the ones before them all the way back to the first.
I’ve often wondered if the last thing a woman feels before dying, despite how old, is a deep sense of regret over losing whomever it was who have them their first tingle.
Sounds like what I was taught (birds and bees) at a young age about “imprinting” a woman to you through sexual interactions.
One of the arguments for a woman’s chastity until marriage I would say.
Yes, I would love to imagine myself very clever for these observations but, in essence, they are just what men took for granted for like 98% of all human history.
The solution seems simple then: be first, and be the best. Simple, but close to impossible since I’m pretty sure most American women pop out of the womb having already sucked nine dicks and experimented with anal.
Serial position and recognition are actually stronger with the effect of recency.
Hence, you’ll be the better remembered instructor at the end of the day.
correct. So then you are left with certain choices. Roll your dice in other countries, try in vain to succeed when set up to fail (I am sure there is a 1-3% margin of error where this will work) or, like I did, concentrate on your self, your body, your mind, your work and enjoy the fact that we will in a world where promiscuous girls learn to suck the chrome off a hitch in utero and will do anything and everything to pretty much any guy who treats them like shit and abuses their axe wound.
Indeed, but with women recency = your novelty; your “new car smell” and the excitement you bring to the table. That always wears off — always. Then what are you left with? Old habits and what was learned first/primacy. At the end of the day, nothing beats being number one.
That’s the thing, the primacy effect goes away more and more when an item is repeatedly presented. In fact, if the new item is novel enough it creates it’s own primacy effect. A lot more work than primacy alone but workable.
Not a lot of men are going to find a blank slate in this culture but they can develop strategies to make the best if it.
“…concentrate on your self, your body, your mind, your work
and enjoy the fact that we will in a world where promiscuous girls learn
to suck the chrome off a hitch in utero and will do anything and
everything to pretty much any guy who treats them like shit and abuses
their axe wound.”
This all day, everyday. And I’m quite fine with this arrangement for the most part. Like you, lolknee, I don’t see things getting better. I don’t share the optimism a lot of guys around here do about our world “changing” and “getting better.” It’s just not going to happen, in my opinion. I would be more than happy to be wrong about this, though. Maybe we’ve planted the seeds of change, and a future generation will benefit from it. Who the hell knows?
Perhaps it’s due to the fact that I had great parents, and have seen a marriage work for nearly 40 years; they are happy. Happier than me, and I can’t help but feel I’ve missed out on something. But all things considered, regardless of whether I get married or have kids — I have a good life. Better than most guys in this day and age.
Your logic is sound, and you are right. However, we’re talking about women here. I had guys get their pilot ratings who had some really bad habits when they first came to me, but I was able to get them up to speed with time and a lot of effort.
I don’t have the same kind of faith in women that I did in my former students. We can also bring in the principle of intensity, which states that vivid, sharp, and exciting experiences are those that are best retained. I can be, and am, that guy — exciting, gregarious, funny, entertaining, generally likable, and I can combine that with recency; but it still doesn’t beat coming first.
I’ve used every strategy I can think of, and I’ve given this a lot of thought, I assure you. But I just don’t think — when it comes to women — that there is anything better than (A) being first, and (B) being the BEST on top of being first. If a girl has a low notch count (1 or 2), and you know without a doubt that you’re better than those other guys, then go for it. If not — bail out when the novelty wears off. You’re not going to win in the end.
Final point: it can take years for the novelty to wear off, it’s not necessarily a three-month long honeymoon where it suddenly drops off. It can be a slow rot as well. That’s how my first and only long-term relationship (five years) ended. I wasn’t first, but I was the best (recency), but over time I became second — then I lost.
No hyman no diamond indeed. However, to the issue of being better than number one, it is a fruitless quest. You can be the better man in 1,001 ways, but she will eventually focus on the 1,002nd way where you are not. That one way in which you are less could be something as stupid as can’t make a radish into a rose, but it will be all she can think about until she is so disgusted with you she has to eject you from her life. This is why god put the tamper evident seal on women.
Taller, Faster, a better body…
Women want the 6 Million Dollar Man! I wouldnt have minded the Bionic Woman, loved the way she could crush a tennis ball in her hand
nothing beats treating a woman like shit, she will always thank you for it, and if her number one was a regular guy he coudn’t compete with being treated poorly by you
My ex wife was a virgin. Despite this she still ended up becoming so corrupted by feminism ( she worked as a professor) that our marriage failed. All throughout our relationship I wavered between caring beta and asshole – ultimately ending up as full blown asshole. Towards the end of the relationship I am convinced she cheated on me. I did find it interesting that at the end she shared with me that our relationship was toxic and I was a total asshole, yet the sex for her was outstanding. The last night we were together -under the same roof – she literally begged me to fuck her really hard and rough. This request coming from a woman who considered me a “verbally abusive” asshole ..go figure ! Needless to say we had a night of great sex and then she was gone.
My takeaway from all of this: If they show any acceptance or tolerance of feminism they’re damaged goods -virgin or not. They are not marriage/relationship material. I am now remarried to a woman who despite her high intelligence and successful career, is disgusted by feminism. She laughs at the short hair cuts, and finds the aggressive personalities of the fembots repulsive. She treats me like a king. She is cute, feminine,fit, submissive and all around pretty good wife. She even has a home cooked meal waiting for me -every night – when I get home. Although she was no virigin when we met , I know her notch count is single digit and I also know Im the most alpha guy she has ever been with. Feminism has utterly destroyed most western women. Any woman buying into it is damaged beyond hope.
Good job on the new wife.
Ave – you are correct and it sucks… reminds me of an old Roosh post where one must enjoy women but keep the ‘oil well’ analogy as a strategy – take the good times until the well is dry but know it WILL in >99% of American women’s cases.
I just had a solid profitable Executioner (not a Robber…too Oldhere:) relationship where – after 18mos of almost idyllic times her First (post-divorce) informed her he was hitching… she fucking completely lost it. Thankfully I moved right on to Tinder and had 5 more including a 2level jump in sanity and class.
I would also recommend readers enjoy a Greek classic that I think Quintius posted some time ago – The Ovid Art of Love – you have to pluck out the key stretches but awesome timeless advice. Always have Two is a prime rule – as per AVe… a man must have the primary and a full bullpen you are correct! along with nonstop improvement and treating women like fun playmates.
Oops – my upper post was meant after this one.
One tip for those who might not be aware – you can search for your Fave poster on to keep up with the latest threads without scrolling here
here’s a link for that Greek classic and downloadable
Ave – I feel your pain, but I (like bear below) am at the other end of the pipe… and believe me it doesn’t matter as much the pre-existing notch count over the Long Run… Game and Manosphere really didn’t exist back in our days, but still divorce in the late40s+ population is 400% (yes sir) the regular rate. 1 in 3 boomers are single and its likely going to 2 in 3…
I have to say, the first 25y were great for me. She may have cheated but it wasn’t prime time for sure. And my 3 kids are tight (daughters, looking for one on the Grammys some day…). But me starting a business in 2008 (sucks) and me gaining fucking 30lbs, her Dad passing, and her business tanking turned her cold along with all the upscale wivery passing on the technique of Gray Divorce.
God bless your folks, they are unicorns it seems but tolerance and commitment gotta be there.
All I can say is emulate your folks with a gal (praying for ya she is around soon) who gets it, and will hang tight, yet sees the carnage, and the 2 of you get semi-off the grid. Remote where bullshit ‘opportunities’ are less risky… they say far upper Midwest have more solid families.
Have a clear conscience.
You never know it doesn’t matter how good you are. We fucking could get cancer, all kinds of shit, but if you’re as seasoned as a Seal (I believe you are) going into this battlefield of LTR – again have a clear conscience and prepare for the downside and the upside will take care of itself as much as it is possible.
These 2 posts above are some of the best I’ve read – it summarizes the burden on the American Man in consummating his genetic heritage in this era of Women since back in the 60s when ‘free love’ (e.g. notch count) really took off. We just weren’t armed with the knowledge of how ruined the entire female population would become from that era. And now we must protect ourselves.
I think this explains why I won’t marry. I would need to marry a pre-teen, and I am both too old for that and it is not legal nor acceptable in my culture.
There are a lot of reason not to marry, yours is perfect for people who would like to but understand it won’t work. Woody Allen gets a lot of shit for his move with Soon Yi, but that is exactly the way too do marriage if being married is your desire.
So go to another culture. I can tell you from first person witness that in the Philippines there are many parents that would be overjoyed to have a 40 year old established American man marry their virgin 16 year old daughter.
And then Typhoon HolyMackeral washes away the reception party..
Damn good points.
Thank you 1911. I think, as with a lot of red pill wisdom, all of this is pretty obvious stuff if you just change your perception and look at things fresh and from a new angle.
Nah … their entire lives revolves around sex. The entire consitution of their entire body is aimed toward sex.
It’s just that our sex drive is more erruptive and external, hence the rooky mistake of thinking men are hornier.
There’s also the issue of fantasy life, which works kind of differently with women, and which may be expressed quite differently depending on the culture we live in.
Your spot on!
To women its just easier finding sex.
I wonder if a woman’s axe wound feels like an itch under a cast only instead of shoving a hanger in there they just keep cramming cocks into it.
It’s not about how much T you have, but how your body reacts to it.
T in a man means many things, but T in a woman acts differently. Too much T, they practically become men. I’ve known of excessively horny women to have lower back hair for example.
Thing is, some extra T in a man is just that. Extra T in a woman is like a horny bomb.
Ring finger length test. If longer than index finger, exposure to testosterone in the womb. Biggest sluts I’ve known had long ring fingers. Didn’t necessarily act on it, but there was this masculine purposefulness about their pursuit of sex.
A patch of lower back hair can also be a sign of spina bifida.
For both men and women they should form a normal distribution. Plot both distributions on top of each other and see what it looks like.
The trouble is gathering reliable data.
“And you might find this shocking, but many women – many, many women – have sex with dogs on a routine basis.” WHAAAA?
This is one of the most useful articles I’ve read in a while. I am bookmarking this.
Even though it ”shocked” me to read the parts such as the female interaction with dogs, deep inside I always knew it was like this.
Good article.
Good article and everything here rings true. To me, the funny part is that it took terminal cancer for a woman to become self aware to the point of understanding herself in a way I had already figured out by the time I was a sophomore in High School.
Hah… I’ve heard stories of people who have been insecure their entire lives, and when they undergo a heart surgery or something dramatic like that (basically nearing death but end up surviving it), they return as one of the most confident and self-aware people on this planet.
It’s probably got to do with asking questions about the meaning of life while you are on your deathbed.
That makes sense. I have always been acutely aware that death is coming for me…even if he is taking his sweet time. Basically, life is a terminal illness.
Too heavy, needed levity…
I like the down to earth tone of most of your posts.
I actually almost died 2 times in my life , i won’t bore you with the details , and both times nobody except my parents came to see me , even though everybody knew. So yeah , i had the revelation that nobody gives a shit about you even if you die. That changes the rest of your life a lot.
One of the few reasons I am considering marriage. If nothing else, social shame will force your wife to take care of you in these situations.
Sexual promiscuity and multiple sex partners do not bring happiness to women.
Women without men controlling them are like water without a vessel. It goes everywhere and creates a mess.
Sad but true. Good article.
“Women without men controlling them are like water without a vessel. It goes everywhere and creates a mess.”
Nailed it.
You sure that woman wasn’t bat shut crazy ?
I think this friend of his is just particularly fucked in the head. Because I have also had a couple of female friends who let it all out in this way before.
I mean don’t get me wrong, they are all crazy. But fucking dogs and shit? Come on now.
Yeah, she was crazy (I am certified sport psychologist and have some knowledge of psycopathology). Problem is, she is not alone…
How many of them would you say are like this? I ask because the woman in the article is absolutely batshit insane! And evil.
Science tells us at least 25%
No, this is grossly in error. What the statistics tell us is that 25% are being treated for being bat shit crazy. The rest remain undiagnosed and untreated.
I am coming to believe that the hot ones are more likely to be just like her. Their extreme fantasies and their complete confidence in the power of their hotness to influence men, to trade sex for favors of any sort, have created absolute monsters out of many, if not most, 9s in the West. Contraceptives, the internet which exposes them not only to porn, but rich men from all over the world willing to put them on jets and put thousands into their bank accounts, and on and on.
Reminds me of another manosphere post where a hot Hungarian girl admitted to having had over 60 sex partners by her late 20s. When she meets a guy she likes, she’ll tell him she’s only had a few.
Guys who do this for these bitches are complete idiots. Their desperation is pathetic.
Very well written.Some weeks ago i dumped my girlfriend cause she constantly tried to find my boundaries till it made me really really angry.She destroyed our wonderful relationship by doing relentlessly all the things which i hated.
Could have given her what she was asking for: hell. (Read: spank spank)
I gave it to her many times.But now it seems to me it wasnt hard enough.
I’m afraid I’ll have to agree with you buddy.
It is your problem. Dont be pussyboi next time.
Its not a problem anymore since i dumped her.
Marco, you have more self-respect and brain cells than this “aras” fella.
She sounds like a keeper!
So the chick who told Mr she’d rather spend Valentine’s with her dog is giving it up for free when I offered wine….damn should I have done a dick comparison with the dog ? Haha
I don’t have a whole lot of respect or adoration for women, but I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt on one thing, or, at least, I’m going to lie to myself until I die about this one thing: the majority aren’t getting the red rocket from their dogs.
What about the ones into horses and donkeys?
Yeah, they’re probably fucking those.
little girls and ponies. Women start early with horses…its not cuz they love the smell of crap or the flies. They get something else out of taking buttercup out for a trot.
They watch “Sex and the City”.
why the long face?
what’s really sad is she looked decent (like ‘sporty volleyball player’ decent) in “Striking Distance” but in just a few years she had her face twisted into “Mr. Ed”
Don’t insult beautiful noble horses.
The typical ugly jewish female physiognomy is coming out as she ages.
I had to post it.
^ “I had to post it.”
Same here.
I think the preference for male dogs is because female dogs get’s pregnant and we have to deal with 5 or more puppies to whorry about
Why not just get them fixed, regardless if it’s a male or female? If I walk into a chick’s house and she’s got a great dane with a huge nutsack swinging, then I’m getting the fuck out of there. But if the thing’s been neutered, then I don’t see much of a problem.
I think that should be the go/no-go test — does the male dog still have his balls?
Can’t believe I’m actually thinking about this shit, fucking gross.
this went in a weird direction lol
Neutered dogs still have hard ons.
It was guaranteed to draw the most attention.
Also, don’t go searching for proof on the net or on file share programs…you will find it, and it is a veritable Pandora’s Box which you can’t unknow.
Because getting them fixed involves time and money, and male dogs or cats don’t get pregnant by default.
Yeah, but would said male dog still have the motivation to mount a non-dog without his nuts? How important is a cumshot to the women who fuck dogs? Pretty important would be my guess, and the lack of one would–in all likelihood–be a demotivating factor that would take away from her pleasure.
I’m pretty sure dogs with nuts are required to make this thing work. Maybe if the dog is over 50 pounds and male, I’ll just bail out regardless.
This has given something to think about.
Ok now I’m triggered.
Indeed it did, my friend
Some women might be “triggered” by Roy Roger’s horse…
(Sorry, had to).
I don’t know, folks do some crazy things when it comes to masturbatory aids. Men go for peanut butter and apple pies. Women will put fake sperm into some kinds of dildos, some will inject (real) sperm through strap-ons/dildos.
Maybe these dog ladies would still get off on a “living dildo” rather it produces sperm or not?
Argh, why are you making me think about this more?
We need to think about it. Pretty good antidote against pedestalizing.
I think its time for a re-make of Turner and Hooch, updated for these more sexually fluid times we live in.
right, but woman love cutting the balls off of things. It is one of the few things they will go out of their way for
the fact that it took so many comments to trigger you triggers me. Assumption, I’ve been raped.
Deep tracks here.
Can’t top that remark and wouldn’t even try to lol
I have a buddy (this guy is a straight shooter/not a bullshitter) who swore up and down that he caught his second wife, a cute little redhead, being eaten out by her little male dog that he had bought her as an anniversary gift. She was barely ashamed of it, apparently! Once he kicked her ass to the curb, he was too disgusted/traumatized by witnessing it to date any other women for years after. I think the dude is okay now, but man, that would be horrific for sure.
My mom’s male dog has balls! O_O
Fuck, man. You killed my mind.
Women want us to hate them, I’m convinced of it.
I actually remember that i read somewhere that many of them let their dogs lick them. Apparently they put something sweet on it to intice the dog and go at it. I’m serious.
Then they are doing a top drawer job of it.
Probably because they don’t domesticate their pets.
Y’all are straight up evil;, I’d rather have sex with a dog than with any of you.
If it weren’t for these meddling manginas and white knight pedestalizers out there, they’d have totally succeeded in getting us to hate them.
I’ve heard about this too.
What kind of dog are we talking about here? Are we talking a big old saint bernard or like a border collie? What size dog would you prefer to fuck over any of us? I’m serious, so help me out. It’s for research purposes.
It makes me think about dog DNA imprinting on future children..Oh fuck.. I’m going to go flying to forget about this…
You have to think some of the most repulsive shit to have a realization that these things DO happen in the real world and guard yourself against it.
For example, thinking these migrants from the Middle East are peace loving people and welcoming them with open arms made the German citizens vulnerable to assaults we heard in Cologne on NYE.
LOL. I was thinking the same thing. I’m hoping to all things that are holy that that woman in the article is just totally nuts and it’s not common. I mean that can’t be real!
I’ll admit I’m going to have trouble looking at women who have a dog the same way again. 😛
Obviously this issue is not trivial. So what are the actual facts? What are the actual rates of this practice?
All great danes should be required to wear boxer shorts in public.
“Dont eat the car!” would be changed to????
Too much info
Hey, I’m older and wiser now, but in high school our basketball team used to play “Guess the Shemale” and surf around for the most inappropriate things we could find on the internet when we went to training camp (this was around 1996 though).
I’ve also never had a problem discussing sexual things frankly, and never did get why the other kids giggled like simps all the time.
haha-1996! You waited 20 minutes for something naughty to be downloaded….You wanna know my trigger? That noise from a 28.8 dial up modem
Doop doop deep doop doop doop doo. Deedrrr drrr dee drrr kksssshhhhh wah hmmm klanga klanga kksssshhhh click.
“Alright man, we’ve got 3.3 k per second, this minute and a half video will be ready once it gets finished buffering in an hour and a half.”
All for:
“That’s disgusting!”
“How did the bat fit in there anyway?”
“That’s not real!”
“I’m going home, you guys are weird.”
Thank you Dr Science.
Nothin hotter than 90s pixelated prono
eat me instead? All that fine dribble going to waste
That’s what we’re talking about. Thanks for the confirmation.
Y’all need to use better punctuation to be taken seriously.
“If I walk into a chick’s house and she’s got a great dane with a huge nutsack swinging”
That sounds like you’ve been there before. Do you see that often?
Personally, I would take it as a good sign. I would let the dog join in. A 3-way with a Dane sounds excellent. If this is common then I think I fit right in with women these days lol.
I’d rather fuck a horse than any of you. Interestingly, there’s not much written on bestiality and women but there’s reams off it on men. Men and sheep, men and cows, men and dogs, you name it. Get off of your high horses, literally.
I’ve heard that they use Peanut Butter.
Well if that isn’t a Christ fucker. +50% divorce rate and now we need bestiality denial in marriage vows.
A mastiff won’t do? Straight to the Clydesdale hey?
Oh fuck.. didn’t even think about that .. with the telegony and microchimerism.. Vomit competition.
St. Bernard?
Lots of guys say sheep feel closest to real thing, although for some guys the ‘real thing’ might be the sheep.
Pakistani men consume more porn per capita than any other country; bestiality is their favorite kind.
Well, I wasn’t going to chime in here, but I have heard stories about this too. They involved peanut butter and women smearing it.
+50 divorce rate not nearly high enough as we have a +80% stupid marriage rate
You know, there is an old line I have known forever. No idea where it came from. But when I see a guy who is like super innocent, virgin type lusting after a smoke show who looks like she can make the dead cum the line was always “you are like a dog chasing a car. you will never catch is and if you did you would have no idea how to drive the fucker”
I am still on only first coffee, but somehow this thread can be fit into this line.
And its disturbing…
Assumption rape?
if I am triggered then I am being raped. If you are questioning my being raped by my being triggered you too are raping me.
Oh, well, then I apologize.
Shit…. apology rape.
I heard english women like to pour honey on their clit and then let the dog eat their pussies.
Well, unlike you, at least a sheep will shut the fuck up every once in a while. So they definitely have you beaten there.
God help you, son.
And precisely how do you know that ????
Perfect angle for back door action.
Wow, you think about this a lot. Do pigs feature in your fantasies at all?
Bone cancer, behavioral issues, other cancers.
Mutilating is not fixing, if there is a medical reason for it then yes, other wise if you are unable to keep track of a large animal simply do not get one imo!
but there is lesser drive, dogs get hard out of over excitement, just some one new and they can get all hard. (Nature is odd like that)
Depending on age too, if don after puberty they may exihit interest but will have very low initiative to follow through and fizzle out fast, if don disgustingly yung like most they are a-gendered they will never mentaly mature into an adult thus have little to no concept of sex.
SO it depends on age most of all.
Sounds like he was pathetically weak mentally, sucks to be him!
people like them make me want to buy sheep to ensure there are no other humans made!
Saint bernard sounds fun, nice big bitch, good sized teats, great personality. I like my girls big!
I like horses too, dogs are more common as they are easier to keep.
Oddly sheep and cows rank rather low!
In ranking for communality it is K9, Equine, then you get into sheep / goat territory with cows tending to be last but not dead last
With women it seems to be Equine then k9, but this has more to do with looks then sex, but with that compensated for it is identical as it is with men, K9, then equine, K9s win top tier due to the fact they are easier to keep and maintain Vs a horse.
I wish most these individuals where joking or a trolls, it is very depressing to realize there are so many pathetic delusional people out there that are so tragically gullible!
I’ve said it many a time, the gene pool needs a serious shocking!
Saint? Good choice excellent companions!, I said the same thing.
For the guys that rather sheep they are knowen as zoosexuals (It is a hybridized term that was generated by the sub culture them selfs.
It is all so gaining ground as an orientation within the scientific community as the knowledge base builds in volume.
It is the same for women bty.
If you where to learn some thing real, you’d find the odds are no they would not, they tend to be bottom of the barrel as for attraction go.
Most humans tend to think of k9 or equines primarily then sheep/goats then cows.
If you figure out why you can win a Nobel prize!
Ah when all intelligent arguments have gon, nit pick spelling.
Who am I kidding you guys never had an argument to begin with!
Do they not teach basic biology in school any more? this would go a long way in explaining a great many things!
Hint, we are not genetically compatible and do not have same number of chromosomes.
I got a goat to help, they’re real after all!
That’s how ya give a dog a bone!
dam she is a hot dane! would love to come home to that!
Indeed sign me up!
That’s a male dane.
Works just as well! got a bit of a mound for a male! well fed pup.
love 3somes especialy when the k9 is in the middle 😉
I’m glad that after more than two weeks of silence you were able to come up with this witless non-argument.
Well I noticed this site does not attracted many intelligent users 😉
I only found it out last night as some one was laughing their asses off at all of you, whom posted the addy to here. I did too, and saw the fertile trolling grounds and non of you have failed to deliver 😀
Sure, if that’s what you want to believe…
At least that seems Occam’s Razor explanation to me. Better than some morbid fantasy of fucking dogs or cutting them balls.
you can always get the dog spayed.
that’s like buying a tv then smashing the screen.
They where built right the first time!
Hey, it says right there in the RoK Community Beliefs– We believe in trolling our readers. Now go back to mpc and stop ruining a good thing.
5?!?! You’d be very very lucky if such a small litter! usual is 10 up to 13
Ha, good God, same here, I hope the same here as well. A.V. Yader, I probably enjoy your articles the most out of any writer on here. Just wanted to say that you have an acid wit, you share from your past experiences and put things in perspective regarding women. This article was very good as well; it is kind of depressing, but a good insight into the female psyche overall, I’m afraid.
Thanks for that Kansas, glad you enjoy my writing. I should be getting on track with the red flag series again within a couple of weeks. I had some things pop up that put writing on the back burner, but I’ll be back up to speed here shortly.
I really need the red flag series. I seem to miss some of the things you guys notice immediately.
Yader, your red flag series is one of my favorite reads on RoK. Looking forward to the next article.
How many dogs would the girl have to have to be a red flag???
The type that’d accuse you of discrimination
What if she’s a professional dog walker?
Totally whore like flight attendants! “CODE RED” TAKE EVASIVE MEASURES!
please don’t tell me you believe a word of this bullshit?
I do. Got a problem with that, tinkerbell?
not really..but being so incredibly gullible might become quite a stumbling block for you in real life.
And you being a huge beta mangina will be a huge stumbling block to getting anywhere with women. Though I’m betting you don’t care about women, if you know what I mean.
But at least your dumb reply here got you an upvote from some lurking dyke named “Lisa.” Way to go, champ.
nah.. women tend to appreciate intelligence and the ability to think for oneself.. not so much someone who believes everything he sees on the internet without the brain capacity to question it (read: confirmation bias).
I have some iron to sell in Paris! and a bridge to sell ya!
Oh and a Nigerian princes need your help!
I have never read a more tragically sad comment then your to date.
I envy you, I wish I could be so idiotic and delusional to be unburdened by reality, must be nice.
(Hint the problem is you and we all see it)
Odds are the Dunham Krugar effect too, seems to be very prevalent.
I learned I should go slightly easier on them as they simply do not realize just how dimwitted they are.
You’re really so butthurt about my comment that it is the most “tragically sad comment” you’ve ever read here? What an emotionally delicate little tinkerbell you are.
So… do you take your estrogen via pill or injection form?
I have some testosterone supplements to sell you. Sounds like you need ’em, Mr. Beta.
Many of those women let their dogs sleep in bed with them. What do you think is going to happen?
how does affirmative consent work, barkwise?
Dogs don’t need consent. Unlike human men, they didn’t fail that shit test. In fact, they take women’s test and shit on it. Hence “shit test”.
I think generally with dogs if they don’t bite you, or go crazy with bared fangs and shit, then that’s consent. The problem with women is it’s harder to read them, and a lot of the biting, and baring of teeth is going on on the inside
one bark or two?
Panting is definitely evidence of consent. Or a bark in the case of dogs.
Got it!
All you need is one “AHH-ooooooooohhhhhhhhh..”
Quite easily, any one who has an intact dog knows they are very very clear in what they want!
Panting is usually in the after stage I’d wager 😉
I’m not too sure about the red rocket dipping into the taco sauce. But fido has a much longer tongue than even Gene Simmons, if you get my drift.
Why lie to yourself about it? That is a serious problem. A man or woman who has sex with animals is going to be seriously corrupt. That kind of corruption comes out sooner or later. Better to find out of it this is the case so as to deal with it.
There are two types of people in the world: those who have “faith” that somehow they can make things better, and those who do not have faith.
The first type wants to know what is going on because he believes he can change things. The second prefers to be ignorant.
I hate to disagree with you here, but there are many more types of people in the world….I don’t fall into either of those types. I have zero faith in the worlds ability to change, nor am I ignorant to the fact that things are fucked up.
My eyes are wide open and I am embracing the end times.
