In the year 30,000 B.C, a lonely caveman wakes up shivering inside his cave dwelling.
As he takes a step outside to urinate, he is careful not to piss all over his legs considering his penis has fully retracted from the frozen temperature. As he looks down at his shriveled up manhood, he starts to contemplate how he will eat today. Besides some nuts and berries he has stored inside his cave, his family has run out of meat.
In several hours he will travel out into wilderness with just his trusty spear, and attempt to capture some game while dodging threats from deadly predators.
Life is difficult for our caveman:
- There are only two fresh water streams in his village. Unlike modern-day India, the cavemen designate one stream for shitting and washing out his anus, and the other one for drinking.
- At age 12 the caveman married his sister, and now they have 3 horrible looking children.
- He will suffer a brutal heart attack age 37 and die. He will be the oldest person in the village at his time of death.
- Eventually his family will be alerted of his death, and his body will be returned to his village.
- Unfortunately Jesus was not born yet, so the caveman’s children will burn his body over a fire pit, and roasted “leg of dad” will be enjoyed by all.
So let’s hear your story….
- You were born in a nice air-conditioned hospital. Your parents drove you home in a vehicle run by gas, and the vehicle traveled on a nice paved road with electrical lights that provided clear vision.
- During your childhood your parents drove the vehicle powered by gas to the supermarket to purchase food, and you went to a beautiful elementary school with manicured lawns, running water, and heat.
- During your sophomore year of College, your 85-year-old grandfather died, and in his “will” he left you $50,000. Lucky this happened after Jesus, and your grandfather will be buried in a nice pine box in the dirt.
- Your cousin will receive a full scholarship to College just for hitting a green ball over a net with a racquet.
You eventually will attend a University, where you will drink gallons of beer, smoke marijuana on a daily basis, and chase pussy. After graduation you will eventually receive a job where you get paid while sitting in a chair.
- In the office you have free air conditioning, free heat, paid sick days, a 401K, health insurance, and you have to provide little to no physical effort to receive these benefits.
- You are paid so much money that in your free time you are able to travel the world, eat at fancy restaurants, gamble, and have sex with exotic women.
So unless you live in India, or you work for UPS in Detroit, there is no reason for anyone to be complaining about their job. Take advantage of your free time to get into shape, learn a new skill or hobby, and improve on yourself as a person. And most importantly,
Stop complaining about your job!
Read Next: 8 Essential Rules To Surviving The Workplace
LOL. This site is turning into the manosphere version of a special ed class. Get on the short bus, retards.
You should be the bus driver.
Word, son. I be taking retards to school errday.
Nice one Diago. A retard driving retards on the retard bus. Lol.
shut the fuck up and go sit in the back
You haven’t drunk the Sisson cool-aid. The caveman lived to 90, he was in rude health, eating only fresh organic food and grass-fed meat. He never ate grains.
and he didn’t have to pay any taxes, adhere to too many elaborate customs or need complicated approaches to get laid.
and he didn’t have to pay any taxes, adhere to too many elaborate customs or need complicated approaches to get laid.
and he didn’t have to pay any taxes, adhere to too many elaborate customs or need complicated approaches to get laid.
whereas today we have this :
That cartoon looks a helluva lot like seduction clown Ross Jeffries
“So unless you live in India, or you work for UPS in Detroit. There is no reason for anyone to be complaining about their job” ahaha
Humans are natural complainers. I’ve had really paying good jobs and shitty paying jobs, and I find the level bitching is the same no matter what. Men just love to bitch.
whats with UPS and Detroid? sry not an american…
If you work for UPS you are lifting heavy packages all day long, and the economy in Detroit pretty much collapsed in the last several years, leaving it as almost an abandoned city….Sign up for Netflix and watch “8 mile road”
I prefer work that involves a spear over sitting at a desk.
Well, not too hard to leave the desk behind and go join a hunter-gatherer tribe in Africa or South America. Just one plane flight and a few language classes away. When do you leave?
I’ve been doing the work that involves the “spear” for a decade. Unfortunately, the body doesn’t always comply with the heart’s wishes.
Yeah yeah ‘cavemen, Ancient Greeks, Spartans Alexander….man-up don’t be a pussy be alpha..” shut the fuck up.
Funny as fuck article! And some good points made.
