Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles.
~Sun Tzu
On February 3rd, 2016, Roosh was forced to cancel the International RoK meetup, scheduled for February 6. The mainstream media had been reporting on this men’s only happy hour as a “rape legalization group” for days, stirring up social justice warriors, inciting violent groups in several cities, and even receiving public condemnation from mayors, governors, and legal organizations. The risk had become unacceptable; as Roosh said, “This isn’t our Alamo.” Even a single man fired from his job due to SJW or Antifa doxing is one man too many. Not for a meetup; not for this.
A tactical retreat was the only sane option; however our enemies revealed quite a bit about themselves in this process, and we learned a little something about ourselves as well. With that in mind, it is worth considering what lessons can be taken from all of this.
Our Enemies Are Legion
Our enemy shows traits of both extreme cunning, and mindless conformity. On the one hand, they react like pod people, holding out their arm and shrieking when they spot any crimethink. They become completely unreasonable in such a state, babbling logical contradictions within the same sentence, admitting something is false and then immediately affirming its truth, demanding that law enforcement throw any and all civil liberties by the wayside, and working themselves into emotional hysterics.
On the other hand, they display extreme cunning. During Gamgergate it was revealed that the gaming press were coordinating behind the scenes, deciding which topics would be discussed and promoted, and which ones would be censored and dropped into the memory hole. Given that on February 2nd six nearly identical articles were published throughout the Australian press within hours of one another, all describing Return of Kings as a “Rape Group,” it is a near certainty that the Australian press is similarly controlled by collusion between the reporters on secret message boards. (It turns out that one company, Fairfax Media, controls nearly the entire press in the country.)
To coordinate to this degree demands sober intelligence, and yet misconstruing and overreacting to a satirical article precludes such intelligence. Trying to separate our opponents into two groups – the manipulators and the proles – is similarly inadequate. There is too much consistency. Both the upper and lower echelons share the same criteria for what is considered a threat.
This is what it looks like when narcissists flock
Most human beings subsume their emotional intelligence beneath their reasoning; when encountering another person they prioritize the spoken word over body language, and it takes effort to “listen to one’s gut” and spot the liars in our midst. This is why dogs can often be a good judge of character; an animal isn’t distracted by logic, it will immediately pick up on hidden, hostile motives instead of the advertising spiel.
Narcissists are the reverse. They will frequently contradict themselves, even denying outright facts that are presented to them, while simultaneously manipulating people with incredible precision. Where the healthy human slaves their animal brain to the frontal lobe, the narcissist is a beast who’s able to utilize the higher functions to serve the lower; being “triggered” is an open admission that the lizard is in control.
The behaviour we’ve witnessed over the past week is perfectly explained by flocks of narcissists, organized online, exercising vicious cunning with a human’s capacity for abstract thought. They are the metaphorical lizard people, dressed in skin suits, unreasonable and unrepentant. Those of us on the front lines have seen their true faces a hundred times before; after this past week, their nature has been revealed to all who had eyes to see.
Their goal is pandemonium. So long as it is chaotic, degraded, cheap, infectious, and ugly, they will endorse it, and they will use any tactic to achieve it: violence, lies, false philosophies, and pretend victimhood. They will be crying and vulnerable one moment, and coldly murderous the next. They are vicious, they are legion, and they’re organized as only animals who have known sin could possibly be.
We see you.
A choir needs a conductor
Through organizing and battling against their propaganda over the past week, we have been forced to address questions about ourselves. What are our motives? What do we hope to achieve? What is the end-state that we seek after beyond immediate material and ego satisfaction? We are men who believe in the cardinal virtues of justice, wisdom, courage, and temperance, and we pursue patriarchy, lawfulness, and freedom. We accept the responsibilities of masculinity; we accept the necessity of law and order; and we accept the bracing cold wind of working without a net.
That and $2 will buy you a cup of coffee.
Patriarchy, lawfulness, and freedom are respectively the products of charity, love, and hope; the theological virtues. Man on his own is incapable of achieving these for one simple reason: people respond to incentives – even us.
What were the upsides of this meetup? Making new friends, networking with men who work in other industries, and starting the process of building a community, something sorely lacking in this atomized age. The only substantive difference between this and a hiking group would have been a greater degree of philosophical coherence and commitment (and even then – the sort of people who will leave their homes to go hiking are the sort who agree with us on most topics already).
What were the downsides? Assault, doxing, online smear campaigns, trumped up charges leading to arrest, and even death at the hands of on unstable lunatic. As great as the happy hour would have been, it wasn’t worth the potential cost.
This is only sensible, and yet it’s this sensibility that becomes our greatest weakness. Cancelling the happy hour was nothing more than a tactical retreat in the face of overwhelming odds, but it brings us to an important question: when is it ever worth the price? Why spend the time seeking out virtuous men instead of scheming against rich men in your own field? Why bother denouncing feminism, when approving of it will yield casual sex? Why bother searching for a woman worth marrying – passing up many guaranteed opportunities for short-term pleasure along the way – for something so uncertain, and so difficult to maintain?
“Self improvement is masturbation,” says Tyler Durden, as he points towards the cardinal virtues and the honors they’ll win us in this world; but what good is the world if you forfeit your own soul? “Now self destruction…”
Truth, beauty, and spirituality; these are goals worthy of self abnegation.
What we’re fighting for doesn’t make sense when we could satisfy our need for struggle through video games. Demanding freedom doesn’t make sense when we could sit around on the government dole. Seeking out the difficult responsibilities of patriarchy doesn’t make sense when the cows are giving away the milk for free – unless if there is some higher calling that we’re all responding to.
We can’t achieve any of these things as individuals; every interaction we engage in, every moment of every day, incentivizes against the loyalty and community we so desperately need to become our best possible selves. This spiritual yearning for both freedom and responsibility is what unites us, and pushes us beyond the merely rational; this world of endless Prisoners’ Dilemma games weighted in such a way to favour defection because at least that’s predictable.
How do we do it without exposing ourselves to their attacks? That is the question we need to be asking ourselves. Through introspection we will hear the voice of our conductor, and learn what song it is that we are meant to sing.
Tactical retreat, strategic victory
By attempting to set up this meetup, we effectively sent out a small expeditionary force—only to discover an entire division hiding behind the next ridge. They responded to our reconnaissance team with salvos of artillery, displaying their bellicosity for all to see, allowing us to realize the breadth and depth of the forces arrayed against us. They failed to annihilate us, and they gave away their position; meanwhile our position will be strengthened as more men flock to our cause, first out of curiosity, and then out of righteous outrage.
The time for debating our opponents is over. We are going to replace them. We are going to win.
A final word for all of those who attacked us, slandered us, and threatened us; we, the men who would defend you against those who would enslave and exploit you; we who fight, not for ourselves, but for the future. We will remember who you are, and we are a larger chorus than you know.
That ex-boyfriend who stole your heart? One of us. That charming married man at your office, with the beautiful wife? One of us. That wise mentor who helped you more than you’ll than you’ll ever know? One of us. And we saw what you said about us, without even knowing who we were.
The battle for civilization will be neither quick nor easy. We will win, but not without great struggle and many casualties amongst those who refused to pick a side. So remember something: when you or your womenfolk are being viciously assaulted and raped by third world savages whom you defended while decrying us—or by some gestapo thug, whom you empowered to oppress us, their breath rancid with garlic and rotting teeth—
That is the future you chose by standing against men of virtue.
Whatever town or village you enter, look for a worthy person in it and stay there until you leave. As you enter a house, wish it peace. If the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it; if not, let your peace return to you. Whoever will not receive you or listen to your words – go outside that house or town and shake the dust from your feet. Amen, I say to you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah at the day of judgment than for that town.
Mathew 10:10-10:15
Read More: How We Can Use Sun Tzu’s Strategies To Implement Neomasculine Principles
If anything came from this, it was a long list of names for the day of rope. Even today, more stories about rape by migrants in Europe, yet they are focused on this! We don’t forget, leftists. We keep records.
And many of us are ex military, so bring it you sniveling little nothing. I would love to match my combat experience any day of the week versus your “list” of people headed for “the rope.” Game of Thrones has not helped your life out, buddy.
“Many of us are ex-Military” read mindless welfare recipients that couldn’t hack it in the free market and would rather kill people for the military industrial complex. I have more respect for burger flippers.
it’s always funny when leftists play toy soldiers
“i was in muhh military. muhh dont ask dont tell.”
Who is this “us” you refer to? And what are you in it for?
Lighten up Francis
yes, I’m sure you’re ex military. I’m also sure you were part of the new transgender division.
Also ‘ex-military’, which means for leftists they likely couldn’t hack it.
I agree. I see too many “ex military” versus retired and we know how it all ended.
The loud ones at the bar tend to be posers. If they insist, ask for their DD214 and they suddenly get quiet.
many stolen valor cases I have encountered personally.
I normally don’t care. The last time I said something was years ago, but it was only because he kept crowing up “how many Iraqis he killed” and getting loud about it. I queitly confronted him, outed him (Reservist who never left CONUS) and told him to knock it off. He could spout all the BS he wants, but what he was doing is publicly giving vets, especially the ones who went down range, a bad name.
Indeed. Ask him to borrow a P38 or P51 as well…..lost (most of them).
I’d pick watching game of thrones any day over playing tough-guy on the internet. Nobody’s scared of you, faggot.
Neither has Celebrity Big Brother, which according to your posting history you’re a big fan of. Don’t worry dear, once she loses the Democratic nomination Hilary Clinton can go in too — again, someone of whom you seem to be a large (in a physical and metaphorical sense) fan. Maybe she can charge $100,000 for the privilege and cry poor again?
> watching celebrity big brother
> being a tough guy
this is too hilarious
In another post she says she was “in the military 20 years”, i.e. she was a careerist hack who stayed for the pension and the bennies, since real combat veterans/victims wash out due to the injuries and PTSD well ahead of that time, and she jumped the moment the pension vested.
Not to mention that, if she retired yesterday or so, and had Combat Experience, the wars she was sent to were started by a Republican (who she wouldn’t have liked) but then continued for just as long by her pal Obama.
Doubtless she Heartily Objected To The Pointless US Wars She Was Sent To. But Widdle Dwummer Girl obviously liked the prospect of pension and benefits more than she liked her principles. And she’s supporting one of the dumb assholes who sent her to war!
“Ex Military” So how was banging the whole Platoon until you got knocked up and left on benefits?
Fabulous i assume?
Get back on your knees in front of the latrine, you have no use here.
where has he gone? come out come out, leftist
where has he gone? come out come out, leftist
Anyone get her MOS?
One post and then ghost? That’s our proud 20 year combat veteran?
See you later with another cowardly sock, Little Drummer Girl. This time try to keep your shallow viewing practices separate from your troll accounts.
69B ?
A railway dispatch ? Hahah
Probably on his period
Friend, as much as I loathe to admit it, Hillary is going to be the Dem nominee, and most likely our next president. The powers that be have already decided that.
A woman with principles?
Please! Im trying to drink beer here!!!!
So much shorter to write “because we’re a bunch of cowards who are trying to use the media to play the victim rather than set up security for our event like any other group would be required to do, even the Klan and Westboro.” This entire thing is so fitting that it’s delicious – and I think we can put to bed this idea of any kings returning, eh? You couldn’t even figure out how to have an I Hate Women meeting – you know, the kind that kids have figured out how to do in a tree fort? Yeah, real good there, “Kings.”
You are a tough guy, hiding there behind your keyboard. Go take the trash out and pick up your resentful wife’s toenail clippings. Then get back to trolling those that fill you with envy.
I very much doubt he has a wife, a husband a little more likely
You’re right. Far too many keyboard warriors. They probably think they’re SAS or Navy Seal material because they’ve switched their iPads for Panasonic Toughbooks.
Very inspiring article!
This group of men represents the core of what the elite monsters and minions of this world fear. Half of us had been waiting to meetup like this for maybe over a decade. I would have met because I refuse to be intimidated by these demons but I understand if some of the other gentlemen aren’t ready for this. I personally don’t’ believe that we will be winning any war but was interested in having more companions to watch the world burn with.
” I would have met because I refuse to be intimidated by these demons”
hear hear! I’m sure a lot of us agree with this. I personally couldn’t have gone because there didn’t seem to be a meeting in Japan; but I’m going back in April, so if anything, if/when this gets re-scheduled, hopefully I’ll be able to go!
You can still go. Some of us still intend going and meet up, but those will be places where (sane) people don’t care about blokes meeting up for a pint.
“ the world burn with.”
Some of us have kids and cannot do the Aaron Clarey thing, so fight we must. But I understand the dispair.
I agree..the whole idea is to get men meeting up (like the old days). Women will do anything to interrupt men meeting up and have a good time. They always think they are missing something, it’s sexist or they are getting enough attention.
Laugh it off, meet up another time, have a beer and a good time. It’s all about women needing the attention.
ANYTHING that takes the attention away from them they cant handle.
Must be horrible to live like that, no control, cripplingly insecure and at the mercy of outside forces that effect their ever-precious feeeelllzzzz
Thats no way to live gentlemen
Indeed. Modern women want to control their husbands/boyfriends 0-24h. The idea of a men-only meeting is completely unacceptable for them.
We could just start meeting in t!tty bars…being capitalist establishments and private property they won’t put up with militant SJW’s. And frankly, I can’t think of a better (sad to use the word) ‘safe space’ 😛 (going forward I’ll say ‘sanctuary’ ;))
That actually is a great idea.
Damn right it’s a great idea.
Anyone know who the Santa Barbara tribe is? I think we should still meet in a place. My email is in my profile.
Probably should have been option #1
I was tribe leader for Toronto. Co leader and I cancelled reservations and everything so no meet up for us
Ouch. Belly of the Beast. I did mention “sane” people. Heh. No worries mate. I am sure you will get one off the ground soon.
Yes, we planning on doing something in near future. At least I got one more world burn watching partner 🙂
Fellow Torontonian. Pretty bummed but I fully understand the reasoning behind canceling the meet up. However, this only serves to strengthen my resolve to actually connect with like-minded men in the future and also reinforces the kinship I already feel with all the guys who read ROK. I would like to keep in touch so if there is a burner email I can reach you on I can send you concrete proof that im legit and perhaps something can be arranged in the near future once all this blows over.
I may or may not be attending something in my home City, I’ll just say that….
I would actually like to see reports from Tehran and Shanghai showing where ‘we’ have more freedom. It would be the height of irony.
the egalitarians seem proud of threatening violence – i think that’s evidence that men have been too gentle with them
@Jon-I think the fear might be some white knight beta with a gun could cause problems and actually attack one of us.
Yea…..I imagine bunch of guys…. sitting on the roof of a building in an urban area..a.BBQ, cold beers, in tactical gear, armed to the hilt, sitting in comfortable leather chairs, cigars, shades, hot ladies in bikinis…. while all around fires burn, explosions, screaming minions below….. just a thought….
We call that “the family reunion” around these parts.
You mean something like these guys?
Nope, those guys are unarmed…..😁
Finland will be okay. That’s one Scandinavian country that has the cojones to weather the coming storm.
I don’t have to fight in a court of law and deal with cops to carry a baseball bat or a cane. “Just on my way to my local wiffle ball game and the LGBT outreach center officer. Everyone will win a participation trophy tonight!” 😉
It will take more than a couple of generations to eliminate guys like this:
And yet it would undoubtedly look far more like those faggot Bundy douchebags in Oregon. Rednecks sucking each other off and pretending to be tough, but crying like bitches when they’re confronted on their BS.
Y’all are hilarious!
You may as well be cosplaying as men, because you certainly aren’t real ones.
For real? They did that? They were in that shack having a homosexual orgy? Holy underpants Batman…..that’s insane….maybe u r too….
Batman? Yes, I’m Batman.
Amen brother.
Hi guys. I know girls arent allowed on here and i only opened a disqus account yesterday when i read all the hateful, ignorant comments. You dont need a girls voice to defend yourselves or your views or anything. I know this. I did it because it was the right thing to do. I knew there were mindless idiots in the world, up til this week i was unaware of how many, and how vile and violent they are.
Anyhow, sorry for crashing the party. I truly hope you get to have your meetups, and soon. I think there are more of you than you realise, and i think this week, with the display on these articles and on facebook (rok page), your numbers will only grow. Truth will out!
(Ps roosh, i hope you get every single nutjob who threatened you.)
Thank you Katy.
Thank you Katy. I don’t think it’s so much that women aren’t allowed. There are some fantastic traditional women who support the general feeling here like Lauren Southern and Karen Straughn. I, for one, hope you continue reading. There’s a lot to be learnt about life, health, social skills and philosophy here! Cheers!
Not so much that we are banning them, but that they are not needed in this space. This is an area for neomasculinity, and women cannot be masculine. But we certainly appreciate good, traditional, supportive, feminine women!
Spot on!
Karen’s not traditional, she’s egalitarian.
I agree, that is a more accurate description
Yep. Its just the nature of women to be supporting of a man. They just seem happier doing it. Though I certainly appreciate like minded women who can see the gynocentric, anti-male western society for what it is (C. Hoff Sommers, Karen Straughan, Lauren Southern), having them in a meeting would be counter productive.
Thanks for the support Miss Katy!!
As someone who had worked for Fairfax at their Sydney HQ for several years, let me tell you that 3 of the 4 floors in the building, of which they own, are now leased to Google.
When i was there, they had all 4 floors.
It was without doubt, the single most PC, conformist, Faux Elitist, Leftist, Union run shithole Ive ever worked at, and ive been in the Transport Industry.
And that says VOLUMES.
They sold out to the Left YEARS ago and their readership has been in freefall ever since.
I left after the 3rd time i got called into Feminist run HR for “creating an unsafe work environment with my views”
When I asked which views they were that was in question, and who was feeling unsafe by said phantom views, surprise surprise, I never got an answer.
What a shocker.
If Lady Fairfax were alive today she’d promptly off herself at seeing the Pravda-esque Commie rag that the SMH has become.
Noone is happier that that pathetic excuse for a “News Organisation” is bleeding Money like a stuck pig more than me.
Any organisation that hoists that disgusting pig Clementine Ford up as virtuous, let alone pay her for her vile excretions, AND back her up regardless, is no organisation worth patronising.
It can only go on for so long. Once they get rid of people like you (and there is no other “enemy”) then they end up turning on each other. I’ve seen in countless times throughout the years in different companies.
An HR department is the worst because it usually has an entire department of women who couldn’t cut it anywhere else in a company. They offered no real skills and it is always about the “feels” with these types. They are, often, the most mentally damaged ones in their personal life (and it bleeds over into their jobs).
Mate i was the only one there that had the balls to point out that what they were printing was absolute rubbish.
All the other “Men” there were straight up fags, cucks, Lefties, or Union Officials.
Wasnt a Conservative in the entire place bar myself and Miranda Devine at the time, and we all know where she is now
And they couldnt have me running around pointing out their nonsense though, oohhh nooooo.
Get this, they had a Union Sponsored “Male Model Contest” one year, and when i called it out for being sexist i was reprimanded for it, what a shock, huh?
Right. They never understand how the rules are a one way street. They are allowed to do it but when you call them on their “equality” then you’re creating a problem.
They are delusional…they have a mental disorder or disconnect. You can’t use logic and when you point it out they’ll usually redirect, ignore or dismiss. That’s when you know you’ve won the “debate” with them.
Fuck them…you’re better off. It’s a toxic work environment for men.
That entire place lived, and most likely still does based on what they print, in this bubble that was completely disconnected from Reality.
There wasnt a single person that i met there that hadnt come straight from University and had never had any sort of job in the real world.
It went all the way from Front Line Call Centre people right up to the CEO.
No fucking clue whatsoever about what goes on outside of their little bubble, nor did they want to hear otherwise.
After college I had an office job and quickly found out how HR Departments are a Feminist Hen House. When hired, two female HR Cunts took new hire guys aside to talk about Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. I assume women go through the same talk — however, I never saw it.
On countless occasions women in the office would outright talk about a guys ass in the office. And when he wore certain pants, you got glimpse of his package and “it looked like he was well hung. OMG! I want to F-Him!”
I ultimately quit and became self-employed after the day my check was screwed up. When I kindly wanted it corrected, some cunt in payroll who is more concerned with spending time on social media while at work, gave me a line that a check correction would cost me $30. After giving the bitch serious lip on such a ridiculous protocol for THEIR screw up, I was called into HR 19 minutes later as the bitch complained and said she felt uncomfortable by me. I tossed my work crap on the floor and told them to go to hell — walked out. Self-Employed ever since.
H.R. departments are hell holes that women pushed all the men out of through unfair P.C. B.S. They are about 90 to 95% females and therefore feminism finds a natural home hateful home. My aunt ran an H.R. department and she was a man hating cunt.
The heterosexual cucks can be the worst. Even some gay men can be more masculine than them. These cucks can be as bad as the straight up faggy ones.
Doesn’t that shit just make you want to murder someone or at least go “Falling Down” for a day?
Man, I oughtta stop putting so much hope into sending out my resume to HR departments.
I only work with masculine heterosexual mature adult good competant men, that’s how you keep your business running smoothly and efficiently, and have success, the other people will fuck you up and your business
Bingo! working in male dominated construction is a bonus for this reason..
Females generally make terrible trial attorneys. While I have known a few good ones most are either too meek, or passive-aggressive and will report you to the law society if you hurt their feelings, or completely unreasonable cunts. Male attorneys are, largely, dicks but that comes with the territory.
I find this especially hilarious because tv shows always make the women attorneys out to be these cunning sharks that know the law better than anyone. Sort of like when women on tv/movies can punch harder than a guy. Fairy tales.
Self-employed’s the way to go. At least if we fail, it’s on our own terms and not because some mongoloid woman in HR said we were too mean.
I do stone work — self employed, single w/ minimal lifestyle. I will NEVER work for anyone with a HR Department ever again. What I love about my industry: it’s Affirmative Action proof. Physical Work always forces the Feminazis to (magically) recognize the biological difference between the sexes.
Absolutely. I sell real estate so my career field is constantly being messed around with by the government. Can’t even tell someone if a neighborhood is crap because it can be misunderstood as “racist” and I can get fined something like $5k or get my license suspended.
The “women’s talk” about sexual harassment is 100% how to report men who harass you. They don’t speak a word about women harassing the men. I’ve sat behind closed doors on enough of them. Feminist HR doesn’t even acknowledge that women can even harass men 99% of the time. It just doesn’t happen, because muh patriarchy.
According to the Tumbrl-educated feminists that run most HR departments women can’t harass men in the same way that a black man targeting exclusively white people for “completely random assaults” then bragging about how much they hate them white devil cracka-ass-cracka folk when posting the video on WaaaaaaldStaah isn’t racism. Because “institutionalized privilege…”
It’s just kids being kids playing a little game… unless one of them punches a Jew – then it’s immediately investigated at the federal level and reported on all MSM networks as a hate crime.
Simply a coincidence. :^)
I’m in Manchester, NH for a TRUMP rally tonight. The Feminazis have this mobile billboard driving around Downtown right now.
“As compared to — the evil — white man.”
Seriously. What a Joke! Besides this “STAT” being disproven by countless reputable economists, NH is a high income state. You Should see all the women driving around in German Automobiles and living beyond comfortablly here.
This is what the left does best though: teapot a lie so many times where the general population thinks it’s accurate.
“An HR department is the worst because it usually has an entire department of women who couldn’t cut it anywhere else in a company.”
This right here is the absolute truth. No skills that really contribute to anything meaningful, other than making attempts at being cheerleaders for the company and organizing birthday parties featuring gluten-free cake and non-offensive decorations limited to one cubicle.
They’re a huge contributor in modern offices being a hellish working environment.
nope. The only thing the HR women are there for is for dealing with the issues that come from having women in the office (in positions other than secretarial) in the first place.
Yeah you also a shouldn’t have any 50 year old white women answering the phone or handling the front office in your construction or construction/trade supply business as well.
I find them to be the laziest, dumbest and rudest people oin the planet. Having never worked in the trade they seem to have learned nothing in their decades at the place and really are like old horses that should be taken away and turned into glue..
Construction is for men and women that are like men, they are rare but we all know the type that can frame up houses etc. There are a few and they are not feminists..
I don’t want any dykes either. I know there is an argument to be made from them, but I am not looking to be a tool of social change, I just am trying to get a job done.
LOL.. HR in more sophisticated organization is there to protect upper management from everyone else. At least this is how it is where I work.
That is very true!
The ladies in HR couldn’t care less about you. They look after the interests of the company first and foremost. With today’s politically correct regime, they will throw you under the bus so as to maintain a “safe” work environment and prevent a costly legal battle over a case of “sex discrimination”.
Guess who files almost all of the sex discrimination lawsuits.
I am glad for you. I work in one of the few urban industries that is still HR free and masculine, corporate construction, but I am seeing more and more women in positions of authority and all it does is cause problems.
…rat own..
Construction is actually for low IQ grunt humans. men or women.
Whats annoying is that if you want their respect (and therefore their cooperation), you might have to be running game at work.
It’s certainly doable, but sometimes you just want everything to be efficient and focus on something more important than momentarily entertaining some depressed talentless lizard who is slowly dying inside from the betafied environment she has herself created.
I’m working in a tech environment right now and their listless frustration visibly oozes out through their pores. There are cool girls around, but the ex-carousel riders give me chills.
The good part of it is that you know which ones are the carousel riders…..not gf or wife material. That’s the mistake that many young men make is they take on those ex-riders (with mental issues or still pining for their last alpha) and it’s a waste of time.
You can tell. Especially if you get to see them a little drunk during off hours.
Amen. This is the shit i had to do to soothe personal issues at one of my old jobs to get things going smoothly.
says it ALL
Dirty Harry was the best!
Publishing and the media in general are feminist havens by virtue of attracting women in their hordes. Better off working on an oil rig.
I thankfully work in a Male Dominated Industry.
I will NEVER work in an Office again, nor will i ever hire a woman.
As the great Dick Masterson says “A penny saved is a Woman fired”
As Lennon said, “Women should be obscene and not heard.”
And yet he married that untalented, ugly as all fuck Yoko….
He beat the living fuck out of her and his kid all the time too.
He wasnt the “Peace, Love and MungBeans” guy hes portrayed as for shit.
Nothing peaceful about him
He was very, very vile in a very snarky way in real life as I’ve heard. There are recordings of him in the studio between recording sessions where he is basically an absolute hate filled dick.
He absolutely was, he was brutal towards anyone who disagreed with him.
He beat the living shit out of most of the women he was with, and intentionally left his only son (who he railed on constantly) out of his will.
Go watch interviews with Sean Lennon, he doesnt like talking about his father and when he does, theres no love there, only fear.
“Imagine” My fucking ass
Talked about World Peace but was a tyrant in his own home.
He had two sons. Julian, his first by his English wife is the one you’re referring to. Sean is the one he apparently stopped being a rock star in order to look after (by way of amends for his behaviour to the first son).
… On a bit of a side note: there’s a small percentage of lesbian women, the short, stumpy, butch looking type that are first-class. They’re above gossip and nonsense, and utterly unlike other women, and could be “honorary men”. They may not be attractive, err, definitely not attractive, but they make excellent employees.
My grandfather called them “diesel dykes”. The truck driving type women from the 1970’s and earlier. Definitely not man haters, good to have a beer with, didn’t give a shit about feminism.
Yes, yes, that’s it! They typically drive trucks, or buses, and conduct transport trains. Many are even more rational and sensible than most men: ie have the best qualities of men, without all the testosterone filled anger and rage that regrettable accompany men, but for the most part is kept in check.
I like the Beatles but have heard some negative stuff about McCartney as a person too, wonder if it’s true..
What men have you been around? The men I know are adults with self control.
He was also a shithead to his first wife and oldest son.
He had two sons. Julian with Cynthia, then Sean with Yoko.
Have you ever been to a Celtic vs Rangers football, err, soccer game?!?
>nor will i ever hire a woman.
But you can save almost 1/4 of your staffing costs by hiring womyn who do exactly the same job as men for less money! :^)
…so really the entire story of “Med Men” was Don Draper realizing he could save Burt Cooper a few bucks. 😉
sounds like your typical liberal.
Sure does. All talk and no action. Many times they are the real bigots and war mongers. Just look at their actions and ignore their words.
To be honest those types never gave me any problems or spouted the feminist BS. They did their job like every other man. Hell they even appreciate your taste in women.
Not to mention that, but Lennon, the Beatles as a whole, were a mediocre pop band at BEST. They simply were not that great. Nice harmonies I guess. Mediocre musicians and lyric writers.
They were pushed by an amazing PR and production machine. The Beatles were the very first of their kind….a mediocre boy band sold into celebrity and that is their only real achievement.
And Phil Collins stole his wife.
One of our subcontractors is like that. Cool to talk to, doesn’t throw her opinions in anyone’s faces and jokes without getting offended.
So he was just yet another Leftist hypocrite? Figures.
Rolling Stones
I never got all the hype about the Beatles, your right mediocre, now the Rolling Stones is different story all together for me. I”ll take them over the Beatles any day.
