Sweden Showcases The War Of Two Nationalist Narratives

There is a war going on between two national narratives in Scandinavia and other European countries. In Sweden, the central question is how to define “Swedishness,” what it means to be Swedish, and if it’s possible to define the term at all. The subject has popped up in debates from time to time, at least in the past fifteen years.

As the big nationalistic party, the Sweden Democrats, has gained more and more support, so has the topic of Swedishness climbed higher on the political and cultural agenda. The recent migrant crisis has pushed nationalistic ideas and parties to the forefront all over Europe. The political polarization seems to increase as more and more migrants enter what was in a not-too-distant past quite homogeneous societies.

Exclusive vs. inclusive

The two narratives are both nationalistic in the sense that they attempt to define what the particular nation is, what it stands for and how it differs from other nations. They are mutually exclusive, with one being excluding and the other being including. One focuses on the historical and cultural roots of the nation, the other advocates immigration and multiculturalism.

While normally we attribute the first to the political right and the other to the left, the distinction is not always that simple to make. The nationalistic Sweden Democrats is now the biggest party among working class voters, taking the place held for so long by the Social Democrats. Blue-collar workers have shown themselves to be surprisingly conservative.


Jimmie Åkesson’s nationalistic party, the Sweden Democrats, seems bound to become the biggest party in Sweden.

Proponents of inclusive nationalism say Sweden should be a country of openness and tolerance. Another word they like to use is solidarity, meaning that the affluent Swedes must aid the people who suffer around the world. As the world becomes increasingly globalized, the socialist idea of caring for the weak and downtrodden in society is being applied also to people living beyond the Swedish borders.

In the US, some say that America is a nation of immigrants. Therefore it’s un-American to be against immigration in any way. It’s nonsense, of course, since the mostly European migrants that made America what it is today arrived a long time ago. In Sweden it would be even more nonsensical for someone to claim such a thing, so no one does.

But they present other reasons for why immigration is such an important aspect of Swedishness. It’s morally wrong to keep people out who have done nothing wrong. And not helping someone you know is suffering is even worse. It’s thoroughly un-Swedish to be selfish at all.

Everything can be Swedish

Sweden sucks

But what’s also significant in this inclusive narrative is the idea that Swedishness is constantly changing and infinitely malleable, like a pot of clay that will never solidify. That means whatever people do or think within the Swedish borders is what constitutes Swedishness. Since Swedishness is in transition, the very proposition that there exists a particular Swedish ethnicity that can be preserved over time is met with accusations of racism and xenophobia. It’s seen as a dog whistle for white supremacists. After all, if a black person moves to Sweden, being black is also included in the definition of Swedishness.

The other national narrative, the one which some would call exclusive, see the clay pot of Swedishness as solid but fragile. It must be kept protected lest it will break and disappear, its fragments being discovered years from now by archaeologists and examined as remains of a long-lost culture.

That is why you’ll hear some of these nationalists proclaiming “Sweden for the Swedes!” In the end, it’s a matter of survival. And who can blame someone who’s proud of his heritage for wanting to pass it on to future generations?

A Swedish ethnicity actually exists, say proponents of exclusive nationalism. It consists of components like a common language, religion, traditions, values etc. It’s what Swedes are used to and something they don’t even notice until they encounter cultures that are far different.

And that leads into another point—multiculturalism doesn’t work. Different peoples will experience difficulties in cohabiting the same country. A better solution would be that every ethnicity had its own state in which people who share the same culture can live together. A society like that would be more stable than one with a mix of peoples who don’t trust or understand each other, and whose goals are opposing.

Flawed but growing


Marine Le Pen’s National Front won in six of mainland France’s twelve regions in the first round of the recent elections.

Both types of nationalism have their flaws. The exclusive kind, inevitably isolationist to some extent, seems out of touch with the current globalizing trend where communication, relationships and trade become globally integrated. Minorities also tend to be treated badly in these kinds of societies. The wars and genocides of the 20th century are reminders of what can happen when one ethnic group claims superiority and hegemony over others.

In the case of inclusive nationalism, on the other hand, there is a naive and unrealistic notion that people from different cultures will get along fine. Instances of terrorism and the failure of integrating immigrants into Western societies showcase the difficulties at hand. It is also common in multicultural societies that minorities receive privileges and are treated as protected groups, while the dominant group is denied equal rights. Hate speech laws practically forbid any utterance that might offend groups deemed “oppressed.”

Borders are trending once again

One thing is for certain: nationalism will not die out any time soon. These days, exclusive nationalism seems to be gaining ground all over the map. It is and will continue to be fueled by the migrant crisis for as long as it lasts. Borders are being erected once again between the European countries, and the discontent with the EU is growing. Soon the British might decide to leave the union, and if they do, others might follow.

