The Barbarians Will Solve Your Sterile Existence

Why can’t the Muslims, Africans, and Indians be more civilized like people in the West? Why do they insist on endless breeding when their children have no chance of attending an Ivy League university? Isn’t there a way we can help them to see the light of civilization, rationale thinking, and clean hygiene? These are questions you may have asked at some point when looking down on the third-world barbarians, but from the perspective of nature, it’s not them who are the problem. We are the problem. We are the defects of nature that will be eradicated.

Nature does not care about education, “high quality” offspring, college degrees, equal rights, cleanliness, sustainability, philosophy, or the environment. It cares about fertility and might, and the species or race that is most fertile and most powerful will be rewarded with the bounty that the Earth provides. The people who are able to take over the planet in sheer numbers, regardless of their intelligence or manners, will come to rule the world, just like how homo sapiens came to overrun the more intelligent Neanderthals by breeding at a far superior rate. The most intelligent race on the planet can use their smarts to fortify themselves in caves as the more numerous barbarians take over the planet, even if they’re nothing more than mindless zombies.

Rational thinking from the enlightenment era, when taken to its logical end in proving that families, divinity, and traditional standards aren’t necessary, along with the notion that the individual is God, leads to the suicide of society. Rationale, in it’s beautifully cherished civilized form, leads to the end of any race who participates in it, while the stupid barbarians with IQs of 95 or lower, who follow a 1400-year-old book that implores them to conquer and chop off heads, continue to multiply and take over more lands.

We are the mistakes of nature. We are the grotesque. We have been condemned for replacement, forsaken by God for enabling over one billion abortions in just a few decades while we attempt to change the rules of nature, to declare man woman and woman man. Our goal is not one of spiritual enlightenment but of achieving the most vile feats of degeneracy.

Because of our cultural and biological sterility, I believe we have been fated for destruction. Even though this end stares us right in the face, the best we can muster is a few rants on internet web sites, while the barbarians are raping, conquering, and breeding. I promise you they will win. History shows that the barbarians always win. They are the solution to a broken people. They faithfully worship their gods while we worship our Facebook likes and celebrities. We are so hopelessly sterile, so anti-life, that nature will celebrate when we are replaced by those who can barely read. But they will treasure the life of their kind, and that’s enough.

Even if we solve all the political problems of the day, and neutralize the most  vulgar of our society, what are we left with? A shrinking population and citizens so atomized that they are even losing the ability to communicate with each other, who have to use computerized apps and alcohol to fornicate while the female is on sterility medication, which her parents awarded her upon turning 16 years old. Our punishment is coming. Lands of the West will be given away, and even if the barbarian horde can be beaten with technology, there will be a day where there’s man left to stand against them to push the kill button. The barbarians will inherit the new world until they become civilized themselves and the cycle renews once more, like it has many times in the past.

Nature doesn’t care about your egalitarian laws or your superior IQ. It cares about reproduction and power, and what the barbarians lack in intelligence, they make up for in life energy. We are the anomalies, we are the mistakes, and unless we re-discover the ways of family, tradition, and God, we must be ready to accept the inevitable end that it was us who become so weak as a people that we didn’t even bother having a gate, and that all the barbarians had to do was walk right in.

This article was originally published on Roosh V.

Read More: 20 More Degenerate Cultures Of Our Dystopian Society 

550 thoughts on “The Barbarians Will Solve Your Sterile Existence”

  1. We have betrayed higher design through stagnation of the mind- putrefaction and entropy is the result, leading to lower design and a sickening celebration of the full spectrum of deadly sins. Studying the ancient scriptures though we see there are properties in every gene pool worth exploit. Calamity is headed towards us, and we have very limited time to shift our designs back to higher balance, restore syntropy and further the purpose of creation. Many of these beings created without plan will perish, and I personally will focus first on the protection of my own people, as will most of you. They’re lost, the suffering will be without historic nor biblical compare. Thus let us mourn, not jeer. I will approach you with an article very soon and expand on my thoughts for a plan for salvation for all the tribes of man. Waste is horrible, and the Divine is full of rage over it- make no mistake. I can feel it.

    1. You can start by writing an article on why Merkel is flooding Europe with immigrants and terrorists and imposing these people on all of us instead of promoting a policy to increase her country’s birthrate which it desperately needs. And why Germans keep voting for her with a 75% turnout when their women and daughters are being raped left and right.
      U need to start realising that your foreign and economic policies are often self destructive and that you’re not e only nation on the European continent

      1. merkel asked zuckerberg to censor “hate speech”
        “we are working on it”
        should some up the agenda…
        cannot speek of such things in Europe, Australia, Canada, and partly USA…
        i reckon this is the key to the final nail in the coffin of the west…

        1. Wait until your government forfeits in front of Brussels and Berlin and abandons Brexit. You’ll get a taste of it soon enough and it taste like shit.

      2. Women shouldn’t be allowed to vote, let alone run for positions of power.

  2. Thankfully, a few of us over here have already had some practice in the middle east. Far as God goes, I have no reason to disbelieve or believe, but the claims in religious books can mostly be disproven with Geology, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry.
    So I do have trouble believing something without concrete evidence.

    1. I think the most important part of religion is the effect it has on masses. Fear of god is a barrier for sin, and as soon as fear of god disappeared (thanks to the efforts of leftism, cultural marxism, etc), degeneracy became the norm

    2. The meta physics of the bible can be disproven, even though they weren’t always taken literally. The rapture is an interpretation only given traction from the early 20th century. Young earth creationism was only taken at face value in the last 300 years.
      However, the psychology of f the bible is brilliant. Parts of Ephesians for example are conclusions the manosphete is only to conclude after two decades of limitless communication.
      The spiritual aspect is very humanistic, and doesn’t exist in a meaningless vacuum. Its very meaningful, I would assert.

      1. I admit I’m a bit biased when it comes to the bible, I was raised Southern Baptist, family was pretty much a fundamentalist cult. So when I hear Christianity, I think, everyone believes every word of the bible is literal truth, like I did.
        Taking a step back, I do agree and have always agreed there is a lot of good philosophical advice in the bible. It’s just I’ve had too many waste of time arguments with Christians who don’t even understand evolution. It’s like gun control people, at least understand your argument and the reasons you have against it. I have no problem with people being against something, as long as they can form a rational argument explaining why.

        1. Indeed. I’m also of the mind that if you’re FOR something, you had better have a reason as well.
          Met a guy back around 1999-2000. Staunch conservative, or so he claimed. Lovee laissez faire capitalism (as do I). I noticed he never actually said why, he just loved it. I asked him if he’d read Wealth of Nations or some other capitalist type treatise, he said no. Never. Not even familiar with the arguments to back up a free market. I challenged him to an argument where I played devil’s advocate against capitalism and he took the pro side. I decimated him within minutes. He was flummoxed. I then recommended Adam Smith and a few other offers and even lent him some books. Cured that shit right up.

        2. I think capitalism is the only economic system that can work. But total, free market capitalism is how you end up with issues such as things from the Industrial revolution, phossy jaw(match companies), and 8 year olds working in factories with no safety equipment.
          The sad fact is, there will be rich and powerful that are totally willing to grind people to dust to save a few pennies.
          I’m not saying the government will save us all, or that regulations are always good. But especially people here know enough about humanity to know there are a lot of people with no scruples who would take great advantage of a free market capitalist economy.
          I haven’t read Adam Smith in a long time, and maybe he and others have solutions for these problems.
          But the sad fact is, people would be like, work somewhere else, but like minimum wage jobs today, the choice of 50 different shitty jobs isn’t really a choice to make.

        3. Perfect example of what I’m talking about. That guy has no idea how chemistry or biology works, RNA, micelles, ect. It would take awhile to explain, but as a chemist, that video is pseudoscience bullshit.
          Basically, videos like that sound scientific to the layman. That’s how the Creation Museum and websites like creation institute, ect, work. It sounds really good if you don’t have a scientific background.

        4. Not arguing the merits for or against capitalism, I’m just noting that if you are going to claim a stake on a political or philosophical issue, then you better at least be familiar with the framework and premises upon which it is founded.

    1. Yep. I did my part, I’m done now, mission accomplished. Two kids who could test out as pure Europeans, the daughter who seeks out the closest analog to an earthly Thor for boyfriend material as she can, the son who will only tag HB8+ Viking Princess types. Other genetic lines may die in this century, but mine will continue forward. In the end, only the strongest DNA survives the test of time.

      1. Me too, brah. I produced kids who are winners. This is the most powerful and important thing we men can do short of being hyper-gifted and inventing the cure for cancer or some other huge contribution to the world. My kids are my legacy. And I would be shocked if there aren’t grandkids in the near future. 😉

      2. I don’t know. 2 isn’t enough for replacement rate. Maybe surprise the wife and tell her you need to have a couple more. Let us know how the nervous breakdown goes…HA!
        Edit to add: BTW, I grew up close to you in Amish country and I love the area. If I were ever to do it all over again, I would court one of those young ladies something fierce. Make sure her father approved, of course.

  3. Even though this end
    stares us right in the face, the best we can muster is a few rants on
    internet web sites, while the barbarians are raping, conquering, and

    To hell with defeatism.
    The best we can do is GO OUT AND HAVE CHILDREN. Fuck, how hard is this? It isn’t. Put some motherfuckin’ buns in the motherfuckin’ oven and get to baking up a huge ass family.
    On a side note, having lots of kids is now becoming a status symbol with affluent whites. Serious here I believe even MSM sources have noted this. Where I live I’m surrounded by families with 3-4 kids, all tow headed blue eyed (or some variation of Honkey).
    You want to win, you got to fuck her, and fuck her often and make a brood. That’s how you win. That’s how we win.
    This is *not difficult*.

    1. I’ve heard every excuse in the book for people not having children, the silliest of which is, ” it costs too much”.
      In 1996 I had two small children who had just started school, my wife had a part time seasonal job and I was making the astounding figure of 17,400 a year. Getting by ain’t that hard.

      1. These excuses are attributed to exactly what Roosh mentions in the article, which is our “intelligence” creating rationales where, in history, no such considerations were given any credence. Now we talk ourselves out of having kids, instead of just having them and having a good life with a big family.
        Outside of medical conditions or the true confirmed bachelors who will never, ever marry even if you put a gun to his head, all I hear from the “no kids” crowd is “I’m selfish, I can’t be arsed to conquer even minor issues”. This from guys who tell you on the other hand that they long to be kings, yet they can’t even stand up to a few minute challenges. smh

        1. its not the men.
          women control this market — and they are not leaving the bars/fun/parties/cats/dogs,travel any time soon

        2. People have been brainwashed to think that children are a burden or curse instead of a blessing.
          I blame at least part of it on efforts to reduce teen pregnancy while that’s a noble effort, people get the notion that it’s just too much trouble to have kids and they carry that notion for life. An example of good intentions paving the road to hell or in this case, extinction.

        3. maybe — and its stated that “the state” has taken over the role of men(i.e provider/protector)
          Not saying women are making adult choices. But, I see them over decades of observation, playing, and still playing into their 50s and beyond…
          and drive around with dogs in their lap…
          and dogs on the plane, and in restaurants, etc, etc…
          is it like that in Ohio? the companion dogs everywhere they go?

        4. Where I live, central Ohio, as I already mentioned, I see three to four occupant strollers being pushed while mommy and daddy are out walking. As noted in the past, every county except the counties that house the big cities are 90%+ white.
          An individual woman will give up her entire world view if you take the lead and she is smitten with you. Without fail. Men lead, women follow. If men refuse to lead, then women go feral. This is what you’re seeing right now. Step in and lead again and she’ll conform to your world view nearly instantaneously.

        5. Kids are a responsibility and they will consume some of your time and resources, but before you get there you need to find the woman worthy of building that family with. This is a process that takes commitment and sacrifice and a lot of risk. Not all men are cut out for it and circumstances vary, so I would cut them some slack.
          PS – The buckeye has landed. Will drop you a line shortly.

        6. I agree, but easier said than done…
          this is why there are so many redpill/manosphere/PUA instruction sites…
          it is not easy for the average man to get laid, these days —
          and the women don’t mind grouping on the most alpha…
          I reckon the heuristic 80% of women are getting banged by 20% of men is very accurate .
          And the fattest/ugliest/meanest old woman can get laid, and have kids whenever she chooses…
          I’ve had my fun over decades. I reckon is much harder now without tight game…
          And they do not want to have kids — career/party etc…
          But, my life is based around big cities, high wealth areas…

        7. I’m not talking every man in the world. I’m specifically addressing the guys walking around bitching about these circumstances. If a person complains but does nothing to try to find a solution, then I have very little sympathy for his plight.

        8. I reckon the heuristic 80% of women are getting banged by 20% of men is very accurate .

          That is a laughable fantasy that a lot of the manosphere use with no actual proof. A huge segment of the U.S. is married (within the appropriate age bracket). I’m guessing that most of them had or are having sex with each other.
          I’m just not one to complain about a problem without looking for a solution. And enrapturing a woman isn’t that hard once you figure out Game and improve yourself in other areas.

        9. Look forward to your email. Tomorrow is Bike Night and promises to be hot and sunny. I’ll be there with a….friend….but meeting up later in the week is totally doable. Drop me a line and let me know (I’m also open today if you’re actually in Cbus right now, if you want to grab a bite or a Scotch).

        10. No worries. I might be spending more time in your neck of the woods than originally planned. Keep you in the loop.

        11. We got a 18 yr old girl in church who tows a goddamn dog around everywhere. What possible disorder could she have that requires or mandates this?!?!?!
          Note – there are NO such disorders short of blindness!

        12. I would never suggest there isn’t a solution and to give up all hope of finding a quality partner. I do think it will takes years of looking and some degree of good fortune to find someone worthy of having children with. At least in America.

        13. “People have been brainwashed to think that children are a burden or curse instead of a blessing.”
          You’re on a fukkin role today, UC.

        14. i din’t mean “companion” ass in medical necessity, just it accompanies them everywhere as a substitute child…

        15. JG…… I think you need to consider AWALT. You will not find a worthy woman, even if she sticks with you for life…… so, maybe you find one who seems alright from good genetic stock and be prepared to pay if shit goes sideways. Keep her pregnant and hope for the best.

        16. John, you’re a high speed, low drag dude. I think you have a better than average chance of finding such a woman. Even in America.
          That said, I picked mine up in western Europe.

        17. I’ve had much more positive experiences outside the country. However, I’m still American and not willing to give up the country to the savages.
          I try to stay optimistic about it. I don’t even think I’m that restrictive on what I’m looking for relative to what some friends demand. Alas, they all disappoint.

        18. “Women go feral”.
          You summed up a lot in that partial statement

        19. Forwarded you my number via email. Makes communication easier.

        20. One of the few things in life I ever came out on top of was raising good kids.
          They are grown and successful now.
          Just about everything else I’ve ever done was fucked up though 🙂

        21. Wait…what? LOL!
          John and me? No way bro, my hammer don’t swing that way.

        22. AWALT is true. A worthy woman is hard to find, but you seem to have concluded their aren’t any. Finding one takes effort, but even then you need to maintain frame to keep her on the path (conservative faith helps – catholic, orthodox, islam). Marriage is work… it doesn’t stop after the wedding. Any woman can bail on you, they are the weaker and inferior sex for a reason, and all you can do is continue on with building yourself up as our current society has removed the consequences for them acting on their base instincts.

        23. I’m selfish, VERY VERY selfish. I’m over 40 and the thought of coming home to screaming kids after my 9-10 hour (6 day) work week sounds awful. Not apologizing for that.

        24. And if you’re not complaining about the topic of the article, then that’s perfectly fine. I just loathe bitching about things that you have no intentions to try to actually solve (not you personally). Complain sure, then get to work with an actual realistic solution. Bitching just to bitch, is what bitches do.

        25. All that you say is true. I was merely implying that if you keep it privately in the back of your mind that you will never find a worthy one….. it will help you keep frame. As soon as she is “worthy”…. you’ve lost some room to maneuver 😉

        26. Its like fat people who make excuses not to exercise and not to eat healthy. People create rationale for their failures. I think its a way for people to live with defeat and disappointment.

        27. And then complain because they’re fat. Shit or get off the pot.

        28. I read an article saying that dust particles from ventilation systems in buildings were making people fat. My eyes were rolling. I mean most people are not going to look like a Greek statue, but then again looking like a Hippo is not normal either.

        29. Lots of guys (including myself) have a hard time understanding what AWALT means. Not all women are sluts (at first), but all have that potential. My wife was very prude when we first dated. But, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t like to get it rough now. All women are narcissistic, although it will manifest differently. Some take pride in the fancy jewelry, others take pride in their lack of jewelry. All women have a propensity to shit test, to test a guys status. They want a confident masculine leader.

