The True Story Of A False Rape Claim At UVA

Several have raised legitimate questions about the veracity of a front page Rolling Stone story titled A Rape on Campus: A Brutal Assault and Struggle for Justice at UVA, which accuses several Phi Kappa Psi members of gang-raping a young woman during a fraternity party at the University of Virginia. The story has already spawned it’s own hashtag (#UVARape), lead to major campus protests, and caused the president of the university to suspend all fraternity activities till after the new year.

Written by Sabrina Rubin Erdely, the Rolling Stone story rests almost entirely on a single source, whose real name is not revealed. While the story presented is possible, because allegations are made behind pseudonyms, it is impossible to fact-check or verify the story. I don’t know if the story is true or not, but I do know the same accusations were made at the university ten years ago – and a jury found them to be false.

In November 2004, The Hook, a local Virginia magazine, ran a front page cover story titled How UVA turns its back on rape. Unlike the Rolling Stone article, the accuser gave her full real name—Annie Hylton—and allowed her face to be used for the cover photo. Over the course of the next year, The Hook ran three more articles on the case as it went to trial and an eventually reached a verdict. [The four stories: 1, 2, 3, 4] In each article, the story changed as the truth slowly came to light.

This is a longer article, but if you’ve ever wondered how a rape accusation plays out in real life, prepare for the harrowing truth.

The First Story: How UVA turns its back on rape


Whereas the Rolling Stone article presents Jackie’s story in third person narration as if it is undisputed objective fact, the first Hook article begins Hylton’s story with the caveat that this her side of the story:

In the $1.85 million suit she [Annie Hylton] filed in Charlottesville Circuit Court two years after the incident, Hylton reveals allegations of the evening that changed her life. What follows is her side of the story. [emphasis added]

Her first semester at UVA was winding down when a friend asked if she’d like to go on a double date to a fraternity function. Though Hylton hadn’t met her prospective date– a third year named Matthew Hamilton– she says she looked forward to the evening of December 8, 2001.

The two couples had dinner downtown. While Hylton says the early part of the evening was “fine,” she alleges that even at the restaurant, things began to go wrong.

Hamilton “repeatedly offered” to obtain alcoholic drinks for then 18-year-old Hylton. She “repeatedly declined,” but Hamilton continued to bring them. Hylton drank only “a small amount,” the suit states, “not enough so that it would have affected her.”

Later on, her recollection becomes sketchy. At the party at the Delta Tau Delta fraternity, where both women’s dates were members, Hylton “became very ill and vomited a number of times.”

Her nausea continued, and while “she was aware of some things that happened… she was not able to function and felt mentally and physically impaired,” according to her suit.

If this sounds like a classic description of the effects of so-called “date-rape drugs,” Hylton stops short of offering that theory.

“We’re not making any claims at this point,” says her lawyer, Ed Wayland. “We’re hoping to get an explanation during the course of the investigation.”

At one point, Hylton became aware that she was wearing a t-shirt and that she was in Mr. Hamilton’s bed. “Mr. Hamilton was not in the bed, but Ms. Hylton was aware that he and one or more other people were in the room.”

Then she lost consciousness. When she awoke, “Mr. Hamilton was on top of her engaging in sexual intercourse.”

Hylton attempted to get Hamilton to stop, the suit alleges, but he did not. “Mr. Hamilton held Ms. Hylton down, continued to touch and fondle her and attempted to resume having sexual intercourse.”

The article contains many of the same criticisms of the Rolling Stone article—noting that despite sixty students reporting sexual assault, not one offender has been expelled, and calling UVA sexual assault policy too lenient and in need of change. Like the Rolling Stone article, the woman at the center of the story also reports symptoms consistent with PTSD.

The Hook article also describes a deliberate University cover-up, with UVA issuing a gag order on her, forbidding her to talk publicly about this issue:

Hylton says she was told that all aspects of the hearing– including her attacker’s name and the outcome of the hearing– had to remain confidential. If she revealed those details, she was warned, she could face a Judiciary Committee penalty, which can include suspension or expulsion.

At the end of two weeks, the Board returned a guilty verdict against Hamilton. But Hylton’s ordeal was not over. Her attacker was allowed to remain at UVA, and she was not allowed to say a word about him.

In response, a Pennsylvania-based non-profit called Security on Campus filed a lawsuit, saying that the university policy was in conflict with federal law, and that victims “need to be able to talk about the substance of their case, their experience with the process, and to disclose results.” Hamilton’s mother also started a website,, where other women began contacting her with their stories of sexual assault.

Unlike the Rolling Stone article, all names are real.

By going public, Hylton becomes a rarity in American discourse: a sexual assault victim who isn’t hiding behind a cloak of anonymity. She says she’s putting her name and story before the public with the hope that she will help others.

The Hook also includes a response from the man accused, protesting that he is innocent. Rolling Stone reporter Sabrina Rubin Erdely never even contacted Phi Kappa Psi, the fraternity accused in her article, to get their side of the story. After her article was published the UVA chapter of Phi Kappa Psi was vandalized and the fraternity released a statement saying “we have no specific knowledge of the claims set out in the Rolling Stone article,” indicating that they may not have even known the article was coming.

In fact, The Hook article includes a paragraph of text for every major participant to tell their side of the story. It is a well-researched, balanced piece of journalism, addressing an important issue.

Unfortunately, a jury would later find this story was not entirely true.

The Second Story: Her day in court: UVA rape case goes to trial


Nearly a year later, in August 2005, after the first article drew national attention and student protests, The Hook published a followup story titled: Her day in court: UVA rape case goes to trial.

“I’m excited to get my day in court, but you never know what’s going to happen,” says Hylton, whose case touched off a debate because the alleged attacker, Matthew Hamilton, remained a student– while the alleged victim, under threat of expulsion, wasn’t even allowed to discuss the case.

As Chapman explained to The Hook, “he said-she said” charges simply aren’t sufficient to win a court battle. “We need to have evidence beyond a reasonable doubt,” Chapman says.

Hylton’s case was going to trial. It was there that Hamilton would present his side of the story, and a new narrative would emerge.

The Third Story: ‘Mickey Finn?’ Date rape stories conflict

On September 5th of the same year, two months later, The Hook ran another follow up: ‘Mickey Finn?’ Date rape stories conflict. The story begins:

Did Matt Hamilton drug and rape Annie Hylton, or was she an “energetic drunk” who had consensual sex with Hamilton? That’s the question a jury considered earlier this week.

Winegardner [Hamilton’s attorney] called several of Hamilton’s friends to the stand, who claimed Hylton seemed drunk but entirely conscious and was joking with them from her perch in Hamilton’s loft.

Hamilton’s star witness and fraternity brother Ben Decker called Hylton an “energetic drunk” who playfully teased him in Hamilton’s room between 2 and 3am.

