Top 15 #BackToTheKitchen Tweets

The Traditional Sex Roles Week #BackToTheKitchen hashtag saw hundreds of tweets this week. Here is an attempt to compile the best ones (in no particular order):















Read Next: Top 14 Tweets From Fat Shaming Week

69 thoughts on “Top 15 #BackToTheKitchen Tweets”

      1. That would never happen.
        In order to rule the world, one would have to accept risk and accountability: two circumstances most feared by women.

        1. Since men rule the world, I wish you bottom feeding MRA dumb fucks would stop blaming all of your short comings on women, particularly feminists. All you forever alone tools just need to go ahead and jerk each other off since you all repulse women so much.

        2. Ha! You sure as shit could’ve fooled me with all the whining about women you limp dick bastards do.

        3. This response underscores feminists’ penchant for using psychological projection to ascribe their own undesirable traits (e.g. denialism, pessimism, scapegoatism et al) onto others dialectically. I actually lost IQ points reading it.

        4. Lol! The funny thing is I knew you would say that next. The feminist hive mind is very predictable. You’re so inferior I actually sympathize for you. You’re simply using what little wit God bestowed upon you, the best way you know how. You remind me of this sweet, mentally retarded boy I met once—he had an IQ that barely allowed him to function, yet he learned to communicate and even use a few words. Considering what God gave him, that’s amazing! So keep it up La Bestia, you’re doing a swell job buddy!

        5. No, what’s predictable is you responding to my comments with tooootally unrelated rants about feminists. Is like you just wanted some excuse, even if the timing was off to unload. And it’s never a good thing when someone declares themselves as superior…generally, they’re the most insecure fucks on the planet and their declaration couldn’t be further from the truth. But, if that helps you sleep better, then have at it, Pops. I know better than that. Others know better, and the 651 comments of yours know better. Pops….you ain’t shit. I’m ending this pointless ping pong. Yes, I know I was the most action you got in ages, but unlike you I have shit to do. Don’t worry, you’ll find some other random to pretend you’re superior to and continue to spew the same c/p rants to. So go on and up that comments count, proving to us all the real life ‘net loser you are.

        6. Lol! You sound so mad. I love it! Only a person with diminished reading comprehension would consider a paragraph, about you (read: a feminist) an “unrelated rant.” Oh and btw, way to accuse me of going on an unrelated rant then…going on an unrelated rant. LOL! What my total # of comments have to do with anything, I’ll never know but god bless you for trying. You poor thing, still doing the best you can with what you little you have. My heart still goes out to you.

      2. Too bad feminism doesn’t even teach you how to make a sandwich. Get #backtothekitchen

    1. Women marry up. 90%+ of the time. Even Angela Jolie had to kick Jennifer Aniston out to land Brad Pitt. There was never any question Angela Jolie would marry up….
      So if more women have more money and they all insist on marrying up? This is vastly exacerbate the inequality of income of families.
      Men were happy to marry down socially and economically. This meant poor women had a chance to escape poverty. I am a good example of that. I married a single mother living in poverty. I put her through college and got her a job at IBM so that she would have a good career.
      She escaped poverty. When we started dating she could not afford enough food for her children. Her father, Bill Toal, was a baker and he used to bring her and the kids bread to eat. The idea of catching a bus rather than walking was out of the question. She did not have bus fare.
      When was the last time you saw a woman marry a man who was vastly below her socially and economically? Never.
      When was the last time you saw a woman marry a man who has kids from say a deceased wife? Never.
      So women working and making plenty of money is going to cause more social chaos as they deem any man who earns less than them as “not good husband material”.
      And the men with money are learning that marrying a woman is a really good way to lose his money and his assets.

    1. “I really wish I’d spent more time at the office”
      Has a dying man ever said that either?

