Why Are Men Becoming Less Interested In Marriage?

Back in the early ’60’s, the TV show The Twilight Zone ran an episode entitled, “A Stop At Willoughby.” In the episode, we witness a career-man in distress. Bullied on one hand by a bellicose boss at work, he comes home to a cold, emotionless wife.

Caught in a world that degrades both the workplace and the home, he fantasizes about a world past: one in which people are valued as individuals, surrounded by supportive familial relations and a healthy respect for the work a man does.

As working class women begin to assert their rights, or at least least to listen to feminist ideas, their husbands see in this turn of events another blow to their own self-respect, the crowning indignity heaped on the workingman by a middle-class liberalism that has already destroyed his savings, bused his children to distant schools, undermined his authority over them, and now threatens to turn his wife against him.
The Culture Of Narcissism, Christopher Lasch

While the episode ends on a tragic note—with the main character plunging to his death off a moving train—the episode speaks volumes about modern society, even back in the ’60’s. Women had already begun to ratchet up their demands of men, while also refusing to acknowledge or address male emotional or sexual needs.

Furthermore, the workplace had already become a game of sorts, where the promoted and lauded are not done so much for their actual workplace contributions, but rather for their appearance of competence, personal magnetism, and their ability to project a socially-acceptable level of ambition.

Many things haven’t changed


This episode aired almost a half-century ago. Things must have gotten better, no? We have had multiple presidents who considered themselves feminists; we have had serious legislation passed to ameliorate the social ill of sexual inequality. Further, we have had sweeping changes to the workplace. Issues of work-life balance are important public debates, as are issues of discrimination, sexual harassment and mental health. It gets better, right?

No. The average American is more disaffected then ever, men included. The workplace continues to under-employ people while overworking them and providing them less satisfaction for their work. Most importantly, however, is the fact that relations between men and women is more precarious than ever. As expected, this has a supremely negative influence on the most important institution in society: marriage.

This shift in marital trends hasn’t gone unnoticed by mainstream outlets. The Washington Examiner last winter ran an article on a study done by some German social scientists. The authors of the study concluded that an association exists between use of pornography on the Internet and the erosion of marriage.

They didn’t assert that pornography is certainly a significant factor in declining marriage rates and the dissolution of marriage. They asserted the data they collated suggests that it is likely that access to pornography is a significant factor in the erosion of marital relations.

What is most striking is the ignorance of the true source of marital discord: women’s lack of desire for true commitment and loving marriages. The researchers make the all-too-common assumption that issues of commitment between men and women necessarily stem from men’s decisions.

[Image: Sylvia_plath.jpg]

Sylvia Plath

It wasn’t men that first regarded marriage as the ultimate trap: it was women, goaded on by second-wave feminism. It wasn’t men that treated women as class oppressors, it was women, goaded on by second-wave feminism. It wasn’t men who regarded women with boundless rage, it was women, goaded on by second-wave feminism.

The marital issues faced by America today were spurred on by women, utilizing feminism at the political level. American women came to see marriage, family life, and domesticity as the ultimate form of oppression. The mindset is best summed up by Sylvia Plath in The Bell Jar:

It would mean getting up at seven and cooking him eggs and bacon and toast and coffee and dawdling about in my nightgown and curlers after he’d left for work to wash up the dirty plates and make the bed, and then when he came home after a lively, fascinating day he’d expect a big dinner, and I’d spend the even washing up, even more dirty plates till I fell into bed, utterly exhausted.

Christopher Lasch offers a critical bit of commentary on this passage:

If the man protests that he is exhausted too, and that his “fascinating day” consists of drudgery and humiliation, his wife suspects that he wishes to merely give her domestic prison the appearance of a rose-covered cottage.

The changes in social considerations of divorce, child custody and the formation of marriage and it’s maintenance revolve completely around this deeply-embedded feminine fear of commitment. This radical adjustment to considerations of marriage has greatly helped keep women interested in marriage.

Since women know that marriage revolves completely around them and their desires, marriage is a seen as a positive endeavor by them—most especially because they know they can indulge their fear of commitment and dissolve the “union” with a snap of their finger.


What this has resulted in for men, however, is men declining to lift a finger in the market of commitment. The aforementioned article mentions the access to sex as a primary driver of marriage, but that ignores that men have primarily valued a woman’s love and devotion over access to sex. Further, it ignores the plainly obvious fact that men are sons of their parents and many of them watched as their mothers behaved like petty tyrants in the home.

By turning marriage from a union based on love and mutually exclusive obligations into an institution that revolves around what women want to demand from men, it has caused many men not to withdraw from the institution, but to refuse outright to participate in any substantive sense.

That Washington Examiner article presupposes that without pornography, men would start dating and thinking about marriage. If you are watching it, it is for you. Nobody views media just to pass the time, but because whatever they are reading or watching is propping up their identity or fulfilling a need or desire. Regular consumption of the pornographic arts is about a desire to think about sex, but not actually pursue it in real life.

Male indifference to or outright avoidance of marriage has one—but not only one, of course—clear cause and that is the lack of interest they feel from the women around them. From their mothers and the women in their social circles, men pick up on this feminine fear of binding commitment.

While regular usage of pornography certainly isn’t healthy, it’s usage by so many men is merely a symptom of the larger problem of the decline of the family and loving marriages.

Read More:The Psychological Devolution Of The Modern Man

206 thoughts on “Why Are Men Becoming Less Interested In Marriage?”

  1. Living in ‘Merka is like living inside the mind of a crazy white bitch. Really, think about it. The most pampered, coddled, decadent caste of humanity in world history and still they whine about being oppressed. Constant obsession with security and making up nanny state rules. Constant gossip and inane conversation instead of discourse about things that matter.
    An article came out yesterday on Breitbart which shows the fruit of the white bitch’s insanity: More White People Dying Than Being Born.
    Congratulations, you traded your family, heritage, and light housework for a life of barren corporate slavery. You go grrrls!!! No nasty little babies for you, that’s for sure. And no cooking, that’s what restaurant slaves are for. Better them than you, right? And no housework, that’s what Mexicans are for, right? Just make sure you aren’t disposed of by the corporation you married yourself to when the next round of layoffs comes.

    1. What women haven’t experienced yet is the true coldness of corporate America. Of course they’ll cry sexual harassment, etc when handed their separation notice and the feminized HR department will insulate them first and foremost. A wise businessman in small-to-medium sized corporate ownership would make multiple smaller businesses that don’t have to abide by the employment laws.

      1. Holy shit. This just changed my life. Be right back, going to start a corporation and harness this untapped love and devotion of dozens of working women.

        1. The powerful wallop of feminism seems to have created the beginnings of an intense backlash among certain segments of Canadian men.

  2. Porn is definitely correlated with a decline in dating but it is certainly not the causation.
    I still want to get married but the search methodology has become much more strict after being dosed on the red pill.

    1. And the more doses of red pill you take, you’ll more quickly come to the ultimate conclusion that real love does not exist. It is just a fantasy.

        1. You’re right! Silly me. I’ve been brainwashed to think marriage=love. Damn, I just took another dose of the red pill.

        2. Apparently gay marriage = love for everybody.
          At least that’s what the spinsters on my Facebook feed have been saying.

  3. If you want to see the future, look to Japan, which shows signs of turning into a country full of adult male virgins.
    For some reason Western sexologists don’t want to research this trend. Sexology has a feminist bias, and sex researchers simply don’t give a crap about the growing population of sexually evicted & alienated straight men, compared with all the research directed towards the LGBT defectives who have organized politically to get their way.

  4. My local paper just ran an article today on how millennials are not getting married under traditional constructs. The topic of this article is no secret to the masses anymore, it’s an inescapable truth.

    1. ” how millennials are not getting married under traditional constructs”

  5. Has anyone given any thought to how the legalization of gay marriage might affect divorces in straight couples?
    What happens when a judge rules on two divorcing men and is confronted in a lawsuit by a straight male whose divorce wasn’t ruled using the same criteria?

    1. The idiots don’t think about that. They have no conception of consequences. Its all, equality and mah feels.

    2. First off, I refuse to use the phrase “gay you-know-what.” This is not marriage, no matter what the Supreme Court says. It is pseudo-marriage.
      Its hard to say.
      About 2% of the population is homosexual, and given the extreme promiscuity amongst homosexuals (go read the threads on My Posting Career for lots of good examples) I find it hard to foresee crowds of sodomites rushing to marry each other, and so following that I’m not sure divorce will be affected much.
      The real problem with pseudo-marriage is that it loosens the restraints on all other forms of sexual or marital perversion.
      With a few exceptions, homosexuality has been considered utterly detestable throughout history, but now its just expressing your pride. Female impersonators who voluntarily amputate their genitals are now AOK as well, because they’re realigning with their true identities.
      So, if this freakish behavior is suddenly acceptable, then why not polygamy? The polygamists can legitimately claim religious backing, and would probably make a 1st Amendment case out of it. Then the pederasts will get in the game, because hey surely seducing a 14 year old boy isn’t as bad as cutting your balls off…..and then people who are into incest, because they’re two consenting adults…..and then the sheep fuckers, because animals are property with no rights….and on and on and on.
      One other thing I thought of: This certainly puts libertarianism into a quandary. They love capitalism so much, but homosexuals (with rare exceptions like in-vitro) don’t have children, and so they’re not going to produce future consumers. That would be bad for business. Oops! Its problematic for the leftists as well…..fewer births means fewer welfare dollars. Dang it!

      1. Hence unchecked immigration. Atleast that is what I’ve read at the conspiracy theory sites. Don’t knock them,they’re always a hoot to read.

        1. Wal-Mart is one of the biggest beneficiaries of food stamps, so they probably love unchecked immigration. Lots of anchor babies means lots of government checks.

        2. There’s nothing tinfoil-hat about that; it’s generally known that these illegals are being imported for Democrat votes and bargain-barrel labor for the elites of both political camps.

        3. They love them in Southern California because they work construction for cash under the table and are a hell of a lot cheaper than white union guys.

        4. Yeah, a lot of it seems legit,I don’t buy the false flag things though. I live in a city surrounded by Uber Leftist Progressives. It doesn’t pay to stick out too much when everyone thinks the same. I try to just add little snippets of info to conversations and drop sites while down playing their validity. I do this in hopes people will check them out on their own time while avoiding the watchful eye of SJWs.

        5. I’m with you a lot of conspiracy sites have truth to them but I don’t buy into false flags either.

      2. “This certainly puts libertarianism into a quandary. They love capitalism so much, but homosexuals (with rare exceptions like in-vitro) don’t have children, and so they’re not going to produce future consumers.”
        What the hell are you talking about? A true libertarian society would simply make marriage a private matter (as it should be). It would render the entire “legalize gay marriage” debate moot as it would simply be a private union without any state involvement. OTOH, a society embracing libertarian principles would renounce any kind of forced relationships so gay couples couldn’t sue Christian bakeries for refusing to make cakes for a gay wedding reception. In fact, strictly speaking, in such a society, gay people would have no legal recourse for discrimination based on sexual preference (decide for yourself if this is a good thing or bad thing).

        1. I think you’re hitting on a fundamental problem with the concept of a “true libertarian society.” A successful society has to encourage certain behaviors and discriminate against others in order to survive.
          For example, if you encourage–or at least don’t heavily discourage–homosexual behavior (including pseudo-marriage), then an increase in that activity means fewer children, and fewer children overall means fewer workers and fewer consumers. Further, you have the problem of high rates of drug use and venereal disease that comes with homosexual behavior. Homosexuality is clearly something that society should clamp down on for its own good.
          I must admit though, pharma companies would do well due to an upswing in demand for VD treatments.
          The “true libertarian society” is like the “true Marxist society” because while it sounds good on paper, you know deep down that things really don’t work that way.
          Would a true libertarian society make incest between two consenting adults a private matter? Long-term care facilities would certainly love the corresponding increase in business. Just think of all the genetically damaged incestuous children they would get to take care of. What about bestiality? After all, animals are property, and a good libertarian should be able to use his property as he sees fit.

        2. Libertarianism is a utopian philosophy and has no business being taken seriously as a realistic way to organize society.. for some of the very reasons you mention as well as others. It is based on a false premise.. that absolute freedom is the most highest ideal, and that society will flourish if human beings are given absolute freedom.
          True conservatives have a more sober and realistic view of human nature and society.. in that they believe human beings are “fallen”.. that human nature is fundamentally flawed.. and that a society needs to have certain social mores and rules to restrict the worst aspects of human nature, and to structure society in a “tight” manner to produce desirable outcomes from men and women.

