Are you disturbed by the present dating market? Well, in many ways you should be, especially if you live in a place like Toronto, Washington D.C., Seattle, or London. Yet there’s a difference between criticizing the sexual marketplace and completely or half-giving up on it. I see countless men who have lost hope or, sometimes just as badly, keep doing the same things they have been doing and then bemoan the identical results they get.
There are countless men out there with far more disadvantages than us, including very physical ones, who are achieving the same sorts of things with women and on a number of occasions even doing better. One example I want to share with you is that of Maurice Simpson, who came to public attention for surgeries to help his severe medical condition and facial deformity, neurofibromatosis.
This woman agreed to have a child with him:
I’m presuming she was an 8, possibly an 8.5 before she got pregnant. With respect to Maurice, aesthetically-speaking he’s a 0 or 1. Still, we know in this case that didn’t matter. Although he’s from Utah, hardly the worst place in America to find a marriageable or maternal woman, he did well with what is clearly a great attitude. The couple split, but that’s beside the point. He put his seed into a woman who, in conventional terms, was way out of his league.
Men like Maurice Simpson are obviously outliers, as there are plenty of men in a position like his who are absolutely crushed by their appearance and/or impairment. Their experiences should nonetheless cause all of us to pause and reflect, irrespective of how many good quality notches we have. With game, unique achievements, or some sort of voodoo mojo, supposedly “no hope” guys can do a lot more than they think.
Many of your problems are self-inflicted or about perspective
My life has been full of completed and half-completed flings and relationships. Having always believed in a form of plate-spinning, managing multiple girls simultaneously, I would see how many I could juggle at once. I was expecting successful logistics, ones that were in reality impossible. Of course, when difficulties (and rejections) invariably arose, at times I became disheartened. Whilst I never became fixated on the ones that got by, my biggest regret is the amount of time I spent on things other than self-improvement in particular areas.
With a little introspection, most guys will realize that their problems with women are a combination of things that are their own fault (and usually fixable), things that are normal to grow out of (an initial neediness in relationships, etc.), or things that just don’t really matter (like certain kinds of girls who are unlikely to ever like you).
Someone like Shane Burcaw could worry about all the girls in the world who would not want to sleep with him due to his disability, let alone those in liberal feminist America. If someone deserves to complain about the state of the sexual marketplace, it is him or those in comparable situations. Regardless, similar to Maurice Simpson, he landed a cuter girlfriend than perhaps 90-95% of guys in the West.
Take note of the world but don’t be defined by it
I and my fellow ROK authors will be the first to admit that there are serious issues with the sexual marketplace and not all men, far from it, are going to be winners. That’s not the end of the story, however. Inasmuch as reality is reality, many men have shown that success is possible, not to mention possible when some of them have challenges, ailments, and even grotesque deformities that you think would exclude them from any happiness with girls whatsoever.
Unless someone can think of presently unaired reasons as to why they can’t get a foothold in the modern sexual marketplace, self-improvement and game will still get you much of what you want in life and with women.
Read More: How To Deal With Intense Male Competition In The Sexual Marketplace
Supply & demand though. There aren’t enough women who’d date super ugly guys for to shut down.
Some positive perspective . . . .for a change. It’s about time to start repeating . . . there is a way to win – and “trying” is the way. Giving up . . . is not, never has been and never will be.
Agreed. The community can tend to get bogged down by articles and comments professing ‘all is lost’
All is not lost
Well thry thinking traditional.
Like money to get eastern girl but game to get western girl.
Suddrnly our eastern girls seem superficial
“He let British filmmakers follow him through his daily life, at work as a manager at the fast food chain Arby’s and at his home with his wife and five children in Ogden, Utah.”
Please tell me again oh wise manosphere about how women want the best genes for their children and about female hypergamy. This deformed ghoul who works in fast food has more children than all of RoK’s combined readership. Please explain.
Don’t understimate the power of baby rabies. When a woman wants a baby, she’ll let the worst possible prospect impregnate her.
Besides, most people and thus, most women, are dumb. I don’t expect much logic thought behind the actions of the people around me.
On a side note: am I the only one who is almost sure that the cute lady (Shane Burcaw’s girlfriend) depicted above is probably just flaunting her “goodness” and “kindness” for the sake of compliments on her persona, and is most likely cucking him with Chad?
You’re right. Anna Reinalda is the queen of the cock carousel and is now with a high IQ Mathematical Chinese guy
True about cucking him with Chad. There is little chance gimpy can use his cock well and she has to get it from someone. But because people see her as this virtuous woman who chose such a helpless man, they would never think she would cheat. Since she has no societal obligation to be monogamous nor even raises suspicion flags in people of being a whore (after all, what whore would do such a noble act), then my guess is she is 99% getting dicked by Chad.
Also, let’s be honest. Lots of nice guy schlubs are suckers who marry hot women. How are they suckers? Well I assure you their bitch rode the carousel hard before settling down. You fucks have to understand when it comes to marriage women don’t pick the strong alpha. The strong alpha would get away and leave her hanging to go be Chad and bang other Trixies. Nope. Women choose weak beta men for marriage.
I don’t see how this article debunks anything we already knew about women or life. Lots of weak men are married. We are trying NOT to be them.
Yeah but she could easily find an able bodied beta with a better job and still could have Chad on the side. So it still doesn’t explain why she ended up with a deformed, fast food worker.
A very positive article. Well-done, Return of Kings.
