If nothing else, pop music can reveal the values and tastes of a generation. The lyrics are simple, the message is bare. You don’t have to think long and hard to understand the song’s message. Pop songs give us valuable clues about what people of a certain generation believe and feel. And there’s no room to hide what you really mean – it’s all there for the ear to hear. In polite speech, people hide their true intents. Indeed, if you spoke as honestly as songs do, people would think you were alternately a psychopath, a sap, a rapist, degenerate a coward. But in a song, carte blanche.
There’s a growing chorus of men critical of Western women. They’re dismissed as misogynists, balding rapists with tiny members living in their mothers’ basements. Their sin – they transgress the 11th commandment as Marc Rudov calls it: Thou Shalt Not Criticise A Female. Let us accept these scholarly denunciations, and instead watch the American woman hoist with her own petard. Her own honest account is more damning than a male observer’s could ever be.
In relationships, there are two extremes of women. The first is one who commits to a man, whom she loves and cherishes, but she refuses to copulate with him – this is the prude. The logical opposite of the prude is the woman who shows no great love or respect for a man, but surrenders her body nonetheless. This woman is the slut. Both are dysfunctional; their relationships are mired in discord and end in failure.
The healthy woman avoids both these fates, by surrendering herself to a man, but only to the one who has her affection and reverence.
In Lady Gaga’s new song (embedded at the top of the page), the central refrain is:
Do what you want
What you want with my body
In the chorus, she adds:
You can’t have my heart, and
You won’t use my mind but
Do what you want (with my body)
You can sleep with me, but you can’t have my heart or my mind. I won’t love you and I won’t revere you. But when it comes to my body, use me as you like. In real terms, I will lick your asshole but don’t dare ask me to cook you breakfast the morning after.
This is the anthem of the slut. She has declared submission to a man forbidden. He will never have her heart. Her heart and mind are elsewhere. Where exactly, it’s not clear. She refuses to take a man as her master. But it’s not because she loves freedom. She wouldn’t know what to do with it.
She already has a master; man has been made superfluous. Her career, her friends, her FOMO YOLO ethos… there just isn’t any room left in her life for feminine submission and dedication. All he has left to offer is a tumescent shaft and costly treats. His value is in the orgasms he incites, the gifts he offers, as R. Kelly sings:
I could be the drink in your cup
I could be the green in your blunt
Your pusher man
Yeah I got what you want
There’s her dream of having the kitchen with granite countertops, the Range Rover to tote the kids to soccer practice, and the palatial wedding of course – the man is a mere enabler. Naturally, the man is reduced to an accessory and a status item, much like her purse. This has long been a temptation to which women are drawn, none more so in America where materialism abounds. But it was restrained and shamed, by communal shame and material scarcity. Those shackles are gone now, and the Western woman is as brazen and vulgar as ever.
And the Western man only knows how to obey, to man up and be her personal house negro, in the words of Malcolm X. The Western man loves this woman more than he loves himself… when the woman’s heart is all but closed to him.
The greatest master of them all is the man she let into her heart – and he never left. She is the ‘Alpha Widow,’ and he is the ‘The Great White Buffalo.’ She never recovered from his rejection of her. Had she married her first love, this would all be a quaint, abstract fear. But she’s a career woman who will marry not a day before age 27… and she broke her heart already at 17. A decade or so is time plenty to leave her brittle and senseless in time for her husband. Every man after the first chips away at her ability to love. For a man to accept her and commit to her now is to admit that he is inferior to the man who rejected her, to whom she was once committed. Perhaps even she is put off by a man lowly enough to commit to her.
Lest she love and be scorned once more, she hardens her heart:
Sometimes I’m scared I suppose
If you ever let me go
I would fall apart
If you break my heart
So just take my body
And don’t stop the party
She sings from experience – the last time she let a man have her mind, he eventually dumped her. So now she steels herself – ‘Just fuck me, I won’t love you because I don’t want to risk breaking my heart over you.’ And besides, that would just get in the way of her ‘partying.’ She parties to ward off the numb void that is her life. The road to her heart is closed; best aim for her vagina then. Gaga has spoken.
With any luck, Gaga will impel American women to new heights of whoredom.
Read More: Modern Woman In Wanting To Be For Herself, Has Destroyed Herself
Well said, sir.
The “critical theory” feminists love close reading exegesis and even use it to justify their ridiculous ‘scholarly’ literature (example – according to them, Moby Dick was actually about communism).
Now it’s time to use this tool against them, to point out the obvious defects of their character in plain sight.
Lady Gaga LOOKS like she SMELLS bad.
You weren’t kidding. This is every American college girl.
What a pointless article. Leave this Attention Whore on the cage.