        3. Homosexuals generally don’t ever have children anyway, so your argument is moot

        4. Thank you for sanity. I stopped reading that guy’s post right at “a true libertarian society.”

        5. I assume that means no “game” PUA culture, church on Sunday with midweek devotion. No drinking, dancing or another other excessive frivolity. If I’m wrong where do you draw the line? I completely agree with letsbereasonable conceerning marriage . None of the state’s business. Let’s also not forget the idea of “force and fraud” in Libertarian thought. No one wants total chaos, like driving without stop signs and red lights. Exactly how they drive in some countries and even like many do in my home state. FWIW I define marriage as a union between a man and a woman that should be entered into with the idea that it is permanent. Can’t do that then don’t get married. I just want the state to be involved as little as possible in my life.

        6. You are confusing Libertarians with Libertines – They’re very different creatures. As an example the Marquis de Sade was a Libertine.

        7. There has only been ONE government ever formed that comes close to libertarian government[ one which allows the most minimal government, ever. That was the United States government under the “Articles of Confederacy.” Unfortunately, it didn’t work, and the result was the Constitution, which established a Constitutional Republic, that was supposed to be guarded, after Marbury v. Madison, by the Supreme Court, which has been allowed to wreck the very form of government it was supposed to protect.

        8. That’s part of the problem for the libertarians. If you encourage homosexual activity, then that means fewer children, which leads to fewer workers and fewer consumers.

        9. The people wrecked it themselves when they voted for Obama, which led to Kagan and Sotomayor.

      3. Gays just want the wedding! They won’t take marriage seriously. In fact, with the state of marriage now they will be right at home. Gays have spent years fantasizing about wedding planning and being envious of their girlfriends. They just want their piece of the proverbial wedding cake.

        1. So, what you are saying is that gay marriage is exactly the same as heterosexual marriage except in the homosexual marriag both people involved have no intention of living up to the vows, instead of only the female in a heterosexual marriage.

        2. Exactly! I would almost bet that the divorce rate for gay couples will be higher than hetro. Well have to see in about 20 years what the statistics say. Homosexuals have always lacked impulse controls. You think that will change once they are married?

        3. You take the bell shaped curve, you look at behavior as averages, statistically, the male-female structure has better than 65% of the total numbers measured, you add in (+/- )1 standard deviation, and you find singles, & bi-sexuals who are somewhere within the statistically significant number, (98% of ALL possibilities), on the fringe is the remaining 2%. What’s happening is that the 2% have thoroughly corrupted the rest. It’s amazing, really. How does this happen? government intervention. What’s the overall outcome? Look around, do you see any society that’s not based upon Western Civilization that tolerates minorities? So, what they’ve done is directly participate in the destruction of the type of society that would normally protect their rights as individuals, and when the vacuum forms after it’s destruction, they’re eliminated by the only type of civilization that fills the void, barbarianism.

        1. You’re right, the ONLY political philosophers worth a shit, were/are the Classical Liberals. If you beat them up. too, you and I are gonna have a long discussion.

    3. The judge in question won’t pay any more attention to the man’s lawsuit than he would the man’s prenups.
      Heterosexual Western men, especially the ones of faith, are becoming obsolete in the eyes of the government.

  6. The reasons why I gave up on marriage is because just as it was said above: North American women are emotional freaks now and care too little for the men they shack up with. 2) It’s no longer a financially stable prospect or solution. 3) The flipping North American divorce rate just kills it for me. 4) Pornography has distorted my views on sex. I stopped watching video porn a long time ago but I’m stuck currently with erotic ASMR’s and comic books refereed as “Hentai’s”.
    I know I am contributing to the death of society, but honestly? It’s a better alternative than shacking up with a woman that will provide my emotional and sexual needs and will cut me loose as soon as the first baby pops out of the bin.

    1. i’ve stopped watching porn half a year ago and from what i can tell, my brain has simply reduced the treshold of stimuli that it is aroused by. an average nicely dressed girl on the street now does to me what DP action video did previously.

    2. If a man wants a good woman in today’s world he should look to eastern Europe. Most of women there are beautiful and have good traditional values.

      1. eastern europe is also getting infected by the western female virus.
        Ask Roosh.

    1. It is in fact financially binding for men, but emotionally unbinding for women.

      1. nothing can bind emotions, but a properly enforced contract could bind her body to you. on the other hand, do i want to live together with a woman who doesn’t desire me?
        i personally like the idea of the free sexual marketplace. keeps everybody sharp.
        bad for procreation, though.

        1. I rather meant to imply that men, in general, have a tendency to feel emotionally obliged to their wifes, even if the physical attraction is not there anymore. Therefore, men usually do not initiate divorces, but look for some extramarital amusement. By doing this they safeguard their wifes financially and also emotionally, since the women will not be left to themselves. Women, on the other hand, tend to demonstrate no feelings of obligation whatsoever.

        2. any data to back that up?
          from my small amount of experience, the reasons for not divorcing are one or both of the following:
          1. fear of not finding another mate and be alone afterwards
          2. fear of being financially milked
          obligations to another person may be stated, but i consider them to be rationalizations. after all, it’s more honorable to be the dutiful and responsible man of integrity than the emotionally insecure wimp.

    2. Women’s pussy pass has got them the whole western world on their side. It amazes me that they still live in Slutty Princess Towers unaware that their most powerful weapon has been almost rendered useless. Men are walking away in droves and instead of introspection they still tow the line with that awesome phrase” Men need to man up and not be boys anymore”. And make no mistake it’s mostly the Privileged white western women saying that shi*t to white men, because as a whole minority women have seemingly just given up on men in general. They’ve been crushed by feminism into a second place status and all the shades of the lower class women just produce babies with the thuggiest thug. Only white women seem to have the gull to demand men marry their slutt*y ass*es and support them and hopeful your baby with the further demand that you accept broken used goods that feel above treating men with decent respect.

  7. The reason a man avoids marriege is the secular world gives him no hope for marriege. They say look at the divorce rate look at this, now are you sure you want to do this. And if your parents never gave you solid concrete proof for why marriege is the only way, it makes zero sense to do it , so you don’t . Your dad was basically a wimp didn’t control your mom, he was a wage slave, on and on. You have no hope when you approach it from the secular veiw point, that is because it is not a secular institution, marriege comes from God. If you don’t approach it with that in mind it falls apart and doesn’t work. The secular world thinks they own things they do not, they even changed the definition of marriege but it won’t work for them. What we are seeing is the world come full circle. Think of the world before Christianity hit it, there was human sacrifice that was common, beasteality was also, homosexuality was the norm in Arab country’s it is still. The Anceint Greeks most peoples favorite philosophers participated in this, only believed in sex with women for procreation but for fun sex with a man because only a (usually a much younger teanager )man could really truly love you. But Christianity swept that underground and said its between and women only. But we’ve taken it a step further than the Greeks Romans Arabs. Those society’s knew even then,you couldn’t marry another man he was simply your mistress of sorts, no we took it where no society dared go before.

  8. Women’s pussy pass has got them the whole western world on their side. It amazes me that they still live in Slutty Princess Towers unaware that their most powerful weapon has been almost rendered useless. Men are walking away in droves and instead of introspection they still tow the line with that awesome phrase” Men need to man up and not be boys anymore”. And make no mistake it’s mostly the Privileged white western women saying that shi*t to white men, because as a whole minority women have seemingly just given up on men in general. They’ve been crushed by feminism into a second place status and all the shades of the lower class women just produce babies with the thuggiest thug. Only white women seem to have the gull to demand men marry their slutt*y ass*es and support them while you have to hope it will be your “actual” baby. All of this and they still feel empowered to further demand that you accept their emotional broken/narcissistic community used and abused to the max bodies,while still feeling above treating men with decent respect.

  9. Marriage? Let’s think about that one real hard…
    Back in the day, being a female slut used to be viewed as a bad thing. Today third wave feminism tells girls it’s not only okay to be a dirty whore, but it’s “empowering.” Moms used to tell their daughters to be selective about who to have sex with, and make sure you’re not getting “used.” Slut shaming was a mix of religious tradition, combined with Judeo-Christian morals found generally in society.
    Today? Not so much. The message is basically “have as much casual sex as you want, with whoever you want, marry a beta in your mid-30s, then divorce him, take his money, and become a single mom cougar who is focused on her career and fucking random dudes off Facebook. Religion and tradition are stupid. What time is Desperate Housewives on?”
    The good news? Casual sex is readily available to just about any man with even a modicum of game. Swipe right on Tinder, go onto OkCupid, walk into a bar and start talking to girls. It is insanely easy to develop a soft harem of women without much commitment. My friends, the poon is yours for the plundering. It’s that easy.
    The bad news? Your average woman hasn’t had like 5 or 6 sex partners, all of whom were in committed relationships with. They’ve had like 70. In a year. There was Dan from Tinder, that guy who works at the bike store, the dude with all the tattoos, and then Tim who she met on Spring Break. The sheer amount of cock your average woman gets in modern times is staggering. Dating and casual sex is just another entertainment activity, like watching TV. This is the world we live in.
    Because of that, women today are not fit to be wives and mothers. Having a family requires commitment, sacrifice, and hard work. It means saying “No” when your lady friends say “Let’s go hang out at the bar!”. It means saying “No” when Dylan with all the tattoos wants to “hang out”, meaning fuck her brains out. It means not obsessing over Facebook and Instagram likes. It means putting your family before your own validation.
    How can we possibly expect women to be committed mothers and wives, when they’ve been living a responsibility free life of casual sex?
    Combine this with the fact that women can simply walk out of a marriage if they’re bored, just as easily as changing the channel on the television or going to a different website, and it’s hard to see how marriage is good proposition for a man.
    From an investment standpoint, women are a depreciating asset. As they get older, their looks decline. They gain a few pounds, and their skin gets wrinkled. Their beauty declines. It just does.
    Now consider that a commitment is a huge investment on every single level. Marriage is potentially the biggest investment you will ever make, yet the return on it is incredibly diminishing. Making matters even worse, family law is completely slanted towards women. Meaning you could get married, her looks decline, and then she walks away from the marriage with everything you worked hard for. Sounds like a good plan!
    But there is good news…
    Thanks to third wave feminism and “slut shaming”, there is an ample supply of nubile women in their 20s ready willing and able to fuck men in their 30s and 40s. Meaning that we now live in a world where men can casually fuck young women without any commitment whatsoever. You can have all the casual sex you want with a little bit of game. You don’t have to get married.
    Learn to enjoy the decline, fellas. There is money to be made, wisdom to be gained, and poon to be plundered. Women should serve as a minor compliment to your life, but not much else.

    1. You know before I red pilled last year I joined OKcupid in a genuine attempt to find a lady. You cannot imagine the amount of hypocrisy that 28+ women shell out. I expect the B.S. from young women as they are constantly being approached and don’t realize that the Alpha Buck Biker guy that’s twirling them twice a week isn’t going to fall in love with them. However, holly crap,I’m 33 and looking through those ladies profiles was mind boggling. 30 year old women with 2+ kids talking about they wait until marriage for sex, they don’t need you to help take care of their kids( but it’s all good because the dad isn’t in the picture to bother us), 180+ pounds women saying they don’t want an out shape man, and the cream of the crop” they don’t want no scrubs that aint got no jobs” despite them having no job.

      1. I never bothered to read any profiles on OkCupid. They all say the same thing: “I like eating food, I do yoga, I like my iPhone, I studied abroad in college and it changed my life, I want to travel more, I have a job working [in healthcare / as a teacher / for a non-profit]. You should be tall, handsome, gainfully employed, educated, and well off (of course this doesn’t apply to Dave who I just fucked from Tinder last night, who is unemployed and has a bunch of tattoos. But he’s so hawt!) I want someone to laugh with, who understands me, and is just like that guy from a romantic comedy movie. Message me if you want to know more.”
        I wrote a profile that basically mirrored theirs, along these lines:
        “My name is Hank Moody. I am a well established lawyer and writer. When I’m not in a courtroom, I spend my time traveling, hiking in the mountains, or running around the city trying new restaurants. I’m looking for someone who can keep up with my adventurous lifestyle – a partner in crime. Someone who doesn’t mind an impromptu trip to Aruba, checking out an ethnic restaurant off the beaten path, or spending a weekend camping in the woods. But you should also be classy and enjoy a trip to the art museum, dinner at a fine restaurant, or an evening of jazz.”
        You’d be surprised how many messages I got that were like “You’re exactly what I’m looking for!”
        One picture of me looking brooding.
        Too easy.
        It was easier to just come up with a canned line and copy / paste it to hundreds of girls rather than read anything because they’re all the same anyway. I used this: “hey. im new here. what is the stupidest thing anyone has ever messaged you?” Then after two or three messages, something along the lines of “you seem fun. lets grab drinks on thursday night at the irish pub.” No capitalization, no grammar. Which is ironic, because I write for a living.
        Such a time waster, though. Between all the messaging, setting up the dates, and then actually having to sit at a bar with a girl I was completely uninterested in, online dating became such a drag. Cold approaches are so much more efficient. You’ve just cut out like half the bullshit. Definitely not my preferred method of poon plundering.
        Of course, as I write this, a chick I met off OkCupid is sitting naked on my couch… my neighbors must love me.

