In case you haven’t paid attention to popular music for the past few years, electronic dance music (EDM) is taking the United States by storm. As a fan of the genre, I really can’t complain. Although many of the pounding beats are admittedly repetitive and uncreative, the high energy and positive emotions created by the sound tend to make it great party music. Whether your like it or not, EDM is not going anywhere anytime soon — even if all of the DJs across the world never make a single new track.
The reason is simple: EDM’s party culture, filled with Molly (MDMA) and other inhibition-reducing drugs, assists young people to have to the time of their lives every single time they go to a rave. Even the most awkward or shy people, male or female, suddenly gain the ability to confidently approach and effortlessly escalate when Molly is in their systems. And you’d best believe some people are using this information to make A LOT of money.
The Music Festival
Organized mega—raves like NYC’s Electric Zoo continue to pop up all over the world. These multi-day outdoor music festivals feature the same collection of DJ Mag’s top 100 DJs, have very similar stage set-ups, and generally charge $5 for a bottle of water. Interestingly, ticket prices for these type of events can be greater than $500 and often sell out in just a few hours. In return for these steep prices, concert organizers provide the horny, half-naked partygoers a relatively safe and hassle-free environment to do Molly and interact with one another.
The much anticipated Electric Zoo festival celebrated it’s 5 year anniversary this weekend on Randall’s Island in New York City. Unfortunately, the final day of the three day event was cancelled by Mayor Michael Bloomberg after two concertgoers died and an at least four others were hospitalized in critical condition — all from reportedly overdosing on MDMA. It is easy to predict the intense outrage that will be aired in the media by mothers and politicians over the next few weeks. Blame will be thrown at event organizers, poor parenting, the drugs, Miley Cyrus, and everything else under the sun. However, no one is going to point any fingers at the true cause of these tragic events — this generation’s lack of social skills.
A Quick Fix for No Confidence?
A frightening percentage of today’s young men does not have the ability to approach a girl and face a potential rejection. Instead, they rely on drugs, alcohol, and the internet to reduce virtually all risk. Every guy has a friend who needs to get completely obliterated every time they go to the bar, just so they can gain the confidence to approach a fat, gargoyle-looking woman for sex. I believe the tragic events that happened this weekend at Electric Zoo are simply a more extreme example of this behavior. (Try to picture a guy who was always the life of the party in college but never got laid — then find an image of the young man who died this weekend. Is it just me?)
For normal, responsible men who are looking to meet someone, taking heavy doses of MDMA every night out to help his “game” is socially unacceptable in addition to being extremely unhealthy. Alcohol, on the other hand, is not frowned upon – this is why every college bar in the country has dozens of blacked out dorks slurring pick up lines to below average women and wasted girls who will soon have regrettable one night stands they will barely remember. However, as soon as Electric Zoo or the next festival arrives, this same crowd jumps at the opportunity to do Molly (a much better inhibition blocker) and interact with each other the way they truly want to. Just as with alcohol, some people over do it. But with hard drugs, hospitalization and death are clearly not impossibilities.
Don’t get me wrong — I enjoy both alcohol and MDMA (from a trusted, safe source) in moderation. When used reasonably and responsibly, both can truly enhance certain experiences. My message to you is this: do not use drugs and alcohol as a solution to your poor social skills or fear of rejection. Not only does it make you a loser, it can ruin your life.
Go out today and talk to a stranger. Say whatever comes to mind and get rejected. Then check your pulse. I promise you will still be alive. Hell, you may not even be rejected. Once you work to improve yourself and stop using drugs as a social crutch, you’ll realize just how tragic and unnecessary the deaths of these young people are.
Read More: Facebook Is Hurting Your Game
MDMA also removes inhibitions on some latent lesbianism/bisexuality in women.
I went to a rave once and in the outside smoking/relaxing area, half a dozen girls formed a massage train. For a chunk of it, some of the girls were grabbing tit and probably trying to touch the vaj.
Funny thing is, out of all the people in the outside area, not a single other person was even bothering to watching this shit go down. That MDMA messed with their brain so much they couldn’t even appreciate good girl-on-girl action right in front of their eyes.
