Why SJWs Will Never Get The World They Want

What does Social Justice, as it’s construed today, have to do with an ancient Greek myth? As it happens, everything. In the words of Diodorus of Sicily:

[Theseus] put to death Procrustes, as he was called, who dwelt in what was known as Corydallus in Attica; this man compelled the travelers who passed by to lie down upon a bed, and if any were too long for the bed he cut of the parts of their body which protruded, while in the case of such as were too short for it he stretched their legs…

Life imitates art in the Scandinavian (particularly Danish) Jante Law. Roosh noted that this hyper-equality made Danish society unbearably drab. Further, it’s weaponized by modern feminism and perhaps soon coming to a country near you. The social justice “privilege” rhetoric is all this on steroids. The effects are pretty far-reaching. Here’s how it got started.

Radical egalitarianism

The philosophical basis, in the earliest form, began as a fine Age of Enlightenment principle. As the Declaration of Independence put it, “all men are created equal”. Citizens “are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights” and “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”. It’s not too much of a stretch to say the idea implies that hereditary distinctions between citizens (noblemen and commoners) as existed in British society are artificial. Further, the law should work the same for everyone, rich or poor. So far, so good.

So this means that citizens have equal rights under the law, including determining their form of government. It doesn’t mean that everyone really is the same; that would be absurd. Some are tall, others short; some are good looking, others plain; some are strong, others are weak; and so forth. That’s just the way things are, and getting upset about things you can’t control is a waste of time.

When cultural Marxism enters the picture, things indeed become absurd. As an ideology calculated to stir up grievances and turn society into a bunch of squabbling factions, it was bad enough. Social justice is a late development of cultural Marxism, tapping into the leftist core principles of radical egalitarianism and reality denial. They believe that differences between people don’t really exist, or they do exist but shouldn’t. Social justice considers any natural advantages (as they perceive them) to be wrong, resulting in undeserved “privilege.”

What makes someone privileged?

The book Women’s Voices, Feminist Visions: Classic and Contemporary Readings graphically represents several characteristics of “domination” and “privilege”:

  • Male and masculine, Female and feminine (what’s called “cisgendered” these days)
  • Male
  • White
  • European in origin (kind of redundant)
  • Heterosexual
  • Able bodied
  • Credentialed, highly literate (professors, for example)
  • Young
  • Attractive
  • Upper and middle class
  • Anglophones
  • Light, pale
  • Gentile, non-Jew
  • Fertile

Accompanying this list are terms ending in “-ism” or “bias”, a convenient verbal arsenal of devil words. Opponents on target include anyone stating that these characteristics actually are good, believing someone can succeed despite lacking one of these traits, or refusing to wallow in guilt on command.

In the Social Justice religion, “privilege” is their version of original sin. It’s a very convenient way to manipulate people through guilt about being some kind of oppressor. It’s been that way long before they even came up with privilege rhetoric

Oh, you don’t support such-and-so policy because it opposes your interests or it will wreck your country? Well, then you must be a (insert devil word)!

Denying it or making a logical counter-argument only makes them shriek louder; you’ve been deemed a sinner. This is how they’ve delegitimized entire policy arguments. This is how they’ve shamed lukewarm conservatives into letting them get away with pathological altruism.

That was only the tip of the iceberg

The late Rabbi Ovadia Yosef tried to create a long-neglected Social Justice cause

The above is far from an exhaustive list of the things the Social Justice Warriors blather about. For example, being “neurotypical” (not being crazy, neurotic, or a sperg) is a form of “privilege,” and it’s discrimination to disagree with them. So if someone believes he’s a cat, there’s not a damn thing wrong with him; it’s the people thinking he’s a weirdo (or even disbelieving that he’s a cat) who have a problem. I’m not being facetious, as many SJWs believe they’re not human. The Current Year’s greatest cause-du-jour is on behalf of neurotic men who think they’re women. If you don’t believe they belong in the women’s bathroom (or locker room) then you’re a “transphobe”.