Karen Straughn is a fantastic anti feminist, and she’s a dyke.
Ah, Sean Lennon. I’m sure if John could see him now, he’d regret the day he pumped Yoko’s horrible gook cunt full of Beatlejuice and conceived the talentless, deluded fairy.
Julian Lennon, decent and likeable fella who inherited Johns talent
Sean Lennon, deluded little cunt who inherited Yokos talent.
“I will NEVER work in an Office again, nor will i ever hire a woman.”
Wow you really are a sexist who’s scared of women. Maybe that’s what got in Trumps kool aide because he ran from Megan Kelly like little brat. Dudes who get off dominating women breaking down soon as they get a little push back.
How predictable and pathetic. Y
Yes, and whether in an office, or outdoor environment like construction, I’m sure she would be a fantastic person to work with. That’s the type I’m talking about: a sub-set of straight-up, legit, no bs, no nonsense women that one can respect … sadly, a small minority, but there nonetheless.
I knew a few of them growing up. Couple wives who’d jump behind the wheel of a dump truck and work an 18 Speed Eaton Fuller Transmission. Let me tell you — those type of women absolutely HATE Feminism. Isn’t that the funny thing? Women who are actually self-reliant and get their hands dirty despise feminism while feminist who proclaim to be all about self-reliance hate them.
She blew her nose and then she blew my mind!
I knew a few of them growing up. Couple wives who’d jump behind the wheel of a dump truck and work an 18 Speed Eaton Fuller Transmission. Let me tell you — those type of women absolutely HATE Feminism. Isn’t that the funny thing? Women who are actually self-reliant and get their hands dirty despise feminism while feminist who proclaim to be all about self-reliance hate them.
Karen has a Boyfriend and thus is not a dyke.
I have heard her describe herself as a lesbian, verbatim. I do know she was previously married and had 3 boys during that time. But, like a lot of lesbians she came out after she had children.
There’s something about human nature that causes the normal person who outwardly stands for something be doing the total opposite in the background (champaign socialists, Donald Trumps words, Roger Goodell as of late, MLK the Philanderer) and someone righteous and pure crushed by the mobs (Ron Paul campaign, Tom Brady deflate gate).
Did you go and do a trade? I work in health care and hate it due to the women. I recently went to a site and was nit picked for three days straight about my work processes from some cunt. I would like to get into a more male dominated field.
I did social service work for about 5 years with young offenders. The whole system is dominated by feminist ideology. It made it almost impossible to work with the boys in any positive masculine way. I got out of it, went to Taiwan for 7 years taught English and had the time of my life. I came back to Canada 3 years ago and started working in sales, with mostly guys. It’s fucking great, the money is a lot less because I had to start at the bottom and am now working my way up. It’s so nice to work with men, I do work occasionally with females, it’s fine because I know it is only every now and then.
Women gossip and backstab so much that the workplace becomes a hell.
Yeah, luckily id done an apprenticeship straight out of High School and had actually finished it.
I left seeking more money and eventually wound up in Media but the extra cash wasnt worth it for shit.
Hardly my dear.
Work is for work not endless bitching, gossiping and complaining.
You can do that wherever you like, but it wont be on my dime.
Luckily in my industry i wont ever have that problem.
Never once have seen a woman in it, let alone one that could actually do the work, so it works out juuuusssttt fine.
And where you got Trump from when we were actually talking about John Lennon I’ll never understand, but then again you dont even know what goes on in that head of yours, so how on Earth would anyone else, right darling?
Hahahahaha! If only that were actually true Shaun! hahahahaha!
Those i have worked with before and they were great like that, funny as all fuck too
She is excellent, absolutely LOVE her work,but shes not a dyke.
She might look like one, and she makes that joke herself all the time, but is straight. Has several kids too.
Youre right there, thanks for the correction
I am the walrus?
Shut the fuck up, Donny.
She has said that she has been with women in the past but has a long term boyfriend who she has a daughter with i think?
Not 100% on that on though, i heard her mention her daughter on her latest video
There are a few gays who are cool. Like Milo Yianopolis
If you research why nurses hate the profession, biggest complaint is about the bitchy women.
True, mom is a nurse and freely admits how toxic the environment is with all the gossip.
Leykis4Life, please cite your sources for the Lennon accusations. I can only find info on such rags as the NYPost and Daily Mail. And lose some weight while you’re at it. Looking at your multiple chins is disgusting, and I shouldn’t have to be subjected to such filth.
Dont like it, leave.
Its also an Avatar, and of a particulary famous person, and one in which i have no resemblance to whatsoever.
So no.
Jim Morrison was one macho badass.
I thought she was straight
They are the egg men.
In construction too..
I’ve been working in construction for a few years, and have witnessed many men acting in the exact nature you solely accuse women of portraying. It’s unbelievable how many men complain, gossip and make others lives a living hell while the rest of us, men and women alike are trying to get the job done right with no fucking petty bullshit. A single gender group should not be targeted. We both know members of both genders who fall into this category and as I keep reading all the comments I find contradictions between allowing absolutely zero opportunities or hope for women to praising the ones who can do their job right. The discussion here should be about a certain shitty attitude or work ethic that can be obtained from both women and men alike.
How convenient, cake/eat/it. Still she makes many valid points.
Any organisation that hoists that disgusting pig Clementine Ford…
There’s the ABC as well. A lot of their opinion pieces are left wing garbage.
Sure are. I actually know the woman (surprise there, right?) that was in charge of the much vaulted “Internal Bias Investigation”
She told me that because they dont count ratings at all, being a public broadcaster, that there was no way to prove any bias because they couldnt measure how many people were listening at any one time, therefore they couldnt measure bias, therefore there was no bias….
She actually laughed while she told me this and i just got up and left without saying a word i was so infuriated.
She gets paid $300,000 a year for that violently Union Protected Taxpayer funded do nothing job too.
Makes the blood boil.
ABC is a crock of shit. It only really appeals to bourgeois leftists/liberals who like to think they have a ‘social consience’. It is a poor man’s BBC in every respect. Shitty journalism, shitty documentaries etc.
The Australian media is a fucking joke now. I stopped reading papers here regularly back in the late 90s/early 00’s.
As for that woman at ABC, it is amazing how much these types make. They produce nothing of value whatsoever and earn higher incomes than most workers in the private sector.
Good Morning America is the biggest crock of shit.
Her job doesnt even EXIST in the Private Sector, that should tell you all you need to know…..
Actually return of kings is the biggest crock of shit. Kings do not cancel meets ups because they can’t stand behind their own hate speech.
Were you looking forward to assaulting people for saying things you don’t agree with?
How very fascist of you.
She won’t do any assaulting.
She’ll get some moronic White Knight or Captain Save-A-Hoe to do her assaulting for her.
Typical femarxist. 100% useless eater and parasite who will manipulate some dull witted beta into doing her dirty work.
And yet here you are….
To attract a King no doubt MISS mack
Cant find them on SMH comment sections (When they allow them)?
Are Triple J listeners too feminine for you?
Did you listen to that absolute TRAINWRECK of a woman Sam De Brito before she offed herself?
Are you offended, yet MASSIVELY turned on by what we say here?
Im not surprised.
Why else would you be here?
Other than to get the Vagina Tingles that the PC crowd cant give you….
I was looking forward to a few legbeards being thrown to the asphalt and arrested or shot seven times center mass by the conceal-carry holder they attacked. On camera. So we could all enjoy it on YouTube.
Alas, Tumblr did make the Kings their bitch… not the other way around.
Keep in mind that the ABC had Ford on their show “The Drum” where she said the term “domestic violence” needs to be changed to “mens violence against women”.The 2 other women and male feminist on the panel completely agreed.The ABC didn`t even bother to have someone on who disagreed.
Gentlemen, ignore this machine. Whatever this site may or may not be we are individuals capable of rising above this torrent of sewage. To paraphrase, ‘keep your powder dry and your pecker hard’, our time will come.
Your mistake was in not recording the conversations and not involving a lawyer. I did when something similar happened to me. It was amazing how quickly HR folded their tents when it got to the Exec/Legal Dept level. Of course, the company went bankrupt 8 months later. Probably not a surprise, since PC tended to trump the bottom line.
They dominate NZ media too. Same problem here.
I can’t believe how many sites, publications, radio stations, even expos and events Fairfax run. Talk about a monopoly
Ha! They WISH they had a monopoly here.
They considered their biggest rival to be News Corp, which is GIGANTIC worldwide, yet they are only this pissy little thing virtually unheard of outside of Australasia
The Daily Telegraph doesnt give 2 fucks about what they do, but every single meeting was about what they were doing over there!
isn’t it always fascinating how media that pushes the left wing agenda are usually the ones that end up with no reader/viewership? the progressives are not that numerous in reality. they are just the loudest. what gives them strength is their ability to subjugate the minds of the weak and ignorant with well crafted messages that, on their surface make complete sense when not held up to scrutiny. scrutiny requires the reader/viewer to actually engage with the subject matter, to study it. however, when you realize that in this 24hr newscycle, social media, video game, entertainment driven world, things such as research become too much like work. and that is why they are winning.
the progressives have built the framework on how to win, they were the first to use it. the challenge is to use said framework against them. its a soundbite world we live in. anything you say that requires more than the length of a television commercial or a quick Facebook meme, and your idea or argument is lost in the internet memory hole forever.
They are in actuality, just a very vocal minority.
But they think that they’re the majority because they sequester themselves in these little bubbles and shut out any opposing thought, and ignore everything else.
Real head in the sand type operators
“But they think that they’re the majority because they sequester themselves in these little bubbles and shut out any opposing thought, and ignore everything else.”
that is surely by design. they know that to have any open, honest, and transparent discussion of the issue (any issue really) will expose the movement as naked as the proverbial emperor. best to simply keep the wheels turning to the next outrage while those they steamrolled are still trying to pick themselves up from the canvas. by the time you get your chance, your old news.
I’d say even Sam De Brito commited suicide to get away from Fairfax.
She was an absolute trainwreck of a person, why anyone would ever listen to her advice on anything is beyond me.
Sure was fun commenting on her stupid column though, the White Knights were a particular joy to mess with
The left? You mean the humanitarians of the World?
Nothing “Humanitarian” about Communism darling
I’m actually rather tempted to use the system against them. A series of complaints lodged with the ACMA for misinformation and false reporting should upset their apple cart a bit.
You’d be wasting your time.
They dont care about truth, period.
And once they get the Unions thugs involved, forget about it.
Best that we can do is continue to point out the lies and distortions and let people make up their own minds.
Most wont get, but some will, and they’ll join us.
Tactical retreat…Ok. I’ll buy that. It’s not worth anyone’s career or risking violence at the hands of the unstable for a happy hour. Strategic victory…Absolutely not. Let’s face it, they controlled us. They set the stage and effectively told us that we are not allowed to meet each other. Let’s not do mental gymnastics to make this something less than a loss. The real question is “How do we proceed?”
And yes we need to proceed in this direction. For those who wanted to meet up (even if they couldn’t) they did so because they wanted to some reliable, virtuous male companions. That part didn’t change. There needs to be ore going forward to show that we won’t be controlled and that this was not just some publicity stunt (as has been accused by the washington post).
I agree…it’s not worth anyone losing their job or career over a meetup. These meetups are just the beginning and even if it doesn’t get to a large, international level the fact that meetups will occur (on a smaller level) is a win itself.
The other side of it…if we were using logic and their own rules then wouldn’t this be seen as a hate crime against a group for gathering?
Imagine using this same tactic against any other groups for meeting up (women, Muslims, blacks, Latinos, etc, etc..pick a group) and the shit storm that would come of it.
Patting each other on the back for holding the moral high ground isn’t getting us anywhere. Their Machiavellian methods are controlling us. We can hold the moral high ground and get what we want (which really isn’t that much) but its going to take a little more commitment, cunning, and calculation to do it. There is nobody who should be spinning this story to congratulate ourselves here.
You adapt and overcome.
It’s the idea that can’t be killed (no matter how hard they try…that’s the message):
Chill out. Step back. Look at the big picture. Plenty of libellous claims have been printed through the media. They’ve put a big target on the back of too. Now assuming that the individual these defamatory claims was made about is prepared to help a good lawyer or two get a bit richer, then they’ve effectively taken out some of their loudest broadcasting systems. They won’t be able to mobilise as effectively since they won’t have mass media support. Fuckwit public officials won’t shit themselves with fright because stories about petitions gaining tens of thousands of signatures just won’t be circulating. End state, their back to coordinating their limited audiences on twitter, facebook, forums and blogs. No more tapping the uncritical publics kneejerk outrage.
I agree but V for Vendetta was one hell of a sjw wankfest……
Perhaps Improvise, Adapt, Overcome, no?
An idea can’t be killed, but anyone seen associating with that idea can have their family threatened and their employer harassed for months on end because they employ a rape-legalizerist! :^)
I think the real message to learn from V is “violence actually does solve most of your problems.”
Carry concealed, do not hesitate for a moment to kill any legbeard that assaults you, and when you serve on a jury refuse to convict any revenge-slaying when an unemployed man who just lost his career due to SJW harassment kills seven or eight of them. It was, after all, complete justified.
I’ll believe it when I see it. You just assumed a whole lot on the grounds of hypothetical possibilities.
Fyi anyone can say chill out online to sound like they’re thinking more clearly. My thinking is crystal clear. Maybe you should sit back, relax, drink a stiff cup of coffee, and contemplate things.
we just need to organize face-to-face meetups privately. think of it this way, in the USSR a lot of people knew communism was stupid, but they couldn’t organize resistance out in the open. it’s the same thing for those of us in the degenerate west living under feminism and cultural marxism.
I’d say it was a loss, but taken in the bigger picture, it is just another (albeit worldwide) salvo against men. It doesn’t matter if you want to get together to talk neomasculinity or if you wanna talk about the law, they will come for you. The victory is in the object lesson.
The victory also is in the rhetoric used to defame. Now you really know how people feel about homosexuals when they use it as a slur and everyone cheers.
There’s this Roosh in mom’s basement thing, though.
What he should have done is announce the cancellation privately.
Can you imagine? Making all the locations public, so that the sjws could easily find it? Then none of you show up?
They would jump on innocent people who have nothing to do with any of this. They’d attack whoever is nearby lmao
If we gained even a dozen new readers based on last week’s debacle, I’d say it’s a huge victory. In reality, I’d wager it’s in the thousands. We can always “meet up” another day. Thanks for the free publicity!
And now the DDoS is back…what a coincidence.
They’re attacking on all fronts.
Silencing all dissent is in their blood. They are the most intolerant types of people you’ll find. It’s funny how they always try to deny their connection to the Nazis, yet have no substantive difference in philosophy or tactics.
This is done by the Anonymous Hackers. They revealed Roosh’s private address and telephone number.
The Anonymous Group was started and controlled by the CIA. Now ti’s taken a life of its own.
My computer got infected when I visited this site a couple of hours ago. But hey, at least I didn’t get herpes from a feminist…
one manly thing all of you could consider working on is learning to use linux. among its many benefits, it will make you basically immune to malware. microsoft and apple are pretty SJW-friendly, so it’s a good idea to avoid their products as much as possible.
Oh Davis, you are so fucking off the mark – one day you are going to realize what a terrible waste you’ve made of your life. I suspect maybe you already have.
“That ex-boyfriend who stole your heart? One of us. That charming married man at your office, with the beautiful wife? One of us. That wise mentor who helped you more than you’ll than you’ll ever know? One of us. And we saw what you said about us, without even knowing who we were.”
Utter nonsense. Not a single person I have ever considered to be inspiring, or worthy of respect, or someone I look up to in the “real world”, outside of the internet, would buy into this horrible, anti-human “red pill”/ “MRA”/ “neo-masculinity” crap. It’s so clearly based on logical fallacies and a regressive desire to turn back the clock. As well as your own feelings of inadequacy and disappointment. I meet them all the time in real life and this place stinks of it.
The creepy IT guy at work who refuses all offers of friendship and eats alone in his car at lunch time? He’s one of you. The selfish, anti-social loner who we all know spends his evenings going from bar to bar, alone, attempting to hone is pick-up artistry, growing more and more bitter with each rejection? That’s one of you. The date rapist who deliberately gets girls intoxicated in order to lower their inhibitions and defenses – that’s one of you. The unlovable, seedy creep from the pool club who boasts of his 5TB porn collection and you’ve never seen with a woman? He’s one of you.
You really have no life
and this is how you know the idea is spreading and gaining traction. We’re seeing more and more of this bullshit from trolls trying to stop the idea from flowing.
If this article was against any other group meeting up then “they” would label it as hate speech.
You can’t kill the idea…it doesn’t matter how hard you try.
He’s been posting and lurking this site for 2 months , we will have a convert on our hands soon enough
i asked him yesterday if he’s happy with the way women treat him, and if he likes how the women he gets look naked. no reply. i was sincerely hoping he’d get back to me. who knows, maybe his brand of white knighting works somehow.
According to him he was 6’3 worth over 5 mill had 1000 lays and was SAS haha
heh. well, he may be ok without game.
Was this that same dude who was trying to buzz around on my six yesterday? Man oh man, what a card.
Yea , robertparker14 or whatever . What a clown.
You mean this…….
“Not a single person I have ever considered to be inspiring, or worthy of
respect, or someone I look up to in the “real world”, outside of the
internet, would buy into this horrible, anti-human “red pill”/ “MRA”/
“neo-masculinity” crap.”
Yeah, that’d be because your friends are blue pill as well. Subjective evidence pretty much isn’t evidence.
My friends are for the most part happy, prosperous people who have full lives and rewarding, loving relationships with friends, family and, yes, women. So if that is Blue Pill then I’ll take it, thank you very much.
However I do find it ridiculous that you use an analogy from The Matrix as a basic foundation of your worldview. And the analogy is completely misused – in The Matrix, the Red Pill woke you up and let you see reality how it is. In the Manosphere, the Red Pill involves burying your head like an ostrich in a load of hugbox blogs and message boards where you all just spurge out masturbatory fantasies about being dominant men and “kings”.
Did you know your great leader lives at home in his mother’s basement at the age of 36?
If your friends are happy and prosperous then how come that condition never transferred over to you? I’ve been reading your comments and you appear to be an unhappy person.
“My friends are for the most part happy, prosperous people who have full
lives and rewarding, loving relationships with friends, family and, yes,
Sure, bro. Now you just need to post up your real name, address, and those of your friends to verify it. Or maybe you can’t take what you dish out?
Better yet: how ’bout you verify with full details on your posting history your previous assertions of you being: 6’3, net worth $5m+, 30 years old and over 1,000 lays? (The last figure should be simple enough. I’ll accept a single picture of your palm for the 999 of the 1,000.)
Which , specifically, of my comments have suggested to you that I am unhappy?
That’s another one , dropping like fly’s they are .
I’ve been wondering how long that particular troll would be able to rant from under the bridge for two days now. Good to see order coming back.
Ghost of Wilt Chamberlain, he claimed over 1000 lays.
Isn’t it fascinating how one dose of the treatment they approve of against Roosh and they run like cockroaches back into the woodpile?
obviously you are obsessed with this site.
ROK’s enemies probably planted the virus on the site.
Yesterday I was told I was a disgrace of the US Army by two of these lunatics. Because I am a member of the ROK. I am fighting for our freedom so these, Femtard, white knight, manginas, can spew verbal diarrhea at us?
One SM to another, even though some people don’t appreciate their freedom of speech you do. I do as well. Keep on keepin’ on man.
I am glad to be part of the solution
You are part of something larger than yourself. Those idiots will never understand that. They don’t know anything about honour, duty, sacrifice. They live in small, self absorbed world and all they care about is themselves. Respect to you.
Your right let us drive on together.
I am truly sory you had to endure that. And i thank you for your service (there is no sincere font but its meant that way)
These are the same people that were saying, “Fuck the troops!” 10 years ago. Their respect is meaningless.
The same as the Canadian people who told me “Patriotism is for Americans!” when told of my service to Her Majesty.
You ain’t fighting for freedom , and “the rok” comment makes me wonder if you are a shill
The second worst part of this failure, after being controlled by delusional leftists, are all of the delusional leftists that have bombarded the comment section here. For Christ’s sake we don’t respect your ill begotten views already.
yeah. i know the mods are probably understaffed and busy, but i miss the days when feminists and white knights were banned swiftly. there was an obvious SJW troll who posted variations on “you’re a rapist and an idiot” hundreds of times yesterday and unfortunately a lot of guys engaged her/him/it, which worked out a lot like spreading diarrhea around with a mop.
Silently, I think the rule of three applies. On average these trolls get three articles to flood. As soon as the fourth, back to basics, article comes about, all remaining trolls usually get banned. This situation will be no different except that, we are no introducing the world, if you will, to our views.
Excellent article. Even though we can’t fix it all in this century it’s time to start fighting back and fighting for the future now. I wish you all the best of luck.
I still don’t buy that any of this is real. I imagine it is still on and this cancellation is a trick.
What is truly frightening is if this is real… Did people in government actually threaten Roosh to back off? Maybe paid him off?
I guess I’ll find out in a few days..
The police paid hima visit at his parent’s house. The media claims that Roosh called 911 over threats.
It would be good if Roosh clarifies about that incident. On the pictures he looks a bit surprised and shaken to see them so maybe the media lied again.
I just saw the dailyuk article. Hard to say at this point. Possible he was swatted. This is a temporary setback. ROK gets to choose whenever and wherever the next happy hour happens. We still have the advantage.
Meetups require not that much organization in the grand scheme of things. Just wait a month, then drop it again. Tire them out. The aim should be to really make their lives miserable and drive leftists insane
Greeting to the Iron Guard.
Who knows. Maybe if we continue and grab all the media attention, Hillary would become a nobody in the coming primaries.
Would be nice though if next time the r world can be left out of it, if it makes the news they just say a mens group is meeting up without all the sensationalist lies.. Once was enough
Im not going to discuss the situation of the meeting. I think all has been said. I will focus in the essential: ROK is a group of sophisticated and intelligent men, that discuss real and important things, things with substance and meaning.
That is why i became such a fan of this community for a month now and i will continue to do so, in search of “Truth, beauty, and spirituality”.
“A tree is known by its fruit” said Christ. I believe the fruits of this tree are good!
Veritas pulchra est
I disagree with other writers that this is a strategic loss or a strategic victory: the sheer amount of press coverage is good, but we backed down. This was a tactical engagement that we didn’t need to win, so backing down wasn’t a complete loss.
Additionally, this was an eye opener for me. I hadn’t expected Newsweek to cover the story, and the massive outburst from the left was bigger than their rage at Trump.
Historically, I would compare this to the engagement at Isandlwana at the outset of the Ango-Zulu War. Although Lord Chelmsford’s Number 3 Column was completely annihilated by Zulu Forces, Chelmsford himself learned quite a bit about Zulu military thinking, and applied that to his “redemption” victory at Ulundi. Further, the Zulu defeat of British forces galvanized support to defeat the Zulu’s back home.
When Chelmsford attacked Ulundi, he radically changed his attack: forming his army into a large square with machine guns at the corners. He utterly defeated the Zulus, and restored his reputation.
Agreed. An excellent observation
Was meet up day ever actually a real thing, or was it just a way to get free publicity by using the femtards’ hysteria?
I wonder as well. If it was real, public posting and hype wasn’t a smart way to do it. You were practically begging for this type of response, though the level of it in the MSM does surprise me.
When we try a centralized approach, like Roosh attempted, they were able to organize and threaten. THEY work well with and on hierarchies. For us to have success we have to do this as individual cells. That is, each city “leader” calls and organizes for his city, whenever he is ready, and not along some schedule where every other city is meeting.
They can all focus on “one day across the world, here’s the main leader!” and win. So we do what all successful guerrilla movements do in the age of centralization, which is, we decentralize and go single cell.
As I’ve mentioned here before, and I’m starting to get emails coming in now, I’m open for a Columbus Ohio (or central Ohio) meetup and those who wish to meet me or meet up with others should contact me via my profile email. I strongly urge other city “leaders” to do the same. Announcing each meetup here, on a myriad of different days, with none to only a handful of cities meeting on a single date, will prevent the Left’s ability to focus on a hierarchy.
For those who haven’t seen it, check out Leaderless Cell theory. This isn’t quite that, but it’s close enough to foil a national/international level effort against us.
This approach works for the Hells Angels. It is impossible for the government to shut down that organization because unlike most mafias, there’s no central power structure.
That’s kind of who I was thinking of, although more in the larger scheme of how 1%’er’s roll. Excellent observation.
Check out the work of William S. Lind on 4GW.
Read this dude’s advice on building a tribe around an extended family and clans and creating alliances. What’s needed is a tribe that is willing and able to operate and serve as the foundation for a guerrilla movement.
Also the radical Islamic terrorists operate like this in every major city in the West. We constantly hear about the terrorist cells in some cheap apartment.
That’s correct, and the proof in the pudding, if you will.
People who are dead set on killing other people can manage to organize this without authorities being able to stop them. Us, who basically want to meet up and shoot the shit and drink a bit of Scotch, don’t even register on “their” radar, so that leaves only the snarky SJW’s, who have neither time nor resources to deal with this kind of organizing principle.
like the last verse to you never even call me by my name—it was a perfect comment but you didn’t mention pudding, gelatin or halal so you will need to finish it for it to be the perfect comment.
To be clear, most of that was fearmongering, but yes, in the very small number of cases where this has actually happened, it is in independent, small, leaderless groups. Which are practically impossible to stop, another reason all this Homeland Security stuff is useless to stop bad guys and an Orwellian leviathan tool to bash against the head of the innocent citizen.
I’m happy to come back to RoK and see the SJW/Feminist Shit Storm is gone in the comment section. They must have moved onto the next (faux) selective outrage story the MSM told them to attack.
I honestly feared they’d be on this site all the time, injecting the comment section with irrational, profanity laced garbage. Looks like normalcy has returned here. Thank God.
How do you manbabies feel about your precious little Roosh being exposed as a loser who lives in his mother’s basement?
You cunts sure can pick your heroes!
I also love how tough you all talk, but had to cancel and hide your meetings for fear of retaliation. Yep – sure sound like a bunch of tough guys to me!!!
Neo masculine? More like neo-bitchboys.
Your a beta male hipster who wouldn’t last one round in the ring with any of the men on this site. Just go do what you do best, shop for skinny jeans, shave your genitals and listen to Nirvana.
Nice “I know you are but what am I” response.
Keep flexin’ in your moms basement manbaby.
I’m at work.
Somehow like to hear us being mentioned in the same sentence as the Hells Angels..
Plus they have money and are sophisticated experts at hiring top shelf legal talent to protect them. That is why they have won large settlements against NYC on more than one occasion.
An important aspect of this to understand as well is the 81’s abject refusal to speak to the police, as they see them as lacking honor. The very same can be applied to SJW’s and RadFems; flat out refuse to discuss anything you do regarding this and expect the same of your membership.
I was thinking these meetups were supposed to be that . As men we are supposed to take matters into our own hands and be our own leaders . Roosh merely kicked us in the ass
I think that a more informal, less organized method would do better. Perhaps Roosh can have “city leaders” annotated somewhere on the site, who men can reach out to and coordinate with on an ad hoc basis. No emails on that page, just put them in our profiles.
So for example, a site link to “City Leader” with vetted leader handles listed and locations, nothing more. Then it’s up to individuals and cell leaders to do it on the fly. Or something like that.
The success of failure of such a public secret meeting really depends on what the goals are.
As soon as I saw that meeting places would be published online I knew for a fact that I would not be within a country mile of one of them.
I have no qualm with the goals of this site and the people both on it in the forms of commenters or the authors/owners….in fact, quite the opposite, they have my support.
It just appears to me as though a ton of attention to these meet ups was in the best interest in the site. And while I enjoy ROK and the community quite a bit, when my interests conflict with theirs then I must make the choice more beneficial to me.
I think instead of publishing an email address, there might need to be a form to fill out with a questionnaire to test red pill knowledge etc or a Disqus test to filter it a bit so these leaders don’t get spammed to pieces..
Yeah, that’s another reason why I think the more decentralized option works better.
So if you are in Columbus, and you email me we set up the time place out of view of the public board(s). As more people contact the city “leader” could put together BCC email blast lists and then it starts to take off.
That’s actually an interesting idea.
A submit form with the email embedded on the server end for each active city.
correct and if I was in Columbus I would absolutely send you an email and ask you where a good place for some chow would be and hope you would meet up…not post it online and get it to go viral.
Again, what works better is contingent on the desired outcome. If ROK was looking to raise awareness, troll some people and drive a ton of traffic to the site, what they did worked splendidly. If they wanted to give some commenters a chance to have a drink and finally meet face to face…big flop.
also, if success is based on total number of David Allan Coe references in a day I am the real winner
It’s never wrong to use a David Allan Coe reference.
Saw that old coot last summer here in Columbus. Great scene, was in a large-ish bar, very intimate feel. Was standing a whole five feet from him.
You should visit Ohio some time. Give me advance notice and I’ll be sure to have them clear the cows off of the airstrip ahead of your arrival.