During the evening, Decker testified, Hylton leaned up against Hamilton and clasped hands with him.

Another friend of Hamilton’s, Garrett Gluth, testified that Hylton, embarrassed over the vomiting incident, confessed that she “really liked” Matt and didn’t want him to think she was a “stupid first year.”

Both Decker and Gluth insisted that she declined repeated offers for rides home in order to stay with Hamilton.

Hylton has testified that this period was all a drug-induced blur.

This is the first time Hamilton’s full side of the story has appeared in The Hook, and it comes with the testimony of multiple other witnesses, making the case more than just he-said, she-said. It’s also worth noting that at this point, the story moved from the cover-photo, to the inside of the magazine, meaning fewer members of the public would have heard his side.

It wasn’t until the fourth story that a verdict was reached.


Annie Hylton (right) and Matthew Hamilton (left)

The Fourth Story: Hylton prevails: But jury says “no rape.”

September 8th, a week later, the Hook ran the verdict: Hylton prevails: But jury says “no rape.”

Although Annie Hylton exclaimed “They believed me” at the conclusion of her civil suit over an alleged date-rape, interviews with some of the jurors in the case tell a different story.

Despite delivering a $150,000 verdict in the highly publicized case, jurors say that the former UVA student failed to prove that she was raped or that she was drugged. Nonetheless, say the jurors interviewed by the Hook, Hylton was a victim of such “negligence” that she deserved compensation from her alleged attacker.

The three-day trial, which wrapped last week, was marked by a profound lack of physical evidence. Instead, it was a case of Hylton’s word against Hamilton’s. Hamilton, a 2003 graduate now living in Brooklyn, New York, currently works as an options trader.

Almost immediately after receiving instructions from Charlottesville Circuit Court Judge Edward Hogshire, says juror Kim Henderson, the jury’s five women and two men agreed on two things.

There was no drugging, no rape,” says Henderson. On those issues, she explains, “We were all on the side of the defense.” [emphasis added]

The jury agreed that Hamilton had not used date rape drugs and that Hylton’s lack of memory was the result of excessive drinking. Hamilton’s attorney estimated that Hylton had drank at least 40 ounces of alcohol over the evening, rather than the five to six her attorney had claimed. At the time, Hylton was a 5’8 140-pound eighteen year-old first year, making forty ounces more than enough to cause a blackout. No evidence of date rape drugs was ever produced.

If we are to believe the jury, what actually happened that night was that Hylton got drunk, and had consensual sex with Hamilton. During sex, she passed out, woke up, asked him to stop. He says he stopped, Hylton says he didn’t, but Hamilton’s attorney pointed out that in her 2002 testimony to the UVA’s Sexual Assault Board she’d said that Hamilton had not resumed sex once she’d woken up and pushed him away. Then—and both sides agree on this—Hylton asked Hamilton for a ride home in the morning, and “and the two engaged in ‘inane chitchat’ in his car,” suggesting that Hylton was still comfortable with Hamilton the morning after.

Despite being found innocent of rape, Hamilton was still punished:

After some consideration, Miller says, the jury found Hamilton guilty only of “simple negligence.”

“He should have just let her lie in the bed and go to sleep,” Henderson says.

Juror Gregg John says the jury believed that both Hamilton and Hylton were negligent that night, but that since Hamilton was “older and more experienced with alcohol,” he should be held to a “slightly higher standard.”

In other-words, a court ruled that a man should face criminal prosecution and a six figure penalty for waking up a woman who passes-out during consensual sex. I am not certain what the predominantly female jury expected Hamilton to do differently. Wouldn’t it also have been negligence to leave a woman passed-out alone in a frat house after consuming that much alcohol?

Hylton was never prosecuted for underage drinking. She was awarded $150,000 because Hamilton failed to take care of her after she engaged in illegal substance abuse. This verdict sends a clear message that women are not legally accountable for their actions, and that it is men’s responsibility to take care of women and protect them from their own bad decisions.

This was ten years ago. The law has only gotten more liberal since then.

Several of Hylton’s friends also attacked Hamilton prior to the verdict:

Some of Hylton’s friends held Hamilton accountable with their own form of vigilante justice at one spring running of the Foxfield Races. After a bitter Hylton berated Hamilton at the Garth Road racing track, several of her friends confronted him and one poured a beer over his head. Another time at the Biltmore Grill, Hamilton testified, a group of her friends surrounded him and allegedly prevented him from leaving. A friend of Hylton’s confirmed those confrontations during her testimony.

The article calls this “justice” despite the fact Hamilton was found innocent of rape. To my knowledge, she and her friends were never prosecuted for their harassment, abuse, and bullying.

The verdict wrecked Hamilton’s finances:

Winegardner [Hamilton’s attorney], however, says his client is “devastated” by what he calls a “compromise verdict.”

Winegardner won’t reveal the cost of Hamilton’s nearly two-year defense, but Hylton’s attorney Rosenfield estimates it is “in the six figures.” While that sum was paid for by Hamilton’s parents’ homeowners insurance, the $150,000 award won’t be covered. That means Hamilton, who testified his annual salary is approximately $40,000, may have to pay it out of pocket.

“Certainly it’s going to have a devastating impact on his personal financial situation and his career aspirations,” says Winegardner, who will present several motions on September 19 asking that Judge Hogshire overturn the verdict.

Hylton on the other hand was satisfied:

Though the award is a far cry from the original $1.85 million in compensatory and punitive damages she originally sought, Hylton expressed satisfaction with the trial’s outcome. “It’s been a long three and a half years,” she says. “The overall process was more important than the verdict itself because it brought a lot of attention to the issue.” [emphasis added]

Her last quote shocks me, and makes me wonder—was attention always more important to her than justice?

What We Can Learn

People are quick to forget history. I would never have heard about this case had a friend who graduated from UVA when this was published not emailed these articles to me. Given the firestorm surrounding UVA, I am surprised no one else has acknowledged the Universities history with false rape accusations.

There are lessons here anyone involved in the modern debate around campus assault would do well to study.

First, the University of Virginia has not been able to handle rape cases for over ten years. The only real justice for anyone involved came when these claims were taken to court. These cases should be handled by the police, not universities.

Second, the media’s initial reports are often inaccurate, because all the facts have not emerged yet. When the 2004 case went to trial, Judge Edward Hogshire held up a copy of The Hook‘s first article and told jury members to stay away from media reports, rightly so.

Third, the University of Virginia has a documented history of false rape accusations. Saying that a rape accusation may be false does not make one an “idiot” or mean the person questioning does not care about rape. It means the person questioning cares about justice.

Fourth, false rape claims are possible, even from witnesses who believe they are telling the truth. The jury agreed that Hylton sincerely believed she had been raped, and had real PTSD symptoms due to this perceived assault, despite also ruling she had not been raped. Merely because a witness is “absolutely bursting to tell this story” does not mean the story is true.

