5 Examples Of The Mainstream Media’s Extreme Bias

Face it, the mainstream media is not only full of contradictions, but deep-seated, institutionalized biases. When a male or conservative does something, it is often considered horrendous. Yet when a female, liberal or a member of another “special” group does the same thing, passes are given or journalists’ eyes are averted.

Social media users with common sense political opinions have already started to compile these glaring double standards. Return Of Kings and its supporters should continue doing the same thing.

So here are five of the most egregious recent examples of hypocritical mainstream media madness:

1. Use of dead veterans’ families at political rallies or conventions

When Khizr and Ghazala Khan appeared at the Democratic National Convention to lambaste Donald Trump for his views on Muslim immigration and supposed behavior, commentators and journalists went wild with fanfare. Their son Humayun, a Muslim soldier, had died in Iraq. Trump was attacked for allegedly grandstanding about and minimizing Humayun’s death.

Meanwhile, many of these same newsmen and women, including Rachel Maddow’s stooge Steve Benen, derided the Republicans for featuring Pat Smith, mother of Benghazi fatality Sean Smith, as a speaker at their own Convention. Mrs. Smith had laid into Hillary Clinton over the latter’s role in and perceived indifference to her son’s death in Libya. So one family became heroes to the media for going public after their tragic loss, while another was portrayed as so weak in their grief that they were manipulated by big, bad Republicans into talking.

Moreover, Trump had nothing to do with Sean Smith’s death. Compare this to Clinton, who was the Secretary of State at the time of the American deaths at Benghazi and whose State Department had received numerous calls for assistance. Considering that Sean Smith and others died alongside U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, the first American ambassador to be killed whilst serving since 1979, the woefully insufficient security precautions taken by the Obama Administration and Secretary Clinton should not have transpired. But this spotlight on Clinton does not make for good (liberal) news.

2. Psychiatric records for a war hero vs. medical records of a pathological liar

Countless liberals, both in the media and within other leftist cabals like mainstream Hollywood, have attacked those questioning Hillary Clinton’s health as “misogynists,” “sexists” and other undesirables. When these tags are unable to be used, leftists claim that even piecemeal doubts about her physical condition are nothing but conspiracy theories on par with Roswell UFOs and lizard people running the world.

Yet eight years ago, these same people were frothing at the bit to out John McCain for his supposedly poor health. Most perversely of all, they homed in on his decorated military service, suggesting he had Presidentially disqualifying mental health conditions from his service in the Vietnam War and the multiple years he spent as a prisoner-of-war. “Where are his psychiatric records?” bellowed one piece from Salon, in addition to a number of other articles that more than hinted at the same topic.

Whilst I, like many of you, revile his putrid, watered-down “Republican” policies on many issues, McCain had gargantuan balls in Vietnam. Here is a man who spent more time as a tortured prisoner-of-war, including a stay in the notorious Hanoi Hilton, than Barack Obama spent in the US Senate. As the son of the commander of US forces in Vietnam, McCain received numerous offers of repatriation from the North Vietnamese. He refused and would only accept being returned home once fellow American soldiers captured before him were released. By contrast, Hillary lacks the mental fortitude to tell the truth most of the time, not even after she’s had seizures, coughing fits, and dramatic collapses on camera!

3. Sexualizing political candidates (and removing their genitals)

When an artist by the name of Lushsux painted a mural of a scantily-clad Hillary Clinton, a local Melbourne, Australia council and numerous global commentators derided it as “misogyny” and “sexual objectification.” “Take female politicians seriously!” was the crux of their shrill arguments against the rendering. Lushsux then trolled his critics by repainting the mural so Hillary was dressed in an Islamic burqa. Soon after, multiple statues of a nude and testicle-less Donald Trump appeared in American cities. Unlike the Hillary artwork, the proliferation created huge fanfare and delight amongst both prominent leftists and run-of-the-mill liberal voters. Why is one act so offensive and the other so funny, particularly in age where body-shaming and mocking someone’s appearance is meant to be so taboo?

Most of the critical commentaries about the Trump statues that appeared in the mainstream media, of which there were few, failed to take into account one glaring significance of the testicle-less Trump. Short of them being violently taken or hacked off, how exactly could Trump have no balls? Imagine the furore if a statue, mural or other representation of Hillary Clinton had lacked breasts or shown her vagina circumcised/mutilated. “They’re condoning violence against women!” would be the stock-standard answer from liberals and their even more deranged SJW cousins.

4. Lesbian’s Olympic marriage proposal vs. heterosexual male’s Olympic marriage proposal

This is bad and misogynistic:

This is love and should be applauded:

Leftists rejoiced when Olympic official Marjorie Enya asked her partner, rugby sevens player Isadora Cerullo, to marry her using a microphone. Love wins, right, especially when it’s gay love? But when Chinese athlete Qin Kai asked silver medalist He Zi to marry him, the knives from the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) came out. The BBC, unfortunately taxpayer-funded, published an article insinuating that Qin Kai was attempting to control He Zi with the very public marriage proposal. Not only could it be control, it could be awfully pernicious “male control.” Coverage of Enya’s proposal to Cerullo, however, got the broadcaster’s tick of approval.

If either of the two proposals is a form of control or narcissistic, it was the lesbian one. Unlike the Chinese diver, who was competing individually, the lesbian proposed to was part of the Brazilian team, which had not even been awarded a medal. Brazil had come ninth and that night Australia had beaten New Zealand for the gold medal. He Zi may not have won the gold medal, but she had actually participated in the final. But do not let facts get in the way of a good male-bashing.

5. Objectifying men vs. objectifying women

Cosmopolitan has established itself as a dual enabler of both ditzy female airheads and SJW political freaks. Over time, the magazine has come out strongly against countless normal displays of male sexuality, admonishing men who appreciate female breasts and buttocks for being “horrible.” Of the many Cosmopolitan pieces to take this line, an article in mid-2014 takes the cake for its ridiculous shaming of harmless, healthy behaviors. Ironically, though, covers for this publication feature the same sorts of thin, healthy women that men desire most in the first place.

Fast-forward a mere two years and Cosmopolitan went to the extraordinary effort of cataloguing 36 men whose crotch bulges tickled their fancy. Of course, numerous other articles during that time had objectified men in a way considered misogynistic when males do it to women, but the timing was amusing. After so much talk of valuing female athletes, whose physical accomplishments are far less than men, for their work and not their bodies, Cosmopolitan celebrated the years of sacrifice of male athletes by effectively taking photos of their barely clothed genitalia.

