Unless you have a younger sibling, you probably don’t know what the generation after millennials (Generation Z) is like. The following email from a 16-year-old girl to ROK shows that they could be the most degenerate and dysfunctional generation of humans that the world has ever seen. Her analysis confirms what I already know about them based on the information shared to me by my two young brothers.
I’ve been wanting to write this ever since I read your piece on an e-mail you received from a 17 year old girl. Reading what she said to you meant a lot to me because it confirmed in my mind that there are more people out there that don’t agree with everything going on in our world right now, more than I thought.
After reading the comments on it I spent a lot of time trying to decide whether or not I would say something and I decided that I would.
My generation (I’m 16) is getting worse every day. As someone who has had Twitter for a while, I’ve been front row the last few years to the craziness of people who I used to consider my closest friends. The social justice movement is a sham filled with narcissistic people. You definitely already know this. However, I want to share with you further on some of my own experiences.
Back in 2012 when I first made a Twitter, I talked to many different people, many of which still use their accounts. Just four years ago these girls seemed normal enough, happy, and content with their lives. Just as an estimate, I would say these girls were around 12-13-14 years old back then. Early high school and late middle school ages. Back then, not a single one of them talked anything about having a different gender identity or sexuality.
Youth are increasingly identifying as pansexual and gender fluid
Now, only four years later, it would be extremely difficult for me to even choose a small handful of those people who have not came out as something. Back in 2013, it was being bisexual. Now, pansexual is the new favorite “sexuality” among everyone on Twitter. These days, it is not “good enough” to be gay. The more “oppressed” you are, the better. People who identify as pansexual love it because they can on the outside seem “oppressed” while they can still date and be attracted to males publicly. This is how it works. Changing your sexual identity to one of these insane inventions is a fast, easy, and mess-free way for people to get rid of privilege points.
Being “gender-fluid” is also another new popular trend. People saying they are gender-fluid can get away with being “oppressed” without actually having to go through the entire gender-change hormone thing that people with real mental dysphoria do. They can dress the same, adopt “they-them” pronouns and pretty much lead life exactly the same as before. Then, there are the genuinely confused and stupid (be careful using the word stupid, it’s extremely ableist. I was attacked last week for saying it) people that identify as “male” because they don’t like stereotypically girly things like wearing dresses and makeup. When did not liking to wear something become enough to believe you are something else than what you really are?
I know for a fact these people are doing all of this for attention. I know you probably already have come to that conclusion, but I want to make it extremely clear that these people know exactly what they are doing.
Youth are faking mental illness for attention
I also want to talk about mental illness. I vaguely recall someone on ROK or possibly somewhere else talking about how my generation is full of people who are depressed, suicidal, among others. Let me come out right now and say this is false. People on Twitter, while they preach against people “romanticizing” mental illness, are actually doing this themselves.
An old friend (I no longer talk to her) once had an open conversation with me about how she was faking being depressed and suicidal on her social media. She was going to a therapist, took medication, and to anyone else might genuinely seem like someone with a problem. However, she opened up to me after feeling bad that she was lying to me about it. I wish I still had the messages, but I don’t as this was about a year ago. But I can recall her saying that she did it because she didn’t feel there was anything special about her and she did it because she wanted to make friends.
If this is not pure insanity I really don’t know what is. This girl was taking medication for a mental illness she did not have. She knew she didn’t have it. She was in no way confused about how she felt. She didn’t directly say she was doing it for attention, but I think anyone with eyes could understand that was exactly what it was about.
These people are manipulative and it will only get worse as time goes on. I’ve watched each of my friends of many years succumb to this madness and now I feel like the last one standing. I’m terrified that I’m going to be the next one to be brought into this absolute craziness.
Living in a large city in the US it’s hard for me to get away from all of this. I go to a public school and my only way to separate myself from these people is to not talk to anyone at school at all, but I don’t think that’s very healthy either.
14-year-old girl has neverending supply of “boyfriends”
I also feel extremely vulnerable to all of this because I seem to be exactly what people on ROK believe is the makeup for disaster: I live in a single mom household. I still talk to my dad everyday, but he lives across the country from me. I look at my older sister and I see someone who has had nonstop different boyfriends from the age of 14. I don’t want to think that I’m going to end up like that but sometimes I can’t help wondering. But I’ve been doing everything I can to try and stop that from happening.
Still, I’ve never had a boyfriend. Maybe that’s because since moving out here a few years ago I have barely spoken to anybody in school, let alone guys. The only friends I have that I have known in real life are from where I moved from, and maybe 2 or 3 from the last school I went to here. So far this has been working out well for me. I don’t have to see these people everyday so maybe that’s helping me from being influenced by them. But I’m entering my senior year of high school now and I can’t help but feel worried about it. I could be next.
However, like I said before I’ve been doing everything I can to stop myself from going down a bad path. Over the last few months specifically I’ve made a few friends online who share the same thoughts as myself on all of this. It feels better to be talking to people that I don’t have to lie about what I believe in. I remember about two months ago one of them mentioned that she read your articles too and I can’t express how shocked I was that I wasn’t the only one.
If you don’t agree with social justice, you must hide
I guess what I mainly want to say is that it’s my personal belief now that there are many young people who don’t agree with the social justice movement. They are hiding, but they are there. The girls I’ve become friends with are good people. Mainly I wanted to say this because the comments on the piece about the 17 year old girl seemed all very discouraged that the girl sending you that e-mail was fake. Personally I think it was real. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t. All I know is that even if it was fake, there are still real people out there because I know them.
I know it says to add a photo, but I’m not going to because the threat of being found out is way too risky. The idea of existing the next year in school with people who know I’ve written this or that I read your website is terrifying and I don’t want to risk it. Not to say that I think you would post it, but I think you understand well how dangerous it is today to put your information out there.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Whether or not it will mean anything to you, I don’t know, but I just wanted to put it out there.
There should be nothing shocking in this email to ROK readers. Because the culture has yet to hit rock bottom, I fully anticipate the post-millennial generation to shock us with forms of deviancy and stupidity that we have never before seen.
If you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh’s book Free Speech Isn’t Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.
Read Next: Lena Dunham And The Hollowness Of Millennial Girls
Otherkin are the next step. People who think they are animal in human bodies.
Personally I am a trans-shark otherkin.
You are a few steps behind.
The whole Tumblrisms series is a polemic masterpiece.
This is real. I read in newspaper that girl in local public school identifies as a wolf. Wears ears and a tail and growls and barks at students. I have talked to teachers and they can confirm that trans-whatever students have increased from 1 student to almost 30 in the past 2 years.
“But it’s definitely genetic, cause science says so”. Liberals
My sister is a school official. She says in her tiny school district of 300 kids there are SIX…yes SIX…in grade k-8 that idetntify as another gender…
It is a very old mental illness called lycanthropy. It’s where the werewold myth comes from and the nutters who had it used to be put in a straight jacket and locked in a padded room in an insane asylum before society went completely mad
In the old days this girl would be placed in a mental institution and rightfully so.
The worst part is there’s some omega male somewhere jacking off to that picture of the wolf…shark…thing. Somewhere, some loser is fapping to that.
Ya the male version of the mudshark
There is another side to the coin concerning the red pill for men…and that is the red pill for women. Kids are put on by peer pressure to be “bi” or “gay”. Nice to see our younger generations rejecting this. Unfortunately if you speak out you are “otherized” and cast off into the pit of eternal peril…and that happens even to young kids.
Then we need to find some way to let them know it’s ok to be ostracized from these mentally deranged people. As soon as we can have these kids shrug their shoulders and say “ok, whatever” when they are shamed for being normal, that’s when we start turning this ship around.
The High School teachers are beginning to have the same behavior…. and get awarded for it.
Schools need to have strict codes where the teachers are not to have tattoos or odd piercings exposed in the classrooms or school property. That also goes for Skittles colored hairs and god awful shrillex haircuts.
I realized this about the new kids when I was tutoring a year back.
Imagine the dumbest people you’ve ever met getting government grants for special help in subjects like intro psychology. Fat 20 year old girls chased around by hordes of spergy omega males telling you about how oppressed the LGBT community is.
Telling you about how her friend got raped at a house party, and how they’re gonna get so trashed later after the tutoring session.
I feel bad for regular kids nowadays.
I have a cousin who has an 11 year old son, and he’s in for a world of shit.
My twelve year old boy-raised by his single mom in Toronto-is a mess…I need to teach him how to drive nails with a hammer his next trip out…he is afraid to sleep in the dark…I need to work on that with him too….he has learning disabilities, I think he has other problems too…
Dont coddle children. Teach him martial arts or a combat sport, teach him to lift & increase his testosterone count. 99% of his problems solved.
Dont solve a childs specific problems, seperate him from the people causing the problems in his life.
Engage him in sports & building things with his hands & mind. Teach him how to seperate himself from his environment, by learning how to build his body & create his own reality.
Im surprised they havent asked you to just take the tests for them. youre so selfish Clark
I’d do it if they paid me.
I’ve already made some decent cash writing papers for them.
they have no money, or will you accept upvotes/likes as compensation?
Aa long as my facebook looks kool heh
I did projects for cs majors (as a biochem major) for cash in college. A lot of women.
ATTENTION — the drug of choice for young Millennials.
Their disease: Psychosomatic Attention Deficit Disorder, or PADD.
The addiction to attention manifests itself in all forms of phsyco social behavior, including Salem Syndrome, manic depressive episodes,
sociopathic behavior, and rampant narcissism. It creates obsessive compulsive behaviors and screaming fits of adolescent rage over trivial, often false ideas and narratives that run contrary to their internal ideologies. Their drug abuse leaves them in a perpetual victim-status, full of fear of the future and unfounded adolescent rage over the most trivial offenses to their delicate sensibilities.
As their disease progresses and their need for constant attention grows, they often turn their inward anger to outward acts: they express uncontrolled violent fits of rage, disregarding all manner of socially accepted behavior and the rule of law. They also warp and mutilate their bodies through extreme piercings, tattoos, hair coloring, and freakish body alterations to further draw attention to themselves, especially when trying to stand out in groups of other PADD sufferers.
youre spot on in your assessment. I just read an article, getting upvotes and positive feedback on your posts are a drug-like effect on the brain
The fact that people are willing to pay for fake Twitter followers to like their content (even though it doesn’t really change the reach of their ideas) speaks to the truth of this.
In web development there is a whole field of study called the “attention economy”.
how do you monetize upvotes? Or is that the point of the attention economy studies?
How many bitcoins is your 15 Minutes of Fame worth?
I upvoted your post, just to give you a little bump.
Economy is the study and management of the scarce. Right now there are orders of magnitude more content created than eyeballs to consume it. So attention is scarce. How so twitter lives losing millions? It has the attention.
This is why we must legalise the practice of smacking hysterical people yet once again. The older generations knew all this shit, then the baby boomers came along and ruined everything for everyone.
Yup. Where’s my hickory stick. (google School Days)
This. I am the bad guy in my family, the one who always sounds “harsh”, the source of the problems in the eyes of everyone… because I finally did what my father, mother, grandparents, and everyone else in my community and in my sister’s schools never, ever did: I told her she didn’t know what the f*ck she was talking about.
Women and girls desperately NEED to be told, when its deserving, to shut the fuck up. They KNOW they need it and LOVE a man who does it. They might scowl, sulk, cry, but they respect a man who does it, and will always defer to him later, or show her ass again, at which point the real male can tell her to take a hike for good.
You are not alone, constantly being told my approach is very harsh even by some men, when it is quite logic on how to deal with certain mental states and the way they react.
My response to men who tell me this is either to stop being to PC and grow a pair or Fuck off, it seems to work better.
They certainly don’t know that they need it. But what’s the alternative, let women, kids and random snotty youths, queers or what not, walk right all over you? It would be like cutting off your own damn balls and handing them over. What’s the point of being a man if one can’t do the job?
Bingo. A lot of this has occurred due to the ‘war on dads’ that made life difficult for the real fathers who attempt to raise their children correctly.
Smacking hysterical people Victorian style should be an Olympic sport.
Indeed. It should be every able bodied mans duty to smack hysterical people Victorian style whenever the need arises.
We know the alternative, and it is far worse than merely being castrated in the home… it quite literally means those women destroying the entire nation, rendering the nation and all its men utterly weak and broken, and eventually overrun by savages who kill, rape, enslave, and destroy your once great civilization.
It’s far, far, far more serious than our grandads ever imagined.
I just lost a long-time friend because of this exact situation. But what kind of “friend” did I lose? Not a good one, because what kind of male friend beats around the bush forever and never shoots your straight, like a man, in order to help you out in life? wtf?
Ha, I just realized that my very first interaction with him was all I ever needed to know. After mocking his political science master’s (“you got a master’s in that? just read the newspaper.), we are discussing the then exploding “Arab Spring”….
“What do you think about it?”
“Oh I just think it’s GREAT.”
“Huh? Nothing will change. If anything, it will makes all those countries even worse, Islamic shitholes.”
“whhhaaaa?! what are you talking about?”
“uuuuh. do the people have guns?”
“ok. the governments do. Worst case scenario for the governments, soldiers stand there until the crowds get tired, hungry, and have to go feed themselves and work. ‘Cause, life. Without guns, nothing changes. Who has the guns and uses them, changes things.”
“oh, you’re right.”
And yet, like a woman, he probably just said “you’re right” without really understanding why I was right.
And he had an ADVANCED degree in politics. Hmmmm. A cucked nation indeed.
Sadly I don’t think we can stop the decline. All we can do is brace for impact, cut our losses and try to regroup before the next volley comes our way. We will probably loose more of civilisation than we think thanks to the baby boomers lack of foresight. But I think it’s possible to salvage some parts if we act swiftly. It’s not over until the fat lady sings, as they say.
Baby Boomers are the worst. The. Worst. So selfish. They all still believe that retirement is some “right” and that they “worked for it.” They play tennis while their nation is in its death throes. Unconscionable. But, Baby Boomers gonna Baby Boom.