        1. HAHA, that’s is a brilliant rant my man.It’s eerily on target. That first paragraph is dead on with the kind of required to have lists I saw on that site. And yes, most of them did seem to say the same thing about themselves. You’ve been followed my friend, I dig your word stylings.

        2. Hank, could you send me an email at davedavola at gmail dot com; I’m in a similar place that you were in a couple of years ago and I’d like to exchange a few emails, ask some advice kind of thing if you have the time. Thanks!

      2. Already got two kids and she’s saying no sex till marriage? That’s so hypocritical it made me laugh.

    2. Sluts raise sluts. All of my cousins who were raised by single moms are also single parents. They had no strong guidance from males and so they turned into whores just like their mothers.
      I am glad that I was raised by a stern Jamaican mother who didn’t believe in divorce, having kids out of wedlock or keeping a dirty home. If I dared to be unfaithful to my husband or I was not taking care of him, my old mom would not hesitate to pop me in the mouth.
      We need to bring back the days of traditional marriages and strict parenting. Single mothers should be shamed as well as loose women.

      1. Very good observation and you’re absolutely right. Unfortunately with Slut Walks all over the place, it’s going to be hard.

        1. Slut Walk is nauseating because the participants are mostly fat and hideous feminists traipsing around in lingerie. I get so much attention from my husband that I don’t need to desperately seek it by parading around in my underwear. Besides, my husband would never marry a woman who would participate in Slut Walk. He hates feminists.

        2. I am happy that you have learnt from other’s mistakes. I hope your female irrationality does not kick in, or if it does, you can see it for what it is, and reflect on your mother’s and sister’s experiences, to see what you will be doing to your husband.
          It is so sad. When I was a boy I was surrounded by loving women – the sole exception, my mother, a perenially exhausted professional. But I saw all these women around me who were generally lovely.
          Now I grow up and my cousin sisters are without exceptions a waste of time. One is maybe salvageable – she likes one guy and got him to marry her, but she inherited her father’s business and I can see she is totally unsuited for it. I wonder how healthy her children will be.

        3. You must be mistaking me for someone else. I don’t have any sisters and I have said that my mother taught me morals. My parents have been married for over 40 years.

        4. “your female irrationality?” give me a freakin break. if you wanna talk about the many logical fallacies present in the premise-level reasoning of the manosphere, hmu

      2. I agree with you to some extent. I was raised by a slut, and to this day, in her 50’s, she still is one. She had a great man, a compassionate, albeit soft man, who treated her so well she took advantage of him. In his time of need (his father passed away) all she thought about was her desires not being met, and she dumped him, moving a new man in within a week, while he was still in the process of moving out. What’s so disgusting about her, or any of these shameless poor examples of mothers, is that they are completely unapologetic about their obvious wrongs. My mother to this day still thinks all of her many failed relationships are everyone else’s fault.
        Well, there is me, and there is my little sister. Already at the age of 26 my sister has been married once, divorced once, and currently in an on again off again relationship with a man who is using her for her easily available pussy while not committing, and she accepts it. Her abandonment issues are so severe that she’d rather chase the man that treats her like shit, and disrespect the man (her ex) that is all around a better person. Why? Because our wonderful mother gave us nothing but that as an example. The man who wants to love you and take care of you and hold you and provide is the wrong man. Go for the emotionally unavailable drunk ass holes who blatantly tell you they don’t want relationships and want to continue fucking other girls, but you give them sex anyway in hopes of “change”.
        I think sluts raise mentally ill children, not so much just “sluts”. It is up to that child to take responsibility of
        their actions after they reach an age of adulthood. It’s easy to blame
        others for your failure to be a good person, but after a certain age we
        should all know better. My sister chose to stay a victim to her poor
        upbringing instead of paying attention to her actions and taking
        responsibility for her terrible decisions as an adult. I watched and
        observed, and made decisions based on self awareness, and negative
        patterns of those in my sister and mother’s category.
        TLDR VERSION: Good comment; I agree, wholeheartedly, with the last two lines.

        1. The day we buried my paternal grandfather my mother pressurized my father to go on their holiday to London. Slutmania has destroyed the life of many men in the west. The girl I loved basically my entire life from childhood is now whore#1. I wish our way of life would hurry up and end. It isn’t worth bringing sons into this world to play the healot and to act as Canon fodder.

    3. There is a nagging thought in the back of my mind that none of this is sustainable, even for us. Like women, we men can also live a life of extended adolescence (like my cat does) but at some point reality will catch up.
      Ending life without progeny does seem something of a failure.

  10. The only reason men have started leaving women for good and turning a blind eye on relationships or commitments is the heavy burden on them in any relationship. The provider and protector role is killing men. Also any woman can walk out of a marriage and rob a man completely of his assets. The financial assets that he had built over years. Our legal framework and apathy to see a man’s viewpoint under feminazzi influence is another reason of this apathy.

    1. provider, protector, AND entertainer.
      You pretty much have to give her interesting entertainment (since her inner mind is vacant it needs constant stimulation) otherwise she gets bored and fucks you over

  11. You come home from your full time job as a corporate slave. Arriving at the door step, is the screaming of your children who have left a complete mess in your hallway with toys and snacks. Instead of smelling a nice roast or meat being cooked in the kitchen, you hear your wife screaming from upstairs, telling you that she is going out with her friends and that you need to make your own dinner. She also tells you to feed the kids and to leave her money on the table.
    So instead of getting changed, you immediately crash on your couch, without realising you just sat on the remote with sticky toffee and chocolates on your bottom. But you simply don’t care to notice. Instead, you look at all the bills on the coffee table where you can barely put your feet on because of all the plates and crumbs and endless number of paper bills. You simply sit there in deep contemplation, wondering where did you go wrong?
    This my friends, is a common thought that goes through the mind of the everyday American man. There simply is no benefit to a lifelong marriage. Think about
    it. Nothing good adds up. You have a women who will soon put on weight, cut her hair short, treat you like a beaten dog, while raising your suspicions as to what she is constantly up to. Then you have to worry about your kids futures and how you can afford to pay for their braces and school fees, while at the same time, constantly dread the feeling of knowing that you can potentially lose your job at the end of month, thanks to cutbacks, outsourcing or even automation.
    The game of marriage is a death trap, where most of the time, you will end up losing in the end. You can’t even escape it because you know the family courts will tear you up from the inside and you will lose everything in the end. Which is why I always advocate for men to wake up to their senses, and to never cave into the pressure of marriage. I see my father and mother, who are senior citizens, and even though they are still married, they have no happiness and whenever I look at my father’s face, all I see is a broken man. A broken man.
    Do not end up like this. Never conform to the traditional expectations of society but realise, that society is nothing but a Matrix,which is designed to keep you shackled up in chains. The moment you reject all the premises which are designed to keep you in line, will be the day, that you can truly be liberated from the prison that surrounds us.

    1. “You simply sit there in deep contemplation, wondering where did you go wrong?”
      … and then the next morning you get up earlier than usual, get that .45 caliber pistol you’ve hidden, drive to the most scenic place you know, and as the sun rises you think to yourself: “What crime did I commit to have the sentence of Human life handed down to me?” Then you smile as you put that gun to your head and pull the trigger knowing you have released youself from prison.
      “The game of marriage is a death trap, ”
      Truth, for some men your remark is literally true.

      1. Hmm… You were the same one who replied to my #1 comment by being a total douche…
        Every one say Hi to David Futrelle!

    2. I wish I could make this shit up. My morning:
      I wake up and nudge the girl I’ve been seeing. She gives me a blowjob without having to say anything. One of about three in my rotation. I like this one – super small, and a tight fit body. She cleans my house too, which is nice.
      “Babe, I’m gonna cook us breakfast. Then I gotta do some work.” I cook us some eggs and cinnamon bacon, then send her off. Learning to cook well was an excellent investment in myself. It’s healthy, it saves me money, and the ladies love it.
      Ah, my big house is now empty. Glorious. I turn my Sonos speakers up to full blast. Subwoofer is pumping. I might have spent $2k on this stereo, but it was worth every cent. The whole house sounds like a nightclub.
      I’m feeling pumped. Time for a workout. In my home gym. Glad I had the money and extra space to build this.
      Workout finished, balls empty, I’m bored.
      Hop on my slick racing bike and ride it to the pool. Fire up the wireless internet. Decide to read ROK while sitting poolside. Hot waitress sees me, and kisses me on the cheek. “Hi Hank! The owner said to send you a scotch on the house!”
      Scotch? Why not. I’m self employed and don’t have to be anywhere tomorrow. I made a bunch of money this summer and don’t need to work all that hard.
      Life is good.
      Somewhere I suspect there is a guy who lives with a chubby wife in a big house that he pays for. She spent all weekend bitching at him because he didn’t do enough housework or changed the TV channel without permission or something. His entire paycheck goes into paying for the house, the kids, and his wife’s love of $500 handbags. He doesn’t have the money for a gym membership or the space to build his own gym, so workouts never happen. He’s dreading waking up at 6am tomorrow morning, and going back to his cubicle tomorrow morning bright and early.
      But I wouldn’t know anything about that.

      1. Ha ha ha. Harsh but somewhat accurate for many out there. The key point is married or not, be self employed. It makes a huge difference.

      2. Your post reminds me of the man’s perfect day:
        6:00 Alarm
        6:15 Blowjob
        6:30 Massive dump while reading sports section of USA Today
        7:00 Breakfast, Filet mignon and eggs, toast and coffee
        7:30 Limo arrives
        7:45 Stoli Bloody Mary enroute to airport
        8:15 DFW – Private G4 to Augusta, Georgia (Coffee, SI and WSJ)
        9:30 Limo to Augusta National Golf Club
        9:45 Front nine at Augusta (2 under)
        11:45 Lunch, 2 dozen oysters on the half shell, 3 Heinekens
        12:15 Blowjob
        12:30 Back nine Augusta (4 under)
        1:15 Limo back to airport (Bombay martini)
        2:30 Private G4, Augusta to Nassau, Bahamas (nap)
        3:15 Late afternoon fishing excursion with all female (topless) crew
        4:30 Land World Record light tackle Marlin (1249 lbs)
        5:00 G4 back to DFW, massage & hand job enroute by naked Kathy Ireland
        6:45 Shit, shower and shave
        7:00 Watch CNN newsflash: Clinton resigns, Hillary and Al Gore farm
        animal sex video released and authenticated. (Hillary has a
        secret mole, Al looks real cold.)
        7:30 Dinner, Lobster appetizers, Dom Perigon (1963), 20 oz. New York Steak
        9:00 Remy Martin and Cuban Partagas cigar
        9:30 Sex with three women
        11:00 Massage and Jacuzzi
        11:45 Bed (alone)
        11:50 12-second, 4-note fart, dog leaves the room
        11:55 Sleep

    3. This is why I like to keep my sexual relationships short. Unfortunately, some people see this as being a loser.

    4. You forgot the most important part! After she files the divorce you never saw coming, the court will order you to pay a large percentage of your income to her for many years (possibly even the rest of your natural life in some states) while she moves on to have sex with other people and tell them what a monster you are (even though aren’t). If you get sick or lose your job or for whatever reason cannot continue making those large payments, the police come and arrest you and put you in jail.
      Since the 1960’s, the leftards have just piled on the legal liabilities and punishments for men who make the mistake of marrying all the while ridiculing them the entire time in the leftard mainstream media. Marriage is presently the most anti-male body of law and institution on the planet in Western Civilization and you’d have to be a fool to place yourself under it.