        30. That’s why its better to get crackin’ when you’re young before you know any better.

        31. That’s another thing I can’t understand in the behavior of first worlders. How can a person that is so selfish to the point that this person doesn’t care about the doom of its own civilization gain any respect and aceptance from anyone?
          This isn’t a problem only of those who are complaining about it, this is everyone’s problem. If one doesn’t take responsability for it, then this person should be at least socially condemned and regarded as pariah. Without some kind of consequence for selfshness, you can’t possibly expect people to sacrifice anything, even if its for a greater good.

        32. AWALT is simply acknowledging, and accepting, that women can go feral (as another poster here accurately stated) if their baseness is not kept in check. Society used to hold divorce, bastard children, homosexuality, affairs, etc.. with contempt which reinforced maintaining a nuclear family. Yes, it still occurred, but it was shamed and not “celebrated” as it is now.
          Husband, family and faith are the last strongholds that keep her, and society, from devolving further.

        33. Good point. I simply accept that she could drop the hammer no matter how swimmingly it appears to be going. We have all seen it happen to men we know.

        34. Makes sense. We all have base instincts. All women are slutty, narcissistic, and emotional on a base level and unless those primal urges are harnessed through society, their husbands, or religion, they will go to that base level, despite it being counter-productive.

        35. Stop making excuses and listening to all of the Internet pussays. It’s not that hard to find a decent woman.
          If you set your expectations and live up to some of her more reasonable ones, you’ll do fine.
          Women will mold themselves to their man if they have chosen to pair bond and have him as a mate. Once you eliminate the gold digging whores and the obsessively narcissistic (which isn’t that hard) you will find there are a lot of reasonable prospects. Just ensure that you are a reasonable prospect for them too.
          This isn’t freaking rocket science here. Humans have been doing this for more than a little while now.

        36. No need to apologize. Just know that you are making sacrifices and trade offs.
          I would recommend you consider who will be around you on your death bed and what contributions you have made to the world.
          If you have made peace with that, then so be it. You’re a grown ass man.
          I just never heard of someone who was dying wish that they had spent more time at work or less time with their family.

        37. I think he meant to say a virgin or someone with just one partner before him. Anything else is just an invitation for failure and misery. Misery just for the sake of so so offspring is not an attractive proposition.

        38. I guess it depends on the age of the marriage. If they married young, you have a point, if the average age of marriage is 30, the men are just getting leftovers…

        39. You’re looking in the wrong places then.
          Or, you haven’t given them a reason to leave that all behind.

        40. I have long suspected that the world we see in say DC, New York, LA or Seattle is vastly different from the world we see in what the leftists sneeringly call “flyover country”.

        41. Those big city places might as well be located on Jupiter. Totally and utterly different worlds. The problem is that a good 80% of the manosphere writers and commenters are big city types, so this all appears “normal” to them.

        42. nope.
          nothing to do with me.
          that’s solipsism…
          I am making a reasonable observing western culture…
          east and west coast – western europe, australia…
          some other places may not be destroyed —

        43. All four of those places you mentioned are facsimile’s of western culture.
          Covens full of post-modern, non-Liberal (in the classic sense) pustules of degeneracy and selfish hedonism. The ratio’s aren’t good there. Sure there are some hold-outs but lets up the probability for you.
          Find a smaller town or village away from the urban areas. Go to the grocery store or market. Look and talk to the women there. Bet you’ll find a good’un.

        44. Making excuses would be saying it’s impossible. I don’t believe it’s impossible, however like anything high-value in life, it generally is very difficult to obtain and requires some degree of good fortune.
          I am certain by almost any measure I am well above the average mid-30s American male. Perhaps I pursue girls that are beyond my SMV, but I am still successful in casual relationships with them relatively easily. So I can be pretty confident I am at least in the ball park of value.
          Most American women do NOT choose to pair bond until after their SMV declines. Most especially good looking ones from secular families that have every possible option of man at their disposal. I’m not going to compromise on taking a girl past her prime so <25 yr olds only.
          Name another period in human history where males have been marginalized so heavily in favor of females. And it’s getting worse every single day in the west.

        45. I see what you are getting at. I think you are wrong when you say that American women don’t pair-bond until after it declines. Kazillions of early twenty-somethings marrying every year says differently. The issue is that they are really only willing to marry someone closer to their age.
          I guess my response would be to ask yourself whether or not your expectations are unreasonable.
          I’m not telling you to lower your standards nor am I giving you any shade here, but remember that perfect is the enemy of good.
          Does the risk of being childless (I am assuming you want children) outweigh a relationship with a woman in her late 20’s or early 30’s? That’s up to you.

        46. I lived in NYC and Seattle, Orlando, Miami, but also in Colorado and areas commonly called “the sticks”.
          In Montana they are right to see any vehicle with CA, OR, or WA tags and vandalize the fuck out of it. I don’t condone destruction of private property, but whoever rode in on those cars are going to vote for the destruction of private property save for it looking legal because the deeds are carried out by men with badges.
          Perchance the big city types are writing because they raise the alarm based on what they see. But…. big but.. if Middle America does not realize the dangers beyond “the Shire” so to speak, it’s over. Yes good for these people ensconced in the “Whiteopia” making babies and all that. But historically communism was born in Leningrad and Moscow then they spent the next 20 years “cleaning up” to the tune of tens of millions of non-communists murdered and/or starved to death.
          The midwest since 1992 has been outsourced, defunded, EPA-regulated, and de-industrialized out. Every foray into God’s country I made showed me only garbage and dead vehicle strewn properties, and people with horribly rotten health living on government checks in one form or another.
          One of the biggest mistakes we make is we expect the playing field to be static. What are we expecting another red army? They know we are looking for that. Just like burning books. We expect book burners, so they went around where we were looking and just took over education and cranked out people inwilling and/or unable to read and if they did read, they cannot think. So starving out middle America economically while shaming them for being red-blooded was all planned and packaged in the think tanks. And we make the mistake of supporting the “exclaiming cuckservative” who pretend to be breathless trying to explain what a “mistake” it all is. This is no mistake. They are doing this shit on purpose, all planned and forecast.
          One of the reasons why the sneering left are so pissed off is that Trump’s policies are favoring middle America, bringing back coal and steel. Middle America voted (for once). Give us 8 years of good living and young (white American) people cranking out kids and it’s over for the leftists.
          But as for me and the others, just in case, someone has to stay behind and make sure Leningrad burns to the ground this time.
          I’m through runnin’

        47. Yeah I see this more and more, some 18-22 yo girl with a “service dog”. For fucking what? I know veterans who cannot watch Blackhawk Down or Hurt Locker without getting a nervous breakdown and they don’t ask for a fucking service dog.
          I really feel like these special snowflakes need to be rounded up and beaten until they learn to act normal.

        48. You can be the best family man in the world and still die alone. In fact, most people die alone.
          A legacy (to me) is a vanity I need not entertain. Besides my genetic material is nothing to right home about 🙂 . If I saw a lot of happy parents I might be more open to the idea. In fact I was when younger. But many (not all) of the parents I see are very stressed and some possibly regret that 3rd or 4th kid.
          Nearly everyone’s dying wish is a regret of not doing something. And probably it won’t be “I wish I spent more time in a cubical,” but it maybe “I wish I’d been a better provider/leader/patriarch for my numerous children/grandchildren.”

        49. I’ve seen bitches bring em on an airplane–if they are a service dog, they fly for free!

        50. Teen pregnancy is fine as long the girl’s father and other male relatives approve of the guy doing the impregnating. God or evolution made teenage girls fertile and attractive, but not 30+ stressed out career women. Society uses propaganda to replace the patriarchy.

        51. Coal is vital. Fuck Obamas plan to destroy it. Its cheap energy. Look who is for “alt energy”: Failed ex vice president Algore….that should tell you a lot.

        52. Average age of first marriage in the US is 27-29. I’m not marrying a girl at that age. They have already begun to decline and will have more difficultly in having children.
          Young desirable twenty-something females very rarely marry at that age because they can play the game for much longer than an undesirable female of the same age.
          In the same vein that “perfect is the enemy of the good” my life now, while maybe not optimal, is still very pleasant and I’m not going to bring someone into it that isn’t an ideal partner. If that makes my standards excessive, so be it. When I was in my early 20s I have my life together. I expect the same from any female I meet.

        53. I think that 80/20 “rule” plays out more for high school, college, random bangs, one night stands etc… I think it’s more like, 80% of the women have been banged by 20% of the guys, then, after a few months to several years of banging men higher quality than themselves, girls get serious about what they can actually land and marry someone in their own league or close to it.

        54. I think a lot of the anxiety and unhappiness is because both parents are both trying to be professionals, and mommy, and daddy and mommy and daddy don’t actually see each other or spend much time together because they are running different errands, different routes to jobs, different kids to different locations. I’m not saying conventional families are perfect and can completely avoid unhappiness, but I do think this two working parent household increases the overall stress level in the family.

        55. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !pz102d:
          On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
          ➽➽;➽➽ http://GoogleFinancialJobsCash392ShopGroupsGetPay$97Hour ★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★:::::!pz102l..,..

        56. If you brought up good kids, UC, then your life is a success. The rest doesn’t matter. Well done, Sir!

        57. to be honest women have been brainwashed, they prefer to raise pets! average joe’s have to fight to reach the end of the month, and women pretend to have the badass muthafucker full of money!
          please keep this conversation serious and let emotions go away from any replies.

        58. yeah.. just to realize that they must fight their way in a country against them, unless you have 2 daughter of course, and what if they bring at home their new boyfriend named Al gabiri who will impose her the sharia law and anything else?? will you accept him?

        59. well seems that you are talking about your narrow angle Ghost, there is a whole world outta there, and not all men have such possibilities.

        60. Of course not, however it’s not as hard as everyone tells you it is to raise kids right. If they are raised right they aren’t going to be hanging out with Habib or Demonsharious.

        61. I don’t understand the rationale for never having kids. It seems to me as I age I will need a family and what is the point of working if I have no real heir?

        62. you amuse me.. really! i won’t pretend that you consider all the shitty situation in the whole usa/eu picture, but at least go to your local police station and ask them info about vawa act and all those laws biased against men, then come back here and try again.

        63. Yes you’re right you can’t win, now go fap to some porn or something.

        64. ouch! you really hurt my feelings.. how brute!
          let’s get serious, dude, if you haven’t the balls to argue with FACTS without becoming a keboard lion and insulting people who just have their opinion, you better avoid my comments in the future, i won’t deal with you anymore.

        65. Mostly because I’ve got better things to do than argue with morons .

        66. At the end of the 19th century the age of consent for girls in the USA was 10 (7 in Delaware). She did have to be through puberty. Now you’re assailed as a pedophile for wanting to marry, not just fornicate, a 16 year old girl/woman.

        67. Not likely in Jawja, Allybammy or Miss’sippi.
          Finding an available woman under 350# and no black foster kids is difficult.

        68. The biggest problem is child labor laws. Children aren’t worth anything positive, so people don’t want to go to the trouble and expense of raising them just to provide some other guy’s kid with a wet snatch to jack off into.

        69. Really? I travelled through all of those places multiple times for work and saw a number of good looking women. Granted, I didn’t get deep in conversation or try to screw any of them since all those places seem like a bad place to start a divorce, but there were definitely good prospects there.
          I think familiarity is breeding contempt for you.

        70. Totally agree. When people talk about saving the west they conveniently leave out the fact that marriage is extremely dangerous for men and because of that, there’s no reason to get tied down to some fat, aging wench.

        71. I have been thinking recently just how bad child labor laws have actually been. People get this image of it saving poor kids working in factories. Truth is kids and adults were hurt in those situations and safety standards have improved. In the past those children worked out of necessity to provide for the family that needed it. This taught a more valuable lesson to those children than any years of public schooling can provide. Additionally, small family businesses are the most impacted. Many family businesses relied on children working as apprentices essentially so that they may one day run the business or at least have a skill they can rely on someday for work.

        72. Having secondary sexual characteristics and attraction to the opposite sex are indicators of adulthood at least sexual adulthood and should render them suitable for marriage.

          Medieval/Ancient and Tribal cultures used to recognize the fact that when the female reaches her menses(excluding all exceptions that involves medical issues as a result of too early menses or too late an age for menses or complications from pregnancy at such an age) that she has reached womanhood.
          Boys reach manhood I think slower but the characteristics like deep voice and beard growth are features of manhood.
          The only problem is that given that they are not given ample responsibility that their minds are still immature at an age when they should be more mentally mature.

        73. Having secondary sexual characteristics and attraction to the opposite sex are indicators of adulthood at least sexual adulthood and should render them suitable for marriage.

          Medieval/Ancient and Tribal cultures used to recognize the fact that when the female reaches her menses(excluding all exceptions that involves medical issues as a result of too early menses or too late an age for menses or complications from pregnancy at such an age) that she has reached womanhood.

          I include Ancient Hebrew culture among this whose Mishnah and whose scripture:

          And set the Genesis standard that only a man and woman should marry.
          Boys reach manhood I think slower but the characteristics like deep voice and beard growth are features of manhood.
          The only problem is that given that they are not given ample responsibility that their minds are still immature at an age when they should be more mentally mature.

        1. I don’t agree. I think the forebears struggled to secure that we all get a fair shot; that the deck’s not TOO unfairly stacked. The degree to which one exceeds ‘getting by’ is an individual endeavor – a dynamic function of luck, effort, etc..

        2. They may have endeavored but shit happens it ain’t a perfect world.
          Furthermore, getting by is the mark of a man, he does whatever it takes. “Getting by” is a sign of fortitude whereas having it handed to you then whining about it is a sign of weakness.

      2. People NEED to hear stories like this!!!! Everyone is paralyzed with fear of ‘how expensive’ it is, but damnit there are several on this very site making it work in real life!

        1. yup, they cost what you can afford. That right there is the dirty little secret of why kids are “costing more”, because we can afford more.
          With six kids, we have a three bedroom house, boys in one, girls in another, ourselves in the third. There is a friend of mine that built triple bunks for their kids. Food is more expensive, but you can cut back on the cost quite a bit if your wife has the ambition to cook basic meals. Clothes are not a huge issue, they can wear things from the thrift store, they tear them up and ruin their clothes anyway.

        2. I bet there’s never dull day at your house either.
          I salute you.

        3. Most evenings are a controlled chaos. Unlike most parents, we don’t have a TV to sedate them. I come home from work, wife is doing dinner, kids are messing up. I will play ball or roughhouse with them a little. Last week, They dug a hole in the back yard about waist deep and 6 feet wide and lined it with some extra vinyl roofing material, then filled it with water for a soaking pool. Since then, they have tracked in all kinds of mud. It’s all good though. They have a 9pm bedtime (non negotiable) to give the wife and I some quiet time.
          During the school year, my wife will home school them until about noon, feed them, then kick them outside while she cleans in the afternoon then makes dinner for me to come home. She doesn’t do quite as much during the summers, she will clean in the morning, then play with the kids during the heat of the day and make make dinner.

        4. just make sure they do their missions here and not the third world. New Jersey needs a lot of help. Staten Island Too

        5. You know, my wife served in the ghettos of Miami. They were about the only white girls there that weren’t prostitutes in the area. She would hear the same thing, People were not interested in becoming a Mormon themselves, but they were very supportive of the work, insomuch that gang members would be protective of them. I saw the same thing when I was in Northern Ireland. As missionaries, we were the only ones who could go into either Protestant or Catholic neighborhoods without any trouble.

        6. 12 years ago I cucked it up hard and married a woman who already had some kids of her own. Most of them teenagers.
          Admittedly these teenagers were good company and I didn’t mind having them around. I left the marriage (she turned out to be a turbo bitch and I would not put up with that forever) but I miss hanging around with the kids more.
          (Side note: lots of the advice I give around here comes not from having read it somewhere. Name the cuck/beta/simp mistake and I can probably say I did it)
          Anyway, at the time, I was making roughly 28K per year. Sure sure, no “steak and lobster dinner” every day so to speak. But in my experience it is indeed not as expensive as “they” say it is. All those articles that it costs millions and millions of dollars are total bullshit.

        7. Right. What IS expensive is “competitive parenting”, getting the kids into the ‘right’ schools (starting with pre-k!), ballet, swimming lessons, violin lessons, test prep, all that resume-padding crap needed to compete against the other helicopter parents all fighting to get their kid into an Ivy.

