The Rise And Fall Of Vampire Cities

Historically, cities have been double-edged swords. They were trade nodes and centres of innovations, which allowed them to be culturally interesting, but they also were on the vanguard of degeneracy and arrogance. Urbanites have typically grown a more intellectual mindset than those on the countryside, but they turned more dependent and all too often less masculine.

All in all, in the big cities, the cons have definitely moved beyond the pros: enormous living costs, lack of space, soulless “modern” (post-1950s) buildings, overvalued and promiscuous women, plus the roaming thugs supported by the State. No wonder even the bourgeois bohemians are trying to sneak back to the land.

How the big cities arose

For most of us, urban living seems natural. If you’re a gen X or Millennial Westerner, chances are you were born in a city, perhaps a metropolis. Yet this urban living is quite a recent thing. Before the first Industrial Revolution, the majority of people worked the land. They raised their own crops, grew their own animals, sometimes sold this or that, but most families were independent and lived surrounded by natural space.

There were cities, of course. However, these tended to be small compared with the cities of now. Cities were commercial outposts where one could also find meeting places. They didn’t produce food, and few craftsmen needed to live there. Most cities were local centres, and even the big-name ones looked small from our perspective: if you go to Paris, France, you’ll notice how small it is compared to New York, and yet up to the seventeenth century most of Paris was centred around the Seine islands while a lot of current Paris was a countryside. Now suburban cities were small localities.

Before the big modern population increase, lots of men had to toil the land to make their food. This was physically demanding, and this had several advantages: men were needed to do the hardest parts, they depended more on their own work than on a skewed market, they breathed fresh air, had enough space to raise various children, and could eat cheaper meat than we do. Female hypergamy was also kept in check as women needed men and families to support them.

The latter advantage held true during most of the Middle Ages, when free space and a small population allowed for raising numerous cattle. Only when the population increased did space started to lack. Then, many pastures were converted into fields, and as more and more people had to share the space, the quantity of meat plummeted. Before the industrialization, free men ate organic meat daily—after it, many of them had to eat potato soups instead.

Cities grew well beyond their own regions thanks to various modern phenomena. Globalization and modern trade was one of them: ports became of paramount importance. Centralization was another. The industrial revolution and subsequent building of numerous factories was another. The cities grew thanks to globalization and technology, but by doing so, they started to be rather related to other big cities than to their own surroundings. The merchants, the fashionable, rather mingled together—and worked synergically—than with the “retarded” countrysiders. Globalization is a story of cities seceding from their countries and exploiting them. Once fashionable industry workers were part of that process.

How cities turned into vampires

No matter how big they are, most big cities are too small for real men. They tend to sterilize people and must constantly attract newcomers for maintaining themselves. In a nutshell, big cities have long fostered various negative traits:


Traditional families are made of people who know they are links inside a glorious chain that may have existed for centuries. When you’re living in a rented flat, with no sense of either geographical, cultural, or racial identity, you’re not part of a chain but an atom who bounces along numberless other atoms. Uprooting makes people more vulnerable to forgetting who they are and more prone to follow.

Remember Communism? When peasants knew nothing good would come out of the State seizing their lands, urban proles—who often had close peasant ancestry—would fall for demagoguery and believe in suppressing private property. More recently, feminist women have always been spoiled urban bourgeois suffering from ennui or anti-Western hatred.


When you live in a city, you are never be as independent as a landowner is. You owe your money, your food, your place to others. And when said others are at best sheeple who follow political correctness out of fear, at worst militant SJWs, anti-white minoritarians, big companies… you are at their mercy. Instead of local solidarity and independence, you’re just another follower, lost into the mass unless the SJWs decide you’ll be their next target.

Against the countryside

In the 19th century, urban proles had no interest in saving their land-toiling peers from a cutting throat competition. They were as interested as the factory owners in a more flexible global trade, which allowed them to have cheaper food, at the cost of a debilitated national agriculture.

Today, we’re witnessing the same phenomena: many urbanites are OK with globalism because they enjoy having the world markets at their feet, or so they feel, whereas their own people roam in unemployment. Allowing the cities to grow a lot made them secede from those who always fed them and egoistically benefit from global trade.


In a big city, space is expensive. In a glamorous or simply secure neighbourhood, space is very expensive. If you’re living there, even if you own your apartment, chances are you don’t have the space to rise more than one or two children. Add careerism into the mix and all the incentives point towards not having any child.