We could keep on going

Many other hypocritical pieces were penned about these situations, not just the ones I have referenced. Then there’s the great number of other articles we could assess and critique on separate issues. You may be convinced, and rightfully so, that the mainstream media is inherently biased. But we need to take this to the next level and disseminate the proof to wider audiences.

Journalists and commentators will continue their bad habits, that much is clear. What matters now is fighting back. Complaining about double standards only goes so far. Exposing them in an organized fashion stands a better much chance in helping us to arrest and then reverse this institutional bias.

As Return Of Kings readers, you are our extra eyes and ears. If you find more examples of extreme leftist media bias, bring it to our attention.

Read More: Female Bias In STEM: A Bayesian Explanation

240 thoughts on “5 Examples Of The Mainstream Media’s Extreme Bias”

        1. As with everything I have seen you made this too also manages to make humor of the modern situation, while staying true to reality. In fact I think that in some magazines they have some of the proposed articles.
          A good example is the “7 ways to Convince Yourself it’s His Fault When Your Sluttiness Destroys Your Marriage” as many women magazines try to boost the rationalization hamster.
          Surprisingly this appear being effortless, I see no stiches, It is so natural it could have been real.
          keep up the good work!

        1. Just a word of advice. If you’re considering publishing at all, do it now. What is satire and comedy today will be mainstream tomorrow.
          I don’t know how the Onion stays in business. Half the stuff I read on ROK is funnier and more unbelievable than the made up stuff the Onion writes.
          As Lewis Black said, “What the hell is my job any more?!”
          I’m not being funny when I say I could imagine seeing these in grocery store checkout lines in 10 years. But as mainstream Elle magazine articles.

        2. “8 antidepressants that make it easy for you to accept that you are not a reality TV star.”
          Gold…..pure gold.

    1. Bob….where dafuq you finding these images? Keep up the good work! Once you get about 100 or so you should put them together as an e-book, format and toss on amazon. It won’t make you rich, but wtf not right?

        1. Do it man. You can pull them up in a printable format, right-click, “View image” or “Open link in new window”.

        2. I’m all for any kind of message that is making people think, and is in any way red-pill. There was some group in my city who was posting some pro-European culture message. I don’t even know who they were or what they stand for, could have been a history club or a group of white nationals, for all I know. But it was pissing off the local hipsters.
          They posted color flyers around town with old Renaissance era art like Michelangelo, etc. with their name (it was something like New Evropa) ie Europe with the old V spelling. The hipsters immediately became angry at celebrating white male anything and there were a bunch of reddit posts on “what to do” about this.. lol
          EDIT Just did a google search and I think it was Identity Evropa.

      1. You know what, that thought never occurred to me. But now that you mention it…why not? Thanks for the nudge, bro.

        1. cost you nothing to format. Wil be fun. Stick a nominal fee on it and just let it sit there. Also, tell women you are a published author.

        2. Sounds like a win/win…I actually wrote articles for one of the Modern Beta covers. There are like five images on each one, so I wrote an article for each title/image. I will post it here in a bit; maybe some of you guys will tell me what you think.

        3. 5 articles to a collection. 5 collection series. Slow play those motherfuckers.

        4. I mean, even I know how to format an amazon e book and I have no clue how you made the covers so I imagine you would be able to do that lickety split

