There’s a feminist myth called “unconditional love” floating around our culture. You are EXPECTED to love your girl no matter what. To love her more than you love yourself. We all know on some level that this is bollocks poured on top of our heads by mind-washing feminist propaganda, but many of us continue to propagate it anyway. “The one” myth is a gangrene that will eat your soul if you buy into it.
I believe that a person can come close to unconditional love in three cases: your love for your parents, for your children, and perhaps for the first dog you raised from pup. They all are literally willing to walk into fire for you.
Loyalty and friendship are concepts no woman can ever fully understand. It’s not deliberate, it’s in their nature—it’s evolution. A woman will unconditionally love her offspring only—if she is a good mother. Aside from this, women love conditionally and opportunistically. You can’t change that. But once you know it, you can act accordingly.
Consider the stone age if you will: Men hunting during the dawn of humanity needed other men of the tribe to watch their backs during the hunt. That’s why men are naturally inclined to build strong friendships where loyalty is a real value. One weakness that stems from it is that men take things at face value. Especially with women. Only through their own experiences (both successes and failures) men learn to take what women say and do with a pinch of salt.
Evolutionarily speaking, friendship and loyalty makes sense for men. For women, not so much. And this is why: a tribe’s women, safely shielded by the cave walls, did not need that kind of protection. Their only real fear was each other’s competition, roughly known as SMV. They fine-tuned themselves in the art of manipulating both men and women for obvious reasons.
I am convinced this is why female reasoning is based on emotions. By employing a flatulent burst of emotions, a woman most likely gets what she wants. This obvious manipulation is not necessarily a conscious decision, more likely it’s embedded in her nature. It follows that women are incapable of loyalty and friendship towards men, just as men are incapable of giving birth.
The reason people accept the existence of unconditional love script is childhood. Your parents loved you with all their hearts and the template for what love is supposed to be was set during those early years. You loved them back in the same unconditional manner. And it was great. But your woman is not your mom. She is a fickle-minded person who’s most likely looking out for a prettier branch to grab right now.
Make no mistake, even when a woman is deeply “in love” with you, her love is not unconditional.
Most likely she’s madly in love with you because you are the man who rocks her world.
Keep being that man if she makes your life better, or discard her if she doesn’t. So, she loves you because you’re the best high-quality man she can get, but this sooner or later be subject to change. If at some point she feels she can get a man perceived as higher quality than you, her love for you will decrease exponentially. This is what we call conditional love—a woman’s love. Don’t worry about it, be aware that in a 5-mile radius there are at least 100 hotter girls more than willing to give it up for the smooth seducer that you are.
This is what feminists, betas, and manginas will never understand: in the vast majority of cases, it’s just “the one” you’re banging now, “the one” you’ll be banging tomorrow, and “the one” you banged yesterday. If you’re the most alpha a girl can get, you are “the one” for her (hypergamy at play here) even or should I say especially if you dump her.
Just like you have your own template for what love should be, her father is the childhood template for what a real man should be like. One method I found to be effective in seducing a girl is to emulate some of her father’s traits—the good traits. Ask her about her father. The more she talks about him, the more ammo she’s giving you on how to seduce her. This works mainly if she has a good relationship with her father.
Unconditional love is seamlessly entwined with “the one” chimera in our media and culture. Most men walk aimlessly through life searching for “the one.” They can’t find her and perceive themselves as failures. It’s quite sad. But you will not be one of those men.
Read More: Thoughts On The Red Pill From A 21-Year-Old Student
“a tribe’s women, safely shielded by the cave walls, did not need that kind of protection.”
I would like to take this opportunity to say that evolutionary psychology has its limits. I get sick of people constantly telling “cave tales” to support their theories about modern man. When you use cave tales you are presenting nothing more than conjecture. These cave tales cannot be observed and validated. They are nothing but fairy tales, myths, guesses. And they get pretty silly. Stick to the observable facts when you can.
I believe that women have different morals due to my own “fairy tale” which comes from 1Tim2:14, in other words God made them differently than men. They are by nature subject to differing temptations and opportunities to sin. I plainly admit that this tale I tell is religious in nature but most likely true- more likely than cave tales from evo psych. It would be nice if evo psych would admit that their cave tales are pretty fanciful, most the time.
the irony of using the word “myth” in the 1st paragraph, only to go on to quote the bible in paragraph 2 as a basis for your own belief.
The irony of you lecturing me while missing the fact that I called my own quotation of the Bible a “fairy tale.”
Yes, but by putting fairy tale in quotes, you implied that only other people see it that way; not that you do. Plus, you lead into that paragraph with admonitions that people should stick to observable facts — which would disqualify much of the bible.
”Plus, you lead into that paragraph with admonitions that people should
stick to observable facts — which would disqualify much of the bible.”
Actually no. Babylon used to only be regarded as a myth of the bible. But was discovered by Archaeology. The bible therefore is validated as a historical source.
So even if the supernatural did not actually occur the time period and events of the bible did occur historically. Like the Babylonian captivity and the Assyrian invasion of Israel.
I will grant you that places and people mentioned in the Bible have a basis in historically-proven fact. That doesn’t make everything in the Bible true.
You say that you get sick of people using “cave tales” as a basis for explaining female behavior because they “cannot be observed and validated”; but then go on to say that they behave the way they do because that’s how God created them. God cannot be observed and validated either — hence, the need for faith.
Do you see the hypocrisy there?
”That doesn’t make everything in the Bible true.”
Even if the supernatural events are purely made up. It is more credible then most people let on.
”You say that you get sick of people using “cave tales” as a basis for
explaining female behavior because they “cannot be observed and
validated”; but then go on to say that they behave the way they do
because that’s how God created them. God cannot be observed and
validated either — hence, the need for faith.”
Actually I did not make that statement so you are replying to the wrong man. Someone else earlier in the comment thread did.
”God created them. God cannot be observed and
validated either — hence, the need for faith.”
That is not a good basis of any belief. Belief should come as a result of evidence. Belief in Christianity especially depend on the empirical evidence for the existence and his death and resurrection. On this fundamental pillar Christianity rises and falls. In regards to the existence of God. Christians have throughout the ages from Augustine onwards attempted to show via philosophical proof and deduction and with the modern day advent of science. Scientific proof for a creator. Christianity has quite the intellectual tradition despite its recent anti-intellectualism they are worth checking out..
My bad. I had meant to reply to Sgt POG.
Why must he see it as you do? He put quotes around it because he knew he’d be attacked. Do not become totalitarian in demanding that others see reality as you see it, lest they face ridicule.
It is a “failing” of mine, but I’m “working” on “it”.
Look, I don’t want to have a metaphysical debate in this forum right now. We can do that in private. I also don’t really care what you think about my views or consistency right now. Do you admit that evo psych has a weakness for telling fanciful cave tales, or not? You and sdot did not touch that part of my comment. You instead decided to attack a lesser, secondary point I raised, instead (which is a hallmark of Asperger’s Syndrome BTW) so I at this point believe that you agree with my thoughts on evo psych and cave tales.
Perhaps, then, you shouldn’t post comments until you’re ready to debate the things that you say.
Another suggestion might be to do us a favor and number your points so that we can do you the courtesy of responding to them in the order that you apparently prefer.
In any case, I doubt very much the accuracy of your dubious medical diagnosis. Unless, of course, you were just firing an ad hominem from the hip.
And, no, I don’t agree with anything you’ve said. Nice try though.
Have yourself a good day, Sgt POG.
Did you know that there is this thing in English called “paragraphs” and is a standard way to enumerate separate concepts? You want a listicle for everything, including comments on a web forum? You really do have Asperger’s, don’t you? Let me break this down:
1st paragraph: main argument and supporting evidence
2nd paragraph: context for my argument and evidence
improper response: “I don’t agree with anything you said, you are a dummy head.”
Proper response: “Evo psych cave tales are, or are not, fanciful myths, because…”
I’ve grown tired of your evasiveness. You don’t get to pick what parts of your comment people address. You argue selectively like my ex-wives.
I’m not sure what definition for millennials you’re using, but I sure didn’t reach young adulthood around the year 2000.
Here is some help for you on expository writing.
“The expository essay is a genre of essay that requires the student to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, expound on the idea, and set forth an argument concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner. This can be accomplished through comparison and contrast, definition, example, the analysis of cause and effect, etc.”
Very well, do you really want to discuss my personal views on Jesus Christ, Moses, YHWH, metaphysics, and natural theology? What is your email address? I will correspond with you there.
Well, “Sarge”, I’ll give you kudos on the tactical employment of a semantic smoke screen.
No, ma’am, I sure don’t.
Have a nice day.
Ok. Take care, kid
I would love to debate/discuss your views on metaphysics and God, et al. My email is [email protected] lets do it sarge
Yeah I agree with the first paragraph but keep the Bible verses for Sunday school. Hypergamy is real but it doesnt control every decision a woman makes. For some reason women think a mans job is to entertain her and make her life enjoyable. Most men can not live up to the responsibility of two people’s happiness and emotional well-being, and they should not have to. Its not just that women dont love men, they dont love anything from what I can see. Men love sports, cooking, film, architecture, art, music, etc., but women cant even love themselves enough to pour their soul into anything.
Their feeble attempts at liberation are so pathetic its ridiculous. Office job, yoga instructor, personal trainer, social media whore, nothing that involves any passion whatsoever. I would go so far as to say that women dont possess the capabilities to love anything at all, except for their children. Even then it seems like most are just putting on a show of being a “good mother” because of the competition between other mothers for producing the most successful children.
Until I see a woman get genuinely passionate about something, anything without seeking approval from others, I will not trust any of my love in their cold hands. Im no MGTOW because I believe women are good to have in your life for some things (pleasure and social status), but I am emotionally shut off from them for now.
Ive completely checked out from American girls. If I do talk to them, it is only during the daytime under polite circumstances. No more bars, clubs, approaches, giving them attention etc.. Milennial women are monsters. Im not giving them another ounce of attention
Yes. They have become monsters in so many ways. They are just nasty people in my experience. Hyper-critical, surprisingly stupid and all of them seem to have the arrogance of a supermodel, 300 pounders included. It started about 15 years ago. American women started acting like outright pigs. It gets worse every year.
Good for you!
Is there any way they can crack their hearts open a tiny bit, to offset the tragedy of how they fling their legs wide open so easily?
The more they fling their legs open, the harder itnis for them to open their hearts. Its a cruel game for us men unless you can find a girl young and/or innocent enough to still be able to bond emotionally.
You say that you get sick of people using “cave tales” as a basis for explaining female behavior because they “cannot be observed and validated”; but then go on to say that they behave the way they do because that’s how God created them. God cannot be observed and validated either — hence, the need for faith.
Do you see the hypocrisy there?
So anthropology and science is conjencture … and the bible is….
shit that’s right …. the world is only 6 thousand years old. And women are a rib. BBQ finger lickin’ good…
Amen. Xenu the alien and true creator of universe wept….
“Behold, this I have found, saith the preacher, counting one by one, to find out the account: Yet which my soul seeketh: One man among a thousand have I found, but a woman among all those have I not found. Lo this I have only I have found: that God hath made man upright, but they have sought out many inventions” -Ecclesiastes 7:27-29.
Such inventions by upright men includes the notion of unconditional love from a woman.
The red pill is truly ancient. Solomon speaks here of there being one man out of a thousand that is good, but not a SINGLE upright woman. NOT. EVEN. ONE. Note that blue pill churchians will interpret this as an account of Solomon’s choice to surround himself with pagan women. But Paul’s letters in the old testament prove otherwise, but churchians would dismiss Paul’s words as outdated and misogynist.
I would take the word of one of wisest kings and the word of a church father straight out of God’s book than the worthless opinion of a blue-pilled churchian any day.
The only unconditional love that exists w/ humans is that from parent to child. Any other love between two humans will always be conditional. And if certain conditions are not meant, the love will disappear.
I would say more child to parent. Parents have their own stuff going on. A child’s parents are nearly the whole world to them. They know little else.
Prepare yourself for a mind blowing truth that will turn everything you know it’s head:
Women are after sex.
Men are after love.
Ehh I would say that women are after male attention more than just sex. Whether that attention is for a night or 30 years, she wants a man to want her more than anything. Thats why the social media/selfie craze is so important to them. These girls dream of taking a selfie and getting 1,000 likes from men they will never see. A man buying a woman a gift or taking her on an expensive trip is probably more pleasurable to them than an orgasm.
Exactly my experience. It’s not about the sex, it’s the attention, concentrated and intense attention that they crave.
Most women are narcissistic in nature as it is a survival mechanism to mate with alphas. They want to be seen, admired and adored to accommodate their inherent fragile egos whilst the more attention she gets from different guys gives her the capacity to weed out the weak from the strong
She still wants that strong attention from that one guy more than weak attention from a million.
Feeling desired is nothing to her, feeling special doesn’t do it either, she wants to feel like the only thing that matters in the entire universe.
….to an alpha
And people wonder why Twilight was so popular…
Sex is the most concentrated form of attention there is.
In other words dr, orange, they want to be WORSHIPED. My ex, a flakey malcontent but superb actress, as much as said this once when I asked about the man she was cheating with…”He ADORES me!”…cunt worship is idolatry. Beneath any self respecting & most especially God fearing man’s dignity.
A man buying a woman a gift or taking her on an expensive trip is probably more pleasurable to them than an orgasm.
Correct. For a woman, being desired *is* the orgasm.
À bientôt,
men = romantics pretending to be realists.
women = realists pretending to be romantics.
Good one bavieca…I’m going to remember that.
latin word for gold? benigne dicis!
A man’s desire is for sex. A woman’s desire is to be a man’s desire.
nah, I’d rather have an orgasm than get spoilt with materialistic things. Women like to feel desired. So do men. Not much difference between men and women as you think
There is a big a difference though, thats my point. Men and women are wired differently, and want different things from love and relationships; its just in our nature. The more you try to be like a man the more problems you cause for yourself. You wouldt be attracted to a man trying to be like women.
I observe ‘feminine’ and ‘masculine’ traits in both men and women. I be myself – I am a woman with some masculine traits ie I’m aloof, a thinker etc. I attracted and was attracted to a man that had ‘feminine’ traits opposite to my ‘masculine traits’ and masculine traits opposite to my feminine traits. ie my husband is not afraid to be emotionally vulnerable and caring.
my brain is sort of wired in between a male and female brain. I have characteristics of both in my personality and thinking style etc. But I am a straight woman and although I’m not hyperfeminine and I’m butch or anything like that. I think it’s best to be yourself – not try to be someone you’re not. I have a husband that complements me ie opposite strengths/traits.
I don’t think so. I have seen women forego sex for attention.
Especially if she can get attention from her frenemies and a million pathetic people on the internet. To do that she will fuck over anyone and everyone.
Facebook likes are more important than sex, no doubt.
That’s because getting sex is easy. Much easier that catching those thumbs up
Women are after status and resources. A man’s status and resources.
Men are after meaning. Their own meaning.
Men are after youth and beauty. What makes one acceptable and the other not? Other than the fact the nobody likes to be on the losing end of any situation.
really? I’m a woman that has been in a loving relationship for 20 years. My husband agrees that love is better than sex (although when one hasn’t experienced love, sex is a substitute). The best kind of sex is where there is love
Only from our parents, if we are lucky, do we ever
experience unconditional love.
Between adults, every relationship is essentially mercenary. We do not
choose to love any another person out of charity, but because they have some
quality or attribute we desire. In
the case of men, female youth and beauty are usually the most important
attributes. Women generally have
more a more varied set of criteria—looks, personality, social and economic
status, and so on. Unfortunately,
many women wait until they are over 30 before they are ready to ‘settle
down’. And since their most
important asset in finding a partner—their physical allure—has already
seriously depreciated, most of these women end up alone.