Even if the flood of immigrants can be halted, many of them have already come, and their presence will be a strain on the national economy as well as the relationship between groups of citizens. The “Old Swedes” will see their country changed by the “New Swedes” and doubt if it’s for the better.

Balkanization will make natives turn to the exclusive type of nationalism for security, as they see the social cohesion of their formerly homogeneous country deteriorate. Inclusive nationalism will receive pushback as its flaws become all too apparent.

Read More: The Final Verdict On Swedish Girls

80 thoughts on “Sweden Showcases The War Of Two Nationalist Narratives”

  1. I am so glad to see the nationalists gaining power. EU and mass immigration is a failed experiment. Crusaders spent 1000 years fighting to keep Islam out. Now, treasonous secularists are opening the floodgates to invaders.

    1. “Crusaders spent 1000 years fighting to keep Islam out.”
      The Orthodox have spent almost 1400 years now fighting to keep Islam out when they attacked and then pushing them back and regaining territory whenever possible.
      “Crusades” on the other hand means stupidly attacking Islam in a place where it isn’t even vulnerable, or attacking the Orthodox (who really held back Islam and pagans like the Mongols) for temporary advantage, or attacking some Roman Catholic heretics. “Crusading” is a Heterodox (Roman Catholic and schisms thereof) way of thinking. Even a post-Heterodox nation like the USA still thinks in terms of Crusading, only now to spread “democracy” which will fix everything.

      1. I am also Eastern Orthodox (not a member but attending 5 years). Crusades in Spain were helpful.

      2. The Crusaders were not perfect but their approach is far better than hunkering in a bunker waiting for the best. Besides the Crusades slowed down the Islamists advance despite its ineffectiveness (they were not able to reach the Arabian Peninsula, let alone the Mecca and destroy the heart of Islam). The sack of Constantinople was deplorable but Byzantines were not saints, they were using the Western crusaders for their own purposes after all.

        1. Can you imagine how history might have been changed if, after Baghdad, the Mongols said “So…what is this Mecca we keep hearing about? Let us loot THAT city as well.”

        2. Nice post. Useful for when Muslims bitch and complain about how badly they are treated by western powers. They are lucky there are so many pussies in the West. If we had the morality of the Mongols (and it’s a damn shame we don’t have at least more of it), their asses would be dead by now. And that’s the fucking truth.

        3. I agree. The current western idea about “human rights” is out of touch with reality but it wont last forever though.

        4. There was nothing in Mecca that was worth looting in the first place.
          And the Mongols did try and invade Mecca – The Battle of Ain Jalut, where the Mamluks defeated the Mongols – the first ever defeat of a Mongol army. The Mongols were even being led by a Nestorian Christian Mongol general

        5. Rights apply only to one’s own citizens, not to the whole world. Each nation is supposed to take care of its own citizens. That applies to the West, especially, where the idea originated.

      3. Technically correct but colloquially irrelevant.
        His point is that once there was a Christian thing that once fought off a Muslim thing.
        And that this thing, or something similar, needs to exist to fight the Muslim thing once again.
        Btw I do share some of your apparent disdain for western ‘democracy’.

      4. Not to play “who started it first” but if Orthodox Christians hadn’t slaughtered the Latins in 1182 the sac of Constantinople probably wouldn’t have happened.
        And the Christian Orthodox from Constantinople refused help from Rome when the Ottomans were at their doors.
        Besides the purpose of the first Crusade was to help the Byzantins against Muslims.

        1. I do not know if you are right or not. I like both churches (but prefer Orthodox),
          But what you said sound plausible. The reason Islam is so powerful is that the churches could not stay unified.

        2. It’s the same here, I like both churches, but prefere the old school Catholic one because it brought so much to my culture.
          However, between the modern parody of Church we have now and the Orthodox, I’d choose the Orthodox tradition anyday.

        3. I was born protestant. Presbyterian is worse than catholic. I will probably join formally orthodox at some point. Prefer their services. But there is still a protestant part of me that refuses to submit to a priest.
          I am allowed to partake in bread at orthodox communions but not wine. So I generally go to Sataturday evening vespers where there is no communion.
          Most weeks I go.

        4. Atheist doesn’t necessarily mean leftist. There are conservative atheists and they are an increasing group.

        5. I’m aware of that. I think they won’t achieve anything long lasting without Religion and Tradition though, just my opinion.

