The Warsaw Rising

ISBN: 0143035401

This history book recounts World War 2 from the Polish perspective, centered around the Warsaw Uprising (not to be confused with the Jewish Uprising) that occured towards the end of the war when the Red Army was camped on the outskirts of the city.

The Gestapo established its control over Warsaw in the early months by filtering the entire population, allocating them to racial categories and issuing them with the relevant documents. In order to live, every person required a Certificate of Racial Origin, an identity card (Kennkarte), and a ration card.


The inhabitants of Warsaw were turned into hunted animals, who had to go outside to live, but who were constantly on edge, lest they were pounced on. One could go out to buy a bottle of milk and not return, then be found on the list of hostages . . . to be shot [as] ‘enemies of German reconstruction’. One could be grabbed in a restaurant, in a shop, in a church, or in one’s own home. Life became a daily game of chance with death.

What the Germans did to the Poles reads like a nightmare. They literally wanted to wipe Poland off the map while enslaving the less intelligent Poles to trudge away in German factories. Most of Poland’s intelligenista and political class were wiped out by the Germans (and also Russians).

The resistance fighters in Warsaw, loosely led by the exiled government in London, built up a surprising amount of organization during the occupation, including a postal system, newspaper presses, and an ambulance service, operating right under the nose of the Germans. They even had an assassination squad that successfully killed many Gestapo officers.

…the tentacles of the exiled Government reached out from Sikorski’s HQ at the Rubens Hotel in London to every town and village and to almost every clandestine formation in Poland.

The resistance fighting began in earnest when Soviet victories against the Germans brought the Red Army to to the Vistula River. The Poles expected help from the Soviets, the British and the Americans, but little help came. The Red Army sat on their heels, watching the fighting for over a month through their binoculars. The British could only manage airdrops from Italy, and the Americans sent one large airdrop that mostly landed in German hands. In the meanwhile, it was already decided by the Allied big three in Tehran that a large chunk of Polish land in the East would go to the Soviets, who had free reign by the British and Americans to do whatever they wanted as long as they kept fighting the Germans. Cities you know of today like Lvov (Ukraine) and Vilnius (Lithuania) were part of Poland before the war.

Much of the book is first-hand testimony from survivors…

“Where AK platoons possessed only one gun for every two men, the night watch would take over the weapons of the day watch. So long as the guns of the dead and wounded could be recovered, the ratio of guns to men was actually increasing.”


“Stalin dismissed the opportunity to help the Rising when assistance would have been most effective. What is more, after a long period of silence, he chose to condemn the Rising in the most callous terms.”


“The Home Army authorities concluded that the hospital, in accordance with international convention, should be clearly marked on the roof with a Red Cross. It precipitated an immediate bombardment by German Stukas and by extremely heavy rocket fire. The hospital began to burn, the upper floors to collapse . . . Immediate evacuation was essential.”


“Many teenagers joined the Rising. They often served as messengers, carrying weapons, reports, orders, and the press with enthusiasm. Many of them fell. They did not always realize the dangers, and had a greater tendency than us older ones to perform dashing deeds.”


“Our daily paper, the Warsaw Courier, wrote: ‘Stalin had planned the total destruction of Warsaw a long time ago. A vibrant city with a long democratic tradition would have been a source of constant irritation in his vast totalitarian empire. Only when he saw Warsaw almost razed to the ground did Stalin decide to throw a few sackfuls of food to the dying few, an empty gesture designed to deceive world opinion.’”


“Further fighting has no sense. It’s madness. Politically, we have achieved a great deal. Yet, since we have not received the assistance expected, we should save what is most dear to us, namely, the biological substance of the nation. This is all the more important because the whole cultural and scientific elite of society is concentrated in Warsaw.”

When Stalin eventually did make aid drops, he didn’t use parachutes, meaning most sacks were destroyed upon making impact with land.

“This is the stark truth. We were treated worse than Hitler’s satellites, worse than Italy, Romania, Finland. May God, who is just, pass judgement on the terrible injustice visited on the Polish nation, and may He punish accordingly all those who are guilty. Your heroes are the soldiers whose only weapons against tanks were revolvers and bottles of petrol . . . Your heroes are the women who tended the wounded, cooked in bombed-out cellars . . . and comforted the dying. Your heroes are the children who went on playing in the ruins . . . Immortal is the nation that can muster such universal heroism. For those who have died have conquered, and those who live will fight, will conquer and will bear witness again that POLAND HAS NOT PERISHED YET, SO LONG AS WE STILL LIVE.”


