Nobel Laureate Sir Tim Hunt Says Female Scientists Cry When Criticized

“Let me tell you about my trouble with girls. Three things happen when they are in the lab: you fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticise them they cry.”

The 2001 winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine, Sir Tim Hunt, is onto something, regardless of him being forced to apologize for it later. Although I believe him when he said his comments at a conference in South Korea were a joke, he was clearly telling it because it reflected an amalgamation of certain real-life experiences he’d had.

The backlash against Sir Tim has been vitriolic to say the least and, like in many similar circumstances, the fury stems in large part from an unconscious realization by his critics that he’s right. Not only is he right, substantial numbers of women agree with him: women are generally worse at regulating their emotions in the workplace.

If a scientist, male or female, had declared at a conference that the majority of men in the workplace bullied women, imposed themselves on them unfairly, or were involved in some kind of mass rape culture, without any evidence, the response would have been one of head-nodding or huge mirth at the “truth” being reiterated.

But when frank, non-politically correct gentlemen like Sir Tim say what they have experienced, whether in the form of a joke or not, batten down the hatches and prepare for the nuclear holocaust, folks. Because that’s what’s coming your way when you have the audacity to speak your mind on taboo topics, especially as a world-renowned expert in your field, let alone a Nobel Prize winner.

Women themselves say women are more emotional in the workplace

Studies HAVE determined women are more emotional and cry more often in the workplace. Even surveyed women agree.

Take this study as an example, although, of course, one of those working for the company making the survey, Kathryn Fagg, tried to refute their own results:

It found 41 per cent of women thought men were better at managing their emotions, while 14 per cent thought women were better. Forty-five per cent remained neutral.

I don’t know about you, but this certainly replicates my own experiences in the workplace, from the time I first secured part-time employment when a 14-year-old junior high school student. In the retail environment, well before I entered university, girls my age or thereabouts were routinely afforded the cushier jobs, from permanent cashier to change-room attendant.

They would gag if they had to clean up when produce went stale or leaks of stored soft drinks remained unnoticed until the smell became unbearable for customers and staff alike. The idea of a girl or woman taking the garbage out, like the boys and men were expected to, never ever materialized as well.

During stocktake, assuming a girl of the same size had half the upper-body strength, female employees were “lucky” to carry 15% of the combined weight across the day as a male of any age and comparable weight. When managers yelled at girls, half of the time they would cry and our superiors would let them off without punishment.

If a girl established a particularly significant reputation as a teary-eyed soul, subsequent expectations of them would slip 20,000 leagues beneath the word “mediocre.” Boys, on the other hand, had to endure the whole diatribe and then some, all whilst having their demanded work performance stay unchanged or rise higher.

Fact: Women generally find it harder to suppress their emotions

It’s unsurprising that women crying is linked with a drop in male testosterone. An uncontrollable crying response is for a purpose after all: getting what one wants.

This goes further than the workplace, though. Scientists revealed this year that women are more affected by emotional imagery. I am by no means extending this line of argument too far in asserting that these kinds of gender asymmetries flow into women’s careers as well. There’s a biological reason why women cry more in the workplace.

Feminists have no trouble in demanding that we put more women on corporate boards and in government because they’re more “sympathetic” and “caring.” Yet they refuse to acknowledge the other end of the stick they’re picking up. Only the allegedly positive aspects of femininity or womanhood are ever emphasized, never the drawbacks that those like Sir Tim Hunt are alluding to.

We should forgive Sir Tim for his apology. I have some inkling of the tsunami of rage he faced, but have no method myself of imagining what it felt like in its entirety for him. Instead, we should be thanking him as one of the brave few. More often than not, the most successful men (and women) in society are forced to keep their mouths shut and politick their way to the top, leaving them understandably reticent to express heartfelt opinions that would jeopardize extremely fulfilling and profitable careers.

It’s a comparable dilemma to the politician who cannot criticize the voting masses for the stupidity which frequently engulfs their electoral choices every half-decade.

The irony of women demanding that Sir Tim back up his comments with science

I prefer the hot leftist Ann Perkins on Parks and Recreations to this crazy leftist Anne Perkins.

Anne Perkins, writing for (yep, you guessed it!) The Guardian, attacked Sir Tim for making his comments without supporting, scientific evidence. But look what happens when anything close to scientific challenges the raison d’être of feminists. Despite it being long established and recently reaffirmed that women are more likely and even programmed to cheat during ovulation and have less self-control during their period, feminists rage-spiralled when unpublished research suggested that the menstrual cycle can affect female political choices.

CNN was forced to pull the whole article. It seems it’s possible for the menstrual cycle to help you cheat on your new husband or partner of twenty years, but impossible for it to affect your voting choice, which influences the overall election as much as the weight of a strand of hair determines if you’re slim or obese.

The irony increases further still when we relate the bombastic anger of Perkins and her cronies with the gross oversimplifications made about men, without evidence, every day. “All men participate in rape culture” (When was the last rape you saw that you didn’t stop, if you’ve ever seen one?), “Because you have male privilege” (said the female college classmate with the $200,000 trust fund and $20,000-a-year private high school education) and “I believe women” (so the IRS needs a criminal court with beyond reasonable doubt to nab a tax cheat, but college men accused of rape can be convicted by a university with a woefully lower standard of proof?) are all variations on the same theme.

When Sir Tim passes on, hopefully after some decades, I won’t just be remembering his Nobel Prize for Medicine. I’ll be saluting his gargantuan balls for challenging, albeit fleetingly, the politically correct status quo.

Read More: The Hunt For Brazilian Love

126 thoughts on “Nobel Laureate Sir Tim Hunt Says Female Scientists Cry When Criticized”

    1. Everything is rooted in Fantasy when it comes to feminism, when a Man challenges the Fantasy it’s Sexism.

  1. girl was showing my boss the photos she had uploaded to the homepage. i stood behind them and said that she should add one more to complete the lowest row. next time i talked to my boss in private, he told me she had cried, because i had hurt her with my criticism.

    1. Good, criticism moves the world round, tell her to toughen up or GTFO.
      To avoid getting fired, tell her I said it.

      1. actually, i talked with her and did tell her to toughen up. she stood up, packed up her computer and started to go home as i sat there in disbelief.
        no, brother, i don’t like giving away the responsibility for my actions.