I’ve been to a few raves in my day. The girls there were either decent looking or didn’t bother to shave any parts of their body (ie. armpits, legs). Quite a disgusting spectacle. So I most likely would have been looking away too depending on the quality of the girls partaking in the massages.
This group of girls was pretty good looking, mostly 6s, 7s, and 8s.
Nowadays, raves and electronic dance music festivals have a ton of hot chicks. Check out photos from EDC and Wet Electric. And a lot of the hottest women on Tinder use photos of themselves with butterfly wings and knee high socks, taken at those parties.
Ecstasy is probably the drug with the best cost/benefit ratio. The reports of people keeling over dead after taking it are wildly exaggerating the dangers. I am pretty sure that, statistically speaking, you are much more likely to harm yourself consuming alcohol than ecstasy. I’m not one for conspiracy theories, but widespread use of ecstasy really does materially reduce the demand for legal intoxicants like alcohol.This was a big factor in the “suppression” of ad-hoc raves in the UK in the mid-90’s. This accounts for some of the “dug war” publicity. Th existence of illegal drugs harms the suppliers of legal drugs.
Having said all that, if you are someone with an addictive personality you want to steer well clear. Just like you would steer clear of alcohol too. Can’t really argue about people using drugs as a crutch. I guess occasional use for this purpose is justified because of “modern times”, or whatever. But if you can’t approach a girl without being on drugs you obviously have a major problem.
You’re onto something. It’s all about the vig. Follow the money trail and you’ll find the answers to most of the world’s problems.
The State-sanctioned drug dealers (doctors, the pharmaceutical mafia, etc.) hate competition from unlicensed pharmacists (those who sell MDMA, etc.)
As I understand it, unsupervised dosages of MDMA can cause permanent harm to the brain, that in extreme cases results in a near permanent depression. Though, not being a doctor/pharmaceutical agent I have no idea what those amounts are in the general sense.
E can definitely fuck your shit up. I had a roommate who used to slang, and he stayed rolling. After a while he started having bed wetting problems. Fucker pissed the goddamned couch a couple of times.
Man, I have never understood the fixation with hard drugs. Like people who say Marijuana is great for medicinal purposes. Honestly, the hospital has better stuff for me to use thanks. Gets me a great high, and allows me to get fixed without a permanent mental/physical attachment to something that costs so much. I throw out what I don’t use.
I think it is so much better to enjoy a party with all your faculties intact, and going home alive and with all your cash.
Marinol is an extract of cannabis used in medicine and just like smoking cannabis you have people who get little effect and others who are like zombies from it. And btw, taking hashish orally is more powerful than smoking it just takes longer to work.
Personally I think potheads are a silly unless bunch and all the drug does is cause a certain mental confusion in most people with unpredictable results.
It’s entirely different from opiates that are subtle and cause a clear and logical mode of thinking(unless you take enough to put yourself in a coma then it’s dangerous)
You’ll find plenty of successful opiate addicts whether it’s a Keith Richards or a Limbaugh but the habitual potheads are more like the characters in a Cheech and Chong film.
God, you sound like a barrel of laughs.
Modern times? Drug use was a lot more common in the 1800’s.
Nearly 100 people die every day in the US due to car accidents, never mind the rest that end up badly injured or paraplegic. If you look at the ratio of car accident deaths to Molly deaths I reckon it would favor the drug taking.
But your article is wrong….this rave scene is nothing new…. in the late 80s when E first started, I went to the warehouse parties and took a ton of drugs and never once took drugs to get laid….I took them because they work and they are great fun.
If used correctly after a while the drug teaches your body and mind the way to be…. and you can do it without the drugs, so then I started raving with no drugs at all… and it was just as good if not better…..
It’s all a question of learning to induce the right state of mind…..
oh and having some substances available… especially the big C… is a great way to get girls back to your place….. the stuff is very morish… so give the girl and small hit and then tell her you have more at home…. she’ll be pulling you out of the joint and paying the cab fare…….
i dont think morish is a word.