“most of these women end up alone”
i dont know man..I think a lot of thirsty simpletons are willing to pick up the bill. Its what media tells us to do “Man up, and marry the sluts, because now they are ready to settle down, they have found themselves..drumroll”
Women can always find some simp to fuck and hang out with them. However, the quality of guy who will marry them gradually drops off. Its like a pyramid, when theyre young they can occasionally fuck the top, but as they age they can always live with the simps at the bottom who would marry them. Dont be one of those guys.
My uncle’s wife divorced him when they were both 49…..its not like she could go dating around at that age but obviously she felt confident enough to do it.
Agree, the quality does drop off, but the fact that so many women are able to adapt to the decrease in both quantity and quality and actually find a way to turn it into a positive–i.e these are ‘real men’ who ‘love’ and ‘respect’ me as an ‘equal’–really shows you how women operate.
The reason so many of these women are able to attract men with even moderate resources is because they pick the best of whatever is available to them at any given time. If that man happens to be a 4 in looks but reasonably well off, that’s a catch for some women at 50.
Agree. That “list” (all women have one) gets shorter and shorter as time clicks on.
They are all well aware of the SMV stock drop (the wall).
Women hanging in there are the ones living the “Sex in the City” life (think they can have it all – later).
I agree with Tom. It’s the Power of the Pussy (P.O.P.), if we men at ROK aren’t doing it then thousands of other men are placing Pussy on a Pedestal.
I’ve seen 50 year old still get approached by men, and even haggard looking ones. I’ve seen women in their 20 to 40s, with 3 to 6 children still being hit on by men, and worse, helping to support them.
Women have this luxury, why, because many men give them that power….
And that is the Power of the Pussy.
It’s fucking pathetic isn’t it? No way with any real self worth can honestly chase after a haggard 50 year old women with kids. Some women look alright at that age. My boss is actually decent looking for a woman that is pushing 50, but the majority of them look like shit, and having to pay for them and their kids doesn’t sound like a good deal at all.
Yes, it’s a problem for them. Because those simpletons are repulsive. They still want an alpha. They still have a check list with thousands of requiered items in a partner.
Men (alpha) age like a fine wine. Women age like McDonalds french fries…
The problem is that many women in their 30’s fail to understand that there sexual market value has severely diminished. Any reasonably attractive women can enjoy about 15 years of gratuitous male attention, from between the age of 15-30, with little or no effort on her part. Hence, they are riding on wave of self-esteem when they hit their 30’s, which it makes it very difficult to accept their waning physical allure. So instead accepting a much older man, or someone who is indigent or unemployed, they insist on finding a man their own age and on their own economic level. But since these prosperous men generally prefer—and can obtain—the company of much younger women, most older women in their 30’s have essentially priced themselves out of the market.
To paraphrase: it’s the end net results of unleashed and unconstrained female hypergamy.
Their emotionally driven rationalization hamster continues to look for the next ‘alpha’ whilst their SMV declines; and they’re forced to comprimise at each next time step.
The sad delusion is they’re constantly looking for what doesn’t exist. From puberty to menopause…and beyond.
I’ve been reading the manosphere for years. Your short paragraph pretty much summed up everything I’ve learned since I started dating. Well done.
Most men would be better off living in a quasi celibate fashion, having sex once and a while, perhaps casually in their youth. I personally believe in LTRs, but given the current state of affairs that’s only possible for a few of us (I exclude marriage completely). Again, I have had steady gfs from the ages of 17 to 23, and as a result I’ve had more sex than fellas with notch counts approaching 3 digits. LTRs provide consistent sex… even if my notch count is very low.
I strongly believe in LTRs, not love or marriage.
it’s definitely very expedient (and often cheaper) having a woman under your roof…. while the player is home alone on monday night you can get laid…. it does come at a considerable emotional and logistical cost though…..
i think the best solution if you have some asset and income is to have a ‘home’ you share with the woman, just a modest place… but also keep another place, call it an office if you have to….. and retreat…..
the problem is women get clingy and won’t tolerate this kind of thing for long…. perhaps a smoke screen of a ‘job’ that keeps you on the road a lot is the answer…. men need time to themselves, while LTR women want you around almost constantly.
It’s not bad, I try to listen to what she says for the first five minutes of nonsense. I don’t think women care if you listen so long as you agree.
when you’re agreeing to a new SLK that becomes a problem though…..
True the daily maintenance sex in an LTR becomes countless and untallyable after the relationship has long been embarked at sea. The dependence sets in and the thought of having to hustle or game for the same sex daily brings relief that it is one less chore you have to worry about. It is a relief to have a dependable loyal servant and companion but god forbid if you lose your hustle. Putting your game to rest for long periods dulls it and the rule USE IT OR LOSE IT may need testing. It is burdensome to have to rework your entire dynamic when you find it missing or expect results after time elapsed. Keep it sharp – use it.
It is especially important in an LTR or marriage to not lose your game. The dynamics change a bit, but you cannot lose your frame or you’re toast, both psychologically and legally.
I agree to a certain extent, but only in so much as my definition of LTR tends to be less than a year. Every woman eventually bores me because it’s obvious they are the lesser of men in so many ways — I have low tolerance for pettiness, contrarianism, tedium, shallowness and drama. BUT, constant low-cost sex for many months consecutively is pretty sweet, especially if you enjoy experimenting with how far you can push your girl in the bedroom. The key for any LTR, though, is to prevent your girl from growing her roots into your foundation and causing “cracks” — such as being able to ruin your finances, disrupt family relationships and compromise your health. It’s a tough balance, for sure, as is spinning numerous plates, but at the end of the day, a man craves VARIETY — aka FRESH NEW PUSSY — and that is why monogamous LTRs are ultimately just a temporary mirage.
I can count on one hand the amount of dudes I know, that are able to keep several long term relationships with women simultaneously, and there not be any commitment involved. And, I don’t consider 1 to 2 years long term. I’m talking 10 to 15 years, without marriage. Your Game, Frame and Everything in between have to be next Level. Most women will always try to pressure you into commitment, not because they love you as they may claim, but because it strokes their egos to get you to commit to just them. But once you do, its “on to the next one”… Challenge, people we all love it!
Somebody posted a video the other day, basically saying that the mother-son and father-daughter relationships play a significant role in mating behavior. Men are the providers so a daughter chooses mates that show provider qualities (alphas), and is easily able to find them. Most of that provision is material, except for protection. (House, car, money, clothes)
However, mothers provide their sons with nurturing and emotional comfort and men go out looking for thay in women. They do not find it because women dont feel like they have to nurture amd care for a man, he is supposed to take care of her like her father. Her love is reserved for her children, if she had a loving mother. There is discontinuity between what he expects and what he finds in the world, causing him great suffering.
This explains the alpha/beta paradigm and the red pill perfectly. Women can sense a man that is looking to them for nurturing or approval and it turns them off immediately. Asshole game proves to a woman that you dont need her approval like many other men she has met. Guys with mommy issues have little success with women and girls with daddy issues have hard time finding a man to commit to them.
Alpha has nothing to do with “provisions” -> money and provisions are beta qualities.
For dummies:
Alpha is the genetic superior beeing, the one she wants to fuck (!) so she can have top quality babies. ALL women want to fuck the same guy, given the chance. The other 9/10 guys get no sex in the extreme case.
Beta is the guy who is one of the average 9 guys who get no sex.
Over time and with the invention of civilisation, these beta guys invented things like “money” or “jobs” that make them more attractive.
These are provider qualities. Even though the beta genes are still repulsive to the women, they may be bribed with gifts, impressed with jobs and houses, basicly selling their eggs/sex.
This is the relationship between alpha and beta.
Game is the art to fake an alpha if you are a beta.
The natural born alpha IS an alpha and always will be – hence the term “natural”.
Thats one of the limitation of game. Time.
It is far easier to fake it for a night than for a lifetime.
ONS = easy LTR = hard.
If you want game to work for you in LTR, you must change yourself from the core outward. Fully and completly erradicate all traces of weakness and transform yourself into a natural born asshole. Few can do that.
Provisions have become beta qualities because society is abundant, food and shelter were alpha qualities 50 years ago.
My comment was about the emotional expectations from both genders because of parental influence. That really has nothing to do with genetics. I disagree that being alpha is purely genetic and I think men can transform themselves into alpha (or at least to not be a beta) fairly quickly with the right information.
There is a complete misunderstanding I think about what alpha means.
In game context of sexuality, natural alphas are not always genetically superior … In fact natural alphas who don’t need pua are usually absolute meat heads.
Going back to high school, even to my post college years, low iq meat heads out preformed good looking guys with height, confidence, and a career ahead of them. I would consider myself in the latter group, and I was totally out gamed by other guys who I thought were trash.
Alpha ness should be defined by more than sex though, because many alphas are repulsive models of masculinity … Stupid, unemployed, liars, and salesmen.
Just think of the guys who always did best with women … Half were leaders of men,the other half or forty percent were degenerates.
” . . . food and shelter were alpha qualities 50 years ago.”
It was nearly 100 years ago that Einstein noted that American men are the toy dogs of women.
More than 150 since Thoreau wrote:
“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. From the desperate city you go
into the desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats.”
Don’t forget that sexual selection is a form of natural selection all its own.
For an organism to be the best at sexual selection does not by definition mean it is the most “fit” in the Darwinian sense.
If you have a fetish for blondes, it doesn’t necessarily imply that blondes will give you the best offspring…
“Alpha” behaviour for example at some point becomes more dangerous than beneficial… if you are asserting your dominance so much that your team kills you off, you are not the most “fit” for your environment.
However… if women have a tendency to be attracted to “alpha” behaviour, your super-alphaness will be very very attractive to them… Its like huge tits on a girl…
What Roosh describes as Clown Game is just men’s reaction to this kind of environment where sexual selection is the main form of natural selection. How do you stimulate a woman’s reward circuitry relative to TV, iPhone, constant male attention???
Women want alpha fucks and beta bucks in one man.
They want Khal Drogo.
Even Drogo eventually fell pray to a witch. The moral of the story? You can get fucked over by women even if you’re the AMOG (alpha male of the group).
True, in nature. It is usually the smallest wolf pup that becomes the leader of the pack. Because from day one, he is forced to struggle and and compete for the right to belong.
Absolutely… within the social groups I’ve experienced I’ve seen alpha punks become beta chumps…
I do tell you that. Just because you do not match the alpha type does not mean it is not superior.
Look at arnold. He had 2000+ women BEFORE he became a movie star. He was rich BEFORE he became a movie star.
Not only did he win everything in body building, he also wrote best selling books (pumping iron is still a legend), founded companies (brick layer business) that made tons of money, is a real estate tycoon, got a masters degree later in life, became governor just to name a few things this “stupid meat head” did.
Just because one is big and strong, does not mean we are all stupid. This is wishful thinking on your part. Just like the plain jane wishes the blonde barbi was a stupid bimbo.
You are a beta and you are hiding behind political correctness (“repulsive models of masculinity”) and that is realy weak.
I won’t consider Arnold a meat head he’s pretty bright.
No I’m not a beta, but thanks for trying to call me out. Point stands.
I won’t speak for anybody else but true alphas are rare in any animal kingdom. Including the manosphere. In any case I think we’re missing the boat here. One thing I’ve learned about women is they want to feel special. Oh in a very narcissistic way, but they want to feel special. Hence so many of them go for the bad boy. The nice beta guys can’t make her feel special but the bad boy can. Especially if he’s of another race, religion or ethnicity. Then she can feel special because only she understands him and he needs only her (in her own mind.) A lot of guys we’re calling alpha here are just bad boy dirt bags. Many women tend to gravitate to them and the bad boy with rudimentary skill can mold them like putty.
Even outside of sex, being an asshole has unlimited benefits.
I can.
One doesn’t really have to be an ‘asshole’ if one is blessed with the genetics…self contained & stoic suffices. I’m 53 & college girls STILL give me the eye on a regular basis. With good genetics one must only refrain from being ‘needy’.
Past 40 myself, also blessed and using the gym 3xWeek.
BUT it sure helps beeing an asshole.
It also helps beeing financialy stable and having nice cloths, house, car and status.
These enable betas to get laid after all – imagine what it does for a natural 😉
I’m approaching 64. Not only that I’m short (160-61 centimeters) and built like a fortress. I do look somewhat younger and can be quite the outgoing eccentric. Lately I’ve gotten more attention from young women than I did when I was a young man. It remains to be seen if this attention has any kind of real potential.
64??? My sister is 21 with a 41 year old … I thought that was too old.
Good luck!
I think you mean this one from Stardusk:
Trying to get unconditional love from woman? You have better chances counting all the grains of sand on the beach. A woman will only ever love one thing, her children. Everyone else is canon fodder. Her only biological imperative is to breed with the highest value male that she can attract with her looks. You think your ‘girlfriend’ loves you? watch how she eye fucks the Bikerboy/Thug/Corporate Executive etc right in front of you.
Never look for ‘love’ from a woman, only submission and loyalty. Treat every girl as a slut, unless she proves herself otherwise. Remember gentlemen, YOU are the prize.
Love for her children is debatable. I’ve seen so many women treat their children as bargaining chips.
I must agree that the #1 priority is always themselves, children are #2. It doesn’t make sense for the children to be #1 because they can be replaced as long as the mother is alright. Men instinctively put women and children before themselves because biologically speaking we are not that important.
Take a look at the female psyche as a whole – They all EXPECT men to compete for them, provide for them, and sacrifice for them. This isn’t just American or Western women it is all women. There is no way it is not instinct.
Now take a look at the collective female view on abortion – 50/50 at best – KIDS ARE NOT PRIORITY #1 FOR ANY WOMAN. It’s just the way of the world.
For the survival of the species, one female is more important than many males. for when we were living in tribes, smaller groups, etc. Not anymore.
And even then, her importance was not in her as a person of value, but her vagina and womb, as an incubation machine.
Now it could be the opposite, now our species can survive with a far smaller percentage of women.
Agree that children are not their first priority, abortion is just one evidence, another is that nature relies on oxytocin to “procure” in women’s brain, a bond with their offspring and prevent her abandoning or harming their babies.
Agree. Women have no comprehension whatsoever regarding honor or sacrifice. They’ll simply follow the man who makes them “tingle” the most.
Then, they’ll rationalize it (in their minds or to others) on why they made those moves.
Always put yourself, first.
Why should it be for men?
If you can answer this question honestly, you have understood the dark triad and know why it is so powerful. Not just when it comes to women.
ugh you bigoted ass. You do realize competition is a part of our evolution from A COMMON ANCESTOR OF PRIMATES. When males get larger than females it is because of NECESSARY COMPETITION IN THE SPECIES. So don’t get mad at evolution because genetics gave u a tiny dick. You know what is also a part of evolution, MAKING SURE YOUR CHILD SURVIVES otherwise our species would die. If you are going to quote that using competition to our advantage is instinct but not caring if your child dies is also instinct you are dead wrong. COMPETITION IS INSTINCT SO OUR CHILDREN SURVIVE AND GET GOOD GENES. I am sorry if your mother was too retarded to find a genetically superior father because you are weak as shit
Could you embarrass yourself ANY MORE in one comment than you just did?
Tingle, only if they also jingle jangle within their pocket books.
Well it shouldn’t be, and any decent human being knows this. If you cannot rise above your most primal desires, you’re not worthy of love.
Even a tough ass mofo like me doesn’t want to be buried in this hardened carapace that has formed around my heart. I don’t know if I can ever break free from it, to risk myself in a world of pain and torment, when I’ve only known sadness.
I still hope that one day, I find a real woman, who could break through that shell. The dregs of this earth, broken and damaged souls, they demand you accept their world. My resolve is too strong, my fire to bright, a revolution is boiling within my blood, theirs is a world I refuse to accept.
Lol I was so confused by that comment
Feminism has turned mothers into Narcissists . Children today have so many physiological problem due to Feminism!
