Content Policies Are Another Symptom Of The Culture Wars

Submitting to censorship is to enter the seductive world of ‘The Giver’: the world where there are no bad words and no bad deeds. But it is also the world where choice has been taken away and reality distorted. And that is the most dangerous world of all. ~ Lois Lowry

The last few weeks have seen some interesting drama within a number of web communities with respect to their content policies. Reddit continues to quarantine and ban subreddits it considers offensive. Github is refining its ‘Open Code of Conduct’, which empowers the site to take down repositories with offensive content, including things like using the word ‘retard’. Facebook has also long since banned hate speech, opting for a system that lets users flag offensive pages.

In almost every case, these policies are imbued with left-wing social justice politics. This is because there has been a sea change in Western culture on the issue of free speech, particularly among young people. The same teenagers that once lionized South Park and Howard Stern for constantly pushing the envelope have come to embrace thought policing.

Politically this generation has embraced the progressive campaign to reform social values. What we are seeing is a strategic shift where now this campaign is being waged coercively via laws, policies, and organized ideological bullying.

The Left Plants Its Flag


Literally I can’t even

The interesting thing about this paradigm shift is what it implies about the progressive left’s sense of just how strong their hold on the culture is. Fifty years ago no progressive would even think of supporting things like speech codes or “offensive” content restrictions. From the Beatniks of the 50’s to the radicals of the 60’s, the young progressives of those eras stridently defended free speech at all levels.

Back then it would have been progressives that were targeted by Christians, conservative whites, and traditionalists for supporting things like school integration, gay rights, and women’s lib. They needed society to be tolerant of minority viewpoints in order to get traction. Now they believe no such tolerance is necessary. Minority, “extreme” points of view are not only to be condemned, they are not to be heard at all.

This shift in progressive ideology constitutes a major milestone – a declaration of victory even. They have won the argument on gay marriage, white privilege, feminism, and transgenderism. They have a powerful stranglehold on the public schools, universities, news media, and Hollywood.

No one can honestly think of the cultural left as being anti-establishment now; they have become the establishment. Tolerating open debate and dissent can only hurt them.

Reddit and Github practice censorship. To argue that it is not censorship because it is not the government doing it is to concoct a straw man. Free speech is not just about the 1st Amendment. The same people who link to the above XKCD comic would not have this attitude about women’s rights activists being attacked in India, or gay marriage supporters having their blogs deleted in Russia.

They would not say, “Tough! Free speech doesn’t shield you from consequences. It’s YOUR fault for being an asshole!”

They would instead condemn the censorious practices of Russia and India regardless of whether they were carried out by private individuals or the government. This hypocrisy is what disgusts me about the social justice left. They are the most passionate defenders of free speech when it is something they happen to support. Everyone else: Too bad, shitlord!

There Are Too Many Examples

Take the recent case of Mozilla promising to fire an employee for disliking feminists. The comments on the article are instructive. There are people defending Mozilla on the grounds that an anonymous comment “does harm” to Mozilla’s business, and it is therefore appropriate for Mozilla to undo the harm by firing the employee.

Other comments talk about how the anonymous employee must be “privileged,” and will find a new job soon enough anyway. How would these leftists react to a gay teacher being fired by a Catholic school?

Well we don’t have to wonder since it has happened recently. Surprise surprise, they are all critical of the school. None of them defend the school’s “right” to protect its brand from the damage an openly gay teacher would cause. I would argue that the school is far more justified because in that case there is an explicit contract that requires staff to endorse Catholic dogma. But alas, this is what the left has deteriorated to—identity politics and doublethink.

In the 1950’s, if the New York Times refused to publish an editorial because it argued in favor of school integration, we would not hesitate to call it censorship. In the 1960’s, if a woman arguing in favor of birth control was denied a right to speak at a town hall, we would not hesitate to call it censorship.

In the 1970’s, if a company fired a man because they discovered he wrote an essay in favor of multiculturalism, we would not hesitate to call it censorship. In the 1980’s, if a man were forced to close his bakery because he received constant death threats and crowds picketing his shop because he hung a rainbow flag outside his door, we would not hesitate to call it censorship.

Public Vs. Private Censorship

Harold contemplates our bleak future.

Harold contemplates our bleak future.

Government censorship is vastly preferable to the examples above because it is so much simpler to identify and rally against; neocons, feminists, Muslims, and libertarians alike all condemn China’s internet restrictions on its own people. When we normalize a voluntary, privately administered culture of punishing people for their opinions, we are up against a far more insidious form of censorship.

The goal is always the same – intimidation. Scare people into not questioning something too publicly. We should not embrace this sort of mob mentality. We should strive to be a society that tolerates all points of view without necessarily agreeing with them. We must stand for the maxim, “I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

We need not always be exposed to viewpoints we find abhorrent. There is nothing wrong with communities tailored to a specific culture or viewpoint. Echo-chambers are not immoral. It is fine if feminists, white supremacists, or Doctor Who fans want a space where they can commiserate free from critics and trolls. New ideologies and counter-cultures need such spaces (Return of Kings included), and there are plenty of forums, subreddits, blogs, and image boards that serve this purpose well.

However sites need to be upfront about this. Users cannot be expected to entrust their content to a site with a “case-by-case” TOS (That’s the head of Gitlab embracing ideological censorship. For the coders out there, I recommend self-hosting your code – don’t give guys like this a penny).

If you are going to rely on user-submitted content, you need to let users know whether you endorse free speech or not. If not, be clear about your agenda so that users do not waste their time building up communities that practice censorship. Unfortunately what tends to happen is that as websites become more popular and start worrying about monetization, they begin to embrace censorship as a “necessary evil.”

Large, successful web communities like Reddit and Github all started out being content agnostic. Tacitly they supported free speech, implicitly sending the message that people ought to just avoid content they find offensive on their own while only blocking illegal content  (child pornography, spam, harassment, etc.).

Then both sites went through growing pains. Reddit had its row with /r/jailbait and Github had its feminist drama with its CEO and meritocracy motto. Both situations were an opportunity for each company to hold to its standards and fight for a principle. Both failed, mostly out of fear of bad PR.

The truly sad thing is that their fear was not unfounded. Github and Reddit (as well as Facebook, Google, and others at different times) all got beat up in the press for the issues mentioned above. We cannot be shocked by private corporations prioritizing their brand and bottom line above principle.

In the same way, we cannot be shocked when an employee keeps his opinions to himself when the rest of the company celebrates Obama’s re-election or the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage.

Looking In The Mirror


The fundamental question is: When is it appropriate to punish others for their opinions? Is it right to organize a boycott of a local bar because the owner is a neo-Nazi? I would argue no, but I understand that mine is the extreme position. I would have no problem drinking at a bar run by a Nazi so long as the drinks and environment were enjoyable, and I say that as a black guy. I think boycotting should be reserved for cases where companies cause real harm, not for speech.

I will eat at Chick-Fil-A regardless of the CEO’s opinion on gay marriage. I will continue to use Firefox no matter how leftist Mozilla becomes. If Mozilla does actually fire someone for holding an opinion they don’t like, I will go out of my way to avoid giving them money.

It’s also fine to vote with your wallet with respect to entertainment. You’re not obligated to pay Hollywood to lecture you about the evils of American culture and how great feminism is. Refusing to give your money to producers of trashy media is not censorship—it’s capitalism, in the same way that you aren’t “punishing” a lousy restaurant by not eating there.

Most people unfortunately feel that it is perfectly fine to make people suffer for speaking their minds. In the right setting, you can get away with expressing opinion X. In the wrong setting, expressing opinion X can cause you to lose everything. People must accordingly choose wear they live, where they work, who they associate with, and what websites they frequent.