Pabst, I generally disagree with your negativity…but this comments of yours was funny as hell.
that was pretty funny. Involuntarily voted up
There are many factors at play. Most of these couples do not live in the big city but in small town America – different dynamics. I would also assume the women are generally religious. The kids seem to be fine.
The UK couple have been together since she was 16 – he snatched her young.
Women that go black- A. Want to virtue signal they do not judge. B. Want to piss off their dad. Being deformed in either case is an advantage for black men. Plus you can make up a cool story on how you got deformed.
The last couple is really cute, and they take good care of themselves.
Not true. I am part of the readership and I have 6 children (and 7 grandchildren).
Let me explain it for you dear Pabst. Women want good genes , but above all they want to feel like good people ( virtue signal). Some hoes , possesed by their need for attention , take it to an extreme and marry these poor souls and have children with them. But , if nobody was taking pictures of them and posting these stories in the media , they wouldn’t throw a loaf of bread at these quasimodos if they were starving in the street , let alone have children with them. I actually feel sorry for the guys in the pictures because they are being kept like toys/pets from these hoes.
Hey! How’ve you been? Hope all is well.
Slim , old buddy ! Good to see you still around and kicking. I’m going through some really tough shit in my life and needed some time to reflect. I see many things have changed in the meantime , but I want everybody to know that I remain a loyal friend and ally.
@ Balkaner
Yeah, I remember that you were going through some bad times. Hope you get some good luck coming your way. We’re pulling for you to get through it. You will absolutely do it! And come through it stronger than ever!
That may be true, but at least they’re getting some and not from 500 pound land whales either. I mean, there are better looking beta’s out there with more money.
I have 5 and am still reproducing.
interesting article
Game will definitely get you pussy. The sexual marketplace is nowhere near as difficult as the economic marketplace. Still, the criticisms are fair. Most men find pussy boring after the 200th notch. At some point, men must bite the bullet and commit to the traditional life. Good luck getting that in North America.
At that point, the inequality criticism I think is fair. You won’t get what you want in life either by competing in a society with a steep status gradient, or by appealing to Feminism. The best option for most men is to move abroad.
PAPA SELO Rambo Lesson
Rambo eventually moves to Asia according to the fiction.
First Blood Part 1 is really about the white working class experience.
The reality that nobody really gives a shit what you have been through (“What’s he been into Galt?” asks Caruso. “Who gives a shit,” replies a redneck who does not care that Rambo had been a POW).
The reality that belonging to the police state is the nearest thing to power for most white working class like Dennehy, who is incredibly petty about some guy eating a single meal in his city because his only sense of power is bothering the poor and downtrodden (“Going to take a bath this week, Dave” he admonishes some other hick a few minutes before seeing somebody walking down the highway obviously minding their own business).
Finally the petty quarrels between the Republicans and Democrats of yesteryear that nobody today can even remember like hippies with longish hair.
Rambo could have just stayed in Asia since the 70’s and enjoyed his life.
Instead he refuses to leave a hick town and ends up in prison. When he once escapes and could have headed to Seattle or Mexico he goes back to the same small town and trashes it.
In the end, according to the fiction, he ends up in Asia anyhow.
MOVING ABROAD A Lifelong Experience
Southeast Michigan was so bleak and depressing that I took off after college. I discovered the following-
“Ties to the community” means shit. Property values can dive horrendously and nobody cares if you had ties to the community of Detroit. My grandfather and grandmother had ties to the community and her property was worth nothing.
“Family Values” = you have kids and got stuck in someplace you’ll never meet a celebrity. Family values is invented by Jewish ad agencies in New York to con rural and exurban rubes into vote for politicians who pay for an ad campaign. This really translates to “No blowjobs”.
There are only 10 cities in the US that will actually upgrade your status. If you have a decent job in Wisconsin you are still living somewhere of little importance.
It does not mean shit to anyone what you do positive in one particular place unless you run for mayor or something.
Which 10? NY #1.
” At some point, men must bite the bullet and commit to the traditional life.”
Doesn’t work. You either have a traditional society or a progressive one. You simply can’t fuck around in your youth and expect to have a wholesome wife and mother for your kids at the end of the road. It’s like poisoning the well and expecting to get a bottle of Evian from it when you please.
Every frat guy I ever knew did that.
I do agree. It sounds like youre blaming men tho. Historically, societies had no problem with men doing some pillaging before settling down. In fact men were expected to be much older than their wives. Older men have more maturity and life experience than a man her own age.
Look at how beautiful and ripe an 18 year old woman is, compared to the awkward dude her age. He’ll never appreciate her or treat her the way a 30 year old would.
In this society, women think all older men are perverts.
So this 18 year old girl goes to college and rides the carousel of other immature, bad boys. When she’s 30, she says ” Im finally ready for my prince.” But no one hears her.
The bad boys and the good guys her age are now trying their luck with younger women. Its a great strategy, and when you feel like biting the bullet, move to a small town or another country.
A 30 year old man with an 18 year old girl is natural as natural can be. Yet in the west, he’d be considered a border line pedophile.
There are caveats to that though. It’s considered natural is the man is 30, but the 18 year old is a male or a tranny or if she’s a real female, but there’s something wrong with her like she has a major deformity. Then society will support it and age is nothing but a number.
But a 30 year old man dating and 18 year old young woman actually born with a vagina and is attractive to boot??? The man is the equivalent to an old pervert in a trench coat trolling the local pre school for his next victim.
“Progressive” society? Everything by liberal standards are twisted to mean the opposite so I’m guessing you mean men can either keep their meat in their pants in the hope for a decent wife along the line or smash everything that moves to make for a “regressive” barbaric society?