Also, since you are a code monkey I can use my fav line (there are 10 types of people in the world, those who get this joke and those who don’t)
ALso, also, are people really fucking animals?
“(there are 10 types of people in the world, those who get this joke and those who don’t)” I’m sure you mainly replied so you could squeeze that in.
You are embracing the end times?
Kind of.
Yes, in my own way. I have no desire to marry, procreate or even couple. I am comfortable dying alone. I am in a good position career wise, health and live in a place with such a favorable female to male ratio that should I desire it I can pretty much meet a new girl every day.
I’ve said it here before: I am no hero. The titanic is sinking. You want to polish the brass go ahead…I’ll just be over here trying to get some enjoyment out of the disaster.
I meant faith in “your” ability to change things.
If you are expecting the world to change, then yes it will, but not necessarily in the way you want.
Also if you are expecting the world to change in exactly the way you want that’s also unrealisitic.
I sympathize. But let me ask you something if you could have the “perfect” marriage and “perfect” family, etc, would you?
Because if the answer is yes, then the question is one of costs. Are the costs worth the outcome?
no I get it. I do know that within certain parameters I can change MY world. But despite the will of well intentioned men, the world is imploding. Yes it is bad. I say fuck it. I didn’t break it. I don’t care if it gets fixed. I am just playing the hand I was dealt. It is a shitty hand, but I’ve bluffed a bit and it looks like I am winning — or at least breaking even and enjoying the creature comforts that the casino called the end of the world is comping me.
I wouldn’t. I don’t blame people who do, it is just a matter of personal taste.
yeah, I can relate to that. As codemonkey says below, its a question of the cost-benefit analysis in the end. The cost being mainly old age and your line dying out. I assumed you were referring to the metaphorical end of days but it was always possible you meant it I guess
your assumption is correct.
As for my line dying out, can’t think of a single reason I wouldn’t want that. Like those people who do ancestry. dafuq anyone want to find MORE family for.
CBE is what it comes down to in a though analogy, but in reality you wind up paying 100x the perceived cost and getting a sum total of none of the benefit.
I have absolutely no faith that things will change in my lifetime.
I’d say I see that there are costs, but you can’t have everything, and being in control of everything, and not having to deal with stupid shit all the time, is a definite upside. We make decisions. We live with them
and this is my larger point always….there aren’t just two ways to go about it. There are as many different decisions as there are individual men who will make them. My decision might be very different than yours, or code monkey’s or anyone’s….but it is my decisions…there will be costs to it and that is what I need to accept. This doesn’t mean I look at the decisions of others with derision, nor that they ought to look at mine like that. As long as you are honest with yourself and your situation and make your decision and then go with it, then I can’t see a reason one man would suggest another man to make a different choice. I am pretty sure that GOJ and I live absolutely different lives. That doesn’t mean I don’t respect his choices and, I hope, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t respect mine.
I will pay my dues for the choices I make and relish in the upsides as well
agree absolutely. I wouldn’t mind being the patriarch of an extended family. For about a week I’d find it blissful. I don’t mind kids etc, but they would stress me out – in this day and age in particular you have to give them your full attention, and that isn’t for me. I was brought up as a protestant. I did think I’d live the good protestant life, family and protestant work ethic, and all that. A fine thing in my opinion. But not all are cut out for it.
If its a ‘perfect’ marriage, why wouldn’t you want it? Wouldn’t perfection be worth the cost, and wouldn’t the cost be included in its perfection?
Perfection is in the eye of the beholder anyways. What’s perfect to you may not be perfect for me and vice versa. My marriage hasn’t quite yet reached the point I’d call it perfect but it gets better and better every day. As the article points out, women want men to set the boundaries. Set those boundaries such that they equate to perfection, however you define it, and don’t pull your punches when laying them out.
I was trying to find out if it’s the concept of marriage in principle that he has no interest in, or if it was the difficulties associated with marriage against the potential benefits.
Ah, got it!
The way I heard it was there are 10 types of people in the world; those who think in binary and those who don’t.
I believe the world will change. I have seen a ton of changes in the world in my long life. In fact, with the changes I have seen, I now fear that the world will change. Things could always be worse; and they will be.
Waldo’s back up in this motherfucker & I say we stick to our plan with the babies & the crock pots.
Cool… can you leave everything to me?
Hoping to die while spending my last penny. Anything left over is going to build to lolknee memorial brothel and whisky emporium
a perfect marriage is perfect for a man who wants to be married…..but a perfect marriage is hell on earth for a man who doesn’t.
I am sure there are a lot of factors in play and that the potential difficulties are one of them. But mostly, I like my alone time, I like my life to be about me and I like to have sex with many different types of women, many way too young to be with me.
Make sure you invite me to your final party.
This still doesn’t quite make sense to me. If its perfect, everyone should want it. Usually the complaints from men surrounding marriage are the its *not* what one would define as perfect for them – wife is argumentative, lets her figure go, won’t do X Y or Z, the sword of damocles known as divorce hanging over your head, etc.
If your wife is soft spoken and agreeable, keeps herself in tip top shape, sucks your dick every day, actively finds other women for you to bang and/or have threesomes with and her greatest fear in life is losing you (eg you embody her hypergamic needs) what’s the downside? How could that possibly be hell for any man?
“If your wife is soft spoken and agreeable, keeps herself in tip top shape, sucks your dick every day, actively finds other women for you to bang and/or have threesomes with and her greatest fear in life is losing you (eg you embody her hypergamic needs) what’s the downside? How could that possibly be hell for any man?”
This sounds terrible to me. I am not saying it is terrible, just terrible to me. I don’t want my dick sucked by the same woman every day. After about a month I would either cheat or shut down. I don’t want someone “allowing” me threesomes. I certainly don’t want my resources to go to a home for a family and while I am at it I don’t want kids…perfect or otherwise.
I enjoy my time by myself. I enjoy my women that I can date for a few weeks at most and then discard quicker than the condoms I use.
Why should everyone want a perfect marriage? If you don’t want a marriage then a perfect marriage is just perfect hell. That would be like you saying to me would you like the absolute most perfect grapefruit. No. I don’t care if it is the platonic form of grapefruit. If god himself designed the grapefruit to be the grapefruitiest grapefruit in the universe. I don’t like grapefruits. If it is perfect in so far as it is a grapefruit then it simply is no good to me.
That doesn’t mean I want to round up all the grapefruits and burn them. They are good for other people. Perfectly valid choices for breakfast. But I don’t like them. So too with marriage.
OK – so there’s no possible marital arrangement you would find amenable.
You wouldn’t like to be married to a woman that had absolutely no control over how you live your life, not because she ‘allowed’ it but because you just did what you wanted and she knew it was not her place to say anything because its your life you’re living.
You can run out and get a BJ or sex from any other woman or group of women you can; your wife would be there to get you off as a fallback option if you have an off night. But that’s terrible.
She neither wants nor requires any of your financial resources and will still keep your home sparkling clean at all times, effectively a free maid service, but that’s not something you could ever want or use.
She has a tubal ligation and the chance of offspring is zero, since you don’t want them anyway, should you ever want to actually fuck her.
She leaves you alone at all times and allows you to enjoy being by yourself, except when you explicitly call for her, but you wouldn’t want that.
None of that sounds appealing to you, correct? There’s no possible long-term arrangement between you and any other woman in the world, real or imagined, you could possibly find favorable? If you hate grapefruits but could engineer one that tasted exactly like your favorite thing to eat in the world, whatever that may be, would you still not eat it?
a) That isn’t marriage
b) I already have this. Why would I change something in the hopes to get what I already have.
By the way, this basically proves my point. You have been pushed to defining marriage in such a way that there is no possible way for commitment or interconnected growth. What your question here assumes that the perfect marriage is defined the same was as being single. IS your question: If marriage was the same thing as being single would you want to be married then my answer is still no….because why bother
Yes, I understand you.
Its not marriage by a traditional blue-pill definition whereby two people swear off relations with others till death, but it doesn’t necessarily preclude commitment or relationship growth. In that scenario you still may enjoy road tripping together, watching the same shows, going to the same concerts, etc., its just not all-encompassing. I think I understand your perspective and, to some degree, your thought process now though. Thanks for the discussion.
This I understand, but also…I have very few friends and none that I see often. My best friend is someone I talk to maybe, maybe once every 6 months. I just don’t enjoy company.
I enjoyed this discussion as well.
In about 18 days you may very well see a whole shitload of changes my friend.
God have mercy.
Kids bring out your true nature
Don’t see how it’s defeat.
They won, you now follow the depopulation agenda
They won. I wasn’t defeated. This is what they have me and I have used it to whatever selfish advantage I could. I wasn’t even a part of the battle. Nothing to do with me. If you want to charge the hill that’s fine. I’ll just enjoy myself.
Don’t get me wrong. I respect your efforts. I do not accept the condomnation though. This is my reaction to my world
What’s due in 18 days?
So basically you were the villager farming after the Romans gave yah an ass woop
I like to think of myself as the Roman general who saw the end and said fuck it, but I won’t argue with you. You make sense and 6 of 1 half dozen of the other. I’m not suggesting my life to others, just saying it’s what I do
Sounds to cynical to me, tell me. Did you grow up in a broken home?
The Saudis are planning to join the US to invade Syria with around 250k men.
So if we are lucky, then they are just blowing hot air or the guys in charge will manage to do some maneuvers that will stay out of the Russians way.
If we are not lucky then everyone will stick to conventional weapons and a lot of people will die horribly.
And if we are really unlucky the Russians will use tactical nukes.
You’ve got your finger on the pulse. Thanks, I’ll keep an eye out for it.
End times, 6000 years and still comming! Sorry but you got ruffly 5billion years to go!
Personally if I where you I’d just enjoy life, and enjoy how bizaar it all really is and how wonderful that makes it.
I made the end times! it will be ready in 4.89billion years!
but the earth will be long gon befor then, and a white dwarf will remain, so it is rather subjective but the red giant stage will be awe inspiring
Now that is a healthy out look! (I am being very serious here)
7 billion people, we do not need more of them!
Kids are our future! Unless we stop them NOW!!!
If we want the human race to survive we need to lower population levels, this is simple logical science.
So you rather all humanity dies so that you can pop out more meat sacks?
sounds like you grew up in a selfish one with little care to the world around them.
what is perfection?
For me it is My wonderful k9s around me in a quiet abandoned village leading a quiet life, for others it is an apartment in the big city.
Perfection is a state of mind, it can never be achieved via materialistic things, it is not an event in space time, but in the consciousness of the mind.
Overpopulation myther, we still occupy less than 1% of the earth.
Nope, had a big Family
Overpopulation is a myth-google it
No it is not, try researching it.
this world can only support so many people with any semblance one can call quality of life, we’ve reached and passed this thresh hold.
We either need to branch out to space or reduce our populations for the planet to be unaffected and have quality of life.
Let me guess you deny anthropogenic climate change too?
My point proven.
We occupy less than 1% of the land mass, if you can prove otherwise I’d be happy to hear it
Now try to grasp just what the rest of that land mass is!
Do you have gills? If no then there goes a good chunk of availible space
Do you have thick fur and blubber? Well gues there goes another swaft of land
Scales and no need for thermal regulation? There goes more!
This is the part all of you nitwits miserably fail to grasp, we humans have a rather narrow band that we can comfortably survive in, then we need un touched land to support the eco system, guess you forgot we are not the only animals on this planet eh!
I’ll give you a hint, google is not an education, google is not research, try actually educating your self on a very complex system befor making moronic comments!
How dare nature need land mass that hasn’t been raped and pillaged! How dare ecosystems not bend over and adapt for us!
bty atm I am pretty well falling asleep and in this state I can recall simple facts! what the hell is your excuse? All I can say is good riddance to our species! As a whole we are to selfish, ignorant, and oblivious to deserve to go on, and till we weed out that thinking we will end, once we accept we are codependent on the eco system and not the center of reality we have a chance to be around longer!
it is indeed important to plan ahead
Overton window.
Faith is the glorification of ignorance and stupidity.
I chose knowledge and science and ethics every time.
Science, flew man to the moon and stars, gave use medications to cure diseases.
Faith, flew men women and children into buildings!
I understand, so do you regularly have sex with animals, or is that something you’ve only done once or twice?
Hot women are not fucking their dogs. But the 6’s and below are fucking their dogs. Just go to a dog park in Seattle. You’ll see mostly frumpy women, 35 and over, with male dogs. The dogs act like alphas, not like pets. The dogs are over-sexed, running around humping on anything and everything. Watch long enough and you’ll see those dogs hump on their female “owner.” You can be sure that when they get home, that dog will be humping and she will be on her hands and knees moaning.
Consider this: This woman is alone night after night. The dog is horny 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Do you really think that frumpy, desperate woman is not going to test out getting fucked by that dog?
It’s sad but it’s just the way these women have been raised in a corrupted culture. Their minds are all twisted around. They are miserable and on psychotropic drugs. Their hearts are empty. All they know is that they want dick. Their minds are so fucked that they don’t different between human and dog dick.
Consider for a second why the “6” is committing bestiality and you will realize the same reasoning applies to the “10”
Both the “6” and the “10” can get intercourse from nearly any sort of man at any time they like. Yes, the “6” can get intercourse with a high SMV man as well.
The sort of man that is willing to have intercourse at the drop of a hat with a high SMV female will also do the same with a low SMV female provided circumstances are convenient.
What she can’t do is get COMMITMENT from the high SMV man.
Now with regards to bestiality, neither the “6” nor the “10” is interested in commitment from the animal, what they are interested in is no hassle sex from the animal without having to deal with any complications including the matter being spoken about again to their friends or pregnancy.
Now further realize that any human being, male or female, that commits bestiality with an animal is utterly corrupt. If you want to tell me a majority of women (attractive or otherwise) commit bestiality, then it simply means a majority of women are broken.
And before anyone flips out against women regarding this matter, I’d like to point out that bestiality is also a problem among men, especially in areas where social and physical opportunities for intercourse is low.
Bestiality legal in Denmark and Germany now…its the end of days man
How does that work with telegony? (Ie dna from a females previous mates found in a later offspring)
ALSO a problem among men? Almost all bestiality involves men and animals. To suggest otherwise is absurd.just when you thought ROK couldn’t sink any lower, it does.
Silence, Dog Fucker!!!!!
Women have been fucking dogs and animals for millennia. I’m assuming there is a valid reason why the major religions mentioned this in their holy books, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it was far more common than anyone would ever think. Disgusting in normal times, kinky in degenerate times, and I think I know where we are on the spectrum in this day and age.
Unfortunately for this woman with cancer, I don’t think much of this is secret, especially in this day and age. Men are logical creatures and we’ve been onto a lot of this crap for ages and always figured the worst (down to dog fucking). The problem is you deny it, which leads to #2: False Front and more than anything it’s just fucking annoying.
Read this: and see there are source there to prove that your statement “Almost all bestiality involves men and animals” is untrue, as is usual with female reasoning. yes, of course it is also a problem among men. However, it is funny how the feminist countries close for pictures of sex between animal and human, but legalizes it actually happening. With men more visually proned (which you maybe deny) you see the outline right there. Might I add that “liberal youth” in Sweden, a youth organization for the party “moderaterna”, newly suggested that sex with animals should be allowed if it is consensual. Their very first word on their web page, when I looked them up? “Feminists”.
So, tell your friends it’s ok to go have some fun with a dog or something because it’s all so innocent and cuddly wuddly, as long as women do it, isn’t it! And if the group is doing it, it’s ok that you do it, right?
I am not writing this for you, but for everyone else to see how low female logic can go when trying to make a point.
Do you know what really makes me sick from what you just wrote? The utter dehumanization of people. Absolutely NO WOMAN who is suffering from this illness will EVER be willing to seek help once they hear you speak like that. You are one of those people who used to cause ill people to be ashamed of seeking psychological help.
It DISGUSTS me that in this day and age you would write something so utterly insane and counter productive. Do you think you are some kind of Victorian jackass wearing a white wig and blathering on about how special women are? Stop it.
Do I know what the rates are for this depraved behavior is among women? I have no clue. But if you are going to sit there and tell me that women are fairy princesses who eat unicorn farts, then I am going to tell you to please grow up and start looking at women for what they are: human beings that need as much help and aid as any man out there.
Dog rape denial rape!!
Really? Like ANYONE here has never heard of camel and goat-fuckers. Wake up, we know men engage in bestiality too. But this article was not ABOUT men. It was a WOMAN talking about WOMEN.
They made it illegal last year because it took them a great deal of time to realize that animals cant give consent. But dont worry, there are still animal brothels in DK. sick ppl
This is not actually what I have read, it’s true that in the Arab world etc sheep fucking is a stereotype for a reason. But from what I have read in the news about animal brothels in Germany etc, most seem to be about women fucking dogs.
I read and reread your first paragraph and it doesn’t make shit for sense. I did read the wikipedia page which reports Kinsey found at least one occurrence in 8% of males and 3% of females. Seems the ladies have a little catching up to do.
Seems obvious the prostitutes were doing that because the clientele wanted to watch (and pay). I bet they didn’t fuck dogs on their own time.
What in the FUCK are you talking about?! You’re worried about dehumanization of women at RETURN OF KINGS?
Nono, you misunderstand, these are places were women seek out sex with dogs, not prostitute shows.
Yes, And they did. In 2014 they have:
now, go find a little puppy to breed as your pumping sex slave and take the facts.
So you see that your statement about “Almost all bestiality involves men and animals.” is untrue. Considering any of the researches. So you did not know what you were talking about, or you lied.
Wrong bet. Read my answer above and deal with the facts. 2014 study, more women than men. And those are the ones that admit it.
Of course she misunderstands.
Again with the “obvious” just like your “Almost all bestiality involves men and animals.” earlier on which has now been proven.
Another barely thought through answer from you. Let me tell you a little bit (that means not all) about my own life. Outside of my marriage and family, women treated me poorly. Actually quite bad. Why? Because I was always nice. Now, I am never nice to women, except the handicapped and old ones, and now women treat me so nicely. Where did I get the tip: From web pages like Return of Kings. I never help with anything anymore, and they are so nice. What you call “dehumanization of women” is actually women’s true nature revealed and you do not like it. I can understand, considering that fact that women put in so much time and effort to conceal their true and shallow selves. I am disgusted by women now, but I mind you that I have read books by feminists since I was in my early teens (that’s 30+ years now), and it ‘s just recently that everything has come together. Women hate men who are nice, but they like to snuggle with a poodle. Can you figure… (Yes, I was sarcastic, and these are not necessarily the same women.)
But let’s say you are right in that “dehumanization of women” is all or much of what ROK stands for. Don’t you think it’s about time that women start actually TELLING us what they are like, how they think, and what they really want? (Things that men have no problem with, but which can’t be done because women can’t take the truth? (32 years of marriage speaking, but I pump out the truth and never let her react to it, which makes her happy)) Since women do not speak what they are really about you have online societies like this where men can get together and find out women REACT to things we do, not what they say.
Again we see how important it is for a woman (I assume you are a woman) to defend her sex, in spite of the fact that it has now been revealed to thousands of men that more women than men have sex with dogs. You clearly state that it is disgusting (or have I misunderstood your stance on puppy love?), and yet still you talk of the “dehumanization of women” as the problem. In this case ROK has shown you that it informs. You should be spending time getting into the heads of these women, and try to find out if there are more of them. This point is the only thing that you are concerned with in the article. And back to the dogs. I seriously call this animal abuse. I don’t care if the dog gets horny and “likes” it (man I gotta puke). Look at yourself.
Shallow, two-faced AND puppy love. Ahhhh, if only women ruled the world. It would be sooo peaceful, wouldn’t it?
Since I have showed the readers here how your logic has failed, at least twice (3,3% is more than 2%, ok?), I have nothing more to say to you. You, as others before you, have served as a good example, yet again.
Have a nice day.
By that same reasoning, all men should want to fuck female dogs. Sex on tap with no effort what-so-ever, and men will do anything for that.
But I can tell you right now, the thought of fucking a female dog is incredibly incredibly repulsive to me.
That’s because you are more than just a highly evolved monkey. You have a soul, and that soul guides your body.
Also, obviously most women *who do not have dogs* do not commit acts of bestiality.
Ah, you are an idiot. Sorry, I only assumed you were somewhat stupid, not a complete imbecile. My mistake. Carry on.
Wow, name calling. Aren’t you the clever one.
Your whole post is a rambling mess. You jump from one topic to the next and confuse fact with your own musings. What ‘barely thought out answer’ are you referring to? You haven’t shown the readers anything except how disorganized your thinking is.
I think fucking dogs is repulsive to everyone.
I’m curious about this…you say that women never treated you nicely. First of all, that’s quite subjective – how do you define “nice” behavior? Were you ignored? Belittled? Didn’t receive a “thank you” when you opened doors?
Also, these seems to be a prevalent feeling on ROK that many men seemed to transition from being a “nice guy” to a “not so nice guy” with the result being better treatment from women, at least in the terms that you define it. There was a another article on here about Social Market Value and how it differs between men and women and how both sexes are more likely to be more lenient for “undesirable” behaviors/traits for someone with a higher perceived SMV, and also more likely to overlook “desirable” behaviors/traits for those with lower perceived SMV. I’m curious your thoughts on this. Is the takeaway that everyone on this site has a low SMV and has to make up for it by being an asshole?
Think again, sunshine. This one seems pretty into it ….
Thank you.
What is insane and disgusting is assholes who think raping a dog is ok, fucktard.
Silence, dog fucker!!!
Awesome. Thanks for letting me know.
Yeah, that girl is just flat out evil.
Hey, thanks for the link.
Now I think I’m going to go puke
Great comment.
You aren’t remotely curious, you are making a ham handed attempt to delegitimize someone else’s personal experiences while at the same time trying to shame them by implying their inferiority.
What would be amusing, if it wasn’t so pathetic, is how completely oblivious you are to just how disgusting you come across.
As a natural born asshole the answer is easy. And you knew it. You troll. But some male readers may not. This is for you guys.
The asshole gets fucked. Thats it.
I was called an asshole, thrown beer in my face or punched with tiny fists more times than i can count. The vast majority of these girls got fucked. And it was not their nice boy friend. Or their civilized husband. If they punch you they cant control their lust. They want your dick right there. The rest is show for the idiots, you can see it in their eyes.
Dog fuckers. Not that many. A few for sure. In between their stygians and their vibrators. 35+ women with careers and no children. Sorry sobs. They realized their shit when it was too late. A few get lucky. They get sub-quality children from some beta slub who picked up their worn 35yo pussy and is happy about it. Poor idiot. But most are not even that lucky. They rely on battery power for the rest of their lives. Or their dog. Young women must be fucked and have babies – everything else hurts women. Good for us assholes though.
You know you’re being trolled,right?
Stop being so emotional.
Wasn’t there a ban on replying to women by Roosh?
Smh at the thirsty men replying with novels to one snarky sentence typed by a woman smh.
All a woman has to do is just type a couple of ad hominem or generic attacks, and BINGO tons of men reply with posts the size of short stories…smh.
Women LIE about everything in their lives, why would they suddenly tell the truth to anyone when they have conditioned themselves to lie? No body is saying all women lie, we are saying most women lie chronically. My ex cheated on me for a year before telling me. She at the same time told me to move out three weeks before Christmas, after I had taken her entire family to Hawaii for three weeks. I gave everything to every relationship I was in and all I got in return was lies and shit. I know you may be one of the women who is better than the others, but with so many of us men being on the receiving end of deceit, why do you talk down to us and make US out to be the deceivers ?
They also can’t say fuck off, I’m not fucking a fat ugly old pig. There is NO consent and I feel sick at the thought of animal fucking. I also would say there isn’t any money to steal so that’s a big loss right there. Just open your dog’s wallet and find out what you can buy with milk bones.
I wasn’t aware, thanks for letting me know. Yes the women on this site are trolls. You should check out Bitch Media and what feminazi women are saying about men. There is something called heartmobbing, which is about taking away free speech from men so Feminists feel safe spouting their hate. These women also are trying to find a way to find out who makes the posts so they can be blocked from expressing their points of view.
wow…….i had no idea……..holy shit, that turned my stomach……..i wonder what level we’l sink to next
while this whole discussion makes me heave, my morbid curiosity lead me to google “women who fuck dogs”………it’s as disgusted as i’ve been in my 57 years
Well, I actually think the women that fuck dogs are probably a very small minority (unlike the person that wrote this article). And I never see women with huge male dogs as he writes, just those small ones.
well, i’m an old player from way back,with lots of notches, and quite used to competition (from other players)…….i never realized i had to worry about the neighbor’s dog………lmao……..i’m sure you’re right
Though it’s true that some dogs work for fire brigades…..and I do hear women find firemen sexy.
you are just a fucking ignorant faggot, do you think you know enough about Venezuelans to come out with those opinions, i kindly ask you to go fuck yourself you dont know anything about us!!
Huhn, thats weird. It sounds like you are replying to a comment I made on another thread.
Anyway, Im happy to see how angry you are. Because it shows you care about your country. Im sorry for insulting you, if it makes you feel better I am angry because I see that everyone is simply surrendering instead of fighting. Maybe if more Venezualans were like you then that wouldnt have happened.
Correction: the asshole (or rather the dick) does the fucking.
But .. Yeah. Awesome comment, thanks!
You should write an article. I think yiu have incredible insight.
Did you just imply women have no souls? hahahaha
AWALT, loser. FUCK. You just read an article that has top, rare quality material about what women are and you go about “not all women are like that, there must be good women out there”. You’re asking to be cucked again, homo.
prove it… make one logical argument that is relevant in the context being under consideration (hint: it’s not about you or the other persons).
nice belittling, vagina.
They have souls, just less control.
Y’all sure are sensitive. How is that belittling, exactly? Both questions were and are genuine.
proof of these aleged brothels? I keep hearing that garbage yet no one ever seems to have any shred of evidence!
One thing to state opinions, it is another to lie.
Proof of a soul please.
I won’t hold my breath for that bty. You are a biochemical machine and at some point you will die, and when that biochemistry ceases all that is you will as well. So do some thing good rather then making moronic false claims!
You clearly never been around any animal ever to make such a dimwitted comment.
My animals can easily tell me what they like and do not like, example some of the dogs love baths others do not. Unlike 98% of humans I give a crap about my animals choices so I wiegh the need Vs their desires, so the ones that do not like baths only get them when it is needed greatly.
Mammals for the most part have all the same signaling systems as we do, that is why you can get consent from lets say a Russian women even though in this scenario you do not speak Russian.
If you had a shred of honesty you’d learn these things befor making such statements.
please do so while laying face up and unconscious.
Wow you are a simpleton if you think this article is of ANY value at all.
BTY I have some iron to sell you, it is in Paris!
Gee ignorant and biased much? Sound like some religiot zelot.
LOL I just looked at the deff of delusional and found your pic there!
preferably with a primed hand grenade, we need less garbage like their ilk!
Interesting, it seems like you are going through all my comments and trying to reply to each of them. I’m flattered.
I can see from this that you are a passive agressive coward. Someone who had courage would threaten me, you are too pathetic to do even that.
If I am a bio-mechanical machine, and my thoughts are the results of my bio-mechanical nature, then it doesn’t actually matter if they are “true” or “moronic” or not, all that matter is whether they are effective in enabling me to function. For example, that I see the color “red” is irrelevant if the actual wavelength of the photons hitting my eye actually have a “red” color or that this is the interpretation my mind gives to that wavelength.