This phenomena is much older than we often believe: as soon as 1762, philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau complained of big cities where “women, living licentiously, bear no children.” 160 years later, Lothrop Stoddard warned of the “dysgenic” effect of cities where the “upper classes” and higher IQs focused on career instead of children and had to be “continually enriched by good new blood.” Now, many millennials are forced to share their already small apartments or dwell in a studio flat, places too small to create any children.

A harem for the wealthy

Long-time propaganda made us all believe that cities were better, wealthier, more cultivated, and glamorous. This has attracted not only men looking for employment, but also hypergamous women.

Today, many administrations hire more females than males. Many universities have more female students. And the same is true for MSM. When most middle-class men are pushed outwards, far into suburbia or second-tier cities, and forced to commute, many women will pay half of their wage for their overpriced rent while looking for alpha males and sugar daddies.

Power concentration

As a result of civil servants and wealthy industrials mingling together, both have been blending for decades, resulting in revolving doors institutions, “too big to fail”, one-track thinking and shady deals from a urban microcosm that owns both public and private power while despising everyone else.


Feminism, LGBTism, anti-whiteism and all other shades of degeneracy have sprung from the cities. People who come from the countryside and get a taste of the city, if they manage to secure a place for themselves, start adopting the city culture, which translates into more partying, despising their own place of birth, careerism, sluttiness, and so on.

Admittedly, cities often allowed for more opportunities than the countryside. A city is always bustling with activity and those who chase girls tend to look there. However, big cities have become way more geared towards the wealthy globalists, their bourgeois bohemian and minority pet projects, and their whores, thus excluding the normal people from a decent chance.

The increased social mobility of last decades has also led to more “social stratification”, something both Stoddard and Murray’s more recent The Bell Curve notice. Which means that high IQs mate with high IQs, the wealthy attract beautiful women, and capital attracts capital.

Now who owns most capital? A soulless, traitorous elite, mostly. And when “social stratification” happened, talented individuals from the countryside rushed to the cities, thus depleting both the “lower social classes” (as both authors would say) and the countryside from their more able before turning them into sterile, degenerated virtue-signalers.

How the vampire falls

But now there is something new. Something neither Stoddard nor Murray, for most of his life, have known. Upon both cities and countryside, the Internet came. With the Internet came the ability to communicate on a much freer way and freelance work. Working from any place has never been that easy whereas the cities have thoroughly decayed. Even if you’re rather skilled with your hands or enjoy working onsite, local economies are developing.

Millennials are leaving the crowded, dangerous, degenerated metropolises and can make a living from a cheaper place or even country. This is especially good for middle-sized cities. There, one still enjoys the perks of urban living while having a decent space to live in and stacking money off. Middle-sized cities also have plenty of gyms, so, if you’re bulking on a budget, it will be easier than in Metropolis.

Getting off the vampire cities allow us to have the wealth, space, and sometimes independence we need to grow families and tribe. This is how we will make the West great again.

Read Next: How White Flight Can Be Reversed

46 thoughts on “The Rise And Fall Of Vampire Cities”

    1. “When you live in a city, you are never be as independent as a landowner is.”
      This is just not true, property ownership is your prison. Only those who can carry their skills in their hands can ever be truly free.

  1. I disagree a bit that Gen X are products of the city. We were the first generation born in the suburbs.

  2. I’m starting to dislike big cities more and more. When I go to one, I feel like Charlton Heston in Soylent Green: too many people and too much pollution.
    It doesn’t help how those big cities have become shadows of their former selves. Paris and London are huge ghettos, there is too much traffic in Madrid, Antwerp is literally the biggest shopping center in Europe.
    If you really want to know and feel the true essence of a country, go see its small towns and villages. In small towns like, for example, León (Spain) or Leuven (Belgium) you can see fascinating monuments and in villages you may find peaceful and nice people.

  3. Basic problem is that all political power is wealded by those within the city and all most neauvo rich are minted in the cities so leave and you forfit your own prosperity.
    Land was always free to be biuld on throughout history if you owned i and thus cities expanded as more and more people chose to move to them. There were strict controls on the biuld quality which was kept high. Then came laws pertaining to land use creating extreme bottlenecks and huge bubbles around prices. The amounts of land on the edges of cities which is not biult on because of these restrictions are huge. All of those now moving to big cities cannot afford to have children other than the welfare class.
    People living in cities is far more environmentally friendly so why can they not expand?
    Many of those in the suburbs fight expansion for their own advantages and the regulation is supported by all of those with skin in the property game who comprise the political class. To biuld a house costs 40,000 bucks and if the same property sells for 400,000 bucks the rest will to an extent be regulation either legal costs, land costs and then the value speculativly added to the value because of these bottleknecks.
    In history when there was a boom cities where biult and we see that in Asia, but today booms in the Valley or elsewhere create property bubbles and everybody packed like sardines whilst the suburbs are not turned into new parts of the cities.
    Regulation has killed the chances of the young working class to own homes which undermines them haing families and the next generation will be made from this generations welfare class. A blue-pilled give-no-shits attitude about genetic inheritance of traits has meant that this may not even be mentioned.
    If you leave you can have a family but only if you choose to not get rich and minimize your own influence. Its a trade-off.