    2. What a stupid child. It wasn’t even criticism, it was a suggestion. No matter, one more for the looney bin ten years hence.

  2. oh and that time i was talking to a female politician about a facebook site she liked. it was something about “more peace and love on earth”. i told her that it was a vague goal and thus unachievable, to which she replied: but one has to try at least!

  3. Scientist: Women are more emotional and cry more than men.

    1. the scientific explanation for female irrationality: loss of electrolytes through tears.
      solution: administer salt water solution.

  4. “Let me tell you about my trouble with girls…”
    This part of the quote indicates that he is speaking about his own personal experiences. One does not need scientific evidence to speak about one’s own experiences.
    It would be similar to my writing a negative review about my personal experience at a restaurant, and that restaurant responding to that review by demanding scientific evidence.

  5. Who are the wimps who constantly give in to this? I mean there will always be hysterical crazies. But who are the spineless idiots who force those apologies? The vast majority of people (including women) don’t get offended like this. It is a small minority. So why on earth are these administrators not telling them to stfu?

    1. But after decades of them infecting the institutions of the West we find that the administrators have the same mindset, outlook and – sadly – intellectual capacity as the feminists on twitter. All overgrown student radicals. Sir Tim gave an account of how by the time his flight home landed his fate had been sealed. Power might be invisible but when it closes in a man can feel it. The media is also staffed and controlled by these far left 60s radicals and would have torn apart any institution he remained in. The other staff are also overwhelmingly of the new generation. Of course we should stand up but when the very men who should be there to enforce standards and perpetuate truth, when they themselves are also student revolutionaries, albeit ones with grey hair, then where does an honourable man like Sir Tim turn? In the 16th and 17th centuries it was a great advance made that scientific truth and the desire to uphold it against political strength and power came to be seen as important concepts. That advance is being undone at a terrifying rate.
      So a university gave up a Nobel prize winning scientist to win the support of some extreme feminists. The whole notion the feminists put forward – that men and women are the same – is completely without basis in science. Yet they have managed to get people in positions of power all over who uphold said dogma and will punish those who break the new rues even with a joke.
      Not long ago it was held to be very important that academics could speak their mind freely. All those in positions of authority believed this and would stand up for it. Instead today we have pieces of paper saying we have freedom of speech and nobody with the backbone to enforce it. All societies decline eventually, we have caught a nice glimpse here of why the west is too.

  6. “Feminists have no trouble in demanding that we put more women on
    corporate boards and in government because they’re more “sympathetic”
    and “caring.” Yet they refuse to acknowledge the other end of the stick
    they’re picking up. Only the allegedly positive aspects of femininity or
    womanhood are ever emphasized, never the drawbacks that those like Sir
    Tim Hunt are alluding to.”
    Well spotted. Feminism is a dogma based on a falsehood, namely the idea that men and women are equal. Of course they are unequal. That doesn’t mean women are worse, just different. We might as well accept the truth that men are far more likely to be violent criminals, drunks, homeless gambling addicts etc. They are also more likely to be geniuses, explorers, artists or great scientists. Men take risks, push boundaries, are driven, fight and die for abstract things like glory and honour and truth.
    It shows the intelectual emptiness of nearly all modern feminism that they can not see this. Some did at one time before facebook and twitter. Paglia, herself a dangerous feminist who a man would keep his daughter from early exposure to, but not a bigot and a woman with intelligence and an open mind, could understand this and said that the reason Jack the Ripper was a man is the same reason Beethoven was. Scientific advances in recent decades have shown us why this is as it has revealed ever more deeply just how different male and female brains are.
    I think women often are safer. They take fewer risks, they don’t tend to gamble, they don’t take drugs anywhere near as much. If I wanted someone to raise a child or do the book keeping for a small shop or be trusted to cook and clean in an organised fashion I would choose a woman over a man every time. But to run a science laboratory? Or explore new land? Or sacrifice everything for justice or truth? Of course a man is likely to be better in such things.
    “Anne Perkins, writing for (yep, you guessed it!) The Guardian, attacked Sir Tim for making his comments without supporting, scientific evidence. But look what happens when anything close to scientific challenges the raison d’être of feminists.”
    A better example is the way the Lawrence Summers, himself a man who bowed down to the pc crowd but they can never be satisfied, was forced to resign from Harvard just for acknowledging the existence of some of the science around the behavioural differences between men and women.
    “The irony increases further still when we relate the bombastic anger of
    Perkins and her cronies with the gross oversimplifications made about
    men, without evidence, every day.”
    Indeed – the Guardian, once actually not a bad newspaper in some ways, is now a joke, truly the gutter press for feminists.
    Sir Tim has been forced to resign his position and has now guaranteed he will be excluded from any futher positions of responsiblity. What a good example of just one way that feminism rots away at civilisation. Imagine the good he could have done remaining teaching at university as he wanted to, the young minds he could have encouraged, the advances they might have made in their careers. But just because he makes one joke that a few non-scientist feminists disliked his late career is destroyed. What is strange is how the feminists will insist they are the oppressed yet they have governments, businesses and universities so terrified they will sacrifice this quite amazing man at the altar of brainless feminism. Normal people don’t agitate and organise twitter campaigns in defence of normal decent standards so twitter enthrones a few hundred mad feminists to bully institutions left right and centre. What sort of university holds that keeping to politically correct rules about jokes is better than the prestige of a Nobel prize winning scientist being on the teaching staff? One in a declining civilisation is the only sensible answer. Funnily enough the feminists rather proved his point – they couldn’t take a joke, they did get too emotional and they ruined the end of his career out of spite. Reading the interview with him it appears he has at times gone along with the pc nonsense himself and his wife does too, calling herself a feminist and talking about working for “equality” (could there be a less scientific thing?) and such nonsense. Perhaps they will now rethink that. The feminists will destroy us anyway, one might as well stand up for truth.
    No advanced or successful civilisation has ever existed with the tenets of feminism pervading it and it is part of why the west is declining. Feminism destroys family life, morality, the rule of law, economic freedom, marriage, even society through immigration and we see here just a little glimpse of one way it rots away education. I read today a (white, naturally) teacher in the US is demanding she can stop teaching Shakespeare to her high school students because he is just another “dead white male” and the oral traditions of primitive tribes in Africa are just as relevant. I would like to say we either stand up to these creeps or we see our civilisation fall but I fear it might already be too late. The long march through the institutions is complete and western society, great in ways comparable to the ancient Hindus and the Graeco-Roman world will likely die, rotted away from inside by the 1960s radicals and finished off by immigration. The only silver lining is the feminists will really hate what is coming next for them. The only civilisation that gave them any chance was the white man’s civilisation; it was there they got the right to vote and participate in public life and look how they, for the most part, abused it.

