The 5 Stages Of The Voodoo Economy

After the two world wars ended, the European nations which molded the very civilization the world enjoys today, retreated in prominence, as America rose in wealth and power.

The New Economy

In the post-war period, a new economic model emerged.  One based on debt, not savings and wealth.  America in 1960 was the world’s largest creditor, became a debtor nation in 1985, and is now the world’s largest debtor.

Central banks manufacture credit, which is then lent to the public through various means (in the US, this is done by the Federal Reserve issuing Treasury Notes, which must be repaid with interest).

The interest used to repay these obligations will be created by future treasury notes, as the total amount of currency today does not exist to extinguish the issued debt.  In order to sustain this system, an implicit requirement is perpetual growth.

While there are still comparatively many economic opportunities in America today, and indeed I consider its economic opportunities the #1 benefit of living in America, real wages peaked in the 1960s.  We are experiencing a gradual decline.

The direct effects of this new economic system are (1) decreasing real wages (2) societal upheaval and (3) globalism.

Prioritization Of Greed

The modern globalist capitalist economic model values sales and revenue above all, no matter the consequences.  The goal is to earn more and more wealth and power for the international elitists, at the expense of everyone else, no matter the financial, social, or moral cost to everyone else.

In America, the economy must grow by at least 3% every year, or the system breaks down.

While America is the wealthiest nation in the world by raw income figures, the average worker struggles to meet basic needs, is lucky to have 2 weeks of vacation a year, and struggles to save even 5% of his income.  Indeed, almost 70% of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings.  And this worker must push to increase profits for his corporation every year.

The Debt Based Economy – A Tool For Transferring Wealth

The most obvious side effect of this system was that prices, which fluctuated by less than 10% per year for the entirety of American history, suddenly exploded.  In a debt based model, the banking class controls ever-growing amounts of credit, and debtors are obligated to transfer more and more of their wealth to the banking sector, whether through explicit interest or implicit inflation.

The above graph is clearly artificial and unsustainable.  When one considers that real wages are lower today than they were in 1960, the obvious question is how such a huge increase in prices was achieved.  The system was effectively juiced over four major phases.

Phase One – Women In The Workplace 1960s

The first and most drastic step was to essentially double the number of wage earners.  This phase alone deserves an article in itself, as it is the foundation for so much:  Wages declined as the supply of labor skyrocketed, women and men were now adversaries competing for the same labor, which led to conflict and radical feminism, at the expense of harmony and cooperation.

WTF Am I Doing Here?

Sexual norms and customs went out the window.  Women were traditionally slut shamed by men, but now men lost a large part of their power, as they were now directly competing with women for the same wages, and women no longer needed a man to provide for her basic needs.  A man become an option, and many opted out of forming families.

Wives entered the workforce and no longer cooked and cared for their men which drove demands for home cleaning services, education and daycare, restaurant and tv dinner sales, and eventually increased medical expenditures when families became sick from lack of healthy food.

Is this REALLY society’s most valuable use of its women?

Food became commoditized and lead to factory farming with hormone treatment to create as much meat as possible at the lowest price.  The population became overweight, which created demands for diet and exercise services, gyms, psychologists, pharmaceutical companies, lawyers to sue said companies when drugs like phen-phen were found to be dangerous, and doctors, nurses, and mobile scooter manufacturers to care for an obese, aging population who was perpetually sick due to poor diet and lack of nutritious, home cooked meals.

Honey, look at all the stuff we need to buy to replace me!

The result was twofold: a significant drop in wages, and a huge increase in the demand for more products and services that corporations could sell – TV dinners, maid services, and tutors which provided generally inferior services than a wife would, at higher prices.  Yet the goal of increasing the overall size of the economy (at great expense to social costs) was achieved.

Most of us have grown up with women always in the workforce, but consider a world where men worked and women supported their husbands physically (in the home), emotionally, and sexually.  Does society need them in the office?  What do we sacrifice by sending them there?  A woman’s natural skills of raising families are laudable and honorable, and Childcare Corporation USA, Inc and Swanson’s are doing a comparatively poor job of replacing her.

Phase Two – Credit Cards And Debt 1970s

When the entirety of the dual wages of working wives and husbands was exhausted, the rules were changed to allow consumers to spend money they didn’t yet have.  The Master Charge was issued in 1969, and Visa in 1976.  People could now spend virtual money that they would pay, theoretically, at some point in their future lives.

Selling to ego-validating narcissists

While debt may be more convenient, allowing us to purchase things earlier than we would have if we had to save to buy them ourselves, realize that it doesn’t increase the amount of goods or services one can buy.  It actually shrinks them in two important ways.

First, a person’s wages do not change if he uses credit, meaning any dollar he spends on interest payments is one less dollar he has for consumption or savings, meaning the overall pie of disposable income is smaller, and the amount of the economy going to the international banking class is larger.

15% reduction in disposable income, due to credit cards

Second, debt causes prices to rise, as it increases demand (demand being the desire AND ability to purchase something), further shrinking disposable income.

Phase Three – Globalization 1980s

Factories moved abroad where production costs were lower.  This had the effect of further lowering wages in America, as workers were now essentially competing with foreigners who worked below the legal minimum wage in America, and costs of products went down, which allowed higher sales and more profits for the capitalists.

At the same time, men lost the ability to support families on a single income, and more importantly, lost the work that gave them meaning and purpose.  They were told to retool for the “new” economy, sitting in front of a video machine pressing buttons.

As a commenter to ROK recently put it,

We no longer repair and keep.  We replace and upgrade.  This applies to people, not just objects.  Loyalty is dead and greed killed it.

Phase Four – The Mortgage Industry 1990s

Goal is to target all green areas

While many cannot imagine buying a house without a mortgage, realize that mortgages barely existed for most of American history.  Indeed America is one of the few nations in the world so heavily reliant on mortgage lending.

Prior to the government intervention in 1970 when the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation was created, mortgages were rarely used in home purchases, and were negotiated by banks deciding what return they would like to receive in exchange for lending you their assets.

Terms were far shorter than today’s 30 years, and rates were higher, reflecting real risks.  Can you imagine choosing to lend someone $1,000 for 30 years and accepting only $40 each year in return for making this risky investment, and tying up use of your funds for a large portion of your life?

No, and bank loans never looked the way they do today until the federal government guaranteed banks money they could lend out for long terms at low rates, with guarantees of repayment.  The result was huge increases in the price of housing, and a lifetime of paying debt to the international capitalist interests.

Typically a man will buy a home at age 35, paying interest his entire working life until retirement at age 65, when the mortgage debt is finally extinguished.  Never before did men have to work their entire lives just to afford a place to live.

Phase Five – No Bullets Left In The Chamber?

Since the 1990s, the economy has been stagnant.  Realize that all of the phases above are singular emergency tactics.  While they provide a temporary one time boost at the time they are implemented, there are no continuing benefits thereafter.

Having credit cards today does not allow any further growth in the economy; it merely allowed consumption to go up from one rate in the 1970s to a higher rate, at the expense of lifetime income.

Giving someone a home equity loan provides a one time boost when it closes, giving the borrower a big pool of money he can buy things with, but his overall long term disposable income is lower, as a significant portion of his wages will be diverted to bank interest payments.