      1. Exactly. It’s why so many young men will NOT marry. We saw first hand growing up how our dads, uncles and men we looked up to were treated like trash and financially raped when wifey deemed she no longer wanted him around. From losing the house he worked for to denial of kids while garnishment of income to support the ex who didn’t want him around, no rational man would ever enter into such a rigged union.
        You the best is how the modern media shames us as “not wanting to grow up” when discussing why we won’t marry. Even when a convo on this subject is engage and one cites how men not marrying are aware and smart, some women who even recognize how rigged it is against men often proclaim how a man should just “man up and marry her” to fulfill her dream.

    5. @Truth – Great and truthfully post. I, myself, will never get married, as there is absolutely no upside to such unions. I truly do not intend to be a broken man. Thanks for sharing.

    6. Wtf…is this America? Here in Africa, i EXPECT my wife to have prepared supper.If not she gets a beating.I will summon my children and ask them about their day…make sure they are fed and healthy.Children are valued most in Africa.A woman is only a proxy to get children.Once she bears your seed its your responsibility to make sure it lives.

    7. If you could use extra profit in the range of 50 bucks to 300 bucks daily for doing simple work on your computer from home for several h a day then read more here…

    8. This.
      And that’s why I find myself dumbfounded by this recent push for conservatism, traditionalism and religious values in the Red Pill community. Especially here in ROK, I see more and more religious posts singing the praises of the traditional family and quoting the BIble. I’m not essentially opposed to religion or traditionalism but I’m not sure they’re compatible with RP ideas. Those posters are trying to juggle two contradictory positions at the same time: “women have this set of natural traits that operate against your best interest, hence you must seek to be free from women’s control” (RP) and “you must find a virtuous woman (a NAWALT, mind you) and put your work and resources at her service” (traditionalism).
      The scourges of Feminism, Leftism and Progressivism have no doubt ruined marriage. But even without that, the main reason why marriage is risky and sucks for men is because of alimony and child support, and these came from the religious and traditionalist camp.

      1. men have this set of natural traits that operate against your best
        interest, hence you must seek to be free from men’s control”


        1. So I’m a Feminist now? That was uncalled for.
          Btw, I think Feminists believe the opposite They believe males and females are naturally equal but the Big Bad Patriarchy has made men into assholes.

        2. I didn’t say you were a feminist and I don’t think you are. I just think we need to avoid their kind of language. If women control us then it is by our choice.

    9. You are Tom Leykis Show listener. The phrase ‘beaten dog’ gave you away. Me too!!! I love his show.

    10. Maybe it’s different strokes/different folks, or the fact that my father has always been a masculine man (ex-Navy engineer, always stoic) but for him marriage works. He worked hard for his family right up until we had all grown up and he decided to leave the workforce on his own terms. Gets a pension from the navy and spends his time fixing up the house, relaxing, fishing with his mates. Still has my mother head over heels (she still works/cooks/etc.) and is looking to upgrade his boat soon enough.
      A large part of this could be put down to the fact he grew up and got married in a time before the worst of the third wave feminism hit, but there is a value to marriage when both participants respect the sanctity of it and their roles.

      1. Being a government employee allows for greater protection from despot bosses, you get to collect retirement earlier and pension for a federal worker is a LOT more safe than funds set aside for city/state staffers. Daddy had skills but also greater peace of mind.

        1. This is true. The age we live in has rapidly become less conducive to marriage, in hindsight I got off track but the point I meant to make was that marriage works in certain conditions and has value as a concept, even if those conditions are disappearing.

    11. If you are searching for extra income of about 50 dollars to 300 dollars a day for doing jobs from your couch at home for 3-4 hrs daily then check this out…

    12. My parents are still together, and ‘happily’ married. They married in 1980 and come both from traditional families. That helped I guess. But the thing is: you perfectly described my father. He worked long hours only to come home to 3 kids (and later 4) There was always something we broke, and the bills where endless. My mother is a bad cook, so I guess it was the fear of losing his business and paying alimony/palimony that kept them together, because they sure had arguments sometimes. He could have been a millionair a long time ago. But he spend all his money on his kids. Well, it was his choice.
      My parents call me “a strange guy” for not wanting to have children and me laughing at the institution of marriage. ‘Misery loves company’, I think. I’m not going to give my mother a grandchild. Maybe one of my 3 brothers will, but I’m going to spend my money wiser.

  12. Three years ago, I was dating this girl and came down with a serious case of oneitis. At the time, she was 32 years old, divorced, and had just gotten out of another long term relationship. Surely these weren’t red flags…
    A devout blue piller with zero game, I was going to marry her, we were going to have kids, and then ride off into a romantic comedy sunset. This is love, right?
    Until I learned she was fucking other dudes behind my back.
    I was absolutely devastated over this. As I was down in the dumps, one of my buddies texted me this:
    “Once upon a time, a Prince asked a beautiful Princess, “Will you marry me?”
    The Princess said NO and the Prince lived happily ever after and rode motorcycles and fucked skinny big titted broads and hunted and raced cars and went to naked bars and dated women half his age and drank whiskey, beer and Captain Morgan and never heard bitching and never paid child support or alimony and ate pussies and ass fucked cheerleaders and kept his house and guns and never got cheated on while he was at work and all his friends and family thought he was fuckin cool as hell and had tons of money in the bank and left the toilet seat up ….. The end”
    At the time I sort of snickered and responded “fuck you, this is serious!”
    I decided to learn game to try and win her back, and then came to the realization that there was no need to. Women exist in abundance. There is no “one”.
    Three years later…
    She’s 35 years old and has gained a few pounds. Not ugly, but not hot either. Lives in an efficiency apartment. Dates a guy who is a decent dude but she cheats on him. They live together. Every time I hear her name all I can think is “Man did I dodge a bullet. I almost moved her into my place, and committed half of everything I own to her.”
    As for me, at 33 years old, I own a big home and run a successful business. My game is strong, and there is an ample supply of fresh poon readily available. I spend my time at my private pool, hunting, reading books, writing, and playing sports. Most importantly, women compliment my life, but are never the center of it.
    Red pill life is pretty fucking amazing when done right.

    1. I went through a similar situation.
      Just curious, looking back on it now, what were some of the signs she was cheating you might have missed?

      1. An excellent question. There were so many…
        – Very “weird” schedule. She was always “sleeping over at her sister’s house” or “falling asleep early.”
        – Facebook comments that referenced hanging out with other dudes, even though she said she was out with her girlfriends.
        – Randomly unavailable on certain nights without any invite, including Fridays and Saturdays. Like “Hey, I’m going out to a restaurant with my brother, do you want to join us?” It was like “I’m going to dinner with my brother. I’ll call you tomorrow. Oh, I’m going to spend the night over at his place.”
        – Flaky with plans. “Oh, those dinner reservations we have tonight? Something came up at work. Oh no, I’m going to be working until at least midnight so I can’t come over after I get done.”
        – Phone was always face down, and very guarded. She was always texting or on that phone, too. “It’s for work.”
        – Knew a lot of dudes who she described as “friends”. But man, they sure seem intimate. Maybe they’re just really close? Didn’t they just meet? Does she have to like every single one of his Facebook status updates?
        – Few if any female friends, but several beta orbiters.
        – Hot / cold with sex
        – “Could you not tell people that I’m your girlfriend? I just don’t like my entire life out there broadcasted.”
        Yeah, I’m a fucking idiot. There were probably more signs but I refused to see them.
        Quite frankly, the entire thing was just fucked up. I had zero game and chased her around like a lovesick puppy dog. I thought she was special, the one, and if I just tried hard enough, we would get there. The best things don’t come easy, right?
        Except that they kind of do. At least with women. You can just tell if a girl is into you. They text you like crazy. They’re direct about wanting to have sex, and wanting to see you. They demand “girlfriend” status – not the other way around. It’s like night and day.

    2. Life sounds pretty good for you. And in your case, it sounds like marriage is not really necessary or worth it.. although I think at some point, you will find yourself wanting more.. and wanting love.
      But it would be a mistake to tell men here that the kind of life you live currently is available to all of them. It isn’t. You are lucky enough to have probably been blessed with good enough looks, and good genetics, good health. and intelligence.. that combined with your effort has yielded results and made you the kind of successful and attractive man that can live that kind of a lifestyle and get the attention of attractive women and be able to sleep with them. But most men aren’t going to be able to have what you have and be able to live the life you are living.
      For most average looking men, and with average jobs and success, having a wife and kids was a good deal for them. They were never going to be able to live the playboy lifestyle that you can live or sleep with lots of highly attractive, young women… but they could find some comfort in having a good family life and having access to some sex with their semi-attractive wives.
      That deal is no longer available to the average man now though.. so the question is what these men can do about it. I’m not sure.. but it would be cruel and deceptive to tell them they can live your kind of life if they only learn Game or whatever. It’s just not true. These men have to make peace with the fact that women and society don’t give a crap about them, and don’t care about meeting their needs, and the deal that was available to dutiful, dependable, average-looking, beta males who would make good husbands and fathers isn’t available anymore, and they need to figure out how to live a meaningful life without women, if that is possible.

      1. If you’re an average man with no game, you can always keep your living expenses low and sleep with escorts regularly. Hell, move to Nevada and do it totally legally and without worry. Flights to Vegas are cheap, and you’ll regularly sleep with hotter women than most men will ever even see in real life. It’s good to do this even if you do have game and can get women easily. It puts women in perspective as commodities to a man, and will definitely kee0 you immune to oneitis and the temptation to marry etc.

      2. There is so much truth in your post that it is rather depressing. It is true: most men need an attitude adjustment in regards to their expectations of women. They need to figure out a way to live a meaningful life without them.

    3. But to those of us younger, we have more fight left in us, if the rest of my peers could just awaken and not fall victim to the blue pill nothingness then there could be a chance at creating something, somewhere, beyond the decline, where, as it is inevitable that it will happen here, we can at least create a place for ourselves that is stable and free of it, with legit borders.

  13. Men are still expected to hold up their end of the bargain. Stay in shape, have a good career, provide for a family, drive a nice car, live in a nice area.
    Women however are encouraged to look and behave however they want. Be fat, obnoxious, selfish. It’s all good, because that’s being empowered.
    Bottom line is there is a complete lack of marriageable women. Too many obese war pigs and old hags with an undeserved sense of entitlement. Nobody wants that.

    1. “Be fat, obnoxious, selfish.”
      If you are with a woman that becomes that, discard her like a piece of trash that she is. Even if you have 10 kids with her. Your life is more important than anything else. You better be alone and I bet, with all the laws stacked up against you, you will still be a better provider and educator for your children than being miserable in a miserable marriage/relationship.

    2. Women have forsaken their traditional gender roles but criticize men for doing the same thing.

  14. Porn is the most effective contraception for men, preventing everything from STDs to divorce. Tell me again how it isn’t healthy.

    1. Ehh.., I remember reading somewhere that is causes some kind of feedback loop in your brain and rewires it. This in turn mimics you being in a relationship and lowers your Testosterone count. However, I could be talking out of my as*S unknowingly spouting B.S. Has anyone else heard of this??

      1. It hits all the same reward mechanisms that real sex with a real woman would hit. Your brain can’t tell the difference and it literally thinks you’ve just cummed on 100 women in the span of 2 minutes.
        Essentially it just raises the threshold of stimuli necessary to give you the same arousal response. Same way drug abusers require higher and higher doses to feel the same rush.
        Same dopamine pleasure circuits in your lizard brain (i.e., limbic system).
        I don’t know if it lowers your testosterone but it makes sense that it would lower your motivation. Why bother putting in all the energy to cum on 100 women in real life when you can just type pornhub.com into your browser?

        1. True. If you cummed on 100 girls in 2 minutes in real life I don’t know how you could ever go back…

      2. I read somewhere yesterday that watching porn increases your testosterone. Still no info on whether said porn depicted naked men, women, anthropomorphic cartoon animals or whatnot, or whether the viewers were men, women or transgender otherkin.
        I am however pretty sure porn takes the edge off sexual frustration, and everything that comes with that, such as reduced incidences of rape and violent crime and whatnot. So it’s not only healthy for the users of porn, but also everyone around them.