Fifth, the court system holds men to a legal standard it does not hold women. Despite finding him innocent, the court still destroyed Hamilton personally and professionally. Had Hamilton passed out during sex with a woman two years older than him after engaging in underage drinking, I doubt the court would have awarded him $150,000.

Sixth, and perhaps most importantly, we must not prosecute the accused in the court of public opinion, but withhold judgement until they have been allowed to present their defense.

The Rolling Stone article at the center of the #UVARape scandal presents only one person’s testimony, as told two years after the fact. I am certain as this story develops, there will be new information that comes to light, just as it did in the 2004 case. What that information will be, I do not know and cannot predict.

Again, I do not know if the story presented in Rolling Stone is true or not. I only hope that those involved withhold judgement until the full truth is known. Had the 2004 rape accusations made at UVA been tried before all evidence was examined, an innocent man would have gone to jail.

Read More: Is Rolling Stone Sensationalizing The UVA Rape Story For Profit?

212 thoughts on “The True Story Of A False Rape Claim At UVA”

  1. Let’s cut to the chase. The diversity on campus is quite literally the cause of the actual rapes seen on campus. Both the presence of females in university, and the afletes who are there for no good reason. Then you have hysterical borderline personality cunts who make up shit about broken glass and gangrapes, nutcases who never should have been allowed in college.

    1. Racisssstt !
      Don’t bring up statistics n shit. 35k white women are raped by black men in America every year, but less than 20 (yes twenty) are white men raping black women. Making blacks 2000 times more likely to rape a white woman than a white man raping a black woman.
      Blacks claim victim hood in this country?

      1. 35k white women are raped by black men in America every year, but less than 20 (yes twenty) are white men raping black women.

        Which begs the question: How many of those cases were false?

      2. I used to believe this too until I took the red pill. Then it realized it’s practically impossible unless white girls are sleeping with black men, then regretting it and claiming rape.

    2. If I had a son I would seriously consider sending him to all-male schools from 4 to 22. Preferably with male teachers. I honestly don’t think his ‘game’ would be affected in any way.
      I’m kinda mad my parents sent me through the female-dominated public system. I almost never made it out of there with my masculinity in tact.
      – 15 minute recess
      – 30 minute lunch (20 of which is eating)
      – 6.5 hours of class (training for the office job I guess)
      – Sex ed courses where it was “explained” that women are completely in control of everything sexual
      My only male teachers were in math, physics, shop class and my basketball coach.
      I wouldn’t foist that experience on my own flesh and blood.

    3. What are you talkingn about? That might be true in some ghetto, but on campus the villains are white guys
      If a black dude raped one of the white cows she’d probably be too scared to say anything cus the “racism” would put her at odds with her social justice buddies
      I used to think that’s a crazy exaggeration until I went to college

      1. Most of the disciplinary stuff that comes by administrator’s desks involves darks of one shade or another.

      2. You need to learn to read. I’m saying that the white guys are generally pretty well behaved. 7 other people read it that way.

    4. But if the wimmins didn’t go to college, how would our society get all its scientists and astronomers? How would we continue to make great discoveries and push mankind forward in all things esoteric and mundane? How would we remain relevant on the world’s stage?
      Oh yeah, we’ve already abandoned such patriarchal concepts of progress…

      1. I believe you are referring to the historical accomplishments in the mentioned areas of great thinking, or the lack of for women. People who o use this argument don’t take into account that for millennia woman have been repressed , usually uneducated. It’s like a parent that had two children. One went to school and was treated like a valuable person and encouraged to be curious and inventive. The other was left uneducated and told that it would never amount to anything. Do you think the second child would be able to solve complex math problems?
        The fact that there are female scientists and what have you of merit tells me that if society hadnt repressed women, things would have been different by some degree. Maybe in a small way, maybe in a large way. But there would have been at least a small number of female intellectuals, inventors, scientists.
        You shouldnt let black people go to college then. Africa didn’t have any great scientists or inventors or artists.
        When I was in school there were a couple of girls that were excellent at anything academic, yes including math.

  2. Read Steve Sailer’s article on this. Takimag and Vdare have beaten ROK to this story and have done most of the heavy lifting.

  3. You tread too lightly. The only reasonable response in this day and age is not to believe an accusation until it had been through the courts. If they can’t be bothered to report it I can’t be bothered to believe anyof it.

    1. The problem is that with civil suits, there is no presumption of innocence, nor is there any protection from self-incrimination.
      If there was no finding of wrongdoing, there should have been no reward.

      1. presumption of innocence is a criminal term yes and does not really exist in civil. however the plaintiff must still prove the claim. its the difference between the ultimate burden of proof and an evidentiary burden. plaintiff has to push the box just over 50% up a hill. defendant doesn’t have to knock it to 0 just back down under 50%.
        and there is protection from self incrimination don’t take the stand.

        1. and there is protection from self incrimination don’t take the stand.

          This is not true. There is no such protection in civil proceedings, as per the Fifth Amendment:

          No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

          The closest a defendant in a civil case can get to invoking the Fifth Amendment is to say “I don’t recall” to any questions.

  4. It’s ugly. Women are demanding to be treated like children, yet also demanding to be treated like adults.
    Good artilce. Thanks.

    1. Makes a hundred percent sense. Children get protection and free liberties and adults get more freedom and less question. Only seems logical to keep that power play going.

        1. yup especially when low-fat ladies trying to run and get tired 1,2,3… just wow. Another prove that police force isn’t for women.

        2. Theres another hilarious vid of a male cop and a guy dressed as batman throw haymakers at one another as the female cop tries to intervene…reminds of a typical barfight where the girlfriend of one of the two brawling tries to break it up…

        3. I know, right!? I was laughing as well. The best part is when the female cop is brought to the ground merely by the guy moving forward!

      1. That video would have garnered the respect it deserves if the fucking idiot filming turned the camera horizontal!

    2. That’s the feminist strategy, which is the same as chivalry. Females are weak, helpless, and stupid while strong, smart, and competent. The purpose is to switch roles as is expedient to get rewards and avoid trouble.
      Treating them as individual persons rather than the stereotypes they want is the key…

      1. Unfortunately, as in this particular case, you have both sides being played by the same individual person.

        1. Yes, but few people notice it or perhaps dare mention it because the authorities support it.

        2. Women can be described as “situational adults” much as many people practice “situational ethics”. If females do something praiseworthy they and their supporters consider them adults while if they do something wrong they and their supporters consider them helpless and childlike.