Nevermind, got too disgusted to finish.
I may be looking to take the triumph out and open in up once I get it this summer. Ohio sounds as good as any place.
I hope you do not mean his underground albums…that would be all we need now
years ago I saw John Prine under similar circumstances. I don’t usually go in for live music. I would rather listen to it at home (with notable exception of Opera which is more about the night out than the music for me) but I do like the intimate setting.
Tip. If you’re coming from the NYC area, you’ll be crossing over from PA. Watch it if you do, as the inbound interstates are crawling with Ohio state troopers, looking to line the treasury’s pockets.
Good tip. The highway patrol are well mannered stagecoach thieves and little more.
It’s been my experience that Ohio is the most fanatically aggressive at utilizing this tactic. By contrast, I never see PA troopers on the the Turnpike or I-80. I guess they think at their time is better spent helping people, not collecting “voluntary contributions.”
I life in the middle of no-where not in your state but I sometimes travel to Columbus on business and would have interest in a meet up that the Ghost would attend.
Fair enough, email is in my profile.
always best to cross by country roads if one can. 😉
From what I’ve seen, they seem to cluster in the mountains…which makes sense, the hilly center of the state has rough roads and they must have to expend a lot of energy keeping those winding roads clear and safe (especially if truckers have issues) vs. other states where its just a big game of cat & mouse.
that’s a good idea, I am going to do that.
For whatever reason, the designers of Disqus have not enabled direct messaging, so Roosh has done a good job of trying to engineer a way around that. This movement has got too much of a hateful group of opponents to organise meetings without an inner trusted circle of tribal leaders and various appropriate barriers. Disqus just doesn’t really serve it, even the forum software like the RooshV forum is probably better. Stackoverflow has a ‘reputation’ system with status points. Members who have met in person and spent time bantering in a red pill way over a whisky should have a different status to those who have only met online. I also hope that the tribal meetups when they eventually happen don’t soften and bend the men-only rules.
Perhaps ROK should be a pay for subscription site. Just to weed out the riffraff. I would subscribe in a heartbeat.
I live just 4 blocks from the Santa Barbara location.
That’s eminently doable.
good tip. Thanks. If speeding was a reasonable flat fee and you couldn’t get hit on it twice in one trip I would totally take the fine and then just cruise
The riffraff keeps the lights on. Trolling these idiots is very lucrative.
This is a fantastic idea. And every other week or once a month “city leaders” can meet via Skype or some other means and “report” back. Organization will improve and more will join the cause, not because they subscribe to RoK, but through word of mouth.
As well, what is past is past, and people are allowed to make mistakes, but not repeatedly … Making the wrong call on the meet-up, at least organizationally, is one thing, but let’s not dress up the cancellation with some “holy” excuse or as if it was a virtuous decision. It was pure-and-simple Realpolitik: Roosh would have been legally liable had anything gone wrong … as someone noted, from a mere scratched nail to a broken jaw … whomever it happened to, ol’ Roosh would have gotten the legal bill. Simple as that. (It’s okay to act in one’s immediate self-interest, but one can’t pretend that it was for higher and nobler reasons)
If we’re going to claim to act and conduct ourselves as men, then let’s not engage in self-deception, and delusions of grandeur.
I don’t believe anybody was worried about liability; I trusted the other leaders to keep any loose cannons in line, or to turn them away before trouble started.
Perhaps, but no one could have predicted what would have transpired across 40 something cities. As well, you would not have been held accountable, but Roosh, and Roosh alone. Any lawyer worth his salt would have advised to **immediately** stop the enterprise, unless each participant and non-participant protester signed half-dozen “consent” and “release of liability” papers … which in reality is completely unrealistic to do. You can’t even organize a pool party for 6yr olds at the community centre these days before and without signing more papers and going through more loops and checks than if you were applying for the CIA!
You’re wrong about the legal liability.
How so? Legal liability laws are extremely favourable for litigation in North America. Seriously, just hosting a birthday party for kids at an open park or a community centre is like applying for top secret clearance! The “City” wants to make sure, beyond the minutest reasonable doubt, that should a kid wet his pants and get a rash, that nothing comes back to it, and all to the host. And a meetup like this cancelled one, from a legal standpoint, is more like an atomic time-bomb.
As the heat mounted, the probability of incidents mounted; so in that sense, yes. One single thing goes wrong, and they’d be swamping RoK with legal orders.
Perhaps Roosh can also teach you all how to live in your mother’s basement when you’re 36 years old.
Persian family’s often live together under one roof until the elders pass or they marry . Great way of saving money . Guess learning about others cultures is lost on you .
Riiiiiiiiight. Try and explain it as a Persian thing, but honey – I have a ton of Persian friends, and none of them have losers living at home in their mom’s basement and acting like they’re some “PUA”.
Real men don’t need to pose in front of their moms BMW with a bunch of $1’s to try and look rich and cool, lol.
I’m positive you do , haha .
Nailed it!
This one reminds me of a bonobo in skinny jeans.
Weak comeback. Try harder.
Post a picture of yourself
I know you want the dick, but it ain’t happening.
Somebody is scared
Of Clint Eastwood? Who wouldn’t be????
You? Not so much.
Then post a picture , give us a home address too .
1060 W Addison St, Chicago, IL 60613
Now the picture
Just look at pictures of God…I’m made in his image.
More like a Pussy
I am what I eat!
That must make you a giant black cock.
That’s a good one!
I’m intending to do the same. I even have the premises where the meeting can take place uninterrupted.
Nailed it. Suggest gentlemen read The Spider and the Starfish, too.
Another tactic that could be effective or interesting might be to relabel these meetings, using some Orwellian doublespeak combined with satire. Let’s call them something like “Anti-rape, Pro-feminist, Submissive-Male Inclusion and Equality Gatherings for Modern Men.”
How could anyone be against that? How could a feminazi be against a pro-feminist meetup? Of course, once the meeting adjourns, what’s actually discussed is a private affair, for members only.
If you guys are so “neo-masculine” why are you too scared to just admit who you are, where you’re meeting, and what the meetings are really about?
Exactly. COWARDS. That’s all you are, and no matter how tough you talk, that’s all you’ll ever be.
Try manning up and owning up instead of cowering like puppies.
You’re hiding your identity as well ….let’s get a picture
Says the pussy who has never been punched in the face before. Listen when you have a few fights under your belt maybe you will understand men.
Oh, you know me huh? If so then you would rescind that statement quickly and keep your tail tucked between your legs like the bitchboy you are.
Looks like all you can do is get black eyes, tough guy.
My favorite is how tough you look in your hipster gear! LOL
Yes, I’m not afraid to use my real name on this site, and you face booked me. Ok, I’m shaking in my boots, ohhh.
I like this pic of me, I was just having a laugh at thrift store and thought it be would cool. I am a bit hipster, can’t help looking cool. Anyway I stand by this pic no problem. Also, if your going to poach pics of me, why not use the one where I’m surrounded by my hot Taiwanese girlfriends. Bro, I’m no basement dwelling guy, girls love me check my Halloween pics with them. And yes, I eventually fucked all three of them.
Paying for pussy doesn’t make you cool. But nice try.
Nice skinny jeans, faggot.
Right, I paid these girls to go to a Halloween party, your reaching here guy.
Also, yes I’m dressed as a Mexican for Halloween which is cultural appropriation now. Still would do it again though.
In addition to decentralization, we have to induce to what Libertas phrased as Stand Alone Complex. Here the link to his post where he explains this:
Absolutely. Although I think the idea was Roosh would be giving us a “push” and after that we were all on our own. It’s helpful (but not necessary) to have a “call to arms” that unites us all. However, I think we have everything we need now to disappear into the shadows and below the radar of SJW types.
We don’t typically use their tools – tweeting, organizing marches, and lobbying politicians – and we have learned to avoid centralized organization, so we will work unseen and unnoticed by their mobs.
People will ask “Does this group really exist? Or are they another myth?” Does the illuminati exist? Opus Dei? MJ12? Who knows? The only thing that can be observed is the societal changes we hope to bring about.
I put in my 2 cents here :
I advise going “low tech” — phone trees, newsletters, face to face meetings, written books,etc. I also suggest adopting a symbol so that fellow traveller’s can recognize each other…not unlike how when Christians were driven underground by the Roman persecutions, they would put the fish symbol (the ichthys or ichthus) on their doors. I have my suggestion for a symbol and will share it in private.
Yes. Dead drops, snail mail, messages in the classifieds and personals. Sharpen wits, entertain. Remember The Village, and Number 6? Be seeing you!
Bonus feature. Opportunities to send SJWs on wild goose chases.
What’s the best way to contact you?
I have no problem sharing my email….SJW’s , come and get me!
[email protected]
No need when there are solid open-source encryption comms available. Though I agree that face-to-face meetings are absolutely necessary too
Thanks faggot!
Just buy the ROK t shirt and wear it around town, if you see another dude wearing one be sure to introduce yourself.
I hide nothing and I fear nothing.
You should fear diabetes and heart disease…fatty.
Nice Fred Durst beard by the way. The 90’s called and want their bad fashion choices back.
I do. I am watching what I eat and working out. You however are an idiot and there is no “5 minute abs” that will cure that.
Working out? Lifting burgers up to that fat man-baby face isn’t a workout.
But please, do go on Super Size Me Mike!
Trolly troll is trolly.
*golf clap*
SJWs can’t be everywhere at once and make a decent showing. This is why I expected having many meet-ups all at once was a good idea. Then setting up a code system for future gatherings via twitter or something. I hate HuffPo but Drudge linked to the article on Roosh and I’ve been reading his blog. I used to think it was all MGTOW and Game but there is the larger picture he has been painting. I’m looking to the men of valor to lead the way into a better future.
Pardon the interruption. Back to just reading.
I was only thinking the other day how much I’d love an ROK shirt. Red shirt with the shield on it with “King” superimposed over that with a crown.
We should organize locally and I think Roosh should use the fact that here in the states we have freedom of speech and assembly to do some speaking tours.
Ghost, that’s 4GW style. Leaderless resistance is the way to go.
Improvise, adapt and overcome. Simple principles taught to me in the military, yet timeless in their reach and applicability. Times change, change with the times and use the new weaknesses to your advantage, I say.
Damn Straight.
This is about what I was thinking, I’d be happy to meet some people, I’m about 40 minutes from Chicago.
Sounds like a good plan. I’m there
Do not make the mistake of assuming we have that option. Show me a ‘leaderless’, ‘guerilla’, ‘asymmetrical’ operation that wasn’t under the direct protection of a powerful authority, usually a nation state actor.
What a bunch a pussies…
Says the person posting anonymously on the internet, safely out of reach of anybody he’s sneering at.
Go away, gnat.
With the name Name. Lazy too!
They’re phoning it in at this point.
With the name Name
Reconnaissance allows knowledge of the enemy with minimal casualties. Well played, Roosh and ROK. I had intentions of attending this meet up, and I shall be at the next.
Usually, if the mainstream media mentions something – like ROK – and does so repeatedly, they actually approve of it, at the top of the greasy flagpole. Otherwise they wouldn’t give it any publicity at all. And if they wanted to “stop the movement”, the media would have encouraged the meet-ups. Because that’s how they I.D. the most active members, among any particular group of activists. Which is why protests have been so mightily encouraged by the media over the years. Contrary to popular opinion, Gandhi was a loyal subject of the British Empire. And Martin Luther King Jr. was a Marxist and a member of a well-known secret society. Once an activist is I.D.-ed, it’s much easier to imprison them or simply take them out. They’ve been running that little operation quite successfully for a long, long time…the strongest tend to stand up and hold signs, etc. So they merely I.D. the strongest, wipe them out, and the rest flee. Pretty simple when you break it all down.
Think you’re reading to far into this , rok just became a recognizable name this week and that’s only because a simple meet up was going to be blown out of proportion. At most maybe 1000 men world wide would have shown up.
Adapt and overcome. It is how all wars are won. No doubt that even though the event was canceled, like-minded guys were able to connect with one another.
Use the news cycle to your advantage. Announce the new date on Tuesday. That way the Monday news will be all about what didn’t happen and Tuesday’s news is all about us too.
Indeed. Or do what the political class do, which is announce on a Friday afternoon when news viewers are scarce. By Monday nobody will have remembered.
Absolute roaches aren’t they?
I linke to this on another article – Breitbart reports that at least some of the German press (the taxpayer funded bit) is completely controlled by the government (
The level of co-ordination seen here against Roosh / ROK has been something to behold. While much of it is probably the kind of self-organisation that arises when a hive of people share ideology, and with it fear and outrage, there must certainly have been a degree of top-level co-ordination. No need for conspiracy theories: a worthwhile endeavour here would be to do an in-depth study of the press and political coverage of this issue, covering just the period of the last couple of days: how spontaneous was it? how co-ordinated? how managed? i.e. lets in other words ‘discover the networks’ (to borrow from Horowitz) What was the repertoire of words and phrases used to condemn and (mis-)lead. In fact I would suggest its time to bring in some (dissident) researchers. If you speak of having an enemy, then surely the first task is to ‘know thy enemy.’
There’s a tremendous opportunity here: a vast swathe of the press, including the mainstream press has exposed itself, by demonstrating that it functions ideologically and in violation of the principles of a free press, independent and governed by integrity. Some media reported the issue responsibly – I don’t mean favourably – but with an actual effort to report the facts. The fact is that since the meets did not happen it is only the militant media, and politicians that have actually exposed themselves. Gather information, analyse and interpret and then demonstrate how the media systematically lied to the people, and tried to shut down legitimate opposition
It’s time to mature: get rid of the dross, the clickbait, and offense for the sake of offense (obviously articles on women with tatts is fine etc). Be very clear about what you support and oppose, and maybe become clearer about what is a real proposition and what is a rhetorical in its nature – as we’ve seen satire will be deliberately misinterpreted. In terms of discipline, take a zero tolerance approach to violence of any kind (which is simply a continuation of policy, and has already been reiterated recently by Roosh and Aurini)
I’d also focus more clearly on campaigns. The controversial article for instance made an argument against rape, but those who were outraged were able to argue that it had the opposite meaning, i.e. that it was pro-rape. The Cologne issue presents an opportunity to clarify the position here: that both men and women should encourage the taking of as much responsibility as possible for their own safety: i.e. we condemn rape unreservedly, and hold the rapist fully accountable if an actual rape is proven to have occurred, but that the goal of a society that actually wants to reduce rape and sexual violence must be pragmatic and therefore consequentialist. That means both men and women taking full responsibility. This argument needs to be advanced as way of countering the feminist infantalisation of women: feminism says women aren’t responsible for their actions; aren’t responsible for responsible for their own safety; aren’t responsible for getting drunk, or for driving when drunk, aren’t responsible for consent in any meaningful way. In other words feminism says that women are not adults. ROK has frequently pointed out that women in these respects behave like children, so it follows that we should want women to behave like adults, to take responsiblity for their own actions, just as men are expected to do, and to be accountable for those actions, just as men are expected to be. So, accept that the article wasn’t clear, and was arguably genuinely offensive in suggesting actual legalisation of rape as a thought experiment, but double down on the principle of women taking responsibility for themselves, double down on the idea that it is the likely consequences of actions that should be the guiding principle of rape prevention (for instance don’t admit actually pro-rape refugees into the centre of europe without carefully vetting them) and continue to demonstrate the actual harmful and indeed disastrous effects of a feminism that proceeds only from rickety principles and made-up rights
That was a leaning experience. they had the same false story running in liberally biased and conservatively biased news sources. And it obviously was written by the same person. A common source copied almost word for word
I could well believe it. There is no difference between liberal and conservative any more
(Whoops, posted the full album!)
(Whoops, posted the full album!
Very appropriate that you quoted Sun Tzu’s The Art of War in your opening. It is one of three books I read every year and in the James Clavell translation, here is the entire quote:
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
This entire incident did teach us well about our enemy and about ourselves. I believe the rest of Sun Tzu’s philosophy will do us well in the years ahead.
Tony agrees……
If “they” didn’t want ROK to be around, it wouldn’t be around. When the puppet masters object to something online, they eliminate the website (or the website owner, if he/she decides to continue spreading the word elsewhere). But the mainstream media is promoting this site, and doing so with a vengeance. So those of you who enjoy thinking outside the box would do well to apply a little critical thinking in this direction…
I have an explanation why.
What you say is true and I personally have thought about it too. The reason why they give it such a massive exposure is because they use Roosh’s movement as the boogeymen in the Rape Epidemic conspiracy.
The false rape industry and the false abuse industry used to target individual men only but now they started targeting whole groups of men. Like the Rolling Stone story which described in graphic terms how a young woman, ‘Jackie’, was lured by her date to a room in a fraternity, where she was allegedly raped by seven men, as part of a premeditated initiation ceremony.
The RoK movement involves even a bigger group of men so they could not resist the opportunity to exploit it by lies and subversion.
The end goal of “Rape Culture” hysteria is to criminalize heterosexuality. It is is part of the Masonic Jewish (Satanic Communist) program to pathologize heterosexuality and make homosexuality the healthy norm (Ultimately the family will become obsolete; the State will take over reproduction and socialization.)
“Affirmative consent” legislation criminalizes heterosexual intercourse. (You can bet that gay rapes will be excluded.)
Affirmative consent is intended to replace the current standard of “no means no” with “yes means yes.” … The person initiating sex must receive explicit consent before and throughout the sex act… or he becomes vulnerable to being criminally charged.
The truth: the rate of rape has fallen sharply since 1979. In March 2013, the U.S. Department of Justice reported, “From 1995 to 2005, the total rate of sexual violence committed against U.S. female residents age 12 or older declined 64% from a peak of 5.0 per 1,000 females in 1995 to 1.8 per 1,000 females in 2005 . It then remained unchanged from 2005 to 2010. Sexual violence against females includes completed, attempted, or threatened rape or sexual assault. In 2010, females nationwide experienced about 270,000 rape or sexual assault victimizations compared to about 556,000 in 1995.”
I think the reason as to “why” is also something simpler, what kind of provocative headline will generate the most clicks and revenue from internet traffic. Anyway, speaking of affirmative consent:
Why is this article now showing up when I go to the ROK site (I got here from looking at Leykis4lif’s disqus profile), and why does my phone not show the same articles as my laptop?
Could be related to the currently-ongoing DDoS attack taking place at RoK?
Refresh the page on all devices maybe?
Well I’ll be damned. Safari was loading a saved page.
My Firefox does that sometimes too. No idea why.
Do a forced refresh of the browser usually Ctrl + F5.
Happens on my iPhone and iPad too. Most of the time deleting the browsing history fixes it, but I wish there was a better solution. (Forced refresh doesn’t work)
Mike over at Danger and Play is organising an LA meet. There will be meets over the coming weeks and months. Just a matter of time……
Spin it however you want, this was a defeat. Everyone knew the risks involved, you should have let people decide on their own if going was worth the risk.
They still can decide on their own. Roosh can only cancel his own meeting. The one I’m wanting to organize in Ohio is still on once we get enough people responding.
Appearances matter. If Roosh didn’t wanna go, he could have not gone. That’s still no reason to officially cancel it.
Look even the BBC admits that it was strategic retreat and quite successful for that matter.
How Return of Kings used outrage to sell extreme ideas
Yeah, net gain. But still a defeat. SJWs never back down and always double down. It would have been better to ignore them and push on.
I think Roosh got some verbal threats from high places so maybe he did get a bit scared. In one of his tweets he mentions that he gets a lot of .gov emails.
Better safe than sorry.
Got a link to that?
When you check out The Thraex’s link, note that his mother’s address was published online. When he went home to call the authorities and protect her from the subsequent threats, media arms in the UK claimed he was “living in his mother’s basement.”
*This post is also for all the lurkers out there who may not be aware that the tactic used was to go after his family, particularly the female members.
What is the nature of those emails?
BBC? C’mon man. Do better. BBC is a state controlled news outlet that is slanted.
So what are you trying to say?
I’m saying that BBC possesses a pro-SJW bias, and after having read the article, nothing has changed about it.
They will never change but they admit they were beaten in their own game.
That’s a fair point.
That is the beauty of it. The media is claiming it as a victory, but they failed to recognize that they are exposing how oppressive they really are. Roosh’s article about questions about himself will bring more rational people on our side and support our ideas. Soon people will read past articles and discover that they’ve been brainwashed.
How? People are coming out of the woodwork to show support and meets up are still happening
RooshV is antifragile, but the rest of us are not. As Aurini allude in his example we will be facing entire entire division with artillery while we are at half strength. IF we went through the SJW/Feminist who find the most vulnerable and destroy them. Roosh canceling of the meet ups will reduce amount heat for those who will still venture to meet other on Saturday. This show Roosh give damn about us and not some disposable resource, compare to our opposite on the left.
You don’t have to fight an enemy head on to win , remember the Vietnam War ? The US killed countless more nva than vice versa , but because of political subversion and civil unrest with the status quo the nva won that conflict . When facing superior numbers one fights guerilla tactics , we are not a large army . we ambush , retreat , repeat .
You can kill ten of our men for every one we kill of yours. But even at those odds, you will lose and we will win.
— Ho Chi Minh
The american media convinced the american people they were losing. Stranger than fiction.
More the American military had not encountered the type of tactics the nva used , there no clear cut enemy lines , no real main bases . They would go in and sweep am area , the nva would leave and come back once they had left .
I asked an old hippie once what he thought ho chi mihn had won, and he responded with a low voice full of emotion “sovereignty”. So I then responded would you rather live in south korea or north korea? He stayed silent.
Hippies only exist in 1st world countries where men have already fought and died for freedom . I never take their opinions of anything seriously
A suggestion: it would be nice if the guys here who in the future want to meet plan this over the dark-net, or if that sounds too extreme, utilize encryption. Maybe an app that somehow uses PGP or some other technique could work? This whole fiasco reminds me of how genuine hackers, and not these new idiots that dare sully the name by terming their useless DDOS endeavors as hacking, were viewed as one of the most dangerous groups in the 80s and 90s. I’m sure that they could be sympathetic to you as they too faced public hysteria. At this point if you really want to utilize technology to interact, then you must seriously consider encryption. Maybe some EE guys on here could provide a starting point.
Lastly: if you still have faith in the establishment and doubt that there really is an ongoing effort to manifest something sinister on this planet…then well they got to you.
I also think a bit of that could be an idea, but the activities of ROK are not illegal or dark enough to be in the dark net. Do we really want to share a space with darkness like drug selling etc..
Suggestion to the proprietors of ROK and RVF. Create registered hometown forums by city / state / country on RVF so you can atomize and self-organize. The centrality of the meetup effort made it an easy target to disrupt. Fan out and choose the times and places for activities in a more random manner by decentralizing. Keep taking the initiative. You are living rent-free in their heads. They can’t stop the signal. Cheers.
That’s basically the same thing I suggested further down in the comments section. Great minds and such.
Cheers, brother.
I think it was meant that way. To attract attention and invite a reaction. In both events, the red pill movement wins. If the meetings take place = win. If the whole thing brings great publicity to what we have to say (as in fact happened) = win just the same.
Streisand Effect goes nuclear.
This is true. I’ve read some posts here where people came on here to see what all the hoopla was about and discovered that the MSM are flat out liars and the oppressors.
Fantastic idea. It’s hard to identify like minded people through normal social interaction and when you think you’ve come across a fellow tribesman but they turn out to be bed-wetting lefties it’s always a disappointment!
I’m looking for Mr Ayak.. No I mean AyaT – Are you a tribesman?
I am a long time lurker and now a first time poster. The articles on here have done me quite a bit of good. I cut my time playing video games and now I read classics, go to the gym 3 times weekly, and learn useful skills. Self-improvement is not easy at first, but it is worth it!
We will have our meetup someday. A talk radio station I listen to on the way to work actually covered the cancellation of the meeting. Hopefully that inspires more people to actually visit ROK and learn what the place is really about.
Keep going to the gym, and don’t give up when you don’t make progress. Find a better plan, change your routines, and eat as you should.
When you start to get big, people will begin to treat you very differently. You’re going to be glad you did.
Self-improvement is definitely hard, but it pays off.
Pretty fair article in the Independent. Shame they didn’t wise up before the events were cancelled though
Here’s a quote: “On Twitter, the 36-year-old said he had received “more threats from
Glasgow than anywhere else combined”. He then remarked: “Is it some kind
of convict resettlement zone?”
lol. Yes, pretty much
Also this begrudgingly gushing about Roosh’s media savvy
Glasgow isn’t surprising. Highly blue collar city, basically Scotland’s answer to Detroit. I really don’t enjoy even having to pass through it, and avoid it when possible when I travel to Scotland. Ugh.
I’ve only been there once for a couple of hours to be honest. I was waiting for a connecting train and somehow and ended up being dragged off to a pub for a pint. I still can’t work out how that happened. Strange place. I guess they’ll drink with you as readily as they’ll nutt you
Think Trainspotting the movie, think Glasgow.
Good flick.
Isn’t that the one with the worst toilet in Scotland?
Glasgow has the worst postcards in the world. Every one has something grey in it.
LOL Glasgow! It’s like the Stockholm of the UK. The whole leftist thing stem from their hate for England and their association with IRA.
Loved this article. Especially the end part! Great work guys I am sure with all this exposure ROK has recieved more men have seen the light and come over to our side.
the media are dumb as a box of rocks. our radical views now have five times the viewership!
Cheers my fellow Romanian.
A very well written article. Great job. Awareness and learning is the key.
I think this will ultimately be a great benefit going forward. The event received tons of coverage which will ultimately bring in more supporters and now we know what to expect from them in the future.
Also, it’s safe to assume that they will claim ultimate victory and not get nearly as worked up the next time around. These are people who are mostly bored with their lives and are just looking for something to get worked up about. The next move should just be to troll the fuck out of these people by setting up fake meet ups and things of that nature.
A fake meet up should be broadcast that is explicitly for the purpose of repealing the 19th amendment, outlawing abortion, and limiting women’s participation in the work force. The idea is to keep them in a perpetual state of outrage to make them look stupid, and then when we attempt to carry out the real meet up day they won’t have the energy, care, or focus to do anything about it.
Kind of like Aesop’s fable about the boy who cried wolf.
This is one of the freaked out real real people. He is not going to read anything and learn the truth. He is just here to vent and look like he is a big time defender of woman
Will Rooch be dispensing the kool-aid to his failed “pick up artist” loser followers from his mother’s basement? LMAO
You’re in Virginia (I’m assuming). Come to Columbus Ohio and meet with me. I’ll even buy the first drink.
Are you man enough to back up your snark?
I think he’s a little busy brushing his hair and listening to Maroon 5
I didn’t expect an answer. These types are all hat and no cattle. They’re brave only insofar as they don’t have to look you in the eyes.
Wow. I mean just… wow. Great job man.
Mine isn’t
Last call for Hoboken/NYC
NYC here. Give me a message if you want to meet up / consolidate: [email protected]
Sure thing. Will email you from
Cruella Deville
“They failed to annihilate us, and they gave away their position; ”
I’m calling this the key phrase in this most excellent post. We know we’re over the target because of all the flack. We run the flag up the flag pole and see who salutes and who gives it the razzberry. They think we are in range? Good, because that means so are they. Yes, it will get ugly, but it will also have its fun and amusing aspects, like any war.
Honestly the level of hostility from the brain-dead masses was shocking to me but in hindsight shouldn’t have been surprising. It’s going to be a tough battle
This was never meant to be a battle but a guerrilla war. To their detriment, they have revealed their monster to each other and those who can be reasoned with will likely become our insurgents. We win using their overplayed tactic; destroy from within.
Anyone from Socal/LA area?
Yes, I live in Sherman Oaks. I still intend to scope out the scene at the Galleria tomorrow.
I could be down
Come on out. I’d like to meet a fellow RoK reader.
The reason the meetings folded— you’re a bunch of pathetic little fucks who have to resort to rape just to get laid, and the rest of the Western world wants nothing to do with your fascist ideology. When you were confronted with real resistance, despite advocating violence yourselves, you ran away with your tails between your legs. Have you considered holding one of your little meetings in Saudi Arabia? You might get more approval there.
(P.S.— Roosh, if you want pussy, you might want to wash your ass crack first. And I think you know exactly what I’m talking about.)
Derper derps.
Film at 11.
That is an example of the sort of thing that needs to be blocked. It is only here to screw up normal conversation. That discus was only created to troll here. Likely one guy doing it with ten accounts
profanity? check
reference to rape or other sick sexual fetish? check
hypocritical racial shaming? check
obligatory “you can’t get laid” snark? check
anonymous newly created profile? check
personal attacks and ad hominem? check
Looks like another feminism journalist just earned her wings.
Poor baby, offended by ‘fascism’. You can only laugh at people like this.
Well said. MY feelings exactly!
Has anybody seen the Roosh rant from that YouTube preacher, Paul Begley? What a knob. Exhibit A of why I never want to live in a Theocracy. As for the MSM, I am disappointed that The Washington Times jumped on the bandwagon. They are usually more traditional and responsible. Not this time.
“that roosh needs a holy ghost slap on the face….those college kids need a holy ghost beat down for their actions”
He’s full of holy shit.