“There’s a growing chorus of men critical of Western women. They’re
dismissed as misogynists, balding rapists with tiny members living in
their mothers’ basements. Their sin – they transgress the 11th commandment as Marc Rudov calls it: Thou Shalt Not Criticise A Female.”
It doesn’t help that a ton of Beta Orbiters and manginas help the feminist cause out. “How dare you call her a slut, you don’t know her background, bitch bitch bitch.”
I love when these guys criticize me. I’m having fun playing with a girl conversationally while they’re playing with their right hands.
I’ve noticed that Internet White Knights are getting called out more frequently now. Even outside the manosphere. It’s always enjoyable to see.
Having fun with a girl ‘conversationally?’ The fuck you think this is, The View? Get the fuck out.
It was badly worded, and I’ll admit that my game still sucks. The difference is that I work on improving every day.
“I work on improving every day.”
Which places you head and shoulders above the snack-munching, network TV-watching, orthodoxy-accepting zombies we know of as our fellow “men.”
Never stop trying, never stop reaching, never stop growing. That personal enlightenment, in my estimation, is what makes a man a man. Even if you never end up where you thought you would, you’re still so far away from where you were that you see life from a completely different vantage point.
Its tragic, I would not have found out about this song until I started to notice it playing regularly at public places I go and made the click that its the new popular song. When girls dance to this music, because its so obvious, a lot of them will be subconsciously and consciously coming out of the closet as a slut. “Yea I am in fact filth” is the the message that they’ll be persuaded to convey. Any girl that dances to this song in a nightclub or bar is available to fuck that night – remember that
Crazy horse initiate target.
I’m not sure I’d want to do anything with her body:
When historians write up the Fall of the American Republic, its root cause can be summed up in a few short bullet points:
*They let their women get out of control, and their men became weaklings
*They spent themselves into oblivion by amassing a mountain of debt
*Liberalism spread like a cancer through the civilization, making wrong right and right wrong
*Their government became increasingly tyrannical, assuming the powers of a police state
And of course, songs like this will illustrate the downfall, if trash like this is remembered at all.
You should have a blog. Your comments are usually interesting. And yes, you are correct about what you just stated. Historians will not be kind in their assessment.
I’m seriously contemplating it. I have a lot I want to say.
Please do…it is great to see someone who views the world almost exactly the way I do but can articulate it so well. Of course trying to explain this stuff to most folks (outside of TRP community) is incredibly frustrating no matter how well you lay it out for them.
Brilliant assessment, one that no man who’s serious about addressing the harm done to Western society can find fault with.
As to your first point, I can only quote the words of German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (the gentleman in my avatar) from his timeless 1851 manifesto On Women:
Hard to argue with Schopenhauer’s assessment. If society had listened to him 100 years ago, we wouldn’t be in the precarious situation we find ourselves in now.
There’s a reason women are scorned in many of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic religious texts.
This society thinks it’s so damned advanced, and all it’s doing is repeating mistakes that are thousands of years old.
So true. The “memory traces” are their if one is willing to see them for what they are (and a few Economists have also commented on this), but it’s like we’ve largely (and consciously) forgot what happened that last time the world let women get this out of hand – what I assume to be the second (and current) time patriarchy was ushered in as a response. The title of this blog is quite appropriate – “Return of Kings”
I don’t believe women to be scorned any more in the Bible than men. Good women are praised in general and specific ones are set up as examples. Same for men. One of the things that made Jesus unique for his time was the respect he accorded women. God also honored women throughout scriptures, never oppressing them or commanding they be oppressed, even putting some in the highest earthly authority at the time (Judge).
Men and women are taught healthy views of themselves and the other, but neither is considered to be an inherently accursed sex more than the other.
Schopenhauer was my introduction to the red pill. I had read about him and his “controversial” writings, and I happened to stumble across a book of his essays in a Borders Books in the suburbs where I grew up.
I stood there, surrounded by soccer moms and runny-nosed brats, devouring On Women in its entirety, and — though I couldn’t have known it at the time — it changed my life as indelibly as discovering Martin Scorsese films or John Coltrane or Bukowski or the joys of rough sex.
Sure, part of me resisted some of what he was saying in that dark, purple-pilled, still-a-nice-guy Stone Age of my personal consciousness. But I knew. I knew, deep down, that what he was saying was the cold, unadorned truth — and that someday, that truth would catch up to me, would make itself fully known to me.
His words are as true in 2013 as they were in his day — and what’s really funny is that his writings speak of the pedestals that Western men were placing women upon even in that era, an era which our lefty overlords would have us believe was an era of unrelieved hetero white male subjugation of every other living species on the planet. The motherfucker saw the corrosive effects of feminism coming in the 1850’s which, as far as I’m concerned, makes him Nostradamus to those of us in the manosphere.