      1. Lots of men say this. Especially when they have a shrew at home.
        LOTS of men have expressed to me they would prefer to be in the office than in their own homes……I have to say I have said the same….that given how I was treated in my own house my office was preferable.
        Jennifer once asked me in about 2006 why I didn’t come home more often from Germany since it was an easy trip.
        I told her the reason that I did not come home was that being in my own house was no longer a pleasant experience. I was treated with contempt in my own house rather than with the respect I had earned.
        Given this was the case I would much prefer to stay in my apartment in Germany and work on my software which represented my investment in my future income.
        She got all “upset”. So I pointed out how she had dis-respected me time and time again when I was home. How she took my presence for granted and wanted to put me to work around the house rather than let me rest from my very long hard weeks.
        I pointed out that she had so poisoned the childrens minds to the idea of me being home they were sullen and saw me as an “intruder”. I told her flat out she was a child abuser for enrolling the children in her lies about me and that I could see with my own eyes the results of this child abuse.
        I told her she was a terrible mother. That even though she was a stay at home mother and had no other job to do she was in large measure a failure as a mother and this was evident in the faces of the children. It was also evident by the fact that I preferred to spend my weekends alone than with my so called “loving and caring family”.
        Ouch, eh?

  1. Glad I’m married to RedPillWoman. Guys, if you’re done banging and thinking about your legacy, marry a traditional woman whose happy being in the home, caring for children, keeping her appearances up, and taking care of your needs so you can focus on building your empire.

    1. Sounds like a myth. But good for you, and dont ever let her congregate with equal opportunity lovers.

        1. Pathetic. Use women for your own ends. They should be in the home, taking care of it and the children. Ready to meet your needs. If you’re to pathetic to find a traditional woman you’ll be a beta forever. Outside of having children I don’t promote marriage personally. But if your aim is to have a legacy, then it’s the best option. Just find a worthwhile woman. Lots of asian women who will serve you hand and foot.

  2. Important work, very well done.
    Still, this topic didn’t seem to incite the same righteous anger that Fat Shaming Week or even the short hair posts did. I wonder why?

    1. It’s reasonable and not offensive enough. The viral articles we’ve had so far provoked mass rage, but this time we wanted to provoke mass thought.

      1. The fact that the article about *hair* of all topics got the most outrage by far really got me thinking.
        You guys really uncover things about the female psyche I never suspected.

        1. If you want to learn about women read Living Free and The Truth Be Told….the old version of TTBT is still free. You will lean a LOT about women from reading those two books….the most important thing you will learn is that western women are evil people who condone women committing crimes against men in the 99.9% majority….most men do not know this….and it is very important to know.
          You will also learn there is no such thing as an “accidental pregnancy”. That 99.9% of women approve of women cheating and cuckolding men.
          All important stuff for a young man to find out. That is why I wrote them.

      2. Hi Roosh,
        I have decided to write a new ebook called “How to Be a Good Wife”.
        I rather think that it will cause both mass rage and mass thought. I can see that there are a LOT of women now waking up to the realisation that the “right to work” has morphed into the OBLIGATION to work.
        I realised this about 6 years ago and laughed my arse off when I realised that women were now as trapped in the “work for a living” space as men have ALWAYS been.
        We all know that the choices for a man these last 10,000 years have been:
        1. Work hard.
        2. Work harder.
        Now women have run from the kitchen to the office cubicle and they have dissed men so much that they are going to be in that office cubicle until they are 65….well done, eh?
        Men are going ask a VERY high price to allow a woman to be a “traditional woman”…and the women are going to gladly pay it….just wait and see.

        1. Ahahahaha this guy is a total lunatic. He used to post on men are better than before even they agreed he wasn’t and booted him off the board. I have also seen him in the flesh. And as you can imagine, it’s not a pretty sight. He claims to live abroad but that’s got to be just more of his BS. He encouraged posters on to help him form a protest outside a family courthouse in Australia a few years ago. He was due to attend a hearing that day, apparently in a fight with his ex-wife, and revealed that he would be waiting outside the courthouse with a sign for other similarly perturbed men to join him and his bandwagon. At the time I worked five minutes from this particular court-house and I was curious to see whether he would actually get any supporters so I walked by on my way to work. He was sitting on a bench with an old tatty suitcase next to him and a makeshift cardboard sign stuck to it. I couldn’t read what it said from the distance. Disappointing as I’m sure it would have given me a good laugh. There was no one with him. He at the time was middle-aged, unattractive, overweight and his clothes were nothing to get all excited about. He’s just another douche, among many, who has no other outlet for his delusions and hatred than the internet. Don’t give him any attention, he’s a bona fide attention whore.