    3. The nobler and more perfect a thing is, the later and slower is it in reaching maturity. Man reaches the maturity of his reasoning and mental faculties scarcely before he is eight-and-twenty; woman when she is eighteen; but hers is reason of very narrow limitations. This is why women remain children all their lives, for they always see only what is near at hand, cling to the present, take the appearance of a thing for reality, and prefer trifling matters to the most important.
      —Arthur Schopenhauer

      1. Schopenhauer deserves to be respected by the philosophical community as more than Nietzsche’s intellectual mentor, but his ‘misogyny’ tastes too much like truth to their immature palettes

    4. Women are demanding to be treated like children, yet also demanding to be treated like adults.

      Of course. In order to manipulate her opponents and get what she wants, sometimes it’s necessary to play both sides of the fence, depending on which one gives her the strategic advantage. 😉

    5. The cognitive dissonance–and the general public’s dismissal of it–is astounding.
      The elders knew all along, yet society dismisses them as barbarians

  5. This case proves that this woman is not a victim, but a whore, and an expensive one at that.

  6. Womyn get their “day in court”. Men get squelched and threatened with expulsion on the drunken word of a fool.

  7. A huge part of the problem is that nobody has a speedy trial anymore. Had this gone to trial and been dealt with in a timely matter, I doubt Hamilton’s defense would have been so high. Also, he may not have been held accountable for banging a drunk girl.
    By the way, banging a drunk girl on college campuses is considered rape these days. So if you’re in college, don’t bang a drunk girl. It does not matter how Alpha you are, some girls are just plain crazy. Usually it’s the hot ones and the ugly ones.

  8. American women, for whom “equality” means “F>M”, want all the benefits of being a man, with none of the responsibilities or liabilities. The second that Things Get Rough, even the most ardent feminists is going to put her hair up in pigtails, squeal “But….I’m just a GIRL!” and scram for the life boats.
    This sort of drama queen bullshit is why I only date foreign or foreign born women.
    À bientôt,

  9. Rape hysteria is growing out of control. The current situation of these rape cases is proof that today’s women no longer have any honour or self respect.
    In the past, rape was once seen as something that could never be openly discussed by any legitimate victims. But from observing the freakshow known as society, it seems that women no longer have a problem of publicising their so called incidents about being raped, and have even gone as far as turning rape into public art.
    It is also worth mentionting that with legislation such as “yes means yes” or the “rape by fraud” which are heavily entrenched by the corrupt values of feminism, men are now finding that all the laws are being stacked against them, and this in turn, gives women too much power to use and abuse the system.
    Remember, feminism does not fight for equality, but fights for superiority over men, and at the rate at which this cancer is destroying all aspects of our society, it would not suprise me if decades from now, it will even be illegal to be male.
    Dangerous times we live in.

    1. Yes it appears that many women are ‘scared’ to tell the police, yet they seem to be ‘brave’ enough to tell everything to a shitty tabloid.
      Too much crying wolf…

    1. EDIT: And now that RS is issuing an apology, it is almost certain she fabricated the story. I hope both she and RS get sued to hell for this one.

  10. I thought the Rolling Stone story read like bad fiction. The broken glass table is the give-away. Something shady might have happened that night, but the notion that a gang rape is is some sort of right-of-passage for fraternity members is ABSURD.
    Any guy who’s been through the greek system in a US university will tell you that you are constantly surrounded by (mostly) beautiful sorority girls ALL the time. The girls are at parties, you go to planned events together, they just hang out at the house. Even the most awkward and homely among us almost can’t help but hook up.
    The moral and legal implications aside, there is ZERO incentive to take part in anything like what was described in the article. These are predominantly well-to-do kids with rather bright futures ahead of them. Not The Mountain’s men from Game of Thrones.

    1. There were other dead giveaways. For example, when the alleged rapists referred to the girl as “it”. The editor apparently thought a little “silence of the lambs” (it rubs the lotion on its skin) would sell more magazines. Another giveaway is that UVA fraternity rush is in the spring, not the fall. The dialogue in the Rolling Stone story also says that you have to rape this girl to be a “member”, not a “brother” as any idiot knows.

    2. Well put. Also, if you have been a brother you know that crazy, illegal shit will affect not only your future but your brothers’ as well. Mine would have disciplined one another (including) expulsion for much less.

      1. Back in the day, my house was one of the first to go dry. Meaning – zero alcohol on the property. I’m sure you can imagine how that went over.
        Nevertheless, that rule was observed and enforced. We risked losing our chapter otherwise, and no one wanted to be the jackass who was responsible for that.
        Granted, this is one house on one campus out of many throughout the country. It just reinforces the point you made, I think. If us overly “privileged” frat boys can self-police when it comes to drinking then it seems unlikely that any chapter would take the risk of requiring gang rape as a part of initiation. Again…moral and legal implications aside (

        1. My frat kicked a pledge out for shady behavior with a female, and this was over 25 years ago. I spoke in the guys defense, but the girl in question had gone to HS with some of the brothers.
          Ugly scene, probably the wrong thing to do to that guy, but we self-policed (as you say), and everyone was acutely aware of the possibility of severe action from the university. I don’t see how a gang rape could be an informal part of a pledge program.

    3. The Rolling Stone story is collapsing. These guys roll around in broken glass for 3 plus hours? She walks through a crowded party with cuts from said glass and nobody notices? Her friends behave like sociopaths? The whole thing is redolent of a bad after school special.
      I think the only conclusion one can draw is the “victim” in the story has some kind of emotional problem.

  11. For some reason women in younger generations think being under the influence of drugs gives them a “get out of rational decision making” card. If the US justice system can charge a person with murder while intoxicated then why can when claim rape while intoxicated?

      1. This is true and the woman’s super feminist friend or teacher trying to reconcile her drunken one night stand as a side effect of the harsh patriarchal rule she’s being oppressed under hahaha

      2. The reason younger women think that is because the legal system reinforces it.

        And only for women… no one could (or should) get out of a DUI because he was drunk.
        I’ll suggest that the proper response to this lawsuit is a countersuit that claims that since the guy was drunk, he didn’t know that screwing this woman would result in a whore bill for $150k, and that had he not been drunk, he’d not have done it.
        Sure it probably wouldn’t go anywhere, but it would help get the word out to other guys that avoiding these kinds of situations is best for their financial well-being.

        1. “I’ll suggest that the proper response to this lawsuit is a countersuit that claims that since the guy was drunk, he didn’t know that screwing this woman would result in a whore bill for $150k, and that had he not been drunk, he’d not have done it.” Beautiful sir. I tip my hat to you

        2. Men are supposed to exercise sound discretion when under the influence but women can behave carte blanche. And oh yeah, you’re a sexist pig if you suggest that maybe women shouldn’t put themselves in bad situations such as getting drunk.

        3. Yes and it’s not their fault that they get catcalled or grabbed on when they are wearing a mini skirt that only covers half their ass

  12. bitches be crazy.
    back when i was 16 i had friend that claimed to have gotten raped. i was upset and said she its no big deal even her friends laugh it off. i was insistin we take it to the police and she strongly resisted. i lofged off and she calls my cell to bitch at me for it. me being beta…..ok.
    lost sleep over her. needless to say i dont care for her now and feel less or none at alk for so xalled eape victims. in fact now im a skeptic thanks to rok.
    which the manisphere qas around 10yrs ago.
    straight up i know shes a liar and didnt wanna feel slutty. if it really was rape..then guess it really aint a big deal like assualt n murder because of her demeaner an so calked friends. if she gets upset from bein dumped she should be traumatized by the incident.