The US debt clock reports that we owe foreign debtors almost $6 trillion dollars at present, with total government debt of over $200,000 per citizen.  The median personal income in the US is $30,240.  Simple math tells you this will never be repaid. If taxes were raised by $10,000 per person every year (assuming one could possibly confiscate 1/3 of wages), it would take 20 years to merely eliminate existing debt (at that point we would have accumulated 20 years of new debt, since the US has been a debtor nation for 30 years, and requires higher borrowing every year merely to continue).

Will there be a new magical trick like one of the above?  Will we see huge tax increases?  Will we see new immigrants enter to pay down the bills?  The latter seems most likely to me, but we shall see.

Some argue that this is a planned scheme to consolidate power among the elites that control the debt economy.  Others that this is a globalist plan to force mass immigration, as the only alternative is impossible levels of taxation.  Whatever the reason, there will be a serious change in the future economic and social condition in the west.

Read More: The Story Behind The 2008 Financial Crisis

307 thoughts on “The 5 Stages Of The Voodoo Economy”

  1. Learned the hard way just out of high school with NO usable education on how debt works. I was mopping floors and working for a moving company for a living and some guy at the big bank talked me into a credit card. I blew it all ($700) on a plane ticket and found myself unable to pay it off. I ruined my credit at 18 because they don’t teach you real life shit like this in high school. Now years later my credit is nearly perfect and I never use my credit cards. Fuck that game. Also take your money out of the big banks and put it in your local credit union.

    1. Self education all the way. You were a victim of an immoral shark. He knew you were young and inexperienced and outplayed you.

      1. Yea, tough game for a 30 something bank douche to run on a young buck. I learned my lesson. It’s not a coincidence, though, that you learn nothing about finance for the first 12 years of American education.

      2. You say that like it is a bad thing.
        In reality, getting burned like that teaches you and helps you grow. Bad things can create good consequences in the long term, which is something most modern people don’t grasp.
        I’d submit that it’s great to get burned now and then when you’re young and stupid, so that you learn what not to do when you finally have a real income being generated in your life.

        1. Totally agree. Which is why our current victim culture makes me cringe. You need to get burned to learn, but you also need to take responsibility and take a course of action to turn a burn into a win down the road. Seems like this is lost on most folks these days.

        2. I agree. There is a positive lesson from that for sure. I just would not count on schools preparing for real life.

        3. That is why women remain children their whole lives; they never suffer any negative consequences so they never grow up.

      1. It could be worse. I bailed my brother of credit card debt. The one that sneared at me 7 years earlier when I asked, “how are you financing the purchase of a new car a week after graduating college?”. Mom always spoiled that one.

        1. “I left home right out of high school
          Bought me a big car thought I was real cool
          Cruisin’ around the old neighborhood
          I’d see Dad after church on Sunday
          I’d say you’ll have to go riding with me someday
          He just said no, I never understood
          He asked me how I bought it, I told him on credit
          Daddy just smiled, I’ll never forget it”

        2. The latter. I only agreed to help if would pay me back (with no interest) by giving me $100 a month until it was paid off. That was done hapharzardly and in the end, I wrote it off as a wedding present. I told him we were quid, but don’t ever ask me for money again.
          Lesson learned: Never lend anyone money. Especially family.

        3. It is. I also learned that your good fortune, obtained through your hard work, isn’t something some members of your family will be particularly glad about.

        4. My oldest younger sister (say that three times fast) was beautiful in her prime. Like, movie star beautiful. As a result, she got everything she wanted in life for free and made every stupid ass mistake you can make as a beautiful woman. Today she’s way post wall and in her mid 40’s, and while you can tell that she was The Shit back in her day, her prime pulling powers are long gone. Along the way she got knocked up, didn’t even bother with college (which, of course, was paid for for free if she wanted it), fucked up several potentially good career paths and generally did everything wrong. She’s got a drug problem, a drinking problem and she’s shacking up with an ex-con. I kid you not.
          So guess who is all uppity about my good planning and work in life and sneers about how I have life easy?
          Three guesses, two of them don’t count.

        5. I was at a parade not too long ago and an ex I dated several years ago was there. She was complaining about how she couldn’t get any attention from the guys throwing beads like she used to. I got a laugh out of that, as she is only beginning to see the approaching Wall in all its inescapable glory.
          She is blessed with a pretty, youthful face and biggish tits, which has largely delayed Wall Reality Onset for her. But her hips are widening out, her tummy is plumping up and her ass is getting flatter and wider. Even her nice tits are starting to sag and her youngish face is starting to show her age.
          The Wall always wins. Death, taxes and the Wall.

        6. I agree. I am looking at going home to visit my tribe this summer. Some of them reside near GoJ’s bunker complex. If I am going back to CONUS solo (MIL is not well, so my girls might travel to Moscow) I might swing your way.

        7. I always lend money to family; once. Then when they come around to ask again all you have to say is, when are your going to pay me back for the last loan? They usually don’t darken my door again. It is usually a reasonable amount that I figured I would never see again, and could live without. It saves money down the line.

    2. And the beauty is, that it taught you a valuable lesson that you extrapolated into real life viable solutions. So ultimately, you came out on top.

      1. I bought a camcorder from a guy on the street and it turned out to be a brick. I learned never to buy a camcorder from a guy on the street because it will be a brick instead

    3. Debt was something my dad taught me when he handed me my first Amex card in early 90’s. This was the one where you had to pay the full balance at the end of the month.
      When he handed it to me he said, “Control your debt before your debt controls you.” Those words stuck with me and I would never forget. Never carried a balance on any of my credit cards.

    1. all lunatics. a women just wrote an article about how stay at home moms should be made illegal (you know the woman who penned the piece is single and hates working, lets all be miserable together as sisters)

        1. Stay at home mothers get the biggest divorce settlements.
          Because they need your money more, they don’t know how to earn money, and you oppressed them by forcing them to stay at home. You know how to work, you can always earn some more.
          No joke, that’s what my wife said in divorce court.

      1. I quickly read that as “single mom’s should be made illegal” and had to do a double take at the sanity of such an article. Of course the reality was the complete opposite of the sane.

    2. Never in a room of men will you ever see strawberries and blueberries to snack on. Somebody should remind those women they were likely picked by illegal Mexicans.

      1. lot of construction around me. Many men working hard – buildings rising floor by floor every day.
        Amidst women like those huffypostwallers – starbucks in one hand iphone in the other not looking where they are going – I expect rushing to a meeting to discuss the details of another meeting to discuss the fairness of the bathrooms…at an office that does nothing of any use.

      2. Outside of formal lunch meetings, which were usually catered, I’d never encountered food of any kind, let alone snack type food, at meetings until I started attending them with women in the 1990’s. At first I thought it was kind of cool, but over time the little vege platter became doughnuts and other sugar crap. The results, we see all around us now.

      1. Amen to that. The best of the bunch is a 5, tops, but guaranteed that her attitude would bump her down two points automatically.