    1. It really makes me angry that these stupid feminist bitches keep winning. They keep racking up one victory after another.. forcing good and intelligent men like Tim Wise to resign. How many casualties like this can this society afford? How many good talented men have to be sacrificed at the alter of feminism and political correctness.. and what is the cost to the society and civilization to lose so many of its good and talented men just because they dare speak up against the stifling, politically correct feminist worldview?

      1. A Pyrrhic victory at best. They’ll seek us out again when real problems need to be solved & their bubble of delusion about how safe & structured they think society is disintegrates.
        On the other hand we need to keep growing, learning & upgrading ourselves in anticipation of this fall. The privilege of the loud but weak is to lecture about rights & the narrative while hanging onto the coat tails of mostly male built foundations. Foundations that are weakening. Our rightful burden is to see things as they are & to prepare to respond accordingly.And we will win. Because we don’t any other choice.

      2. It can’t last forever. Men are the ones who build and problem solve so while their victories are short lived they can’t go on forever.
        Eventually, man will object to interacting (or at least employment) with women on the grounds that they could be terminated for any little thing. We all know women’s track record on building, problem solving, fixing things and in sticky situations…they all look to the man for help.
        This is a fact and something I’ve witnessed (over decades). Women can tell themselves all day that they are “strong and independent”…until the shit hits the fan (then, a man is needed).

    2. a further irony is that Lawrence Summers is ‘progressive’ having mentored for example the young Sheryl Sandberg in her career. Summers spoke one ill-advised (otherwise known as ‘true’) word, and his job was toast.

    3. Good comment, and it sent my mind off on a tangent about museums of all things. There’s been a trend for a while of putting historical artefacts away in the basement and replacing them with ‘interactive exhibits’. Usually these are full of flashy displays around politically correct ‘narratives’ and other bullshit. All that is good, even great, about our civilisation is being pushed out and replaced by victim culture and emotional manipulation.

  7. There are two people I now refuse to work with in the music world: gay people and women.

      1. You got that right…sickens me people used to look up to musician/artists…def not anymore….even some metal has become family friendly…yay….because I really want to listen to songs written by some schmuck with his dick and balls in a jar that his wife keeps under the sink.

      2. Unfortunately, I think you’re right my friend. I thought it was just living in Portland that was the problem, but I am starting to realize that things have most definitely changed for the worse across the globe.
        Fuck it though, I won’t let them stop me. With modern diy possibilities (recording and iTunes) I can compose, record and release my own material without their help.
        Keep your head up guys, don’t let them change you and keep fighting the good fight.

        1. can’t preach red-pill publicly in conjunction with trying to amass a following for your music, unfortunately. I saw the other week that Action Bronson was removed from a festival bill after a petition disagreeing with his ‘misogynistic’ lyrics went viral.

  8. Am I the only one who’s desperately waiting for one victim of such a witchhunt to finally tell these crybabies to FUCK OFF?

    1. I can honestly say, without a bit of exaggeration, that I have never worked with a woman that did not cry over things at work. I have worked in three different careers with plenty of women. It’s like the twilight zone watching these idiots dump all over this guy on social media while ignoring that he is correct, and that they are exactly the type of people he’s talking about. I’d love for him to tell them to fuck off in this particular instance alone for one reason – to watch them cry about it.

      1. Sir Tim proved once again that telling the truth gets you in more trouble than just about anything else.

      2. Years back in my university, our professor criticized a female student for not behaving in class. She was actually bullying the professor, since the beginning of the semester. Looked like she wanted his attention or something. Immediately the crocodile tears began to flow. Girls and white knights backed her up and the professor was forced to apologize.

      3. I once worked with a nurse who would be susceptible to emo outbursts because her husband had just passed.
        She cried in the office one day and i bore the unfortunate consequence of bearing witness to a bizarre estrogen ritual where all the other females came together and gave her a group hug. Mind you, they were ignoring their duties while doing so.
        To say that i was stunned would be an understatement.
        She also had a picture on her desk with the word “Bullshit happens” in big black letters.
        I mention all this because she was also the female who went to HR on me because i told a coworker that one of the (male) janitors was asking if she was single….and she happened to be in earshot.
        I stood dumbfounded before the HR representative and asked how exactly had i offended her aka this geriatric 60 something cunt.
        The response that i was given was….you guessed it…it made her “uncomfortable.”
        I found out later that she bore a grudge against me because the other nurses were deferring to me for advice. Her emo instinctual nature took me as a threat and she responded accordingly, regardless of the lack of ethics behind it.
        I just thank God i managed to relocate to a far more rewarding position, one which had far less cunts like that in professional attendance.
        Emphasis on “far less.”

        1. It’s all about the feels. Feels sad, feels threatened, etc…
          Our society will change when men (angry men) become tired of this society and decide to act (make changes). Then, women should feel scared…because change is coming.

        2. Punishing her for having to work while her husband passed is kind of being a fucking dick tho, it’s not small potatoes, and men do it also.

        3. Who punished her? What are you referring to? I was called into HR over a charge of non sexual harssment SHE made, not me.

    2. Yeah too bad the scientist “Sir” Tim Hunt was such a huge pussy and didn’t stand his ground or attempt to defend himself with scientific evidence. Then again, he might not have had much of a choice, considering that if the ones in power don’t want him there, he was powerless against resisting in any way and was pretty much forced to resign.

      1. He should have gone down with his sword in his hand. At his age especially, there is little for him to lose.

      2. He’s a beta who lived a sheltered life inside the university and he has a feminist wife: live by the blue pill, die by the blue pill

        1. I’d say it’s pretty redpill to see past the “equality” being shoved down everyones throat and make an observation like this. When questioned about it, he said it was a joke, which it may or may not have been. But still we must acknowledge and amplify such truths when they are made publicly by brave men such as this, not criticize them or call them names.