For another one, “heightism” is a form of discrimination. So if you’re tall, you have an unfair advantage; you’re privileged, and that means you’re a bad person. Start feeling guilty now! This recalls a passage from Ayn Rand’s Anthem:

We are six feet tall, and this is a burden, for there are not many men who are six feet tall. Ever have the Teachers and the Leaders pointed to us and frowned and said: “There is evil in your bones, Equality 7-2521, for your body has grown beyond the bodies of your brothers.” But we cannot change our bones nor our body.

That one is a subset of “lookism.” If unattractive people can’t get laid, it’s an injustice. I’m not making this up. I’m sure it sucks for people who got hit by the ugly stick, but you can’t really fault someone for not having sex with people who don’t turn them on. As I recommend in Righteous Seduction, maximize appearance where possible, while emphasizing already existing positive traits; basically making the best of things. Expecting other people to change their tastes is futile.

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others

The remedy for supposed privilege is to penalize those who hold it. So here we are, measured against the iron bed of Procrustes. A classic fictional example is Kurt Vonnegut’s short story “Harrison Bergeron“. Everyone above mediocrity in some way gets a penalty. Those too strong are weighted down, those too good looking have to cover their faces, and those too intelligent must listen to a constant distracting noise. This is the kind of world the SJWs want.

As for practical implications, the most visible and the first to emerge were hiring quotas and set-asides by race and sex, now sometimes extended to other protected groups. This gives them real privilege, backed by government power and the threat of lawsuits by activist organizations. This now applies to other things, such as college admissions. Equality of opportunity is fairness, but expecting equality of results is Procrustean.

Another angle of attack is propaganda. Documenting all this would exceed the New York City yellow pages, but here’s a snippet from Herbert Marcuse, a prominent member of the Frankfurt School, the Communist think tank that started cultural Marxism:

The West is guilty of genocidal crimes against every civilization it has encountered. American and Western Civilization are the world’s greatest repositories for racism, sexism, xenophobia, Antisemitism, Fascism, and Nazism. American society is oppressive, evil, and undeserving of loyalty.

That’s rather faint praise for the country that gave him and his accomplices refuge from the Third Reich. If you’ve been to college, often you’ve had that kind of overblown, one-sided indoctrination shoved down your throat. This is what leftist professors taught tens of millions of impressionable students for over half a century. It’s quite a hustle: a cushy, well-paying job to poison young minds with guilt trips.

The media also pushes this propaganda. Not only is their news coverage biased, they’ve been sneaking cultural Marxist messages into entertainment programming for ages. It’s even piggybacked into advertisements too. That’s a good reason not to watch crappy television or Hollywood movies; a lot of it is meant to demoralize you. For another reason to unplug from the media, getting their propaganda needle out of your arm deprives them of your cash.

Finally, the legal system is abused to impose leftist morality. Suppose you’re a baker who doesn’t want to make a cake for a gay wedding. Rather than find a different baker, or bake it themselves, they’ll rob you in court and terrorize other business owners into compliance. For that matter, gay marriage didn’t happen because the people wanted it. Instead, they lawyered it all the way up to the Supreme Court, where they “discovered” what they wanted to find in the Constitution, as always.

Why the social justice paradise is impossible to achieve

Narcissism? Now it’s called social justice and gender equality!

Procrustes could chop off feet from the tall, or stretch the short on the rack, but SJWs have a much more difficult task. The quest of these would-be revolutionaries is ultimately futile. For example, they can dumb down education, preventing intelligent students from flourishing (and then drug them when they get bored and rebellious). However, throwing billions at educating morons won’t bring them up to average standards. You can feed junk food to someone who would naturally be a great athlete and keep him out of the gym, but no amount of nutrition and training will make an Olympic athlete out of someone who just doesn’t have the body for it.

They’re pushing to blur differences between men and women, because they think sexual dimorphism is bad, but they’re fighting biology. Some will rebel against their edicts, and others will take notice. After men were lied to by feminists and outdated pop culture about what women want, some guys ignored all that and got great results. Others noticed this and started telling the truth to the public; for instance, things like supplication, pedestalization, and acting like a cuddly teddy bear don’t work. That’s how the seduction community got started. Sooner or later, women will discover that acting unladylike and having a nasty attitude will leave them lonely.