The story got sent out as strait news. “A pro rape group”. Now you know just who lazy reporters are. And the fact that journalists, even at conservative sites, they tend to be liberal and very sensitive to the accusation of being an evil hater. They need to be well informed and brave to defend us.They are nether one.
The laziness is exacerbated by “freedom of the press” and the fact that, like crooked cops and prosecutors, it is so difficult to hold them legally accountable. Look what they did to Richard Jewell.
Churches have been heavily influenced by extreme feminism. You should read Dalrock if you want to know more about that
Dalrock’s “40 Years of Ultimatums” piece ( is what got me in to the manosphere. Huge fan, though I don’t check it much anymore.
his latest examples of churchs seeing godly reasons for wives to have temper tantrums and divorce their men. Good Reading
in a nutshell churches starting to equate your wife being happy with you being godly. she’s not happy its because you are not godly
Direct quote from an Eastern Orthodox nun..Women were created to serve men.
well that would be paradise I think most Christian men would just be happy if women didn’t think a lack of tingles ment the man was ungodly and that was good reason for divorce
I have. I still like to point out individual examples where I see it. This assclown reminds me of the preacher in Porky’s 2.
Note that 90% of evangelicals are outright heretics who think Jews are still the ‘chosen people’. This is why the USA masturbates over Israel to an absurd degree. Begley is yet another televangelist fraud.
Sadly I would think you guys are going to need to institute blocking or every post will end up hijacked by trolls and some well meaning but hite filled social justice warriors. Some might actually come to learn what this was really all about. But I do not see them starting out their comments with ” you are all evil bastards who need to die’
They go away pretty quickly most of the time. We only have one or two on this thread for instance. By Monday their short attention span will be distracted by the next Bright Shiny to be “outraged!” about.
Hope so but this was a big one
Check out the articles by tuthmosis. The guy is an outrage causing mastermind. I was attracted to the site when some random chick linked the 5 Reasons To Date A Girl With An Eating Disorder. Started reading because I thought it was hilarious and then realized ROK was right about a lot of things. Tuthmosis caused similar outrage to this about 3 times with his articles alone. The SJWs go away fast.
That’s right. We just need to be patient and let them make the wrong move.
Oi, what do you mean dozens of major media entities around the world were all writing the exact same lies? Surely that must just be coincidental… :^)
I renew my call to reschedule the meet ups at local DNC events for Hillary Clinton.
Either they cancel or admit they lied!
I’ve been reading RoK for years and never once I have disagreed with an article so completely as I have with this one. To the point that I may have to actually write a counter article on my blog about this one.
Our enemies are not legion. They are powerful, yes, but little of their power is inherent. Most of it is solely because of their enablers. Again, little of their power is inherent. They own the media, yes, but the media power only goes as far as their credibility.
Our enemies are NOT legion. Our enemies are few, but they control a legion because, so far, they have the moral high ground.
Do you want to win this war? Then take the moral high ground from them.
Media is far more powerful than the military, especially nowadays when the population is dumbed-down and they simply repeat like parrots.
People are programmed and they can be programmed to do physical harm and even kill. Media is like the religion before which was able to mobilized the masses to go on a crusade.
I am aware, but they are not unstoppable. As I said, the media’s power is as strong as its credibility.
We have taken the moral high ground from them. We never sought retaliation but just to showcase how they were manipulated. We have several statements from them admitting to wanting murder, rape, death, etc. We have the names and faces of tons of people stupid enough to use their names on their disqus profiles. This also gives us location. Not to mention, friends, employees, lovers, have outed themselves in the process for being blood thirsty, ignorant monsters, giving us leverage in the future, which we can stock away and use at whim.
This is not to mention the hundreds, if not thousands, of people who will be forced to admit, not only were there no rapists here, but the media riled them up specifically to utilize that they don’t think. And if we are doing head counts, only 15 or so people, on my Facebook feed, maybe less, have jumped on the Roosh hate speech bandwaon. This gives me hope that the majority aren’t so easily led and those that are, do not have two brain cells to rub together. Take away their backing, media, and they will fold. And currently, we are the media and can spin their attention any way we choose.
No, we haven’t. Understand a simple detail.
The mass, the legions, they don’t care about facts. They don’t care about statistics, about evidence, statements or anything else you have stocked away.
If anything, remember that a sheathed sword doesn’t cut the enemy.
The masses care about the Narrative. And, currently, the Narrative is not on our side.
Don’t be the Brave Sir Robbins declaring victory as you retreat. We are not the media. The media is not on our side. The media is more than willing to lie, libel and slander against us. The media is more than willing to rile up the dogs to attack us.
It does not matter if those led by the media do not have two brain cells to rub together. They are still managers, they are still RH people, they are still capable of pressuring your company, and take your job away, on the whim of our enemies.
It is a reversal, in our society weak people think they are strong because they were given power, but they are still weak. This is why they defend a society based on equality(or false morality).
But then, most people are followers and emotional, they want to feel they belong to something real and important; they want to think they are strong.
Your opinions are positive to me. ROK should encourage people to give opposite opinions rather than acting defensively. It is healthy, and masculine.
I applaud all of you for staying so quiet and calm during this time. I fell into the trap of (attempting to) arguing with these insane feminazis over the past two days. Facebook is overflowing with crazy women who are literally trying to kill you guys.
I’ve now received multiple death threats for “being pro-rape” (standing up for this group) and I’d lose my mind if media was going this nuts over me.
Stay strong (and probably silent for now) and I hope that you can all get together eventually!
Jessica, just ask yourself, “what would Trump do?”
Thank you Jessica.
The depraved nature of our enemies is hard to believe in until you’ve seen it first hand; after the recent firestorm, their true face is becoming clear to many new people.
The funny thing is that there really isn’t much for us to convince new people. All we do is present the facts and reasonable people will come to the conclusion on their own and realize we are correct.
We need more beautiful women like you ! Thanks a tonne for your support!!
Right on, Jessica. You sound like a girl I’d want to take home to mama.
Thank you Jessica….
Gentlemen, instead of bitching, let´s do something, let´s think how to strike back, i´m always reading articles about SWJ, feminists, manginas and so on, i´m waiting for th articles about how to fight back them and their defamation.
I’m looking into starting locally with one of those responsible for, knowingly, reporting the lies in local media.
On the internet side there are plenty of tips on friendly sites. Serving the public by sharing the faux pas of low-level SJW ‘journalists’ via the wizardry of Google search is one that impressed me.
Using a company’s codes of ethics/values against them is potentially workable: use SJW tactics: whine, lie, ignore context, claim selfless greater-good motivation, etc.
I would never, ever, ever, ever, never advocate violence. Sadly, some may resort to old-school pummelings based on overheard remarks, observed virtue signaling, one’s job (an unknown yellow journalist, ‘pro’ volunteers/protesters, and other grass-root unknowns who feed the hate machine).
Don’t know how this would work as I, like all RoK readers and contributors, am 100% pacifist. One would have to observe BLM, The Nation of Islam, feminist led white-knights, recent U.S. University coups, Muslim ‘migrants’, and RoK’s juiced-up h8ers (featured prominently in RoK’s ‘Meet Up’ commentaries) for a crash-course in lawless, irrational, bigoted, fantasy-driven violence.
“The fat guy beating off to the picture of Mrs Doubtfire? One of us.”
Here’s some ways y’all can get your needs met…It sounds weird, but it worked for me. Effectiveness is important to me, and now that these meetings have been cancelled, this may be a more effective method.
Most of the SJW’s and “outraged!” violence threatening Leftists are on the previous threads from yesterday and the day before, you’ll have better luck reaching them there I suspect.
The man in the video sounds like he’s going to sell me some Pepperidge Farm cookies.
If you’d said ‘sausage and cheese’ I’d watch it.
I hear that they remember.
The leftist really overplayed their hand and overexposed their propaganda tactics that even some of their followers are not buying into. Fuel their fires and expose them for what they really are and they will fall.
That was eye opening. I expected maybe a rant by some femtard site like Jezebel. But the MSM doesn’t fact check, its merely functioning as a repeater service for low information progressive blogs. That’s very real. Question everything.
There has been a lot of copy and paste of this daily mail article all over the msm
“What we’re fighting for doesn’t make sense when we could satisfy our need for struggle through video games. Demanding freedom doesn’t make sense when we could sit around on the government dole. Seeking out the difficult responsibilities of patriarchy doesn’t make sense when the cows are giving away the milk for free – unless if there is some higher calling that we’re all responding to.”
Our higher calling are the future results we’re striving for all while ignoring the innumerable forms of instant gratification modernity offers us.
You’re becoming a better writer Roosh… I’m sure this event will only continue to sharpen those skills.
One thing is for sure: I’ll be at the next meeting… even if I have to organize one myself. This day and age, I’m almost scared to post this, but is anyone else on here located in VA?
Close. Columbus Ohio here. Good luck, and don’t be afraid of them, they’re nothing, in the long run.
I saw you might be organizing one yourself… I think it’d be worth the drive for me. Keep us all posted!
Will do. My email is in my profile, drop me a line and I’ll email you when we have something firmed up.
This site is ridiculous. You have a public web site and forum where your enemies can see everything you plan to do. Then you have to surrender, what else do you expect?
You have to go private forums with encryption, meetings with security to arrest infiltrators, traps to catch traitors . This web site should be turned into a disinformation site, where fake meetups are planned to make the SJWs protest nothing.
Like anything, you have to put your money where your mouth is. You can’t do what you want without paying a price.
You have to remember that things didn’t start off like this, so yes at this point there are vulnerabilities. RoK like many other sites started small and grew.
This is really surprising how deep the misinformation travells but I heard on the Alex Jones show yesterday (Thu) where Joe Biggs got a tip that a pro rape group would be meeting in Austin on Saturday and their ‘leader’ would be there.
If that isn’t waaay off. Alex then said that he’d send a team of reporters to cover this ‘pro rape’ gathering. I myself am a longtime listner of Info Wars and I’m surprised how inaccurate and out of the loop their info was on ROK. Info wars is red pill along the lines of Breitbart.
THIS MAY be a good opportunity to actually gather at Waterloo park in Austin where Alex Jones’s team and perhaps Alex himself will be present. If Roosh were there, he could clarify things. They’re anticipating some big gathering of some sort. If Roosh were to make this location appearance in person, then Info Wars cameras would be present. They are about as far from MSM media as you can get for the size of Alex’s operation. Alex himself is anti feminist to a degree but has most of his competency in other areas of red pill. On one particular program he made like he didn’t know what harm circumcision does, but that’s ok if he’s chopped. He fancies the higher smv women in his life. Roosh and Alex would be a big leap.
Well said. Anyone around Stuttgart wanna meet up?
“They hate because they fear, and they fear because they feel that the deepest feelings of their lives are being assaulted and outraged. And they do not know why; they are powerless pawns in a blind play of social forces.” -Richard Wright
It may just be my crazy baby-making hormones speaking, but perhaps we’d be better off feeling sorry for this bunch of scared little boys than feeding hate with more hate.
Heh, we’re not the one’s hating; nor are we the ones who are watching our ridiculous utopia fall apart at the seems.
It’s time to come to Jesus, Babs.
I see parallels. They disparage us – who point out the rape fest underway in Europe – as rapists. Sort of like mocking Christ with a crown of thorns and calling him “king of the jews.”
Yeah right, try to sound like you’re taking the moral high road after making violent threats against a pub crawl. The menstrual brigade has no credibility. Go back to reading your rolling stone.
She’s not even applying the quote properly. This is the sad part.
Blood lust got you all riled up?! No worries sugar. I’m sure you’ll get to stir that baby making batter with another bigot just like you. Cheers!
Christ, she’s going to squeeze out more likes of her into this world? Lord have mercy.
Oh Lord, she’s quoting Richard Wright… and the quote is not applicable to what she attempts to apply it to. Can someone please claim this woman.
Ah, darn. You’re so right. The quote actually references how whites in 1930s Chicago felt paralyzing fear that if blacks were to become their socioeconomic and political equals then they would have to forfeit their seats of power and control. Therefore they felt compelled to assert their dominance through discrediting and belittling the black community. I don’t know how I could have possibly made the connection there–dang woman brain.
As a sorry for wasting your time, may I recommend a book you might enjoy?
“whites in 1930s Chicago felt paralyzing fear that if blacks were to become their socioeconomic and political equals then they would have to forfeit their seats of power and control.”
Or maybe they had fears that the blacks would turn the city into ‘Chiraq’ and it would have a higher yearly bodycount on average than most contemporary warzones… Phew… good thing that didn’t happen.
Socioeconomic and Political equals?
Face facts, the reason that women are not the Socioeconomic or political equals to men is because they don’t want to do the work. Not that they can’t do the work, its because they would need to work! Why work when you can run around crying that you can’t get anywhere because you are a victim of men?
There is no excuse for any woman not being able to work to get the same Socioeconomic and Political level of the average man, as long as they do the work.
Anything can be learned from reading. And there are whole industries, like computer software, that just need an investment of a few hundred dollars to get one started on working at a product.
But I am right. You are attempting to equate your interpretation of red pill/ neomasculine concepts with the racism that Wright was analyzing. The fundamental problem with the way in which you used the quote is that it does not align with anything. Are you trying to say that the plight of Blacks in the 1930s are identical to the plight of women in 21st century America? Are you trying to say that persons within the so-called Manosphere are exacting the same type of power relationship on women in 21st century America as whites did with Blacks in the 1930s?
The fact is that you are yet another middle class white feminist who lives in conditions and circumstances that are the opposite of the oppressive conditions endured by Black people in the 1930s, YET you are trying to equate yourself and your circumstances with such. Here we go again with the white liberal appropriating Black history and culture to advance a political agenda, nothing more. In fact, this is yet another example of the racism for which you guys are notorious. You are appropriating Black life and existence in order to feed your narcissism. In doing this, you do not see Black people as humans, you see them as ornaments for your agenda.
At the very least, you could have used a quote from a text by Alice Walker for that comes closer to what you are attempting to do as she addressed the oppressive conditions endured by Black women in the 1930s. In that case however, your fraudulence and racism would still be on display because most intelligent people would notice that a middle class white woman in living in contemporary America is attempting to equate her social conditions with those of Black women who lived in the Deep South during the 1930s.
The state of Chicago today might make RIchard sick.
Oh, you poor, poor dear.
Don’t worry, soon you’ll be where you belong and you’ll be happier for it
That ambiguous quote could be applied to several reality denying doctrinaire leftists I know.
Two posts and user’s posting history is private. Smells like another sock for the troll who didn’t like her prior posting history of love for Celebrity Big Brother pointed to.
It’s never too late, folks. Read how this man reclaim his masculinity at the age of 50.
How I Found My Identity as a Man
I was almost 50-years-old before I solved the riddle. A book The Flight from Woman (1964) by Karl Stern, a Canadian psychiatrist, confirmed what my instincts were saying. My mother had been right all along. A man makes the house; the woman makes the home.
Teaching women to seek masculine power prevents them from getting what they really want. Women want to be possessed by a man’s love.
God’s love of Creation is mirrored in a man’s love of a woman. A man channels God’s love to a woman by making her a wife and mother. Women want masculine power, but it must be in a man.
But women in america don’t want to be feminime anymore. The want to be masculine. Its penis envy complex on steroids.
Women are like water, remember? I say never blame the women, look for who made the water container. Just got this from my local paper. I send them a good reply saying that ROK and roosh are not pro rape. ROK is about male empowerment. Men are people too which western society does not care about. Socialists, feminists, cultural Marxists, and social justice warriors are the real racists, sexists and degenerates of communities. Their protests against ROK and criticism from media, politicians and others proves it.
Yesterday I was very worried about all this ROK stuff in the media but after doing some more research and reading articles such as this it all makes much more sense. I try not to generalize but there is often some truths in generalizations and sterotyping.
When you get right down to it, all language relies upon stereotypes. Something as simple as the noun “cat” – “Not all cats are like that!” This is why Orwell observed that destroying language was necessary for controlling the mind. This is also why there’s currently a ridiculous push for people to be able to define their own “gender” and select their own pronouns. It both destroys meaning, and locks people into an endless and pointless conversation – “How do I refer to you without offending you?” – instead of talking about anything of substance.
Saying that “All stereotypes are true!” or “All stereotypes are wrong!” is very simplistic, black and white thinking, meant to obscure rather than enlighten. Nobody who says “That’s a reliable model of car,” actually means every single car of that model, including the ones that have been poorly cared for.
Interesting analogy about the car…it got me thinking about sterotyping and if I use your reliable car as an example then stating a model of car is reliable to someone who cares for his car means he’ll buy that type of car and look after it, therefore helping it conform to it’s sterotype. However if someone doesn’t look after their car even if they buy the reliable model then eventually it will become unreliable and not conform to it’s stated sterotype. So I guess I am saying that it is unfair to blame people for reacting to this group in a sterotypical way if they were first enabled to do so by the media. So perhaps the way to live in peace as such is first to tackle the behavior that enables people to conform to sterotype in the first place.
I think your article however was perhaps more a call to arms than peace talks so maybe my thoughts are not useful in this forum. Certainly whilst you have a leader who simultaneously courts media attention whist vilifying them you will need to battle this one out for the time being. Thank you for your thought provoking reply to my comment it certainly busted my sterotype for comment replies on this website.
Well said. Teared up a little (just for a second!).
Still have a hard time understanding – when I bother to try – the enemy’s impulse toward self impoverishment and slow suicide. Truth stands before them and they push Him aside.
I (correctly) broad-brushed them as evil (active or omission style) some time ago. They were always evil, desired its favor, or could care less as long as they appeared righteous. Only the ever-crumbling wall of traditional Civil-Society checks kept their better demons fettered.
It’s funny in a way; neither good nor evil make sense, yet everyone is eventually forced to choose.
It was cancelled because this neo masculity is fake and you are bunch of pussies.Your “fearless” leader is hiding in his mother’s basement.
Actually u are Roxie. Socialists, feminists, cultural Marxists, and social justice warriors are the real racists, sexists and degenerates of communities. Your protests and criticism from media, politicians and others proves it.
Oh gosh, pussies AND basement dwelling! A twofer!
Why be original when you can post boilerplate, I say!
It’s the same instruction manual used by today’s “journalists”. They just parrot what was written without doing any fact checking.
You’d think that at least *some* of them were capable of saying “Damn man, everybody I know uses the exact same words and methods, maybe I can do something different!”
But then I guess they wouldn’t be collectivists if they thought independently. Never mind.
Does RoK have a ban policy in place about replying to female posts? Has this been changed?
It has no policy on that any longer.
Why, want me banned?
I’ve been hit with several femtard replies that I’d like to smirk back at, but I recall the ban policy. You are a far more regular commenter here than I, so I am asking you if the policy has changed.
Thanks for the update.
Ah, got it. Mistook your tone, my bad.
Its official once again, We are the counter culture now.
We must use guerrilla
warfare against sjws. In guerrilla warfare, you try to use your
weaknesses as strengths. Here’s something to remember, if they’re big
and you’re small, then you’re mobile and they’re slow. You’re hidden and
they’re exposed. You only fight battles you know you can win. That’s
the way the small armies did it against big ones. You capture their
weapons and you use them against them.
Do you know of any reading on guerilla tactics in general? Can draw inspiration from them.
Your focus here is old. It’s 4GW now. Check out, look at the works published by William S. Lind @ Castalia House, etc.
What’s 4GW?
Fourth Generation Warfare
Look up William S. Lind on Amazon.
Try using your back bone. The biggest bigots and assholes around have no problem getting together but a couple of guys who want to talk about men’s issues start pissing their pants when feminists point their fingers. God, MRA’s make me proud compared to the weak kneed shit here. Maybe ya’ll should drop the macho pretense and settle for gender equality. The humility and integrity would do you good.
SJW’s ain’t got much going on except a willingness to stand up for something be it popular or not. MRA’s can match them there, but I don’t think the PUA He-Man club can. Too busy feeling sorry for themselves to stand and be counted. Just look at what crap feminists had to bring about wider roles for women in society. They had real courage. You could learn a lot from them.
Now that our 1st amendment right of freedom of assembly is being denied, I wonder how long it will be before the SJWs and militant feminists start to organize book burnings.
Check the response to Roosh selling books on Amazon.
With assembly down, the First Amendment is now pared to “not prohibiting the petitioning of a government redress of grievances.”
Femtards already tried denial of service attacks against this site. They only support free speech that agrees with them.
In a way they already have: I guarantee the books in the libraries of urban cities differ greatly from the books in public libraries in the Midwest. You won’t find any unbiased account of WW2 or any book critical of che in NYC libraries but you may find them in the Midwest or rural places.
This was a 4GW win. Roosh has the moral high ground, and the intelligent men mentioned by OP saw that, and will continue to see that.
Sorry but you guys are no better than the guys who cuck for the left, by letting a bunch of shrill harpies dictate your behavour.
Hit me up when your ready to form death squads and make the streets run red from the people who try to tell us how to think.
You first.
Me first? Are you implying you would do what needs to be done?
Doubt that, since you were dissuaded from having a few beers by the threat of getting into a scuffle with a bunch of catladies and antifas.
You guys have reached a stagnant level, only so much can be accomplished via LARPing online. Eventually you are going to have to confront or conform to these people.
Nobody here is interested in your childish anarchism. We are interested in preserving civilization.
I am not the one trying to tell you how to think or censor you or prevent you from doing anything for that matter.
They should change the name of this blog to RoC, Return of Cucks, cause you guys are anything but kings.
All you want is anarchy; the childish urge to prove your masculinity through murder. You have no plans beyond that. You’re as selfish as a suicide.
I am not an anarchist at all, just a reaction to a hostile occupation.
I wish for nothing more than a return to traditional Western values and to live my life in peace.
Our enemies set the current terms, not people like myself.
Hey, chief, there’s still a meetup in Columbus, Ohio. If you’re around drop me a line (email is in my profile). Lots of men are still meeting up. All that happened was Roosh basically withdrew himself from legal liability (I assume?).
Glad to hear. Never buckle to the opposition.
I never do.
Years of political activism in real life kind of numbs me to threats from internet leftist retards. Plus, I carry a sidearm. Heh.
Plus, I carry a sidearm….they’re times like this when the old adage about the pen being mightier than the sword seem to be truly inverted…how can any man use his rhetoric against a horde of screaming pepper spraying fanatics who’ve no legal right to prevent through force and violence people from gathering in peaceful assembly? Are these people so dense that they don’t even understand the legal premise of self defense anymore?
In all honesty their threats never materialize in real life. They can get by with assaulting people in disarmed places in the world, but it’s downright dangerous to assault strangers who don’t share your opinions in places where people regularly carry firearms.
Look for this all to be turned into an episode of “Law and Order” in about 4 months…
NYC here. Give me a message if you want to meet up: [email protected]
Roosh you went straight punk. After talking all that shit about real Men’s Rights Activist you go tail between the legs when it’s time to face the music. Real MRA’s faced down protest and what not but they actually hold the moral high ground unlike you who rather squander it with your misogynistic macho man routine.
On all future interviews please remind the world you are not a MRA and have no interest in becoming one. You being anti-MRA is the only firewall that keeps you from killing their efforts with blatant misogyny.
There are men and women very busy demanding equal compassion for ALL men. Banning gay dudes? For real? You sure as hell aren’t a MRA.
Dude, clean the sand out of your vajayjay. Geesh.
Please take your PC outrage somewhere else. Haven’t you got a courtroom to impotently protest?
Gay males have been co-opted by feminists, who give them an honorary pussy pass. Feminists are fag hags, meaning they alienate straight males and only have fags for male company. Feminists view gay males as allies against ‘patriarchy’ which they blame for all their unhappiness.
How 80’s. Just need MJF and Doc to turn up and it would be complete.
Don’t feed the femtards.
Yeah, I just didn’t get what the reference was supposed to mean.
No need for in-fighting everyone has the right to seek out more information if they don’t understand something. Only fools want to live in ignorance.
You are wrong. Gay men hate lesbians and often hate feminists. The feminists are friends with demasculated strait males, metrosexuals that want sex with women but have been friend zoned by any hetrosexual feminists.
Completely false. Might as well have said “guys! furries are really redpilled! no joke.” please, take your proclivities elsewhere
Femtards all have their token gay male friend for mascot because he’s so good at dancing and conversation etc.
And he doesn’t mind *at all!* holding her purse for her! It’s all totes fab, dahling!
I don’t think Roosh was afraid for himself. I think he was concerned, and didn’t want to be responsible, if other people were attacked at the meetings who had no idea what was about to happen. It would be one thing if Roosh knew that everyone who agreed to go to a meeting, went in with the full knowledge that they could ‘get a beating’ just for showing up, but with over 100 locations that was not possible. With the short time left to organize, it was not possible to do anything else but a ‘tactical retreat’ and try again later.
I agree. And even more likely, people being recorded, identified, outed at work as part of a “hate group.” Some really serious economic consequences were possible. This s- storm wasn’t anticipated.
I’m not sure how you missed that Roosh was never an MRA.
Not to mention that this is 4GW. You can have your 2GW battles and get smooshed by the Femtards all you like.
Remember when the Left’s motto was, “What if they gave a war and no one came?”
Now they foam at the mouth and threaten violence, bloodshed, and murder against all who disagree with them.
Thank you for stating what I had determined was the best strategy for winning this war. Be that guy that women want to know, to be around, to go to bed with, and possibly even to marry. It’s been said for a long time now that confidence was one of the most alluring traits that a man can possess. That’s what I saw in ROK, along with some really funny observations (even if they were occasionally over-the-top or satirical). A site advocating improving oneself and exuding confidence in one’s abilities. You can’t beat trolls (of any flavor) in the trenches. Take the battle to higher ground, and while you’ll never win over the most dogmatic of the opponents, you will conquer…again, and again.
Well written, Davis…especially those last few paragraphs. Victory at this point is all but an inevitability.
Now The Independent UK feels sorry for us all. We’re really damaged, insecure “victims too”…but, the question, even if right, about what’s the root cause of this damage is conveniently ignored by the mainstream media.
It’s strange additionally how they ignore the fact that many of the articles here having nothing to do with feminism- articles on classical music, philosophy, prayer, workouts, better diet, religion, history….so much for journalistic balance and impartiality!
“So who are the “neo-masculinists”? Put simply, they are easily manipulated individuals. These insecure men are drawn to the simplistic rhetoric of Roosh and bolster his work with their outrage. Hypnotised by the boasts about his profitable lifestyle, they buy into the idea of a shady feminist conspiracy”
So who are the readers of The Independent? Put simply, they are easily
manipulated individuals. These insecure citizens are drawn to the simplistic
rhetoric of the newspaper editors and bolster their work with their spittle covered letters to the editor. Hypnotized by the boasts about the papers so called journalistic impartiality, they buy into the ideas put forth into the paper unquestioningly.”
An excellent parody of the Newspeak that constitutes the so called informed and balanced standards of our friends in their greasy trade.
So be a cubicle dwelling beta male at the MSM walking on egg shells at work trying not to accidentally get your career derailed for being politically incorrect.
It’s written by the Independent! The thought police for the chattering, spoiled, affluent classes of west London- what hypocrites- Hypocrisy is the English vice which has evidently gone global these days.
Yeah ROK readers are all about the gold chains and spinning rims lolz
I read all these comments and I just laugh at the failure in people minds. In the Furry Fandom we don’t have this problem, any female we have as the same bite as any male fur. So your looking at wrong people and wrong place, being connected to your animal core is the greatest thing.
Furries against ROK!
kill me now fam
Excellent parody! 8/10. While there’s always room for improvement when imitating mindless Leftists, you’ve done a bang up job of really capturing the spirit of their inane stupidity. Well done!
Do you think we want group like this around, against everything furry fandom stand for. There was already plans to raid local ROK meetup in Denver.
Foxler the Hitler of Furry Fandom
And the hits keep coming! Dude, you’re so on a roll here!
It’s like you’re speaking directly from the mind of a lunatic leftist! Bravo sir!
My mind is to gas all Bronies and change human race to my pleasing. I don’t see how leftist that is?
The only way you can tell the difference between the women and the men is to check the sex organs ….just like the animals you pretend to be
Yep, order which a furry see anthropomorphic animal is species first and then gender second. This what leads to high rate of gay furries. Who care if your male or female, your a FOX! MINE!
Use boost to get through
I’m not fan anymore, just old screen name which I still use.
Skippy , do a…..
You chose the name not me
And while the radicals in this country lose their minds over us, meanwhile in Europe, the “migrants” are doing this to 10 year-olds….
Now that’s just not PC. You might offend immigrants or gays. Can’t you find some straight white males to bash?
Now you’re being hateful. There’s of course nothing gay about child molestation. Nothing at all.
well, when the children are males there is
Well you weren’t 11 years old and sucking dog dick now were you? There always gay children.
Moderator ban hammer coming in 5…4…3…2…
And don’t let the door hit your faggot ass on the way out, pedo.