        5. Man I like the way you think!…so here are the brief articles I wrote for Modern Beta 17. I attached the cover at the bottom…
          Modern Beta Magazine – Volume 17
          5 Ways To Hide Under The Bleachers For Upskirt Views
          This is a really fun pasttime for many beta males, and you’ve most likely already tried it a couple of times yourself! Sneaking upskirt views of hot females at basketball games, football games, and baseball games, from underneath the bleachers, should not be taken lightly, however. It’s best to plan the whole thing out, in case you get caught and thrown in the slammer for being a sex-crazed voyeur. Not to worry though. Modern Beta Magazine has you covered here…
          Method 1) Pretend you are a drunken homeless dude. Position yourself directly beneath the best row of seats that evidences the hottest upskirt views. Lay on your side and wear contacts that make it appear as if your eyes are closed. This one always works!
          Method 2) Put on that black ninja outfit that you wear while practicing chop-socky-Kung-Fu Moves when your wife isn’t home. By finding a shadowy area underneath the bleachers with a solid upskirt view, you probably won’t be seen. But if you are, just run…
          Method 3) Pay some ugly crackwhore to make out with you underneath the bleachers. This is a real turn-on for beta males! Not only do you get to suck some skank face, you can look at hot girls’ crotches, too. If anyone sees you, just say, “What are you lookin’ at?”
          Method 4) Pretend you are looking for your watch. Throw it on the ground near your designated spotting area. If someone looks down and sees you, start looking around for it. Then say, “Aha!”, and bend down and pick it up. Look up at the person, and say, “Found it!”, and hold up the watch.
          Method 5) Lay on your back with your eyes wide open, directly underneath your best targets. (This one takes guts but it’s very effective!) If someone notices you, which will take a while if you wear dark clothing, scream and pretend you’re having a heart attack.
          3 Ways To Talk Her Into Letting You Have Part Of Your Paycheck
          We know, we know…you probably think this one is impossible. But with a little creative, outside-the-box, strategic planning, you can pull it off! Modern Beta Magazine is always here for you. Take notes if you must, and it’s okay to stick your tongue out of the side of your mouth, while writing and concentrating (we do it, too!).
          Method 1) Tell your wife or girlfriend that you are saving up to buy her a full-body wax and a really hot bikini for that two-week vacation with her boyfriend Big Leon in Jamaica. She’ll tell you that she would never let an asswit like you pick out her clothing, to which you just respond, “You pick it out!” Then, start collecting aluminum cans in your spare time and take them to the grocery store for a refund. By the time her vacation rolls around, you’ll have enough to cover the loot, and you can spend whatever she gives you from those paychecks of yours on comic books and other cool stuff!
          Method 2) Tell your wife or girlfriend that you need to buy a new battery for her car. When she gives you the money, pretend you are going to the auto store to buy one. On the way there, go to a college or a business office building with a large parking lot, while wearing your black Ninja outfit, and steal a battery from a newer-model car. Blow the proceeds all at once on whatever you’d like, or save it up for an important purchase down the road – like a DVD collection of all the comic-book-super-hero movies ever made! If she finds the collection, just tell her one of your beta buddies gave it to you. (Make sure to ask him to cover for you, before you do this.)
          Method 3) If the first two don’t work – which they should, unless your special snowflake is having her period for a few months in a row and is a total bitch 24/7 (we hate it when that happens, too – no cuck sex!) – try this one out as a last-ditch fallback plan. After your wife cashes your check, she will probably have some cash in her purse, right? Just go to where she works and steal the purse. Take the cash out, go into the woods and set the purse on fire. (Lighter fluid is a good accelerant.) Then, dig a small hole and bury the ashes! When you get home, she’ll probably scream that her purse was stolen. So…just act tough, Cucky, and call the cops!
          5 Painless Suicide Methods For Cucks
          Method 1) Drowning – it might seem terrifying but it’s actually quite peaceful. You can do this in the bathtub with ease. Fill the tub to the brim. Wear nose plugs, duck under the water and count to 500.
          Method 2) Carbon monoxide poisoning – this one is easy and you’ll never feel a thing! Put a hose over your exhaust pipe, and funnel it into the driver’s side window. Turn the car on in your garage (don’t forget to close the garage door), and it’s buh-bye!
          Method 3) Drug overdose – all you have to do is ingest enough drugs to stop your heart within about 30 to 45 seconds. Chugging an entire bottle of Seconol should work. (Experiment with it…)
          Method 4) Stepping out in front of a rapidly moving train – it might seem scary, but scientists claim the impact is so severe you won’t feel a thing and you’ll be killed instantly!
          Method 5) Jumping out a window – again, this one might seem a bit horrifying, but if you select a window in a tall enough building (say, 10 stories or higher), you won’t feel a thing when you hit the pavement. We promise!
          How To Live On $800 A Month So You Can Blow Most Of Your Money On The Hot Sluts You Orbit
          If you are a beta orbiter, you probably don’t have a wife. But if you should happen to have one, divorce her right this instant and give her all your money and just start over. Once you’re back on your feet, you can start orbiting with the best of them! By following these simple, cost-saving tips, you can treat your special snowflakes like queens and still get enough protein every day to survive!
          Tip 1) Live in your car – this one is a real money-saver. If you have beta-orbiter friends, you can probably sleep in their driveways, or in the parking lots of their apartment buildings.
          Tip 2) Bathe yourself in the restroom at work, or by using sinks at gas stations, truck stops or highway rest areas.
          Tip 3) Wash your clothes in those very same sinks – at work, gas stations, truck stops or highway rest areas. (Now you’re thinkin’, Cucky!)
          Tip 4) Dumpster dive – ask some winos and crack-addicts where the best restaurants are in your town. You’ve never visited them, but these people will know. Hide out in back. Dive, Beta Boy!
          Tip 5) Sell your blood four or five times a week at blood-donation clinics. You’re only supposed to do it once a month, in order to have enough blood to stay healthy, but by getting fake ID’s, you can hit several up in a week.
          Fake A Brain Tumor – Score Pity Sex!
          This one works like a charm. And every single staff writer here at Modern Beta Magazine has tried it with great success! You just have to follow the MBM playbook here, and make it happen.
          First off, select your target. (Stay away from those 7’s, 8’s, 9’s, and 10’s, Cucky – you and I both know that will never happen.) A damaged fat woman with neon-colored hair and face shrapnel is always a solid play. Or a fat single mother with seven kids by seven different baby daddies.
          Once you’ve identified your target, start by buying her lunch on a regular basis. Just take the food directly over to her house – she won’t mind, especially if you buy lunch for her seven kids and her biker boyfriend, too. After a while, the biker will realize you aren’t a threat in any way, shape or form, and he’ll avoid you out of fear that your beta traits will start to rub off on him. Sweet! Now he’s out of the way…
          Next, start working on your target while her boyfriend isn’t there. Tell her you have been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor and you only have six weeks to live. She’ll pretend she is horrified; at which point, simply tell her that you are going to rewrite your will so that she will be the beneficiary. (It’s okay to lie here, and say you’re worth a couple million dollars – you’ll find out why in a minute.)
          Finally, tell her that you really care about her and you only want to show her how you feel, one time, in bed, before you die, and this is all you will ever ask of her, to insure that she gets the money.
          She’ll fuck you in a heartbeat…after that, just leave town, Cucky!

        6. Giving away the store Bob! Great stuff. You think you can put old timey advertisements in the back. Maybe glasses that make naked girls look like they have clothes on so you can make them love you by sparing them the shame or are x-ray spec ads too old for these folks.

        7. also:
          Sea African Americans $1
          Money Maker (32% interest and useable only for liberal arts tuition)
          Kryptonite Rocks: Specially formulated to hold micro aggressions at bay
          Hand Buzzer Self Defense: Will stop any man dead in his tracks.

        8. Now you gave me an idea.
          2 years ago when I was a full blown liberal I wrote an essay about polyamory that I even presented in a public speech and I got positive responses because of the liberal bias on college campuses.
          I read the essay again 6 month ago and was like ‘Oh my god, that shit is awful, on the one hand it’s perfectly well written with many references to Freud, Fromm and many other psychlogists and philosophers but on the other hand the content itself is utter bullshit – just crazy regressive left lunacy.’
          But know I ask myself if I should publish it as an epub for 1.99.
          I think I could get quite a bit money out of it and could get many 5 star reviews due to the fact that most german people are total cucks and will support my ideas.
          The only questions are:
          a) Should I sell it as satire? That would maybe backfire and damage sales.
          b) Should I sell it under a pseudonym to isolate these cucked ideas from my persona? However I think pseudonyms are illegal in germany (just like publishing a blog without real name and adress on it is illegal and therefore anonymity is illegal in germany – good old Überwachungsstaat).

        9. Man I don’t know enough about it. I think it’s a good idea though. You should go for it. Anonymity is illegal in Germany, eh. Hmm. Well, that will be making its way around the world soon…

    2. “How to Knock Him Out with Ambien So You Can Get DP-ed at the Holiday Inn”
      Ha! A good chuckle, I had…

  1. As infuriating as these examples are, it’s not surprising in the least. This is a classic tactic of the left. Don’t bother calling out their hypocrisy when debating them. They simply don’t care. To them, the ends justify the means. If that means hypocrisy, coercion, intimidation, and even violence, so be it.