Highly academically educated people are not necessarily clever or smart. The friends I have lost over time are ones belonging to the academic class, they seem more susceptible to this kind of BS, my Blue collar mates, we are still mates 20+ years on even if we live in different countries.
I would say good riddance, that is one who would not have your back and would knife you to save his own skin. Disengaged from a friendship with one of them, because his wife could not take advise on eating properly to lose weight, you don’t celebrate a 8 week diet to lose weight only to resume your Maccas diet…
Completing higher education just means that a person can retain and regurgitate information.
In today’s time the fat lady sings one too many often and everyone carries out by her wants
Get a hold of yourself woman! Smack
“All we can do is brace for impact”
My thoughts exactly.
Depression is a way of the body to show the “host” that he is doing something wrong.
That they are going against their actual nature and that it’s time to heavily reconsider.
But they are obviously too dumb.
Their bodies are wiser than they are…
“ATTENTION — the drug of choice for young Millennials”
Nailed it.
Very astute seeing as we live in a media driven, “hey look at me!” fest.
I talk about it and most look at me like I’m nuts. Except other kids. It is impossible to exaggerate how bad these kids are
It’s not believable unless you deal with them up close.
Sadly true. The difference between the 20 year old girls and guys from the 28 year old group is night and day
It’s interesting to me that there are two polar opposites among the kids I know. It’s probably best exemplified by my two college-aged sisters:
The elder sister has always had things handed to her. She’s a crass manipulator, largely incapable of empathy, yet she took on a psychology major in order to prove how very empathetic she is. Everyone who disagrees with anything she thinks is evil by default, and every social justice cause is noble (except BLM – she’s white enough to realize how dangerous it is to her well-being). She’s off for her graduate studies (and the debt they imply), and I fear she’ll wind up an old cat lady.
The younger sister grew up putting up with elder sister’s shit. She listens to everything she hears and filters it critically against her experiences and reason (seriously – it’s impressive). She’s got half a dozen skills she developed entirely on her own, and she’s majoring in an engineering discipline (on full scholarship) in order to master a few more. She’s had a few dates, but she’s constantly disappointed by how beta her options are (in those words); she wants to marry and have kids, and she knows her twenties are the best time to make that happen.
Every other kid I know pretty much falls into one of those two poles.
Well you pretty much described the relationship between me and my two year older sister. She’s a full blown narcissist not giving a fuck about her environment, working for a bank and fucking around with random dudes all the time (she constantly picks up some STD and has to get medical treatment because of occasional sexual intercourse without using condoms) while I am studying engineering and are full aware of my surroundings because I had to take up with her shit (and my parents shit..my father is an alcoholic and my mother is depressive) for my whole life. I am only 23 and redpilled as fuck because of all the shit I’ve been through. Like Friedrich Nietzsche says:
“Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker.”
Amazing how everything is the same everywhere on the globe. Even if what you described was intented for the description of families in the States it perfectly fits my german family.
Yep, the rules are truly universal
The states and germany have been corrupted by the same (((poison)))
Some of the kids realize they can get ahead with practical degrees And are extra competitive.
I guess those are the ones that begin to realize that their hard work isn’t going to give them what their parents had.
The gender war isn’t even hidden anymore. Popular music reveals it.
Personally, I think they go into Psychology because they’re trying to decode their own insanity and utter dysfunction. The other field to watch out for female interest is Criminal Justice.
Also because those degrees don’t require any hard thinking.
Hmmm, more like justify their own insanity…
No, it is because these fields don’t require any math. I taught business major undergraduates and they fear nothing more than they fear anything that requires numbers. Their fear is so great that they erect huge walls of denial that that say working with numbers is totally unnecessary, hence they can safely remain innumerate.
I found Bible studies harder than Women’s Studies.
Exactly. Quantitative analysis requires more than just venting of one’s opinion.
Your older sis isn’t that far gone if she is sane enough to recognize BLM as a problem.
I often think of the video of Anita Dunn telling a group of college kids – in what looked like a church, no less – that two of her admirees were Mao Tse-tung and Mother Theresa. The white kids who ralled with the Black Panthers in the 60s have been running the country for several years. Can you imagine Trigglypuff as Secretary of Defense?
I admire this young lady for being as astute as she is for her age, but I believe that her fear is justified.
The best thing a young male can do today is begin training himself to become stronger and meaner than the sickly sacks of flesh that are his contemporaries.
He should join an MMA gym at an early age and begin competing in combat sports.
If your father is a weakling you must recognize this and take any of his advice as coming from the mouth of a coward.
If you are a white millenial it is likely a near certainty that your father is a weak bitch. The young male must reject EVERYTHING that is weak, including friends and family. If he does not then he becomes one more drooling thirsty cuck like the rest.
Young females need to find and attach themselves to STRONG MALES. That is the only thing which will save them from this cesspool of filth. The young women are the future of your generation and if the males do not offer them ORDER and security over the madness they will see their sisters,girfriends, etc all become a deranged, pill popping fuck slave for the incoming hordes of savages.
Turn your fucking tv’s off. Stop asking permission for shit. Start TAKING. Disengage from the system and do everything in your power to MOCK, SHAME, and HUMILIATE what is ugly, crass and dying.
The future belongs to the strong men who have the stomach and the balls to do what is necessary to create the ordered world which they see in their hearts. Failure means slavery and death. So yes, the stakes are very high.
And NO you cannot opt out of this game. You cannot cry in a corner like some fucking faggot bitch boy.
True savages are coming to a neighborhood near you and all your little female friends and family are going to flock towards STRENGTH.
Most millennial males in the west now grow up with beta male fathers who endure way too much shit from their mothers. Its a huge problem.
I knew what I was getting into when I saw the url here. Wouldn’t have expected my Google feed to aggregate from this site, but sure, fun stuff, why not.
Dude, first red flag is your capitalization.. For someone who seems to value control and having control, why use all-caps to drive your point home further? It makes it seem like you are not confident enough in the actual content of your words so you have to dress it up with forced intensity…
And what’s your deal here, did your father call you “some fucking faggot bitch boy” and now you gotta spread the tough love to offload some of that?
The thing is I get the type of person you are talking about.. If you’ve got some mental block against being firm and aggressive when you’ve gotta focus and perform, then you are holding yourself back and anyone who depends on your competence at that task, but if you can’t flip the switch, that’s just as tone deaf and unprepared. If you’re in constant red alert or fight or flight mode or whatever, you are frying your shit, which makes you seem unstable and therefore.. well.. weak.
I agree turn off your fucking tvs.. But this meathead bullshit about physical strength is really nearsighted. Good on you to apsire to have mastery over your body, sure man go all out, and it needs to be a goal for sure, but if you think that’s the end-all, be-all, then you’re kidding yourself.
Do you think great minds in arts and sciences were faggot ass bitch boys? Stephen Hawking? Black holes n shit? Da Vinci? Jesus? If you’re into Jesus, idk much about this community.. I’m sure they weren’t crying in any corners, but prob just as often as they were peacocking like you’re doing here. Some things require finesse, control, leverage, positioning.. And strong arming it will only break shit and waste your time and energy.
You have a few good points but a lot of assumptions. Firstly assuming that when I say strength I am only referring to physical strength. Not true. I meant in the fullness of mind, body and spirit.
To focus on what is lacking in the post modern world from males, who are supposed to be the movers and doers of civilization is not “meat headed”. It is something that needs to be proclaimed over and over since the modern young male simply has very little if any outlets to exercise and cultivate his strength.
The general thrust of your comment is one that is opposed to aggressiveness. This is exactly the point I am trying to make. That is the very thing the “civilized” male has lost. Your protests of too much machismo is just further proof of my point.
To advocate strength does not mean the absence of restraint or self control. Something you seem to be triggered on whenever the discussion of strength is proclaimed.
Hello there. Yeah the peacocking on here is the central beat. Let it bounce around in your head awhile and you’ll see it’s not so much personal aggrandizement as you find a nebular mass movement brewing. And the sentiment for patriarchal revival is worldwide. It will snowball soon if it hasn’t already. We are not a matriarchal species. Under bitch rule we fall beneath the food chain and become compromised animals under matriarchy. Patriarchy has always separated mankind from the dumb animals without souls that grunt, dig and forage about this orb. Patriarchy thrusts man up, aligns him with the creator and pulls from the earthen the gleaming civilizations we see. With the rising order of patriarchy, Man will return to the throne. It is do or die as a species. Sit back and enjoy the concert. The literacy curve on here is steep. Once you feel the beat, you too will be stage diving. Boom chicka chicka.
Hail the Patriarchy!!
How typical, a modern person being critical of the style of an argument and being arrogant enough to try to draw conclusions from this rather than listening to the substance of an argument and considering it logically.
I cannot tell you how often i encountered thinking like yours in college. Your type always lost to me due to sheer lack of resolve.
Honestly, I found all those last statements to be true, which is cool.. Somewhere in there, though, is the appropriate balance point and we at least superficially seem to disagree on where that lies. Maybe it’s just lost in translation.
I won’t argue with that.
I don’t want that kind of life, but only an ignorant fool would ignore a message like that.
I FINALLY started running. Next stop, the habit of weightlifting. Wish me luck!
Not just the physical aspect. It is mandatory to maintain a healthy physical shape, and desired to get an outstanding one, but seeing how the world functions, I’m always with the mind over matter camp.
All sorts of mental fitness-eloquence, business capability, social skills are required. Never forget-nerds win.
No MMA gyms nearby. Will just lift for now. Owning firearms can defend against savages but girls flock to money. Instead if earning it to buy sex from them maybe I will live cheaply and enjoy television. I am not opposed to women but it seems like the only ones worth pursuing are the ones who can’t be bought. I want one who will embrace me as a TV watcher not one who will dump me if I can’t buy her jewels.
Watching tv is for the weak and the brain dead.
I actually watch a political is fi comedy called BrainDead.
You can be strong and watch TV. You can also do so with an active mind. Outputting comments does not necessarily make you smarter that observing.
New Kids. For some reason that reminded me of Donny Walhberg’s group. My friend used to call them “New Kids Suck the Cock”.
Yes even back in the Eighties we had awful music.
backstreet boys would eat these kids for breakfast
BSB get a pass for You Are The One becoming an anime opening
Backdoor boys would eat them allright
I can’t believe that I loved NKOTB. I was only a child so that will be my excuse. hahahaha
This is spot on. As a father, I am fighting a constant battle with the rampant narcissistic behavior infecting today’s public school system. Thanks to the fetid rot that is social media, the battle doesn’t stop when school is out either. Moreover, if you think this is something that starts in high school or college, think again. I’ve had to deal with it since fifth grade and it only gets worse going forward. Girls barely into puberty OBSESS over sexual identity, claiming ever more lurid and extreme classifications to get as much attention as possible. Boys of the same age, if you can even call them that, are all limp wristed, effeminate Bieber clones who strive to one up each other in a sick game of “Who has the most teenage angst”. Thanks to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat, this torrid affair becomes a nearly 24 hour shit show of male self-emasculation and female narcissim.
Those fucking effeminate boy bands sickened me. The very thought of becoming like one sounded really gay. To think that became the standard of male beauty or the existence of male beauty is gay
The disconnect between reality and the new generation is insane. They truely are some sort of pod people.
Having travelled the world including warzones and coming back to the US the contrast is very clear.
However it is your responsibility to still interact with these dirtbags. Sometimes you do find young people who are salvagable. In which case you you can help to mentor them. This generation has no moral standard or leadership. The elites, etc want them to die to be pokemon go zombies, to live in complete vain while they are exploited for labor, etc.
I totally agree. They have no direction. Once they grow up and have to deal with an unstructured (I.e., not school) environment on their own many will simply crash.
No moral fabric, no economic fabric, and a social fabric based on a fake culture.
Labour exploitation is right.
Gen Z here can confirm. We’re fucked.
Did they teach boys in Sex Ed how to take are of your anus after gay sex yet?
This kind of bullshit only happens in first world countries, it seems that you have too much idle time on your hands to worry about stupid things like “gender identity”. I live in a third world hell hole and these things are not heard about, we live everyday to survive real life issues like crimes, scarcity and hunger because food is getting expensive we don’t have time to worry about stupid shit like this.
I think it’s become quite clear that if you want traditional, patriarchal societies, they simply cannot have first world standards of living.
You’ve got that backwards. If you do not have traditional patriarchal society, you will not have first world standards of living.
Not so. Islamic countries are very patriarchal, but virtually none of them have the standard of living that we have in the west.
Some Islamic countries are very prosperous economically and have a high quality of life. Its not all desert and huts. Their religion causes most of the dysfunction in their society, but the strong patriarchal presence keeps it from becoming a complete hellhole.
Don’t forget the centuries of inbreeding. That sure hasn’t helped things either.
Not true – try Dubai, UAE, Bahrain and evem Kuwait.
All are fabulously oil wealthy and show it.
Turkey, particularly Istanbul is very nice.
On the other hand, while there are some interesting big cities like Beruit, Amman and maybe Alexandria, the islamic middle east is definitely 2nd-3rd world.
True. But what will happen once the oil runs out? I doubt many Islamic countries will be able to transition into a tourism based economy.
Dubai has already implemented a program to turn itself into a world financial center and lessen it’s reliance on it’s own oil wealth.
I think many islamic coastal cities could be developed into decent tourist centers – even Gaza is really nice, except for the facts that half of it is destroyed and it’s run by islamists.
Another question. Yes, many of the more urban areas in these countries may show relatively high standards of living. But how much of this prosperity is the average citizen seeing?
In the oil-rich arab/muslim nations the state operates as a sheikhdom – with the governments acting as a benevolent dictatorship that distribute stipends to it’s citizens, similar to a Welfare State, but with religious justifications.
The discovery of oil wealth and the technology involved in extracting it forced these nations to import a large, educated foreign labor force – but the oil money did pay for many improvements in infrastructure, education and medical coverage for the native citizens.
The influx of foreign labor and foreign energy investment firms also exposed these traditional arab muslim nations to modern international banking, commerce and finance – bringing them from a 10th century society to a 20th century society in less than 30 years.
