Single Mothers Should Be Held Accountable

In 195 B.C., mobs of Roman women collected in the Forum and demanded the repeal of the Oppian Law of 215 B.C.  This law had prohibited women from excessively adorning themselves with gold, wearing ostentatious dresses, or driving chariots.  Cato the Elder, who had held the offices of quaestor and consul, warned his fellow men of the long-term consequences of giving in to the demands of the women.  His words were uncannily accurate, and are worth quoting.  He spoke to the men as follows:

“If we had, each of us, upheld the rights and authority of the husband in our own households, we should not today have this trouble with our women.  As things are now, our liberty of action, which has been annulled by female despotism at home, is crushed and trampled on here in the Forum….Remember all the regulations respecting women by which our ancestors curbed their license….If now you permit them to remove these restraints…and to put themselves on an equality with their husbands, do you imagine that you will be able to bear them?  From the moment that they become your equals, they will be your masters.” [Livy, Ab Urbe Condita, 34.1].

Note the last sentence.  Have more prescient words ever been spoken regarding the female agenda?  It is a lesson quite forgotten in modern America.  Old Cato recognized that the nature of women is to use the idea of “equality” and such arguments as a smokescreen for their real ambition, which is supremacy.   Supremacy over what?  Over men, of course.  And the ability to be unaccountable for anything they do as women.

Without a firm hand, feminine nature becomes destructive.

Nowhere is this truism more obvious today than in America, where women have used the mantras of “equality” and “fairness” to strip men of any remaining respect and authority they may once have had in the home, at work, and in popular culture.   Women’s goal, of course, has been to cherry-pick the best of both systems:  to enjoy all the benefits of traditional female roles (enjoying the financial support and respect of men), while at the same time dodging any of the responsibilities that such a traditional role demanded (respecting men, child rearing, homemaking, etc).

In this hypocritical charade, played out unrelentingly for the past 40 years, women have been almost completely successful.  Feminists have cannily enlisted government power in support of their cause:  the state itself has become for them the surrogate man.  Who needs a man in the role of provider when you can get the government to support your baby and pay your bills?

If feminists truly believed in equality, they would practice it.  Equality means paying your way, taking your lumps in life without complaining, and accepting the consequences for your actions.  Of course, women never do this.  There are consequences for male misbehavior, of course, but not for female misbehavior, which is actually rewarded, enabled, and praised in American culture.

Imagine conducting a thought experiment in which feminist mantras were actually put to the test.  Imagine if there were a way to see if women really believed their shrieking about their reproductive rights, bodies, empowerment, fairness, and all the rest.  As it happens, we may now have the right conditions to conduct such a test.  Last week, the international news site Al Jazeera English reported that a new law in China proposed to penalize women for having children out of wedlock.  I quote from the report below:

“The plans, drawn up by family planning officials in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province, would target women who “knowingly have children out of wedlock”, according to a report in the Global Times newspaper.

Unmarried mothers could be charged six times the annual per capita disposable income in Wuhan, a figure equivalent to about $26,000. Officials referred to the fines as “social compensation fees”.

Chinese state media said the law would help keep the birth rate low and aid family planning management.

The law was announced just days after a newborn baby boy was rescued from a sewage pipe in Zhejiang province. Reports suggest that the unmarried mother was shunned by the father (such is the social stigma of single parenthood in China).

Chen Yaya, of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, warned there could be more “sewer babies” if the policy is enacted.

Wang Qiong, a professor at Wuhan University, told the China Daily the regulation was “ridiculous”.

“What if a woman chooses to have a test tube baby without getting married? Should she also be fined?”

The Global Times said that the fines would target unmarried women who cannot prove the identity of the father of their child, or those who have a baby with men who they know have spouses.

Imagine that?  Imagine proposing to hold irresponsible mothers to account for their actions!  For a social problem that has reached epidemic proportions in the US, our glorious leaders have never even considered punishing women for their role in the reproductive process.  Rather, men have been beaten into servitude with child support slavery.  This goes without saying.  “Man up!” we are constantly told.  “Man up”!  But if women really are responsible for their own bodies and decisions, as they claim to be, then they should be recognized as at least as culpable (if not more so) than the man in bringing a child into the world.  A child who will, in all likelihood, be on the government dole in milliseconds after heaving the womb.