Yes, he probably meant to say “Moopish”
let Super Hans enlighten you
I don’t necessarily disagree with you, and I’m far from an anti-drug guy, but the point you made regarding car deaths vs. Molly OD’s is ridiculous. How many people drive cars as opposed to people who use MDMA? Of course more people die in auto accidents. Virtually every one in the U.S. drives. Only a VERY small percentage roll with any frequency. Just sayin’…
you have to look at it by percentage not numbers…. if you take an E your chances of dying (unless you are a complete dickhead) are probably lower than if you drive 100 miles in a car.
but we don’t lose our minds when there is a pile up on the free way….
people should be free to do whatever they please and if they kark it…. that’s their look out…..
we don’t need communists like bloomberg demonising techno parties, when in truth more people die from crappy diets, tobacco, alcohol and prescription drugs…. not to mention accidental infection in hospitals…
the dance music scene has always been hated by the traditional system, because they don’t understand the music and art form, they hate the fact that it brings people together in a peaceful way they cannot control, and it’s just a great little soapbox for politicians to make a name….
people have died in Rolling Stones concerts, but that’s ok, tragic accident…. and Bloomberg likes that music…. so the Stones can go on tour once again….
More people take prescription drugs and they’re used to treat disease. Many times it’s a choice between which is worse, the disease or the drugs to treat it and you have to weigh these factors. There are also a gazillion warnings on bottles today so if a patient wants to drink or mix other drugs with the one prescribed whose fault is that?
Of course these so called raves were around for a long time and I can remember the electronic music and trace 10 years ago in Europe. You can even go further back to the 60’s, watch the film Quadrophenia with Pete Townsend where amphetamines were used and are really not much different from MDMA.
Cocaine? About all that ever did to me back in the 80′ s is cause a numb nose and throat and this was the pure stuff from the Merck Co. we’d sometimes use in certain types of surgery.
Perhaps smoking it is better.
First, MDMA is the pure unadulterated form of ecstasy and rarely cause deaths… it’s usually dehydration or water posioning that kills people. Again total ignorance and irresponsibility on the part of users.
It’s likely that these rank amateurs bought ecstasy that was cut with poison from total idiots and died. Def blaming both the greedy poison sellers and the stupid morons who buy drugs off strangers.
Don’t agree with the main point. If the end result is getting a hot chick, why would a blacked out nerd care what anyone else thinks?
How many time have you gotten blacked out drunk/high and woke up next to a really attractive woman you didn’t know? For me, I can easily count that number on zero hands.
If it’s not partner-dancing, it’s masturbation.
And I agree with you, drugs will exacerbate, not alleviate your social awkwardness with females.
For the last damn time, pick up ballroom dance to enure yourself of feminine capriciousness. After you have danced with dozens of nice gals you won’t even be thinking about “game” when you effortlessly approach the next random target of opportunity.
Off-topic but I found a cool screen luminosity app and left a comment. Based on the response from the moderator he must be reading ROK :
So true. Everywhere in the world I go, because I know several latin dances and game, I pick up women almost effortlessly. This is before I even think to try. I don’t even need a group with me. Though a tight dance troup to roll with makes those parties so much easier to get laid!
Anywho, if you want to be stuck at hole in the wall dives with the lamest of the lame trying to show off their latest version of the drunken bump and grind, keep wasting your time. The women there are sluttly. And horrendous, low class bitches with no lot in life. Most anyway.
At Latin dance parties, the women tend to be much higher in status, education, talent, and ability (take that in more ways then one(. They are also motivated. It takes a lot to overcome your life’s obstacles, and get something accomplished in life on top of learning these dances.
To find that you have several women like this all over you no matter where you go shocks me in the inability of so many American men terrified to try.
More for me. Ahem, sorry forgot I’m married. That means just that much more for all of you who heed this advice!
I have pulled women in Turkey, Greece, Italy, America, All over Asia, Latin America, Australia, Seychelles, and Germany without any problem. At these parties there are women from all over the world learning new moves. I got to teach them some of my own.
