What A Cult Leader Who Think He’s Jesus Can Teach Us About Humility

“Do not try to be superior to the people around you.”

These are the parting words of Vissarion, a Russian cult leader who believes he is the Second-Coming of Christ, when asked by a Vice documentary crew what advice he’d have for Western viewers to follow.

It might seem odd for a man who claims to be Jesus to suggest humility, but when you look as Vissarion’s actions it makes sense. Vissarion’s movement Church of the Last Testament lives a relatively simple existence in the mountains of Siberia. Their community does not eat meat, practices traditional sex roles, and lives a peaceful agrarian lifestyle. Despite having thousands of followers who believe Vissarion is Jesus Christ himself, he rarely appears publicly, and seems to have little desire to proselytize or spread his message. His appearance in this Vice documentary was his first media appearance in three years.

The Comparative Mind

Vissarion is not the first spiritual teacher to suggest avoiding pride. The Bible itself says “pride cometh before a fall.” The desire to feel superior to others has been discussed by many spiritual teachers, as coming from the comparative mind. The comparative mind is the part of the ego that is constantly comparing us and our accomplishments to others. “He has more money than me. She’s more attractive. He’s weaker.” The comparative mind oscillates between pride when it compares itself to someone it deems itself better than, and shame when it compares itself to something it deems itself worse than.

Rather than basing its value in the absolute universal truth of who a person is, the comparative mind bases it in the relative constantly changing value of how it measures up to the relative success of others. This kind of thinking leads to a narcissism, mood swings, and a constant struggle to be better than everyone around you.

There is a parable about the comparative mind that appears in several cultures. A shopkeeper was constantly comparing himself to his rival across the street. He obsessed over who did more business, who made more money, and even whose wife was prettier. One day an angel came to him and said, “behold, the Lord has smiled on you, and I will grant you whatever you wish for.” “What’s the catch?” the shopkeeper shrewdly asked. “Whatever you get, your rival will be granted double. If you get a thousand dollars, he will get two thousand. If you ask for a beautiful wife, his wife will be twice as beautiful.” The shopkeeper thought for a moment, and then replied, “Blind me in one eye.”

This is the comparative mind at it’s worst. This is why Vissarion adds after his warning against seeking superiority, “that intention leads to death.” Yet the comparative mind is all around us. It is at the heart of the ego. I saw the comparative mind throughout the documentary on Vissarion, in his followers, in the documentary host, and in myself.


The Documentary

When Vissarion’s followers appear on camera, they describe him as the “only source of information for all answers,” convinced that he is the one true teacher. Interestingly, by calling him superior to other teachers, they miss the point of his teachings. The idea that believing “our God is superior to your God” has lead to war and death throughout human history is something Vissarion and the most skeptical atheist can agree on.

Vissarion’s community practices traditional sex roles. Boys and girls are educated separately. Boys are taught “to build a house and comprehend the masculine profession.” Girls are taught to respect men because “man is a creator. He is a master.” Men and women are taught to live in peace with one another in harmony, and avoid taking each other’s roles.

When the teacher at the girl’s school suggest the documentary host bring his girlfriend, he calls it an offer for “brainwashing my girlfriend into misogynistic slavery.” It’s clear he sees the Western emphasis on equality as superior to Vissarion community and traditional sex roles. He looks down on the men and women for marrying young and taking on traditional roles.

In doing so, he actually ignores that most of Vissarion’s followers are there by their own choice, and very happy with this way of living. In holding Western equality as superior to traditional roles, the host actually misses the entire intention of the movement for equality, which was to give men and women the freedom to make their own choices about what roles they play – including the freedom to make traditional ones. As one follower replies when asked about people becoming followers, “if this person [Vissarion] can help them, why not?”

The documentary host himself is a somewhat pudgy American, who sneaks chocolate covered ice cream in before trudging up the mountain. Despite being in a beautiful foreign country, he finds himself wishing for American conveniences. He’s sloppily dressed, and somewhat scattered and effeminate in his mannerisms. He seems somewhat shocked by the religious and cultural beliefs that have been common throughout most of human history. Watching him throughout the documentary, I found myself judging as inferior to the people he was interviewing, and myself as superior.

Of course, who am I to judge? From another perspective, he’s traveling the world making cool documentaries. Sure, ice cream isn’t the health choice I’d make, but for someone experiencing a blood sugar crash, ice cream is a step up in terms of his energy. And more importantly – what do I gain by comparing myself to him in any way? As a writer or an artist, I can offer a different perspective, in the hopes it benefits others, but his life is his to lead, and my judgement is mine alone. If I were to judge him, or make his perceived shortcomings the focus of my work, I’d miss the intention I have when I read or watch content online, which is to improve my own life, not tear others down.

This is what Christ meant when he said, “judge not, lest ye be judged.” If you play the game of the comparative mind, there will always be someone better – someone stronger, wealthier, more attractive, better with women, older, wiser, or more successful looking down on you. You won’t be able to enjoy or be grateful for what you have because you’ll be constantly comparing it to artificial standards to see if it is enough.


Replace Comparison With Gratitude

Vissarion’s community could hardly be considered superior by Western standards. They don’t have money, cell phones, trendy clothes, a social media presence, or any of the things Westerns consider essential. Yet, watching the documentary I found myself wishing for their lifestyle. Vissarion has created a space where men and women live in harmony with nature and each other, in spiritual community with traditional sex roles, healthy living, and gorgeous views. Who wouldn’t want to live there?

But even this desire to live someone else’s life comes from the comparative mind. I know my path isn’t to run off to Siberia to join or a cult or disappear into the woods (yet), and I suspect it isn’t the intention of our readers. Rather than comparing our lives to theirs, it’s better to appreciate what each of us have and begin allowing more of the experiences we’re drawn to in others into our own lives. Could I spend more time in nature and community where I am now? Absolutely. Could I drop some of the judgements I have and focus more of my attention of the things I’m grateful for? Easily.

Despite having thousands of followers who see him as the Son of God, Vissarion seems to have little desire to increase his control. If anyone would be tempted to seek superiority, it’s a cult leader. Perhaps Vissarion has been down that road and seen where it leads. It is said “the greatest power requires the lightest touch.” Where other cults go door to door spreading their message, and hunting down apostates, Vissarion offers very little for his critics to push against. By not claiming to be superior, he creates space for others to soften and hear his message.

During the documentary, Vissarion’s message to his followers is that we are “all students in the school of life.” Perhaps rather than seeking superiority, Vissarion would have us simply seek to explore, learn, and grow. Despite having a message of love, his message has been misinterpreted by many of his own followers, and transformed into a message of superiority. Hey, wait, that sounds like another famous spiritual teacher I’ve heard of. Maybe this guy is the Second-Coming of Jesus Christ after all.

Read More: An Examination Of Cult Leader Game

146 thoughts on “What A Cult Leader Who Think He’s Jesus Can Teach Us About Humility”

  1. Vissarion is a poser, who’s utilizing on simple people’s hatred for satanic western values. He is not THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST – for heaven’s sake.
    Jesus has been one of the most misunderstood figures in human history. There was none like him, and THERE CAN BE NONE like him. Not even this Vissarion poseur, who gets a boost to his godman ego from people, who semi-worship as Jesus already. He rather appears as one of the false Messiahs, as Jesus prophesized before he left.
    The “do not judge, lest ye may be judged” statements is again one of the misunderstood statements of Jesus by humanity, just like his pardoning the whore. This statement, along with his pardoning of the whore, has often been misused by sluts/feminists/hoes to justify their whoring.
    Of course mankind needs to “judge”. If I put shit on your plate, would you eat it? Of course you wouldn’t – because your brain has ‘judged’ it to be feces, not food. Can you differentiate between a man and a woman, the difference between their genitals? of course, you will because you want to penetrate a woman, not a man. The brain’s faculty is to judge, to discriminate, to process, to delegate. Humility is fine, but when pushed too far it becomes like whore-like subservience. Would you bend over for every person on this planet? Of course not. You’re not a whore.
    I am fed up of people using Jesus to condone whoring, prostitution, sluttiness, lack of judgment, etc to promote degradation of morals and hypocrisy in society, which was actually one of Jesus’s mission to fight against, during his ministry.
    Donning and wearing Jesus’s makeup and selectively spouting his statements doesn’t make a man Jesus-like. The most important thing is to avoid being a hypocrite, and being a intelligent human. Jesus fought against hypocrisy. Vissarion is a hypocrite preying on the gullibility of these innocent people who want to save their traditional values, thus allowing himself to become a godman over them.