  2. Nice write up. Private employment peaked in 2000, so Id peg the peak of the US right around then.
    I didnt know credit cards were pitched to joe sixpack back in the 1970s- thought they were reserved for the the upper classes at that point

    1. In the late 60’s credit cards were for the upper class. But in the early 70’s I was on campus handing out little three by five cards, which I got from a Shell oil representative, to students, which were to be filled out and mailed directly to Shell Oil which enabled the student to automatically receive a Shell Credit card. Everyone of the students gave me a surprised look and said that they had always wanted to get a credit card and were shocked to see it given to them so freely. There was no credit check and no one was turned down. I was making a killing at about the equivalent then of five bucks a card that I handed out and I handed out 60 or 70 a day. Unfortunately I was only supplied with about 120 cards per week and it was only over a few months time period. I will never forget the look on all the women’s faces, which lit up in an ear to ear smile as their eyes gleemed at the prospect of being able to spend well beyond their means. I personally did not take one. I dealt mainly in cash and by the time I was 28 I had the equivalent of $100,000 in the bank because I refused to get into debt. I got my first credit card in 1984 just to make some purchases more convenient. And to this day I completely pay off my credit card every month.

      1. Plastic credit cards over forty years ago? What were the APRs like? I assume it was only a gas card?

        1. Thr rates varied over the years. In the late 70’s when banking interest was around 17%, credit card rates were very high but they were deductible on your income tax! EVERYONE carried credit card debt back then and it was insane. Yes, only for gas.

    2. Yes, I’ve been thinking about this and also feel the US peaked circa 2000: pre dot com bubble burst, pre 9-11, pre terrorism, pre useless wars in the middle east, pre social media, pre smart phones
      Tech was around but wasn’t so ubiquitous.
      No joke: know what year I ever had the most female attention? 2000. I was 13. Had probably 3 or 4 hot girls in 8th grade wanting to date me. All down hill since.
      Other aspects of American culture as well, including fashion and pop music.
      2000: baggy jeans, t shirt, and baseball cap, timberlands or vans sneakers
      Now: skin tight pastel hipster jeans, pastel shirt, bow tie, ironic black glasses, fedora, loafers
      Music in 2000: lots of white male artists with a masculine vibe or attitude: Limp Bizkit, Korn, Kid Rock, POD, Papa Roach
      Music today: no white male artists and pop music is pretty much exclusively female

      1. China got into the WTO in 2002. The US lost an average of 35,000 manufacturing jobs a month for 3 or 4 years after that. Housing bubble, then the start of the greatest depression in 2008…I miss the 90s

        1. It’s good to know that it wasn’t just my subjective feeling of life being overall better in the late 90s

        2. and before China it was Mexico, and before that is was the Carolinas….manufacturers want cheap labor!

        3. Yup. back in the day, there was alot of factories in nyc. then they moved to the burbs, then to more desparate states…and here we are

        4. I still wear em. still more comfortable than any shoe from Florsheim

        5. social media and smart phones signaled the death knell of this country.

        6. youre about 10 yrs younger than me, and you missed most of the 90s…but then again, the guys who are a little older than me on this site say the 80s were better than the 90s, so who knows

        7. Very true. But, the guys who are older than me by 10 years will tell you that the 70’s sucked hind tit. It’s kind of cyclical.

        8. I get the feeling the 80s were very bland and dull. 60s / 70s seem like they would have been great. I think if you ask people who can recall the 60s and 70s, they will say the music, fashion etc were way better in the 60s and 70s than the 80s.
          Think of it: 60s: go go dancers in miniskirts
          80s: shoulder pads

        9. You are so wrong on that on almost every count except music. Common man fashion was weird, but at least interesting too, and upper class fashion turned really classy and nice.

        10. Too much nostalgia isnt good for you, especially when its for an era you didnt even live in. I wished I grew up in the late 60s/early 70s because of that show The Wonder Years, but what if I lost family and friends in Vietnam? Father comes home missing a leg, past isnt as rosy as we want it to be

        11. I loved the Wonder Years. Watched it as a little kid when it was new. Still watch it on netflix.
          And I don’t care if this makes me a monster but Winnie Cooper is the definition of perfection.

        12. I……uh, yeah, had a bit of a thing for her.
          I tormented a girl in 4th grade who looked like her.
          I even told her she needed to drop a few pounds…..
          young bem was such a dik.

        13. those days arent coming back. dont let your nostalgia become a terminal illness

        14. why so many white people in that music video? I mean it feels weird … seeing so many white kids having fun …

        15. she is smart too. she is either a scientist or a scientologist, I forget

        16. I wish I grew up in the 1880’s, because of Back To The Future. But then, what if I lost my best friend to a railroad accident near Eastwood Pass?

        17. I can tell you that heavy metal concerts in the 80s were the biggest sausage fest you could ever find. But I never had a problem with women – they’d pounce on me in bars and clubs…. sit on my knee…. come and dance with me… kiss me…. i had just to show up.

        18. JJ Cale Hear!Hear! Looks like your experience in the 80s was just like mine. That’s why I didn’t learn game; I didn’t need it. I don’t think we called it game back then, did we?

        19. As one of the older guys on this board let me tell you that all the decades sucked in one way or another. the 60s were cool if you were a hippie college student; except for the Vietnam war, getting killed in student protests, race riots, assassinations (King, Kennedy, and Kennedy), the Weather underground and the SDS, and the start of women’s liberation.
          The 70s had disco, Jimmy Carter, and cocaine. That is enough.
          The 80s were when every company put a axe man in the CEO position to cut labor expenses. The outsourcing and off shoring was huge. No one was secure in any job. I learned then that all jobs were temporary and all seniority was meaningless.
          The nineties had some advantages but they were hard for me to see as my second wife , and mother of most of my children, died. My mother also died a couple of years later. then I married a truly psycho bitch that made my life a living hell well into the 2000s.
          I think the current decade for all its many defects is about as good as it gets. Of course, my approaching retirement might have me wearing rose tinted glasses.

        20. And today the women wear yoga pants everywhere. You know the ones that they might as well go nude, they are so thin (the pants not the women). Around here about half to three quarters of the women I see out and about are wearing yoga pants, and mostly they might as well just paint their neither regions black (mostly black but some prints are starting to be seen, which would be harder to replicate with paint).

        21. I grew up in the 60s. Take my word for it it was no bowl of cherries. Remember that TV is all a lie.
          BTW, nostalgia is not what it used to be.

        22. Yup. The seventies really sucked. I forgot to mention above the misery index, the sum of the unemployment rate and the interest rate. I also neglected to mention stagflation and the oil crises (two of them). My first home loan was at 13% interest. This was hardly compensated for by the 9% interest I could get on my meager savings on the money market.

      2. Agree with you here, except for the music thing, but I understand that you’re talking exclusively regarding rock and roll. Country music is where all the masculine straight white male artists can be found today.

        1. Personally, I believe music reached its apex in 1972 with Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon album.
          Of course my memories of that might reflect certain mind altering chemicals ingested, one way or another, at the time.

      3. You wouldn’t have thought provoking movies like The Matrix or silly goofy movies like Austen Powers being made today … today it’s all the same super hero remix shit

        1. Yes there is almost nothing in the movies today. The TV shows are just high budget action soap operas or reality talent show crap – and the movies are either a passive computer game roller coaster for the big screen or emotional chewing gum about some chick, her period and her limp wristed boyfriend.
          Music is the same. Theres nothing philosophical, poetic, imaginative or creative. Just mass production – quantity not quality.