So at the base line, if I, and many others (actually it’s the majority of intelligent people) of effective people believe X, then it’s irrelevant whether X is “true” in the sense that we understand it, as much as it is relevant that X is what makes us effective.
You however, are a clearly broken machine, as evidenced by the neurotic manner in which you are obsessing over my comments. None of which were directed at you, and never have we even interacted previously.
Like most broken SJWs, that is to say: envious cowards, your entire method relies on emotional manipulation of others to gain that which you simply cannot gain on your own ability. Odds are that your ancestors developed this method as a means of survival, otherwise, you’d be cast out for being a consumer who gives precious little next to nothing to the group as a whole.
translation: she has sex with her animals.
where is whorefinder when we need him?
Not even I am so low as to call another a SJW
So you swung and missed epically 🙂
Shame you started off as intelligent then fell of a cliff <_<
So I’ll resume taking you as a joke!
What you wrote is so stupid. There is no logic, no reason, just ridiculous childish assertions. There is no meaning in any of it.
I feel like I am having a conversation with a damaged thing that resembles a human being, and desperately tries to mimic human conversation, but is really just too crippled to understand anything.
A good rebuttal; would adress what parts are a rambling mess, provide counter arguments, and disprove what is said.
Instead all i read is ad-hominem attacks at the readers “thoughts”, something about facts and musings?
Your post, is a rambling mess, unlike Burt’s, precisely because it contains no rebuttal’s on any specific points, just sweeping statements. Good day, feminista, better luck next time 😉
You must be an agent or advocate of national satanism. Human beings are not machines. Regardless of what you, the evil Huxley brothers, Eugenics demons of either sex, say.
The reality is the dark and pathological attributes of the human temperament are being encouraged today. Western women are inculcated through all of the tech toys but under the auspices of 2nd and 3rd wave feminism, which fosters only mental and emotional illness.
Yes, I’ll have fries with that word salad.
How would you know that? What are your stats and substantiation?
A Liberal Arts Degree? Feminism 101?
Kinsey was an agent of government think tanks. A self-hating homosexual who was also a notorious pedophile. He altered his sick findings; supported eugenics, and was misanthropic.
How typical of the American-college educated to suck on the paps of Kinsey’s cheer-leading on the sexual dysfunction wagon train.
Clearly, you’ll need to find some clarification first; offline and amidst
humans who are not merely wasting time in a cyber orgy of unreason.
Enjoy your Freedom Fries from your Victory Garden.
Not an american dippy. you desperately need to get a science education, hopefully undo some of that midevile brain washing you so clearly cling too.
Good morning to you, he/she who can not spell.
“midevile” Eh? Brain washing.
You would not know the first thing about your inculcation, Jack. Have a nice day in the puerile world of cyber-waste.
I desperately need to never meet people like you in public.
Enjoy replicating Fear. Please let’s let this go, unless you’d like to meet in public for a talk.
You are the one trying to spread fear with the god delusion, trying to fight against education and reality.
Reality all ways wins in the end as one educates them self, the evidence is there, it is clear cut, if you actually care if what you think is true you’ll get there, but odds are you don’t care whether what you believe is true or not, cling to the fantasy mate!
You meet people like me in public every day, you just can’t figure it out.
And likely an embarrassment to the dog.
If we’re just biochemical machines (proof for the machine part), then your thoughts too are just random non-rational chemical reactions, including the ones that make you say and believe we are just biochemical machines, including the same processes that have totally blindly made-up wrods such as biology and chemistry and literally everything else, therefore, everything is irrational, contradicting, truth doesn’t exist and nothing makes sense.
Your viewpoint is self-refuting.
On a side note, this article is retarded. Must have some really edgy autism to believe that dog crap. Even beats the pretentious edginess of pseudo-intellectual atheists who are too slow to realize nobody’s impressed by you being an atheist anymore (or worse, a mechanistic physicalist), it’s so 2013 or whatever.
If you’re an atheist but aren’t an absurdist or a Nietzschean existentialist, your view is intellectual dishonesty manifest.
Every new movement, such as neomasculinity, has to be filthed by edgy shits like you. No, all women aren’t the same, we don’t live in a one-dimensional simplistic world with 2 extremes. Just like all men aren’t the same. You think someone writing an article about “all wymen with dogs fuck ’em” is actually truth without having no evidence whatsoever.
peanut butter. on their pussy. “Sparky come her mommy has a treat for you”
OK that made me chuckle
You must be brand new to the internet?
Search portals, such as DuckDuck GO. and Google are very easy to use! Have you ever considered setting out to research on your own, maybe people that don’t post sources expect others to do their own research possibly?
Log onto Google and enter this search parameter: animal brothels in Europe
You’re exceedingly gullible, check, Got it.
I show you how to answer your own idiotic questions, and you declare I am gullible?
Do tell.
That’s what I was just saying.
You in Seattle? We should have a meetup. At an actual pet store too.
Seattle? Where were you sons of bitches while I was getting my skull cracked with skateboards? Too smart to join me, I guess – can’t say I blame you. Well, at least I can verify the threats were legit
Haha the pet store code comes full circle. I knew there was a double entendre to that Roosh !
Is E.D. Murray and Socialist Sawant still trying to ban the use of “brown bag lunch?”
I’ll forever consider Seattle the most stunning major city in U.S. When the sun shines, you have to stop n go — “Wow!”
Few know about the 73rd observation deck of 76 floor 1000′ Columbia Tower. I took my Seattle Native friend up there on a clear day and he was in awe. Go up there vs. Space Needle. 400′ higher and $11 cheaper.
But it’s like SF, Portland and Seattle are trying to outdo the irrational liberalism.
Moved back to Maine. It was hell adjusting back from coast to coast. Nevertheless — I’ll take my governor, Paul LePage (WHO CALLS IT AS IT IS) anyday over that STUPID Liberal PC shit in Seattle.
GO HAWKS 12 !!!
F-Ballard, Capitol Hill, Freemont! Faggot SJW Central!
I lived in Belltown by Pier 70. I ofent took the ferry over to Bainbridge/ Winslow. Harbor House. Shit — some hotties over there!
Seattle is less than a degenerate epicenter than Portland. PDX East Side — YIKES!
Damn. Seeing you guys from Seattle on here, I’m slightly longing to get back out there. I loved the magic of HAWK games. And would go to many Mariners games. Met the hottest girl who was also Italian on Mercer Island. Ridiculously nice rack, tight body. Italitan Chick who on FB dreampt of motherhood. How ironic.
Shit … off season for my business in NE, money in bank … maybe I pull a casual trip out to SEA-TAC.
Wish there was a messaging system in disqus or something, instead of trying to get in contact via throwaway emails (considering this IS public), anyways, the meetup time/location got changed, it all went underground when shit got canceled and everything went insane.
I just sent an e-mail to your satanic yahoo address.
I lived right near Sea tac airport for a while…I didn’t know I could hate a place as much as I hated that place.
I cant wrap my head around how any red pill man could live in seattle long term. Shivers.
I did 5 years in the NW.
Looking back at my last two years — I was beyond miserable there but didn’t want to admit it. Between the chronic gray clouds from November ’til 5 July and the irrational SJW/ lefties EVERYWHERE.
The best decision I ever made was to leave Seattle and head back to Maine where I grew up. Winters are colder in Maine but there is an “S” Ton more sun. And Summer begins by May. I hated that crap in NW until 5 July.
Most importantly, there’s a high level of common sense here. The folks in Maine who even vote (D) would be in shock on how irrational/ Marxist Left is out there in Seattle.
Jeff Bezos lives in Seattle. (Amazon’s founder and boss)
Your name, does it come from that hilarious newscaster who pissed off the FAA?
Wi Tu Lo my fav name on here followed closely by Tessio Was Always Smarter.
Got that FAA troll was just the funniest thing ever
My fave is still Long Balls Malone.
Tessio passing in front of the sun:
Patriarchy would make an example out of a few women, and then put a halt to this shit. If women’s employers, friends and lovers knew this shit they would have no choice but to rely on men. And being the masochists they are, they would love it.
Any group of people with little to no real consequences is going to end up fucked in the head.
I don’t know, I am with AV here. I am having a hard time believing that women are fucking dogs. That is so next level
It’s what happens when people are not held accountable for anything. Nothing surprises me anymore. Not in this culture.
Yeah I’m not sold brother. There is a huge gap between “not being held accountable” and “I’m going to fuck Fido”.
“But like OMG Sally, why stay farm when you can totally go zoo?!?”
Not when the lack of accountability has been going on for so long that 80% of the internet is pornography.
Like I said in another comment, 80% of the internet is pornography. That’s a lot of girls being so debased that they would film sex and allow it to be posted for everyone to see.
Are the porn dudes debase too? Oh wait, guys can’t be sluts. So much for accountability.
I have no problem believing that. Women these days will spread their legs for anyone OTHER than a man who treats them well. Women are irrational, emotional parasites who need a man to constantly keep them in check. I simply don’t have the energy for that sort of thing.
It’s a slippery slope. And considering that nearly all women can be turned lesbian, beastiality is not much of a stretch.
Read my other posts in this discussion, and make a new assessment.
It’s not the next level, it is the truth about women. That is, dog f****ing is true about some women, albeit too many. But there are other things in this article and other places that make it more than believable. It’s documented. Read chapter 2 of Steve Moxon’s The Woman Racket, and the chapter “The complaining sex” of Martin van Creveld’s The privileged sex. Also read the book “Sexual Utopia in Power”. We must stop romanticizing women as our forefathers have done. We are paying dearly for that now. There is no reason to romanticize women. NONE at all…
If you are a man, yes.
Basic biology is also to tough for you and Amanda Sweet to figure out, huh?
Believe me, I’m the last person you need to warn about not romanticizing women. I am totally with you. I guess beastiality is just hard for me to get my head around—doesn’t mean it’s not true of course, just too be for me to compute
Totally true. Like I said above, my brain just finds a hard time getting around actually fucking dogs.
I think, for the reasons you give, MGTOW is a perfectly valid way of life. I think I’d say I am MGTOW light. I’ve gone my own way, but my way, while not ever involving a relationship, does involve me beating up quite a few axe wounds.
The more emotionally unavailable I am and the less I give them more they just do anything and every time another one will do just anything I want for literally nothing in return I get another step further away from them as people and more as just pretty little fuck toys.
When you take notice that bestiality involving women is cited in “innocent” mainstream books like The Kite Runner… I think Aldous Huxley above has some valid points.
The doom is being as naive as a man to consider a woman as your moral equal.
Yeah, I am skeptical as to the numbers. But. I was shocked the first time I saw, at age 15, a video of a woman fucking and sucking off a dog.
If you can pay a woman enough to do it publicly, to be seen by the whole world, her own family and friends included, why wouldn’t some uncontrollably horny woman with zero sense of self-worth, with zero sense of sexual morality, not “explore” as she’s been told to do her entire fucking life, since day one, as a woman.
It’s sick, totally fucked up shit. But I’m more inclined to believe it now than ever before. There’s a reason why the Bible puts strict rules on sex. Marriage only. No divorce outside of adultery. Otherwise, it goes bad, and quick.
That is an amazing way to put it. I will forever remember that, because it is so true. I cannot think of one single woman I have met in my entire life that could muster anything close to my own desire, passion, and ability for moral thought and action.
Thank you.
NONE at all….
There’s actually a pretty big market for “monster erotic novels”. One of these is “Cum for Bigfoot”, about Bigfoot violently raping women. This fucked up story has sold 100,000 copies on kindle (a pretty huge haul, the female author Virginia Wade is now a millionaire).
I won’t pretend the majority of women are into having sex with animals, but women who fantasize about things verging on bestiality are probably a good 30-40%.
So you’re turning into a sociopath?
Lonely women buy vibrators, they don’t fuck dogs.
Can you describe the process of turning a woman into a lesbian?
I seriously doubt you need energy for that sort of thing.
I’m a speech therapist, I work on a head trauma unit and I have a master’s degree, as do my co workers. All are female, none are ‘fuck toys’ . Do you ever think you are looking in the wrong place?
This fucking place is an echo chamber. Nearly all women don’t ‘turn’ lesbian; no one wants to fuck dogs.
Morality is not determined by biology.
No one wants to fuck dogs, huh? The use of superlatives is a good indication that someone is lying. And I have personally witnessed women turn lesbian for maybe a day or so or just long enough to get men to pay attention to them. Frankly, few things a narcissistic attention whore ever does will surprise me.
Go back to Tumblr or Lezebel or wherever it was you came from. I’m not going to stop believing what I know is true because you say I’m wrong.
I don’t know exactly how the process works but I’ve seen it happen. The recruiters are everywhere.
If you keep contradicting me I’m not going to let you give me a rimjob.
Ok, get it. Thanks for the input.
You are mixing things up, since we are supposed to come with smart, short answers. I understand you come from some sociological education. Don’t care to answer. You have been a good example all the way through this thread, and for that I thank you.
soooo? What’s your point? That lolknee and I and numerous other men don’t actually experience that when we are not nice to women they are nice. When we are nice, they are not. Although women SAY the opposite.
Get your head around it. I burned a female journalist with a masters degree in political science. I bet her that I could find 100 lies that her newspaper had written. I did, without any problem. She bragged on and on about her degree. Seems like women brag a lot, as well. This is the fourth largest newspaper in my country, by the way.
Bragging, shallow, two-faced and puppy love. This is serious.
But nice to hear that you have gathered a bunch of female co-workers who are not ‘fuck toys’. But then again, there seems to a bit of a communication problem when women talk, so how is it possible to trust what they say (if you are a man) or what you say (if you are a woman).
I suggest that you put the masters degree on the shelf for a while and start thinking for yourself. But since you know about head traumas, you know about the Corpus Callosum, and how men’s and women’s speech abilities differ after the same head trauma. That means that you probably know that women connect everything with everything making it hard to reason and think logically, explaining the ratio of male/female mathematicians at a higher level. So why do you even protest or try to make the number 3.3 smaller than 2.x, as I have exposed that you did further above.
Read the above once again: Women are not nice to nice guys. I have become a bad boy, at the age of almost 50, and I am loving every minute of it, because women are nice to me, for the first time. It’s been working for a couple of years and it’s getting better and better. What you SHOULD be doing is asking women (maybe yourself) why the hell women don’t like nice guys, to end this vaginacracy. But you rather stay in your trench and believe that neither this nor that is true. I am sorry, and I mean it, it is true (both that women have sex with dogs, not the other way around dearest, like you said in your early post, and that women like bad boys). After all, what is dog, but a macho man bad boy in disguise. Just a little humor at the end…that you probably do not find funny.
I don’t think so. I couldn’t plunge a knife into a stranger and feel nothing. Hell, I doubt I could be a surgeon and cut people open. I would never kick a dog. I have feelings and emotions, I just don’t share them. They are mine. It is the Provence of women, homosexuals and weaklings that they need to share and validate feelings. Saying this makes me a sociopath or a sociopath in the making is simply incorrect.
You do speak the truth. Look above, I just gave her a little poke in the ribs and I think she is obsessed with me now.
It must suck to become a boy at 50. It’s difficult to penetrate the wall of misogyny here to make a point, but here goes, Nice guys’ are usually not nice at all once you penetrate their fake personae.If they were, it would not be easy for them to flip themselves to bad when it suits them. You are not a nice guy.
You think all women are obsessed with you; even the guys here see who you are.
Damn it!
The Kite Runner is written by a man.
You guys spend your lives trying to trick omen into bed and you think you are morally superior? Please! The truth is men expect women to be morally superior and they are angry and disappointed when we are just human.
It should be obvious if a woman ‘turn lesbian’ for a day or two she is play acting. You guys hate when disbelievers post here because you are used to talking only with people who agree with you. It’s like watching Fox News.
I don’t come from a sociological education; I’m a speech pathologist. We study expressive and receptive language, anatomy and physiology. You should get your facts straight straight before flinging insults,
I like how @lolknee said “pretty little fuck toys,” yet you simply said “fuck toys”; essentially admitting that you and your master’s degree holding talk therapist buddies are a bunch of ugly, obese, and generally unfuckable losers.
Additionally, one of my favorite lines from women and men who don’t get pussy is: “You’re just looking in the wrong places.” Where are the right places, lerellen? How old are you and how many dudes have you fucked in your lifetime; how overweight are you in reality? Are you a “good girl”? Because a “good girl” hasn’t slept with more than three men — is that you?
What’s humorous is that even though there is no way to find out who you are, what you look like, and what your true history actually is — you’ll still lie in your answers. But hey, let’s hear those lies anyway.
Who are these recruiters? How can you spot them?
Essentially admitting what? God you are grasping for straws. Do you think I give one fuck about how you define a ‘good girl or what you think I look like?
Most of your comments are semi-intelligible but when discussing women you go full sputtering retard.
I bet you think in porn the women are getting off.
Ok, regardless of all that, what do you think of the content of the article? We are all corrupt in some way, but it seems that women’s general corruption has been overlooked, while men’s (white men’s, in particular) has been emphasised/exaggerated. If this article is accurate, and if this knowledge became as widespread as the legs of the women depicted therein, societies may start to look at women as being greater contributers to social decay. And, shock horror!, impose some restrictions on them. No more my body my choice/it’s my party and I’ll cry if i want to/etc.
Thanks for references.
I know fully well that they aren’t.
Don’t be silly. It’s merely a half hearted expectation that you would have some semblance of morality, obligation to truth, loyalty, etc. But when it’s completely absent, and a very noticeable chunk of you are subsumed in vanity, perfidy, incredible and utter illogic and stupidity, treachery, etc, those of us who aren’t desperately bewitched by your herpetic axe wounds begin to wonder ‘what sort of feral protozoa are these?’ what sort of prozac wonder/hinterlands do you inhabit where accountability is conspicuous in its absence? Nobody ever expected women to be morally superior. Haha, that is just too cute.
That’s some flexible moral relativism you have there. You think that’s normal behaviour to contradict your biological programming do flippantly, and live the embodiment of a lie? Do men get such lee way to play act by society, do you think?
“Nice guys’ are usually not nice at all once you penetrate their fake personae. If they were, it would not be easy for them to flip themselves to bad when it suits them.”
Awesome comment. I completely agree. Now, given you have no problem exposing the phony personae of “nice guys”, why should you have a problem with the men here exposing the phony personae of “good girls”?
Why two faces, hun? Are we not allowed to try and see beyond surfaces? Does that make us sexist, misogynist pigs?
If that’s the case, then may I introduce myself as a sexist misogynist pig. Though, if it makes you feel any better, I try to see beyond the surfaces of anyone’s persona, male or female, so do give me credit for being egalitarian. : )
So nice guys are the bad boys and bad boys are the nice guys? Very Orwellian of you,
some guy posted this above.
i saw it. I’m sorry. i get it’s probably true on an intellectual level but i really need not to imagine this as a possibility. it’s bad enough that I’m already eyeing every woman with a dog on the street
Yeah tell me about it.
Could someone ban this troll? Seriously. She/he/whocares is taking up a lot of space on the board, it’s hard to read the intelligent comments with this noise around. Thanks.
That’s exactly what I was thinking. Women deceive men all the time but get their panties in a wad when men do the same thing. Her female arrogance once again rears its ugly head. She seems to think that we’re still completely unaware of feminine deception. Of course she’s going to do that because gaslighting works on the simps she’s used to dealing with.
Do you really think we’re a bunch of desperate fools who will believe anything you say because you have a vagina we want access to? Think again. We in all branches of the Manosphere (MRA, PUA and MGTOW) not only understand your TTP (military parlance for Tactics, Techniques and Procedures) and have even catalogued them.
You have clearly underestimated the caliber of men you dealing with here.
You and me both, buddy.
It is not your target sets. Its them 40/45 yo with no future, no children and no hope.
Yeah this is why I don’t care about domestic violence or rape.
At the very least, I don’t judge those accused of crimes like that. I wasn’t there and I don’t know what happened. There is always a strong possibility that a man accused of these things is innocent. And in the case of domestic assault, she may have brought it onto herself.
Nope, no obsession there…
Hmm you must have some damned pretty sheep!
“Them” and “think” do not quite go to geather!
Ah the Dunham Krugar effect at full force!
Every one needs to participate in Draw muhamed day. Free speech is a pillar of Democracy!
NEVER go full on retard! erm too late he did didn’t he?
I think you are all desperate idiots for taking such a web site seriously! I can’t believe people buy this garbage here!
It is your body your choice, whether you want to jump into a wood chipper snort 8 pounds of coke or take it from behind by a horse.
If you love fascism and dictatorships so much feel free to move to the middle east, or, if there all ready stay put!
and equally high for men, so the point? Humans love to f-ck any thing and every thing for the most part, just like all other animals, plenty of cases of bucks slamming it to mares and cows, so on, as mammals we reproduce by sex and bulk of the species aren’t picky with whom they try it out with!
Das ist all!
Well what are they to do? The sheep told em to sod off!
Dud, just admit your gay, no one is going to slag you for it.
Life is so much better when you are true too your self.
and in ten seconds of searching you can see guys doing a horse or being don by a horse, so there goes that crap nugget you just pushed out 😉
or they do both! Personally I find some one screwing a lifeless piece of plastic far more sad then sharing pleasure with another intelligent living being (And dogs have most the guys in here beat by miles in far as brains go!)
How ignorant and bat shit insane do you people get? I thought the crap in the top was gold, just gets better!
Speak for your self! as to the rest it is correct, they make creationist sound like geniuses.
in most cultures yes they do, it is only the screwed up ones that cling to mid evil fairly tails that get all weird about sex.
Are you a Russian spy? or from Uganda?
I think they sparkle in sun like and glow in rainbow colour at night. I think I heard they live in closets some times too.
I think you’re getting way way way over thier heads here, need to dumb it down to the bacteria level of understanding. Hell they think the crap posted here is of value!
Then by all means, please tell us what our fallacies are.
Your comment has no meaning at all, no context, no application to anything going on around it. You could have just strung together random words and achieved the same thing.
You aren’t even a good troll. The only reason I’m responding to you is that I am in a state of shock that anyone could be so stupid.
“Dud”: pretty good synopsis of your comment. You see gayness everywhere and in everything do you? How does that make you feel?
If there were trophies for opinions, you’d deserve one for taking part.
more ad honinem. Mixed with some defensiveness barkin. Hurray for female logic
Because being nice to nice guys is suicidal for women. Unless the nice guy is part of a brotherhood that backs nice guys, ie Patriarchy. That is, where all the men look out for each other and she is told by her father which nice guy to marry.
Such a nice guy society automatically gives children to the father, has no special rights to women, ignores DV calls, reasoning that the woman knows how to pack a suitcase and leave if its a problem for her, does not provide an alimony of women can work, and does not imprison husbands on the whim of the wife, all of which do not exist.
This is a good post. Can you shed more light on this? I think you have good insight and I’m curious to know more.
What causes this? Can you be somewhat specific? I don’t see sex with dogs promoted in the media. Is it a natural result of the men becoming more feminine? How can we fix this? Has sex being promoted too much caused this or is it lack of real men to fulfill the women?
Also I read some replies below that took the discussion further and they were good posts. This is a huge topic that needs discussion. Any else feel free to comment.
The Bible answers all those questions.
Yup god says incest is cool! Just ask Lot!
And the bible is all for bestiality I wonder how adam managed the finch? Most likely needed duct tape for that session!
Oh remember never to covet your naighbors Ass (Donkey) gues they liked them jennies back int he day! and oxen too!
In no other book can you find such huge servings of steaming bull dung then the buybull.
This is so sick!
You have got to be kidding here.
Sick is subjective
Gives a whole new meaning to ”puppy” love
I found some hidden camera footage.
Former Seattle resident (GO HAWKS 12!)
Good friends with owners of Pike Place Bar n Grill (BAG) — Hugh n Sandy. LEE the bartender on Saturday, GAY male but AWESOME GUY!
Go in there n tell ’em I said hi. Michael from Maine. My friend Scott Wallace goes in there every Saturday night. Be wild to connect some RoK guys with my Seattle friends.
I lived in an affluent area. Belltown by Pier 70. Would do HH at Romio’s on corner by Olympic Park. I could intellectually compete with any of them. But didn’t give a damn about money to compete. And that I disliked about living in city. The women who hadn’t by hi-jacked by feminism in that town wanted guys who were 50 Shades of Grey like.
I’m from Maine originally and came back. Live on lake now resurrecting stone business. I miss the buzz of the city … but do not miss the PC/ Liberal BS of Seattle n Portland.
Oh Man. Go into the BAG on a Saturday Night n say hello to my friends. They’ll know who it is :0)
GO HAWKS! Was at some of the BIG Games at Clink including NFC Championship v. 49ers. That 12th Man is beyond addicting
I just had a friend visit that is from Seattle and from what he tells me, it is no place for any self respecting man. He actually told me that the younger women out there refuse to be referred to as “she, her or miss.” They prefer to be genderless and would rather be referred to as “it” or something genderless. it’s fucking crazy.
hahaha This is hilarious. The only one who’s obsessed with your dick is you.
Go die in a house fire, faggot.
Touched a nerve, eh?
Well as a guy this is a given fact, out of all body parts it is my cock I guard the most carefully!
I like my joystick!
Hmmmm seems you have some internal issues you need help with!
I think he’s coming onto you, he likes his gay guys to be flaming 😉
but now is it a hit or miss?
Learn how to address your superiors and speak when you are spoken to.
Well when you rip your teeth out and suck my cock to rapture I may give half a shit about your opinion, well honestly not even then, just remember to swallow like a good bitch!
Actually never mind, I’d rather just let the dogs do it, I know they are at least clean and hygenic.
Suck your cock?? What are you going on about faggot? Either take your tablets or lay off the booze pillow-biter.
Ah you idiots are too fun. So how does it feel to be so limited in brain function? Must be nice to be so unburdened by critical thought.
Well I hope you and your hand enjoy a great many years together because if that is how you are irl it is all you’ll ever get!
Now run along like a good lil gullible bitch that you are 🙂
You’ve yet to say anything that could ever be confused with an intelligent or rational thought. The only real contribution you will ever make to society is when you assume room temperature and biodegrade. Maybe you should stop projecting your unpleasant attributes unto others and start examining yourself.
dam too easy here, you are no challange, Swing n a miss but that is what is so fun winding you idjits up. Watching you make such epicaly wrong wild ass assumptions.
Now be a good lil bitch and keep frothing at the mouth 😀
I’m playing with you, as a cat would a dead mouse. Whereas, You’re cursing and misspelling words; Who’s frothing at the mouth again, my friend? Lol. Google “Dunning–Kruger effect” to better understand your role in this scenario. That’s all the time I have for you. Ttyl weirdo.
I’m highly skeptical. And I’m FROM Seattle and lived there for decades. However, women do make terrible dog owners and let their dogs run wild. Especially women with large aggressive dogs who clearly don’t know how to handle them.
Or, and this is just a theory, women aren’t having sex with dogs and this is projection on your part.
It just – which is more likely – a) a large number of women are having sex with dogs and it’s taken the death bed confession of an anonymous women who may or may not exist to reveal it or b) you have a weird fantasy about women having sex with dogs?
If you haven’t had any in years,,,, and you’re looking at, your dogs fluffy ears,,, Don’t worry, be happy!
What you’ve written seems to suggest you find your dog’s ears attractive.
What an odd thing to write.
must not listen to much comedy stations it is a parody of the “be happy” song, besides I’m more of a tail guy 😉
I’m surprised more people aren’t noticing that this man most probably made this entire thread up to feed into his own agenda. I’m not saying this stuff isn’t true, but this blog-post is extremely shady if you read between the lines. It’s almost obvious.