      I cannot speak for Europe but in the US outside the cities the rural areas are barren and wages are low. If your degree requires some capital then nobody in a farming community is going to employ you because there is no industry there.
      Smaller cities in the US are relatively neglected and often a bit rundown. Often semi-abandoned. Sometimes spooky.

      1. A very point I was going to put forward. The rural US isn’t some bubolic paradise to escape the poverty (it better to be city poor than country poor), corruption, and violence of the urban world.
        First look at the population growth. Usually it shows no gain decade after decade because young people leave to find work in the urban centers, and many times in my observation the worst liberals comes from rural America.
        Second, hobby subsistance farming is dead. Agriculture is an industry and farmers are Agribusinessmen complete with government regulation, oversight, and subsidies. If any city/suburbanite thinks they are going to take 10k and start a goat cheese farm where they grow their own peas and carrots for profit, they can forget it. They would need tens of thousands in start up money, usually a degree from one of the landgrant universities (yes, farming is a degreed field), and a successful business model before they got one cent or plowed one row.
        Third, corruption and violence are rife in small town life. I remember one small town in the Corn Belt that had more police per population than many shitty Rust Belt Cities. And they would hassle anyone on any provocation. Have an argument with your wife? She would run all over town badmouthing you as abusive before being “convinced” to file a police report and restraining order. Meanwhile Officer Big Blue Knight would have no problem introducing her to his purple head monster while you were figuring out where you could stay at in the nearest big town with a decent hotel.
        Fourth, white knighting culture is strong. Just listen to country music for an hour. Long running feuds are not uncommon over some piece of ass that was hot to trot in high school, and she has a whole queue of white knight country boys ready to show her “they’re not like the other guys.” Divorce and erstatz wife sharing are not uncommon.
        Fifth, “urban” culture has its effect even in the most isolated communities. They have radio stations and record stores at in the styx. Many of their disaffected youth (soon to move on to the city or college) will adopt a counter-culture stance of emulating black urban culture (some will become goths or juggalos). They will act out what they think are the hallmarks of black urban culture: drug usage, loose sex, violent posturing, violent crime. It is comical to anyone who has lived in a rough urban community, at the same time means some 16 year old trailer trash punk might try to “bust a cap in yo’ azz.”
        I get it, the Malboro Man is more masculine than the Soy-latte Starbucks Boy, but he is still the same facade produced from American culture.

        1. Central Michigan My Rural Experience
          * Rural violence was common and if somebody has a “beef” with you there is no avoiding them. You’ll run into them somewhere.
          * Comparatively wealthy people in rural areas have MUCH more power and corrupting influence than in Manhattan where every swinging dick is a millionaire and nobody cares. Try saying fuck you to the richest guy in a small rural town.
          *Landlords are terrible because anybody with any business cannot be sued. I knew one college kid at Central who was arrested by cops for putting his garbage in the wrong dumpster because they were in the landlord’s pocket.
          * The only decent job a local can get is in law enforcement and so the police are the local aristocracy and run a city like a police state. Much is made about urban police corruption but you are more likely to run afoul power-abusing cops in the boonies.
          * Farming is long gone and so are primary industries so the only jobs are minimum wage service sector unless you own land-it is essentially a feudal economy.
          * They don’t like urban transplants at all. I attended college and they did not like the college kids.
          * Rural US cities are chock-full of junkies. When I was in college they were all meth heads. I worked with some and it was nothing for one meth head to say “Hey, can you fill in for Cletus, he got busted for meth with intent for a third time and the judge gave him 28 years.”
          * There’s no restaurants or business besides franchises.
          No genuine Italian restaurants or Chinese cuisine.
          * If you are a businessman you’ll NEVER find capitol to do anything in a rural community.
          * The whites have no exposure to the realities of Hood Rats so they think that Hood Rats are heroes and you’ll see a load of white single mothers on welfare around.
          * Native Americans are not noble savages in real life. They are more or less like Mexican Indians.
          * Films like Texas Chainsaw Massacre where a man can run down an empty road with a chainsaw are actually true. Hicks do (Or did) kill gays in broad daylight in the rural city where I went to college.
          * The infrastructure is actually awful in small towns because they don’t have the tax money or the industry to do anything about it. The buildings are old and rundown and so are the houses. Like the town in FRIDAY THE 13th before the counselors go to the lake.
          * There are not hot local women because they all leave to go to the city to dance in strip clubs or marry up.