        2. It’s a purple pill remark that someone used to the blue pill but becoming aware of the red pill would make.
          Instead of denigrating him, you should give him credit for at least having a “neo” moment and becoming aware of the binary bs reality behind the feminatrix he’s living under.

        3. I like to be sarcastic about the whole equality thing but I bring it up during every day events. A good one is always when a man is needed to lift or move something (and I point it out). All of these strong and independent women but they need me (the man) to lift or move something.
          It’s subtle but it gets right to the core (and I let them know it). These types of comments, daily and over time, is what will help make the changes needed.
          It helps that I’m a little older as well so women can’t pull the same shit on me as they would a younger man. Once you’ve been around the block (life) for a bit, it becomes harder for people to bullshit you.

    3. Yeah. It should have been the comic book shirt astrophysicist who should have gone Hulk Smash over how stupid that all was. I think it’s coming.

    4. Agree. But you have to realise these scientists have been immersed for years in academia that are ruled by the politically correct. I see this at my university: political debates where hardly any conservatives are allowed to take part in, gender studies that are pushed down our throats, fairy tales of sexism, gender inequality, racism, homophobia and other PC buzz words are spread around as candy, alternative lifestyles are praised, etc…
      Some (or many) people are simply not immune for this. They may realize something is wrong about all this leftwing crap, but their common sense is bleached to such an extent that when they cross the PC line, they ACTUALLY BELIEVE they’ve crossed a line when they receive backlash from their fellow left-wing colleagues and therefore apologise. Or they are just scared they will lose their job or reputation, who knows…
      The thing is: any man who is immune to these crybabies and their whining would indeed call them out and refuse to apologise, even if that means it will cost his job or his reputation. He doesn’t care what his left-wing SJW colleagues think of him as he realises ‘reputation’ has lost any meaningful value when dealing with this kind of people.

        1. Have a look at when they tried to call him an anti-Semite. I don’t agree with his politics but he told them where to go when they demanded he apologize. He still has a great career going.

        2. Mark Regenerus is also on their hit list.
          It’s always fascinating how hard they attack anyone who disagrees with their pseudo-scientific solipsism.
          Remember the old argument that science had to stand up to the zealotry of religious fundamentalists by exposing the flaws in geocentricism?
          Nowadays it seems as if scientists of faith are having to stand up to the zealotry of activist scientists in order to expose the flaws in politically corrected science.
          The more things change the more they stay the same.

        3. Yeah Boris is kind of OK, but I didn’t like the way he gave in to the Bicycle Helmet Brigade.

        4. Gone are the days of rational debate (with these types or at certain universities). These schools are turning more and more into echo chambers and if you even try to debate you’ll be ostracized from the collective.
          It’s sad because there should be healthy debate but it’s all turned into feelings. Feelings are what matter…forget logic, facts or science.

        5. Agreed. When it comes to so called higher education, the professors there tend to make a priority of feelings, which means they are free to interpret reality through the prism of subjective interpretation rather than the lens of objective extrapolation.
          Since the feelings of the professor are at the very top, anyone who disagrees is therefore wrong and must be verbally flogged and ridiculed in order to maintain the groupthink standard of the class.
          It’s just the fruition of point 17 of “The Naked Communist”
          “17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.”

    5. I agree but I know it’s hard. If you read the account given by Sir Tim it turns out that by the time his flight landed his fate had been sealed – the powers that be in the background had, without consulting him, checking the evidence or even giving him 5 minutes to make his case, decided his career was over.
      Nature abhors a vacuum and a vacuum of power is soon filled. For centuries it was well understood by academics and scientists that they and their institutions had to stand up against political interference, that their quest should be the truth. And since the 1960s the academic institutions, politics, education, media and the law have been infested with social revolutionaries. Indeed reading the account given by Sir Tim it turns out his own wife describes herself as a “feminist” and has taken part in the idiotic drives for “equality” that ended up undermining academic independence and destroying his career.
      We either put science first or political power first and in a throwback to the middle ages the political will is now supreme. A prestigious university thinks that adhering to politically correct extreme rules on what jokes one can tell is more important than having a Nobel prize winning scientist on their faculty staff – the mind boggles but we can expect more and more of it. Feminists are nearly always totalitarian in nature and they won’t stop. Yes I wish Sir Tim had gone down fighting but he’s an old man and whatever aspirations he had for the rest of his career (essentially he wanted to continue to teach the young – he’s a very decent man) have been destroyed by shrieking feminists so he was bewildered and tried to behave with honour and apologise for offending anyone, as gentlemen were once expected to do (no don’t expect any apologies from feminiists for rape hoaxes or jokes about killing men etc), no doubt unaware that the feminists didn’t want an apology, didn’t care about the joke really they just wanted to prove they had power and run a man out of the institution.
      Only 20 years ago an academic in Britain would be very safe to tell such people to get lost. Even if he actually had said something deeply offensive, unlike Sir Tim, freedom of speech especially for academics was understood to be vital for society so they could say almost anything. How quickly the foundations of our civilisation are being destroyed.

    6. I have a feeling that if this guy had fuck you money in the billions he would have done just that….the thing about scientists is that they need the kind of expensive labs that only universities can afford to do their work so they have to bend over and take it when the university wants to peg them

    7. . you think Denise `s report is exceptional, last tuesday I bought a top of the range Ford Focus since getting a cheque for $8475 this month and would you believe, 10k this past-munth . it’s by-far the easiest-work Ive ever done . I started this 4 months ago and almost straight away earned minimum $81.. per-hr ..,
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  9. My limited time in academic labs is exactly what turned me on to the red-pill.
    Women can literally get away with anything there.
    A benefit they have over their male peers is that they are funded by the government, but also by their boyfriends. A lot of male graduate students get ground into powder by the academic machine, and there will be no one to help them if their experiment doesn’t work out.

    1. Yeah this is typical female hypocrisy. They want to use their pussy power to get ahead when it suits them.. or they just “unwarily” accept the advantages that their pussy and being a semi-attractive female gives them in places where the professors and bosses are mostly male… then they complain about male “sexism” when it doesn’t work for them.
      Fucking hypocritical cunts.