If that is not enough to learn, if you like these articles, then you are hopeless and should go to Manboobs Futrelle’s neck of the woods. Pet a few cats that I plan on eating during my visit to China.
yeah, but i don’t like latin music that much… i like techno….
i don’t see the harm with drug taking either… more people die from tobacco and alcohol (by percentage of users) than die from E.
Thats what a lot of guys don’t understand. Part of my red pill experience was understanding that the pharmaceutical industry is just like the “illegal’ drug industry.
I think the ‘war on drugs’ is just really a war on competition e.g cocaine/weed/MDMA/heroine etc.The government just want you to buy the drugs that THEY are offering. In fact MDMA has been tested and is still being tested for its potential in its therapeutic potential in treating people who have PTSD/Stress disorders, with a lower dependecy potential as the all time favourites(alcohol/tobacco) While perscription drugs e.g Vicodin/codeine/Valium/paracetamol have a much higher potential for addiction/dependency. Think Heath Ledger, Whitney Houston. Michael Jackson, and pretty much a large percentage of people in the entertainment industry
Any drug can be addictive..As men who are MGTOW/MRA,..there must be an emphasis on moderation..As a former drug addict/alcoholic its hellish path to use drugs as a crutch for game. It can be very satisfying to pick up a hot girl using your core confidence
Actually, the war on Drugs is an industry onto it’s self and has been since the days of Eliot Ness and the Revenuers . It all just really matured in the 1970’s and 1980’s when the Military Industrial Complex got involved in a big way. I blame the CIA for that to tell he truth, they used their illicit skills and drugs to fund wars. And not knowing better Law Enforcement needed to catch up and the Military and their Industrial Complex need missions and jobs and new rolls to justify their existence.
I was apart of that for 6.5 yrs and it’s only grown by leaps and bounds in the 20 yrs since then. Massive industry and the drug side is just as powerful and rich and cunning and murderously vicious as the other-side. Just you try to threaten their jobs and their lively hood and see who gets their hand bit off.
I know it’s impossible to explain anything to a sect but ,I am a doctor and you CAN NOT overdose on MDMA.You can die from hyperthermia,though it’s all theoretical as only some few sporadic evidence lacking cases were recorded.If someone has died its of something else.
There is nothing wrong with MDMA,its great stuff.
Its because of suck biggots like you the light drugs stay illegal (yet alcohol is legal as fuck).Scientific community (like Prof Nutty in London) has been fighting the establishment morons for ages,to no avail.And now here.
Yet you all talk readily about ridiculous and useless bodybuilding supplements,steroids and growth hormones ..a sure way to the hospital bed.
F*cking sect of ignorant betas,honest.A bizarre place,really
I know it’s impossible to explain anything to a sect but ,I am a doctor and you CAN NOT overdose on MDMA.You can die from hyperthermia,though it’s all theoretical as only some few sporadic evidence lacking cases were recorded.If someone has died its of something else.
There is nothing wrong with MDMA,its great stuff.
Its because of suck biggots like you the light drugs stay illegal (yet alcohol is legal as fuck).Scientific community (like Prof Nutty in London) has been fighting the establishment morons for ages,to no avail.And now here.
Yet you all talk readily about ridiculous and useless bodybuilding supplements,steroids and growth hormones ..a sure way to the hospital bed.
F*cking sect of ignorant betas,honest.A bizarre place,really
I am also a doctor.
I’m afraid I have an unfortunate diagnosis for you:
terminal faggotry, type 2.
What doctor are you,looser?
You can’t overdose on MDMA? Yeah, ok “doctor.”
Rarely happens in practice.And its not fatal.
Hospitalizations: “For every case where
‘ecstasy’ was present, there were about twenty marijuana-related cases.” There are MORE hospitalizations after marijuana use than after MDMA use.
All I’m saying is this: the same DJs come to these events EVERY YEAR. to EVERY BIG EVENT. The stages are always the same. Even Deadmau5 doesn’t understand why people would come to Ultra Music Festival year after year:
Why are they so popular?