Despite a critical military situation, in which every last soldier of any age was being impressed into service for the defence of the Reich, thousands of German troops were employed in the ruins of Warsaw, fulfilling the Führer’s orders for its total razing. Some of the units were brought in daily from billets in the countryside; others camped out in the eerie wasteland, huddling round their braziers as the nights grew ever colder. Brandkommandos or ‘fire squads’ attacked the empty, desolate, and largely roofless houses with flame-throwers. Demolition teams used dynamite and heavy equipment to bring down the larger buildings and monuments. Gangs of impressed peasants collected scrap metal and other usable building materials, and carted them off. The operation proceeded without a break, day by day, street by street, district by district. The Soviets watched impassively, making no move. If the work was undertaken energetically, there was a good chance that it could be completed before the next Soviet offensive.


The cream of Poland’s patriotic and democratic youth, who in normal circumstances would have taken over at the end of the war, had been eliminated. Stalin’s puppets could now assume power in their stead with no regard to popular opinion or to democratic niceties.

For helping the allies throughout the war, where Polish soldiers fought alongside British, the Poles were rewarded with 46 years of communism.

A common question is why would the Poles resist against the Germans when Hitler’s defeat was imminent? Why not wait it out until the Soviets saved them? The Poles wanted to welcome the Soviets as hosts to a liberated city, putting the country’s destiny and freedom into their own hands. They didn’t believe that democracy would be handed to them by the Soviets, so they determined to fight for it. They also didn’t want to be labeled as cowards who didn’t fight when given a chance, but without allied help, their resistance was doomed.

After fighting for nearly two months, they surrendered themselves to the Germans and got to watched their city razed to the ground. Symbols and landmarks of Polish heritage were methodically destroyed. Poland was abandoned by her allies twice: at the beginning of the war upon the initial German invasion and then at the end.

Warsaw fell to the Soviets on 17 January with hardly a shot being fired. At Yalta, Churchill was the weakest of the ‘Big Three’, and Roosevelt was dying and allegedly depressed. They called on Stalin almost as petitioners. They desperately needed his cooperation for the showdown against Japan; and they had very little more to offer to guarantee victory over Germany. So they acquiesced in his takeover of Eastern Europe with barely a whimper. Whilst not withdrawing recognition of the Polish Government in London, and continuing to benefit from the services and sacrifices of the Polish forces in the West, they raised no objections either to the installation of the so-called Provisional Government in Warsaw or to the depredations of the NKVD in their First Ally’s homeland.

After the war, many Poles refused to go back to Poland and be persecuted, so they became a diaspora:

In any other political circumstances, almost all exiled Varsovians would have returned home en masse; and they would have flung themselves into the task of reconstruction, no matter how harsh the deprivations might have been. But they were not going to devote their energies for the benefit of foreign masters, whose ideology and practices they deplored. So, despite the risks and the anxieties, they stayed abroad; and they bore all the adversities with fortitude, because they had chosen to do so of their own free will. Many years later, when asked about their life decision, they would generally answer with disarming frankness and absolute clarity: ‘Our country was not free.’ ‘There was no place for us there.’ ‘Members of othe Home Army were persecuted, imprisoned, sent to Siberia, or brutally murdered.’ ‘We sincerely hoped . . . that we would again be called to fight for free Poland.’

The Poles are often maligned when it comes to their intelligence and bravery, but this story shows the opposite. They were quite ready to give up their lives to be a free people once again, seemingly desiring their freedom more than other occupied countries in Europe at the time, but had an unfortunate geographical position between Germany and the Soviet Union.

I have to admit this book put me into a mini-depression upon realizing how trivial human life can be. It was sobering to walk out the house after a reading session to see relatively no suffering on the streets. Even the poor country I was in at the time (Ukraine) had no one coming close to the pain that was endured in Warsaw. World War 2 has produced a lifetime’s worth of amazing stories that encompass the extremes of humanity, and I believe this book shares one such story.

Read More: “Rising 44” on Amazon

75 thoughts on “The Warsaw Rising”

  1. “The Poles are often maligned when it comes to their intelligence and bravery”
    Lack of knowledge. Battle of Grunwald for example has an almost epic meaning in eastern slavic/western slavic history. Poland was one of the most important medieval realms, etc…

    1. Yes Poland was important, as the land of Huns. Check out this photo of medieval Polish nobility – this is not Europe, but the court of Kublai Khan Everything you think you know about Polish history is a fabrication. The Poles are an offshoot of the Ostrogoth tribes who were defeated and taken into slavery by the Huns. This is why they are called ‘slavs’ which is the root word for ‘slaves’. They have been used as a stooge by the allied powers to start a war in Europe, which they foolishly did, and were basically handed to the Germans and then Russians for a deserved and earned savaging. As a consolation prize they were allowed to rewrite their history to a politically correct standard, a fantasy where Poles are heroic victims of malicious forces to whom they only offered peace and bouquets. Tripe of this sort is generated annually for geniuses like Roosh to get teary eyed over and write articles perpetuating reality-suspending nonsense.