I don’t know, dude. I can remember three chicks back in high school who admitted to making out with their dogs.
My school was fucked up.
It’s not making out. It’s just “puppy kisses” 😉
Damn you I did not need that picture in my head.
If that’s puppy kisses, would that mean a Dubai Doo Doo bath is really just an exfoliating body wash?
thats sick, just sick, not even one stand material
tag the schnauzer?
LMFAO!!!!! I’m FWD-ing this article and comments to an acquaintance then send him a pic of this slag who he likes who is french kissing a pit.
Doesn’t now he’s coming across as a chump. He’s fucking a couple of high-4s and one 5 and says if he wasn’t happy with his “ladies” (that’s what he calls them!!! LOLOLOLOL) he’d be hitting this scank.
That’s what’s wrong with too many guys with no standards. They will approach fugly bitches when they can get the same emotionally broken bitches in a much hotter package, instead of looking at some fat bitch who’s a 3 at best.
That’s why you have these ugly stankhos acting like their’ god’s gift to males.
ROTFL!!!! Some thirsty pleb who works at a bar we use to manage fucked this fat bitch and complained about how her pussy was as nasty as peeling apart a grilled cheeze sandwich.
Now we know that it was dog splooge and not moldy cheeze.
It’s not only hot girls who fuck dogs. Ugly bitches like this pig with the flabby, stumpy legs probably have to bend over and spread her stinky hatchet wound for her pooch when no thirsty men will tap her rotten vag.
Hot slutty girl down the road from where I grew up used to lick her dog’s balls on command.
so fucking foul. Women truly are the more disgusting sex. That’s why men invented makeup, perfume, hair products, and fashion. Because they’re foul, dirty, and ugly without them. And if left to their own devices, all of civilization would turn ugly and look like a shithole.
Yeah you’re fresh as little faireys.
WHAT?!?!?! Holy fuck this world is fucked.
Haha – I was just going to write that myself, Yader.
Yellow labs must be well hung dogs because every frumpy Subaru owner and her sister in Seattle has one.
Wouldn’t surprise me with dykes but probably using the pet for its tongue.
if they where that then I’d wager they’d have a bitch (They actualy lick more as the female is the one cleaning the den and looking after the pups so it is more deeply ingrained)
I can confirm from experience that they do.
average length can be 9inches and very thick.
Sorry guys but they beat you 10 out of ten times in both size and performance. SO deflate that ego.
This is the logical result of sex positive feminism, women reduced to the level of animals. ROK was very brave to publish this.
Bonus points for mentioning the red rocket.
Re: The dogs
An older wiser single friend of mine who has travelled the world and has imparted some red pill advice to me over the last couple of years has made some reference to hot girls with large dogs and implied that they were fucking them. I always assumed it was a joke, but after reading this article, and acknowledging that the rest of this guy’s advice has been spot on, and watching girls do sick stuff (2 girls one cup) and having seen videos of them blowing horses, fucking dogs, etc.. I dunno.. assuming there is some truth to this article and the girl with cancer actually existed, I’d be inclined to believe it.
I still refuse to look up “two girls, one cup”
I hope it’s ice cream.
On a separate, but equally disturbing point, I think maybe it was Daniel Tosh or somebody who referenced Japanese fetishes for girls to vomit into each others mouths.
Thats “two girls, one scoop”.
me too!
I think even more disturbing than the actual video was a followup one someone sent me, that is an interview with a girl who does these types of scenes. I saw it several years ago, yet it is vividly imprinted in my memory. The entire interview was in German, so I had to trust the translation, but considering the girl’s HUGE grin as she was describing something with great enthusiasm, I had to believe that the words below that explained how she loved, loved loved, poo in her mouth, were true. Yeah, there are weird guys out there, people into feet and what have you. But this was a WHOLE new level.
Saw it in high school. Nearly threw up my lunch.
Fucking Germans. I was in Berlin some years ago and I was hitting on a girl in a bar in Kreutzberg area. It’s funny because she was stupid hot and I was fighting some serious need to go back to my rooms and take a dump thanks to rich german food. I was literally trying to spit game, with a language barrier, while turtle heading.
It turns out she wanted me to shit on her chest in the bathtub (which I found out later at my place). I believe it was the funniest bit of irony ever. The best part is, upon hearing this it immediately “went away.” Like all bodily functions shut down just at the thought of the disgust.
I’ve known girls so in love with me that I could talk them into anything and girls who are so money hungry than they would do anything for the right amount of money….but this girl WANTED this.
Fucking Germans. Porta potty dumpster in Dubai? Yeah, we’ll do that for free.
It is crazy. I have never been into doing anal with a girl. Not my thing. I don’t want to be in the shit as it were. I figure there are two self lubricating holes on a woman and I can enjoy them just fine…the idea of putting my cock into someone’s filthy dumper just always seemed, well, yucky. That someone would not just willingly do, but desire, to have someone shit all over them is mind boggling to me.
Yeah, in theory, I’d like to try it, maybe on a feminist or a particularly depraved woman, but the times a girl I liked has actually offered it to me I have been repulsed by the idea.
I’ve tried it. I tried a lot in my early 20’s. As I got older I realized that holes that get wet all on their own and don’t have poop in them are generally better for insertion.
I dont have anywhere near your level of experience, so take this insight with a grain of salt, but it seems to me that women have a real need to be dominated by a man. When that need is not met, ie they are put on a pedestal, told they have special grrl powers, etc. then that need gets met in degraded ways.
Whats also interesting is that your mind shut down your bodily needs when it realozed what it was being asked to do. That is very interesting because it means that if someone has his head on right he can resist destructive concepts in much the same way the body resists infection or illness,
With your first point I agree wholeheartedly (hole heartedly yuk yuk) and it really is the lever and fulcrum that moves the world.
As for the second, yeah. There is a level where the mind can say “that is enough” but it does require abundance (or at least an abundance mentality). If I had not been laid in 2 months and had no other prospects that girl would have been combing corn out of her hair.
Wise choice!
Somewhere out there… At least one girl has fucked at least one of her dogs.
I honestly believe it’s much, much bigger than that. The way he said it.. was a word of warning. He said never date a girl who’se been in the Navy, she’s taken more cock than you will ever know, and never date a girl with a big Great Dane.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the percentage was in the double digits… I’m serious.
Fair enough… but somewhere out there… At least one guy has also fucked at least one of his dogs.
this I don’t doubt….but, though I am not one to respect women in the slightest and rarely deny they are doing the filthiest of things with the worst of society, I just have a hard time getting my head around the idea that many, if not most, women with dogs are taking it from em.
I was in the Navy. Your friend speaks Truth.
A buddy in the Navy refused to fuck any of the female sailors. If they got knocked up. it’s ALWAYS the dude who ends up getting in trouble. Hell, even if you reject the advances of some beast with a vag, you can end up being fucked over for “sexual harassment.”
Like all smart sailors, he fucked hookers and ended up marrying a hottie who worked in Guam..
If she has a dane she wouldn’t want the 1 inch wonder turky of a guy!
9 out of ten sailors who tried camels, moved to the middle east!
Ya know you did a good job when she winks at ya with a tail wage 😉
And not many guys can say they have 3 hot bitches in their bed every night!
It’s been hard for me to understand just how easy it is for hot women to satisfy their sexual desires, and their basest fantasies, fueled by a libido that is far stronger and more powerful than a man’s. On top of that, quite literally not having to do or say ANYTHING if she’s hot enough. I mean, can you imagine having such SMV that you would just sit there, get free drinks, have a line of chicks waiting to talk to you, crowds of them throwing glances at you, and just walking up to 5 or 6, pointing, and saying “come here” and having your way with them, the hottest in the crowd?
And having that sort of easy access and power from the day you’re 17 until you’re in your late 20s, maybe even early 30s.
No wonder they are such cum dumpsters. Such vapid, self-hating sluts who have ZERO respect for any man who gives them any respect.
Marrying a virgin 15-20 years younger than me is becoming more and more appealing by the day. I’ll get over the age gap. It’ll be good just knowing she hasn’t been shat on by random dudes, fucked dogs, or taken 20 guys at once, never again to feel that kind of satisfaction from her merely single-cocked husband or boyfriend.
These women are sick.
You guys watch too much porn.
Hang out with some handsome, well built, successful & single alpha men and you’ll see there is not much difference between your ‘hot women’ life and your ‘hot man’ life. Women are soooo eazy, so slutty, so eager, so desperate for them. For your hot catch men and even your lower level good looking charmers, they get to see the wild libidinous nature of sexy women because they can trigger it, whereas other guys lower down the totem pole of desirability will never get to enjoy to it, and think those girls only exist in porn.
These guys do have little black books which they can still call up flings from years back and get sex from them (not all) at short notice even if she has a new bf. They can push the limits on hardcore sex and the women will be happy to serve to try and make him happy. They know they are competing with the memories of his freaky exes/nsa girls. These guys juggle multiple FWBs/Fk buddies and they don’t need to keep it a secret from them. They have BJ only booty call girls. They can act like arrogant jerks with ZFG, simply because… they can because its more fun plus to test out women’s self respect. They’re giving the shit tests. Not all women will lap it up and numerous will walk away from that, but the ones who don’t are not unattractive or desperate. They are gorgeous, and while some may have self esteem issues, its redundant to the guys as they don’t have any intention to get in an LTR with them. These men have crazy sex lives like a horny hot girl not looking for anything serious.except they have more power as they can keep their emotions in check, not get oneitis + they are the ones to decide if there is going to be a relationship.
Not all women are like you describe. There are some great DTE ones out there but they don’t float around single for long, and the guys who get them tend to not just throw them back on the dating market. Also a woman doesn’t have to be hot to be a cumdumpster. It can cover a wide spectrum of looks. Put up a profile of an plain, overweight, trailer park trash woman in her 20s on Tinder and watch the continuous stream of offers from desperate horny men. I think you can put your mind at ease about about having to measure up to a woman’s dog fucking past.
Wrong. The most Alpha of males cannot touch the levels of ease with which truly hot women who understand their SMV can demand dick, if they so wish.
Never said all women were like that.
2girls one cup is fake bro
The original may be (I have no clue), but if you think girls aren’t taking poo in their mouth, then you are mistaken.
Dubai Porta-poddy?
I am a internetnuaght I navigate the interwebs for curiosity and the horrors I have seen even in death shant not be washed away from memory!
just a hint, guys do it too ya know?
So the point? We’re horny primates and just like every other mammal on earth aren’t picky with who we shag it up with!
I worked around farms and seen horses doing cows dogs on sheep and every other combo one can imagine, it is all just life.
BTY Yes I seen to stallions ride each other around the barn too so that is just as natural! Welcome to reality, no fiction will ever beat it!
This looks like something a drug addict would write. No happiness here folks, she even admitted it herself. Just chasing the next high.
I’m at school and I almost just barfed in front of everyone when I read that.
This was the best comment! At first I was thinking you were going to give them the benefit of the doubt when it came to the large cock thing but it was dog sex! Yeah, I can’t even give these creatures the benefit of the doubt when it comes to that… I’ve seen em take a donkey before. I’ve seen wives of men ask with deep curiosity about donkey dicks and if they are really as big as they say all with a glint of excitement in their eyes. So, I believe anything at this point. Just check out the Dubai article about Tag the Sponsor. Sadly all things are possible if you’re a hot female including the lowest forms of debauchery.
I’d say the lowest form would be any women sleeping with any one here that actually buys into this rejected sewage.
I have heard of women spreading peanut butter on their crotches. The dogs go crazy and lick it off allowing the women to achieve an orgasm or two in the process.
Hard to compete with fido when he can do a better job in most cases eh!
Well time I start a dog walking service with miniature go-pros on my hounds.. Drop them off with a few hotties and review the tapes.
It’s hard to say (no pun intended)…but I think maybe a few are getting it from Clifford, the Big Red Dog on the regular – there are some fucked up women out there.
Also, I’m wondering how many of them are lying about the number of dicks that they threw in their chow hole?
You know mate maybe the muslims where on to something with their sharia law thing.
holy hell you may be right. they do know how to control their women and have plenty of them, as twisted as their ways can be.
That is part of our problem. We must stop putting on glasses when observing women. I read the sources (note: sources) of the Wikipedia article on zoophilia, and based on what the above article says and two women in my life from earlier, I can only say that, yes, it is true. We must stop closing our eyes to female nature. They are either corrupt through 50 – 200 years of a sick society, or they are born that way. Either way, we must not close our eyes.
get help, seriously get some help, you’ve gon full retard!
Yeah I frankly doubt the veracity of the entire article. ‘My hot friend dying of cancer confesses the secret truth that women are fucking their dogs’ sounds like it’s straight from the onion I have to say.
Yeah, it’s definitely bullshit. It’s nice to see you still pop in from time to time, Cody. Are you still contracting overseas and stacking cash?
Sure am brother. It’s not bad at all. I do about 3 months of work followed by a month of drinking, riding my harley, and banging chicks. Rinse and repeat. How’s things going with you man?
Glad to hear that, man. You’ve got a good thing going there with that contracting deal. Stack money, have a home with no mortgage (eventually), buy all of your toys in cash with no monthly payments/finance charges/interest, and keep women at arms length and only let them closer when it’s time to get some pussy; you’ll have no financial worries whatsoever in due time. You’re doing things right and you’ve always came across as a solid dude — good for you.
As for me: I can’t complain. Work is good, money is good and getting better every year, and the women are useless fucktoys serving no other purpose than to provide me orgasms — it’s business as usual.
Or playboy/penthouse
it sounds ultra pornified IMO
This article is entirely made up, or at least greatly exaggerated. It’s almost too obvious.
This part was a bit over the top. In fact elements of this article read a tad too much like guy fantasy but the majority of it is still very true. That said, when it comes to sex with dogs, it is not common, but it is not nearly as uncommon as you might think. A single woman with a large dog – that more often than not happens to be male…. got to wonder why.
I agree with you. I know I’ve met some “dogs” in my time but this is ridiculous.
I suppose to fans of a site created by a goatfucker the idea is not too far fetched.
Hey, don’t be such a buzz killer… I’m sure we can find some qualities about that…well…Sure… yes it’s…organic ?
(And Kinsey would have find it perfectly reasonable (when he was not busy masterbating toddlers)
Anyone ever just sit and watch a cat for awhile?
They are very habitual creatures going from place to place in a routine order, sniffing this, scratching that, trying to get your attention by doing something they shouldn’t. Fickle about whom they approach and picky about food and other things. Sometimes they ignore you completely, or pretend to. And a cat’s idea of romance is to run around in heat shagging everything on the block.
But flick a laser pointer around and they come to full attention. Drama!
Maybe there’s a reason women like cats so much? Maybe there’s a reason why another word for felines and vaginas is pussy?
Oh come on don’t bash cats. If you’d live in the countryside with mouses every where in your house like I do, you would understand their primary use and respect them for that.
Not bashing, just observing the strays in my neighborhood.
Yeah well, they’re not worth a good dog for companionship (no i’m not thinking about what you think I’m thinking about) but they serve their purpose in the right environment.
But honestly, this morning and likely for the rest of the day it will be difficult not to think what you’re not thinking that I think what you think about. 🙂
…don’t change the subject, we were talking about cats. 😉
Yep cats are good for organic pest control and if you’d like a pet but work two jobs and/or live in a small city apartment.
& why they name hurricanes after women’s names? Cuz all they do is screw you round and round in big circles. But you don’t complain cuz you’re getting BLOWN BIG TIME!
You might be on to something there. Somebody should do some research on this , maybe women evolved from cats and not monkeys.
Parallel evolution descended from different lines of animals, and being of different species today, would explain so much.
Death! Huzzah!
Someone ought to invistigate the dog things. If it’s true at least one female must have shared her story on a forum on something.
I agree, but we will never know for sure.
There simply are some things that a woman shall never admit…. unless she is on her deathbed and dying of cancer, I guess. But even then, it’s a 0.0001% chance to hear these things from her mouth.
For the same reason a woman will never admit that she will sabotage a relationship because of the lack of drama…. or doesn’t deserve happiness …. or secretly enjoys watching her female friend’s relationship fall to ruins.
I think it’s simple. female pets can get pregnant and most people don’t want to deal with puppies.
“4. Women are hornier than men”
Bullshit; complete utter bullshit.
If #4 were true then it would be much easier for men to get with a chick. No books on game would be needed. No forums on game would exist. There would have been no douchie-retard with his own TV show demonstrating how to ‘approach’, ‘elicit’, ‘close’… etc adnauseum to male victims of a feminazi society.
“7. All women dislike themselves”
More bullshit. Women are hard core narcissitic parasites who only care about themselves. This should be way obvious to any red pill man today.
This article reads like some beta-fag who writes for the politically correct fag media e.g. Mens Health.
In terms of sheer number of partners they’d willingly take on, you’re right. Gay men easily go into the hundreds – women, not so. But when they find good sex, they are demented in their pursuit of it. Part of the reason women don’t have more sex partners is so many men are lousy at it.
Narcissism stems from self-hatred.
“Part of the reason women don’t have more sex partners is so many men are lousy at it.”
Too bad you’re wrong.
narcissists can hate themselves. I think most of them do.
Please my ex always want’s sex with me she can’t get enough.
I’m skeptical of this whole article. Female secrets from a dying hot blonde? Could of this have been one last epic shit test before she died?
#4 is most likely true , the reason why most men need game is because only a very small portion of them is satisfying the women’s horniness and has easy access to sex. While the rest has very little to no access to pussy.
Remember the 20-80 rule.
Nowadays 20%(I personally think 12% would be more accurate) of men are fuking 80% of the women.
SO this leaves us with 80% of men having little to no sex versus 20% of women having little to no sex.
Only that proves women are VERY sexually active(compared to men) . And yes if they are so sexually active is because their levels of horniness are through the roofs.
On the other hand men are MUCH LESS sexually active and out of desperation will try different techniques and look for solutions to become more sexually active
If they were in the same place we are right now women would probably do the same shit we do with game, PUA,etc. Or perhaps they would go even further and resort to more drastic/crazier ways to get what they want. For example a woman will turn into a ruthless total monster when she needs your cock but you keep ignoring her. I tell you this from personal experience.
#7 is absolutely right and you are wrong again. Yes women have inflated egos. They are very egoistical and only care about themselves , they spend hours taking selfies and looking at the mirror to make sure their ego doesn’t shrink a bit . But why is that? Well because thats the only thing they have , besides that they are nothing . They know they are worth nothing and hate themselves for it . An alpha male can easily come along and destroy a woman’s fragile ego in 2 seconds. She will react aggressively (self rejection) at first because of her true worthless self being exposed but then she will very quickly spread her legs for him.
And although you didn’t mention it , all of the above `kind of brings us to the dog question.
I believe it to be 100% true. Women are not stable human beings and they know it. Deep inside they are very aware of their worthlessness. So they will resort to such degeneracy that is compatible with their state of being .
Without MEN keeping them checked out women will do the most corrupt and unimaginable shit.
And final words , I am not complaining or whining about women being who they are . You know who’s fault all of that is. Sadly Our fault. We must be men and stop the degeneracy.
“#7 is absolutely right and you are wrong again”
Sure, pal. Sure.
She’s bipolar and she’s a zoophile. She had a lot of risky sex because she’s bipolar, and wants to qualify her zoophilia. Mystery solved.
What the fuck does your response have to do with mine?
I cannot believe the dog part. Women have sex with dogs? Really? Sounds like this female was dying from a drug overdose rather than cancer.
A quick search and the first 5 results (only for reported instances, and just in the US alone, except the last one from Ireland, she died from it and I didn’t want to link to Perez Hilton):
What a wonderful world.
Well, of course there are always freaks that would do such stuff.
My take is that there is nothing no matter how disgusting and dehumanizing that there isn’t a chance that some human utterly loves and relishes it.
I don’t believe that most women with dogs do that though.
Yeah, I don’t think that the point on the animal things was that “most” do it either. More that women are fully capable of depravity.
As for degradation and relishing/loving it, I wouldn’t be too certain. Lots of fetishes out there. And fetishes often are actually requisite for that person to achieve arousal or orgasm whether it is hot wax, bondage, water sports, multiple anal or vaginal insertions while penetrated in another orifice or what have you.
A russian friend told me about a woman who came to hospital with a mouse inside her vagina.
The mouse was still alive.
Poor mouse. Why aren’t PETA up in arms about this?
I don’t really get what you mean with the lower part of your reply. It sounds like you are not agreeing with me despite actually saying exactly what I meant. Again, I am saying that, considering the vast amount of humans, there is always a chance that no matter what it is some disgusting freak utterly loves and relishes it.
I hope I am clear now.
Yeah, I am agreeing with you.
Sometimes I reply simply to reinforce the points or add my own take on it.
Good, I get you now. A simple “I agree, but also…” would have helped though.
Anyways, don’t you think this article is a bit weird? I mean aside from it being made up. That’s the guys first article and already such a “masterpiece”? Or look at his bio. “…LIE-brary…”? Doesn’t seem very legit overall to me.
I am pretty certain that this guy only wants to make us look bad.
He does so by confirming to the world how we see women. I mean dogs, really.
We should look out what our new fame brings us.
Yeah, it does seem “off” to me in places.
I already commented on Steve H’s post that it just doesn’t read as quotes directly from a girl so much as (as someone else said) like he paraphrased her or rewrote it in his own words.
Despite knowledge that some women have been arrested for it, and a girl on Youtube argued that women should do it, and the fact
that there are a lot of international beastie videos floating around the net, I think his use of “many, many” may lack a certain candor, but I can’t speak to his motivation.
I don’t really care if someone gets offended by reading it.
Those who will, are already waiting to be offended and willing to take things out of context if they must (as proven by the last week), and many people nowadays are simply too sensitive for my tastes anyway.
Totally agree.
But in those cases, the woman is batshit insane especially the ones in the second and third articles. I just find it hard to believe that sane females would have sex with dogs but then again, anything is possible in the Leftist world
If 25% of women are on psychotropic drugs…..
Where do you live that all you meet are sane women; or even the majority.
I’m near NYC so you know that there are not a lot of normal women where I live. Sadly, the normal ones are mostly the Hispanics that are past their 30s. I still find it hard to believe the bitches and hood rats would get down and dirty with a dog when they got plenty of dicks to go inside them and the option of vibrators when nobody wants them. Maybe I still have a thread of hope that they all haven’t gone completely mad.
I believe a lot of the concepts shared, but I dont think the author should put those words in quotation. Sounds like the way a guy would paraphrase things. Again, not doubting the actual message, just the delivery of it written by a dude for maximum impact. Additionally, most women DO NOT like anal, even from a bad boy.
But the ones who do it dry are a great lay. Crazy but fun.
I have to say I was thinking this too. It doesn’t read like it was directly quoted from a woman.
Not saying that it is entirely wrong, but the more I read it, the more this article sounds like a sensationalist made up story.
Yeah.. the points mostly make sense and are the foundations of the red pill philosophy, but I just can’t believe that it came from a girl dying from cancer instead of the author’s own mind. That she would just go ahead and say all of this stuff and that she would wish her friend to know how much of a piece of shit she is right before she dies and let that be the last memory he has of her. That and the fact that the author seems to remember bit by bit of all her words that were spoken “many years ago”.
Of course.
Death can bring out deep introspection and confrontation with reality devoid of sugat coating. Of course he wrote it in a way that men would hear what a woman said. But yes, still highly likely to be bullshit
You got the feeling too eh? I think I can believe that a woman really said this to him. But I believe this woman was projecting a few personal habits or desires on to the entire sex.
Like fucking dogs for example
Indeed, I feel really weird after reading this. I hope it’s exaggerated/sensationalized…
It seemed pretty evident to me, it read like if it was going off of some red pill checklist, with a few exaggerated (or simply made up) points, here and there.
While there’s probably some truth to some of these points, I think this woman was mostly talking about herself, which of course could reflect larger trends, but also just be her own brand of crazy. On the other hand, like somebody else said, I think you paraphrased her a bit too freely, to achieve maximum “shock” effect.
Kind of explains why all those teenage girls dying of cancer were so keen to sit on Jimmy Saville’s lap: official bucket list involving going up in a hot air balloon or whatever, and the secret (real) one involving alsatians and depravity.
Actually I’m a little sceptical. Lots of truth here, but still there may be more than one sense in which this could be called a shaggy dog story. On the other hand I’m sure it’s not quite as rare as we might otherwise think
According to Freud, it’s quite common. But then again, it’s according to Freud.
Freud saw sex in everything. Jury’s still out on whether he was right
As a typical jew.
sexual / creative energy seems to be a fairly primal force in the universe at least in some traditions. That probably did colour his thinking.
The creative energy is what they call the Chi. When it builds up inside the body it tries to escape to release some pressure. According to the person’s chakras activation, it will try to escape through different points of the body. With people with lower active chakras the Chi will escape through the genitalia. Sex is just a valve.
Jew’s obsession with sex has something to do with their lower energy vibration. Freud was a prime example.
I don’t know what to make of that really. In many traditions the universe is made of energy vibrations but I’ve never heard of a racial theory involving vibrations
I share that view. That’s why it’s important to keep chakras balanced so that no circuits are blown along the way. Meditation, prayer and singing are quite effective in keeping/moving the energy upwards. Porn will drag it down, down, down.
Music is a powerful chakra activator. That’s why I am very careful about what kinds of music may be in the home environment.
I’ve heard that recently actually. Death metal not so good
Freud was just a frustrated jewish guy. Probably would have made porn in LA if he had been born in a later era.
You can harness the sexual energy into physical power if you don’t have sex or cum. cumming literally draws qi out of your bones ie knees, that is why you feel soft in the legs after sex
Isn’t the German for that:
Freudisfrauden? 🙂
He probably was a fraud in parts. Still think he got it right about women and penis envy though, if feminism is anything to go by
They say: “Even a broken clock is right twice a day.”
Except the idea of projection. He belonged to a group that seems to engage in that a lot.
Actually, most of Freud’s assumptions about sexuality were flawed, as several of his later contemporaries proved that he was raised alone by a wet-nurse his idea of the Oedipus complex was merely based on his own desires and not his observations.
So in brief, you have to be a Machiavellian, Stalinesque Mafia Don who puts the fear of death in a woman’s heart that if she ever really crosses you ,,,, well?
You definitely have to be Machiavellian. The dark triad is attractive to women, but this is onyl for men who want to be attractive, do whatever the fuck you want.
I always do.
Show this to a girl and smile while she starts the NAWALT shit. hah!
I’m not buying the hot girl with terminal cancer story but otherwise good food for thought in this article.
Especially how they sabotage a relationship when it’s going well. The reason being is that, as mentioned in the article, they have a low opinion of themselves and a man who tries to please them is disregarded as a fool.
The one which least true is – 4. Women are much hornier than men.
A woman’s desire for sex is correlated to her menstrual cycle, with many women experiencing a heightened sexual desire in the several days immediately before ovulation. This cycle has been associated with changes in a woman’s testosterone levels during the menstrual cycle. Testosterone levels have a direct impact on a woman’s interest in sex.
But there are always variations to any of these rules as women like men come in different packages.
“Especially how they sabotage a relationship when it’s going well”.
They feed on drama , if it’s not there , they get bored. Stability and normality is poison to them. They need a clown to keep them permanently occupied because they can’t occupy themselves.
I LOLed at #4. Great article.