        2. CABEZA Scary Small Town College/National Guard Experience
          The FIRST BLOOD film is fairly accurate (Though if I was Stallone I would have moved on to a diner in the next rural town).
          If someone has a “beef” with you in a small town you cannot avoid them like the city. In the city, you’ll probably never see the guy again. Or you can simply blend into a new crowd. Hicks have NOTHING TO DO but mull over some forgotten transgression. The average black or Cholo in the Hood will forget about you in a New York minute.
          The police are more or less a police state/dictatorship like British officers in Victorian Indian. They can kill you if they want to. Also, few are very educated. You can say “fuck the police” in New York City. You cannot do that in a small rural city.
          Much is made about power and wealth in urban centers but be much more afraid of the one local ROADHOUSE type millionaire who owns the town than some Jewish millionaire in Manhattan who threatens to sue you or something.
          There is ZERO farming in most rural cities. There is often one primary industry (Like the slaughter house that closed in Texas Chainsaw Massacre) and when this is gone the hicks are too stupid to actually come up with some secondary source of income. You just have a bunch of pissed off unemployed people in the local bars.
          Services are terrible because nobody will complain. Business owners do not give a shit; they will get the same return business no matter what. I once went to a Dairy Queen and there was an insect in my food. The owner did not care. In NYC I’d have had a Jew lawyer settling out of court with him in a hot minute and would not be working today.
          Landlords are terrible, especially in college towns. And some are as scary as Norman Bates. However, owning land is equal to power because essentially it is a feudal economy.
          So all these “city folks” who want to get back to nature can go live in the sticks and discover these things.

  4. Cities are cannibal pits that just haven’t realized it yet. They already eat up and steal one another’s property and prosperity, its barely a skip away from full blown blood and guts in the teeth.

  5. Women control not the economy of the marketplace but the
    economy of Eros: the life force in our society and our lives. What
    happens in the inner realm of women finally shapes what happens on
    our social surfaces, determining the levels of happiness, energy,
    creativity, and solidarity, in the nation. Conventional male power, in
    fact, might be considered more the ideological myth. It is a ploy
    designed to induce the majority of men to accept a bondage to the
    machine and the marketplace, to a large extent in service to women
    and the supposed interests of civilization. Female power comes from
    what women offer or withhold. The woman can grant a man the
    sexual affirmation that he needs much more than she does; she can
    offer him progeny otherwise permanently denied him; and she can
    give him a way of living happily and productively in a civilized
    society that is otherwise oppressive to the male nature.

  6. Ah, yes, the “Digital Nomad.” A starving 20- or 30-something, always on the verge of bankruptcy, trying to get that next BZD, or Baht, or whatever from some shitty blog or MLM scam. I have a buddy doing this, except his “gig” is ad-hoc software development.
    I had him code a couple of EAs for me. They required… Fixing…
    He couch-surfs or sleeps in his car, when in the United States. I’ve put him up for a few nights, here and there; I guess you could say I feel sorry for the guy. When abroad, he sleeps in hostels or other assorted flophouses.
    From what I have seen of it, it is not a glorious life. However, you do have freedom… You aren’t tied to a cubicle or mortgage… Maybe the guy is right? The charity of others does reach an end, however.

    1. If the alternative is a real dead-end city or region the young person has no choice. I was not going to remain in Detroit. If it is welfare or being a digital nomad you have to make a decision.
      Of course gays and hotter women, as the author pointed out, can latch onto somebody in a city.

  7. This is just brilliant. Wow. Especially you were spot-on with, and nobody talks about, the economy of meat. We’re omnivores, but lean more carnivorous. It’s a catch-22, because we rely on the absorption of nutrients in the meat, yet meat itself easily transmits impurities, so quality is paramount. If you think about the cost of feeding a person the amount of organic (red) meat they should be getting in their diet, you get a cost that only a very wealthy person can afford. And that’s just for one person.
    Watch what the cows are doing, if you want to watch the economy. You can’t eat gold.
    That being said, I disagree on one little point, which is that 90% of midling cities are Liberal-built Utopias. They usually are built to economically revolve around a liberal institution, such as education. That’s a big part of why that MSU scandal was so huge: the police didn’t do anything about it, because it’s not a city that belongs to that state, it’s a city under the fiefdom of the University.
    Although I guess if you’re personally looking for a temporary solution, moving to a small city is good for a few years. Free-lance work is also a great idea.