        1. what? Can you understand when all you can say is ‘troll’ or ‘idiot’, it is because you are the idiot troll – because that is what – – idiots usually say. Is that going over your head like a 747 at 30000 feet?

      1. Slavs does not have anything to do with word slave. Slavs gave themselves their name, Sloven, which derives from word Slovo (Letter). Slavs could not care less how their enemies called them.
        As for your remarks about WW II, i always keep saying – Europe and Europeans deserve another World War, even more devastating then before, which should raze entire continent to caveman era. Because Europeans simply refuse to give up blind hatred, Nazism, chauvinism, historical revisionism and warmongering. If apologetic of Nazism was an Olympic discipline, European states would have all the medals.
        Europe is a joke.

        1. As you are an Armchair General with the intelligence and education of a six-pack, I understand your point of view. In explanation; I said the word ‘slave’ comes from ‘sclav or slav’ not the other way around – even the late Romans recorded this word and it’s origin, and any decent book of entymology will confirm that 500x over, if you know what that is – (how to look up the history of words). And the Slavs never gave themselves that name, the Huns did – and it means ‘tribute’ because the Slavs had to both pay tribute, fight for and were ruled by Hun descendants up to the 16th century. You can still see the Mongolian in certain members of the aristocratic Radizwell family – they are hideously evil looking, probably are directly related to Genghis Khan. Also, I don’t think the Europeans are going to raze Europe to the ground. I think if you want to see true blind hatred, Nazism, chauvinism, historical revisionism and warmongering you need to only look in a mirror. Not very pretty is it? All that with abject stupidity is sure to not end well. Still, It is unfortunately probably true and likely that dumb as mud hicks such as yourself will probably raze the planet to the ground, except you will probably be overtaken by your own stupidity first.

        2. Again you have inverted logic. Romans cannot give name to someone they didn’t even know before. Slavs have their own name, which was then adopted by the Greek in their own transcription with a pejorative connotation. Roman transcription was not invented by Romans, it was merely taken from Greeks in a Latinized variation – Sclaveni
          As a matter of fact, there are plenty of these names that Romans simply copied from Greek language. Verb slovo cannot mean same in 3 different languages, hence the Greek variation giving it it’s own meaning according to their viewpoint.
          As for Huns they were not only nomadic people on the European soil. There were also Gepids, Sarmatians, Hungarians, Avars etc, they all come from central Asia as well as most of the other migrating barbarians.

        3. Oh as for Europe, well it will always come in handy for strategic bombing campaign, and for being conquered and oppressed, perhaps as a nice training ground for new generation of T-90 tanks.
          50 years under NATO and USSR boot, next 50 years it will be someone else, who knows what time brings to this shitty continent.
          Funny thing is, Europeans always think they are smart ones. To this day Europeans still think WWII was one big awesomeness. You will rarely read somewhere that Europe got raped in WWII by USA and USSR and was a good testing ground for carpet bombing techniques.

        4. Yes, job well done. And you can read that anywhere. And as stupid as you obviously are, between you and me, you know well enough that what you describe was child’s play compared to what is coming to your town soon… despite whatever insults you pass my way, it doesn’t matter, it’s obvious you are a mental child. And I don’t wish it on you, or curse you at all, but even you will admit no one has deserved it more, nor is it more necessary, nor more inevitable. Good luck dipshit.

        5. Dude, I’m bailing Europe as soon as possible. I’m not retarded enough to spend my existence in a place run by chimps, where misery of regimes such as Germany is considered a top Dog, with a division-level army lol.
          I’ll leave rest of you to await for whatever powerful nations of the world will drop on your sorry-ass townships. Maybe a cruise-missile will land on your own bedroom while you are eating your cornflakes. Hopefully…
          But Europe is not worthy of precious piece of equipment such as cruise missiles. It should get embargo and hydrogen bomb. To leave place intact, but to eradicate population.

        6. Fool. it’s not logic, inverted or otherwise, it’s etymology. When you say Greek you mean Byzantine, which means Roman. And the Byzantines record they adopted the term not from Slavs but the Germanic name for the slavs, as the slavs are part of the Germanic family. I suppose you want to debate so you gush out a lot of confused nonsense about things that are commonly known, but you like to just make up. The Gepids are a German tribe, not a nomadic tribe from Asia, and the Sarmartians were not nomadic but settled in the timeline we speak of, although they were also swept up by the Huns. Hungarian, Avars, Tartars, etc. all came as tribute serving tribes of the Huns, so to the Huns they were slavs, at least in their language, but not to the Germans, whether or not there were other nomadic tribes has no relation to anything