I don’t mind, not a furry site. Site note, I was the 11 year old. How is that pedo? Because I’m furry here, not you
bravo. this will be printed out, for my sons, nephews, and grandchildren to read someday. When they see what we had to begin, again, rebuild, what we were against, why their mothers cried and they were upset when we laid down the law to a weak and childish, broken civilization. One day they will know and understand what was going on in these days, and they will scorn the craven and effeminate who cowered and hid from responsibility, and thanks the heavens for the men who manned the front lines and began battling. For them. So they would not be slaves, broken, shadows of men, doomed to fear and damnation their whole lives.
Very dense with meaning, deserves to be read over and over.
They were a choir without a conductor, copies without an original.
We’ll be back. We can engineer our own stand alone complex against them.
And when the real barbarians attack them, we will not respond.
Absolutely astounding article good sir. It resonates the truth in us and our enemies. Of course the media won’t be quoting or pointing out this article though.
Some men meeting up for a beer to chat shit about women causes international outrage. The MSM are fucking pathetic.
YES! Because your not talking about bitches, women are just sick and wrong
If I knew what that meant I would respond
noun: bitch; plural noun: bitches; noun: a bitch
a female dog, wolf, fox, or otter.
He’s just hoping for attention. If he can’t get it this way he’ll just switch profiles and try another tactic.
You seem to know more about this than I do, if you google my screen name. I only have one profile and there only one Foxler
You’re obviously a woman and a SJW troll. Women aren’t sick and wrong this was going to be an international meeting to discuss men’s issues. It was just arranged as informal meetings to discuss issues around MRA, red pill phosophy and men’s issues. You sound like you’re pretending to be a faux mysoginist when you’re really a female SJW troll. Thanks for the valuable constructive input though
I feel insulted, I’m ploysexual male and I don’t know this SJW thing? But I know what a dog dick look like.
Are you mentally ill? Because you sound it
If you call dressing up as a 6 foot fox mentally ill then ok? But feudalism isn’t any better, at least we are from the last century.
Pathetic is being scared of them. I get the risk, but if nobody has any courage you already lost. This is what makes the social justice approach to Men’s issues like the MHRM more solid. They are willing to face the slings and arrows in the name of justice. You see fathers for justice doing all kinds of things, facing arrest and what not. It’s not some game they are playing to resume a outdated role that isn’t coming back short of actual anarchy descending on the western world. If the traditional male role were to come back it wouldn’t be by the hands of men terrified of angry women calling them names. I don’t look forward to that day but I’d happily face some verbal abuse for a just cause like misandry/misogyny free pursuit of gender equality.
Nice blanket application of snark. Well done.
So anyway, lots of men here are still holding meet ups. So, poof, snark made irrelevant.
“resume a outdated role that isn’t coming back short of actual anarchy descending on the western world.”
I’d advise you to turn on the news
Davis, as I said I would, I wrote a reply about your post. Your comments would be appreciated.
I took several screenshots of Disqus comments made by SJWs here on ROK and on Roosh V these past few days. I’ve got at least 10 different screenshots of death threats and rape threats made by our opponents. I’ll be compiling these.
I encourage all readers of ROK to save all false news stories from around the world over this incident, and take screenshots of all threats made against us. When the time comes when we do meet up, we will use such threats to our advantage. We’ll go through independent media on YouTube and elsewhere to show the world that our opposition is violent and unstable.
Just my 2 cents here, but again I strongly encourage you all to document the threats made against us and compile them for possible future use.
I think there is a better use for grabbing those names…
What is that going to do? Even someone like me that been trolled for 10+ years for being a furry know better. Only action to take in the real one
Sounds like femtards threatened to burn down roosh’s mother house in the US, is that correct?
It wouldn’t surprise me. If you see those threats being made be sure to document them and pass them along to ROK readers and to Roosh if he is unaware.
We really need to keep a cool head, because like the Sun Tzu article right here on ROK teaches us – our opponents will reveal themselves in anger and in threats against us. We need to keep our cool and let them make their threats. Document these threats and share them on YouTube, with Paul Joseph Watson, with Milo Yiannopoulos, with Alex Jones, with Breitbart news, and any other more independent news people who will listen (they are out there).
While we’re not that organized, we still need to use strategy here. This thing has only begun. The feminist and SJW narrative is *but one* narrative that is in shambles. Donald Trump is helping to reveal many of the other conspiracies against us.
Got a tipoff from a paki reporter. Roosh then doxxed him. haha
We didn’t use word dox 10 years ago, you must be newfag
That’s because 10 years ago the internet was secure enough that you usually couldn’t do those things.
Nah, they’d just say “I hope someone burns down his mother’s house”
Excellent advice.
Do all Returning Kings live in their mother’s basement?
Have you stopped beating your wife?
No! she rip up my shoes
Hahahaaaaaaa. I love how you keep making your pussyboy movement sound like some kind of noble war. A bunch of desperate, entitled rape apologists trying to figure out how to get laid through deception because nobody wants you for who you really are. Proclaiming yourselves “lions” and “kings”, but you have to resort to bro meetings to figure out how to get a woman to pay attention to you, and then you skulk in the shadows when found out and hide in your mother’s basement.
You’re right about one thing – the state of some men today is truly pathetic. Unfortunately, you’re talking about yourself and the sad little pansies and keyboard warriors that you manipulate with your horseshit pseudo-militaristic jargon so that you can make a profit.
But congratulations, you achieved infamy! I doubt it’s much fun.
Another day, another report from Derp Land.
Excellent, educated response from a total genius with something important to say!
love when fat chicks use google stock images as profile pics. bravo
I’m a bit like the OSU Buckeye football team, I only play to the level of my opponent.
You come here to sneer and snark. If you expect anything but to be mocked, then you suffer from delusions.
Its always the least attractive females who feel most threatened by men learning game. If beta males have greater access to sex, unattractive females lose their fall-back option for finding mates. Why would an attractive female care?
Milo Yiannopolis on the Joe Rogan Experience called it something. I forget the name he had for it, but his definition of it was prime. People make aggressive comments and when those being attacked reciprocate they claim victimhood.
You gotta be pretty ugly as a woman to hang out on a men’s forum and troll
indeed. Patrice Oneal once said that hot women dont behave this way because they’re getting what they want from men. Its the ugly bitches that resort to ridiculous shit to grab the attention of men away from the cash money women, and thats what it really comes down to: our attention.
“I’m a bit like the OSU Buckeye football team, I only play to the level of my opponent.”
Isn’t that the truth and much to the fans anxiety.
The loop feed of “ad hominem, snark, little boys, small penis, you’re gay, go die” should be given an acronym to save everyone some time.
*yawn* I’ve seen this argument before.
“Pussyboy movement”
” A bunch of desperate, entitled rape apologists trying to figure out how to get laid through deception because nobody wants you for who you really are”
The usual sexual shaming, emasculation, and name calling. What you fail to realize is that we’ve had about 3 waves of female outrage before and these are ALWAYS their arguments.
I am guessing the only ‘sex’ this fatty gets is maybe a shared twinkie with some gangly antifa pothead
The best part is how Roosh Doosh is collecting money off all these guys while living in his mother’s basement, probably not getting any at all.
He is?
I just checked my wallet, because your post made me concerned. I still have a couple of hondo in it like I did yesterday. Apparently his money collection algorithm doesn’t work in the Midwest. Who knew?
you do it even better.
you do it well.
We also learned that Roosh literally lives in his mom’s basement. That seems kinda emblematic of the whole movement, honestly.
Nah, I’d wager he was there for a visit. He’s been around the world and makes a healthy income from the sales of his books in the internet.
Or possibly his mother pays for everything? I mean, it’s not like he hasn’t lied about other things. Makes his claims to Patriarchy laughable, certainly.
And maybe you’re a pedophile who is being monitored by the FBI.
See how the Maybe Game works?
Ghost of Jefferson, you’re clearly a few years older than me. You’re replies to the periodic waves of harpies coming on are so quick and sharp, yet mine tend to drag myself down the rabbit hole.
Thank you!
I figured all of those debate and rhetoric classes I’ve taken and tomes I’ve read would come in handy some day. Who knew it would be on the internet? heh
Yea, thats a huge mental flaw of mine. Whatever frames people give me I try to beat them on their own grounds or take an “L.” For example my coworkers thought i was being lazy at work, and the accused me of being mentally checked out. I took an L instead of being ready with a proper come back. “What are you talking about? I the job you assigned me so well that there wasn’t a moment you were waiting on me nor a mistake on my part holding you up.” I’m sure you’ve read of few of my comments in the last day or two getting bogged down with the recent wave of opposition.
Any suggested reading?
Come on he’s in hiding. Only takes one crazy with a gun
Truly the words of a movement that’s going to return the kings. You didn’t think it’d be bloodless, did you?
I think a date on or around Halloween would be a good one to attempt this again (at least here in the US). Wearing costumes and masks in a cultural norm which would help men maintain their anonymity in case SJWs show up. I would keep meet details under wraps and only release them say 8 hours before the anointed time. That will really hinder the ability o f SJW to plan any type of protest or organized attempt to to doxx men appearing.
Bullshit just go down to your local breastaraunt with your mates and enjoy yourself.
It’s dangerous. Could be anyone under the mask. We are not doing anything illegal or suggesting anything illegal, are such extremes of anonymity necessary..
Hey I am all for us showing up en masse and telling any protesters just to go f themselves that we are going to associate whether they like it or not.
There would be fights at at least some of the meetings if we did that, not that that’s the end of the world..
You know, Roosh did something important here by triggering people who needed to be triggered. Just like various cartoonists in Paris did in recent times, and also in Denmark and Holland further in the past. Like Salmon Rushdie and his book. Of course some of them paid with their lives, or had to go into hiding and live under police protection. The group Roosh has upset is fortunately not quite as dangerous. Moreover, they are possibly more reformable. Many of them are just naive idealists unwilling to see the world or human nature as it is, and also sheep not wanting to hold opinions different from their peer group.
Do we really stand for free speech? The media and politicians clearly don’t. These people need to be triggered again and again till we’ve flushed this anti-free speech turd out of western society.
He possibly made a mistake cause we couldn’t meet up like we wanted to and it’s attracted all kinds of leftards and losers to the forum. It might have been better to be meeting up and getting to know each other, making political progress without having the spotlight shone on it.
On the other hand it’s a huge amount of free publicity. In a few weeks time, the haters who are not total nutjobs will not be hanging here anymore, but we will likely have a large number of new members who followed the links after seeing it in the media out of curiosity. Basically the movement will spread faster and the narrative will collapse sooner! Thanks Roosh.
“Do we really stand for free speech? The media and politicians clearly
don’t. These people need to be triggered again and again till we’ve
flushed this anti-free speech turd out of western society.”
You all have free speech since you aren’t in jail.
And it’s been shown that free speech is the biggest fear of the SJW, especially when it doesn’t conform to their twisted rhetoric.
Attia is just a cover for Anita isn’t it?
Look it up. Just because you have never seen the name before doesn’t mean I’m Anita. LOLOL
Roosh is doing God’s work – saving us from the totalitarian PC society we will soon otherwise find ourselves in.
Abend Kumpel. Bist du in dem FRA Umgebung?
Leider nein eher BER. Habe in die Vergangenheit ein wenig Zeit in FRA gebracht. Bist du dort Stammesführer.. Vielleicht hole ich eine Wegewerf-emailadresse und trage es hier ein..
Roosh Doosh did something important – he showed his followers that he is a scared little boy hiding in his mother’s basement, unable to take the treatment he likes to dish out.
Nothing like beating up on a man who takes care of his parents.
By the way, did you miss the part, from his books, where he writes about the different parts of the world that he has traveled to, and usually stays for weeks in each area?
Not exactly someone that ‘hides in his mother’s basement.
Or does that not fit with your narrative?
By the way, when can I expect you to start organizing a few book burnings, since you seem to be going in that direction anyways?
Not only that but they missed the BBC hit piece where they interviewed him in his house in… Poland. Long way from DC. Guess their puppet-masters forgot that in this morning’s marching orders.
Realize it’s something of a meme. However, regular references to ‘basements’ can be used to begin profiling a given troll. Newer homes seldom have them, they’re rare or absent in many states and cities…can check building codes, housing clusters, etc to get likely demo/geo-graphic and economic status of particularly vile elusive trolls.
Daryush, I’m speaking to you. Commenters, feel free to say hurtful things, I probably won’t be back here again. I’ve seen all I need to of this “website.”
They’re all laughing at you, my friend. All of the countless people who despise you, and have the right to. Especially those here in New Zealand, as you see:
You’re cowering. And you even went so far as to cancel your little meet-ups and claim that you were writing “satire”, which is the oldest trick in the book for people too arrogant to admit the point they were trying to make, and were completely serious about, was proven to be garbage. Your arguments were fucking crushed, mate, over and over again by people with more intelligence and perspective than you will ever have. Your little campaign has failed.
Always remember this: you are not, in any sense of the word, a man. And anyone who takes anything you say seriously is no different. Your followers are human trash.
And your comment about New Zealand in the shadow of America? We are the only country not kowtowing to that failure of a country you call the U.S.A. If you need proof, take a look at our response to the signing of the TPPA. Look at Lange refusing American nuclear power access to our country. We will never be afraid to tell your country to mind its own business, something it seems to have a problem with doing, hence why it seems to have been ass-fucked in every major war it has involved itself in since WWII, from Vietnam to the War on Terror.
You’ve had your fifteen minutes of fame. Now please, go and educate yourself a little, and come back when you have something to say that the rest of the thinking world won’t shit on you for. And if you set foot in our country before doing that, my condolences on your extended stay in the hospital.
Except if it weren’t for America, you kiwis would be getting butt-raped on a slave plantation by Japanese guards. Seriously, kiwifag, it sounds like you have been triggered. I have been to New Zealand and 90% of the men there are weak as hell, and would struggle to put a toddler in hospital.
I know after writing this, your boyfriend is probably smiling with approval, ready to outfit you with a pink chastity cage, but in future, stick to your own websites.
I dont think that was a very good argument.
I don’t think the Japanese would have struggled to take New Zealand.
No it wasnt, but his first statement about Japanese Imperial Army could be extended to make some legitimate points. But, yes, after that the writer got a bit derailed.
look at the honor roll names at any NZ high school: all chinese and vietnamese. Kiwis don’t value education; rather, they wallow in ignorance
“I probably won’t be back here again. I’ve seen all I need to of this “website.””
“And your comment about New Zealand in the shadow of America? We are the only country not kowtowing to that failure of a country you call the U.S.A. If you need proof, take a look at our response to the signing of the TPPA. Look at Lange refusing American nuclear power access to our country. We will never be afraid to tell your country to mind its own business, something it seems to have a problem with doing, hence why it seems to have been ass-fucked in every major war it has involved itself in since WWII, from Vietnam to the War on Terror.”
Though politics and issues such as this almost never come up on this site I’d wager that most readers would probably agree with the above statement. Good for New Zealand rejecting American influence, seriously. The department of defense has yet to win a war. No war since WWII had a proper declaration of war. We send our young men, who are typically poor, over seas to get blown to bits. I certainly agree with what you said.
Notice at the bottom of the article posted in this tirade: -Daily Mail.
It’s just the same write-up circulating through the same company’s various media holdings.
Follow the “reporter” trail, the links to his body of work, who he is, and is related to are very interesting…anyone else remember the woman in England who cut up the male model’s face?
Just like the article that is pointed out above from Australia – they don’t care that much about you guys, its the same story on each site.
Winning the wars isn’t the point; keeping other nations destabilized and, thus, predictable is the point. It’s a sick form of Trotskyism that we call Neoconservatism.
while at the same time keeping the military industrial complex’s skids greased.
NZ… is that the country that gave sheep the right to vote?
How do you know if a guy is from New Zealand?
He’s got wool stuck in his zipper.
Oh! Snaps.
I love the way you put ‘website’ in inverted commas.
@Clicker I would talk to a doctor about this really bad period you seem to be having….
LOLZ You New Zealanders think you’re tough. Your country, along with Australia, belong to the Chinese and Vietnamese now. Your women are the worst in terms of looks, education, and temperment. The Japanese Imperial Army should have been played soccer with your heads. Bonzai!
lol… I’m a kiwi listen to me roar.
Totally explains the retro fag hag comment earlier. Should have realized.
“”satire”, which is the oldest trick in the book for people book for people too arrogant to admit the point they were trying to make, and were completely serious about, was proven to be garbage” God, you sound like the William Petty of your generation, do you not still realize that Swift had to write in a satirical and deep provoking manner so as to draw attention from the remote and indifferent ruling English class to the horrendous economic and social conditions in Ireland during his day.
Satire is meant to provoke and offend- don’t you understand this genera of literature and thought- in a world numbed by collective conformism and mass entertainment- satire is the only way of making yourself heard. Why do you fail to comprehend this? Even, the “offending article” in the preamble before the article unlike Swift’s, A Modest Proposal, it clearly states in black and white that the article a satirical piece and not to be taken literally. Can you people not read and understand this or, you just being dishonest and mendacious?
The whole episode over the last week has demonstrated more than anything else how deficient the younger millennial generation have become in the time honored basic modes of understanding and common sensibility that we all respect in the west. The pathetic hysteria I’ve witnessed over the last week can only be directly correlated back to the ignorance and inertia of your generation’s education. I find this truly sad.
Only thing worthwhile to come out of NZ was Ernest Rutherford … that is it
And he didn’t discover anything until he went to Manchester. Western countries without little cultural soil seem to become the breeding grounds for far leftist agendas I notice.
Why did the satire label only go up yesterday? To help educate all the little people?
Satire has been around since the time of Shakespeare. If you’re ignorant of this fact, you’ve only yourself to blame, which in your case maybe a difficult concept to understand.
It’s important for Whites to race-mix with 80-85-IQ nonwhites in order
to end racism, bigotry, xenophobia, homophobia, Islamophobia,
transphobia, and other right-wing-hate-emotions. 85-IQ mulatto babies
are a sign of progress. When I see a young White girl with a little
mixed child, I don’t think of the 50,000 years of her ancestors’ blood
and sacrifice that went into securing her precious (high-IQ) genetic
integrity, I think “wow, that girl is just like Kim Kardashian, she really overcame her hate by taking that 85-IQ seed. How great; I’m so happy right now”
NZ knelt like a proper vassal to the FATCA. Your banks = America’s bitches.
FATCA is a morally tainted Leftist device at that (so much for the moral high ground).
NZ gets to posture because:
1. It has little trade/military importance and
2. if the U.S. ever Really needs NZ on board for Anything At All, NZ Will comply.
3. Shared English cultural heritage (this one is wearing thin).
NZ is fine by me.
Using your personal delusions of independence to criticize your generous protector and patron while pretending moral superiority is not.
Better hope America’s Leftist decline does not continue or you Will be completely on your own or a vassal in the literal sense.
FYi: It is careless for an isolated, energy-dependent backwater to eschew nuclear power.
New zealand is a bitch, always was a bitch, always will be a new world order bitch.
Educate yourself drooling blob.
I am not part of the RoK community and actually disagree with a lot of the views expressed here, but I am VERY concerned with how these SJW’s are hellbent on controlling language and free speech.
It took no more than a few seconds to google the “rape article” and a few minutes to read. Anyone with even below average intelligence can see the article is clearly satire and not pro-rape. What’s scarier than the eagerness of the media and SJW’s to perpetuate such a lie is the fact SO many people accept it at face value. The lack of critical thought in our society is astounding and the masses are clearly easily manipulated. This scares me to my core.
Good luck fighting the good fight. We need the pendulum to swing back from the insanity. Don’t let them silence you.
we have a controlled media.
Roosh threatens feminism not women. Feminism threatens women
I agree. Generally speaking feminist are miserable people. I live in a very liberal area of the country filled with them. They don’t find humor in anything except ruining the lives of people who disagree with them.
well at least they find something funny. Otherwise why would God have invented the witch’s cackle?
The cackle is only to draw attention so they feel that they are significant.
An astute summary of the Clinton campaign.
Who ever controls the media controls the mind – Jim Morrison
>I am VERY concerned with how these SJW’s are hellbent on controlling language and free speech.
And you should be, because it is a problem for EVERYONE.
>Anyone with even below average intelligence can see the article is clearly satire and not pro-rape.
Evidently not *everyone* as it turns out. One only need read the comments on the meetup thread.
>What’s scarier than the eagerness of the media and SJW’s to perpetuate such a lie is the fact SO many people accept it at face value. The lack of critical thought in our society is astounding and the masses are clearly easily manipulated. This scares me to my core.
As well it should.
Right…censorship is what is so scary. The folks are fascist totalitarians…
While the usual assortment of faggots are vomiting all over the comments and accusing us of being rapists, the REAL rapists – the muslim ‘refugees’ so beloved by the liberal media – have gone on yet another raping spree in Cologne at the start of the carnival.
Well done. You faggots are really making a difference here, instead of focusing on the real problems. lolz
Faggots that probably aren’t living in their mother’s basement.
How original .. lolll
Since I’m actually kind hearted, I want to save all the faggots,
manginas, fat feminists, creatures of unknown chromosome configuration etc some effort.
Instead of typing in your brilliantly original
insults, just choose from this list and quote its number directly
instead. For example: “I think you are all number 3” or “I feel number 9 right now” Lolzlolzolzolz
1) You are all virgins who never get laid
2) You all still live in your mama’s basement
3) You all have a small dick
4) You must hate your mother
5) You hurt my precious little feelings
6) You are bad evil people
7) This article offends me
8) This whole website offends me
9) Your very existence offends me
10) You are just bitter and pathetic
11) You should all just man up
12) You are disgusting and you made me cry.
13) Your neckbeard triggers me.
14) You’re all children who need to grow up
15) You’re rape advocates who should all go to prison and be repeatedly raped
16) You are so creepy
17) You all need help
18) Your existence makes me lose faith in mankind
19) I hope you get castrated
20) I hope your mum, wife, or daughter gets raped
21) I hope you all get run over by a car (or killed in some manner)!
22) I’m going to slice your throat open when I see you in real life! (or any other form of murder)
Fellow kings feel free to update the list. lolzolzolz
23) You’re racists.
24) You’re homophobes.
25) You’re a misogynist.
26) You’re all pussies (of some sort)
You guys sure like that word “triggers”. Is that on the first page of the book Roosh Doosh sold you? And since Roosh Doosh “is” living in his mother’s basement, who wouldn’t believe that a lot of you also do? Since you all think so highly of him.
How many times did he use that word?
(27) [blah] Nazis
(28) [Narrative ‘community’]-phobe
(29) [blah] equality
*(30) all going to Hell.
* reserved for atheist haters only.
I tried previously to turn friends on to RoK, with not much success. This was the attack that sparked outrage in them and drew them in.
“If you want to know who rules you, simply learn who you can not criticize.” Voltaire.
Ooh, is it Roosh?
I’m a newbie. So far I’m very happy with what I have read.
Hey, you don’t have to agree with everything on this site. I’ve posted here for a while and my opinions often diverge from others, but, that’s precisely what men who are their own masters are meant to do. We don’t behave like a hive mind of conformism and mediocrity here, and, yes on occasions you’ll get sharp rebuttals from other blokes, but, that’s what this place is about. You fight your corner, you learn, you respect, and you discern, it’s a akin to a mental gym where you can work out your thoughts without being sanctioned by some PC conformist bullshit.
Sanctioned and threatened with violence by some PC conformist.
Oh the sweet or perhaps bitter irony of it. Although, I suspect that they’re deficiency in understanding satire is only equaled by their failure to understand irony. How did western civilization become so retarded and ossified (like a giant constipated turd) so quickly- perhaps it was,education, education, education…..
I showed up because I heard there was a pro-rape group. I thought “that can’t be true, but they must hate feminism.” So I showed up. It’s wonderful here.
I understand the decision, but I, for one, am not afraid of doxing or threats. I’m ready for change. Let’s make it happen.
I just dont think calling liberals as your enemy is productive. Us-versus-them is simply unconstructive. Call me radical, but liberals have more popular influence. MRAs need to prove themselves through virtue to be competitive in todays political market. They clearly havent done that yet, or else the average person wouldnt hate them. (Which I recognize Is a product of their unfair portrayal In media). Death threats and implications of violence from liberals are totally fucked up in my opinion, but its MRAs who have something to prove. Liberals are winning, and there’s no way around that.
Why cant you be people? Why do you have to be enemies with those who disagree with you?
“They drew first blood. Not me.”
No. They didnt. Men drew first blood many thousand years ago. Im not blaming you for the clear history of elitism among men in all of history. Im just saying that people will judge you based on your similarities to past, abominable men.
I am insignificant. My opinion doesnt matter. But I still have it.
“Men drew first blood many thousand years ago.”
I’m sensing male guilt, and subscription to the modern philosophies of male guilt, feminism being the first amongst equals. If you identify elite men as guilty of this first drawing of blood why do you still accept blame as men? This is the trick that has always been pulled of: the men at the top do bad shit, and the rank and file become get blamed.
The other thing is women too are part of the system: they create or at least help create the incentive system which sees men competing in the most violent ways.
As for his comment, he clearly meant in the moment, but you’ve so bought into the ‘men are violent and we need to heal the world with womens love and peacefulness’ you couldn’t even focus on that immediate environment.
As a man you owe society nothing for the fact that warlords throughout history were evil cunts.
I sure would like to meet a man a thousand plus years old and ask him if he works out.
You mean the history of male achievement?
Sounds like femtards saying its not what you said… its how you said it?
Are we supposed to have make-up sex now?
Tone matters to the average person.
Spoken like a bitch with butt hurt feelings.
This website is mostly apolitical. It does have articles written by Libertarians and the Alt-Right, but it isn’t any one of those two. Seeing as it is apolitical it is important for ROK to say that it is an anti-Left or non-Leftist website because not doing so basically guarantees it is only a matter of time before this becomes a Leftist website.
Thats how people are going to see it though. Do you honestly think that good logic appeals to the average person? People respond to fear and irrational emotions and scare-mongering. You guys are smart enough to realize this, and thats the approach youve taken. It works and I dont blame you.
Our enemies choose us.
Your victim mentality is not sympathetic.
I don’t write the news; I just report it.
Put another way: RoK Boys Club schedules happy hour; internet freaks out. Nobody went out and poked SJWs with a sharp pointy stick, they just didn’t want us to have a meetup. They.Chose.Us.
MRAs need to prove themselves, you say. Please elucidate. Supply a prescription, if you will, that does not concede the widest planks of the MRA platform as a wooden post concedes to termites. Your milquetoasty lamentations are not inspiring.
Today’s libs are nowhere as cool as they used to be. Look at trump surging ahead. The issue of the sexes cuts across and through every race, every age, nationality, religion and political affiliation. Sex divides us all 50/50 into two distinct camps. A ‘political’ party for women? Shit, how un natural is that? Patriarchy is the natural state of ‘most’ tribes of humans. To ‘denature’ or adultrate the natural human condition artificially then would obviously be achieved politically through a ‘feminist’ political machination which is contortionist, unhuman, inhuman, un natural, bastardized and so mutated it resembles source nature in no way whatsoever.
I used to have a fairly broad liberal outlook but over the last few years I’ve questioned more and more the outcomes which that agenda has foisted upon western society. For example, mass immigration into western countries with people who hold values that are inimical of western values and refuse to integrate, the emasculation of white males into some inferior sub-species over and above those of fanatical Muslims, Transgenders and Pedophiles, the denigration of our western cultural ideals that brought us everything from democracy, electricity, modern medicine and freedom of thought to the veneration of archaic and primitive cultures which we are compelled to somehow feel guilty about.
I don’t subscribe to the ideals of the far right, but, essentially I’m a libertarian, who believes in the values and customs of our western civilization which is being undermined to the point of destruction by the liberal ideals of multiculturalism, unfettered egalitarianism and self-hatred and guilt for those western values that have made Homo sapiens something more than ever repeating primitive cave dwellers.
That’s the nature of the culture war. Calling for the far right to come together with the left in some ways in order to win support from the left is like calling for cops and criminals to reconcile and team up. MRA’s aren’t what we are, BTW. MRA’s use the left’s ideas of equality of outcome and “oppressive gender roles” to try to get better treatment from the system. That isn’t what we do.
I have to say that what disappointed me the most was to see how little our own people knew about feminism. Please read up on anti-feminist science like Moxon. I saw a lack of knowledge when guys were answering the feminists that was unbelievable. It should not be like that. Also read Martin van Creveld’s book on women and feminism.
The character assassination is in hyper drive mode! Never saw such a frenzy I think. Just take a look at this:
The headline:
“Not so cool now! Pro-rape pick-up artist pictured in
a sweat-stained T-shirt at the door of his mother’s home (where he
lives in the BASEMENT!)”
Yes, just like that. With BASEMENT in upper case and bold. You can’t make this shit up. LOLZ. Then a huge article follows complete with lies, half truths, insults, smears and the most ‘condemning’ photos they could find. Of course they make it a point to repeat the word ‘BASEMENT!’ several times, as well as point out his ‘tee-shirt’, ‘geeky looking glasses’ and ‘graying beard’.
Discourse worthy of school yard bullying among 12 year olds.