        2. @Michael Toal.
          We all know the tag line “this is what a feminist looks like”.
          This is what an adulteress, prostitute, criminal, child abusing woman who committed the crimes of perjury, kidnapping, extortion, theft and child abuse in divorce looks like. And I am going to keep posting her name, Jennifer Toal, her fathers phone and email, Bill Toal +61 2 69 25 40 41, [email protected], his address is in CAF…..until such time as Jennifer and the criminals in the Toal family are brought to justice.

        3. I’m not an agent, Peter. Stop using that to deflect your scamming on this forum with your boyfriend, John Rambo. You and the people that actually believe you must be retarded to believe the CIA, government will come on an INTERNET FORUM TO POST. The government have so much time on their hands to post on Internet forums lol. Australian CIA, government have more important things to worry about than you, Peter Andrew Nolan.
          All you can say is that I am an agent and “tax payers are wasting money on me!” First of all, I pay for my own Internet access in THE UNITED STATES. How about you address my post instead of dismissing me as an “ASIO agent” ? You won’t refute my post because you know it is the truth. No one believes you you freaking imbecile. I don’t know why Winston has you on this site. You are a con artist.
          As soon as one of the posters made a thread about getting a passport, here comes the parasite Peter Andrew Nolan wanting the poster to buy his fictional world passport. Then Peter Andrew Nolan posts about the DHS seizing bank accounts and telling members they should have used the MBA “service.” John Rambo comes along and makes a posts shaming members again.
          The jig is up, Peter Andrew Nolan. I was a guest reading all of your stupid posts and I made an account. I don’t like being accused of being something I’m not. I was born and raised in the United States. I was born in Blytheville, Arkansas. Waiting for you to tell me I am an agent stalking you and Australian taxpayers are paying me to post here lol…Winston Wu doesn’t care about who posts on his forum since he gets to reap the benefits of his posters. He gets money regardless. Winston Wu, please stop falling for Peter Andrew Nolan and John Rambo scamming.