        7. Mhm, if you keep repeating it long enough it might become true – in a world where Byzantines spoke Latin loolololol

        8. Really? What is the point of that diatribe? Establish that your an idiot? You win that round, yet somehow lose, which is talented. Don’t give me any shit you’re in Europe, probably claim to be on some day-bang. Listen, even you know your right hand travels with you everywhere, you’re not in Europe, you’re where you wanna be.. You’re a low-rate loser from Anus-scratch, Alabama, or Gobsuck, Illinois…. at least be honest with me. An inbred peckerwood with no front teeth who fantasizes about bombs and armies because you are what the Americans call a ‘lard-ass’… or an ‘internet armchair general’…. in Europe we call you – ‘pussys’ because you like to talk about missiles and huge armies because your a splotchy midget who masturbates far too much. What ever does it for you sport.
          Pretty much everyone loves where they live, and you love living in a trailer-park. Europe has shit trailer parks I admit, and we don’t like people living in our trash dumpsters, even if our dumpsters are high-end compared to your trailerparks…. almost like a trailerpark from the future it must seem to you. I understand your frustration.

        9. German: Deutschland
          English: Germany
          Italian: Alemania
          Do you get it now ?

        10. Lol, i knew how to hit your weak spot. Funny thing is, i’m European too, and that pisses you of even more. Because i know how my fellow European are fascinated with themselves, that i know how much they hate when somebody bursts their bubble.
          Come on, face it, Europe is one big bluff where most important leaders is a tiny island no one cares about called UK, and a tiny continental woodland with tight budget savings called Germany, which has an army size of one division.

        11. a moron, who writes like a drop-out, who calls himself ‘Armchair General’ tells me he is European? Hit my weak spot? Sure, thanks for hanging in and letting me own you like $3 ho, as you yanks say.

        12. Why else would you be so pissed off. Like a child who was just told Santa does not exist.

        13. ok, I get you’re a fool, let me explain it real slow, cause I don’t think you are necessarily that stupid, just very dumb. What you wrote above has no meaning. We are not talking about the etymology of the word German, and even if we were, you are off base and your example has no meaning – if you mean to tie it as an analogy to the etymology of ‘sclavic’… in reference to something you were saying earlier, which was also fucked, you have to cut back on the ebonics and state what you mean clearly. Stop letting yourself get pawned because you think it’s cool to act like a drooling illiterate.

        14. In most Slavic languages – Sloven
          In Byzantine Greek – Σκλάβο
          Latin – Sclaveni
          Of which of the above ? Of Slavic it is Slovo – meaning Letter – the one who speaks same language as i do (countryman)
          Of how other people call Slavs – less relevant. However, Latin was merely copied from Greek, while Greek adopted the Slavic word, just transcribing it differently. Therefore whatever meaning they give to that word is irrelevant.

        15. Because you’re so lame, like a 9 year old girl who thinks acting like spastic pisses people off. You don’t piss me off – you hand yourself to me like a punk – I talk to you like you are retarded child… and so you babble like one because you like it. You feel so safe tied to a pole by my nice clean dumpster, because I don’t act like being a moron is cool. You will be very hurt when I trade you to some Albanians for herb… and seriously, I’m sorry about that.

        16. Hey don’t be, it can always be worse. You could be living in some shitty frozen European country with economy on a budget, thinking whole world admires you, praising your nations history and hating a neighboring country like Poland, all of that while thinking your nation is super-powerful and that one day you will be crushing your enemies with your big European longsword with rubies and diamonds, while having a cup of tea and watching 11 fags kicking some ball across the field, and having Adolf Hitler as your personal deity.
          Oh, wait, you are.

        17. Why didn’t you just write that instead of posting shit like jerk-off. You have to stop playing with yourself, it’s making you rabbity.

        18. burns your ass, doesn’t it? Those techno trash-bins you could raise a whole family in. Btw. I’m not German.

        19. I know you are not German, you are either Swedish, or from some country that Germany raped in WW II. Hence the Stockholm syndrome, need to sympathies with those who annihilated you.

  2. My grandfather was 17 years old when the Nazis invaded Poland; he, his brother, and their friends engaged in small-scale guerrilla warfare against the Nazis, the sewers of Warsaw being their base of operations. To this day I tell people with pride that my grandfather killed a Nazi with a serrated steak knife. For the rest of his life he kept pretty mum about his experience in the Warsaw Uprising, which implied to my father that he witnessed much worse things than he revealed to his children.

    1. Yes, there were unspeakable acts comitted on all sides. For example, in late September of 39′, Hitlers gets word that three of his SS men in Poland had been shot, decapitated and had their dicks cut off and a Polish flag stuck in the ground next to each SS members’…….ahhh……member. He flies into an epic rage, which is how the story got out. The human toll will forever be incalculable
      Our boys might have had the cleanest hands of them all, only killing SS concentration camp guards and letting prisoners beat them to death in 45′

      1. The Americans are far from blameless when it comes to atrocities in WWII. Postwar Allied peacetime atrocities were often worse than alleged wartime Nazi atrocities.