The crowd of shirtless dudes push unreasonably close to each other to ‘get close to the DJ,’ who is usually some plain looking guy staring down while pushing some buttons and switches. Why? So they can ‘accidentally’ body up on some girl in a bikini who is hopefully rolling to hard to notice. Many are content with this, too scared to even grab her hips and stand a potential embarrassment.
FYI – VIP tickets for Ultra 2014 are currently going for $849.95 a full seven months before the show. Unbelievable. Save yourself some money and grow the balls to approach.
They are popular because people are mostly there for the party, not for the music.
Still, for eight hundred dollars, I could do like McQueen and probably roll with guys who know the organizers. Getting in for free, or much cheaper. Plus, when you are swimming in poosey you tend to not be so “hard pressed” to get into such a meat grinder. At least at ridiculous prices.
It sounds to me like a monolithic sword fight of white knights clamoring against their inner proclivities to fondle all the women whose panties they would normally try to buy their way into. They can go pay, and I will tap that ass for a lot less, and spend my money on something better. Like a snookers table, or perhaps a Himalayan adventure.
That way when you say you spent 850 bucks to get dismissed and ignored, not to mention robbed on drinks and other “social events;” I will have an amazing story to tell these women who will be licking the drink you just bought off of my dick.
IDK, maybe I am being too harsh, but you young bucks need to spend your money wisely. It just sounds like throwing it all away.
Case in point. A neighbor to my parents told me about her trip with her well endowed friend to Key West. When I say her friend was well endowed I am saying killer body, with enormous jugs for tits.
They spent $40 on her two piece that eccentuated her assets, and received $400 in both drinks and clothing each, $500 on food, two marriage proposals, several parties, and three rides in exotic sports cars.
Their total expense was? $40. Thats it. All for a pair of well accentuated titties.
You pay for that, your a dumb ass and deserve to get robbed.
What they are there for does not alter the fact that they are chumps for being there.
what for going to a decent party with a large group of their mates with decent music, lots of drugs and a bounty of buff girls? they’re spending their money on having fun. the real chumps are the mugs that pay to take girls out for dinner with no real prospect of a bang.
Some people like the music. I’d imagine that most of the guys there aren’t there just to pull. Festivals like Ultra are much more about having fun with your mates, getting off your face and enjoying good music than banging.
Yaknow, this website is really bad about articles like this. The writer makes many assumptions, such as we know what the hell he’s talking about. This is the first time I’ve ever heard of Electric Zoo. The writer also seems to assume that raves are something new…hell, they were done and played out in 1995. What’s the thing about deaths? I have no idea.
You needn’t bother replying with clarifications, this post isn’t about that. I’m talking about writers’ insularity and falsely assuming that everyone has your shared experiences.
Personally I think the writer comes off pretty queer and self important. No straight man should be using the same lingo as Madonna and Miley Cyrus. MDMA is for chumps and homos.
420/365 if you really want pussy
Personally I think the writer comes off pretty queer and self important. No straight man should be using the same lingo as Madonna and Miley Cyrus. MDMA is for chumps and homos.
420/365 if you really want pussy
Jesus Christ.
Look, the author noted that he took MDMA on a limited basis from a trusted source.
No such thing.
Claims to the contrary, appeals to masculinity, whatever, there are several big problems with MDMA. It causes dehydration via two pathways- first by suppressing ADH secretion, which controls water balance, and second by increasing basal body temperature, a global histamine response that comes with its’ own issues such as fever. This causes the euphoria, which is the brain panicking about a toxic environment.
The second problem is quality control. There is none. I had a friend make MDMA and inject it in rats back in the 90’s for her dissertation- this is after strychnine started showing up in E. Adding strychnine enhanced the experience for the rats, right up until it killed them.
Rather than go on and demonizing big pharma, (which is utter bullshit and frankly, surprising to find here), it’s worth applying some critical thinking as to the cost of ingesting MDMA. Subacute events where people just need a little care are not going to be reported by the staff at a public venue. Unless a person’s life is in obvious and immediate danger, there’s no way they’re going to expose themselves to liability, so you can expect underreporting of health crises from MDMA. Claims that your body will benefit or compensate are idiotic. It’s the compensatory mechanisms that cause the high and expose you to brain damage.