The drive to make the public unisex has picked up speed lately. Among many items, this includes pushing transsexuality on the public, including our kids. Anyone who buys into it will suffer dreadful consequences to their personal lives. In the aftermath, those who have pushed this nonsense will be discredited, perhaps with tar and feathers. It’s rather strange; if SJWs feel that differences between the sexes are only “social constructs“, then why this quest to get rid of something they don’t believe exists?

In their concern over “racism”—their most potent devil word—they wish to destroy races. They use mass immigration (against the public’s will) and propaganda to attack ethnic solidarity, with the goal to create a global biological stir-fry. Only Western countries are on target for population replacement policies, which should tell you everything you need to know about their true motivations. Also, their proposed multicultural paradise wouldn’t have any unique cultures, or any of the diversity they say they like so much. Really, this is more likely to create dozens of new half-caste ethnicities, rather than reducing populations to homogenous mush. Countries will be ungovernable, except by brute force, as the conflicting agendas increase exponentially. Even if diversity is fully exterminated, evolution will re-create it after tens of thousands of years.

Fixing income inequality—their most neglected agenda, and what “social justice” actually used to mean—is impossible to realize fully. Communism just doesn’t work, and SJWs would be in for a big surprise too. Communist revolution was the true end goal of cultural Marxism, until it got co-opted by the ultra-wealthy. Much more preferably, if we got an improved form of capitalism focusing on individually-owned small businesses, there would still be people who are more ambitious and talented than others, leading to differing outcomes.

Absolute equality doesn’t exist in the real world, and attempting to create it leads to ruin. SJWs have never accomplished anything positive. These people are losers. They need to put down their protest signs, quit trying to wreck society, and get a life.

Read More: 5 Ugly Framing Tactics Leftists Use To Insult Dissenters

137 thoughts on “Why SJWs Will Never Get The World They Want”

  1. Coping with reality is not a virtue found among liberals these days, the world they want is based on pure fantasy based on ideas created by people totally ignorant of life so it is not going to happen as it defies human nature not to mention biology.

    1. The “world that they want” is no world at all. They are pure anti-life nihilists, enacting a long, slow murder-suicide scenario for humanity. Or at least a para-murder-para-suicide.
      Every single thing they do makes perfect, consistent sense when viewed through that lens.

      1. The world they want is a fantasy a clean sterile world without wealth or poverty, without greed or violence or cheating, without laziness or stuff like that. The problem they have is the world is occupied by people and people are by their very human nature they are: greedy, lazy, selfish, violent, sexist and all that stuff.

        1. Yes. For all it’s faults, capitalism survives and thrives because it a-read human nature correctly.

        2. Oh, they realize the problem, and are doing their damn best to solve it. They are dedicated to killing off humanity. The planet will be so much better off, and nature can be restored only if humanity is wiped out. That is their goal. Never lose sight of that for a second.

      2. exactly. without “red pill” knowledge one would drive themselves crazy wondering why people behave in such illogical/hypocritical manners. however, after fully imbibing the red pill, everything makes perfect sense.

        1. When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained. – Mark Twain’s Notebook, 1898.

      3. Yes. I believe they are demonic. That is the only explanation. They have no realisation that when the building collapses, they will be squashed just as flat as the people they hate.

    2. Yes. And we are facing a massive collision with the aforementioned Reality. It’s going to be brutal.

  2. Anytime I am accidently confronted with too much of this SJW, I think to myself that we really have to get off this rock. We have done all we can do here, and we have fallen into self-indulgent navel gazing as a species. All of our major problems are our own creations, and the majority of us spend our time just picking at our own scabs.
    We need to refocus our collective energies on the next frontier. We have to get back to pushing our limits as a species… expanding, exploring, adapting, overcoming, colonizing. We’re best when we are fighting the external forces trying to destroy us, when we are focused on surviving the odds and accomplishing the impossible. We’re at our worst when we’re stuck in the species-equivalent of a 12-hour car ride in a 70s station wagon, bored out of our minds and squabbling over whose turn it is to ride on the hump.