  2. Not to change the subject too much, but on free speech, media bias and Google, look at this. Staggering. Evil
    Google ‘European people art’
    or even ‘white man white woman’
    Is Google Blackwashing European Self-Image?

    1. That is disturbing. I’ve been noticing similar types of results when doing other Google image searches. I typed Clinton Foundation scandal into Bing the other day, and two of the top three results were Trump Foundation scandal…heh. Search engines are becoming just like the lie-braries.

    2. This is the reason the Intelligence services launched google: to manipulate and deceive with a smiley face.

    3. Man, that was really bad. I mean, REALLY bad.
      I did the same search in DuckDuckGo and it was even worse than Google. I went over to DuckDuckGo because I thought it would be free of this SJW nonsense, but I guess I was wrong.
      And you know this revisionist history is being used as a form of propaganda in the black American community. A lie used to inflate the collective self-esteem.

      1. What did you use to search on DDG? I don’t see it pulling anything out of site when I search “Hillary Clinton’s Health”, and when I search “Clinton Foundation” it automatically populates the word “Scandals” as an option in the drop down box.

      2. Try startpage. I saw one black image when I did that search.
        Also you can try different google image searches from different countries that aren’t as cucked. A couple of years ago I read how Google US censors image results so I always used Google UK for image searches and got much different results. Google has different versions in just about every country. I’m sure if you go to a Latin American, Eastern European, or Southeast Asian version, it won’t be as hijacked.

        1. I’m gonna have to make the change. If I typed African art, I wouldn’t expect to see photos of the NHL. So I expect the same type of ethics to work the other way.

        2. Oh you know what? I Have my startpage set to their European servers. (EU has better privacy laws than US, for what it’s worth). That may be why. I think startpage is “powered by google” anyway so it’s probably using google for the back end searching.

      3. Shit…..I use duckduck cuz it doesn’t save histories, but I guess I’ll have to find something else.

    4. It is something that I call N#gro-worship. It is generally the belief that people of colour (that adds also mulatto peoples, specifically most middle-easterns, but not far easterns) are morally higher and have developed a secret civilization (this is followed by delusionals only), that was stolen or (the normie version) that the oldests examples of mankind were not left to develop their own civilization due to Europeans, if they were allowed that civilization would be the best one in existence.
      This comes to me as what I call the system of Global Socialism: In general socialism makes sure that worst examples of any specific peoples are elevated politically, protected and given money from their betters. For example a slut from Germany or the USA can take tax money for getting pregnant with a stranger. Or a Greek who votes a specific politician takes a seat on the public service and is paid with tax money, while he doesn’t have to necessary work as his job is secure nonwhat. You take the idea.
      In the World the more successfull peoples give money constantly to less successfull people not caring if any change is brought. It is not phillanthropy as if it was in the case that changes do not occur the phillatnthropist gives a sigh and loses interest for that specific cause. Some small examples are the Money that the Northern countries of the EU give to southern ones, or the economic dependency of southern italy to northern Italy (the nationalist party is again from the North, Lega Nord). Countless of billions of money have been given and still are been delivered to the Third World by the first, mostly to solve problems that the Third World is making for itself.
      What these money help to do is only to technically sustain a savage or barbarian population who later will be transported to the first world so that the situation may it get balanced. For this to happen every achievement of the European man must be believed to not be his making at the worst case or that anyone may make it in the best one.
      Be theses endeavours successfull civilization in the world will be doomed as the masses of the Third World will wreak havoc on Europe and slowly move to Asia, which already faces a similar problem* . It is clear now that liberalism in all of its forms is a deadly disease.
      *(in China the anti-reproductive laws were never extended to the lower Chinese classes who are not documented. The factory workers and the middle class do not reproduce much and it is doubtfull with the laws lifted what may follow. Japan and Korea have a birthrate problem which eclipses ours by far, with adult diapers allready outselling baby diapers in Japan and Korea not being far from that place)

    5. Holy shit, I did exactly what he did, and got the same thing. Even just “European Art” brings up a 50/50 white/black mix.
      Dude sounds like half of my great uncles. Miss hearing that.

      1. I’ve been using startpage for a year or two. First page of results there is all legit. Dump google and its spymaster garbage.

  3. It is more than just bias, it has actually become doublethink.
    Hillary displays symptoms of being sick, so Trump is characterized as being in questionable health and his medical records must be shown.
    The Clinton Foundation is clearly, demonstrably corrupt, so Trump’s foundation is deemed corrupt and must be investigated.
    Bill’s long history of abusing women and Hillary’s role in covering that up (not to mention defending child rapists) means that Trump is a sexist, sexual predator.
    The media is literally (Hitler) portraying white as black and black as white, and acting like this is reality, it is completely normal, and smart, sane people all see it and agree. Anyone who disagrees is crazy, or some form of -ist that is shouted down, ridiculed, dismissed, or worse. Usually much worse depending on how vocal they are.
    It is 1984. Big Brother is on the big screen in our houses, telling us how to goodthink, watching us and monitoring our movements. Thoughtcrime is being punished, often severely.
    We are now actually living in an Orwellian dystopia.

  4. The liberal movement has only had one thing in mind: the destruction of America by tearing down all institutions. The lame stream media, with its beta males, cuckolds, and feminists, have gleefully aided and abetted in this process by their hypocrisy and biased reporting. The problem with this whole current setup is that people eventually get tired of what is happening and start pushing back. When that happens look for the liberals to start wetting their pants and crying like little babies..

    1. And when the lies become exposed, the perpetrators need to work double time to explain themselves.

  5. I’m glad to hear a shout-out to John McCain. While I don’t agree with him on a lot, there is no doubting that his courage, resilience and leadership were key in keeping the faith among PoW’s under the worst of conditions.
    He was in hell, and when offered a way out, he pretty much said, “Fuck no. I’m staying in Hell so the Devil can suck my dick!”

  6. funniest section in this article: referring to John McCain as ‘war hero.’
    Veteran, indeed. POW, big balls needed. Those labels come with their own justified fanfare. But McCain was no war hero.

      1. McCain didn’t have to crack, he willingly rogered up information on his own. Songbird McCain. His injuries were because he ejected improperly from the plane he wasn’t flying properly, because he had a billet he didn’t rate, via a school he never should’ve passed, or even been accepted to, all because daddy and grandpa were admirals.