        1. I’m like a deflating burning zeppelin slowly crashing to the ground … please don’t blow smoke up my ass that my best years are still ahead of me … that’s rubbish

        2. No, it could very well get worse, but you have to at least participate!
          If you’re single, employed and not fat the world is your erster.
          Get out there kid.

      4. Yes… white muscians and artists from the 70s and 80s made some fantastic works…. its sputtered in the 90s and then wet ghetto rap crap from there. Idiocracy = Nikki Minaj, Kayne West etc.

  3. Im young 25 years old and future looks fucking scary. We will never pay off the debt. No immigrants or taxes will help. It has to collapse but what happens then? What can we expect? Civil war? War with other countries? Different economic system and debt amnesty?

    1. My advice to you: dont even worry about it. Yes, a meltdown is inevitable. No, you cannot prepare for it. Put it out of your mind

      1. I am very conservative with my spending and its natural to me. I buy shit I need. Use credit card for almost everything but pay it off right away or up to 3 weeks so I dont get interest charges.

      2. On the other hand, when the collapse comes, how are they going to get any money out of you, no matter how much you owe? They can’t squeeze blood from a stone.
        My did had a policy of owing as much as possible at death, after all they can’t get it back from you once you are dead. He told me the only flaw in his plan was it became difficult to get anyone to loan him money long term after he was 80.

    2. If resistance/competition grows around foreign capital, war might happen. However, there is hardly any non-American capital left. We have reached the stage of monopolism yet, you can’t even call it capitalism anymore, really. You have the US mega-capital and every non-American mini-capital left is about to be destroyed so American billionaires can rule over all the earth.
      Without non-American capital and resistance/competition growing around this capital, there won’t be any war. The last “real” war might be the war against China in 30 years or so. But even this will probably not involve nuclear weapons.
      After this, there won’t be any bigger war simply because only the American mega-capital has enough power and there isn’t enough competition for them.
      It might be more like a “civil world war” and technologised Dark Ages with a standard of living that is more and more decreasing.
      “Not with a bang but a whimper”

      1. Actually that’s not a good idea. I used to think it was for the longest while, was seriously thinking of going expat with the new bride in tow for a few years (before kids).
        Here’s the problem, which I hadn’t considered until somebody explained it to me. If the U.S. implodes/explodes, that will have huge reprecussions worldwide. Not just with markets, but quite possibly with things like military invasions, etc. So if you’re living in, say, Costa Rica in 2017 you’re just the nice amiable American expat that talks in broken Spanish and is fun to hang out with. But come 2030, as the U.S. economy finally tanks into the great void, the world falls into a seriously major economic depression, possibly the worst in history, and additionally in order to try and keep resources coming in, the U.S. starts invading/bombing/raiding other nations without rhyme or reason. Guess what you become in the eyes of your Costa Rican neighbors? Yep, you become “one of them, the enemy”. Quick hangings follow. This has some historical precedent as well across many times and countries.
        Personally I’d rather just be out in the middle of nowhere, in my native culture, where I’m not considered the enemy simply by existing, and where I have a means to at least try to defend myself.

        1. Bingo- youll be playing “pin the tail on the gringo” – against your will. The pin will be an icepick

        2. I agree with this.
          I wish to run to greener pastures – but there aren’t any.
          There are stories of Wealthy purchasing estates in Argentina and New Zealand. But, yea guess what? as GOJ mentioned – the locals will most likely invade. And NZ has huge indigenous population…
          I will stay – but, most likely not in NYC — to in-laws neighborhood in thegunshine state…

        3. Yeah, fleeing cities is a great idea. You don’t want to be in the middle of those deep blue zombie pits once resources start getting scarce.

        4. I’d invite you and the gang to my acreage, but you hooligans would drive down the property value. Heh.

        5. I’ve been living in my backup country (Thailand) for the last 10 years, getting harder to stay here, the government want white people out, and the country is gradually (and quietly) transitioning from Buddhist to Muslim.
          Still, I’m over 60 now, I’ve had a good run, not much left to do.

        6. I thought the locals were booting out the muslims? Or is that Laos?

        7. no!
          I realize that too. it is a fun place – but no property/business ownership by foreigners…
          Not good.
          And a condo is just a piece of paper. could be burnt at any time…
          land of smiles is only if you have cash flow.

        8. wtf? no….
          but then neighbors Indoesia/malaysia have the highest Muslim populations…

        9. well that stinks. I do remember reading an article, was about one of those countries on that peninsula, and the Buddhists were attacking and beating the muslim invaders

        10. When/If the 1st world implodes, the rest will burn. Without the economic aid and payoffs flowing from the US and the EU/UK the little tinpot dictators and warlords will be unleashed. Any backup country will be vulnerable to regional warfare and all kinds of other disasters from disease to weather.
          But go on out there and try it out, maybe staying mobile is the key.

        11. That’s basically my point, except I wager that being out in the middle of nowhere with a tight community works better in the long run.

        12. it may become like the dark ages.
          nothing much going on that we know about.
          So actually may have been a great time in each locale.
          food, shelter – hot child bearing women…
          No invasion and genocide…

        13. Remember 1929. When the US stock market crashed (actually it recovered and then fell slowly over the next two to three years) the saying was the US economy sneezed, the British economy caught a cold, and the German economy nearly died of pneumonia. The Nazis were the result of that little kerfuffle.

        14. I am old enough that I don’t have to worry about any of this stuff. When the collapse comes I will simply die. It will be by my own hand or by the conditions that prevent me from getting what I need to live. When you can’t run, and the ammo eventually runs out, there aren’t a lot of options left.

        15. oh, I thought it was this:

          edit: I use an ice-axe (for its intended purpose)– not very heavy(no wonder it didn’t kill him immediately)

    3. The future alway looked scary for those who are aware of the dangers. Keep your self together and seek like minded people. Be a minimalist, take on no debt and get active politically. Your generation is the one that should be the most pissed off as you are the ones who will be saddled with most of the public debts. Clintons and the other socialist boomers will be dead and the gen Xers will be lucky to collect one social security check before they croak.

      1. Solid advice, you saved me a lot of keystrokes.

    4. Hate to break it to you: but 25 isn’t young.
      You were young 10 years ago.
      You’re half dead and your best years are behind you.
      I’m 29 and don’t claim to be young. 30 is middle aged. No other way to slice it..
      feels bad man

      1. And, the pity train begins to pull out of the station…
        All aboard!
        You know when your best days are? Every fucking morning you wake up, unless you tell yourself otherwise.

        1. No less a personage than my own Old Man (in the non-biker sense) said:
          “Its a good day if you don’t have a sucking chest wound”

        2. During basic they were teaching us field first aid.
          “Private, this soldier has a sucking chest wound! What do you do!?!”
          Me: “Administer last rites?”
          Turns out, being a joker in the Army is rarely well received.