        4. I am tired of this PeterAndrewNolan character. No, I am not an ASIO member or some other fictional character in Peter Andrew Nolan’s past. I am an overseer. I am going to break down this crap in subheads because I have a lot to talk about. Don’t ban me because Peter Andrew Nolan told you to. These are my words. I was a guest on this site and I wanted to give you my view on this person. He is not to be trusted. He is a snake oil salesman. He is the Peter Popoff of the MRA. Since no one has the testes to talk about this idiot known as Peter Andrew Nolan, I will do it myself.
          Shaming tactics –
          Peter Nolan and John Rambo use shaming tactics on the members on this forum. This forum doesn’t have that many members on it. 1500 is nothing. Why are these men calling men that don’t do what you want them to do are called cowards, manginas, pussies and other names? You use the same shaming tactics the so-called enemy (feminists) use on their detractors. Calling grown men cowards because they are not on the streets with signs looking like morons isn’t going to change women’s behavior. Women will still cheat, lie, divorce men, file false rape accusations, etc. I am sick of you asking people what they are doing to stand up to feminism like you are actually doing something. You are doing nothing but calling people names and spamming the Internet. So what if your blog was on a radio show that no one listens to. Facebook groups? Really? Don’t get me started in crimesagainstfathers and its glorious 115 members.
          Posting peoples personal information like physical addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, etc is immoral. How would you like it if I posted your information all over the Web? It wouldn’t be nice huh? I have had friends that have been stalked by people in real life at their jobs and one of my female friends was raped by 5 men because of her online reputation. Stop shaming people! Even if you do get a law made or whatever, these women are not going to change! Feminism didn’t happen over night! It took years to get modern feminism to get where it is now. It will take double amount of time to recover. People will always look out for themselves. Why should me or any other man tell another man what he shouldn’t do? I will let you be an idiot and “fight” for feminism lol. All you do is post on forums talking about what you did and just because you wrote it doesn’t mean you actually did it. Stop being like a feminist and stop shaming people and making them feel bad about things they shouldn’t feel bad about. You know how feminists work and you should know better!
          No evidence of Peter Nolan making laws in Ireland or Australia or Germany –
          Winston Wu, how can you believe any of this crap? No one should by this crap. How is this guy putting the parliament on trial? lol?? How can you get a 12 man jury and stop the Irish government? Do you know how deluded you sound, Peter? Google Peter Andrew Nolan’s name and what comes up? 1. Someone is talking negatively about Peter Nolan, e.g. he is a pedophile, wife beater, deadbeat father, abuser, etc. 2. You will find Peter’s spamming on other forums and blogs. I don’t see any Australian or Irish websites about you making the “rule of law.” This is your little beautiful, dark, twisted fantasy in your big head! You haven’t made any laws! There is no evidence at all! Your so-called evidence is a stupid forum post from crimesagainstfathers and your “evidence” is a bunch of rambling nonsense.Most of your posts are novellas and none of it has any evidence!
          No evidence that members are ASIO –
          This has to be the most outrageous thing I ever ever heard? The ASIO? Why would the damn ASIO, the Australian CIA have to waste time on a lowlife like you, Peter? You are a nobody and will always be a nobody! Winston asked how did Hector Pascals get Peter’s naturalization papers. The dumb a** posted it on his own website! Nolan admits to disowning his kids and doing nasty things to his family. Explain to me why the government thinks you are a threat? You are some Peter Griffin lookalike with an Australian accent that believes he is some type of sovereign…Every member that comes on this website that argues against Peter Andrew Nolan is not a “heckler.” They are doing this for a reason. There are two sides to every story! I don’t know why Winston Wu is dumb enough to believe Peter Andrew Nolan without any type of evidence!!! Show us evidence that those members were ASIO agents. Why the hell would the CIA or government go on a message forum following a piece of crap human being like you around the Internet? The government has more important things to worry about.
          No evidence of the Illuminati –
          Peter Andrew Nolan reminds me of Alexander Retrov. Why? 1. Both are Australian. 2. Both change their names to ridiculous ones. 3. Both of them are con artists trying to take people’s money. 4. Both are fearmongers. The Bavarian Illuminati and the Illuminati you idiots online talk about are not connected. The Bavarian Illuminati was ended in 1785. Someone took Freemasonry and tied it to Satanism and the Federal Reserve/NWO crap and we have the new Illuminati. There’s no evidence whatsoever about the Illuminati. The Baphomet is an Egyptian origin. The ram God in Egyptian is basically Baphomet.
          Freemasons tell its members that they have to believe in a supreme being. Satan is not a supreme being. Read the Wikipedia article on Freemasonry if you don’t believe me. How is this Satanic? That’s one of the requirements of being a freemason. It has nothing to do with Satan or human sacrifices. Don’t get me into the Illuminati and the music industry crap. Someone made a rumor up and someone added more fuel to the fire and your dumb a** and other people believe this garbage. You are a fool, Peter Andrew Nolan. The Illuminati? I find it funny that you were telling another member about the USSR and you don’t have a clue about what you are talking about. I hate people that think they know everything. I hate people that think your way of life is the only way of life. You are so stupid. The Illuminati that is on the Internet, e.g. Satan worshiping, Baphomet, blood/human sacrifices, etc. doesn’t EXIST!
          Why the ASIO wouldn’t waste time on Peter Andrew Nolan –
          First of all, Peter Andrew Nolan lives in Germany where he is going to be arrested for living there longer than 90 days. Ireland and Australia have a warrant for his arrest. How do I know this? Am I this fictional agent from the ASIO? This information about Peter Andrew Nolan is all over the Internet for the world to see. Again, many members of this forum believe this idiot about the ASIO. Would the US government make fake accounts on this site and follow people for speaking the truth about the US? Hell no! Don’t belive this fool! He has many of you wrapped around his fat fingers! Peter Andrew Nolan has no power! All he is doing is typing words out with no evidence or facts. Stop believing everything you read! Question everything! There are two sides to every story! Show me your Australia’s most wanted list or a similar list where you are on it. Show me something that says the ASIO is coming to get you because you did something like take them down. You are a kook. The CIA doesn’t have time to waste on your fat a**. Get over yourself!
          Peter Andrew Nolan and John Rambo are the same person!:
          Freemasonic Freddy and another member were right. No one is stupid! Think about it. I read this information from another poster in the “general discussions” section. He figured out that JohnMichaelJones and BoycottAmericanWomen aka John Rambo aka Michael Cryler aka Richard Lewis and Betty (Forgot her name but he made a fake Facebook account of an Indian woman) are all of the same person. JohnMichaelJones made a thread about jumping off of a bride and he posted a picture of a geek.
          This post is not on this forum anymore. A few weeks later, John Rambo posts the same exact post!! JohnMichaelJones also wrote about Peter Nolan’s book about saving men. “The Truth Be Told” and then Winston Wu brings John Rambo back to the forum and this guy spans the forum with Peter Andrew Nolan MBA and women hating garbage ever since. Check for yourself! Peter Andrew Nolan and John Rambo have the majority of the threads on this site. Both of them write and say the same stuff in their posts. Freesonic Freddy exposed both “men” to be the same person. John Rambo is infamous for making multiple Facebook accounts. Do not trust this person! He is schizophrenic and has multiple personality disorders!
          Peter Andrew Nolan’s Men Business Association is fraudulent –
          World passport? Really? This is a fictional document and anyone that buys this B.S. is a bigger moron than Peter Andrew Nolan. This guy is on this forum telling grown men that he needs to be paid for his time because he spent so much time and money trying to “help” you. Help you with what? All you have done is spam forums with ridiculous posts. Your “services” like giving you money to put a man’s money in a Swiss bank account is illegal and immoral. Why the hell would a sane man pay you money that they can do themselves? Peter Andrew Nolan is a con artist and always will be. No one owes you anything, Peter Andrew Nolan. So what if you wasted time and money?
          Oh yeah, your MBA site has been online for less than 2 years. You have no evidence of what you have done to “help” other men. Helping other men means you talk trash about them being cowards or if they don’t pay you money that means they don’t deserve freedom or a life. None of your businesses are credible. Your “book” called “the Truth Be Told” is not on any publishing websites and your “book” is nowhere to be found online except for your forum. You have not done anything. You have made no laws. You have done nothing in your countries. All you did was type up words. All you did was type of misogynistic term papers. All you do is type up your past relationships. You have done nothing of note in your entire life. You are a very good liar.
          John Rambo’s failed eBook, Indian wife service, etc –
          Do you remember John Rambo trying to sell his Indian wife service and his eBook? That has failed hasn’t it, John Rambo? Now you are trying to sell this MBA garbage now. How about you get a real job instead of wasting time online spamming people, making people pissed off and playing World of Warcraft all day. Do something better with your time! What are you going to come up with next?
          Contempt of court/I can get 10 men to bring down parliaments and governments -Give me a break! Try calling a judge by his first name in the US. You would be in handcuffs in two seconds. I don’t know how you get down in Australia, but the US is nothing to mess with. You would be thrown in jail so fast that your fat head would spin and fall off of your head. How the hell can your fat a** get 10 people to bring down governments? Who the hell do you think you are? You are a nobody that tries to con people and shame them for not standing up for feminism or getting married. Shut up!
          Winston banning members for no reason just because Peter Andrew Nolan said so –
          Two sides to every story! Stop banning people! Just because Peter Andrew Nolan calls people liars, you believe him? If Peter Andrew Nolan said jump off a bridge, would you believe him? If Peter Andrew Nolan said the sky was purple, you would believe his word. Peter Andrew Nolan hasn’t gave anyone on this board any evidence that new members are “ASIO agents.” How can you be so guillible? Winston Wu is all about freedom of speech, but he bans people for talking about Peter Andrew Nolan. Sir, that is called being a hypocrite. How can you be an advocate of free speech, but you ban people because a member that has been on your site for a month says they are liars? Isn’t that called an assumption? These members are all saying the same thing. I Google Peter Andrew Nolan and I read so much stuff on this guy. This guy is a criminal, con artist and a subhuman. Don’t give me this “libel” and “slander” B.S. You can’t sue anyone for this on the Internet.
          None of this would sit well in court. Peter Andrew Nolan has you by the balls, Mr. Winston Wu. You should be smarter than this, but you are hypnotized by Peter Andrew Nolan’s bullshit. Every site Peter Andrew Nolan has been on has been shut down or on a hiatus. The Australian government or ASIO don’t have time to worry about a suicidal, delusional, paranoid, deadbeat dad and wife beater like Peter Andrew Nolan. his guy hasn’t accomplished anything in his entire life. Don’t you know this Peter Andrew Nolan guy is advertising on your forum? All of his posts are about giving him money for his time or if you are going through a divorce, give him money to SEND YOUR ASSETS TO A SWISS BANK ACCOUNT VIA HIS SCAM MBA BUSINESS.
          Don’t you understand this guy is preying on your members at their lowest point? Many men on this site are college aged and I doubt any of them have been married. Winston Wu, look at your damn site demographics. Peter Andrew Nolan and his boyfriend or his multiple personality disorder persona John Rambo/JohnMichaelJones/Neha Reddy/BrettLewis1981/Michael Cuyler/Richard Lewis are conning you and making a fool out of you. Stop banning members for exposing these frauds! They are nothing but trying to get money out of members and to spread their shaming tactics and misogyny. Open your eyes Get it through your thick cranium! By the way, John Rambo aka BoycottAmericanWomen is the only idiot saying someone that criticizes Peter Andrew Nolan the God is an ASIO agent, so don’t take his word for shit. Believing Peter Andrew Nolan’s butt buddy is not credible or provides evidence someone is an ASIO agent. Provide some proof for once in your lives.
          Conclusion –
          I took time out of my day to create an account and to write this post, so don’t ban me for stating my opinion about Peter Andrew Nolan and John Rambo. You don’t have ot believe me, but a blind man can see that these two (or one person) are scammers/con men. THINK!! Google is your friend. Google Peter Andrew Nolan and research him. Don’t just plan people because this wacko said so. “He’s a liar!” Okay…you’re banned because Peter Andrew Nolan said he’s a liar without any proof.