“Love for her children is debatable. I’ve seen so many women treat their children as bargaining chips.”
This; even my own mother used me and my sisters as bargaining chips in hindsight and learned this on my own.
Even then, she pissed off my then-stepdad by bringing in my younger half-brother.
All I know is she’s hiding more things behind our backs and would rather out her for it.
Children, until the children become annoying. I have a male relative who married unwisely. His ex-wife kicked the 12 year old son out of the house because he talked backed and misbehaved.
Don’t worry the boy is better off now. He lives with his father.
“A woman will only ever love one thing, her children. Everyone else is canon fodder.”
“Come home with your shield, or on it,” said a mother to her son.
Women are the most powerful creatures on this planet; they could end war if they so chose – men do what women want in order to attract them.
Not really. Society is built on the backs of both men and women.
There have been enough women leading their countries into war to disprove that trope.
Thatcher, of course. Look up The Falklands War for reference.
Actually I think there is more than a little truth to what scratche said.
Perhaps there is, but it’s a bit like the fable of the Tortoise and the Scorpion.
Men could end war by using their abilities to solve problems rationally and to love unconditionally. However, you’ll always have the posturing of thirsty leaders writ large preventing peace.
Women could end war by using their abilities to pacify and nurture. However, their narcissistic nature prevents them from seeing things from anyone’s perspective but their own.
On paper, it sounds possible; but, I’m afraid that history will always repeat itself halfway across the proverbial pond — bringing all to doom.
NO women would end war because without men they would have a hard time inventing hot water, let alone construct nuclear weapons.
Perhaps they would start throwing rocks at each other or pull hair instead. Yea I guess they are not capable of war, but not because they dont WANT war.
Unconditional Love comes from other men. Most especially your comrades with whom you bear the weight of life together.
‘Unconditional Love comes from other men. Most especially your comrades with whom you bear the weight of life together.’
john 15:13 ‘Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.’
Actually just always treat women as sluts.
I wish I could comprehend why men who sleep around are heroes while women who sleep around (half as much or even less than men) are whores. Also, in a balanced relationship, mutual appreciation and admiration is key. Both people have value for different reasons, and when one of the two believes they are the only ones with value, the relationship fails.
I agree.
P.S. Men find women with fewer sexual partners more desirable. Women may also care about the # sexual partners but from my experience, nowhere near as much.
Yes. It seems both genders carry that preference, although men escape the character defamation that often comes to women who have had multiple partners. A woman becomes inherently bad while a man remains inherently good for participating in the same act. It’s an absurd standard. Some women who sleep around are good. Some women who sleep around are bad. Sexual experience should not be a measure of one’s morality. Or, if chastity determines goodness, let men also be held to that standard. I can only interpret “treat every girl as a slut unless she proves herself otherwise” as “treat every woman who has had as much sex or less sex as a man as dishonorable and unworthy or respect,” which seems ignorant and/or prejudice. I want to understand the demographic and ideas represented and shared here, but it’s tough.
I wouldn’t call setting personal standards absurd but women certainly don’t despise promiscuity the way men do. Morality plays a role in traditional societies but America isn’t a traditional society. The conclusion is simple: Men value inexperience; Women don’t.
If inexperience means number of partners, then I disagree. Women value chastity as much, if not more, than men. But society attributes male promiscuity to their “primal urges” and they are released of any moral responsibility. It’s hard for women to hold a man to a standard that has never been expected of him. The woman seems unreasonable or demanding and henceforth undesirable. Maybe more women would speak up if they knew their preferences would be received, but as it stands, that is not true. My conclusion is simple: It’s wrong for men to degrade women, calling them whores or sluts, for participating in the very same acts as much as, or even less than, themselves.
Personal standards are reasonable but double standards are absurd. Women value chastity as much, if not more, than men. Society, however, attributes male promiscuity to “primal urges” and releases them of any moral responsibility. It’s hard to hold a man to an unfamiliar standard; the woman seems demanding or unreasonable. My preference has always been the inexperienced or even chaste male but that’s a nearly impossible find. “Gaming” or “game” sections on male sites seem to ensure that.
I’m not a PUA so I can’t speak to their paradoxical ways but I will point point the obvious: Sleeping with a “slut” and marrying a “slut” are two different things entirely. No dignified man will knowingly lend legitimacy to a messy skank who has been passed around more times than a project blunt, whereas there is no shortage of women chasing players and dating bad boys; I’ve witnessed and experienced the later firsthand.
If you think women value chastity as much as men you’re lying to yourself.
You’re welcome to disagree but can you also present a more accurate metric for quantifying sexual experience?
I agree that no dignified man would get serious with a “slut.” But the majority of men aren’t dignified. They are sluttier than women yet expect virgins to line up once they’re ready to settle down. It’s laughable. Slutty men bitch and moan like there are no good women in the world when in fact there are plenty of good women. These men just don’t deserve them and women know it. They’ve reaped exactly as they’ve sown but don’t accept responsibility for their actions. Sorry bros, but love begets love and sluttiness begets sluttiness. Have fun sleeping in that bed you’ve made.
The level of cognitive dissonance in your response is nauseating. “Majority of men” aren’t worthy of respect? You’ve conceded any moral high ground you may have had. It’s a shame too, I legitimately believed you were in earnest but you’re just another vacuous, hyper-entitled American female and I’m sure a narcissistic Millennial as well.
The fact of the matter is women control the supply of sex; Men are merely the consumers thereof. If women stop supplying sex, men stop having sex. It’s a relatively simple concept but I doubt your confirmation bias will permit you to understand it. Thus this is my last reply.
Time will not allow me to spoon feed every simpleton on the internet and my intuition tells me you will remain ignorant despite my best efforts.
I’m satisfied knowing that decent women, intelligent enough to see through feminist sophistry, join the RoK community each day.
Please re-read my comment. I never said the majority of men don’t deserve respect, but I certainly could have been more clear and that was my mistake. I’m not here to harass and I apologize that my comment seemed like a jab. I left the comment close-ended in an attempt to make a stronger point, which I now realize gave the wrong impression. Just wanted to clear the air.
“A woman becomes inhereny bad while a man remains inherently good for participating in the same act. It’s an absurd standard”
It is how it is in nature. No matter how rational human beings are, how conditioned – Nature, biology in particular, is a law of its own. All-encompassing, like time, space, energy or gravitation.
We are subject to nature. Men and women don’t really have to understand it – it just is.
So, accept it. Two choices at this point: a) Own your biology, and derive your identity from it. Let your mind work with your biology, rather than against it. b) Use your mind to ignore, deny, and defy it, then see what happens.
I chose option a). What do you choose?
Choose wisely. It is a one-way street. Once you have chosen, you can’t come back.
If a woman is a padlock and a man the key.
A padlock that can be opened by many keys is a faulty lock.
A key that can open many padlocks is a master key.
That’s why 😃
Everyone has choices. If a woman is turned off by a high notch count in men she is fully free to reject him, the same way men reject promiscuous women. Some men like sluts, some women like players. What you can’t do is tell people that they can and can’t be attracted to. If a girl has over 10 previous partners gets no commitment from me. Any woman can make the same choice.
You’ll be more likely to get unconditional love from a cat!
Well, a dog anyway. Cats are very conditional in their affection. Piss one off a couple of times and you become the Prime Evil. Piss a dog off a few times and it tries harder to “be a better dog”. This is excluding outright abuse of either pet, more generally talking about being mean/yelling.
Dogs are loyal, many times protecting its master unto death. On the other hand you couldn’t pay a cat to give two shits about helping you at all, and once you’re dead it will likely resort to eating your corpse if it goes without food long enough.
Precisely my point… i.e. cat love > woman love.
Damnit to hell, I see your nuance now! I plead the lack-of-sufficient-coffee amendment and will beat a hasty retreat with my tail betwixt my legs, heh.
That is why post-Wall women prefer [3] cats than dogs.
Cats neither require love or affection, nor provide it. Just like any spinsters or alpha widow.
lol…thumbs up. Coffee!
Cats only love themselves.
Bs, Cats are the ultimate form of love. A dog loves you because it fears and respects you as leader, a cat loves you because have been honorable to it, and you deserve it.
A dog tries to ” be a better dog “, a cat will not take your crap, and kiss your ass.
I have raised cats for several decades now, and have four of them at present.
They know the sound of my car a block away, they know my footstep outside, they run to the door to greet me, they even know what time I should be home.
Case in point, recently I sat at my desk, eating a bowl of soup, my oldest cat, nine years old and raised from a tiny kitten, jumped onto the desk and began to stare at me.
I thought he wanted some soup,so when I finished, I left a little in the bowl for him.
He walked right by the soup, ignored it, and went straight to my lap and curled up. He wanted me, not the soup, it was summertime, so he was not cold, he wanted me.
Unlike a woman, a cat will give you unconditional love.
My girlfriend wonders why I love the cats the way I do, I explained to her that I will never be number one to her, I will always be hind her kids or family. I am number one to the cats.
Cats are wonderful, please appreciate them.
Raised a stray kitten with an ex-girlfriend this year. It was amazing how similar thier behaviors were. Understanding the thought processes of one allowed you to understand the other. I eventually got rid of both of them. I still prefer cats over these bitches tho! The cats are more consistent, believe it or not.
LOL! Great sarcastic write up!
I don’t hate cats, but I have owned them, and I stand by my observations.
You’re not number one to your cats. You’re their provider, and they use you. The moment you don’t obey their wishes, it’s your ass. You said your cat jumped up on the table while you were eating. Is that love? You said it stared at you as you ate. Is that consideration? You said it used your lap as a bed because it was cold. Is that a civil thing to do? Do cats walk up to other cats, climb on them and go to sleep?
Cats are horrid barnyard creatures. They are babies that never mature, but worse, as they’ll tear your eyeballs out the moment you stop catering to their infantile necessities. And, goddammit if a cat doesn’t get jealous of your attention! REAL jealousy.
cats are independent and respect and love those that respect and love them. Same with women. Except the immature self-entitled men-boys on here seem to think that women need to behave like trained dogs
you clearly have no clue about cats nor women.
Cats are horrid, selfish, single-minded creatures. If I’m not mistaken, a study was done that determined cats aren’t even able to tell we’re people; they just think we’re big, stupid, parental figure-like cats that don’t understand how to communicate with them, but we bring them food and scratch them from time to time. All cats care about is themselves.
I’ve owned cats, and I own one right now (my girlfriend’s cat). Cats will try to kill anything they don’t agree with. There’s no “Oh, okay, let me give you your space, because I am intelligent and able to compromise.” Cats are stupid, selfish and violent.
clearly you don’t understand cats and you don’t understand women either.
I don’t need to understand cats OR women.
Anyway, someone said it nicely:
“Don’t try to understand women. WOMEN understand women, and they HATE each other.”
Like a woman your cat probably knew that gaining your affection will result in scrumptious tuna later. Cat is just manipulative and smart.
You all are pretty simple, find the best genes, get them, and then find the best provider. If you are lucky you’ll get both in the same guy. Pretty easy to figure you out. There is no love involved though, just lust and an internal balance score of pros and cons, with an ever watchful eye for a better man. Everyone else is collateral and a pawn to be played until their no longer of use to you all. Pretty simple imo.
This is precisely why women are drawn more to cats than dogs , kindred spirits !! Hence the ” Crazy Cat Ladies “
You must be a dog person LOL
I just read about this single dad who has to raise 3 children by himself after his wife walked out on the family. Claimed she was depressed or some bullshit. Good thing is that the single dad is getting a lot of praise but the ex-wife is getting a lot of undeserved sympathy. I posed the question: If the roles were reversed and if it was the dad who walked out on the family due to depression, would you still show him the same sympathy? I didn’t get a single response back.
Unconditional love from a woman?? Complete blue pill garbage…
Of course the man wouldn’t get the same sympathy. This is a prime example of how women want equality unless it is something negative or if it has accountability attached to it. Society needs to stop using old data (the past) for the present.
More and more single dads are on the scene but women (and the courts) want to continue to act like it’s 20 to 30 years ago.
Accountability (to them) means stepping on their “freedom”. Raising children means she doesn’t have time to ride the carousel and “be free”.
It’s truly delusional thinking on the part of women.
Are you referring to this article?
The number of comments (not on this article, but elsewhere on Facebook) attempting to justify the mother’s actions are truly sickening. We can only expect to see more of this as this entitled generation continues to vote in liberal elements that try to further undermine the Confucian values and free-market principles Singaporean society and economy is built upon.
Agree. Women will justify their behavior so they don’t have to accept any responsibility for it.
Marriage is tough (on both sides) but with society and the courtrooms usually siding with the “poor wife” men are left either holding the bag or kicked out of their home with half of a pay check to live on.
It’s sad because we are seeing more and more single dads raising children with mothers who just want “out”.
I’m wondering when will our society and law makers decide they’d seen enough to recognize it’s really happening.
“seen enough to recognize it’s really happening.”
The moment a whole lot of beta slaves decide that half a pay check is not good enough to go to work anymore.
You can not rob a naked man you know.
As long as the slaves grunts are still going to work, all is fine and nothing will change.
If it was the man he’d be lucky not to be in jail.
Watch how she creams into her cinema seats for the misunderstood tragic bad boi cannibal in the new Dracula movie who she thinks she could change,if he just got a sniff of her rancid clopper.Meanwhile a normal,gentle member of society gets every drop of her caustic hatred and accused of rape for smiling at her,coz she can’t bear to see the goodness that left her soul when she had her 1st interracial GB. Though pathetically stupid and oblivious to their own repulsive perversions,our feminist fools have lowered the bar and allowed the destruction of society in exchange for their selfish fantasies.
You just summed it up in one small paragraph. Impressive.
These comments are really hurtful. If you replace the woman with a black man in all of these horrible comments then it is undoubtedly racist (just to give some perspective). It’s awful to speak in such a way about any member of society – how would you feel if your little sister/daughter/etc. read any of these things? Just because we have biological differences does not make us unworthy of the same dignity and respect.
It is true that men have it tough in todays society because women do get away with things that men wouldn’t and it’s a terrible thing, but this is something that we have to change together by breaking down gender roles and viewing each person as an individual, not a member of a particular sex. Backlashing against women is not the answer – granted it’s easier, but it is also cowardly. It’s better to take the courage to do what’s right and aim for equality in how we view the sexes in situations such as that which Swashbuckler presented of the woman getting sympathy for something that a man would have been shunned for.
Please, for the sake of everyone, aim for better treatment of BOTH men and women, not suppression of one.
Touched a nerve did it? Of course, argue the person, not the issue. That’s right, marxist derived feminism will create a utopia if we can just break down all the gender roles of society. The evil in the human heart isn’t the issue at all.
I’m sorry MEN die for their families, MEN romance women, MEN love their wives and children more than themselves and put them first, MEN build civilization, MEN produce for the women and children of said civilization, MEN fight and die ultimately protecting it, MEN have honor, integrity, and kindness in their hearts. Your gender is incapable of love, you just can’t do it, it’s impossible for you. Ever heard of the story of the Frog and the Scorpion? Men are the frogs, trying to be kind and rational, women are the scorpions who can’t control their nature. You would sting and sink the man you love in 30 seconds if it was the best choice for YOU. All you can care about is yourself, it’s in your nature. Everyone else is just collateral to you, under you, like dirt.
Say what? By making sense of the unfair treatment of men, then we can help change viewpoints and treatment. Break down gender roles by individual. Well, when you consistently see poor behavior from a group, then the chances are it’s true. Yes, with exceptions of course. Should I share how at almost every job, it’s a women who wants to derail the men? Unless you’re the big boss or a really young and handsome frat boy. If you replaced women with blacks, as you say. Well, how about 70 percent of crime in the US is committed by under 14 percent of the population. Guess which race? That’s a fact, not a racist statement. But, now we live in a culture where you cannot publicly talk about such issues.