Well, I do see many women telling their male dogs that they are bad boys for going in the house. @[email protected] They love bad boys, so…
Motel 6 getting it in the ass. Goodness. This article is cringeworthy, or multiple cocks at the same time. Fuck.
I dont trust women and probably never will. The hotter they are, the less I trust them. But I will try to find the most SANE woman that I can find to be my wife. I know some and I know they exist and have self control.
This article depicts women as insane, no self control overgrown children! And having met a few american women, I am not surprised.
If I hadnt dealt with my anger this past year with help from meditation, I would be angry after reading this article, but I am just a bit sad…
this article is full of so much win!
This is a sad article. Having sex with animals? Regular group sex? The end result is damaged children and worthless “marriages”.
And why would anyone want to even touch something as spiritually damaged as that?
He wrote the article himself.
I read this article because that headline is awesome.
Any word on when the forum will go back up?
hey hey hey wheres the 10th point?
10. Don’t believe everything you read.
This applies primarily to any news from MSM.
Don’t believe everything you think.
You can believe what you think until proven wrong. You have to be able to reject past beliefs.
I don’t trust women and I don’t trust the internet.. a healthy dose of skepticism will keep you from getting screwed either way.
You don’t get a 10th point with a 9 point list.
Yeah but he says “Here is a summary of the ten things she told me about the true nature of women” haha
Oh right… lol!
According to Disqus Notifications, looks like he originally titled the piece:
“Ten Pieces of Critical Inside Information Regarding the True Nature of Women, Divulged to Me by a Hottie Who Was Dying of Cancer”
and then changed the title but forgot to change the reference in the article.
So that bastard is hiding the #1 secret and keeping it for himself… I knew it!!
“I dont need to understand women. Women understand women. They hate each other. ”
Al Bundy.
Words to live by.
Ironically, the guy now plays a successful but still a bit of a beta man on Modern Family. Mind you, Bundy was a bit of a beta himself, but at least he seemed to be more aware of it.
My favorite Al Bundy moment was when he was giving advice to Bud, who for the first time in his life had to choose between two girls. Al said, “It doesn’t matter which one you choose. No matter which one you choose it will be the wrong one.” Now these are words to live by.
Written by a woman.
Who was his friend a fucking coke head porn star? I’ll admit this article is pretty stupid. Yea, some women do behave this way unfortunately but this almost seems like propaganda to me
I agree, this is the behavior of a nympho. Dog fucking? seriously?
Having STDs and drug use increase the chance for getting cancer.
I know it’s a cliche, but not all women are like that. It’s alarming, though to find out how many are, and how depraved they can be.
Gee, you think so ???
Don’t worry guys… she’s only speaking for herself.
This article should be a beginner’s manual for starting a relationship with a new girl. Always think these points are a possibility so you won’t be shocked or surprised when she pulls any of these.
I mentioned earlier that I bookmarked this article.
Not because I fully believe this stuff, but because it is, as someone mentioned earlier, an ”antidote for pedestalizing”.
Some of this seems over the top, but they do like big dick. Women have offered themselves to me before despite being in relationships because of my confidence, decent looks etc. But this isn’t the majority of women. This represents the majority of feminist women who got into relationships with betas. I refuse to believe a bunch of them are dog fuckers, just for my own piece of mind.
Yeah that’s bollocks (about the dogs).
Wow! Hmm… different.
The death bed confession discredits what could be otherwise a decent article. I suggest the author edits it out.
Nevertheless I can see his reasons. I think Roosh is making a u-turn in terms of RoK’s target audience. He wants to retain the female readership he attracted after his recent brilliant marketing campaign.
A lot of this is because hot women are never forced to grow up. She was a typical spoiled western women. Never had to grow up until she found out she had cancer.
Wester men(fathers, boyfriends husbands) are conditioned to pamper women. That is one advantage with women from poorer countries, poverty and hardships force them to grow up and value a good man. A few American women grow up but it usually not until after they’ve had to be responsible for a kid for a number of years.
Some women are hornier than men. There are two types of women, those that can have orgasms and those that can never have any. But those in the former category still use sex to get what they want from men. What you want is a horny woman that is not a total slut, Pretty hard to find.
Headline coming soon: “Pro-rape site that called for boycott of Mad Max claims hot women fuck their dogs.”
The dying girl must have been saying essentially that not only do hot chicks fuck their dogs, but they talk about it with each other. I find it hard to believe, I must say. Then again, I have always suspected that women who are very into horses would like to fuck a horse.
I’ve long suspected that there is an unspoken sexual element to women who like horse riding. It’s probably a more subtle case of sexual stimulation from the movement and saddle than anything else.
I mean, not even subtle, in my opinion. But, yeah.
Be careful with very horny women. Most of them are in fact genetic men with external feminine characteristics.
And no, I don’t mean transgenders.
You can now swab their skin and send to a lab for DNA testing. Horny guys usually don’t want to wait days for results. Someone needs to invent a one minute test.
Who wants to wait a minute?
This holds mostly for white and/or westernized women, because they live in a family and society where this kind of behaviour is tolerated.
God, what a crock of shit. The world is watching; keep poking holes in your sinking boat.
Sounds like a threat. Either way , we don’t care.
Interesting list, but I’m seriously trying to wrap my head around #4 – really, dogs?
Then again, the first thing I thought of was this –
Or this:
Youtube video is down because account was deleted, but it is still around, in other videos that talked about it, if you want to look.
EDIT: Looks like the full video can be viewed here:
“Girl lists reasons why women should have sex with dogs.”
Millennial females are wack. If her parents won’t give money to go on spring break in mexico to hook up with randos, she’s going to say home and let her dogs lick her.
WTF is this article really about? Definitely can’t take it at face value. Even beside #4, this article is a joke.
Your reaction is based on the assumption that the article is gospel and that it should be taken at face value. I believe the dog bit is pretty unrealistic, but as a human with critical thinking and reasoning skills I am able to discern this. Remember, it’s just an article, another person’s experience on women, don’t take it so hard.
I don’t assume anything is gospel. The only thing I assume is that the writers will give us something that is at least in the ball park of reality, since that is what we all claimed to be concerned with.
I understand what you mean, however, for me, this is too far removed. I’d like to think that Roosh and the writers are in tune with how we receive articles and the blog in general. Thus, our feedback would mean something (even if a little) to them.
Maybe instead of the title ‘9 Secrets about female nature…’ it should be called ‘Results of the war on….’. Assuming this is a real woman (seems a stretch…ziiiiiinng!!), her parents must have done a number on her….
Fake article by a fake writer. Probably made by a feminist to troll the site and see how many people agree with the dog sex comment and then laugh at the morons in the comments section.
Dogs,??? come on – anybody verify this?? Some good stuff here but it sounds like he made parts or whole thing up.
Worst article in a while, though if your friend is real I’m sorry she died.
-you wrote there are ten things she said. Only nine here.
-9 is probably only partially true.
-4 is complete horse shit, especially the dog part, unless by “many” you mean hundreds, but 1 is really too many. I’m fully expecting a “Roosh thinks most women have sex with dogs” type response any minute now from the media thanks to this idiocy. Out of respect for your friend, you probably shouldn’t reveal her weird fetishes to the internet.
-8 applies to men as much as to women.
-The rest are either only vaguely or trivially true, and have been covered to death already.
[ I’m fully expecting a “Roosh thinks most women have sex with dogs” type response any minute now from the media thanks to this idiocy. ] — Sadly that would be a step up, I could actually imagine getting posts on here from folk in Holland & Florida telling us how great it is to be a ‘puppy fucker’
Setting limits and boundaries with behavior you are willing to deal with is key to a happy life and a successful outcome.
A bit of Facebook wisdom.
nice piece.
I remember a long time ago when I was a lil youngster, me and my grandpops were on the way to go deer hunting, and my grandma was mad about something — early as hell in the morning. He just told her “ah hell woman, you’ll be aiight, not bout to ruin my day.” And walked out the door.
I must’ve had a strange look on my face, and he said “she just the little dog, they always like barking at the big dog, because that’s all they have, a poodle can’t rumble with a pit.” I just got quiet. He said, “son I’ll tell you now, a relationship is hard work” Me being young and dumb, I asked him “how much do you get paid??” To this day that’s the hardest I ever heard him laugh as long as he was living lmao. He said “boy you gone be just like your uncle!” My uncle was and still is a strip club owner.
Point I’m making is, I see absolutely no point in basically working a bitch, if I am not getting paid straight cash for it. The reward does not equal the effort. And never will in my eyes.
Brutal honesty. The best wisdom a man can ever get.
It’s always the most effective ain’t it man?
that was a beautifully written anecdote.
thanks man, still sticks out in my mind like it happened yesterday
Needed more of these men in our younger life’s…..
it’s true…would have kept us out of a lot of trouble and helped avoid a lot of headaches
Well, isn’t that article just fishy. There are only two possibilities how this article came about as it is obviously made up. The first is that “Bob Smith” simply arranged this to make his point about women. That would make him, considering its contents, someone who actually despises women.
I mean really, dogs?
The other possibility is that he hates us instead. He sees us as misogynists who actually see women the way he presents them. As such he wants to troll us by kinda confirming some of the things that we have learned about women and twisting them to absurd extremes.
Also, looking at our recent expansion and at the fact that this is his first post…
Chances are high that we have attracted a lot of scum recently and that this guy only wants to make us look bad by “confirming” to the world what we think of women.
“I know it’s true, I read it at the LIE-brary”
That’s the first time I have red such kind of bio summary here on ROK.
I’m noticing it too.
This article is good for just one thing… reading it before meeting up with a girl.
Agreed, and I am pretty convinced now that this guy only wants to troll us. This is his first article and such a “masterpiece”, really?
Certainly, our enemy knows no dignity.
Good call. This article doesn’t ring true at all and definitely seems like a semi-sophisticated put on. Amazingly, the commenters are lapping it up I guess because , well, I dunno.
I’d say it’s a split. Some like it, some don’t, but generally I think they don’t believe it to be real.
This was actually a comment on an article a few days ago.
“59 Powerful Quotes that reveal the true nature of women”
Roosh saw it and asked him could he make it an article:
Like another user said, if you organize by Newest and go about 20 comments down, you will see the whole exchange.
Well, but that only changes things slightly.
Some hot girl dying of cancer and revealing everything about women? You know with what question Freud died, don’t you?
That this article came from a comment initially doesn’t really help its legitimacy nor does the authors weird bio.
But I think Roosh still let it slip as an article because of its sensationalist nature and how it’s perfect against the pedestalization of hot women.
And because he likes clearly made up stories that highlight reality in an unprecedented way.
Or in summation… women think with their vaginas…. they have no agency. Tell us something we didn’t already know.
I’m sorry for your loss. With that being said, I’m no neurobiologist, but this sounds more akin to a deathbed confession.
If this is the nature of women then I might as well continue my herbivore lifestyle lol
During the time you’ve spent on this site, that girl you’ve been dating just pulled another dick pic from tinder.
Which is why you should share very little information with women. If you know they are acting dirty, put them in a place they have no choice but to be submissive in (run dread) instead of telling them you know. Women do not deserve to be loved on an emotional level simply because they are women. They have to earn it, and I let them figure out how. That way you are always one step ahead while they are always on the back foot.
Last time I went out with friends, one of their girlfriends ‘broke up’ with him in a bid for attention. She wanted him to ditch all of his friends and plans, and it was a clear shit test. So he lied and said she was on speaker and 9 people were listening (they hadn’t gotten there yet) and then after 3 minutes of uncomfortable silence, he curtly ended the conversation and hung up. We laughed about it and ignored her for the rest of the night (and he also ignored her the next day). 214 texts and 47 missed calls. Not only did he get laid with some random girl that night, he got the most amazing makeup sex 3 days later.
On. The. Back. Foot.
I’ve actually told girls I was going to tell the world about ‘you and your dog’ jokingly just to show how little I cared about what she thought, the outcome of the situation, all of it. The fear game is the funnest game to run.
This is the most retarded thing I’ve ever read. vía @creators_fr
I’m not going to lie, I’ve worked with a lot of female clients working in the erotic art business. Beast is their top fantasy/request.
Whoever typed this masterpiece did so with one hand. Oh, and Gr8 B8 M8. 8/8
Women are no where near as horny as men.
I think they are. Most are just scared of letting that part out, especially, to the beta male they’re rolling with.
Consider that the Clit has over 8000 sensory nerve endings, and affects at least 15,000 other nerve endings. The penis has only 4,000.
So she finds the “man of her dreams”(read Alpha Male), she goes full retard and blows up like an ISIS Terrorist.
You’ve bought into the illusion that woman encourage beta males to believe, consider that 15% of females have had lesbo sex, less than 5% of males have had gay sex. If you aren’t seeing it, that’s probably because you aren’t alpha enough. That’s a difficult pill to swallow but spend some time as wingman for an alpha and you can watch women line up to suck his cock, and they will do the 3 way, and anal, or whatever he asks. And the more attractive the female the more likely it is to be true.
Damn right. You’re becoming one of my favorite commenters. You know what you’re talking about.
I got your point, But unlike men, in most cases their desire is “pickier” and after menopause (even inmediately before in most cases), in spite of all the feminist and media drivel, their desire vanishes, even though in their mind they can feel lust, their body just doesn’t answer (no perky tits, no wetness down), unlike men who can still feel lust and genuine desire (body and mind) well into their 60 and 70 (if they are healthy ie. lift regularly and keeps a hormonal balance, if they are fat slobs their sex desire will decline far sooner than for any woman).
I concur. Testosterone drives the feeling of horniness. Horny is just slang for “sexual desire and an urgent wish to satisfy it”. Straight ol’ biology shows that men have loads more testosterone, and while women are more sensitive to it, their levels are so much lower than mens that they simply have nowhere near the sex drive.
Horny does not equal “Will do amazing things ONCE WARMED UP”. That’s what the author describes. That’s a part of sexual function, yes, but it’s not “horniness”. If she wasn’t looking for a cock when you whispered those words into her ear in the grocery store, then you sir, are the hornier of the two, not her. If she swung from the chandeliers and screamed out your name when having sex, that’s fantastic, and shows she can function very well sexually, but it has little to do with base “horniness”.
Exactly! Whenever a girl tries to make that argument I always ask her this:
Whens the last time you were late for work because you were masturbating?
Whens the last time you masturbated on the bus? Plane? Public restroom?
Whens the last time you literally injured yourself from masturbating?
… I experience all of the above on a regular basis, as do most men.
Seek help.
on the bus?
Public places??? Injury?? Dude.. no, just no, man..
Not as horny in our way, but, their overall sexual desire is much larger than ours. Sexuality in women is everything due to her design, in a man it’s partial and can be satisfied easily. I’d imagine this is why men have some many other interests and pursuits apart from matters purely related to their bodies and sexual desires.
Depends on the man or the woman. Not so black and white.
After getting better at game and having sex with many woman I find that alot of woman are much more horny than I am!
The better question is did you tap that cancerous ass before she bought the farm? I mean, you could make her wear a wig or a bag.
He tried, but got friend zoned in favor of Marmaduke.
Give me a break. This article is so goddamn fake. The writer obviously cooked up this fake “hot female friend dying of cancer” story and made up all this stuff himself. Sorry, but women don’t talk like this, which any reader would know if they spend time with real girls. This is just typical manosphere premises dressed up as being confirmed by a hot dying cancer woman (lol!). Fake article by a lying writer. ROK can do better.
Yup we get blowback about a simple happy hour meetup because bad articles like this keep making it thru the filter.
I personally don’t believe the article does this site any favors, while there is aspects of truth to it. Like a few have mentioned, I don’t think women are generally that self aware especially to the level that this was laid out. I cant see a woman sticking the knife into the character of her own sex the way this article is written.
My guess is its taking the piss but the author by writing this a as a re-telling of conversations with a dying female friend, paints the article as not being an opinion piece from him, but a confessional admission from a female. It’s cleverly been framed to deflect criticism as its not his words but the original speaker of the secrets (a woman). If a woman speaks the (supposed) secrets then other women wont be able to say what the fuck do you know about women (not that you need to be the same sex to observe how the opposite sex behave but that claim is often used) Then again how much more fanciful is it than Roosh devotees plotting to get the laws changed on rape and supposedly planning to break into parliament/congress at night and inserting new rewritten pages into the legislation and hacking govt computers to edit the laws.
Not buying into this for one second.
I’m having a difficult time believing a woman, any woman, even a woman heavily under the influences of sodium pentothal, would tell anybody these things, especially so clinically.
Common sense posting like this will keep the comment section from going from 500 to 50,000 responses- whose side are you on?
Yeah, I’m a buzz kill. Dang it.
It’s a fake. “Hot dying cancer chick confessing secrets of human nature” — ok whatever!
Finally someone who sees the pink elephant.
Just sit at a table next to a group of millennial females having brunch on the weekend, having had a few mimosas and “sharing” about the night before.
Women talking about men among themselves is not the same as some chick relaying this information so straight forward to a man.
I have six sisters and can vouch for your position. However, I found out quite young that if I sat silently for a while they would forget I was there and the truth would come out. Let me warn all those truth seekers out there; you really do not want to know the truth. Like they say, if you like sauage, you shouldn’t watch it being made.
This is true. They try to get a rise out of you for a while, and when it doesn’t work, they pretend you away and talk normally.
Information may want to be free, but you pay for hearing this stuff.
Heh, I don’t know it could generally help to prevent pedestalization. So you would agree with this article?
Would you write a ‘six sisters’ article?
so you think this article is bogus?
You would be surprised how much we hate the western culture of women. This seems to be the case for especially attractive ones who know how to get what they want; they seem to have an even worse, more child-like way of living that this article gets the basis of to some extent (a bit exaggerated). I often find that the worst enemy of a woman is other women. It definitely has been edited to a clinical wording (assuming this woman existed) in order for it to make an entire article. Writers have to make it appeal to readers after all.
I would never put anything past a female. I’ve heard some pretty crazy stories and most of them don’t surprise me in the least. The last part of #4 seems a little far fetched but I wouldn’t be surprised if it were true.
Its been a while since you’ve posted an article.
I couldn’t help but think about this song while reading this article.
Da ladees like daags.
Rememer Buñuel’s La Belle de Jour ?
RE: #7 All women dislike themselves. Reminds me of a scene in the final episode of Season 2 House of Cards. The manipulative wife of the main character, about to become president, is talking on the phone to the wife of the outgoing president, who is praising her for being such a kind, caring, good friend. When the call ends, the woman starts weeping.
I didn’t get it at the time, but now I do–she realizes she is really a worthless, lying, manipulative piece of shit, and faked friendship, manipulated and used this woman, and for a moment realizes how callous and evil she really is.
This sounds like a troll article
Correction: After reading the author description, definitely a troll article. Intentionally published to be a joke? I wonder.
This started off as a comment to the following ROK article. And as you can see, Roosh himself asked if this could be turned into an ROK stand-alone article.
The original comment is a bout 20 comments down (sorted by “Newest ” comment). And, as you can see, Roosh himself asked if this could be turned into an ROK stand-alone article.
(I’m just a messenger who has no “nickel in this dime)
No article to that link man…
Eh… It is from the ROK article “59 Powerful Quotes That Reveal The True Nature Of Women”
Huh… It is from the ROK article “59 Powerful Quotes Thar Reveal The True Nature Of Women”
Try this…. It is from the ROK article “59 Powerful Quotes Thar Reveal The True Nature Of Women”
Try this… It is from the ROK article “59 Powerful Quotes Thar Reveal The True Nature Of Women”
Sorry man. Computer was wiggin’ out.
Good detective work champ!
Guys even though a lot of this is true this article reads like it was written by a feminist or mangina to discredit us. This horribly written filth doesn’t belong on ROK.
This started off as a comment to the following ROK article. And as you can see, Roosh himself asked if this could be turned into an ROK stand-alone article.…
The original comment is a bout 20 comments down (sorted by “Newest ” comment). And, as you can see, Roosh himself asked if this could be turned into an ROK stand-alone article.
Stll bad taste.
So you just couldn’t make a bullet point list about what you personally and truly think about women instead of putting a fabricated story?
I’m fairly sure this article comes from a comment from a previous article. Whether it’s “made up” or not is unknown.
As I said in my previous comment I call bullshit on this article. While I don’t consider myself a ‘neomasculinist’ (or whatever term you guys want to refer to yourself as) I also don’t buy into this feminist crap.
If the men here want to be taken seriously, if you want to stop the media lies, if you want to actually make a difference, then it’s the articles like this that need to go. It makes a mockery of the site and those associated with it.
My personal view is that people should be free to be who they want and live the life they please, within the confinse of the law and while not screwing others over. At the end of the day you live and then die so make the most of it while you can.
What if it’s true though?
And what if it’s not? Anyway how does you comment change anything I said in my post?
I think I wasn’t clear enough: what I meant is, are you prepared to accept to possibility that everything in the article is true or do you have an ideological mental block that prevents that?
For me personally, I think everything in this article sounds far fetched but at the same time, why would this guy have a reason to lie? The content of this site has made my life better in so many ways, I’m just tempted to believe this article, if not as the litteral truth then as an allegory. If there’s one sensible message we can get from it is that women don’t love men like men love women and men should be aware of that.
I don’t doubt there are individuals that are this messed up; but I’m not inclined to believe this is “the true nature of women.”
A femensit writer could easily compose an article just like this about men, listing all the awful horrible things we supposedly feel and do. Does that make it true?
ROK needs to decided which direction it wants to go in, but articles like these will just continue to attract rage and media lies. For now I’ll stick with the articles that are at least of some benefit to me.
If a feminist writer wrote an article about men that sounded like this one, it wouldn’t bother me. The problem with feminists is that most of them are lesbianic unmarriageable harpies who know very little about men because none would touch them with a 10 foot pole. As a result, their interpretation of masculinity, whether it be the good or the bad aspects of it, are always wrong because they have never been with masculine men.
Writers on ROK, on the contrary, have been with multiple feminine women and we can all see into the psyche of the messed up women (because they love making a big show of it, by either slutting it up in the club or writing a blog about fat acceptance). This is precisely why I’m more inclined to believe a writer on ROK talking about women than one on Everyday Feminism talking about men.
We’ll agree to disagree then buddy
I’m more than happy to accept that, especially if it’s done in such a respectful way (something you rarely see when it comes to people who don’t agree with some of the content on this website).
How cute. She is in hell having sex with multiple penises and getting attention. From dogs. Women are….censored…..
It seems that this article is flying over a lot of commenter’s heads.
I think it’s pretty clear that it’s a sort of non-fiction satire, in the same style as The Protocols. It uses hyperbole and exaggeration, along with the writer’s device of the deathbed confession, to make points that are essentially true.
It may be correct that no woman would ever be this forthright about her motives, if for no other reason than they are not nearly introspective and honest enough to know much about themselves. However, this fact does not change the accuracy of the article one bit. It is so truthful that it hardly matters where the information came from.
Jew mad about the Protocols jew?
Ya, they will never forgive that Jew for spilling the beans with the Protocols of Zion.
If this is true which it probably is, does that mean that even 50 years ago or even 2000 years ago women were never loyal to their husbands? Like did king David’s concubine women cheat on him even back then? Is their any social structure proven to keep them in line? Obviously it has always happened to an extent but I thought that it wasn’t as prevelent back in the day
I’m sure women back then had cheated but society pressured women to be loyal and feminine than today
Yes, women were never loyal. Back in the day, they were shamed for their actions though. They cheated but they didn’t make it obvious that they were sluts like today’s women do.
The only social structure that keeps women in line is Islam. Women are like dogs and need to be kept on a tight leash. Look at what happens when a dog is not disciplined and allowed to run free. They get fucked by many other dogs, they piss and shit everywhere, they ruin your belongings, etc….just like women do.
Not an Islam fan but I agree with your assessment. I’ve been doing lots of research/reading on the biblical times and places. It seems they used to be more like Islam and our values today in the church are arbitrary.
Many men that were called “godly” had a concubine and were not just sleeping with 1 girl. Look into it if you’re curious but things like that and more are never condemned in the bible but women’s behavior today was condemned. It seems maybe we have some roots we could return to or lessons to learn from Islam on some of what we do and don’t allow.
I agree.
Solomon (the son of King David) had 700 wives and 300 concubines and he was revered as the wisest man who would ever exist.
700 wives?!!?!
I only have 94 friends on facebook
You may have to step your game up. lol
Islam is not the answer but I get your point. Traditional Catholicism for all its defects used to do this but after the self-destruction of its hierarchy, a slippery slope was reached, add feminism, de-industrialization and female worship and there you go…
Pet Play keeps them on a leash too.
There used to be consequences. Loss of property access to her children. A woman could risk being thrown out on the street and not even taken in by her own family. Now it’s the opposite a wife can cheat on her husband and if he divorces her for cheating he pays her alimony, child support, loses the house, half his money if not more, half his pension or 401k, and if he’s lucky he sees his kids on the weekend, that’s if she doesn’t move away.
The whore has been exhaulted in this latter day.
Back during King David’s time, chastity belts were the normative Rx. Slap one on as insurance.
Was it just a symbolic thing or how did it work?
These are belts from museums. They look pretty intimidating with sharp spikes. A high price to pay. Too high for me:
Nobles kept their women and chaste daughters in check with these chastidy belts frequently, trusting them little more than the animals they have been since time immorial. Granted we have and always will need them to breed and service. Exclusive romantic love is a modern fairytale. Women are our ‘other half’ of the reproductive process. Under patriarchal control, our species maintains civilization. Under matriarchy, we all become like animals. The nature of man falls to the level of the female. Chastidy belts were insurance for maintaining smv value and prolonging virginity for the desired suitor.
That’s pretty interesting. You should write some articles.
And there are stories of noble families where it was custom for the father to witnessed the wedding night intercourse as a proof that the marriage was consumed.
If you want more of X you subsidize X (welfare for single moms, alimony, custody privileges etc.) but if you want less you punish it….as simple as that
No woman said this, the sheer amount of text is the proof. If she said THAT MUCH you would have uploaded a recording to YouTube instead of typing it all down. Most of this is true, and a good chunk of women would even agree, but one woman did not say all of this in a hospital room.
After clicking on the author’s profile I see that this is the only thing they have written. After the recent controversy with this site, it is possible someone submitted an intentionally stupid article as a means of discrediting the site’s integrity. Submissions need better screening. After all, what kind of pen name is Bob Smith?
He posted that as a comment on an article couple days ago. Roosh saw it and asked him to submit it as an article.
Link the disqus profile showing the comment, either his or roosh. If I am proven wrong I’ll admit it and apologize.
About 20 comments down (sorted by “Newest ” comment)
15 days ago, sure enough. All right, it’s real and I apologize. I still think the dog thing is ridiculous though.
So what kind of dog should a man get to attract women?
Dobermans, Great danes, English Sheep dogs, etc.
LOL, I have 2 Dobermans and 5 small terriers (NOT all males *cringes*).
If that article gets taken serious, I sure must be the queen of female lust (when in truth I am a demi-sexual who feels like throwing up just by the thought of a one-night stand, which has actually not been fun in a society where one is supposed to be all sexually predatory and stuffs, or else one is a calf with two heads -.-)
Dobermans are super cool though *thumbsup*
Get a small but cute pussy magnet dog. Something non threatening like a puggle, terrier, not too girlie like a Pomeranian but something that wont be able to reach her in a doggy style position. You should be safe with those types of dogs. If you do get a big dog, keep track of your sock drawer. Women will put socks on their paws to keep from getting clawed up.
just become a dog.