        5. @Michael Toal,
          using your same bunch of ASIO buddies to tell the same set of lies in different places is not going to work. Each time you send your ASIO buddies in to places to tell lies I will remind everyone present that you have now been accused by your very own sister of sexually abusing her and said sister will not deny that she made these comments to one or more people.
          I will also remind all present that your father, Bill Toal, has been accused on two occasions of sexually molesting his underage daughter. Once to Jennifer in 1989 which was repeated to me by Jennifer and once to our second witness who knows you and your family well. She is a credible witness that Suzanne said these things to her.
          I will remind all present that your sisters, Jennifer, Suzanne, Chrissy and Kerry are not willing to put on an affidavit under oath a statement saying that you and your father at no time sexually molested them. And every man here is wondering why NONE of your 4 sisters is willing to put such a statement under oath and publish it into the public where I can see it and where I can follow up with them personally to make sure any such publication has not been manufactured by your mates at ASIO.
          After all, manufacturing an Affidavit in this day and age is simple. Until I talk on video, in person, to each of the 4 girls and they state on video under no coercion that their affidavits are true and correct every man here, and everyone who knows you, is going to wonder if you sexually molested your sister or sisters. You would not be the first hard up social mis-fit who sexually molested his sisters and you won’t be the last.
          Your sister Jennifer and your father and mother Bill and Irene declared an unwanted and unasked war on me. Jennifer blackmailed your father with this sexual abuse allegation I am pretty sure of. There is no other reason why Bill would attempt to commit crimes against me. Bill has known me since I was 12. He knows me to be an honest man of honour and integrity who took very good care of his daughter and grand children. The only way he would have crossed me like this is to be blackmailed. And that is why Jennifer and Suzanne are staying silent.
          I wonder? Should I tell Louise Reed that his grand father raped his aunty? Should I tell Jordan Buckins that his grand father raped his mother? Should I tell them you, their uncle raped Suzanne? I wonder what Louise, Mark and Jordan would make of this revelation. They are onn facebook you know.
          Now…as promised.
          This is what an adulteress, prostitute, criminal, child abusing woman who committed the crimes of perjury, kidnapping, extortion, theft and child abuse in divorce looks like. And I am going to keep posting her name, Jennifer Toal, her fathers phone and email, Bill Toal +61 2 69 25 40 41, [email protected], his address is in CAF…..until such time as Jennifer and the criminals in the Toal family are brought to justice.