It’s easy to fall into complaining about life, very easy. It’s flaw with being human maybe. We take a lot for granted, like having a separate river to shit in and one to drink out of. And roast leg of Dad never sounded appetizing to me.
OK some men do have a easy-as-cake life, but most do not, yet still it’s a better life then the caveman who plugs his sister and has three mutant offsprings.
There are obstacles to overcome, no doubt. The main hurdle is to accept the fact that the equation in life has shifted drastically since past 30-40 years ago. Accept it. Come to terms with it. Then proceed from there. At the risk of sounding cliché, yes, it’s going to be OK. Just keep a cool head.
I prefer having sex with exotic college educated women who work and buy everything for me, get quiet when I trump their shit tests, and I tell the judge from my hellishish last ex that I am paying his support the state extorts me with with unemployment.
If I find another shadow economy job, I don”t worry about healthcare as my wife’s job gets dental, and the VA covers medical.
I only go to the reserve once a month, and get travel for free.
Tell me, am I complaining, and am I alpha?
Roosh you let Captain Power publish an article? Dude can you make a premium RoK where somebody screens the articles? I’d actually pay for that.
I’ll send money right now.
I’ll stop posting for $25….
would be nice having a job in this shit economy
Took me along time to find a job I really enjoy, but it was worth the effort of the search, glad I didn’t settle.
reading the comments section here is worse than the holocaust
seriously guys, all that negativity is not going to get you laid, scoring cool points on the internet doesn’t mean anything, and CaptainPower made plenty of good points about everybody bitching constantly without having any damned good reason to
I did work at UPS as a package loader, not in Detroit, but probably one of the busiest hubs in the nation. It was the closest I’ve ever felt to being a third-world slave laborer.
My roommate worked for UPS in Miami Florida, he said every summer he lost 25 lbs and wanted to kill himself…lol
Yeah i get the simple point of the article, but there’s enough “man up” shaming in society that we don’t need it in the manopshere too.
Ya think Genghis Khan or Alexander the Great bitched and pissed an moaned about traveling to conquer Eurasia and Persia? I don’t think so. Humans are soft nowadays.
Alexander basically threw a temper tantrum when it became clear no one else wanted to keep marching into India. Sure, guys are soft nowadays but pettiness is as ancient as it gets.
He was also gay. Just saying.
This is all compared to the past. Men got a good level of respect in the past for working hard and not complaining. This “man-up” b.s. is getting old in todays highly taxed, lower paid, female HR dept. ridden, and low respect work environment. If you work for yourself, you no doubt see the work differently than the poor suckers who take sh…t every day from the modern shit-box corporate work environment. Thanks, but I’m old enough to know how things have changed in the last 30 years. It’s not good, so no thanks, I will complain, because I know better.
Was that “good level of respect” before or after the bosses would hire Pinkerton Security to beat up union members? Man I sure miss those respectful, 14 hour, low pay, no benefits, dangerous work condition, factory town days.
People complain about their jobs not because they are exhausting or because they don’t pay enough for them to get rich.
People complain because companies take away their dignity and individual freedom under the threat of dismissal.
Nowadays it is not so much about survival and adaptation as it is about obedience, compliance and knowing your place within the hierarchy.
Obey or die.
Or be a man and fight back.
I work harder than the average worker and my boss knows that. If he fired me the next guy would probably not work as hard, move fewer units, and that looks bad for my manager. That is why I know I have power over him. If I worked just hard enough not to get fired then I would always have to watch my back. The harder you work the harder it is to replace you unless the company wants to give you more money and that is where the power is.
Wackjobs will totally fire people who are more productive just because they are nuts and “pass the cost unto the consumer”.
Working hard might have been a path to success fifty years ago, but nowadays it’s a guaranteed path to upsetting your incompetent superiors, and getting fired for not being a team player.
Wake up, guys. Raising a healthy family in every sense is our main responsibility as men. Women and children depend on us. Governments and corporations take power away from us and use our women and children to make themselves richer through exploitation and media manipulation.
If by anarchy, you mean being a relatively independent male, then yes.
Yes man, you got it right. Nobody owns the word Anarchy just like nobody owns whoever understands that unjustified power is meant to be destroyed and dignity collectivized.