    2. “Women can literally get away with anything there”.
      Yes, I can attest to this. My experience in graduate school laid bare the following:
      – rampant double standards (I’ve seen women getting promoted based on only a single, often mediocre, first authored paper, the rest co-authored with somebody else. Not so for the men: they were being held to different standards.)
      – biased grading (women often regurgitate/parrot *exactly* what has been said by profs, without thinking why this or that must be so, while men have a tendency to analyze the material at hand, only to get punished for it at the tests)
      – appeal to emotion always works for women (bails them out when things go wrong, even when they fail an important test (I’ve seen this happening!))
      – special benefits (extra stipends because women in academics are “disadvantaged” and need the support to succeed (Note the sheer audacity of such a claim given women already make up the majority of graduates). If, however, you happen to be a male, then the university doesn’t give a shit how you make ends meet).
      Is it any surprise men increasingly decide to forgo further study and eject from that anti-male cesspool named academia?

      1. I decided to rescind my acceptance into my master’s program and choose construction as a career instead. It was sad in a way but incredibly relieving in others.

  10. You know Feminists/SJW’s have spread a-lot of propaganda when it’s no longer common sense that women are the more Emotional Gender.

    1. And that everyone has to tiptoe around their feelings in regards to calling them sensitive. Such a conundrum.

  11. The brightest that can actually move humanity forward should never be held back by the emotional cripples of today. Fuck any whore who says otherwise.
    I will personally be taking this up at a rally in my City.

  12. God bless you Sir Tim. You speak the gospel truth – even female DOCTORS break down much easier.

  13. Criticism women from men even if the criticism is valid and logical isn’t allowed in The West.

  14. There are entire organized, large-scale CONVENTIONS insulting men by calling them ‘obsolete’ yet when someone makes an off the cuff job calling women ‘sensitive’…well, pretty sensitive reaction frankly.

  15. As Ambrose Bierce said, “the woman who can take constructive criticism has not yet been born.”

  16. Women are more emotional. It is their physiology, likely from estrogen. Mental illness like anxiety , depression are much higher in women. Bulimia/anorexia nervosa , munchausen’s and munchausen’s-by-proxy are almost exclusively seen in women. Psychosomatic ” illnesses” like Irritable Bowel Syndrome , Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia are mostly seen in females. So it is also likely that women react emotionally in the workplace i.e. they cry . Can you believe this guy lost his job over this??

    1. When a man cries it usually means someone very close and dear to him just died.
      When a woman cries it usually means her boyfriend yelled at her.

  17. “Yessir, we had the anecdote for cancer, ebola and AIDS in hand, but I used the “c word” during the experiments and forgot to apologize and our female adjunct smashed the only full vial on the floor before I had a chance to write down what we did.”

  18. Ladies and gentlemen, behold, the all-new Twitter shitstorm in response to this event, the “#DistractinglySexy” hashtag!! Where “female scientists” pose in “sexy” ways in their working environment so they can prove whatever bullshit they wanna prove this time. Here, as in any other Twitter campaign, we can see an example of female homo sapiens practicing one of their favorite activities, the mating ritual called “attention whoring”, where they try to sexually objectify themselves while claiming they are not sex objects. Their success rate is debatable. A very peculiar species indeed, my friends.

    1. Bitchy attitudes, man-jaws, short hair, overweight, trannies… nope, nothing interesting to see there.

  19. Gentlemen, let me be devil’s advocate for a second and repeat a feminist argument I read recently.
    Terry the Feminist says:
    This incident is exactly why we need to be rid of toxic masculinity. Men should be encouraged to express their emotions in the workplace, to cry or speak out if they experience negative feelings. We need to start teaching boys not to hold back their emotions. Men will be happier this way. Only by doing this will we achieve equality in society.
    Your response?

    1. Aren’t we doing that already?? However, our opinions will only matter if they conform to feminism.. any disagreeing speech will be seen as “misogyny” or “sexism” or you name it..

    2. Men are simply less prone to crying. And women often use crocodile tears to their advantage.

    3. Women primary release emotion by crying. For men it’s anger and being physical.
      If men can’t be angry and physical, women shouldn’t be allowed to cry, that’s equality!

      1. You go talk about equality,with feminists, with women who see the advantages of crying, politicians who will demonise youfor it, with fuck knows who, etc…….. don’t you know equality comes from feelings and those change to match the circumstances so that irrational feminists continue to milk the equality cow frivolously.

    4. Not the best answers folks, ain’t gonna beat feminism like that
      Here’s my take:
      Men are inherently less emotional, and socially reinforced to be this way because feelings get in the way of progress and productivity. If men were like women we’d still be hunter-gatherers trying to figure out what is “socially appropriate”. Happiness is not as important as advancing civilization, and equality is completely undesirable. Toxic masculinity is code for intimidating masculinity.

    5. Wait until the Islamists come and take over. These sensitive men will be no match for them. As for me, I will keep eating libido food and watch some good-old fashioned ‘matcho’ movies.

    6. Women are infantile/emotional, intrinsically(like a baby crying).
      Being infantile means, getting help from others,
      Someone else being responsible, not her
      Getting empathy and sympathy from others
      Being accepted, integrated, as a sensible/good girl in society
      Her being intrinsically dependent on men through evolution
      Her exaggerating, or lying: both pleasure and pain
      Manipulation in so many ways
      An emulation and exaggeration of men’s emotions
      General lack of “self control”
      Getting attention, affection, love from men, even children, and others
      Useful to make others feel guilt, while she lacks true remorse
      Sadly, a “psychopathic brain” incapable of true empathy or compassion
      It is also feeling herself good about something she did, evasion of reality
      It is not that women have stronger emotions, but that she is weak.
      Empathy, pain and pleasure are mostly superficial expressions in women, processed mostly by emotional areas in the brain(non rational but very social).A self centered brain.
      Female eyes/glands produce more tears than men, her body and brain evolved to stimulate men’s emotions, empathy, sexuality, paternal nature.
      Men relying less on emotions means higher self control, maturity.

    7. The best course of action is a response which avoids talking about feminism or equality. More of a sobering one like:
      “Both, men and women should behave in a professional and mature manner, when faced with various dilemmas, in the workplace. Any complaints they may have should be reported to management or any other services provided by the employer specifically.
      Everyone is different, therefore educating someone to be somebody they are not goes against human rights. Some men cry and most don’t. If women tend to cry more than men, then it’s a matter of professionalism, and should have been warned that the jobs they are taking on are quite difficult.”
      Use their argument against them. They will be silent in no time, and probably try to peddle so bullshit along the lines of new man, progressiveness, equality and social justice.