Ultimately, the science is there for examination, so I’m getting off my pulpit. Intermittent use of a modest dose of MDMA comes with toxic metabolic side effects and altered hormone secretion profile (dopamine habituation). Intermittent use of alcohol comes with bad breath, digestive disturbances and improved cardiovascular health. Abuse of both comes at a terrible cost, but there’s a reason why alcoholism is tolerated more than chronic chemical exposure.
I think you meant to say why alcohol is tolerated. Alcoholism which effects perhaps 1% of the population predisposed to it is a lot more destructive than say opiate use. Both will cause a physical dependence but there is nothing destructive about opiates unless you take enough to cause unconsciousness and anoxia and if you’re buying it legally you will know the dose you’re taking.
The side effects from MDMA are like the amphetamines so of course if you drink alcohol you’ll lose fluid which in susceptible people will cause an electrolyte imbalance and perhaps arrhythmia and possible heart failure.So take some salt and potassium tablets and drink fluid if you’re losing fluid or really sweating. Taking MDMA with an opiate will also prevent fluid loss because it stimulates anti diuretic hormone in the pituitary.
But don’t take any drug that you can’t buy at a pharmacy because you have no idea of the dose or purity.
I hate it when the damn alcoholics break into my house to steal the copper pipes to feed their habit. They end up selling alcohol to fuel their alcohol habit. They’re always sitting around downtown, waiting for the federally-subsidized O’Doul’s van to show up to get them through until their next fix.
This is a straw man argument. Know him. Love him.
You issue is with the USA’S asinine drug laws. If alcohol was illegal tomorrow you would all of these negative behaviors you mentioned.
I hate it when the damn alcoholics break into my house to steal the copper pipes to feed their habit. They end up selling alcohol to fuel their alcohol habit. They’re always sitting around downtown, waiting for the federally-subsidized O’Doul’s van to show up to get them through until their next fix.
This is a straw man argument. Know him. Love him.
I hate it when the damn alcoholics break into my house to steal the copper pipes to feed their habit. They end up selling alcohol to fuel their alcohol habit. They’re always sitting around downtown, waiting for the federally-subsidized O’Doul’s van to show up to get them through until their next fix.
This is a straw man argument. Know him. Love him.
I hate it when the damn alcoholics break into my house to steal the copper pipes to feed their habit. They end up selling alcohol to fuel their alcohol habit. They’re always sitting around downtown, waiting for the federally-subsidized O’Doul’s van to show up to get them through until their next fix.
This is a straw man argument. Know him. Love him.
I hate it when the damn alcoholics break into my house to steal the copper pipes to feed their habit. They end up selling alcohol to fuel their alcohol habit. They’re always sitting around downtown, waiting for the federally-subsidized O’Doul’s van to show up to get them through until their next fix.
This is a straw man argument. Know him. Love him.
True, but the neurotoxic effects of MDMA are reversible within days of the chemical leaving your system. Only chronic abuse with high dosages leads to permanent damage. Statements elsewhere in the thread about the safety of MDMA are accurate. Actual MDMA is fairly rare, meth marketed as MDMA is not. If you have a so-called trusted source, send your tabs to and see what they come in as.
This has got to be THE saddest site on the Internet.
If you think using MDMA (or Molly as you Americans call it) is about trying to get game then you clearly don’t have a clue what your talking about. All of the confidence perks of MDMA are bonuses. The real reason why so many take it lies with something man (and indeed woman) has aimed to do since we fell out of trees, that is get intoxicated. Let’s be fair ecstasy (MDMA) is one of the best ways to get intoxicated. It feels fantastic, is generally cheaper and better than alcohol, makes everyone chattier, is incredibly safe, can help you lose weight (comparatively to alcohol), works well with electronic music and bright lights, etc etc. The fact that it may up your game is a bonus but it certainly is not the main aim of taking MDMA.