        3. Excellent.
          R. Lee Ermey is a national treasure.

        4. Heh, I do the same exact thing. The movie should have ended there. Everything afterward was really anti-climatic.

        5. I recommend revisiting the second part, GoJ! Some of the best subliminalities are there. This vid should spell out a bunch of those; Rob Ager is a genius. Other points of interest in the second half of FMJ (I’ve watched it over 30 times):
          *’Animal Mother’ character and Pyle are the same guy (Pyle didn’t suicide; it was Joker’s dream, or Hartman’s perhaps)
          The quonset hut with the reporters has Snoopy and Charlie Brown dolls strewn around. Charlie Brown = V.C.
          * The scene with the Marines (Lust Hogs) saying that their battle in Hue City is a “movie” later coincides with them sitting in seats outside a burnt-out theater when the ARVN officer sells the prostitute to them. Notice the seats turned outward and their sitting in them denotes them being “an audience”, as in watching a movie.
          * The final scene where Joker executes the sniper: The Peace symbol button on his vest disappears from view when he pulls the trigger on his pistol.
          In short, the analysis yields a darker view of how both halves of the movie connect, but it’s not quite obvious. .

        6. “I will gouge your fucking eyes out and fuck your skull! Private pyle!”

        7. Hard to impress this on a young man, but any day you wake up on the topside of the topsoil is a good day.

      2. You are an idiot.
        30s are Prime Time for a man. Be in shape, make some money, do stuff!

        1. Let me tell you that the 40s are pretty good too, and the 50s could be, and will be, worse.
          Looking back on it all I would not rate my 20s very high.

        2. nah – 20s you’re really still figuring out who you are!
          I’m enjoying the 40s. Perfecting somethings, learning new things….Just wish my knees and back were on board!

      3. Feels bad man…
        BUT I do not like that attitude. I am not young as I was 10 years ago and I know I get older everyday.
        The thing is I do not want to belong to people of this kind (I hate to quote): “Some people die at 25 and aren’t buried until 75.” – Benjamin Franklin

        1. At my age getting older every day is something you really come to appreciate. So far it is much preferable to that alternative (which is approaching closer every day).

    5. You are not the only one, our generation in this century is one of the first generation that had to face post-9/11, terrorism, weaklings, retarded fads, narcissitic behaviour and fags.

  4. Question: why is the title picture that of Horatio Nelson’s heroic death at the Battle of Traflagar?
    Granted, it was one if Britain’s finest hours: Under threat of French invasion, with only the Royal Navy and 22 miles of sea protecting England from destruction by Napoleon, the Royal Navy defeated a Franco-Spanish fleet that outnumbered them, thus ending Boney’s plan to invade Great Britain.
    But…how is it related to vodoo economics?

    1. perhaps it should have been 10 years later with the banker’s rep galloping to the coast with news of Wellington’s victory…

      1. The Rothschilds funded much of the war to stop the vile French Revolution. There is even a Sharpe book by Bernard Cornwell about it.
        There was a time when the Jews funded wars to stop SJW’s.

        1. Napoleon was anti-banking system, as was Hitler, Czar Nicholas, Abraham Lincoln, JFK and Andrew Jackson, with Jackson being the only one to survive undefeated, however he claimed that Nicholas Biddle of the Second Bank of the United States tried to have him assassinated twice.

        2. I read a best-selling Jackson bio, Biddle and the bank got all of one page in a 400 page book

        3. I have read several bios of Old Hickory. Robert Remini, the foremost Jackson scholar, may have covered it more in depth, but I dont quite remember. Biddle was a real shit banker and rates right up there with Alexander Hamilton, who was reviled by almost all historians for two hundred years, until the revisionist 70’s university academics white washed AH under the direction of the NWO banking cabal.

  5. As long as the Eastern bloc still existed, the US mega-capital couldn’t go hog wild yet. The Soviet Union had skeletons but also a theoretical alternative to capitalism in its closet. The labor movement in the West wasn’t completely destroyed yet; there was always the danger of people looking for an alternative to capitalism.
    After the end of the Eastern bloc, the US mega-capital could finally “go hog wild” and reduce the living standard. The living standard of today is only half or even a third of what it was in, say, the 80s (when your parents bought houses you guys would never be able to afford).
    Especially Western Germany was meant as a “window to the West” and therefore, Western Germany had to have a high standard of living. Imagine people in the Eastern bloc would have looked over to Western Germany and only see Merkel, crazy Muslim fanatics, feminists and poor pensioners begging on the streets (which is more and more frequent over all Western Europe).
    It’s a bit like with “stronk” Poland today; the US mega-capital has granted Poland a kind of 50s/60s state – but only as long as Poland is needed in the struggle against Russia.
    Now capitalism has transformed into “monopolism”, and the high standard as long as there was a rival in the East around, isn’t needed anymore.

  6. Great article, Roscoe. This is a solid summary of the explination for the causes behind the current cultural lapse, and the root of the problem. Good read. Will share.

  7. well i am 32, have no credit card. I am not religious anymore but some how my core value does’t allow me to get one as I believe I will be paying interest which is simply bad..isn’t it good for a religion to teach pay interest for anything thing.. I am tempt to get one, last month I received an email form my bank asking me to get a credit card and they offered $500 voucher.. still fuck NO..

    1. In the early 2000s the CC companies were offering to anyone with a pulse. I got 2 solicitations inside a month, both had a line of credit of $20,000. I was tempted(shit, I can buy a Mustang GT and slap it on my card!) but never signed the cards

    2. You can still get the cards. Just make sure you pay the balance off in full each month. You can reap the benefits they throw at you like cash back.
      Just don’t go overboard on their use.

    3. J. Hue put it best; then again, if it’s against your principles, ignore such solicitations.

  8. Ahem.
    Immigration isn’t paying down anything. They are net consumers of public funds.
    And if they vote for more public spending, and they do…

    1. Correct. They are living off the tax collections and accumalation of debt that will be paid by others. Parasites if you will.

      1. The truth about immigration is finally being outed. They provide negative growth, poorly educated, over reliant on public services, more prone to fraud and crime than native citizens, and more children then they can take care of. Hopefully here in the US we can finally have immigration reform. Western Europe is totally cucked right now.

        1. “Western Europe is totally cucked right now.”
          The stats are not publicized, but I recall the did an analysis of the MENA immigrants terms of cost vs contribution and they are nothing but a liability on the backs of others.
          My in-laws in Moscow say they show programs in Russia where they interview muslims in the west who openy say the Europeans are working for us (in the form of taxation and they collecting welfare). But hey. Euro media is to busy howling about Trump.

  9. “… until the federal government guaranteed banks money they could lend out for long terms at low rates, with guarantees of repayment.”
    Offering loans and debt to people couldn’t calculate compound interest if their lives depended on it is discpicable, but the people who signed up for it are born for servitude. I am more pissed about the packaging toxic debt into investments and securities despite the credit rating to decieve investors or hide the problems.

    1. It didn’t deceive the initiated. Many corporations and investment firms knew quite well that the MBS (Mortgage Backed Securities) were utter shit. I was working in Finance at that point in time and did some securitization work. I knew that making the bag of shit larger did not magically change the contents into anything except more shit. In 2006 I issued warnings on home investments and real estate to the bank who employed me (one of the too big to fail institutions). They made moves to minimize their exposure, and were successful to a limited degree. Their problem was they were being forced to make those bad loans by the CRA (Community Reinvestment Act) passed by the efforts of Barney Frank (the guy who then blamed the whole thing on the banks and created regulation to punish those banks).