    8. It’s a ploy to weed out more betas. Bottle that shit up and look hard. Panties be a’droppin’

    9. …and who are you, to think you can tell a man he will be happier doing X or Y?
      Regardless of who he is, he will be happy by doing what he wants, when he wants to do it – anything or anyone else is subordinate to that.

  20. Women are much, much, much more likely to cry in the workplace when there’s pressure. Sometimes they can’t help it, sometimes they use it like a weapon. What is the complaint with him pointing it out? That its not true? Well, that’s delusional. That is shouldn’t ever be admitted because it blows up the idea of total equality? We all know the latter is the case.

    1. White people have dominated the world for 400 years. Our science, music, literature and art are the highest levels. Name one thing beside gunpowder that Asians invented? That they didn’t re-engineer from things invented by white people.
      And when white men wake up and find their balls (it’s happening now), the victim classes will go from imagining their victimhood to actually living it.
      Enjoy your government backed false paradigm while it lasts.
      Finally, go fuck yourself and while you’re enjoying your own company, ask yourself why you feel the need to denigrate white people and want to pretend that you’re superior?

  21. I remember in the 90s in Australia, there were always articles about how bad women were as a boss compare to a men.
    These days due to Feminists controlling the media, these articles are class as “hate speech.”
    I’ve left many jobs due to female bosses. It’s enough coming home to an emotional women, no man has to go to work and put up with emotional crap.
    It’s forced me to move into labouring and be around real men.

    1. Right. If a man is ever in that position then he should start looking for other work (be his own boss, subcontractor, etc) where he can choose his own employer (or clients).
      I’ve worked in offices (around) with too many women and there was too much emotion going on (not enough actual work). Too much gossiping and feelings.

  22. Regarding his apology, he stood behind his comments, he only said he was sorry for ‘hurting peoples feelings.’ Of course the ironic thing is that the feminist over reaction to a man whose work has likely save children only goes to prove his point.

    1. Right. Women want to be equal but want special treatment at the same time. We (men) just need to remind them that men don’t cry and get emotional at work. So, if we’re all equal then women need to knock that shit off at work (cry at home).
      If not, then we’re not equal. Their argument is for men to cry at work – they want it so they can excuse why they cry (and get emotional) at work. They want to try to bring men to their level (not happening).
      I don’t do it and I’m not agreeing with anyone that men cry (or get emotional) at work.
      Hold that hard line with women when debating this subject and you have a win.

  23. I don’t think Tim Hunt was challenging anything. He was just making what he thought was a harmless joke.
    That said, it is a truism in society that women cry more than men, in the workplace and everywhere else.

  24. The backlash against Sir Tim’s truth is a gauge to measure how different the sexes in their approach to express their emotions and opinions. Females sometimes act like children when they are told truth i.e Children start to mock the one who tends to teach them something valuable, as evident in the female scientists’ response to the story in Huffingtonpost.

  25. Women cannot have power and responseability outside child birth and child care. If they DO get power, everything will spiral completely out of control, as is happening in Sweden.

  26. I sent Sir Tim Hunt a note on the only contact space for him I could find, an older Facebook page. I said he was right and why did he apologize. I am a STEM and I can say that I have had experiences that support his statement. I wish that women would learn to master their responses to situations in the work world.—The only thing he missed was the amount of gossip, done by the women, in the workplace. Before some Bitch replies to me calling me a misogynist male, I am a ‘STEM’ woman, who is tired of whiners and criers.

    1. “The only thing he missed was the amount of gossip, done by the women, in the workplace.”
      It’s not only in that field but many other fields. Women cause real dysfunction in the work place because it is always about feelings and less about the goal or mission. You can remove all of the men from any field and that field will still be dysfunction (if not worse) because it’s left with women (and feelings).
      Men get together to figure out how to complete the goal or mission. Women get together to gossip or talk about feelings (on the company dime). I’ve seen it time and time again (thank god I was a subcontractor for most of it, I could take the job or leave it if too much stupid shit was going on).
      Women (100 years later) have so many advantages over women in the past (so many choices) and they still continue to make bad ones. They make bad choices and instead of owning up to it they find something or someone (men) to blame it all on.
      Remove the men and the problem is still present.

      1. Great article in the Daily Mail (online), about the scientists who support his right to free speech and know that he was the victim of ‘knee jerk reaction’ and a ‘lynch mob’. Face the fact that if a woman had said this about a man, she would have been given some sort of award by the media.

        1. Of course. The hypocrisy in the media (and life) is ridiculous. Women want equality until they are criticized like a man. Then, it’s time for special treatment or they want to opt out of equality.

  27. Remember the guy and his team that landed a rocket on a comet?
    No, most people don’t because some woman bitched about a shirt he was wearing and he was forced to apologize for it.
    Science is so doomed if THIS is what scientists have to do now.

    1. We spent centuries getting science free of the clutches of state – normally monarchical – power. And it flourished. The science of the white man since the a6th century has brought untold wealth, health and convenience to billions of people. Yet now it is being made subordinate once again to political caprice, in this case shallow-minded feminist termagants. Eventually it will undermine what science is.

  28. I still don’t understand why men in western countries don’t simply tell women to shut the fuck up. How is that so hard to do?

    1. massive expansion of the government and corporations have reduced the population to childish slaves. What happens to a little boy in grade school who tells a girl to STFU?

    2. Exactly! Who needs women. Men are better at everything. Even 69’s! It really sends me over the edge when the guy sticks his finger up my ass.

      1. Hum…. Nice try, you fake troll… But I’m gonna give you some credit. For a second I actually thought GhostOfJefferson went mad.. Now fuck you.

        1. It’s an imposter. Probably that “Burger King” guy. If a Moderator can differentiate and ban him, that would be fantastic.

        2. Well, when an imposter goes to desperate lengths and creates a fake account of you, you know you’ve hit a nerve. Hahahaa

        3. Yep. A mouse over of his fake profile shows less than 10 posts. Mine shows over 11k posts. I petitioned Disqus since he’s violating their TOS by impersonating another user.
          Has to be a sad life to have to stoop to such stalker-ish levels.

  29. If you’re a manager, you’re no doubt more than familiar with the sweaty palms and butterflies that come with having to deliver bad news. From a poor performance review to firing an employee, the most stressful conversations are those where you’re sure tears or anger will ensue.