  3. The Battle of Wizna is another example of Poland’s mostly unknown military fortitude; it’s been called the Polish Thermopylae, where hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned Poles held off the Nazis for 3 days to evacuate the town.
    It inspired this song:

  4. By spring of 44′, Stalin’s attention shifted from mortally surviving to politically thriving. He was aware that resistance leader Bor-Komorowski was anti communism and that the Polish home army would be a threat a takeover of Europe. Like the French resistance that same month, the Polish resistance saw advancing armies were days away and decided to use that moment to attack the occupiers. Figuring, most importantly, that the advancing armies would join in as soon as they could. While it worked in the west as the western allies were chomping at the bit to help the French, the Russians, in the east, used that time to refit tanks and replace men that had been fighting many months without reprieve. That was the official word, at least. After the uprising was put down and Stalin’s potential political opponents were out of the picture, Russian general Zhukov then in Jan 45′ decided to supply what was left of the Polish army with ammunition, tanks, etc…
    I’d like to add something as someone who has read over 50 WW2 books myself. From 1939 until 1945, the struggle to hold on for just one more breath for 2.5% of the ENTIRE WORLD’S population came to an end And for 50 plus million or so, the end came too soon. What I wouldn’t give for a loaded mauser at a 1923 Munich beer hall…..
    1939 until 1945 is a period that can hold no equal in depravity, horror, bravery and honor. As a Veteran’s Hospital employee, I will skip lunch to speak with a WW2 vet and hear his story/stories, if possible. All of them are simply astonishing and I logically understand I will accomplish nothing as great as theses men for all of my years. The stories, oh the stories……………………a company enters a remote French village in September of 44′ that was suspected to hold German resistance. It’s quiet. Too quiet………Our boys know the Germans must be hiding. My patient kicks open a door to a house that no one answered when they knocked. Two men went right, two men went left, my patient entered. A couple of steps through the door, and BAM!… a German steps out from behind the door and smahes the butt of his sauer 38 into my patient’s face, knocking half of his teeth out. He’s on the ground struggling to remain conscience, let alone cognizant of the situation, when the German soldier gets on top of him. The German takes out his bayonnette and slices my patient’s face open from temple to chin. He now goes for the other side of the face for congruency purposes, apparently. As the Nazi digs in like a fat man at Super Buffet, a fellow company man’s bullit smashes the front side of his skull, saving my patient’s life
    I am………… pick the adjective……………to have a hundred of these stories in my memory bank. Soon only stories will be left

    1. And these are the guys Obama is attempting to block from visiting the WW2 memorial.
      Moral of the story for the Polish resistance: never trust a commie. The soviets were worse than the nazis.

  5. Poles were there for the battle of Vienna too… September 11, 1683. some have theorized that’s why bin laden chose september 11, 2001… so announce to the world that they were back.

  6. @1df97918e37c3c7233cf179d4ddc37a7:disqus :
    Recommend you write these down from your memory banks and make an ebook out of it. Sources of these first hand accounts are becoming rare.

  7. august 1920 battle of warsaw – poland defeats red army and saves europe from communism. that wouldn’t have happened without help from HUngary, who sent them weapons and millions of bullets (of course czech pussies didn’t let the transport through their country, so hungarians sent it by train through Romania).

  8. People in the West seem to forget taht WW2 did not end on V-J day, but in the early nineties.

  9. This Davies book was one of the best I ever read, and I’m reasonably proficient in military history. I bought it during a visit to Warsaw three years ago – a weekend of which I spent reading the book, too engrossed to do anything else. And it was not wasted time even for specifically travel purposes, for it gave me some hook for conversation with newly-made Polish acquaintances.
    Did you visit the museum of the resistance in Warsaw, Roosh? It’s one of the best of its kind, and well worth the time – maybe even a short article for ROK. When I was there, they had just opened a new, special section, in remembrance of the Katyn massacre. It was brilliantly done: a darkened room, with trees and bushes imitating a forest, nature sounds like wind on the leaves and birds chirping… and, every fifteen seconds or so, the clean sound of a bullet. It brought the realization of “how trivial human life can be” very close to me.

  10. First of all it’s not Lvov,it’s L’viv.
    Second-it was polish for some 20 years. Before that it was Austro Hungarian empire.Before that it was Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (with Ruthenian as working alnguage).Before that it was Galicia-Volynia principality (thus,Ukraine).It was founded by Ukrainians,it has always been.
    Check your facts first,moron.

    1. Lvov was built and inhabited by different nationalities like Poles, Ormians, Russians, Jews, (mainly by polish) . the nation like “Ukrainians” didn’t even exist then. you were ‘made up’ in 1991.

  11. Thank you for the post.
    Many Poles fought for US independence and some of them died during Revolutionary War. The most famous were Kazimierz Pułaski and Tadeusz Kościuszko.