So, in my opinion, while the actual wealth is held at the top, by the rulers and their families, the benefits, education and opportunities recieved by the average arab muslim citizen is infinitely better than it would have been if no oil had been discovered.
Compare the oil rich Gulf States to Yemen: all throughout history, up until recent decades, Yemen was considered the most desireable and prosperous nation on the arab peninsula due to it’s water resources, agricultural potential and it’s ancient spice trade.
Now, Yemen, which has little oil reserves, is considered a volatile and violent backwater in th arab muslim world – while the oil rich are more stable, prosperous and technologically advanced.
Good question – I really have no idea.
I’m only going on articles that I’ve read detailing the dramatic increase in revenues from oil in the arab statesn in the last 50 years.
Obviously, there are many other factors besides just oil wealth – look at Iraq, which has the 2nd largest oil reserves in the middle east after Saudi Arabia. It’s one of the most dangerous and poverty-stricken nations in the world right now.
Or Venezuela, which has the 2nd largest oil reserves in the world – and is a total hell-hole right now due to their government’s misguided economic policies.
The arab Gulf states seem to be ahead of the curve in terms of preparing for economic changes – but these nations are also small and have low population levels, so that the oil revenue per citizen is greater than a more populous nation and more benefits per citizen may be granted by the government.
It’s simply middle class suburbanite girls ashamed of being just that, so they have to pretend to be “oppressed”
We need a new big Bob Geldof appeal:
“Give your money, now. The poor LGBTQ kids of [insert country] are starving for your attention. Some of them haven’t had a facebook like in weeks”
Yup. But not for the same reason. It would expose that the nonsense we have here does not exist elsewhere.
Latest season of South Park had a whole episode on safe spaces and shaming.
I’m starting to think living in a 2nd world country is the answer. Basically, a 2nd world country has EVERYTHING you need, and most of the stuff you want, but it just might not be freely and conveniently available 24/7 at a Wal Mart. What modern first world nation *isn’t* corrupt?
name a second world country? Portugal? Uruguay?
I’ve never been to either of those two (isn’t Portugal highly developed and part of the first world?) Uruguay is top on my list to visit next. I would consider a nation like Costa Rica, although typically it’s places like China, Poland, and a good bit of Eastern Europe. There’s a good bit of RVF posters who have emigrated to those countries, so that’s a sign they are fairly patriarchal.
I only threw out Portugal bc it doesnt have much in the way of an economy anymore(neither does spain for that matter, youth UE rates are insanely high). Other bug out places Ive looked at are the Azores and the Canary Islands, but their economies are largely tourist and farming driven(and as time goes on, tourism $$ will dry up). I dont like how eastern Europe is the buffer between Russia and the west, too risky. For me, its south america, or hunker down in the US.
I need to explore more of S.A. I think in general most tourist destinations will do pretty well, because there are always rich tourists wanting to go on vacation. Especially to exotic places like the Canary Islands, Galapagos, etc. But if they make air travel more difficult and expensive, it will decline. Even in the US, which suffered from onerous TSA rules (the silly checkpoint where they steal all your liquor and perfume by doing a security check as you move from one plane to another, as if if you had something dangerous you wouldn’t have already utilized it for something nefarious) has seen tourism recover to record levels, albeit lower than they would have been without the restrictions.
I think any farming community is a great place for survival, because you are guaranteed access to fresh, high quality food, which to me is the #1 long term issue in surviving dangerous times. I have heard several interviews with survivalists who put New Zealand at the top of their list, as it is isolated, with excellent agriculture, and relatively unimportant geographically where it could avoid involvement in large battles.
For a long time I fantasized about Argentina, after having an amazing experience where I was in a pool on a cruise ship with about 100 Argentinian girls on their quinceneara party without adult supervision, and reading about how Buenos Aires was like a European city in S.A., and of course many former Nazis fled there and took their expertise and skills to start local businesses. But I understand it is in decline now, and somewhat unsafe.
Uruguay sounds very interesting. Non-coastal Ecuador is very good, and there is a lot of potential in many of these countries. Chile had a booming economy for a long time. The problem is, the US is actively intervening and trying to remove any good leaders from these nations and install globalists who will work for multinational corporations, not the people, and there is insufficient opposition to this. Whereas in EE and Asia you have Russia, China, and several smaller nations who will brutally oppose such moves.
Uruguay is know as the Switzerland of S.A. Lotta banks. When the Argentine…whatever, peso….was about to collapse in the 1990s, bankers in Buenos Aires quietly moved their physical assets to Montevideo
Panama is pretty awesome. Cheap cost of living, easy residency requirements, cheap land, great weather, lots of shoreline, the laws are manageable and they encourage investment. It’s a Roman Catholic country so your tax money isn’t going towards funding abortions. Taxes are great too, all kinds of ways to minimize your tax burden legally.
I have a good friend who is a merchant marine and has been all over SA and he says Peru is the best and on the up n coming where as many are going back into decline. He priced a nice house in a gated community down there for cheap, but I’d have to ask again about the price but he said as far as moving his wife and two kids that’s the place to go. I’ve only been to Venezuela and it’s bad.
venezuela is bad? they are only instituting forced labor at this point, how bad could it be??
Well they were only out of toilet paper around the time I was there but yea everyone should know by now it’s a failed state. They actually have the resources to be one of the best countries down there.
That is how bad it is over there… Socialism is awesome, thanks Hugo…
Costa Rica has gotten expensive. Check out Nicaragua or Panama, or the nicer parts of Belize. Portugal is nice and very cheap for what you get. I would hesitate to go to a smaller island- with infrastructure or oil market disruptions, you’d probably have serious lack in necessities very quickly.
Some very smart people have gone with Chile, because of the agricultural richness. A pretty civilized and stable place.
WOW. I’m a Catholic, and that DOES sound awesome!
Poland was awesome…hopefully the EU doesn’t destroy it with forced migration…its 92% Catholic so its fairly patriachical.
That party sounds awesome!
Portugal is a first world nation. In every index is on the top 30 or 40 and in some variables is on the top 10. And the Azores are part of Portugal just so you know.
It’s not just enough to run away from the west, one has to pick a great place to run to.
Córdoba, Argentina is a very good bug out destination.
Avoid NZ like the plague. Google E2nz.org for a reality check (I lived there 2 years, big mistake)
And the Canarys are Spanish, yes?
Yes, they are.
nice rant on corruption
Imo, the best places to live are the wealthy parts of the 3rd world. Of course, those are kinda their own 2nd world states.
Laundry list please?
I am of the belief that the most important thing to consider is trends. America has been on the decline since 1960. If you’re living somewhere like China or a wealthy region of Latin America, things are going to gradually get better for you every day, whereas America continues to circle the drain. It’s far more important for me to be in an improving, growing area, than one with rising debt levels, declining wages, and deteriorating infrastructure.
I’d choose to live in Hawaii – specifically, the island of Kaui is a little more remote.
And while, it does have 1st world amenities and stores, it can take an hour to drive to – so it can be easier to fish for one’s food.
I feel like real estate is rather expensive out there.
Cultural decline since 1960 perhaps. Economic decline only for around 10-15 years.
That’s true – it is very expensive to buy property in Hawaii and the cost of living is high also.
Maybe an island in the South Pacific would be more affordable – Tahiti, Samoa, Guam, the Marshall Islands, etc.
I think it’s a strategy to seriously consider. Certainly have a bail out, plan B ready on reserve, if at all possible. If Hilary wins, she will appoint 1 to 4 Supreme Court Justices. And that will be the final end of what little is left of the Bill of Rights… 1st amendment will die to PC speech rules and micro aggressions. 2nd will die immediately. 4th to total surveillance ‘to keep us safe’ (we’re almost there anyway…) and on it goes.
Agreed, although the 2nd will be the last to go. It’s too symbolic, and plus the elites can do whatever they want with impunity, regardless of whether the plebes have guns or not. By the time they destroy the other amendments, the 2nd won’t even matter, so they may not ever need to touch that one. People do love their guns, even if they are never used for anything other than target practice.
…aaaaaaand we bail out and move to Poland a few years earlier…..
I’m already three years into this plan and so far so good. next step is looking for land and growing a shit ton of organic food.
There’s also some good US locations in the Rockies and the Appalachians where life is still slightly harder so things are a little less crazy.
Poland, its fairly nationonalist now and it told the EU to fuck off and mind its business…kinda like Hungary, another right-wing country. You might want to visit them, they do not have invading hordes of muslims…
The genesis of 1st world society is that it’s nearly impossible to be lacking in the things you need. Younger people in particular have never really had to worry about starvation, or lacking housing, and it’s created a fantasy land.
Not necessarily, I live in Venezuela and can hear they talking about LGBT and other shits…
My goodness, the freaks really are everywhere huh
What third world country do you live in? Are you in Venezuela??
This is the type of brutal awakening the entitled little cunts and shits in my country need. The weak must be culled.
Amen! This is one reason I am not a feminist.
Besides being the reason for destroyed relationships between men and women, feminism has become a movement for women who have nothing to fight for! Women are being burned alive by ISIS yet we have fat SJWs over here complaining about being asked to smile by men.
These issues still exist in countries less tolerant of them.
So not Brazil or Thailand then, because they are both tranny/lady boy central.
All this playing being depressed/oppressed via their online personas has some parallels to the 90s mopey/goth attitude. At least back then you had to go out in public to put on the show, which took energy and effort so eventually you ran out of fuel to it. But with an avatar it’s just your trans-monkey thumbs doing the talking so it can go on and on.
The fact that the SJW/white privilege/white guilt meme has affected/infected Gen Z’s elders is doing them a double disservice as they have no grounded leaders to look up to. I don’t know if we need a new kind of “Monty Python” show or music scene to help smash this sick mentality to bits but this is a serious threat against vulnerable young minds.
Well, at least when we get raided by the muslims we wont have to worry about shit like this anymore.
As a 19 year old this thing is sad. I’ve done bad too until I found these men and they saved me from my narcissism.
I know many girls in western nations who are 18-25 and they are dangerous. Especially this British girl I know who uses her beta orbiters to defend her. And another stupid western girl who told my ex to die because he was a man.
Im scared to raise children. These people have weird hair or piercings.
Neofemininity was talked about on here. Which is why we need both before it’s too late.
I know what you mean. I was working in a store one time and this older lady just randomly showed up next to me and insulted me for being a man and then left. Lol what in the fuck.
From someone in the Milennial class, you guys lost a great deal of what made humanity great and face a decidedly ignorant group of humans eager to attack your sexuality, your lack of embracing weakness as an identity, and a loss of logic as the Internet made it so several talking heads will impose on you how to think without you developing this ability on your own, simply because you weren’t given critical thinkers to observe from a young age.
If you are still young I highly encourage you to add a bucket list of reading 2 classics a year, Canterbury Tales, Moby Dick, Tale of Two Cities; things of that nature. Good luck
That’s a really good idea. Thanks for that. I will add it to my list. I’ve been adding in some classical music to my listening. Next I want to buy a quill pen and start writing people letters (serious).
Dont worry, these people you refer to are the useful idiots. They will be culled from the herd first. Best to keep your head down and bide your time
As a white man who identifies as a lesbian, I for one welcome our of demi-girl, gender-fluid, pansexual overlords!
I can relate to your situation. I also am a female lesbian in a male body, but I am also a cross dresser as I prefer men’s clothing at all times. I came to this belief in my gender identification when I had the occasion to read a t-shirt a man was wearing at the pride parade, which read “No one can tell I am a lesbian”. All my life became clear.
What the hell is a ‘pansexual’ ? Is it someone that exclusively fucks panamanians? Or is it someone who only has sex on Pan-Am flights?
I think they fuck kitchen ware. Poor kitchen ware. Imagine when they get taken to utensil court.
“I swear, she was asking for it! Who comes down for a snack at two in the morning?!”
Sounds like something from Peter Pan.
yep, they only bang chicks named Wendy.
It’s PANdemic but it will all Peter out.
It’s Pandemic but it will
I looked it up. It’s someone who can form emotional/sexual attraction to anyone, regardless of their gender identity. So they could date a tranny one day, a lesbian the next, then take alpha cock the day after that. It’s just a stupid term used to affirm a person’s sexual degeneracy.
Back in the day, those were called bisexuals. AC/DC. Runs on either AC power or DC power.
It actually means they would fuck anything with a heart beat. That includes family members, minors, horses.
Pan Am Airlines. Now that’s one I haven’t heard in a while like TWA. The millennials would not know what those are.
I bet Millennials think TWA stands for Tits With Ass.
Reminds me of a joke my old boss told me.
A cute TWA stewardess ask a man, “Would you like coffee, tea, or milk?” He responds, “I would like your TWA Tea.”
Someone who’s attracted to Greek gods with horns and goat legs.
They “love” kitchenware.
The kinky ones go for the ones with spiky metal handles while the others say that the rubber handles feel better.
I open with that kind of message on okcupid to chicks who identify as pansexual. I get reported for abuse and my account deleted.
Serious? Was this question on your public profile? And did you ahem… ‘nicely’ ? Or did you express other things not congruent with the current narritive?
Okcupid has about a dozen options for orientation now. Users are allowed to identify any way they want, and if you question them on it, that’s like abuse or harassment. Its whatever that person feels in their own mind, which can always be changing at any moment.
All this social justice nonsense reminds me of the Salem witch trials where the kids
accused someone of being a witch.
Baby Boomers are the engine of crazy that drives and maintains this state of affairs.
“Masculine” men of that generation are as cucked as they come and are worse than the aging cat ladies. I know a devout Catholic, ex-Marine who is a rabid Hillbeast supporter. When his daughter turned 18, he took her out and they got matching tattoos. Nice guy, loyal friend… no sense.
My old man is a “conservative” Cruzbot who thinks losing on principle is the intellectual and moral course of action.
Both of these Boomers have they EXACT same set of opinions about women, minorities, immigration, marriage, Donald Trump, movies, nationalism, Jews, etc, etc, etc…
Boomers are the problem. As a Gen X’er I’ve been privileged to thoroughly know the Depression Gen, Boomers, and Millennials.