        1. McCain is a fuckbird chicken hawk who wants to go to war every five minutes….annnnd he is cucked by wanting to be bipartisan all the time. Fuck him in the ear I say.

        1. agreed. I am not looking to disparage anyone who went through that shit….even if they did crack. Fuck, I would crack if you took my amex away for a weekend.

        2. Oh no sir. If we planned on torturing you, we’d send you into the middle of the wilderness with a tent, sleeping bag, and some basic provisions.
          You’d spill your entire life story in painstaking detail within minutes.

        3. I would give you the launch codes the very second I realistically believed you could get me out of manhattan.

        4. “Wait! Is this the L train?!? Where are we going??? NOOOOOO!! I love Hitler! I am literally Hitler!!! The codes are ……..”

        5. OK, so semi serious question – a buddy of mine lives in New York (Brooklyn), and a bunch of us got together up there a few years ago and he took us to Peter Luger’s which he claimed was the best Steak in NYC. First, you thoughts on Luger’s? Second, if he is full of shit, what is the real place?

        6. Luger’s is THE NYC steak house. It has been there forever. The food is excellent and it is, as you know from being there, cool looking. That said, it is a trap now for tourists and business dinners. The food at lugers is excellent. However, I like the atmoshphere (as well as the food) better at several other NYC steakhouses — most notably for my taste Wolfgangs Park Avenue.
          This is the yelp review I left for PL
          Peter Luger Steak House
          Peter Luger Steak House
          $$$$ Steakhouses, Butcher
          178 Broadway
          Brooklyn, NY 11211
          4.0 star rating 1/6/2016
          It’s lugers
          It’s great.
          It’s in brooklyn which, if I am not mistaken, is part of northern new jersey.
          You should go there once. If you absolutely love the place you should go there more. That’s what god invented uber for. But for me, unless I was compelled to go back, despite them having truly excellent food, I think you can find a steak house in Manhattan (Wolfgang’s for instance) that will do the job just fine.
          People thought your review was:
          Funny 1

        7. Strip House is excellent. The original palm at 837 2nd avenue had my caricature on the wall with the slogan “I drink therefore I am” I have been going there since I was a knee high knee and was sad when they closed up last year. I will say that in the last 5 years or so (after the shake up that saw long time manager Albino disgracefully removed from the position he worked in wonderfully for 30 years) the place went down hill fast. Palm Too and Palm West are still there but they are essentially expensive TGI Friday’s now.
          Striphouse has an amazing ambience…really love being there but while the food is good the steak is no where near the league of Wolfgangs (or Lugers). Smith and Woolensky is basically an expensive applebees now

        8. I will say this however: while I wouldn’t go to lugers just to hang out and have dinner if someone who really loved steak came from out of town who had never been there I would bring them to PL. It’s a thing. You kinda have to go.

        9. the dry aged porterhouse is an excellent steak….but even by new York standards it is expensive for what it is and it is in fucking Brooklyn which might as well be mars for all I am concerned. That said, it is an icon and steak lovers who have never been there ought to go once at least. Like I said, for my money the best steak in NYC is at Wolfgangs. There are a few, but I think the one on Park is the best.

        10. I have an interesting theory that every single place that has been open for over 75 years totally fucking sucks….with only 2 exceptions I can think of.
          I think this happens because once they get that nostalgia thing working for them they go lax on the quality. There is a bakery near me that has been around for like 100 years and it is literally (hitler) inedible food. I mean, it is fucking terrible. ANd people go there because “uhhhhhhh my grandma loved this place and I loved my grandma so it must be good” fucking idiots. Nostalgia is the reason people think shitty music like the Beatles, shitty 100 year old bakeries and whatever time they happened to be 18 in is great.

        11. Cool. Thanks for these. I liked Luger’s a lot. But I sensed a tourist vibe too and wondered whether it is like Rendezvous in Memphis – much better BBQ, and cheaper, at lots of other places.
          I did have a funny experience in Luger’s. It was fucking packed and we were waiting at the bar for our table. I was standing there talking to my buddies and we were standing next to this group of people, three guys and one girl, who struck me as thinking that she was dressed “sexy” when to me she seemed “whoreish.” Two of the dudes were facing us, and she and the other dude were facing away. Anyway, I was ordering a beer at the same time she ordered some martini, and it was filled to the rim, it was like the surface tension of the alcohol was the only thing preventing it from spilling, and I was standing behind her reaching over to grab my beer from the bartender (my back was to her and her group) when someone bumped into me, and I bumped into her. I felt myself bump her, turned my head to her and apologized quickly, turned around and kept drinking.
          My buddies saw it happen, and said her whole drink spilled all over her and into her purse (which I actually felt somewhat bad about even though not my fault). The funny part was apparently she starts bitching to the the dude with his back to me about how he needs to say something to me, and so he got all pissed off and was going to white knight. But then he turned around and, to hear my buddies describe it, , he was a good 8 inches shorter than me and it was like he was staring into the center of my back, and if he had stood behind me, you wouldn’t see him. They said he did one of those movie looks where his eyes went from center mass up to my head, and as his line of vision elevated, so did his eyebrows until his expression was not anger but “oh shit.” Then his friends noticed all of my friends, who are my size and were amused waiting for something to happen, and the group decided to move away from us.

        12. Fucking love it! It’s a repeated scene. And your assessment was dead on. My favorite place is in Manhattan about about 20% less money with a much higher chance of getting laid because it’s not all tourists

        13. Yeah, this is why I like to hear from locals who are disinterested. I understand your point about needing to take friends to an institutional place like Lugers. But I go to NY occasionally, and want to know where the real places are.
          I should also add, though the Luger’s incident was amusing, I also got the vibe that Luger’s was not the kind of place you should start shit in. It felt like if you did, you might find yourself in the middle of this:

        14. There are two on 2nd the original on the east side and palm too on the west. Interesting history behind that. The original was the one that had my cartoon up. They closed shop last year but had been steadily declining to shit for 5 years prior

        15. Yeah they do and the mutton chop the size of your head. A great dinner spot for guys night out.

        16. 20 years ago that would have been true.they still look like that but now they would just call the cops. If you want to go to places like that next time you are in New York let me know. Remember I am a construction exec who builds high rises in manhattan. I know the places

        17. This is good shit to know. These are the kinds of places you can make friends that are very useful in certain circumstances.