Sarah, you speak of dignity and respect? Dish those words out to your sisterhood whom for the 6th decade running, have abolished the laws of nature by competing with men outside of the home while farming out children to Day Care centres and, if THEY decide to have no kids they merely pop the pill and exercise their options often using SEX, GOVERNMENT and now, as their final frontier of control, Big Corporations to weave their web. Please, get real by speaking in pragmatic and empirical (observational) terms else, you’ll become like the Scarecrow searching for a brain.
Well not all men are good but I see what you are saying.
On average most men are good but there are also bad men. We must noy forget that men do a lot of harm to the world or at least the rich and powerful men.
The thing is the men in power aren’t affected by the abuses done upon the average poor non alpha types,(alpha meaning rich/powerful).
Poor men are treated like shit and have the hhatred of women poorer on them even if they are good. Buy a rich powerful man can get hate and not be affected by it because he is rich and he can’t be touched by the poor feminist and he could apply financial pressure aka powerful lawyers to ruin her. But also that same man even though evil can kick beat and spit on women and those same women will come back because he is alpha aka rich/powerful.
I’ve seen women choose men who are way uglier or the same looks than the guy in love with them and the only thing that was different is the guy they chose was wealthier had a house car etc etc.
The problem I have with modern women is they don’t focus on the evil men they focus on every single man alive. One man beats them and hurts them they automatically blame all men. I’ve even heard feminist call 6 year olds potential rapist that pisses me off because a 6 year old boy isnt even aware what the fuck rape is. Imagine mgtow or mra
calling a 6 year old girl a potential slut, I bet that wouodnt go very well.
I don’t really care about love since I never got it from parents since they had a court battle and I grew up around 5 women who showed me the true side of women when men aren’t looking, since I was 6-10 years old during that time they didn’t hold back and my step mother even confessed to me she was using my dad.
I think unconditional love was possible… In the past… But not today because definitions have changed.
Today, love means little more than vagina tingles.
Hypergamy, which creates tingles, is always on… One slip up by you or her meeting a higher value man and your done. Mairrage is too easily dissolved and even encouraged for women, even by the church.
But, in the past, societies restricted male and female behavior, and didn’t encourage bad behavior by women.
Many couples in say, arranged marriage India, had strong lifetime bonds as a norm. So while Hypergamy is always on, there are social inventions that can help make love stronger by limiting hypergamy.
I do wonder though, where can men get love in this day and age?
men can get love by treating other people with respect, rather than following the bullshit advice on this website eg to treat women like sluts
Instead of going to bars and nightclubs because that where all the shitty women go, try the library.
Three years later, I wonder if you’ll even see this response.
“Instead of going to bars and nightclubs because that where all the shitty women go”
“try the library.”
I find that suggestion appealing, but I would have questions about it. Even if the library is filled with exactly the sort of women I’d like to meet, how do I meet them? One can’t talk in a library, of course, so how does one communicate with them at all? Notes?
I’m not being sarcastic. It’s a serious question.
1. Treat a woman with the same respect that you would like in return.
2. See how things go – suss out her character and see if you feel the same for each other.
3. All going well, you will receive the same love, loyalty, respect and honour that you give to her (the comment by KyukiYoshida – “You reap what you sow” – is spot on. If you don’t really view a woman as a person rather than an object of desire/mystery/[whatever notions that you might have of women that cloud your view of a particular woman’s true character] then you won’t find true love).
In this day and age it is easy to get screwed over, so mind your step. Wishing you all the best in your quest for love. It is more than possible with the right attitude.
Yes, you sound like a real prize. Women who aren’t “sluts” have no interest in proving themselves to you. Good luck with your attitude.
It’s hilarious, because men such as yourselves eye fuck women in front of your wives and girlfriends all the time, but a woman does it and it somehow means she lacks “love’ and “loyalty”. Women are perfectly capable of love and unconditional at that. you are not a woman, you do not get to speak for them, tell them how they think or how they feel. My boyfriend can sleep soundly knowing he has someone that loves him fully and will always be there. you will never have that. Do you know why? Why do you think it is that you self proclaimed “red pillers” always end up with the shittiest draw of women? Why is it that you can’t find someone that loves you unconditionally and is loyal? It’s because you don’t deserve it. You think you’re something special and a prize to be won, when in reality, you guys are douchebags who are chasing away your professed dream girl, and in turn, only attracting people as shitty as you are. This “red pill” you are swallowing thinking it makes you better, is really only hurting your chances. Good job. You’re effectively holding up a big red flag that tells every woman you come into contact with “hey, i might be good in the sack for a night, but don’t pick me for anything else, because I’m utterly worthless as a partner and undeserving of any kind of love or devotion”. You reap what you sow. You only ever get company as good as you are.
This.. These men don’t realize.. its not a specific gender that is bad. People, overall, can be awful; men and women. The key is too find kind people. There certainly are women AND men who cannot love unconditionally. But there men and women who can experience love to the fullest. This site is so saddening..
Unfortunately you are likely with your man for selfish or moral reasons.
-nothing better has come along
-you are christian
-you were raised with an old fashioned or strong sense of family
-pressure from society
-its just easier to keep things going the way they are than start over
-you lack self esteem
-your ethics/morals
Absent all these things (and more that I cant recall atm) you would probably leave your husband at the first whiff of something better. I bet you aren’t even aware of this and truly believe you wouldn’t though.
This is not unconditional love
You’re right. This is just an assumption!
My ‘red pill’ man is about to lose his dream girl, just because I can’t stand his visits to this site, which on the surface seams agreeable in many levels but deep down quite disturbing and saddening!! Now, I see why he became a control freak, despite the fact I’m a mellow, easy going person who likes to compromise and agree on all decisions. I love to cook and take care of my loved ones as long as I feel loved and respected. We shared all expenses 50-50 and for 8 years we’ve been together, I never forced him to marry me but secretly hoped that he’d at least seek for a family ceremony to show his love towards me. Shortly after he gave me a beautiful engagement ring, I found out on this site miraculously that he’d cheated on me several times with whores. After the initial shock and disbelief, I decided to forgive him and give him another chance
for many reasons other than his financial support. By the way, he’s not rich by any means but hopes to inherit a nest egg in the future.
Now you tell me, can I ever trust and love another man unconditionally? Perhaps not but I’m still positive there are some good men who are capable of loving and respecting a good woman with good morals and values.
Every woman thinks they are great. I’ve had women tell me they hate me and wish I was dead and I swear on my soul I never beat them, hurt them or said anything bad to them. These were people that I was friends with, girls I slept with or family. Some would cact like nothing happened the next day as if what they said didn’t ever took place. I’m not saying men arent emotional but women have crazy outbursts of emotion.
You think u are a good woman but I’m sure u did shit to force him to cheat.
This is the same thing women say when other women cheat he either neglected them or didn’t treat them right. So you probably neglected him by not having sex with him for months maybe years or u only treated him like an ATM.
um, I do believe you meant to type ‘women’
I just hope I am not the consolation prize…
1. You mean “cannon fodder”.
2. In the Anglosphere, I notice this is the case, especially when a whole fucking TWO MILLENNIA’s worth of MEN got wrongly taught of “defending Guinevere”. Just the mere mention of Englishwomen dickriding the Vikings before The Crusades and the subsequent reaction to it are rather extremely telling.
3. I value traditional women; I just admit it will take some time on my part to make sure I do not deal with Guinevere types ever again in the Anglosphere.
A women doesn’t love her children.
If it comes down to survival, she’ll sacrifice them without blinking an eye.
Women are not able to love.
One of the main reasons I dropped all contact with my ex is because she constantly bitched about how I didn’t love her enough, which was code for your not kissing any ass. You can have love for a woman but being in love with one and expecting it in return is a fools dream. In all honesty I believe men have a greater love for the opposite sex.
no matter how good they got it, they always think they can have more. sounds like a form of ambition, but it is in my experience it is a way of signaling they are ultimately miserable in their own skin and need “drama” or excitement to feel something.
You should be blaming the social conditioning that has made society like that ever since the 1960’s with all of those liberal movements. Before the 1960’s? It was quite the opposite where BOTH genders knew PROPER gender roles.
Man..ive heard this enough also…ive actually had some say im not enough of a “yes” man….sad
Remember a woman’s first love is herself.
What I’m about to say isn’t a revelation her but her is a short story. I was invited out to Happy hour w/ 3 female and 1 male friend. Everything was ok initially but light banter. My 1 male friend left, something inside of me told I should bail to, but I’m thinking “whatever, I think I’m just being a good friend and we’re just chilling” Somehow they decide they wanted to talk about my dating life and after a few drinks, I took the bait like a fool. By the end of it, one of girls told me ,”there are 2 types of people, hunters and gatheres and you’re a gatherer. There’s nothing wrong w/ that” I never got soo many backhanded compliments. She proceded to tell me how I need to go to Chicago and see some real hunter and you should buy drinks for women you just met. I’m pretty furious at the point but the last thing I want to do is loss my cool and I just disconnected from the conversation.
Finally every one is getting ready to go and the Chick asked me w/ a smile if I would come back out for another happy hour. I said I don’t know maybe, then she said I was sensitive and I built up this wall around me because I know I’m sensitive. Never again, never again. I went in thinking I was just being a decent person at least
Something I learned a bit ago is never talk about your dating/relationships to women. All they’ll do is pick you apart for everything they think is wrong and tell you how they believe you should do it better. I once had a single mom with 2 kids from 2 different guys tell me that I should be nicer around women and be respectful, yet she hooked up with a male stripper she had met only the week before. So much for taking personal advice from girls.
Ha and her name was linda?
haha no. What was even worse was that she had worked as a stripper to pay for college herself. She wanted to start her own fashion line (the go to business for every girl that thinks they know how to dress) and had absolutely no idea on how to even get started in that industry.
I know a woman with two kids from 2 guys who did the same thing, Fuck a male stripper. haha she is unemployed claim to want a good man but if you take her in a date pour some beer in her mouth she will suck your dick in the car, that’s when you drive to your place to fuck her hard and rough. And then she claim to have amnesia and ask what happened the night before. How many dude she fuck that she forget? Then she will continue the quest for the perfect man, every man she met took the fuck and dump route with her, and the betas willing to be in a relationship with her. she end fucking a bad boy and leaves them because betas make her pussy as dry as a dessert. Then the bad boy dump her, then repeat. until she hits the wall at 28 probably
Never, never take any dating advice from women. And..never give them any details about your dating life.
Of course…they’re going to say what they should say (or think what society wants them to say…is the right thing) but if you watch their actions it’s the very opposite.
A woman will say she wants a decent guy (a good guy, good job, career, etc..) and the next minute she’s fucking a “hot” guy with no job, no career and no life in the bathroom.
no career and no life in the bathroom.
There’s something about the grammar of this which makes me chuckle. It can be read entirely differently than you meant it.
Yes, I’m feeling juvenile, heh.
Thank you, kind sir, fixed it.
A little tired…coffee.
Nothing really wrong with it, I was just prompted to note that having a career in the bathroom, or living in a bathroom, would be rather off putting to anybody, heh.
It’s early here as well, I’m still in my loopy wake up phase.
lol…no it was pretty funny after I read it (again)….with coffee. Always good comments on here…always good for a laugh as well.
Something I learned a bit ago is never talk about your dating/relationships to women.
Generally true, unless you can pull off doing it with swagger and aplomb and absolute shamelessness.
“So, tell me about the last girl you were with…”
“Oh yes, she was great in bed, a real naughty girl, and she cooked pretty good too, but I ended up dumping her for her best friend, which turned out pretty well. Yeah, good ol’ whatsername, I’ll never forget her…”
Giggle provoking or jaw dropping or hamster whip material, doesn’t matter, they love it.
In reality you do bring up a good point, that is to NEVER take dating advice from women (nor personal relationship advice in general). A deer won’t tell you how it wants you to hunt it, and the same mindset applies to women.
That’s pretty much what happened to the fucking ‘T’. I didn’t know how to handle as I was getting bombarded for 2 fronts and I felt stuck
Never show a woman you just met that something she said bothers you. After the hunter gatherer comment you should have snapped back with something like “what makes you an expert on hunters?” or “how many guys have hunted you down?” Anything to let her know you won’t stand for that shit.
You’ll get better at dealing with women now that you’re armed with some red pill advice (and with age).
I remember being younger and I probably didn’t handle certain situations that well from jump street. But, today, I can take simple shit tests (like the one that the girl gave you) and turn it on it’s head. She would want to see me, again, when I was through with her.
It takes time, experience and keep on reading the good stuff here at ROK and a few other manosphere sites.
They are going to criticize you no matter what, so don’t take it seriously. They have become energizer bunnies with criticism of males. It is CONSTANT and auto-pilot.
You need to set these cunts straight with sarcasm and insults. Find a way to bring up the subject of going out with them again, the same group. Mention that you’re up for it, provided they’re buying for you. Don’t buy a god damn thing for them. Take note of any trouble they say they’ve had, especially in relationships, whether those relationships are in dating, family or jobs, then use it on them later, like when they try to tell you you’re “sensitive”, tell them they’re not the accurate judges of character they seem to think they are, and that maybe that’s why [mention problems they told you about].
Also, when they pry about your personal life, tell them they’re being “creepy”. Use that word *specifically*. Another good one is to call them a stalker. “We just met, that’s pretty personal and it’s a little creepy to ask about that so soon.”
Heartiste is always great for this kind of shit.
Just browse their archives and armor yourself. Good luck.
This fits into the overall trend of modernity, as discussed by the Neoreactionaries, where the “advanced” thinkers in the Enlightenment came up with the idea of breaking down hierarchical, organic societies and letting people just bounce around through life as atomistic individuals.
If you don’t like doing business with the Catholic merchant, do business instead with the Huguenot merchant who offers you a better deal.
If you don’t like what the Catholic Church teaches, join a Protestant church where the pastor tells you want you want to believe.
If you don’t like living under the French king, move to another European country where the monarch runs things more to your liking.
If you don’t like living in any European country, pay for passage to a colony in the New World or to some other European stronghold overseas and start a new life with practically a clean slate.
You can see how women eventually caught on to this idea and extended it to the area of their relationships with men. If you don’t like the dull boy in your village your parents have betrothed you to, leave him and elope with that handsome and mysterious fellow on his way to make his fortune in Australia, or wherever.
So, yeah, Neoreactionaries have an interesting case to make about how the seemingly unrelated dysfunctions of modernity derive from the same underlying causes going back to social and intellectual developments in Europe several hundred years ago. Women in traditional societies might not have felt unconditional love for men, either. But they didn’t have the overchoice of alternatives available to modern women, so they usually made the best of their situations as they could.
Choice addiction
My take is that women “love” you if you’re playing the right role. If you’re strong, dominant, in charge of things, leading, handling your business in life and getting it done. They don’t love “you”, they love the aspects you embody. Is that wrong? If some guy is a weak minded follower who submits to his woman, they can’t and should not respect that, it’s not in their evolutionary programming. Love, after all, is a result of evolution. Be the badass they want, in your job, in the bedroom, etc and they will love you, guaranteed.
“Love, after all, is a result of evolution.”
Until somebody comes along on a motorcycle and sweeps her out from under your feet. Then she’ll paen away, while nestled firmly on his crotch, thinking how bad she’s being but how good it feels, or some other such nonsense.
I already own a motorcycle.
And why do you say its “nonsense” for a woman to like the “bad boy”? It’s simple evolution. The nice guy is dead meat, the bad boy is a killer who can protect their offspring. We don’t have to walk around with leather jackets and pocket knives, but we do have to exemplify the traits that a man is supposed to exemplify: strength, emotional detachment, confidence, etc etc
I don’t say nonsense regarding a woman liking a bad boy. I’m a biker man, I know for a fact that they get wet upon sighting any sufficiently alpha biker type. I was simply noting that hypergamy doesn’t give a shit at the end of the day, and ultimately there is always somebody bigger, badder and more in charge of life than you who she will drop you for in a New York minute. But no, not really disputing your observation, just adding to it.