        6. @Michael Toal,
          using your same bunch of ASIO buddies to tell the same set of lies in different places is not going to work. Each time you send your ASIO buddies in to places to tell lies I will remind everyone present that you have now been accused by your very own sister of sexually abusing her and said sister will not deny that she made these comments to one or more people.
          I will also remind all present that your father, Bill Toal, has been accused on two occasions of sexually molesting his underage daughter. Once to Jennifer in 1989 which was repeated to me by Jennifer and once to our second witness who knows you and your family well. She is a credible witness that Suzanne said these things to her.
          I will remind all present that your sisters, Jennifer, Suzanne, Chrissy and Kerry are not willing to put on an affidavit under oath a statement saying that you and your father at no time sexually molested them. And every man here is wondering why NONE of your 4 sisters is willing to put such a statement under oath and publish it into the public where I can see it and where I can follow up with them personally to make sure any such publication has not been manufactured by your mates at ASIO.
          After all, manufacturing an Affidavit in this day and age is simple. Until I talk on video, in person, to each of the 4 girls and they state on video under no coercion that their affidavits are true and correct every man here, and everyone who knows you, is going to wonder if you sexually molested your sister or sisters. You would not be the first hard up social mis-fit who sexually molested his sisters and you won’t be the last.
          Your sister Jennifer and your father and mother Bill and Irene declared an unwanted and unasked war on me. Jennifer blackmailed your father with this sexual abuse allegation I am pretty sure of. There is no other reason why Bill would attempt to commit crimes against me. Bill has known me since I was 12. He knows me to be an honest man of honour and integrity who took very good care of his daughter and grand children. The only way he would have crossed me like this is to be blackmailed. And that is why Jennifer and Suzanne are staying silent.
          I wonder? Should I tell Louise Reed that his grand father raped his aunty? Should I tell Jordan Buckins that his grand father raped his mother? Should I tell them you, their uncle raped Suzanne? I wonder what Louise, Mark and Jordan would make of this revelation. They are onn facebook you know.
          There is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide for the Toal Family. You are being denounced on a site ranked 13,000 in the world. Men from Wagga are going to see these denouncements Michael. You can be sure of it.
          Now…as promised.
          This is what an adulteress, prostitute, criminal, child abusing woman who committed the crimes of perjury, kidnapping, extortion, theft and child abuse in divorce looks like. And I am going to keep posting her name, Jennifer Toal, her fathers phone and email, Bill Toal +61 2 69 25 40 41, [email protected], his address is in CAF…..until such time as Jennifer and the criminals in the Toal family are brought to justice.