    1. Women use rape as an excuse for their sluttiness even though feminism preaches that their sluttiness is ok. It’s a mind fuck

      1. It’s because deep in their shallow souls, they know slutting is gross and a sure sign of a weak character

  13. I have had a few women (none or them romantic interests) tell me they were raped. I didn’t believe them.
    Any woman who discloses this to you openly and casually is lying.

    1. yeah, this has happened to me a few times as well. I was like “why the fuck are you telling a coworker this?”

    2. It’s a new trend. For example, the list of female celebrities who claims they have been raped at one point or another has become absurdly long. Rape claims is the new sex tape. All PR is good PR.

      1. They have all been raped…according to the New American definition; sex while intoxicated

    3. It’s always comical when they tell you on your first ever encounter with them, too. Must not have been THAT traumatizing if you openly volunteer it left-and-right, so why not just hire a plane to write it in the sky?

    4. Shit I’ve heard girls say…
      “My ex-boyfriend abused me”, “My boyfriend is abusing me”, “This guy fed me a lot of booze, I think he is trying to rape me”, “I think this guy I’m seeing is a psychopath, why wont he be my boyfriend?”, “That guy is such a piece of shit asshole, but he’s so sexy”.
      All I hear from girls now is double-speak…
      This whole “he raped me!!!” thing is just the new fad. The girls have realized how much attention and free benefits it gets them to be a “rape-victim.” How many of you wanna bet that at least one of the girls accusing Bill Cosby or Jian Ghomeshi of rape is just trying to get in on the scavenger hunt and score some goodies???

      1. Regardless, Cosby is fraud … I respected his public image, but now it’s clear that even if he didn’t rape those women (which given the commonality of the stories and volume of reports, I find incredible), he was a degenerate, not a family values paragon of virtue dude.

        1. I still believe that Bill Cosby didn’t rape anyone, simply because none of the accusers have provided any credible or objective evidence that he did. The number of accusations is irrelevant, as these women saw that he gave one accuser a payday and they see the opportunity for the same.
          If an accuser can show credible and objective evidence that he did engage in rape, then my belief will change accordingly. He-said-she-said simply doesn’t cut it.
          At worst, Cosby is a player, and now these women want to be paid for their encounters with them.

        2. No, at worst Cosby drugged and raped several teenage girls when he was in his fifties.
          These claims have been mounting for two decades … it wasn’t a spontaneous eruption.

        3. You’re wrong about Cosby. Don’t be fooled by the image he puts out. He’s a scumbag of epic proportions.

        4. How does anyone know?
          Where are the police reports? Where is the evidence? Why didn’t these women press charges at the time. There’s absolutely no way the justice system at the time would have passed on convicting a black guy of raping a white woman.
          Yes these claims are old, but they’re just that, claims. Until Cosby is prosecuted and evidence of his guilt presented (as was the case with OJ Simpson) then I am not going to buy into the claim that he’s a rapist.

        5. You sound like a black racist to me. You seem to be suggesting that the fact that blacks are 2000 times more likely to rape a white than vice versa is the criminal justice systems fault, rather than the blacks responsibility.
          Blacks commit violent crimes and rapes in astronomical proportions … it’s not the system, it’s YOU.

        6. I have no doubt that Bill Cosby is not a real life Dr. Huxtable. But I refuse to believe any unsubstantiated claims of criminal activity on his part.
          When the claims are more than he-said-she-said, then I’ll accept them accordingly, and I’d hope he would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

        7. Giving rape claims that have no objective or credible evidence to sustain them any level of legitimacy is white knight behavior.
          We are supposed to be a society that punishes crimes based on evidence, not hearsay. We are also not supposed to punish one individual for the crimes of others who look like him. What’s next? Should whites in the USA have to pay reparations for slavery too?

        8. And what do you base that on? Where is your evidence? What is your proof?
          If you have none, you are no better than a false rape accuser — like these women.

        9. People in general will believe whatever fits into their world view on things, evidence be damned in alot of cases. That’s how we ended up with feminaziism and a borderline totalitarian government in the 1st place.

  14. College males:
    – Tape every casual encounter.
    – Do not fuck drunk chicks. Up your game – alcohol is a crutch.
    We have to take the same precaution as professional athletes now. How much more BS until men decide to invent sex robots and make women obsolete? You know if this issue gets too out of hand, some enterprising alpha is going to seize the opportunity.

    1. I would also add do not fuck a woman you just met. Give her some time to show if she is bat shit crazy or not before you put yourself in any compromising positions.

      1. Totally agree!! Remember — “don’t stick your dick in ‘crazy’ “…and ALWAYS assume that she IS crazy!

    2. Legalizing prostitution in america(beyond Las Vegas) would be more practical, and with the increase in female hysteria, more probable too.

    3. Anyone know how you could hide a camera in your room?What would be the logistics to do something like this because I am seriously thinking about doing this. I can’t take the risk of ruining my whole career because some slut felt like she was going to be raped all of a sudden.
      Completely srs.

  15. Dorm cams need to be a thing. With all the campus rape hysteria, there is a big market of men out there that don’t want to get wrapped up in a false rape accusation. Bet you could charge $100 for a hidden cam that is activated via smartphone.

    1. I see your point but I’d be very hesitant to consent to being monitored at all times. I’d be very careful about who can access that kind of footage.

      1. The buyer and individual that activates the camera is the male. Video downloads directly to SD card, which the guy keeps to thwart any false rape accusations.

        1. That sounds much more reasonable. “Dorm cams” made me think it was something controlled by the institution.

        2. Dorm cams in the hallways would curb a large portion of false accusations. If the girl is making out with you before you go to your room, and kisses you good bye the morning after, it will be hard for her to claim rape.

        3. I’ve edited the original post to clarify “owned and operated by male student”. You are right, it does read as something that could be interpreted as institutional control, which i would agree is an extreme violation of privacy.

    2. No. If you didn’t admit blacks to college accusations would nearly vanish and the actual cases would be reduced to a hanful. The surveillance state is an outgrowth of the Multicult.

      1. “If you didn’t admit blacks to college accusations would nearly vanish”…
        Nope, they’ll just keep broadening the definition of rape until any interaction with a female on campus can be deemed as rape, including her word alone, as we see with “Yes means lying cunt whore wants you in jail YES!” laws in CA.
        White women don’t care about the fact that black men are convicted of rape many magnitudes above that of white men.

