Jezebel staff members are so angry at their homosexual boss, Nick Denton, that they have launched an open revolt against him and Gawker management.
The problem started with 4chan’ers who have been recently trolling Jezebel’s comments section with gory and pornographic animated GIFs. The management gave some promises to fix the problem, but months later it remains. This has created an unsafe work environment for Jezebel staff (yes, that’s the angle they are going with). The girls felt that the only way to solve this problem is to band together and revolt against their boss with a public letter. Here are some excerpts:
[Animated gif trolling] is profoundly upsetting to our commenters who have the misfortune of starting their day with some excessively violent images, to casual readers who drop by to skim Jezebel with their morning coffee only to see hard core pornography at the bottom of a post about Michelle Obama, and especially to the staff, who are the only ones capable of removing the comments and are thus, by default, now required to view and interact with violent pornography and gore as part of our jobs.
We receive multiple distressed emails from readers every time this happens, and have been forwarding them to the architects of Kinja and to higher ups on Gawker’s editorial side for months. Nothing has changed. During the last staff meeting, when the subject was broached, we were told that there were no plans to enable the blocking of IP addresses, no plans to record IP addresses of burner accounts.
In refusing to address the problem, Gawker’s leadership is prioritizing theoretical anonymous tipsters over a very real and immediate threat to the mental health of Jezebel’s staff and readers.
I’m going to do a solid for the Jezebel staff in announcing the following: Nick Denton doesn’t give a damn about you, your cause, feminism, equality, or the sexism boogeyman. The reason he’s not making any changes to reduce the trolling is because it would also reduce the number of page views that the Gawker empire receives. As you know, page views are critically important for blogs to make money, which is why the internet is swarmed with Buzzfeed, Upworthy, and Gawker clones whose only goal for existence is to get you to click while flushing any notion of an enlightened or rational culture down the drain.
Is Nick Denton the greediest homosexual in America?
Last month we reported how Jezebel picked a pretty white girl to become editor instead of a more qualified black candidate that was less pleasing on the eyes and less advertiser friendly. How many data points does Jezebel staff and readers need to encounter before understanding that Denton only cares about making enough money so that him and his fiance can live in luxury and travel to exotic locations around the world?
Black hole of hypocrisy
Jezebel is one of the most vehement anti-male sites on the internet. They have been quick to publish mythical notions of patriarchy, street harassment, and “racial micro-aggressions.” Yet who are they hoping will save them from the horrible 4chan trolls and their animated gifs? Men. Read this excerpt from their letter again:
We receive multiple distressed emails from readers every time this happens, and have been forwarding them to the architects of Kinja and to higher ups on Gawker’s editorial side for months. Nothing has changed. During the last staff meeting, when the subject was broached, we were told that there were no plans to enable the blocking of IP addresses, no plans to record IP addresses of burner accounts. Moderation tools are supposedly in development, but change is not coming fast enough.
As a member on RVF pointed out, their saviors are the very same “brogrammers” who they mock. Not even two weeks ago they made a broad attack on men in tech for saying “sexist bullshit.” But when their little dollhouse is attacked, it’s those same men they hope will help them. Men are the horrible enemy until they are needed to fix the clogged toilet.
Mike from Danger & Play points out yet another hypocritical point concerning the Jezebel staff:
For a group of gals who are hyper vigilant about misogyny and sexism, they sure did seem to give their homosexual boss a pass for a long time before they spoke up about something that so affected their ability to work. Did fellow Gawker writer Nitasha Tiku give the same pass for Pax Dickinson when they launched a witch hunt to get him fired from Business Insider? Nope.
Under Denton’s watch, they severely damaged Pax’s career, but it’s okay for Denton to allow posting of pornographic imagery that have so macro-aggressed and triggered his sensitive female staff and readers in the name of making money. Nitasha was quick and ruthless to launch her dubious crusade against Pax, but it took several months of looking at hardcore porn and gore for the Jezebel gals to say something about their own treatment. This tells you how serious they are about their cause when a needed salary is involved to upgrade their Apple laptop and iPhone.