Boomers are the God damn disease.
Millennials might be OK, IF we get them to understand that the idiocy the embrace is the product of the diseased minds of the monstrous Boomers.
My grandparents carried the Boomers, now I am.
Worthless fuckers, the lot of them.
I FUCKING despise boomers. I show them zero respect. Especially the women. I’ll tell one off at the drop of a hat.
Same. Boomers are FUCKING PATHETIC!!!
The most selfish generation in the world. They voted themselves more money and kickbacks off the slave labor of their own children. Modern males need to recognize that if their father is/was a weakling then you need look no further to the prime example of our current degeneracy.
Weak bitch males have used their economic and political power to corrupt and enslave the next generation. They are not to be commended or looked upon with anything but CONTEMPT and DISGUST.
I punched a weak boomer in his bitch ass mouth for having the gall to lecture me about morals and the state of male/female relations in the modern world.
He fell down and was crying. LOL. That is someone’s father. Someone’s weak fucking coward of a parent walking around in his khaki shorts and penny loafers with that snarky bitch made face.
They are rotten to the core and drunk on materialism. I want nothing but t he worst for them.
Is it okay if I love you? lol
I don’t hate Baby Boomers as much as I get pissed that most of them, including my parents, don’t realize that they were born on 3rd base and think that they hit a home run.
They were born in the most economically prosperous time in US history and benefited in so many ways from being born at the right time.
Now, my grandparents, the one’s who lived through the Great Depression – they had a lot of interesting lessons and experiences.
“who thinks losing on principle is the intellectual and moral course of action”
That pretty much describes most conservatives these days, and certainly the entire Republican party. These people don’t want to win and destroy our enemies, which to me makes them our enemies.
I used to fall into that camp but now not so much. There are still lines we shouldn’t cross, imo, but we need to start fighting fire with fire.
Yeah it’s a fine philosophy if your enemy is also fighting honorably. When’s the last time the left did that?
They’ve been winning the culture war for 50 years because they do what is necessary, and that’s what conservatives had better start doing, and fast.
Yes. very true. The boomers got free education, all the inheritance from their hard working “silent generation” (1920s) parents, and all the false hope promises from gvnt after the war (hence why they all became social workers and teachers etc) and raised their kids to believe this was all permanent (despite the obvious opposite being true; so kids still go to uni despite it being very NOT free).
Thre’s a reason why the word BABY was assigned to them.
I live in an area that is going through all of this but it’s not nearely as apocalyptic as where this girl lives. The urban areas are mostly lost but many Midwest places with population sub 250,000 can conceivably be saved if people like us work at it.
Also I have started to be me. I have started to be bold. I live according to my values and I don’t refrain from showing it. You would be surprised that many people of this younger generation will actually be starstruck to see somebody different like us. You get less sh!t from them than you would think and I have brought some people around to my views.
If you’ve read 1984 you can infer that we are playing out the system from that book: inner party, outer party, Proles. The metropolises make up both parties, and middle America represents the proles. Sad but true that nobody gives a fuck what happ to middle America anymore. Conformity to the party mantra only takes place in metropolises – it’s eerie how spot on Orwell was
Who’s that mature dude with the cool shades and beard among all the screaming girls? He looks like a guy I used to work with!
Anyway, I kind of think the millennial generations flirtation with pansexuality and gender fluid notions is nothing more than a social fad to appear radical and different. These ideas are pure ephemeral bubbles in their immature minds and I doubt they’ll have any abiding legacy with them. It’s interesting, but not in the least surprising that these “radical sexual ideas” appeal to the young female, but, not male mind. There’s little evidence that these ideas have any traction or appeal to young male heterosexuals, even if they tolerate these ideas, they’re very unlikely to practice them.
In a few years, these girls will be doing all the conformism roles that their current behaviors indicate, like getting up the career ladder in the corporate world etc. As a rule women, especially when they’re young and in groups rarely produce a single radical or original idea as so seen in their attraction for pansexuality etc.
What is the age of consent in her state,and, if she is of age, does she have big tits?
Omigosh, like youre such a pedophile and a rapist!!!!
So my parole officer keeps saying.
Hey, Wang. It’s a parking lot, hurry up, will yuh?
Doesn’t that just mean he is a man? Same same.
I wish I can met girls like her where I live…. I wonder when.
My computer science teacher in high school brilliantly shut down this one chick who kept blowing her own horn about how she was non-binary:
Teacher: “Alright guys and gals, we gotta wrap up the segment today–”
Special Snowflake: “and non-binaries!”
Teacher:”Wha-wha-huh?” (those were his exact words)
Special Snowflake: “Yeah, I’m just saying, we went over this a few weeks ago…”
Teacher: “Well, I didn’t realize the school’s IT department put new computers in my room! Wow, machines that don’t even need to run on binary! We must be so rich!”
The uber-progressive students (the whole class, pretty much) all gasped and criticized the teacher, while my friend and I proceeded to die from laughter.
That’s the perfect response because if it was ever brought to the principal, he could claim ignorance and say he thought they were talking about some computer mumbo jumbo
I’m sure they’ll still both get fired regardless.
I’m sure they’ll still both get fired regardless.
quantum computers?
As I’ve said a million times before, the only thing that will put an end to this is a complete crash and evaporation of our monetary system. All of the TV networks will go away, all anti-white anti-male anti-christian laws & legislation will go away, wall street will go away, all special interest groups will go away, etc. You get the picture.
It’s plain and simple. Jews of whom built a financial empire based on centuries of usury, installed debt based fiat central banking systems in all nations of western civilization backed by their governments and the tax revenue they confiscate from its citizens. As long as the system keeps going, this gives the Jewish elites endless capital to buy up anything and everything to socially engineer society and install their own politicians to create laws and legislation such as affirmative action and EEO. The overall agenda is to slowly transform society over generations into an atheistic demoralized collective whole. Destruction of family & marriage is the primary tactic for doing this. Stepping back and looking at the overall big picture, the goal is to wipe Christianity off the earth. It’s no coincidence that all Federal Reserve board members, most CEO’s, wall street, heads of international banking institutions such as the world bank, and mainstream media executives just so happen to be jews. Surprise surprise, what a coincidence.
Next time you see some stupid white girl walking down the street somewhere holding hands with some black guy while thousands of white men remain single, next time you watch a white female receive promotion after promotion at your place of employment while you receive nothing, next time you watch some single mom and and her 5 welfare kids load up a basket full of food at the grocery store, next time you see a TV commercial making the white male look stupid and the white female look sensible and intelligent, next time you hear of some female no-fault divorcing her husband and stealing his kids and sticking him with child support, next time you hear about baby parts being sold for profit at an abortion clinic, next time you hear that marriage is for gays as well, next time you realize the girl you are dating has had 50 other dicks in her before she met you, and the next time you hear of a CEO making his $25 million bonus while you worry about if you’ll even get to retire one day and not end up homeless, you can thank the Jews. It all points back to Jews. Go do your research and you’ll realize the truth.
You are absolutely right. My journey to this knowledge (of trying to figure out what happened to western civ and the white man) started 6 yrs ago and all roads kept leading to WW2 and JEWS! And I kept having that brainwashed feeling of me being a Nazi creep up and I’d be like…..”NO! This can’t be right.” But all roads kept leading back to WW2 (and prior). I finally gave in. They are a fucked up race. The Jews are starting to push back some now (Shapiro, Milo, Savage) because they have muddied things a little too much. I mean, even they know that America is going to turn into one big Detroit and that brown people consider them white and that there will be no money to make if America goes completely ghetto.
Yes the narrative of the system never made any sense but the power of propaganda was successful in blind most of the people (even the really intelligent ones) from the truth . This is because the narrative is almost always based on what “feels” right and not on what it is actually right. Truth is really ugly and the truth is that we are all usury slaves to the elites (Jews or whatever, it does really matter). If someone uses the rules of logic in his thinking, which is the only tool for truth, all the lies and deceit collapse under their own weight. It is really simple but the majority of the people never learned to properly use logic.
All good points except don’t waste time trying to understand Jews as a race but, more so trying to understand Judaism and their culture. Read culture of critique available online.
I did the research over many years and came to the same conclusion, unfortunately. I wish it wasn’t that way, but it is, and it certainly puts everything into perspective. History makes sense now. Economics makes sense. All the craziness in the world is clarified. Identifying the enemy is the most empowering thing a man can do.
I agree with Christianity’s principles, but at the same time some Christians are really fucking annoying people.
On one hand I do think it’s evil to deliberately wipe them out, and if anything that gives credence to the authenticity of it.
But many of them have a self righteous veneer to them, so I understand why atheists hate being around them.
I’ve asked this question so many times to alt-righters and I have yet to get a real answer. If the Jews are responsible for things like feminism, free love, multiculturalism, etc., why is it that (western European) whites are so receptive to it? Why did western Europeans succumb to the brainwashing?
Maybe the zionists would find such activities useful to their cause but the average jew is just getting on with life like everyone else.
One thing I learned early on in life is you can have a good thing in life and even share that with others but in the end there is always at least one motherfucker who will come along and screw it up.
Speaking of, apparently this freaky girl has denounced feminism. Judge for yourselves. And check out her channel. The epitome of crazy Millenials.
Ha, a little late, looking at all the self-mutilation she’s done to her body, but hopefully it will have an effect on younger girls who are watching it.
She could start by coloring her hair back to a normal color and wearing a turtleneck.
really unfortunate. she is very good looking(or would be as a normal human)
In other times, she would be worth a lot just based on beauty. Maybe a few cows or perhaps a dukedom or even a kingdom. Now her worth is the equivalent of someone’s Beanie Babie collection.
And perhaps wear a burka.
She has hot lips and a nicely shaped face…
She has liquidated much of her value one transactional sex sale at a time for years.
LOL She’s a “sex worker”?
the word “sex” may not even mean sex anymore. There are professional cuddlers here in nyc, I bet they refer to themselves as sex workers
Who in their right mind pays to cuddle? I’d rather just pay that amount to let a stripper named Candy “cuddle” her tits in my face.
this is nyc dude, very few are in their right minds
Fuck this gay earth!
Whats with all the clown makeup & green ass hair, jesus freaking christ ..
All that is temporary. The tattoos are the things that are “problematic.”
OMG!!! this is Gold for my eyes …is like see every #TT of justin bieber or another kids of 5 Directions …brainwashed mass girls worldwide ..the same girls to use shorts in summer who show part of the ass in the streets with 14 Y.O provocating every man ..we lost our generation guys …really.
It might be vomit-inducing but the good thing is that the insanity is beginning to rise to the surface. No doubt it can be sustained for a good while, but not indefinitely. At some point the collective delusion will be punctured; the kids who thought they were cool while looking like parrots and behaving like Bonobos will catch a glimpse in the mirror they’ve been dodging for so long. The point when they realise, not that they look ridiculous, but that others think they look like idiots, and indeed that their precious little friend history will think that too, will lead to exodus based on embarrassment. Once enough people start laughing instead of congratulating the whole thing will start to collapse. Unfortunately the hypnotic spell is still active and the weak-minded hynpotic inductees still think they’re lgbtq chickens
Not everyone will snap out of it. Just look at all the vile feminists in public office. They were the product of hippie movement back in the 60’s and they still have that mindset and making public policies that led us to where we are now.
and these women will expect men to fix everything once the policies they enacted collapse the system
it certainly runs pretty deep, but a lot of the most virulent ones will die off soon
If social media didn’t exist, I don’t think this shit would be spreading like it is. Weird people existed long before the Internet, but now they have a massive microphone. Then a bunch of kids who are still in their formative years, but are also reaching the age of recognizing one’s self, jump on the bandwagon because they feel like they’re giving themselves a unique identity, when in fact, they’re no different than the jackass on their left who just created another “oppressed” group of people out of thin air.
We already know that women (especially) and many men love to attention whore. This becomes more true when they’re insecure, which most kids in middle and high school are. Couple those insecurities with affirmations from degenerate and mentally ill adults, and this is the shit you get. Throw in social media, and these pansexual, tri-sexual, beasti-sexual psychopaths are followed by thousands of other mentally deranged/manipulated psychopaths who continue to spin the hamster wheel.
I think the problem is twofold:
First, a lot of people still have this innate sense that written information is more legitimate than information from other sources. Even on the internet, where in the words of Henry Ford, “Anyone can write anything and then post it as if it’s actual information.”
Secondly, you can’t really see who you’re talking to on the internet, even through a medium like Facebook. When the piss-stained insane homeless man on the street starts talking to you about gender fluidity, you simply ignore him and carry on with your day. However, when he goes to the public library and posts the same nonsense on Facebook, a lot of people will actually listen to what he says because they somehow don’t realize they are talking to a crazy person.
Add in the fact that the my entire generation has been brainwashed daily since the age of four in a leftist indoctrination program, and the fact that most people are not very smart, (that’s why there are words to differentiate those who are) and you end up with the mass of idiots we have running around today.
I think that no 10-15 year old kid so have access to Twitter, Facebook, google plus and tumbler. Except YouTube. Until they mature and learn that there are crazy fucks in the Internet and how to shoot them down.
Facebook and Twitter (and maybe Disqus and YouTube) have turned the masses into hive minds.
Indeed. But I don’t mind this group in Disqus that collectively keeps the correct mindset. Otherwise, I would’ve been sucked into that whole brainwashing mainstream media.
I guess what I mainly want to say
is that it’s my personal belief now that there are many young people who
don’t agree with the social justice movement. They are hiding, but they
are there.
Women, especially the young ones have a strong tendency towards
group-think-herd-mentality. A woman who questions the narrative is a
nail that sticks out, that must be ‘hammered down’. From what I have
experienced through my teenage years through now middle age, women can
be exceedingly cruel and aggressive in the act of social enforcement.
I have had many debates with men who hold polar opposites views to mine.