        18. “Freeze dried food??!? Oh fucking kill me now, oh ye gods!”

        19. sorry bud. I have gone to Rao’s twice: once in the late 90’s and once about 2 years ago. Totally different place. Rao’s today is more like Wolfgang Pucks in LA

        20. You know, Outback makes a really good steak. Their potatoes are always really well prepared, too. And, depending on the location, you can get a nice lobster tail, as well.

        21. This is true but it is different than a first quality dry aged piece of meat from a top steak house. I don’t mind outbacks food. What I mind is outback quality at Peter Luger prices.

        22. I can’t argue that fact but I am, at heart, – sensualist. Come with me for a steak One day and you will see why

        23. Lolknee-could you show us the cartoon? If not, was it like one of those caricatures they draw on the boardwalk or Coney Island?

        24. Like CBGBs was a thing. I think. I’ve been there about five or six times, once for a WFMU benefit….

        25. CB was great. When I was in high school anyone could show up for a 20 minute set just show up and wait your turn. It was a good marketing ploy because 10 bands show up with an average of 4 people each and you have 40 people drinking and free music. I remember sitting there with my group waiting to go on stage under age drinking, fingering punk rock chicks

        26. It was like those the walls were torn down. I prob got a pic or 3 on my hard drive somewhere

  7. I’m developing a real hate for leftists, and it’s not based on what I read but the people and institutions I deal with on a daily basis.

      1. They are just… delusional.
        They think the world works completely different from how it works. From all that everything goes.
        They think that illusion is reality and reality an illusion that was kept by conspiracies believed by most of people.

      1. So glad Im done studying. Went on a campus of one college recently to take a leak, the walls of a hall were plastered with Leftist messages such as “Gay-Straight Allience meeting”, women empowerment talks and so on. It got so much worse in only few short years

    1. Many of us do. At this point all I desire is to be able to slap some smug Leftist across the face and get away with it

      1. Wait to you get to be my age as it gets progressively (pun intended) worse. Then your desire will be to put a Makarov to the base of a leftists skull and pull the trigger.

        1. What annoys me the most is their blatant hypocrisy. I pissed many of them off in face-to-face conversations, some even walked out on me, one older gentleman almost had a heart attack, turned all red. I stopped talking politics all together in real life, just online forums like this one, mental health is more important

        2. “..is their blatant hypocrisy”
          They are what they are. I used to think they were intentionally avoiding the facts or truth of the matter when you point out the inconsistancies in their position or the awful consequnces of their advocacy (eg. socialism), but over the years I have come around that most are simply intellectually lazy and amoral (eg. Obama). Like a herd of sheep. As long as their comforts are intact, they will regiritate what ever talking points they absorb and only become hostile when an antagonist (you) come along and threaten their world view. Rather than reflect on the facts at hand (which takes effort), they would rather shut you down as it’s easier and their ego remains intact.

        3. For me the biggest Liberal hypocrisy is encouraging and promoting any non-white identity while supressing, critisizing, mocking and degrading any attempts at asserting the white identity. Liberal = anti-white

        4. Correct and it is completely insane. You care to much what they think. Fuck them. Double down on your contempt of them. You are not dealing with equals, but dishonset scum. Openly mock them. Use their own shaming tactics (eg. your soft racism is noted; your closed mindedness makes you intolerable to differing opinions…etc…) against them. Accuse them of being offensive with their fake outrage. Tell them to calm down and stop being emotional. You need to read Saul Alinsky and play their own tactics on them. Trust me. They hate it.

        5. I have noticed this too. The more I deal with them, the more bashing them in the face feels more like self defense than aggression. As much as these people try to collectivise and entreaty cops to enforce their desires, the more it seems like hitting them first individually is just pre-emptive self defense against their collective bullshit.

    2. We should stop calling them “leftists”, “liberals” and the like and call them what they truly are:
      FASCIST TOTALITARIANS (perhaps redundant, but still…)

      1. I have been saying that a long time ago: these bastards are not liberals! There is nothing liberal about the ideas and values of these idiots. Liberalism comes from the Latin Libertas, that means liberty… They are nothing more than marxists in disguise, that despise true freedom.

        1. I never call them liberals. I used to call myself a liberal. I stopped because literally (Hitler) no one knows what it means. As for calling them Marxists, I feel that Marx is just one guy, and there were certainly totalitarians or fascists or feminists or whatever you want to call them before Karl Marx was born so I’m searching for a better term.

        2. Yep. Its hard sometimes to pin down the insanity of these morons. They are a mix of anti white, anti Christian, anti Western, anti capitalism, anti men, anti nationalism, anti borders, anti nation state, anti freedom, anti heterosexuality…the list goes one.

    1. I am annoyed by Adele. She should be ironing a mans shirt instead of bitching about man spreading.

        1. yup “i am a strong woman that needs no man and will never cater to the needs of a man”
          5 minutes later: Why am I alone

        2. Adele is a mudshark and everybody knows Deontray don’t stick around after he tapped that fat white ass

        3. Her voice is pretty amazing in Skyfall theme for James Bond…buuuut she likes chocolate, and prefers dark meat of the chicken. Oh well….she is a fat white woman….and she wants “an alpha”. Heh.

        1. opffuh? Isn’t that was ninja doctors use to treat ninjas?

      1. I do like imagining the massive look of Smug on the face of the “writer” while she churned out that piece.

    2. Wow, she actually said that during a concert. That’s incredibly shitty of her. If she was asked about social justice issues in an interview that’s one thing, and I don’t even care if famous people have views that differ than mine, but this? She just alienated any straight male fans she had.

        1. I couldn’t imagine going to her concert, but she is one of the very very few modern singers who I actually like. She has a great voice. I don’t care for Beyoncé, Bieber, any of that shit, but this girl actually has a good set of lungs on her. But shes fat and looks 15 years beyond her chronological age. And apparently damaged in the head also.

  8. Excellent article!!!!! Really well done.
    One thing though, about the Olympic marriage proposals. I can see the point. I mean no Olympic athlete should use the Olympics as a stage for personal life and the only Olympic athlete involved was that Chinese guy. The rest were just girls hanging out. They should be free to do what they will

        1. They’re so evil, that God painted them in yellow and gave them sneaky slit eyes to warn us.

  9. The founders didn’t write in the part about a free press just for them to do however they want to. It was put there because the thought was they would carefully watch and be critical of the government and report shenanigans to the citizens( I prefer the term “citizens” over “the people” there’s something communistic sounding about it). One would assume they would duly report ALL shenanigans instead of only reporting the ones they don’t agree with.