      1. indeed, he seems so clear-headed and all. a right bodily fit for his highness, the benevolent jewish zombie-saviour.

      2. When Jesus comes back as I read, his intent will be much different than his first coming.

        1. hey, if you enjoy the bible, might i recommend lil red riding hood, cinderella, or the three lil pigs? all equally good literary efforts.

        2. Just as virgins and whores are equally good women, according to those too dense, well indoctrinated and bent over, to be able to tell the difference.

    1. Believing in a religion is the most beta action you can take. Do you think for yourself at all?

      1. Having faith in something larger than yourself and following the courage of your convictions based on your best judgement… How is that beta? If more men were encouraged towards fellowship, education and living according to Christian principles, we wouldn’t be living in the broken-hearted world we inhabit.
        You’re conflating blind obedience with faith based on a fusion of intuitive desire for fellowship and adherence to a moral code based on study and self-reflection.
        It’s worth noting that the inability for most people to follow the Christian moral code reflects badly on themselves, not on the Christian moral code.

        1. The Christian moral code?
          Love and you shall be loved.
          Give and you shall receive.
          Have faith and you will be rewarded.
          Forgive and you will be forgiven.
          Judge not, lest you be judged.
          Be merciful.
          Turn the other cheek.
          Do unto others.

          The Christian leeches’ Confidence Game aka The American Dream is a feminist scam played on sons by mothers and their priests.
          You first. Always you first.
          “Thank you. Thank you for your sacrifice.

        2. I have no idea what this is. Protestants, especially WASP’s, are difficult to understand. What exactly does this have to do with Christianity? I see a creepy southern thing, a picture of a gay model in a costume, and the graves at Normandy. Once again, what does this have to do with anything that I said? You know, other than “It’s worth noting that the inability for most people to follow the
          Christian moral code reflects badly on themselves, not on the Christian
          moral code.” You’re conflating Christianity with Churchianity, the worship of those who appear religious.

        3. “Having faith in something larger than yourself and following the courage of your convictions based on your best judgement…”
          tell that to the millions who have lost their lives to religious fanaticism.

        4. You’re not Christian. Who do you think you’re fooling?
          [ ] Forsaketh all that you hath.
          [x] Forsaketh not all that you hath.
          Why are you pretending to be Christ’s disciple? You like to share love with children?

        5. the graves at Normandy

          John 15:13-14 (KJV)
          13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
          14 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.

          You first. Always you first.

        6. 33 So therefore whosoever he be of you that renounceth not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.
          33 So then, you cannot be my disciple unless you give away everything you own.
          33 So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.
          33 So then, none of you can be My disciple who does not give up all his own possessions.
          33 In the same way, whoever does not give up all that he has, cannot be My follower.

          They all seem to be in consensus. This is the moral code you advocate. You just want to love children. Don’t feel bad. How could it be your fault that women have infantilised themselves to exploit male biological instincts?
          But you need to put yourself down, of course; you can’t go around loving children dude. It’s messes them up for life. I’m sure you understand. It’s nothing personal.

        7. @Ray Wolfson
          The validity of a religion depends on whether it is true on not. If one want’s to know what their religion is truly about. Look to their scriptures.

        8. Clearly, you don’t understand the Christian code. Our Lord didn’t say “love and you shall be loved” – the liberal hippie Emerson said that. Our Lord said you should love even those who hate you, and said that the world would continue to hate you anyway. He did say, “give and you shall receive,” but this must be balanced by the fact that He also said “give without expecting repayment.” As to being rewarded for faith, that’s not really how I would put it.
          I’m not sure what’s wrong with the rest. The idea that humility and knowledge of your own failures, would encourage you to forgive others as appropriate, does not seem controversial. The idea that you should not presume to judge a man’s soul – there’s nothing saying you can’t judge his deeds or form prudent judgments about his character (in fact, the Faith encourages those things) – seems obvious.
          Turning the other cheek and being proactively charitable, are indeed values that go beyond this earth. They are supernatural, and do not often make sense from the merely worldly perspective. These actions are often only appropriate on a personal level – you can personally accept the cruelty of an enemy, or personally sacrifice to help others – but attempting to get the society at large in on a project of pacifying aggressors or rewarding deadbeats, is hardly what our Lord had in mind. All it takes is an ounce of common sense – only an idiot would accept the simplification of Christian ideas, which you presented.

        9. You know, it helps to be a Christian and to understand the Tradition of the Church, if you are going to attempt to quote Scripture. You neither know the Scriptures, nor their meaning.
          That verse comes in the context of a passage, where our Lord says that it is necessary to take account of the likely cost of a large enterprise (like building a large tower or waging a war) before agreeing to it. He then says that every man who wants to be His disciple, must ἀποτάσσεσθαι all that he has. That word, does not mean simply “forsake,” and this is a good reason why you should never rely on a mere translation, and especially not one so flawed as the KJV. The word means “to set aside in a special way,” so it means everything from “offer,” to “consecrate,” to “take leave of” or even “renounce.” What our Lord is saying, is that a man has to be ready to risk everything, and to set everything aside, to be His disciple. Some people, like the monks and nuns and many clergy, do this very completely; other Christians may still have families and worldly cares, but they are called to “use the things of this world as though they did not really exist, for the fashion of this world is passing away.” The Christian is expected to instantly renounce any of his goods, the second it interferes with him following Christ’s law or will.

        10. Thank you for your blasphemous attempt to interpret the unambiguous words of a misogynistic, racist, child enslaving, dependency-creating, power-hungry, needy, fictional protagonist of Matriarchal whores.
          You’re not merely a dipshit moronic Toddler smirking at how shrewd you are to fool fools who imagine you’re anything but the sleazy imprint of your duplicitous whore mother. You’re also a heretic in dire need of purification by fire.
          heresies: on Scripture

          The heresy: that Scripture is only inerrant on matters of faith or morals, or on matters that pertain to salvation, or in some other limited way.
          The true teaching of the Church: Sacred Scripture is entirely inerrant because it is entirely inspired. Total inspiration implies total inerrancy. On any subject about which Scripture makes an assertion, that assertion is certainly correct, because it is God who is making the assertion.
          “Divine inspiration extends to every part of the Bible without the slightest exception, and that no error can occur in the inspired text….”
          (Pope Benedict XV, Spiritus Paraclitus, n. 21)
          “But it is absolutely wrong and forbidden, either to narrow inspiration to certain parts only of Holy Scripture, or to admit that the sacred writer has erred…. For all the books which the Church receives as sacred and canonical, are written wholly and entirely, with all their parts, at the dictation of the Holy Spirit; and so far is it from being possible that any error can co-exist with inspiration, that inspiration not only is essentially incompatible with error, but excludes and rejects it as absolutely and necessarily as it is impossible that God Himself, the supreme Truth, can utter that which is not true. This is the ancient and unchanging faith of the Church, solemnly defined in the Councils of Florence and of Trent, and finally confirmed and more expressly formulated by the Council of the Vatican.”
          (Pope Leo XIII, Providentissimus Deus, n. 20).
          “The sacred Council of Trent ordained by solemn decree that “the entire books with all their parts, as they have been wont to be read in the Catholic Church and are contained in the old vulgate Latin edition, are to be held sacred and canonical.”
          (Pope Pius XII, Divino Afflante Spiritu, n. 1)

          The old vulgate Latin edition and it’s translation.