        8. My cousin was talking about how her one and only son’s baseball league cost $3500 for the year. She said he wanted to be in the $5000 league but she said no way. I told her that my sons baseball league was $20.
          When you treat how much money you spend on your kids as a status symbol, they are expensive. Private school, private sports leagues, designer cloths, brand new vehicle at 16, coolest phones, etc…

        9. We were astounded to find all the people paying $1200/mo. for YMCA! The promo literature made it sound like $1200/year! which was doable.

      3. Why Is children more expansive in first world countries than in third world countries? I mean, as a brazilian, we have all the concerns of american parents, such as health ensurance, college degress and so on. However, men here can provide for a family of 4 or 5 children while barely earning 20k dollars a year.
        Doesn’t being a first world country means that you can have a high life standard paying less?
        Also, you should simply discard some comodities in order to be able to have a big family. You don’t need 50 inch 4K TVs and expansive cars, smartphones or houses.
        When adult people spend their money and make debts they should consider how this will affect their ability to have a family. This is actually a problem in Brazil, because most poor families are buying expansive TVs and Home Theathers while having a lot of children, that’s why they’re sttrugling miserably. However, as far as I know, higher middle class population in south america is the people who have the biggest families, and they don’t have that much financial problems. The instersting part of this history is that the biggest difference between the lower and higher middle class in Brazil is not how much we earn, as the numbers are fairly similar, the difference is how we manage our money.
        I don’t know if that’s the issue in US, but even if it is all these “children are expansive” argument seens just like a lazy excuse to me, you’re a first worlder after all. If you can’t have children because the economy in your country does not allow, I don’t think it should be called a first world country.

        1. “is not how much we earn, as the numbers are fairly similar, the difference is how we manage our money.”
          This is the kill shot knowledge right here. If more people understood this, then more would have life on their own terms.
          In most scenarios, your annual income is irrelevant. If you can live below your means and live efficiently as opposed to consumption driven, then you are winning out against the herd of slobbering retards and mindless sperg-a-trons fapping into oblivion.
          Planning, commitment and the will to see it through are three qualities that enable one to place themselves in positions where windfalls can occur. The moment you begin to use your money in the consumption pattern, you are locked in to the hedonic treadmill.
          You can be the rat running to the end of the maze to find the piece of cheese, or you can be the one who creates the maze and places all the little rats in it. You can be the one who sells them their tiny scraps while they scurry along going nowhere.

        2. and that isnt just about kids….dave ramsey handles callers daily of all income ranges… is almost never an income problem, its almost always a BUDGET YOUR FUCKING MONEY PROBLEM.
          people pay off 80k debt in 2-4 years regularly making well below that amount. about the only time income is a problem is if you are making 30k and got a 300k debt for some ungodly reason.
          but this requires hard works so most wont do it. but most will tell you all the excuses as to why they have no money though and when pressed for an answer about their budget some variation of they can’t do it. or dont have the time or “if only….” excuse occurs.
          its maddening.

      4. Women would prefer spending money on sweatshop-forged future landfill items from TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Kohls, and Walmart. That is what they really mean when they say “having a child is too expensive.”

        1. Yup, so much disposable crap that is cheaper to throw away and replace than to fix.

        2. So where is her husband to put the foot down and tell her not to spend?
          If he has her respect as a man, she’ll stop doing this.
          I don’t remember who said it here, but someone commented that a man who is doing it right will have a woman who will crawl over broken glass for him.
          That doesn’t happen without earning and maintaining respect as well as giving her respect as well.

        3. Crawl over broken glass is a line I use from time to time, so that was probably me.

        4. My wife asks me every time before making a purchase. I’ve never demanded this, she just respects me and the fact that I work hard that she doesn;t want to put us in a bind financially

        5. Totally agree.
          I worked my ass off to get to the point where we don’t have to watch every penny (we do still,) but I still expect my wife to talk about purchases with me.
          Alternatively, on the few occasions that I purchase something I give her an opportunity for input. Not saying that she would ever tell me that I couldn’t buy something or that I would even allow her to do this, but I give her the opportunity to give her opinion.
          It’s called respect.

        6. Born and bred. Tried and true.
          Biology is biology. Beats culture every time.

      5. I always bear in mind that my grandma had six sons, and her folks had seven. My grandpa grew up fourth of twelve. They lived on land that had taken generations to pay off (their grandparents came to America with nothing), they shared beds with their siblings, they lived in small houses without even a proper kitchen, they walked or rode cattle miles to reach school, and they were happy.
        Having children means you may not get the new iPhone every few months. It means cooking at home to save money and produce healthier food. It means hanging with your mates at home instead of the bar. It means learning to be a leader, a teacher, a mentor, and a father.
        Look that list over, and it’s not a bad sacrifice.

      6. It costs too much if you have the retarded expectation that nothing in your single life has to change and you will be able to buy your kids every indulgence. Both of these are retarded. Stop going to overpriced restaurants and social events full of people you don’t care about. And I have noticed that my kids have just as much fun with an empty box or a stick they find in the yard as with any expensive toy I give them.

        1. There were two “edges” that the left used to scare off rational people from the idea of having kids:
          1. That women can and will without a doubt get morbidly obese from having kids. This is partially true: if a woman is on birth control for 15 years and then settles for a simp and gets pregnant, then yes her blown out endocrine system finally goes into collapse and takes her metabolism with it. But the clarion call as I remember it back in the 1990s was just that while the average age of child rearing was not ” in her 30s” which is when the fatocalypse actually hits.
          2. That children MUST be raised as little tyrants who do what they want whenever they want and you MUST buy them everything they scream for no matter what it is or how expensive. And in order to be a good parent, you must dote over their every want and need every two seconds and walk around looking soul-sucked treating the kid as an equal.
          I saw this happen in the 1990s. I saw the trends “suddenly appear” (nothing to see here – “studies say” – move along folks). It was all bullshit. We were fooled.

      7. The problem isn’t cost. It’s the work culture of mandatory overtime and more critically, finding a suitable mother.

        1. That’s going into something with the expectation of failure.
          A man expects to succeed and win at his endeavors.

      8. I am one of seven. My mother was a SAHM and my father was a unionized factory worker. We scrapped by at best, and were homeless a few times. My mother always said it takes the same amount to raise seven kids as it does to raise one; everything you have.

      9. I hate when people say they aren’t having kids because they are expensive. This is BS since children have always been a financial burden yet even in worse times like the depression people still managed to have multiple kids. My great grandparents often starved themselves to feed their children and they were better people for it. Eventually the kids grew up and were able to repay their debts with more children, company, and care. Kids too also are cheaper the more you have as you learn more and save things (like baby clothes). You don’t need to send them to college unless you think they have the aptitude or desire for something worthwhile. Women obviously don’t need to go to college, maybe just community college for a technical skill since a good woman will have some self sufficiency. Anyway I think we all here get what I am saying.

      10. Putting your kids in majority black/mestizo public school is close to child abuse.

        1. Agree. There are still areas were the schools aren’t full of gangsta rapper wannabe thugs though.

        2. But so many families can’t afford to move to rural/small town Minessoota, Oregon or whatever, and when they get there, there are no jobs. Practically the entire economy is based in the big blue cities and their heavy negro/mestizo populations. It’s really about work.

    2. In most of our western countries, were paying a jizya to barbaric unemployables, thus being unable to sfgors as many kids in the lifestyle we want
      The solution is more complex than fertilising more ovums

      1. That’s an excuse. It’s easy to have 2-4 kids if YOU are willing to sacrifice all the fun toys and “experiences” so many hold as sacred these days. Cruise through an Appalachian trailer park, they don’t seem to have any problem spurting out huge broods.
        You don’t need two cars, only one of you in the marriage (you, not her) need to be employed, you don’t need a 2000+ sq. ft. house and you can homeschool. There are literally no valid excuses outside of a medical condition or permanent confirmed bachelor.

        1. And there’s no excuse to wipe out barbarians.
          $2,000 and a shopping spree at a gun shop, bingo, you can wipe out 80 welfare recipients on your own.
          Sure, prison is the outcome, but hey, no excuses. Amiright?

        2. Not even what I was talking about. And having a brood won’t get you thrown in jail where, say, mass murder will.
          If you have a problem with the hordes, then you better be out having a brood and encouraging others to do so. There is no other solution that has a realistic chance of succeeding.

        3. The argument to have a brood is to “save civilisation”.
          One can approach the other end of the candle if saving civilisation is the ultimate motive.
          Debt slavery is another type of prison.
          80 to 1 kill ratios will always succeed.

        4. So basically you want to bitch about the situation and then sit and indulge in intellectual masturbation about some kind of never-to-happen holocaust on the internet. Ok, that’s fine, but it won’t happen and your refusal to act to realistically help fix the issue makes you part of the problem (no offense).

        5. No, what I’m pointing out is there is a difference between possible and plausible.
          You’ve used pejorative language towards those that don’t have more kids.
          I’m more sympathetic, knowing its not plausible for some.
          If that’s beyond the intellect of some, then I may ad well turn the intellectual masturbation dial up to eleven… lets talk about the possible!

        6. There is no “not plausible” except for what I noted. This is what Roosh is talking about, you’re rationalizing away something that is literally nothing. The hordes of brown folk sure don’t give a fuck about “what’s plausible”.

        7. That is *exactly* correct. Most of our families 2 generations ago raised 4-6 kids in what today would be considered shoe box houses.

        8. Well. That’s one idea….
          Not a great one, but I spose it counts as an idea.

        9. $40k to $50k/yr seems doable in my area if you started working at 18 and didn’t mess up by incurring debt. Wait, who am I kidding most people in the trailer park don’t wait til 18 to start a family.

        10. THIS. True that. Grow a pair and push out some kids. Be a patriarch.

    3. Well said GOJ. My brood of little blue-eyed spawn has reached adulthood. Post-Divorce…. I still can’t help shake the desire to go out and have four more. hahaha

    4. What I have noticed from the women I have spoken to is they do not want large families. They want 1-2 kids. Obviously I want more so I have passed these girls over. But nonetheless, a lot of women feel It is tough to take care of so many children and have a decent standard of living in a safe neighborhood

      1. What does how a woman feel have to do with it? She only feels what her feral mind is humming to her. Lead, be the man in the relationship, she’ll come to your view in time. The men who let the wife lead, deserve the fate that they have created.

        1. “There is no greater misfortune for a man than to be governed by his wife: in such case he is neither himself nor his wife, he is a perfect nonentity.”
          – Napoleon Bonaparte
          Like him or not, the man was 100% right when he stated this.

        2. Until he went God Emperor in mindset, I actually admire Napoleon. His mastery of battle tactics and strategies, along with his rational mind which set the precedent for how we organize cities to this day, were astounding. A great man. And yep, he’s exactly correct.

        3. His tactics are undisputed, but his rationale is something I would question. He sat 2 weeks in Moscow before he realized his supplies were dwindling, his supply lines stretched, a beaten, but unconquered Russian army lurked on the horizon and winter was approaching.
          IIRC only about 10% of his army saw France again.

        4. My guess is, he wasn’t fond of defeat. I kind of get that, although you should cut your losses if you are forced to do so.

        5. Awfully risky proposition there. Essentially ignoring what she’s saying in hopes she comes around to my view at a later date.
          And what if she doesn’t? Have a smaller family than what you want?

        6. If you’re only “hoping” then you’ve already ceded the frame to her. Be the man, be the leader and she’ll naturally follow. It’s how they’re wired. If you don’t think you can then she will know you can’t as well.

        7. Nailed it.
          I am irritated by so many “Men,” here that are making excuses and reasons to not just lead their families.
          Women want to be led. They want their man to be a freaking man. If he wants a bunch of kids and she believes he will be able to support them and her, she’ll turn that vagina into a clown car.

        8. I think he did the right thing. You can only change woman’s opinion to a certain extent. Beyond that, everything else is an illusion. It’s better to find someone somewhat aligned to your principles than trying to convert an atheist into a devoted Christian. Not impossible to do but why should he go through all the trouble to do that?

        9. You’re somewhat right.
          However, a woman will mold herself to the beliefs and values of her mate, assuming he continues to earn this from her. They’re somewhat Principle-Fluid in that manner.
          Obviously, we aren’t talking polar opposites or extreme examples in values.

        10. Are you serious? She’s the one who has to actually carry the thing for nine months. You should be making important decisions mutually. If you don’t respect her feelings on the very personal issue of pregnancy, then I say you’re a bad husband.

      2. Please don’t pass those girls over for that reason alone. Girls say they want 1 or 2 because we’re taught to believe it’s easier on our bodies, our (your) wallet, and our sanity. Plus, population crisis, climate change, blah blah. It’s unnatural for a woman to think that way, though. If she’s bonded to you and you’re a strong man who knows better, you can easily enlighten her.

        1. They want 1 or 2 because they read garbage magazines and articles linked on Facebook and their man allows them to buy into that bullshit.
          Too many sissified men allowing their wives to co-lead the family.
          No enough men just putting their foot down early enough. Not rude or disrespectfully, but firm and with gravitas.

        2. Women hear it everywhere and from the start – from their middle school sex ed teacher, from their high school guidance counselor, from their own mothers even. They hear it from men, too – men of my generation usually want 1 or 2, if that. A beta I considered marrying in college insisted we adopt just one. ugh. State propaganda and a lot of people believing it unfortunately.
          Men have so much more power than most of them seem to realize. When I see men here throwing up their hands in defeat and disgust, I sympathize but it also makes me want to cry.

        3. “Men have so much more power than most of them seem to realize.”
          That’s the crux of the matter. Men need to claim power over their lives perhaps even in spite of their upbringing.
          Life is hard, but damn it grab it by the throat and do your damndest to spit in its eye and kick it in the balls. If you get knocked down then by all means feel free to not be a pussy and get back up. That’s why boots have bootstraps.
          I enjoy ROK and there have been several occasions where steel sharpens steel.
          What I see often, however, is a group of men content to live shallow vacuous lives of just trying to get their willy wet while bitching about how there aren’t any good women out there. Or, in the context of this article, simply sniveling about the cost of kids.
          That’s just plain bullshit coming from people unable or unwilling to put in the work to take care of what needs doing.
          I’m not telling anyone how to live their lives and we are all free to make our own choices, but shirking from the hard work that needs to be done…..That’s not what men do.

    5. I have a friend with 3 kids. He and his wife are MISERABLE and broke. Yes he might have contributed to some “cause” that may affect our society, but he’s got a tough time right now. I advised him to have “one and done” but he didn’t listen. It is not advisable to have kids you can’t afford. You don’t have to be a multi-millionaire, but a good guideline is earnings should equal about $60,000 of earnings per child. So three kids = $180,000 combined annual family income. I’d be surprised if my bud is breaking $100k total.

      1. I’m speaking directly to those who complain about the problem but indulge in nothing but internet mental masturbation. I doubt your buddy is one of those people.

      2. You shouldn’t have kids you can’t afford, but it’s not that hard to have a plan and make it work.

      3. Bullshit.
        Cost of living is based on where you live. When I started out I had 3 kids making $35k a year. Stuffled, sure but we figured it out. I’m not the only one.
        Does that mean weeklong vacations to Disney are out? Yep.
        They will learn to be grateful for what they have and to earn what they want.
        My kids learned to love camping and hiking. Playing in the woods and getting dirty. We shopped end of season clearance for next years clothes. Thrift stores and garage sales.
        Those days are long gone but we made it work. Because we didn’t have any other choice.

        1. My wife routinely shops as Goodwill and feels guilty when she buys something for herself…she works like a dog cleaning our house and raising our sons.

        2. Then you are doing something right.
          Alternatively, I am assuming you are also working like a dog to take care of her and your progeny. Not just financial support (dragging home the kill,) but also to spend time and effort raising them up properly.
          Good job, Dad. (I don’t think we congratulate and encourage other Dad’s enough for doing the right things.)

      4. Bullshit. You can support two kids on $68,ooo per year easily in Western NY near Buffalo. It all depends where you live. A small city in flyover country is infinitely superior to Manhattan for raising kids.

        1. True, cost of living is a factor. But I think my formula holds up within a 1/2 hour drive of any major city.

        2. If you mean NYC or LA probably. If you mean Lockport NY which is 40 minutes from the Buffalo City Limits then no. Ghost of Jefferson has several kids and I don’t think he pulls in $240,000 per year. He is thrifty to be sure…..but Shop at Aldis or BJs and get clothes at the thrift store and you can really stretch your dollars much further than you claim. Also, who needs cable? Is a cell phone a necessity? Thats $250 per month right there…..