  15. I’ve recently met this young girl from Texas who was the perfect marriage material – humble, pretty, graceful, clean, well mannered, perfect body for childbearing. She cooked for me, gave me massages, never argued with me. I took her to the opera, she looked like a star and we had wonderful time. She was even a virgin, so I spared her.
    Yet, I could not help but think how modern culture and one of you PUA’s will turn her into yet another slut. What a shame I’m too old to get married now or otherwise I would have definitely taken her abroad to a traditional society and settled down with her.
    I just wonder why you guys complain so much about American women?

        1. The point I’m making is that not all of us live in places where women are “decent”. I’m Canadian, but as I understand it Texas is relatively conservative.
          Try finding that same kind of girl in Toronto or Portland.
          Not all of us are PUAs trying to take advantage of decent girls. A lot of us just realized there are no decent girls.

        2. You’re right crazy russian name guy ,but that super religious/conservative classy ladies like you’re talking about are being indoctrinated and peer pressured to conform at every public school in the nation. It’s rare to meet such ladies even in the RED states now, much less the BLUE states. As for Superman’s Canada, I would guess Mr.Kent knows what’s best, but I’ve always been told it is like one giant BLUE state/ Leftist Progressive.

        3. Agree. I think what most of want is woman that we can love and who will love us back. We want the unicorn. We want the dream
          The red pill forces us to acknowledge that the dream is fake as fuck.

        4. I don’t have a problem with the dream being fake. I just wish someone had told me it was fake before I got married. (Going on 17 years now.)
          TRP reaches us that men have the burden of performance to keep the woman excited and filled with tingles because once she’s indifferent to you, it’s over.
          I’ve was the quintessential, dutiful husband. I cleaned. I did all the car maintenance. I gave foot and scalp massages. I cooked. Stopped hanging with my friends. I sent flowers. Went on date nights. Through surprise parties for her birthday. Planned date nights. How did she reciprocate? One year for Valentine’s day, I got a basketball. She had forgotten that she’d gotten me one for Christmas. She hasn’t gotten me so much as birthday card in 5 years. After a romantic dinner, I got the “I’m so full of yummy food. I can’t have sex tonight. But dinner was really good.” Only once since we’ve been married has she done anything strictly to make me happy or make feel loved. I spent years reading books telling me what to do. Be a listener they said. Be her best friend they said. Be more sympathetic to the plight of women. I did it all it only got worse until one day it dawned on me that despite all that was doing, despite that she was the number one priority in my life, I mattered less to her than what happened on last week’s episode of “Ink Master”.
          So tell me, Lib, how am I part of problem? How is this my fault? Tell me, complete stranger that doesn’t know fuck about me, what I should have done better to live the blue pill dream?
          Because taking the red pill was the best thing that happened to me. I’m way better off focusing on me and my raising my daughter with my wife on the side de-prioritized where she belongs. I don’t perform for her and indolent seek emotional fulfillment from her or any woman because they’re incapable of giving it.
          How.long have you been marriedm? Tell me how I can go back to being blue pill and live that fantasy of being unconditionally loved by a good woman?

        5. lol. we know that you never think that, little libby. that would require introspection and self-doubt, two things women are incapable of.

      1. Which poolbar do you work at? Had to ask out of sheer curiosity. Any place that hires redpilled men from the manosphere must be half decent.

        1. Cabana. Seasonal gig to put away some extra coin. Some of the guys there are pretty red-pill actually. And the chicks are all Toronto’s top talent.
          If you want to see what the high-life looks like check it out…
          Friggin guys rolling up in million dollar yachts and then disappearing with parties of drunk model girls.

    1. Such a woman would not be interested in PUAs. If such a woman would not be willing to give up the goods then a PUA would move on to someone else.
      PUAs would go for low hanging fruit. There are plenty of easy sluts out there for them.

    2. Take that veil off over your head. Love is blind as they say. AWALT. Someone else better comes along and you’re so yesterday. As the Eagles song “Lying Eyes” go.
      You can’t hide your lying eyes.
      And your smile is a thin disguise.

      1. Spare me the lecture, I’m old enough to know that women are like water that takes the shape of the container. In fact, we all are like that. Having said that, I still think that if in the right environment and with a solid alpha man to guide her she’d make the near perfect companion.
        Nevertheless, it was just a breath of fresh air to get acquainted to one of the few remaining WOMEN.

        1. I agree with you. In the right environment with a solid alpha, she could be the perfect partner.
          How many alphas are out there? Most of the men I know spent the last weekend “celebrating marriage equality”. You think those guys are alpha enough for her?
          You should marry her and whisk her away to a South Pacific island and keep barefoot and away from other women.
          Godspeed my brother! Godspeed!

        2. I’ve been married twice and in fact I became more aware because of the marriages. Although, I had no real problems with my two ex-wives, I realised that I was caged and decided to break it after the kids were a little bit older. No drama divorces. Kids see me all the time.
          I’m not advocating marriage here, but in my case, it was the going in real battle that made me a proper soldier. I was an ultra-omega before that.
          So now, I’m just living my live alone and as ironic as Fortuna can be, she decided to send me this gem of a girl after I’m done and wasted. Alas, I’ll just let her go.

        3. Your divorces only teach your kids not to value traditional marriage. When things get rough, just give up and break it off…twice in your case. Not sure if you have daughters, but if you do, are you the type of man you would want your daughter(s) to marry?
          Now I know it sucks to be in a bad marriage and I pity you. I wish you luck and find happiness.

        4. You’re absolutely right. I (We) set wrong examples for them but in my view by the time they grow up the traditional marriage will be well and truly dead. The reason I married twice was because I always wanted lots of kids and did achieve it, I’ve got 4. Nowadays it’s almost impossible to find a woman who could give you four kids.
          If I was younger and not having lots of children already, I’d make sure the Texan girl gives me another two (at least).

        5. As much as women drop the marriage like a hot potato, I think men should start doing the same. It’s all falling apart anyway. I have some time ago made the decision to immediately discard anything that diminishes MY quality of life. If anything is bad, it goes: food/alcohol/people (especially people), etc. Anything except the child. The child is the only exception.
          It is now ONLY about ME and I really don’t care about anything else.
          Note: I have done my part throughout my life.. I’m 50 now and it’s my time.

    3. “I just wonder why you guys complain so much about American women?”
      Women like the ones you describe are not as common anymore. They’re still there, but just not as numerous.
      In our father’s and grandfather’s generations even if you couldn’t get the hottest woman you could at least get a good woman who was young and would cook, clean, sew, change diapers, and fuck. A lot of American men complain about American women because so many of them are no longer like that.
      Granted, there are a lot of men who become angry keyboard jockeys. I guess there’s self satisfaction in catharsis.

      1. Your life is a projection of your thoughts. If you think all women are bad, you’ll simply miss the good ones.

        1. Very true, but I think its a bit of both.
          Many men destroy their lives through excessive pessimism.
          Still, the quantity of good women certainly has declined over the past few years.

  16. Based on this article is that i can see the powers that be putting the blame on porn and banning it, and banning anything they think men could sexualize.

    1. They simply don’t want to aknowledge that women are a part of the problem. In fact, that “Bachelor Nation” article that made its way around the Manosphere a few months back was probably the first article that said that part of the decline in Western marriage was due to the more radical tenets of Feminism.

  17. You know you live in Upside-down Land when…
    •A Muslim officer crying “Allah Akbar” while shooting up an army base is considered to have committed “Workplace Violence” while an American citizen boasting a Ron Paul bumper sticker is classified as a “Domestic Terrorist”.
    •Your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend more money.
    •A seven year old boy can be thrown out of school for calling his teacher “cute” but hosting a sexual exploration class on a college campus is perfectly acceptable.
    •The Supreme Court of the United States can rule that lower courts cannot display the 10 Commandments in their courtroom, while sitting in front of a display of the 10 Commandments.
    •Children are forcibly removed from parents who appropriately discipline them while children of “underprivileged” drug addicts are left to rot in filth infested cesspools.
    •Working class Americans pay for their own health care (and the health care of everyone else) while unmarried women are free to have child after child on the “State’s” dime while never being held responsible for their own choices.
    •Hard work and success are rewarded with higher taxes and government intrusion, while slothful, lazy behavior is rewarded with EBT cards, WIC checks, Medicaid and subsidized housing.
    •The government’s plan for getting people back to work is to provide 99 weeks of unemployment checks (to not work).
    •Being self-sufficient is considered a threat to the government.
    •Politicians think that stripping away the amendments to the constitution is really protecting the rights of the people.
    •The rights of the State come before the rights of the individual.
    •Parents believe the State is responsible for providing for their children.
    •You can write a post like this just by reading the news headlines.
    •You pay your mortgage faithfully, denying yourself the newest big screen TV while your neighbor defaults on his mortgage (while buying iphones, TV’s and new cars) and the government forgives his debt and reduces his mortgage (with your tax dollars).
    •Your government can add anything they want to your kid’s water (fluoride, chlorine, etc.) but you are not allowed to give them raw milk.
    •Being stripped of the ability to defend yourself makes you “safe”.
    •You have to have your parents signature to go on a field trip but not to get an abortion.
    •You can get arrested for expired tabs on your car but not for being in the country illegally.
    •An 80 year old woman can be stripped searched by the TSA but a Muslim woman in a burqa is only subject to having her neck and head searched.
    •Using the “N” word is considered “hate speech” but writing and singing songs about raping women and killing cops is considered “art”.
    You know you live in an upside-down land when…
    When the “politically-correct” says that a normal guy doing a double-take on a hot chick is a pervert, while another guy who openly explains to the world how he prefers to have sex with other guys rather than taking a girl as his mate, is considered “normal”.
    When selling military technology secrets to Communist China by the White House (Clinton) is considered ok, but exposing (i.e. via Wikileaks) a “classified” scandal conducted by our own government is considered espionage.
    A business can refuse service to a licensed gun owner for political reasons, but a baker can’t refuse to bake a wedding cake for a homosexual couple for religious reasons.
    A woman asking for artificial testosterome so that she can become male is just fine; but a male asking for the same thing so he can improve himself gets shunned.

    1. That is brilliant and you don’t have to be an American to appreciate how true that really is because so many of those things are now filtering through to other western countries. Brilliant.

    2. It’s the destruction of civilization. When Europe went to war in WWI, it was arguably on top of the pyramid. It had reached the pinnacle of societal success. Granted there were problems, but they shouldn’t have resulted in the self-destruction of the Great War, but they did. Here we are, 100 years later, and we’re heading in the same direction. The fundamental building block of Western Civilization is being destroyed, and the highest court in our land granted the “Rights” of the deviant as being on the right side of an argument that has no basis in logic. I am saddened by the fact that we’re committing suicide, and no one seems to care. I look at other affluent people from my golf club and watch as they enjoy life, wondering at how they can be so clueless as to what is heading our way. Unlike me, my son was in the military, he has the skillset that will/could enable him to survive…I’ve done the best I can to see my DNA continues. If only collectivism wasn’t so evil.

  18. How many hook-ups/random Alphas does it take to get ready for an Adult Relationship??? The answer is none. How many does it take to ruin any chance of pair bonding with a woman?? Just one, you may get by with two.I don’t like those odds when women literally can destroy our lives anyway they please. Someone should start asking women these question.

  19. My guess is many men never wanted to get married, it has so often been women who wanted it and pressured for it – which rather undermines the idiotic feminist argument that lifelong loving married life was some horrible oppression for women. However if a man wanted to sleep with a woman in the past he would usually have to marry her. No ifs, no buts.
    Today, feminism has “liberated” women to ignore parental authority and love and to just behave according to their animal instincts. And as so often is the case when constraints and morals are removed it isn’t an enlightened benign kindness that fills the new void but instead our more base instincts. So women can now sleep with the bad boys they always wanted to. Of course when they hit the wall if they aren’t virgins they will not be able to find a decent man to marry but there are some thirsty beta providers. The women always wanted the bad boys of course but wouldn’t have been able to sleep with them.
    More and more men do seem to be realising though that it is better to learn how to join the first group, the bad boys who have sex with a girl when she is at her peak, the ones who have to give nothing in terms of love, stability, commitment or time rather than to be in the second group.
    Marriage always was a losing proposition for men as it meant they were tied in to being with a woman as she got older. However the bargain was that it meant that men, ordinary decent men, got to marry a virgin. The women had their sexuality controlled by society when aged 16-25, the prime years when a woman can pick any man she wants, and in turn if she stayed a virgin she could marry a good man who would even when he was 35 and established, confident and with financial security would have to remain loyal rather than chasing an 18 year old. It was a balanced deal in other words. Feminists ripped it up. They said a woman can live as a whore for 10 years then expect to be treated as a princess. I once read online someone wrote – women are the gate keepers of sex, men are the gate keepers of commitment. A woman can easily get sex but commitment is harder. So since women give away their precious resource, ie their virginity, why should a man give away his commitment, his time, love and money?
    It’s bad for society in the long run as we will get more and more unmarried mothers, fatherless children who don’t learn discipline, an absence of fatherly authority to protect daughters etc. Feminism rots away at every part of society. But for now there is little that can be done. The endless talk of “equality” between men and women, something that would once have been laughed at by the intelligent, has infected western culture and is spreading. So the only sensible response is to enjoy the decline, sleep with the girls when they are beautiful and 19 and don’t marry them. If you one day find a virgin that might change but it gets harder and harder.