        11. Our Lord said you should love even those who hate you, and said that the world would continue to hate you anyway. He did say, “give and you shall receive,” but this must be balanced by the fact that He also said “give without expecting repayment.”

          Yes, he did say a lot, often farcically contradicting what he said only moments prior. At one point, he said four (4) distinctly different answers to the one (1) simple question when he was asked by a rich man what was needed for eternal life.

          Matthew 19 (KJV)
          16 And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?
          17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.

          Answer #1.

          18 He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness,
          19 Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

          Those are not the 10 Commandments. He got 3 out of 10 correct, changed a couple and added an entirely new one.
          Answer #2

          20 The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet?
          21 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.

          Whoa. This has nothing to do with the 10 Commandments or the 3/10 bastardised version. Now to be perfect, he has to give away everything he owns.
          Answer #3

          22 But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.
          23 Then said Jesus unto his disciples,
          Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.
          24 And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

          Hahah. After the rich guy leaves, an entirely new answer is given. It’s no longer about being perfect, now he has to give up everything to get into heaven. And he repeats his fourth answer to the same question for emphasis (advisable when you’re a Toddler sociopath who can’t keep your story straight).
          Answer #4
          So fuck off, you stupid Toddler. Only the Romans understood how to deal with you snivelling female-imprinted leeches.

        12. Actually you have it inverted. Its not:
          Love and you shall be loved.
          Give and you shall receive.
          Forgive and you will be forgiven.
          Judge not, lest you be judged.
          Turn the other cheek.
          Do unto others.
          Its actually:
          Love for you have been loved
          Give what you have recieved
          Forgiven because you have been forgiven
          Condemn not because you are not condemned
          Turn the other check to prove a point

        13. That you would read my post and imagine I was Christian is merely indicative of the psychosis and amoral confusion produced by your mother’s religious reversal of values to mutilate your mind for slavery.
          You see how I quoted scripture? You didn’t, because you spew lies from a filthy whore mouth attached to a dysfunctional, structurally-deformed, empathy-bankrupt mind reduced by your mother’s shame of your toxic, perverted, dirty toddler skin.
          But you must know how perverted you were as a toddler? Or you wouldn’t take pride in her staining you with whore shame of your DNA.

          the way the western woman has distain for most men

          The Western woman has disdain for anyone who isn’t sufficiently stained. When Janet Jackson’s breast was exposed for half a second, American mothers lost their minds. 1.5 million complaints to the FCC about indecency forced a crackdown on the ostensibly all-powerful broadcasting media, proving that mothers control the government and the media but then that should be obvious, men don’t give birth.
          Curiously, when America’s mothers were losing their minds over Janet Jackson’s exposed breast, their sons were fighting a war launched on an insulting pretext that was rapidly shown to be a lie. With their boys dying in the process of creating 4.5 million Iraqi orphans, poisoning that part of the world for centuries to come, American mothers only cared about an exposed breast.
          TLDR: Your mother is a filthy whore and you’re her bastard, illegitimate whoreson. No offence.

        14. To be fare, I don’t believe Jesus promises any of those rewards in this life. It does make it a pretty big gamble though, doesn’t it?

      2. Serving any authority of lesser stature than God, in any capacity whatsoever, is what is beta. While listing only to God, regardless of how any other self proclaimed authority may feel about it, is most definitely not.

      3. Yet, airing your de rigeur objections to the identifiably greatest factor in the ennobling of men throughout every age and society, on an internet forum, under the guise of “beta-shaming,” is the way an “alpha” would do it? Pathetic.
        Besides, the accusation is just as easily – more easily! – turned on you: “What? You’re just another trendy atheist raising childishly ignorant objections to a subject that is far out of your intellectual and emotional depth? Do you think for yourself at all?”
        History is full of great religious men. There are a few atheists that have had a particular scientific competence or other; but there is no atheist in all of history, prized for the depth and breadth of his wisdom and excellence. The Tradition that produced Augustine, Grosseteste, Albertus Magnus, Roger Bacon, Aquinas, Johannes Kepler, Descartes, Pascal, Michelangelo, Newton, Stephen Hales, Pasteur, John Eccles, Newman, Chesterton, Francis Collins, etc., etc., is hardly impressed or intimidated by your childish claims of the superiority of “free thinkers,” from whom it would be hard to point to a single great man. There are a very, very few great personalities – Machiavelli, Shaw, De Sade, Russel – but hardly any great men. “Free thought,” as you put it, enslaves man to base and narrow thoughts. Right thinking, however, lifts, ennobles and broadens the mind with a peculiar liberty, that is only befitting for the sons of God.

        1. Were it not for the Matriarchal whore religions of genocide, leaching war and slavery, humans would be humane.
          2.5 million years of Natural Selection coded humans to be selfish and humane. But religion’s whores needed selfless warriors to take from others by violent force what the leaching vermin didn’t create, had no claim to and could not possibly merit.
          Every Christian is a filthy lying Toddler leech screaming to be put down.

          Matthew 19 (KJV)
          19 But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak.
          34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
          35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
          36 And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.
          37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
          38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

          “ME ME ME ME ME love ME follow ME you’re not worthy of ME”
          Screaming narcissism. Your Messiah was a pathetic bitch of a protagonist channeling an objectified whore. Christians are hated by all sane and free-thinking men. Your religion was written by whores, for whores.
          No offence to your whore mother.

        2. Yes, the humane-ness and humanity is simply streaming off you. Your ideas are very naive, friend; try to have a better consideration of the truth of the matter.
          May the Blessed Virgin crush whatever hell-bound fiend is tormenting you, and may it be sent to the Cross of Christ for its judgment. God bless.

  2. How much you wanna bet a good portion of the underage girls in this community are getting a healthy dose of the lord’s seed?

    1. Yup. I was thinking the same thing. Call it Second Coming Of Jesus Game. It certainly appeals to a good number of skags.

    2. Spot on. These types of cults, and even major religions, have always included the element of controlling who gets pussy. What’s amazing is how normally rational men will buy into this and surrender their wives, daughters, and dignity on the say-so of a self proclaimed spiritual leader.
      Tell a man to join your group so you can fuck his wife and children and he’ll say “no” (among doing other things), tell him you’re a prophet and he will happily turn into a cuckold.
      I despise every fucker in that video.

    3. Lots more than I’d bet on anyone sitting around buying into drivel like “underaged.”

      1. Merely a turn of phrase good chap. Of course an 18 year old girl is in no way more capable of consenting than a 15 year old. It’s just that usually these cult weirdos are into 10 year olds.

        1. In few if any instances, do “cult weirdos” do young girls without the consent of their parents. And parents are the arbiter of their daughter’s maturity. Not feminists, governments, You nor me.

        2. Women will always come out swinging to protect young women from men’s fondness, and from themselves. A feminist will scream about woman’s right to choose and then segue into discussing the need to protect girls from themselves (not old enough to choose).
          Women don’t like competition. I had a 15yo gf when I was 17. This makes my blood boil. Illegal biology.

        3. Exactly. A huge number of reasonably successful men would certainly be willing to take a virginal 15 year old off her parents hands were it legal, but this would impede the girls future as a mindless careerist and alpha fucktoy, so feminist oppose what is historically and biologically fine.
          Women stop maturing mentally at 14/15, period.

        4. “Women stop maturing mentally at 14/15, period.”
          And start ‘manipulating’ after that, period.