You don’t get any more insightful and truth from a dying woman with nothing to lose. One of the better and more useful articles here. Truly spells out the devious nature of most women. Ive always believed women are the snowflake decpticons that people dont want to believe. The dog fucker thing was new to me but I believe it. Women are ruthless. Take these lessons to heart guys, the second a bitch isnt getting what she wants, all bets are off. She will find any way to rationalize cheating..and she will if you dont head these lessons mentioned above.
LOL at taking dating advice from a woman.
The article is satire lol. You’re like the SJW’s who thought the rape article was truth.
several years ago i caught a documentary about the history of porn on the History channel. not kidding. among other things, a veteran porn producer told the following story:
at one point, demand emerged for bestiality porn. they thought it will be a challenge. but in a couple of days they already had ten girls ready to work with dogs. but it took them three months to find a dog – because no dog owner wanted to give their dog to participate in porn.
Inter-species marriage will be brought to you by the same lawyers who legalized same sex marriage. They’ll claim some vid showing the animal enthusiastically interacting with the woman is evidence of mutual consent.
Overton Window. Some future court will say that being able to have sex with your pet is a ‘Civil Right’
Why does it sound like she’s bragging?
Good riddance slut.
Because women love to be” the baddest” thing in the room.
It’s funny when women play act at being bad. Even the nicest cuckold could be more vicious and dangerous than the badest woman. Only in the West do faggot men let them and their sluts delude themselves into believing that women can be bad too. lol at the feminism.
I’ve seen girls do weird shit with cats. My last girlfriend used to kiss her cat on the mouth, which was weird but not overly disgusting. But I knew a girl in college who was an absolute mess and, in a drunken stupor, once blurted out that she regularly licked her cat’s dick.
I can confirm this. Women kissing animals.
This women must have been on some serious pain killers to be so candid and lucid. It’s very accurate about a women’s sexual desire being potentially enormous which when not satisfied by child rearing has a tendency to become destructive and sluttish.
Everything here is true (well, maybe not the ‘women fuck dogs’ part).
The thing I have a hard time believing is that any woman would ever be so honest about things. I’m having trouble believing that this is a true story, and not just something written by a very wise man after a lifetime of observation.
My sincere condolences for the loss of your friend bob. It speaks volumes though that it took something as absolute as death for her to confess such truth to you, if the story is to be taken as factual of course.
I too feel for her tragic death, but I wouldn’t really like it if what she said about women is actually true! Nonetheless, I’m ready for anything.
Yeah, there’s a few more than just the dog screwing that I’m hoping aren’t true about every, or even most woman.
For some reason I read the last sentence of this article with the voice of the Halo narrator in my head.
All of this makes sense to me except for point 4. I’m not convinced that women, on average, are hornier than men nor do I think they’re kinkier. I think that guys tend to be hornier than women. At least they seem to allow their lower head to do their thinking for them when they should be using their upper head. Also I think guys tend to be kinkier than women.
Sex with dogs!!?? Talk about disgusting!! I’m not a fan of “trigger alerts” but that comment definitely required one.
So one woman says something and it means that all women are like that?
No, women always lie. Its not every day you speak to a hot woman…on her deathbed and yes its one womans view. Many of these things I and many others have personally experienced. Hearing that a WOMAN actually admitted these things is whats interesting.
I’ve heard similar shit from other women… It does depend on how loose their morals are but with most westernized women, their morals are very loose as they choose fun and excitement more than happiness in a relationship, children and family.
What morals?
HAHA I am glad to see that you posted this Bob!
I’m just a messenger who has no “nickel in this dime”…
This started off as a comment to the ROK article “59 Powerful Quotes That Reveal The True Nature Of Women”
The original comment is a bout 20 comments down (sorted by “Newest ” comment). And as you can see in the comment string, Roosh himself asked if this could be turned into an ROK stand-alone article.
Why do you care; You’ve posted this same comment 10+ times.
Eh…. I really don’t care. I just saw a lot comments from folks asking where this came from. My computer started wigging out. I wasn’t seeing my comment getting posted, so I would re=post. Then I finally saw them all and couldn’t delete ’em. Just trying to help out. I won’t do that again.
Keep singing.
This article is spot on. I have a older Male relative who is a shrink and has often hinted at this. But this article spells right out clearly and cleanly.
As for the beastality, denial isnt just a river in Egypt. Women are experts at lying to men and themselves, they are imposters and infiltrators.
Yup I’m sure a hot woman on her death bed said “Bob Smith, before I pass I want to tell you all the hidden secrets we women possess. For starters, we really like our dogs…”
This article is satire like the legalize rape piece.
True she would be more likely moaning how she was a good girl all her life and didn’t deserve getting terminal cancer at such a young age.
I think a lot of the apparent pathology afflicting American women is attributable to the untenable position in which our society places them, expecting them to behave both as women and as men simultaneously. Women (or at least the women important to me) loathe freedom and dignity, but love to serve and to please and to obey. Where the man is dominant and the woman submissive, each is happy and healthy.
about your problem over the weekend, use a throwaway email account or something if you’re cautious, considering.
I remember seeing this in a comment section, and everyone was telling you that it would be great as its own article. Well, great job! You’re a writer now. 🙂
I hate to say it but… I I think that woman is just fundamentally broken as well, not ALL women are broken and fucked up.
Today’s post feminism dystopian women typically fall into this category. This is why we learn game my friend, because good women are hard to come by. To quote Solomon 1 in a thousand good men can be found, but a truly good woman I have found none.
#3 If a woman ever tells a guy “she’s not that type of women” its almost guaranteed she is. If a woman ever says “she never did a thing” when shes spreading gossip its almost guaranteed she did
#4 If a man has Graduated University or reached 25 years of age and hasn’t realised the truth about a womans sex drive then they haven’t been living – how many guys personally have known a woman that has had multiple sex partners in a night or weekend. Anyone that has travelled to parts of the Orient would have noticed a womens sexuality in its more “raw” form – the modern Japanese woman sneaking off and doing porn just enough to have a “sexual adventure” but not enough to be noticed by family. Young Chinese women moving from the Provinces to the city and see being a mistress a career move.
“Since it’s something we can’t risk doing on our home turf”
And hence all the women that “love to travel”?
“somebody who can see through all of our false fronts and call us out on our bullshit and put us in our place.”
Thing is there is a response that isn’t putting them in their place and isn’t putting up with them, it’s just walking away.
Those who travel a lot (alone or with BFF) are the most sick. I can handle a lot but these i dont touch and avoid like the plague.
She was ‘hot’, high smv. Unlike a fugly low smv woman , the high smv woman is corrupted from the get go moreso than a low smv woman who has no prospects. The oogling and stares from behind begin very early with the hottie and this projects into their sphere. The more aware they are, the more they register it. Even if they can’t see or hear the fantasies projected upon them, they are much coveted nonetheless and this accelarates their libido centric childish insolence. Now as for the dogs, I can believe a low smv woman who lacks a master and the crack whip of patriarchy has walked that plank before.
4 & 9 are scary true. When in high school, I did earthwork with a guy in his 60’s. He would express how he thought “women wanted it worse than men.” 9: Female college friend outright said to me — “Men have logic, women — DRAMA; I dunno why we do it but when I get drunk, suddenly I become an irrational basket-case.”
I think women have evolved to manipulate men for resources and one tool in the toolbox would be drama.
A woman making out her circumstances to be worse than they are is a clarion call to white knights to show that she will be provided for if the shit hits the fan, which in tribal times would have been a life or death matter.
The alternative strategy for a woman is to actually have the man love her for being awesome, which is something very rare with women nowadays.
Call me a beta or a white knight all you want, I don’t think that most women want to be gang banged. Hypergamy is distinct from polygamy. Hypergamy tends to be one-at-a-time, no?
You’re putting fancy words on things which don’t require labels or understanding. Hypergamy/polygamy/monogamy/wankergamy… It’s irrelevant… women will do anything and everything given the right circumstances.
I don’t buy this shit for a second. No woman dying of cancer spends her time professing eloquently to some dude about the “truth” of chemistry, or the lack thereof. I do agree with #5 as a concept however. Women are all in competition with each other. They don’t come to work wearing tight skirts and high heels to attract men. If they get ahead as a result, bonus. They do it to see who looks best in which outfit. Who can make their boobs look best without surgery. Who has the tallest heels and makes their calves and ass look tight. Who looks closest to the photoshopped magazine photos. I see it every day. And to that point they only want men that will make their girlfriends jealous. The men that they all want, disregarding the character of those assholes. It’s about winning the competition. Men are objectified as material things; accessories. A woman being seen with a tall, dark, good looking man can be just as envy-worthy as a watch, a necklace or a designer clutch purse. Of course you see plenty of men doing the same. And women will tell you “well what about all those old men with trophy wives and all those men that date bimbos just to be seen with them?” Well, I’d say that’s probably 30% or less of men. Todays’ women, that same concept is about 80% or more. Everything you’ve ever been told, reality is the exact opposite. I’d be willing to never pay attention to a bimbo ever again if a woman could value character. Won’t happen.
Articles like this, while they make you think, are some of the reasons people attack this website and its members. In this case, it is easy to conclude that if the RoK readership backed every part of every article on this site (because we all know hivemind drones can’t think for themselves), then it looks like we don’t think much of women.
I know I don’t have to say this to the veteran RoK readership, but to everyone else, remember that not every article you read should be taken as gospel. RoK needs content, and gives a variety of writers the opportunity to get their views, however controversial, out there. As always, readers are encouraged to make up their own minds.
You’re right. We don’t take RoK as gospel.
However …
It’s one of the FEW spaces where men — REAL MEN — can speak their minds.
Increasingly male spaces are under-attack, seen as BAD. Most men here recognize the importance of forums/ spaces where women can gravitate with WOMEN ONLY environments. And therefore want spaces where men can speak their minds with MEN ONLY. It’s healthy.
This PC World is completely unhealthy. No one likes it. Those who proclaim it better are often on drugs — they’re miserable. This isn’t about stapling women’s feet to a kitchen floor. It’s preservation of 1st Amendment and recognizing the biological difference.
I don’t know why it’s so difficult for them to grasp, much less respect. It’s okay for women to have women-only spaces for honest discussion (I guarantee you some of the things they talk about are just as ‘inflammatory’ as what we discuss here) and for gay folks to be the authority on what’s best for gay people… but as soon as men say they want the same opportunities, everyone loses their fucking minds.
You simply cannot let them believe they have the option to contest it, or they will try to destroy it with every mentally-deranged tool at their disposal. Many of these people just cannot be reasoned with.
The entire PC-industry has been built against (white) men. Us doing the same thing (male-only spaces, men issues, opressed men, etc.), makes it collapse.
When will the MSM apologize for its misandrist editorial bias? Women are always portrayed as delicate snowflakes, while men are fair targets for abuse.
It’s true. All of it.
Perhaps these are nine secrets about this one female’s nature? Or a percentage of females? Can we honestly say ALL females?
Though I do agree with much of these factors, the trust one is not absolutely true. From my experience if you constantly accuse a decent girl of cheating on you when she isn’t, that will likely really hurt her. It also makes you seem insecure and that will turn a chick off from you as well. Some girls have it in them to cheat regardless of how you play it and some girl don’t. Good read in general.
this is no doubt top 5 worst articles in ROK history. embarrassing for Roosh and the website. take this shit down
Care to give any reasons?
dying woman just so happens to produce the manosphere ideological litany on her deathbed. give me a fuckin break.
my guess is the author thought framing the content around the dying hot girl would give the post more oomph. it did not.
Aside from point 1 (although it does not happen due to malicious intend, but rather out of frustration when you long for someone to take the lead, but instead find yourself pushed into the lead 24/7..) – no other point fits, but then again.. I have always said I am probably K-PAXIAN or so
*goes to catch the next beam of light to escape the madhouse called Earth*
Number 4 is clearly false…..can’t believe people still believe that myth
Yeah, this sounds like some crap written by horseface on “Sex in the CIty.”
I dont believe in cancer story, but whatever, we get the point anyway.
Never heard such absolutely bullshit. Sadly this is no real wisdom, but nothing like a wet narcissistic generalized men’s phantasy and wishful thinking. Even if this fictional girl would have existed.
Why would any man want to think that his potential wife is a degenerate?
This is the absolute opposite of wishful thinking, as you’ll see by the denial in most the replies.
What counts isn’t just a “large penis” with a small brain (maybe in less educated milieus), but character, principles and personality. This is what I miss in this supposed “shocking secret”.
They “think” they know, but they don’t. Everytime someone tries zu dominate others, he/she exposes his/her masked inferiority complex, often linked with an attention deficit.
To be fair to the author, the article is titled “9 Secrets About Female Nature” so listing what any woman will readily tell you they want (principles, sense of humour, confidence etc.) would hardly be in keeping with the title, now, would it?
If you feel so strongly that the points presented (outside of less educated milieus) are incorrect, then you could offer counter points to why they are incorrect. Such a reponse might be seen as more robust and more convincing than simply dismissing people as ADD, Inferiority Complexed, Narccissists.
Such a path should be easily open to someone with a large brain and a quality education. No…?
To be fair to the author: Is the author fair to women? You “need” counter points? Isn’t reality enough? Aren’t your life experiences enough?
Would you state such thesises about your mother, wife, granny, aunt, girlfriend, sister, daughter, cousine and niece?
Would you accept, that they state such thesises about you and your simple “nature”? Could you laugh about this humorous debasement?
I can laugh at anything, Eileen. The truth is humans are animals and most animals have very simple natures. Do I believe that all nine points accurately match every woman I’ve ever met in my life…? Not at all. Those of my family, less so. Those I’ve dated, more so. If I read a similar list about men I would simply accept the fact that the list holds true for some men, more so for others, not at all for a rare few.
This is a message of lament at the end of the day. Such a force cannot be countered by answers of anger. Nor can a logical man be emotionally arm bent by mentioning his family.
I’ll tell you another “well kept secret”, Jason: Real men don’t waste much time with thinking ’bout “animals nature” of women. And much less what they “want” or not want. They don’t try to “reveal womens secrets” or increase their value through “pickup” or “seduction”. These so-called machos are disquised sissies. “Men go their own way” I would venture to suggest that finally you identify one by that.
I partly agree with you. I do believe that pick-up techniques (in way of outward game) are very much feminized and an act of self betrayal. But you’ve made the mistake of thinking that everyone on this site is a PUA. I am here because I, personally, enjoy arguing with people. As far as MGTOW, if men really want to go their own way then they should become monks.
The fact remains that you complained this post unfairly judges women and then proceeded to unfairly judge every man on here. Given the dissonance between your statements and your actions, I no longer believe you are worth arguing with.
Best of luck, Eileen.
I see this as a very harsh and provocative piece, and yes, possibly born from bitterness and insecurities, but nonetheless, harsh provocative pieces can have their uses, as if one ends offended by it, it could be the nudge to look at one’s own behaviour, to see what actually hurts about it, and whether touching some truths could be one reason…
I do not feel offended by it. Only point 1 I know I have been guilty of, alas not for nasty reasons. Overall I object that it generalize with not even a hint of exclusion, yet mainly I find myself worried about the causes leading to enough males adopting such views. I have observed enough of it even as a female, to grant merit to some of the claims, and no I am not a traitor to my gender for stating this, but rather have found a lot of unhappiness among females, same as males, indicating that our ‘brave new world’ might not provide us with the best solutions after all, and that the drawing board is still there ready for more brainstorming.
Aine, I agree that the article would be more accurate if it were toned down but I don’t think this is the purpose of ROK.
If men are told that women are wonderful and men are pigs 5 or ten times a day and find no support from their mangina male counterparts, they need a shot in the arm from someone who will confidently tell them that they are not insane for seeing what they do.
I think this article illustrates some of the terrible behaviours hot women do, which helps reassure us that we are not mysogynists for terrible people when we witness the same.
I understand, I really do, but the problem I see is that females were raised being told that all men carry a rapist within, that all have to be restraint in their masculinity, as otherwise men will turn into abusers and oppressors. The myth that all men are cheats is very much alive in most female minds, that men can not be trusted. Feminists use extreme examples in history and present, to tar all men with the same brush. And where has it led us…
Two wrongs do not make a right. I have watched, believe me.. and I have seen a lot of what is covered in that article. I have encountered plenty of selfish and irresponsible women, mercilessly competing with other females as well as ruthlessly exploiting males. Yet I have also encountered lying and abusive males. I myself escaped only by a hair’s width a rape by a police officer while I was travelling the States – but I have refused to let the brokeness and illnesses of others twist me too. I move cautiously through life, more cautious the more I have witnessed.. but still I leave plenty of openings for individuals to gain my respect and my trust, regardless of their gender.
I personally think it is important to point at the negative, yes, but it is equally important to also seek out the positive examples, so that we don’t despair and just give up or give into hate.
Divide and conquer… The more we divide, the greater the threat for all of us (alas this is just my humble opinion, and of course I can be totally wrong)
That’s what all women say. But throw up a dating profile with pics of a male model and the messages explode with women offering to swallow cock.
I find the replies to this (offended and disbelieving) quite humorous, and I have to categorically state that this is in no way satire (even if you think it isn’t true) and this isn’t really one of the worst articles on here either. Granted, the premise is probably fictional and the writing isn’t solid and each of the points veer towards the extreme. But nearly all of this has been confirmed by multiple sources, including The Manipulated Man. And that was during a time when the social degradation of women was barely swinging let alone sweeping away like an unstoppable pendulum.
Do I think that every woman has sex with her dog…? No. But there are times when I see a woman interact with a male dog and feel unease. And it would not surprise me if his friend (who was probably mentally disturbed) got to her thirties on a sex diet of gangbangs and strangers and her sexual deviancy grew more and more extreme. The character you’re presenting most likely exists. The points you argue might be the peak of each of those flaws, but to me they still seem plausible.
Is having sex with your dog any less degenerate than a cuckold that lets his wife sleep with dozens of other men and even lets the men have sex with him? This sort of sexual degeneracy will only spread and worsen. There’s really no need for people who call themselves Red Pill to start bringing out their NAWALT cards.
Even if only one in a hundred women are like this, that still means there’s a vast spectrum between her and a virginal conservative with actual moral values. Most of which you want to be wary of. And society today isn’t producing ‘strong women’ as they might want you to believe. They are producing mentally and physically weak people, both male and female.
It has been a long time since I was 18, but I still remember my utter shock and horror when one of the girls I was acquainted with told me ‘we have bets when we go to parties about how many males we can sleep with during that night’. I never went to parties, even though I was considered the cute little blonde, but an inherent ‘loner’ nature kept me from socialising much, also as I really did not like society already back then (was even considering becoming a nun, but I was not religious). Her telling me that re-instated my rejection by another 1 million times.
Throughout my life I have observed, and while I did not wish to be judgemental or wanted to succumb to feelings of being ‘better’, I could not help but be scared where this dance on the volcano could possibly be leading. I also felt basically ‘raped’ by this society, as it arrived with me that it tried to force its values on me, or better said as I view it – it’s lack there of.
Fortunately though I did meet other females through the years, who shared my views and pains, but overall I can not help but see a lot of those points at least scratching on truths for many women. Dare though say such a thing as a female, and you are called a traitor to your gender, or that you are just trying to get into the good books of guys (and even some guys will think the latter).
We none feminists get silenced and shouted down just the same, and it’s a battle for us in this oh so ‘equal’ world, to not break down under the weight of our oppression, when I thought it was all about ending.. ahem.. ending oppression? *is confused*
The propaganda in modern society is incredibly sophisticated and those who subscribe and preach those messages are legion. And most people believe what they are told. Oppression is just grounds to push a narrative and then, when overreaching, to fall back on. And so far as I can see the only people that benefit from the dissatisfaction and disorder spreading through western countries are big businesses. Happiness is no longer a state of mind driven by philosophy or religion but a temporary state of euphoria attained through purchasing an object, holiday, or drug. Or by augmenting one’s outward appearance. Or by engaging in sex for a natural rush of endorphins.
The modern existence is so boring for most that they do all this just for something to do, so that they can ignore the trajectory of their existence. The movements and protests are a way to vent rage and to try and gain whatever it is they feel is fundamentally lacking in their lifes. But when most feminists finally achieve what they want (or what they wanted) they’ll realize it was all for nothing. Because they didn’t actually want that to begin with, they probably just wanted inner peace. Which they’d probably have had better luck finding (as you suggested) at a monastery or nunnery.
Sounds like your youth was troubling enough, but I imagine the 18 year olds of today and tomorrow will be bombarded with even more negative influences. Social media, celebrity culture, and societal selfishness are toxic enough to poison the character of most.
I could not agree more with everything you have said there, and especially what to me appears method behind the madness.
Unhappy people turn to consuming. It’s a vicious circle of trying to fill that emptiness inside. Erich Kästner wrote a wonderful little rhyme, and I always thought it so true.
Bad at translation however *hangs head in shame*
“You run in a circle to find an escape. You run in vain! Realize that! Think! Only one way out remains: Turn to your inner self.” (does sound nicer in German)
But yes, to turn to the inner self, to actually find out who you really are and what you really want, based on who you really are.. this is not promoted. Everything is about defining the self through outside means, trends, fitting into a norm which is a designer product in its own right.
Sad state of affairs, and I hate nobody, I just feel very scared and utterly sad about it all.
Yes this is true. Females compete against each other for the number of men they have sex with.
Very intelligently stated. Thank you.
hahahahahahahaha hehehehehehehehehe
Oh man, you guys need a fucking life.
… says the guy who bothered to type out all that laughter before actually getting to his point. How’s your life, pal?
I am not writing articles or comments supporting the idea that women are routinely fucking their dogs, so I’ve got that going for me.
In my experience, one’s worth is not often defined by what they don’t do, but by what they do do. So far as I can see you’re the kind of man who whittles away his days on comments sections for articles he doesn’t like, on a website he doesn’t like, trying to vent away some of his internalized rage.
But, yes, by all means–with all you’ve got going for you–step forth and claim the Nobel Prize.
type “can i get pregnant f” in google then come again
This site is the gift that keeps on giving!
I have doubts of the introspection of this woman (healthy criticism never hurt anyone), but then again confrontation with one’s own mortality will oftimes yield surprising results.
It wouldn’t surprise me if all that cock she took contributed in some way to her getting cancer and dying.
Life and its harsh hard truths man.
The dog fucking thing was the final nail in the blue pill coffin for me. I’ve known a few women into it and it always repelled me. Apparently their tongues are great for oral, especially the little nippy ones with fast tongues. There was quite a slant in demographic towards posh girls involving the chicks I’ve known into it. One I knew called her dog Fu Fu.
And I mean you’ve got to wonder about the likes of Paris Hilton etc.
The internet has done much to reveal the true nature of women.
Still a part of me that wishes we were wrong sometimes…but alas we are not.
1st statement = approach anxyety killer.
I agree with you. I know I’ve met some dogs in my time but this is ridiculous.
I hate to say it man, but a hot girl who has terrible self-esteem and fucks her dog doesn’t become Confucius just because she’s dying of cancer.
Impending death does tend to strip away a lot of the bull shit and illusions that people have had about their lives and a lot of what she says rings true from my perspective.
I would agree it is only her point of view so it can’t be extrapolated to all girls but I would imagine it would apply to many.
I don’t doubt anything written in this article.
I had a great uncle that told me about German broads fucking their dogs in WW2 and thought he was fucking with me, but I believe him.
When it comes to women: Hope* for the best, but prepare for the worst.
*Live long enough and “hope” becomes another term like “tooth fairy” or “the Easter Bunny”.
Most chicks nowadays, especially “Westerized, liberated” ones, are some of the foulest bipedal life forms that have ever existed. Use them to cum, that’s their sole function.
Could it be, it’s that sort of treatment which has corrupted them? It’s a vicious cycle. Who’s going to take the higher road?
I can deal with pretty much every point that is covered in this article except for one: Women banging dogs. I mean as a man, where do I even go with that? Assuming it’s true that she was real and she told you these things and assuming she speaks for most women, how do I reconcile that in my mind? If I knew for a fact that a girl I know fucks dogs, I don’t want to even talk to her, let alone fuck her. Why would anyone ever want to share a sexual partner with an animal? That’s beyond foul. So assuming it’s true, how can I arrive at any other point regarding the sexual market other than to just drop out? I can’t be the only one thinking this way.
Seconded, also hilarious name to content correlation.
instant classic…I hope we men can admit that we too enjoy fucking housepets, let’s not let the ladies get all the attention…I personally have seen manosphere meetups swiftly become bestiality orgies (I myself am a dogfucking oenophile)
Given my experience with most modern women, again not all women, only the modern ones, I can see how this article is true. One thing to remember is that: this stuff is supposed to be that which women would never admit to ordinarily. If that’s the case, especially regarding the contentious point of dog-banging, in order to see for yourself if these points are true, in this digital age, trying out anonymous chat-rooms or something of the sort where a woman’s identity isn’t revealed would be a good place to experiment. There are many of those, as well as anonymous apps. When you’re bored or taking a shit etc, why not go there and see what type of things you can get a girl to admit, or rather, go there and see her, the modern woman, in a place where she can freely show herself without the fear of societal judgement. Your mind will be blown.
The realist article I have read on this site in a long time! “Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in”. I should not have to reference this quote!
One thing that lends credence to this article is the fact that we are talking about hot women. For the sake of the article let’s assume we are talking about the top 10% of women here. As we all know a woman’s greatest asset is her looks. If she is top 1% of looks it’s tantamount to being the top 1% in influence/wealth/whatever you want for men. Except it is something you’re born with, so it’s very much akin to being the offspring of a top 1% family. The kids that are born on easy street are the most insensitive, debauched type of people (granted these are the ones without a strong father figure, basically a wallet is their parent). This is the type of woman I am imagining is doing these types of things. Their ennui gets to them and they act like lunatics because they can and they do because they’re bored. They might have sex with an animal because they don’t care what “normal” people think. They’re so far above you that it doesn’t matter. The bottom and top of society don’t care what the middle thinks of them.
I know many are not going to agree with my opinion here, and you don’t have to. I am a woman who has been recently reading articles here and agree with many of them. From what I have seen from my peers, I can pretty much agree with every point except 1 and 2. I think these depend on how a woman was raised and how much responsibility they have been given while growing up. The way western society teaches people to raise their children is to raise girls like boys and to emasculate boys. This results is omega men, and fake, lying, childlike girls. If a woman is raised in a traditional fashion, they control themselves and can act like adults with responsibilities. These are the kind of women who know their place and make good wives. Western society ruins what is good about both a woman’s and a man’s character and turns it into this sort of in-between gender role that doesn’t work; it makes people depressed, anxious and unhappy. I fucking hate what feminism has done to the modern woman because it doesn’t just ruin women’s’ happiness, it ruins men’s happiness and their possible children’s happiness.
Kat I like you. Very well said. Go on and have many good daughters and sons. My blessing you have.
Thank you, that is my dream in life really. To have a beautiful, large family that I can love and raise correctly would make me the happiest woman in the world. You and your family have my blessings also.
You’ll love your children, dogs, bff, extended family more than the poor guy that you’ll probably use. You were ‘honest’ about the points made in the post (which were actually written by the man himself), therefore there is a high probability that you don’t even give a fuck about loving the person you will claim to be your partner. Am I right.
That’s the problem with this society. There’s no respect.
I was dubious about the dog-sex thing. Did little digging and found this
It’s a forum for “zoosexuals” and their logo contains a dog print and a horseshoe.