    6. I’ve said the same thing before on here. Step into a Chik Fil a and you’ll be bombarded with rambunctious blonde-haired, blue-eyed children.

    7. “The best we can do is GO OUT AND HAVE CHILDREN. Fuck, how hard is this? It isn’t. Put some motherfuckin’ buns in the motherfuckin’ oven and get to baking up a huge ass family.”
      There is another possibility as well for the not to distant future.”
      Suppose Western Europe does “fall” so to speak to the Muslim hoards. How about the possible resulting mass exodus of native Europeans (whites) “refugees” from WE to the United States and Canada? People who would choose to uproot themselves and make such a move would likely be young and of child bearing years if not already married with children. Not only raw numbers of people but the capital/education/skills they would bring with them. It would be a “buyers market” so to speak for the US/Canada as far as who they let in and how many. This unpredictable potential infusion of western European immigrants might have a powerful effect on projections of America’s & Canada demographic distribution in the later half of the 21st century and beyond.

    8. Aye brother. I have deduced a year ago that the “best revenge” we can get on “them” is to … make babies. American babies. White ones even.
      Heck. If white men started doing it the way black men do it (for what does a disenfranchised white man have to lose when he has nothing but his balls?) the “they” would be so alarmed they would start proposing sterilization as punishment for not making child support, instead of jail.
      And we’ll see how that never came up with it was protected dindu classes doing it.
      But that anti-civilizational move aside, you are right.
      All the begging and pleading, to leftists whose only answer is “Obama smug face” that they are “doing something wrong” or “making a mistake” has gone NOWHERE. For they know exactly what they are doing and they are doing it on purpose.
      Stockpiling guns, when you only have two hands, is also useless. When “They” can let in the hordes and vote your rights away you are only going to be contributing to big news reports of your collections getting thrown in a truck while you are perp-walked.
      Shitpoasting on 4chan and daily stormer amounts to nothing.
      But the dilemma is raised; lot’s of fellows in our generation are lost. If my salty balls are not spewing blanks then with a lifetime of exposure to chemicals and heavy metals (from military service to private sector) I’ll end up with a potato.
      For those fellows who are too old, and not rich enough or a 20-something, it may well be too late. The only thing left to do is warn the next generation, and help them in any way possible.
      (…as I already eye my gun collection and are determining which ones I am giving away to various nephews that are being red-pilled already – I’ll have only three when I’m done )

      1. Dok,
        I have a couple of cool uncles, but… man you would take the cake! I hope you bring up un-PC stuff all the time at Thanksgiving dinner.

    9. Amen. All this demographic destiny stuff is nonsense. Whites, non-hispanic, are still 60% of the population. If only half of our breeding aged people decided to all have a kid next year, it would set “destiny” back by a couple of decades. Etc… And, as the Spartans demonstrated at Thermopylae, a few strong determined men can stand down an army of barbarians, basically indefinitely, unless a traitor aids the enemy.

        1. Oh, I understand. I have never actually seen 300. Have read Gates of Fire though and would highly recommend it. Point being, the 5000 total Greeks, Thebans, Thespians, Lacedaemonians, etc… still faced down an army that was at least 25 times their size, killed four times as many men as they FIELDED in total, and only retreated (except the Spartans and Thespians) once Ephialtes told the Persians how to circumvent the pass.

    10. I agree we need more children but I should point out with my research on the web the average cost to give birth is 3,500.

      1. Average cost in a standard hospital, perhaps. Women have been giving birth throughout history without clinical surgery rooms. I know things can go wrong, so it’s good to be near a hospital, which any decent “alternative” (read normal) birthing center will offer. I’ll be doing a non-hospital birth when that day comes.

    11. Okay, okay, I’ll start on the press-ups tomorrow morning. Got any phone numbers?

    12. It’s a novel idea but the birth rates of “already here” people are still plummeting and socialist governments scramble to import a new generation of socialist voters. Solution? Mass immigration.
      Feminism, by destroying the nuclear family and thus destabilizing society (by destroying it’s cellular integrity, the family) has resulted in fewer men heading to the altar to sign up for marriage and fatherhood (servitude and child-support).
      Interesting. There is another plight that attacks it’s host at the cellular level causing systematic failure of all of the hosts systems:
      It’s called cancer.

    13. Hillarious, you amuse me, now, im sure you know how much money you need to have lot’s of kids unless you are a rich men you are wrong, and do not let me think we must become a Cpt save-a-hoe! because not so many Ladies outta there! and wait a minute! do you live on Mars? because here, on earth, location USA and EU, women have all laws by their side, and your ass could be in jail in a moment notice!
      Keep on dreaming Ghost!

    14. Can’t someone invent a virus to wipe out the populations of Africa and the Muslim world?

    15. This is pretty damn difficult.
      You won’t find one single white, western woman under 30 wanting to have children, if you try to impregnate one, she will quickly have an abortion since she is “not ready yet”.
      If you try to force her into raising your child with you, you will go to jail.
      If you try a surrogate mother, you will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to raise the child alone, by yourself, while still trying to work and have a normal life, practically impossible (which is why in nature we have a person to collect resources and another to take care for the children, because its the only way)
      Don’t pretend having children is the same as simply getting laid.

    16. The Reconquesta of Spain gives us hope. Marrying young is the way to go. Maximize the time,frequency and therefore the chance of the wife getting pregnant.

    17. Yes. It. Is. Because middle class whites can no longer afford to send multiple children to non-black public schools. You have no concept of how important that is and how much it keeps young whites from havibg multiple children.

  4. Very well stated. We are facing a civilizational test…the question is can we survive and grow stronger from it (Like the Greeks vs. The Persian Empire) or will it break us (Like the Western Roman Empire)

  5. The savages don’t have any “might.” We could exterminate them in a matter of years if we wanted. They will never hold any authority because they are too stupid. Their very existence is dependent on civilized charity.

    1. “Their very existence is dependent on civilized charity.”
      Most of them are not aware of that. You think the welfare recipients in this country do?

      1. No of course not. It all goes back to the same thing, eliminate universal suffrage and almost all these problems take care of themselves.

    2. But that is just treating the symptom and not the cause. Say that some magical “Solution” takes place. Ok, great. Now we have a country of only white people, who are still not, guess what, fucking and having kids at replacement levels.

      1. I’d much rather live in a civilized society with a low reproductive rate like Japan than one importing savages to sustain population like many in Europe.

        1. Sure, but in two generations we’ll have barren landscape and tumbleweeds blowing through empty cities and suburbs. If you don’t reproduce, then I don’t see the point of going out on some magical mythical rampage against the hordes. No point in wasting the energy.

        1. Right. That’s the bare minimum, replacement level. Admittedly we should have had more, BUT, I’m not out screaming that the world is on fire and that whites are going extinct. I’m simply offering a solution for those that feel that this problem needs addressed.

        2. Wrong. Two is not replacement level.
          However, from everything you said, they seem to be high quality.
          Btw, I have long thick hair that everyone is envious about.
          Same with blue eyes.

        3. Um…yeah…it is.
          Let me count:
          Wife, quantity 1 Daughter quantity 1
          Me, quantity 1, Son quantity 1
          So we replaced ourselves (meaning a one for one exchange), which is, last check, replacement level.

        4. But for the sake of accounting, you should have died upon his birth. THAT’s replacement.

        5. Replacement *level* is not the same as “replacement”.

        6. While your basic counting skills are correct, as it pertains to populations, 2.1 is replacement level.
          Either way, “you” need 3 to make even the tiniest positive impact.
          Then, they need to do the same.
          The barbarians multiply

        7. Replacement level was only in reference to my family aka wife and I.

      2. While a country can not continue with low birthrates should we accept and be prepared for things to become automated? Also we should not care if a billionaire has a 5 percent increase in sales because there is a bigger population buying it.

    3. Yeah the other day I saw a TV commercial trying to get donations for clean water in Africa. Then I remembered my dad saying he gave money in the 1970s for exactly the same thing. If they still don’t have clean water after 47 years of charity they never will

  6. Actually most of the smart kids in American schools that go to the Ivy schools are Asians and Indians. Despite that they they seem primitive but hey their numbers are growing us whites are dying.

    1. Smart or not, the Ownership Class in this country ALWAYS manages to get their larvae into the Ivys. A couple few even sneak in on merit once in a while!

      1. Yeah but what I am saying is the Indian and Chinese kids are real smart. Smarter than white kids. East Asians got high IQs and upper caste Indians as well. The latter have become only second to Jews as the richest ethnic group in America.

        1. They do tend to excel scholastically. The whys behind this are as complex as they are irrelevant.

        2. That’s usually why the generation that is born in the US usually does not do as well as their parents.
          In Europe, almost all the crazy Muslim fanatics, the ones who join ISIS and Al Qaeda are second generation or third generation Muslims born in European countries.
          Makes you glad America got Indian and Asian nerds instead of Muslims. I don’t care about their color or their nationality, if they are becoming productive people, good.

        3. I won’t disagree with you on smarts and especially on hard work of immigrant class but if you think that asians aren’t using nepotism and inordinate sums of money at this point your nuts. Chinese and Koreans are buying and influencing their way into these schools just as much as the wasps at this point. You would have been 100% correct if you made that comment in 1985. However, you are only 50% correct now. I would say the asians at IVY joints (as well as the top notch private schools like exeter and phillips, horace mann and Dalton near me) are there the “old fashion way” with very wealthy and well connected parents who use influence and money to put them there.

        4. On the other hand, the top 25% smartest Chinese is roughly equal to the total population of the US.
          Let that sink in a minute.

        5. you know it took me a few seconds to wrap my head around that but yeah, there is a lot of dem dere Chinese. One is never safe with their coke. Not sure which I am worried more about though, that the top 25% of the smartest chinks is equal to the total population of the US or that the bottom 25% of morons is. THe smart ones I am not really all that worried about. Most of the smart ones see the value in capitalism and want nothing to do with fucking china. It is the buck toothed morons i’d be concerned about.

        6. Nah, illiterate and non-party connected farmers who will never in their life venture far from their village or province. (Nor do they likely desire to do so.)
          What is concerning is the number of them in STEM fields compared to the US.
          Certainly their upward trend is leveling off as they are getting towards the ass end of their Goldilocks period and acknowledging that much of their tech was given to them, but in sheer numbers it’s just a matter of time before they take the lead.
          Pending unforeseen developments of course.

        7. I will always take the best and the brightest despite where they come from or how likely they are to pee in the coke. What I don’t want is morons who drain society without adding to it.

        8. Where’s the 1000 upvote button, weirdly I just had that same conversation (about how *moneyed* slants and hajis are taking the top spots).

  7. Actually we do have the means to stop it. But it we do not have the will or stomach for it. The Italians could turn their naval guns on the migrant boats. We could assassinate smugglers and sterilise Africa by force. We could revoke visas and build fortified walls. Then we could invest in our economy to keep up with the Chinese and perhaps use tax incentives to modestly raise the birth rate to 2.5 – 3 which would give sustainable population growth. I’m not advocating violence just showing a hypothetical solution

    1. Yes – We could put Soros and his family in a dungeon and dismantle his NGOs. Establish safe zones in the Middle East and North Africa and start repatriation of the refugees who entered Europe and North America.
      All it would take is the will.

  8. Once I was talking to a young, African immigrant, cant say the guy was bad in any sense, we had a job relation conversation. Then he mentioned that his wife was pregnant. “Oh, congrats”, I said “How many children would you like to have?”
    “Five, with this wife…..and five with the one back in Africa” he replied without thinking. That’s when I felt that whites were doomed.

  9. I’m like 40 pages into the Quran and one thing I’ll say about it is that unlike the Old or New Testament it doesn’t begin as a fantastical story but rather a set of commands and proclamations of worship.
    Every second sentence or so includes a condemnation of the disbelievers, and there are a number of passages already discrediting the greedy Jews and confused Christians.
    The Muslims cut to the chase.

    1. “a set of commands and proclamations of worship.”
      “Every second sentence or so includes a condemnation of the disbelievers”
      I have thumbed through that book in the past, and that is what bugged me about it. There is more to life than a set of commands to follow. Life is organic, we are free to learn and grow through our actions. It bugs me how most Quranic passages read as “you do this” or “you do that”. It reads like a frustrated parent laying down the law, not how God would act.

      1. I agree.
        But its clarity and absoluteness does lend to militarism and fanaticism, which lends itself further to effective barbarism.

        1. I have a pet theory that the Mohamed was indeed visited by Satan or some other demon and the Quran was inspired as such. Although monotheistic, Islam itself has very much the teachings of Satan. It is very dogmatic, a student of that religion gives up their freedom to act. It is spread by conquest, not by word.
          15 ¶ Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
          16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
          17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
          18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
          19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
          20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
          Matthew 7

    2. in terms of do this, don’t do that, Jewish laws take the cake. Insane micro-management.

      1. From the Old Testament? I haven’t read it in full yet.
        Jewish mom’s are screechy and micro-managing as hell though.

      2. The Jews had to maintain cultural distinctiveness, and their rules did a good job of providing it, among other things. Well, at least as long as they followed said rules.

    3. I read the Quran. It is boring and bland and in all honestly does not challenge your mind like the Bible.

    4. I read the Quran. It is boring and bland and in all honestly does not challenge your mind like the Bible.

      1. But that is its strength is my point.
        Judaism leads to tribalistic thinking, Christianity leads to contemplation of metaphysics and universal morality, and Islam provides its believers a justification for war.
        Each has its own strengths and weaknesses.

  10. There’s ALWAYS a solution, we just don’t have the will to carry it out.
    That’s why the culture must be fought for first.

  11. Only God you should fear is the planet, herself. She doesn’t care who she culls. If she decides to rid of all of us she will. No amount of preparation and resistance will stop her from crowning a new apex predator.
    In the end she, who has given us every opportunity to thrive must be cherished and respected.
    All she ask is for us to get along. But we are all flawed and conflict has been instilled in us from the beginning.
    Just enjoy existence for what it is and stop trying to run away from our initial responsibilities as caretakers and cullers of the planet.

    1. Where has the planet ever cared about violence? Violence is a huge law of nature. That *culls* the weak more than anything else. Life is harsh, brutal and short in Nature.

      1. Ever notice how people who refer to God as “She,” never have a problem referring to Satan as a “He”

        1. It’s true. We brutally erect cities made out of towers of glass and steel, we brutally and savagely send advanced spacecraft out into the void, we were brutal in conquering Nature and making her our bitch. Sheer brutes, bro.

        2. Gotta get them hands dirty man. We are it. No way around it. We don’t do that shit, no society, nothing will be built.

        1. How about “it”? It’s just a piece of solidified rock floating on molten iron.

    2. Logic dictates that a meteor or smth should have crashed already in the last thousand of years. Earth always manages to survive somehow and life goes on just fine , even though it is just a tiny piece of material in the huge Universe where giant brutal explosions and stuff like that happen all the time. I’m not sure about the existance of God , but I think if we were purely in the mercy of Earth and the Universe forces we would be done already.

      1. We barely experienced anything on this planet. Don’t know when the next ice age will be but it’ll be here in 600 gazillion years.

  12. I am not sure if barbarian is a great way to describe these people, after all their women don’t go around sleeping with dozens of men every weekend, drinking themselves stupid. Have you seen any of their women on Jerry Springer or Maury detailing lurid stories of their sex lives to an audience of strangers? Do you see their children having no fathers in their homes? Do you see their dads being destroyed by divorce courts? Also they raise real kids and real families. That is why their civilizations are moving forward after being behind us more enlightened whites for such a long time. Really who is the barbarian here?

  13. You’re post reminds me of ‘I am Legend’ (the novel by Richard Matheson, not the film) The last man murders the some what intelligent barbarous infected people by day, and cowers in his house at night. This continues for years until inevitably they grow smarter and trick him with a woman. Now captured and with an audience of hundreds, he is about to be publicly executed.
    However when he takes a step towards his kangaroo court judges they, and his audience recoil in terror, he realises that in the years gone by, he has become their personal nightmare, their barbarian.
    Now my question is, what are these people’s Robert Neville- their nightmare? And can we still become it before we turn into the ‘Legends’ and ‘Omega’ (jk) men?
    Obviously I’m not suggesting murder.

    1. damn – sounds like a great book…
      And I will never read it…
      so what happened next in the book?
      Loved the movie – remember seeing couple of shelbies parked near madison square park during filming in nYC…
      And sometimes, many times, in places i frequent I feel like the last man standing…

      1. Ill never read it either, although i think the book had vampires, not mindless zombies

        1. From what I recall both he and the ‘vampires’ themselves believed that they were vampires, (they were scared of crosses and he thought he had to stake them) but they were more like the next step in evolution. He does a lot of research and self improvement to become a more efficient killing machine throughout the book.