    1. The next frontier is NY london paris toronto sydney melbourne LA, and Stockholm… aliens have invaded and garisoned…

    2. SpaceX. I want off this rock, and SpaceX is working on just that.
      We need to get launch costs down. I want the turn-around time for a SpaceX launch to be 24 hours or less (That’s their next goal now that they’ve reused one of their rockets.) I want hundreds of launches per day, and I want hundreds of people going into space with each launch.

      1. I for one don’t believe we’ll ever travel to the entire solar system as easily as we achieved intercontinental travel unless we discovered new physics (stuff like Alcubierre drive). There’s a physical reason why conventional rocket technology still hasn’t allowed us to routinely travel to the moon or we haven’t even sent a manned mission to Mars and it’s the law of diminishing returns. The farther you want to go the more fuel you have to carry to carry the fuel. It’s that simple.

        1. The fuel is relatively cheap, only a few percent of the cost of the launch vehicle. What is expensive is throwing away the entire rocket after one launch. Still, the distances involved are vast compared to intercontinental travel.

        2. You didn’t get my point. It’s not a matter of fuel price but a physical limit of diminishing returns where to go farther you need fuel just to carry fuel, not payload.

        3. I got it. If the fuel is cheap and can also be resupplied on orbit via fuel stations (from lunar water ice-derived rocket fuel, for example), it’s not a show-stopper.

        4. The nuclear rocket technology to get to Mars in a few months is available, and has been for decades. Remember when the Americas were first settled by Europeans it took months to cross the Atlantic.

    3. I’m an engineer, I’d love to devote much of my time to community projects such as space technology, medical technology. But the problem is over half of what I earn goes to government, leaving me with not much money or time.
      Nearly all of what government does works against my own interest. It is there to serve itself and pander to SJWs and other infantile adults.
      Equality is something that should be earned not mandated by government pointing a gun to my head to force equality of outcomes. Your dream can never get off the ground unless the irrational and dangerous idea of equality as a birthright rather than something to be earned is defeated.

      1. Comment of the month! This is exactly what I think every time I see some lazy sack of shit on welfare, useless refugee and almost anyone working in government..
        Equality should be earned like in ancient Greece, around 500 BC, were it only belonged to men. Only some men attended to meetings, others served in the army, navy or supported their families..
        Essentially men earned their keep and everyone, women, foreigners etc else did as they were told.

        1. I don’t think everyone on the public dime is a “lazy sack of shit.” There are genuine people out there. The problem is that we’ve expanded the welfare system so much that it attracts too many spongers. In the UK, you’re still allowed to go on holiday if you are unemployed, and STILL get your benefits. What was supposed to have been a safety net has become a hammock.

      1. Have you read The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Heinlein? A libertarian great.
        You can’t have any space-wasters on a moon colony. Sign me up!

        1. Did you ever read ‘The Cold Equations?’, one of my favorite sci-fi short stories. (Conversely, one of the worst movies ever made).

  3. They’re SOPOs, Society of the Perpetually Offended. They want to complain, bully, harass and virtue signal to try and make themselves believe they’re better than others. There is no end state world they want, they simply want excuses to control others.
    Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of
    authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to
    guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all
    ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to
    be good masters, but they mean to be masters.
    — Daniel Webster

    1. Yes. People who are always angry have problems. The problem is THEM, not us.

  4. We act like it’s just a political ideology combined with mental instability, but what if we treated SJW’s as a cult? It’s really not hard to make the case that they’re a religion, and we do have provisions for isolating cults, deprogramming cultists, and otherwise working to protect people from dangerous and abusive cult environments.
    Think about it. To be born a certain way and reasonably sane is to have privilege, which is an original sin for which there must be penance but is no salvation. All you can do is voluntarily enslave yourself to the cult, hoping to do enough to outweigh the sin of being born. Within the cult, you have to shed your privileges by renouncing your family (hateful bigots ignorant of their privilege), wearing your religious garb (Apple and problem glasses) at all times, performing absolution rituals (virtue signalling), and cutting your hair to show your allegiance to the cult (usually a horrendously ugly thing with dyed-in colors not found in nature).
    As a Christian, I wouldn’t want my children growing up in a demonstrably destructive and brainwashing cult like that.