Ignore society man. If I were 30 and got with an 18 ear old who would care? Some jokes from friends and family is all I can imagine. Don’t suck in this negativity about the double standards and the unjust Ness of the surrounding society when in practice it really won’t even slow us down.
Media reality does not affect our reality. No media mob is going to hound me, an average joe, for getting with an 18 year old.
To think otherwise is a limiting belief.
These days, almost no man ends up with a wholesome wife at the end of their road. Those days are gone, all she wants at the end of her road is your house, assets and a bag full of cats.
200th notch ?
even at 50th it becomed boring and questions about mgtow or taking the black pill pops up from nowhere.
A very positive article, well-done Return of Kings.
What exactly is positive about it? All I see are more reasons why this civilization needs to burn to the ground!
I’ve realised that an additional warm hole and two bags of fat are all women can provide a man in this modern age. I can easily make do with just one, and anyone who has doubts that one hole is enough for recreational purposes has probably never procured the services of a ladyboy in Thailand or Latin America.
Additionally, I discovered from my travels that prostate orgasms are far superior to your traditional penile orgasm in both quality and quantity. All my female Tinder dates recoiled at the thought or pegging a man, but my mates and gym buddies were more than happy to oblige after a bit of coaxing and some grooming and makeup on my part.
It’s about time the Manosphere reached its logical conclusion and reclaimed homosexual intercourse from the cultural Marxists. For thousands of years across civilisations, homosexuality was seen as the paragon of Masculinity. One would never think of calling the Spartans of Greece, the Samurai of Japan, and the Ottoman Janisseries effeminate fags. Yet they engaged in homosexual relations, and recognised it as the ultimate expression of male brotherhood and solidarity. The Feminists too realised the necessity of homosexual-only pairings in the fight for their cause, and as such most RadFems adhere to Political Lesbianism in one form or another.
Will your stand with your brothers, or will you debase yourselves to performing clownish acts so as to beg for access to another hole? The choice is yours.
To each his own but that sounds totally disgusting and Ladyboys are more expensive that female prostitutes in Thailand because they are less common in an economy where anybody with a pussy is selling it.
No, ladyboys cost 500bht ($15), women are 1,000bht ($30).
They may be less common, but there is much less demand for the product they are selling.
Ladyboys in Asia would be a mainline to AIDS. You’d have to be a madman.
In decades in Asia I knew two males that contracted AIDS from women.
Men catching Aids through heterosexual sex is an urban myth, you gotta be letting stuff be stuck in you. Guys getting HIV from women just doesn’t happen, these are druggies and closet homos.
We can argue the risk of heterosexual buggery (it exists) but if you are having sex with Lady Boys in Sukhumivit…you are crazed.
When I lived in the Philippines and co-owned a bar for a year during that time 2 of my staff tested for AIDS.
“Yet they engaged in homosexual relations, and recognised it as the ultimate expression of male brotherhood and solidarity.”
What’s the evidence of that? Texts from the Peloponnesian Wars or Punic Wars where enemies of certain Greek city states called them little boy diddlers? Sorry but I’m not buying that in between inventing philosophy, geometry, and astronomy, the Greeks channeled their inner Podesta. Sounds like attempts by SJW’s to smear Western culture and civilization.
I agree
Greeks kicked ass – not kissed ass.
I dunno man, the Sacred Band of Thebes sounds pretty gay to me
Damn, I guess the Sacred Band of Thebes really struck a chord.
Not so much struck a cord, as the only “contemporary” source which claims the Sacred Band was homosexual is Plutarch, who lived 400 years after the Sacred Band ceased to exist. That’s not very credible.
Likewise, there is nothing in contemporary sources which suggests that homosexual relations were the mode in Sparta.
There is a lot of information, however, which makes it clear that buggering men (not boys) was a serious crime throughout ancient Greece and Republican Rome.
Spartans did not engage in pederasty, they always had access to women. Athenians did have a tradition of pederasty but the boy was not to enjoy it, in art the boy being penetrated is shown in pain and not as a hungry bottom.
Why does this pro fag post have more upvoters than down? What the fuck fag readership is on this site to such a high degree? Holy shit no wonder you guys can’t pull women; they all get those homo vibes from you!
You should write a guest article on this.
True, but if you do write such an article, be prepared to get blasted by the vast majority of these red pill youngsters. I know, I’ve written articles for ROK, and not about trim!
Gayyyyyyy as fuckkkk
I’ll meet you in the Mickey D’s bathroom in 5
No such faggotry shall be happening in my dunny, I don’t mind telling you!
“Additionally, I discovered from my travels that prostate orgasms are far superior to your traditional penile orgasm in both quality and quantity.”
Wait a fucking minute Neo…. are you trying to tell us that you’re a butt pirate????
Ultimately since very few men can service many women it would have little effect on the sexual market place if more men went gay, unless it was most men which will never happen.
Many lesbians do it overtly politically on the incorrect idea that women are the good partners in relationships and men screw them all up. Gays have lower divorce rates BY FAR in countries with established gay marriage.
The head scratching over the crazy lesbian divorce rates is funny. They don’t want to admit it that modern women screw up relationships with demanding behaviour and low tolerance for imperfection and so when one tries with another they always always fuck it up.
that’s an odd comment indeed.
The point is i’m asking myself if the manosphere should promote trans people but not for recreationnal purpose (as you suggest in some way) but for social engineering against feminism :
more men become (fuckable) trans = drop of power of female smv on the market place = drop of female narcissism = rebalancing of forces on the sexual marketplace.
like fighting fire with fire. Maybe people need to reconsider threats as potential tools for advancing a purpose ?