  2. Countries in Europe need to forget about the EU and look out for their own best interest (it’s in the best interest of preserving their own culture). We’ve seen Islam travel to different countries and we’ve seen quite enough evidence that shows they do not integrate with their host country. They expect that country to change for them, change to their laws and change to their culture. It’s happened in too many places already to dispute it. It’s not a “peaceful” religion as many politicians and the media is trying to sell it to be on a regular basis.
    Here in the U.S….we don’t want it. We have a Constitution in place and it’s the law of our land (not changing it). Anyone (foreign or domestic) trying to change it will meet with We, The People…and it won’t be pretty.

    1. It’s a cheery and realistic thought that the EU could actually fall just like the Soviet Union did, was an interesting article recently https://www.rt.com/op-edge/326577-eu-ussr-brussels-london/ . That Russian guy in the clip at the bottom is good. I have been thinking it myself.. Another massive financial crisis with Greece, a Brexit, maybe Finland wants out as well, the Front National in France wants to see it dismantled, as does the Alternative für Deutschland in Germany..

      1. Good article. Yes, I see the EU becoming something similar to the old Soviet Union or what we have in the U.S. (today) in our federal government. It sounds all peachy to join up as a “union” but when you think about it (critically) you can see just how a small few can rule over a large mass (with so called laws or fear). The EU is now trying to put together a “boarder force” to pretty much force countries to abide by their bad policies (letting illegals in all over Europe). Countries like Hungary were smart in telling the EU ‘no thanks, we’ll take care of it’. You can only hope that many others wake up before it’s too late (or get out).

        1. Does sound peachy in theory but somehow the people at the top have very destructive politics just like many other times in history..

  3. People, nationalism is an ideological foundation for social structuring, it is not a substitute word for any kind reactionary position.
    There is no such thing as “inclusive nationalism” for the very same reason civic nationalism never works in practice. All nationalism is in essence, ethnocentric in nature.
    You can make the dual-nationalism narrative in places like the Koreas (South Korean nationalism vs Pan-Korean nationalism), or Taiwan (Taiwanese nationalism vs Han nationalism). Sweden is not one of those cases, and you shouldn’t use the label for something it doesn’t describe.
    To expound further, the dilution, replacement, or reduction of zero-sum power from a majority is immoral. From the ideological point of view, the very existence of a minority within a majority populace is criminal to begin with. Of course, no society has ever been 100% anything, meaning that the normative stance should be that non-indigenous minorities exist in a state of permanent privilege, at the behest of the majority. This includes people like me, I’m just not sorry about it.
    Demographic fluidity (the idea that all demographics blend and change in composition over time) is not an excuse to destroy existing identity groups. It is only a phenomenon that exists in opposition to demographic stability (ethnostate). Both are opposite forces of nature. The equalist only highlights the first to satisfy their need for compassion. You cannot use the dictionary definition of “nation” to further nationalism until the word nation is defined by nationalists, which has yet to happen in the West.

    1. I agree with what you said, however there are some exceptions like Russia. In Russia, there are over 140 ethnic groups with their own languages, cultures and habits. Four official religions: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Judaism.
      The reasons why I think all the ethnicities and races co-existed over all peacefully for centuries in Russia are the fact that most of them have their settlement areas where they are majority. For example in Chechnya, about 90% of all the people living there are Chechens, in Dagestan, majority are Dagestani, in Kalmikiya – most are Kalmyks. Next, very small percentage of recent immigrants, most lived there for thousands of years, thus people learnt to respect each other over very long periods of time.
      In addition, Russia is very respectful of local traditions. A Russian going to Chechnya would abstain from drinking not because it against the law but out of respect to the local customs. Just like Chechens going to predominantly ethnic Russian regions are expected to behave like locals.

      1. Yes, that’s basically the kind of intra-nation tribalism you see in a lot of old world countries. It’s sort of a final adaption to diversity – functional but not perfect.
        But that sort of communalism based on mutual self-interest would be considered “hateful segregation” in western countries. Despite what the left thinks, cosmopolitanism in big cities is not actually progress, but rather an artifact of wealth and privilege. Without safety and comfort, people get tribal very quickly.

        1. Some good points. I like to point out, in the west, we’re not even allowed to question or talk about preserving one’s culture but are very much expected to preserve all others. I’m not sure if it’s an issue with people hating their own “tribe” (some white people) or it’s just a mental issue with the left but all are expected to follow in step with the same narrative.

        2. I think the multiculturalism thing comes from the 1960s, during which a lot of ethnic whites as well as black-priders and radical Chicanos started romanticizing their ancestors. “What the son seeks to forget, the grandson seeks to remember” and all that.
          So they put on their daishikis and their Celtic knots and took courses in languages their grandparents strove to forsake for good English during the Ellis Island period.
          And they also thought that multiculturalism was this awesome thing, because they were obsessed with anything outre, like Zen and the Mayans and thought that immigrants would bring these cultures with them so they could get authentic karate and curry for the hipster taste, because they despised the “white bread” 1950s culture of their parents.
          When liberal boomers say “down with the white man” its basically “Screw you dad”. Kind of how Portnoy from the Philip Roth book, Portnoy’s Complaint, fetishized WASP women because his Jewish parents were strict. And minorities / immigrants, who are mostly coming to the West to make a buck, are baffled by this multiculturalism thing that they’re stuck in the middle of.
          Multiculturalism has the same ultimate origins as nationalism: they both arose from the romantic movement of the 18th century.