If you’re wondering how Denton will respond to this problem as his flagship feminist site, just ask yourself the following question: what will put more money in his pocket? Only if the entire Jezebel site is threatened with a mass staff or reader exodus will he make any changes that completely stop the animated gif trolling. Until then, he has made it very clear how much he cares about women and the feminist cause. While a few misfits are trolling Jezebel, Nick Denton continues to troll America with web sites that are nothing more than a means to enrich himself and his young homosexual lover. Time will tell if Gawker fans realize the same.
Read Next: Jezebel Writer Lindy West Goes Berserk Because She No Longer Fits In Airplane Seats
This is fantastic. Feminists need to realize that gay men don’t “have their back”. They’re just guys who happen to be able to have a friendship with women (because they don’t want to have sex with them) that will put their dick into ANYTHING, as often as they like, anytime they want. Women say that men are dogs. I say that gay men are the biggest dogs. I have gay acquaintances, and I actually enjoy talking with them about partners. Gay men will fuck in the dirtiest bathroom stall without words, only has to be a gesture. But the LGBT community exalts them as heroes in our society. Public figure gay guy comes out? Hero. Soldier/Marine/Sailor dies in combat? Not newsworthy.
Exactly, they’ve bought into the common trope that gay men are “women in men’s skin.” Gay males are very much males. They actually love cock way more than the average woman does.
And most are bitchier and bigger cunts than the average woman. There are exceptions though. I have a gay friend who hates bitchy gay men, and has almost red pill views on women. He just happened to be born gay. He has his problems, like all of us, but I consider him a friend. Good dude to talk to. There are always exceptions. It’s not a bad thing to have friends that are outside of your comfort zone. Different perspectives are often helpful.
No such thing as being born gay. Your friend was abused in some capacity as a child, regardless if he can “remember” it or not.
You might be correct. That’s a debate that will live on forever. Not going to argue about it.
In 2008, the BBC published an article which was about biological inherent differences in the brain structure of homosexual and heterosexual men. How do you explain that?
This is how I explain it…
In 2008, the BBC published an article which was about biological inherent differences in the brain structure of homosexual and heterosexual men.
So what?
Because it’s the fucking BBC — self explanatory. Furthermore, brains change when subjected to trauma, so I don’t doubt homosexuals develop differences from a young age.
SO TRUE. i dont know why our society not only accepts, but encourages and celebrates, these filthy, disgusting sacks of homosexual dog shit. they’re lucky they aren’t being rounded up and killed en masse, like they have for much of human history.
Then you wonder why you aren’t respected. Who the fuck wants to associate with a bunch of homicidal psychopaths who think mass murder is practical approach to dealing with consensual sexual behavior between adults that they don’t like. Yours is the backwards shit humanity has been trying to get away from because we’d prefer to live and let live rather than be ruled by sick bastards like you.
You actually think you’re morally superior one and we need to follow you? HELLS NO!
Mass murder is the purity and cleansing of a corrupt degenerate genepool.
Marc Lepine is a hero.
Using terrorism and violent methods against the feminists will only strengthen their cause and make us into the monsters in the eyes of the public. If you fight against monsters, make sure you don’t become one yourself.
Sigh…you do realise that other than the Jews, the nazis also murdered thousands of homosexuals and the mentally disabled? Guess what you sound like right now.
Why do they have to find important what YOU find important?
Was just referring to the liberal use of the term “hero”. It gets thrown around far too often. I don’t care that other people don’t care about what I find important.
Amen! I too have gay acquaintances and heard the same stories. Filthy.
I might need to buy more popcorn. This is going to be so great!
Is it butter, cheese, or caramel?
BUTTer, if you see what I mean 😉
Great, that just reminds me of all the trite *ARSEnal* jokes I heard ad nauseum in the past.
fucking dumb whores….. “This tells you how serious they are about their cause when a needed salary is involved to upgrade their Apple laptop and iPhone.” DIED LAUGHING
It’s so true! Reality hurts: when your paycheck is on the line, you don’t get to act like a shitlord to people around you without very real consequences taking your 2014 Macbook Air purchase away.
oh yeah, almost forgot,,,,OFF TO TROLL JEZEBEL, LULZ
What is it with gay guy loving black guys??? lol… it is like the ultimate prize in their eyes
Look up the term ‘size queens’. Should give you a good idea.