Right now the progressive social justice mob happens to be the loudest and most deeply supported by society’s institutions. They are succeeding by blurring the line between speech and actions, asserting that politically incorrect speech is somehow “coercive” and harmful. “Trigger warnings” are derived from this idea and are popular in colleges that seek to protect students from scary ideas and disagreement.

Make no mistake: If we do not fight back, we will see a shift from privately enforced to government enforced censorship. Already we see some of it in England and Canada, where people can be prosecuted for arguing on Twitter. The social justice left most assuredly intends to make it a crime to disagree with their narrative on social and political issues.

Once that day comes, there will be no peaceful way to get back the values we have lost.

Read More: Cultural Collapse Theory: The 7 Steps That Lead To A Complete Culture Decline

141 thoughts on “Content Policies Are Another Symptom Of The Culture Wars”

  1. Bravo!
    I find it alarming that the SJW crowd starting to argue that ‘private or company censorship’ was not a violation of free speech. They used this ‘angle’ to say that it was ok to threaten the hotels for Roosh’s lectures since it was not a government action. This is, of course, absurd. No one in the past, when they talked about free speech rights, thought that any sane and rational person would think that getting a mob to enforce (i.e. threatening companies or individuals) ‘private or company censorship’ was not a violation of free speech rights.
    Of course, if SJW started to get shutdown or thrown out of universities or colleges then they would be screaming it was censorship; instead of facing the reality that the money spent on woman studies degrees are a con and useless. (If someone has a doctorate in woman studies, what the hell is a profit making business suppose to do with that ‘useful skill set’?)

    1. As I get older I understand why Hitler had to eliminate and kill all the communists in Germany first. They are the first obstacle to progress.

        1. Heck I’ve reached a point where all “oppressed peoples” and people so persecuted to me have to come under one inquiry:
          “Did they have it coming?”

        2. I know a former Chilean officer who went through the “unpleasantness.” There would have never been a Pinochet without the soviet backed pig Allende. He ignored the supreme justices, congress and the people. He also had several hundred Cuban agents and tons of soviet weaponary into the country. Slandering Pinchochet is all the left can do, because they do not want people to hear the Facts.

        3. Exactly. History exonerates the doers of good. I went through a thorough 180 with Pinochet once I shook loose the vestiges of Leftist indoctrination.

        1. It should be obvious that there is no possibility of order without hierarchy.
          The good thing about the chaos that the leftist inevitebly will create is that it will destroy them first.

    2. Is a Christian church’s refusal to host a Jim Norton’s act a violation of free speech?
      If you start explicitly describing your sexual exploits in front of my little children and I kick you the hell out of my house, is that a violation of free speech?
      Is ROK’s ban on women and gay commenters a violation of free speech?
      Do you see the absurdity of elevating private censorship to the same rights-issue status of government censorship?

  2. Free speech is a flawed concept anyway. We are being tools on this and it’s time we looked in the mirror.
    If you want to spew the leftist line you have the entire media and academia backing you. For a good example, look at what Roosh had to deal with in Canada. Kooks who would normally be taken away by men in white coats were instead signal boosted and given “a voice”.
    On the other side, look at what it costs to have “free speech”. Ask Roosh how “free” his speech has been. Ask anybody in alternative media who have to sell stuff just to keep their media endeavors afloat. How “free” is their speech? Throw in the death threats, being smeared, people trying to keep you from travelling, and even being attacked.
    From a conservative viewpoint, it’s contradictory to say “Free Speech!” while also saying that nothing is free.
    And speech is the last thing that was ever free.
    We also operate under the notion of having a “right to be heard” while forgetting that everybody else has a right to ignore. Hence the approach of private censorship, the SJW rage mobs, and hounding of employers. Again, how free is speech?
    It’s time we recognize that speech is not free and go forward with that expectation. Then and only then do we realize this is a war and stop acting surprised when we find people being ruined. You don’t go to a combat zone with one magazine, do you? We need to recognize the speech costs everything and in that knowledge go in fully prepared for war with these people.
    We would also recognize that the media lying to the masses and weaponizing democracy, giving rise to “democratic tyranny” of the sort that men will strap bombs on themselves to combat, and academia brainwashing the youths ARE NOT FREE SPEECH. They hide behind Free Speech. This is why I left libertarianism. This is why libertarianism is a failed concept, for it has no natural defenses against tyranny and this notion of “free speech” is why. (The other one is the open border thing, where hordes of swarthy tards can show up and out-vote you). You cannot be all about “I disagree with you but I’ll defend your right to say it” when the person saying things is trying to destroy you, your freedom, and everything else. And oh indeed, how speech is so cheap for the cultural Marxists and how expensive it is for everybody else. The “deal” of valuing free speech over what is being said is broken, and they have broken it. Free speech has turned out to be a screen door on a submarine as far as maintaining the survival of a free republic was concerned.

    1. ‘Free speech’ like ‘equality and ‘multiculturalism’ are just words thrown around by politicians to maximize their voting quotas and make the average plebeian feel self-righteous in voting for the said politician/political party.

  3. Good topic.
    “To argue that it is not censorship because it is not the government doing it is to concoct a straw man.”
    Speaking of logical fallacies, behold lurking male feminists, SJW’s, and manginas; I’m now offering a free online course for you:

    1. “You guys just want a woman to be your slaves, doing nothing but cooking, cleaning, and sexually pleasing you”
      I could never understand how feminazi’s equate being a loving wife to being a slave. A complete insult to the actual conditions of historical slaves in Europe, Asia and Africa.. Which is why most pioneers of feminism were actually closet lesbians but I digress.
      Cooking- who would usually pay for the food?(men); I never knew slavemaster would make sure all their slaves were thoroughly fed with healthy, substantial food.
      Cleaning- Cleaning implies a home, a home reflects a certain level of economic stability(paid for by the man of course). Who would have thought that the slavemasters of old were courteous enough to provide their slaves with private property and home accessories hand picked by the slaves.
      Sexually pleasing you- Yeah which slaves(outside of masochists) really found pleasure in sexually pleasing their slavemasters?

      1. Good points. They (SJWs, feminists, etc.) have to turn all of these good things into bad things so that “the herd” will follow them. Yes, leave your good family with good kids and loving husband – you slave – and free yourself. It’s all in the way the message is conveyed and it’s been nonstop (usually through the media) for decades.
        All of these women were so “oppressed” living in those large, nice homes…driving those expensive cars…wearing nice clothing, jewelry, etc…they had to gain their freedom.
        It’s ridiculous…you can’t make this shit up.

        1. Exactly. Note that feminism is an extension of western chivalry that spoiled women to such a point that it became an absurdity. It’s like rich women rowing away from the Titanic disaster complaining that the seats aren’t comfy.
          Housewives are entitled, not oppressed. Heck, my wife loves the Real Housewives series on Bravo that features various spoiled upper-middle class women fretting about what their frenmies say while they go out shopping all day. It’s a joke and so was 2nd/3rd feminist wave movement of the 50’s. It’s something that could only be bought by privileged middle class white women who felt that they were all entitled to CEO positions. Real working class women eventually bought into the thinking as they found welfare and a family court system and beta males that didn’t wife up fast enough.
          What we’re left with today are confused women (which is most of them) who can’t seem to figure out why things aren’t working out anymore: They like the idea of more pay in the workplace (and who dares tell them they’re wrong to not like such a thing?) and yet decent men who are “gentlemen” without condition are a rarity. Sure, they’re plenty of loser beta males (including some affluent ones who are dumb ****s) but they don’t register on the radar. Most women can’t figure out why things are messed up but they do know it’s messed up.

        2. It’s sad because they got what they’ve wanted all along….and they (women) are unhappier now then in any time in recent history. There used to be a time when the two complimented each other, everyone lived a good life, raised a family, etc…. But, today, the results show that even these same women who seem to “have it all” are very unhappy (and like you said, they can’t put a finger on it).
          I can…it’s called spoiled, entitled, etc…. They should have just been happy with their role in the family instead of trying to take over “dad’s job”. Now, again, very many of them …..single and unhappy (but strong and independent?). You have to laugh and shake your head.