No such thing friend….I got a just married ex girlfriend. Married to an “Alpha”, body builder, great corporate job, good bedroom skills etc etc. Yet she can’t wait till the second he’s out of town to blast my phone , literally begging for my dick.
Proves nothing. Sure, there are plenty of women who will cheat, there’s lots of trash out there. But to state that all women are like that is an illogical generalization, just as it would be incorrect to assume all men are scumbags. There’s plenty of happily married people out there, as well as plenty of unhappily married ones also.
Women are inherently selfish. Everything a women says, does, and any sacrifices they ever make they do so only because it serves them personalty. Any ideas, beliefs, and ideologies a women holds are always self-serving. That is how they can be a liberal attention whoring slut in her 20’s and a conservative christian ‘good’ girl in there 30’s and beyond.
Women also have what is called a high time preference. Meaning that whatever decisions that a women makes they do so for its short-term immediate benefit. Which explains why a vast number of them are single mothers in tens of thousands of dollars of college debt working easy jobs to pay them off. It is also the reason why women will only date/marry men for their short term benefits. Either its the feeling of ‘new love’ he provides or financial benefit he provides. Once the novelty runs out or financial benefits run dry she is on the the next man and the cycle repeats until she is no longer wanted by anyone.
You can begin to see why in the long run women’s inherent selfishness and self-serving attitudes completely destroys their relationships with other people and eventually their own lives entirely. Of course, the reason why women continue to make the same mistakes over and over again is because they just running on the autopilot of their pure animal instincts. I’m not going to sit here blame women for being women or demand that they change because we all know that is not going to ever happen.
Brilliant synopsis, but do you think there’s any way in which a woman can be brought up to snuff? I guess it would require some sort of animal husbandry/dog training techniques (D.DeAngelo used to recommend a dog training book).
Never trust a dog to guard your grilled steak, trust a dog to be … a dog.
Memo to folks who believe in “unconditional love”. After you get dumped by Miss Unconditional Love, who was going to “Love you forever, baby!” get out a watch and find out how short a time “forever’ was, and then watch her break the Land Speed Record for her rewrite your history together. It’s their nature. Just like when you ask* a girl what their boy count is, they’re going to tell you how many “boyfriends” they’ve had**, b/c that way, they don’t have to account for all the miscellaneous dick they’ve ridden over the years, like the bartender in Ocho Rios, the bar back in Manhattan, the time she slutted it up in Vegas, plus all the times she’s been pumped and dumped.
“The One”? What the fuck is this, Highlander? Snap out of it.
À bientôt,
*Although, really, why would you? She’s only going to lie.
**Hat Tip: Chris Rock
no shit dawg muh hommy chris rock be sayin only truf and wizdom yaw! he iz da man!
Always love the Chris Rock knowledge in his stand up. These comedians reminds us (men) of the many truths in life. George Carlin is missed.
Carlin, Sam Kinneson and Chris Rock are truly some red pill mother fuckers (or were for two of them). I’m not really familiar with the modern comedy scene, too much of what I’ve seen as of late has been whining millenial twats lecturing us about whatever their pet causes are while throwing in the word “douche” in order for it to officially be “comedy”.
Check out Jim Jefferies
Don’t forget about the ultimate comedians-white guys who are always whining about blacks playing “the race card” but then turning around and crying about immigrants and blacks “taking their jobs” and how they quote, “want their country back”. Pure comedy of the highest order.
Best comic I’ve seen . his show ‘legit’ has some great red pill comedy in it…
I actually wasn’t attempting to channel racism, I’m stating that it’s all I see when I (rarely) go to a comedy club these days.
I stand corrected. . I took that the wrong way. My bad.
Indeed. RIP George Carlin.
Ima gurl heheh im stoopid
nah, if you are truly a girl then you are more evil than you are stupid.
You guys love your 5 cent evolutionary psychology. It’s just amazing how many different subjects you can ignorantly subvert to land on the identical conclusion every time.
But you’re right about one thing: women are never going to love you. But it’s not because of a facile extrapolation from an uninformed man’s perception of stone age society. It’s because you’re an asshole.
you think by being a white knight then women will love you? women love bad boys and bad boys are assholes.
What are your qualifications to speak of evolutionary psychology I might ask?
he is the supreme grand mangina of the order of white knights.
Guys, she’s been unmasked as a bitter woman with a dysfunctional personality who just can’t resist us. Ignore her.
thanks for the revelation. hooolee shit! what’s with all these bitches pretending to be men?
Not a woman pretending to be a man; just a man with a Ph.D. in Genetics from Columbia University. What are your qualifications?
You guys can’t even keep your bullshit straight. You want to pretend you have a “male space for honest discussion” and then you call mommy to protect you from any dissenting opinions? And then to save face you have to elevate the man disagreeing you from “mangina” to full on woman? That’s real masculine and alpha there, fellas.
Uh I dont remember any commenters on this site asking their mommy for help dumbass.
He joins the discussion, insults everyone on here and we’re supposed to just give him a pass (let him walk on us)?
That’s some beta shit at it’s finest, sir. Fuck that.
and then we’re supposed to listen to him, on ROK, defend women on why they’ll never love us?
You’re on the wrong fucking site, too. The door —————->
now now calm down, let us not have the temerity to not notice that he claimed to be a man with Ph.D. in Genetics from Columbia University. we are all supposed to tremble and cower out of fear and reverence for his awesomely awesome awesomeness – a posturing not all that much different from the typical delusional women referring to themselves as intelligent strong agile beautiful confident independent women.
PhD in genetics eh? Noted.
phd = pretentious homely dullard ( if fembitch ) or pretentious horny dullard ( if mangina ).
“Not a woman pretending to be a man; just a man with a Ph.D. in Genetics from Columbia University.”
Excuse me, That was rude.
Are you fucking kidding me?
I have 3 PhDs, no wait, 5 PhDs from Harvard. Beat that.
See, this is what I’m talking about. #1 How is this even remotely related to the post at hand #2 Did you seriously just create an account? How can you even deny you’re not trolling?
Further, it’s not even a matter of “dissenting opinions” because we don’t all agree with each other but we typically do so respectfully. It’s so simple: If you can’t respect the rules of the forum or at the very least make logical/relevant points like a big boy, go somewhere else. Otherwise, expect to be banned.
A question if I may given your qualifications: telegony a once ancient fabled “myth” of the ancient Greeks. Has been shown to occur in flies as put forward by Angela Green University of NSW. If telegony applies to humans would the offspring of a beta male be at a genetic disadvantage compared to say the 20 or so alphas that the female has had in the past?
Iunno man… I spent most of my 20s studying this shit… Some of it is certainly speculation but there is quite a bit of research that supports the basic premises here…
If you think humans are beyond the pressures of natural selection you should google Bill Nye the science guy…
The ‘evolutionary’ psychology they know is pure bullocks.
The white knight is strong in this one.
You’ll be back one day…and hopefully it’s for the “other” reason….to cure your dumb ass.
Dafuq? I thought this faggot was banned!
Hi Dave. Did a swarm of hot internet chicks do an IP lookup on your post and then come to your house and give you sex for that remark?
Oh, well, now we see the value of being a douchey white knight.
Did you get a lot of reach-arounds from your super-masculine bros for yours?
Nice ad hominem. Claiming or implying status (through snarkiness) and that others are somehow inferior to you begs to be confronted with a hard dose of reality.
Hey, curious, did you go out and get another PhD during the time you were waiting for me to respond? I have fifteen PhD’s, most from Harvard, one from Yale and one from a state college so that I can prove that I can slum it with the best. The petty bourgeoisie do love to think that they’re on our level, wot?
Now go away child, your entertainment value has run its course. If you need to throw in a final quip (and you do, you need to do so desperately in order to feel superior, n’est-ce pas?), then do so.
Everyone wants to get unconditional love, and no one wants to give it. Just have to work at it as long as you are alive.
The very concept of unconditional love is just romantic idealism. No one i reality actually practice unconditional love. Even among their own families. All love is conditional.
Between mother and child used to be considered unconditional. But I think women here don’t know how to love anymore. Remember back in the day when insulting someones mother was the meanest thing you could do?
We live in a cause and effect world. It’s hard to find a place for unconditional anything. But one should jubilate, not despair, for unconditional love is love of everything, even the most evil things.
The argument of evil is an excellent way to cut through the nonsense of “unconditional love”. But yes, I know, logic has no place in a discussion with a chick, but still.
“You should love me unconditionally!”
“Oh, so if you show up at my house with an Uzi, you kill my pets, you torture my children and then kill them, you strap me to a chair and cut off my dick, and I’m supposed to continue loving you?”
“Oh don’t be stupid, you know what I mean!!!!”
“Um, no, I know what unconditional means, where you apparently do not. You may want to re-think your position”
The only unconditional love is between man and God. Man unconditionally loves God despite him being brutal, harsh and causing us pain. What little love he gives us we pay with interest.
I stopped believing in god. And also more churches are becoming more feminist.
God != Churches.
This is something men of true faith are going to have to come to terms with.
“Man unconditionally loves God despite him being brutal, harsh and causing us pain.”
1. Man does not love God unconditionally. Man, in fact, spends a great deal of time and effort trying to get away from God or reimagine Him to suit their preferences.
2. God is actually quite nice to us.
Well we also only “love” women when they are thin and look good.
i respectfully disagree, i will still love my woman even after she turned fat & fugly provided that she let me stay at home playing video games all day, give me $90,000 monthly stipend, let me hang out with my buddies till 2.00 AM but we all know no woman will ever do that so ……………
Yes and act like women.
Even the thin and attractive ones if they are not acting like a woman, I have no use for them.
Yeah. I assume most of us had a bad case of oneitis. Now go back in time and add thirty pounds of lard to said ‘angel/unicorn/dreamgirl/’. Especially add a bunch of pockmarked cottage cheese to her ass, sixty-something style. Are you still in love? Doubt it. I have acknowledged that it’s ALL physical and I’m quite happy with it. I think I’ve even fallen in ‘love’ quite a few times with classy, lean foreign escorts.
Women do not necessarily bulk up when they age. My wife is still at her original weight (actually she might be a few pounds lighter) and we have a few neighbors who have wives that have kept themselves fit and trim (one even after four kids, which I suspect explains how she has four kids in the first place, she’s quite a looker). Aging can be graceful, and if the woman has remained loyal to you and has been a good mother then you rather overlook the small wrinkles you see appearing here or there on her. This is the perspective of a mid 40’s married man and not an 80 year old geezer, so I can’t say that this ability to overlook extends into infinity, but it’s worked out well thus far.
The ones that blimp up, yeah, fuck that, it’s total disrespect for themselves, as well as a complete lack of regard for their husbands. They do not deserve anything approaching love.
You ROK writers know nothing of evolution yet you keep using it.
Pure foolishness.
yeah whatever dude, sure you think you know what you think we are and yet you can’t resist coming here and make comments.
It’s probably because it drives me absolutely bonkers when they keep using this ‘evolution’ word wrong.
You can’t make up evolution. Yet ROK thinks it can.
Do any of these writers have a degree in Science?
Yeah actually I studied cognitive science… evolution of the brain… I have a masters in cognitive neuroscience (with a focus on psychophysics)… did you know the eyeball can evolve from a single photoreceptive cell to a full fledged eyeball (cornea, lens, pupil, and all) in approximately 350,000 generations?
There is quite a bit of evidence that female mate preferences are different than male mate preferences… For example, approaching the most fertile period of the menstrual cycle, women’s sexual behaviour and physiology subtley change. Their mate preference in men becomes biased towards men that show traditionally “masculine” properties and behaviours (i.e. biggest, strongest, most self-assured).
I’d say that “Game” as we call it is men’s current method of displaying these traits that females are naturally attracted to during the period of the month where they are most concerned with securing powerful male genes. I’m totally happy to argue over this topic… In fact you’re making me think that RoK deserves a designated article (written by yours truly) on this topic just as a link to educate and inform young people like yourself. I am assuming you are young (i.e. <25) correct?
Well done Clark. I notice Jason beat a hasty retreat.
It is far easier to play the critic than it is to be the artist, apparently.
Interesting fields of study, I expect that you’d be fascinating to talk with over a bottle of Scotch and a few cigars.
I’ve never hung around an internet forum before but there are some interesting men here from different walks of life.
Some of the articles and comments are re-hashing old shit but occasionally you come across some fresh wisdom and new ideas. I feel like in my everyday life I hardly come across public spaces where men can share information like this.
To paraphrase a recent article of Jefe’s… every guy has figured something out in their life… and therefore has something to bring to the table.
Hi Clark, hi Ghost, I wanted to give you both kudos and a tip of the hat for mentoring that 17 year old last week. I’ve always looked forward to reading your comments since I joined ROK 6 months ago. Back them I was Jethro Troll, I thought the handle was kinda cool but a pua wannabe who wrote one single article either thought I was a real troll or (more likely) didn’t like my tongue in cheek comment and gave me the axe.
(if that pua is reading this now, it was a JOKE for Christ’s fucking sake!)
Anyway, Clark I’m glad you left you’re a-hole boss (I still think he envied you) and I hope all is well on your new job.
You are as bad as some of our “English” majors on here. I personally don’t give a shit about minor mistakes, typos, etc….you’re missing the “meat” of the discussion and valuable red pill information… or…
you’re a woman (or white knight)….who the fuck cares.
Great critique Jason, really good way to make a cognizant argument.
Ok, just kidding. If you’re going to critique then provide actual examples and demonstrate your assertion as true instead of just walking in and pretending to be captain Superior without ever having to, you know, show how you are in fact in a superior understanding.
Unconditional love is impossible, period.
I spent my life looking for “the one.” I finally got over it. How liberating.
You will as you get older and you start to see how the game is played.
I remember that shit from the 80s with the shaming of the trophy wife, bullshit. Today, women won’t even touch that old saying because it’s women who are filing more for divorce. It no longer fits their “narrative” and they look stupid saying it….so it was abandoned.
Absolutely.. Which goes right back to the lack of unconditional love were all speaking about…But I wonder as we age and grow older if we all will eventually settle..I don’t think any of us wanna die alone on a hospital bed
it is not that during our several remaining days we can still retain full awareness and thus realized that we are being surrounded by our wives and kids anyway. more likely we’ll end up alone anyway since the wives would have taken us to the cleaners and take away the kids years long before our final moment on earth.
this whole “don’t die alone” unadulterated crap is way overrated and getting really tiresome. well, i guess all those lucky souls on board of the planes crashing the twin towers can rejoice in the fact that all of them on board didn’t die alone, literally.
We all die alone, hospital bed or battlefield, that final moment we are abjectly staring into the void. The only hope is if you are religious and realize that you are never truly alone, but with God. Lacking that, you get to spend your last moment in utmost frank terror (assuming you are conscious at some level up to that point).
My grandfather passed 17 years ago, and was surrounded by family. That being said, in his last moments he had no idea that we were there, as I think nobody actually does. There was however some comfort and value to be had by him in at least not sitting in a hospital room for three weeks staring out a window, alone and unloved. But that doesn’t mean that he didn’t ultimately die alone.
Using “die alone” as a threat, which is how it’s used especially by post wall women who want you to “man up and marry her” is idiotic, I absolutely agree.
i never got unconditional love from my mother. With her it was always, she had to have her way no matter what. She did never care for what i felt. Since discovering the red pill in 2012 i have done a lot to improve my inner game but at this point in my life i really need to see a shrink to heal fully from the emotional abuse and emotional neglect i endured growing up.