…muh dick
damn thought you were dead bra whats goin on?
That’s from the outsiders point of view though. White men are at the top of the gay dating pool while blacks are at the lower end. In fact, it’s more common to see no blacks or Asians on hook up apps.
You have to understand something. When crony leftists like Denton make pronouncements on how people should live and conduct themselves – they mean for you and me – not for themselves. That are above all that. Capish?
Jezebel’s sister publication Salon has taken up arms against sexist trolls. One wonders why Google actively promotes the anti-white heterosexual Christian male website Salon and if the content violates many corporate rules against unsafe work environments.
Nearly spit out my drink reading this, thanks for the laugh!
Speaking of black holes of hypocrisy, I am surprised that Nick Denton doesn’t insist on higher standards of journalism seeing as how he is a huge fan of the BBC.
Took me a while to realize you weren’t talking about the British Broadcasting Corporation.
What’s the difference between Ebola and a selfish black gay lover? They both make you bleed out the hole but at least Ebola will finish you off.
I don’t think I’ve ever commented here before, but, that is probably the funniest comment I have ever read…anywhere….ever.
Took me a minute to comprehend.
Plus, what these brave, strong women are freaking out about is the unspeakable trauma of having to look at … pictures. What utter cowards.
Jezebel writers like to rant about privilege, how privileged are you when animated pictures in a website’s comments are your worst life problem?
all right, fess up. which one of you guys is doing this? lol. epic troll.
We have much better things to do with our time.
I can see an upcoming war between feminists and LGBT community. Two groups with a victim mentality, who will win? It’s like Godzilla vs Mothra all over again.
It should be the GBLT community. Say it out loud along side LGBT, and notice which rolls off easier.
And now they went in and added a “Q” in there for some inane reason….
They might as well call it “LGBTABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ” so none of the other “alternative, diverse, vibrant sexual lifestyles” get left out.
It used to be the GLBT community, however at some point during the noughties lesbians, women, got put first instead. I wonder why…
The will lose out to the more effective and deadly victim group
until then. sit back and enjoy the show
This would be fun….like a weekend football match…..grab a popcorn and enjoy this purely for entertainment value
I don’t envy the weakness that sites like Jezebel and other feminist circle-jerking websites have in which they are in an echo-chamber self-hypnotizing themselves into believing the bullshit they think to each other. The greatest strength of the manosphere is that it is not politically correct dissenting views are welcome here and topics are argued about with logic instead of simply patting everyone on the back for having the same exact thoughts.
IP blocking will work! Because it’s sooooooo difficult to mask one’s IP….
I hope the jezebel writers all leave. I’ll volunteer to write there. Give a little bit of a culture change.
When women tell a straight man “you’re probably gay!” she intends it to be an insult, an intimidating attempt feminists use when they are losing an argument. I wonder what gay men like their boss Denton really think of them, or did his indifference to their “hostile work environment” answer my question?
I must say, this is most enjoyable! Thanks, Roosh!
Women are unstable, hypocritical degenerates. We stopped controlling and guiding them and now look how it went.
What the fuck is Jezebel?
If you don’t know, don’t try to find out.
Believe me, you’ll hate yourself for not listening me if you look it up.
A lame little site where a bunch of psychopathic hypersexual piggie feminists nest and shit out a bunch of degenerate articles that continue to plague the internet.
Feminazi website
Has it occurred to anyone that the reason it has taken them so long to respond to the hardcore porn is that they kind of like it, and that they are only making an issue of it now because it would look bad if they didn’t?
they’re repressed sociopathic piggies.
No one owes the typists at Jizzabel a living. If they have a problem
with the way the site is run they are free to start their own site.