      1. I don’t doubt you, but I was thinkig more of the people looking at their IRAs or 401ks and believing their fund managers. The same fag Barney Frank whose gay lover was runnnig a queer brothel out of his house?

        1. Yup. That’s the guy.
          And also, yes we knew we were pushing the shit off on to less informed public. It felt bad and made us all a little dirty, but you do what you have to do to survive. If the government hadn’t have put the banks in the position of having to make bad loans in the name of racial equality, and let there be no confusion on this, it was all about race pandering, then we would not have had to sell crap to the public in order to survive. It was a no win situation. BTW my warning resulted in more selling of bundles of bad loans, not less. The bank needed to dump them faster and faster as the looming debacle approached.

  10. Outside of what government forces on you against your will, there is absolutely no reason, at all, ever, to go into debt willingly. The problem is that it takes approaching economic realities with a perspective that you most likely never encountered before, and which will seem alien and “not fun” to you. Know the secret? Don’t get credit cards (“But you won’t get a good credit rating!” Good, I don’t care, I’m not going in debt). Save to buy what you want or need, take loans out for *nothing*. Act like you’re paying on loans to save, buy when you have saved enough buy the item, and continue making “payments” to yourself, and you’ll never been in debt to anybody ever again.
    This does mean, of course, that you will necessarily have to give up the cultural ADHD “I NEEEEEEEEEEEEED the latest model XYZ!”, but really, that’s not hard to do and once you do get out of that habit you start to see how foolish others are who display it.
    Oh, and word of advice. Find someplace way out in the middle of nowhere and buy acreage, one acre at a time if you have to, from willing farmers/ranchers. Strike a deal with one that is willing to sell off property slowly over the years to you, when you have cash. Lease the land back to local farmers on a cost per acre annual basis for income. Just a tip, you won’t regret it.
    EDIT: Full Disclosure, I did fall into the mortgage trap and didn’t figure out the “buy for cash” thing until after I’d signed the papers. I’ve solved this mistake on my part by making lots of extra payments on principle over the years. I also took out a loan for my first car, which was a huge mistake, when I was 19. It was as I was struggling with that old lemon that somebody explained the “make payments to yourself” method of economic survival. And at one time I had a credit card that I didn’t zero out the balance every month, and the high interest rate was killing me. My father, of all people, explained why paying interest is *always* a stupid idea.

    1. I fell into that trap a little in college – I got one of the “student” credit cards they dangle in front of you, and I ran it up buying gas for the damn car!
      Should have been realistic about the expenses of college up front, so a year later a transferred and put the car into mothballs.
      And yes, land; they aint makin’ any more if it! But only if the taxes are low though, or you’ll go broke hanging on to it.

      1. Right, land in the countryside is what I was stressing. Land in or near a city is suicidal economically speaking unless you plan to build on it or lease it out to some industrial type, which, good luck with that.

        1. I got REALLY lucky with my house here (paid off and worth 8 or 9 times what I paid for it), but that lightening isn’t going to strike twice. This bubble’s gonna burst!
          I’m no gambler…

      2. I always though better to buy guns than land.
        Less taxes to pay on guns, then when the shit hits the fan, you can take someone else’s land.
        Not to mention, one of life’s greatest pleasures is lying with the wives and daughters of your recently dead enemies (GK).

        1. You can’t grow wheat and barley and tomatoes on your AR-15. Guns are good to own, you should own them, but if your plan is to be a raider, then you’re a fucking idiot and will be weeded out quickly. Country boys, at least here in the states, can shoot the wings off of a fly at 100 yards, you’d be hog fodder before your gun cleared leather.

        2. I make leather, and leather accessories. Heh.

    2. Though debt is treacherous, I would get my kids a credit card relatively early. It would be the smallest balance I could find, and they would suffer real world consequences for misusing it. Just like a kid touching a hot stove never does it again, such a card would hopefully act as a vaccine against overspending in their future.

      1. I didn’t. They do however have bank debit cards, which draws directly from their checking accounts. And we taught them how to balance their accounts monthly. That suffices to teach the same lesson, and keeps interest away from them.

    1. Morgan Freeman narrated his own birth. It was epic.

  11. Take a look at that chart on inflation. Where does it take off? Yup, 1914, The Federal Reserve Act. Before that there basically was no inflation. There was some in times of crisis (War of Northern Aggression, for example), but as soon as the event was over prices would return to normal. That was the start of the predatory economy which we now have.

    1. Fed money is created by debt. It is such a huge fucking scam and so patently obvious, yet so few are even aware of it. The fools.

      1. Yep, every single thing you listed, brought to us nearly at the same time (just prior or after WW1) by Progressives, after they eliminated entire swaths of Classical Liberal men in the Great War.

      2. Nothing changes until progs, wogs and nogs are starving in the street. And white men grow a collective set of balls.

    2. Government spending to GDP in the US around 1900 was 5%. It is now 40%. Watch what happens when this figure hits the magic 50% mark!

    3. Yeah, but look at the material standard of living in 1914 compared with today’s. We have gotten vastly better off in real terms, even if a pound of bacon costs more dollars now than it did in 1914, because we need to work fewer hours and minutes to earn the dollars to buy that pound of bacon.
      Slouching Towards Utopia?
      The Economic History of the Twentieth Century

      1. A pound of bacon, I’d bet, costs way less in regard to man-hours-worked now, than it did in 1914. Most basic staples are far cheaper now when considered in that light, than they have ever been in human history.

        1. Yes….. we’re way better off with a fiat credit system… nothing wrong with it… the casinos use a similar system of chips….. the problem is the corrupt overlords are constantly skimming the chips value via inflation and also via regulation and taxes. Imagine a casino where every hour the chips all lose 5% of their value. But you cant leave until midnight. You’re forced to keep gambling like mad just to preserve the value.

      2. We’ve never had it so good!
        2010- 2017 and the best time in my life, who could have predicted that, not me. When I was 20, I imagined being 50+ would suck big time.
        OK, so the Jews are running your country, you can’t trust your wife, and the Muslims are groping your daughters. But hell, it ain’t so bad.

        1. Not just Coca Cola, but Extra Super Fun Coca Cola that made you see things like giant lightning scorpions. That had to have been a hoot.

    4. In 1913, if you had two shoe boxes full of gold pieces, you could build yourself a brand new 5 bedroom house with iron gate and pool. If you saved those two boxes of gold today you could still build yourself a custom 5 br house with pool on the same land.
      If you had exchanged the gold for paper notes in 1913 and kept the paper hidden in the box in your basement, they would have long since turned to shred and rat turd salad.