‘i never got unconditional love from my mother. With her it was always she had to have her way no matter what. She did never care for what i felt….’
it is not so much about your mother but much much more to do with woman’s trait in general, namely, it’s all about them. yeah sure they may harbor some semblance of camaraderie with their fellow women but when it comes to men then you’d better watch out – you should expect no quarter from them nor give them quarter. your own female relatives or even blood sisters will gladly see you got stuck for life with 1 of their fat fugly friends with “a golden heart” especially when you’re less than 6′ and don’t have much money. in their collective misandrous minds since you yourself are no henry cavill then you should feel exceedingly lucky to end up with 1 of their fat fugly friends with “a golden heart”.
i cannot agree with you more
I have to admit I also suffer from “mommy issues” Ive gotten rid of most of it but still have a long way to go.
as long as we keep moving and better ourselves we will turn out fine so, best of luck to you bro
Same to you.
Love flows downward. Respect flows upward.
Unconditional love is a myth for anybody including women. Try having an MIA father and a drunk mother. So much for parental love. So I don’t see this as a realistic expectation. As far as “the one” goes, only unburnt men look for “the one”. Men with any real experience know better (hopefully).
Imagine how gross the vagina of a slut who has been with a dozen bad boys looks. Herpes, warts, yeast infection at the least. I had such a girl sit on my lap in college and I wanted to push her off … The smell of rotten fish !
Beta bucks has to have unconditional love for her??? How many of our mothers were that slut, we just don’t know?
Feminism would’t even be an issue if women were attracted to more than 10% of men.
The thing is, even they won’t admit this, because it would make them seem like bad people, to themselves. They don’t want to admit that they’re only genuinely attracted to a small proportion of men, and the other ones they need to find some kind of rationale to be in a relationship with him, and when they do, they will start to criticize and shit test the hell out of him just as a way to appease their own suspicions that they can just spread their legs and get impregnated by a top 10% guy.
I can’t really blame them. It’s simple biology after all. But the way it is it just makes women incapable of love. I don’t know why, but it’s just that way.
It’s really hard to take anything they say seriously when they cry about one thing but then do another that’s even worse. For example crying about patriarchy and then being obsessed with the baddest, biggest, meanest men they can find.
“And the worst part is that I have never, ever heard a woman deny that only 10-20% of men are actually attractive.”
tell me about it, when i told my female cousin that my friend john got a crush for her friend jenny, she got furious because “oh how dare that dork even have the temerity to have feelings for my friend jenny, you tell that dork that he is sooooooooo beneath her”. 2-3 weeks later that same bitch for female cousin of mine got furious again when i scoffed at the idea of reciprocating the affection from an ugly girl whom she’s been “you go gurl!” with. “oh how awful and shallow of you calling my friend ugly, all woman are beautiful, period!”.
And right there lies the delusional thinking by women. If it happens to women, then it’s shallow. But, if it happens to a man (by a woman), then it’s something considered freedom or empowerment.
Feminism has outright brainwashed the younger generations into thinking their being “oppressed” if anything bad happens to them – it’s just shit that happens in life (men deal with it, too).
I found out that arguing with women is akin to arguing with crazy people (no rational, logical thought – no one is home).
A lesson every man relearns with every new woman.
Logic and reason are alien to the emotional rationalization hamster of women.
I force myself to stay as calm as possible (sometimes its impossible given the offense), and get a good laugh and make light of an irrational arguing woman.
In the end I get some hilarious bar stories to tell my buddies.
Yeh, it’s the same old story. Men MUST lower their standards, but women can be as demanding as they want.
It’s hilarious listening to older women who want a rich man but can’t attract one talk about how men their age refuse to date them even though they aren’t exactly George Clooney. The implication is that the man should not be picky because he isn’t a handsome leading man. Un-fucking-believable, but that’s the situation we find ourselves in.
It’s all about looks with females. Most females find this guy irresistible
Not this guy
It is not all about looks. Christ almighty, has Game taught you nothing, lad?
You suffer from the same delusion as Elliot Rogers. Pray that you don’t fall into his psychosis and head out for a shoot up in the future.
Hey guys I’m to the red philosophy maybe you can help a brother out.. There is this bitch I want to fuck but she keeps sending me mixed signals. She from d.r so we all know those bitches are a little off in the head. So basically I have had class with this chick before (college but not a dorm college) I’m clearly the smartest guy in the room, have been told this many of my peers. I pretty good on looks scale and fairly built. Most of the girl in the class I had with her would hit on me (but they where only around 6-7 at most) she is a good 9. It was summer class but now it finished but she is in my fall class. So this chick would hit on me but after five minutes of talk act like a cunt. I would call her out on her bullshit then move on to another chick. Last day of class she text want to tell me some shit I may have gone aliitle beta but I wasn’t write stories or anything like that. So now its the break and I hit her up and she start act like a cunt so I delete her number but Now I have class with her again. Its been about three week now I haven’t talked or even look her way. She trys to get eye contact when I make jokes I class but I don’t it. So now what should I do? Keep giving her the cold shoulder or go talk to her. Is she not worth the time? She is again the hottest chick in my class. Im to young to bars to try game other women so school or the street are my only choose.
She seems to be playing push and pull with you consciously or unconsciously. If you do engage her again, turn the tables on her. Be engaging (not too much) for a while and then all of the sudden be distant. Be sure not to bring up anything that she did before as if it got to you or bothered you in anyway. Do not let on that you have been wondering what was wrong with her or otherwise thinking about her at all. During one of your periods where you are engaging her (talking to her, teasing her, being cocky with her) and she is showing interest, then go for the kill on her. If that doesn’t work, leave her with your info and only engage her after she first engages you and then only to meet and go for that bang at that point. Nothing more nothing less- don’t allow her to attention whore you to death at that point. All that doesn’t work-she’s dead to you. Keep gaming. Also, during this whole process you wanna be gaming other chics and let her know you have other options (don’t do this in an over the top way as it will come across as trying to prove yourself to her). gaming and pulling other chics the whole time will keep you sharp and keep you from acting needy or clingy with her. that will ruin it for you as she probably has other dudes sweating her constantly. Keep it cool, Push/pull/escalate/be cocky and smooth/be gaming other chics the whole time/go for the kill/assess and either make the kill with your pride in tact or move on without emotion. Hope this helps you.
I’m not really Christian myself, although I find myself more and more interested in it, but I’d like to ask fellow Christians: isn’t “unconditional” love, the true Christian love? I’m not talking about love for a woman in particular, but to me love is the ability to sacrifice the individual to the benefit of the group, if you will.
I like this article but I’m worry we become loveless people, and I’m not talking about bullshit romance love. True Love, in biblical terms.
I think you’re thinking of Hippy Jesus. The real Jesus (and by extension, God) has a rather hefty set of requirements that you need in order to live in the heavenly mansion. He loves you unconditionally, and you should him, however that standard does not and cannot apply between human beings in any real sense of the word, so in a very actual sense unconditional love is only possible in a supernatural kind of way. Love the sinner but hate the sin sounds great, but the sin is often an embedded facet of the person’s personality and no verbal sleight of hand can mask that for long.
This question is one that I have asked (rhetorically) many clergy and laypersons and I have never received anything approaching a viable sounding answer. How can a God who IS Love and who knows everything and is everywhere creates beings KNOWING full and well PRIOR to creating them that they will end up going to hell FOREVER-still create them and send them there? It flies in the face of God being Love itself. It flies in the face of God being all-loving, all-kind and all-forgiving and it flies in the face of God being everywhere. B/c if He’s EVERYWHERE, how could anyone/anything go anywhere where God would cease to be? God would also have to be in and through hell itself. Otherwise if God were not, then God would not in fact be omnipresent. Also, God is said to be spirit; a spirit that is omnipresent. That means in and through everything/everyone. So How then could there be this devil w/o him being a knowing creation of God himself? God would have had to know exactly what this “angel” was going to do before he did it. Why would an all loving God who knows all go through this elaborate play with people? Not to mention this trinity farce. Again, if God is omnipresent and all knowing and a spirit-where does this leave any room for some “separate spirit called the holy spirit” or Jesus to be a separate entity but yet one with God? That would mean God send HIMSELF down to die for our sins. He sent HIMSELF as a sacrifice to HIMSELF and “died” and rose to sit at his own right hand. Come on now. This is just nonsensical cartoonery. This is the hand of man and religion. I believe in the Deistic God just not the theistic cartoon God created by religion who “sits” on a “throne” with Jesus (himself) at his right hand and having to read some “book of life” to see who goes to “heaven”.
Hell is a state of mind.
I will give you that. Definitely. It’s a condition. It’s the condition most of us men in the US find ourselves in with regard to women. I know I am in a sort of purgatory/hell now that I know some red pill truths on women. I guess ignorance really is bliss. Oh well. The light of the truth does hurt one’s eyes. I ‘m really squinting hard and blinking a lot the more I read, learn, hear and reflect. My eyes which weren’t being used and were constantly, unbeknownst to me, in the dark blue light adjusting to the seemingly harsh red lights. It’s sobering to say the least. Sometimes I wish I just kept the blue pill “reality” and wished it could be true. But, I know it was a mirage afterall. I was grossly miseducated. Misled. Led astray. Run amok. Bamboozled. There’s no going back now. I know I will be better off for it long term but It sure feels like hell sometimes when the reality of it hits me sometimes. Thanks guys for the wake up from the dream state I was in. hell is real. I lived in it for a while. It’s like the Bob marley song that says , “time will tell, oh, time will tell- you think you’re in heaven but you’re living in hell” that’s where I was. so true it is.
I had a long debate with another contributor about why honesty is wasted on women. This article is a great explanation why.
This reminds me of Dave Chapelle’s piece in Killing Them Softly on women:
“A women’s test in life is material, while a man’s test in life is a women.”
Unconditional love from any human is a myth. Your parents are supposed to love you unconditionally, but can eaisly stp. Your children likewise. Your pets love you becaus you are their alpha, their provider and will part when given a better opportunity, such as is the case when you raise wild animals by hand. Likewise, you never truly love something unconditionally, you love what it is. You love your parents as security, your children as your future, your pets and friends as company. If your parents didn’t provide for you, your children threaten to harm you or your friends cease to provide the conversation, skills and abilities you liked them for, your love also ends. The only way unconditional love occurs is when that thing you love is a constant and provides exactly hat you want, no more, no less.
“Unconditional love is seamlessly entwined with “the one” chimera in our media and culture. Most men walk aimlessly through life searching for “the one.” They can’t find her and perceive themselves as failures. It’s quite sad. But you will not be one of those men.”
I sure as fuck wished this was said to me as soon as I started taking interest in women back in my teens.
Excellent quip, I will take this to heart the next time I speak to my son. We’ve been over the subject of girls many times, but I cannot quite recall if we ever talked about unconditional love as the fantasy it is or not. Well then, remedy to be applied, and I thank you for the reminder sir.
Unconditional love is irrational. You shouldn’t even love yourself unconditionally. We need another term for female “love”, fickle love?
I was hoping Lance Christopher to show up here and deliver the death blow to the notion of female unconditional love.
This right here? Easily the single most damning factor of being a male in America. And women knowing inherently, don’t let them fool you, that this is true will ride the programming all the way in. Why do you think she wants to meet ‘your parents’? It is code for, “I need to meet your original programmer so that I can take mold you into my ultimate slave, Errr, lover.”
All love has conditions, even the love of a child for his parents, even the love of a mother for her child. The condition bar may be quite low, but there are always conditions. For example, a mother that tries repeatedly to murder her 10 year old son would, in a rather short time, become unloved by her son. A condition: You can’t murder me and expect love. Status: Conditional Love
Unconditional love is a fantasy, and a dangerous one at that. Exorcise it from your vocabulary at the first opportunity.
Well said sir. I agree that there is no such thing as unconditional love, regardless of gender. There are always expectations and conditions on any relationship. Those who ask for your “unconditional love” are asking for the impossible and it’s typically just a method of control…a way to manipulate your world so that you won’t leave said person who demands it.
While my experience is from the days of the Civil War, I found that when a woman I was seeing started bleating on about unconditional love it was always a plea to pay no mind to her foibles. This request of course was not reciprocal, given as she would generally hold my every action accountable against me with vivid detail and proper attempts at shaming. Unconditional, to women, means to hold them as being without accountability. It is not a two way street, ever, as you say it’s a power play.
Unconditional love loves like the artist loves art. His love of painting is different from his love for a perfect rendering in a self portrait. Like his general love for painting, unconditional love is all encompassing, detached and fruitless. No one will fault him for loving art in general. Conditional love on the other hand is intensely personal and a risk to put on display. What if the artist paints all that he is into a portrait and it’s rejected?
Some people love loving. There are lovers of good food, lovers of male attention and lovers of beautiful women. None of these general loves is risky because they all allow for preservation of self. They are detached, unconditional and fruitless. The lover doesn’t have a beloved. The foodie who loves good food loves all good food. Replace good veal with good duck breast and the foodie will still love it. Unconditional love is general and impersonal conditional love is intensely personal and requires sacrifice.
Nice and flowery, but if his pursuits did not give him immense pleasure as concepts, he wouldn’t love them. The condition then is that something has to please him mightily in the abstract to deserve the “unconditional” love. All love has conditions.
The problem with discussions like this is that we’ve taken a concept that used to (properly) be divided into three categories, and in our clumsy Germanic language way, bundled them all into one concept “love” for efficiency’s sake. A proper discussion of love on any level must resort back to the ancient Greek understanding of love coming in different forms for different purposes I think.
Agreed. “Love” must be discussed in the Greek manner to be a worthy topic.
I think that love is a pathological obsession and should be treated as such.
You don’t get obsessed about cleanliness or order, but instead your mind fixates itself on what an other human being seems to be.
It is quite unhealthy, and if I had a son or a little brother, I would try to warn him of all the dangers where this obsession leads to, and eliminate of his mind any “One day you will find the one” virus, that was implanted by the medias and his sweet mother.
Just like the OCD, it always happens when you’re emotionally or psychically unbalanced.
The female seduction pattern is the creation of these emotional unbalances in the male psyche, in order to control you.
You should always have a group of close friends that keeps you emotionally balanced (especially when you’re starting to be successful with women), and avoid the female traps that they more or less intentionally tend to create.
You might be right about romantic love (eros) but fraternal love is quite rational and more based on shared values, integrity and honor than on an imbalance of mental processing.
What you call “fraternal love”, is more like “real friendship” for me.
Just a matter of terminology.
But yes, this isn’t the same thing.
“Love” as we understand does not fall under the category of obsession. You can be obsessed with someone but this is by no means “love”.
Disagree. What you call “love” is the obsession that finds its welcoming host.
When it doesn’t, you’re miserable, and lose your dignity, just like with any other obsession.
I tend to agree-I think it can be quite dangerous. People kill themselves over lost love, go into deep depressions, etc… You can’t tell me that is healthy. It’s all natures trick to get us to pair bond and breed-we become addicted to each other and can’t let go even when it’s for the best. People do insane shit when they’re “in love”-it’s like making decisions when you’re wasted. It’s only with romantic love though. You may “love” your car but if it gets totaled, you’ll be pissed but carry on just fine.
Conditional love? As long as there is a condition there can’t be pure love.
This is just a scam to help as many women at the expense of men. . Men are expected to work, pamper, listen, take bullets for women, raise other men’s kids. And basically be a blank check of effort and money for women. We are disposable as men. They think our job is to never place any burden on women and to just absorb all the hardships of life for them. This is a bad deal for men. Society used to know that and work to help pay men for their sacrifice. . Now a man is expected to marry an older woman, raise a convicted felons kids or marry an obese woman. . 10,000 years ago a man need only go outside and slay a wild beast for food and start a campfire to provide for a female. The woman was young and fertile. Today a man must go to college, take, 40k plus in debt, work his way up in a company buy a Lexus, a million dollar home and endure endless demands and nagging for a fat single mom with several thug spawn from different felons who will frivorced him and steal his money and home. They offer far less now while men must. Provide more and more. Unconditional love from a woman. There are always strings attached. . Women love a man’s money and status
You could argue that feminism is ruining both genders permanently until we see a reversal back down the steps of Maslow’s pyramid due to catastrophe(s). Otherwise in our lifetimes or SMV period of relevance, I wouldn’t hold your breath.