The future is now and jobs themselves for most folk will be temporary, insecure affairs. Yes, the third world is a mess (my parents are from there and I have lived in such ‘hell holes’) but there is also the ‘good stuff’ there also. The West is starting to resemble the third world (no joke) in certain parts of the UK where I live, and all that affordable healthcare and other perks is starting to disappear.
Working in a military hospital, I hear my share of complaints from fellow corpsman. I tend to say something along the lines of “tell that marine in a foxhole about YOUR problems.”
dude most jobs do suck. its not that we get all these comforts so we need to shut up. its that our minds and bodies are not built to sit in an air conditioned room all day. the obedience, keeping up appearances and lack of anything to look forward to get people feeling helpless from time to time.
and the outdoor work you can find that pays decent is marginally better, but they expect you to break your back in most cases and have no life outside of your job.
sure we arent really at risk of getting eaten by lions on the daily. im thankful for that.
but just because we have it easier than before doesnt mean its time to stop wanting better. if we were complacent then development (personal and societal) stops. thats not what men are about. and a part of bettering your life is wanting something better. and a part of that is complaining from time to time that it sucks.
modern living, as easy as it may be, isnt stimulating in any way. i personally love any work where im always learning. as soon as i get to a point where im not learning any more i move on to something new.
Worse than that white white site. Beancounters bitching about their soulless jobs. I read this site (pre-red pill) about how to become a bean counter, was so disillusioned I considered working for the IRS (half ass job),but then decided, Fuck that shit, I’ll die before helping those chodes in the govt, so now I’m trying to become a salesman, which is obviously hard work but brings out the male spirit more than being handed papers to shuffle, which will eventually be done by either an Indian H1N1 visa holder or by a robot
You know what happens after ONE caveman brings down a deer… a single deer….. he gets 100 pounds of meat. ONE HUNDRED POUNDS OF MEAT.
His whole family doesn’t eat this meat. HIS WHOLE VILLAGE DOES. And they are done hunting for something like the next five days. They gorge on the meat(all 20 of them) and don’t need to do anything but various chores for the next five days.
Now, it may take some effort to get that deer, but you have like 8 effective hunters per 20 villagers and they have 5 days per kill so that’s like 40 hunt-days per kill to break even and the women are doing some gathering.
So all in all, cavemen spent a lot of time doing nothing.
Herders were even worse. They watched cows eat grass.
I like my job but with the bs renting costs here it doesn’t pay enough.
douchy article
Your portrait of a “caveman ” is laughably inaccurate.
But you point is good we have advantages he didn’t
I get the point. However the Internet, friends and family are the only places we can say what we think about our jobs (even then you have to be careful). Putting up with an obedient lifestyle in a corporation for the majority of our time is taxing. It’s not like we really have many choices when we come into this world. Society is structured under certain rules. If you are an independent thinker this is difficult to rationalise 100% of the time. You respect people to just become programmed robots that are gracious for everything? Without struggle you can’t change. Acceptance can be limiting.
I’d argue being a fake, annoyingly positive person about your career is worse. Be honest. Speaking positively about your “career” incessantly is exactly what my female acquaintances do on dates. That annoys me more than anything. So your advice is to behave like that? Honesty is refreshing, even if its cynical and repeated again and again.
An interesting thing is that there is a similar amount of net happiness between all walks of life, princes with all the money in the world can be more unhappy over the course of their life than the man born with nothing, who works his way out of poverty and to a respectable level. The same must be true for cavemen, of course their life was harder, but the close-knit social groups and the progress that a man could make, could be a source of intense happiness and satisfaction in living.
Western man depression and suicide rates highlight this. If you take a westerner and put him in a hunter-gatherer tribe, he will probably be unhappy about it and crave central heating yes, but if this is all he knows, I’m sure his base level of happiness will be similar. I actually think that it is the progress and the growth that provides each man his happiness, stagnation is the thing that is unbearable.
We no longer live in caves competing with pterodactyls for food.
We live in a society of abundance, yet few get to really enjoy it.
Do we work as many days as needed to enjoy the fruits of our labors and then wallow in well deserved relaxation?
No. We slave away ad nauseum. For lifetimes…when it’s simply no longer necessary…a waste.
The lifestyle described in the article applies to a small minority. Maybe 25% get college degrees. Less than 10% get a shot at the upper SWPL lifestyle described here.