Too funny. Well done sir!
I like the positivity here, but the examples are absurd. You think these tragically deformed guys are going out and “running game” on girls? No, girls will be with them as a form of virtue signaling. Still, the core idea remains true.
I bet some/most of those girls will wake up one day and open their eyes to the monstrosities they have as men.. and hopefully it will be too late to fix it for them as they will be too deep in their own shit to dig them selves out.
or to attentionwhore
I’d bet a lot of money that the white woman from Utah (Tara Williams) who procreated with the deformed black man wouldn’t have done so with a deformed white male. Furthermore, they had their first child in 1997 and their second (and last) in 1999. Different era. Back then, all a man truly needed was “game” to get laid and black men are naturally gifted with “game”–and that’s on top of being constantly promoted in the media and being the perfect weapon to spite your white patriarchal Utahan community and white America at large (especially in in the 90s).
The white girl and the deformed white guy were just a business. “Were” because they’re no longer “cooperating” and he’s found an equally attractive business partner named “Hannah”. He sells books, is a hot topic on Buzzfeed and other portals and runs a successful blog ( This poor man is not having sex with any of these females, let alone procreating with them. They’re using him and, in some way, he’s using them.
The British chav couple. Here’s their story after some googling. She was 16 and he was 21 when they got together in 2006, before smartphones or even facebook.
He looks like a low-inhibition chav and she looks like a low-class, low IQ chav breeder. End of story.
Not making excuses here. A man should stay fit and in control of his finances because that’s what a man should do. But unless you’re a millionaire, a low-inhibition hypermasculine thug, or 8+ in looks, you will struggle with pulling, keeping and domesticating an average-looking female in these unprecedented times of smartphones and social media.
Good point. The advent or smartphones, Instagram, and tinder have made it so that such pairings would be less likely in this day and age.
I basically concentrate my game on women who don’t get into that. That will skyrocket your success.
The only type of women I find that aren’t into social media are uglies and/or conservative religious girls. Any attractive girl from a non-conservative background is always an uncontrollable attention whore in my experiences. And I’m not that young.
Yeah and religious conservative girls are exactly who I go for. I am in Middle America after all.
And lies! Tons of ugly girls use social media these days
They met somehow and one of them initiated it. I think a lot of men thinking their looks are the problem are socially awkward and lack confidence and self esteem.
Part of being red pilled is buying into the unsettling reality that your looks do matter. Can they be overcome? Of course but you will always he fighting uphill battles compared to Chad. Just look at tinder experiments with obscure male European models and see how easy good looking men have it. Women DO throw themselves at men who are awkward if said guy is good looking. Being socially awkward is simply perceived as “cute” when a top tier Chad is being a sperg.
If you’re a good looking guy you simply just have to show up and not be TOO weird. Girls will sit and listen to autistic ramblings in mesmerization if they perceive the guy as high SMV. Truly ugly men can never really show weakness. That is what is hard about being ugly. It’s not that ugly guys can’t get hot girls. They can. They just have to always be on their game to levels that are superhuman.
Looksmaxing just cuts down on effort and makes life simpler in everything. Being ugly is a big handicap because you literally HAVE to always be proving yourself to people.
I long for the return of Natural Selection so that things like described above will never happen again and if they happen all involved will have exactly 0 chances of surviving long enough to perpetuate their genes!
PS. that black guy with no face – how brain dead must that woman be to let him have her.. Hans – get ze Flamethrower! on both of them and their offspring!
tomorrow rok will run an article about how it’s men with good facial symmetry that get all the girls lolz
And while you wait, I’m out using game and getting laid
Good article except for the part about a woman being out of a man’s league. Women are dependent and dumb enough to be susceptible to game, therefore no woman is out of a man’s league. In fact that phrase is part of the gynocentric societal conditioning that we’ve all been subjected to since an early age, so it’s best to not perpetuate it.
Bring on the excuses guys!
“Women in the US are too….”
Blah blah blah blah.
Crybaby bullshit, all of it!
Game works. Get fit, dress sharp, apply what you learn on ROK and it will happen. Not if you sit on your ass and expect it all to be handed to you.
I’m 42 and last summer I juggled a 21 year old, a 27 year old personal trainer, some chick named Stormie, and a 32 year old marathon runner. 20 something guys, I’m that older guy taking your bitches at the bar because I am direct and not to fucking scared to dance with a girl!
I’m the guy at the wine Walk flirting with your date while you take a piss. I’ll get her number. She will call me. And it’s your fault. Grow a pair and engage.
If you aren’t getting laid, it’s YOU.
I live in a 7,000 person town. I drive around an hour sometimes to bigger towns but ITS NOT HARD if you try.
BS. Girls today are very, very sensitive to age differences. A 20-something female regards a 40 yo + male as at best invisible and at worst as a creep. Women today are dating men 5 or more years younger than they are. I would say most men 30+ are effectively shut out to anyone but a 35+ yo female.
You’re not “taking” shit. Especially not in a small town. I’ve been in small town bars. You try to taking a woman from some drunk red neck and he’ll end up stabbing you. You think you will cow him with your smooth game moves? LOL
Say that to all the girls who are 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 whom I have slept with in, for example in Sweden. I am 32 but look younger.
Do you take on the natural persona of a fully-grown man, or do you try to relate to them on their level (e.g., talking to them about the newest rap celebrity)?
As I’m getting older (31 years old) I find it harder to pretend to care about shit that doesn’t matter.