    1. Where do you get the idea we are mostly carnivorous? Our intestines are 25 feet long and we have small mouths that move side-to-side, with mostly flat teeth. Those are not traits of a carnivorous creature. SOME meat, yes, just not the bulk of our diet.

      1. those 24/7 meat eating people are ignorant slaves, addicted junkies. there is no reasoning with them. the animals are treated like scum, but they dont care.

        1. Vegetarianism and being carnivorous go against our core omnivous nature. I don’t care about animals as the word and life is a competition where some groups will win and some lose.
          We are all just algorithms really in this evolution game where those that win prosper. I don’t care about any of these savage animals. You can pretend its other than a competition but thats just denial or defeatism.

        2. In terms of the equality where it fucking taking us next google vegan activists and understand whats next: forced veganism “they are equal” “they are sexual abuse victims” “they get raped” KEK
          If you can say all subspecies of humans are equal why not animals? Live like in India with all cows, dogs and other vermin roaming the streets. When we talk to them why not let them vote? 19th amendment extend it surely?

        1. Move your jaw, dummy. It moves in a grinding motion, side-to-side. Carnivores typically have an open-close, rigid movement to their jaws.

        2. TheRiseBand,
          “The analysis of the respective ages at adoption of a vegetarian diet and onset of a mental disorder showed that the adoption of the vegetarian diet tends to follow the onset of mental disorders.”

        3. We are omnivores and thats seen in every historic human population. Leftists lie beyond all measure to justify their crazy agendas. Carnivores and vegetarians evolve to move between these states in their evolutionary histories as birds came from fish and as we started making tools a long time ago we switched you dumb-fuck. We don’t hunt with our mouthes we use tools.
          The big issue is population which must be controlled rather than just using progressively fewer resources per generation. Population will always expand until its intentionally controlled. The earlier this is done the more humane it will be.
          The alternative is the fall of liberalism and probably mass genocide instituted by some force yet to arise.
          If we start applying the same rational to animals and cannot even cull them then the world is fucked. All morals are basically invented for the betterment of society so why invent stupid ones which are around assigning animals these rights at huge social cost? Imagine if we couldn’t even cull vermin as per eggatarian societies like India and had dogs on every street?

  8. It is all part of a cycle. Eventually, middle sized cities will grow and become big cities, with all the problems that entails.
    At least towns and the countryside will always remain.

    1. SKULL
      Yeah but there is no industry in those small towns and rural areas. If you live there, regardless of your qualification, you have to settle for what work is offered.
      In the US at least most of these smaller cities are run by one or two landowning families and a police state of sorts.

      1. Not if you create your own job. For those people whom are not ambitious or creative and have to be employed by a more ambitious or creative human, then yes, you are stuck either in the city, or working at a gas station or small resturaunt in the country.
        But remember, every small town could use a good town doctor and a couple of lawyers.
        Most small towns are understaffed at police departments.
        And most importantly, for those people whom want to start their own internet business, many small towns have fast internet. You could do consulting, entertainment, a you tube channel, or even your own art, furniture, manufacturing business where you sell the items online. Warehouse space and commercial space is super cheap in small towns.
        SO yes, this article is really only for ambitious people. Not people whom need their jobs handed to them by others. All others need not apply. Sounds like that means you since your initial though was, “there’s no good jobs in the country.”

  9. “even bourgeois bohemians are trying to sneak back to the land”… Of course they are, those dole-bludging parasites don’t need a job. Unfortunately even in this day and age of the internet, virtually 100% of businesses still demand asses-on-seats from its employees. Hence being a prisoner in the big city is an economic necessity if you don’t want to starve to death. Although, living within driving distance of decent medical services does have its advantages.

    1. Blacks, Muslims, Jews and Mediterraneans do not seem to like rural life all that much.
      If you offered every London Bangladeshi or Brixton black or NYC Jew $50,000 a year welfare to live in Alaska I doubt they would accept the offer.

    1. I’m definitely rural, and I’ve had 34 down/12 up ever since I moved here ($20/month). Could have 150/30 if I paid the extra for fibre ($35/month).