Another passage from On Women that’s always jumped out at me:
“But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.” (I Corinthians 11:3)
“For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.” (I Corinthians 11:8-9)
“Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.” (I Timothy 2:11-14)
“If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel’s father fifty shekels of silvers, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days.”
(Deuteronomy 22:28-29)
Shall I go on?
This is awesome reading. I’m seriously ordering my own copy of On Women today.
Schopenhauer is something else. I also highly recommend “Sex and Character” by Otto Weininger: http://www.theabsolute.net/ottow/sexcharh.html
None of that is scornful, though. The Bible does not teach that men and women are either the same or equal. All of that falls under the category of healthy views of one another.
God created a universe that works best when there are hierarchies, clear understanding of authority. God instituted that the husband has the final say over his wife, but he also warned that such authority (like all authority) was not to be abused, and was actually being judged by those “higher up the line” 1 Cor 11:3 But I want you to know that the head of every man is the Christ;+ in turn the head of a woman is the man;+ in turn the head of the Christ is God.
So we see that such authority the man wields is supposed to be tempered through how God wishes it to be used. The husband is held responsible for the decisions he makes.
1 pe 3:7 (emphasis mine) you husbands, continue dwelling in like manner+ with them *ACCORDING TO KNOWLEDGE*,+assigning them honor+ as to a weaker vessel, the feminine one, since you are also heirs+with them of the undeserved favor of life, in order for your prayers not to be hindered.
Ephesians 5:28-33 28 In this way husbands ought to be loving their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself, 29 for no man ever hated his own flesh; but he feeds and cherishes it,+ as the Christ also does the congregation, 30 because we are members of his body.+31 “For this reason a man will leave [his] father and [his] mother and he will stick to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”+ 32 This sacred secret+ is great. Now I am speaking with respect to Christ and the congregation.+ 33 Nevertheless, also, let each one of you individually so love his wife+ as he does himself; on the other hand, the wife should have deep respect+ for her husband.
“loving their wives as their own bodies” … “feed and cherish” as the Christ does the congregation; with love. “Assigning them honor,” one of the consequences of not doing so being that his prayers to God would be hindered.
For the latter passage you quoted, the purpose and beauty of that law can be discerned by focusing on what the alternative would be. Female virginity and chastity has always been highly prized, and especially was it so in morally clean and politically traditional Israel. If a girl were to be raped, her SMV just decreased by a lot. Paying off the father and being forced to marry the girl is a punishment of the rapist for his lack of self-regulation, and it elevates the woman. The alternative would be that she’s just some raped girl who likely won’t be able to find a good man. It’s not like she’s “marrying her rapist” because people there and then didn’t really rape willy-nilly out of malice. If a girl was being raped it was because there was some attraction there, but the man either didn’t want to commit to courtship or marriage or lacked self control. This law actually looks out for the girl and disincentivizes sexual assault.
Is this website a Chauvenist’s meeting place? Where will all you women haters be this weekend? Sounds like you only spend time with men? Are you gay? Or do you hate gays too? Let me guess? You only respect hetero sexual men. So do you only bang hetero sexual men too?
Why CAN’T women do exactly as they please? What is so bad about that? What the hell happened to you to make you think this guy was smart in his writings? I feel sorry for you. You must have gotten involved with some extremely f’d up women. But honestly, why are you judging all of us based on your limited experiences. Open your mind and grow a set of balls to learn about life and people first hand instead of depending on pseudo philosophers.
Troll much?
Is this even a serious question?
So, in your estimation, women should somehow be exempt from considerations of others, of the society at large, of their children and immediate family — of anyone who might conceivably be affected by the decisions they make?
They shouldn’t at all stop to consider the personal long-term effects of anything they do, or to ask themselves if what they’re doing is the wisest course of action? They should just run around, doing whatever the hell they feel, whenever the hell they feel, and to hell with what others think, to hell with society’s “oppressive” rules and regulations? Is this your contention, sweetums?
That you would even ask such a question is indicative of the rot that’s set into Western culture thanks to decades of false empowerment. It’s indicative of an entitled mindset that teaches women to set themselves “free” by wasting their peak years of attractiveness and reproductive capability on the cock carousel, all in the name of “you go, girl!” and “well, men do it, too!!”
Let me ask you this instead: what makes women think that they can do anything they please, that they can “have it all” when not even men can have it all? What makes you so special, so different, such a unique snowflake transcending the boundaries that confine even the greatest and most accomplished of mere mortals?
Just your standard-issue self-centered, overly-entitled American girls with no sense of anyone other than themselves, with no desire to embrace their own femininity or give as much to a relationship as they so readily take. Probably why I date European, Latin American and native Asian women as often as possible.