GhostofJefferson mentioned that women are after sex, men are after love. Fact is, women will ALWAYS paint the man as the one after sex to vilify him, thus anchor her excuse for attraction and sex with other men.
So many things are the exact opposite with women than the way they are projected, that PUAs could teach a moron game like this: 1) Simply do the opposite of a logical reaction to her, 2) Pretend you don’t know she’s doing it by being aloof, 3) When in doubt default to being an asshole. Done. << game recipe for 2015.
Actually found this nugget of truth…”“The suppression of neural
activity in areas involving critical thinking and judgment suggests that
love is not only blind, but also stupid,” So it’s biologically proven
that we make piss poor judgements when “in love”. Keep your wits about
you gentlemen!
Interesting Trivia to add: The feeling of hate activates the same brain structures as love, but there is no simultaneous inhibition of areas concerning critical thinking.
To hate is a more logical act than to love…
Very interesting stuff-thanks for the addition. In my mind, a big part of red pill awakening is realizing how much of inter gender dynamics are based on biology, hormones, brain activity, etc… Takes the illusions away pretty quickly when you understand the science. This is all fairly recent too-they only started understanding the role of hormones in pair bonding in the past 20 years or so.
Psychology as a science (i.e. using the scientific method) is actually very young… There have always been theories of human nature, but no one was testing behaviour/brain physiology formally.
Check this out… I just typed in “psychology” into coursera… seems like there is some cool shit here maybe you’ll find something interesting.
Great stuff on here-thanks for the link. There is a course about Buddhism and modern psych which looks interesting. I feel there’s much Buddhist thought behind alot of “red pill” thinking on here.
Every girl I’m dating, every “friend” I make…no matter HOW GOOD the interaction goes and HOW great a feeling I get from people…ultimately I always keep this in the back of my mind and I say this to myself everyday….”Nobody’s on your side, you are alone, never forget.”
“One weakness that stems from it is that men take things at face value. ”
Our entire political system is organised around the ease with which that fact can be exploited. Actual agendas always hide behind surface agendas. OK, if that’s obvious why is it so difficult to say, let alone demonstrate.
Let me deduce from all of this, from almost all the articles I’ve read on Return of Kings, so some of this is not specific to this post.
1.) American women are not worth marrying.
2.) American women are not worth making as the mother of children.
3.) They are just wet holes to pump and dump.
If these women are basically worth only the O
Let me deduce from this, from almost all the posts on Return of Kings I have read, so this is not specific to just this post:
1.) Americanized women are not good to marry.
2.) Americanized women make horrible mothers.
3.) Americanized women are just wet holes for men to pass or waste time.
So if these Americanized women are only worthy of exclusive One Night Stands, then why are we worried about the age of women? Does it really matter if a female is 18 as opposed to 50? If we are not trying to marry or make these women mothers of our children, why does it matter about age?
After living in a few affluent areas, I’ve noticed that middle age women take care of themselves. They go to the gym daily, eat healthy, get manicures and pedicures done on a weekly basis, massage therapies, and due to their socio-economic status they have access to many things such as information, education, etc. I’ve seen 45 year old women who look like 25 year olds. Yeah, sure, some of these older women have to put make up on to look good, but I’ve seen others who do not use makeup and look absolutely fucking stunning!
If these women are “just wet holes to pump and dump” then why the fuck do we need to care about age? I base any female off of this checklist:
1.) She’s anywhere from slim/petite/thin/skinny/lean and toned? (check)
2.) She has a pretty face? (check)
3.) Long hair? (check)
4.) Dress well? (check)
5.) Smells well? (check)
6.) Wants to fuck and fuck a lot? (check)
7.) If checked yes to number six, is she limber enough to be contorted into different positions and not complain? (check)
I say, gentlemen, maximize your options by fucking all on the age spectrum. I bet your harem will be a lot larger if you do not limit yourself. Have standards, but the standards but it should not be based on age, rather the above 7 question checklist.
Good points made here, but me thinks most men here would completely agree, so nothing too eye opening. It’s quite true that an affluent 40 year old can make a better fuck buddy than a trashy 20 year old, but obviously neither are wife material.
I kinda have a MILF fetish haha.
Want unconditional love from a girl?
Get into a relationship with her and dump her after 3-6 months. Then have her chase you with occasional booty calls… Job done.
Over 50% divorce rate in the US now. The new feminism tells women to cultivate a back-up (replacement) husband just in case…
In the poker game of life, women are the rake. (Rounders, 1998)
Okay guys, here’s something to think about.
Clooney just married (wtf why?). There’s so much to unpack just in that. But, I saw a pic online of his wife at their wedding. The body language is crazy telling. I feel like he’s all over her and she’s kind of ‘egh’.
I looked this up. There are pics of her after she was just engaged. She’s glowing, just so damn pleased with herself.
My theory is that she’s super ambitious (human rights lawyer? wtf?), and her female instincts caught up with her. She wants a baby from a top man. So she works out like crazy. Truly, though she’s pretty, but not smoking, her body is smoking. Very skinny, fit with abs, big chest. Not bad for late 30s. I bet she sucks dick like Helen of Troy.
She meets Clooney, plays nice gal lawyer smartie/feely. Flashes a leg, touches him on his leg. He has to bang her, obviously. But she just sucks his dick right off. Flexes her abs all night. Does gymnastics. This is her chance! She’s prominent-ish, but no celebrity. This is G. Clooney.
He buys it. Slam, married.
The important distinction here lies with her motivation. She has to be considered an alpha babe. She did not alpha fux Clooney. She was not there to have her one night with Earth’s number one, like a passive duck. She was there to win number one, make him her beta bux.
Again, one reason for this: alpha female.
After the proposal announcement and the world knew what had happened. Glowing. But in these marriage pics… hmm, now this guy seems sort of creepy.
Male celebrity like clooney could have a notch count in the 100s. His wife is replaceable in terms of appearance or sex. He married for other reasons.
Yeah, the abs-y picture I saw was a look alike, not the woman he married.
I think Clooney is just doing what the hell he wants, and it’s cool to him to be married right now. But, I presume he’ll keep doing what the hell he wants.
Or he just wants some kids.
I want so badly in my heart to believe in classical romance; you know, where a woman will die for her man, is loyal, and acts like a lady 100% of the time. All that goof stuff. However, the more I look out at this fucked up, degenerate, excessively liberal society; the more I realize that I ought to go chase after a fucking unicorn. Because thats my chance of finding a decent human being with a vagina. Oh well.
This article is useless. A man’s love for his woman is also conditional so what’s the point? Isn’t it well known that “romantic” love is always conditional? If you think otherwise you deserve to learn the hard way.
the article is perhaps useless on natural red pillers but definitely not useless on blue pillers, white knights or even on novice red pillers.
did you even read the article? the author never deny that a man’s love for his woman is conditional, pretty much the whole points of this brilliant article can be found in the first few paragraphs :
‘There’s a feminist myth called “unconditional love” floating around our culture. You are EXPECTED to love your girl no matter what. To love her more than you love yourself. We all know on some level that this is bollocks poured on top of our heads by mind-washing feminist propaganda, but many of us continue to propagate it anyway. “The one” myth is a gangrene that will eat your soul if you buy into it. I believe that a person can come close to unconditional love in three cases: your love for your parents, for your children, and perhaps for the first dog you raised from pup. They all are literally willing to walk into fire for you.’
Unconditional love is impossible for ANYONE under ANY circumstances.
You love your girlfriend unconditionally huh? What if you come home and she is getting gang banged by your three brothers? Still love her?
Love your Mom unconditionally? She empties your bank account you have been saving for 10 years to support her oxy habit by forging your signature. Still love her unconditionally?
And why on Earth would anyone WANT to be loved unconditionally anyway? We want to be loved for the things about ourselves that we are proud of. I don’t want to be loved for breathing.
‘And why on Earth would anyone WANT to be loved unconditionally anyway?’
you and i can think like that because we are men but most if not virtually 100% women do want to be loved unconditionally hence the preponderance of the contrived notions of monogamy, commitment, connection, intimacy, ad infinitum in modern culture.
‘We want to be loved for the things about ourselves that we are proud of.
I don’t want to be loved for breathing.’
again you can speak like that because you are a man, women are basically proud just by the virtue of being women. the concept of ‘loser men’ or ‘short men’ or ‘low-quality men’ is omnipresent amongst both men and women but have you ever heard women or even men for that matter talked about the concept ‘loser women’ or ‘short women’ or ‘low quality women’? of course not, why? because our current culture dictates that women “are” perfect just by the virtue of being women.
‘You love your girlfriend unconditionally huh? What if you come home
and she is getting gang banged by your three brothers? Still love her?’
you may not love her anymore after that but believe it or not, your cheating girlfriend will still feel entitled to your unconditional love. it is not coincidence that women are pushing for cuckoldry to be expected and accepted.
‘Love your Mom unconditionally? She empties your bank account you have been saving for 10 years to support her oxy habit by forging your signature.
Still love her unconditionally?’
she is my mom who gave birth to me and took care of me when i was a defenseless baby, she is not some random bitch who think i must kiss her feet just because she has a vagina so yes i definitely would be hurt but i’d still love my mom.
You might still love your mom but not unconditionally and not without making sure she couldn’t hurt you by having access to your money. Would you still let her money?
i’ll still give my mom her monthly stipend but yes i will prevent her from having access to my money.
And if her habit requires ALL OF YOUR MONEY will you give it to her and not just a convenient stipend?
NO SUCH THING AS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. There are always some conditions.
‘And if her habit requires ALL OF YOUR MONEY will you give it to her and not just a convenient stipend?’
her habit does not require all of my money so monthly convenient stipend from me suffice her thus far. but if her habit does require all of my money then no i won’t give it to her.
‘NO SUCH THING AS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. There are always some conditions.’
there’s this dude goes by the name of evan marckatz and somehow i suspect he definitely will disagree vehemently with you.
in case you don’t feel like reading, here are some excerpts :
– ‘You learned in three months that you’ve got someone who is unfit to give you the unconditional love you deserve’.
– ‘Relationships are about unconditional love, and what he’s showing you is that his affection is ENTIRELY conditional’.
– ‘You deserve more than that. You deserve it all’.
evan was talking to judy about how SHE not only deserves unconditional love but SHE even deserves it all. but somehow i suspect that if the gender is reversed then evan will tell the guy to man up and suck it up.
red pillers know that there’s no such thing as unconditional love, the article is meant for the blue pillers and white knights whom without such article will continue to live in lala land where all women are sweet innocent little angels oppressed by the unholy alliance between the undead patriarchy and the red pill barbarians.
This just reads like whiny, emotional bitterness. I’m truly in this, and many other RoK articles as of late. All of this argumentation based on anecdotal evidence and logical fallacies undercuts our position! I thought masculine men were supposed to look to reason… We’re supposed to be better than letting our feelings define our positions. You’re seriously no better than betas.
One of my college friends just married a woman with 3 kids !!!!!!
The author has apparently taken up with the wrong company his entire life… most likely however, he has a serious case of Self-Projection.
One should always try to remember, ” there is always an exception to the rule”, “Nothing is Absolute.”
‘One should always try to remember, ” there is always an exception to the rule”,’
are you an exception to the rule? are you that 1 in 3.5 billion women?
“Nothing is Absolute.”
quite a number of things are absolute, for instance humans absolutely will never be able to fly on their own like superman does. another instance, there is absolutely no human alive who does not need to inhale oxigen. women absolutely can not produce sperm, men absolutely can not give birth, etc etc ad infinitum.
FFS why do people think they are smart.
Is unconditional love between any two people possible? (Except sometimes from parent to child)
I think this article is really harsh and untrue. My parents have been married for over thirty years…my mother loves my father unconditionally and she still thinks he is the best thing ever even though they have been through hard times. My mother has always given priority to my father over my sister and I (e.g. at dinner time) and indeed this is what many christian pre-marriage courses teach couples preparing to marry in order to have a successful marriage. This article is not a true representation of reality…namely that there are many women out there including I would like to think myself who are capable of unconditional love.
‘I think this article is really harsh and untrue.’
you don’t like the article so it must be harsh and untrue.
‘my mother loves my father unconditionally and she still thinks he is the
best thing ever even though they have been through hard times.’
your father was indeed in every sense of the word “the best thing ever” for your mother, no argument. your father was the best your mother could get, in other words, she had no better option.
‘…….there are many women out there including I would like to think myself who are capable of unconditional love.’
can you still love your husband after he banged other women on your marital bed and/or beat the crap out of you? if not then your “unconditional” love for him is not that unconditional after all.
“Unconditional love” is not an feminist invention. In fact, a lot of feminism has been quite critical of the concept. I cannot imagine where you got the idea unconditional love is a “feminist” myth.
That said, it is a myth. But so what? All love is conditional. All human relationships–romantic, platonic, familial, professional–require reciprocity, give and take, mutual respect to survive and thrive. With enough stubborn effort, anyone can screw up pretty much any relationship. People who are seeking Unconditional Love are as childish as people waiting for The One.
Ps:roosh, you’re a douche.
Loyalty and fidelity is something women never valued or had, if she loves you, she only loves you for what you can offer her right now, and when a better more genetically equipped, and higher status male comes along, you will never see her again, except when she needs something. This is the core reason why I contract prostitutes, hypergamy and exploitation of the male sex drive for resources is natural to women, so why not get your dick wet out of it by paying some cheap whore.
When Your Mother Has a Borderline Personality
Women are just as capable of unconditional love as men are, which is to say that there’s the same amount of variety among women as among men regarding how selfish their bases for decision-making are.
The man who takes advantage of every bit of wet pussy that makes itself available without considering his girlfriend at home, the woman who ditches her musician boyfriend for a corporate lawyer when he starts earning less money.
The man who takes a second job when his girlfriend has twins, the woman who sticks with her boyfriend and takes care of him 24/7 after he’s disabled in a car accident.
Feminism is only remotely related to this topic.
There’s an awesome quote from the book Roots, ‘There’s somethin wrong with somebody can’t get along with nobody.’ When you have the same experience with every woman you date, you need to take a look in the mirror. Do you go into the relationship with that expectation? Are you attracted to nice women, or to women who know how to yank men around by their [email protected]&$ and use that knowledge to their own advantage? (Hint: women wear tight skirts and 4-inch heels because it gives them a feeling of power — over you.)
I was gonna chime in here, but then I realized on what a very dark path I was traveling, finding it necessary to degrade and disparage women openly on public forums.
What the fuck are we men doing? Sure, women are strange creatures, but we’ll never have to deal with any but our own. Is it fair to speak ill of our own women to complete strangers? Does such practice not tell of our own domestic inabilities?
There is but one fool-proof rule of getting along with women:
Never argue with a woman, because a woman arguing is the entanglement of a very long thread that shall never be untangled. From your very first chance to argue with a woman, state with absolute resolve the following phrase:
“I do no argue with females.”
Then, calmly brace yourself. She will continue to argue all by herself, trying to get you in on the argument. You will win for two reasons:
1) You won’t argue with a woman and therefore help her entangle a very long thread that shall never be untangled.
2) If she decides you are not worth her time for whatever reason because you would not argue with her, you have saved yourself the trouble of getting in deeper with a maniac.
Guys, trust me on this. The first argument you start with a woman NEVER ends. It stretches throughout the entirety of your relationship with her, getting gnarlier and gnarlier until one of you can’t take the frustration of talking to one-another anymore and HAVE to go your separate ways. The only long-lasting relationships are ones in which the men are complete monks and ignore the psychotic arguments of their women.