      2. “And I will never read it…”
        I am at the point where the only reading I do now is on the back of Puerto Rican girl’s pants. I just finished “Juicy” and am looking to pick up “Pink” soon

        1. haha.
          don’t know what it means but funny.
          tramp stamps are more enlightening than schopenhauer…

    2. “..what are these people’s Robert Neville- their nightmare?..”
      perhaps a very white/masculine, fashion designer that makes berka-bikinis…

      1. I had a lunch box with that picture and captions. didnt go over well

    1. I had a really really really hard time imagining Tom Hanks knocking up Robin Wright in that movie. Mostly because it was very hard to unsee Hanks as a homosexual man with AIDS in his prior role the year before in Philadelphia. Now all that gay stuff is mainstream but it really bothered me and I assumed Hanks was a homo or a homo supporter so I stopped watching his movies. Today most of them are a bunch of gays.
      Back then the gay stuff had a lot of shock value even more than the interracial stuff, actually movies had interracial stuff for a while. Hollywood had that Arab dude sleep with white actresses, Omar Sheriff, or whats his name. They passed him off as “Russian”. How the fuck.

        1. Oh that one, but they were dressing in drag in that one, they weren’t actual homos. Philadelphia was about a homosexual guy with AIDS, he even had those lesions on him. It was really disturbing. Before that I liked Tom Hanks, his prior movies were films like Dragnet, Bachelor Party, and Turner and Hooch, and then all of a sudden he’s a queer with AIDS. It was very disturbing. After that point he’s become a “serious” actor, have not seen any of his movies since.
          Sure he’s a big star, good for him. Honestly around that point I discovered anime and foreign films and most Hollywood flicks have just been disappointing.

        2. Hes a good actor. At least he didn’t go Full-Brokeback in “Philadelphia”, which
          was highly overrated.

      1. Never heard of Philadelphia. I went to IMDB after reading your post to see what it is about. This is the synopsis for the movie:
        “When a man with HIV is fired by his law firm because of his condition, he hires a homophobic small time lawyer as the only willing advocate for a wrongful dismissal suit.”
        Suffice it to say I won’t be watching this movie. I like Tom Hanks’ movies and I’d rather not have them ruined by watching him make-out with another guy.

      1. Self-indulgent tripe courtesy of the Vainest Generation….
        Good soundtrack though!

        1. the bit where Duane Eddys Rabble Rouser is playing and the “boys” are chasing him down to give him a beating is a good scene, “run Forrest ruuuuuuun”

        1. Nah, chopped that off once I graduated high school. No choice really, I graduated in June and went into the military in July.

      2. Most people love it. And it is slick, I’ll give it that much. But it’s a complete and total pro-SJW mindfuck. And Forrest Gump is the poster child for White Knights everywhere. It tugs at the heart strings and makes people root for the underprivileged underdog, who faces down bullies, while always looking out for, and defending, his poor, sexually abused, lady love (while she shits on him and fucks tons of dudes). And yet, he ultimately overcomes all odds through “blind love” and marries the girl while becoming super rich, even though he has the IQ of a ham sandwich.

        1. He married her only after when she was a used up bar fly with a bastard child, and the Aids. As dumb as he was, that was his stupidest decision.

        2. I watched this for the first time in 1997 when I was in middle school. Mind you, I was still pretty naive about lots of things, but even then, something about Jenny didn’t click. Even the whole “Daddy abused me” story didn’t seem right, even if apparently, incest runs rampant through the South. And as I discovered through my still young life, lots of women will pull a similar story to justify themselves.
          And of course, I still like Forrest Gump. I still find him a dope guy with an unorthodox way of dispensing wisdom. Yet, as you mentioned, he was the poster child for beta cucks, even before it became a thing.

        3. Yep. It’s nauseating.
          These are the types of movies that leftist directors make to try to assuage their white and Jew guilt. There’s more where this came from.
          Some other honorable (heh) mentions for inclusion on that list:
          The Last Samauri
          Dances with Wolves
          These three movies are practically identical. Only the names, faces and settings were changed.
          1) “Bad” white man encounters “alien” culture
          2) “Bad” white man comes to see the evil ways of his bad white culture.
          3) “Bad” white man becomes good white man by living with the vibrants of the “superior” alien culture and immersing himself in the vibrant culture.
          4) Most “bad” whites remain “bad” whites in their “bad” white culture.
          5) Rinse and repeat. Sell new script to Hollywood degenerates.
          6) Be called “brilliant” and “amazing” (by far their two favorite words) by fellow leftists at the Academy Awards or Golden Globes for rehashing the same script that’s been around since the late 1960’s.
          I’m sure others could add to the list, but these are the ones that came to mind after I thought long and hard…for 1.2 seconds.
          Most longtime ROK readers have seen this discussed at least a few times before, so forgive me for the rehash if that’s you, but it’s worth repeating for new readers who may be on the younger side and unfamiliar with these pieces of tripe…err…glorious works of art.

  14. As has been asserted earlier it is not necessarily about the numbers and Japan in one such an example of a large population that is shrinking but remains homogeneous. The United States found a pretty good balance between quality and quantity during much of the 20th century (big population but not too big) but has become too depraved and infertile, like the West in general, so in that context it is important to breed – more intelligent and sane persons in particular.
    It is hard to see positive signs at the moment, but the fact that it is relatively costly to have kids these days may indicate that fewer people from the lower classes will breed, whereas more wealthy people will do the opposite and have 2-3 kids as a means to status signal. I reviewed Richard Lynn’s books Dysgenics and Eugenics in 2011 and then I linked these ideas to demography. Hypothetically it would be constructive to create incentives for the middle and upper classes to have more children (positive eugenics) and the lower classes to have fewer children (negative eugenics). That could also be accomplished in other continents.
    As for the global level, though, it is important to lay aside global altruism. If poorer people were in fewer numbers and their numbers were gradually shrinking then one could be sanguine about their living conditions slowly improving, but with places like Nigeria, Pakistan, Niger, Burundi, Uganda, Malawi, Ethiopia and Zimbabwe having increasing populations and more and more people migrating to the north it is not the time to have concerns about global equality.

  15. I agree with a lot in this article, and there are certainly truths to it that we can plainly see playing out today with the decline of the west. But this isn’t the ONLY explanation.
    The British empire, through their inferior number but superior intellect, institutions, and might, once ruled other nations all around the world.
    The German Wehrmacht was outmanned and outresourced, but with superior technology, and an army that was man for man the most powerful ever seen, defeated a 7 nation army for 6 years (OK, perhaps it was losing for the last 2) and came very close to conquering all of Europe, were it not so badly managed by an egomaniac.
    The Roman empire did not outnumber its foes, in population, resources, or on the battlefield. And yet it was victorious and dominated for centuries, until it was overrun by weaker barbarians.
    The African tribal leader with 18 children is not superior to me. The hordes of barbarians with birth rates > 2.1 are not, in any measurable way, better than the stable, mature cultures of the first world, who reached peak population and are now naturally regressing to stability.
    The west does not HAVE to die, if it rejects globalism. It is globalism and multiculturalism which is reducing every nation to its lowest common denominator and enabling these barbarians to
    If you ask me, America, along with most of the west, is dead. BUT, to the degree that it is not completely lifeless, the few remaining areas of eeking out a meaningful existence are in the LEAST populous states. Specifically the upper midwest Idaho, Montana, Colorado, and to appease GoJ I should really include Ohio.
    It is true that places like China are winning and the US is losing. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Will it change? Doubtful.
    This can go two ways:

    1. “This can go two ways:”
      if our (the west) collision course cannot be corrected, then what?
      I’m thinking better to be an expat — and enjoy cheap booze/food/women/medical at a scenic location

    2. Interesting article and good points. It’s pity you still don’t see the forest fo the trees…age structure. In 1910 England had more children and young than today, even though The British Isles had back then many million less people than now, the same situation can be seen in continental Europe.. Regarding your example of the British empire, It didn’t hurt either that none of the peoples it conquered had progressed beyond the 1400s, while the British had gotten their act together. The moment they faced a real enemy like Germany, even on unequal footing, it began to crumble. All that Europe has left is the military technology and only certain countries…
      Like Stalin said, quantity has a quality of its own and the none of the states you cited, as far as I know, are hotbeds of new technology. Are good places to live? Probably. Will they usher a new era of rapid advancement able to crush potential threats? Doubtful.
      I’d rather stay with Leonidas or the Medieval knights as examples of the Glory of the western world, who, though fewer in number, were able to beat their enemies and shaped our world.

  16. I am so offended by this article! It assumes that Third World nations don’t care about the environmen&equal rights!!!!… Thanks, Roosh, this article provides much needed perspective.

  17. If white bitches got knocked up morw often there would be little time for feminist bullshit and lives wasted at “Non profits”.

      1. Your mom’s house. Was just there, so make sure the sister you pick soaks in the tub for a while. Don’t want to notice seed on your unit before it blows it all up in there.
        Just a tip…of my Dick Nixon.

    1. Throw away you condoms and get out there, Tim Tom…knock a white bitch-up tonight…and do your part to keep our culture stocked like an angler’s bass-pond…

  18. Sorry, guys… I’m a blue eyed Scandinavian and I’m not having kids.
    Unless one of you wants to pay for them.

    1. “one of you wants to pay for them.”
      Don’t breed. To many free loaders the way it is.

    2. Fair enough. But don’t complain about the demographic changes that you may be experiencing in your nation. Fair trade.

    3. why isnt your gov helping you pay for your kids instead of the third world’s kids? do you and your scandinavian friends ever ponder that question??

    4. I’m American, of mostly Scandinavian heritage, with a little Irish and Finnish.
      Basically, I was just saying I am pure white… and I’m not procreating. Suck it.

  19. I love it when the paid board trolls roll in, and they start bashing authors and commenters…and nobody replies to ’em. Must shrink their tiny testicles to an even smaller size. Well done, gents.

    1. whats funnier – they’ll just become more crude and shrill until they disappear!!!

      1. Yep, that is really funny. If you don’t feed trolls, they die. Instead of growing up to be big and wrong.

  20. I’ve been thinking like this for fucking ages where no one can relate! This really hit home with me!!
    Our body and mind isn’t design for modern society. From my travels I notice the poor in rural areas the most happy and resilience to life due to tough environments. They live such simple lives with little or no stress.
    These days you get into an office fight if the temperature is 1 degrees to low! People get upset over small things cause they live in 2 much comfort! Kids are so fragile, these now space spaces at universities.
    I look at my old western life and people still living it as brainwashed zombies where I can’t relate to these beta man-children thinking material goods and lots of money will bring them lasting happiness!!
    When things change… it takes a zeneration to see the effects where historians will look back on western culture and see how toxic it was and evil Feminists where that caused genocide of the white species. I don’t believe ever in history any race has been brainwashed in such large numbers to cause genocide of their race and put their race at the bottom before immigrants that do not share the same views!

    1. “From my travels I notice the poor in rural areas the most happy ”
      noticed this too.

    2. Are you sure you’re not romanticizing rural life? Yes, some people (perhaps a majority) are happy with the simple life they lead. But there is also a crisis of meth/opioids ravaging many rural white communities across the country. The lack of opportunity and loss of hope is difficult for many Both urban and rural life have their share of problems, and share of perks as well.

    3. lol and if you get into a fight there you’ll die from sepsis like Khal Drogo for you don’t have access to antibiotika. If you want to live like that go for it. Look how happily she’s smiling
      I prefer my degenerated western life XD
      The funny thing is you can already live like that in the west. Just buy a tent and live in the woods. Build a community for alternative living.
      You don’t. Because you also like Western life.
      Do you want to destroy that for every one so you’ll have no choice but living in a slum? Because you don’t have the guts to just move there if you crave it so much?

  21. Roosh: “The world is ending around us. It’s biblical. Probably, we should do something…
    Forum trolls: “lololololololol faggooot”
    . . . Sigh, we’re done for.

    1. people have been saying that the end is nigh since the beginning. Let me key you in….it ain’t. The world changes and as each new epoch arises the old epoch dies. If you don’t evolve you are left behind to wither and die. It is the people who aren’t able to adapt that think the world is ending. The rest of us are all looking forward to the future. it’s not that “we are done for” just the people who are unable to adapt to the next stage of evolution.

        1. I suppose sooner or later the sun will burn out or a meteor crash into us and that will put an end to the whole shit show….but in the meantime things change and there are people who adapt and people who don’t. The ones that don’t always assume the world is coming to an end because they are small little narcissists who are filled with impotent envy

        2. That’s right. That’s why I said the end of civilizations. Life went on after the sun set on Carthage. So it happened with Rome once the imperial eagle was beaten. The question is what can be salvaged and how the individuals and groups cope with these changes.

        3. It is a good question. I think the answer is that some things will be salvaged and melted down and built into what is new but that individuals won’t get to pick and chose which aspects those are and at best may make lucky guesses based on nothing. Really in the end it doesn’t matter. What will be will be and no amount of effort is going to change that. What one can do is to ready oneself to change with the times or to be trodden under foot.

      1. I believe the correct parlance is it’s the end of the world AS WE KNOW IT
        And I feel fine.

  22. As much as some people would love to disagree with me, we live in WOMAN’S WORLD. In fact, we’ve been living in it since the dawn of civilization. The Patriarchy is, in fact, a Matriarchy. Female values rule. Civilizations rise and always fall because they are inherently feminine.
    The civilized people tend to not to reproduce enough because with civilization comes the monogamy. The man is allowed exclusive rights to one vagina, but only one vagina. Sex is the perfect tool for his enslavement. It is the female partner in any relationship who exploits the male: for to be female means to be undersexed. Thus, not needing sex, women can wield it as a weapon, dispensing it or withholding it according to what they can receive.
    Agriculture, planting, the sedentary existence, subduing and controlling the earth, were inventions of the Great Earth Mother, whoever she was. And soon enough men were being enticed out of the forests and set to work in the fields. Pussy power? You bet. The guys who went off to be men, to do God’s work, didn’t get laid, and in their stead emerged the manholes, the men who think like women, the men who espouse female values, the men who built castles and lived in mansions surrounded by wealth.
    Whereas the first men were nomads who lived close to nature, with agriculture came the stockpiling of wealth (cities) and the need to defend the fertile bottomlands (organized warfare) and the rulers who would administer the accumulated wealth of the Earth Mother – Kings.
    Yes, kings. Kings are men who wear dresses, a type of garment which is certainly not suited for tracking lions or chasing deer. Kings are men who enjoy sedentary lives amassing jewels and shiny minerals in the manner of women. Kings tax farmers for their supposed protection, bicker over territory, and raise armies of boys who fight for glory as the king and his women watch from a hillside. Kings were the first manholes. Kings institutionalized female values.

    1. No, romanticized versions feminized Kings. Sure, one could become King due to family lineage but he then had to remain there. It typically wasn’t all that easy.

  23. If you want high testosterone, forget about supplements, lift weights, 2-3 times a week. Also eat foods high in vitamin A. Beef Liver, Whole Milk, Eggs, Sweet Potatoes, and Carrots. Go for the Broccoli and Spinach too. Avoid Sugar and Grain products, avoid sweetened yogurt(yogurt is for women), all packaged foods.
    Use glass or stainless steel containers for your food, avoid plastic bottles for water. And stay off the soda and HFCS. If you drink alcohol, go easy on it, especially beer.
    Get the T levels up so you can be Conan.

  24. This happened before to western civilization:
    -The bronze age empires collapsed due to the great migration of the “sea peoples”, leaving a power vaccum for Assyrians.
    -The western roman empire collapsed due to the great migration caused by Attila the Hun. The visigoths went as refugees to roman lands and started to pillage, further destabilizing the empire.
    History is cycliclal, we haven´t evolved as a species and will continue to make the same mistakes in the future.

  25. Nature does not care about reproduction either. “Evolution” is selective. Adaptation is what matters.
    Reproduction is a derivation of the social order. It is not something to be controlled, it belongs to the body not the mind. This is not really a race-war, us against them. It is a war, us against us.
    The intelligent, the big brained, is less dependent on instincts, and more in control of his own body. To reproduce more you have to be more animal, less rational, to play the war game of quantity.
    Intelligent people do not depend on collectivism, thus quantity, but in quality, thus rational.
    Tell everyone to reproduce, and the stupids will listen, That is how you kill a species from within.
    This article has value but it mixes and ignores certain important concepts:
    Natural vs artificial order. Rationality vs instinct. Quantity vs quality. Money vs value. etc.
    The assumption that we must do something is already a fallacy against the concept of nature the article refers to. Competing through reproduction is the same as us becoming them to so defeat them, but thus losing our own nature, the one that gave us original value in the first place.