THIS is the level of journalism offered to you today by the MSM.
See it and weep.
There’s a reason it’s called the Daily Wail….
Funny how if such a smear campaign were directed against a liberal faggot, the media would be calling it “cyberbullying”
To all the feminists:
Why are you here repeating media lies about Roosh V when the MUSLIM RAPE
Is there any way to buy an ROK t shirt as a sign of solidarity right now? I couldn’t find any on the site if they in fact sell them.
Get creative. Make one and dudes here will go for ’em.
I think it would be a good idea for as many men on the site to purchase one from the site so the cash can go to Roosh and his team. I can have one costume made for 30$ or so, but I would rather give that cash to ROK and the maintaining of it.
Yes, do create and sell some shirts so everyone can easily identify you little men when you do leave the basement.
That cliche is getting old
Stop living it then.
Wow you are pathetic! Do you actually believe your own lies? because that would be even more pathetic.
lol. “that guy who lives in his mom’s basement — one of us.”
Feminists who signed a petition opposing a troll blogger = 100,000.
Feminists who signed a petition opposing Muslim rape culture = 0.
your articles speak volumes of your views on females. I’m so sorry you feel threatened by aggressive females wanting to live without fear or being seen as walking tits. You do not give us much credit in anything other than being a dick sleeve. We’re tired of your way of thinking, you white-supremacist conservative piece of shit.
And we’re sorry you’re such a faggot. Ask to take a shit and leave.
Women entering fields of work and gaining “equality” on the tail end of thousands of years of masculine men’s achievement doesn’t impress me at all. Women are literally the guy who sat back and let the rest of the group do all of the work but still wants an equal share of the credit.
No surrender.
I mean this as constructive criticism, but, you guys really need to get your shit together. KKK, Neo-Nazi, biker gangs, and all other manners of extremely deviant, and often criminal organizations have been able to have private meetings and even rallies for decades, and you guys can’t, what, get a few dozen people together for some beers or whatever?
Man up for Christ sakes. The fact that pussy women’s boxing clubs in Toronto think they scared you away makes me want to puke.
Unofficial meet ups still going on. Over 100 expected in Houston.
Media will character assassinate on command and say anything about anyone including you, including me. Don’t believe one word of it. Double verify your sources with real info or just admit you can’t come to a decisive conclusion. With everything.
This article was brilliant and I don’t overuse that term in the slightest. I also, am flabbergasted at the Empire’s response.
Batten down the hatches, secure the lines! Counter offensive!
oooohhhh noooooo ……. men can’t take the shit they give out. Oh my, who’d have thought. Tsk tsk tsk … can’t allow women to speak for themselves. Typical assholes. I don’t believe in hell, being a satanist and all. But I do believe that what you give is what you get. I hope it comes to you soon and you choke on it. Mother fucking assholes … *gasp* I swore. Oh my ……
You sound like another pigressive secular humanist.
Satanist? You are one edgy special snowflake. Lookout world!
I’m not special. I’m simply who I am and like being able to be that openly. You guys want to shove people back into some old testament closet so you feel like you have power. Well you don’t. If you did you wouldn’t be on a site like this.
You guys? I found this site through the same media outrage you did. I am not religious. The story is a lie. Read the article in question.
being a satanist is the most embarrassing thing one can imagine. Not only are you making an attempt to be edgy like 14 year old goth kids, but you are worshiping someone who…
1) You only know about from the Bible
2) Is possibly the biggest loser in the history of the universe
read the LHP principles before you speak
Read some new age bullshit made up by someone for cash? If it mentions satan, its stolen it from the Bible, PERIOD.
Lol, a satanist that doesn’t believe in hell is like a psychologist who doesn’t believe in psychology.
Why are you here repeating media lies about Roosh V when the
MUSLIM RAPE GANGS are destroying Europe!
because the mentality of the articles on this site do not support the idea of global growth and allowing people ‘not like you’ to be who they want to be. New world coming …. get used to it.
It’s important for Whites to race-mix with 80-85-IQ nonwhites in order
to end racism, bigotry, xenophobia, homophobia, Islamophobia,
transphobia, and other right-wing-hate-emotions. 85-IQ mulatto babies
are a sign of progress. When I see a young White girl with a little
mixed child, I don’t think of the 50,000 years of her ancestors’ blood
and sacrifice that went into securing her precious (high-IQ) genetic
integrity, I think “wow, that girl is just like Kim Kardashian, she really overcame her hate by taking that 85-IQ seed. How great; I’m so happy right now.”
I’m finished here. Just wanted to say my piece. Keep your minds closed as I know you will. This will probably be deleted also. But I said what I needed because I can. And now I leave … because I can do that too. Freedom is a wonderful thing.
Except mens freedom to just fucking meetup. Hypocrite cunt.
“what” is the meetup about? How to get as many fucks as you can? How to make girls drunk so they can’t say “no”? How to stick it to her while she’s sleeping?
Men have the freedom to meet up. And face their critics. But Roosh Doosh said you are all too afraid to do that now . . . .
Doesnt matter, we shoulnt get death threats and doxxed for it.
Your comment is both ignorant and coarse and propelled by some form of odd self hatred.
Im gonna go. Roosh can do whatever.
You mean the way Roosh Doosh deals out threats and doxxing on others?
Never happened you lying cunt. He did not threaten or dox anyone.
Just like MSM went into echo chamber reporting after the rolling stone story. Nobody fact checking anything. It just fit the narrative so well. Guilty until proven innocent with femtard journalism ethics.
The ones controlling the narrative don’t need facts, they manufacture their own facts that fit the narrative.
Victim mentality is unsympathetic.
So why do femtards always pretend to be victims?
It’s the defining ethos of the left. We’re all supposedly victims of some crime or complex. How emasculating this credo is, and yet you’re of their ilk. How hypocritical you people are.
Feminists are outraged by potential ROK meet-ups because nobody wants to rape them. A woman’s No. 1 fantasy, in the vast majority of cases, is to be “taken” – which is a warm and fuzzy, much-less-slutty way of saying “raped”. Any feminist who reads these comments of mine will immediately turn purple with rage, type a flurry of vitriolic responses, and then rush into her bedroom, where she will proceed to break out her biggest sex toy and masturbate furiously. “Oh my god…HUH-HUH-HUH…they see through…HUH-HUH-HUH…my bullshit…HUH-HUH-HUH…what a TURN-ONNNNN!” Then she’ll put her feminist mask back on and continue to collect cats, gulp antidepressants, and bash men 24/7. (What an uplifting, spiritually rewarding existence it truly must be.)
Hahahahhahaa .. I laughed out loud at this
Breaking out her favorite sex toy STILL will not satisfy her desire to be taken. That is why male sexbots are of no use to women. The women would still be in control of it.
Keep telling yourself that Bob, your stories are all that you have, right?
If you hate rape so much speak out against Muslim Rape Culture!!!
When was the last time anybody saw femtards outside a rap concert protesting the misogynistic lyrics?
Why are half the people at those concerts females who are enthusiastically applauding those lyrics?
Feminism is one of the great frauds of western culture.
Why did it take the author an enormous, long-winded work of philophasty to lead up to the cop-out of “Cancelling the happy hour was nothing more than a tactical retreat in the face of overwhelming odds”? The real reasons for the meetings’ cancellations were never given here, despite the title implying that it would be, and this is basically a textual circlejerk overloaded with pompous fantasies intended to glorify the beliefs and attempted actions of a bunch of “neo-masculine” dudebros sitting at their laptops. Does anyone really take this seriously?
I find it seriously entertaining….but, that’s neither here nor there.
You might want to stop coming to this website. If you continue then you run the risk of finding your balls. Stay away!
I found my balls in your wife’s mouth a few times. How do they taste?
Oh, you’re mad. I apologize. I didn’t mean to offend you. My bad.
After blowing a load all over her grill, the last thing I am is mad.
I’m talking about now not when you blow your load. Your immediate response seems to indicate an anger on your part. I never meant to incite your anger. You should take some deep breaths before responding to comments that upset you. Just saying.
That would suggest I am upset or angry. Quite the opposite. Trolling subhumans like you is nothing but fun for me!!
If you are not upset then why the vulgar insults about my wife?
Do you actually expect me to treat you with respect? LMAO!!!
Good luck with that.
Why would I expect respect from someone who insults my wife? You make no sense.
If you had half a brain you’d realize I’m insulting you, your wife, and anything you hold dear because I think you and your ilk are subhuman trash. It’s sport to me, and it vexes you – so, win win!
No, you said the following:
“I found my balls in your wife’s mouth a few times. ”
That was an insult to my wife.
I see reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit. It’s ok, you’re old, it happens.
You insulted my wife. Stop trying to walk back your comment. By the way, my wife is reading the stuff you are writing. She is rightfully pissed. It may be good time for you to leave this website….. She just referred to you as a “small dick nigga’ who gets no pussy.” I am inclined to agree with her assessment.
LMAO! See? My mission has been accomplished. Both of you old fucktards now have higher blood pressure and you’re upset!
And Homie, I never “walked back” my comment. Any dumb whore that would marry a dickless turd like you deserves all the misery she gets.
You insulted my wife again when you referred to her as a “whore” who is “dumb”. Apparently you hate women.
Anyone dumb enough to let you fuck them, is a whore. Actually, that’s an insult to hard working prostitutes. She’s just a slag.
Dude stop falling for the bait. This faggot has nothing better to do.
I’m not falling for the bait. I almost had him. He was in retreat mode and I was capitalizing on his retreat. I was sooooo close but victory was snatched away from me. I was exposing the contradictions in his claims but he was deleted, for good reason. I understand why he was banned but I was being selfish and wanted to destroy him.
At any rate, I’m about to head out to the liquor store and get some beer. The banning of this troll freed me up to get that beer. You got any recommendations?
Clearly you and every other feminist with a double digit IQ did, or else you wouldn’t be following the debate or commenting.
You mean single digit IQ.
IQ scale goes from 55 to 160+ so no single digits . He was referring to below 100 which means below average. I am sure single digits could be brought in for you though.
Can i pop ur cheri
Probably a transgender freak or male feminist. Difficult to differentiate sometimes.
Exactly, i bet there isnt a Male Feminist alive who doesnt have his Mothers panties on right now
Nice grammar fatty. Maybe if you weren’t such a disgusting Chris Christie lookin’ fatbody your fingers could be more dextrous when typing.
Its an Avatar genius…..
Mmmhmm. You know it’s you….fatty.
Ha! Nice try faggot.
Run along now little boy, I hear your Mommy calling….
I’m not the one having a “neo-masculine” circlejerk with all my wanna-be tough-guy friends.
But keep trying fatboy.
Hahahahaha!!! Such insight you have! You must be some kind of genius! Run along now homo
Mmmhmm, I’m super upset you keep insinuating I’m gay. Kinda makes you sound like you’re preoccupied with gay stuff…just like a fatty closeted type like you would be.
Suck cock much? It’s ok fatty, I know you do…we ALL know you do.
Hahahahahaha!!!!! Oh this is hilarious, such projection!
Sweetheart, you have zero clue about me, nor will you ever, and while this has been mildly entertaining, it has now become tiresome.
If i wanted to trade juvenile insults back and forth with a 5 year old, then i’d do that with your sister.
Hope you’ve enjoyed yourself whilst here, but we’re done with you. Fairwell.
It’s “FAREWELL” you illiterate, rotund, tiny dicked little cuntnugget.
I am pretty sure from his comment that Zeta is just a silly kid. Male, mid-teens but I am probably making a wild generalization. Doubt he knows much about being a male feminist.
Could probably use single digits for this comment writer too. Must really look into who updates this IQ scale……
ps. intelligence is sexy so try to get some or else you may never pop your own cheri
I was referring specifically to this article, not the meetup debate as a whole, but it’s true that I find it difficult to take that seriously as well. But that is beside the point of my original comment.
It was enormus and long winded because we like a good Braveheart speech, and the side benefit is that [email protected] like you don’t like them. Go critique jezebel articles if you don’t like it
Why dont you take the Muslim Rape Crisis seriously and stop wasting time on Roosh!
maintaining a delusional narrative is more important than reality of the failed delusion. This is how civilizations crumble.
Actually, you have pretty much diagnosed the rad-fems.
It is so counter-intuitive. I often wonder how these people can possibly rationalize this dichotomy…to support multiculturalism above all else, even if it means being subjugated by a retrograde culture and religion that engages in egregious human rights violations. How are leftists possibly at peace with these antithetical viewpoints coexisting in their warped minds? I legitimately do not understand.
The majority of middle eastern immigrants leave their countries in the first place to escape the rights-violating culture you mentioned, not to spread it. Plus, it’s not very plausible that an entire one culture can be completely obliterated by a foreign presence.
The fact that some people insist on branding all Muslim people as potential rapists and murderers tends to boil down to irrationality and rarely solves any actual issues.
Ask folks in Germany, Greece and Sweden about that.
Yes…they certainly are assimilating quite well. If they didn’t intend to spread their culture, we wouldn’t be in a global shit storm. I didn’t say anything about ALL Muslim people. But Islam is a religion rooted in violence, oppression and hatred. Also, Mohammad was a warlord and conqueror (also a murderous pedophile), who dictated in the Hadith that Muslims convert or kill infidels. Saying that they do not intend to spread their culture is patently false and delusional.
The world is controlled by fear, conditioning people when they are children, emotional manipulation, setting agendas, rewards, and risks.
When done properly people will do the desired actions independently of each other with no active central coordination. When a 100 people are conditioned the same way, trained to think the same way, manipulated the same way, have the same behaviors expected and rewarded it isn’t a surprise that the majority of them respond to stimuli the same way.
That’s where coordination comes from. Centralized schools, media, foundations, political bodies, and so on. Set the hoops for people to jump through and reward those who jump through them and many people will do so of their own accord. Teach them that jumping through them is good and get even more of them. Simple as that.
I am disappointed that Roosh cancelled these meetups, and that he put a disclaimer on his article. This was a time to stand firm against feminists and SJW’s, and like Roosh has said many times before, apologize for nothing (although he didn’t apologize, but you get my drift). Had leftists and feminists actually brought violence to any of the meetups, it would have just bolstered the cause and illuminated the hysteria driving these idiots. The Draw Mohammad Competition went on as planned after organized terrorist threats, and Muslims are a far more formidable group than intellectually nubile feminists and SJWs.
This was a big when for masculine men. They don’t fear rape as can be seen by the ignoring of real brutal rape on a global scale. What they truly fear is men speaking as men and knowing each other as friends. The delusion and lies needed to keep the narrative going is fragile and they know it. Everything they have is dependent on men that believe the lies.
Let them cheer on and celebrate their lies and delusion. That is all they have. The envy of men of higher calling than themselves is eating at their being. We are the free and they are the prisoners of their delusion.
It’s interesting that in spite of the cancellation, many of the meetups are happening anyway.
Where and when? Let’s see a list – you guys SAY you’re tough and masculine. If you have nothing to fear from us, prove it. Put up or shut up.
Smoochy boochies….
I know of one location. The NYC folks are meeting on the corner of Guy Brewer Blvd and 130th Avenue in Queens. It’s the apartment complex, Rochdale Village. All you need to do is take the Belt Pkwy to the Guy Brewer exit and head south until you get to 130th Ave. If you go beyond the train trestle and can see P.S. 40 then you went too far. You can Google the address. It’s in South Jamaica. If you want, I can give you a screenshot of the map. You want me to do that?
LOL, like you pussies would have the cajones to meet in the projects? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
No, the meeting location is not the projects. Those projects of which you speak are behind P.S. 40 and beyond the train trestle. You don’t know that area very well, do you?
You say that you will set women free from “being viciously assaulted and raped by third world savages whom you defended while decrying us—or by some gestapo thug, whom you empowered to oppress us, their breath rancid with garlic and rotting teeth” yet you don’t want women to vote, hate women who value their lives over your desires, judge women on every decision they make that you don’t agree with, and believe in the patriarchy. You males are angry because so many oppose your views. You are angry because you aren’t allowed to make laws and rules that allow you to control others. And for that, I already know that you will lose. Learn the meaning of freedom, then we will talk.
Lets think about this…. feminists can’t control alpha males because they are out of reach… they don’t try to control non-white males because that’s racism… they don’t try to control gay males because that’s homophobia… so that leaves feminism as belief system that seeks to control straight white beta males…
Now just as a thought experiment what would happen to feminism if those straight white beta males woke up and realized there wasn’t any benefit to them in being guided down that path…?
Where did I say the word “feminist”? Please, point the specific sentence where the word “feminist” was mentioned. If you can’t, then this conversation is already over, I would think.
walks, talks and acts like a duck……
Not all women are feminists. How am I supposed to have an intelligent conversation with you if you won’t even stay on the topic of the original comment….?
“Now just as a thought experiment what would happen to feminism if those straight white beta males woke up and realized there wasn’t any benefit to them in being guided down that path…?”
This is why they are so hysterically against men speaking to one another with out their input. They know they have done nothing to deserve western civilization and at a deep level resent and hate men for it.
What exactly is your point?
Are you implying there’s freedom in being a mangina to a strung inderpendunt woman?
Try re-typing your comment to fix the spelling errors, then we’ll talk, alright?
So you have no point then? That’s nice to know.
That hamster wheel spins. That’s why females are usually not allowed to comment.
No, I did, but your point was so laden with spelling errors that I felt it was impossible to continue the conversation. I wanted to be sure that I could be so kind as to actually read your full response before going off on a spiel. Sorry, I forgot who it was that I was dealing with, ahaha.
Thinly vieled attempt to avoid my question. Heh.
I answered your question before you asked it! My point was my entire comment. I didn’t just write to write. Do you think that I wrote a paragraph for nothing? You were smart enough to know that the answer is no, though, I’m sure. I have faith in you, buddy.
You don’t even know what your point was do you?
Yes, I do. Allow me to point it out to you.
My point was that in the article, there was a part (see above comment) where the author mentioned that by disagreeing with a group of men who are fighting for the patriarchy, women were allowing “foreign men” to rape/assault them, and it confused me because the same people who wrote this and agree with it are the people who don’t want women to vote, judge women on every decision they make, etc. The point was that this article is trying to make it seem as though the group of men who were going to meet are passive, kind people who want to save women from problems such as assault (which stood out in that part significantly) while dehumanizing and shaming them simply for their choices. That was my point.
Does this make sense?
You understanding of the issues is a bit daft and you structure your terms of power which is in itself a feminist (Marxist) trait.
Angry? No. Much worse. I would say closer to apathy. Women are not men, but seem sure they want to be without the responsibility and no risk. We have natural roles, but they have been replaced with social constructed ones under the “equality” banner and have been rammed down our throats since childhood. How is that working out?
Women vote in reps who want to tax and limit freedoms while they loot the treasury (debt), implement repeated failed policies (social programs, immigration, foreign policy, etc..) and take no accountability for their failures; implement a judiciary system that denies men due process, imprison them (fake rape/ assault claims), and financially fleece them (divorce); destroy the bonds of society by flaking out of their responsibilities as mother and wife. There are plenty of articles here touching on these issues and many more, so feel free to read up.
“Natural roles” according to gender is too similar a concept to dogma to be a reasonable basis to run a civilisation on. Nobody’s place in society should be determined by their x-chromosomes.
Grouping females as a hivemind that all vote for the same people and ideas and systematically work together to f*ck men over, while such cases that you mentioned do exist, also does not seem like an effective method of problem-solving. Enlighten me if possible.
Those natural roles have been the basis through humanity’s founding. What changed? I am all for a meritocracy, but were living in a society enforcing artificial hiring and enrollment quotas… who gains from that? Who is discriminated against? Those with XX chromosone 46. Women get special consideration in via promotions not because what value or experience they bring to organization, but because— vagina. They want to be Army Rangers (they all failed the qualification course even after getting special treatment)– they were passed because— vagina. It’s corrupt, but we are not suppose to notice the results. These are artificial constructs.
Eg. The German state is proposing to require corporations to have 30% of supervisory seats given to women by law.
Eg. Female openly admits she doesn’t hire white men.
I won’t pretend were equals. If we were, women would NOT be given privileges and lower standards.
“Natural roles” is simply the roles women naturally gravitate to without massive subsidies and legal privileges distorting the marketplace. A small minority of women have stood up and worked as hard as men; most prefer to be a wife and mother to a powerful man.
In other words – natural is what happens when people are allowed to make choices of their own free will, without social manipulators twisting society to meet some pie-in-the-sky utopian dream.
Many would rather hire a man to be an engineer just like how many would rather hire a woman to be a preschool teacher. Many forms of gender discrimination have, unfortunately, existed in careers for a very long time, and in the end only benefits a few that are revered for having a certain set of genitalia and the same skill level as their competitors.
Yes, every single woman on this planet does this. All of them. I’m sorry, I forgot that we all do this. Thank you, I have been enlightened.
By the way, I didn’t know that there was a feminist way of typing? I’m not one, so there must have been some sort of mistake. If good grammatical structure is, in fact, a feminist trait, I applaud them. Also, I don’t know if I would want to read anything on this site about women, seeing as there are articles discouraging women from voting, criticizing women’s dress/life/romance/etc. style, etc. I would really like to read some statistics from another website, you know? Maybe something that isn’t, I don’t know. That seems silly, sure…
I also love how you bring up things such as divorce, voting, responsibility as a mother and wife, etc. as though all women do these things anyway. I make a point about the specific men who read/write on ROK, and you fire back with statements about the entire female gender.
It’s just interesting.
Also, I didn’t mention this, but men do a lot of the things you mentioned, too. However, because I recognized that there are men on this planet that don’t do so, I decided not to mention it. After all, that would be a bit immature. I could mention all of the absent fathers (my younger brother has one), the men who run for president who think that women aren’t deserving of rights, men who, instead of divorcing their wives, cheat on them, men who rape girls but are never caught because of their reputation, etc. However, I figured, “that might be a bit too low.” Glad to see that you jumped on that with women for me, though, thanks!
Whoops, I found a poison pill in this article. Check this paragraph out:
“How do we do it [stand up for Men] without exposing ourselves to their attacks? That is the question we need to be asking ourselves. Through introspection we will hear the voice of our conductor, and learn what song it is that we are meant to sing.”
Introspection will get us nowhere. To have impact, we must necessarily expose ourselves to attack. I don’t want to sing to myself?
Ok, just writing that out, made me laugh so hard. That a joke?
Maybe Roosh was leading a faux movement and when it became real, he punked?
Next move, better come correct.
I think similiar to you. Is the manosphere ready to leave the internet? We’ve seen that no, it is not, at least with the current leaders. I really value Roosh for what he has done, but had he pretended going to the real (politics) world, he should have done things differently. At least, I must say, he has already done much more that many of us who are posting here. We’ll see how this continues.
Roosh is not so arrogant to sacrifice good men for his own ego. When it was just him going to Canada he took the arrows for himself. In this case he had to consider the well being of other men. That consideration is a masculine trait.
Seeing as the Feminist movement is co-opted (like ours is, that is what THEY do) and this co-opted Feminist movements primary goal is to change regular women into worse ones, thus depriving both sexes of a mutually beneficial relationship….the well being of Men is CURRENTLY in a disastrous state.
It can hardly get worse. Imo we are 90% to the bottom. Male children in America RIGHT NOW are currently treated like third world slaves in my educated opinion. They are not aware enough to know, so take what they are given. Only because they don’t know better, so you can’t 100% fault them.
A job lost or doxxing is nothing! Get another job! One out of the system! Protect yourself online!
If you are too scared to meet in public; You probably won’t stand up to what’s coming anyway. We are talking about the fabric of society in pre-WW3 America. Hundreds of thousands of good men (not the chauvinist pig type which todays Feminists are replacing!) jobs’ and family lives have ALREADY destroyed FOR DECADES over sexual harassment in the workplace, etc.
Meeting at a Cafe will not make anything worse. Quite the contrary. Come to LA Live at 8PM.
Maybe Roosh was leading a faux movement and when it became real, he punked?
I don’t think so. I think he was perfectly willing to play it from both sides: Schedule an RoK Happy Hour. (A) If the SJWs say “meh”, go ahead with it; or (B) if there is an Internet-wide FREAK OUT, cancel it (for a new date, TBA) and enjoy the shit-ton of site-traffic (“Cha-CHING!”) and free publicity generated by people who hate him. So he wins or he wins.
The thing that is most troubling about this (and some non-RoK posted have brought this up) is not that the RoK Boys Club was going to have a happy hour, it’s that folks that wanted people named/shamed/doxxed/beaten/imprisoned/sexually assaulted for exercising what in the US would be called their rights to free speech and free association. How is that possibly good fro any free society?
We must have another meet. This can only be a postponement and no more. I knew from the beginning that it wasn’t wise to post the meetings so publicly but only a few others seemed bothered by it. This can’t be run like a hiking meet, this has to be run like a resistance organization. Think more the French/Dutch resistance communication network in WWII and less granola fun time hiking club.
If you guys are so MASCULINE and so tough, then why keep hiding? All that does is prove you’re exactly the opposite. If you believed your own hype, you’d have the balls to do it in public and be honest.
Truth is, you’re all cowering like the little bitches you are.
We are all partially true: things could have done different, but not many of us have the balls to go to the real world with our own names.
Well, at least one of you can admit you’re a buncha sissies.
Is it balls or stupidity. Even the best train soldiers in top condition use cover and concealment. Fool heartiness in not bravery.
You hide behind cameras and scream for the police every time you confront someone who dares have an opinion you don’t like. How are you not the cowardly little bitches? Had to use the press and worthless politicians to bully people and threaten their livelihood lest they have a conversation over a beer. How big of you. That feminists butch nobody in their right mind would fuck with Bernie Sanders limp dick isn’t going to fuck you because you think you’re a tough guy defending the poor delicate snowflake online buddy. Move along.
Actually, I throw bricks at police, because they’re fascists, and a bunch of manbaby pussies like you “neomasculine” cunts.
Use the press? Bitch, I didn’t use any press…I keep asking you bitches where you’re meetings will be so me and my pals can give you a warm welcome, but all I hear is crickets? Why? Because you can’t put your money where your cum-crusted mouth is.
And I’d address your last attempt at a sentence if it even made any kind of vague sense, but…yea, it failed utterly at that.
So…nice try. But please remove the Musashi avatar…he was a real man, and you’re a little girl at best.
If you could read the locations were posted publicly. You are a whiny bitch who can’t get laid and is hoping that being a bigger cunt that the next beta fag will make one of the feminist bitches actually want to fuck you. It won’t. Where do you live? The Police would surely like to know where the guy who kept throwing bricks at them lives, right? See? Your lies are pathetically easy to see through. Go back to SJW school as you clearly need further programming. As for my Musashi Miyamoto avatar, I think I’ll be keeping it. I hold a high belt ranking in a Japanese martial art. It involves years of hard work and discipline, something you wouldn’t know anything about. If you knew anything about Musashi Miyamoto then you would know that his art was based on deception and not giving his location to every idiot who thought they wanted to fight him.
Sure you’re a martial artist…SURE YOU ARE. LMAO!
Playing martial arts video games doesn’t make you a martial artist little man.You’re just another tiny dicked neckbeard fag trying to act tough behind his computer.
Um, didn’t you just describe what Roosh did? Call for the meet up, call the police and hide in his mother’s basement when the feedback came in?
He lives in Europe, not with his parents. Enough sjw morons have threatened him physically for having an opinion that they don’t agree with that he should call the police. Personally I would be thrilled if we could just legalize dueling again. Since women are equal to men and can do anything we can do better we could settle our differences in the ring without the state meddling in it. Don’t you agree? You seem just as frustrated by state intervention as I do. After all it was just a few guys meeting up for a beer. The response was absurd in its proportion considering the law wasn’t against the activity.
Roosh, you sure must be thorn in the side of some connected people. The local radio station here in Vancouver was interviewing some vapid c*nt from The News Statesman, some pol rag in the UK. What a hatchet job it was. Not only did she spew the usual Roosh-hater crap, the host of the radio program, Jon McComb, was aiding and abetting her every step of the way instead of doing his job of determining the veracity of the claims made by her. I would say that some of what was said could be considered actionable. Here is a Soundcloud link to what transpired on the radio: (the bald dude is the show host, Jon McComb)
We will have more meets, we will have more gatherings. we will use a symbol just like the Christians did when they met in each others houses, persecuted by the Romans. Rome fell.
Ίησοῦς Χριστός, Θεοῦ Υἱός, Σωτήρ
I started using mine today.
Totally dig the Greek lettering.
Hope it will be possible for a meet-up in some other form. Perhaps only in the hinterland. I saw how the psychoes went after Roosh in Canada. Loony left less powerful in smaller cities
Can’t you guys get a subreddit going or something? Lots of subversive groups meet in large numbers…they must be organizing in some quasi-secretive manner
You know, men are not supposed to be united. That is what scares the feminists so much. False narratives, media manipulation, tar and feathering are common tactics of oppressive groups.
The truth is that someone new needs to rise up and lead this movement. I respect Roosh but his public comments will always bring about results such as what happened earlier this week.
What is this movement?