They are often civil and, fact, and logic based *. Rarely have I
encountered a woman who didn’t melt down into a pool of threats and
hysterics when challenged on her world views. My last experience of this
was witnessing a coworker go ape-shit on a 25 year old engineer for
daring to say that maybe women generally don’t like engineering, which
explains why there are so few women vs. men.
* exception: Men who think like women. I keep running into more and more fem-men, in particular those under 30.
This is why places such as ROK and in general and the Alt-Right (yes.. I
know the Alt-Right has lots of internal debates.. but they are out in
the open) are so important. Young people need to be exposed to
alternative ideas. They also must learn the critical thinking skills to
evaluate the facts and opinions thrust upon them. Without critical
thinking, backed by a solid understanding of language, history, and
culture, a human being becomes the equivalent of one of the sheep from
Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’.
Too bad there isn’t a ROQ (Return of Queens) version for young women.
The problem is that women by their nature, make such a creation really,
really difficult.
There’s no need for an “ROQ.” I have learned a lot from this website…more than I could even learn from a conservative Christian website.
Women need to be directed here. They need to hear the blunt truth coming from the young men of today. They can’t get the truth from women…we have all been blinded by feminism. I even still catch myself falling into that trap, and I thankfully have a husband who won’t stand for that entitled, disrespectful attitude.
Women teaching women is pointless and dangerous in this day and age.
I’m almost inappropriately close to some girls who are just now hitting 20 years old. I have known them since they were 14. For a time they all seemed to think I was cool to talk to about their lives. It would not get anywhere after they talked, so they trusted me. They all left me shocked and sad. They all had more sex partners than I have by they time they hit 20. My favorite had 10 in 5 weeks. Drugs, bisexuality depression talk of suicide, are almost universal. Their parent pay no attention to them. They think weed is fine, sex inevitable, but will not believe their little girls are with upwards of 20 guys and more than one threesome. These girls are upper middles class. Most adults think of them as good girls.
I started being less trustworthy when some of them got into heavy drugs. The parents did not believe me and would not drug test. They never looked close enough at their kids to see the dilated bloodshot eyes
Rich girls are often the most degenerate. I don’t shock easily, but years ago I had a posh bit of gash on my arm and she took me to a house party in a fuckoff mansion in Richmond and there were girls taking shits on each other and fucking themselves with statues in one room, and a girl deep-throating and vomiting all over a drug dealers cock in another.
My current girlfriend comes from a working class background, but she’s been brought up with more dignity and class than almost anyone I’ve met.
Considering my observations from the upper-middle-class I wouldn’t be at all surprised if what you say is true. Honestly there isn’t much of anything I don’t believe anymore after what I’ve seen it’s actually depressing as hell to me
Sounds like kids of celebrities in los angeles.
Working traditional people are always the one with honor and decency.
I’m closer to 30, and hang out with some college girls. The degeneracy they confide to me blows my mind. You can tell subconsciously, somewhere in the very dark recesses of their minds, that they’re completely ashamed of themselves.
I have seen that. Deep down they know it’s wrong. But everyone is doing it so they do it anyway
The result of a Godless society.
it makes you wonder tho…
I realize the value of ‘judgement’, as a group of people who make shit decisions eventually destroy themselves….
with modern tech, food production, etc… have covered up many of those bad decisions. That is what’s enabling this arrogance and disregard for boundaries. Everyone is too safe, comfortable, and well-fed to be bothered to make good choices.
Very true. Atheism have never created a single great Civilization in Human History.
I have a 3-year old daughter. Stories like this make me want to grow my beard, put on a black hat, and join the Chassidic movement, and keep her away from mainstream culture.
The Amish may also have the right idea.
Great, I now feel like moving to Iran.
just guffawed at that!
when you think about a wife around her male co-workers and being around other men, you realize the muslim solution to women is basically the only way. otherwise you’re just setting yourself up.
The 17 yr old girl did recieve alot of criticism in the previous article. If the manosphere intends to repair gender relations , then when women come with their concerns , it may not be a good idea to immediately attack them .
Use the word “sex”, not “gender”.
don’t worry, nature will correct itself.
We had a 90 yr old neighbor, she was laughing at the gay movement, said it was a fad that would pass. I agree with her. This is all a fad.
I’m not that optimist. There are anti-natural fads that lasted very very long in History. Example : the USSR, North Korea…
It will end. But there’s no guarantee that what takes its place will be any better.
History is defined as written and all before that is prehistory. So we have 6000 years or so since we, as a species, invented (discovered?) writing and many years times that before. Point being, those are blips in history. Powerful blips but just blips
but its a very dangerous fad. wearing acid washed jeans couldnt get you fired (or maybe it could)
I’m torn.
On one hand, I see the attack on Christianity and the family unit and how damaging that is.
At the same time, I’m not sure I myself could ever live up to the ‘family unit’ standard that builds civilizations.
I agree with Christianity’s principles, but it’s true some Christians are really fucking annoying and self-righteous. I can see why atheists despise them sometimes.
I recognize the need for Christianity but at the same time marriage seems downright horrible. It’s hypocritical of me to promote Christianity when I myself don’t live up to the sexual morality part of it.
You don’t need Christianity to see the nonsense in the social-justice world view. Just apply the Mars Colonization Test:
If you had to select people to colonize Mars based on objective criteria for success, you’d wind up with wholesome, conservative people with healthy sexuality, probably like the Duggars in Arkansas.
Otherwise consider the alternative based on social-justice delusions: “I don’t get it. For the past 20 years we’ve gays, lesbians, transgenders, otherkins, feminists and pajama boys to Mars, yet the colony keeps failing because no one has made any babies. What have we done wrong?”
Not to mention all the stupid and unnecessary drama these defectives would cause in a Mars colony.
Pretty sure the Duggars had a bit of a sex scandal where one or two of the girls had molested the younger sisters or something along those lines.
You might want a better example there like…well shit I dunno I can’t think of any wholesome families.
Mars is a harsh environment, the cost of getting astronauts there is incredible, if they select them through SJW standards and fail it would provide great entertainment from the earth. Imagine if instead of changing the air filters in their domed base they fight over gender identity or whatever other bullshit.
Christianity is the basis and the glue of Western civilization. Without it, there is simply no such thing as Western Civilization as we know it. In my view, only by returning to a strong Christian faith and culture, can the West recover and achieve wonders again.
UPvote. For sure!
You should suggest a reading list for her. I’d start with Eric Hoffers The True Believer. It would help her understand the people around her
And Florence King’s With Charity towards None. It helped me to understand my own misanthropy. I would not presume to diagnose her but it doesn’t sound like she likes her peers.
The wealthier families in Europe would send their daughters to convent schools to keep them away from boys until they matured. I think this system has much to commend it.
These were called “finishing schools” and were intended to prepare young women to be pleasant wives and mothers. They were taught etiquette, and refined their cooking and cleaning skills. They were taught some basic academics but the curriculum mostly revolved around feminine traits and skills.
I have a few left leaning friends (or had a few would be more accurate) and we could “agree to disagree” on just about any issue up until about 2012. It was around when Obama won his second term that these old friends got smug and arrogant. They would just talk about their politics in a brash, in your face manner and if you disagreed to any extent you were some sort of -ism. After a few go arounds of disagreement they just stopped on coming by, blocked me on social media, and did the same to anyone who I would describe as right of center-left.
In general public, that has been my experience too. I used to read National Review (never more after the anti-Trump edition) on the train and in 2013 some hair dyed feminist confronted me without provocation, attempted to steal my magazine, and was ranting that it was racist. In my 20+ years of commuting by train nothing like that has ever happened before.
The downward spiral has continued ever since. I think that is one reason why Trump is so popular now. When SJW went violent, the Right sort of gave them a pass for a few years. But, as they always do, the screws were turned just a little too tight and now the Right wants to fight back. So, naturally, they get behind a guy who throws around his weight, says un-PC things, and has macho Alpha man swagger.
I don’t know where our country is headed, but if it continues in this same downward trend I think it is going to end in Civil War. Back in 2013 when a crazed feminist tried to take away my magazine I was willing to dismiss it as a “one off” incident where I simply de-escalated it by taking my stuff to another seat in the back of the train car. Now in 2016 I think I would lay her out with a hard punch to the face. I know I am not the only one who thinks like this these days too.
Progressive degenerates don’t understand the danger of their own propaganda. By portraying white men as a race of super-villains, they just draw attention to the “super” part in our nature.
I even had an old friend (white guy in his 40’s) who I didn’t think was very political and have NEVER heard him say anything about race concede to me “dude….I’ve been watching a lot of videos on Stormfront and they are starting to make sense….” I was blown away not because he was watching so called “racist” video but that he had gone from seemingly apolitical to full on race realist in a matter of months. All that BLM and associated BS had accomplished is not silencing this guy but turned him into a full blown convert.
The last time the Left tried this in the 80’s and 90’s they had a firm control on the levers of information and news sharing in this country. Thanks to the internet this just isn’t true these days. When we hit the tipping point this time around it is going to be a lot more then Republicans just retaking Congress for the first time in a generation. It will be far more interesting.
It’s going this way in the UK. Especially post-brexit. Tensions that bubbled beneath are now penetrating the surface
Upvote. I am seeing more fucked up shit this year than in the past TEN. NOTHING surprises me anymore. Not a thing…
Yeah with approximately 2.1 million gun sales in June only something bad is going to happen. Oh and to put that number into prospective about 3/4 million to one million guns were confiscated during a multi-year massive societal effort in Australia during their gun ban/confiscation. Twice that was sold in one month in the US.
Protestantism has been the worse cancer the West has ever had.
Christianity started out as a doomsday cult that outlived its reason for existence around the time the Antonine dynasty ruled Rome. We really should put it away for good now.
I Totally agree. We need a new moral code.
You could do worse than the Noahide Code.
Nope. Darwinism was.
Apparently McDonalds has ROK blocked on there WIFI.
They have for a while now. Starbucks is now blocking porn. They’re probably blocking ROK as well.
Misery loves company. The *Woe*Is*Me*People race to the bottom indeed.
Bright side: “you don’t know what you had until you have lost it”.
Masculine men and feminine women (who in contrast, understand personal accountability) better be prepared to rebuild the ruins when the time comes.
As for fighting it all, not a fan of god complex. Only help people who want to help themselves.
Seems like most young males are really effeminate. I don’t know if it’s chemicals in the food and water or what but it’s really damned annoying to hear them speak.
And all the broads seem to have ink and metal shoved into their skin. Probably tons more that’s not readily visible.
I’d almost sell my soul for an unpolluted, young, virgin wife at this point.
Truly, a gender separation has occurred. Most modern women sound like the “repented” tattooed feminist in the video I posted earlier. Boys, on the other hand, sound like high pitched primadonnas. The food is only part of the explanation.
Vocal fry.
Enough said.
So I’m not the only one who has noticed that masculine-sounding voices are becoming less common.
Dr. Victor Hanson teaches at Standord and noticed that years ago.
“Today’s (2010) male’s voice is often far more feminine than that of 50 years ago. Sort of whiney, sort of nasally, sort of fussy. Being overexact, sighing, artificially pausing,.”
It’s our fault, alone. We cannot blame this one on feminism. Why? Because we allowed feminism to run wild and pollute public schools and did nothing to stop it.
Why should boys learn in the manner in which they were programmed if they’re forced to sit down for 8 hours each weekday, with maybe another 2-3 hours on the bus?
Why should boys learn to enjoy contact sports if they’re banned in gym because one girl gets hit in the head with a dodgeball? Why should they even try at all, given that everyone seems to get a trophy now.
Why should boys stand up for themselves against bullies, if zero tolerance policies punish them for protecting themselves (especially in situations where the teacher ignored the bullying and the kid had no choice but to knock the bully out)
Why should boys try to make themselves better at all, especially when they see men getting mocked on TV and their fathers getting ridiculed by their wife or her fat friends?
Because kids learn certain behavioral and attitude traits from watching their parents/other adults, it is important that those of us who are older set a good example. We’ve failed in that attempt and effeminate boys are the result of our failures. The only way we can reverse this is to take education back, and set a good example in our own private lives.
I found mine in the Philippines, living in a small town in the provinces.
Has ROK now become a pity party for poor girls whining about degenerates?
Oh well. I also whine a lot.
Anyhow, I always wonder where these young people take the confidence from to “fake mental illness for attention”. It may just be me personally, but I always felt kinda terrified of getting attention I did not deserve. Guess I am also nuts, but in the complete opposite direction.
It is a social media thing and almost exclusively a female one. The boys would be doing better but they do feel the need to get a girl. The top 10% of boys are getting more girls than you can dream of. The bottom 60% those poor boys are getting nothing at all.
It reminds me of the Lord of The Flies. The kids left on their own. Thier moral standards and rcultur spirals down to the lowest common denominator
The only guys i know that slay with social media are guys in the fitness scene. Steroids…tren aand test prop…combined with filters is an absolute game changer for pulling ass on social media.
I don’t mean the guys were getting their poon by way of social media. that tends to be more traditional. But the messages the girls will send them by way of Facebook Messenger will curl your hair
There are a subset of girls that absolutely drop their pants for the fitness freak guys. As a matter of fact the girls into that scene are pretty much all sluts
Yeah. Once they become fit chicks, its no longer called a slutty mirror pic. Or a half naked attention whoring selfie.
Its a “progress pic”. And “progress” is good.
Every fit chick ive ever met is a slut, or on gear. The fitness industry is the perfect industry for an aging slut to take drugs…clen/test/anavar…and jump on a stage to prove shes “still got it.”
These gym women have a handful of fans even among my specially selected Facebook friend list.
I always think I’m gonna puke when I see those muscly bitches. Gah.
And good Lord the girls that are super serious and actually are on gear. A slightly elevated testosterone level makes a girl as sexually driven as any man if not worse because men have to learn early to rain those urges in. Women are not used to it they get what they want
You mean something like this?
You blinded me. Now to go search for that one-eyed king.
I see some girls of this type at the gym that look like this. I must say, no amount of spandex can make them attractive in my eyes. Plus they look like they’ll rip out your nads in a millisecond.