The “Female Home-made Bestiality Pictures and Movies” forum has over 3600 topics and close to half a million comments.
WTF? Just had a look, that place is insane, people talking about sex with animals and I can confirm literally millions of views and hundreds of thousands of comments.
What a crazy world.
I really want to sign up just to confirm it’s not fake.
Then you’d be able to see the pictures on the How To guides. Sounds potentially mentally scarring. Skimming the posts, it seems like a lot of guys are also getting dicked by their dogs.
You’re from Wales so it;s not that shocking to you.
That’s terrible. Funny but terrible.
Well, he could be a kiwi of Welsh origin!
No joke. An eye opener. It’s clearly more common than most people think it is and not just a fringe group activity.
humans are the true demons of this world i can’t believe christ died for us, cursed world.
Yeah, I regret looking as well. Off to the monastery for me.
humans are the true demons of this world i can’t believe christ died for us, damned world.
what a miserable cunt of a girl. She’s burning in hell. Guess all the orgies and living 100% selfishly was worth it?
It could be that she had a shit childhood and terrible parents and tried to find happiness in the wrong places. There is a good argument that Western society is screwing up a lot of women and making them desperately unhappy so I wouldn’t be so quick to judge.
Modern society most definitely played a big, big role in her complete corruption.
I am not judging the why. I am not judging the how or why she became a miserable cunt.
She still has the choice to be a cunt or not. That’s an internal choice.
Cervical cancer?
whatever it was, it was demonic. totally taken over by demonic lusts, negativity, narcissism, the works. It all quite literally killed her.
Cervical cancer is more common among women who have many, many sexual partners……. and dogs……
It’s believed 70-75% of all men and women become infected with HPV at some point in their lives. Basically if you ever have more than one sexual partner you’ve likely been exposed.
Well, what more is there to say after that?…..
Nothing. Just know that evil is real. And it can wholly consume the most physically beautiful of women.
Are we speaking about all women here, or just a certain type of woman? Even if all women do think this way, not all act this way.
” Even if all women do think this way, not all act this way”
Exactly. NAWALT. Only 99% of young, fuckable women are like that.
I think one of the main things your dying friend forgot to tell you is that women watch as much pornography as men nowadays, and far more violent/rape and humiliating kinds of pornography. I’m willing to bet a strong plurality of people who watch the kind of hardcore BDSM stuff sites like produce are female. Girls don’t get the idea that its hot for you to face fuck them until they gag and cry from watching Disney princess movies, haha.
Men’s sexuality is pretty straight forward, but women seem to be obsessed with novelty. The extremely good looking female teachers with a great stable family/husband that throw it all away to have sex with an 11 year old student could easily go to a bar or online and have sex with anyone they want (unlike the male pedophiles who are usually social outcasts and visibly weird). But they don’t, they would rather molest a little boy and there ought to be a psychological investigation as to why.
Even most of the men on this site have no idea just how damaged and warped modern women are–they’re monsters. It gets noticeably worse each generation.
Millennial females have grown up with internet porn. By the time they finish high school they’re bored with plain vanilla sex. Nothing surprises me anymore.
“Even most of the men on this site have no idea just how damaged and warped modern women are–they’re monsters. It gets noticeably worse each generation”
I hear ya. As much as I enjoy a nice romp in the sack, I’m not into sick shit like if a girl wants to be beaten half to death in order to get turned on. And what’s worse if that if you demonstrate any classic romantic overtures to her she actually gets disgusted and turned off.
MONSTERS!! it the perfect word to describe women these day. i wonder if it’s their true nature or today society that make them like this.
They have it in them intrinsically, more or less, however society conditions and programs them to focus on the aspects of sexuality that will divide (to conquer) the family unit and human race, hence the cheating you see in hollywood movies and this obsession with dogs.
I creeps me out when I troll OKCUPID and see women answer yes to the rape fantasy question. Da fuq? And I’m not some apologist saying this.
True story: once dated a chick, whom later I came to realize all the psychological problems she had, thst claimed her ex “raped” her. Funny thing is, she’s still be in contact with this guy, and deny it at times when I called her out at it. Also said to me how much she loved rough sex. Long story short, she was the type that goes home with guys from the bar to give herself a self esteem boost, or drink so much she needed a ride hom, then ended up regretting sex from the dude that gave her a ride home the next morning (drunk sex) then tries to figure out if it’s considered rape. FOH.
Lesson: Understand the true nature and check it on the scale (stay away from extremes in any one category).
Christ, was this article screened? Seems vastly inferior to the usual RoK piece.
Sad that you will never be as you could have been. But perhaps that it is how it should be.
Cheer up. Most of the community has called this article for what it is: CRAP!
You could quote that back to most the feminists in the world. And most the men. And most everyone. Come to think of it, I doubt you’re living up to your potential either.
This article is a load of crap. It sounds like something written as a hoax/click bait.
The dog fucking is especially ridiculous. If women want massive cocks, then why do most female dog owners own tea cup sized poodles, daschunds, chihuahuas, etc? Its the men who own the big dogs(German Shepards, Pitbulls, etc).
They use little dogs for the tongue action.
Total clickbait, attention whoring nonsense which reads like an angry beta Matt Forney Penthouse letters fantasy. RoK has gone to shit lately. Embarrassingly lame.
nice points but the way you’re written it wreaks of a guy impersonating a woman.
you’re either paraphrasing her points, or imagining the conversation.
The dog stuff is grossly exagerated, but weird shit happens.
”On October 7, 2008, a woman in Ireland died after having sexual intercourse with a German shepherd dog. The woman met the dog’s owner in an animal sex chatroom, which is how the encounter was initially arranged. However, it appears that she was allergic to the dog’s semen, which led to anaphylaxis (a severe allergic reaction) and, ultimately, her death.”
type “can i get pregant f” on google search
Yeah, a woman told you this. Suuuuuuuuure
First rule of dog club…? Na, but, seriously are you disagreeing with the content of the article or just the source?
Both, naturally.
But I understand the content. Its the same as usual. The source is complete rubbish.
Yeah sure, a “dying woman” told you all this shit…none of this was written by a man, nope.
Seriously dude is this site that desperate for views? I like a lot of the other content but this is utterly stupid.
If women were much hornier than men we would have eradicated rape and prostitution. Women believe so much bullshit due to their lack of ability to think logically. But the worst part is when men believe it too, and I see that some, and more and more do….It is not biologically possible… Hellooooo!
Also, about penis size. Every time I “bottom” a girl she says “Ouu” in the way that “boohoo you hurt me” and when I just keep on pumping harder to show her how stupid this thesis about penis size is, they always say “cut it out”. Womyn are not that deep, in neither hole (discounting the anus) nor in the brains department. Also here, men believe women. Why in the world would you ever believe a woman that basically says her whole life was a lie.
And “And because we dislike ourselves, we fervently hate any man who doesn’t see through our bullshit. The more a man loves us, the more we hate him”. I have noticed. It was my wife, not me, she admits, that started the “discussions” and the “problems”. It’s always about them. Now I spend time each day to discipline her to make sure she is not unfaithful, because she is a woman, after all, without the ability to feel empathy or see inside of me. So I have other girls om the side. She usually fixes them up for me, and this, together with other things, keeps her in line, because she feels suppressed by it.
And then there is the dog fucking that the girl in the article mentions. It sounds like phrases like “go fuck a dog” or “hey, dog fucker, take of your pants” are correct and within what women can understand. I’d like to point out my earlier post linking to a female initiated research on women and dog sex (I can’t believe I wrote that) and state that 8% are the women who ADMIT that they have had sex with dogs. We have to go more like in the MGTOW direction and leave women to their filthy lives and disgusting souls and figure out if they want to be part of a progressive society or not. So how can we believe a woman that says she has fucked dogs? Well, if you say that you are you are so sick that you are able to.
Now to spank the wife some more.
I hope to bottom out in the back of Roosh’s throat very soon.
another reason why MGTOW is superior to neocucksculinity…
It’s a TRAP (or a test or something)!
A controversial article to gauge the growth of the community?
A honey pot for some gullible journalist to quote mine?
A way to lure SJW degenerates to the pet shop?
On the women dog connection, look into Nancy Fridays book titled My Secret Garden, it’s a book about women’s fantasies. It seems like there is truth to the dog thing. Here’s an excerpt:
“This is the first book of women’s sexual fantasies collected by Nancy Friday starting …. the first 100 or so pages of orgies, horses, dogs, whips and big black men.”
Look into Nancy Fridays book titled My Secret Garden for more insight into women’s sexual fantasies, including dogs. Here is an excerpt;
“When it first appeared, Nancy Friday’s taboo-shattering bestseller “My Secret ….. after the first 100 or so pages of orgies, horses, dogs, whips and big black men.”
Nancy Friday: My Secret Garden.
Here are also several excerpts from doing a quick search for women’s sexual fantasies of dogs.
“They are collections of real women’s fantasies, many of the fantasies include dogs, it’s a fairly common fantasy/paraphilia. Your wife may find …”
“A horny young girl decides to try having sex with the family pet. … Charlo – This is a story for the ladies about a woman and her sexual fantasies.”
“The second one was to explore the whole topic of sex with a dog. Now when I … Is this a normal fantasy, or at least one that a lot of women have? As far as the …”
“Nearly 65 percent of women fantasize about being dominated. … would someone actually fantasize about having sex with, say, a dog or sheep ..”.
“Humans have enjoyed rich sexual fantasies throughout the ages, … For women, the animals involved were most commonly dogs and cats, and …”
Well I guess things are darker than we expect
motherfuckers,I dare you call my sister a dog fucker,I will behead you on the spot.
Your sister fucks dogs.
Are you still alive? Or did he actually go through with his threat?
I’m still waiting on ‘im. Guess he doesn’t love his sister as much as she loves that dog.
Grain of truth to most of the points reg. “hot” women. But all in all this article is a dull shame and very generalizing! Generalizations can be an effective tool, but this is just ridiculous…
Did this girl really die of cancer? I’m guessing it was mange that did her in, but she was too embarrassed to admit it.
Now, let’s assume you are speaking the truth and this women existed and said all those things to you, not a problem with that because I met women who said the same and weren’t even dying.
How the fuck would anyone believe her if she paints herself is such a bad image?
Well, we can assume she’s just as bad, but is she being honest on how?
Now, we can assume there as women just as bad as her, not that every woman is like that or every hot woman.
We can assume there are men like her just as well, roosh from here seems just like her. But certainly not every man is like her.
People get to be more cynical when they are dying, so that might have to do with it (if this person were real). Making sweeping statements always poses issues.
Well, tis might be an issue, but I’ve met women that said this who were no close to dying or with any intent to die.
I met men who said this about men too. There’s always some variance but the core doesn’t change.
Shitty people want everyone else to be shitty, or feel shitty, or to make shitty the new good, at least when they think they can’t go back and realized how shitty they are.
If this is true, which probably is, maybe not from a woman dying of cancer but you can bet it’s true for the author if it’s not.
A sociopath would like to think that everyone else is a sociopath. Take this quote for example (take note of how many times she says “we” and “our”, instead of “i” or “my”).
“if we told the actual truth about our fervent desire for big dicks, our
pool of potential suitors would shrink drastically, to the point where
it would completely dry up. So we lie. Most often, we will claim that
we’ve had between three and eight sexual partners in our lifetime. And,
to our way of thinking, it isn’t a lie, because if we had five sexual
partners last Saturday evening, and our man asks us how many sexual
partners we have had, and we answer, “Five”, well, technically, we
aren’t lying”
I personally would count this as “female nature” as a whole, more the nature of a certain type of woman raised in a particular culture.
This is a landmark article revealing the degeneracy of a generation of females raised on the precepts of sex positive feminism.
Sounds too much like Penthouse Forum. Pull it back a little…
Love how they changed the title to attract more clicks on google. Sometimes I can’t believe Roissy endorses this place.
What was it before?
Check the URL
#6 isn’t true. Most of the women I’ve been with have had no problem disclosing the number of partners they’ve had. The super-sluts could only guess, obviously (you’re #80-something). It’s a badge of honor for them.
Women, like the children they are, actually crave boundaries.
Hahahaha, this is such a load of shit. Enjoyably bad.
I do not live in a shoebox, nor have I ever met anyone (as far as I know) who had sex with a dog. I can only imagine what people think when they see me walking my 110lbs un-neutered dog. :-/
Wrong about the “women are hornier than men”. Absolutely not true!!! It’s just that women have so much leeway in society now to do whatever the fuck they want without consequences, this leads to the illusion that they are hornier.
Guys have to be careful when and how they display their sexuality, and for most nowadays, porn and/or hookers are controlling the raging male sex drive.
Show me a woman that jerks off to porn twice a day, and has to be having sex with men constantly, and “that” woman might have a case about being hornier.
My ex that I dated for a long time, admitted that she got horny, but not as much as men. She wanted to have an orgasm maybe once a week.
Show me a dude that isn’t going crazy if he doesn’t bust one out every other day?
She told you she only wanted one orgasm per week and you believed her?
No moron, I dated a chick for over 3 years, and we knew each other pretty well. She initiated sex about once a week. She’d enjoy it if I initiated twice a week, and some times we did it every day, but I could tell she was dry, and we were close enough that she could tell me honestly that she wasn’t horny, but wanted me to get off because she knew I needed it. That was pretty much the same with the previous woman I dated prior to her.
You fucked two women and turned them off to sex and that makes you an expert. wtf
You dont want to hear this Andros – but it was you.
Only 10-15% of men are born alphas (or learned it at some point) who can give women multiple orgams by penetration.
If you can fuck your woman so well, that her legs tremble and you start dating women with short fingernails only, then you know they are indeed hornier than men. But not all the time.
A typical 40ish woman who is fucked well will want sex in about this numbers, give or take.
Week 1 of her cycle assuming a perfect 28 days: 4 times (she is bleeding a few days so a short week for sex)
Week 2: Ovulation week – 2 days around ovulation she will be wet all the time. In theory you could fuck her 8 times on ovulation day and it would still not be enough but since MEN have their limits so a minimum of 6 times but better 8 times this week is what she will settle for.
Week 3: Shortly after ovulation she will begin to dry and be a lot less horny. 2-3 times this week is fine for her.
Week 4: Less horny even than week 3 but shortly before bleeding with a spike – also 2-3 times this week.
On average 16 times a month or 4 times a week is what women who are not on some hormone drug *AND ARE FUCKED TO ONE OR SEVERAL ORGASMS EACH AND EVERY TIME YOU FUCK HER* on average want. This is without using condoms. If you use a condom you can cut this number by 3. No joke.
There may be exceptions but overall this is pretty consistent.
The average fuck (as in time with penis in vagina) should be a minimum of 20 minutes. Most guys cum within the first 5 minutes of intercourse. Go figure what respect these manboobs get from their women. Fuck her well and she will treat you like a king. nuf said.
I suppose she could have been lying to me. She showed me exactly what she liked (and yeah that involved roughness usually). When she orgasmed, I could feel her twitching hard, and she’s grab me hard by the hair. I suppose she could have been faking that too. I have very good self control, but she told me she doesn’t cum from sex (I have an average sized dick, so maybe it was me), and she liked to get penetrated, but after 10 mins she’d ask me what’s wrong, so the first time I told me “well babe I want to last long for you” and she said “I though you didn’t find me attractive today and you couldn’t cum”.
In the end, very confusing creatures. Another chick I was boning for 20 mins, but after she started getting dry and I had a rubber, and it was starting to hurt. I could go that long rawdogging, but not sure how you studs do it with a plastic bag over your dick without the girl starting to feel the chafing. Maybe the chicks were full of shit. Maybe most of you are full of shit. Who knows anymore?
A few more than 2, those were just ltr’s. On the internet everyone fucks 20+ women a month, can last 2.5hr without busting, and is giving every woman 3 orgasms a day.
Hi Andros. If a woman is fucked well and she has an orgasm you can test if its real when you put your pinky finger into her anus a little bit. If it is real, you will notice.
Then for women, one orgasm is not the end but the beginning. Unlike us men, they cum multiple times. The #2 and #3 beeing much easier and faster than the first.
I have *NEVER* (and I am past 40 as you may know)
experiencedt that a woman complained about orgasming too much. For me it takes about 15 minutes penis in vagina (no condoms used, i hate those things) to get a woman to cum from penetration alone. After that maybe 3-5 minutes for each additional orgasm. Positions where she is face down work best, this does also allow hair pulling and/or finger play in her butt. But thats a different matter.
A good sign you are doing things right would be if she is starting to touch herself, like massaging her nipples/clit while you pound her.
A few minutes later they often get reallllly wet, not the pussy lubrication alone, it is a more water like fluid. When this happens you have won another sex slave of yours.
IF on the other hand she is faking it, she will want YOU to finish fast. So she is done with the work. With prostitutes (yes i have experience in this field too) it is very often the case. Some can fake it very well. They also get dry, nub lubb etc. They are not in it for the fun but for the money. Some prostitutes you pay for the hour, some you pay with a ring. Think about it.
Google “aneros male multiple orgasms” and you will see how prostate cleansing and tantric practices can give men as much and even better orgasms than most females.
lol, true.
woman are not even close to horny as men. We have 17 times the testosterone. we are walking f machines. make no mistake.
Indeed. If women wanted to bandpg as much as men, nothing would get done.
From my experience, at least with the women I’ve been with (not a huge amount mind you) we are maybe 4 times hornier than them on average. They still want it, but nowhere nearly as much as us.
Nope women are hornier.
I usually describe myself as “the man of one wife,” even though I’m still single and I’m in the prime of my youth.
According to this girl with cancer say, I would be exactly the kind of guy for whom women do not fall in love.
The reasoning of this woman makes a lot of sense in many respects, but overall it seems to be just a whore, and whores in my opinion are not really women, they are just masturbation objects.
I believe that real women are those in which you see your children in her eyes, those suitable for marriage. At least that’s what I want to believe. I’m not the kind of guy who wants a harem, I want a wife. If the reasoning of this woman is correct, then marriages are a sham and the proper concept of mutual love would be also a lie.
I definitely do not want to believe it, even though there is some truth somewhere in between those words.
I don’t know. I am 48 and never met a gal worth 2 squirts of p when it comes to idealism. It doesn’t exist in woman- hypergamy is all there is…..
Well I’m brazilian, here we have a saying: “João de Barro does not build a nest for himself.” João de Barro is a bird that builds a mud nest. The male and female build the nest together. The curious fact is that if the male dies, the female continues to live there until the nest dissolve naturally (which can take years), but if the female dies the male destroys the nest and leaves forever.
This is a metaphor of the purpose of man in work, our feeling to belong to somewhere.
I believe that. I have seen many problematic families and problematic women, but I have no reasons to believe that all woman wants to be just a receptacle of cocks. I’m sure that they wants to be loved. When a woman just wants bigger cocks, is because she’s already broken.
The feeling of belonging is why she makes you – and you are in her eyes- a chump.
Yeah, I realize it now. I just start to reading articles in this site yesterday, and i’ve been reading compulsively since then. I came here to delete my previous comment, i’ve realized my mistake, but since it had a response I’ll let it there, so maybe other guys like me can read and realize it themselves.
I never thought too much of my masculinity because I never thought I needed to. I was sincerely convinced of myself, and people around me never questioned otherwise.
I’m happy that I’ve found this site, it is very constructive. I still want a good married life, but now I have other perspectives about this.
You are on the right track. With proper relationship management you can do a lot. Open relationships, marriage – everything is possible as long as you know one thing:
The more feminine of a woman you want (=hotter, higher SMV) the more masculine you need to be. If you are a metrosexual man, dont expect the pussy paradise. If you are a beta, whos worth is his job/money/security, dont expect hot sex.
If your genes are good, you are masculine and it does not break your back if you lift your wify a few inches, then you can have a stable and lasting relationship with many kids (!) and more sex than you can handle. Birth control is not your friend though so plan accordingly in advance.
Well, I just started my training as firefighter last week. I hope being a firefighter is manly enough when it comes to profession.
Anyway, thanks for the advice. I’ll learn as much as possible in this new world called ROK.
Whatever you do, don’t do it only for the female, because if you’re truly looking for love and a deeper sexual connection as well as respect from the female, then your job is not the first priority. Always work on yourself and chase your goals and never bend yourself for anyone, especially not a female. This will earn you real respect (and self-respect) and the right partner will find you or vise versa. If you want to be a firefighter, do it for YOU, not for recognition from women, unless all you want is sex until she finds someone with a bigger and better job or ‘masculinity’.
Just my two cents.
Can’t speak to the dog fucking but all the rest are absolutely true, ESPECIALLY 3, if she ever brings up you trusting/not trusting her she IS fucking someone else.
the dog f. seems a little weird. I mean, does the dog get a bj or something. or is it a stick it in situation.
No BJ, they just hop on and go to town.
i have never heard of this but what do I know at 48. You would think it would be a little better with a dildo or something. my word – I am not in the mainstream. Lassie the dog is corrupted.
Let me give you some more info jollyjoker so you understand.
Fictional example: Woman 48. Career woman in medical field. Had a boyfriend from ~23 to 33. After a miscarriage she did dump him. Now with her degree and her well payed job, she could do better anyways, right?
Wrong. After she was the side woman of a married doctor for a few years she bought a rather big house where she lives solo with her big dog now. She would masturbate (according to her own words to another female who i happen to know) every morning before going to work and on weekends a lot more. About 12 times a week. Duration of each session was about 15 minutes and she would get at least 3 orgasms during this time, her record was over 10 orgams during one such session. I assume a longer session.
The dog is a big dog and she would use him to lick her pussy and also to take her from behind like a man. With her “magic wand” she was in control but with the dog he was in control – more or less like an alpha male who takes what he wants when he sees a chance.
She is childless and alone. A sorry and wasted life. However she made a lot of money. I wonder who will get it when she is dead one day. Her dog maybe?
If you don’t believe # 4, you must not get out that much. I’ve witnessed a lot of this in my own personal life. Once you’ve been around enough girls, and they feel comfortable being around you, because they get that “nonjudgmental” vibe from you, they open up quite a bit. Now, do I still judge them? Of course I do. I just keep it to myself, because I want to hear what they won’t tell other men.
I think for a lot of women, it tends to be more about losing themselves in the moment, being unrestrained, desired, wild, and out of control, than it is about having multiple penises inside of them. I believe that is why a lot of women have rape fantasies. They like the idea of being so desirable to men, that as a result, men are unable to restrain themselves, and force themselves on them. They see it more as an act of uncontrollable desire, than as an act of violence. For a woman, it’s all about being the most desirable vagina in the room.
A lot of people, mostly dating coaches say that the reason men have a problem with women sleeping around is because they are not a part of it. That’s complete bullshit. If you search online, you’ll find a clip of a famous pick-up artist, Mystery. In one of his videos, he is sitting among a group of women, and states that a woman who can restrain herself sexually is a high quality woman. Now, it’s interesting that a guy who has been with numerous women has that attitude. By the way, I agree with him. So why does a man like him feel that way? He’s certainly a part of it.
There is another pick-up artist named Todd, who posted a video online about one of his students pulling a hot girl. The girl was a 10 out of 10. Todd mentions that the girl had already been with 4 or 5 guys in the span of 4 days, and that his student was going to be the next guy in the rotation. Now keep in mind, Todd has been with several women himself. Yet in this video, he mentions that what the girl did was “kind of gross”, but that it was okay because his student was going to get laid and she was “hot”. Remember, #4 also stressed on the fact that hot girls do this a lot. My own personal experiences have taught me the same as well.
If you watch these videos, you’ll often see these pick-up artist speak against slut shaming or being judgmental towards women. They even encourage you to make women feel good about sleeping around. It always comes back to the same thing with these dating coaches, which is that, “Women like sex too!” That’s what they all tell us. Yeah, I know women like sex, and so do most men. That’s not the issue. It’s the woman’s lack of restraint that men find disgusting, not the sex itself. Now, I understand how being judgmental might hinder your chances at pulling a particular girl. However, if you read between the lines, and pay attention to the words these pick-up artist say, occasionally you’ll hear them slip up and say the truth. If you watch enough of their videos, you’ll find inconsistencies.
For me, being nonjudgmental is just another technique. I get that being nonjudgmental creates an atmosphere of acceptance. Hell, the truth is that we all judge. You kind of have to in this fucked up crazy world, if you don’t want to get burned. The difference with me is when it comes to women, I just keep my judgments to myself. I don’t voice them. In her eyes, I’m simply the guy who’s “cool” with it, but in reality, I know better.
Below, is one of Tom’s most interesting shows. He did this show to prove a point to men. It’s a red pill show for sure, and one worth listening to if you are a man who is still in denial about the nature of women. Listen to the women who call in, what they say about their boyfriends, and how they view them. Pay attention to the number of guys who penetrated them in the span of a few days. The first girl admits that she can’t behave like that in her hometown, that it’s addictive, and that she may not be able to stop. You’ll definitely hear about the beta/alpha distinction from the second female. Now, she doesn’t mention beta or alpha, but she does describe some of their characteristics. The beta being her boyfriend, and the alphas being the other guys outside of her zip code. Listen to the second-to-last girl, and how she tries to rationalize going to the club with her girlfriends, while her boyfriend stays at home. She brings up trust and security. I’ll refer you back to number #3 in the list. Now, I don’t agree with everything that Tom says. I definitely don’t agree with his views on abortion, religion, and sex in general between men and women. He knows women well through trial and error, but even he has his moments where he is less than consistent. Nonetheless, this particular show is gem, and it’s one that I feel should be shared among men.
Girls on Spring Break – What the girls do in a place where nobody knows them.
There was another clip where Tom was talking to a girl who walked in on her roommate, who was lying on the couch, with her other roommate’s dog between her legs. She said that the girl jumped up immediately, screamed, ran to the bathroom, and locked the door. She walked over to the table, that was in front of the couch, where she saw a jar of peanut butter with the lid off. I couldn’t find that clip. I believe indiscretions like this happen a lot more than we are comfortable admitting.
Most of this is covered in The Manipulated Man, but it was a good read though!
Once again ROK never fails to disappoint! Also the comment section is just the icing on the cake. I love a good laugh, keep up the unintentional good work guys!! Btw i would never fuck dogs, I’m in an exclusive relationship with feral cats.
Yeah now you know why dogs and cats dont get along too well.
Women are filth and trash. Cheap fuckmeat, unworthy for humanic treatment.
What was it like to be a villain in the Taken series? Is Liam Neesan cool?
Now I know the reason why they are often called bitches.
“A hot blond” with terminal cancer told you this? Yeah right. Who wouldn’t believe that? Was she still “hot” at the time or had the chemo taken it’s toll?
BTW. No6. If women lie so do men. Only we exaggerate. Not that any of you guys would ever do that.
He wrote the whole thing himself. I’m surprised there are few of us who see that. I noticed that it was a faux article from the first 3 sentences because of the wording and tone.
As far as I know, my two sisters never acted like this. But if so many women are horny for big dicks, even to the point of fucking dogs, they should not have little dogs then, should they? But since you mention it, I do know this one woman who’s really into Great Danes. Definitely should not show this to her husband.
Sounds good and true to me.
Nothing new though. Jews and muslims have been knowing this for 100s of years.
They even know how to handle this stuff.
It is the modern society who decided to forget and not listen to the voice of reason anymore. Good for us natural born assholes – pussy paradise it is.
Women are cumdumpsters at best. Well some of them make decent domestic servants, but all in all they are only useful for perpetuation of the species and dumping loads into.