This movement is not about getting laid. Maybe in the beginning that was part of it. I think this movement has morphed into something that is much more important. This is a moment for the survival of man. Survival of the species. Survival for the order of Western Civilization.
The truth is that we are on the ropes as a sex and and we are being pummeled. The only way to rise above is to band together as men and stand up for what is good.
Now some of you only care about getting laid. For those of you, this isn’t for you, and that is cool. I am speaking to the men who are looking for balance. Balance between the sexes. Balance.
We all need to be leaders. We need to set positive examples. Men lead and women follow. We need to call women out on their bad behavior. We need to be strong leaders in the community. We need to respect fellow men. We need to be good fathers. Strong role models. Men that all including women can look up to. Women are not the enemy. We need to get back to a point where we are in a place of balance with women. Right now that balance is broken. Women have taken over.
The battle of the sexes should be a battle at all. In the end, we all lose. I, personally, love women and want the world to return to a place where we can build a better humanity, together. We got a lot of work to do!
And I know some of you will read this and say, dude, its too late. I don’t believe it is. It’s never too late to change for the good. I think a lot of people have given up. Surrender is never the best option.
I don’t think it is too late! Third wave feminism is intolerable, and I think that like myself, there are other women who see how motherhood has been disparaged, gender roles have been reestablished and balance has been lost. My beef with ROK is that a lot of these men have surrendered, and that doesn’t help anyone’s cause. Accepting defeat is cowardice. The only way to remedy the social destruction caused by multiculturalism and feminism is for men and women to once again value each other’s individual strengths, acknowledge our independent weaknesses and to develop a cohesive, united front led by strong, conservative men, not hateful misogynists (this website does aim to favor the former, but gets a lot of the latter). I think ROK has underestimated the number of anti-feminist women out there that are disillusioned in their careers and unhappy.
Surrendered? Cowardice? No darling. Zero fucks given and the pursuit of our own happiness. I’m not picking on you, but I do feel the need to make this distinction. The misogyny card won’t win you any friends here. Some guys are angry. I neither condone nor condemn it. But I understand why they’re that way. I used to be angry and depressed too. I worked on myself and healed. But I don’t give a fuck now. I’ll protect my immediate family, gang of likeminded men and any significant others. That’s it. I don’t care about pretty little leftist girls and all the related retards being brutalized. You’ve been voting this shit in for decades. Maybe not you in particular, but that doesn’t matter now. The truth is you only care because now you’re personally caught in all the blow back, that we see, daily, and our hated on for it. Again, I’m not picking on you. I could care less. I suggest you read this to understand, Rollo explains it better than I ever could: Oh, and this: Enjoy the grand international feminist collectivism. Is it good for you, too?
Your liberated sisters want us to emasculate that which makes us men…well that’s never going to happen… white men gave you everything and this is the respect and love we get from your sisters who want to screw us on every turn! Do you realize our message? We’re not going away.
Building a better humanity shouldn’t be a task limited to any one group, which you’ve implied. All that does is lead straight back to the exact imbalance you mentioned. For actual egalitarianism to be attained, humanity must work as one to get to the root of the problems holding it back; to understand why the problems exist, and to learn how to avoid them. Issues caused by sexism, sexism itself, and resulting imbalance and double standards in multiple directions concerns society as a whole, and all of society must therefore solve it as one.
I’ve got tears in my eyes, Davis. Bravo.
If it is really true that women are paid less than men on average for the same work done, I’m pretty sure companies would have caught on and hired more women to cut costs-companies are very competitive these days.
ROK! Deleting the comments of the foolish trolls. I appreciate ya’! We all come here to share ideas and we are like-minded. This space needs to be preserved for real men. There is no sarcasm in what I write.
I’m glad they’ve removed them as their snaky hysterical based reactive venom says more about their issues than our concerns.
I think you guys forget an important fact here. You do think men are superior to women. Despite decades of scientific, neurological, and psychological study that shows your deeply held believes are largely faith-based and not reality, you still cling to the idea that things are run best by men with women rearing the children. Never mind that most of the articles here don’t give one shred of respect to those women who fit your standards of fertility and beauty, because the minute they show they are not just slaves to your whims they become nagging bitches that want to steal your money and your paternal rights.
The infantile and moronic ‘modest proposal’ that somehow women are complicit in their own rapes by not avoiding them is almost the least of the problems over here. More troubling is the every day misogyny of men who, for some reason, cannot raise themselves up enough to see themselves as equal to women. Equality doesn’t mean you lose. Not unless you believe you have some divine right to rule based merely on the fact that you were born with a penis rather than a vagina.
I’m generally sad you guys couldn’t handle a little center-protest. I enjoy that this site exists. I know just exactly how silly MRAs are when they are loud and proud. Hiding their troubling beliefs doesn’t make them go away. So, keep up the work. But remember, when you think you are superior to others, you are going to attract negative attention. Real kings would not have given a fuck. But then real kings don’t live in their mommy’s basements. 🙂 <3
There are too many problems with your assessment. I’ll only address one of those problems. The meetups were peaceful gatherings that were voluntary. The feminists responded to such with threats of violence. I was reading the social media and far too many persons among them were either intimating a violent response or explicitly articulating the threat of violence. That’s a problem.
Yes, like when women are threatened with rape for having opinions but then told there is not such thing as a rape culture. Kind of like that. I don’t condone violence. But Kings that you are, do you not believe a mere woman’s words shouldn’t stop you from expressing yourselves? Or, maybe, women have a thicker skin than you. Hmmm.
Stop changing the subject. There is no way to get around the fact that the meet ups were both voluntary and peaceful. The response to these meet ups by the feminists were replete with the threats of violence. Just saying.
Who said they were involuntary? Who said they were not peaceful? I certainly didn’t. But when a group of misogynists who deeply disrespect women wants to get together and congratulate themselves on their ‘kingship’…they are going to attract attention. Only a dipshit would think otherwise. hell, women writing gaming reviews that people don’t like lead to rape threats. You had to know a dude who victim blames rape victims was not going to be well received. What did you expect, exactly? Or was this all an attempt to upset people so you could turn around and act shocked when they were upset?
What the fuck are you talking about? Go lose some fucking weight fatty and get yourself a man so you don’t need to waste time invading men’s spaces with your retard shit. Nobody is going to rape your ugly fat ass no matter how badly you fantasize about it.
lol…this guy. This is the guy who represents your movement, I take it? You are a genius. It is no wonder society has advanced as far as it has with true leaders such as yourself at the helm. Thank you, ever so. 🙂
The issue is the failure of the counter-protesters to address those among them who pursue violent responses. Funny how you avoid addressing this aspect of the counter-protests.
“Yes, like when women are threatened with rape” You’re such a disingenuous reptile in that you say this as it pertains to every man’s outlook. What a deceiver and double dealer you are.
Do you how she enjoys the fact that we were shut down with threats of violence and doxxing. She then turns it around and starts talking about women issue’s blah blah blah. Women, it’s always about them even when we are being threatened. Typical.
If some people were threatening violence, i certainly oppose such threats. Did you personally apologize to the women who were threatened with rape in Gamergate? Oh, you didn’t? I’m shocked. The point is that the VAST MAJORITY of counter protestors would have been peaceful and if you are all the special male snowflakes you think you are, a few random threats would not have made you slither back into mom’s basement. But I have a feeling Roosh knew exactly what was going to happen and it played out exactly as he hoped. No person who considers himself a ‘king’ would back down from adversity.
I actually wish you hadn’t been shut down. I really wanted to know what exactly this circle jerk was going to look like.
Look into your soul. I know it’s empty and resentful, but, try to embrace it and move on as you folks say.
Don’t lie, you want us dead, it’s obvious. Don’t play the innocent little girl card, doesn’t work here. You and your kind are violent, totalitarians, and abusive on a scale that far out weighs anything we have done. Just go back to watch BDSM porn, harpy.
My soul is fine. The soul of a man who needs an echo chamber of men to tell him he’s good enough on the other hand…
You are hysterical. It’s so funny how you seem to believe women are emotional and reactionary and yet, I seem to be able to keep an even keel while you have wild and inarticulate accusations based on nothing. You guys are funny to me. A dying breed…clinging to your dead and buried ideals with both fists. It’s charming.
Reminder that an ad homien doesn’t at all strengthen your “argument”.
>Your kind
What exactly is her “kind”? She hasn’t shown any affiliation to one nor does she blatantly demonstrate wanting anyone dead.
It’s called fraternity. I know it’s an alien concept to you, but, I guess that’s why you’re hanging out trolling like a masochistic bitch with the real men that come here. Hopefully, you might learn and respect who your masters are, you might regain a fraction of your lost soul you seenm to evidently need to find among our company.
What a moronic tautological statement. Does you’re statement mean anything, I suspect not.
Femtards and manginas don’t approve of the word fraternity because its (((triggering))).
What exactly is moronic about it?
An ad homien occurs when you attack an opponent’s character rather than the actual argument topic, such as when you called her a reptile, a deceiver, and resentful with no basis to the claims. There’s no need to lash out at someone for simply pointing something out.
Feeble minded hysterics as Herr Freud called them in his practice in Vienna. You and I would know them as self indulgent and spoiled white females from privileged backgrounds who hate themselves…femtards?
urban dictionary: femtard
There’s no argument and that’s precisely why it’s so moronic.
Neither does creating a new profile just to post here…
And yet another profile built merely to comment here.
A king who wants to maintain power and influence knows when to back down and when to pick a fight.
Are you aware of what you wrote? You asked me a question then answered it for me in order to get the answer you desired. Do you now see why people who think as you are constantly dogged by the stereotype that you are unthinking and irrational?
Astonishing sexism, but when feminists do it it’s ok.
Anthony Stevens you ass.This British psychiatrist details the profound statistical difference between males and females in various studies he conducted, The later in terms of intelligence are profoundly average between 40-60 on the standard bell curve. Women rarely if ever are idiots or geniuses,they are just average in terms of intelligence and no amount of social engineering can remedy this biological fact of nature.
But as a feminist, you think women are superior to men, right?
The lies continue. They were not just intent on a little protest, the SJWs were out for blood and the police would be on their side as we saw when Roosh was assaulted in Montreal. The SJWs want to get us fired from our jobs and banned from travel. So I was afraid of the police, but not SJWs.
This whole episode proves the superiority of men to rule. Women are driven by near jerk emotional reactions, they have no intellectual curiosity to discover what was actually in the ‘pro-rape’ article. Women like to gossip, lies make better gossip than the truth. Women are naturally governed by emotion not reason, that is why women are superior nurturers. But also why they should have no say in political matters.
you have some divine right to rule
“If civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts.”
– Camille Paglia
Men have the right because we’ve earned the right.
We see you. This is now my internal battle cry.
SJWs always complain about “cyberbullying” but you don’t hear to many squeaks about has been done to intimidate Roosh and RoK.
If gender is a fluid concept or social construct, then why are SJWs getting so worked up about “rape”? Why do they then blame men as men of “rape” if being a “man” or “woman” is only a provisional or temporary state of being? Feminist logic >>>LOL.
You should have allowed it to go through. Its enough to warn people about the dangers they face and let them choose what they will do. I would like to meet the men who are willing to walk through a line of spitting lying SJW to talk to hang out in a bar and talk.
This could be similar to the misinformation campaign “Operation Goebbels”, during Roosh’s “Battle for Montreal” last August. If it is I would laugh and applaud so much.
No I don’t think it was. Although I did see a newsflash on my local news about Rooshv, so the little meet up managed to reach media level(men meeting in bars and talking about women-gasp!)
Honestly, I’m not surprised. I calculate the highest probability for success is during the late summer, similar in time to the beginnings of Gamergate and Roosh’s “Battle for Montreal”. At least according to my Reich’s Law of Arithmistory.
Shills in Return of Kings comment section? Read:
“Confessions of a Paid Shill”
And then read the Snowden TS/SCI docs on how Agents do it
Would come as no surprise to me. A very simple example are the companies that will build your business a Facebook page. A part of their “service” is to post on your page to create more business and positive goodwill. OF COURSE, political and lobbied subjects are of MUCH more import. It’s easy to see all the new Disqus accounts showing up here and considering the comments they are making. These days you have to remain vigilant.
Great article, Davis. We have entered a new era, and a chill is descending across all platforms. Our enemies are now shutting down comment sections everywhere, silencing dissent, monitoring social networks, and this latest fiasco is a full frontal assault on assembly. Men cannot even meet in groups no larger than ten for innocuous discussion without being deluged with death threats, distortions, travel bans, and press lies. The spirit of the Soviet Union lives on. Still, you are correct to ring a tone of optimism.
Here is my own analysis of what we are now up against, and it should be recognized as a new phase, where totalitarianism rules the day:
But the fact is that we are right and they are wrong, and they will not control the levers of power indefinitely. Now more than ever, it is imperative we stand strong, wipe the blood from our jaws and swing back over and over again.
Sooner rather than later, these cultists will be driven back, and heaven help any of their acolytes who are still around when that happens.
Excellent, I tweeted it out.
Be grateful that there has been a patriarchy in the past, girls. Otherwise you would not even have the technology to express your outrage.
There was a book written a while ago that explains how these people function.
I was talking about 1984 but this is good too 😛
You should also check out “The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics” by Anonymous Conservative.
2 + 2 = 5
after first hearing about this group in the news (hey, no such thing as bad press I guess), I decided to read for myself what a “rape group” has to say (part of me ready to start vilifying the group after the first sentences. after all given the state of modern society, a pro-rape group doesn’t seem that far fetched anymore. NAMBLA anyone?), I quickly became aware of how scandalous our media has become. on my way into town ( I live in chatham kent, Ontario) I heard on the radio an interview by a womens shelter organizer blasting the “misogynistic, pro-rape group”, that she couldn’t believe in our progressive little utopia that such thinking would still be a part of the 21st century. at that point I wanted to rip the stereo out of the truck.
did anyone involved actually READ ANY ARTICLES before deciding to go to print? hell, the Toronto city councillor who demanded that no business in Toronto give quarter to this meeting admitted he hadn’t even read about what the group did or said, just that he had heard this drivel from progressive feminazis. no freedom in this country, that’s for sure.
We are living in the days when Salon publishes articles trying to normalize paedophilia.
“their breath rancid with garlic and rotting teeth—”
Dig the Coriolanus reference.
The insane reaction from the establishment and SJWs only prove one thing : they felt threatened. For some reason. They would not have acted in such a hysterical way if they didn’t take this group seriously. Because let’s face it, there are a lot of intelligent people posting here, and this scares them. Roosh himself is an intelligent guy. They really fear that this movement grows into something…
You’ve really hit on it with this one; was looking forward to the meetup in Boston and moving from 2-year passive reader to actively engaged. Now feeling pissed as F***, emboldened, and ready to stand up for our ideas, more than ever before. The bill of rights is actively being thrown out the window, all the while most of the world buys into the propaganda.
Same here. Been in active reader of RoK for 2-3 years now and felt like the meet up was a meaningful-next step in this battle we’re all in.
Also they have nothing meaningful going on in their lives. They blame white men for their crappy existences and so blame us rather than taking responsibility for their lives and getting to work changing it.
What’s great is that scores of new men will come to the site out of curiosity, will read the articles, and will join the cause.
So let’s grow this movement!
How many “members” would it need to make change happen?
..just wondering if you are in Germany or in Scandinavia..
I am a German living in Sweden.
ok, interesting..
“You cop the most flak when you’re over the target”. BTW I find it illuminating that Fairfax Media is behind the anti-Roosh stories.. this would be the same Fairfax which employs Clemintine “Kill All Men” Ford.
I live in Northern Kentucky just south of Cincinnati OH and the KY enquirer had an article talking about Roosh being a Pro Rape Activist yesteday, with only the 2nd article (posted today talking about the cancellation) mentioning that it was posted in satire. I thought I lived in a semi-conservative area and would be immune to this kind of Leftist Lunacy; I was a little surprised.
Welcome to your first dose of the red pill! Stay tuned and the world as you know it will never be the same again. You’ll realize that you have been deceived all your life.
If anything, we have learned that Australia is well and truly SJW central. Not Toronto, not the UK, not Germany, but Australia.
I’ve been to so many countries I’ve lost count, including all of these countries that Roosh rated DEFCOCK 5 (I’m mainly thinking of Toronto here). However, I knew Australia was on another level and I was right.
How bad did things get? He was the LEADING STORY on EVERY single newspaper here, ALL the television new bulletins, and including radio shows as well.
Roosh came at a particularly explosive time in Australia; a new Australian of the year had only been appointed a week or so earlier, and was nominated because of his views of “violence against women”. The previous Australian of the Year, Rosie Batty, (who went through an unspeakable tragedy) was being solely used by the Australian leftists to push their own agenda. Disgusting they would use someone like Rosie considering what she went through.
But THERE YOU HAVE IT MY FELLOW AUSTRALIANS! THERE’S THE PROOF. There’s no more calling us the “lucky country” anymore, because when it comes to how our society treats men, we are well and truly at the bottom of the barrel. The situation here is horrific; I do hope you will find the courage to leave the country for a long period to get a proper perspective (if you haven’t done so already).
and was nominated because of his views of “violence against women”.
And his speeches were written by his transgender speechwriter, Cate McGregor, who was was a nominee himself who then whined afterwards that a trannie should have gotten the award.
Rosie Batty
She definitely allowed herself to be used as a battering ram by the feminist movement. Don’t be surprised if she pops up again angling for a career in politics.
In other words… Australia is awesome! 😉
This guys FB account.
“I’m also proudly feminist, proudly straight edge, and proudly bisexual.”
Your point is?
30 sec on your facebook and anyone here knows not to take anything you say on here seriously. You have no voice here.
And I should care why?
Davis, that was a great piece!
Feminists are more offended by rape jokes than by mass gang-rapes committed by Muslim migrants. Let that sink in.
Bros, being a dude slamming it through on a community college campus laden with schlubs and contra cool terdtards eager to hail the holy throne of her highnesses hinee, I have found it more than difficult to acquaint myself with other like minded dudes. This meet up would have been absolutely godsend for me and I’m sure a drove alike but being thwarted by the cries of the double standard bearing, allowing them to cast our agenda to the wayside seems, while tactical in the immediate, anemic.
Perhaps the threat wasn’t as real to me since I am fully capable of tossing aside any tantrum of a femLord or her vaginal aspiring constituents with my quips and wit. Nonetheless I do see Roosh’s justification as being fair to call it off.
The point of this bloviation is to ask the bros here, what ought we do now? There was a passage here in this post that bit me straight on the balls, “What were the upsides of this meetup? Making new friends, networking with men who work in other industries, and starting the process of building a community, something sorely lacking in this atomized age”. The last clause being what jumped out to me. Again, I’m isolated by way of whatever it is, exposure, choosing the right bars to frequent, choosing the right meetups to attend or going to the right school say, to be able to find our likeminded brethren and am greatily bummed that it was called off.
All this aside I ask, what is our next move? I want to meet you cats, those of you who live in Denver. I’m ready to expand our work, our cause, in field, to show the blinded the light, the way of masculinity, the way to actualization and vagHalla.
So to Roosh or those of you I ask, how and when do we unite and meet? What are our next moves? I want in.
We need to be a bit less obvious about how we contact people. Find others in your area.
You seem to be missing the point Davis. Finding others in my area is the aim that as I have stated has been a failure thus far. “Excuse me sir are you red pill?” I mean shit man, it’s like farming for wheat in a field of chaff sorting through the shitlubs here.
Hopefully someone attending a Denver meet reads and posts you some info. As for outside the internet, it’s pretty much a crapshoot. Meet as many people as you can, in as many areas as you can. Eventually you’ll meet like minded people.
We’re working on it. I’m just as frustrated as you are by this setback – but if it had gone smoothly it wouldn’t be so vital, would it?
Didja type this from mommy’s basement, pussy?
Sir, your white knighting here is not welcome. There is a door >>>>
Interesting term…I thought you had no interest.
Lol. No way. Everyone, look at this fat slob.
Lol. Feel the Bern.
Don’t worry, cupcake, we’re better men than you are, so we aren’t planning to harass your loved ones; we’re just going to laugh at your fat, shitlib face here in the comment section.
Is that what a sex change fail looks like?
“legal services” typical SJW “job”
Prolly works for an ambulance chaser or files a bunch of frivolous lawsuits about people being “offended” at life. Hit the gym and lose one of those chins, and stop being a tool.
Puffy doughboy face. Kinda has that pedo look. Please stay away from schoolyards.
You look like you’re one cheeseburger away from a massive coronary. You should check out the healthy eating articles on this website.
Haha. You got doxed cuck.
I dare say this is one of the most inspiring posts I’ve read on RoK.
This article is thoughtful and intelligent, and gives me hope for the future of men and women everywhere. I was looking forward to the meetup, even purchased a balaclava to face the 400+ protesters signed up in Facebook.
Careful cautious private planning is definitely required going forward.
The scale of the opposition’s response shows how powerful this movement has become, and the threat it poses to the global equalists.
Why do you have to cover your face? What are you so afraid of?
You should be able to answer that yourself, hiding your profile like a dried up vag.
You purchased a balaclava? Wow, you really are a coward who can’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag.
Says the pedo who hides his profile and stalks me. Nice one pedo stalker.
Says the pederast with a fake name.
good luck with a new date. The leftist feminist agenda is ingrained in the media.
Yes it is, but people are catching on.
Waste no energy in responding to trolls, even if some seem innocuous.
Feminists are more offended by rape jokes than by mass gang-rapes committed by Muslim migrants. Let that sink in..
Actually, Zeta, I think not appearing racist trumps all in feminism. Hence the migrant influx in Europe. What rational explanation could there be on why feminists are strangely silent when women are beaten and traded like livestock in these Muslim s***hole societies, or when rape in Europe perpetrated by “men of Middle Eastern origin” is soaring?
These people only seek moral superiority. Im just throwing their contradictions in their face so bystanders who come here may see them.
Actually, Zeta, I think not appearing racist trumps all in feminism.
Bingo. That’s why they hate on Israel so much, b/c if they don’t then they might be “racist” [sic] against Muzzies and That.Cannot.Be. So there’s a lot of talk about the “cycle” of violence, never mind that if the Palestinians put their guns down, the violence would end, whereas if the Israelis put their guns down, then Israel would end.
Germany, because of its history, now lives in a state of ‘learned helplessness’, which why they will bend over and spread their cheeks for any non-white invader to ‘prove’ how not racist they are, etc. It’s really sad.
There really is a problem in Germany feeling the need to reduce the worth of their own national identity to zero and not be able to definitively close the borders, say no to people who turn up, or to forcibly deport anyone illegal. After the Berlin wall and inner German border with minefields and shoot to kill orders until 1990 they are now just paralyzed to have a border which does what a border is meant to do. I will be very happy to see the day they step away from this, gather some national pride.. Just yesterday I saw a protest of the other side and they were carrying signs „Nie wieder Deutschland“ man oh the guilt of it all.. It was 70 years ago build a bridge and get over it.
What a bunch of goof balls you are!
And this is an argument for what exactly?
>Calls self Rama Llama
>Is in favour of “reasonable” gun control
>Calls us goofballs
they don’t get it…if their ideas win, the world falls apart, and civil society ends…we are not immune from history…then people like me will hunt people like them…
When the sheep dogs who protect the sheep from the wolves decide to act like wolves, even the wolves will hide…that day is coming. They can deny it all they want…you can see the edges of it now. It’s coming.
Read “SJW’s Always Lie” by Cernovich.
Double Down.
Repeat ad infinitum.
They have no choice now. I don’t think they ever thought it would go as far as it did. If they don’t keep the ‘big lie’ going, any idiot that says the article was NOT satire will not be believed about anything by anyone around them that is sane and rational.
Imagine you had a woman that you were seeing/married to/ working with and she came to you about how Roosh is advocating to legalize rape. You, being sane and rational, could not understand why someone would do that, so you go lookup the original article to see for yourself. Upon reading said article, you realize it is satire and also realize that said woman who brought the article to your attention is not sane and not rational;henceforth you would start to ignore everything she told you.
That is why the people who started this are now in a corner and have to ‘go big or go home’.
I wasn’t talking about the MSM.
by Vox Day
A must-read. What Zeta said: Vox Day.
Ah shit, yes. Vox Day. My bad.
Read “Gorilla Mindset” by Cernovich.
Hold on … this Roosh buffoon really lives in his mom’s basement?!?
OMG way to promulgate a stereotype.
And why the outcry about being “doxxed” – the address and phone are both in the white pages.
“Journalism” 2016, where a man visiting his family becomes “living in his mom’s basement.”
Remember, the news is the news.
It doesn’t matter if it is true or not, if you print it then everyone will believe it, that is all that they care about.
Yep, and looking up public info and releasing it is seen as some sort of “victory” by these groups. It’s really sad. All to stop a few guys from talking about guy stuff the day before the superbowl.
After the response that happened in Canada ROK should have kept its meeting quite
There is no greater recruiter for the right and red pill philosophy than Looney leftists. Keep up the good work you SJW scum.
It’s a fad and will be gone by the end of this decade as people grow up.
IDK. People seem pretty dyed in the wool. Extremism is a hard habit to kick.
SJWs, by and large, are mostly younger; I have a feeling most will eventually mature and grow out of it.
Well consider this, the leftist counter culture of 40 years ago,which was the seed for SJW culture, is now the de facto establishment.
More hardcore SJW ideals have also infiltrated public schools, universities, the media (as evident by the msm reaction to the meetups, et al), and dominate coprarate HR depts.
Don’t underestimate cultural Marxism, these fools are argubly the most dangerous movement going these days.
It’s genetic. The enemy are ‘r’ strategists. There are convincing ‘K’ v. ‘r’ studies and sites. Info is easily found and valid. The jury’s still out on the soundness of the hypothesis. Explains a lot. *Recommend*
If you’re getting flak you’re over the right target and doing damage.
Haha! I like that one.
Boy are you a coward. You are probably one of the biggest narcissists out here. You were indicted by the prejudice you display and your rape speech — raping behind closed doors = rape. Your are clinically insane if you don’t realize it. Everyone knows this was a PR stunt you got your attention Mr Kardashian. I hope you get exactly what’s coming to you and I’m not necessarily talking about violence more so answering to your creator and facing a lifetime of loneliness.
That was actually one of the better hater posts I’ve seen around here. You managed to avoid calling him a loser with a tiny dick that cant get a girl, and questioning his manhood, or some other variation. Good job.
You are probably one of the biggest narcissists out here.
Psychological projection.
facing a lifetime of loneliness
You’ll be facing a lifetime of feeding cats and cleaning their litter trays.
I just can’t believe how full retard the MSM went. I’ve always known that they’ve had an anti-neomasculinist agenda but I can’t believe they’d just straight up LIE. As in printing things that are demonstrably FALSE.
The statement that we are “pro-rape” is WRONG. I mean how lazy can they be that they can’t even be bothered to go straight to the source and spend 20-40 minutes reading ROK and Roosh’s blog? I’ve done more work as an unpaid intern than these paid “journalists,” and I’m a lazy bastard.
Its capitalist media. They get paid for clicks.
Welcome to the real world, son.
And now that you understand the Media was all-out LYING about a topic you are familiar with, start thinking about how much they must have LIED on topics you are not familiar with.
Well, son, what do you think? 🙂
So saying that rape should be legal on your own property isn’t being “pro-rape”?
So saying that the poor should eat their babies isn’t being “pro-baby-eating’?
Pessimist: The glass is half empty
Optimist: The glass is half full
Feminist: The glass is being raped
your upvote made me read this again – i laughed just as hard the second time
I read somewhere else here, they’ve got rape turettes..
Ok has anyone not asked themselves if this whole meetup thing was not another social experiment to test the “rile up” of SJW’s? I mean come on, posting the rendezvous points online? This, at least the first one, should have been handled more privately. And could have been done easily. I saw this blowing up a long time ago. We can do better. But I think we all knew we could to begin with.
SJWs don’t usually seem to care what ROK posts, there’s next to 0 new coverage of the articles. I guess Roosh thought it’d be pretty safe.
But it seems that people gathering is something they are afraid of and want to stop.
Disappointed at the outcome but there is certainly much to be gleaned from what happened. Our tribes will still assemble someday soon.
The thing I don’t understand is how anyone thinks they can stop a bunch of like minded people going out for a drink and a relaxing time? True that this time there have been a lot of death threats so it may have been the best route to take to cancel the current outings but what’s to stop people going out next week or the week after that or the week after that? It just seems really silly behaviour from the people that want others to stop having gatherings.
It just seems really silly behaviour from the people that want others to stop having gatherings.
Remember that you’re dealing with liberals and SJWs. They hate everything that is normal and natural in the world especially when it comes to men and women. To them lies, hypocrisy, threats and bullying are all normal behavioral traits.
neomasculine men are the new gays.
I imagine the problem is coordinating people through the website to meet. That’s why actually doing it would have been such a feat.
This is terrible news. I was so hopeful. I was so, so excited for this to happen. I feel shattered.
Please, don’t give up. Do whatever it takes. You may have to go underground.