  16. So basically, even if rape charges are found to be false, the man has to pay the woman six-figure compensations because women are utterly incapable of taking responsibility for their actions. This according to the American justice system.
    In other words, men cannot win either way. If a woman decides to press charges against a man for whatever reason, she will win by default because of her sex.

    1. I think the finding of negligence arose from the fact that they gave her the alcohol. Kind of like a bartender having legal liability for serving customers too many drinks.
      Of course, there’s the fact that if the genders were reversed, no way would she have been found liable.

      1. He was also under the influence of alcohol. But anyway, If she had been stone-cold sober they would have said that she was “emotionally unstable at the time”, and was taken advantage of. Or that she felt “pressured”. Or any other of the numerous catchphrases that have been invented in order to absolve women of any responsibility for their actions.

    2. “In other words, men cannot win either way.”
      Sadly, NO. It has become the time that, for men, “the only way to win is not to play.”
      But this is the way that womyn want it.

  17. What the fuck? The jury found that she failed to prove both claims, but made an award for a claim she didn’t bring? Where the fuck was this guy’s lawyer on that one? It’s called remittitur, and this dude should have asked for it.

    1. Given that it was a civil lawsuit, she undoubtedly brought claims for negligence as well as for the intentional torts of drugging and raping her.

      1. Perhaps, but if she did bring a negligence claim, what duty was she owed? Moreover, how did the breach of that duty cause her any damages given that the intentional torts did not occur?

  18. And while we’re at it, I don’t know that Hylton should be too happy. “Hooray, the jury treated me like an overgrown child who has to be rewarded for my own poor decisions!”

  19. “Dumb white whore plays victim for social validation”
    Turns its back on rape, lmao
    There isn’t any place in the world that’s more hysterical about rape than US colleges

    1. What is astonishing about the situation is that most females attend college to find an intelligent mate with prospects. So you know the hamster is spinning in denial when women get hysterical about this. They went to Yale, UCLA, Berkeley, UofC to snag Mr Fortune.

      1. It used to be the case they searched for a ‘good man’ in college, but anymore I think it doesn’t even cross their minds to find a smart man until theyre 26+ and about to hit the wall.
        In college they simply don’t give a shit if youre a smarter guy. Obviously girls are too dumb to have any foresight, or even the thought that they need/want a high-achieving male until theyre about to hit the wall

      2. But when they can’t snag Mr. Fortune, they sue for a fortune…1.5 million for a night of drunken idiocy (reduced to 150,000 by an all woman jury). Either way, this foul cunt is rewarded for lying. Our justice system is a sham, and will soon collapse under the weight of its own bullshit

  20. The amount of lying inherent in journalism these days disgusts me.
    It was intended to enlighten the masses, not blind them.
    Today’s journalists are nothing but amoral scoundrels who have perfected the art of looking and sounding as if they accurately report events in a way which reflects reality.
    When the truth is, they could care less about reality; exclusively reporting on events which can be manipulated to suit their agenda.

    1. Journalists are fucking frauds these days anyway. They are nothing but adventurist, opportunistic hipster trash who seem to only do it to travel brag (I’m calling you out, Vice!). Besides, seems like 10% of articles are “facts” (and dubious ones at that) and 90% Tweets from middle-American rabble. Why the fuck they think I would EVER care what some Joe or Jane Schmoe poser pseudo-intellectual Twitter jockey has to say about anything under The Sun is beyond me! I used to skip past the cut-and-pasted Tweets in an article I would read and continue on past their point, but now I just check out of an article entirely if it “features” them!

    2. Is it any wonder that the MSM is dying rapidly? Revenues are WAY down for these MSM outlets.

  21. Oh and let me guess, the times she had sex with men overseas while taking her token White-people’s pilgrimage to Christian, English-speaking and safe Western Europe (because The East is “all crazy” with scary Russians, Serbs and Albanians like in Taken!) just because they were tall and White and had “sexy” accents “don’t count”, but she was RAAAAAPED in this instance by a gang of marauding, lascivious frat boy skinny pussies? Wow, amazing how that works!

  22. Did women fight to go to colleges (at the time exclusively male reserves) just so they could allege rape? Serious question.

    1. It’s all about drainage.
      They go to drain their daddy’s wallet and drain a dude’s balls.
      That might be the first line of poetry Ive ever written.

  23. False rape accusers being given the time of day is a big problem, and a natural for a manosphere site like this, but the real tragedy here is that someone is forced to pay some random accuser/grifter $150K despite no rape conviction.
    A common thread in most/all feminist abuses, is that they rely on social and legal structures that are also used by the state and its apologists for non feminist agendas. IOW, feminism is but one facet of a more fundamental underlying problem.
    It would behoove those opposed to rampant feminist abuses, to focus their attacks on those underlying tools facilitating the abuses of the feminists, rather than the feminist motivation in and of itself.
    A good start would be to fight against the possibility anywhere, ever, that the court system is used to “award” person A person Bs anything, without first being found guilty beyond reasonable doubt by a criminal court. Civil courts were designed to settle disputes over interpretations of contracts that both parties voluntarily entered into. Not serve as a tool for SJWs and others to harass people who haven’t done anything criminal, hence legally wrong. The whole idea that OJ Simpson was somehow responsible for some broad’s death, despite being cleared in a a real court, is such a mockery of justice as to warrant supporting an overthrow of this entire shithole by Koranic courts ran by crazy Afghan Mullahs with splints in their heads.
    The same goes for anything from this rape charge nonsense to speeding tickets. If whatever bad behavior someone has engaged in is really so terrible as to warrant state coercive involvement, it is terrible enough to convince a jury of 12 random jurors to convict beyond a reasonable doubt. If not, then whatever you did isn’t bad enough to drag the state into it.
    Fighting to regain that bit of restraint from the now all encompassing oppressive state, would largely solve all the complaints this article raises. Plus a whole host of others as well.

    1. No not really. OJ got off for several reasons unrelated to his innocence.
      Glad to see you are defending a murderer, sicko.

    2. Don’t defend OJ. You’re standing on thin ice with that one. The system failed that time, and very openly at that. OJ is a murderer. All the evidence suggests that. The same ‘justice’ system that let’s women pursue these ridiculous false rape allegations is the same system that let OJ go free on loosely based racial sympathies.
      OJ butchered a Jew and a white woman in broad daylight. He got a team of civil rights attorneys to help him beat the rap.

      1. Blacks are now hiding behind the manosphere so they can rape with impunity.
        You see black racism in action here? Attack a cop or kill a white woman, blacks will always claim innocence for their fellow black.
        Blacks act like the KKK towards white victims of black crime. Evidently blacks should be allowed to attack and kill whitey without going to jail.