    1. I think that’s the more reasonable approach. I don’t usually care much for Rush, but he had a great point in that they are similar to radical Islam in that both movements regard any authority outside of their own ideology as illegitimate.
      They also show a lot of other signs such as hero worship,

      1. “They also show a lot of other signs such as hero worship,”
        I think they both blow goats as well!

    2. Exactly. As GK Chesterton said, when mainstream religious beliefs disappear, people don’t believe in nothing, but in everything. I do everything I can to protect my and other children from this culture of death.

      1. The man who doesn’t stand for anything will fall for anything.
        I see advantages to marking the SJW as a religious cult, and lets throw in Feminism too. If they are a religion then we can bar them from the schools and any public spaces. No feminist or SJW tracts posted in public. No preaching the virtues of “equality” of the sexes in schools, as that is the dogma of a specific religion, and therefore separation of church and state means it can’t be even referred to in schools.

  5. SJW are parasites of the worst kind. Once they infect a host society they will destroy it, not realizing they’re dooming their safe spaces. One just has to look at Europe and both coasts here in the US to see the results of their work.

    1. Cambodia with all its do goodiers save the children land whales have virtually destroyed the place…the children were better off without them.

      1. There are “land whales” in Cambodia???
        I thought everyone was starving over there.

    2. There are still plenty of sane people in Europe (Viva Brexit!) but the trend is not good. Over here, people are either defeatist or have sunk themselves into a materialistic torpor. Many of us look to the US for an example.

  6. You can’t create “social justice” because society’s losers, kooks, degenerates, utopians, scolds, etc. have conflicting grievances that they can’t reconcile. For example, a lot of these “transgender” weirdos give even feminist women the creeps, and feminists don’t want these guys showing up at their events in drag and going into the women’s restrooms. Whose victim status takes priority here?
    They also run up against the scarcity of the confiscated wealth that they want to redistribute. Their egalitarian ideology leads them to try to discredit and push their competitors aside so that they can get the bigger shares they think they deserve, as we saw in the Bernie versus Hillary contest awhile back, where Bernie promised a better deal than Mrs. Clinton’s to the whites who would vote for him.

    1. AA, you hit the nail on the head. The real problem with socialism and communism is eventually you run out of other people’s money. They tried it in a primitive form at Jamestown and Plymouth where supposedly everyone would work to produce food and share it without profitability; the colonists nearly starved to death. Once they switched to a system that allowed the colonists to keep the fruits of their own labor, they began to thrive. I see it in the “equality” of the union I am forced to belong to. You get paid the same as me even if you sit on your ass and do nothing. Pretty soon more and more people figure this out and sit on their ass. There are a few of us that realize if we do that too, the place shuts down and we’ll all be looking for a job. So we shoulder the burden and the rest leech off of our productivity. Some day soon I may very well throw up my hands and go Galt on them.

      1. The problem is that a vast amount of people are pretty hopeless at the game of life (as we all are sometimes). However, for many of them, it’s much easier to blame outside forces than to look yourself in the mirror and admit that the problem is YOU. Not many of us have the humility to do that, and besides, it’s so satisfying being angry all the time.

        1. John I couldn’t agree more. And back before the welfare state, a lot of those folks either got better at the game of life or got weeded out of the gene pool. I’m all for giving someone a hand up, as long as it’s through private charity and not by force of government. But when you continually foster dependency and coddle the weakest elements of your society, collapse is inevitable. It’s a pay me now or pay me later scenario. If you wait until closing time, the tab will be a lot higher than if you pay as you go. I don’t think it’ll take 300 years for this system to collapse like it did for Rome. But I also doubt it will be one catastrophic event either. What I don’t get is the anger thing. I don’t enjoy being angry. It’s useful at times (and it’s even more useful if you can control it and can appear angry). But to actually stay pissed off all the time, instead of focusing on self improvement? That has to be a rotten way to live life.