This article isn’t talking to women. This article is speaking to the back bone of civilization and sustainable civil society, the productive and dependable and loving beta male. The most despised people in western civilization.
Oh dear. Did the writers of this website not get enough time on titty as a baby? Ironic how you bemoan that women won’t love you but you ‘alpha’ boy-males are just use women as disposable sex toys. I’ve been with my man 20y and still love him and he loves me – goes both ways. Just need to grow up
What the fuck is this, a war on genders?? Why don’t all you whiny, and clearly dumped men grow up and stop blaming others for your personal experience ( which was probably to blame on your apparently shitty personalities ) by generalizing a trait to 60% of the world’s population. Nobody is driven by their caveman instincts, their driven by their own, singular, educated brains. Maybe you all should get one.
What the fuck is this, a war on genders?? Why don’t all you whiny, and clearly dumped men grow up and stop blaming others for your personal experience ( which was probably to blame on your apparently shitty personalities ) by generalizing a trait to 60% of the world’s population. Nobody is driven by their caveman instincts, their driven by their own, singular, educated brains. Maybe you all should get one.
There are tendencies of behavior that can be observed. Thoughtful men speak of these observed tendencies. Just the way it is.
Is unconditional love from a man possible??
Is unconditional love from men possible?
Love without condition is meaningless, be you male or female
I swear sometimes I feel like I misread the pill bottle and instead of the red pill I took a wicked dose of acid 0.o
This post makes little sense, you both say that women don’t do unconditional love and yet blame belief in unconditional love on feminists. I think you’re wrong, feminists don’t believe in unconditional love they would see it as an old fashioned romantic idea designed to keep women in their place. Although they would word it very differently I think most feminists would agree with your take on relationships ie sticking with it while it makes you happy, just moving on if you get dumped etc. So basically you and the feminists agree with each other – maybe try writing for a feminist website.
And that is why I despise BOTH of these people.
The only unconditional love is between parent and child. Expecting unconditional love from your partner – be they husband, wife, whatever – is simply unrealistic. Is this a common expectation in America? It’s not in the UK. It caught my attention because it seems such a weird thing to expect.
Your partner is your partner – the very word suggests joint enterprise. You build a life together, and share the load. Each partner has a part to play, and if one of them deliberately fails to play their part – if he beats her, if she cheats – whatever – then the partnership is threatened.
If things change – one partner becomes seriously ill, for example, then love and loyalty come into play. That’s part of the deal, that one of you may end up carrying more than your fair share of the load. But if one of you lets down the other intentionally or neglectfully then conditional love comes into operation. There may be forgiveness, or reconciliation, but unconditional love is not part of a healthy marriage.
This article was written by a very immature man. The only sensible thing he says is that “your woman is not your mom.” He’s right. But as for the rest of it…
I suggest he looks around him at all the couples he knows over 40 and assess which of them are happily paired – which seem content. He’ll notice that neither looks or money are the key ingredients. Marriage is not a competitive sport.
Enterprise implies a business transaction. You are taking the phrase “unconditional love” too literally. It means loyalty. And that is an emotional bond between 2 people that transcends self-interest and even satisfaction(well, sometimes the latter). In other words:
Love is not a feeling, it’s a choice.
Unconditional love is as much about intent and commitment as it is about someone’s inherent capacity for affection. I think men and women today, generally speaking, are not usually willing truly commit to each other, making it more of a generational issue than a gender issue. Anyone who has been in a long term relationship knows that relationships take work and nurturing to prevent it from becoming stagnant and eventually toxic. This can be a shock to a lot of naive people who just don’t have it in them to put in the effort to keep the relationship fun and healthy. We are all flawed. The honeymoon phase doesn’t last forever. But when we genuinely care for someone, the love remains and will continue to flourish when both people pitch in. This applies to romantic/sexual relationships as well as familial and platonic relationships.
Unconditional love comes only from God. Anyone, man or woman, who believes it is possible from any lower source, is deluded. Um…. yeah….. Plenty of terrible parents out there too, whom you could never call unconditional lovers of their children.
I think we are overthinking this. Love and commitment are behaviors that existed well before feminism. They are ideas/actions we express to meet sensory, escapist, tangible and attention-seeking needs. In my experience, both sexes can fail miserably in committing to anything and I think this has less to do with gender and more to do with who the person is. I always look around and see two types of people – 1) bitches and 2) bosses. You can find both personalities in males or females. Bosses understand loyalty and know the long-term benefits it has on them to continually get their needs met. I have seen some men do some bitch-ass shit with their friendships because they were weak, so not all mean understand the importance of loyalty – especially the ones who don’t have fathers… I also see many woman do bitch-ass shit because they are weak as well – especially the ones who also didn’t have both parents. When any person acts like a bitch I am disgusted.
My parents have been together for 40 years. It hasn’t been perfect but they are bosses who know how to get their needs met. When it has been rough that is when they truly shine because they displayed great loyalty to/for each other, even when the person went through a bitch phase in their life. People never stay the same forever and that is what unconditional love truly means – learning how to not be a bitch when shit changes and you have to stand tall and be the leader of the pack. Real men don’t back down from any loyal relationship when shit gets tough. They stick it out like bosses and make their bitches behave like bosses for the sake of getting needs met. If you invested in a wise person, then they should be resilient enough to bounce back from any little bitch moment they may go through. If you didn’t, then you may need to rethink you leadership skills and figure out where you went wrong and how you ended up falling for a weak bitch.
My intention is not to offend but to provide more insight. That being said, I will be frank, this article sounded like some bitch-ass shit and gets a thumb down from me. It seems like the writer let the emotions he feels over picking to be with dumb whores cloud his perspective on what constitutes a women worthy of respect. I see this time and time again, especially in rap music. That is another story… Other than that very obvious emo-shit, it was good. Please remember, when a wise woman has found a man that makes her feel secure, loyalty always makes sense because she stands to have a long-term advantage in taking up the practice. The only sex women do not need to be loyal to is other women because they cannot offer each other the security that a man will provide. When a man is consistent enough to prove that he is strong enough to provide then the woman will always be strong for him because she needs him. A wise woman would not let go of the bird in her hand to leap for two in a bush because she is not willing to sacrifice the consistent security she has with one man for a man who she does not know – especially given that he has shown a bitch trait by enjoying the thrill of the chase (emotional) and not the reward (which should always be something rational). I hope this makes sense, if not, then just ignore my comment.
one more unconditional love. for oneself. everything else is gravy
Outstanding article. What ought to be and what is. What makes the article outstanding is it accurately describes what is.
After reading this article, I wonder how increasing the number of women will affect future military readiness? I guess this depends if they can they acquire the positive traits of men and technologies which compensate for the changing gender dynamic.
You forgot to mention the difference between being ‘in love’ (which implies you fall in and out of love) and choosing to love. Love and infatuation are two separate things entirely. Most people in general are not mature enough to choose to love when no one deserves it.
I have to tell you that you are closer to the truth than a blue-piller, but all of you red-pillers are wrong. Dead wrong. I’ll explain why. For the simple reason that most of your philosophy is based on 2 things 1) an ‘evolutionary’ understanding. 2) That all races of people are the same. Both of these are inaccurate. Evolution is, strictly speaking, not correct. There are significant differences in emotion and behavior between the races, so-called white people are VERY DIFFERENT in temperament, behavior and values than so-called black people. Every other ‘race’ is the result of historical mixture between these groups.
Darwinism, like feminism, is another one of the ‘ism’-lies that was sold to the public in order to get them to behave a certain way. As we see with Feminism, people’s beliefs matter. Feminism causes women and men to behave in ways that are completely unnatural. So does the idea of evolution. I tell you that you must reconsider EVERYTHING you were taught. If ‘they’ lied to you your entire life about the nature of women (and how you should behave as a man) BECAUSE IT GAVE THEM POWER OVER YOU, then what makes you think they DIDN’T LIE TO YOU ABOUT YOUR ORIGINS AND WHERE YOU COME FROM? Wouldn’t that give them even more power over you?
It should be obvious by now that feminism was a deliberate plot designed to cause dysfunction among society. Red-pillers like to rationalize this away by saying ‘Marriage 1.0’ was horrible, and they use quotes and such from history to prove this. But they neglect to mention that humanity had almost 0 problem with divorce and marriage for thousands of years. Even in the comments of a place such as this you can see men advocating, ‘removing women’s rights because that’s what nature intends’ and such men show a certain amount of wisdom in their thinking. But they don’t go far enough.
Darwinism was CREATED to promote hedonism and a self-centered view of life. The reality is humanity is a CREATED species. Evolution may be true for long time scales and other species, but it is clear that it is false for humans. Tell me, what is the nearest animal to humans? There are none. They tell you its chimpanzees but this is another lie. For one, humans are UNIQUE among ALL PRIMATES. Do you know that human females are UNIQUE among primates in that they have a large portion of their body mass as fat? This is why the sexual dimorphism between humans seems not as bad, because they compare gross body weight like they do in primates.
But men have a MUCH higher proportion of their weight as muscle compared to women, this hides the true difference between men and women. The chin is another example. (Most) humans are relatively hairless. If we come out of africa where the sun shines bright all the time, how is this possible? Almost all animals are covered in fur. Indeed, monkeys skin is WHITE under their fur. Humans have no protection; well, some of us do. It is called melanin. White people are lacking in this area.
Creationism (6000 years etc.) is not correct either. But Darwinism has just enough of a ‘sciencey’ feel that it isn’t rejected outright by rational minds, but it should be because it is nonsensical. The divergence between humans and ‘monkeys’ is FAR TOO GREAT to be the result of ‘sexual selection’. Has it ever crossed your mind that in the many millions of years that the planet has been here, that there was a species of beings who had an advanced level of technology? A level lthat allowed genetic engineering? We are just now reaching that level of technology, but it only took about 300 years or so. 300 years is an awful lot of drops in a 4 billion year old bucket….
Perhaps the answer to the Fermi paradox is: you don’t know what to look for and you aren’t looking hard enough? But enough about that. Don’t dismiss it out of hand, go on youtube and see if you can’t find something to disprove/prove the curiosity the more rational among you are feeling. Start with videos from, say, Lloyd Pye – Everything you know is wrong!
There is considerable difference between the races in behavior as well. Again, you only have to consider your history to figure this out. You see, not ALL women are like that, truly. Only YOUR women are like that. Certainly women are women and are easily influenced by other women, but there’s a reason ‘foreign wives do it better in their own countries’. Because your women are shallow and materialistic. If you understood where you came from, you would know why. Hint, its in the name. What are ‘white people’ called really? Caucasians.Why? Because originally, your people come from the ‘Caucasus Mountains in Asia’.
Do some research on how you lived for thousands of years there (much shorter than evolutionary time scales). Realize that so-called white people are a race of albinos. Google it. You have a mutation that prevents melanin in the skin. Did you ever wonder why ‘lab rats’ are always white? There are no white rats in nature. Almost all rats you see have some color, be it brown, black, grey etc. The reason they use WHITE lab rats for medicine and research is because WHITE LAB RATS ARE ALBINO RATS. They share the same genetic mutation as you do. Look up pictures of ‘Dravidian indian albinos’ and what do you see? They look EXACTLY LIKE white people.
Some will say that white skin ‘evolved’ from moving to Europe where there is less sun, but your scientists have now disproven this as post-hoc, evolutionary nonsense! The gene that makes white skin is only 6,000-10,000 years old! Furthermore, in parts of Alaska there is NO SUNLIGHT for up to 2 AND A HALF MONTHS! Yet the skin color of the aboriginal people there is NOT WHITE. It is copper-toned. Look also at pictures of the Sami people of Scandinavia (another low sunlight population) and they are VERY DARK, only lightening with mixture of white migrants.
You, the rank and file, have not been told this about your history but I am telling you now. Because you have infected other societies with your views (such as the views on women and men here) and it has been wholly destructive. Your society is a top-down society that stifles creativity and individuality in favor of ‘the greater good’. NOT. ALL. PEOPLE. BEHAVE THIS WAY. If you knew where you came from you would understand this. The people at the top of your society CREATED FEMINISM to destroy you, the lower people. Because they knew that eventually you would learn the truth: that you are only being used to fund their wealth and rich lifestyle.
So, because they are like you because they are you, white people, they lack compassion for those who are not close to them. Look at the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, World War 1, World War 2, etc. All based on lies. All waged so that a few could become filthy rich. And ALL were supported by the common man in white countries. All they needed was some carefully planned ‘false flag’ attacks like 9/11. Do you ever wonder why all wars you get involved in start the same way? Pearl Harbor, the sinking of the Lusitania, The sinking of the U.S Maine, the gulf of Tonkin, the 1967 sinking of the U.S. liberty were ALL FALSE FLAG ATTACKS! NONE OF THEM WERE REAL or happened the way you were told.
That is because ‘they’, the whites at the top of your society which includes so-called Jews (who are really 8th century white/caucasian Khazarian CONVERTS to Judaism), have always controlled you, the unwitting white masses, via false-flag attacks. They know your nature, your fearfulness and the ease with which you can be corralled into attacking someone who doesn’t look or think like you.
Again NOT ALL PEOPLES BEHAVE THIS WAY. The ancient chinese were originally of AFRICAN DESCENT. Only becoming ‘yellow’ when mixing with the local population. What color are mulattoes in this society? They are YELLOW. This is not racism but the truth.
My long comment undoubtedly is offensive to you. You will most likely refer to it as ‘racist’ and another example of someone ‘being down’ on a heterosexual, white male. There is an ancient saying, which is ancient because it is so poignant, and that is: The TRUTH hurts. The reason the ‘truth’ hurts is because you were most likely born into a world of LIES which dramatically skewers your worldview. Just like a 50 year old feminist who is all alone with her cats; the TRUTH HURTS.
Not because there’s something wrong with women, but because she was sold and believed a LIE that she based her life around and now she is too old to do anything about it while COUNTLESS CORPORATIONS CREATED BY EVIL WHITE PEOPLE ***PROFITED*** from her decades of insecurity by selling her products she didn’t need, therapies that didn’t work, self-‘help’ books that only coddled her massive ego and didn’t provide for her what she really wanted…A MAN.
So, with that said, you should judge the veracity of my comment by exactly HOW MUCH IT HURTS YOU. The more offended you are, the more you should consider it as being truthful. I hope this helps.
… ahhhh…. women… eternal parasites off mankind… didja know that little sperm ya have in your balls men IS ALREADY ALIVE? eggs aren’t and the sperm chooses which side to use and which side to discard and then you start forming and that sperm BECOMES YOUR BRAIN AND SPINAL COLUMN.
women gestate only, they do not give life, they only carry it… which is why when couples or whomever cannot conceive – they turn to a SURROGATE GESTATOR.
men, it’s really easy… fuck the bitches, literally… and do not worry about how they feel, because they don’t… it’s all for show with women… and the Great Whore mentality dies asap… sorry bitches… ya wanted to be a whore n got treated like one and are ashamed society knows how weak and stupid you are blaming everybody else for your decisions, pahleeze… NAWALT some say – ummm…. YES, they are.
they just want gender dominance.
too bad when the SHTF they’ll all be dog food.
Let’s send them to war! oh ya we did! and they didn’t fight, they just laid around “comforting” the real soldiers fighting for Freedom and Humanity.
Train your whores men and if they do not comply drop em and go get another.
Ya can’t fix and don’t have the time to fix self made stupid…
In the ‘natural world’, which so many dudes reference when they’re trying to manipulate females, there are males that go their entire lives never getting the opportunity to breed at all. Males are often forced to fight each other for mates. They ‘give it all they got’ to attract a female- and get rejected. And few mammal species kill their females, to the degree that human males do- because they didn’t get what they wanted. The fact is, there are too many whiney dudes, with far too much free time on their hands. Go live your lives and pull your nose out of her ass. You might actually find that she respects someone who respects themselves. Weird how that works!