I too in my 30s have gotten with young tail (youngest was 19) but tbh many times your monkey act has to be on point. It gets old (pun intended)
I’m mid 30s but can still pull young girls. Though I generally check most the boxes other than height (barely 5-9). Keeping both parties interrst for longer than a few encounters is much harder than it used to be. I take some blame in not having the same degree of patience with younger women. The moment I believe they are wasting my time I immediately block and delete them. However, I am very confident the prevalence of social media has also created this new form of Americunt that is even more shortsighted.
And I’m 51 and I concur. But of course, our methods of attaining time with the young hotties is quite different.
BTW, Pabst need to scrape up $400 and treat himself to some nice young poon at least once a month. I’ve suggested it to him before…
Mid-30s and don’t feel limited by age. Women my age have it way worse, I’m aging like fine wine.
Never had a problem dating young. In fact, my minimum age difference was about 9 years once I hit 31. Married at 40, but before that (at 38) I was dating a 24 year old in Seattle. Nice girl too, normal family, no issues. It is certainly possible if you keep yourself in shape, etc. Only a percentage of girls will date much older, but if you meet 100 you’ll find 5-10 who will do so.
Yes and no. I’ll be 31 in a few weeks and if I were to meet a 21 year old girl today, I wouldn’t tell her my age until after I had sex with her. Reason being, because it’s been drilled into her head that men who date younger women are rejects because he “can’t get a woman his own age” or “looking for someone to manipulate”. So if she thinks I’m 25 or 26, I’ll just let sleeping dogs lie.
I’m that nigga in the alley, I’m your pusherman
Let me push your shit in white boiii
Anybody else here get the vibe that “Wayne Star” is a big pussy with low self-esteem?
Giant pussy. I cry myself to sleep every night. If it weren’t for tight game and watching college kids cry as I leave the bar with their bitches, I don’t know how I’d ever go on.
Just go on, keep saying that it’s impossible. Stop trying. Grow that sick neck beard. More girls for me
Lol, Wayne Star!!
That shit is so 2000s brah.
I fucked a stormie 4 years ago. Super slut
I think naming your daughter Stormie kinda dooms her to death by a thousand cocks.
Retarded hipster name!
Right on Wayne Star! Good for you, man! The Peach Bandit sounds like an angry liberal woman troll. I too have met younger women ( not common, mind you) who prefer older gentlemen to the current crop of mainstream soy boys. The older man/younger woman dynamic is great! I’m 60, never married, and I have a pretty and slender 38 year-old Bosnian gf. My family members set us up and introduced us 3 years ago. None of this tire kicking and wasteful peeing on your shoes with debased and degrading dating sites, club scenes, etc. The cougar older women /younger men thing is a feminist fantasy, and is for the Hollywood elitist actresses, but not mainstream society. Most young guys I encounter run from older women who have hit the wall, and are too delusional to see it. The old sea hags hate my having a young attractive Balkan gf, say snarky things to me, but tough! It’s a free country, at least for now! Rock on, man. Keep going after the younger women!
Shoot, I think I’m uglier than hammer dawg poop, and I see my wife after 37 years as fresh as the morning and hotter than the 4th of July. (And she still doesn’t buy any of that from me.) But she loves me. We have ourselves a nice life, good kiddies and normal enough grandkiddies. Has it been perfect? God no. We’re your average American heroes that don’t make the headlines- thank goodness. Good story, many thanks.
I am not trying to sound negative (because that would imply I see my own situation as bad and I don’t). But seriously using these cases which are 1/100000 is supposed to prove a point? I would have used examples of “nice guys” in STEM fields and nerdy careers with hot girlfriends. I have seen it myself. Posting pics of shit that doesn’t represent the average does nothing for encouragement especially since most guys here aren’t deformed. And we don’t know their home lives, what these women do on the side (or whom), nor if the bitch ID a virtue signaling lib.
Now I have little trouble in the slaying department largely due to factors I did control. One of them was leaving the big American city. I left a city of 2.7 million and went to go live in Middle America. Cosmopolitan women are delusional and frequently date men they shouldn’t and you can tell the guy hates himself.
But one thing these examples of deformed men proves is that women want to be with someone that is real.
Truth be told, women don’t care if they have to take care of you. They don’t care if you’re not a tough guy. They don’t care if you have tattoos or not. They don’t care if you are popular or about your social proof.
They care about whether they can be comfortable around you. They want to be themselves. The problem is lots of you give off a very judgmental vibe and women don’t open up to you because of this. You make women feel like they are never going to live up to your expectations. You don’t do this verbally necessarily but you still do it. Now do these gimp men even have a chance to portray that? Even if they tried they would get laughed off as a cute joke.
Long story short, women respect men more when they don’t feel they have to be always impressing them. The way some of you pedestalize women makes them feel like you put too much pressure on them. This is why you’re alone. Honestly girls LOOOOOOOVE men with problems and who need fixing. Your guises problem is that you are trying to fit a mold of Mr. Perfect. Women want nothing of the sort. I have come to learn a very important aspect of SMV is the ability to make a woman feel like she doesn’t always have to try. Ironically this is when women apply themselves more for you. IMO this is an aspect of “game” that matters way more than anything else.
Also i bet none of these women were found on tinder or the nightclub. This also is your problem when you fish in the sewer like many of you do.
Is it fishing in the sewer or just fishing where they’re biting?
Excellent point. Don’t swim in dirty water! ROK is chalked full of articles on men needing to meet and marry up traditionalist or conservative Christian women (well and good), but then go to clubs and attempt to pickup club sluts to fornicate with. Makes no sense.