Of course, no American politician would dare advocate fining (or punishing in any way) an unwed mother for producing more government-supported spawn.  This would be thoughtcrime, pure and simple.  The proposed Chinese law exposes once again the hypocrisy and double standards inherent in Western feminist mantras.

We did it to ourselves. Or, I should say, our predecessors did it to us.

Men are to be punished, controlled, and made to pay.  For everything, of course.  Women are to be coddled, excused, and empowered.  And men did it to themselves.  Just today I witnessed the sickening and pathetic spectacle of American Generals at a Congressional hearing having to answer for an alleged “epidemic” of “sexual abuse” in the military.   They all sat there, like penitent schoolchildren with chests full of medals, as they were verbally lashed by froth-mouthed feminist Congresswomen.  Ah, humanity!  I sometimes wonder what old Cato would say if he could see us now.

Read More:  When Abortion Is the Best Option

47 thoughts on “Single Mothers Should Be Held Accountable”

  1. 5 minutes after dna testing had advanced enough to reliably assign paternity, it suddenly became ok to be a single mother.
    you have only yourselves to blame.

    1. Charitable, voluntary eugenics is the only way today. Paid sterilizations for undesirables. Market it to ghettos.

  2. Its too late. Older generations were sold a lie that they could do anything without consequences. Or at least, they are not going to be reaping the consequences as badly as we are.
    Also, holding single mothers accountable is useless without addressing the systems that allow them, to behave this way.

  3. True, we have socialist rewards for anti-social behavior. Wouldn’t say we need Chinese penalties, though, when we can just have less socialism.
    Wonder if we can hope for a military coup, or if our armies will just start to fall apart…in which case we might end up under Chinese rule

  4. There are certainly differing degrees and possible solutions to this problem, but simply not subsidizing a woman’s irresponsible child-bearing is probably the best and least intrusive to the general liberty.
    It’s an old mantra: subsidize something and you will get more of it. Various arms of the state are doing just that, and people act surprised when more of it occurs?
    “Just today I witnessed the sickening and pathetic spectacle of American
    Generals at a Congressional hearing having to answer for an alleged
    “epidemic” of “sexual abuse” in the military. They all sat there, like
    penitent schoolchildren with chests full of medals, as they were
    verbally lashed by froth-mouthed feminist Congresswomen. Ah, humanity!
    I sometimes wonder what old Cato would say if he could see us now.”
    Yeah, saw that shit too, SMH.

    1. The comment section is where things really start to deteriorate. So many people are defending this dude’s choices like it’s no big deal and/or it’s none of our business. This is what happens when you give bottom-feeders the freedom to do whatever the hell they want. The movie Idiocracy comes to mind.

  5. …and none of these Generals had the cojones to say “What did you expect? Bunking down a bunch of women with the men in a high-testosterone, stressful environment – we’re not talking about Victorian nobility here. You were mixing two reactive chemicals, and you got exactly the explosion any sane person could have predicted.”

    1. My special scorn is reserved for the military leaders and politicians. All leadership elements: the intelligentsia, the military, the leadership. Nowhere was this displayed more clearly than seeing these generals sit there like pathetic schoolboys as they got tongue-lashed. What they should have done is explain that this is just another social engineering project, and it is destroying the command and control structure of the military. Anytime you have more and more women in the ranks, you are going to have more consensual sexual relationships between men and women. Of course, some of them are going to turn sour, and then the women are going to go crying about rape. And now they can do it outside the chain of command.
      It’s all bullshit.
      I was on active duty in the USMC in the 1990s and as a lieutenant I never heard of one single instance of rape. Not one. And no other lieutenant I know of heard of one either. What I do remember is that everybody’s promotions got held up because of that bullshit “Tailhook” scandal. Remember that? A wild party turned into a groping session. Then the witch hunt started. You had to actually prove you were not there if you wanted to get promoted. Did the media report that? Of course not.
      What I did see was in the Army and Air Force, there is a lot of fraternization. That’s because the discipline is a lot more lax than in the USMC. Sorry, but it’s a fact. And in those service branches, you see women getting flown out of combat zones and special treatment for being pregnant. Feminists want the military to be just one big social welfare, surrogate father organization.
      And these generals are supposed to be putting their asses on the line and standing up for us. They do nothing. They are more interested in their retirement packages and their sweet gigs they will pull on the beltway at NGOs after they retire.
      We got sold out by the older generation.