“[Animated gif trolling] is profoundly upsetting to our commenters who
have the misfortune of starting their day with some excessively violent
images, to casual readers who drop by to skim Jezebel with their morning
coffee only to see hard core pornography at the bottom of a post about
Michelle Obama, and especially to the staff, who are the only ones
capable of removing the comments and are thus, by default, now required
to view and interact with violent pornography and gore as part of our
Maybe they should hire a man to do their jobs? A man would just deal with it, rather than having a fainting fit.
“I saw a postage stamp sized five-second loop of heterosexual sex and it gave me gallstones!”
No, a dude would do it just so he could finally find a job that lets him furiously masturbate all day long. Well #notalldudes, but the dudes who love watching raep stuff and grisly dismemberments would love the job.
But would ya really want to have some guy like that on your payroll?
IF Denton only cares so much about page views and making money, why doesn’t he create an ANTI-FEMINIST website which exposes feminism’s illogical vindictive chip on the shoulder? A website like ROK would get plenty of visitors and readers and pageviews with Gawker driving that traffic to their own anti-feminist website. So Denton obviously does have a pro-feminist agenda. It’s not only about money.
If a page like ROK would be so successful then why isn’t ROK more successful?
Because matriarchy.
I have a co-worker who browses RoK we talk about the articles and whatnot, but at the end of the day a lot of the articles and comments on this site stem from a place of fear. Or that is how its interpreted by us as red pilled as we are it doesnt matter what is said on this site, its hard to believe that most of you can function in today’s society without being forced to be being beta going by the stances that you take on the site. Not to mention a lot of of the blatant (passed as funny racism) but then again part of that must be because society is so p.c. and no one here is trying to ease anyone into your way of thinking. Even the MRA movement makes more sense to people that are unaware of red/blue pill. A site like RoK just seems extremely polarizing to a non-batshit crazy person. RoK is a troll site to a feminist, its at most a funny diversion to a truly redpilled populace.
No, if you want views, be PC.
It’s advertisers more so than views. They wouldn’t want to be associated with it.
Hey – why don’t they simply “teach men not to post violent animated gifs”?
Best comment I’ve read on here, A+ sir, A+
Yeah, let’s do campains in schools, that will solve their gif problem
Oh 4chan, my childhood home. Glad to see traditions being carried on.
>animated gifs
>immediate threat to mental health
These fucksticks would claim trauma from being touched by a dandelion poof.
Yeah the sheer hypocrisy of Jezebel is damaging the movement in general, you have the 4chan trolls to thank for that.
Oh, the Jizzabel writers are so brave for wading through such scaring and devastating imagery; the PTSD they may suffer from viewing such harrowing tragedies is akin to those who suffer through war, famine, brutal physical and sexual assault. We should all commend them for going to the proper authorities (men); it should be understood that they have suffered such great a toll that they cannot do anything about the issue themselves. It is amazing that they could muster the courage to say something about this.
These writers (and feminists in general) live in a bubble separate from reality. Perhaps the ease of which this bubble can be popped is exactly why the trolls are attacking them. The more they play the victim, the more they keep getting shit thrown at them. But it is simply easier to ask daddy (or another relevant male figure) to take care of the problem rather than dealing with it themselves.
This response to their issue is so textbook, it’s actually quite sad.
“Under Denton’s watch, they severely damaged Pax’s career, but it’s okay
for Denton to allow posting of pornographic imagery that have so
macro-aggressed and triggered his sensitive female staff and readers in
the name of making money.”
Too funny. The difference between these two scenarios is money. They didn’t need Pax (a man) for their paycheck so they attacked him.
They do require Denton (another man) for a paycheck so he gets a pass (at least for a month or so). I guess the PTSD finally set in?
The sheer hypocrisy. Again, women are only interested in equality some of the time.
How many times internet?
You don’t fuck with 4chan…
What did they do to anger 4chan? Was it the “brogrammer” article or an earlier one?
Who Knows? they certainly don’t like 4chan and say so, thats more than enough for /b/ to respond.
In fact, thats kind of the point, /b/ doesn’t need a reason, they do it for a laugh.