        5. They have to. Objectifying mothers force them to deny their desire in shame, so it’s expressed in a suitable format to please Society’s women (manipulation). Men compete for sex. Women don’t need to compete for sex and what’s more, only “bad girls” have sex.
          So women compete to induce artificial arousal in men for the sole purpose of manipulating that suffering (extortion). It’s not natural, what they’re doing.
          But then neither is shame. Or clothes, for that matter.

        6. You idiots should marry each others.
          At least women mature…most men never.
          One more abusing man made cult to put men with all their lustfull and viokent minds above women.
          Losers..learn already some respect towards creators and your own mothers and more intelligent genre than yours = women.

    4. Vissarion has two wives, and six children from two marriages. He rejected his first wife and married a nineteen year-old girl, who had lived with Vissarion since the age of seven.[7]

  3. i’m sorry, but there is no way in hell that guy doesn’t have an agenda. nevermind that you have to be more than a bit crazy to believe you’re the second coming of the little arab-jew, the more salient point is: it’s against human nature to be selfless. maybe he creates this community, gains his followers’ trust and then decrees that only he should impregnate all the women and children. or something equally weird like that. power corrupts, gents. furthermore, we should not praise this wackjob for creating this SEEMINGLY working mini-society. if he had accomplished what he accomplished within the confines of ‘normal’ society, then yes, maybe he would receive my praise. right now, he’s nothing more than a deluded ‘sumbitch with a (literal) messiah-complex.

    1. Yes. Anyone preaching selflessness is evil. The only nobility is Selfish (self-sufficiency, self-reliance, independence, need-free). Only when you’re selfish (need-free) can your eyes be opened to the reality that your selfish best interests are not served by imposing on others, but by investing in children the truth they need to take us into the stars.

      1. you lost me at ‘children’. live your life for yourself, not for some mofos who might or might not be yours, might or might not be smart/respectful/ambitious, and who will in any case suck your wallet and energy dry.
        hell even if you raise the perfect offspring, by the time you kick it out of the house, you’re too old to enjoy life and can only wait for the reaper to come claim you. having kids is for betas

        1. Men have four billion children. It is selfish to protect them from those who want to reduce them into their personal, mindless, obedient warriors and whores.

  4. Jesus Christ was entirely about dependency-creation. He knew no truth. After lying to Pontius Pilate thrice (in 3 questions), Pilate asks a fourth, “What is truth?”
    Jesus didn’t respond, so either he didn’t know or he was lying.
    He also advocated child slavery after the progressive Pharisees had freed children from their mothers’ unnatural filial slavery (Matthew 15). He also called a woman from Canaan a “dog” because of the colour of her skin (also in Matthew 15).
    Jesus ostensibly healed the sick but what good is that when he didn’t teach them to prevent illness or cure disease, isolate infection or inoculate children; he offered no medicines or medical training. Dependency-creation.
    Jesus gave loaves and fishes to the masses but he didn’t teach them to fish or bake. He promoted charity handouts (pure evil as the leeches breed children imagining the free handouts will continue, and when they stop?) Dependency-creation.
    Jesus turned drinking water into a toxic drug of dependence that has destroyed hundreds of millions of lives in the 1900 years before a true humanist hero made milk safe for children to drink (Louis Pasteur).
    The reason there are more women than men in religion is because religion has always been framed to be attractive to objectified women who want slaves. Women hold the below up as proof that Christianity is misogynist and it is, that is why it is so appealing to mothers and wives (slave-owners).

    1. what a tool. if you accept anyone’s authority over you, you’re a weakling and deserve the guilt your ‘saviour’ bestowes upon you.

      1. …religious people are tools. believing in old men with gray bears, living on top of a cloud. nothing remotely stupid in that, is there? hah!

        They’re tools but it’s a lot more surreptitious and conniving. “Stupid fools” is what Christians want you to think, as they’re lightening your wallet or introducing your children to the (erect) love of Christ.
        My parents were Christian fundamentalists who were the biggest morons I could ever imagine as I was growing up. I spent most of my childhood rolling my eyes at their shameless stupidity.
        I was 29 when I realised how conniving and cunning they truly were. Complete shysters, they were fooling everyone. My Dad was selling used cars, utter lemons which had been cosmetically-enhanced, engines drenched in WD40, etc and he would start proselytising whenever he had a potential customer. I’d get so embarrassed, I completely failed to realise…he almost never failed to make a sale. I remembered how respectful people would get as he preached, listening to him really intently as I watched, stupefied, thinking, “You cannot be serious. My Dad is a lunatic. How is this not obvious?”
        I never realised, of course they were thinking the same thing. It’s the honeypot trick. Christians aren’t exploitable, but they’d sure like you to believe that they’re True Believers. The only Believers were suckers like my Dad’s customers, and me.

        1. as i said up top, self-interest reigns supreme in our species. religion is just the febreze one uses to mask the fact one is full of shit.

        2. I agree. My argument is that people think they’re being shrewd by preying on children and the humane. It’s not selfish, it’s needy. They’re not pursuing the best interests of their Self, they’re defeating themselves.
          If everyone was truly selfish we’d live in utopia as that is in our selfish best interests. Instead, we live in depravity and misery, fighting wars of attrition, racing to extinction. Selfish M.A.D?

        3. There’s a lot of metaphysical redpill truth hidden beneath the exoteric practices of religion……but you won’t find that in most modern sects.
          The majority of sects nowadays came about not because of any truth that people wished to teach, but because European secular authorities wished to enhance their control over their people and bring religion back into the fold of state control.
          So whlie you can find some very profound allegories in Religion, you won’t find it in any post-reformation sects.

        4. I’ve read the KJV Bible cover-to-cover three times by the age of 12. I saw only transparent cannibalism and allegories for shrewd Toddlers to defeat themselves.
          Do you have any examples of metaphysical truth in the Matriarchal Yahweh religions’ Holy Books of genocide, slavery and leaching perfidy?
          The Buddha knew truth. Buddhists know nothing of the Buddha’s light because monks are all blinded and corrupted. The Buddha drilled Self non-stop. This is the most profound piece of advice I’ve ever read below. It freed me from a life of miserable duty and obligation (illusory slave chains) to leeches who were helping me need them. There’s nothing like the Buddha’s light or the warnings hidden in Greek mythology in the Yahweh religions, but I’m willing to be corrected.

        5. First: Get away from the KJV. KJV version was a translation written for the purpose of supporting the political ambitions of the man it was named after.
          Second, for examples of it, that will take a considerably more in-depth analysis than what i can provide. Go to https://arqanum.com/index.html , but keep in mind that it is extremely difficult material.

        6. Got it, your Christian parents were hypocrites ergo all Christians are hypocrites. You are a bitter little man full of self loathing.

    2. From the way you put it about dependency creation, it would serve as a good example for Robert Greene to include it as a reference for Law 11: “Learn to keep people dependent on you”, in The 48 Laws of Power.

      1. To maintain your independence you must always be needed and wanted. The more you are relied on, the more freedom you have. Make people depend on you for their happiness and prosperity and you have nothing to fear. Never teach them enough so that they can do without you.
        Necessity rules the world. People rarely act unless compelled to. If you create no need for yourself, then you will be done away with at first opportunity.

        Yep. But it’s pure evil. Making people need you is effectively betrayal, but then so is power I suppose. I know the practice is rife in the medical industry, not many cures coming through, just treatments.
        The psychiatric industry is just making people crazier. I had a mechanic once who was a lifesaver until I got suspicious and then my engine never had another problem. Friends are very good at making themselves indispensable without dispensing value. Girls are masters of manufacturing need. The advertising industry does it, the military, the State, everyone’s inflicting pain to create Demand for the pain relief they want to Supply.