  7. “The remedy for supposed privilege is to penalize those who hold it.”
    Pretty much this. It just keeps pushing further and further, because it’s based in personal insecurities that aren’t resolved by any given external gesture of appeasement. Some consider them power seeking kingfish, but they’re mostly just the broken, self-entitled crybaby losers without a clue.

  8. Great post! One of the best. I’ve always felt like the bed of Procrustes explained sjwism.

  9. “In the Social Justice religion, “privilege” is their version of original sin. It’s a very convenient way to manipulate people through guilt about being some kind of oppressor.”
    Finally someone said it!

    1. Well said. It is evidenced by their race to the bottom so they can be the victim with grievances. What a pathetic waste of a life.

      1. If it weren’t so tragic, it would be comical. What grievances are left to complain about? I know people who suffer horribly from in-growing toe nails. Perhaps they can work that up into a cause – “Check your white toe-nail privilege,” etc.

  10. I am not sure they want what they are fighting for. Most are just entitled college airheads who view protesting as some fun activity where they can “stick it to the system”. In other words, hang out with a crowd to supposedly get laid. The upper echelons like Al Gore, Jessie Jackson and others don’t really want to accomplish anything either, they are in it for the money and power.

    1. I know a couple of true believers, and what always fascinates me is that they have no idea what kind of world they want to create. They get outraged on cue, but they can never actually explain why they are outraged; they just sputter, “Are you serious? A-are you serious right now? You don’t know why I’m outraged by X?”
      Sad little people, desperate for any purpose in their meaningless and sub-optimized lives.

      1. and this state of mind creates a very mediocre society, where everyone is completely dumbed down and effeminated.

      2. They have no actual objective. They just protest about whatever the media tells them is outrageous, unjust or unfair. If you get enough of them at any protest and then ask enough of them the reason they are there you will get a range of different responses. Everything ranging from ‘stopping hated’ to ‘equal rights’ to ‘stop capitalism’ and everything in between.

        1. To prove this just look at the mountains of outrage over some Delta employee’s kids flying for free not being let on the plane in leggings. They knew the dress code and either forgot or ignored it. The girls involved just went home, changed cloths, and took a later flight (still for free). But there are SJWs out there bound and determined to strike a blow against Delta for their outrageous behavior.

    2. I think it’s ban existential problem: their lives are empty. They have no religion anymore or anything else genuine to fight for. Love ’em or hate ’em, the Baby boomers could at least pretend to care about segregation or Vietnam. These pampered babies have everything. Their motto is, “I’m angry, therefore I am”.

      1. I think you are right on the money. A person naturally wants some sort of religion in their life to define themselves. My brother is an avid rock climber, some decide on the SJW route. You see someone who does not do something like that and you see someone dead inside.

    3. I believe that a lot of them think they are counter culture, and derive satisfaction from “resisting”. However, they failed to get the memo that Feminism, and the left in general, has been in the driver’s seat for decades. They are the authority they are resisting. It seems impossible for them not to know this, but I think their self image requires this ignorance of reality to survive.

  11. The “you can be whatever you want” philosophy has devastating effects on the youth. Kids will believe this fantasy until they’re slapped hard in the face by reality and commit suicide, incapable of reaching the manufactured expectations. Fuck off SJWs !

    1. You can be anything, young man, except:
      – A mother
      – A woman in general
      – Any kind of animal
      – A wizard from a children’s book series
      – A Jedi (or newest children’s equivalent)
      – Anything for which you have no training or skill
      – Anything for which you don’t work

        1. “Identify” implies identity.
          Identity implies the totality of what one is and is not.
          Identity is only changeable by changing, in a real sense, what one is and is not.
          The mentally unstable have tried to ruin a perfectly excellent philosophical term.