  26. Oddly enough, it was technology that upped the ante for the barbarians. While not too long ago, even skilled warriors like the Samurai, the Zulus, and the Apaches were bring defeated by a few guys with repeating rifles and Gatling guns, nowadays we have kids learning how to fire AK47s and Syrian fighters using drones by using PlayStation controllers.

    1. The Zulus… really?…. I guess their sticks, no warfare tactics, and leather shields were on the the same level as the samurais and the Apaches.

        1. Wikipedia?… that’s your source?… the battle you must mean is the 20,000 Zulus vs 2,000 Brits that included lots of civilians.
          Wikipedia… the same Wikipedia that limits who’s going to edit it….
          the same Wikipedia that’s pro zionists?… and we all know how the Zionists love their African pitbulls.
          There’s a new movie coming out soon called Detroit, about the poor blackies being victims to the whities… soon Zio-pedia will claims that that movie is a clear depiction as why Detroit is a shit whole because whitie has kept the blackie down, it’s all whitey’s fault

        2. And yet they still had the technological advantage and the still screwed up. And on that note, there’s the Kabul massacre, which is well documented. And if you still doubt this, look it up on Google. Or what, you’re going to tell me all these sources are pro Zionists?
          And btw, the Zionists do control everything, including Donald Trump from the looks of it. I’m just saying because I was trying to have a discussion about military history and you brought it up.

  27. Funny how you call Chinese and Indians primitive, while they outperform the native population in every country they live. Even in the US (most people consider US whites as the smartest white people) they outperform every other ethnic group.
    Just because one part of the 1.3 billion Indians and Chinese lives like an animal, doesn’t mean that’s the norm. These countries have no welfare, so extreme poverty is unavoidable.
    Just think about how the US would look like if they stopped giving welfare and government support. I can assure you roughly 1/3 of the population would fall into extreme poverty.

    1. Lol! I spend half of my work day correcting the errors that your vaunted Hindudes put into code that cause things to explode. Yeah, out perform. At eating curry maybe.

      1. When Venkatesh writes a 800 lines function full of garbage I know my day is ruined.

      2. Agreed, I deal with a ton of outsourced employees out of India/Poland daily, as part of my finance job.
        Some are good… most are subject to 35% turnover, don’t read their procedures, and ask me dumb questions.

    2. LOL….why do you feel the need to justify yourself to a bunch of racist hatemongers?

  28. It’s so clearly, glaringly obvious why our western world is doomed.
    Decades of Marxist/feminist/SJW/leftist brainwashing are responsible for the mess we are presently trapped in.
    The simple answer to correct this nightmare – white people get married, have a bunch of kids – lead a traditional life – Dad protector and provider – Mom nurturer and home maker.
    If only it were that simple. Men are refusing to marry and have kids because the cards are stacked against them in every way possible. (White) men, despite the fact they basically built the world are hated and blamed for everything. Incredibly misandric legislation reflects this. Today, a woman can destroy a mans life on a whim. When a marriage goes bad men will loose their homes, kids, savings, pensions etc. Marxist feminism has turned women into hostile, entitled, spoiled rotten children with endless demands that are never satisfied. Their precious careers come before their husbands and kids. Leftist instilled law caters to these petty tyrants. Why would any man want to marry something like that?
    Transgenderism/homosexuality is promoted endlessly – turn the boys into girls and the girls into boys. This messes the kids up real good.
    Emasculated men. infantilized women. Gender dysmorphic kids. Now let’s just elect women whose minds have been poisoned by generations of feminist lies and propaganda – give them dominion over this mess, sit back and see what happens.
    Now bring in the Muslims. Stand in the airport with a big placard painted up with flowers and butterflies, smiley faces, and Welcome Refugees! written in big, bright letters.
    And when one of these “radical” Muslim imports works up indignation and goes on a killing spree because Allah commands he destroy the infidels, lets cry crocodile tears and cover the scene of the slaughter with candles and teddy bears.
    The barbarians don’t have to invade. We’ve welcomed them with open arms, and they probably laugh like hell when they see the easy pickins’ they’ve happened into.

  29. There are still some European countries resisting this nonsense. Poland, Austria, Hungary, Russia. That alone is cause for hope

  30. The hordes will not prevail. They will strike the wrong target, possibly a sleeping bear or dragon. Then the mass slaughter of The Horde will begin and make Herr Literally, Uncle Joe, or the Smelly Chairman look like amateurs.

  31. Roosh has to be the biggest clown to ever enter the blogosphere. Dude, YOU’RE A MUSLIM! You’re NOT WHITE. A disgusting, smelly fucking arab trying to rouse these white heathens. Lol. Identity crisis much? How are you trying to galvanize these shitstains when you have no kids? No wife? You have no sense of yourself. You’re exactly the type of cuck bitch you complain about. No wonder you get no chicks! You’re a fraud. And fix that snaggle tooth and hit the gym for once you shapeless bastard. You’re a loser.

    1. Persians are not Arabs, they’re related directly to Europeans (hence why you’ll find blue eyes in Iran). And nowhere has he mentioned being a muslim that I’m aware of.
      You’re way too try hard here, skippy.

    2. Roosh is half Armenian and Half Persian.
      Armenians got genocided by Turks and are not Muslims and Persians got islamized long ago but are also not Arabs and tend to be more liberal. Please get informed a little bit better.

  32. I challenge every guy who cries about “white extinction” “save the white race” retards to do a DNA Heritage test.
    Go for it. It is below 100$. I’m sure you have the bucks for it, but you are too scared of the results.
    when you see that you aren’t that pure white as you thought hahah. I wish I could your facial expression then.
    There are more than enough things to worry on the world.. race and nationality is not one of them.

    1. My collegue at work needs these words rammed into his head. Not a day goes by when he doesn’t talk about islam, jews, white extiction etc. He is more obssessed than a Game of Thrones fan. And he’ll also try to guilt people for not caring for this issue.

    2. While likely true for most, I know I’m pure 100% cracker, given as how recently both sides of my family came to these united States (as in, after WW2). Shoot, home fries, we dug around the family tree and hit Plantagenet and a few other significant honkey bloodlines, so I can claim, for a fact, that I’m related to an actual historical Viking of great importance. It doesn’t get whiter than to be a grandchild of a viking. Heh.
      But otherwise, yeah. Although I’m not sure what’s wrong with nationality? I like living in a nation defined by certain laws, customs and assumptions.

    3. They incorrectly correlate the problem (decline with the west) with a symptom (diminishing number of whites)
      Do I want white people such as kyself to have more kids? Yes, but the key to saving western civilization is a strong, nationalist, and men-friendly society
      Race is only an incidental factor compared to culture.

    4. In the long run it doesn’t matter if they do a dna heritage test. For example I may have native American in me somewhere but I am for the most part washed up (with green eyes and pale skin) and would be considered indo European. This does not escape the reality of the west would change in the demographics change nor hide IQ reality, or the fact. Most modern invention were invented by white men, Japanese, and some even some Jews.

    5. The problem with this argument is that obfuscates the social reality of race and genetics. So what if person A has 11% Indian, African or Oriental ancestry? He is still predominantly white if the phenotype indicates this. Just as an African person with 15% of Caucasian ancestry will be regarded, and regard himself, as black. A lot of categories in the world are fuzzy but still of significance.
      With that said it is indeed good to think beyond purity and have a more nuanced and flexible understanding, for both humanitarian and other reasons. By the way, my guess is that the blacks who read ROK are racial hybrids with partially Caucasian ancestry.

      1. Western Europe (Germany and Sweden for instance) never had large scale imported African slaves. The nationalities remained very distinct for centuries.
        So I still ponder and ponder just what the hell Barbara Spectre Lerner meant when she proclaimed that “Europe won’t survive” unless it is swamped with sub saharan and Arab bloodlines. What is it that Europe won’t survive? Is there a mongrel melting pot illuminati formula or recipe that is tied in to nature? I’ve heard enough simple common people say things like “all the races need mixed to solve the world’s problems”. It’s a universal trope included in state brainwashing education. There are teacher’s notes on how to sit kindergardners down and tell specific stories and then sum up with how the conflict all goes away when everyone mongrelizes. This trope runs concurrent with 3rd wave feminism completely. This is in contrast to the decades of second wave feminism pre 60s, where media programming was still very family and common culture centered.

        1. Yes the whole idea of multiculturalism is completely misguied as a point of departure for social development. As for Sweden I think it was manageable until the early 1990s when our government mostly took in work migrants and refugees and asylum seekers from Iran, Chile and Bosnia (who do quite well know in general) but then things accelerated and more than a million of Arabs, Kurds, Somalis, Afghans, Eritreans and what not come and it is too much to say the least.

    6. Mummy DNA reveals surprise discovery about ancient Egyptians’ ancestry
      “Our study shows there was a remarkable genetic continuity from the
      Middle Kingdom of Egypt to Roman times. Despite what we might have
      thought, there was no gene flow from Nubia,” Krause said.
      “The ancient Egyptians do not show a Sub-Saharan ancestry and were much more
      connected to the Near East than what was assumed before. The genetic
      impact from Sub-Saharan Africa appeared much more recently, in the last
      1,500 years.”

  33. Good article, Roosh. Society is the final step before the fall. Always has been. I wonder how much technology will survive inevitable war. I wonder it war could ever stomp out planned obsolescence, like it did in early 1950’s America.

  34. Awesome article …. sooo true. I had all these ideas in my head and this summarizes and puts them in context so clearly – thanks!

  35. What the bloody hell have I just read!?
    Get off your ass, stop whining like a bitch about The End™, and get a family going. How hard is that? <– This advice works just as well for myself! 🙂
    Been giving myself a few too many “whiny excuses” lately. Enough is bloody enough!

  36. The barbarians of the past had Germanic intelligence, that’s why they conquered and thrived. There is ample evidence that intelligence develops biologically once adulthood is reached, without a need to educate it (the opposite also being true – highly educated children regressing to their biological potential when reaching adulthood). Illiterate Germanic barbarians were just as smart or in all likelihood smarter than the educated Romans they conquered.
    You overestimate the barbarians of today Roosh. They are children of inferior and previously dominated civilizations – they have no power to invade even a weakened and degenerate society.

    1. “You overestimate the barbarians of today Roosh. They are children of inferior and previously dominated civilizations – they have no power to invade even a weakened and degenerate society.”
      This is true. This is why the doors are being forcefully held open for them. If they can’t do it by themselves, then by gawd, the elite who know what’s good for us will make them do it!

  37. The barbarians of the past had Germanic intelligence, that’s why they conquered and thrived. There is ample evidence that Intelligence develops biologically once adulthood is reached, without a need to educate it (the opposite also being true – highly educated children regressing to their biological potential once reaching adulthood). Illiterate Germanic barbarians were just as smart or in all likelihood smarter than the educated Romans they conquered.
    You overestimate the barbarians of today Roosh. They are children of inferior and previously dominated civilizations – they have no power to invade even a society going through a degenerate phase.

  38. “Nature does not care
    about education, “high quality” offspring, college degrees, equal
    rights, cleanliness, sustainability, philosophy, or the environment.”
    100% Agree!!!
    Which is why we should immediately end ALL PROGRAMS aimed at feeding, clothing. housing, and medicating the poor. Both here in the US and the rest of the world as well. We should take care of ourselves and our own and to HELL with everyone else! Let societal evolution take its natural course!

  39. “Even though this end
    stares us right in the face, the best we can muster is a few rants on
    internet web sites, while the barbarians are raping, conquering, and
    breeding. I promise you they will win. History shows that the barbarians
    always win. They are the solution to a broken people. They faithfully
    worship their gods while we worship our Facebook likes and celebrities.”
    Well…I certainly cannot argue with that.

  40. “We are the anomalies, we
    are the mistakes, and unless we re-discover the ways of family,
    tradition, and God, we must be ready to accept the inevitable end that
    it was us who become so weak as a people that we didn’t even bother
    having a gate, and that all the barbarians had to do was walk right in.”

  41. When it comes to fertility, it turns out that the difference between us and “the barbarians” is smaller than one might think. The number of babies per woman has decreased significantly throughout the third world during the last 50 years, and most countries now have a fertility rate close to the replacement level (ca 2.1).
    And interestingly enough, religion does not seem to be a major factor, but extreme poverty does. Most muslim countries have moderate fertility levels (below three). Amongst the countries with the highest number of children you find a mixture of christian and muslim countries, the common factor being high poverty levels.

    1. Are you Korean?
      The last letter in your name looks like the L/R in Hangul. Don’t recognize the other symbols, though. Just curious.

      1. No, I am Swedish, living in Japan. The characters (Chinese) read “Kong Yiji”, the name of a famous short novel by the Chinese author Lu Xun.
        (The first character, 孔 Kong, is also the family name of Confucius “Kong Fuzi”.)

  42. Okay, so I am a third world barbarian? LOL. [I knew this Roosh fella hated a lot of people, didn’t know he hated Indians as well.] [But to give him credit, he is at least honest about his feelings. Raving lunatics often are. LOL. Anyway, I’m off.]

    1. As a indo European person I will tell you to keep your head up and be the best you can be. If you got the education and even a high IQ you will be fine. Do not take Roosh too much too heart since I the guy himself is likely never to get married. I do not hate the guy. While sleeping around does hurt women you can not say sexually immorality does not just cause changes in just one gender.

    2. Let me ask you a question.
      Say you had a large number of foreigners, Nigerians or something, coming into India on a work visa program. And these Nigerians were working for much lower rates than Hindus. And not only that, but due to the visa laws, if they get fired they have to go back to Nigeria in 6 weeks, so in addition to the low pay, they worked much longer hours, submitted to be yelled at, and never complained for fear of losing their job and being forced back home. And this glut of Nigerians was driving Indian Hindu wages down. And not only that, but the influx of Nigerians on visas was causing greedy Indian companies to lay off superior, experienced Hindu workers, your friends, in favor of inferior Nigerians who barely speak your language and have horrific hygiene (BO), would you start to get angry at Nigerians and perhaps even start to hate them?
      Now substitute Indians for Nigerians and White Americans for Indians and perhaps you will start to see the picture. Its happening here. And there are MANY people who are quite angry about it.

      1. LOL….you make a lot of assumptions about inferiority and superiority based on race. Anyway, have fun everyone.

        1. Not an assumption.
          A foreigner will almost certainly be an inferior worker to a native, especially in an advanced field like technology. Say you get hired as an H1B at a bank. An American with 20 years experience, who knows the business applications and all the traders and analysts, will certainly by more valuable then some foreigner who speaks barely intelligible English and knows nothing about the specifics of that company.

        2. Dude, seriously, check out the current CEOs of Microsoft and Alphabet. I could give you hundreds of examples like that. But what’s the point.

        3. There is no point, because CEOs are figure heads. Credit Suisse has an African(!) as a CEO, but the decisions are made by the board — all Swiss men. CEOs are window dressing and nothing more.

        4. Why was it not just deemed acceptable but morally righteous for the Indians to demand the British leave their country but Americans are racist for not wanting foreigners (from India, China, etc) to take their jobs, drive up the cost of real estate, change the culture, etc.
          So it’s only racist when white people don’t yellow / brown people in their countries but it’s totally alright for nations like Vietnam, Algeria, and India to throw out all white people?

        5. People who argue we don’t have enough domestic talent and need to import it are basically saying this: we’ve built an interstellar spaceship that can travel at light speed but we need to find an Aborigine to pilot the damn thing.
          Somehow we’re able to build the institutions and infrastructure that people the world over covet and seek out for their education, yet we can’t educate our own people to maintain them? LOL

        6. Apparently white people can create the institutions and infrastructure yet we’re not intelligent enough to use them LOL

        7. Or how about Carly Fiorina, CEO of HP: a real talented genius, huh? LOL

        8. You have no idea. A lot of people here (including Roosh) have this notion of faux superiority, which they use to hide their insecurities and personal failures. Satya Nadella, the Indian-born CEO of Microsoft has transformed the company, made cloud computing the focus at Microsoft, and doubled its market cap in the short time he has been around. That’s just one story. I could point out to several examples of Indians who have done amazing work at a very high level and proven that they are better than American natives, but what’s the point. If it makes you happy to call us “third world barbarians”, do so…LOL…

        9. Clearly, if all white people are like you, they are not intelligent enough. LOL.

      2. How about this: In American and British public schools, children are taught to lionize those who led independence movements in Asia and Africa: people like Gandhi and Ho Chi Minh. We’re told it was totally moral and righteous for Indians and Vietnamese to desire autonomy and independence and throw the British and French “occupiers” out.
        Yet, white people not wanting their home countries to be inundated with people from India or China are deemed racist.
        See the double standard here?
        White man out of India / Vietnam = the moral end to colonialism
        Asians out of N America = racist

        1. And Mandela. You forgot about him. They lionize that murderous terrorist more than anyone else. Canonized him, actually.