        7. False accuser, we’ll just reflect back what you do on your business partners! It’s only fair!

    2. The response was entirely reflective of most Western women. Talk about real issues and you bore them. Mention something about their weight or hair and they go insane.

    3. Well feminists pretty much regard the manosphere as being a hotbed of patriarchal thinking, and men who want to force women back into the kitchen. In short this week merely provided a confirmation of already held beliefs for feminists. Hence the lack of outrage on their part, no one gets worked up over confirmation of the expected.

      1. Actually, there is a great divide between Traditionalist men’s rights activists (like this sight) and Egalitarian men’s rights activists (like Paul Elam and AVFM.)
        But aside from that misconception, and more importantly, you seem to be under the impression that we actually CARE what feminists think about us anymore. For the last 30 years, they had nothing but contempt and scorn for us, and thought nothing about altering our culture for maximum options and convenience for women, at maximum expense and sacrifice for men….
        so fuck those ugly cunts…. and fuck you too for your passive-aggressiveness.

        1. you seem to be under the impression that we actually CARE what feminists think about us anymore.

          Well the question I was answering was “Still, this topic didn’t seem to incite the same righteous anger that Fat Shaming Week or even the short hair posts did. I wonder why?” He asked why they weren’t getting worked up, I gave an answer.

          Actually, there is a great divide between Traditionalist men’s rights activists (like this sight) and Egalitarian men’s rights activists (like Paul Elam and AVFM.)

          I wouldn’t dispute that, much*, though I would point out that feminists, whose opinion you don’t care about, do actually lump them both in together for politically callow reasons. Hence the “feminists pretty much regard the manosphere as being a hotbed of patriarchal thinking, and men who want to force women back into the kitchen.” part of my answer.
          *I was under the impression this site found the idea of being called MRAs amusing since it’s more game focused which is more about self-improvement to adapt to the world as it is and get what you want out of life, rather than any sort of political campaigning.