Yes, women love losers. They love fuck ups. The guys struggling to get into a relationship? The tall, fit, handsome man with a good education and a good career. Women avoid such men for relationships.
Look in libraries, churches and other places where you get good ones. Look at girls dressed down and who are not socially extremely confident then screen that they don’t go to clubs and have a good family and didn’t fuck about.
Southern European, Middle eastern and North East Asian can be good if you screen well. Racially Northern and Eastern European White chicks are all players don’t touch with a barge-pole. Even Asian chicks if born in the west are very often primadonas.
Pew research on ten year interracial divorce showing white women divorcing
25% WMWW divorce after ten years
200% higher divorce rate WWBM than WMWW
44% less divorce WMBF than WMWW
59% higher divorce rate AM ( asian male ) with WW than WMWW
4% higher WMAW than WMWF ( v close to WMWW )
HISPANIC also shows about a double rate of WFHM to WMHF. The Divorce risk with a Hispanic drops a third than with a white women for a white man.
white guys only fuck up with some asian women, and usually the imported SEA brides who are often ex-hookers looking for a visa not the North asian women with whom they form strong marriages. The better “white” women are the southern european ones.
The most northern european countries have very low rates of adultery and high rates of divorce and the white women instigate the divorce. “generalized unhappiness”. Ethnically Northern White women form very shallow attatchements to men verses other groups.
In all classes of interracial marriage a white guy either has a similar chance of divorce or usually far far LESS than with a white women. With All classes white women have mad , and crazily higher divorce rates with literally 75% WWBM divorcing within a decade of marriage and nearly 90% lifetime divorce. Double the number of black men marry white women than visaversa but the stats are such that if you calculate how many remain together far more white men are married to black women due to the disparity in divorce rates with about 15% divorcing in ten years vs 75% of WWBM.
Add that to extreme lesbian divorce rates in white countries and low gay male divorce rates and the data begins to show a clear trend of WHITE WOMEN BEING EXTRAORDINARY DIVORCE RISKS WITH ANY MAN. ITS UNDENIABLE.
Go elsewhere. We still make good husbands. They are not worth our energy.
The manospere is Politically correct blaming “western” women its to the largest degree white women thats are not serious and the data is enormous. GET A CHARACTER UPGRADE. DON’T GIVE THEM THE DIVORCE PAYOUT.
I’m white and I’ll date Hispanic, Asian ( except Thai/filipino and the western born arrogant east asian ), black ( except mixed since they usually come from broken homes ) Middle Eastern, Indian and if she is an exception Southern European But touch the white northern Europeans. I am white mixed Italian/British.
Most of my Italian and Arab mates may bang these blonde northern europeans but are ultimately viscerally disgusted by them.
PICKING ON RACE IS A HUGE TRICK IN FINDING A GOOD WOMAN same as with finding a good employee, tenant or investment. NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT BUT IT WORKS.
ARE THESE Sillicon valley firms investing in Israeli startups or Congolese??????? The world has only pretended to change we are still smart just don’t mention it.
Actually White church/farm girls seem the classiest. Asian women cuck their Asian husbands, Latinas cheat like crazy when they are given the freedom in North America, Middle Eastern girls are typically gold diggers, Italian chicks from the East Coast are high maintenance princesses, and Jews are a sex crazed combination of the last two. Asians and Latinas behave more in their ethnic homelands though. Want a traditional woman? Look in a traditional society.
Asian women don’t cuck their husbands the chinese and north east have amoungst the lowest rates of female adultery in the world.
Every other group largely does better marrying internally except white men who do almost always better in terms of IR marriages.
Our WW marry the best North East Asian men and are the highest earning couples and they marry some of the best WW
in AMWF relaationships and the 10 year divorce rate is 59% higher than WMWW why is that? These Chinese dudes seem like nice guys yet get fucked over. Their families get it and warn them of the consequences especially their woke mothers.
They evolved all these recessive traits ( blonde/red hair and blue eyes ) to get men in hunting tribes where the men were killed by mammoths and in short supply so they grab men whenever available and seem to careless about character going instead on personality.
Black women are underrated clearly, and hispanics are clearly an upgrade on WW, asians are about the same but fall into two categories of marriage the NEA from Japan, China or Korea marrying educated nerdy guys and having great marriages and imported brides from poor SE Asian countries looking for green cards and quickly divorcing.
Black women I know go on and on about how awful White women are and sex addicts who go to clubs without panties looking for threesomes why is this? Other than some Neds much of the worlds population are “woke” and have figured it out.
My own mother told me her female white friends discuss white men they are dating as “a good first divorce” thats how sick they are. The Nordic countries have crazy divorce rates and some of the lowest rates of male adultery and decent guys on most levels why is that? Which other women divorce due to “generalized unhappiness” with a good man? Are black women divorcing black men on that basis? Will they divorce you on that basis?
CASESTUDY: NED FROM BUZZFEED TRY GUYS on youtube. He is a high-earning ivy league grad married to some unemployed blonde “antiques dealer” tubby loser and every moment of his life has to revolve around her performing for her and keeping her entertained. She is his every second word in converstaion. Underneath deep down he is petrified she will divorce due to generalized unhappiness to slut it up and thats why he is such a ned. To keep them you have to be forever their “ned” with your whole being revolving around them praying for no thumbs down. You must be a NED!
If we are saying WW are good by pointing to some isolated case of isloated women on farms too remote for most men to even have awareness of to disagree then we know that I am basically correct.
White women date interracially for a looks upgrade; white men date interracially for a character upgrade.