    3. Assuming you’re Indian sir, I sympathize with your anger, and I disagree with Roosh’s categorization. When Indians come into another country, they are usually the quietest and most law abiding people around. Put it this way.. when was the last time you heard of an Indian drug cartel? Or groups of Indian men going around bashing people? Or a suicide bombing from a radical Hindu? Or hordes of Indians coming in and harassing local women? I don’t know about anyone else, but for me, the answer is “never”. Seriously, the worst we hear of Indians, is gangs of them accosting people in their homes, trying to sign them up to a better electricity plan.
      If we must have immigration, then I’d rather it be Indian people than anyone else.

      1. “If we must have immigration, then I’d rather it be Indian people than anyone else.”
        I am going to bet that you do not work in IT.
        I would much prefer we repeal the entire 1965 immigration act altogether.

      2. I agree with the general point you’ve made, but just want to add that it takes much more than this to make me angry. I’m just having a laugh at some of the posts here to be honest.

    4. Raghav I respect that many Indians have a trait for learning the sciences and for mastering concepts in fields like engineering where spatial and mathematical aptitude is needed. But my question for you is about the common practice where Indians defacate in the open. And the infrastructure and roads too are a mess in India. The theoretical and paperwork side to engineering is as easy as a crossword puzzle to the Indian, but there is something lacking. The hands on drive to complete roadwork and maintain the infrastructure falls short. To move earth smartly too takes engineering ability and applied leverage. I know the Indian women are bossy, so bossy that you crap right there instead of complete the construction of an outhouse. Or the men will crap right there just so she’ll quit snapping her brown henna fingers at you. The Indian women’s bossiness and being up your ass crack constantly is to blame for India’s bad roads and lack of sewer system continuity, agree?
      THIS WOMAN appears attractive for an Indian woman and she laments why so much crapping on the ground in India. Maybe she should look in the mirror.

      The next video shows an Indian beach so trashy and crappy that I doubt Arab women in full burkas would dare to wade in it. This is indicative of a society tolerant of loud mouthed jabbering clucking women everywhere. No time or will to clean it up with all the cacophonic bitch noise huh? What can be done?

      Hindu women do one thing right – CHHAUPADI. Hindus in Nepal that practice CHHAUPADI also bury their feces.
      IN THE BIBLE – Deuteronomy 23:12-13, specifications are laid out for digging a latrine similar to what is taught in modern military field training.
      (Deut:23) – “Thou shalt have a place also outside the camp whither thou shalt go forth abroad (defacate). And thou shalt have a paddle (spade shovel) upon thy weapon; andit shall be, when thou wilt ease thyself abroad (defacate), thou shalt dig therewith, and shalt turn back and cover (depth of shovel) that which cometh from thee.
      There you go bro. I’ll have to admit I’ve crapped in the woods a few times and sometimes atop a building when I was a kid. Whenever I returned, I could still smell it. Even the turds on the local pharmacy roof lingered for months. Human shit is potent and I will testify. That’s why the video really grabbed me seeing all the Indians regularly crapping outside and not burying it. Then multiply that times a hundred million and that explains in part the perma smell of Indians and it isn’t all curry. I myself can’t explain the perma smell of human shit. It’s biblically smelly and potent. I once stepped in someone else’s shit and my shoe still reeked after repeated washings. I had to throw it away in a plastic bag.
      Maybe you can give some insight into the Indian’s openness to defacate while at the same time beeing keen and sharp with mathematical and scientific theory. I myself am a mean cruncher of numbers and I also have an alerted awareness of sorts when I crap outside. I quietly stalk and be still, looking from side to side as I crouch and dump. My left brain observes every movement and I wiggle my ass oh so precisely not to hit my shoe. That’s MY shit I smell and something goes click in my left brain. I lay a long turd from front to back on the ground so it doesn’t do a leaning tower of Pizza sideways and graze my white sock. My engineering faculties are sharpened like a no2 pencil everytime I dump outdoors. Maybe there’s a connection between whiffing your own shit and getting an engineering degree. But look dude, I ALWAYS bury it, under leaves or dirt, or I poke it down into the sand like a big cat turd. When I see people crapping outside and not burying it, I think they were stupid or something. The beach? Please. Are they in that much of a hurry? Is the female bitching that incessant? It must stop.

      1. Exactly.
        If they are so great, why not stay in their own country and make it a better place?
        These Indian (or Africa, etc..) CEOs hired by western companies are there purely as window dressing. Microsoft has an Indian CEO to pander to the Indian govt and tap into that enormous (and very cheap) labor pool. And also for lefties like Gates and others to show off “muh diversity”.

      2. LOL….another of those raving lunatics 🙂 So much thought and effort must have gone into this post. Define insanity 🙂

    5. Hah, totally missed that he lumped in India in the beginning. Maybe he should tack on Chinese to pretty much cover everybody?

    6. I don’t have hate. I think we should all keep our beautiful diversity and breed with our own people. If you can’t get that then I suppose you should be off.Where did Roosh say he hates Indians?

  43. I think Western men need to strive to be leaders again. No, we can’t all be the CEO, but a good man leads his family, his tribe.
    Women want to be able to relax and follow the strong lead of a good man.
    The one night stand guy takes the girl home and gets her to cooperate because he leads the encounter, outlines for her what’s coming and leads her along the fun journey. It’s very easy for this guy to lead her down this path, when so many of his competitors are weak.
    If you want to be the leader of a family, go grab yourself a decent woman and lead her along on the journey – through courtship, through marriage, through being a good mother and wife. I know it’s not easy in this cesspool culture. But figure it out. She and your future children and the world need you to be a man and lead the charge, every one of you.
    Many of you will have any number of BS excuses for why you can’t do this, don’t want to do this. It’s too risky, it’s too hard, wah wah…
    I think most Western relationship guys have a “yes, dear, whatever you want” mentality. Old school guys have a “come, my dear, this is what we’re going to do” attitude. It’s painfully obvious which is more effective in achieving a higher good.

      1. Women and female animals in the wild are strongly driven to follow the lead of strong men/males. When this goes awry is when good men no longer lead. You’ve got to take that leadership, and lead your charge somewhere good. If you don’t, women will continue to be corrupted by nefarious men.

        1. Strong men / intelligent men / hard workers with honesty and integrity? Fine!
          “Bad boys” with tattoos, motor cycles, steroid muscles and coke spoons? Not fine!

        2. Women want to follow strong men with a direction. That’s all I’m saying.

        3. That’s exactly what I’m saying. Why are you SMART, COOL, AWESOME, STRONG MEN allowing these imposter loser bad boy men to seize and lead so many women to destruction?
          I know, the system is rigged. But FIGURE IT OUT. I’ll help you if I can.

        4. I have no answer for that in general.
          Personally, all I can say is that I was beaten down in life for a very long time.
          Also, TBH, not so sure how “cool and awesome” I am. Yes, I suppose I have my “omega intellect” which has earned me a very good living over the years, but that is about it. I am honest too, and I try to keep myself fit & trim. But that’s about it. I figure I am a 9 financially, but about a 2 or 3 everywhere else.

      2. Women can choose not to be sluts but they can’t choose not to be nuts. A girl who remains chaste into old age is nuts beyond repair. Old white spinstresses begin grabbing for straws, trying to find purpose in the stupidest charities and bizarre activities. There are different shades of this circus like behaviour with older mothers of an only child, but the chaste ones missed out on a lot of major wiring.
        It’s sad but in some all white areas, the folks are so goddamn cucked, think Napoleon Dynamite country, where virtually no whites will hit on a girl. But you take the dumbest, fattest pig in the high school, someone nobody wants, and throw her into Baltimore igngertown and she’s got seven rotating ingger motherfuckers switching and competing for her. She might as well be a goat.
        Sometimes in midwest farm country I notice too that circumcised white farm boys become very beta and won’t aggressively approach or maneuver for women. Many midwestern flyover communities are heavily masonic/blue lodge and the people get cucked out the ass as a result of their paying homage to the vapid bitch eastern star whore goddess. Then the farm mothers themselves are very domestically bossy. Over a large brood, the mothers become too extreme and expeditive in punishments when they have to quickly deal with a multiplicity of children. Some farm mothers will kill when kids are uncooperative but it’s accidental.
        THIS IS WHY large brood white families, especially farm families need MORE THAN ONE WIFE. That’s right POLYGAMY. I said POLYGAMY. Having two wives is 100% justifiable on any sizeable family farm. Men with big land or big business going on have always required more than one woman and they required that each woman be screwable. Historically these big willed men stepped up to the plate and showed that they were able to multimanage a multiplicity of breeder woman wives.
        In the west, monogamy enforcement ‘cuck bitch law’ gets in the way of the achieved white men accumulating wives. Divorce rape law takes the upper hand quickly and also woman empowerment laws take hold when you completely prohibit having more than one wife. A safe number is two wives allowable and the divorce rape industry would quickly fold along with bitch empowerment law. It all goes in the burner.
        The wealthiest westerners can accumulate wealth, cars, houses, but only one wife is allowed even for a billionaire in the west. That’s worse than sexual marketplace communism. That’s the same bread line for wife pussy entitled to a factory worker as to someone like Bill Gates. Gates could support 100,000 wives and breed them until his dick fell off at 25,000, but he’s allowed only one woman by law and boy oh boy does she have him cucked like a bitch. I actually think two wives is ideal. More than two wives in the house twists and contorts the in house smv economy I believe. Three is a magic number – two women/one man.

        1. I agree with polygamy, but “poly”…it should be many, not just two. This is how it should work:
          1) At 18 you get your first wife, if you are lucky enough to have a well off father than can buy (yes BUY!) a pretty one for you. The marrying age for a girl should be about 14/15 or so, which would be the same age for all subsequent wives, if you can afford them.
          2) At 30 or so, if you can afford it, you buy the next wife for yourself.
          3) Every 10/15 years thereafter, if can afford it and are so inclined, you replenish yourself with a new wife.
          In the above manner:
          – The females have help with the children & housework.
          – They have other females to socialize with.
          – You always have a hot young girl to bang and go on vacations with, and also have the older ones as built in babysitters.
          Everybody wins.

        2. ‘…dumbest, fattest pig in the high school, someone nobody wants, and throw her into Baltimore igngertown and she’s got seven rotating ingger motherfuckers switching and competing for her. She might as well be a goat.’
          You clearly speak from experience.

        3. I can already imagine the bumper sticker, “POLYGAMY YOU WILL ONLY HAVE TO COOK 3 DAYS A WEEK”.

        4. The one in the middle hugging the bovine like creature is absolutely my type.

        5. Yeah, why not.
          To each his own I suppose.
          I suppose some guys prefer the older ones.
          Not my cup of tea, but nothing wrong with it, either.

        6. So if polygamy is legalized, I’ll have a greater than zero chance of getting married. That’s a policy I can get behind.

        7. “Three is a magic number – two women/one man.”
          I would prefer two men, two women. So I can sleep at least with one man who is not my (only) husband without being a “slut”. I would probably kill myself out of desperation or run away if I had to sleep with just one man a whole life time to be honest.
          “Over a large brood, the mothers become too extreme and expeditive in
          punishments when they have to quickly deal with a multiplicity of
          children. Some farm mothers will kill when kids are uncooperative but
          it’s accidental.”
          Why do they need a large brood anyway? three, four, five ist more than enough.
          ” Gates could support 100,000 wives and breed them until his dick fell
          off at 25,000, but he’s allowed only one woman by law and boy oh boy
          does she have him cucked like a bitch.”
          Well, if rich men get monopoly on too many women the result would be inbreeding in the end because you would not even know anymore that the girl you approach is actually your sister.
          And polygamy leads to a too high number of men without perspektive. Polygamy leads to Clan-building and you have little chances to raise your position if you’re not already “in”.
          So next you’d need a merciless government that holds all these young perspektiveless, girlfriendlessElliot Rodgers in place.
          Bill Gates would not need to marry though. He could just have babies with them, it’s called “mistress” or “babymomma” (if you’re black).
          But actually men like Bill Gates don’t tend to have much interest for that. Isaac Newton did not have children at all. People with very high IQs tend to rather like to study and change the world, then focussing on something shallow as babies. People with high IQ, men and women, tend to have lower offspring.

        8. the relation of boys and girls is 106 to 100. It cant work mathematically. Not even with two women for one man.

        9. OMG you want to deal with multiple women. I can only imagine how hard it would be on my husband if there were two of me. You must be smoking some potent stuff pal!!

        10. and what if the man in this scenario dies? Than you get 4 women, 20 children and no man.
          Ok, you can force your oldest son to take care of them but then he does not have time for own children. Or he can marry his non blood related step mothers lol.
          But what if a new man enters the scenario? Will he see this bunch of non related children as “his own” and provide for them? Or will he sexually haress his step daughters and treat the boys badly and try to take the wealth that’s left over by the other man and give it to his children?
          What do you think why inbreeding is so common among muslims? So it stays in the family.
          You have to look at things from more than one perspective.

      3. Yes women could choose not to be sluts.. but as any reader of this site can tell you, it’s not in their nature. That’s why we need strong social institutions like traditional marriage and family, to keep women’s legs firmly closed, coz God knows they won’t do it themselves. Why do you think feminism, and the “progressive left” in general, is all about destroying the family.

        1. Strong social institutions would go a long way towards that but at the end of the day only shame from other women will do that and only in an overt way. Women will still slut it up and conceal it. That poses a problem when she is charged with caring for an infant or infirm family member. You can’t be everywhere.

      4. Women could choose not to be feminists (man haters) – that would pretty much fix everything.

        1. Some.
          Some always will be it’s in their nature.
          Feminism has however, actively promoted being a hoe.
          Female promiscuity has been glorified
          Male promiscuity is demonized.

    1. What you profess will never happen.
      The reason: a CIA engineered, government introduced, taxpayer funded, media assisted hate movement called feminism.
      Men have simply had a bellyful of “liberated” feminist women. We are presently living in a society that demonizes and punishes men for being men. Marriage and family are a loosers game – for men. When a marriage goes sour, and most of them do anymore, the man looses everything – his home, his money, his kids – everything.
      Feminism was put in place to destroy, and it’s worked beautifully. It’s driven a wedge between men and women, destroyed families, destroyed Christianity, and is responsible for endless sexist, bigoted legislation (VAWA, no fault divorce, Duluth model, etc.) designed to ruin men’s lives.
      After nearly sixty years of being told they are subhuman, useless, depraved pieces of shit, having been endlessly ridiculed and dehumanized by everyone from Gloria Steinem to Barack Obama, having been taxed to death to support female only policies that are in place to destroy them, having been ridiculed and dehumanized by and in the governments, courts, school systems, universities, media and workplace – having men’s issues (staggering suicide and high school drop out rates, etc, etc, etc) completely ignored or laughed at, being used up and thrown out by women who, thanks to institutionalized anti-male sexism and bigotry, have been given government legislated power to do so ….. and through it all men are still expected to serve, protect, provide, and die for women without ever uttering a peep of discontent – is it any wonder they don’t want to get married and raise families?
      Men’s excuses aren’t “BS.” They are real and justified.
      “Wah wah?” If it’s anything I can’t stand it’s women like you, women with a huge sense of entitlement for simply being born female, women who know damned well how horribly this society treats men – women like you who try to guilt and shame them to “man up.”
      Check your female privilege.

      1. I never asked for feminism. I never would have asked for it. I’ve never considered or called myself a feminist. I see through the BS from the top of the pyramid pretty clearly. But of course I’ve been impacted by it, as we all have.