  12. The Warsaw Uprising was the greatest Polish tragedy of the 20th century. There’s no doubt of the astounding bravery of the soldiers and civilians, but the amazing ineptitude of the Home Army leadership led to a bloodbath and the destruction of Poland’s capital, countless archival treasures, libraries, architecture and most importantly, 200,000 lives. In the first 5 days alone over 30,000 civilians were executed. In the end the Home Army was decimated, Poland’s cultural and political nerve center was annihilated and thus Stalin’s plan to Sovietize Poland made much easier.
    As the war dragged on, the Poles lost focus of the fact that the Soviets presented just as great a threat as did the Nazis. A combination of naivete, collaboration and outright treason led Poland to its fate. For any Polish readers out there, check out “Oblęd ’44” by Piotr Zychowicz, you can get the ebook at He’s one of the few historians who opposes the endless martyrology and blaming of every one else for Poland’s plight in World War II, while respecting the memory of Poland’s greatest generation. Here’s just one example of the “diamonds” that Poland lost:

  13. “A Pole is a man born with a trowel in one hand and a sword in the other. After the fight, he rebuilds.”- Old Polish Proverb

    1. I really don’t get this boner that the manosphere has for Poland and Eastern Europe in general… the polaks I’ve met and I met plenty living in London… 2 million poles brought their “we’re free but still kinda communist on the inside” mentality to the UK….. were dull as dish water… arrogant and difficult to work with,…..
      Perhaps the chicks give good head which colors the perspective…. but I suspect that is much the same story as the latin girls in south america…. that want the glamor and possibilities of dating a “wealthy’ foreigner…
      there is a good reason why they made fun of “polaks” in the US for the last few decades… they can be a bit bone headed sometimes….as well their history shows…
      Poles seem to me to be something like the Germans without the BMWs, Mercedes and Porsches to make up for their dull and arrogant attitudes….

      1. Can’t say I can speak of the Polish immigrants to Britain, but generally
        speaking Poles I met elsewhere in Europe were some of the most
        intelligent, good natured people I met, and have given me very good
        impressions of their country. Every country has its working class or
        dispossessed, who happy for an opportunity in another country, will be
        the majority of immigrants in another country. I noticed the same with
        Turks, meeting very intelligent, likeable Turks who came from Turkey to
        study in Austria, compared to the working class Turks born in Austria.
        The native Turks thought them crass. I assume it’s the same with Poles.

      2. Who went to UK, mostly uneducated low class poles, who could not find the low qualification jobs. You got the builders, carpenters, plumbers and factory workers, the white trash of the nation. If you want I can send you the swedish white trash too. You will see a common denominator in all nations white trash.

  14. poles were wiped out by neither germans or russians, but by jews. stalin and almost all the bosheviks were jewish, hitler and almost all the top nazis were jewish. get your fucking facts straight before you write shit.
    today the israeli president still boasts about jew ownership of poland….

  15. It’s good to know Roosh can read books, it’s unfortunate to realize he doesn’t know how to choose good ones. Lvov and Vilnius were always part of Lithuania and the Ukraine (the ukraine was not created in 1991, but has always been recognized as a separate and supposedly ‘independent’ republic of the Soviet, and before that as a republic of the empire of the Tsars, and not part of Russia).
    Poland violently seized those cities among other territories after WWI, in violation of signed treaties (parts of Lithuania, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Russia and hoped for Prussian Germany) drove out and massacred the inhabitants during the dispossession – Europe had not seen massacres like this since the Huns, (recorded and documented by the Red Cross, Switzerland) this is why the Germans and the Russian rightfully hated them, was the reason for the Katyn Forest massacre, and was the reason for Hitlers Slav hatred, which was mostly about Poland and communism. Furthermore, Germany and the Hapsburg Empire Austria built Poland and all of it’s industries.
    Modern Poland is great as well as it’s people, but it’s history is one stinking. bloody mess after another, caused by the Poles themselves, or in most cases a complete fabrication, such as this book Roosh so faithfully sheds a tear by.
    Even the battles of Grunwald or Vienna is a fabrication. Next time in your local university library pick up a encyclopedia printed before 1919, like for example the Encyclopedia Britannica, or better yet the Lusanne or Universalis if you can read other languages… and read about the real history of Poland before the great historical readjustment of the 20th century followed the Polish lead and just started inventing history as they wished it was.
    Poland got what it asked for, begged for, bragged about and planned for, and was guided like a sheep as Britain’s stooge. Two months before September 1939 –
    their pm Rydz-Śmigły, declared ‘Germany will have war whether she wants it or not.’ after European condemnation over the massacre of German civilians in the Danzig area.
    These stories always paint the others as the horrible inhumans and never explain were this contempt for the Poles originated, in the Poles themselves.

      1. Listen child, saying horrible, bad words like butthurt and fantasizing about my Father doing your mother is not really doing anything for your still developing brain.