      1. You seem to overlook that if one of the guys receiving the tongue-lashing had been honest that they would suffer consequences both inside and outside of their military lives. We’ve passed the tipping point: they cannot be honest and be rewarded for it in any way.

        1. Wrong. I don’t expect them to be honest and rewarded for it. What I expect is them to be honest and take the bullet. Like their commission calls for. I fucking expect something out of them called moral courage. The courage to tell the truth and take the hit. To have the courage to resign in protest, or go down in a blaze of fire. That is what I would do, and you goddamn better believe I mean it.
          I expect from these craven, spineless, hollow men the same courage they expected from us.

        2. The nature of the system weeds out officers who speak honestly on the level you are talking about. Thats the nature of this kind of top down organization. Maybe there is abetter way, and maybe you will be the man to figure it out.

        3. You keep making excuses for them. No matter how it is sliced and diced, the fact remains the top brass and the mid-level brass are careerist parasites. They care more about their own cozy little nests and family nepotism than the organizations they were supposed to serve. I expect them not to be chateau generals.
          You say the system weeds out honest and good men. Perhaps. But there is always the rebel out there, and all he needs is an opportunity.
          What people don’t realize is that, deep down, everyone wants to hear the truth. If someone would just fight back and say it. Courage generates its own momentum. All it takes is a whisper.
          This blog would never exist, for example, if one shy, intelligent, bearded dude in Maryland had not gotten up one morning and told his bacteriologist boss that he was done. And just split from the whole fucking program.
          Never underestimate courage, Tickletik.

  6. I’ve never read more truth in a single post. Hell, that last line in the quote by Cato gave me goosebumps.

  7. I think the Chinese solution is akin to closing the barn doors after the animals have already escaped; heaping such heavy punishments on single women will only make them seek marriages out of convenience or increase infanticide to extreme levels.
    Considering their impending demographic implosion, I would think they should be doing anything to encourage birth rates rather than punish slutty women.
    How about giving married women with two or more children a free education ticket to a college, for example? Rewards are generally more effective than punishments.

    1. Oh how rewarding sluts have worked for the west ….? Demographic implosion is one word to describe it Samseau.

      1. Rewards imply conditional behavior. Women in the west have been given benefits with no expectation of any good behavior in return. That’s why it’s shit here.

        1. and what, now you plan to reward women who have more children than they could reasonably care for on there own over those women who would choose to advance themselves versus engaging in irresponsible behavior. nope.

        2. and what, now you plan to reward women who have more children than they could reasonably care for on there own over those women who would choose to advance themselves versus engaging in irresponsible behavior. nope.

  8. I think a OneRepublic song blaring….”It’s Too Late To Apologize……It’s Too Laaaaaaaatttteeeeeeeeee
    Because honestly, as bad as Red Pill Men can be, we are the dick of the male embodiment. The rest of us is pure beta….and that male of our species has been betrayed. When he (metaphorically speaking) becomes in tune with what he is..a major dick who rules…..women are fucked for two generations.

  9. If a Chinese man and Chinese woman are only allowed one Chinese child in China, why are these same Chinese allowed overseas to breed as much as they wanna?

    1. And if the Africans can have 20 kids but can’t afford to put any food in their stomachs, why should we send our money overseas to help all of these fucking pricks?

      1. We should be giving them as much free contraceptives and paid sterilizations as possible.

      2. Many Euro immigrants breed like rodents too. Stop making it seem like it’s just Mexicans and Africans when we all know it’s not.