You mean “limited experiences” such as marriage and divorce at a young age, meeting and bedding and dating dozens upon dozens of women from all manner of cultural backgrounds in the various cities in which I’ve lived, and watching as friends and the men in my family had their lives altered and affected by their own dealings with women?
I am shedding tears over this fact as I type.
5 My son, attend unto my wisdom,
and bow thine ear to my understanding:
2 that thou mayest regard discretion,
and that thy lips may keep knowledge.
3 For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb,
and her mouth is smoother than oil:
4 but her end is bitter as wormwood,
sharp as a twoedged sword.
5 Her feet go down to death;
her steps take hold on hell.
6 Lest thou shouldest ponder the path of life,
her ways are moveable, that thou canst not know them.
7 Hear me now therefore, O ye children,
and depart not from the words of my mouth.
8 Remove thy way far from her,
and come not nigh the door of her house:
9 lest thou give thine honour unto others,
and thy years unto the cruel:
10 lest strangers be filled with thy wealth;
and thy labours be in the house of a stranger;
11 and thou mourn at the last,
when thy flesh and thy body are consumed,
12 and say, How have I hated instruction,
and my heart despised reproof;
13 and have not obeyed the voice of my teachers,
nor inclined mine ear to them that instructed me!
14 I was almost in all evil
in the midst of the congregation and assembly.
Genesis 3
3 Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? 2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: 3 but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. 4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5 for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. 6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. 7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.
16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
“Strange women” here means prostitutes.
The consequences of sin and imperfection for the human female. Adam was cursed to work in futility. After the flood this curse was lifted in a literal sense, but in principle it has lasted through time.
Are either of these passages exceptional to you in some way?
ha ha ha
Jeremiah 23
16 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lord.
23 Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off?
24 Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? Saith the Lord.Do not I fill heaven and earth? Saith the Lord.
28 The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the Lord.
30 Therefore, behold, I am against the prophets, saith the Lord, that steal my words every one from his neighbour.
31 Behold, I am against the prophets, saith the Lord, that use their tongues, and say, He saith.
36 And the burden of the Lord shall ye mention no more: for every man’s word shall be his burden; for ye have perverted the words of the living God, of the Lord of hosts our God.
1 Corinthians 11:
3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is
Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.
4 Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head.
5 But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were
6 For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.
7 For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.
8 For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man.
9 Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.
I’d like to issue you a reply but you’ve not made your context clear. Also, we’ve discussed 1 cor 11.
Because NOBODY can do exactly as they please, not even men, and this is something that shouldn’t even have to be explained. All people need to bow to the reality of the cosmos, to respect the order inherent in it, and to comport themselves in harmony with it.
If people did “exactly as they please” with music, as they do today, it would be a noisome morass of excremental filth… as it is today. But Mozart was trained in the laws of harmony and proportion, and so he learned that to truly make great music – music that can manifest the divine beauty of the cosmos – a man must conform himself to the rules. Then, by becoming well accustomed to that, Mozart was able sometimes to produce the most brilliant effects by playing with the rules, by bending them in ways that, never breaking them, actually highlighted them and demonstrated his complete understanding of them. And so it is that in some pieces (like his 40th symphony), Mozart can go at long stretches where he manages NOT to technically break the rules, while avoiding the one thing that the rules say would have to happen if anybody of less perfect genius were writing the music. If Mozart just did “whatever,” he never would have learned how conforming to the natural laws of music would free him to do much better things, even when he was bending those rules as far as they could go, but no further.
Women, like men, need to learn the “rules” of the cosmos, and live them. Women, like men, need to realize that “doing as you please” is a sure way to become an heinous, insufferable person. Learning the nature of the universe, and discovering how you fit into it, and acting accordingly, opens up the only possible path to a skillfully lived humanity.
That is not scorn. The Scriptures uphold the equal human worth and dignity of women; they simply teach that her position is the subordinate one, relative to the man. She is not “less” than man by nature, but by position.
I take it you would like women become extinct. And then you would have a world without men too. Your’re German Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer is a hate monger and you are an idiot to idolize such a man. In addition to that what does this paragraph even mean? Is there a point because it seems to be just opinion – no facts and why is Asia laughing at the lady nuisance? DO you even know what that refers to? If not, why are you posting this? What does it mean to you?
Nailed it.
So the Soviets won.. through
It turns out the enemy of the west is not Hakim, Garcia, or Eiji. It is Susan his sister and Hannah his mother.
It’s sad really, shitting on every other culture only to get toppled by its native women.
I believe that will be a historical first.
“Here lies Western Civilization, a meteoric rise to power cut tragically short because it was unable to properly assess its enemies or keep its women in check.”
Native population in North America = Anglo Saxon? You should really check your’re history facts.
your : /
The native population of the United States of America. You know, those people who sort of created the nation. Not the Native Americans they displaced in doing so.