      1. Yes that was an unfortunate massacre of Polish civilians. What wikipedia does not tell is both sides of the story – That without provocation Poland had been carrying on terrorist massacres on Lithuanian citizens as well as all it’s neighboring countries in order to terrorize Lithuanian citizens into leaving territory Poland wanted to claim. Poland in the period between wwi and wwii was a terrorist nation that does not really deserve to be called European. Everyone fucking hated them and with good reason. Wikipedia also mentions the Katyn forest massacre, but never the reason why. Also with the supposed assassination of Lech Kaczynski. The Russians list the people driven from their homes in Belarus and raped, robbed and murdered by Poles in their dispossesion in 1919-20 and Katyn was payback. I am not in anyway condoning the massacre of civilians or or hatred of Poland or any Polish person. And I don’t hate any Pole, but consider them brothers. But I do condemn Polish and British lies about the cause of the massacres… and the sheer effrontery of the Poles who in the 21st century try to present themselves as historically peace loving poets instead of the bloody murderers that masses of incontestable evidence document, by third party sources and journalists of the time.

        1. you’re really sick. Piłsudski & Zeligowski are our heroes. shame we don’t have leaders like them anymore 🙁

        2. Pilsudski started the ball rolling attacking every single country on Polands frontier, and he is ultimately responsible for the massacre of defenseless civilians and cross border terrorism of the most disgusting and cowardly kind, for even if he never ordered it he knew about it – it was in all European papers of the time and is no hidden secret except for people who are wikipedians. However when he realized the danger he put Poland in he started to think intelligently – but the blood lust in Poland had become a nationalist sport, and he was retired. Even Rydz-Śmigły who seemed a cultured man, could not stop it, but escalated it and firmly played the stooge for the British and French in causing WWII, who in the end did nothing for Poland – they just used her and left her to die, for even the British felt despite Poland’s usefulness she had made her own bed. Piłsudski & Zeligowski seem like heroes in your fabricated history – the truth was they led the Poles and Europe into the most murderous war in history – Poland doesn’t deserve pity for she had none for any other. Listen… I’m sorry if I insult you and I don’t care what you think of me, I have no disrespect for Poles because of what happened in the past. What I do disrespect is lies and propaganda… and I guarantee you when people do not respect truth because lies feel better they eventually just continue to damage themselves until they learn or they pass into oblivion.

        3. polish people brought civilisation to shithuania, without them you would be still in soviet union. you don’t even have your own aircraft ‘coz you just can’t afford it. if russia attacked you who would be the first to call? of course poland, beacuse who else gives a fuck about you?

        4. mela, I’m not Lithuanian, and Poland doesn’t do anything for Lithuania, would not defend it or be asked to defend it, and are not generally liked by Lithuanians. You have an aircraft industry in Poland and industry because the Russians gave you German land and tech, and the Germans still look out for you, not because you’ve done any of this for yourselves, and yet you still lie habitually about Germans, Russians, Lithuanians and anyone else. Despite the stupid things you say, I sense you are probably a good person and I understand I hurt you when I tell the truth about Poland of supposed glories, written by poets and novelists, not historians or having any link to reality. Poland never had a civilization…. it is a total fabrication. Before the partition Poland was ruled by the most decadent and rotten aristocracy in Europe, who were not even Europeans, but Asians, (the aristocracy not the Polish people) and Poland was not administered by Poles but by Karite Jews who stipped the people of all wealth and kept them in a state of utter slavery. It was only during the time of the Lublin confederacy they developed anything resembling a culture, this because of royal intermarriage and investment with Germans, Austrians and Lithuanians you also historically hate so much. Then Poland dissolved into outright degeneracy. Poland was not attacked during the partition (1772,1779, 1815-45) but taken over because it had dissolved itself in hundreds of insane wars and complete poverty and famine. The partitions were the height of Polish culture. The whole supposed culture of Poland was invented in the 20th century. Why do I know? Because I deal and collect antiquarian books and newspapers. I once believed exactly as you or anyone else the modern version of Polands history, except I had no real interest in Poland. Then one day I was reading a collection of the Swiss Zürcher Zeitung from the 1920’s. And I started reading about the massacres of civilians in LIthuania by Poland, with photo’s in the Swiss paper of record. What? I had never heard of this. So I started reading more, on through into the 30’s leading to WWII. It was fascinating because it is a complete 180 from what is commonly taught. Massacres, ambushes etc. on mostly civilians by Poland, more suitable to Rwanda and Hutu/Tutsi than Europe, during a time Europe was bled white by WWI, and mostly defenseless and in extreme poverty. And I read Poland was called the wolf of Europe, and I wondered where did they get the money to create this army? And I started to read more European newspapers of record from the period. except English ones, (with the exception of the International Herald Tribune and the Christian Science Monitor which were independent and based in Paris). And I started to read more old history books on Poland simply because it interested me. And it was Poland’s history that really laid out to me how the entire history of the 20th century and because of and in the 20th century, the entire history of Europe had been altered, fabricated. This is why when I read of how poor Poland was stripped of Vilinius and L’viv, which were only two towns of the many they attacked, dispossessing the inhabitants and driving them into the forests and hunting them like dogs with their so called famous calvary. I get angry at the stupidity of people who just buy this shit, like the book Roosh read and shared with us. I don’t hate Poland, I don’t care really about Poland and hope the best for it as long as it lasts. But I hate lies, particularly the Polish fabrications of history, of how they were oppressed by evil whomever, stripped of so many riches (they never had) but so heroically rose up to defeat some monstrous enemy – every few years – It’s a total lie. I’m sorry if this hurts you Mela – but you are you, you are not history. If you need to live by fabrications you are doomed, like western civilization is if it doesn’t wake up