        1. Yes, the pendulum has really swung back in regard to race relations. It’s open season on whites right now, and whites are now such huge pussies that they refuse to defend themselves. It’s going to get ugly. Whether they know it or not, whites are the only allies blacks have. Just let the blacks deal with the hispanics, asians, or arabs. We’ll see how those groups take off the kid gloves when dealing with blacks.
          Blacks are majorly outnumbered in this country. They should tread a little lighter. White cops are the only thing protecting blacks from being attacked by other racial groups.

        2. If I were a white cop, I would refuse to arrest blacks or police their streets.
          I don’t want to have my life ruined by Al Sharpton and the hoard of race pimps and effeminate white liberals for doing my job.

        3. Blacks kill each other at far higher rates than any other racial demographic. It would be a lot worse if the cops didn’t occasionally get in the way.

        4. It’s more like the other way around. Whites benefit from having blacks as an underclass against other dark underclasses, notably Hispanics. Umm, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, Hispanics are very virulent against whites and will breed at 10x the rate of whites while the black population has remained statistically stagnant. Additionally, even if wrongly so, other groups don’t view blacks as being a common enemy but whites. Arabs and Hispanics are not your friends. Asians will always play your second fiddle. The fact is, is this brutal truth, white women have tonnes of allies (given that any group of women with the exception of some races will be rushed in aid to), it’s that white men are on island by themselves and all men are situationally disadvantaged by the courts . Additionally don’t place your faith in any group of women, they are women, they are going to go with whomever they believe is winning. I have no bone in this fight given that I’m biracial and I’d lose someone, one way or the other.

        5. Lol. America has hit peak negro and you will be driven from the city and whatnot by, of all things, hipster white regentrifiers.

      2. Specifically about the OJ case, didn’t Nicole treat him like a cuckold behind his back to the point he killed them out of rage?

    3. The best reforms that can come to the civil court system is to apply the same protections guaranteed to criminally accused persons to defendants in civil cases:
      1. Civil defendants should be allowed to invoke the right of silence in any proceedings.
      2. Civil plaintiffs should be required to prove their cases beyond a reasonable doubt, as opposed to the preponderance of evidence that exists now.
      3. And of course, rewards should never be allowed if there’s no verdict in the plaintiff’s favor, as was the case here.

  24. This article talks little about the current UVA rape story…..what is happening with it? I hope the fraternity sues the fuck out of Rolling Stone and makes them admit it was a lie.
    “he should be held to a slightly higher standard.”
    Court basically admitting men are superior. Women are helpless children and the man was expected to be the firm guidance in the situation lol.
    Why don’t we just go back to old times where she was property of her father and he was responsible for leading her, until a husband took responsibility and guided her……because obviously females can’t be responsible for their own fucking decisions.

  25. Males have come forward years after and admitted to using roofies at frat parties to knock out a female with one drink at frat parties. It happens, don’t know why. The woman needs immediately report to the real city police, not the campus police. Even if the case can’t be proved it still generates a report, and the police can start to see a pattern emerge over time.

    1. They did a study back in the UK years ago on the “issue” of date rape drugs, their finding? 0%, yes that’s right not a single case of reported use of date rape drugs was found to be accurate. Tricks and hoes just need to stop drinking so much if they can’t keep their legs closed while shitfaced.

    1. The fraternities must sue the living shit out of Rolling Stone for libel or any other kind of defamation claim they can make. RS needs to be made an example of or else other fiction writers will not get the message that you can’t just make up BS about other people.

      1. Right here is a case where the accuser (and media outlet) should suffer SEVERE consequences. I hope the frat sues both mercilessly. I’d donate to that cause. They want rape accusations to be taken seriously, well here is one that needs to be taken seriously.

        1. People should be fired from Rolling Stone.
          Not contacting the accusers to give them a chance to speak for themselves and give their side? It’s like Rolling Stone is a high school newspaper and this was a story about a food fight in the cafeteria.

      2. 100% agree. F Rolling Stone. People should be fired and they should pay the fraternities a lot of money for libeling them.

    2. This link is conveniently tucked away and a lot harder to find then the original article which is still up on the web site…

  26. To runsonmagic: I’m not a registered member of RVF (yet), but I’ve been following all posts on the “Rolling Stone” thread.
    I think the follow-up article should be, “Rape-advocacy-groups, rape-crisis-centers, and rape-victim-advocacy-groups are irresponsible, untrained, and do not employ scientifically-scrutinized arguments in their policy decisions and procedures. Therefore, they should all be disbanded, leaving rape victims with only two choices: police or silence.”
    (Sorry if that sentence was gibberish.)

    1. Obvious conflict of interest. A ‘rape advocacy group’ is going to want more clients to justify their jobs. There’s incentive for them to push more rape accusations or whatever the fuck they do.

      1. I didn’t follow GamerGate very closely, but I know that the head of Gawker media tweeted, “They don’t want an apology. They want us bankrupt.”

  27. I sent Alison Booth – the UVA Feminist English teacher who called for fraternities to be banned – a message on facebook (paid the $1 to send directly to her inbox) asking her why she’s attacking frats when its revealed to be a lie

    1. Because she’s a feminist…and feminists HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE men.
      Then they also wonder why MGTOW exists.

  28. Rolling Stone is walking back the article on the alleged rape of “Jackie”. And I’ve reading some stories regarding the development. The Washington Post reported that rocks have been thrown through windows of the fraternity that has been now wrongly accused. The headlines of the search pages are full of the hand wringing over the damage done to rape victims which of course is an important consideration.
    BUT, no mention of the horrific slander against the falsely accused.
    I suppose the falsely accused will be told to “man up”.

      “While the details of this one case may have been misreported, this does not erase the somber truth this article brought to light: Rape is far more prevalent than we realize,
      They did this with the catcall video. It was proven to be a hoax, but it somehow didn’t change the validity of it’s message.
      Somehow, this false rape accusation still means rape is far more prevalent than we realize. How does that compute?

      1. I’m sick of this “bringing an important situation to light” bullshit. Everyone knows rape is bad, we don’t need that “brought to light”.
        It’s just more political, fem-centic BS. So many articles condemning the RS story are bemoaning that it’s going top be harder for real rape victims now. Because the innocence of these men are less important than some ephemeral group of potential rape victims. The hemming and hawing over the difficulty of being a female has gotten stale, even rotten, and has poisoned any sympathy I might have had for women in the first place.

  29. “The overall process was more important than the verdict itself because it brought a lot of attention to the issue.”
    Its amazing.
    I mean, look, I understand women don’t have the same moral compass as most men do but, come the fuck on
    You have the pure AUDACITY to say some shit like that?
    A man’s life was RUINED because of your horse shit. You got smashed out and caught a embarrassment moment and decided that worth going through all this? Where is the line with this broads? As a man in today’s world you have to walk on eggshells when even talking with them
    “Hi. How are you doing?”
    (RAPE! EW. oppressor!)
    Sarcastic but, damn near close to the truth. This seems like one big shit test for men to follow, while others see past the fuckery and know how women really are deep down. No, I am not saying the ones that are aware and are able to turn a chick on don’t have to still worry, but, nonetheless they understand its a game and know these new liberal movements are all bullshit and act accordingly.
    I truly believe women are just parrots most times with this shit. They are just saying it because they are suppose to. There is no real meat behind what they are saying.
    Women, are the the type of PUAs that study the game but, don’t truly believe what they are selling. Just saying it just to say it. No heart behind it.