    4. I guess it’s because most feminists are fat and short haired. So Fat Shaming Week and short hair post attack them directly.

  3. Whats that.. u can’t cook and have 3 kids??? What do they live off Maccas? Now I understand why obesity is number 2 in cause of death in Western culture! #backtothekitchen

    1. Hi Elmer,
      I am writing a new book called “How to Be a Good Wife”.
      If you would like a guest chapter or two you would be welcome to add to it.
      If you want to critique what I am doing you would be welcome to do that too. You are one of the men with your head screwed on right and know what makes a good wife.
      It is going to be an ebook and also it will be read into video and posted to YT for the ad revenue. You can’t read it yet but you get the idea.
      You can get me on [email protected]

  4. I like to think I did my part in converting a feminist this weekend. I went out for dinner and was leaving the parking lot by 9 when a drunk girl who had just finished puking in the parking lot stumbled into the back of my car and started screaming I had backed into her. Drama ensued and after I made her boyfriend look like a science project, I guess she thought she would exert some grrrrrl-power and take a swing at me for the work I had done on her beta. She gave her best tae-bo/self-defense class girl-punch, and after I popped her in the mouth for her efforts, she sulked away whining that I was a “dick for hitting a girl.”
    …embrace that gender role sweetheart, its the only thing that’s gonna keep teeth in your empty head.

    1. I often read feminists writing comments saying things such as: “The article makes good points but this blog has lots of misogynistic comments such as men bragging about hitting women so we have to disregard it. Sorry!”
      I then ask them for the specific comments they’re referring to so I can at least start addressing their claim and they’ll say: “It’s in there somewhere. YOU find it!”
      In the above case, it’s about a drunken incident where a woman gets into a brawl and gets what she had coming to her (according to the story) rather than a man simply hitting a woman. But to feminists, any women having anything bad happen to her is misogyny.

    2. Funny! Good job! “Tit for Tat”. I work-out a lot with police officers in boxing and Jiu Jitzu and sometimes some bimbo joins our group; how pathetic they look with their girly little punches, any man in half-way decent shape cant wipe the floor with them with one hand tied behind his back. #backtothekitchen and get me a sandwich.

    “This is an unpaid internship, lasting 4-5 weeks. We’ll feed you and treat you well. We’ll teach you what we know. We are pretty awesome human beings and love to have fun, work hard, and laugh. We’d prefer someone in West Seattle who can easily commute to our Alki location to work in-person 1x a week.”
    Ha, ha, ha….and I bet some dumb woman is willing to take that “unpaid internship”.
    One of the things that has become very clear about men in the west today is that they will not do ANYTHING to help their fellow men for free.
    There is absolutely no help that 99.9% of men will offer another man no matter how much in need he is.
    When a man asks for help that is much needed 99.9% of the men he asks for help will NOT respond to his request for help.
    If you men wish to live in freedom? If you wish to defeat the oppression of your government those two statements need to become untrue by way of men helping each other and working as brothers.
    I think this fact deserves an RoK article. If one of the writers wants to interview me for it I would be happy to make comments in this direction.
    I know it is not popular to point out that men today are selfish and greedy in the extreme and have absolutely no sense of supporting other men in their community. But I would argue that until men face the fact that this is how selfish, self centered and greedy they have become they will not have the breakthrough of being supportive of their brothers in the community.
    The best example of this is the refusal of men to help me when I asked them to please go and check on our brother Darrell Foote who is unlawfully incarcerated in Adelaide South Australia.
    Men can not promote themselves and pat themselves on the back as MEN if there is not one among them who will help me determine the level of well being if Darrell.
    If I was in Adelaide I would be the first down to check up on him.
    Why has no other man in Adelaide got the same guts as me?

  6. OT.
    If you guys have not seen this one? It is worth watching. You guys in the US live in a police state…you should know that by now.
    Listen to what the cops did to Adam Kokesh. Still not time to fight back? So called “men” are going to put up with this?

  7. My favourites:
    1 in 4 girls get violently raped in college. 1 in 4 girls in the kitchen make a delicious meal. Choice is yours
    I love independent girls who travel, they can travel from my bed to the kitchen
    Real women don’t let their man leave the house hungry or horny

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