I know you guys will figure this out. I am counting on you. I have some granddaughters who might never know about the stable world I grew up in. My dad, and men like him did it. They are not so far away from you.
I don’t speak here because I respect your request that women not interfere here. I have appreciated being able to listen to your conversations as you work things out. I just want you to know that some of us have your back. And, I trust you.
I don’t know about you guys but I’m running my meetings… I talk to everybody I know. It’s about raising awareness for Human Rights and Men’s Rights.
I like it when ROK always blasts immigrant backgrounds,particularly Muslims, who come to West, forgetting that Roosh is himself of immigrant, Muslim origins^^
You’re a fat Polish coal burner from Edgeware.
No, not really. I’m not Polish, not fat, and don’t live in Edgeware.
Honorable men oppose evil, no matter their origins.
I’m a white Christian male. If white Christian males of military age were being used by our “masters” to destroy Persian or Arab countries, I would naturally be against it. Only the truly evil could ever support genocide. Anything else would make me a hypocrite. It’s not rocket science yo.
Hilarious. What do you think the Iraq war was about?
Freedom? for whom?
There have been more crimes committed in the name of Christianity (read white male violence and aggression) than is possible to list here.
Don’ take my word for it. Take it from the horses mouths.
Christiantiy (disguised as White Supremacy) is fundamentally genocidal) But don’t take my word for it.
Hope Anonymous feeds you sad, victim postured men your lunch…declaring why its ok to victimize women through rape then whine like little girls when the public calls you our on your angry, repressed bullshit.
Real men don’t have to propose rape and scheme to get laid. Real Christians aren’t oblivious to global genocide committed in their name.
Neomasculine indeed.
If I made posts this dumb, I’d hide my identity too.
Try debating with facts.
Your idea of debating with facts is saying something stupid and then posting a link to somebody else saying something stupid. This does not make it a fact.
Allow me to demonstrate. Hillary Clinton would be the best president, but don’t take my word for it.–maybe-even-great
Also, aliens are really here.
America needs gun confiscation.
You see? All of my above statements are idiotic, and I was able to find others to back up my idiotic statements, but that doesn’t make them any less idiotic.
Wisdom is being able to differentiate fact from fiction. If you debate with somebody who lacks the ability to distinguish right from wrong, you are wasting your time. They are the blind being led by the blind. So peace friend, but go bother somebody who is interested in your bat ship crazy theories.
Jesus.You know what ? Keep maintaining our delusions. Demographics, internet transparency are exposing the delusional for what they are. Keep bragging about your delusion. …don’t whine like a baby girl with pigtails as you continue to be marginalized in the trashbin of history. Keep babbling ladies…keep babbling
Just stopped by to say WE ARE LEGION TOO. We support you ROOSH, Rape is a great thing that turns women on 😉
Such a deliberate character assassination of fabricated lies to discredit this movement and endanger its members from lunatics. I simply cannot take western media seriously anymore. It is an agenda driven joke.
The media is a joke. I wish I had Koch brother’s type money I would start my own news network. My reporters and journalist would only be pHd’s in the STEM and hard sciences. I would hire NOT one person with a journalism degree .
Even my girlfriend couldn’t believe the shit in the media. It was all so desperate and reeking of a blue pill hit piece. As if the authors thought they may get laid afterwards…
A friend sent me this letter from a school warning the students against RoK:
Fucking LOL. Roosh is the master troll
“…promotes legalization of rape.” That’s pure libel right there. Wonder if ol’ Roosh would consider a lawsuit against TWU. (though guaranteed he’s been called worse.)
With governments apparently deciding what is news, and how it is reported is anyone surprised at the witch hunt for red pillars?
You guys cancelled the event because you were afraid of women protesters calling you on your bullshit
For all your puffed out chest nonsense about being macho “kings”, you guys are a bunch of wimps who are scared of women
And you are a mangina homosexual loser who never gets girls
It was “cancelled” so that normal guys trying to get together for a beer would not get doxxed and have their lives ruined by frothing SJWs.
Nobody is scared of women; women get men to do any of the actual fighting anyways. If it was just a group of women and a group of men, the women would resort to violence or other criminal activity first and then cry victim if the men reacted appropriately or in kind.
Men are not afraid of women but we are concerned about a police state that has such a ridiculous gender bias.
Don’t watch the news? The police state’s bias is against black men.
Unfortunately, black men are biased against themselves. They murder each other in numbers roughly the same as white men, despite having 1/8th of the population.
“Men are not afraid of women but we are concerned about a police state that has such a ridiculous gender bias.”
Men who, ironically enough, worship the cops/military that make up the police state. How can you defeat something faced against a power(military/police) that you all somehow worship as “alpha”????
Respecting the individual merit of particular cops or soldiers is not the same as worshipping the institution and it’s puppet masters.
How’s that working out so far?
You’re telling ‘porkies’.
The reason this series of meetings was formally cancelled was because we do not live within the tolerant and inclusive society that we are constantly told we are all part of.
Journalists, commentators, and politicians are predominantly only concerned with their own popularity. This problem has been compounded by social media, which provides a platform for the most enraged to bang their self righteous drums, whilst their fragile egos feed on every adrenalin-fuelled upvote. Moral superiority has become a valuable social commodity.
We are suffering a new age of ignorance and intolerance, but those who can see this must never give up hope.
Like OMG, like…my names Britney and like, I heard you guys were a bunch of rapists? Like OMG…wait a minute, I gotta go take some selfies. It’s been 5 minutes since I had a like on Facebook. Selfie selfie selfie. Like OMG
And like OMG, my BFF Jessica, she’s like so crazy. When we go out, like OMG she like, gets up on the bar and like dances. Like OMG, nobody’s as crazy as we are. Like OMG…LOL
Reminds me of this
Lets apply Occam’s razor:
Is it more likely that the rape story was invented / promulgated in order to dir frog target / hinder your group? Inetentionally? By a cabal of whoever you want to imagine is your enemy?
Or that it was a sensational story invented somewhere (Australia apparently) to get headlines / hits (motivated by greed), which got picked up all over the place because the r-word picks up hits, and nobody wanted to be out of the feeding frenzy?
I can see how you might argue that it’s both; that your secret enemy planted the seed of a story they knew would be picked up for its sensationalism / ability to generate hits (because of greed) because they wanted to prevent you from meeting, etc.
If that’s the case, wonderful. Fine. Be cleverer than your enemy and succeed; or you deserve to fail. And all will be right in the jungle.
Sorry for the typos, kids. Hungover. Sentiment is real
He wrote the rape story himself, read the book.
Which rape story? You mean the one where it was a “What would happen if…” but lets be perfectly clear here, because you seem to lack understanding…He was never saying, hey lets go out and do that. He was never saying lets rape people, or anything like that. That was only the absurd press and their hateful PC followers. He does not advocate rape and has never done so. So why dont you actually read a number of the articles here before you comment, at least then you would not be commenting from a position of pure ignorance.
All the whining about your meetings being cancelled. If you are all the real men you claim to be, you will go meet up anyway, with your faces uncovered, What are you so afraid of?
That’s happening. Where are you?
Obviously there aren’t enough of you to gain notice.
Attia, at most each location was only probably going to get a few people.
You are aware that Roosh’s twitter feed prior to that was only at about 19K. With 165 locations all over the world, that would mean, at best, on average 115 people.
Of course, the turnout would be much lower since the locations were all over the place, and did not cover everywhere, and many of the twitter followers are probably not Roosh supports but follow to see what he is saying. Even locations in large cities, like New York, would not be that easy to get to since beyond a number of miles, it would take all kinds of time to get there. ( As a comparison, one time in New York it took me 45 minutes to go from the China Town area to a place in Brooklyn that was only 4.5 miles away.)
My impressions and expectation, is that I would have been surprised if each location got more than ten people, on average, to show up.
Roosh has gained and is gaining notice since he is all over the media.
You did notice that he was discussed on the floor of Parliament? I would call that being noticed.
So what? They talk about Trump and badgers there too. He gained all this attention and then called the police. So what?
The quote from the Gospel of Matthew speaks volumes about what needs to be done.
Davis, you really knocked it out of the park with this one. Thoroughly good writing, man.
Sounds like a bunch of sissies who talk a strong game when they rage against defenseless women and yet can’t even manage to organize a coffee hour in the face of criticism. You poor dears!
It is kind of hard to enjoy a cup of coffee when roving mobs, that were mobilized with a lie, are looking for you and trying to give you a beating.
I think one of the reasons that Roosh canceled the meet ups is that he feared that some members would not back down from a violent confrontation.
While I had no plans to attend the one in my local area, I may go to attend the local one at the appointed time. I find it infuriating that anyone thinks they have the right to tell me who I may and may not associate with.
So maybe now you know how women feel when all the online threats are delivered.
So that makes it right in your view?
You have to make others feel ‘what it is like’ by threatening them?
So you admit that Roosh has been unjustly threatened, but somehow that makes it right?
Somehow, I seem to remember an old saying that ‘Two wrongs do not make a rigth’; have you ever heard that before?
Plus, just for the record:
Your side did. You LIED in the most vile manner possible, spread it to as many people as possible, and told everyone you could your lies to mobilize lynch mobs.
The reason why your lies worked so well is because no sane and ration person would ever think that someone would lie about a topic as serious as rape. I think that is also why many people are not bothering to read the original article and seeing that it was satire. Any ten year old can see that, but people like you don’t want to see it because you want to further your agenda.
People like you now have a BIG problem, because it is starting to become clear that you all LIED, and no one of any rational thought is going to ever trust or believe anything you ever tell them again.
That is what the reporters are all worried about. It is clear that either they have a personal agenda they wanted to promote and help push, or they didn’t bother to read the article in question; and helped promote the BIG LIE. So now they are looking at the very real possibility that they are all going to be in some serious trouble with their employers and readers.
@Attia…why dont you read a few articles here so you wont be speaking from a position of such ignorance.
Empathy can be learned Evan; men dish out threats all the time and women just have to suck it up, why can’t Roosh? Maybe if he doesn’t like it he should stop doing it.
I don’t have a side, you are fighting no one. This is funny how much time and energy you are devoting to me. You’ve had a big drink of kool aid, you might want to sleep that off for a while.
Who are you to dictate what Roosh does or does not have to do?
Who are you to demand that Roosh needs to learn empathy to your standards, whoever that may be?
If Roosh ‘has to suck it up’, then maybe women should just ‘suck it up’ also? Is that what you are saying, that there is nothing wrong with anyone threatening anyone, because ‘they should just suck it up’?
Mobilized with a lie? The douche bag leaders own words were not a lie. That is fact!
Yoda_007 Did you even read the article?
@yoda…read a few articles will ya. God I am getting sick of these fools who have never actually read anything here but think they understand the site based on some absurd propaganda.
You always forget to mention that it was satire, that is a lie of omission.
You are speaking from a position of pure ignorance. Read 10 articles here at ROK and then come back and comment from an informed position.
So you’re defending the sissies by asking me to spend more time in the library reading? You are a joke for a man, you little shit.
Yes, I am defending this website as a good resource of information for men. I obviously cannot vouch for every person here as that would be absurd…but you really cannot comment from an informed position if you actually have not read any of the material here…and btw, your insults are ridiculous.
Name one fact that you’ve learned from this “good resource of information for men”.
np…Fact: If you stay in the fight long enough, your luck can change. Frederick the Great as an historical example of the value of persistence.
I had already mentioned earlier in the thread about a number of excellent articles that I gained wisdom from. One of the ones I liked was the article about the challenges of Frederick the Great, The well known king of Prussia during the 18th century. The ROK article focused on how he met a very challenging period where both his army and his nation were under dire threat, and yet his ability to hang in there and keep moving forward allowed things to turn in his way eventually. As I said, an historical example of the value of persistence during difficult times.
Fact: There is a lot to be gained from the wisdom of ancient patriarchal cultures.
Another article I mentioned that I thought was helpful was the one about the Words of Odin…masculine wisdom from the ancient Viking era…here is the link to that one:
OK, I’ll check those out and come back.
One word: LAWFARE. It is an effective tool. At some point Roosh will need to sue these people for defamation, assault, IIED, perhaps even civil right violations,
Lol, sue for what? For using his own words against him? You alpha fails are a joke.
Inciting violence and mobs is grounds for a lawsuit.
Printing libel, slander and ruining a man’s reputation without even apparently reading the article in question is ‘yellow journalism’ at its worst, and grounds for a libel lawsuit.
You are aware that the Home Secretary in England is supposed to be looking into putting Roosh and his members on some kind of terrorist list?
It even seemed to be the implied in the initial exchange on the floor of Parliament that the intelligence services should look at Roosh and his followers.
I think that goes far beyond ‘using his words against him and hurting his feelings’.
I think we may still be able to win this battle. It appears that some outlets are now starting to look at the article and voicing objections to the tactics that were used. It is kind of ironic that media, that only gets to exist because of first amendment rigths, are now using their power to crush first amendments rights for anyone they do not like or agree with.
Roosh has been elevated to being a symbol for free speech and a member of the intelligentsia. If Roosh is silenced then it is all over in this country, since the militant left will continue on with their campaigns until we are all living in something like 1960s Maoist China, complete with denunciations and show trials.
His opponents took something that would have had little meaning, a muti city meet up for men who would have gone somewhere for drinks and discussion; and instead turned it into a first amendment rights issue.
I am starting to think that the meet ups should not have been canceled and people should still go. If my right of assembly, that is in theory protected under the first amendment no longer exists due to the militant leftists and SJWs really being in power and controlling everything, I would like to find out now instead of living a lie and thinking that I am still living in a free country. Part of me would want to have this ‘fight’ out now with anyone that wants to prohibit me from choosing who I will and will not associate with, the consequences be dammed.
I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.
Since Roosh Doosh is not in jail, nobody’s freedom of speech has been crushed. Since you don’t acually know what freedom of speech means, you shouldn’t be referring to it like its some life and death thing for anyone here. Roosh can’t handle the reaction to his freedom of speech, that is all that happened here. You are fairly ignorant to believe otherwise.
Seriously, I thought you guys had some intelligence, a real point to make. Its plain to see really Roosh Doosh is just capitalizing on a lot of ingorance. And not well, if he has to live in his mother’s basement.
Roosh’s freedom of speech and right to assembly, and mine,has been violated. I had no plans to attend, but I find it infuriating that people like you think you have the right to dictate who I am allowed to associate with. You, and others like you, raised a mob around the world to stop something that you did not like; and had to LIE to get the mob after him.
You and the others, are all a bunch of liars, and disingenuous when you claim that freedom of speech and the right of assembly was not violated.
Let me repeat that; You and the others, are all a bunch of liars, and disingenuous.
It is just like Vox says, SJWs always lie! (
You have to lie, because if you had an honest debate with honest facts, you could not achieve your dishonest goals or raise lynch mobs against those you do not like.
You have no compunction or morals about the means that you used to achieve your means and you are either a ‘useful idiot’ ( ), ‘fellow traveler’ ( ) or disingenuous, in that you know exactly what you have done, you know it is wrong, but do not care because you approve of the methods to achieve your goal. Your only unhappy that you can’t go as far as you would like in killing first amendment rights, but see this as a great victory because next time you hope to ‘go a little further’ in eroding the first amendment, freedom of speech and the right of assembly.
For you, the ends always justify the means, and lying to achieve your ends is just the start.
People like you are how freedoms die, until someday we are in some kind of Maoist utopia, with denunciations and show trials. Given the opportunity, that is where you will lead us.
Don’t you dare try to spin it and tell me that this is not true just because Roosh didn’t get arrested.
The only reason Roosh, and anyone else that wanted to attend, hasn’t been arrested yet, is because dishonest, lying, irrational radicals, such as yourself, have not been allowed to progress that far, YET; but would have no problem if you could get it done. In England you even got the national assembly debating the issue and getting ready to pass laws against speech that ‘offends you’.
You and your friends are enemies of the United States Constitution and the freedoms it stands for.
I hope to go to the local meetup now, even though it has been canceled, and see if others feel the same as I do. If there is a mob to lynch me, then so be it. My only hope is that I ‘go down swinging’, and then you will know that even though you and your allies have physically beaten me, that you still have not won the battle of ideas and principles.
Roosh Doosh is NOT in jail, therefore he retains his free speech rights. You can all assemble, you are just afraid to go out and face people. You are giving up those rights, no one took them from you. Very surprised at all this whining over rape and death threats since men hand them out like candy and women just have to suck it up. You can’t suck it up like a woman? You are afraid and feel like your rights have been trampled? Then finally you live like most of the female human population does. Listening to Roosh Doosh and meeting up with ignorant people such as yourself won’t help you.
You are lying and being disingenuous
In many places lynch mobs were being mobilized to attack anyone that dared to show up. There are numerous postings from groups threatening to attack anyone that dared to show up.
Freedom of Speech is more than just not being arrested. Mobilizing a lynch mob for violence IS a violation of freedom of speech. You very well know this and are just lying to make it seem like anyone who doesn’t go to a meeting was the one at fault.
Roosh canceled the meetings because he didn’t want to be responsible if others were injured or even killed because they went to one of the meetings.
You need to do some reading. And learning. You are just hurt that the “cause” you believe in is so lightweight and folds so easily. Again, women face threats of rape and violence and death every day, isn’t Roosh even as strong as a woman? He believes so little in his own words that he is afraid to stand up for them? That tells us he doesn’t even believe the crap he is selling you. He is just making some money, he tells us, but still has to live in his mom’s house for some reason.
Roosh clearly state that his reason for canceling was because he was concerned about other people getting hurt and didn’t want to be responsible for that.
Even with Roosh canceling the meetups, some people still went to a few locations.
While I had no plans to attend, I went to see what was going on with the Boston, MA location. It looked like there was no protests and no interference from the local authorities, and about 10 to 20 people there around 7:45pm. The only thing different I would have expected if the meetings had not been canceled is that a few more people would have shown up.
Your comparison of women being threaten and Roosh makes no sense. In your ‘straw man argument’, you make a comparison to a woman that appears to have no control to threats being directed at her; and Roosh who does have some ability to change what threats are directed at others and used that to make sure others were not harmed.
While Roosh did not get to have officially the meetups, he did get to have a press conference with the following media outlets:
Washington Post, Washingtonian, The Daily Beast, Reason, Vice and Washington Times.
I would consider that more important to Roosh than a few guys meeting for drinks in a bunch of cities.
You have lost and you know it.
Even after being directed that the meetings were canceled, people still went.
I read some of your twitter feed ( correction, it is the disqus collection of your postings) and it is as I expect, you are a member of the radical ‘looney left’ and I expect that you prove many of the things written here.
You’re anti gun to the point where it looks like you would have no problem with the confiscation of all guns, thereby destroying second amendment rights.
I wonder how long it would take someone like you and your allies to run through and totally destroy all constitutional rights?
You post numerous links ‘proving’ or showing how ‘dangerous’ men are, and attack Christians in the same manner.
I wonder how many tattoos you have?
I don’t actually have a twitter feed Evan, so not sure who you are looking at. I don’t live in a country with a looney left or a lot of guns either. You would seem to have lost as you were up all night looking. I really don’t give a rat’s ass what you or your big king has to say. Many other people however are happy to expose him for the fraud that he is. Read some more why don’t you.
You claim you don’t care what Roosh has to say, yet you come to the place to post about what you think about it.
I think the real problem is that you are not looking to educate yourself on the facts, you are just ‘attention whoring’.
Oh, Lindy West is a prime example of the ‘looney left’ and a prime example of ‘yellow journalism’.
She must weigh in at over 300 lbs. How the hell can any woman get to that overweight?
The fact that she write for GQ shows how far that magazine has fallen as far as a men’s magazine.
What the hell would a fat, massively overweight, lunatic leftist have to teach anyone about anything?
I wonder how many cats and tattoos she has?
I find it amazing that she is in such poor physical shape for someone who, according to Wiki, is only 33!
The meetings are still taking place in many places. They can’t stop us from meeting.
Lol, you people are hilarious. You are nothing but a bunch of women hating, male chauvinist douche-bags. You haven’t won anything and won’t ever win anything. Normal people do not think the way you do. People did rise up and we did stop your meeting from happening. Bashing women does not make you an alpha male. It actually makes you exactly the opposite. You’re a bunch of alpha fails.
Lol, that was great. So very true.
It;s very telling that you have make up something about him rather than actually show what’ he’s saying.
You can keep smirking and name calling and lying, but the truth will emerge victorious. .
Roosh has not won anything?
Let us review.
Originally, Roosh tried to arrange a meet up for a bunch of
guys, in different cities, around the world. If that had happened, it would have been nothing special except for a few guys getting together for drinks.
Instead, since the SJWs and militant left, lied to whipped
up an internet lynch mob to get them:
1: International recognition and exposure. Many media
outlets carried Roosh as one of the top news stories of the week.
2: Roosh was debated about on the floor of the UK House of Parliament ( I do not know about you, but I think it is pretty impressive for Roosh to be mentioned on the floor of Parliament.
3: Such a large increase in traffic to the ROK and
associated web sites that some people, myself included, thought a Denial of Service attack was being conducted the web sites. Instead, the web sites were having trouble handling the traffic from people going to the them to see what they were about.
4: Probably have had a large effect on the sale of his books
and other materials.
5: Roosh picked up at a few thousand additional followers on
his twitter feed, since prior to this his feed had about 19K followers and now is near 21K followers.
6: Internet search traffic results are higher for the term
Roosh than they were for the prior dishonest attacks thrown at him for his Canada visit in 2015.
7: Roosh has now been elevated to level of being a defender
of the constitutional right to freedom of speech and freedom of assembly, and I would consider him to be a member of the ‘intelligentsia’.
8: Shown what a bunch of disingenuous hypocrites the
SJWs/militant left are when they attack a person like Roosh about an article that was clearly satire, and has been repeatedly explained by Roosh and others to be satire; but do and say nothing about the real problems that are happening in Europe with the ‘rapefugees’.
9: Roosh is about to hold a press conference in a Washington
DC hotel in a few hours that will most probably attended by a number of media outlets from around the world and carried in the next news cycles.
None of this would have been possible without the lies that
were spread in order to raise an internet lynch mob, intent on trampling on constitutional rights and freedoms in order to achieve their objectives.
If Roosh keeps ‘losing’ like this, I expect he will be able
to retire from his lecture fees within a few years.
I question if you really know what winning and losing look
like. I think that you are trying to spin it as a ‘loss’ for Roosh in order to gloss over and cover up the colossal error that you and your friends have made, especially with the lying that was done on your part. You lie to yourself and you lie to others. I think you all realize the real problem you are going to have in the future is that people will start to realize you lie all the time to get what you want, are dishonest, and can not be trusted with anything since you have no morals and no honor.
The really funny thing about the whole incident is that if
you had not lied about Roosh, and left Roosh and the other men alone, none of this would have happened. The same kind of self destructive behavior that happened with the Canada
tour is being repeated here. None of the people learned anything from that fiasco and instead choose to ‘double down’ and repeat the same stupidity again.
“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.” -Ghandi
We’re teetering between step 2 and 3 right now, having been squarely stuck in the ignored column for years. Most of you men are some of the most well spoken men I’ve had the pleasure of talking with. We scare the SJWs, especially the women, because of who many of us are: the men they find most attractive. The leaders. The doers. And the ones who won’t put up with being denigrated and stepped all over.
Yeah. You asshats are exactly like Ghandi.
Your statement shows that things are now at the second step of the saying.
Ignoring Roosh didn’t work, now you are ridiculing him.
Next is. . . . .
“Even a single man fired from his job due to SJW or Antifa doxing is one man too many. Not for a meetup; not for this.”
This is exactly why the West is in this hellhole dystopian nightmare. Unwilling to make any sacrifice or take a risk when we have everything to win and absolutely nothing to lose. Are you guys going to use work as an excuse to not fight in the revolution/race war/clash of civilizations? You’d rather not lose you desk job and listening to women around you yap over taking back your civilization. Greater men fought before us for much less and lost everything.
It’s just not reached that point yet. Close, but not yet.
The West has a lot of problems. One of the least significant of them is the trend of “Men’s Rights” crybabies who miss the good ol’ days when they were free to grab womens asses at work. You are a colossal twit.
That would be great.
“What the alt-right, Neo-masculinists and mischievous dissident thinkers are doing–and how terrifying they are to the Establishment–is hugely exciting.
We’re launching nukes into politically correct spaces and discourses because we recognise what you all recognise: that telling the truth has become a punishable offence.”
– anon
NYC people contact me: [email protected]
You can’t win Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
AHAHHAHAHHAHA. I mean, I’d imagine most of you assclowns live in your parents’ basement, but still… this is too funny.
You’d imagine wrong, then.
Oh boo boo. Losers
“Oh boo boo Losers” Yeah, there are tons of them in that PC/feminist/SJW crowd. You know, the weirdos who come here to lay down their hate against Roosh and the readers, when they actually have never read any of the articles themselves and always believe everything they read in the propaganda press.
If you believe so strongly that you are preaching truth, why did you get so scared? MLK walked into certain death several times for the sake of his beliefs. If you believe you’re preaching the truth, like he did, why back down?
I caught my first idiot!
Bet you can make it for the whole 10 hours…
As a frequent reader of the articles at this site. I think it would be absurd to place yourself in danger given the many wild eyed crazies and propaganda enraged haters out there in the PC/feminist/SJW movement. I want Roosh safe to keep on writing and organizing this excellent site for men…and frankly Martin Luther King would have been more valuable to his movement had he lived longer. Placing oneself in dangers’ way is not generally the best option.
No. Y’all are just pussies.
Hey good come back Kylea…hahaha…pretty damn weak.
Y’all are so incredibly pitiful that I can’t pick one thing. Let’s go with the fact that I can guarantee most of you have never touched a vagina. You’ve probably never even had the courage to talk to a woman. And that’s best. Men who belive this kind of bullshit are usually pretty disgusting and creepy. Your leader even looks like fucking Chewbacca. No one would touch his hairy ass for fear of getting trapped.
You Fool. I happen to be a 60 year old recently retired father of two who has been married to the same woman for 35 years. Now what is your story? ….and why all the hate for a site you have never actually spent any time at. God I am getting tired of the absurdity of those who have fallen victim to the anti ROK propaganda campaign.
I spent 3 hours reading articles and laughing my ass off. And you like to beat your wife when dinner isn’t ready, huh? Or what if she talks back? She’s insubordinate? Get the fuck out of here you raggedy old bastard.
“I spent 3 hours reading articles” yeah, sure you did…you are an obvious liar.
Can you even perfom for her without taking a shit ton of pills? Probably not. She’s probably getting satisfied before she comes home to your wrinkled, limp dick.
And I bet your wife fucks everything in the world before having to come home to you. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had to drink herself stupid to be with you.
pffft, forget it, you’re beyond hope. My only suggestion is to get back on your meds. Now, since I am going to refuse to have any further discussion with you, you may have the last word….try and say something with a little intelligence this time.
Hope your wife has enough lube for her daily anal poundings courtesy of the young neighbor boy 🙂
ughhh, you are a completely disgusting person.
Vile. Imagine a woman like her being a mother? *shudders*
She has spent the better part of the last three days posting here. She can’t stop thinking about Roosh. She’s obsessed. When she’s not here telling Roosh what she thinks about him she’s thinking of what she’s going to say when she gets here. He fascinates her. It bothers her that she is so intrigued by him, but she can’t help herself. She thinks about him when she wakes up in the morning and just before she falls asleep at night.
I wonder what her beta boy thinks about that?
No, I’ve just spoken the truth. And you know it. You were probably already suspicious of her, weren’t you?
Probably loves it as he gets rogered in his corn-chute by her strap-on.
Good to have you around!
Different time / different place / different fight.
Still, it would be interesting for someone to speculate what it would be like for MLK in the modern world, if feminized women were rallied against racial equality.
P.S. Make sure you clearly label it as ‘FICTION’!
What does feminized wome even mean?
Ha ha. I was preparing to elaborate on this, but reading below I see you’ve degraded yourself to troll-like insults. No time or respect for you. Give my best to your boyfriend, it’s only a matter of time before he seeks out our community…
Ok, dear. He said to “go fuck yourself with a rusty machete” 🙂
Shit testing.
“It’s true. All of it.”
-Han Solo
Because they’re all talk and no action. They wonder why they get the hate they do when a large volume of the articles posted here are nothing short of disgusting, blanket statements on how they perceive women and any other who happens to disagree with their world view.
However, there are a good portion of articles that are informative, non bashing and give insight into why these men feel the way they do. They are right in some of the comments they make. For example the definition of rape in England is as follows:
“A person commits an offence if
HE intentionally penetrates the vagina, anus or mouth of another person.”
See the problem here? Technically a woman can only be charged with sexual assault (not rape) unless she was an accessory to the act (unless
English law has changed but I don’t think it has).
I don’t think this is any sort of pro-rape group, I don’t think these men should have been threatened but at the end of the day no one physically stopped them meeting either.
I’ll finish by saying that the following; in my opinion is the type of man who truely stands up for what he believes in despite the consequences.