    1. All those jews who now own the media thought that free press meant it wouldn’t cost them anything, that’s why so many of them flocked to that field

  10. “All men are pigs”. Projection much airheads. All women, WANT men to be like pigs.
    Communism keeps on failing to grow the fuck up.

    1. I agree with what you’re saying, but is that projection or another term?
      It’s similar to “Men sexually objectify women!” Well yeah….the hot ones, and they tend to like it. Doesn’t sound like projection, although close.

      1. I think the real complaint is “Men sexually identify women who aren’t MEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!” Attractive women are almost never on this bandwagon and when they are there is always fatties shaming them standing just behind them.

        1. Yep. More or less what I was implying at. It always seems to be ugly women who make this complaint.
          Ironically, they are typically purposefully ugly as well: Obese, short, boyish hair, tats and/or weird piercings, etc. They do it to themselves then complain about why men are attracted to women that don’t look like them.

        2. It really disgusts me that men keep fucking these sea beasts. You can’t even blame the women. Women will follow a lead. But if hungry beta chumps keep affirming these things as beautiful and actually going out of their way to fuck them then jesus of fucking christland….it only encourages the beautiful women to start letting themselves go.

        3. btw (so excited to have a 2 SBTB reference day) the proper response to being labeled a pig comes from Saved By The Bell
          Jessie: YOU ARE A MACHO PIG!
          Slater: Oink Oink Baby.

      2. Maybe another term, but what i do know is the offended reaction even an average looking woman gives when it turns out that the man was indeed, also trying to have a genuine conversation. How dare you not just play the impress me game? Where the fuck is my validation? Why can’t you just be a pig?

        1. It actually pisses them off that they have to put in any effort to impress you besides their appearance

        2. Yeah….I’ve noticed that when their jiggly titties, pretty smile, and flirty laugh doesn’t get me to do what they want, or isn’t enough to hold my interest, they get pissed. They get mad if you prefer a little substance with your style.

    1. logic? that is part of the patriarchy you fucking shit lord. Please deliver yourself to the re-education camp right away.

      1. Whoever gets sent to the re-education camp first: start taking that place over and making it nice for the rest of us when we get there.
        Then we’ll start recruiting our army, like Islam and the prison system.

        1. Alex Jones would give you an “attaboy” for that one…make sure the weight room has some of the lower weights since I need to start lifting at bascially zero…and get them to put in a nice half mile running track to if you can…indoors…

        1. “The creatures outside looked from man to womyn, and from womyn to man and from man to womyn again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

  11. Sheesh. Sadiq Khan, Khizr Khan, and now Ahmad Khan Rahami.
    Star Trek decades ago warned us about guys named Khan.

  12. How about “IQ is racist pseudoscience” versus “Donald Trump appeals to low IQ whites”?

  13. If feminists say, “Men are pigs,” and feminists want to be equal as men, then does that mean feminists want to be pigs, too?
    Some if them are already pigs. They got what they wished for.

  14. Isn’t this a bit like doing a review of buggy whips in the year 1917?
    I mean sure, somebody was still using them then, but really, not many people.

    1. Blacksmiths were still in high demand then. Somebody’s gotta learn to work on them thar horseless carriages.

  15. Serious, and off topic, but can we do something about that add that pops out and minimizes the page in the background? It’s starting to simply minimize the page without the ad (which is annoying) popping up, and I have to completely restart my browser. It is *annoying as hell.

    1. Damn, I was just about to write a similar comment about the same thing. The annoying part for me is that it delays the pop out and scrolls my page to the beginning.

        1. Let me know if you figure out how to get rid of it. Whenever I decline it I’m automatically drug back up to the top of the article, or sometimes back to the ROK homepage. It’s obnoxious.

        2. I get paid in the span of 6 thousand-8 thousand bucks monthly with an internet task i found on the internet. For anyone considering to finish basic online tasks for 2h-5h /day from ease of your home and get decent salary in the same time… Then this invitation is for you… http://korta.nu/NDe

    2. I’m using AdBlock Plus and Ghostery to control ads and embedded data (cookies, trackers etc). I’m not seeing what you described, so maybe give ABP a try…90%+ of all news sites will load *much* faster.

      1. I use ABP. I didn’t start seeing it until today. The site is not whitelisted.

        1. Actually, yeah, scratch that — now I’m seeing what you’re seeing…you’re right, it’s not fixable with ABP or other add-on. Oddly it took a few minutes to start showing on my browser (Firefox), and seems random.

      2. Adblock Plus and Ghostery both suck as they’ve sold out to a level only exceeded by Bernie Sanders.

      1. It’s becoming rather frequent. Quite offputting. I get pimping ads and gaining revenue, no worries there, or even offering newsletters or email updates, sure cool. But pre-empting my session and resetting it to the top, increasingly more frequently, is getting to be a real pain.

        1. Agreed. No complaints about a man wanting to capitalize on ads, but an ad thats an obstacle, hinders what should be a smooth experience.

    3. @Roosh removed some super annoying popup once before when I mentioned it in the comments. It was some window about PC software warning! that I couldn’t close. I use router-level ad-blocking and fortunately I haven’t run into the problem you mention here. Maybe give the name of it or what the window is titled so it can be identified.

      1. To add insult to injury, “Your” missing out on our best articles!
        -YOU’RE, not YOUR
        One time I designed an ad for my job, I put a headline that said “Order Yours Today!”, and my boss says to me, “you forgot the apostrophe in “yours”.. what a dumb bastard

        1. “Educated” idiots hold way too many leadership roles in the US. Hopefully there is a trickle down effect and we can get rid of some of these people. Looks like one CEO already clamped a career hand grenade between his legs by going on about killing Trump. Then he decided to hug another one to his chest by blaming his rant on being drunk.

      2. I put my name and another email in and it just disappears. Doesn’t say I’m registered or anything. Annoying!!!

    4. Yeah it pops me back at the top of the story and lose my place in the comments.. I imagine if we keep complaining in threads it will be “fixed” shortly..