Building a nation doesn’t exactly meet the definition of native. But hey, let’s all make up our own definitions of words so we’ll never loose an argument… http://www.thefreedictionary.com/native
Why do you want to dance on the head of a pin over the term native? Got nothing better to do? It was used as a descriptor of the European population that formed and made up the United States, and was its majority for 200+ years. Got a better term? Because I’m all ears. It looks like everyone else understood what I meant. Except you.
Oh, and if you go back far enough, “Native” Americans aren’t native to North America. They came over from Asia across the land bridge from modern-day Russia to Alaska when sea levels were lower.
In fact, if you go back far enough, the only “native” populations on the planet are those in Africa, since that’s where humans first evolved. They then spread out and colonized the rest of the planet. How’s that for splitting hairs?
You get really easily upset, aren’t you?
The argument is getting to a point where it will be difficult for me to express myself in an appropriate way in English but I’ll try my best:
1. „No one else noticed it“ isn’t a valid argument.You guys spend most of the time complaining that the majority of the people in the US don’t get things right, so you shouldn’t use the „Majority“ as an argument in a discussion. Prove your appoint with facts.
2. On an absolute level saying there is no „native population“ in America is right. But then the anglo saxon population still isn’t native so I don’t see how that is proving me wrong.
Also, I think the difference between 200 and 14 000 years is quite clear. On a subjective, non-absolute level you have to set your borders somewhere when using a certain term. To me it just seems a little random to claim, the people immigrating to the US within the last 50 years aren’t native while those who came in 200 years ago are „because they built a nation“ (while building a nation has absolutely nothing to do with the term of native).
3. „Got nothing better to do“ – No need to get personal. I don’t think anyone has to justify engaging in a discussion because one thinks someone is wrong.
no one else noticed-> “everyone understood”
You still didn’t give me a better term.
“Aviva” = the tribe most likely to niggle and nitpick and criticize in the face of unimpeachable truth, so as to sow discontent within the ranks of a unified group and distract minds with pointless internal bickering and subterfuge.
Just saying.
Yes, I am constantly amused at how obtuse some of these people who pick fights on this message board are. It’s always over petty bullshit, and many of them will work themselves up into a frenzy over it. Meantime, I’m just amused by the whole thing and enjoy seeing just how far I can push them towards insanity. It appears many of them are already teetering on the precipice.
What’s an Omega?
“Native” is from Latin “natus,” meaning “born.” Native people are born in the place where they live. Everybody born in the USA, is a Native American.
You could try to go the other way, and use the term “aborigine,” as they do in Australia. Aborigine is from the two Latin words “ab” and “origine,” meaning “from the beginning.” The term implies that a people had been there “from the beginning” of its period of human inhabitation. But of course, the “aborigines” of North America had been killing each other and taking over each other’s territories for years before the Europeans arrived, and so none of them have a convincing claim to have been here “from the beginning,” either.
The harsh fact of the Universe, is that property often changes hands via warfare. If a man has stolen something from you, you are in your rights to try to get it back. But, especially when it comes to territory, at some point it just becomes a fait accompli, and you don’t really have any better claim to the land than they do. My ancestral home is England – my ancestry goes all the way back to Celtic peoples, and everyone that came after. We don’t know who was there first, but the earliest records say that the Bretons, a Celtic people, were there. Then came the Angles and the Saxons, who doubtless raped some of my great-great-great-etc. grandmothers and stole their land. Then came the Vikings and did the same. Then the Danes came and did the same. Then the Normans came and did the same. Am I crying about who came when and did what to whom? Am I kvetching and saying that the people born in England of Norman ancestry are not native to those lands? Why would I? Who has the best claim on the land? Well, the only people with a special claim, are the ones who had it first (we don’t know for sure who did), and the people who had it last (the Anglo-Normans). You can be sure that by the 2nd generation, each of these conquering peoples felt like the land was their native home.
When it comes to me, I’m a Native American of Anglo-Celto-Norman ancestry. I don’t feel responsible for what happened to the Indians before me, and I have no intentions of feeling like an occupying force in my own homeland. I’m native.
There were Whites in North America before the Native Americans came.
“She sings from experience – the last time she let a man have her mind, he eventually dumped her. So now she steels herself – ‘Just fuck me, I won’t love you because I don’t want to risk breaking my heart over you.’ And besides, that would just get in the way of her ‘partying.’ She parties to ward off the numb void that is her life. The road to her heart is closed; best aim for her vagina then. Gaga has spoken.”
If this dumb slut just quite frankly took one second to not spread her legs and save her virginity then good men would want and even commit to her… But no this filthy slut goes up and fucks whoever whenever and then later when it happens “hey I’m not marriage or even date material anymore” she falls apart into what todays women are, fuck machines with opinions that can fuck you back, well your life for that matter.