    2. In Germany men have had a big impact on the refugee crisis. Police did, Bundeswehr did, Politicians did, Economy did, private business men did, even the christian church did. They were well paid. They all followed orders or tried to get an advantage from it on the cost of other people. they bought cheap property and rent it to refugees payed by the state. In Berlin there is an old, bankrupt hotel. Now filled with refugees. Costs 11 Million $ per month. Payed by the taxpayer.
      So, many men in Germany said “Well, my country gets distroyed, the future of my children gets destroyed but as long as they don’t fire me or I get good money for it who cares”
      Why should I follow this when I’m a person with some integrity? If these men were women they would probably fly to Dubai and allow to be shitted and pissed on as long as they get paid for it. How could I respect that?
      I really don’t want men to lead “just because” because in the end they are not smarter or better or more moral than women in my experience, they are not less corrupt. Dissappointing but true. I don’t feel well about giving my self responsibility to another person as an adult.
      I can do, but only if I have thought it out. I want to be able to speak up against something I find problematic without hearing “Shut up and cook me something nutritive. Refugees are good!”
      My roots are Germanian and the old Germans never accepted a leader because his gender or descent. They only accepted him for his leading and fighting skills. And if he turned out a bad leader, they kicked him out and denied his orders. That’s why I was never good at being a hanger-on, even though I’m also not a leader. I guess it’s called sigma what I am.
      If the man leads, it also means he is responsible for everything that happens. He has to decide everything, everytime, always and if something goes wrong, it’s his fault. I don’t know if every man feels well about that role at the bottom of his heart.

      1. Well, the invading hordes of strong young men aren’t leaving it up to their women to wear the pants and wield the weapons. Western men are doing so to their own folly, just as the overlords have planned.

  44. The problem is not just the lower birth rate of of Europeans and their relatives in the Americas and Australia. With a birth rate at replacement rate or better, Western civilization would be fine because we have the resources that provide us with lower mortality and the military strength to prevail.
    The 3rd world barbarians in part breed like rats to overcome the higher mortality in their hellholes. Unfortunately the West seems Hell-bent on proving Toynbee’s observation on civilizations’ propensity for suicide correct. We share our bounty with those who hate us, opening the gates to the barbarians and welcoming them. We make half-hearted attempts to fight the enemy in their territory, afraid of the mean things that our “allies” might say.
    I’m hoping that the boom in larger white families I see in our area is a sign for the future. I try to be optimistic that Trump’s election is a sign of change in attitude but I’m afraid the professional politicians in both parties are just riding this out, waiting until they can go back to destroying this country.

    1. Well, most of the “3rd world barbarians” do not breed like rats any longer. A large majority of the world’s population live in countries with fertility rates around or below 2.5. This includes most of the middle east and north Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa is the only region in the world where people have four or more children on average. But that is not where the most of the migrants to the west come from, anyhow.

    2. I don’t think 3rd worlders breed like rats intentionally to overcome the mortality rate. They breed because they’re horny and because cries of ‘rape hysteria’ fall on deaf ears in their culture. I still can’t figure how in a 3rd world culture where there’s free pussy for every man, how any man could lust after a goat. Is there some triggering pheromone smell with the goat? Stable smell repulses me. Is it a power trip? The I.Q. of a goatfucker must be well below 60 to rule out all other available female humans. The I.Q. offset between a goat and a retarded groid might be 25-40 points so that qualifies the power trip explanation. Or maybe this guy is just cleverly attention whoring. But for whom???
      How much of a threat can the refugees be again? The refugees are helped immensely and even the goatfuckers are showcased being happily resettled around cuck christian dinner tables. Refugees are the bottom, the most prone to goatfuck. Bottom tier immigrant hoardes will be the undoing of liberal Cristian and liberal secularist sensitivities. I still hear no state church leaders blasting the inundation of the west with sub human culture rot and I don’t hear the big Christian preachers calling for action against it. I hear only of organized church gladhanding, offering boats, busses and rides to the hrdes. The churches play fake opposition to the enemy and keep their flocks sheeplike and church leaders are directed to keep a lid on their membership becoming proactive against the refugee tide. The preachers stall any action and they silence and chastize any screaming warcries.
      These cuck clergy will fall and tip quickly off the podiums when Christians take to swords and shields which will occur surprisingly soon. The preachers of feel good churchianity, women’s advocacy and hypnotic predestined defeatism will vanish along with their cronies in the state chairs.

    3. Toynbee,
      His daughter was always on the BBC.
      They would interview her because her father was a successful Historian.
      She ‘converted’ to Islam a few years ago and now appears on the BBC vailed.

  45. I’ve often thought how almost all ideals pushed by liberals are anti-population growth and anti-reproduction. Abortion. Birth control. LGBTQKJEIRJD. Feminism. Environmentalism. While on the surface that seems appalling, I think long-term it provides a net positive for society by weeding out those not inclined to have a stake in future generations. Perhaps we are going through a period where we are still approaching that inflection point, but eventually conservative ideals will become mainstream — most likely forced by economic and social calamity.

    1. Far right is reaching the eyes of evryone with internet. I remember how sterile and limited the selection with printed books/publications was in libraries pre internet during the 80s-90s.

    2. It’s because at the end of the day, liberals are all misanthropes. They hate the human race and would love nothing more than to see it go extinct. Only a very few of them have the honesty to admit it, but they’re all of the same mind.

  46. Good pep talk. I was gonna work out after work then maybe read some niccolo machiavelli. But now I think I’m gonna go get drunk and browse tinder.

  47. Hey dont forget us asians. Once all you sanctimonious holier than thou pinkskins go extinct we yellowskins will purify every walking shitskin on Earth.
    I promise you they will miss whites. A LOT.

    1. And then, Imperial China (or Japan depending on one’s proclivities) will spread across the stars… bringing order to those filthy chaotic aliens!!

    2. Not all of us are bai-zuo. We’ll be there too.

  48. Feminism has destroyed the once strong and fierce white European male. The cucks are in charge and we are all doomed.

  49. The barbarians are surviving on handouts from the west though, so yeah. And the Indian above average IQ, and all the other races, suffer the same issues like high IQ whites.

  50. Who would have guessed that a subversive WOG who devoted his life to getting enough courage to speak to white women, whom he worshiped as a scared, ugly, brown, non-European child, would seek to demoralize us while speaking in the sacred first person plural “We” when he is no such thing. Nice try, Wormtongue. You’re vermin.

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  52. I told you that long ago. But you preferred to create a website where you convince men to get laid instead of teaching them how to be good fathers and stay with their child for at least 18 years.
    btw it’s not parents who force pill on girls. Its girls. Because it gives more estrogen and cleaner skin. women without pill have highet testosterone. Maybe you should convince men that women with higher testosterone are better than women with lower testosterone and that a girl with acne is prettier than a girl without. good luck with that

  53. I believe you are correct. The fly in the ointment, though, is God. God has willed for the European peoples to be his chosen people in the Catholic Faith. He set up an infallible and unfailing Church, the Catholic Church (Matt. 16:18) and the methodology of doctrine to guide us.
    Western Society insofar as it has ceased to be Christendom has been tried and found wanting, and will be winnowed by the coming great war and astronomical events; as God Himself acts to preserve His people and Faith.
    As I have mentioned elsewhere, this is 100 years since Fatima and the promises and warnings of Our Lady. In the 1950s she appeared to a nun specifically about America and its place in the coming events, and promised that in the nuclear war America would be spared if we heeded her warning. The nun’s website (she is now deceased) is

    1. Catholic church gets ruled by a leftis Soros puppet pope now.
      if you are interested in prophecies you should read Alois Irlmaier. He was a well builder and dowser from Bavaria (Southern Germany, where the Oktoberfest took place) and lived in 20th century.
      1. First, a prosperity like never comes! (Germany had after Second Worldwar)
      2. Then, an apostasy as never follows. (yes)
      3. Then a moral corruption as never before. (yes)
      4. Then comes a large number of strangers into the country. (yes)
      5. There is a great inflation. The money will lose more and more value. (yes)
      6. Soon after followed the Revolution.
      7. Then the Russians invaded the West overnight.

      1. They are to reach into France, and then
        8. The Americans use biological warfare and wipe out the entire Russian
        I think this is from the same guy. Lame Cherry did a trio of articles on this.
        Also look at the visitation of Our Lady of America – she promised that if America fulfilled its mission we would be protected from the coming atomic war.

        1. The Russians are the least of our worries. Considering how liberals here in the US carry on about them, that should be obvious.

  54. you should also get informed about the term yout bulge or war index.
    War index is the relation between old men who retire and young men who want to fill out their position.
    The higher the birth rate, the more likely there will be war if the economy does not grow enough and there are little job options anyway as in Africa or Middle east.
    If the war index is 5, it means 5000 young men fight for the jobs of 1000 old men. Much likely they will lose hope and try to change the system by war or violence.
    Thats one of the reasons Iraq is so unpeaceful. high birt rates, low education and economy in combination with modern weapons has potential for a mad max scenario.
    I’m not a fan of countries with high birth rates.
    And of course we could keep them out if we wanted. Bt our politicians don’t want

    1. We need to go full Reconquista / Crusader on their asses.

  55. ‘Why can’t the Muslims, Africans, and Indians be more civilized like people in the West? Why do they insist on endless breeding when their children have no chance of attending an Ivy League university?’
    The trailer trash is strong with this one, middle eastern fertility rates have been dropping for the past 40 years, Iran has a lower number than Utah, Bangadesh lower than Missisipi, and pretty sure that Indian Americans, who are among the highest per capita earning ethnic groups in the US, are certainly not underrepresented in Ivy League universities.
    I know this would kill your business model, as you’re certainly no Mike Maloney or Peter Schiff, but could your dumbass actually support your ‘fecund brown people’ argument with data??

    1. Hahahaha brilliant! – Obviously like most Western men I have been awakened to a certain extent but some of these articles do make me laugh. This one is from the main man apparently?

      1. Not to put you down, but most western men were never asleep in the first place, the dislike to like ratio on the racist MTV video certainly suggests that these Sjw brats were never popular in the first place,
        I’d definitely say that the Democratic party establishment considers them important, but most of their base voters want them to get their heads out of their asses.
        37 percent of Democrats were in favor of Trumps Muslim ban, so what Sjw takeover are Roosh and Stefan Molyneux talking about??

      2. Well, most people in the west were never asleep in the first place, 37% of Dems were in favor of Trump’s Muslim ban, hardly indicative of SJW dominance of American politics.

        1. The fact that Americans continue to see the stupid and irrelevant ‘Muslim Ban’ clearly indicates that they’re still asleep.

        2. There’s sleep, then there’s delirium, these culture warrior retards along with the mainstream media fall into that category.

  56. Honestly, this is sort of an argument for polygamy. With so many men opting out of reproduction (whether it be through homosexuality, White guilt, or whatever), why shouldn’t we reproduce with more than one woman? Sure, polygamy destabilizes stable societies, but our society is already unstable due to our low rate of reproduction. Better that we take an extra wife to make up for the losers among us, than to wait for a barbarian to do it for us.

  57. Roosh has been sounding very fatalistic and morose these days on Youtube and ROK. I know he’s not particularly religious and is more an advocate of a return to at least cultural Christianity in the West. I’m a Christian and have spent my life since I was in my teens studying eschatology and apocalyptic themes in the Bible. If it weren’t for that I would be despairing along with Roosh, but it’s not going to go down like he thinks. There won’t be another long cycle of history and honestly I think what Europe produced with it’s Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian heritage will never be reproduced. I feel that this cycle is an irreversible moral collapse and will require divine intervention as happened with the destruction of Sodom and also the destruction of the Caananites (they used to roast their children alive to the god Molech during loud festivals). Once a civilization reaches a certain point, there is no hope of a return to morality. Only destruction and replacement by a more moral culture, but as we live in a global age, there is an unprecedented spread of moral rot around the world, and Islam is an alternative kind of evil to the West so who will step in?
    This is why I feel that this is the last days foretold thousands of years ago. There are many prophecies about the rebirth of Israel, the Jews returning from around the world after a very long absence from their land and the world’s obsession with the fate of Jerusalem and even partitioning the land of Israel (Joel 3). The last world empire foretold will be lead by the antichrist who is said to be the prince of the people who would come and destroy the 2nd temple (Romans) and that the final form of Rome will be 10 divisions and 10 kings who will rule for a brief time before an 11th rises, overthrows three of them and takes absolute power. He will confirm a 7 year covenant with Israel and a 3rd temple will be rebuilt and he will sit in it declaring himself to be God and demanding worship from the citizens of his world empire. War will break out and over one half the earth will be destroyed by fire and be brought to the point of extinction of all life when God will intervene and set up his Kingdom on earth. I’m just saying that there is hope and it’s not far off for those who put their faith in God and his son.
    A final note, the Apostle Paul outlined the moral collapse of a civilization in a few phases. First they deny the existence of God (atheism), then they engage openly in sexual sin (heterosexuals), then homosexual sin, and finally God gives them over to a reprobate mind.
    Romans 1:18-
    For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.
    24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
    26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
    28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality,[c] wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving,[d] unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.
    Here’s one of dozens of prophecies found in the Bible written thousands of years ago. What are the odds that the Jews would be scattered across the globe and return to their homeland, survive massive assaults from their neighbors, restore their dead language and prosper.
    Isaiah 11:11-
    It shall come to pass in that day
    That the Lord shall set His hand again the second time
    To recover the remnant of His people who are left,
    From Assyria and Egypt,
    From Pathros and Cush,
    From Elam and Shinar,
    From Hamath and the islands of the sea.
    12 He will set up a banner for the nations,
    And will assemble the outcasts of Israel,
    And gather together the dispersed of Judah
    From the four corners of the earth.
    13 Also the envy of Ephraim shall depart,
    And the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off;
    Ephraim shall not envy Judah,
    And Judah shall not harass Ephraim.
    14 But they shall fly down upon the shoulder of the Philistines (Palestinian is Latin for philistine and Gaza is where the Philistines were in ancient times) toward the west;
    Together they shall plunder the people of the East;
    They shall lay their hand on Edom and Moab;
    And the people of Ammon shall obey them.

  58. It’s very hard, knowing the above and spending your life combating it. It is thankless, nearly friendless and a place of general ridicule. When I pass I will be satisfied in the knowledge that I did my part against all odds…

  59. This writer needs more vagisil.
    We will win. Strides are being made. Preparations complete.

  60. Come on this is just weak, don’t make an argument with allusions to nature and evolution if you aren’t even going to acknowledge the difference between r & K selection.
    If you want to argue the relative merits of each in application to human societies that could be an interesting read, though it’s mostly been done to death by sociologists. However to flatly assume that one is simply superior to the other (or in this case, ignore the existence of K-strategy reproduction) is thoroughly lazy work.

  61. Right on spot Roosh, men for centuries workshipped women in every field such as art, culture, musics and so on, now, try to find just ONE art, music or else from women to men who they express joy and respect, even love maybe towards men, just one.
    The problem is that we, Men, are trained since birth to be women slaves, in every aspect, our societies do the rest.
    there is no turning back, unless all the men worldwide will go on strike and white knights will be put aside, but many believe that to entertain a slut or be a PUA is the right answer, even those who believe to keep the right frame are wrong, because sooner or later, they will realize in which situation they are living in. A revolution? this of course will never happens so, i agree with you, we are doomed. Have a beer and enjoy the decline or expat in better countries where nazifeminism aren’t present(yet!)

  62. Whoa Roosh that was way too dark and hopeless…
    Where’s that neomascuine fighting spirit?
    Where’s all the WINNING???
    Enjoy the decline I guess…

  63. as some one who was in iraq and somalia I can tell you they kill each other at such a high rate that they will never take america. We americans have no equal in wiping out entire cultures and peoples.

  64. Great read. Out populating us is one way they are taking us out but so is slaughtering us every chance they get. We can go on a full on fuck fest but it will only fix one issue.

  65. May be so that other races might out breed western civilization . But today’s society is what it is due to western civilization and if that is gone all I see is a generation after generation of misery. Africa for instance is home to many many bounty this planet has to offer but before western civilization they never bothered to use the resources their land offered them . Today’s quality of life came with western civilization and it goes with western civilization

  66. Young women’s basic desire to be home makers and mothers have been destroyed. My heart breaks as I watch young women flounder in lives with no foundation. Few to none know how to cook, clean, mend or make clothing items. Many have good educations but no happiness. They are making money for what?! So they can live in a nice old folks home one day? So few of them understand if a person is lucky they will see forty and beyond, a person needs more than wild nights at the club. Our children male and female learned how to cook and create a homes as well as getting degrees and skills. Rather than go out partying they invite their friends over to learn how to make food from scratch. We teach everything from how to slow braise a tough roast to making pie crust. We try to teach some of the skills and happiness that we have to every young person who will listen. Anyone who reads the above be they male or female take the time to learn how to do these things from any friend or family member who will teach. A family or in our case framily(friends/family) is not a burden if you to spend the time learning/teaching skills with them.

  67. We need to secure our right’s in the US Court system before we start having children, or else we are just having children on behalf of the enemy.

  68. Keep it simple. Eat quality food, lift heavy weights, find a quality woman (the real challenge) get married and have as many children as you can care for.

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