    1. Katyn forest, was the jew owned red army killing polands cream, then blaming it on german nationalists who were really jews disguised as nordic supremists.
      — a few years ago a plane crashed in katyn forest killing prominent poles including the twin brother of the current president tusk, this was a sick jewish sacrificial ritual to commemorate their slaughter of poland in WW2. jews are the greatest murderers in world history, and they love to murder, rape and steal from their main enemy, the european peoples. every white country today is owned and operated by the jewish elite, thats why orcs like roosh are allowed access to polish women. soon roosh’s persian homeland will be made a killing field by
      the jews, who have blood sacrifice of animals (goyim–gentiles) codified in their holy books.

      1. Lech Kaczynski was killed in an obvious but untraceable fashion – by the Russians. The Russians had to ‘eat’ the blame for the Katyn forest, yet not mention what the Katyn massacres was revenge for – to uphold the fiction that the Polish were innocent, trowel-waving, peasants assaulted by nefarious others – and how and why the wars were really started.
        ‘jew secrets’ you are right about much of what you say, but wrong about the most important points, like our own complicity in our downfalls. You are falling into a distortion. I am not denying your evidence, I am just saying there is more to the story and it should be made available to you to judge for yourself.

      2. lol you have a big piece of oatmeal in your head. try to separate truth from your own fantasies.

  16. Thanks Roosh for posting on a topic that is obscure for many, and shedding light on a piece of history that is important to Poland. Some of these comments go a bit off-topic. Having read the book, it does have a bit of a pro-Polish perspective, but it follows hard facts that are difficult to dispute.
    All members from my family who lived during that period had stories to tell. One of my grandfathers was a member of the Polish underground who was pursued by the Gestapo in Lithuania, another grandfather drove a tank when WWII broke out, got hit by a tank shell, and was saved by German medics on the battlefront. Great aunts were kicked out of their homes and sent to work camps to toil away, while a great uncle spent the war in a calm German POW camp. My grandmother survived the Warsaw Uprising as a nurse, tending to the wounded in underground hospitals. The German dropped an insane amount of bombs, even napalm. The hospital she was in suffered a direct hit, and she was one of the few to survive. Ultimately, she was quite critical of the Uprising, saying it didn’t accomplish anything. Nothing was gained, and too many intelligent people perished, those who would have resisted the Soviets. The ones who remained, who should have received honorable recognition, were instead persecuted by the Communists.

  17. Not only did they want to great the soviets in a liberated capital. They also did not trust the russians. They after all tried to take over Poland after first world war, and they were stopped what today is called the miracle at vistula. Then they were invaded in the beginning by WWII in a joint attack on two fronts by the nazis and soviet.
    And as a big warm thank you, poland was handed to the soviets, despite all brave fighting they did along side the western allies during the WII.
    I’m just amazed that Poland today, seems to be kissing US and West Europe’s asses so much.

  18. The poles deserved what they got. While Russians fought and died by the millions polish pussies hid behind enemy lines and whined about poor polska. Instead of being thankful to all the soviet men and women who died liberating their ungrateful asses, all they do is bitch about a few soliders who got killed at katyn, and fotget about their own numerpus atrpcities when it comes to russians, ukrainans, etc. You here about what innocent sheep poles are only because they are against Russia and thus an American ally, who misrepresents polish history. Poland is like latvia and estonia, a nation of prostitutes.

  19. Not sure I can blame Stalin for holding back and deciding to let the Warsaw rebels get massacred. The Soviet Union had lost 20 million of its citizens and endured fucktons of economic damage to trash the Wehrmacht to the point where the uprising was possible. The Warsaw rebels took advantage of that for their own purposes contrary to his, why should Stalin have abided that?

  20. I read the book a few years back and it was also extremely revealing for me. Even more so because I am a Pole and could more readily identify with them.

  21. The Polish fight for independance is one of the most dramatic and heroic stories I have ever heard.

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