      1. JOHN
        Chang Mai (Region) is actually not as cut off from civilization as the remote areas of the US interior.
        Other countries do not have that vast physical expanse of the United States. You can go from the urban blight of London to the absolute desolate wilderness of North Wales.

      2. JOHN
        If you remember the film NAKED than you know that yesterday’s bleak depiction of life for young people looks Halcyon by comparison to today.
        A) You do not need to make a living although some Chang Mai expats get rich.
        B) Nowhere in Southeast Asia is as barren as the US interior or the UK moors of Yorkshire, Devon, Wales etc.
        C) These poor young men cannot flee the West. They came of age later than we did and the economy is so awful that they have to live with Mum and Dad when they are 30. You probably left home at 17.
        D) Many Western women are simply going Lesbian like your daughter. And at any rate they are massively spoiled by being young during the mega-prosperous (Comparatively) Thatcher-Blair/Clinton era and expect males their own age to provide a similar standard of living to what their fathers could provide in 1993. That is not going to happen in this post-industrial economy.

    2. Because it’s not as profitable to run high speed lines in western Kansas where the population is less than one person per square mile. Duh. That said, you can find plenty of rural countryside where the population is still high enough that some large company has laid down plenty of high speed pipe.
      My county is 14,000 people. I live outside of town on a farm. There are 4 houses on this farm and three of the four of them have DSL installed. I have no problems with my internet speed for anything and everything I wish to do online.
      I think you’ll find issues if you go high into the Rockies or high in to appalachia, and also far out onto the plains where kids ride the school bus 80 miles to get to their public school. But in most of OH, MO, IL, IA, eastern TX, LA, AL, I don’t think you’ll have any issue finding fast internet

  10. As a child on the farm
    I was warned of the wiles of the city
    Of that demon disguise
    There’s the dirt in the skies of the city
    Well they say the proximity warps their minds
    ‘Til they’re shooting one another just pass the time
    And we live it appears
    Both in spite and in fear of the city
    I was constantly told
    How our lives were controlled by the city
    How they keep us in debt
    With the trends that they set it’s a pity
    Now the beautiful people in the magazines
    Got the normal ones living beyond their means
    And the things that they said
    Made me go in my head to the city
    When I finally came
    There’s some things still the same in the city
    You still lie under the thumb
    Of the rich and the young and the pretty
    Well they weren’t much different than we might act
    If there was that many others stacked and closely packed
    It’s an ancient idea
    But it struck me so clear in the city

  11. You all should really research Agenda 21, 2030. It’s rough reading but it will put a lot of what’s going on, and has been going into perspective. It will also assist in planning your future, find a safe haven. You could download it from the UNs website but Im not sure if they still have it available. If you can’t be arsed then I’ll give you an example, sustainable developement is the idea we, as humans, are using up the planets resources, therefore we must depopulate through various measures and force rural populations into the cities for better management. Remember this is the UN, so we are talking a global agenda here and for those of you well travelled gents you may have noticed the same changes in laws and customs regardless of your location.

  12. Yes, yes, yes. I live in a small midwest town. Internet here is fast and about half of the commercial buildings sit vacant. Anyone of you could have a wharehouse in this town for pretty cheap to run an internet business out of. There are thousands of other towns like this.
    Imagine this, you make the same money you could in the big city, but you know all of your neighbors. You know whom you buy milk and meat from. You know the pastors of every church. And you own your own business. You can train you children in that business and pass it along to at least one of them. You will be more likely to marry your daughters off to grounded men and have several grand babies. You will set down roots. You will be out of the rat race.
    You’ll be able to afford two to three times the amount of space to live in, both inside and outside your house. You will be surrounded by less minorities.
    So, if you are of a conservative mind set and you love America, or at least what it was and what it could be again, then come on out. If anyone is interested in central Missouri, I’ll be happy to help you find a house for sale, or some commercial property to buy or rent. Or some land if that’s what tickles the fancy. I’m not a real estate agent, but I know what’s available in my hometown.
    Any small town America will do of course if you are interested in this. Just get out of those soulless hell holes.
    If you suck at life, please don’t apply. If you think gay pride parades are good in any way, please don’t apply. Sorry for being redundant.

  13. Americans who were taught that freedom is good might wonder why they are now being told to embrace tyranny.
    Americans who were taught that debt is bad might wonder why they are now being told that debt is good.
    Americans who were taught that peace is good might wonder why they are now being told to embrace wars.
    Americans who were told to love their country might wonder why no one says anything while the USA collapses.

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