        3. In their defense, keep in mind that white knight men were part of the problem telling women they could have whatever they wanted (and many still do). My anti-suffragette position is still pretty strong stuff for most conservatives I know. Who wants to be the grinch and tell women that they can’t try out for whatever they like?
          After all, they’re women. They’re taught by our society that they’re “special” and are pumped full of Disney princess fantasies. Several feminists told me that they thought that men could have freedom to be “sensitive artist” types and stay-at-home dads and that was great for OTHER women but they wanted the old fashioned breadwinners. It’s like they think that the whole world she be hippies in a commune eating granola while they should live in a Malibu Stacy mansion and it’s ok because “other” women will make that choice.
          And to be fair, many of them aren’t feminists and just don’t care but what choice do they have? How many anti-feminists are on the ballot? Consider that 46% of women vote Republican so they’re not all obsessed with a “war on women”. The nasty brats many men encounter are that way because such women tend to remain single after all or get divorced for petty reasons.

        4. I blame some men (corporations and politicians) for pandering to women’s needs…they are part of the problem. It’s about money and votes so many are playing to women for access to their wallets and their votes at the ballot box. It’s a shame because society has let them run rampant instead of placing them in check (like the rest of us).
          True equality starts with our court system (laws) changing to address the needs of both sides (not just siding with women for cash and prizes when the marriage fails). I love to call out the equality “myth” or selective equality at every turn. It just shows how entitled women have become over the last few decades.
          One example is the pay gap and the type of jobs that women are willing to do.

        5. Hehehe. I gave up on “true equality” a long time ago (for me). Let’s review: Most women do not want “true” equality as you observe. The want the traditional goodies (first and foremost, really). Most feminists have a worldview that’s an extension of chivalry: They are bound to western patriarchs giving them special privileges to pretend to be equal. And finally, there are the feminists who simply hate men for whatever reason.
          In other words, most women don’t want equality and most men are chivalrists. So what’s the point of this charade?
          Regarding women’s entitlement: Feminists are into “fat acceptance” because the fewer pretty women that are out there, the more demanding the remaining pretty women can be and the lower standards men will hold women to. There’s a converse to this which is rather than male politicians pandering to women, alpha males need to become red pill and recognize that their interests and the betas are intertwined. I know alphas who have gotten shafted by entitled women. Heck, a significant percentage of them are damaged by divorce by their mid 30’s and useless to many women.
          What is required is for alpha males to tell women, including hot women, who identify with the feminist label that they’re “man haters” and he won’t look at them. This is what feminists fear the most. Even me, a beta male that most women wouldn’t take seriously as a threat, put women on notice that I stand up to women including my wife and this sends a message.
          Keep in mind that traditional political issues such as feminism that were the rage even 20 years ago are now largely irrelevant as immigration and economic malaise kicks in. Politicians are getting bigger fish to fry. After all, socialism in the states was all about working class men a hundred years ago. They eventually chuck ANY electoral group under the bus.

        6. What we needed was a good depression (in 2008) to ‘right the ship’ on these issues. When things get tough, things like feminism and equality become irrelevant as people are working on surviving, day to day.
          This bullshit only continues because of the easy living that we have in the west. All of that nice shit goes away when things get tough.

        7. Hehehe. If only it was that simple or if 2008 had woken people up. I’ve been around a while and I remember the 1970’s when things were worse and waiting in line for gasoline priced at about $6 a gallon adjusted for inflation. Crime was massive back then.
          Never underestimate the system’s ability (or anyone’s ability for that matter) to do whatever they can to avoid addressing unpleasant truths. I’m reminded of the joke about the alcoholic who has lost everything: His wife, car, home and job and is living in the gutter and someone asks him if he’ll give up the bottle and the guy says: “I can’t. It’s all I have left!”
          2008 is a classic example of how the USA is like Greece but (for now) successful at it. Homeowners who got liar loans for homes they overpaid for got bailouts. The unemployed got unemployment payments extended for about 3 years. Even more illegals flooded into the nation to go onto welfare (why not? What does it matter if unemployment is sky high if they don’t intend to work anyway?)
          Women I know told me that they had a surefire way to deal with a shortage of money: Run up their credit cards. The USA is a place where people can act amazingly irresponsibly before hitting bottom.
          Economics is just one factor, of course. For the past 50 years, Jim Crow has been reversed and whites, and men, have been targets of government discrimination to benefit non-whites and non-men (women). That has made the left incredibly popular and why not? The media blesses this racism and sexism. It’s an issue that will explode when it finally hits the mainstream.

  4. People tend to forget that “Free Speech” and the “First Amendment” are two separate entities. The U.S. theoretically censoring internet, or Reddit removing “offensive” content are both Free Speech issues, but only the former is a First Amendment issue.
    The latter would fall under the 9th Amendment, and should be generally protected except in cases of a Clear and Present Danger (such as sharing of child porn, which harms the children forced to participate in the filming).

  5. I saw some worthless faggot post that comment a few years ago. I swiftly dismantled his entire fucking existence down to a few morsels of lunacy and showed him how stupid and intolerant he is. If you disagree with the left, then you will lose your job, be humiliated, unable to find another, receive death threats, and be subject to harassment and potential violence.

  6. Excellent article. There are many problems with today’s world. One of them is the lost art of conversation, i.e., face-to-face, around the table, preferably over a drink or food. It is highly inefficient as a means of imparting information, to learn or to teach. There are many liberals who are good people, who genuinely care about other people and their environment, and if we talk to each other, in person, and not hide behind the anonymity of the internet, we can have a civil discussion. But too many people (both liberals and conservatives) seek “likes” or “upvotes” or seek to have their video “shared” with as many people as possible to validate their own self-worth. Too many people have, as their source of income, an agenda that creates divisiveness among people of good will. I believe there needs to be “safe spaces” even in the world of cyberspace. But what has happened is that the lightning quick speed of anonymous posting has made real conversation, the kind of conversation that this world needs, that much more difficult.

  7. These SJWs know they have opposition, but until they see it manifest more and more offline and in the real world they will not understand their shrill voices are unwanted and their ideology is bankrupt and renders them obsolete as American conservatism awakens.
    The use of these online communication tools allows them to express their impotent rage…the establishment media reinforces their corrupt ideology and provides a springboard of these toxic idea to the masses on TV. But as we are witnessing, traditional media has been hemorrhaging viewers, readers and subscribers for years now.
    We must establish a foothold and FOBs in the “meatspace”. Begin to create male only spaces again for the free flow of ideas without censorship or fear of reprisal; smoking lounges, barber shops, shooting ranges, hunting clubs are fantastic areas that already have the correct demographic.
    I would encourage more red-pill business owners to open these types of establishments. I would encourage red-pill artists and marketers to begin guerrilla style viral campaigns. We must learn to identify other red-pill men and provide them with resources and tools to begin reshaping their local communities against toxic ideologies.
    If these SJWs can affect the “meatspace” from the internet with comments that get men fired and affect legislation, then we need more fronts open in the real world that can counter and redirect these toxic purple haired loudmouths.

    1. Indeed, a lot of people forget that activists and whiners themselves have absolutely no power in the real world. Anything they get done or anyone they wish to persecute is done for them or ceded to them by somebody else, usually people in power guilted into it.
      It’s important to realize that activism and the desire for social equality is fueled by the activist’s own insecurities, over her lack of ability. Their moral positioning is done for the purpose of acquiring things that they cannot earn, and don’t deserve.

    2. I regularly request that my company hire men when it comes time to expand our staff. I simply point out that of all our company’s turnover (with 1 exception) has been female, and all of that turnover has been for interpersonal reasons.