So a tip for girls, be a virgin. Be one, that is all. It helps your case if you don’t dress like a slut, but just for the sake of clarification a virgin is: A woman who has never touched, licked, sucked, fondled, touched with her foot, titfucked, let the man put it between her ass-armpit-thights/kness-etc, has never let a man touch her sexually, danced with a man erotically, has never had sex, and etc. Very simple, just leave men alone unless you want to marry one. NEVER DATE THE BAD BOY! This guy fails 100% of the time. 100%!!! No exceptions! If later you find out men only want your body or nobody wants you emotionally or physically then give up, you lost your chance when you spread your legs for Mr HeSaidHeLovedMeAndIFeltPrettyInMyDressAfterPromSoWhyNot instead of for Mr RightAndLoving
> If this dumb slut just quite frankly took one second to not spread her
legs and save her virginity then good men would want and even commit to
Too late, she’s already damaged goods. And besides, she’s in the music industry, no one ever commits to anyone anyways.
Does she even needs commitment?
She’s so freakin’ rich!
Everything these female pop artists sing somehow alludes to how they’re victimized. It’s like “I have a right to be a slut, because otherwise you’d just hurt my heart”. Give me a break.
Never heard one of her songs, I choose not to listen to most women on Earth. Who or what is she?
best ROK headline
an absolutely excellent piece… a 10/10…
very well explained and thought out, very simple to grasp and yet actually very deep… and SAD!
it reminds me of this 18 year old chick that knocked me out when i was hanging out with my ex….she asked us “why do couples have to get back together, to console each other it’s over” … damn…. it was just a matter of time before LORDE followed…. those Kiwis have a strong sense of realism…. fuck lady gaga…. she’s a has been…..
from the direction that popular culture is taking lately, it’s clear the hedonistic decadent years are dying…
just wait until it’s fashionable to be a woman and a lady… it will come back around…. women follow fashion like fish swim in schools….
we in manosphere are the front runners….. it just takes a few sticks to light a fire and burn the whole entitled slut forest down…..
women who cannot love are no better than damaged whores, sold into sex slavery…. men soon tire of them and move on to the next…..
Great post!
Are you guys kidding? Does anyone here even listen to this trashy woman’s music? I don’t listen to current pop music. When I do hear it on the radio, I never listen to the words or remember the singer’s name. Its all generic crap to me.
“A decade or so is time plenty to leave her brittle and senseless in
time for her husband. Every man after the first chips away at her
ability to love. For a man to accept her and commit to her now is to
admit that he is inferior to the man who rejected her, to whom she was
once committed. Perhaps even she is put off by a man lowly enough to commit to her.”
This is great insight and the main reason why you NEVER marry a promiscuous woman. To her you are the settlement while she pines away for the guy from 10 years ago … for the rest of her life. You get the boring, ordinary sex, the mid-life quest for self-respect denied her by her previous promiscuity, the endless blame, laziness, reckless spending and misery.
Don’t do it!
Goldstein & Relampago, great critiques & comments. “And of course, songs like this will illustrate the downfall, if trash like this is remembered at all.”… I would go one better and say that songs like Do What U… glorify the downfall. This is insane to me because whatever comes after our current national entity, we’re unlikely to ever see this level of personal freedom and autonomy in the US again should our Republic fall. “Artists” first and foremost will suffer as it will be their right to express themselves i.e. Freedom of Speech which will be one of the first casualties of a post-Contitutional society should we fall. 1787 and the generation that brought us our Constitution and its guarantee of unprecedented human liberty and freedom depend on people doing the right thing… i.e. being responsible for our thoughts and actions. Low information types regularly espouse their guaranteed “rights” but I rarely hear them talk about their responsibilities. This is because the liberal left seeks license above and beyond all else. It is the fundamental credo of that movement. There is, after all, no right or wrong in a post-modernist, relativist society… A society whole heartedly endorsed and promoted by the liberal left since at least the 1920’s. In my opinion the liberal, artsy crowd ceased being observers and documenters in the early sixties and turned into fifth column, camouflaged by the good work of the civil rights movement, ending the war in Vietnam, etc. Largely liberal enterprises. While there are certainly well-intentioned and moral people of leftist persuasion, the greater component of that movement has for me, always sought nothing less than the dismemberment of the US for its, the US’s, continued insult to liberal sensibilities be it our Judeo-Christian cultural reference points, hegemonic global power, provision of a very high quality of life to millions of immigrants from all over the world, perceptions of inequality, racism, our perceived oppression of brown people the world over i.e. Palestinians, Guatemalans, etc. I don’t excuse our imperfections and crimes. I’m no fan of the Iraq war and I think the NSA is out of control but on balance, with the power we’ve had at our disposal, I think the US has ultimately been a force for good in this world. Gaga and her gaggle of moronic followers should be composing music to the end of trying to keep this thing from toppling over. I think philosophically, lyrically, morally, she’s throwing fuel on the fire and as such I view her as just another Leni Riefenstahl of the left. But unlike that bitch, I would hope that should we lose It, the Republic, to cultural morass and ennui, that justice might come to Gaga and her ilk. Gaga, Cyrus, Brown (Chris) and the rest of these idiots, past and present aren’t simply “Mirroring the events in the culture,” they are shaping it, flavoring it, delivering their own take on it and in so far as I can detect, they seem content to do so and quite pleased with the direction we’re headed.