    More men need to take off the headphones and hear what is really going on around them.

  30. Everything liberal is a complete fucking lie.
    The MIT professor who helped write Obamacare called voters stupid for supporting it, now it’s revealed rape hysteria is also a lie.
    Even retarded people can perceive and admit reality, but not liberals!
    Their own masters are telling them it’s bullshit and they still believe it!

  31. It seems like every white western woman has been raped. Now Lady Gaga and Pamela Anderson claim to have been victims of rape

    1. and Lady Gaga said it when her latest album sales weren’t doing so hot. Trying to drum up attention

    2. This is because of female herd mentality, quite simply if you haven’t been victimized in some way you’re just not part of the “hip” crowd. If you haven’t at least been oggled by some creepy old man you’re a loser and so what’s a girl to do if she has never been raped or even molested by an uncle?
      Just make shit up, of course. This is also why they keep expanding the definition of sexual assault/rape, because every woman has to be a victim.

      1. It’s also because of Marxism. According to Marxism, you’re either a victim or an oppressor. A self-righteous SJW wants everyone to know that he/she is a good guy/gal, and to do that, he/she must compete in the Victim Olympics.

    3. I’ve done plenty of dumb things but I can proudly say I’ve never accused a man of rape ever

  32. Hamilton’s attorney estimated that Hylton had drank at least 40 ounces of alcohol over the evening,

    40oz’s! Man, thats a warmup for most college gals.

  33. Damn! This is far better reporting that anything I have read in the mainstream shit media. Good job RunsOnMagic!
    I guess this was written before today’s admission by the Rolling Stone that Jackie’s story does not add up.
    The larger lesson for all of us: The government and most institutions – especially those that touch the government in some way, such as universities – have become full on attack vehicles of the feminist state. There is no justice to be found in that environment. This Hamilton guy was lucky things did not turn out worse for him. Don’t count on a court getting it right.
    You have to STAY THE FUCK AWAY from all of these environments. A lot of guys want to get a university degree in order to pursue a particular career. Thus, many guys have to go into the den of the feminist devil. All of these young men should be advised to focus on their studies and stay the fuck away from the women-children on campus. STAY THE FUCK AWAY. Masturbate, use off campus hookers, find a girl that works at Denny’s if you need a girl friend. But just stay the hell away from all women-children on campus.

    1. Possible there is no Jackie. Journalist who need a shocking “investigative” story to get a name and reputation, trying to move up because they keep getting assigned boring stories. Been done before.

    “In the face of new information, there now appear to be discrepancies in Jackie’s account, and we have come to the conclusion that our trust in her was misplaced,” wrote managing editor Will Dana in a note to readers. “We were trying to be sensitive to the unfair shame and humiliation many women feel after a sexual assault and now regret the decision to not contact the alleged assaulters to get their account. We are taking this seriously and apologize to anyone who was affected by the story.”
    That’s okay. This one sided crap story that didn’t even pretend to be ojective whipped up enough rape culture hysteria for a while. Rolling Stone is a magazine with the journalistic know how of a bunch of monkeys, but the feminuts got their mileage out of it with no downside of any kind, so they’re happy.
    The day is coming when no one cares when women report rapes; unfortunately this will include the real victims of violent, forced rape.

    1. It’s looking more and more that there’s no maybe about it. It’s most certainly all bull shit.

  35. Was it just me, or did nearly every reporter on this have a big nose? And no, I dont just mean they were liars…

  36. I never had a doubt this was a false claim. for me it’s easy to tell when a woman is lying..anytime her mouth moves.

  37. The best way to minimize/stop these false accusations is to prosecute, it’s not beyond belief that if you told someone they could “get back” at anyone they were angry at with zero’s no surprise that women use false rape to get back at men

    1. Note how ABC News poisons the well by trying to make you feel sympathy for this CRIMINAL who lied about rape, and put a man into prison.

      1. Just watched the video.
        A man got 20 years with no hard evidence at all, and she is walking around here as if nothing happen.
        We are Batman, they are Joker.
        Joker has no rules or point in what he does. He just simply does it.
        Batman lives by rules, order, concepts, philosophies, purpose, etc.
        He will forever be no match against a force of nature that lacks purpose ad direction.
        Blood suckers.

    2. And if the government won’t prosecute a false rape accuser, throw a civil suit back at the false rape accuser.

  38. I remember being invited to frat parties and not wanting to be thought of as a ‘stupid first year’ either! I don’t know if I totally believe her story but I can understand where she’s coming from totally

  39. So this bullshit about rape culture and man hating at Colleges and Universities is not new. A man’s life is destroyed because he had consensual sex with a woman who felt guilty over 10 years ago.
    A generation of men who are destroyed by the assholeness of the “College Way” and a generation of women taught to destroy men by the assholeness of the “College Way”.

  40. Imagine being a cop investigating a rape claim, interviewing a white girl would be like dealing with an autistic child.
    “well none of this makes sense or has a logical flow, but we’re still going to try and see if youre telling the truth ok sweety”

  41. Stay away from any university with a plethora of departments whose descriptions end in the word “studies”.

  42. Excellent article.
    If Hamilton had decided to text the girl or even invited her for a second date, her accusations would not have stuck anywhere. What kind of girl is being driven home by her rapist and spends the night after chatting with him him in the car?
    Thankfully the former Iraqi Minister of Information and Truth has weighed in on the issue:

  43. This is just fucking chilling. A man being forced to pay for a woman’s irresponsible choices and idiotic drunkenness. How is this even justified? How can the jury honestly believe that a person can be owed $150,000 for having a bad experience after drinking too much? If that were the case for everyone, I’d be a millionaire many times over.
    The fault, of course, is that five women sat on the jury. Once again, women prove that they HAVE NO CONCEPT OF JUSTICE, thus have no right to be considered fully functional, competent members of a democratic society. I’m just disgusted by this. As a young man, I respected women (but never worshiped them); as I got older, I lost much of that respect, but still considered them autonomous citizens of the republic; now, in my years of wisdom, I see that giving them the right to vote was the death knell for America. How can beings with no sense of justice be allowed to take part in a just democratic society?
    150 Grand. For making bad decisions while drunk. I need to renew my passport

  44. While Breitbart deletes any comment with the words “Return of Kings” in it, I have directed a number of interested readers this way by encouraging them to google the title of this article. Hopefully it opens a few more eyes, and perhaps even helps a few souls into the realm of the red pill

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