        1. Geezer and Bill Ward = best rhythm section in rock. Period. End of Story! I had the Paranoid record, first album I ever bought, was 12 yo, when everyone else was rocking VH 1984 (in 84).
          Edit: Apologies for thread derail: was half in the bag when I first typed this

        2. Hah!! I guess I owe my pursuit of the 4-string low freqs to Geezer!! 30+ years and no looking back!

      1. I bet simply holding onto your gold in 1976 woulda outperformed the average stockpicker managing your portfolio…

        1. The problem is, where do you put it? It can be stolen. I don’t man. There really is no sure fire way. Owning your own own home outright, after having saved for it is one way, then diversify your portfolio with 10-15% precious metals. However, what do I know?
          I get screwed everytime I get ahead in family court. Watch, as soon as I graduate, the witch will take me back to court to raise her payments of my flesh.
          Learn my lesson boys. Cause I am for years. In some states, like MA, they can make you pay till the kid is 26!!! As long as they are going to college!!

        2. I did a quick study. I don’t know about the performance of your stock picker, but based on inflation every year since 1976 and the value of gold then and now, you would not even have kept up with inflation.

    5. to make only a fast remark: The gold standard made sure that man’s hard work could be saved, as it stabilized currency and it allowed a secure system for maintaining wealth in the form of gold.
      The modern fiat currency is good only for big investors and no one else, as it is an inherently unstable form of currency that bases its value on whim.

      1. The gold standard was very flawed. Spain went bankrupt because so much gold and silver poured in from south america it became worthless.
        Later the flip side occurred as the British Empire partly collapsed because there was no way to mine enough gold to describe the huge increase in productivity and monetary expansion caused by the industrial revolution – without ravaging the planet looking for every scrap of what is basically a useless trinket that has little industrial value. Gold standard is little better than Tahitian peasants trading with sea shells.

        1. Every standard is flaw as any human system is flawed and, to be precise, it is more flawed than it’s creators.
          The gold standard can fall down only on two occasions:
          a) gold becomes common (i.e. Spain)
          b) Inflation
          The British empire started using a system pretty close to that of our own while keeping the gold standard and as a mixed system it had all the inefficiencies few of the benefits of each. For example while it lacked a formalised currency, this meant paper bills did not only represent real gold but also required a real gold transaction it allready had an advanced banking sector with a bond market. Both of the afforementioned required modern currency to be regulated.
          The gold standard has value because the government partially monitors gold production, so that not too much is being made but not too few, while it regulates how much money is being printed on it.
          The real problem is the fiat currency, which hold no value and is good only for big investors, while social credit has it’s allure due to it not having enough time to fail. It is a personal belief that whatever John Maynard Keynes praised was doomed to fail, because it was pretty close to his ideas which in the end are the reason why we are in this situation in the first place.
          Lastly the flaws of the gold standard can be based on exceptions and not the rules themselves.

  12. Can someone clear up something. Ok the US is 6 trillion in debt. Is this debt not “manufactured credit” by international banking funds just the same as the credit given to individuals?

    1. 6 trillion? Dude, I wish. We’re about 20 trillion, with half of that coming under the reign of the Man Child Obama. The actual real debt when you include things like derivatives is actually around 100 trillion, which is unpayable, ever.

      1. I thought it was more alright….I was just going on the articles figure… far as I am aware China and the Saudis own quite a large chunk of the debt.

        1. They do. What’s interesting is that while that seems ominous, there’s really nothing that they can do if we decide to cancel their holdings here. We still have the most fucking scary ass military on the planet bar none. For now anyway.

        2. Currency and trade. In a hot war they’d be made into radioactive slag in short order.

        3. Yes….this is what I can’t figure out. Everyone is more concerned about how they will look on international markets rather than freeing their own populations from impossible debt burden and saying “fuck you” to the international Shylocks….

        4. my babymomma – who is wall st guru was mocking the Chinese, and stated “what else can they do but buy treasuries?”
          i don’t know but I know pride goes before the bombs…or something…

        5. Right? The GOP and Trump could, right now today, rescind all debt to foreign nations and eliminate all title to land in the U.S. given to foreign entities. And there’s nothing they could do about it from a military enforcement standpoint. I wouldn’t advise this, but it is possible to do. The global economic impact of this would be *HUGE* and awful for a while, but if other Western nations followed suit or did it with us, we’d literally turn China and other “rich for one reason only” nations into myths that we tell children about in the future as a warning to them.

        6. the chinese have been stockpiling shitloads of gold for years- it sure as hell aint for tooth fillings… Whispers still persist they will become the new holders of the world’s reserve currency…we shall see

        7. They’re also filling vast cavernous structures built into their mountainsides with Coca Cola. If the U.S. collapses and they don’t get their Coca Cola, they will literally have nowhere to pee, so they’re planning ahead.

        8. “and in tonight’s performance, the roll of lolknee will be played by GOJ”….
          Bravo. I was wondering how that could be steered back to the cola issue.

        9. It’s figuratively a rock-paper-scissors scenario. Financially indebted rock gets wrapped with paper debt. Figure out now who’s the scissors and don’t crush the scissors. The spiral is a dynamic process. Epiphany – China may be the scissors.

        10. You mean that after that war all soft drinks, and maybe all drinks, will be Cokes?

      2. There is a glimmer of hope in that just after WW2, our debt to GDP ratio was worse than it is today (not by much) and we overcame it. Unfortunately, now we have all these unfunded liabilities like pensions for government workers that are bringing us to the point of no return.

        1. We also had an excuse, a major war, and we also had the world’s largest industrial base AND a captive market of nations whose entire infrastructure was wiped out so that there was no competition.

      3. I wonder how that clock actually records the level of debt?
        Anyone can make a site and call it debt watch.

        1. Right, except that the numbers appear to be correct in a rounding-error kind of way.
          I suspect that they get the base numbers from the treasury department and then make a little algorithm that calculates the grown per hour and then divide that into seconds in order to make it crank up all the time. Or something like that.

      4. Then screw the Rothschilds and their ilk. It’s time people put down their god damned smart phones, stop caring about mindless pursuits and start forming bonds with their neighbors for when times get REALLY tough. When SHTF, something bigger than an AR is coming out, and unless one was on my side, or was of like mindset beforehand, sorry, talk to the gun barrel.

    2. Of course it is imaginary, it was created out of thin air. The fact that fake media keeps bringing it up should give you a clue.
      It’s just used for scaremongering.

    1. Paypal. Or ask her if she does Bitcoin.

      1. Envelope system might be the best, but don’t label it like I did. For some reason, the wife didn’t take kindly to it.

      2. GhostOfJefferson ✓ᴺᵃᵗᶦᵒᶰᵃˡᶦˢᵗ Most likely Discover.

  13. GEN X has had in tough but the GEN Y will have it even harder. Electing OBAMA was your biggest mistake. Not that I liked Romney but he would of allowed the housing market to correct itself versus the inflated mess we are in now. A crack house was never worth $200,000 until a few years ago.

    1. Obama was a huge mistake, but I’m not sure Mitt wouldn’t have done things differently. He wasn’t that conservative. He’s a big gov republican.

      1. The apocalypse came 4 years earlier. It was called Barack Obama.
        I am sure you’ve heard of him.

        1. I didn’t think he was actually the apocalypse, anti Christ yes, but apocalypse no.

    1. Do you mean asteroid? Don’t worry, there are billions of them out there. Be careful what you wish for.

  14. “as they were now directly competing with women for the same wages”
    I actually do not think that this is the case. Women cannot do the same jobs as men because they are not as strong or as intelligent as men are. What is really happening is that wealth is being transferred from men to women in the form of bullshit jobs for women (e.g. HR departments)
    As for the current global economic situation, I blame libertarians for the current mess. Libertarian ideology led to the deregulation of large corporations. This deregulation allowed them to grow large enough to buy out governments across the globe.