    3. Are we not simply preaching to the choir though? I just returned from a trip in fly over country and the men you speak are already in our camp if not gathering on the perimeter. Unfortunately I would say we are not communicating effictively despite the tools at our disposal. Trump’s popularity indicates the public is ripe.
      Eg. I have a friend challenging a Republican for county commisioner. He is a conservative and has gotten some stout backing from the State house, but is having a hard time convincing other conservatives that we need to speak plainly and convert those floundering on the word of the MSM– not seek to punish anyone with a (d) after their Name. Wished him luck, but being caught between the enemy and friendly fanatics (who will eventually turn on you) isn’t an enviable position.

      1. While some will choose to take the “change it from within” approach, and I applaud them and wish them luck, but I believe at this point politics will not change until our culture reflects our demands.
        Your friend will need to walk a delicate line to inform those on the bench and teetering on the razor’s edge of ideology. Whereas bold men who have nothing to lose, or ideally, have strong backing at their jobs and social circles will have no fear calling a fatty a fatty to her face, demonstrating that masculinity is not evil and that plain-speak is fashionable again.
        This can only happen when men have no worries of social reprisal or at the very least have a red-pill safety net to catch them if they are rendered pariahs.
        I don’t claim to have an answer, but if George Soros can fund an entire movement, and have the infrastructure to truck protester’s around the country and provide bail money when they are arrested, it would seem to me that smarter men than I can accomplish something similar or asymmetric that could have a cultural impact in our favor. Roosh has been out there doing it, and doing it at the expense of his personal safety in some cases.
        We don’t have a billionaire’s checkbook at our disposal (as nice as that would be). However history has proven that asymmetric thinking can out-maneuver and win against impossible odds.

        1. “Change from within” is his approach as he has grandchildren and wants to avoid violence. I advised him that at this point, historically, that is unavoidable and it’s going to happen so prepare.
          Sorry, but “bold/ brave men” do not care about losing their jobs or social circles. They will simply get new ones.
          The old nazi Soros has paid astro turf punks and the threat of “blood in the streets” from democrats is decades long weak tea. I would quote the late Andrew Breitbart, “Fuck you. War!” The American left will melt quicker than the Soviet Union if we just put on the war paint and start taking scalps. We are due.

      2. John, keep in mind that modern man-hating feminism is a product of traditional chivalrous pandering that is all-too-common in the heartland of America. Some of these regions have the idea that women are all innocent creatures who can do no wrong and most of the authorities are educations from politically correct universities. Yes, even in fly over country, the universities are often run by full blown leftists who often transferred there from either coast (they couldn’t make it in Harvard so where are they supposed to go?)
        Like in 1984, hope for a revolution has to come from the proles.

        1. I cannot speak for the whole region, but most of the people I met tend to see through the BS. Plenty of women with sons who also copt on to the anti-male agendas in the schools, so it isn’t as blantant as other places.
          Part of the reason why I think the left is “all in” is they have thrown away their cover and have to go for that brass ring now as they will never be in a position for a few generations to do it again. They have destroyed so much in 7 years and they cannot hide the damage any more. They ALWAYS over reach. Also the thing with those “revolutions” is they are unpredictable and I don’t see them physcially capable of it. I would welcome it, but they are morally and intellectually bankrupt and in no shape for manning the barricades.

        2. Unlike many on the right, I don’t think the Obama era is all that notable, really. GWB spent money like a drunk sailor during his tenure and grew government and looked the other way at PC madness in government and universities (his justice department actually argued IN FAVOR of anti-white race quotas in front of the supreme court.)
          I remember back in 1992 that the sexual harassment and rape hysteria was going full blast at universities with the conversion to leftism largely complete by the mid-70’s.
          The only thing that’s different, from what I can tell, has been the mass immigration that kicked in just before Y2K. Again, Obama has been trying to grant amnesty all over the place but Reagan gave one amnesty (with provisions for a wall) after 1987 or so and it’s been open borders since then.
          Unless you’re a raving idiot, it should be obvious that the left hates whites and men. I have facebook friends and relatives who prattle on about how great the left is and they’re white males and I wonder to myself how they can be so retarded (I use the word literally, not as a pejorative.) “white male privilege” this and “oppressor” that and calls for goodies for everyone BUT white males and one wonders why anyone whose a white male would be a leftist.
          Perhaps what Obama accomplished is that even though not much has really changed, IMO, the fact that he’s a half-black man and precisely that nothing has changed (no great Nobel prize winning progress made) other than rights for various leftist special interest groups means that it’s obvious the Fix Is In. It should have been obvious before but some people are just thick.

        3. “…friends and relatives who prattle on about how great the left is and they’re white males and I wonder to myself how they can be so retarded..”
          The only white man I know he voted for Obama in 2012 asked me for help as he is trying to relinquish his US citizeship. When I pointed out, “you voted for these people” he just had a pathetic look on his face and answered with silence.
          “..should have been obvious before but some people are just thick.”
          Give it time and more pain. They will come around or perish. I came to the realization that the Republicans do not repeal or reduce left wing institutions when they are given power. They do nothing. Both parties are corrupt money cults playing the public for rubes.

        4. Some guys I know believe in treasured, childhood ideologies to their graves. It’s almost like a religion for them.

  8. I take free speech in two categories. The 1st Amendment kind where the government MUST be prohibited from any kind of censorship, where all parties are consenting adults (iow, no child porn, but otherwise, you’re basically good to go).
    The second category is real life outside of government, where I take a Law of the Jungle view. I have the ability to say things immune from government action, but not immune from corporate influence or the reaction of others. My duty in that case is to either choose to remain silent, or back up my point of view or speech, and if I’m attacked, then I defend back. If they get dirty, I get dirty. If they try to ruin my life, I make it a point to ruin theirs. Force for force, blood by the bucket. Whether that means standing up to them in public regardless of their sneers and threats, to peaceful boycotts, to revealing their “hidden corporate secrets” on the Interwebs after they fire you, to more devious tactics, I don’t care. It’s my agency and my right to speak as I wish, you meddle with that at your own peril. If they win, then that’s that. My right however gives me the right to fight back against them.
    This is why I find men who cave or apologize like sheep so shameful. If you don’t want to speak, fine, but if you speak the truth then retract it and grovel to keep your paltry handful of silver, then shame on you.

    1. Or as we like to say: nothing puts a stop to snark like a punch in the mouth.
      The first amendment needs to be applied like the second: a “bring it” attitude. They can send in their windup toys all day and wave bloody shirts till their arms fall off, but we are not England or Australia because we say we have guns because we can and we promise war if they come for them.
      For speech, it’s time to say what needs to be said, and say it because we can, and promise more of it if they object.

    2. On freedom of speech what may be said?
      Put your neck on the block and risk losing your head
      Who could have guessed there’d be danger in words?
      Ask of the dead: “What’s the cost to be heard?”
      For words have a power and also a price
      Can build up an Empire then lose it to vice
      What is the difference? Tis who holds the key
      And the slippery justice of relativity
      Nothing is sacred, excepting for measure
      Today the refuse tomorrow the treasure
      Then when truth is held in lesser esteem
      Men die with a whimper too feeble to scream
      Gone to the grave robbed the secret of life:
      [This line censored by thought-police to shield docile minds]

      1. That was actually very well written. Is that truly your work? If so, well done sir.

      2. Clap Clap!
        Magnificent! You should get this and your other works published…your poetry is remarkable!

    3. Given the state of western societies, fighting back isn’t enough. The fight has to be taken TO the enemy.
      Seeing how just a little bit of blowback causes leftists to cry “harassment”, I think there’s a lot more room for attack against these people.