      1. hey, you can be a dick wizard. My dick wizardry is legendary

        1. I’m a Native American Black Lesbian Veteran. Pleased to meet you Mr. Dick Wizard. LOL!

        2. get back in the field you coon dyke I don’t care how many wars you were in

        3. If that works on a job app, go with it. Wally P said he was a retarded Apache on a job application recently; hope he gets the job

        4. well if he can fake that indian slow talk he might just have ’em fooled.
          Can you imagine how annoying it must have been for The Flash to Listen to Apache Chief talk in the hall of justice? He just must have been a barrel of rage

        5. Nobody lies on the internet. Brb, need to go take my Shelby Cobra for a spin.

        6. I have no doubt hes telling the truth- eff it, fight fire with fire

        7. the flash moves very fast. Indians all talk obnoxiously slow. Listening to any American indian talk fills me with murderous rage. I am a new Yorker so my pace is about 50x normal. The flash’s molecules move at the speed of light. The average pepsi commercial probably seems like it lasts about 150 years to the flash. Listening to Apache Chief ramble on in the hall of justice must have made him totally bat shit insane.

        8. “the flash moves very fast..” haha thanks man!
          The Marvel equivalent- Quicksilver- was the best part of the last two XMen movies

        9. Don’t be absurd! I am always right….especially when I am wrong.

        10. Hello fellow Native American. I self identify as an Apache Attack Helicopter, hence I too am a native American (Apache, specifically).

        11. Mike I explained this on another thread. I do have Cheyenne and Blackfeet ancestry, but that’s not the point. I was born here in America, I did not immigrate, hence America is the country of my Nativity. Freaked our HR guy out when he found it on my application a few months after I hired on and I explained it to him.
          I tried self identifying as an attack helicopter one time, a Cobra gunship to be exact. But boy my arms got tired and I got so dizzy I had to sit down on the floor…ahem…it just didn’t fly for me. I don’t always identify as military hardware, but when I do I’m a tank now. 😀

      1. wow bem, you really dug through the vaults for this one huh

    2. Yes. They say, “Follow your dream!” and don’t mention that that is exactly what Hitler and Stalin did.

    3. My oldest sister has been commenting on the fragility of youth for decades. The self esteem movement started in the 70s and has continued to accelerate. Now these little assholes come to college never having heard the word no, or having been told they are wrong.
      I was teaching a freshman statistics and probability course quite a few years back. One day we were working through some problems and a female student gave a wrong answer. I told her she was wrong but that the mistake was one made by many and was a simple misunderstanding. I then went on to demonstrate where her logic went wrong. Within 5 minutes of the end of class she was in my department head’s office complaining about me saying she was wrong. Apparently she was perfect and knew everything. What the hell she was doing in college when she already knew everything is anyone’s guess. I was in the department head’s office within 10 minutes to be told I didn’t understand that these little idiots were our customers, and the customer is always right. And here I thought society was our customer, and these little idiots which we were educating were our product. Silly me.
      With in a year of this incident I had departed academia. I have never regretted that decision.

  12. “The West is guilty of genocidal crimes against every civilization…” etc
    This is not a “snippet from Herbert Marcuse”. It’s a modified quote from Pat Buchanan’s “The Death of the West” – and Buchanan doesn’t attribute it to Marcuse in any way:

    1. No, he definitely said it first.
      Herbert Marcuse heaped malevolent diatribes relentlessly upon the 1960s youth: “The West,” he railed, “is guilty of genocidal crimes against every civilization and culture it has encountered. American and Western Civilization are the world’s greatest repositories of racism, sexism, nativism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, fascism, and narcissism. American society is oppressive, evil, and undeserving of loyalty.”



      1. no Herbert Marcuse did not say it first – or ever.
        all the sources you mentioned just copied the same fake quote you see in this article. that’s why none of them provide any kind of source of Marcuse’s work for this quote – like book, magazine, speech or whatever. interestingly, if you look at the last link you provide, it’s also mentioned in a comment – scroll down or search for “The West is guilty of genocidal crimes”.