White men are still great husbands understanding duty and the meaning of in sickness and in health where white women are the worlds female players.
In the West, Asian men get cucked hard. Most of these cucked Asians never find out. Asians are only alpha in Asia. Non-Whites will live in a White country like Germany for example, only date Germans, and say German women are ugly whores. They’d rather bang your White ass than their own women, truth be told. These White women I speak of are a small minority but they surpass any non-White in the West.
“The better “white” women are the southern european ones. ”
Disagree. I am an American of Southern European decent (& Catholic too) and I can tell you that many of the females from mine and similar backgrounds are argumentative harpies. At least here in the States, that is. Perhaps if born and raised in Southern Europe they are better, but I cannot speak to that.
Buzzfeed is anti-White. Neds or any other Soyboys views are probably in line with yours: “Black women I know go on and on about how awful White women are” ……
I’ve done all the self improvement shit (including a steroid cycle) but my fear of rejection has kept me a kissless virgin at 24.
Why do I fear rejection? Because I have low self esteem. Why do I have low self esteem?
Because of factors such as being a short minority, with a receding hairline amongst other things.
For a time, I am giving up on the market. Until I get my hair fixed, which is the main thing holding my psyche back, I won’t be pursuing any girls in the west.
It’s repeated again and again on the travel articles, but if you can’t get women in your own country- you’re probably not gonna get them in a foreign one. Omegas come here all the time expecting poosy paradise and a nice subservient Asian. They inevitably wash out and head home after 3 months.
Perhaps your anxiety stems from the fact that you don’t actually know how to have sex with a bitch. Honestly, and though I wouldn’t usually recommend this I think you should just go pay a whore two or three times and get over your fears.
Yes, I’ve read that very frequently too. But from the limited experience I have from travelling, I act a lot different than when at home.
More confident and outgoing.
Man, even the escorts are not accessible in the west due to pricing and laws.
So yea if I can’t get a girl while travelling at least I can get one for cheap.
I’ll be running mad sugar daddy game when travelling.
“even the escorts are not accessible in the west due to pricing and laws.”
Huh? Montreal… Toronto. Tons of them. Happy massage places everywhere. You can sleep with hot 22 year old students for cheap. Good lord man, get out and travel. Montreal is far better than Ukraine or Russia for that sort of thing.
I banged more women in 1 month in Asia, than I did in 30 years in the UK.
Only because the british “women” aren’t fuckable
“Banging Women in the UK”
When I was an American in UK you had to either go to SOHO or get call girls who looked 2/5 as good as the advertisement.
“Chav” chicks are probably penetrable but this means hanging around dodgy areas in low bars and maybe their baby’s father stabs you.
Where are you going to get sex in the UK from women. It is either hookers or be in a clique.
Minority with a receding hairline? You’ve got dark skin. Shave it off. You guys pull it off way better than European males. A dark bald head is more aesthetically pleasing.
If you’re in a city I recommend going online and hitting up girls in flyover. That’s how I got my start. That shit works.
After you fix your hair it will be something else hindering you. Fix your mind first.
Ok but your outward appearance can affect your inner game. I know i have low confidence if I look like i rolled out of bed with my hair disheveled and my beard going in every direction.
you get a higher earning woman and accept the benefits of that and that money will mitigate the risks or a low divorce risk ethnic chick just don’t get a low earning white chick or you will be ruined when she divorces you.
If she has slept around she will not stop because of one day and some certificate any more than gamblers can get a certificate and just quit gambling she will always be a risk of slipping back. You sound like a decent guy so be smart. white women and ethnic men rarely ever works out since ethnic men don;t accept their behavior and they expect it to be accepted that they have all the orbiters and that you are not smart for disallowing it but sexist . The same goes for her going on drunk nights out with her girlfriends and many other behaviours.
Expect her feminism to have taught her that you are her oppressor and that dating her would be like dating somebody racist against you as she will be filled with hatred for men despite you having done nothing to her.
White women are often racist against their ethnic partners and when it comes out 5 years later that she thinks you are stupid and expects to thus make the decisions to save losing money it often breaks them up.
The white woman can hardly avoid such thinking any more than blacks thinking they are stronger and better dancers and it destroys many of these WWBM relationships when they find racist behaviors of their white wives and that they are just viewed as a stereotyped thug and that actually that was secretly why she liked you from the start.
Think I am exaggerating… good luck
I’ve done both:
Mrs wall st mega-bucks, and miss student-loan-debt-feminist
mega-bucks is better.
both are problematic
I divorced a millionaire Harvard law school ( top 2% ) graduate with top-earning lawyer and still got basically nothing due largely to sexism against me as a man ( according to my lawyer ) and the many lies, schemes and frauds of her case.
Many men go down with their divorces. I didn’t and lost and gained nothing even after costs. NEVER MARRY POOR. Not in the West. The divorce system is enormously more biased against men than Jim Crow was against blacks.
get to Asia is so easy its unreal.
In remote regions if you wear shorts the virgins come out of their houses and onto their knees to stroke the hair on your legs as you pass by.
what’s the GPS waypoint?
Interestingly, today I was doing a little Christmas shopping when I spotted a lumpy looking guy holding a lumpy looking package scanning the floor of the shopping centre. I paid him no mind until a few seconds later as I’m getting on the escalator I hear “Aww’s and Ahh’s” behind me and three blonde 6s are striking the cute dog in this autistic looking dudes hands.
“Is he a pomeranian?”