        “From the whore to the Pope, there is a mass of such rabble.”
        – Marx (on the service sector)

    3. You need to put down the Ayn Rand beta boy.Christianity misogynist? We Catholics revere the Blessed Virgin, the first to see the Risen Christ were women. The world would be a much more brutal place without Christianity.

      1. I agree with your last sentence. I work in the middle east and the far east. They are places of suffering and dejection for the most part. The muslim countries are the worst. The more the actually believe it, as opposed to paying lip-service, the more cruel and backward it becomes. Nothing, but nothing puts Christianity in a better light than its’ absence. Without it you get either the disgusting hell of militant islam or the empathy-free 24/7 vacuum of hope that is North Korea.

        1. Yeah they’ve been working wonders in Africa and the Philippines, spreading that child exploitation, abject poverty and Catholic AIDS.
          Science and the Catholic Church – like ships passing in the night

          As early as 1990, Pope John Paul described condoms as “a sin in any circumstances”, comments which have since been attributed to the worsening of the AIDS epidemic in Africa. As a solution to tackle the AIDS epidemic, he offered marital fidelity and sexual abstinence, the position continued by the Catholic church to this day.
          For many, statements made by Pope John that day in 1990 in Tanzania, sentenced millions of Africans to death.
          After the papal visit of 1990, the HIV pandemic gathered pace. By 2020, it is estimated, there will be 50 million orphaned children in sub-Saharan Africa, 18 million of whose parents will have died from AIDS or AIDS-related illnesses. Today, more than 28 per cent of African children have lost one or both parents to AIDS. In 1990, at the time of the Pope’s visit to Tanzania, the figure was 2 per cent.
          Regardless of what the Catholic Church has to say on the issue, science tells us that condoms are a very effective way of preventing HIV infection.
          The WHO advises; “Condoms can prevent sexually transmitted infections including HIV in 98-99 per cent of cases, when consistently and correctly used.”

          That’s Papal genocide, but what else is new.

        2. Condoms are not, in practice, 99 percent effective in reducing HIV, but less than eighty percent: http://www.news-medical.net/news/20120112/Study-confirms-condom-use-reduces-risk-of-HIV-infection-by-7825.aspx
          Also those HIV statistics look at the general population, not the Roman Catholic population – and definitely not the devout Roman Catholic population. Why would they not refer to such things? Both Catholics and Muslims have much lower rates of HIV infections than the general population due to monogamous marriages and lower rates of drug use.
          You also have the problem where people believe that it is impossible to get STDs when using condoms and thus feel safe in engaging in extra-marital activities.
          .As an agnostic, the Pope was right, the only solution short of a vaccine to the AIDS epidemic, is marital fidelity and sexual abstinence and avoiding other sources of transmission.

        3. As opposed to, say, creating the world’s largest network of charity hospitals, providing more free health care than all other charities COMBINED, giving rise to the science of genetics, exploring theoretical physics (who theorized the Big Bang again? A monk who was also an astrophysicist) and providing more charitable non-health care giving than all other sources on earth COMBINED as well. Well, Christianity may not have taken with you, but irrational hatred of Catholicism certainly has. I’m assuming you either grew up a southern Baptist or part of the Westboro Baptist church at this point.

        4. I hate all the Matriarchal Toddler religions of lies and absurdities. Only child molesters and leeches value religion’s cannibalistic M.A.D.

          Deuteronomy 6:10-11 (KJV)
          10 And it shall be, when the Lord thy God shall have brought thee into the land which he sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give thee great and goodly cities, which thou buildedst not,
          11 And houses full of all good things, which thou filledst not, and wells digged, which thou diggedst not, vineyards and olive trees, which thou plantedst not; when thou shalt have eaten and be full;

          Filthy leeches. Too stupid to realise an unlosable game cannot be beaten by cheating.
          Paradise lost.

      2. Christianity is kinda misogynist. But of course, you’d have to be a fool to imagine I’m talking about men. What motive would men have to hate women for being women? There has never been an authentic male misogynist that wasn’t channelling his mother. There would be nothing to hate about a humane woman. Only women hate women for being women and the reason involves the eternal fight to control exclusive ownership of marital and filial male slaves.
        Mothers and wives on one side (slave-owners).
        Girls and young women on the other (threats to slave-owners).
        One side has been kicking the other’s ass and men have idiotically been creating all the problems by being such good bitch slaves.
        All the misogyny in the Bible, indeed the entire Bible, was tailored to appeal to women who don’t want to work. Look at the punishment they hand themselves; “saved in childbearing”. They handed themselves a biological penalty and got out of work in one fell swoop.

  5. Well of course the guy created a cult that serves him (whether deluded or calculated is irrelevant.) Though some people might actually enjoy living there.
    But on a different note – in our current system I see forming an independent community (in a non-interfering country like Russia or on a private island in the Pacific) as one of the ways to escape our current system.
    Of course it should be based in current times with modern technologies, more like a traditional small town where only people are invitied who share equal values and some things like modern mass-media, modern dumbed down education and jaded values are avoided.
    Would take some dough though, but might be a recipe for some time.
    However another part of me asks – why bother? Mankind to a degree deserves it……

    1. anybody who’s ever observed the masses knows that the average human being is dumb as shit and is always on the lookout for a stern authority figure to tell him what to do. these russian simpletons simply found their leader, deluded as he may be.
      and yes, we as a species are in need of a massive cleansing. a big war, pestilence, any horseman will do.

      1. …the average human being is dumb as shit and is always on the lookout for a stern authority figure to tell him what to do…

        I can’t imagine why. Maybe someone needed mindless dependants to serve a function or a pretext to hold up for their non-contributing existence to be sustained by men?

  6. Nothing to see here. Its just another narcissist using a creative method to accumulate narcissistic supply

  7. This just illustrates the willingness of people to follow anything, no matter how illogical (such as feminism), to give them purpose and perceived empowerment over their life.

    1. Feminism was a natural result of human biology and a natural extension of the previous patriarchy.

    1. Dude, don’t bore us with facts.
      Just kidding. That PowerPoint doc and The Irrational Atheist are two lethal tools.

    2. Guardian: British Invaded 90% of the World
      Religion breeds leeches. Boys for war. Girls for sale. Cannibalistic warriors and whores who prepared for War and then conquered all their betters who prepared for Peace.

      “Onward Christian soldiers,
      Marching as to war.
      With the Cross of Jesus
      Going on before.”

      I detest liars.

      1. Name five wars. Fives wars where religion was the primary factor in starting them.
        Excluding the crusades because those are obvious and there have been more than just the crusades.

        1. Do you mean the multigenerational struggle to turn back the Muslim invasion of Spain, Portugual and the Western Med? The one where tens of thousands of Christians died and, in the process, forced the muslim invaders to turn their focus back to their own lands and away from Europe?
          Reframing common-knowledge history into something more honest in terms of effects rather than causes produces surprising results.

        2. ever heard of the Spanish inquisition…. and i wonder how many people have been murdered in the name of islam ?
          that’s before we get to every herbal ‘witch’ doctor burned at the stake…. not to mention the use of religion as some kind of guiding force in starting almost every war ever waged…. religion may not be the reason, but even GW Bush incited God as his savior and protector while millions died in Iraq for almost no real reason at all… it’s more unsafe now than under Saddam….
          “we will prevail… we have God on our side…”
          has backed just about every war ever fought.
          the concept of some unreachable higher power that communicates exclusively with the leader is just so convenient when it comes to getting the population to back you in committing mass murder……

        3. Religion started the first ‘wars’ (genocidal massacres) and they came about because liberated women were ‘stealing’ the loving sons of Israel’s mothers, who had reversed-engineered the mammal mother’s selfless love for her offspring to enslave their sons.
          Furious with the women of Midian stealing their sons, they gathered 10,000 of their sex-starved boys together and take a look at the pretext used for the assault:

          Numbers 31 (KJV)
          1 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
          2 Avenge the children of Israel of the Midianites: afterward shalt thou be gathered unto thy people.
          3 And Moses spake unto the people, saying, Arm some of yourselves unto the war, and let them go against the Midianites, and avenge the Lord of Midian.