  13. Nice…yea these cat ladies will all die lonely bitter fat old ladies..with their last sex experience being a big black Muslim raping them like rag dolls.

  14. I’ve always thought that the end goal of the sjw puppet masters is to shove pedophilia down our throat and normalize degeneracy. That’s the ultimate barrier a sane person isn’t ready to accept…yet

    1. Yes they did try and convince everyone that pedophilia was a sexual orientation that should be given great praise like homosexuality.

  15. The entire SJW premise is flawed. Whose victim status takes precedence when muslims are throwing gays off rooftops?

  16. I’m a sperg. I love it. We seem to be incapable of playing the neurotypical (i.e. normie) games. Assburgers = Freedom.

        1. Brilliant, sir.
          You’ve bested me at my own game!
          now, lemme grab that (huh), add some text and take full credit.

    1. I shared this with one of your fellow literalists this morning; can’t understand why more ROK regulars don’t get into more varg.

  17. lets not forget in the book of genesis that satan was the first one to demand equality…

  18. The reason* that SJW will not achieve what they want is because they are tools. They are tools to construct the mechanisms and government that the so-called elite can then use to push their own social engineering agendas.
    The reason they do not address income/wealth inequality is because that would mean attacking their masters. They can only misdirect on this topic because the source of the inequality is central banking which allows those close to its taps to buy up real assets with newly created money they get to use (borrow) at zero or near zero cost.
    It is central banking that is the real privilege, hence their misdirection there as well.
    *Besides their internal hypocrisies.

  19. The left/liberal is indeed unachievable because human desires are insatiable. Humans are never satisfied: there will always be something else on the wish list. Feminists have everything they want but are STILL unhappy. The big thing impacting our society today (and tomorrow) is that equality of opportunity has not really worked for many people. Instead of admitting that maybe the problem is them, they now call for equality of outcome. And they will use all the force of the corrupted law to achieve it. But whatever happens, they will never be happy or content because human happiness lies on the spiritual plane, not the materialistic one which these sad people inhabit. Jesus told us to lose our lives to save them. He was right. The constant self-obsession of feminists and other fanatics leads to a very hot place from which there is no return.

    1. Indeed. Reminds me of some saying or other that I’d heard before, that with a lone dictator his desires can at least be somewhat sated…theres only so much food, so many women, so much entertainment that one man can consume. And with time and age his lusts will wane. But with a tyranny of the masses, the desires of the collective despots can never be wholly fulfilled.

  20. Remember that North-Korea is attacking Western Civilization covertly via a horrible brainwashing scheme. They were putting up lots of smokescreens if you care to look closer. The only stable command chain is the Axis.

  21. Forever and ever, until my death bed, every time I see that manlet’s face: “You’re a fuckin’ white male” echoes in my mind. Thanks AIDS Skrillex for all the fun you gave us.

  22. Not getting the world they want? They get exactly what world they want! They are professional protester, irrater out there top point out to everyone that the world is not nice, it’s dark, evil and full of conspiracy. And guess what, they fit into that picture, activelly contribute to it and as it is now, they are getting exactly what they want despite saying different things.

  23. From Heartiste:
    Remember CH maxim #1488: all leftoid policy is motivated by anti-White hatred and is intended ultimately to demographically dispossess White European Christians from their own nations.
    This guy gets it. Winning for the left is the extermination of white people, nothing else is important. (Christian in this context is a proxy for white; the left has no real problem with non-white Christians.) Thus the left’s support for Muslim colonization of the West – they literally don’t care what comes after.

  24. Liberals will never ever understand. They are chasing some utopian societal dream. They do not want equality if you are a white male who is attracted to women.

    1. Had they read Equal Is Unfair by Mr Watkins and Brooks they might have realized inequality is actually a blessing not a curse.

  25. Who knew you could make big $$$ blowing goats! I think I’ll pass but good one Garcia!

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