    1. Feminists women don’t really want marriage. They say they want it and pretend they want it so they don’t look like a social outcast to everyone she knows. Women are more concerned about what others think of them. They are insecure creatures. They need constant validation.
      They don’t want to admit that it is they who need men in their lives.

  20. “men are sons of their parents and many of them watched as their mothers behaved like petty tyrants in the home.”
    Yup! 1000 times over. I told my mother, to her face, that if my wife ever spoke to me the way she had to my father, I’d break her fucking jaw.
    ” men would start dating and thinking about marriage”
    Am I in the mood for a little Thai? Maybe some Slavic. Ouuu I know. I’ll try some Persian.
    Lastly, there is no porn epidemic. There is more usage simply because it is more readily available.Grampawould have been jerking off to internet porn had it been around.

    1. “men are sons of their parents and many of them watched as their mothers behaved like petty tyrants in the home.”
      I was always Red Pill before I even knew of such a thing or discovered the manosphere.. because I had an physically and verbally abusive step-mother who was precisely that, i.e., a petty little tyrant at home who humiliated and destroyed my father’s confidence and ego because he wasn’t as successful as she was. Because of that, I never bought into the feminist notion that women are always poor, innocent victims and men always the victimizers.. and the true vicious, shallow, and hypergamic nature of women was made clear to me from a very young age.

      1. I’ve always believe in gender equality with is my I believed that my father should have buried his fist into my drunken mother’s solar plexus. Play man games, play my man rules.

  21. My primary hangup is women just age like shit.
    at 26 they hit a soft wall and its obvious theyre just not what they were at 19. even then your wife is losing appeal.
    29 and up its basically over, and it only gets worse. Womens’ ONLY role is to bear you children and maintain a household. If she’s a 29 yr old with no kids then she is rapidly losing her beauty and is a dead end.
    Women really enjoy life 16 to 26, but if they dont latch a solid beta bux around 28 they’re pretty fucked.
    I think divorce rape was alot easier in the past 20 years because so many men had money and good jobs. There are few millennial men with $$. I hope this generation of women get hit the hardest.
    You couldn’t fucking PAY me to get married now.

    1. i would say their prime is 15-20 as opposed to 15-25….modern women with all the smoking and drinking are aging faster.
      30 was the wall a few years back…now its 25

      1. Girls need to be pregnant at 16-20. Otherwise they go mentally insane.
        But also they should be with a good man. Not some loser scumbag.

    2. Maybe that’s why Chinese men avoid women over 30 in plague proportions they call them the leftovers. Maybe western men are just catching onto the fact.

    3. Such was true even in the 90s, however the thirst is so bad right now that women who were attractive in their 20s can still snatch betas in their mid 30s. As for women who were not that attractive in their 20s, yes, the smart ones get married by 28.

    4. Dude im 22 and a slut (she used to be hot at 14, got fat at 15) who is my age already looks 35!
      I wonder what shell look like when she really is 35……..

    5. At 28 a woman with no children like you described is fuckd, no smart man (only Beta) will be so stupid to start a relationship with her and be her spermdonor and ATM. Because, if he is successful he could bang 20-26 year old without a problem.
      All she is good for is a pump ‘n dump. Hence the oneliner they always say: “where are all the good men?” That just means: “I’m getting fucked by guy after guy and don’t get any commitment”. And they shouldn’t. Their oppertunity is over. They disregarded hundred of good men in their twenties.

  22. How does marriage benefit men?
    1. Children and legacy
    I can’t really think of anything else that benefits men in marriage.
    To add…
    A woman will remain loyal to you as long as you maintain frame and resources. Once you lose either, you will be devalued and discarded.
    It also seems that a lot of women nowadays are holding out for that rich alpha male. Take a survey of your attractive female friends in their 30’s. Many of them single? Do the attractive ones who do manage to get hitched all seem to wind up with the same kind of guy? Usually physically perfect, one of the golden triad of professions (doctor, lawyer, finance)? They either find these guys or fail to get married.
    Average guys with average jobs and wealth are limited to the scraps, the fatties, the single moms, the freaks, and the uglies. But… if you really want to be an a-hole you can be that guy the bored housewife cheats with.
    Nice consolation prize huh? But you’ll never been good enough for these women.
    If you want to get married to a “high quality woman” notice the quotes because they are just high quality in the looks department, you need to be the best man possible. The more difficult a background you come from the more difficult it will be.
    But really? Do you really want to get married?? Is it really worth it? They don’t love like us! They are not loyal like us! We are someone to keep them occupied until the bigger, better deal comes along.

    1. also they dont realize the feminist policy quotas of having 1/2 women in med school and law schools is directly reducing the number of high earning males for them to marry. They are destroying their own marriage prospects and theyre too dumb / naive to know it

      1. Then those cunts drop out of the job market at 29 to shit out worthless kids.
        I’ve always believed that if you go to a public university, you should be required to work in your field of study for [x] years. Instead we have lil ladies wasting seats in schools only to realize that work sucks and drop out in the way that only a woman can, by shitting out kids.

        1. A woman’s orgasmic dream is to snag a provider, quit their career, pop out a few kids, get divorced in seven years, and ride the carousel again. I can’t tell you how many women I know who are now stay at home moms. They all had higher positions than their male counterparts. Once they snagged their provider they jettisoned their career to make babies and attend crossfit class. Those guys who married these women are suckers! They will be broke and divorced by 40!

    2. Usually the doctors and lawyers I come across still have unattractive wives

      1. That makes sense. A coward with a high paying salary is still a coward.

        1. More like they spend so much time studying and working they don’t have body builder bodies. So they aren’t “hawwt.”

  23. Women in America, Canada, Australia, and other western nations are simply not wife-material. How can a woman that wants to be a mother wait until her 30s to want to get married and have kids?

    1. But have you noticed the other half of that trend? These are single mothers raising daughters who saw their mothers struggle to raise them while whoring themselves. The daughters simply went for resources, believe their mother’s were strong ‘fathers’, and decided get resources, and have sex. Having children simply slows them down.

    2. Women truly want kids at some point in their lives as do men.
      Western women have been brainwashed thinking they can delay having kids and live the life of a famous star with all the privileges that a young pussy offers. Female celebrities are doing it and getting pregnant via IVF in their 40’s. The thing is that they don’t tell these girls is that it is expensive and the success rate of conception through IVF in your 40’s is about 2% or 3%.
      Feminism truly make both men AND women miserable.

      1. The risk of a child having mental disabilities increases the older a woman is who gets pregnant. If a woman waits till her 40s to get pregnant than it increases significantly.

    3. That’s the other issue. Extended riding of the cock carousel results in a society where females don’t emotionally bond.

  24. “then when he came home after a lively, fascinating day”
    Wow, what a naive, delusional perspective. I’m sure women no longer perceive the soul-death of 40+ hours/week in a cubicle as “fascinating,” yet still they maintain this idea that men’s lives are somehow better than theirs are — another example of propagandized double-think and subconscious bias.
    “By turning marriage from a union based on love and mutually exclusive obligations…”
    The nature of traditional male-female work roles, the sex-based division of labor, are also “complementary” — between the pair, they achieve a unified whole that betters the dyad formed between them. Overlap of roles necessarily results in some tasks becoming undue burdens on one or the other partner, or ignored entirely. The current model is more inefficient for the pair, but better for the Elites, who benefit from the overall economic increase in at-work productivity, which comes at the expense of at-home productivity.

  25. The Sylvia quote is a good example of how delusional some of these women are about jobs.
    They really do (or did then) think its a fucking playground or some shit. It’s not supposed to be fun, it’s work. Just like housework is not supposed to be fun, it’s work.

    1. Not to mention the fact that cooking breakfast and dinner plus keeping the house in order would only take about 15 hours a week tops.
      My mom used to say that shit; “I’ve spent 7 hours cleaning the house”. No bitch, you spent 1 hour cleaning the house and the wash machine has been running for 6 hours.

  26. “The aforementioned article mentions the access to sex as a primary driver of marriage, but that ignores that men have primarily valued a woman’s love and devotion over access to sex.”
    Indeed. Access to sex is not what drives many men to remain in sexless marriages for years.

  27. Divorce rates exploded in america when no fault divorce laws became the legal standard. That’s the real answer. Most divorces are filed by women, the court gives women a stronger claim to any children, and thereby the house and support payments follow because society doesn’t want homeless children begging for food. Men have everything at risk from marriage, and women have everything to gain.

  28. Hey guys, I just read a message from the future, dated 2030, june 28 (apparently they figured out some kind of quantum entanglement time travel and sent it back to 2015 June)
    this is incredible, here is what It says!:
    * Writer from the future describes a reminiscence of the old days”
    “remember the old days, it fucking sucked back in 2015 was when you had all that insane sexodus bullshit and in order to get laid you had to take a bunch of photos with your shirt off with some arrogant message along with 1,000,000’s of other sex hungry men in the same location just to please some average female, Sounds ridiculous ? yeah thats why 80% of men just gave up by year 2020, they decided there was too much exciting shit going on to deal with other people’s bullshit and make themselves a punching bag for some time-draining stranger offering little productive relief or use of time, life was hard enough already back then, the top 10% of men still got along fairly well in the sexual marketplace with little effort, and little was expected of them, basically, online dating allowed women to scan for height, looks, eye color, income, until the average woman, in her magical thinking, would rather be patient enough to find a top 5% male online, than even bother with anyone sub 95% of the population, women always fantasized about showing off to their female friends and making them envious by showing off, a guy way out of their league they secretly scanned and met online
    as soon as the reality of this sunk in by mid 2016, the 100 trillion $ race was on as 95% of the male population were considered in the sexodus but were still willing to spend the $ on a good experience, particularly, many companies involved in simulation technology could smell the money the race had begun
    One company, decided it would create a SEX “MMO” basically an MMO where the objective was to shag women in order to level up, you had to use various abilities which were positions, and were rewarded for exploration, in the game it was called “sexploration”
    This was in year 2018, it became the most popular MMO of all time, and modders went mad with it and made 100’s of millions, this inspired other companies to start undercutting and innovating, until masculinity was the new symbol of freedom again, this time, men with their own genius and technology, had not only made sex abundant, but they made sport fucking a large MMO universe
    One popular map in the Sex MMO, was called “whore island” you had to pay 5$ of real but not virtual money to get in, though presence in Virtual environments were mastered and the value was superb, especially considering the tragic reality of dating back in 2015
    in year 2017…
    There were early attempts at VR sex, but with 4K resolution and awful 3d effects, it just wasn’t quite there, some kinky enthusiasts would attempt to enter virtual whorehouses and stroke themselves off with a lubed up tube, but this was just inadequate for most to be very enticing as a solution,
    by 2021, it had been but 5 years ago, when a company ipo’d and raised 200 billion$ basically, they realized in 2021 that VR sex was worth 9 trillion a year, and developments in simulation technology and Ai made virtual partners indistinguishable
    many artists started selling these designer VR models and became the new celebrities, it became common among men to say “hey i fucked this brand of avatars the other day” than digitally transfer it where men would host virtual world sex parties , sex became so abundant that men no longer were competitive and secretive about their dating strategies, infact, it became an E sport, to give them the quickest orgasm, or to design the sluttiest most irresistable and realistic avatar
    it become comedic for men to cloak into a female avatar, than another man, would fuck the female the man just morphed into in VR, it essentially become heterosexual for men to fuck men who had morphed into women,
    the early stage experiemental simulation sex games were not well known at first and these were called “first person cock load shooters” well… you get the idea
    3 billion males x 3000$ a year spent on the average relationship totalled a 9 trillion a year industry which was worth more than the entire stock market at the time which was worth about 20 trillion in 2015,
    As the experiences got better and better, men spent significantly more than 3000$ a year it became closer to 6000 which made in a 18 trillion$ a year industry
    Sex addiction became a huge problem, of course, in the worst cases of sex addiction, men in their self-driving cars, would make excuses to leave work early to receive bj’s from their personal avatars on-the-go this was possible because, by 2020, many companies started making cars which no longer were designed around passengers, but resembled offices instead, it was pointless to drive especially since racing simulators were cheap, realistic, and abundant than anyway that the pleasure of driving had been preserved anyway,, and it was pointless to be crammed around a steering wheel, so the idea of a car, had morphed back into a cart of sorts, like an office space on wheels, these became private offices on wheels, while squarelike, they were still aerodynamic, and charged by a tesla coil
    developments in health, particularly testosterone and the aging process itself had become so modified that men could expect a non-linear trajectory in longevity, but were now expecting to be like oak trees, living to centuries, the 500 year lifespan was easily accepted as possible back then, especially as the amount of 120 year old humans started accelerating rapidly
    the terminal life-span condition had become a thing of the past, and mortality, a relic of a low-tech society, where deceptive relationships were needed and a parasitic draining society had existed
    the idea a man had to think “holy shit, If im 30 years old and the average life span is 80, i only have 50 summers left? and what about after 70? how is the quality of life after years of wear and tear? These kinds of questions no longer needed to be asked.
    This was all possible because men no longer were distracted by women, women had freed men by becoming impossible to deal with, and freed men to innovate in technology which is what they did best, and are forever in the debt of adversarial forces who really only acted as stimulus to progress,