The first milisecond, she looked attractive to me. But now, even when I blur my eyes, I can’t get myself to not be apalled by those broad shoulders. Are we sure this is truly a female?
That’s what Google spit out. Then again, we always have to take anything with a grain of salt. And also, you probably haven’t seen wrestler Chyna’s porn. If you haven’t, then stay clear.
Take those fake tits out, make up and photo filter. What a monster.
This one?
Xhamster had a hard time finding something. Maybe it’s for the better.
That’s the one. I’ll put it this way. To this day I’m not sure if that was either a clit that looked like an abnormally small penis, or a penis that looked like an abnormally large clit.
I must have been damaged in some way as a child or something, because I am utterly baffled by the girls who go crazy over muscle-heads. I mean, on an intellectual level I understand it makes biological logic, muscle=high testosterone=healthy, masculine male with good genes and physical ability to protect his woman and offspring. But on the instinctual, gut, “I want that!” level, that kind of body just totally turns me off. I find soft, squishy fat guys to be much cuter and sexier, wondering if there could be some chubby chaser gene as my brother is one too?
I don’t even like the “gym look” on a man, but on a woman it looks beyond freakish to me.
I realize most people aren’t blubber-bangers like me, but it isn’t natural for a woman to have a single-digit body fat percentage. It’s probably not even healthy (those women are likely to be infertile because they don’t have enough fat to produce the proper amounts of female hormones).
That is a tranny.
Dude looks like a lady!!
Why are you using Spicynujac’s avatar?
Its a popular picture of steve mcqueen…ive been using this as my discus avatar for a very long time. Probably longer than anyone else on here. I think ive seen several users use this avatar… Im not going to change my avatar pic because other people happen to like it too.
No. You distinguish between good and bad attention. No attention is better than attracting bad attention.
Social media…where 5% of men, aka tren and test prop users, get access to all the women. And where all women have a never ending supply of men. I see average looking girls, easy bangs circa 2001, with 30k followers on instagram these day. A man is no longer competing with the guys in the bar, or in his own town. A man is now in competition with the 30k swinging dick followers on instagram.
The good news is, young millennial men have zero game. They all act like impulsive, feminine, borderline narcissistic homos. The next generation of men coming up will be even more pathetic with women.
Hm. Unless these guys are rich, I doubt they are jetting all over the world to meet all their “girls”.
One-on-one should still work better, I assume.
Correct. But women dont think logically like that. Trust me, if a woman is getting likes and comments from a fitness model in another state, she will think that she is good enough for this caliber of man. She will be more likely to have irrational standards and wait it out.
One on one game is more critical now than ever before.
Haha. Oh, gee. Well, who wants such a dumb bitch anyway.
Im in my early 30s and ive met many ladies my own age whos entire lives revolves around snapchatting life and getting attention on social media. Problem is social media keeps women from growing up as they keep chasing that dragon called attention. Women in their early 30s act like 22 year olds. Then they wonder why they cant lock down a man…lol. I tell these girls all the time, you act 22, so a man would rather just date a 22 year old than you.
22 is generous.
Some behave like 3-year olds. On a spiritual level, I would probably be unable to even fuck them, cause, that would feel as inappropriate as fucking a real baby.
Fucking a right. All this yammering over beta pussy. Leave that bullshit where it belongs…with white knights and morons.
It’s beneficial to identify all the idiosyncratic foibles of these attn harridans, to avoid being played like a putz. Can’t see how it’s white knighting
Acting 22 or not, a man would still rather date (bang) a 22 year old…
Likes and follows don’t necessarily equate to anything real.
To think that, only a few years ago, I’d do anything to be able to socialize with the popular kids. My God, I am more than thankful that didn’t happen.
I am autistic. I’m what regular women deem “omega” even though I’m considerably more intelligent than the average. To that I say, good riddance.
I can now focus on wealth acquisition, physical self-improvment, weapons training, hunting, socializing with real men (and real women, namely the ones actually capable of doing male things without looking like butch lesbians, though butch lesbians, unlike what the anti-LGBT crowd here will tell you, make fantastic friends if they don’t buy into the leftist crap) and building my own ideology, language and culture.
I am a nationalist, though, given I have no nation, as my mother is mystery meat European and my father walked out on us, I will have to build my own culture from scratch.
It’s a challenge I’ll rejoice in.
Did you mean to write “I am not a nationalist”?
Nationalism does not mean having to be loyal to a nation that already exists. It can mean that you agree with its political principles yet want to create a nation for yourself. Plenty of people have done this in the past. William the Conqueror established the modern-day structure of England based on European feudal values rather than Scandinavian ones. The American revolutionaries created a nation that was under another nations with values antithetical to theirs. You get my point.
Ah, yes, that makes sense.
But if you want to create your own nation, I assume you want to be its leader. Would your autism not get in the way of that? Cause, you know, people like those enthusiastic speeches and drama and nonsensical paroles and shit.
There is such a thing known as commanding an army while having an executive officer (who is called executive for a damn reason; he’s the one that relays the orders) and establishing something around it. If I ever start a family, I’ll likely homeschool them and teach them real values (like saving money, making them do chores to earn an allowance instead of preaching social democratic “everybody-deserves-welfare” parlance).
Imagine Horatio Hornblower (the famous C.S Forrester character who’s a Royal Navy captain). He’s brilliant in battle and his men worship him. He never talks to them unless necessary and has his lieutenants relay orders for him. I’d be much like that character.
I see, but you acknowledge that this character is fictional.
Now, mind you, I am nothing short of terrible at history, but thinking back of Hitler and Napoleon, for instance, both had incredible charisma, which is why people ended up following him.
The interesting question, I guess, is: Why would someone who has the charisma to command an army bow to someone who does not? Perhaps because that person is smart? But then he would make that person his advisor, probably.
Not meaning to offend, by the way, just genuine curiosity.
The Duke of Wellington was quite like Horatio Hornblower. He was a tactical genius with so little charisma he insulted his troops in their presence. Yet the fact he did whatever he could to spare his men’s lives, the fact he gave them adequate food, adequate water and acted fairly and justly towards everyone, not only noblemen, made him respected by all.
You don’t need to be some life of the party uber-sociable person to run a country. If you build your nation on something different than other people’s approval (namely the way it was done in the Middle Ages, i.e invade and conquer and people will cower to your banner), you don’t need to be super-sociable.
A nation doesn’t need to be a country. It can be a family. Corsicans work this way. Loyalty to family is everything. As Varg famously said, kin, tribe, nation, in that order.
Interesting. Maybe you are right.
Anyhow. Good luck with that. I personally hate nationalism, but I can fully understand the appeal of being something like a king.
Nationalism was the natural state of man for nearly all of its existence. The reason it is threatened today is because the financial predators and the Zionist Jews aren’t getting enough support.
I believe that before the big civilizations came about, it was all pretty tribalistic.
“Kin, tribe, nation, in that order” – Varg Vikernes
Seems like in today’s world, the order is reversed.
That’s the problem, at least partially.
Tribes existed as defacto nations. Humans are tribal animals, it’s why multiculturalism is such a farce.
“mystery meat European” Pretty much describes most of White America.
For these all these pathetic Gen-Zers on depression medication, just swap their Xanax for Kratom. That’ll fix em.
Or go to a gym instead of spending eight hours playing video games and jerking off to Instagram whores.
A quick run in the forest everyday followed by hitting a post with a sword will do the trick. There’s a reason suicide wasn’t common in the Middle Ages. It’s called responsabilities and lack of boredom
Who jacks off to Instagram whores? Enough real porn out there.
Back in my omega days I’d know guys (including myself) who’d literally drool over these girls, even though now I explain to them these women use a shit-ton of filters and cake themselves full of make up in order to elicit those boners in exchange for likes and follows.
Yes indeed. Wave a sword and practice your swing. Also knife throwing in your backyard. Keep it precise where you can throw a clothesline at 50 ft. Always carry 3 razor tip flat knives just in case. A forehead bullseye may save you some day. But excercise equipment I think is a sham. An excercise bike is a bike that doesn’t go anywhere. What if you gotta book somewhere? A rowing machine costs $100 but I see kayaks on craigslist for $80 sometimes. What if you have to cross a river or paddle out of the 5th ward during Katrina? Have fun finding your rowing machine in 7ft deep poop water. I do like gyms for the social aspect though. In an urban center, Planet fitness is where the women all go. Chatting up women at Gold’s is more tedious. The easiest is approaching a jogging or biking chick who stops at an intersection. Looking at her ass on that bike seat from 360°, sides, rearview and looking slightly up from the rear brake caliper while gladly checking her tire pressure and you see much more truth than in a deceptive ‘above the head’ instagram shot.
Roosh, for someone who pretends to be the daddy of new-born masculinity, you publish quite a lot of female fiction lately. If I was a girl, I’d start sending you articles.
Feminism and the SJW movement are bad for women too. I would not be surprised that these are real letters.
I’ve read plenty of college level writing and most papers were littered with poor grammar (but not necessarily spelling mistakes). I’m a little skeptical.
This is very sad.
I was looking at the picture up above. What’s up with that guy in the shades behind that girl in red. Is he gay? Is he a chaperone? Is he a “talent scout” looking for fresh faces to take back to his suite for a Cosby styled “screening”? We will never know.
Google face search. He could be one of us. He looks 35-40
I noticed that as well. I wonder what his right hand is doing?
Thanks for sharing. We appreciate your strength.
High school girls have always latched onto whatever to be the victims. It’s nothing new. They’re dog shit and should be treated as such.
Shockingly impressionable they are. I was at a Mall the other day with a woman and she was just in sort of a zombie state. We had to go there, she had to be there. I started to notice a Mall is just one giant abusive boyfriend. It attacks every single insecurity a woman has. Therefore, they worship it. It was sad and funny.
“.. a Mall is just one giant abusive boyfriend. It attacks every single insecurity a woman has. Therefore, they worship it.”
Astute observation and dead on. They in turn open up their purses and hand over the money.
another fake letter? really?
How do you know it’s fake? Or do you make a habit of baseless accusations?
“When I first made a Twitter” is a rather odd way for a kid to write. Sounds more like something a grandpa would say. Like someone saying “the Facebook”, or “the internets”.
Really it seem average. I would say you just pulled that out of your ass
I agree it seems average… In a senior Center. Just not for high school kids. At least not the high school kids I’ve been around.
You are not around many kids then. And seniors really write well in a far more mature manner
This is entirely indicative of a letter Id expect from my 15 year old. I’ve actually heard my son say “you should make a Twitter” to someone. so.
I didn’t know what the hell being “gender fluid” meant until this year; was that a thing prior to 2016?
Maybe before 2016 gender fluid was an euphemism for ejaculation.
Genderfluid sounds like some drink in the men’s vitamin aisle at GNC. But they’re already making fag food products. They’re marketing the deviant sexual over write on society wholesale now with actual fag drinks.
And they even have flags for each stupid identity. They’re really pushing this shit. I learned the world flags in elementary school but they better not be making kids learn the queer flags. They’re not even legitimate flags.
That fucking heterosexual flag
Implied derision, or 50 shades of grey pun?
That’s what I thought. The other flags look like gay parfait pudding pops. The gay fag flag should have red spots to represent the aids sores with yellow-brown paint splatter art superimposed to represent the butt mustard stains on their laundry and on their headboards. I bet faggott apartments look like the inside of a microwave oven with an exploded cheese burrito.
Don’t you know that it’s the current year?
Well…yeah. I had never heard of that term prior to this year, though.
Actually it’s funny.. back in ’05 or something, having Autism spectrum disorder was the attention go-to for Millennials. “Feel sorry for me, I got Asperger’s! The 20-question online quiz told me so!!!!”
I guess Gender Fluid is the new Autism. “The online quiz told me so!!!!”
The sad part is, it’s us Gen-Xers and Yers who have a large part to play in this.. we make the websites and write the books that have enabled this pussy-ass behavior. Shame on us.
There great sense of irony that a teenager girl finds solace from wasteland that is Western Culture on PUA site. Its kinda funny and sad when you dwell upon the situation. A site that tell a boy her age to get into her pants, is one of the few place that tell her she not insane.
Those who control and drive our mainstream culture are fundamental broken people who are ruled by their desires, vices and emotions as they project themselves as the new norm. This letter and previous letter from 17 year old girl, shows that next generation is not beyond salvage, there are few that know that our current culture is toxic and will lead us to ruin. Our merry few that taken red pill are the beacons of safe harbor upon the wasteland. We got our work cut out for us, lads.
Hearing people speak the truth is soothing to the soul. Believe it or not the PUA alt-right manosphere is more in line with the Christian biblical positions than most “christian” sites and churches.
The red pill is where peace is found
I have always found the truth to be deeply depressing and harsh. The truth doesn’t give one damn about offending your feelings. The truth is not pretty. The truth will never be better than the pleasant lies. The truth will set you free, but freedom is hard.
That was awesome That was the most positive argument ever for the truth.
It only gets worse into adulthood. I’ve watched every single person I know become a leftwing fruitcake. One by one they go down. They have no basis for their beliefs, they cannot debate anything, and have no facts about anything. They simply shrug it off when you own their ass and if you do it enough they will ban you from your life. It used to bother me, but I now see it as a blessing. Nature is doing the job for me. It is removing the weak. The people who will not be there for you and get exposed are now exposing themselves. Too weak to think for themselves, too lazy to do for themselves, and too narcissistic to take responsibilities for their own failures. It can get lonely, but its worth it.
Drove from Jacksonville, FL to RVA today. Saw two SUVS stopped in the median and about six millennials with phones in hand walking around the median. Not sure if Pokémon Go needs to go the fuck away or if it’s the coders’ version of “The Purge”.
There is a young girl in my office who is kind of old fashioned. She is a Millenial, but she loves cars and oldies. She wants to meet a guy, and be a stay at home mommy
She is getting her first apartment this weekend. All of the girls in the office were bombarding her with things she needed. She was getting confused by the constant bantering She looked at me with a look that seemed to say,”Help!”. I looked her straight in the eye, and told her to buy a gun.