          Who’s avenging whom?

          17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
          18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

          Sex slaves. Because they’d killed all the women who liked sex. They got 32,000 less 16 sacrificed as a burnt offering to their pretext deity; rough estimate ~200,000 Midianite casualties. How many ‘men’ of Israel were lost in this fierce war?

          48 And the officers which were over thousands of the host, the captains of thousands, and captains of hundreds, came near unto Moses:
          49 And they said unto Moses, Thy servants have taken the sum of the men of war which are under our charge, and there lacketh not one man of us.

          That’s how war has been for the most part. Humans too sane to fight cannibals.

        4. Maybe 50 people were executed during the Spanish Inquisition. Now, compare that to two atheistic regimes, Stalinist Soviet Union 20-30 million and Maoist China 100 million.

        5. The Spanish Inquisition? You mean the time when the Catholic church was attempting to quell heretics in their ranks when Spain’s Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand liked the idea so much that they decided to copy the methods and create a civilian-led version to persecute Jews? Or were you talking about the Protestant version publicized to discredit the Catholic church? The reality is murkier- Spain controlled the only army between the Muslim Ottoman empire and Rome. When the Spanish monarchs created a civilian Inquisition, the Pope at that time forbade it, but withdrew his outright ban after being threatened with abandonment by the Spanish army. Shame on him. THe Catholic church, however, actively fought as advocates for the accused, usually being the only ones to do so.
          With the knowledge of what really happened, it becomes obvious that religion was just a pretext for garden-variety bigotry in the Inquisition. Whether religion or ethnicity, something would have been used to justify a pogrom. Religion does make a fine excuse to do what one wants, if you can convince yourself you’re acting in accord with its’ tenets.

        6. Look fool. In context the midianites seduced the israelites to idolatry provoking God’s wrath and slaying 24000 sons of israel. Hence for this reason the israelites and the god the midianites antagonized is to be avenged.

        7. The Spanish Inquisition killed <1,000 people. It was a land grab by the Spanish Monarchy that operated for several centuries. If a parallel universe existed that perfectly replicated the time period except with no religion, they still would have killed the foreigners and driven them off their ill-gotten lands. Look at what happened to the Knights Templar.
          Christianity outlawed the killing of witches for over 1,000 years up until the protestant reformation, where the Church lost central authority and innate superstitions from prehistory began to creep back into the masses
          Religion is just a tool used to get people to fight for something that is not in their best interests. However it is one of many tools. To blame religion for wars where it did nothing more than help to facilitate them is totally delusional (to your credit you did allude to this).

        8. You still have yet to name five wars that were started for religious reasons.
          You are nothing more than a little boy with daddy issues. As such, you’ve projected these daddy issues onto all Christians because a few were suckered into believing your father’s lies.
          I detest dishonest people like you. Go back to trolling YouTube videos about religion.

        9. You don’t understand. Religion is responsible for all wars because after the first wars, mothers had to respond by raising sons to be loving warriors willing to die for their tribes.
          The world degenerated into battlefield Earth and here we are 6000 years of religious-triggered warfare later.
          It’s ridiculous asking for five wars when every war has been fuelled by the insanity of religion’s emotional mutilation of children for exploitation. All of Europe was bogged down in bloody warfare between Christian self-appointed sovereigns who mimicked the Holy Roman Emperor’s trick to create loving vassals of their own to die for them.

          The Peace of Westphalia was a series of peace treaties signed between May and October 1648 in Osnabrück and Münster. These treaties ended the Thirty Years’ War (1618–1648) in the Holy Roman Empire, and the Eighty Years’ War (1568–1648) between Spain and the Dutch Republic, with Spain formally recognizing the independence of the Dutch Republic.
          The war or series of connected wars began in 1618, when the Austrian Habsburgs tried to impose Roman Catholicism on their Protestant subjects in Bohemia. It pitted Protestant against Catholic, the Holy Roman Empire against France, the German princes and princelings against the emperor and each other, and France against the Habsburgs of Spain. The Swedes, the Danes, the Poles, the Russians, the Dutch and the Swiss were all dragged in or dived in. Commercial interests and rivalries played a part, as did religion and power politics.

          You should read the treaty, it’s fascinating.
          Treaty of Westphalia

          After having implor’d the Divine Assistance, …in the presence and with the consent of the Electors of the Sacred Roman Empire, the other Princes and States, to the Glory of God, and the Benefit of the Christian World, the following Articles have been agreed on and consented to, and the same run thus.
          That there shall be a Christian and Universal Peace, and a perpetual, true, and sincere Amity, between his Sacred Imperial Majesty, and his most Christian Majesty; as also, between all and each of the Allies.

          Religion = War = Love = Hate = M.A.D.

        10. The Midianites hurt no one. Their women stole sons from the mothers of Israel, who couldn’t compete with [happiness].
          But then you look stupid when you don’t provide evidence of your Toddler lies.

        11. I love how atheists say the Bible is fairy tales and fiction until they want to use it to bash religion by claiming its fact. Either its fact or its fiction. Pick one.

        12. The stupidly demented binary mind of the religious Toddler. Everything is 1s and 0s with you dimwits. The absurdity in the Bible is fiction. The psychotic bragging about Holy cannibalistic victories over humans tell a historical story that charts the development of psychotic Matriarchal tribal M.A.D. borne initially out of (the reversal of) maternal love.
          The manuscripts cobbled together to form the Yahweh Holy Books of slavery and genocide weren’t intended for public consumption. They were written by mothers (and sons imprinted in their image) for the benefit of their descendants, secrets of exploitation intended to be kept secret (by keeping everyone else stupid).
          Then everyone learned how to read and instantly saw the shrewd opportunity to use religion to enslave Their Own and regulate the behaviour of each other. So we live in a world of psychotic misery and depravity and cannibalism, racing to an inevitable extinction. 100% the fault of religion / mothers who perpetuated religion’s perverse, reversed value system.

          “O yet a nobler task awaits thy hand;
          Yet what can War, but endless war still breed,
          Till Truth and Right from Violence be freed,
          And Public Faith cleared from the shameful brand
          Of Public Fraud. In vain doth Valor bleed
          While Avarice and Rapine share the land.

          – Milton

        13. The imbecilic Jewish Toddlers of Israel destroyed the world, having been reduced by capture-bonding to loving their mothers instead of themselves.

          Dueteronomy 6 (KJV)
          10And it shall be, when the LORD thy God shall have brought thee into the land which he sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give thee great and goodly cities, which thou buildedst not,
          11And houses full of all good things, which thou filledst not, and wells digged, which thou diggedst not, vineyards and olive trees, which thou plantedst not; when thou shalt have eaten and be full;
          12Then beware lest thou forget the LORD, which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.

          They were never enslaved in Egypt. They were enslaved by their mothers. The filthy little leeches wanted something for nothing.
          Paradise lost.

      2. You misunderstand that unlike islam christianity wages spiritual warfare that does not involve physical weapons. Rather than demonstrate your ignorance. How about reading the bible for a change.

    3. My God vs. Your God, My skin color vs yours, my retarded idea about how government should work vs yours…….. They’re all just special cases of what even the densest Appalachian boy learns by the age of five: “He ain’t like us, lits go gitt’im”
      People like to fight, and any difference gets to serve as a supposed “reason.” Singling out religion, or any other reason for that matter, just shows a deep rooted narrowness of mind.