  29. I’m not sure if articles like this are really all that true. Over the past 15 years, I’ve worked in engineering. The companies I worked for were fairly large and had LOTS of men ranging in ages 22 to 65. Most are married. I’m considered an oddball where I work because I’m one of the very few guys that doesn’t have a picture of wife and kids at his desk. I’m not saying all the guys are happy, because people fake things.
    The area I live in, men are desperate to get married or at least have a serious girlfriend. Because if you don’t, then you are seen as a weak weirdo. Seriously. Maybe it’s different in other areas of the country, but where I live, even the biggest losers in the world seem to have wives or girlfriends. It’s bizarre.

    1. Old economy companies have hiring preference for men who are married with kids. They know they are easier to control. They have the mortgage at risk etc. New economy companies like in the tech sector have hiring preference for unmarried employees under 30, so they can grind them long hours and not pay them overtime. I don’t know if what you’re seeing is conclusive.
      Divorce rates are crazy high hitting 60% in california, lower in other parts of america.

  30. ‘…men are sons of their parents and many of them watched as their mothers behaved like petty tyrants in the home.’ this rings absolutely true with me. 100% spot-on. ::shudder::

  31. Women want marriage but they don’t actually want to be married. Ever since they were little girls they’ve had the disney fantasy of their ‘special day’ drilled into them by society and their mothers.
    Although I’m not married and never will be I believe most men can either take it or leave it. It’s mostly women who push for marriage. And then they push for children. And then they push for the kitchen and bathroom renovation.

  32. Your article failed to touch on the fact the number of men walking out of their marriages regardless of the fact they will get screwed over in the divorce courts because they have basically have had enough

  33. The same forces behind feminism, rape culture, mass immigration, multiculturalism, gay marriage etc…. are also behind this drive to make men give up on marriage…..
    They want to destroy the traditional family unit, and are only too happy to see articles such as this.

  34. Nice piece, CW.
    Rod Serling was something of a Red Pill pioneer. His insight into the human experience, shaped by his own experiences as a child of the depression, a young man in war, and a gifted creative fighting for his art and his livelihood as a husband and father is quite a story of its own.
    The “angry young man” of Hollywood became one of the most notable and unique contributors to entertainment. His study of individualism, culture, suffering, and salvation are why these old B&W shorts remain so relevant to this day.
    As the class clown as a kid – who was lucky to be born before Ritalin, he was written off multiple times by the adults in his life.
    His need to express, his light-hearted nature, and desire for experience collided with the brutality, banal routine, and absurd violence of war; his manhood being thrust upon him like so many of that generation.
    Which is not to be lauded as some “Greatest Generation” but rather the reality of a time in which being a man was not a protracted runway of coddling and apologetic shipping and handling that delivers the almost-adults into the “real world” at somewhere between 25 and 30.
    He was a combat paratrooper (not always a very good one); a boxer (not a very good one); a “ladies man” in college (which bothered his future wife but not enough to matter); a test-jump dummy (literally) for army parachutes for hazard pay; a freelancer; a teacher.
    He carried injuries (physical and psychological) from war for the rest of his life. He was uncompromising in his beliefs and in his creations.
    He was also flawed. He suffered from pain and disability from his injuries, bouts of profound insecurity, and had a great fear of isolation and loneliness. He also had socially liberal beliefs, rooted in equalism – a progressive idealism that we can all see has devolved into a destructive force.
    But he was a man of action, a man who’s life as a writer-producer-creator was his mission. His TV legacy flowed not from pandering or appeasing, but from taking risk, from putting himself and his creations out into the world.
    And he seemed to see the growing despair and abuse that the subjugation of manhood and the sprouting tendrils of cultural Marxism were stirring.
    Could our culture allow such men to emerge? Could the ideas and creations of such men survive the crimethink and newspeak nets of our entertainment culture today?
    Circumvent. Create. Engage. Lead through the actions that serve your purpose. Connect through means that feed your soul. Starve those cultural beasts. If you do not, then the despair will dine on your soul until you can’t remember that you are more than just a vessel to carry the dreams and detritus of those who are lining up to use you.
    From the TZ episode: The Changing of The Guard.
    “I would be true for there are those who trust me
    I would be pure for there are those who care.
    I would be strong for there is much to suffer
    and I would be brave for there is much to dare.”
    – Howard Walter, “I would be True” (c) 1906

  35. Why Are Men Becoming Less Interested In Marriage?
    We could have titled this:
    “Why are men not interested in having 50% of their assets taken and children withheld from them?”
    Of course, you will never see that headline in a newspaper since the SJWs would swarm the place.

  36. Good discussion here. It has been a while since I have commented, but I thought I would weigh in. I have been a “red-pill’ guy for most of my life and if a cat has “9 lives”, I have burned through most of them.
    As 57 year old male, who has banged 700 or so women (I stopped counting in 1983 when I hit 200), I would offer this:
    1. Put off getting married as long as possible. There is absolutely ZERO need to be married, unless you are ready to really “retire from the game”.
    2. What is “really retiring from game?” That is the point, you never do. Today, in 2015, you need game to survive the shit-show that women are going to throw at you. They will, by their nature, always “shit-test” you, lie about their sexual past and now that dick has been “commoditized” (they can get dick whenever they want), you will need game for maintaining your own self-esteem.
    3. Women will flake on you and they will do their best to keep you where they want you to be. Do not allow this. The best way to do that is to be “in control” of your emotions and emotional state. This takes practice. No one, no man has absolute control of his feelings at all times, but you do have control as to how you handle those feelings. Do not make the mistake of turning that over to women to decide your emotional state of mind. You own it!
    4. If you do get locked into dating one woman, make absolutely sure you do not allow her ONE IOTA of disrespect to you. Whether it is showing up late, making a comment, or just being a bitch. Do not tolerate any of it. Think of it like this–Let’s say you are getting to go on vacation for long weekend and you notice a single ant on the counter of your kitchen. In your haste to make your flight, you leave a piece of food out as you leave the house. When you come back over the long weekend your entire kitchen is infiltrated with ants! This is how a woman’s attitude works. If you allow one single event or comment in, you are setting yourself up entire infestation of shit.
    Remember this: “The more cocks they have seen, the less they are going to be impressed with yours!”

    1. its sad to keep a woman interested in you it has to be prison rules with no disrespect whatsoever. you can’t really let anything go because she’ll just build on it and tear you down.
      you have to have your guard up at all times

    2. Yup spot on. I married a good woman with lots of upside, but still . . . I now understand the saying: “you can love women, you can understand women, but you can’t do both.”
      I now understand how impossible it would be to keep my family together if I had allowed my wife any incentive to destroy our family for cash and prizes by being the primary earner.
      I retired from the game in my mid 30s in low 300s but even then I didn’t understand how many male virtues I was projecting on women because I wanted to have sex with them.

    3. Good to see another older guy here (late 50s myself). I came to the red pill late in life (2-3 years ago). I learned that along the way I made almost every mistake in the book: pedestalizing, white knighting, marrying an aging-out carousel rider, letting her “lead” the family, etc. I could be in a textbook. It’s too late for me. I am just trying to impart some of my wisdom and experience to my son and my nephews.

  37. Yesterday I just finished “Men On Strike”, after doing so I emailed Helen Smith to congratulate her. This article reminds me that the more I treat women with indifference, the more They want to fuck me.

  38. Our movement must focus on abolishing the no fault divorce laws and female privilege in the divorce and family courts. Not to forget scrapping coursework in schools and adding classroom behaviour onto the overall grade. Boys outperform girls, the world over, in every subject, on standardized testing. It’s coursework and classroom behaviour that is punishing the grades of boys down, and girls up. Women demanded greater representation in universities, not on merit of course, and these are the ways most governments are able boost their share of the university population to the point not they are the majority of university undergraduates. If we fix, or even draw attention to these two problems we will be well on our way to solving the problem, for the most part.

    1. I think the problem will solve itself due to the massive national debt and social welfare entitledments the U.S. owes.
      With more young women in the workforce, they are getting stuck with the bill and they don’t like it.
      In the old days, women could always retire by marrying a man with a good job, but that’s rarer to find these days.
      Working for 30 years to pay over 40% in taxes is a sucker’s game for anyone. The feminist promise of an ’empowered career’ has left women stuck with the tab, some are starting to figure out what a lie it all is

    Hi guys, I really hope you can read my comment. I apologize for my grammar mistakes, English isn’t my first lenguague.
    Firstly, I want to THANK all the writers here in ROK. congratulations for your work.
    I have been reading ROK since March and I have learned so much! Things like which attitudes men don’t like in women. Is awesome to know all of you hate the same behaviors the bible don’t allow in women.
    I have to say, I totally agreed with this article. He (Charles Wickelus) describes perfectly the true of the curren society.
    Yet I think sometimes you (all the ROK writers) are very fast to judge. But I can totally understand why. You are not going to talk about the minority of women who actually like the idea of marriage for the good Godly reasons. Because is just really a minority and some men think they (women like that) don’t exist.
    The purpose of my comment is
    let you know the other side of the coin.
    Just check this out : http://breezytulip.com/2010/the-invisible-hope-chest/
    And look at this site: http://raisinghomemakers.com/2010/welcome-to-raising-homemakers/
    When I found the sites i linked above (a week ago), I was happy as a clam.
    Now I am reading diligently the “Raising Homemakers” books recomendations.
    I really hope to find myself a good husband in my youth. I’m 20 years old and I want to save myself until marriage. That’s the way my family educated me and because I firmly believe in being obedient to the bible.
    Out there really are true young christian ladies (keyword TRUE) that are waiting to have a husband and waiting to be a full time lovely Housewife and mother, like me. That’s practically our dream. And it’s not because we are lazy to work or to study.
    Is because we were actually raised with a feminine mother so we like to cook, we like to make chores and keep a clean house. We like to take care of our selves, we like being fit and being pretty.
    Specially we were raised watching mom treating daddy like a king. We were encouraged to do the same with him, eventually knowing we were going to treat our husbands the same way.
    We went to church from sunday to friday during our childhood and through the years Jesus instructions in the bible shaped
    our ways and our thinking.
    We know that God created the woman specifically to ONE PURPOSE (and we happily accept it!) :
    Genesis 2:18
    And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
    And we don’t need feminist garbage because that doesn’t fit the God decrees in the bible.
    God is red piller.

  40. I love my mom, but i watched her financialy slaughter my father with 5 years of divorce court, my dad now how has to pay alimony for the rest of his life, and she got the house, my father now lives in a tiny 1br while she lives it up. Makes me really want to get married.