      1. Agreed. Most leftists are cowardly pussies, physically and intellectually, which comes out when they are challenged. We must make them feel the heat. They have largely gotten a free pass until now. No more. That’s why Trump is so popular, whatever else someone may think of him.

      2. Agreed, but it has to be something other than a “go out in a flame of glory” solo act. They attack in packs, harass in packs, “report” in packs, we need to do the same.

        1. Be a hell of a sight.
          Thing is they don’t dare harass in packs in certain parts of the country.
          Only where they can be assured of police protection.
          And SJWs are NOT very popular with police these days, eh?
          Meanwhile some on our side of the fence (namely the MRA crowd) have reached out to law enforcement.
          Who knows what favors the police might be willing to grant in exchange for doing them some favors eh?

    4. If I control a mob that will threaten your life and burn down your businesses for saying something I don’t like, you have no freedom. When this enemy has a billion dollars in propaganda assets to focus upon you, you are not going to “fight back.” You are going to cower or be destroyed.
      No matter how much you want to hide behind semantics and law books… you are not free. You are a slave who seems to enjoy being a bottom.

      1. If people follow your line of reasoning, the battle is lost before it even begins and there is no point in trying to fight oppression. Many successful revolutions began against overwhelming odds.

      2. So if there is any risk whatsoever to your actions, you’re not free?
        Sorry, but that makes no sense. Freedom by definition assumes risk for actions.
        Keep the ad hominem on the back burner please, we’re men here, we don’t have to act or talk like SJW’s.

      3. You should refrain from making the assumption that everyone is of the same mindset as you are. Not everyone is as willing as you are to go quietly into the night. Many of us believe in fighting a revolutution of ideas and arms, despite the odds being stacked against us. This notion that there must be an assured victory as a prerequisite for revolution is preposterous. The very act of revolution itself is the victory, not the outcome.

    5. “This is why I find men who cave or apologize like sheep so shameful. If you don’t want to speak, fine, but if you speak the truth then retract it and grovel to keep your paltry handful of silver, then shame on you.”
      It reminds me of Isaiah Washington’s pathetic display of an anorchous absence of testosterone, reproductive fluid and the appendage that relies on both, in that he groveled before the public because he said the word “fag” to one of the fags on the show “Grey’s Anatomy”, then went on every talk show praising how wonderful it is to be gay…and they fired him anyway.
      He made such a pathetic spectacle of himself…he walked back on his word and they made him into an absolute fool for it.
      NEVER take back what you said, NEVER apologize for saying it if you meant it…people may think you’re an asshole but they will at least respect you for being an asshole who doesn’t cave, doesn’t respond to bullying and ergo isn’t weak.

      1. I find the Trump route the best, agree and amplify, double the fuck down on them, get in their face and challenge them. They are base cowards and have no “script” on how to react to open defiance and mocking of their “holy words” that are supposed to invoke fear and obedience.
        It seems odd to think, but it would *not* surprise me to find out that Trump does, or has at one time, read some of the sites on the manosphere. He has these tactics down to a T, almost scientifically sequenced.

        1. “It seems odd to think, but it would *not* surprise me to find out that Trump does, or has at one time, read some of the sites on the manosphere.”
          I was thinking about that, besides he’s a natural. You can tell he’s playing Trump and he doesn’t give a shit.

        2. Trump is playing them them like a dime store fiddle. Completely unrepentant and it drives people batshiat insane.
          Jeb is pathetic and Clinton a complete brazen idiot and duplicitous crook. Those two bend like reeds in the winds and will say anything they think a given audience wants to hear depending on air time and physical location. Trump doesn’t give a shit where he’s at.
          It is hilarious. He pisses on conventional of politics and campaigning.

        3. Really in Trump’s case it’s just a matter of being rich enough to fly ‘above the weather’ if you take my meaning.
          Whereas we all tunnel underground.

        4. Agree. I practice this tactic, often.
          Own it….and there is no where else to go with it. All they can say is “that guy’s an asshole” (in which I reply “It’s part of my charm”).

        1. Agreed in totality. Love the illustration btw.
          The only place i tend to refrain from sharing my non PC views is in the workplace, however one time in my lesser experienced years i couldn’t contain myself. This one dipshit was going on and on in a breakroom about how David Vitter (i used to live in Louisiana and he’s a senator there) was a p.o.s because he was a womanizer and this was why the people needed to elect a D as senator.
          I could only take so much of this dumbass before i got up from my table and said “two words: Bill Clinton” which flustered then infuriated him.
          We went back and forth about them and then obama…he was saying how obama was bringing jobs to Lou and i was saying that he was burning down jobs in Lou, especially by closing down oil refineries and outsourcing oil production to foreign countries like Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. He was screaming at me and i was speaking sternly and with a smug look on my face…i knew he was a useful idiot and the more he yelled and then cursed at me the more i realized i had gotten the better of him.
          I thought for sure i’d be fired but apparently it never made its way up the chain…the most that happened was that one girl called me a “jerk” afterward for saying what i did and i told her she was welcome to her opinion and that i was welcome to not give a shit about it as well. (By the way this was an especially rare moment of Alpha spontaneity for me at the time.)
          She would tell me anytime she saw me that she disliked me, up until the point that she stopped, and then she started being consistently friendly to me. I thought it was a ruse but it turned out i had earned her respect for standing my ground. She was pretty attractive and also pretty Married, which is why i didn’t choose to bang her although i’m sorry to say we kissed one time after a bonding at a Christmas party over (you guessed it) her Husband “not treating her right.”
          Anyway yeah, i agree with you agreeing with me in our agreement with GOJ over our collective disagreement with cowardice haha.

        2. Yeah, i transferred to another department and then left that job and the state shortly thereafter, so God looked out for me in that regard.

    6. Where I live I can get imprisonment up to 4 years for sharing and read CH and RoK, and submit articles too.
      Private censorship is nothing beside Gov and private together. Keep you from the sovietz
      When vladimir the bolshevikz come your founding fathers are gone.
      Abortion feminism white genocide all the same sozialistz want to move away the winner from his trophy and do you know wat is the trophy?? World domination, and the winner?? Lmaolmaoaomlmalamalaoamallmanonnanall
      The winner waas da cracka but now is the welfarized obuga gabuga while the betadom crackahood is welfajizzed lmaolmaolmao

  9. Bad example: Mozilla has already fired someone for holding opinions they dislike (or forced him to “resign”). Google Brendan Eich. Are you going to go out of your way to avoid actions that give them money?

  10. “Politically this generation has embraced the progressive campaign to
    reform social values. What we are seeing is a strategic shift where now
    this campaign is being waged coercively via laws, policies, and
    organized ideological bullying.”
    Thoughtful article. Its very true that the left have shifted from libertarian to authoritarian simply because they are in power – in other words values such as free speech / freedom of conscience were always contingent upon their utility. Are we really surprised, the left and the totalitarianism mindset go together like a matching duvet and pillow-case. But there’s also a neat trick which the left has played: the young, students etc have always been anti-establishment, anti-government etc – yet here we have the younger generation functioning as bulwards of power, of government and the real establishment. This isn’t just because they believe passionately in the progressive ideas they’ve been indoctrinated to believe, but because those progressive ideas are still seen somehow as anti-establishment. The author hints at the difference between opposing a government’s censorship, such as China’s and opposing what is effectively self-censorship, but the left has worked very carefully to achieve its ends by working towards a situation where its ideology – the real ideology in play today – is actually maintained primarily by ‘the people’. The new new left totalitarianism isn’t about Tiananmen square type repression but about self-censorship, what is known in some leftist circles as governmentality: the young are doing power’s bidding for it, because they’ve been trained how to self-police and with it to police others, all in the belief that they’re serving progress not power. One way I try to counter this is to show them that they’re actually serving the establishment rather than countering it. They are addicted to thinking they are the underdog, that they’re ideas are empowering people, rather than the people at the top, the progressive billionaires etc who are pushing this. Let them know that they’re most cherished beliefs and causes serve only the elites and the 1% and their zeal will lose its lustre

  11. I just wish they would stop using that stock image of the shitlib feminist without warning you ahead of time. I swear it had the same effect as a jump scare. My stomach dropped, and my balls shrank. My penis tried to retract into my pelvis.
    Is this that triggering thing? :/

  12. Most leftists don’t understand that hate speech is by far, the most valuable form of free speech.
    Aside from inciting violence, even the most pointless and offensive of hate speech is valuable solely for its existence, as a proof of concept for free speech. Those who are easily offended should be repeatedly offended until they are not so easily offended.