Thats what people will never understand, /b/ doesn’t care about anyones views, everyone and everything is fair game and rattling their cage is just asking for it.
It’s great to watch anyway
The article shows the hypocrisy of women and it’s another example of women
crying “I’m hurt” by pictures or words.
The employees are not dealing with real issues: hard labor, long hours, an unsafe work environment, etc…it’s pictures and words (give me a fucking break).
It’s, yet, another example of how equality regarding men and women is just an illusion.
Wait a minute….i thought that according to Jezebel, violent rape porn was “Empowering” to women? Did the Duke University Porn Star lie to us???
That was one of the best eFukt videos ever. “I love being brutalized. I’m a feminist. Men should respect wom-*cockinthroat*”
i wish their black dick-loving fag of a boss would shitcan those dumb hoes and kick em out onto the street. “don’t like the way i run my company? back to working at starbucks then, bitch!”
Gtfo with the racist bullshit.
stfu with the progressive bullshit
And he didn’t drop the n bomb you over sensitive faggot
So you act like a fucking 2 year old that doesn’t give a fuck and we’re supposed to bow down to you like bratty feminist pulling the same damn shit so they can act like assholes? FUCK THAT! You don’t get kudos for being a vile racist, homophobic piece of shit just cause some peoples PC crap goes too far. Try functioning without voicing your contempt for people based on superficial aspects of their identity like being fat, skinny, ugly, pretty, gay, straight, white, black, poor, rich, because it’s hateful and fucking shallow.
okay, edtastic , let me voice my contempt for you thusly: you’re an idiot.
Nice, you didn’t resort to bigotry. That’s progress.
oh i almost forgot: go suck your daddy’s dick, you wannabe-righteous piece of dog shit
tumblr pls go
how exactly is it racist to say he loves black dick, when he is pictured above, with a black guy who is very obviously in charge of putting his black dick in homeboy’s ass? stfu you vagina
Was it meant as a compliment?
I love you 4chan. Anon is doing the work of the gods!
Yeah they’re trolling for once instead of jacking off to traps and cartoon porn.
Socialists always end up biting the hand that feeds them.
Denton is alpha and you know it.
“Is Nick Denton the greediest homosexual in America?”
-Spit out coffee, hahahahahahaha
10/10 trolling
Denton grew up in Hampstead, the son of eminent British economist Geoffrey R. Denton and his Hungarian Jewish wife Marika Marton
this was going to happen anyway. If there’s one thing feminists hate more than straight men, it’s gay men.
“In refusing to address the problem, Gawker’s leadership is prioritizing
theoretical anonymous tipsters over a very real and immediate threat to
the mental health of Jezebel’s staff and readers.”
Their mental health must be extremely delicate. Perhaps they should stop talking about being strong, independent women until they’ve sorted out their unbelievable vulnerability.
Is Nick Denton the greediest homosexual in America?
boy is that a high road to climb……
wait, i though these jezewhores were ” tough ” women who ” beat up their boyfriends so dont fuck with us ” types. So some images on a computer screen are going to make them cry!? Such fuckin hypocrits…..
“This tells you how serious they are about their cause when a needed salary is involved to upgrade their Apple laptop and iPhone.”
What’s up with the anti-Apple tone on this website? What does that brand have to do with anything?
I’ve never had an iPhone…not my thing. So I can’t talk about those.
An Apple desktop/laptop is great tool for those who do more with computers than just blog, Facebook, send out “tweets”, or make an occasional spreadsheet.
its because iphones and apple laptops are for sheep. and women. who are also sheep. everyone’s got one, so how exactly are they ‘special’ anymore? hah.
Actually, if a higher number of users of a particular computer or smart phone operating system make people “sheep”, then users of Microsoft Windows and Android smart phones are the sheep. Apple’s market share of computers is roughly 10%. That hardly counts as “everyone”. Apple computers have been used for decades by men entrepreneurs in the creation of their businesses.
i meant iphones in particular, but nice try. look around you. everyone has an iphone, and the people that dont, have some sort of samsung/android. now go away
Well I certainly feel stupider after having read this article. Thanks for that!