    5. Seconded. Once on the main page wouldn’t be so bad.. but it pops up on every single link click. It’s especially annoying on a mobile device as it freezes the page for half a minute while it loads. If this keeps up I’m ditching RoK.

    6. btw can someone explain me how to get rid of those fucking comments about some bitch bragging how she makes hundreds dollars on the internet in one hour

    7. Yes it is annoying especially when you are moving through the article and it moves you back to the top.

    8. Yeah and we need to lose the ads in the image frames too. There are enough ads on ROK as it is and I try to keep this place whitelisted in my adblocker. But if you’re gonna be invasive and barf ads all over the place, darken the whole site to present me a modal signup dialog, and generally be an advertising pest, you’re gonna get removed from the whitelist. There’s no reason for intrusive ads. Especially on mobile devices where people have limited data and you’re force loading video ads.

    9. Go to your add ons, or Google “ad-block” and search for some trusted extensions. It installs to your browser, and auto blocks them – but has an icon and notification if you would like to see the ads, or turn the blocker off on a site.
      Very useful tool. In Chrome, you can goto the Chrome “store” where they have the extensions, and for other browsers, there should likely be a similar store for that browser, of approved, verified add-ons and extensions.
      Hope this helps. I dont have an ad myself.

  16. Nailed it — this article desperately needs to go mainstream. Keep re-posting this wherever you can, and not just on ROK-like sites where you’re not going to find much debate.

  17. I pray for the day of all Western witch hunt against Leftists – getting them fired, jailed, triggered, ridiculed, ruining their livelihoods. In other words, doing to them what they’ve been doing to millions of us normal people. Dont forget and definitely dont forgive

    1. Don’t worry. We won’t.
      Most of these mainstream media outfits will be purged or out of business by the end of Donald Trump’s second term.

      1. September sounds very promising, if Donald wins, maybe the state of Cuckness will shift here in Canada

        1. Unlikely, along with Germany Canada is the source of world Cuckness. The currrent PM is the most popular one ever and his father the former PM was literally cucked by his crazy whore of a wife with Mick Jagger. Canadians voted for junior because of how much they loved his cuck of a father who completely cucked the whole cUntry in 1974

    1. THANK you, that is fucking awesome…I would tatoo that guys name on my chest if I belived in tatoos…will try to get the book.

  18. Dear ROK mods: I have HAD IT with this faggoty subscription popup. It’s incredibly annoying and churlish. Please get rid of it, or lose readers.

  19. Kizr Khan is a whiny piece of muslim sh*t!
    He used his son’s death to protect his crappy business — an immigration lawyer who imports muslims from Pakistan to the US.
    That’s how this shyster makes his money. He knows business will dry up when Trump becomes POTUS, so he used the death of his son to try to stop it. The reasoning in his speech was extremely convoluted.
    His son died fighting muslim extremists, but we should allow the sameextremists to come here. Sure Kizr, so you can keep earning the big bucks by bringing them here…you filthy wog shyster.

  20. I’m not too sympathetic to McCain. He should have been tortured to death and have no respect for someone who has voting record more in line with communist than Thomas Jefferson. Ditto for WWII veterans like Bob Dole. Sell outs all of them. McCain is also pro amnesty and a questionable 2nd Amendment positions over the years.
    I agree with the point made in the article with McCain, but shed no tears for his demise. As one put it, he represents DC to Arizona.

    1. I watched McCain and GWB debate back in 2000 and it was obvious to me McCain was all about McCain. He really enjoyed being that “maverick” bucking his political party and siding with democrats way too many times.
      Also, if it wasn’t for the fact his father and grandfather weren’t admirals in the navy, his stupid ass would have been grounded after he lost his 2nd plane (he lost 5).

  21. Had my Aunt stay with me for a week. I had not watch Tv for around two years or more. I could believe even know I had watched youtube video talking about this subject, the anti Trump, anti white male, pro homosexual and pro multiculturalism just hits you in the face.
    It is amazing talking to people (mainly older) that get their news from this median, (or news paper, facebook) had have almost no or little knowledge of the facts in current events but by god unlike people who don’t watch any news they have an opinion (and therefore will ask for the facts or not say anything) on them and it is often leftist bias.

  22. Or empowering women through people like Amy Schumer, and Madonna – which the latter introduced Schumer as “a genius”, and then proceeds to offer every woman’s husband in the audience (and anyone who is watching) a quote, “Blowjob for voting Hillary”. Since that remark, Hillary has not come out denouncing it, although it is clearly spreading (Google Madonna BJ Clinton – youll find hundreds of pages).
    What type of “Empowering Women” are these? When they have zero self respect, or respect for their fellow women in the audience or watching, whose hubbies were just propositioned w/ oral sex. She continued on to detail that she “makes a lot of eye contact”, and “always swallows”. If you are a women, claiming these women are promoting a message to follow their “feminist leader”, you are sadly deluding yourself. This type of thing is piggish, and leaves no respect, no wonder, and absolutely no empowerment. Unless you want to be a comdian like “genius” Amy Schumer, who “jokes” about her life of being penetrated from every angle, and many times while just doing it for an alternate agenda. Wow, how funny. Being a prostitute and deluding herself about what she is actually promoting. Feminists – be sure that your daughters get to hear these “great feminist warriors” – fighting for “respect”. Just “Deal me in” – to the 7-card STuD (minus the “u”). I mean, seriously, who wants some zero self respect grandmother to come out talking like that? Especially when it would be akin to playing Russian roulette with each chamber but one, loaded with a multitude of diseases.
    Then we have the lovely, proven voter/election fraud. The election fraud covered by Project Veritas can be found on their site (up to video pt 4 currently), and we can compare the definition of the actions admitted, to the FBI’s own definition of “Domestic Terrorism”. But it gets better!
    Obama tells us, “Election fraud has never occurred and nobody has ever had any reason to believe it does. Just search YouTube for “Obama Rigged Elections”. He claimed it is rigged 8 yrs earlier, BY the Clinton side through inference. But now he is totally denying that? And that people who believe it are crazy? Well, hes a big glass of self-delusion to gulp on down Obama. Stuffing Ballots – is your State in the video?

  23. I think cataloging the hypocrisy of the left would be a full time job. Maybe one day a computer program can be designed to find and quantify it. Summed up, whatever evil the left accuses their enemies of being is them projecting their own traits onto others and their hypocrisy is never far from their stated “morals”.

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