      1. Mothers are forced to be combative by sociological pressures imposed upon them by their competition.
        It’s a pity that they control the emotional education for all of Humanity but then it’s not by accident they’ve been conditioned to prey on men. Children aren’t born naturally combative. That emotional degradation is entirely nurtured.
        Nature is a little more mutual.

        1. Wait, what? No. All animals are born to seek a dominance hierarchy. Socialization is just a survival ritual, part of the breeding cycle. All normative behaviors are instinctual in nature. Dominance and aggression aren’t taught. They’re instinctive behaviors. Ever see a troop of chimps go to war with a rival troop? They didn’t learn that from their mothers. They got it from the same place that alligators and birds do; the only twist is the addition of socialized behavior, which is also an instinctive behavior programmed into certain non-apex predatory species.
          You really need to open a book some time. Wikipedia is full of errors and can be edited by mongoloids, bro. Your writing is disjointed and full of odd statements presented with confidence, but without much content.

        2. Sorry I must have missed your verification? Whenever I hear of “chimp wars” and investigate, it’s always the product of humans imbeciles screwing with their natural habitat.
          The Bonobo Chimps are our closest DNA match (98.7%) and they never fight wars. They just fuck all day. National Geographic: Wild Wives of Africa – Bonobo Love
          You live in a world where children are raised to be slaves with violence, lies and shame. You’re wearing clothes, for goodness sake. You shouldn’t be too sure what is biological v sociological; you’d be surprised how perfectly Natural Selection weeded out self-defeating traits and behaviours.
          Mothers lost their minds one day and wanted their sons to be loving slaves instead of free to leave them and live their own lives (natural). For 6000 years, we’ve been beached whales but extinction isn’t natural. It’s merely our deranged sociological destiny.

        3. Guy, stop looking at secondary literature for knowledge. National Geographic is no more scientifically accurate than “People” or “Woman’s Day.” They did a whole issue on the horrors of “Global Cooling” in the 70’s, and never attempted to regain the respect of the scientific community.
          Here, try a real scientific journal and see what you see. Or would you prefer to learn from a website that specializes in cat videos?
          Mitani, J., Watts, D., & Amsler, S. (2010). Lethal intergroup aggression leads to territorial expansion in wild chimpanzees Current Biology, 20 (12)
          I can do this stuff all day. First career was as a biologist.

        4. As long as resources are limited, and fertility is above replacement rate, and there is ANY channel whatsoever through which behavioral traits are transferred from parent to offspring; aggression is inevitable in all living things.
          Humans, being a flock animal, in reality show unusually low levels of aggression towards other random humans; at least part of which does have to do with nurture. Amongst insects and such, it’s a fight to death against same sex similar species, pretty much on first sight…. Also, in reality, human warfare is dependent on such low innate aggressiveness. Were you to try mobilizing an army of cats, or worse yet scorpions, it would be soldier vs soldier regardless of whose “side” any given one was on. To those guys, everyone else is the “enemy.”
          It does indeed look like the pendulum has swung too far amongst humans in the West. Any kind of display of Aggression, has been so thoroughly regulated and outlawed, that those few who are not so limited enjoy an absolutely disproportionate advantage over the rest. Both when it comes to picking up skanks in bars, and picking up other people’s money in tax receipts.

        5. That’s a very interesting post Stuki and it’s given me a couple things to think about. Can I ask what “fertility is above replacement rate” means?
          I believe the entire species is basically coded to fuck.
          But women who were tired of fucking or whom no one wanted to fuck got tilted with their men being stolen by younger girls. They made sex taboo and modesty / purity an ideal.
          So now we fight.

        6. Oh, Jesus, you never did any actual research, did you? Primary journals are subscription services. Can’t link directly unless the author does so independently with the journal’s authorization. You would know that if you looked beyond Wikipedia or Youtube.

        7. As I stated,

          Whenever I hear of “chimp wars” and investigate, it’s always the product of humans imbeciles screwing with their natural habitat.

          I’m not going to subscribe to an academic journal to confirm my suspicion.

        8. Fertility above replacement rate means an exponentially growing population. Which, in a resource limited world, means you eventually run out of resources. Some will by necessity die off. Which, if nothing else does, gives rise to aggression as a survival strategy. At the margin, if one guy is aggressive, and the other happy go lucky, only the aggressive one gets to carry his genes to the next generation.

        9. I’ve never really understood the whole gene perpetuation thing. Why the hell would a guy care about perpetuating His genes? On what grounds? Men are coded to fuck and protect children. I’ve been shown no evidence that suggests men are biologically coded to value inferior children for no other reason than paternity. If you and I both sired a son with a woman, and for hypothetical reasons I’m too lazy to come up with, one had to die; I would insist on the more meritorious of the two being given the chance to reach his potential. I couldn’t honestly care less who sired the lad.
          I’m not convinced that this whole obsession with perpetuating inferior genes for no other reason than they’re Your Own has any biological truth to it whatsoever. For starters, it’s completely illogical and creepy. If your kid was dashing and bright, ethical and a contributor and mine was a ugly, leaching bum scamming people and spreading animosity, why would I want to take resources off your kid for the leech? If the little leech picked a fight with your kid, I’d probably die in defence of decency, trying to kill My Own worthless spawn (according to women who don’t want to take care of themselves, let alone their children).
          The whole paternity thing stinks of whore lies, from where I’m sitting. It just doesn’t add up.

  8. Boring, Russian ass-kissing article.
    Don’t have to watch a documentary about a pseudo-Jesus narcissist who’d probably be assfucking underage Siberian girls in his cult.
    “Bend over devochka” – that would be his idea of humility.

  9. This is no man of God and he is definitely NOT Jesus Christ My Lord and Savoir. False prophets will come and go, but the Blessed will know in their Purest of Hearts when The Lord has returned to lift the veil of Sin from the eyes of the Wicked.

  10. Message of this article: Don’t constantly compare your self worth to others,for if you can feel superior to some,you will feel inferior to others.
    If you are on the road to self-improvement then only compare yourself in the present to the yourself in the past,to check your progress.
    Example used in this article: Another con-cult leader who preaches not what he practices. To identify yourself as the second coming of Christ is in direct contradiction to practicing humility.
    In the end, the message of this article is helpful, but the example comes of as facetious.

    1. Louis CK is my Lord and Saviour. His fathering is brilliant because rather than preach nonsensical ideals that no one sane can subscribe to, he preaches selfish wisdom.
      This advice to his daughter, if she internalises it, will save her a lifetime of the self-defeating misery referred to in the article.

  11. What beautiful scenery.
    Didn’t see anyone glued to their smart phones, didn’t see any short, fat, tatted up feminists with nose piercings.
    The 17 year old boy learning about using power tools. When I was his age, my post-menopausal English teach was getting me to write essays on “imaginative journeys”.
    The people were well dressed and seemed friendly. The religious ceremony felt magical (maybe some favorable editing).
    However, when Vissarion is being interviewed, notice the smiles on the faces of his handlers. They absolutely love him. Even when he was talking absolute shit about Aliens.
    Seems like a good little community fucked up by the fact that it’s run around a cult.

  12. Um like hell’ he has smth to teach us!!
    Check whats happening in Minnesota: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/minnesota-cult-leader-charged-59-sexual-abuse-counts-maidens-article-1.1758703
    (Must be one of his brothers). Last article was on Pigs, and we all know about the Wolf that blew down the Pigs house made of straw…
    Heres an actual Bibical ref he should follow: Col 2:18-19 ” Do not be taken in by people who like groveling to angels, and worshipping them; people like that are always going on about some vision they have had, inflating themselves to a false importance with their worldly outlook. A man of this sort is not united to the head.” …QED ppl.