  13. The political left has always been about using the mob and the herd to bully individuals into line. The masses, the workers, the downtrodden proletarian are perennially beaten down by the privileged white, bourgeois, middle classes. Ironically, the shits that stirred up the masses into violence are always spoiled, middle class people who hate their own societies values and set out to destroy them by using the downtrodden victims they “care” about as fodder in their campaigns to get their own back on the world. Feminism and Marxism are ideologies of resentment and mediocrity par excellence.
    But, unlike the old media, I don’t see how they can ever censure blogs and independent websites…besides, the more you ban and censure, the more people become interested in what’s being subjected to censure.

    1. “Feminism and Marxism are the ideologies of resentment and mediocrity par excellence”.
      Very true. What you wrote reminds me of Winston Churchill’s quote: “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”

        1. Yes, but leftists are not known for their logic or critical thinking skills. So not much of a surprise I suppose!

  14. “We must stand for the maxim, “I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.””
    This one quote invalidates the entire concept the OP was trying to push. It’s merely another form of compromise so familiar to #Cuckservatives.
    Apply this little false maxim to Islam. Now apply it to Feminism. Communism? Fascism? I could go on.
    You begin to see now that this idea has been in practice for the last century at least. All the societal degradation and dyscivic ideologies have taken hold due to this idea.
    There are absolutely ideas that should be shunned, smashed, and tossed out in the compost heap. SJWs understand this; that’s what they’ve been trying to do to white European Western civilization. Social Justice is not compatible with a constitutional republic, real christianity (or Islam, for that matter), and western civilization, period.
    You can choose to status quo and parrot pretty phrases like this while getting stomped into the dirt, or you can reject it and realize that this is indeed a fight to the death, one where you should give your opponents no quarter, because they are fighting to wipe you, Western Civilization Man, off the face of the earth.

    1. Except that according to the latest HBD, human biodiversity, research, social justice and feminism might be “baked-in” to the Anglo Saxon genome through its history of outbreeding.
      The way to turn this around is to add a bunch of comparatively inbred people from the Middle East, lol.

  15. I understand and agree with what this article is saying in that free speech requires tolerance of other viewpoints being expressed, regardless of how much you disagree. I also agree that P.C. culture threatens it.
    But in this particular instance, I have to take the stance that a company should be able to hire and fire whoever they want for whatever reason they want, barring an explicit legal contract held between the company and the employee. If I were running a company, I would treat feminists with this exact same attitude as Mozilla. They would not be welcome.

    1. Yes they should. The problem is that the Leftists are truly collectivizing and then sending out hordes, or virtual hordes, to intimidate companies to get rid of you. They are a minuscule minority, but the Internet causes them to seem like a mob of millions. Companies, traditionally adverse to litigation, cave immediately out of tradition instead of realizing how the dynamics have changed.
      I’d work in your company, or help you found it more likely than not, heh.

      1. That is exactly what it is and, for anyone who hasn’t seen, that is further recognized by Bill Burr (skip to 2:23):

        And if I am ever in a position of power within the business world, this would be a good recruiting ground. So it is good to hear that someone would most likely be on board, and likewise the other way around for me.

        1. Hmm, funny, I’ve never seen that before. Unfortunately, I am not finding another version of the video. But it is still viewable on YouTube. If you feel like it, search: Bill Burr Bill Maher.

  16. [quote]women’s rights activists being attacked in India[/quote]
    kinda sounds like white knighting there man, those cunts are arguably worse then the ones here. Its all the buzzfeed and huffposts articles promoting the “indias sexual harrassment problem”.
    cant find the article that a 2 and 3yr old were charged with rape or domestic violence by some old cunt.
    NOw they want to bring in feminsts schools
    all duscussed here and links are on the page.

    feminists feel find any way to complain and back hand at any patriarchy, Like this woman complains about being day gamed like shes in cuba,greece or brazil and tries to blame the culture.
    or them complaining about being called feminazis. Always banning language like bossy…Now that they wanna ban feminazi should we call em femicunts

    1. As somebody whose fate narrowly avoided being born in the U.K., I can only laugh at “banning” words and thoughts. Christ, how far the English have fallen. Such a shame for a once proud, badass people.

      1. true, but it seems like its having an effect like when was the last time we heard someone say gay fag or retard on the street to rip on their friend….Its been awhile.

        1. I hear it every week. There’s an advantage to living in flyover country and hanging around with bikers. Probably the last bastion of men being men, outside of some hunting camps and semi-secret men’s organizations.
          Shit man, my kids call each other “tard” when they see the other goof up. So do their friends.
          Flyover country – it ain’t over till we say it’s over, heh.

        2. its actually refreshing to hear. If I say it especially in downtown area everyone just stops like if I said I eat babies.
          Now adays no matter where you go where feminism is strong the pc culture dominates and females get a free pass like here, a debate with a feminist.

        3. Hit flyover country. My daughter (and my son until last year) went to a high school that is still in the year 1950, social convention wise. I’ve made rifle slings and shoulder holsters for 16 year old soon-to-be-men who hunt, and they’re popular guys in school. There are hordes of beautiful young girls with long blond hair, Friday night football night is all team spirit and fun and 2/3 the student body shows up, and they are so nice and polite. The girls are *demure* for goodness sake. It’s really fun. And the default insult among the young men? “Gay!” or “Fag!”. We even have, get this, Christmas concerts, I shit you not. Openly Christian. Some songs from the choir even in Latin.
          Probably shouldn’t advertise this too much, don’t want us to be ferreted out by the left.

        4. that sounds awesome, take it its like some small town in the midwest?
          I looked up flyover country it just says a place that people just fly over but dont visit. Guess thats the key here, if its mainstream then people will bring thier pc bullshit to that land, if it aint its pristine and untouched
          like this land gets alot of tourism for example and this politican wants to make it ok to KILL men and reward young boys for helping females but not vice versa but reward girls for HITTING boys.

        5. Kinda small town. Our demographics are through the roof, something like 94% white, and our average income is six digits. Keep in mind, we’re a middle class section here, not the rich area.
          I’ve honestly thought about shooting some short videos of our football Friday nights, not just from our team, but from the other team’s side as well, but don’t want to attract The Darkness on a major thread. The girls here, not just the teens but even the moms, are usually far prettier than most city wonks see in a club on any given week. We keep it quiet out here though. Like now, I doubt 10 men or women are reading this, so I’m cluing you in. It’s amazing.
          Last time we were in London, we went to a restaurant, and our waitress was from Paris (so she said). Accent, thin, American “supermodel” quality, gorgeous. My son, 13 at the time, said “She looks like and !” from our town. He was right.
          Even more fun, head to northern Michigan, South Dakota or Wyoming. Criminey.
          The Left and big city types want to think of us as the “Folks in Walmart” types. I’ll let them continue in that delusion, encourage it even.