The vast majority live the same as they’ve ever lived since the very first cities as listless proles desperate for their daily bread. The same tireless grind we’ve seen for the last 6-8k years.
Nothing really has changed.
Finally, do manicured lawns and gas powered vehicles matter when all people really want is a cohesive society and a workable social contract between the sexes?
All the holodecks and kobe beef in the world matters little if there’s no hope for friends, family, or a future.
Did anyone else lulz hard at the flying dino in the caveman article? Dude, dinos were like 65 million years before humans.
It’s not a dinosaur, it’s a pterosaur.
I was more bothered by the fact that it didn’t have fur; pterosaurs were furry.
I’m starting to find it really bothersome that so much emphasis is placed on something of no actual value, whatsoever. Money is an imaginary concept that only has as much bearing on your life as you let it.
Find a way to live the way you enjoy, or don’t bother – don’t work for the sake of work, you’ll only become bitter and disillusioned. There are so many other things you can do with your precious time. We don’t have much, so why waste it on something so pointless?
And then there’s the complaining about the complaining…….
“Man, I see in Fight Club the strongest and smartest men who’ve ever
lived. I see all this potential, and I see it squandered. God damn it,
an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables – slaves with white
collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we
hate so we can buy shit we don’t need. We’re the middle children of
history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great
Depression. Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression is
our lives. We’ve all been raised on television to believe that one day
we’d all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars, but we won’t.
We’re slowly learning that fact. And we’re very, very pissed off.”
No-one’s whining about our jobs being difficult. We’re angry because they killed god, replaced him with leviathan, and now that rotting mechanical corpse drips foul-smelling oil and lubricant upon everything and everyone.
We need to restart the world.
…on the other hand…no one ever came to the caveman demanding 30% of his nuts and pelts to provide to “underprivileged” cave dwellers. The caveman probably never got protested for not finding a more humane way to kill dinner than with his spear. The caveman probably never got publicly shamed for going about his cave-business the way nature intended.
…sounds like the caveman enjoyed 37 short years of the respect that comes with being at the top of the food chain…instead of the 75 piss-poor years live-to-serve-and-keep-quiet that we enjoy today.
…on the other hand…no one ever came to the caveman demanding 30% of his nuts and pelts to provide to “underprivileged” cave dwellers. The caveman probably never got protested for not finding a more humane way to kill dinner than with his spear. The caveman probably never got publicly shamed for going about his cave-business the way nature intended.
…sounds like the caveman enjoyed 37 short years of the respect that comes with being at the top of the food chain…instead of the 75 piss-poor years live-to-serve-and-keep-quiet that we enjoy today.
You realize that you’re complaining about people complaining, right?
Have you ever seen a real man, or did you just watch Gran Torino?
The work never really bothered me all that much. Having a cunt of a boss that liked to play office politics was a bitch, though, but there I go complaining.
And how the fuck does a caveman have a heart attack if all he is eating are fruits, berries, fish, and meat?
The younger generation has it too easy these days. However, it also gives exceptional individuals the opportunity to focus more on the next “big thing” instead of just trying to survive from common diseases or hunger
Most people that don’t complain are delusional. They eat shit and tell you it’s caviar. I complain and I make thing happen!
The scenario posted is much better than that I’ll get.
Try “work outside with metal and tools to afford barely a subsistence until you croak at 40 from a heart attack, no 401k, no health insurance, if you get sick you die, and constantly have to work for sex”. ‘murrica.
This piece, while well written and with good intentions, falls into the same trap as telling people not to complain because there are others living in squalor in China or Africa. I’m not someone in Africa, and I’m not a caveman living 10,000 years ago. I’m me, here today, and a caveman’s life is mostly irrelevant to me. I say “mostly” because any caveman that survived and procreated at least had an effect on our existence. Anyway your problems are your own, and you don’t have the caveman’s problems. Just because his life was harder doesn’t mean you should be satisfied with yours.
A better approach is to tell people that instead of complaining, they should exercise their freedom and power to change their lives and be happier. That’s a luxury we are afforded that many people squander.
Not doing a take-down here just offering my $.02. Still a fan.
Till at last the child’s mind is these suggestions, and the sum of the suggestions is the child’s mind. And not the child’s mind only. The adult’s mind too-all his life long. The mind that judges and desire and decides-made up of these suggestions. But all these suggestions are our suggestions… Suggestions from the State.