People let their little kids listen to this crap. She’s popular amongst the under 12 demographic, believe it or not. You can’t really make out what she’s saying unless you pay really close attention or google the lyrics to the song. I guess that’s why parents let their little kids listen to it. They don’t know what she’s saying, neither do the kids. I’ve found most people are naive with precisely how degraded pop music has become.
Well, I just listened to the song and have to say, its extremely tame compared to the stuff I’m forced to hear when I stop at a red light and someone blasting their car stereo pulls up beside me. Its all “f*ck” this, “b” that, “ho” this, “pimp” that and “nigga” this. And that stuff is played on the mainstream radio stations now. They just bleep out the offending words. I feel so sorry for American children.
Except nice yuppie parents wouldn’t let their kids listen to hoodrat music – they may not say it, but even yuppie parents will hear that music and think “that’s for ‘urban’ people.”
And once you’re already playing Katy Perry for your kids, are you really going to draw the line at Gaga?
Parents in America are simply too dumb and passive to shield their kids from this in any comprehensive way. Instead they send their kids to ‘PG’ rated movies and let the ‘clean’ version of the song play in their ride to school. You can’t sanitize a turd though, so their efforts are pointless.
“Except nice yuppie parents wouldn’t let their kids listen to hoodrat
music – they may not say it, but even yuppie parents will hear that
music and think “that’s for ‘urban’ people.”
You’ve got to be joking. That’s who I’m talking about. The nice-house-in-the suburbs-Whole-Foods-gluten-free-health-food-shopping-yoga-enthusiast-paleo-and-fermenting-my-own-saurkraut-moms-and-dads.
There is no upper, middle and lower class pop culture in the US. Its all one.
PoP music is being manufactured to numb the new generations intellectually. It can be redefined as a weapon that the system uses to reinforce destructive lifestyles and outdated notions of hierarchical forms of social order.
Lady Gaga is the role model of the Newslut. Her music sucks so badly that they could use it to torture people in Guantanamo.
They were men of genius, but they had no perception of what was just and lawful in music…And by composing licentious works, and adding to them words as licentious, they have inspired the multitude with lawlessness and boldness, and made them fancy that they could judge for themselves about melody and song…in music there first arose the universal conceit of omniscience and general lawlessness; freedom came following afterwards, and men, fancying that they knew what they did not know, had no longer any fear, and the absence of fear begets shamelessness. For what is this shamelessness, which is so evil a thing, but the insolent refusal to regard the opinion of the better by reason of an over-daring sort of liberty?
I agree with Emmanuel this song is scary and suggests how immediate, shallow, pathetic and meaningless male/female relations have become. Also agree with your analysis about every man that comes along after the first heart break just chips away at the woman’s ability to trust and leave heart open. Extremely insightful. What I adamantly diagree with is this – Pop Culture Songs do not express a generations attitudes, believes and values. There are hundreds of vulgar pop culture songs that i might even sign along to when I’ve had a few drinks in a club. But I do not look to Lady Gaga as a moral role model. My value system is not documented in pop culture which is perhaps why i feel so out of place when I say I believe sex is not a commodity or transaction. DON’T tell the world that lady gaga’s lyrics represent my moral code – Or any other pop culture ICON for that matter. PLEASE! Regular people do still have ethics, family values, human hearts etc.
-men and women have sex.
-then men call women sluts and whores over sex.
-then women excuse themselves by blaming men for raping them.
Now, that’s what I call shooting yourself in the foot… Guys be talking about how much “game” they’ve got to get cheap sex, then bitch and moan when women use them for cheap sex. Congrats, you reap what you sow. And this is why women aren’t bothered by being called sluts anymore. Because the ones calling them sluts are just pervs who can shove their dicks into the hot, sexy hole of an inflatable toy.
Congratulations on having a filthy mouth.
I guess that’s all we can expect from the disgusting tranny that your Disqus comments show you to be.
Go back to your tranny discussion forums where you’re considered normal.
You mad, bro? 😉
A tranny with the vocabulary of a 12 year old…. When you said you trannies have problems in you brain, that was no joke!
trollin’ trollin’ trollin’ dat troll, oh 🙂
“Perhaps even she is put off by a man lowly enough to commit to her.”