The other girls were shocked and horrified. I gave her the hard facts. She is a young and pretty give who is no match against a man that wishes to do her harm. She needs that extra protection against robbers and rapists. She actually is taking my advice. I recommend some good gun stores that will help her get the right weapon , and help her get training. The SJWs want to eat their young.
For being worthless driftwood these millenials sure can write an insightful piece with excellent grammar and flawless spelling…
16 year old girls don’t use the term mental dysphoria or know what it means. Therefore not a real letter, but the content is legit.
I don’t think she’s typical of the bulk crowd you find in HS. She probably comes from a liberal enclave of academia and she perhaps sees the fallacy of her parents and the shitlib community in general. I remember in HS the difference between advanced placement classes and common classes was like night and day. I was smart but mostly creative and some of my bookworm classmates who had parents that were local college profs could write and even debate at a level far above most working adults. Some girls I sat next to were sharper than a tack. If only the intelligent ones would shut up, ass up and breed more. I had classmates that could read and write ten times better than me and I thought I was smart thinking that acing the bubble placement tests is all there was to proving intelligence. Even in middle school, a classmate whose father was an actual brain surgeon once brought a large glass pickle jar from his father’s office that contained a human brain. He lectured the class for 30 min on the brain and the kid was only 13. It’s amazing what you learn just hanging out with your father.
You’d be surprised lol. 15-16 y/o’s learn a lot of words to pass WebMD, fool their parents and trick their doctor’s.
LOL, I’d agree except that my 15 year old son does use words like that. It throws you for a loop but its legit. Also she reads ROK so she would get that term from here.
Just curious, do you introduce your son to ROK? I think that as a father I would, although I don’t want to create a dark triad fuck machine haha.
Yea I did, I mitigate what he reads or at least what I recommend to him, he is a teenager with many many other interests and he stays pretty active, he doesn’t have a lot of free time to be binging on ROK articles.
Forget all that pan sexual bullshit speak. Millennial and beyond gals, if you wanna shine like the full moon and be really cool, you belong under the hairy armpit of a 30-50+ yo red pill neomasculine KING. You’ll walk the streets ten feet tall and righteous when beside a real clan king patriarch daddy. YOU’LL ROCK and your sexually mutant contemporaries and rainbow freaks will fall to their knees and their eyes will bug out when the promenade of patriarchs takes to the streets. You can’t go wrong with a ‘king ding dong’.
Or these two lovebirds. ”Grrrrrr!” She’s got that look, like she’s ready to start ripping out babies for you doesn’t she Oliver?
Addressing my self to the 17-year old girl:
Honey listen the world is going to shit and there is nothing that you and me can do about it. If you believe in God and have faith there two things to do: pray and enjoy your life. There so many ways to enjoy life instead of clubbing and drinking. If you like animals, go join to help animals such as dogs, cats, or other domestic animals. Join an animal shelter.
Which ever you like, either animals, nature, hiking, do it.
Secondly you are aware that these inferior SJW are out there and your generation is fucked than my generation (millenials). Try your best to ignore that shit. Ignore these inferior people. The time will come that this all collapse and is not gonna be pretty but these people will die first. If you are prepared then you’ll be fine. But for now, try to find sanity, enjoy your life, do what you like doing.
For example, I like super cars lamborghini’s, ferraris, Mclarens, what do I do? Go to the show rooms, car shows, and get my sanity and have fun looking at these cars. Another thing that I’m doing is writing an action novel because I like writing and critics stuff goes on into my mind.
There are also guys (like me) that hate this fucking “hook up” culture too. But as you say, there are still out there but are suffering in silence. If you are so worried about this in your teen years, don’t even imagine the shitty whore lifestyle that you will see from your co-workers when you work and brag about how a bad boy loser fucked her so good at bed.
Honestly I told me my mom that I’ll most likely die single since trying to find a decent girlfriend is almost a nightmare. Most girls want the D (I don’t want to be explicit but you know what I mean) and drink and to be bed. I’m sick of that. Nothing wrong on clubbing on the occasion but doing it every week, it gets boring and stupid. God forbid you go to a club trumping find a nice guy, 95% of guys will hit you up not to become friends and eventually for a relationship….no no no….there goal is to get drunk and fuck..there you one a night one stand.
You think I don’t get tired of that bullshit?
Anyways all I can say is embrace yourself in God and if possible go to a nearby church and seek guidance. Or try to cleanse your mind and enjoy the decline. Go on YouTube and type “Aaron clarey” I learned a lot of things from him and to just enjoy the decay of society.
Like mentioned before there is nothing that YOU and ME can do about this. Only a massive cataclismic disaster such as an asteroid hitting earth, massive earthquakes or a 1000% financial system that will make 2008 financial crisis look like A happy hour ; that’s only way that this bullshit will end. Hang on there girl
I wish I can met girls like you where I live.
Does anyone out there remember boredom? Like on a summer day, you’ve only got three channels (all soaps), no internet, and no movies for the VCR, if we’re even talking about having a VCR. You’re 11 years old and you’re BORED. It’s years before sexual activity is really on your mind at all. BORED. So you had to make up games, read books, ride your bike, fish, daydream, make each other laugh, mess around in the woods with your bb gun. Stave off hours of summer time boredom without the crutch of gadgetry. That’s how a brain grows. Inventing, creating, entertaining yourself. I hate to use the phrase ‘kids these days’ but ‘kids these days’ are so massively saturated with entertainment. There is literally less brain growth. You can see it in millenials. They are idiots on the neuro-structural level. The kids who have been clicking and cat-videoing their way through life with image saturation since they’re 2 years old will grow up with so much less brain. You’re already seeing it with the shitty music, terrible movies. Where are the 22 year old comedians? There’s nothing there. No intelligence, no talent. And it will only get worse. Sorry to be so pessimistic but internet access for a growing brain is horrific. Now twitter and the narcissism petri dish of facebook. This stuff is horrible. Cut ties with culture or you’ll be disappointed every time. All this ‘pansexual’ nonsense could only take root in malformed brains. This is a neurological issue more than a cultural one. The brains have less connection; less dendrites, axions, neurotransmitters etc.
Excellent comment.
Whenever I was bored, my mother put me to work. So I learned how to amuse myself, even if it involved staring at a ceiling.
Well, that and the fact I went to a college town population 15000 (5000 of which were college students)…..
There was a book called “Amusing Ourselves to Death” written by Postman in 1985, a decade before the Internet, that drew on exactly on your posted observations. He alludes that citizens’ rights would be eroded through the means of exchange by consumed entertainment (TV).
Postman’s Quote: “Television in its present state, he says, does not satisfy the conditions for honest intellectual involvement and rational argument.” The Internet has only exacerbated that.
Yup. I read it. He has a lot of others too that I will get to soon. He introduced me to the idea that people now think in images, not logical chains of thought (like they did when reading was how people spent their evenings). What a genius. Occupy Wall Street was exactly the kind of shitshow that he saw looming. The image of protest was attained, so no one had to have any coherent reason for why they were there or what it meant. I remember reporters going around unable to get any kind of read on what the hell people were doing there. Didn’t matter because the image of a protest was achieved. Amazing foresight by Postman. BLM….all image. The image of being victimized, enraged but there is not logic at all. SJW’s..all of this shitshow was foreseen by the amazing Neil Postman.
Internet is power. The power to communicate without limit. Should a crying baby or a hypergamous liberated woman be given a bullhorn? I know I personally find utility with the net because I’ve always had a voice. Most of the net is now cluttered with garbage and females gobbling tetrabytes upon tetrabytes of space to peacock and crow over each other. In summation, from a distance the net now looks like one big cloud of squalking females all screaming ”look at me”. How can anyone see or find ROK within all the white noise and static? Kids need to be restricted internet over being mentored by their father. Immature minds and bodies need to be exercised and disciplined under the authority of the patriarch and not left alone and unsupervised with the wild wild web. I admit that I myself use it as a tool and I also have purpose greater than advertizing a mindless consumer personna like so many petty exhibitionists on social media. Many people never evolve or develop themselves beyond a certain point and the low functioning drivel you see on social media would remain as it is, dull, banal and without any spark of enlightenment even if the technology were ten times more advanced. Technology is a gem that has been thrown before swine in so many cases.
Yeah, the internet can be an excellent tool. Without it, the manosphere would’ve never grown like this, I think. You can sit down and read Moby Dick on the internet if you want, so it’s not really the internet but how one uses it. Most just click, click, click and that leads to the ‘Flickering Mind’. A book on Amazon has that title (not mine). Personally, I think the amount of images are the real killer. A few months ago, I was tooling around on a message thread and someone had posted a YT vid in order to bolster their argument. The thumbnail of this clip had a topless woman with .000001 percentile naturals. I barely saw them though. I was so ready to click play to see how the vid complemented the guy’s post that I glossed over that amazing rack. But I caught myself and thought ‘wtf?’ 25 years ago I would have had to have been put in a straitjacket over this woman’s rack to stave off a week long wackathon. Now I’m so image-saturated that I barely noticed it. Weird. I’m really trying to go image free, little by little. That’s how I want my brain, image-free. TV is out, so are movies, chipping away at the net. Porn bores the crap out of me. I don’t know if that’s a good sign or bad.
Parents would do well to have some device that limits their child’s clicks. Like only certain amount of coins and you’re done playing. Choose wisely Tanner! (Or Braden or McKayla or Cortley or Adler or whatever the fuck annoying name people are giving their little bastards these days).
LOL. This reminded me. A friend was telling me about a couple he knew the other day and the wife just gave birth to a son.
I asked what the name of the kid was and he said…..keegan.
I spit my drink out on the floor laughing.
Keegan is annoying AF but they’re getting much worse in this arms race of unique “My child is not like the others” trend. It’s one of the main things I would point to in order to try and explain why I feel so distant from my own culture. You would have to be so far up your own ass to name your kid Finley. The top two boys’ names so far for 2016 are Ezra and Asher according to ‘Nameberry.’ I respectfully don’t want to know anyone who names their boy Asher. We would have nothing to gain by interacting. It’s funny but ‘Jack, Harry, Charlie, George and Henry’ are making a comeback. Some people are sick of the pseudo-artsy names and are going to the other binary end. I won’t have children but I sometimes daydream about having a son just so I could name him ‘Gary’ just to fly the bird at the world in my own way.
this is why ppl should stop procreating. Not just bc of overpoulation and depletion of the planets resources/rising prices and harder means of living, but bc at this stage, only a very ignorant and irresponsible person would bring children into this mess of a society. Anyone having kids from 2008 onwards have decided to create life for the sole purpose of relegating them to a degenerate society that will not improve. bc ppl in 2008 said “oh the economy will improve. the war in iraq is over, it’ll all sort itself out” -and isntead got worse. And no amount of “signing petitions” on facebook or complaining on twitter will change anything.So do yourselves a favor: live your life as best you can and die knowing you didnt bring in any more ppl to have to suffer.
Defeatist babbling. What we need to do is outbreed the SJW idiots rather than give up and lie down to die. Raise strong traditional minded children, preferably home schooled, well raised and smart. They will be the kings and queens of tomorrow and rule supreme.
I’m unfortunately not living with my sons, yet My oldest (15 and the only one old enough to judge right now) is very secure in his masculinity as well as his purpose on this earth. He reads ROK on occasion and when I ask him his thoughts on the articles he reads, he always replies in a way as if what he read is not news to him. Big temper short memory for ills. Like his dad, he defends himself when needed, physically, but is not seen as a bully or a white knight, just not someone to fuck with. He understands politics, he enjoys debating with “grown ups” and I’ve seen him slay an SJW or two of more than double his age, and I have to say. Having a 15 year old school you on your view of the world sinks in deeper than when a peer does so. Or that’s how it seems, they look bewildered and ashamed when he is done lol.
It is not an exercise in futility. Raising kids in this world without them becoming a byproduct of the worlds fucked up view is definitely possible.
SJWs don’t breed. They indoctrinate. You can’t “outbreed” an agressive cancer. It has to be removed with a sharp knife before it kills the host.
Utter nonsense. You should get off the internet and stop writing because the SJWs are creating a mess online.
On the contrary, sane people should write MORE than the fools who call themselves the SJWs, so that we can drown out their nonsense.
You will follow your own advice, yes?
I agree with you about this, but I think it is for a different reason. I am not worried about bringing a child into a degenerate world. Fuck that. I just hate children.
This is beginning to sound better and better to me by the day.
If you create a vacuum, it’ll be filled by your enemies. They win/you lose by default and things get worse.
Although I do see your point of view…
And I do see your counter response that it won’t matter because you (or your offspring) won’t be around.
They all need to get back in the closet and stay there, but I looked up what the terms mean and it looks like the worst troublemakers will be the ‘genderqueers’. They’re the facist sjw’s of them all who reveal the true goal of the elites being to completely wipe sexuality out for mankind altogether.
Here’s what genderqueer is (purportedly):
”a person who rejects all gender distinctions, identifies with neither, both or a combination of male and female simultaneously”. They also are against the other ‘identities’ for claiming to be any sex whatsoever. I.e. those people claiming one or the other sexual identity such as transgender which they claim is an ‘identifier’ of switching from one to the other. There are no sexes period they claim. They feel people shouldn’t even acknowledge the existance of separate sexes. I’m sure they respect that wild animals have different sexes but mankind is constitutionally wrong for existing in two separate and genetic sexual physical camps. They want to stamp out all identity of sex whatsoever. What morons. This is exactly what the elites want to succeed in doing.
They want a total wipe of sexuality. They’re hell bent on ending everything as we know it, including life itself since they despise their own species with their depopulation agendas. The heterogenity of the sexes is the differential potential which creates the force that drives the heart, the motive ‘engine’ of our species. They want to kill our very engine itself. Those sonofabitches are coming right at our heart with a wooden stake. See them for what they are now. Call them all out.
Did anybody notice that all this madness came out during Obama’s tenure? Legalization of weed, gay marriage, LGBTQ nonsense, all came out during his terms.