  30. Prospective employers like to know that you are genuinely interested in working for them.
    One of the ways you can do this is by researching the company you are interviewing for during your preparation for the interview.
    By doing this, you not only show your interest in the position, you also show your interest in the company as a whole.
    So, even if it’s just for ten minutes, have a look at the company’s
    website, find out what they do, who they have worked with and even write a few things down that interests you about what they do, or have done, and why you want to work for them.

  31. Men are rewarded for negotiating aggressively, while women are often punished for taking the assertive approach — and they hedge their behavior accordingly…

  32. Is it possible that none of the women going batshit crazy about a Nobel Laureate making a joke about women in STEM fields is precisely the crying he might be talking about and only goes to reinforce the truth behind the joke

  33. Women’s tears, in and of themselves, are meaningless. They can cry at will. It’s one of many tools they have at their disposal, which they use to manipulate men.

    1. Men will only cry if they’re sad, like if their dog dies or something. Females will cry if sad, happy, frustrated, angry or just had an orgasm. In other words, they are very like children emotionally and are stunted and lack control and maturity, They can’t control their tear ducts anymore than a 1yo can control her bladder.They need to be potty trained to control those tears. Like an out of control kid throwing a tantrum they simply have no control but we can excuse a kid because her brain is not fully developed.

  34. “female scientists cry when criticized”
    That’s because regardless of whatever professional suffix you want to tether to a female, so long as you are describing a female you must by necessity account for the emo-instinctual response that subconsciously influences that female and ends up sabotaging her conscious decisions. Even if such a female were to be considered a scientist, she is still bound by her emotional nature.
    This also explains the rise of activist agendas in the scientific community. Here you have a neuroscientist by the name of Gina Rippon who actually believes that there are no real differences between the brains of the sexes except in the gender constructs society forms from them.
    Since females are more prone to allowing for emotion to influence their otherwise rational thought, even a female scientist can be rendered susceptible to the phenomenon to the point of abandoning an otherwise higher standard of thought in favor of a pseudoscientific view that completely ignores credible scientific evidence to the contrary (such as with Dr Miller and Dr Ragini’s research on differing brain development between the sexes)
    Rippon actually gives paid lectures on her bs pseudoscientific belief, and because it reinforces the bs feminist narrative, they greatly support her for it.

  35. I almost missed this great paragraph:
    “The irony increases further still when we relate the bombastic anger of
    Perkins and her cronies with the gross oversimplifications made about
    men, without evidence, every day. “All men participate in rape culture”
    (When was the last rape you saw that you didn’t stop, if you’ve ever
    seen one?), “Because you have male privilege” (said the female college
    classmate with the $200,000 trust fund and $20,000-a-year private high
    school education) and “I believe women” (so the IRS needs a
    criminal court with beyond reasonable doubt to nab a tax cheat, but
    college men accused of rape can be convicted by a university with a
    woefully lower standard of proof?) are all variations on the same theme.”
    Really hits the nail on the head. This article was well written and a timely reminder why RoK is worth reading as such a simple and obvious statement of truth would be barred from so many estblished news and comment sites. The “male privilege” line really rings true with some real life conversations I have had.

  36. *UPDATE*
    The rage spiral has continued into an inevitably sickening meltdown since the OP with Sir Tim Hunt being forced to resign from his post at University College London (UCL), saying he had been ‘hung out to dry’ and that he was ‘finished’.
    The whole incident spawned a cluster of further articles in the Guardian alone attacking him (links below if you can face it), in addition to a variety of Twitter based epileptic rants –
    After the Observer interviewed Sir Tim and his wife, he came under further attack and the article itself accumulated over 6000 comments in 24 hours before being closed.
    Most recently, London Mayor Boris Johnson has stood up in defence of Sir Tim’s comments saying –
    “Sir Tim Hunt was doing what he had done all his life – pointing out a natural phenomenon he had observed. He did not deserve to be pilloried, and should be reinstated forthwith to his academic positions.” –
    Some of the other delightful Guardian articles –
    Shed a tear Tim Hunt, crying at work is a good idea –
    Tim Hunt – Women in science sexism –
    Female scientists cause trouble for men in labs –
    The unseen women scientists behind Tim Hunt’s Nobel prize –

  37. *UPDATE*
    The rage spiral has continued into an inevitably sickening meltdown since the OP with Sir Tim Hunt being forced to resign from his post at University College London (UCL), saying he had been ‘hung out to dry’ and that he was ‘finished’.
    The whole incident spawned a cluster of further articles in the Guardian alone (links below if you can face it), in addition to a variety of Twitter based epileptic rants –
    After the Observer interviewed Sir Tim and his wife, he came under further attack and the article itself accumulated over 6000 comments in 24 hours before being closed.
    Most recently, London Mayor Boris Johnson has stood up in defence of Sir Tim’s comments saying –
    “Sir Tim Hunt was doing what he had done all his life – pointing out a natural phenomenon he had observed. He did not deserve to be pilloried, and should be reinstated forthwith to his academic positions.” –
    More delightful thoughts from the Guardian –
    Shed a tear Tim Hunt, crying at work is a good idea –
    Tim Hunt – Women in science sexism –
    Female scientists cause trouble for men in labs –
    The unseen women scientists behind Tim Hunt’s Nobel prize –

  38. *UPDATE*
    The rage spiral has continued into an inevitably sickening meltdown since the OP with Sir Tim Hunt being forced to resign from his post at University College London (UCL), saying he had been ‘hung out to dry’ and that he was ‘finished’ –
    The whole incident spawned a cluster of further articles in the Guardian alone (links below if you can face it), in addition to a variety of Twitter based epileptic rants –
    After the Observer interviewed Sir Tim and his wife, he came under further attack and the article itself accumulated over 6000 comments in 24 hours before being closed –
    Most recently, London Mayor Boris Johnson has stood up in defence of Sir Tim’s comments saying –
    “Sir Tim Hunt was doing what he had done all his life – pointing out a natural phenomenon he had observed. He did not deserve to be pilloried, and should be reinstated forthwith to his academic positions.” –
    Feast on the rage –
    Shed a tear Tim Hunt, crying at work is a good idea –
    Tim Hunt – Women in science sexism –
    Female scientists cause trouble for men in labs –
    The unseen women scientists behind Tim Hunt’s Nobel prize –