    1. There are a lot of places where women are competing with men for the same wages, and sometimes even hirer wages.
      A friend of mine occasionally teaches classes at a law school, and he was telling me the graduating classes at a lot of law schools is majority female, and its been this way for a few years.
      A lot of the established law firms are actively looking for “diverse” hires because it looks good to potential clients. In fact, some larger companies and government contractors basically require that the consultants they work with have a certain level of “diversity” in their workforce.
      He told me that, in the past, when female law school graduates were more rare, sometimes they were offered higher starting salaries than their male counterparts to go to one firm or another. Now, since there are tons of them graduating law school, there isn’t as much need for that incentive.

      1. Yep I work in tech and its rabid gender ratio reaching at all times. Never mind skill, character, intelligence… just get more women and people of color in there.. I admit I would like it to be non homogenous, but at what point are we just filling quotas as opposed to building the most kick ass team. I have to keep my opinions to myself though because they are outside of the current SJW trend.

      2. Law is a bullshit profession and has been for some time. Modern lawyers are simply snake-oil salesman who profit from the unnecessary complexity of the legal system.

    1. And always have been. If you aren’t the lead dog in the sled dog pack, the view doesn’t change, no matter how far you go.

      1. The view doesn’ change: always looking at some ither dog’s ass and smelling it’s emissions.

  15. this is a great interview outlining accurately (as I’ve read) communist history and agenda:

    1. Cernovich brings up a great point: that Nazi and Communist symbols should be treated equally. actually, Ukraine did just that: banned all of them.

  16. The fallout from 1960s-1970s women working has affected their children and grandchildren. The 60s working mothers failed to train their daughters in the domestic arts and to this day, their descendent females on average can’t perform shit domestically.
    How many HS sophomore girls today can do the whole Thanksgiving spread starting with a frozen Butterball? 15% maybe. They can give head on the back of the school bus like a pro whore but mama always worked so no cullinary skills were developed. Or the kids loaf and get fat in front of the TV while mom stumbles in at 7:00 with Lil’Caesars. Are the younger generations somehow expected to pull the information out of their ass how to do a turkey spread for T-day? Some abilities have to be hardwired by active participation training at an early age. Otherwise the abilities never develop.
    The working moms never teach jack shit to their daughters (or sons). Working moms also fail to encourage their kids to think critically, never criticizing the obvious lying bullshit on the news shows. Single working moms were propaganda shit drinkers themselves so how would they know what to call on what. They’re ding stupid and protected as such and thus they remain. The single bitch mothers leave their kids entirely to be processed by the state. So is it any wonder that their successive generations of women today have such difficulty nurturing and gaining proficiency and competence for doing domestic arts?
    A lot of women today come across as being too stupid to do the simplest domertic functions, but they’re not technically retards. They never hardwired for domestic tasks because their mothers worked and neglected to teach them shit. Single working mothers are the most extreme violators as far as neglectng the teaching of anything to their dependent (nanny state meal ticket) offspring. It takes all the juice in the female brain to do one single stick in the mud cubicle job and the single whore mothers have nothing left as far as energy for their kids after work. They come home from work and either zombie out or turn into a stressed out screaming bitch.
    We’ll all be mopping up the fallout from women working for a long time. The sooner we shore up our women and yank them out of the workplace and out of education and PUT THEIR NOSES back to the domestic gridiron under grand patriarchal rule, the better.

  17. I don’t think there’s any conspiracy about the way the economy is being run. Rome died roughly the same way (inflating the currency, extending citizenship to anyone who could fog a mirror, wealth concentrating at the top, etc). I think it’s just the way humans are and it will never change.

  18. A great article.
    All of this should come as no surprise.
    The Occult Technology Of Power, published in 1974, laid all of this out. I encourage all and sundry to read it.

  19. The eventual outcome of this process is war. The key is to determine just who to go to war against, because there is no one nation which is controlling the levers. War is coming and that will cleanse the system.

  20. So when do we burn the shithouse down and start over again?
    The crescendo of this experiment doesn’t look good. Why wait until it unfolds as intended?

    1. We don’t. Too many men are too comfortable in their McMansions and kowtowing to their wives to actually revolt.

  21. I watched the documentary, Inside Job, on the flight from Bahrain the other day…although I knew the story behind the crash of 2008 it was still unbelievable what these crooks did…and the fact none of them received a prison sentence is proof enough of how corrupt the political system in the US is.

  22. “. Whatever the reason, there will be a serious change in the future economic and social condition in the west”
    Until the monetary system collapses. Yeah the thought of the atm’s not working and the value of those horizontally shaped mass printed lithographs called “dollars” becoming their real value which is $ 0.00 is rather disconcerting, but when that happens the globalists lose all their power and the average Joe will be free. From that point on economies will only function based on real things, tangible goods and services, local economies instead of “global this” and “global that”.

  23. “women no longer needed a man to provide for her basic needs.”
    Both sides of the debate (alt-righters vs feminists) seem to think this is true, but it’s really not.
    The fact is that if a woman wanted to satisfy her “basic needs”, she could have done this all along and plenty of women did out of necessity. They worked in factories and farms or even in nunnaries. I find it amusing at how feminists portrayed being a nun as oppression somehow when it is similar to what many feminists aspire to: A life without men, running their own affairs (the nuns ran the nunnaries), funded by the state (the church) and they could pick their own career such as schoolteacher, music composition, gardening, winemaking, to name a few!
    There were several women entrepreneurs of the past such as Coco Chanel who did amazing things but on a daily basis, many women got by on their own without much fanfare.
    On the other hand, today, the average millennial snowflake career women has a tougher time making ends meet. She may graduate in severe debt, not knowing how to fix a car she’ll pay $40,000 for a car (or a comparable lease) to avoid repair bills and hassles. The cost of living for a career woman, a childless one at that, can be quite onerous. In the meantime, in the states at least, there is not much money left to fund European style socialist programs since the money goes to welfare programs for the (growing) poor to live in squalor (relatively, if you don’t mind gang bangers) and propping up the economy for the oligarchs.
    I’d say the golden era for feminism was between 1970 and 1990. Tons of men still made good money and with few women in the workplace but with preferences for them as “victims” of historical oppression, they could make a killing at work and marry for money too and stuff was still relatively cheap. Win win win. These women are hailed as heroes (oops, heroines!) who “gave” modern women their “freedom” by “fighting” but in reality, they just took high paying jobs and married up in income which is like calling a pro-baseball player a “hero”. They were lottery winners who robbed future generations of wealth and affluence.

  24. Visa existed before 1976 as Bank Americard, but yeah, same company.
    As for this: “Will we see new immigrants enter to pay down the bills? The latter seems most likely to me, but we shall see.”
    Sooo…. between the illegal immigrant cutting grass and the “refugee” resettled in the middle of nowhere and receiving a federal government check, those are the ones meant to prop up the US economy and repay the debt? Riiiight…..

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