Roosh will be good for dumping my loads into when we meet.
You are completely disgusting. No wonder why women turn gay. I know how to properly treat my women. Clearly you pathetic men don’t know how to please us.
Lesbians have an even harder time keeping a woman, and that’s a statistical truth.
a lot of them have self-esteem issues and turn to lesbianism as a result. It’s quite obvious when you see the hatred they have for the male gender.
I noticed some recurring questions regarding this article of mine, here in the comments section. And even though I’m not big on explaining myself (I believe it is a total waste of time, typically, mostly due to the fact that a large number of people tend to instantly judge others based on insufficient information, and once they do, they will cling to that judgment no matter what, just like a virgin clings to her panties), against my better judgment (most likely), I decided to flesh out a few things here for or anyone who’s interested, while adding a few personal anecdotes of my own on the subject of female depravity.
Before I get started, I wanted to mention that I won’t argue with anyone who slings the usual vitriolic arrows at me in an online forum. Most of these people are paid to do what they do, and hey, a guy’s gotta eat, and I totally get that and respect it. I just won’t waste my energy arguing online. Maybe this will save some of you a bunch of time and energy.
First of all, I did not bang this female friend of mine whom I referenced in the article. She was one of the few female friends I have ever had in my life, whom I did not eventually bang.
Once she started spilling the beans about her female competition – which happened basically the second time we got together – I wanted to lap everything up that she was willing to spill.
We both lived in Dallas, Texas, at the time, and we usually met at her apartment.
She had a condition whereby hundreds of tumors started forming rapidly in her breasts. Her breasts had been removed by the time we first met, and had been replaced with implants. The cancer spread to the rest of her body in a hurry, despite the double mastectomy. It was too little, too late.
She was fully ambulatory and fully lucid, whenever we got together. You wouldn’t have thought that she was terminal by looking at her or by speaking to her – but she was. The only outwardly visible problem she had during this time, was severe fatigue.
I went to her apartment one autumn day, a couple of months after my last visit with her (I remember it clearly because there were piles of colorful elm leaves on the lawn in front of her apartment building, and I was excited to see her), and I knocked on her front door – no answer.
I subsequently read her obituary in “The Dallas Morning News” a few weeks later.
She was a really interesting young woman on a lot of levels. I do not know for certain why she decided to spill the beans to me about her competitors. I didn’t ask her why she was doing it at the time, I just considered it a gift and paid very close attention while she was giving me the gift. Maybe she really liked me, I don’t know. But most likely, she did it to “win” – to beat her female competition after she was dead and buried.
I did not use a tape-recorder, nor did I take notes, while she spilled the beans. If I had, the article would have read something like this – “Oh my GAWD, women are so fucking EVIL, BOB! Soooooo FUCKING EVIL! Like, you wouldn’t believe half the shit we do, I AM SOOOOO FUCKING SERIOUS”, etc.
The woman in question did indeed tell me the nine things listed in the article. Meaning the bullet points. Originally there were 10, but one was a partial duplicate, and I have to conclude that the editor took it out of the title – thus the “ten” in the body of the text, and the “9” in the title.
I take responsibility for the “ten” still being in the body, as I should have caught it, and then resubmitted it, after I’d first noticed that they’d altered the title, but hey, I’m human (whatter-ya-gonna-do – shrug).
I extrapolated in order to flesh out the rest of what was written in the article, based on what I could recall of the explanations that she gave me, while she was expanding on the bullet points.
(If you think you are going to get 100%-certifiable, word-for-word truth, in anything you might read, that allegedly divulges previous conversations someone had with another person, uh, I have some oceanfront property in Saskatchewan that might interest you.)
My friend actually told me a lot more about women than what I posted here. As most of you know, there are content guidelines for articles at ROK, and everywhere else for that matter. Only so many total words are allowed. I left out some of the sicker things she told me. If I’d put everything she told me into that article, nobody would have believed most of it. Such is life. Truth is stranger than fiction.
FYI, I don’t personally believe that all women are like this. I believe the vast majority of them are, and in my mind there is zero doubt about this – especially when it comes to hot women. (Except for the dog sex thing; obviously, most women don’t fuck animals – or at least, my god, I sure as hell hope not.)
However, I can indeed offer some personal anecdotal evidence, from my own experience, which more than backs up my dead friend’s words…
I caught a previous ex-girlfriend of mine in the actual act of having sex with an underage male. This is a very widespread practice, in my humble-but-informed opinion. In this case, I came home from work early one afternoon (the woman and I had been living together for over a year) and there was a child’s bike in the driveway, complete with trinkets dangling from the handle bars and a banana seat. I walked in, padded down the hallway, and caught them in the act, right in our own bedroom. The kid was 13, he lived a few houses down – the ex was 25.
After calming myself down (which took a night of bar-hopping and about 10 hours’ sleep), I was obviously done with the woman, true, but I became curious about the whole affair, and started coaxing her to tell me additional details regarding this bizarre urge of hers, and how it had manifested, prior to bolting for good.
She eventually opened up and told me that her best friend was really into it, too (I knew this woman as well), and prior to the time that my ex and I had started living together, they would frequently troll the beaches of Southern California in order to “scout the talent” (her exact words). They both preferred blond, blue-eyed beach boys between the ages of 12 and 14. (In retrospect, it was no coincidence at the time, that I was 22 years old and had blond hair and blue eyes…gah, I just resisted the urge to puke right this very second.)
According to my ex, they would then, “take the talent home and train it” (her exact words). She claimed that most of her girlfriends did the same thing, and they did it on a regular basis. Also, according to her, this was very common among women.
Since I was personally propositioned for sex by the following, in no particular order, when I was underage, I already suspected that the practice was widespread: 1) My fifth-grade teacher – 2) The wife of a man for whom I worked – 3) The mother of a friend of mine on the high school swim team – 4) The daughter of the owner of a company where I worked.
All you have to do is read the news headlines every day, and you’ll read something about a female teacher, at least once a week, who got caught banging an underage male student. Whenever I encounter a story like this, I always ask myself, “How many of these go unreported. And how many of these are indeed reported to school authorities, but are summarily swept under the rug…” (Yes, the actual numbers have to be mind-boggling.)
The ex-girlfriend of mine whom I caught in the act, was not some fat, ugly loser. She was California-girl pretty and had a body that stopped traffic. The same went for her best friend. And this ex of mine, unfortunately, was also the best fuck I ever had. I ditched her very shortly after I caught her in the act, of course, but goddamn it…what a shame, she was an out-and-out sex goddess. (I literally passed out the first time she blew me – no lie.)
Another anecdote from my past, which backs up what my dead friend told me:
When I was 17, I started a friends-with-benefits arrangement with a smoking-hot, 22-year-old college coed who was attending a well-known university in the Midwestern USA. She was an admitted (and very proud) nymphomaniac. The relationship lasted about a year and a half. Whenever I spent the night with her, she would set her alarm and get up at precisely 4:30 a.m., every morning, so she could make the rounds with some of her regulars (i.e., her list of men whom she included on her “Fantastic Fuck List” – her exact words). She would service at least a couple of them, every single morning, prior to going to school or going to work.
Now, that wasn’t necessarily that weird in and of itself, at least not to me…however, her long-term life’s ambition was grotesquely weird. In fact, it was so freaking weird, that when she divulged it to me, I immediately stopped seeing her right then and there. Why?
Well, you see, she was getting her Master’s in Physical Education, don’t you know, and her goal was to be a Phys. Ed. teacher for boys in middle school. Why? Well, according to her, males between the ages of 12 and 14 had the highest level of sexual energy; she had done all of the necessary, meticulous research on the subject, don’t you know, and during this particular time of their lives, she was certain that most males were at their sexual peak…
I know, I know – what I wrote there would puke a goat off a gut wagon. But alas, this isn’t the weirdest of the weird, on my personal list regarding the weird things that some women actually do.
I have a really good male friend whom I’ve known for 20-plus years, who swore up and down – and I eventually believed him, due to the strenuousness with which he made his case – that he had once caught the hottest girl in his high school, fellating a horse, at the stables where the two of them were working one summer.
He claimed that he’d subsequently blackmailed the girl, and held the event over her head by threatening to tell everyone he knew about it, in order to coerce her into having sex with him – which he claims she ultimately did (she let him fuck her), over a period of two or three years. (Of course, being a dickhead on occasion, I said something like, “How’d that horse cum taste?”)
I have another friend (female), who works as a nurse in a smallish city in Oklahoma; we’ve been friends for about 15 years. She works at a specialized private hospital.
WARNING: What you are about to read next cannot be unread. It will do serious damage to you, if you are not familiar with its subject matter. It’s like taking the biggest red pill in the bottle and gagging on it. I thought it would be wise to warn you first, in case some of you had the good sense to scroll past this comment before doing permanent damage to your psyche.
As for the rest of you…ready, set…deep breath…here we go –
According to a female friend of mine in Oklahoma, who is a Registered Nurse, when a man experiences a traumatic accident which results in the development of paraplegia (which means the loss of the use of one’s legs, due to the severing of the spinal cord), one of the common side-effects is a condition called priapism. Priapism is a condition which results in a state of perpetual, sometimes permanent erections in afflicted males. (As a quick aside, I once had an 18-year-old girlfriend who kept a drawing of the Greek demigod Priapus on the wall of her bedroom; priapism gets its name from this lesser Greek god of lust and fertility.)
At the private hospital where my friend used to work, every now and then, male paraplegics were occasionally admitted to the hospital in a coma after they had been involved in a traumatic accident. And according to her, all the female nurses who worked at the hospital in the evenings would fight with each other over the right to work on a specific floor each night, whenever comatose male paraplegics were housed on that precise floor. Why did they do this?
Because the women who got the shift on that floor would mount the poor comatose bastards and ride them to orgasm, that’s why…
Now, I know, I know – you are calling bullshit on this one, right?
So did I…in fact, I laughed in her freaking face when she first told me this. But she was adamant about it. So I grilled her about the details. She finally spilled so many fine, down-to-the-last-detail tidbits, while fleshing all of this all out in a shrill voice, directly into my disbelieving ears, over a period of several hours, that in the end I ultimately had no choice but to believe that it was all true.
According to her, the patients’ rooms at this private hospital could be locked from the inside. There were no video cameras in the rooms.
She also told me that, in one particular case, a 34-year-old male who was, in her exact words, “Hot as hell and hung like a horse”, was once admitted to the private hospital in a coma, after suffering paraplegia as the result of a car accident. The night-shift nurses not only verbally fought each other over the right to work on his floor each night – they physically fought each other. And my friend also told me that all the nurses either fucked this guy, or they wanted to fuck him but they couldn’t secure the night-shift slot on the floor where he was being treated…
Some women are more depraved than we can possibly imagine. (Obviously, some men are, too. It’s a mathematical fact, and this isn’t subjective – it’s simply a mathematical certainty.)
And most women have been socially engineered to the point where they are extremely dangerous to men these days – there is no doubt about that either.
But there are always methods you can utilize to get what you need, without being destroyed by women. And many women are going to hate what I am about to write next, you can count on that…
I have personally made it a firm habit to always leave money on the night stand the day after banging a woman whom I’d picked up in a bar the night before. And I have done this religiously, whenever I have been in a position where I was not living with a woman or in a serious relationship with a woman, over the past 20-plus years.
Why do I do it? Because they always take the money, for one thing. True, some of them bitch and yell and get dramatic about it, “What do you think I AM!”, etc. (Uh, we already figured that out, darling.) But they always take the money.
And here’s an additional thing you’ll find out if you try it – most of them actually like it. Which is why I strongly encourage all of you to try it out, especially if you are sick of women’s bullshit, drama and overall chicanery.
Once you find a few women who not only like it, but actually love the fact that you paid them (and you will find a bunch of them, very quickly, if you try it), you will eventually maintain a sizable harem of docile, amenable, paid female companions who will never, ever cause you any trouble at all.
(The terms of the arrangement are implicit in their acceptance of the cash…if they pull the usual shit later, which I have personally never seen them do, you have the ultimate defense at the ready. You have the ultimate proof – you paid her to fuck you. Thus, she will never pull the usual shit that women pull, such as, “He raped me”, or “He hit me”, or “I want money, asshole, you’d better pay me or I’ll tell the cops you’re a terrorist”, etc.)
If you do the mental mathematics on this matter, before actually trying it out, you’ll realize that what I’m saying is more than likely true…women you pick up in a bar or elsewhere, simply will not mess up a sweet arrangement whereby they can pick up some much-needed cash, just for spreading their legs. They absolutely will not jeopardize that in any way, shape or form. Because they know that if they cause you any trouble at all, you’ll replace them, and the money will stop coming.
Also, there is no need for them to wear a mask from that point on, and play the usual games. You pay them to fuck you and they like it, so all the pressure is off; all the pretense goes right out the window.
So this is a really simple, extremely effective tactic for any man who wants to get laid without having his life ruined in the process, and I heartily recommend it. (And I’m not trying to sell books or tapes or Kratom, for that matter…heh.)
ADDENDUM: I just thought of another stealler example of the inherent depravity of the modern female, and a LOT of “empowered” women out there are really going to hate me for this one. I have a good friend who is a cab driver. He is black. I am pointing his ethnicity out because modern women have swallowed the myth that most black men are hung like blue whales. The fact that they swallowed the myth has been very beneficial in a sexual sense, for a wide array of black males, most especially for this particular friend of mine. When I first met him, he used to tell me all of these wild stories about all the married white women he would meet, and fuck, on a regular basis, due to his job as a taxi driver. At first I thought they were all bullshit. Mostly because he was overweight, and in his late 40’s. But he continued to drive me privately over the span of a couple of years. And fresh, new stories just kept coming. Due to the overwhelming nature of the details he supplied, I eventually realized he was telling the truth. He told me that he had taken to hanging out in his cab, in the parking lot of an upscale hotel in Portland, Oregon. Why? Because white business women – oh, I’m so sorry, I’m not being politically correct here; white business people – would regularly stroll out of the hotel, quite boldly, go right up to his cab, and jump inside. And they would then proposition him for no-strings-attached sex. He usually took them to his apartment. (Which lends credence to what my dead friend had told me, “A woman will do just about anything, sexually speaking, so long as she is fairly certain she won’t get caught.”) He claimed that the vast majority of them were married women who had children. And most of them actually showed him pictures of their children, when he drove them back to the hotel after banging them. He also claimed that quite a few of them would request anal sex from him, because, in their feeble minds, it wasn’t technically “cheating”. So whenever your own special snowflake is going out of town on “business” – and most especially if she’s hot – you might want to get a good private detective lined up in the city where she’ll be visiting. I mean, just do it on a whim, if you have any suspicions at all that she might be straying. Of course, she can’t be cheating on you; she’s probably a fantastic mother, a wonderful person, loyal to a fault, and a good Christian woman to boot. (Believe me, those are the worst kind, but I digress). Most modern Western women are indeed wildly depraved, totally entitled, and completely unaccountable for their behavior. I mean, that’s all that anybody with an ounce of discernment can conclude, unfortunately.
As much as i hate to admit it what you claim is true. This is due to my own personal experience I will admit but i later discovered I was by far not alone. As I was one of those young middle school boys who ended up fucking older women. I didn’t lose my virginity to them as i was fucking around with my peers before i climbed up the ladder so to speak, but what fucking amazed me at the time was how INSANELY goddamn easy it was to have sex with them. Combine that with them naturally tending to be better lays led me to be sleeping with a LOT of them over time. The women in question vary wildly and there was no common theme among them. It would later pay off big time as their sexual teachings proved invaluable over the years, but I will fully admit some of those women were definitely purposely seeking out younger cock while the others…easily went along with it without much problem.
As for the hospital part. Honestly wouldn’t surprise me considering the stuff I know about women(more often the not through their own mouths or being a witness). I have found in general that travelling business people are massive fucking whores male or female its pretty much a given in their line of work.
After I did some research due knowing some guys who didn’t have such positive experiences and I got to know women better. To this day female sexual predators scare me a hell of a lot more then the male ones ever will. Unlike with men people never suspect them which alone does wonders for what they can get away with and that is just the beginning. I have had many conversations(I have always had the peculiar ability of easily moving through female social circles despite not being gay) where I found out just how insanely hypocritical they are of the it and more importantly how many of them have done so(even admitting to openly hunting for them) to not minding if ‘anything should happen’. Over the years I have also noticed the bar constantly lower in terms of how young the targets that busted women are being caught for and how little its viewed as a problem or even heralded as heroic. I now can confidently say that for a fact pedophile acceptance wont start with the men but with women. Males are still reviled for it but women on the other hand are increasingly encouraged for it and for choosing younger targets despite getting busted. Its only a matter of time before they enter downright pedo territory. I have already seen over the years it drop down from lower teens to preteens and that was only once I started paying attention.
I was initially thankful for the experiences but after finding out how easy it is for female sexual predators and how young that they have to be for women in general reconsider i found myself shocked as well as horrified.
Yup. It’s just sad that women these daze would want to fuck anything – other women; children (both genders); toddlers; animals; monsters etc… yet they despise – literally Despise – the Homosapien male gender. It’s disgusting. I’m biting my tongue…
If I would have read this 2 years ago I would never believed any word of it, but today I fully realize that this is truth.
If you don’t check red pill sources regularly you get surrounded by blue pill propaganda and you start to thinking of women as little innocent things..thats why you have to check red pill sources daily.
Good post.
Grazie my friend…
God damn. I feel like God is just torturing us because that’s what he insists upon. I sometimes think when I die, and approach the “light” I’m going to just ask it to destroy me from existence. Everything about creation is just bullshit.
Maybe the truth of the modern women. They are uncivilized and morally bankrupt, the product of a society without moral values. And I hate to break it to you, but we are all subject to the same decay. Maybe you heard of the colombian drug cartel, the FARC. Men raised amidst the jungle, to which terrorism, kidnapping, rape and murder are bread and butter.
Women get a jolt of oxytocin in their brains when they orgasm. Oxytocin is an amphetamine, so it is addictive. The catch is, every time the dosage go up a notch, the lesser the effect of previous dosage. That’s why whores can’t be turned into housewives.
Oxytocin is also released through male ejaculation, especially if the male cleanses his prostate gland and practices multiple orgasms and holding the sexual energy in. Also, I’ve done all kinds of drugs and Oxytocin has a more empathetic feeling as opposed to Meth/Amphetamines or other Stimulants. I’m also sure that there is an Opiate (Oxycontin/Oxycodone) like effect that gets released, but am not entirely sure about this one.
If you’ve done amphetamines and most stimulants, then you know that it dulls your emotions and feelings (especially empathy) unless you have no tolerance and do a big dose of methamphetamine (which also releases seratonin, unlike most uppers).
In respect for the dog thing I have heard stories some of them from the source and it probably happens more than most would like to admit. Honestly if a dog starts licking the right spot and it feels good how many are going to be THAT upset about it? Nobody has to know right? There is also a domination component. I have worked with horses and in various barns a long time and I see this a lot if not a majority with women and horses. I doubt much sex is going on but they do get off dominating a big male animal. They do so with the staff.. I have dealt with that personally and would see it daily when they were interacting with their horses.
Yeah, no surprises which part of that sparked the most discussion.
Were I to accept that anything even approaching an appreciable proportion of women were having sex with dogs I think I would finally throw in the towel, become a supervillain, and start trying to destroy the human race.
So all woman are whores who should be belted up, raped and left for dead. Yeah don’t tell me something I already don’t know. As for dog humping, how is it possible when the dog has been snipped? Some lies have been told here, but yes all women are whores, get over it.
Dogs still hump one another after they’ve been fixed. Boys will hump boys, girls will hump girls, girls will hump boys, boys will hump girls. Adult dogs will hump puppies, puppies will hump geriatrics.
Hmm…that’s me and Roosh. As you can see it’s two male dogs.
The only thing those shocked by these ‘revelations’ proves is that men are mostly comprised of abjectly dumb fucks.
She sounds like a complete whore. RIP.
Totally agree!!! Women have 50% estrogen as well as 50% testosterone. When those chemicals rage at the same time, women become sex fiends!!! Women can become anally horny, as well as vaginally horny. There is a reason why women have a 50% masculine personality. Because deep down inside, they’re no different from men.
Yep if you fuck a woman in the ass she will start rubbing her pussy at the same time for dual stimulation.
Women are more likely than men to do all kinds of degenerate behavior, queer sex, pulling a train with consecutive partners right after each other, object insertion, sex for money, extreme piercings…
Its a myth of western culture that women are delicate snowflakes. If you don’t give her more of a thrill than the last man then she’s back on her phone setting up the next hook up.
The clit has denser concentration of nerve endings than the penis. Once a woman figures out how to stimulate it she goes through life on a different trajectory following her clit around.
A. Bro. That’s why I am still single! I mean, as horny as these women get, why be tied down to just one woman?
Once the female pretense of being a snowflake has melted away, what’s a man supposed to do?
As many women as you can do!
Another thing too. Men are polygamous by nature because it is our jobs to teach them how to get along with each other. As well as how to create our own community, without getting too much help from the outside. We men are leaders, mentally, politically, as well as emotionally. And it is our duty, to put that in the women that we spend time with.
I hope this gets to many men, on Bitch Media, there is something in the works called HeartMobbing. It is designed to essentially limit free speech on the internet and create a “safe zone” for feminists to spout hate. This heartmobbing also wants to find out who posts comments and have them blocked from making comments. They wish to destroy free speech in order to have their own hate speech easier to read and access. please look into this, we need to be in on their ideas to find and be able to prevent this from happening. Their reasoning is many outspoken feminazi’s are no longer using the internet because of legitimate caustic reactions to their hate mongering dogma.
I’ve learned setting boundaries with early keeps them from walking all over you!
This is why most cultures put limits on women’s freedoms.
Why am I not surprised?….
Bwahahaha. Conveniently from a dead woman, so no way to verify this twaddle.
Fucking a dog is just a good way to get a bacterial infection. If it’s anywhere as bad as a yeast infection, and the woman has just preformed the such, unless she has an IQ under 70, I severely doubt she ever will again.
Wow, this list is really shit. Even you guys know better than most of this. I don’t know what women you meet, sheesh.
“Women are much hornier than men,” idk about that one haha, maybe equally as horny.
Look at Cosmo, then look at Maxim circa 2000-2010 (they’ve apparently moved away from being a “bro” magazine, or as they call them in the UK “Lad” magazines), or even Playboy. All three usually have an attractive woman on the cover, with Maxim having PG-13 photo styled shoots and Playboy all nude.
Cosmo inside looks like a regular magazine if I remember. Yet if you look at the cover stories, every issue of Cosmo is the sex issue, with most articles on how to look fashionable or weird things to try on your boyfriend in bed. Maxim and Playboy will have some sex articles, but most of the magazine was focused on anything from investigative reporting, to sincere political commentary, to album reviews. Playboy does actually have good articles worth reading. Maxim if I remember, was basically a ton of fun facts and trivia surrounded by cheesy magazine graphics. Cosmo is almost entirely related to sex, either tangentially or directly.
I think it is important to note women prefer to get off to the written word than visually (hence the popularity of 50 Shades of Grey and Romance novels), so reading all those “sexy sex sex” articles is the equivalent to photo shoot spreads.
This article is such a stretch it is absurd.
The best part about this article is the alleged women died from cancer and is now burning in a special place in hell where she belongs.
The second best thing is that if the author fabricated any part of this article (and you know he did since half is bullshit) he should also go to hell to join her.
I’m tired of all these fly by night journalists. When you have to resort to hearsay fabrications with no foundation just to get people to read your lousy article your a loser. Go find another job.
I hope she’s not burning in Hell, to be honest with you. But I wouldn’t be surprised if she is.
Because like I said in a previous comment, from what I can see, I don’t think she’s really sorry for what she did. She’s not sorry for all the damage she did during her party days, she’s just sorry that the party is over.
I’m wasn’t sure whether to laugh or burst into tears at this ridiculous article… Not only have you made one of the largest, most inaccurate generalisations of women I have ever seen, but you have smeared a young woman’s name in the shit by ‘reporting’ her obviously false views on her female peers. this isn’t an article about a dying hottie’s views- it’s a bitter, emotionally fucked misogenist creating a little wank dream of his own. Shame on you.
As a female, i can say this list is somewhat true and false. I do think about sex. But i have never lied about how many sex partners ive had. I am 21 and I’ve only had 4, out of my entire life. If i really want something, i will work hard to earn it and I’m not talking about men or sex.
“only had 4”
haha, “only” huh?
that means at least 8.
How far back does your sexual history go? Were you putting out at 11? If you weren’t then your sexual history doesn’t even span a decade, and yet you claim only 4. That’s coming pretty close to one every 2 years and that’s if we give you a full decade. You may not think that puts you on the carousel, but it’s a good start.
I’m not impressed.
I’m sorry, I know she’s your friend and all, but this girl reminds me of a killer on death row who’s only confessing to his crimes because he’s about to get sent to the chair in less than an hour and has nothing to gain by trying to deny he’s a cold-blooded mothafucka.
“I did it because I wanted to. Because I hate myself and I hate the world and doing what I did was the only thing that made me feel alive. Because I’m evil and I’m heartless and I’m cruel. That’s why I did it. I’m ready to die now.”
That’s not remorse, that’s not a declaration of repentance. That’s only an admission of sin but that’s not the same as a denunciation and turning away from that sin.
And so it goes with this girl. I hear only an admission and acceptance that she was a monster but I hear no desire to turn away from being a monster.
Yeah, she might be warning other men about people like herself, but it doesn’t strike me as a remorseful kind of warning.
It’s more of a warning that comes from the lips of a very dark anti-hero or a villain protagonist who knows their hour has come:
“You’re a good kid. Stay away from people like me, kid. Because we’ll fucking destroy you. Well, I guess I’ll see you on the other side, it’s been fun.”
Yeah, you’ll forgive me if I don’t pour out any liquor for this one, my nigga.
:: EDIT ::
I just re-read this damned thing. Now I’m not even sure this article (or even the woman in question) is for real.
Because of the dog-fucking and the women-are-hornier-than-men thing.
What the ever-loving hell?!
Is it just possible that the bit about dogs is made up?
This true woman is either a true hero or the greatest troll of all time. Maybe both.
Dat punchline. Thanks for sharing, bro. Awesome quality material.
Love the dog-fucking discussion. Could it be you’re losing out because of something that’s rechargeable?
I just leave it here The shit is real, look carefully at the reaction of these women (even the young ones), they all enjoyed that ambiguous situations with their dogs which was captured on camera in that video. Interest of bestiality among women population is muuuuuuuuuch more higher then we expect.
sick shit
Hey, the video is no longer available. Could you repost it, please? I’m very interested in this topic.
Sorry mate, I cannot repost it because it wasn’t my video.
No problem.
lol this is a hard pill to swollow, okay now that i got this info tell me how i can monopolise on it heavily to get crazy pussy i am in my late teens btw
I see the author of this article’s “deceased friend” was a frequenter of 4chan.
A hot male friend let me in on a secret too before he died. He told me that most men engage in homosexual activity when they are sexually frustrated, i.e. no sex for a week. This is practically all men, so all men are basically doing each other in the butt ALL THE TIME. Prison is proof of this, as soon as men are taken away from women, they engage in acts that no one would ever dare speak of, but we know it happens. Wake up ladies. If a guy you’re with hasn’t had sex in a month, he’s probably boning his buddy.
Let this be a lesson, ladies.. when he discovers “only a man knows how a man likes it”, he won’t be back 😉