  39. *UPDATE*
    The rage spiral has continued into an inevitably sickening meltdown since the OP with Sir Tim Hunt being forced to resign from his post at University College London (UCL), saying he had been ‘hung out to dry’ and that he was ‘finished’ –
    The whole incident spawned a cluster of further articles in the Guardian alone (links below if you can face it), in addition to a variety of Twitter based epileptic rants –
    After the Observer interviewed Sir Tim and his wife, he came under further attack and the article itself accumulated over 6000 comments in 24 hours before being closed –
    Most recently, London Mayor Boris Johnson has stood up in defence of Sir Tim’s comments saying –
    “Sir Tim Hunt was doing what he had done all his life – pointing out a natural phenomenon he had observed. He did not deserve to be pilloried, and should be reinstated forthwith to his academic positions.” –
    Feast on the rage –
    Shed a tear Tim Hunt, crying at work is a good idea –
    Tim Hunt – Women in science sexism –
    Female scientists cause trouble for men in labs –
    The unseen women scientists behind Tim Hunt’s Nobel prize –

  40. The rage spiral continues into meltdown. Sir Tim Hunt was forced to resign from his post at University College London (UCL), saying he had been ‘hung out to dry’ and that he was ‘finished’ –
    The whole incident has spawned a cluster of articles in the Guardian alone (links below if you can face it), in addition to a variety of Twitter based epileptic rants –
    After the Observer interviewed Sir Tim and his wife, he came under further attack and the article itself accumulated over 6000 comments in 24 hours before being closed –
    Most recently, London Mayor Boris Johnson has stood up in defence of Sir Tim’s comments saying –
    “Sir Tim Hunt was doing what he had done all his life – pointing out a natural phenomenon he had observed. He did not deserve to be pilloried, and should be reinstated forthwith to his academic positions.” –
    Feast on the rage –
    Shed a tear Tim Hunt, crying at work is a good idea –
    Tim Hunt – Women in science sexism –
    Female scientists cause trouble for men in labs –
    The unseen women scientists behind Tim Hunt’s Nobel prize –

  41. You see even science debunks this gender inequality bullshit. I wrote an article for my website a few months ago about how gender inequality is a myth. I also tried to state this in my political science class and I love how they come up with “studies” trying to justify the BS… in days you are controlled by what we say, we need to stop this. We need to fight back and not conform..

  42. I’ve worked with highly educated females who were apparently quite competent at whatever field they were working in who cried and even threw real fits of crying that left them helpless to do anything else for an hour or more.
    We were all supposed to pretend it didn’t happen.
    I’ve also found female bosses mean, vengeful, petty, and scheming.

  43. Milo Yiannopoulos debates British feminist female scientist over the comments Tim Hunt made, kicks her ass (figuratively) and then she complains about “misogynistic backlash” because she lost the debate. Typical woman..

    By the way, note when she says she cried after exams, unlike the men.. just pretty much validated the truth behind Tim Hunt’s comments, didn’t you, Mz Emily Grossman??! Even if you supposedly did better on the exams despite crying.. men don’t deal with things the same way as women. We’re not as emotional and don’t fucking start crying after writing exams, you stupid bitch. Women make the workplace difficult for men with their histrionics, overly emotional natures, shedding of crocodile tears to get their way when it suits them, and of course, creating wedges and sowing seeds of resentment between men by starting sexual affairs with select men… not to mention using their pussy and sexual power to get ahead at work and to get “special treatment” when it suits them.. but then crying “sexual harrassment” and “creepy!” when it doesn’t suit them. Fucking hypocrites.
    Why Do Feminists Cook Up Stories About ‘Misogyny’ When They Lose Debates?
    Why does it take a gay man like Milo to stand up to these feminists and stand up for men? Meanwhile it’s the white knights and manginas who conspired to force Tim Hunt to resign.. just to placate women. Fucking spineless bastards.

    1. I always notice how women (or SJWs) will try to deflect or pivot when the logic is too much for them. Throughout the debate in the video you only heard the word “feelings” from the woman because that’s what it’s all about. She’s says grades or qualifications maybe twice but the word “feelings” come up again and again.
      The man made excellent points about women having many advantages, today, versus 100 years ago but the woman ignores it (deflects) because too much truth (logic) is present. He states that women have advantage in general when it comes to university and job placement (over men) but that’s not enough. Now, we have to cater to them (and feelings).
      The woman’s take: We should stop being competitive in subjects that men dominate because of feelings. Fuck that. I say if women can’t compete (and they do cry) then they need to get the fuck out (or not even start).
      We don’t have time to worry about someone’s (a woman) feelings while trying to solve some of the most crucial problems in the world.
      Women have plenty of advantages and choices today. Time to “woman up”.

  44. I’m working in education (secondary education ages 12-16). The amount of male teachers is so low, like 40%. It’s bad for the boys. They grow up in a feminized culture where male needs like the need for a competition element and trial and error exercises are overshadowed by feminine risk avoidance and soft approaches on impermissible behavior.

    1. “..overshadowed by feminine risk avoidance and soft approaches on impermissible behavior.”
      The one thing I noticed around here (U.S.) with the next generation was all of these god damn little kids wearing a suit of armor to ride their bikes. When I was a kid (back when) I didn’t even wear a helmet (and we were doing jumps on beat up bikes). These kids, today, are wearing riot gear and they are going 2mph with training wheels….what the fuck could happen to them? Tip over?
      My parents would just dust me off, patch me up and away I would go….round 2. Sometimes, if I was far enough away from the house I would rub a little dirt on it (bleeding cut) and keep going til sundown.
      This shit, today, is ridiculous and soft.

  45. a NOBEL PRIZE WINNING SCIENTIST who gets sacked for saying something dumb about some bitches? DISGUSTING.
    As if women never say some stupid shit about them?
    What a deep blow to science. Nobel Prizes aren’t fucking Hollywood Oscar prizes, who get ‘won’ as if they were raffle tickets. A scientist who wins a Nobel means he discovered something that would benefit the whole of humankind. This is LESS important than some stupid sluts who take offense for every little shit said about them, you can only say that women are wonderful and sweet and selfless. Say anything else that’s not politically correct, and you lose your job as a SCIENTIST.
    I am PUKING.

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