  13. I was under the impression that Christians believed Jesus is NOT dead, He’s alive and well. “He’s Risen.” Don’t they believe Satan is presently in charge of Earth and Jesus is on his way to come kick His ass? Cthulhu laughs.

  14. How religion was born.
    The dog picks up a bone, a dry bone, there is nothing there, and then it
    bites, and the bone hurts the gums, and the blood comes out of it. And the dog
    believes — imagines, experiences, feels, whatever word you want to use — that
    the blood which is coming out of its own gums is from the bone.

  15. “Could I spend more time in nature and community where I am now?
    Absolutely. Could I drop some of the judgements I have and focus more of
    my attention of the things I’m grateful for? Easily.”
    I have to completely disagree. Community in America has been breaking down for decades (due to technology) and is getting exponentially worse every generation. It is really hard to create community from scratch. You can’t just single-handedly make it happen. Communities have to be built by, ironically, the entire community.
    On the part about dropping judgements and focusing on things you are grateful for, I disagree. The fact is that competition is hard-wired into human biochemistry, especially males. This is because evolution programs creatures to pick mates who are superior, but in the case of many mammal species where the female reproductive organs are more scarce, females are even more picky with mates because it ends up being more advantageous to them, while males can just “spread the seed” indiscriminately. The fact that superior males were selected by the females means that competitive males that became alphas had a leg up in reproduction, and eventually the male brain became programmed by evolution to be competitive by instict. Hence, the tournaments and rituals many male mammals undergo to prove which is the “alpha,” and the genetic evidence that most of our male ancestors were not allowed to reproduce. While some of our relatives (gibbons) exhibit promiscuity to keep males from killing other male’s children, during ovulation gibbon females are careful to allow only the best mates to fuck.
    I’m not saying this makes competition right. On the contrary, it is the cause of a lot of unhappiness, obviously. What I am saying is that it is inescapable. You can not will the competitive drive away. It is instinctual and unconscious.
    If you want to help people become more happy given our nature, the only way is to call for society to be restructured in a way that favors our nature. You cannot guilt men into believing it is their fault for “not being grateful enough” that we have the feelings of insufficiency. Trying to feel more grateful will, of course, change nothing. In fact, you might just feel worse if you try this advice, because you will think it is your own moral failure if you feel insufficient.
    I understand that the manosphere is about self-improvement, rather than bitching, but you cannot keep shaming and blaming men who are unhappy, giving them the same bullshit advice (i.e. be grateful) everyone always gives all our lives even though it clearly has never worked. Once again, if you want to truly help people, society must be restructured. Lance is one guy who really seems to get this, as he seems to be the only other guy consistently calling for a return of the patriarchy.

  16. bullshit….. as the old saying goes…. “his pride is shining out through the holes in his clothes.”
    i’ve met and spent time with cult leaders like this and the ego of humility is how they frame themselves….
    they are not ‘interested’ in massive wealth, only in doing as little as possible to maintain a following large enough to support them.
    the people who it appeals to are stupid hippies and gullible country folk who see it as harmless because ‘he’s so humble’.
    it’s a con job like any other religion.
    don’t be fooled just because he’s apparently not interested in money.
    a.) plenty of money is flowing in his direction
    b.) he has plenty of people around him, (especially women) so he never has to lift a finger.
    c.) he has plenty of beta males running about doing his bidding for him.
    d.) he has plenty of listeners and followers
    e.) by building an ‘elite’ inner circle and rarely showing himself in public – all his followers are gagging to be a part of the elite – thus he rules the elite with an iron fist, regularly throwing people out of the elite and replacing them with new more beta characters.
    there is so much more to cult leaders than money hungry attitudes.

    1. e.) by building an ‘elite’ inner circle and rarely showing himself in public – all his followers are gagging to be a part of the elite – thus he rules the elite with an iron fist, regularly throwing people out of the elite and replacing them with new more beta characters.

      Spot on. Cult leaders ruthlessly play on that need to feel Special. Everyone is trying to prove their loyalty to be included in a more exclusive Circle of Trust but egomaniacs only have room for one in their Circle of Trust.
      They’re always nauseatingly self-deprecating, it’s farcical. They’re a mere vessel, humbly working for the Almighty, they’re nothing, unworthy, just a conduit, chosen to speak for the Almighty. Because the Almighty doesn’t know how to communicate with petty humans? Too omnipotent and omniscient, I guess…
      Even Popes do it, but then Catholicism is one twisted cult.

        1. I’ll be in better shape than all the blaspheming Middle Men who claim an Almighty God needs them to speak for Him, as if He was stupid and couldn’t speak to humans Himself.

        2. He’s doing what a king does. Using representatives to convey messages and doing his work on the earth only coming himself in the person of Christ. But I am sort of agreeing that many claim to speak for god but actually are charlatans. Only if what they claim comes to pass is that word true. If not he is a false prophet.

        3. omnipotent
          1. (of a deity) having unlimited power; able to do anything.

          [ ] Needs sleazy Middle Men claiming to speak for Him.
          [x] Has no need.

      1. You need to blame his followers for absolving themselves of any responsibility to manage their own life. They feed off of each other.

        1. Yes it’s a symbiotic relationship, of course. It’s impossible to brainwash someone who doesn’t want to be.
          You have to want it. There is no such thing as hostile mind control.

    2. That raises an interesting question: is cult leader Obama interested in the money? He us certainly interested in the power and the the things money can buy.

  17. That looks amazing, I’d love to live there. Polyamorous, spiritual, traditional, beautiful, healthy and simple. What kind of brainwashed American could possibly see that and think that SkyScraper iPhone culture is superior?

  18. I think most of the posters discussing the actual merits of the guy’s advice have been fooled by the smokescreen…OF COURSE his advice sucks and goes against everything ROK stands for, that is because religious / cult leaders promote a life of SERVITUDE (for their followers of course).
    Think about it, if the guy preached individuality, pride and self sufficiency, why would any of his followers need HIM to show the way?
    Most, if not all cult leaders preach this servitude crap, and wrap it up in feel-good rhetoric (how the world should be vs. how it actually is), that speaks directly to women’s rationalization hamsters, and that is why these kooks have tons of female followers all vying for the alpha’s cock.
    This guy doesn’t preach Game but I say he is definitely Alpha of his group / circumstance.
    On a side note, notice how everytime some kooky cult gets arrested and disbanded, everyone throws a huge pity party for the women who are “brainwashed victims” and “need our support to recover from the evil man’s clutches”?
    Even the women who committed crimes (allowing the so-called messiah to rape their underage daughters, murder in his name etc) are given free passes as victims.

  19. Good article runsonmagic, perhaps a bit too subtle, but that’s just my comparative mind’s 2 cents!

  20. Great article. I have often felt this is a great way to live and might one day do it.

  21. Christianity is very simple to understand, as it is dumbed down for the average emotionally based person. When jesus says you must give everything up and follow him that is equal to buddhism saying “have no attachements that you cannot let go of, and will thus will imprison you, or you do not own yourself” Jesus and his teachings take the place of the persons own higher functions since those people are not intelligent and aware enough to come to it on their own. It is all very simple stuff, not understanding thousands of years old religions says more about a persons own delevopment and self awareness than that of others.
    Think of most spiritual leaders as self aware intelligent men explaining things to the equivelent of 10 year olds in their own terms. What you read is only to convey the desired effect to the intended audiance. Buddhas audiance was much more intelligent and higher class than that of Jesus. Its the same message and leads to the same effect, but for people of different capabilities.

  22. Mark 13:5-6
    And Jesus began to say to them, “See that no one leads you astray. Many will come in my name, saying, I am he!’ and they will lead many astray.
    Don’t be deceived!

  23. Have no idea who you are, but what you wrote here was exactly my reaction watching this “documentary”. Vissarion definitely deserves a true documentary, that would really be interesting to watch.

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