Right. Deep down, she thinks “can’t he see how screwed-up I am? If not, he has poor judgment and I want nothing to do with him.”
the meaning of the song is that lady gaga gives over her body to the media and the press, letting them “do what they want” with it, writing what they want about her. she says the public can say anything about her, but they can’t her have her mind, soul and voice. the song is disguised as a sex song. do your research.
Oh look, slut-shaming. I just love how the double standard lives on. Why can’t women have sex with whoever they want whenever? It’s their body.
It’s a ridiculous concept to judge a woman based on her sexual purity. News flash: WOMEN LIKE SEX JUST AS MUCH AS GUYS. Why can’t we just go out and get our rocks off like guys do without having the other person be the end all be all of our lives?
Oh look, slut-shaming. I just love how the double standard lives on. Why can’t women have sex with whoever they want whenever? It’s their body.
It’s a ridiculous concept to judge a woman based on her sexual purity. News flash: WOMEN LIKE SEX JUST AS MUCH AS GUYS. Why can’t we just go out and get our rocks off like guys do without having the other person be the end all be all of our lives?
Oh look, slut-shaming. I just love how the double standard lives on. Why can’t women have sex with whoever they want whenever? It’s their body.
It’s a ridiculous concept to judge a woman based on her sexual purity. News flash: WOMEN LIKE SEX JUST AS MUCH AS GUYS. Why can’t we just go out and get our rocks off like guys do without having the other person be the end all be all of our lives?
Oh look, slut-shaming. I just love how the double standard lives on. Why can’t women have sex with whoever they want whenever? It’s their body.
It’s a ridiculous concept to judge a woman based on her sexual purity. News flash: WOMEN LIKE SEX JUST AS MUCH AS GUYS. Why can’t we just go out and get our rocks off like guys do without having the other person be the end all be all of our lives?
You say “slut shaming” like it’s a bad thing.
Judging a woman based on her sexual purity makes absolute sense when selecting a wife, since the higher the partner count, the higher the chance of divorce.
You can go out and get your rocks off as much as you want. Your body, your choice. You just can’t demand that I respect your choices.
Oh look, slut-shaming. I just love how the double standard lives on. Why can’t women have sex with whoever they want whenever? It’s their body.
It’s a ridiculous concept to judge a woman based on her sexual purity. News flash: WOMEN LIKE SEX JUST AS MUCH AS GUYS. Why can’t we just go out and get our rocks off like guys do without having the other person be the end all be all of our lives?
You do know that she’s had a boyfriend for the last three years and that her album is about sexual relationships from all different female perspectives, right? Oh wait…you clearly don’t.
Yep, women with boyfriends never sleep around/cheat.
This is a song about women doing what THEY want to with their OWN bodies, “free will” and “sexual freedom” are not synonymous with “slut”, which is a stupid term anyway.
Wow, what a fucking shock to the system that must be – you don’t get to shame people for who they want to sleep with without getting emotionally involved with them.
Lady Gaga is NOT singing about sex, as seen by the very first verse.
“I, I feel good
I walk alone
But then I trip upon myself and I fall
I, I stand up and then I’m okay
But then you print some sh*t that makes me wanna scream.”
She is addressing the media’s methods of tearing a confident woman apart because of her body, whether it be because of size, appearance, etc.
In the chorus, she is telling the world they can’t have her heart or her mind, because she is independent and strong, but you can pick at the most shallow part of me: my body.
“Write what you want, say what you want about me
If you’re wonderin’, know that I’m not sorry
Do what you want with my body, what you want with my body
What you want with my body.”
The bridge says:
“Sometimes I’m scared I suppose
If you ever let me go
I would fall apart
If you break my heart
So just take my body
And don’t stop the party”
She is declaring that she will not get so caught up in the media’s image of her that her heart would break if they lose interest in her. She will let them play the game of “oh look, she doesn’t fit our body standards!” but she’s still going to be herself and say what she believes.
So call Lady Gaga a slut if you will, but she doesn’t care. & let me tell you…everyone can see through your little mind games with women. We are a lot more than a body.
Hei Goldstein ! I’ve been refining the information I absorb from ROK; I’ve re-tuned it to the point that I’ve reduced my favorite columnists to a small few; I can clearly ,,see” an educated individual writing these articles. You’ve got some talent man; yesterday, I’ve started to read all of your articles and I’m having more fun and laughter than I’ve had in a while. Looking forward to some new work !
All hail Goldstein !
Cheers !
Nothing wrong with being “a prude”. “Prude” is short for “prudent”, is it not? Shouldn’t have to explain why a woman should practice self-discipline and remain a virgin until she’s married. Only sluts should be shamed.