        6. thanx for the tip.just looked up those states, pretty small,think colorado would be good too.
          Just made me recall when I went inland away from the major metro area of my city in my province.
          When we moved away, we obviously saw more trucks and less dressed up faggy looking men,but we saw the girls actually looked good. Normally the white girls in my area are subpar at best and the asian girls become the goto girls. Lately noticed most of the cute white ones I meet(friendlier too) were from inland or town girls. Not from our city area.
          My bros friend said similar when he ws in the neighboring province where its more hillbilly but the girls are better looking and they CHECK you out.
          Think when you are stuck in a western or feminist country its best to avoid the city area and hit up those small cities and towns or where its “more hillybilly, boring or less visited“.

        7. Never understood high school football in Ohio until I started a vending business. The girls are superior and women superb.

        8. You won’t be ferreted where you’re at it sounds like. In flyover land, the sjw menace is less prevalent and non existant out in the sticks, but surprisingly it does pop up like a bad oasis in the major midwest cities. It seems that anywhere in the midwest where there’s fluoridated water, population in the 100k’s and a racial demographic that puts them under federal busing mandates for inner city schools, then the seeds of degeneracy get planted by someone there. Corn still grows in the adjacent counties but someone’s trying to farm SHIT in the midwest cities. It seems out of place and too intense for any midwestern city to have any indigenous sjw rabble rousers when the greater outback land has none. The flyover cities are being targeted or ‘sjw bombed’ it seems.
          Take Souix City Iowa which actually has a LGBT community. It’s small but loud and indignant as they are anywhere. Souix City also has fluoridated water. You could expect the same anywhere you have psy op water on tap, population in the 100k’s and a police dept with beefed up gear to storm a simple toaster oven meth set up in some sprawling trailer subdivision on the outskirts. Albuquerque cops have become outlandishly notorious on all these accounts as well.
          But if you go away from the city, say a couple hundred miles from any large town in flyover land, then what you discover are ‘tri county’ high schools. The population is so sparse that three or even four counties will feed into one high school and the students are all rural, rugged and multi talented. It is in these schools where a rifle club can still be found. Welding is also as popular for the boys as home ec is for the girls and nearly all have had a go at 4H. Many students commute to school in their own vehicles and are handy with a wrench as well. Because of the distance to any metro area, these remote schools are unaffected by federal forced busing racial quotas.

        9. It’s hard not to stare, especially during the beginning of the season when clothing is much lighter. Oh who am I kidding, tight sweaters are pretty awesome too, heh.

        10. I know where your from 😉
          I had a short trip home and went to the local HS football game. Despite the lightning delay there were still 500 people in the stands and they were blasting Garth Brooks through the speakers until the storm passed. Following weekend my brother and I closed the local watering hole at 3 am and as we were walking a county sheriff cruiser stopped and asked if we wanted a ride home.
          I would not trade my people for anything.

        11. I think it’s lasted out here so long, because the culture is naturally resistant to the idiocy of the world.
          I would not trade my people for anything.
          Same, amen.

  18. I don’t get why Github needs a TOS. What is it used for other than a source code repository?

  19. I have been punished and banned from websites by leftists for at least 20 years. Let’s say I don’t like them.

    1. I don’t doubt that. I was banned from National Cuckservative Review because I said that the reason Charles Krauthammer opposes Trump is because he would deport the illegal aliens who work for the company that makes Krauthammer’s wheelchair. The larger point was that Krauthammer is an establishment clown who wants the status-quo to continue. Their “feeeeeewings were hoit.” Pussies.

    2. Same here. Try asking why that welfare mom whiner has five bastards from five different cocks. Ask why the breeder keeps squirting out welfare spawn and why she is not forced to take birth control. Well! That doesn’t fit the agenda and banned you are.

  20. The tree of liberty will only bend so far left before it springs back to the right or snaps in two.

  21. A Conservative newspaper, The National Post in Canada just left Disqus and demands you use Facebook to register and comment….comments immediately dropped off 95% on articles. I don’t even go to their paper anymore…dumb decision. The SJWs are going to kill so many industries.
    Fucking cocksuckers.

    1. They know that when it comes to pc culture, they cant afford anonymous commenting to call them out. THey want your name and info so they shame and screw you over if you dont agree

      1. Exactly…it is only a matter of time that some guy loses his job over FB or Twitter and kills 30 people because of it……it would be terrible…but not sure I would be sympathetic to 30 SJWs eating lead.
        Destroy a man’s life…someone’s gonna pay!

        1. think itll be time for people to make fakebook accounts to make it happen.
          google and msn I notice so far demand your info and if you have fake accounts it gets shut down

        2. Exactly. People are astounded when I tell them that I am not on Facebook. Really, it’s just another form of Government monitoring.

      2. Consider it to be ‘protective gear’ when you create a fake account, like a raincoat if it’s raining, or a coat if it’s cold or even a bullet proof vest if you work nights at 7-11 in the hood. Any cloak of protection in a hostile envirnment is justified. You’re not doing anything offensive towards others with the simple act of concealing your identity or creating a mock profile. Doing your part to contribute to the tidal wave of fake profiles may see a tipping point though where the system makes adjustments. The system is getting smarter and may be able to piece together real profiles from faked meta data like connect the dots. I’ve already figured how to disable all factory tracking shit on my car and make the ignition simple. You wonder sometimes just how much the ‘eyeball’ in the sky can really see.

        1. thats brillent how do you do that. Why give the state more power then it needs to. Whats wrong with privacy in a time when all our info and crazy people want to put their dysfunction out there,
          What wierd is if you commit a crime youll be cuaght within 24 hrs whateverit way be. But dam when you wnat to get something you have to keep giving them your info to renew…Like dam I thought theyd keep track of us on their database with ease….why need to go through that hassle

    2. Unable to police the internet per se they have created platforms like Facial that they CAN control.

    1. “Art” with feces has been done. Sargon of Akkad had a clip on Youtube about that insanity.
      Nice seeing Trump upsetting the SJW squirrels.

      1. This under the bridge dweller has other postings on RoK stating a petition to prevent white men from breeding. Ignore him/her and maybe it will disappear into the nearest septic tank with the other feculent waste.

  22. “If Mozilla does actually fire someone for holding an opinion they don’t like, I will go out of my way to avoid giving them money.”
    You obviously haven’t heard about their CEO getting fired for that exact reason:

  23. How to tell who’s in power and who isn’t?
    The people without the power are always the people complaining about censorship.
    The people WITH the power are always the people making up excuses to censor.
    You want to maintain free speech?
    Then you have to maintain a balance of power between dissenting groups.
    No ideologue has ever (or WILL ever) surrender ground to their opposition on the principle of free speech.
    And you can forget about trying to turn sheeple into independent thinkers. Ain’t gonna happen!
    That means there will always be ideologues.
    So that means balance of power.
    Right now the left has the media, corporations, etc.
    But the (true) right is grass roots and has been (I suspect) unwittingly stirred by a certain presidential candidate too used to saying what he means and meaning what he says (and who is too rich to be bought).
    One thing is certain there IS clearly a silent majority just waiting to be led out of the wilderness.

  24. “The same people who link to the above XKCD comic would not have this attitude about women’s rights activists being attacked in India, or gay marriage supporters having their blogs deleted in Russia.”
    Speaking of Russia.
    What the manosphere really needs is some superior translating software that would allow effortless communication with Russian speaking peoples.
    At present the Manosphere is largely an English speaking community.
    And is therefore isolated linguistically.
    But eliminating that barrier would allow it to touch base with folks that not only agree with a lot of our views but where, in many cases, those views are, in fact, sanctioned by their own governments.
    There ARE a lot of folks on our side.
    They’re just on the other side of the earth.

  25. Alright real talk… I am a younger guy who has built his own way of life. Problem is that I influence everybody around me. I’ve changed zip codes and states but I keep ending up with people who imitate me. I want to live an outgoing and healthy life but it seems like I will be forever followed and imitated.
    I guess the problem is the uncouth and attention seeking nature of those around me but i just don’t know. It might be my confidence and smile in the face of a challenge. I really don’t know but its seriously getting old having to dismiss people from formal and informal conversations. Any suggestions fellow ROK readers?