“Pom-poodle-schnauzer cross”
“Sneaky bastard” I chuckled to myself. I hung around to hear the rest of the interaction and it was straight up 90s Mystery method-Neil Strauss. As the blonde was giving this lumpy, Downs syndrome looking guy, with a lisp her number and setting a coffee date I walked away laughing.
Good on you guy. Well played.
Resources and money, that’s why the aberrations happened. As long as they had ready access to the guys resources and money, they could swallow their pride and do the deed(s) needed to secure them permanently.
There are no such things as altruistic unicorns, except in fiction.
Deplorable to the rescue. Thank you for bringing sense here.
The deformed guy worked at Arby’s and had to solicit donations for medical intervention? What resources???
Clark Kent: 80% real, 20% age adaption. Something like that. I generally focus on simple subjects such as films, fitness, tv drama, and some pop music. The thing is that girls in part love a man for being a man, such as his resources, age, and mature characteristics, but still one must find ways to connect with their shallow and emotional inclinations.
Great article, much needed encouragement
The women in this article are the truly disabled one’s. There is a certain type of woman who wants to nurture a sick, helpless, or disfigured creature. Not a bad thing on the face of it, but to go on to marry and have children with one, that is sick.
I hate to use a feminist/neo Marxist notion, but I think its all about power and control.
These women know the guys aren’t going to leave them, and they feel safe and secure and in the drivers seat in the relationship.
None of the guys look like they could hold down a decent job, enough to pay for a wife, house and family. They’re probably all on social security. Basically these women are faux single mothers with control issues.
I went to school with a wheelchair-bound fellow, who had MS, or some similar disorder. He wasn’t supposed to make it to 25, yet had one of the hottest girlfriends in school. I think it comes down to virtue-signaling for women; they want to be viewed as ‘good’ and ‘charitable’. This was before selfies and social media. These days, that is added on top.
Yeah I knew a heavy metal guitarist in a wheelchair that cleaned up. Used to piss me off watching that fuck pull hotter trim than me left and right, I’m out there busting my ass on a skateboard trying to impress the bitches and he just wheels up in his handi-mobile with a new HB7.5 in the passenger seat.
Can’t see a grown-up on a skateboard pulling anything, apart from his pud. Rock band = cool, skateboard = sad.
I was 16, fucknugget.
Yeah Shane Burcaw it sucks to be you and society is horrible for “laughing” at you for being disabled, you are such a role model and so noble for wanting to teach the world a lesson about acceptance. But how come you chose to hook up with a young attractive female instead of someone else like you in a similar condition with whom you could bond better. Oh right, they are disgusting. Woman have you not seen the Stephen Hawking movie where the guy outlives his prognosis and you end up being miserable for the rest of life. Did you really think you could make him happy because he was going to die in a few years anyway. Thumps-up for signal-virtualing disguised as attention-whoring further disguised as self-hatred.
If you run to this couple in the street and they cross your line of sight to the point of making it appear as if you are staring, I bet this woman would give you that look-at-me-I-am-not-racist-you-are-haha look, while the guy would give you that yep-I-am-screwing-her-jealous?-haha look. Oh you are so brave for holding hands in public with somebody else who is your partner. Well I do not give a shit. It is your life and your choice. Fuck you for believing that I really do if that is the case.
Should we handed to them for being persistent in the dating marketplace? Well, is it fair if the disabled kid gets leniency from the teacher in class who judges the “normal” kids’ homework under much stricter terms? Is it fair for the teacher to give the disabled kid an A- if his homework downright sucks and he does not merit it. The answers to all these questions should be a resounding no.
The first question is kind of tricky because intuitively the answer should be yes. You might say “these minority freaks made it because they have good hearts and are fighters; the majority who are normal people are bullies despite enjoying from good health and having it easy.” This is no different than the leftist social justice propaganda we hear ad nauseam every day in the fake news media!
Do I have to say it?? FAKE! If you research these fucking ‘Beauty and the Beast’ stories they never check out.. No-Face Niggra for example only appears in media stories about how YOU suck and cannot get your life together despite every ‘advantage’. Its sortof the variation of the Mohamed Clock-Boy story a few years ago. A teenage Muzzie invader with no English can strip the faceplate off a clock radio and he’s now living in Qatar as a millionaire… Meanwhile YOU are in the basement reading this shit comment in between attempts to get hard while looking at the Pamela Anderson at 60 Special Lingere Edition. Welcome to Hell Mr. Cuck!
It should be a capital offense to have more than one girlfriend.
Leave some for the rest of us.
If there is any one reading this – instead of stressing about women, make the best of your own life and be thankful everyday for the health or what little you may have. Sure, always be pushing yourself and improving yourself like these disabled and disfigured men. Like them, approach life the best you can, and if you get lucky along the way, all the better. This is not your end all and be all – just be happy to be alive and functional. If you can share it with someone, all the better. If not, so be it. This is from someone who is slowly going blind.
You can tell these women are severely damaged mentally. Truely scared of a decent man leaving them so they latch on to disgusting blobs. The saddest part is those disgusting genetics will get passed on and on the bright side the children will be less likely to succeed at anything
Rather simple to explain. It’s an extreme form of virtue signaling. Two-legged dogs are sought by some folks for similar reasons. You’re welcome.
Terrific article.
Some of the manosphere, return of kings, and mgtow philosophy is correct. But saying guys shouldn’t try is rubbish.
As a man, you must fulfill your biological role of trying to mate with women.
Even if you can improve yourself and bang 5 women in a year, that’s worth it, and better then being an incel.
Regardless of the conditions of society, you have to do your biological job as a man
Great post. It also applies to all challenges in a man’s life.
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