  41. The “empowered” and “independent” Western woman of today offers zero incentives for a man of sound mind to consider her worthy of marrying.
    The majority of Western women selling themselves as wife material are essentially used up reflections of their younger selves, having blown through their SMV and MMV on college gang bangs and non stop partying. Her short term sexual “empowerment” costs her any long term security that marriage would have given her and she probably has at least one STD from her frat fucking days.
    Then there’s prenups, which a man is shamed into oblivion for even considering, let alone suggesting. “How dare he sully our romance with contracts,” she’ll exclaim. Nevermind that a marriage itself is little more than a state sanctioned contract between two people. The wedding itself is a huge waste of money that could be better spent securing a house or making sound investments for the future.
    Fast forward a few years into the classic Western marriage, with a kid or two thrown in. The marriage is sexless, with the wife feeling little if any obligation to fullfil her conjugal duties. Now it’s called “spousal rape” if she’s not in the mood. The only way to part those legs is a liberal application of jewlery, gifts, or fulfilling some other materialistic demand she has. The thought that his toiling away long hours at a job he probably hates to provide her and her children witb a home doesn’t cross her mind at all. The fact that he’s also most likely paying off the consequences of her cavalier approach to finances won’t matter to her either.
    The Western wife will start looking wistfully to the other side of the fence where she believes the grass is greener. The extramarital affair starts with some bad boy alpha that treats her like the trashy slut she was in college. Err…I mean “makes her feel like a real woman” again. Most likely in the same house that the husband pays for while working long hours at an unfulfilling job.
    Everything that causes the marriage to fall apart is suddenly “his fault”. She’ll file the standard No Fault divorce against him. She’ll declare her independence from him in terms of the relationship, but just as eagerly declare her dependence on his money by happily taking those alimony checks. The house he busted his ass saving for will be taken away and given to her. She’ll get to keep the cars, and any loosely defined “community property” while he gets saddled with the majority of the debt. He’ll lose custody of the kids and be reduced to court approved visitation while mommy tries to sell the little ones on the new “daddy” she’s banging. He’ll be reduced to living in an efficiency apartment or worse while struggling to pay out all the money the feminist approved divorce courts throw at him.
    A man can avoid all of this by not falling into the marriage trap. Do not marry a Western woman. Do not knock up a Western woman. Do not move in with a Western woman. Do not allow a Western woman to influence your decisions. Get rid of her as soon as she starts hinting at marriage. Don’t buy the NAWALT illusion. Don’t think that any aspect of your relationship with any Western woman is different enough to suggest that a marriage to her is won’t end with you up shit creek without a paddle. Feminists got what they wanted. A divorce industry that caters to their every whim and a court system that is wrapped around their finger. All you need to do is say “I do” and you’re fucked. There is no benefit to a man in getting married to a Western woman. Ever. Period.

  42. While regular usage of pornography certainly isn’t healthy …

    Its a bad idea to make statements you cannot substantiate.

  43. I don’t think Sylvia Plath has ever talked to a working man. For most, having a job is a necessary evil, and definitely not “fascinating”.
    Now that I think about it, I don’t think that Plath knew much about housework either. Cooking isn’t so hard. Also if your husband works all day to pay the bills, he has every right to expect you to cook dinner for him. I mean seriously, where does this sense of entitlement come from?

  44. It’s selfish and entitled women that make me worry I will never be able to find a husband because they are all scared away from marriage. I completely understand how difficult a working day is for a man and would gladly cook for him and keep his house in order. It worked for my parents and grandparents and countless ancestors before them, why change something that already works. Women are nurturing and belong at home with the children, men are ambitious and intelligent and don’t let emotions affect them, they are far better suited to the pressures of the working world.

  45. The author did an excellent job highlighting some of the basic reasons why men are fleeing marriage in droves. I agree with all the above, however I wrote a much more in depth indictment of our marriage culture here: http://dominionstandard.blogspot.ca/2015/07/the-conservative-standpoint-part-7.html Not spam, honestly think that more insight can be gained from my essay in relation to this one. I also am happy that Return of Kings takes the time to speak bluntly about the devolution of our institutions.

  46. I read this piece and quite a few of the comments. I think you’ve missed an important pattern.
    I’ve seen “super small, and a tight fit body. She cleans my house too” and “i EXPECT my wife to have prepared supper.If not she gets a beating.” and “It is insanely easy to develop a soft harem of women without much
    commitment. My friends, the poon is yours for the plundering. It’s that
    easy.” and on and on… ad nauseum.
    You seem to searching for pretty little empty boxes, and yeah… you’ll find them. Their only value in their eyes is the same as their only value in yours, they are leveraging their sexual capital. It’s only logical that they would throw you over for the first person that is willing to give them more of “whatever it is” they are earning in the transaction.
    Somewhere in their lives they were taught that this is how interaction between men and women worked. Probably by a man who resembles some of the commenters.
    Truth is, an intelligent man will get bored with a pretty little empty box. A strong man will eventually find a weak whimpering partner repugnant. A morally centered man wouldn’t chose a broken woman to begin with, but a man who “thinks” he morally centered, when he is far from it, will and he will end up disgusted with her and himself.
    Only women who are strong will be able to withstand the hard times with you. Only women who have been taught to value themselves as more than a decoration will be able to value you as more than a source of income and admiration. Respect has to be earned by both sides of the equation. Without respect there is no reason for you expect anything better than the worst examples in the comments.
    So if you aren’t able to build a strong bond with mutual respect, you are, in the long run, better off with one night stands and porn. Thankfully, women would also be better off with you sticking to porn and one night stands.
    P.S. Redcapsule: Be glad you’re in Africa… any woman who hadn’t been raised specifically for groveling servitude would get as far away from you as humanly possible as fast as they could. Barring that possibility, exsanguinating you in your sleep would also be an option. Normally I would be against that sort of action, but narcissism, lack of empathy and physical torment of a disparately vulnerable subject are symptoms of psychopathy… which would make you not only a danger to her, but also to the rest of society.

  47. TL;DR
    1. Women are pretty much just warm holes for sex. So treat them as such. Treating them with respect or God forbid LOVE is just terrible.
    2. “quality women” are a rare combination of perfect and beautiful (by media standards and what your brahs think because God forbid they see you with a butterface or worse! A fattie!), submissive, not in a high power job because that makes her too strong but oh she shouldn’t have the desire to find a man to support her because that’s GOLD DIGGING and that’s just plain whoring. A “quality woman” must also maintain herself beautiful but if she goes overboard she’s “fake”. She must be virginal and not have been on that sex carousel you so often mention one to many times yet she must be open to allowing you threesomes and anal sex and swallow your disgusting egg white jizz….. Yeah so many contradictions in the definition of “quality woman”. Also, she is no older than 30 because that’s just over the hill… She must be pure but also willing suck your dick all the time…
    3. Men are superior and therefor must be respected by inferior meathole women who are emotional, irrational and only good for 2 things: making you a sandwich and spreading her legs. But these strong, oh so masculine men who are the epitome of superiority don’t even want to provide and protect women so what’s even the point?
    4. A woman’s only worth is the token that is her body, her looks and her age and how submissive and viriginal she is are the only factors in her value. But God forbid she even attempts to use this token to get a wealthy or attractive dude… She’s either a gold digger or superficial!
    5. The “quality” of men is irrelevent. All that matters is how macho you are and how much ass you can get.
    6. If a woman is a single mother, it’s her fault for picking “bad boys”. This last pointer is both laughable and sad at the same time. Lots of “quality women” get duped in the game of love by men they thought were good. This isn’t always the case but if she got pregnant under 25, chances are she was probably very naive and in love or she was a huge slut. But huge sluts usually just abort kids so go ahead and make some judgement on a woman because she has children.

  48. More divisive stuff here to just make things worse, as I see everywhere when I look at websites speaking to the disaffected male in modern life, or websites for women as well. Pair bonds are important to our species and the intimacy that develops within a pair bond can be incredibly stabilizing to both men and women. But it’s hard work and you have to push through those tough times and commit to working on problems together, as a team. Also, you should probably study healthy relationships because, if you’re like me, modeling yours after your parents is a terrible idea.
    Here’s something they should teach everyone, male and female, in school. If you fuck a woman you are interested in romantically too soon, likely she will form an attachment to you due to the neurochemicals released during sex and will no longer be able to judge your character and your suitability as a mate rationally. I learned this the hard way, in my last relationship, when I woke up from the haze of neurochemicals and realized there was no way in the world that he was right for me, yet I was completely and irrationally in love with him and wanted to spend my life with him, when I was in the “drugged” state. I say love is the best and the worst drug. Personally, I think this information should be in sex-ed in HS, along with the physiology, in addition to training in how to have healthy relationships (though I’ve been told parents will oppose this b/c then their kids will realize how unhealthy their parents’ relationship is in a lot of cases). It’s completely stupid to seduce a woman you are interested in pursuing a long term relationship with before you get to know her and trust her and vice verse, because then it may take a year before you know if it’s the “drugs” (oxytocin, dopamine, etc) that make her think you are perfect for her, or your actual character, and vice verse. Read the book “The Chemistry Between Us” to find out how when a woman forms this attachment to you, it uses the same neural circuitry that would also make her form an attachment to a baby, interesting stuff, don’t think about it too hard…but men use territorial circuitry to love their women, so hey, we’re all crazy. Evolution is just weird, right?
    I think women need to learn that they aren’t men, that sleeping around may work for men, as evidenced in the gay community, but with most women, it’s not a good idea. For one, men do not want to settle down with a women who has done that (which the feminist movement will tell them is a double standard and sexist, which is true, but it’s also biological, so it’s stupid to deny male biology if you are interested in mating with males.). Additionally, considering the power sex has over female psychology, it’s a terrible idea to give a man that much power over you until you can trust in his character. Women need to learn this and take some responsibility, but men too can use this information to their advantage too, if they can have the self control to do so.
    I still don’t know when the right time to have sex in a relationship is, since it also does bring you closer and I have no interest in putting it off till marriage, but I think it has to be after you trust the man, after you know he really cares about you, which can be hard to determine with so much BS in the dating world, and life in general, with people putting on fake impressions and trying to be someone they aren’t. Be awesome by your own definition of awesome and if you aren’t awesome yet, change, don’t fake it or you’ll just end up unhappier when you are rejected later b/c you weren’t who you said you were and you’re still not awesome. I digress.
    I wish my parents had had this talk (https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/old-school-parenting-modern-day-families/201507/open-letter-teens-and-parents-about-sex) with me instead of avoiding the subject all together. Sex is wonderful and I’m glad we’ve moved away from it being taboo, but we still have a lot of work to do. The pendulum swung too far and we need to find a better balance as a society, for the sake of the future health and happiness of our species, which successful pair bonding and families and very important for. But giving up is for wusses and if there’s one thing my species is, it’s pretty darn bad ass, at least, as a species, though individuals can be pretty lame. I think we’ll get there eventually, if enough people wake up. But that won’t be by giving up, it will be by connecting to like minded folks and raising children with the ability to form healthy relationships, not by giving up. Come on MEN, be MEN, be strategic, be laser focused, be smart, don’t play the blame game, be proactive. Giving up on women isn’t going to help, just like women giving up on men isn’t helping. Can we start a movement of connection, empathy and understanding between the genders instead of about division, blame and victim mentality? I’d join that movement. I’m tired of whiners and quitters, of either gender.

  49. The women here in America are the scum of the fucking earth and offer no value beyond the glory hole that protrudes between their legs. They’re vain, arrogant, superficial, money grubbing cum gulping whores who disavowed all traditional notions of what once made the women of this country great. I for one will never get married nor have kids because sadly I see playing baseball and bringing home a drunken bitch from the bar to satisfy the occasional urge as better investments of my time. Such is life for the average man in Barack Obama’s America.

  50. I feel so bad for my married friends. Even worse for the ones with kids. But one after another, they keep doing it. And they keep asking me, “why me? How did this happen?” But they keep doing it. Some people just need to learn the hard way. Not me. I just keep climbing the ladder in my career, traveling all over the world, buying nice things, having fun, and enjoying life. More and more guys are. It’s also fun watching these desperate women fail time and time again, asking “where have all the real men gone?” LOL.

  51. Finally, more men are waking up to the real inequality. The inequality AGAINST US! We are now the new second class citizens in society. American women who don’t even know how to treat a man or keep one! It is insane what is going on in this country. There are consequences of this social “equality” and men are now adapting, as they always have throughout the history of human beings. We are finding out that this is unfair and we do not have to put up with the facade of marriage anymore, well at least with the current system in place largely favoring women! She isn’t happy? With a quick swipe of her finger it is all over, and half of your hard earned finances, blood, and sweat gone from you, your children too who will be brainwashed by her if she hates you. No, not anymore. We aren’t putting up with this ridiculous BS anymore!

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