    2. Because your countries don’t have a one-child policy?
      Either way, overseas Chinese populations have terribly low birth rates. Go worry about Mexicans or something.

    3. Overseas Chinese are usually wealthy, healthy, and educated. They also have low birthrates.
      Tell this kind of rubbish to Mexicans and Africans.

    4. Truth,without firm control these immigrants breed like rats. Their own governments know this,which is why they rule over their people with an iron fist in Asian countries,that are not heavily influenced by Westernized culture.

  10. Shit is crazy with single moms .Here’s a story for you all when I was living in NC a friend of mine met this lady who was a lawyer in a blind date. She was going thru divorce with a politician, she 6 years older than him. He’s 31 She’s 37, He probably never heard of sexual market value. One day She told him she got pregnant and she wants a marriage. She a strong Catholic, He has to be a blue bill beta willing to marry a older woman, not only that the wedding happen when she was five months pregnant. Both signed the pre-nup papers. After a year and a half both got sick of tried of each other and divorce before the kid turn 2. fucked up story
    I wonder would any of yall marry a older woman for any reason even she having your kid ?????

    1. DAMN if he learned about women and game he would have gotten better chicks. The single mom will never see a serious committed minded man ever in her life. She will be forced to settle for betas if she wants marriage at all.

  11. Cato! Cato! Where have thou wisdom gone! Let’s not forget the pre-marriage aspects that men in high school and college must endure cost wise to help gain the affection and eye of prospective mates. Thus, leading to the engagement of the couple. The norm in this unspoken tradition is to present the assumed spouse to be with the most extravagant ring. This in essence is to “show” how much love can be expected in the unison of man and wife. Again, there are exceptions.
    However, I wouldn’t have minded the idea of the women trying to court me. Let alone offer to buy me a beer!
    Cato might have had it right…

  12. This is our Magna Carta. Except for the emphasis on welfare and the deemphasis on male slavery, a perfect piece.

  13. Females’ idea of fun is chaos. The more ordered mind HAS to dominate, otherwise chaos wins. Just as civilization is the eternal struggle of the ordered mindset against the chaos and aggression of nature, the male must dominate the female to preserve itself.

  14. Brilliant! Spot on! The only disagreement I have is with the idea that 40 years of feminism has been, for women of course, “almost a complete success.” In truth its been a smashing success for split-tails everywhere. They can demand that a man address them as equals while the same man holds the door for them. They can demand a man finance their bastard offspring even as they howl about reproduction being a woman’s exclusive domain.
    The only satisfaction I get from this feminist debacle is by not taking any of their shit. Women are evolved to keep their mouths shut and do as they’re told, but only so long as someone is will to do it….and maintains plausible deniability.

  15. Brilliant! Spot on! The only disagreement I have is with the idea that 40 years of feminism has been, for women of course, “almost a complete success.” In truth its been a smashing success for split-tails everywhere. They can demand that a man address them as equals while the same man holds the door for them. They can demand a man finance their bastard offspring even as they howl about reproduction being a woman’s exclusive domain.
    The only satisfaction I get from this feminist debacle is by not taking any of their shit. Women are evolved to keep their mouths shut and do as they’re told, but only so long as someone is will to do it….and maintains plausible deniability.

  16. In 2011, 40% of the children born in the United States were born to unmarried women.

  17. If you people hate America and it’s culture this much, then fucking move. Trust me you won’t be missed.

  18. And the men who ‘pumped and dumped’ that take off, done pay child support, I suppose should be given a medal? These single mums are raising what you left behind.

    1. “It’s a woman’s body, it’s a woman’s right”, therefore it is also a woman’s responsibility. Unless you can logically explain how women get 100% of the power-making choices and only 50% of the responsibility.

  19. Feminism also destroys the children. Kids living with single parent (mostly moms) are exponentially more likely to suffer child abuse/death and exhibit behavior problems (drugs, crimes, ect..). But of course, it’s always the men fault right. After all, women didn’t choose to sleep with the A holes and the sht bags.

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