More, even ISIS, which is much worse than Al Qaeda, came out during his terms.
Are these coincidences?
Legalisation of weed? Hardly the same category as gay marriage.
I will go so far as to say that Marijuana is, in fact, the single most dangerous and damaging drug out there.
Personally I think sugar is (if you look at the top ten list of causes of death, sugar is strongly implicated as is alcohol) but this is besides the point. The government has no business telling you what to put in your body.
Not only that, if you take advice from the government on what to eat, you will likely find yourself dying from one of those causes.
Sugar is very bad, no disagreement there. Also about the government. SMH food pyramid. The reason I point to pot though is because I believe pot really fucks your brain up in ways other drugs do not.
Fr’instance: Go find yourself a daily heroin user, a daily cocaine user, a heavy smoker, an alcoholic and a fat ass and tell them all that you plan on starting a heroin, cocaine, cigarette, alcohol habit or that you have decided to get fat. I promise you each og them will tell you not to. There is no junky in the world that would recommend to someone that they take up heroin.
Yet with pot you will find pot smokers who, when they find out you don’t smoke pot, will basically think you are nuts and then tell you all about how you should start getting stoned, that it is actually GOOD for you.
So fucked up is the brain of the pot smoker that they actually think it is freaking healthy.
Interesting point. Because people think that they are eating healthy when they are actually killing themselves! You know what put me off wheat? When I found out it gives you brain damage!
For the record though, I agree about pot. Like most recreational drugs it will fuck you up.
I reluctantly reply here on this one. Pot is like alcohol IMO. moderation is key. The biggest difference is that alcohol consumption doesn’t have medicinal purposes and I think had it not been demonized and used properly it probably wouldn’t be so popular recreationally.. that said, mostly points that are “what ifs”. Most dangerous drug out there? nah. safe? nah. Pot for all we know thus far has a truly temporary effect on us physiologically when ingested in alternative ways to smoking a joint or a bowl. Where as virtually every other drug, alcohol and cigarettes, do make changes to our bodies, our brains etc. Sugar is the worst of them.
Mexico is talking about legalizing every drug, lets see how this plays out. I agree with both points, however, in that there is danger there and that legal pot is no where near the same destruction on society as legal gay marriage.
Tobacco has killed and enslaved more people than communism. Tobacco is the real devil. Trans fat is also the devil.
I have a lost decade due to weed. Age 17-27. So fucking sad. I think if done in moderation its ok…but done as a habit, it will FUCK YOU UP.
Pot smokers always show a lot of confidence in their drug. It’s a confidence game. They want to get others around them to smoke so as to fend off the side effects of smoking alone. Heavy pot smokers who smoke alone become paranoid when no one else around is stoned. Pot can also make you hallucinate. A pot smoker may begin to see colors like pink and purple.
If they smoke enough of the stuff, they actually end up in a pink place. They find themselves gravitating to pink and purple places for some reason . . like Baskin Robbins or . . Dunkin Donuts.
Tobacco is bad but is easily avoidable. However the government has loaded our food with toxicants that are very difficult to avoid. And don’t forgot the chemical laden creams that the government is starting to force (yes force) you to use, like sun block.
Really a terrible drug
All this shit seems to coincide with the availability of the internet. I didn’t get the internet until around 2006, and i always remember the internet being a luxury in the late 90’s, so i imagine most people got access around the same time as me. Social media was a god-send for the far-left loonies to spread their bullshit into every home.
Obama’s a flaming Commie. Go watch Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary about Obama’s America in 2016. D’Souza was right and Obama retaliated against him using the IRS.
Commies like Obama do everything they can to undermine the host society’s morals and way of life, so they can replace it with their own cult of personality. It’s all about control for them. Lenin did this in Russia; Mao did this in China; the Kims in Korea; Castro in Cuba.
I have to say out of all of these, the legalizing of weed and hopefully other drugs is actually a positive development.
I’m barely in my 20s and a lot of my contacts (mostly online) are High Schoolers, and they give me horrifying details of the Marxist 1984 environment they grow up in. People are dumber than ever, and entirely brainwashed and programmed by this corrupt social experiment.
A lot of my female friends are 16~19 age and are alt-right / 1488 types and pro-traditionalism, swearing to keep their virginity and entire sexual purity for marriage.
Intelligent and decent people are a minority, but they do exist in great numbers.
So you don’t have many female friends, then.
Good to know that the tide of people who run counter to self-destructive culture is starting to rise.
A gay friend of mine is the only one who sees eye to eye with me when I try and describe my hate for the different sexuality types and gender identities. I get that some of the traditional ones are common and people can’t help being that way, but I’ll never be able to take a pansexually-queer, bicurious-genderfluid 16 y/o seriously. Sit down and stop stooping to Tumblr’s standards in order to oppress yourself. Please.
I find that it’s always the young teenage girls and kinda emasculated guys who live on Tumblr that are all “I identify as a furry fox pansexual”. No, you’re a guy who happens to like both sexes.
“I’m gender queer.” What does it even mean? For someone who is a millennial, I’m so out of touch.
“eye to brown eye”
Interesting term, but no, not what I meant.
Just a joke
A fact that clearly flew over my head lol.
It happens to the best of us….
Yeah, but how fat will they be once they’re legal?
I’m guessing walruses, but I’d love to be proven wrong.
Making up new sexualities, faking mental illness, fighting for social justice causes that attack your own race or sex, this is drama white people need to feel relevant and proud.
I’m close to 30 but I can still relate to 16 year olds. I’ve been told my entire life that being white = lame, dorky, over-privileged, weak, and villainous. Double that for being straight and male.
Pride and victimhood seem to go hand in hand. We just want to be able to participate in a pride parade of any type and feel like we belong. We want to celebrate who we are too. Since white people aren’t allowed to celebrate their whiteness, plan B is to evaluate themselves and see if they can squeeze in with another group of victims. Plan C is to do things like try to convince your depressed boyfriend to commit suicide so that you BECOME an actual victim. Plan D is to just pretend your quasi-disabled or kinda gay and just run with it.
Plan E is to wait another 100 years until being white is so uncool that the hipsters start bringing it back.
“Plan E is to wait another 100 years until being white is so uncool that the hipsters start bringing it back.”
They have to unironically bring it back first, since they want to be the first to do it before anyone else. -_-
Now, this letter seems more legit than the other 17 yr old asking for advice. The writing style seems intelligent but still underdeveloped. This fit-in-at-all costs can be seen in younger people I’ve dealt with in workplaces as well. It is a disease. But I still didn’t realize the mad extent it has taken. They have to hide all traces of “privilege” at any cost. This is a construct of a terminally ill society, aided and abetted by the puppet masters for some diabolical purpose. Orwellian, dystopian, and genuinely frightening.
Guess I’ll have to add barbed wire to my list of guns, ammo, dried food and water.
The need to hide any trace of “privilege” started in my mind with OWS. Basically, if you were not a protected class you should shut up and sit in the back; your opinions and voice were not to be heard. Teens and especially female teens are hyper sensitive to being excluded from the group. If you are not a victim these days you are excluded and denigrated.
Teenage girls attention whoring, and jumping on the flavour of the month bandwagon?
Who would’ve thought.
“Pansexual?” What the heck is that? A sexual attraction to cookware? Isn’t that just another word for “bisexual?” Back in the day, nobody wanted to be deemed mentally ill. It was not only a disgrace to yourself but your whole family. Spree killer Charles Starkweather’s lawyer suggested he plea insanity. Starkweather refused as it he’d rather be considered a vicious killer than mentally ill and would instead rather go to the electric chair.
Pansexual is the new made-up word to one-up bi-sexuals. Bis only sleep with two genders, because they are bigots. Since there are 147 different genders now, pan the catch-all libspeak to say “I am a shameless whore that will literally fuck anything, including some animals.”
You shameless shitlord speciesist. Why are you limiting it to only some animals?
As a 17-year old high school student, none of this is surprising to me. However, since I am introverted and have never been very socially involved in whatever school I went to, I did not witness many of the things like this personally. I used to find my introverted personality to be kind of a hindrance, but now it seems it may have kept me from becoming like the teenagers that are described in this letter.
I haven’t been able to find anyone my age where I live that also follow red pill values, though.
I call dibs on wifing this one once she’s 18.
This American Life did a radio piece a while back on how teenagers (especially girls) have become social-media obsessed attention whores that freak out if they don’t get a reply to an Instagram post or a text back from their boyfriends in less than 5 minutes. This appears to be relevant to the “mental illness for attention” theme.
It was both fascinating and terrifying getting into the mind of a tween.
I’m ballparking less than 30% of the kids in High School will have children; the remainder will be following the homosexual path until it’s too late, or they’ll be so riddled with STDs that they wind up infertile.
If you are talking about the male students, in the long term (as in over the past 100s of thousands of years) only 40% would have successful (surviving to reproduce) children. About 80% of the women will have successful children. However, we are in an unprecedented time. I feel, with some support in trending statistics, that these numbers will be more like 20% of men and 40% of women will successfully reproduce. Maybe this is not a bad thing, as the world could use fewer people. In fact, I have a little list, of the people that wouldn’t be missed.
If you think feminism is bad right now, wait another 15 years. Feminism and Marxist indoctrination are taught from elementary school all the way to college. My generation is essentially brainwashed.
The generation before was about being different. Hipsters, goths, or you invented something else.
New generation is if you’re not oppressed and a victim of something, you’re not cool.
Last year, one of my protégé’s lamented about these two girls who suddenly started to proclaim that they were lesbian lovers and would make out and grope publicly in school. When the faculty scolded them, they cried discrimination. So a deal was worked out where they would have a private place to be alone to be intimate (which is insane). Regardless, they would still make out and grope in front of groups of classmates (just not when faculty is around). We both concluded the obvious: they weren’t really lesbians and were just doing it for attention. So I advised him that the next time they do it, call them out on it, but be sure to have a devil may care attitude and keep cool when they respond harshly. So, the next time they did, he laughed and told them “You two are trying too hard!”. They called him a asshole, said he was jealous, etc., but he just smiled, laughed again, and walked away. Sure enough, that was the end of their lesbian act.
I’m 30, and a lot of what she mentions has happened in my generation as well, although not to as great an extent. I dated a girl who had borderline personality disorder (BPD), and in reading about the diagnoses I noticed these traits in other girls and they did a lot of weird things that the girl in the OP mentioned. The big one is being bisexual – All these girls claimed to be bi, but I never saw them date girls. If anything, they were serial monogamists with guys only. Faking mental illness/suicide attempts was another. Some of them even had some kind of weird body dysmorphia, sometimes leading to genderfluidity.
BPD is generally caused by trauma early on in childhood – Parental divorce, someone close to them dying, rape or abuse, etc. The traits are further exacerbated by people not putting up boundaries with them and letting them get away with so much bullshit (They’re master manipulators).
Now look at society today – More and more couples are getting divorced, and more and more kids are born to single mothers. This is no doubt increasing the number of girls with BPD out there. On top of that, there’s all this “you go girl” shit in the media and schools, so girls are given a lot of leeway and have inflated senses of self. Social media isn’t helping matters, either. If BPD is female sociopathy, then we’re breeding a generation of sociopaths.
Re: Gender dysphoria – What’s hilarious is feminism made it so transgenderism wasn’t necessary, but then they made it okay. What I mean is that feminism said that gender roles weren’t a thing, so if you’re a girl who likes sports that’s cool, and if you’re a boy who likes Barbies that’s also cool. You can be free to be you in whatever body you want.
Now transgenderism is becoming accepted, to the point where many guys who have feminine traits but are overall male begin to think that maybe they were meant to be girls, so then they load themselves up with chemicals and get plastic surgery to look like a woman (Bonus points if they cut their dicks off). But this is all surface stuff, and males aren’t meant to be flooded with estrogen, so they feel miserable, hence the extremely high rate of drug abuse and suicide among transgenders.
It’s also hilariously hypocritical that feminists claim gender roles aren’t real and they’re oppressive, yet they’ll applaud Bruce Jenner for growing his hair out and wearing dresses, high heels, and make-up, which is presenting as feminine as possible. If gender roles don’t exists then can’t I say I’m a woman while still looking and dressing like a male?
Feminism: Making no sense through logical observation since 1970.
I tried to post a link to a reddit MRA page. But it got deleted as “spam” by the mod. It was about some female who did the trans thing to male. He/she/it was complaining about how hard life was without the pussy pass. No more social forgiveness just for being female. Feminist illogic pushed to extreme. lol
I remember this story, it was similar to “Black Like Me” but with a woman living as a man, right? As Lauren Southern said, being an attractive female is life on easy mode. And in my opinion, all those Real Housewives shows are trophy wives who used to be hot learning how to be actual human beings now that they’ve hit the Wall. It’s hilarious how many bad behaviors men will put up with from attractive women that are impermissible once they get older.
Does not having a boyfriend by sixteen mean this letter is from a virgin? Which of us shall marry her?
we were in pretty good shape until the end of ww2………downhill slide ever since…….nothing surprises me anymore
Re: Highly Educated – yes but highly educated in what? I rarely see a single one of these liberal head cases who have a real education. They all have these “party degrees”. You can party at college all night and stumble into class the next day and still pass. That won’t work with a real degree.
And then the downside of that “party degree” is that they end up with an easy loser job normally some form of living off of others. They produce nothing. Otherwise they would have little time to frequent the many social media sites.
I think “lazy” and “liberal” go hand in hand.
This site is incredible and should be required reading not only for Alpha males but betas, as well.
The single greatest factor in the decline in family values, rising crime rates and weaker men was the Great Society in the 1960s. Once women found out that the government would support them, men became sperm donors whose rights were slowly eroded away.
It has become unfashionable to be an Alpha. I am not sexist or racist but I have been called Pig and Nazi on many occasions. I am sick of feminists, most of whom couldn’t get laid at a truck stop, and of the girly men who encourage their insanity.
Love the site. Keep up the great work!
Well, it was the baby boomers and Gen x who raised them. Sooooo……
I believe it’s real.