    1. Oh so you inspire people to want to better themselves, a natural response when you aim higher in life. Poor thing!

  26. It’s already here.
    German politicians making deals with Facebook to censor hate speech against the immigrant flood,
    Finnish police trawling the forums for hate speech against the religion of peace. (Moro!)
    The only thing it does is to make extremists out of moderates.

  27. When the vast majority of americans are dumb as dirt, it’s a miracle this wasteland ever became the sole superpower of the WORLD.

  28. We live in a scary world, with difficult decisions and real consequences. Trigger warnings will only prove to churn out a generation of inept professionals from years of mollycoddling and years of trying to change the world around them to prevent them from growing up and recognizing that the world isn’t fair.
    This generation will be worthless when a real crisis comes because they’ve never dealt with one.

  29. I think a huge mistake with this blog is to portray all women as rabid feminists. Feminism is a pseudo-cultist ideology that has few deep tangible roots in the general populace. It’s pseudo in that it purports to be rational- despite the fact that objective scientific theories dispute the majority of its claims. It’s a cult because you must belief in the tents of the system even if they’re irrational and contrary to objective evidence. It’s an ideology in that it’s a CLOSED SYSTEM of thought- Beware their hallmark, like the Devil’s cloven foot- All ideologically driven systems are inherently constructed the same way in that they are self-referential systems of thought i.e Feminism, Marxism, Modernism, Structuralism. This is why they are wrong, dishonest, and crude, namely because as soon as reality differs from their tightly defined set of beliefs that describe the world as “class warfare” as “white masculine privilege” as “concrete cities for the ciphers” they become upset and angry with the reality, with life, with humanity, and they shout and protest and become resentful and angry that the world is not as their ideology says it should be.
    Ideology is the dunces philosophy. It’s believing without faith, it’s having thoughts without thinking. It’s the stuff of all arrested development. The only way to stop the contagion is by using your mind to cut surgically through the soft, rancid fat of these arguments and expose them for what they are.
    I think some men on this blog can be a little unfair and unbalanced at times in their opinions about women, the majority of whom are not feminists. For guys to win this battle, you’re going to have to bring the majority of moderate and traditional women to your viewpoint. Below is an excellent podcast by Professor Janice Fiamengo about how extremist feminism views have taken over the traditional liberal values of free-speech in Canada.
    In this fight the “Manopshere” (a term I dislike) as well as others will have to appeal to a broad coalition of forces in society (including even traditional liberals) in order to prevent the hijacking of the best values of western society by a cabal of neo cultist feminist Marxists.

    1. Let’s look at it this way: Feminism is just an extension of western chivalry to the point of absurdity. Remember the Popeye cartoons where Olive Oyl would flirt with Bluto and then when Bluto basically tried to rape her (yes, what a cartoon), the nice guy she treated like dirt (Popeye) would come to her rescue? That’s the feminist/chivalry paradigm: Women should be able to do as they please and men will rescue them even if she treats those rescuers like dirt.
      This is the culture that women in the states and Western Europe grew up in combined, in the states, with white male bashing leftism. Lots of men seem to be unwilling to “red pill” and see how obscene this is which means they’re chattle fools but women especially are irrational creatures that crave male dominance and with so many men being such craven fools, is it any wonder they’re messed up? It’s not in their DNA to be such selfish b**** but it’s like water around them.
      Even so, there are a lot of good women out there. 50% of marriages fail but 50% don’t and lots of women are hard working mothers who raise their children best they can and treat their husbands with respect but you don’t see them at clubs or on tinder and rightly so since they have other things to do. The “leftovers” are what we see: Women who treat men badly and have little concern for long term relationships with men hence they comprise a majority of those who are free and available regardless of their physical appearance. They, and their husbands, are a “silent majority” who don’t have time to be political.
      Truth be told, if I had a higher SMV and had a better childhood and had married young and well, I wouldn’t be here or have given a great deal of thought to these issues. Politics is defined by “losers” and the power hungry and the elites managing the useful idiots.

      1. Politics is defined by losers- this is very true- there’s always a black void in the souls of most politicians or at least those who hunger power- often they don’t know that they’re possessed by the demon- call it greed, call anger, call it arrogance, whatever its name it sucks them dry, right to the core until they see a monster looking back at them in the mirror.
        Your’re right- if you have a good wife, good mates, children you love and you live a country and community you’ve got roots in- why would you care about “cultural wars” SJW and all the rest. Actually from my travels around the Baltic states which I love, as they’re all small but very unique, I always noticed how much more people seemed to value family and country as a means to happiness, and not in a flag waving nationalistic sense.

        1. One thing about boiling the frog is that a lot of people don’t notice or care until they’ve experienced strong discomfort. Even for many men, dealing with man-hating PC is something they put up with a little in college and if they’re doing well, they don’t do anything about it. It’s kind of like a tax on gasoline or your plane ticket. How many folks actually read the disclaimer on how much taxes come out of these things and bother to do anything about it?
          But even in middle America, men should be cognizant of these issues. A lot of women out there who appear normal and nice, show their fangs as monsters when a conflict develops and the husband needs her to cut back on spending or drinking (yes, I’ve seen this a lot) and then she goes “Montel Williams” and “I do what I want!” and heads to divorce court to put him in his place. Someone I know who got a divorce in West Virginia was fleeced by a “traditional” judge and what saved him was the fact that the ex wife was a drunk and drug abuser and the judge _had_ to cut him a break (the judge sometimes flips a coin and decides that letting the kids die in an opium den is better than letting a father raise it and not give “child” support to the mother). It’s that bad.
          I think it’s amazingly irresponsible for men to have the attitude “it doesn’t affect me, for now, so who cares?” Even if it’s not a pressing priority, certainly a strong opinion is warranted and some kind of awareness when voting.
          And that does seem to be happening. The gender gap between Republicans and Democrats shows 12% for men for Republicans and a mere 4% for women for Democrats. The left then likes to crow “Those Republicans better work hard to close that gender gap and end the war on women!” but they fail to note that the war on men has driven away 8% more men.
          So why the failure of two presidential candidates for the right? They do NOTHING for men and to address immigration and leftist race policies. NOTHING. And in a way, I think it’s good they lost to show them that if they don’t grow a pair, they’ll lose in 2016 too.

  30. A psycho-left Trotskyist answer to you…” I know that you are telling the TRUTH. But I still don’t believe you” ! & don’t confuse me with facts. My mind is made up !
    Nonetheless VERITAS VINCIT !

  31. Funny you mentioned the jailbait subreddit. While posting pics of underage girls, especially without their consent, can be understandably morally questionable, to liberals it is not questionable for Yahoo to post articles of how HAWT and fabulous 17 year old Kylie Jenner looks in her bikini body. Just don’t at her you sick child molester. Just like how conservatives don’t mind having their elementary school girls prance around like little prostitots. The last one is pretty disturbing.

  32. you wrote:
    “Right now the progressive social justice mob happens to be the loudest and most deeply supported by society’s institutions. ”
    Yes, but WHY is that the case?
    A designer of an automobile has to know the answer to every WHY question. It is rare on the Dissident Right to even hear anyone bring up the issue of why the establishment supports SJW/multiculti.
    Why you can ask and answer this question, grasshopper, you will have learned.

  33. Facebook is supposed to delete comments that promoves hate speech, but I flagged a death threat against males and they responded that it doesn’t figure as hate speech. Fuck facebook.

  34. Kennedy once said ,those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution enablable!

  35. Just because someone has the right to say something does not mean that speech is exempt from criticism or is inconsequential. Just because you CAN say it doesn’t make it a just, good, or smart thing to do.

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