        3. I’ve noticed that as well, being multi-ethnic myself. Having spent time overseas, I stopped calling myself German and Mexican and simply call myself American with German and Mexican heritage. The fact that I’ll embrace my German heritage by listening to their music and learning German (most basic stuff, asking for directions, ordering meals, etc.) and not bother with Spanish seems to piss off quite a few of the SJW types where I live.

        4. The real crime is in places like Sweden or Germany where politicians are telling actual citizens if they don’t like the changes then they can move. These people are the ones who built the country up and have sustained it (with its culture and heritage let alone tax money) and now they are be asked to like the changes, adjust or get out. Meanwhile, they are all hiding the facts (with help of the police and media) that crime in these new areas has shot up because they want to continue pursuing a certain narrative – Islam is a peaceful religion – usually is the same narrative.
          A mayor or governor making that statement to Americans in parts of the U.S.. would get shot.

        5. Some people can live together and some simply can not live together.
          People who follow Islam want to fundamentally change our way of life, change our laws, change what religion we follow and want to change (or do away with) our Constitution. They have shown this move, time and time, again whenever they travel outside of the middle east (just look at the UK). They don’t adjust to their host country, they want to take over and make everyone in it change to meet their needs (Sharia law).
          Many can’t ignore this fact in the UK, now, because it’s right in your face (even though many politicians still try to down play it). There are “no go” zones in the UK because police have confirmed it and many want Sharia law to be the law of the land there in the UK (now).

        6. It is. The German friends I made while stationed there were proud of their heritage but up to a point. It was as if they had been guilt tripped while growing up for merely being born two generations after the holocaust.
          Seeing how many viewed the Turks that lived there was also an eye opener, given that many were tolerated (at least on the cities, countryside was a different matter) but also viewed with suspicion even the ones who had been born there. If the attitude of the people I knew there is an indication, Merkal and her party are going to be out soon.

        7. Yeah but you get ‘points’ on those college admission forms when you check the box marked ‘latino’

      2. Yeah, countries like Russia, China (which follows the Russian model), India and Malaysia have dealt with diversity since time immemorial by having various ethnicities recognized under law and having multiple state churches.
        ut the nation-state is a very different model and built more upon an assimilationist / homogeneous idea.

      3. That’s pretty much India for you. And when those populations in those states fear they are becoming a minority or that their culture is no longer being respected, guess what happens?
        Massacres happen.

    2. Dude, I hunger for well thought out, intellectual content on the web and you have far exceeded the masses of name calling idiots out there. Send me a PM if possible. Cheers.

    3. Someone here needs to read Fichte’s Reden an die Deutsche Nation” where he explains what constitutes a nation. In short he already defines nation within the confines of a common culture, language, religion and intrisically ethnicity.

      1. Had never heard of that one, looks like it’s about defending Germanness during the French invasion..

    4. Non-indigineous minorities who exist in a permanent state of privelege, at the behest of the majority. And that’s the way it needs to be! I’m also happy to be in some minority at the behest of the majority. Have made a personal choice of which majority. Just like gays should be free to do their thing on the fringes of society but not be endorsed and encouraged by the mainstream. Still free to enjoy everything just relate to greater society in certain way. This subtle change is messing everything up badly.

    5. The word nation has a strong biological background. Nation comes from Latin “natio” birth.
      Birth is from a mother and a father to a child, Birth is transmission of genome.
      Those who aren’t of your kin aren’t of your “Natio”, because nobody can pass them the status of being birth of one of your familiar/ethnical tree.
      Reply that is a social construct is not only a fallacy but a lie.

  4. Here´s how I know that inclusive nationalism doesn´t work: people self-segregate.
    Yes, in theory it could be appealing: the ethnic persons could get acculturated, and then just be e.g. Swedes of a different race, skin color etc. But: it doesn´t fly. People will secretly feel uneasy in their presence; they will avoid contact, they will: SEPARATE themselves from these otherrace-Swedes.
    So the result will be as always: separation of people on the basis of race. Yes, right what we have now, or had until recently, in the whole
    Here´s another argument regarding immigration / acculturation: so if e.g. France finally has some 80% negroes: who wagers that this country will then still be France? With the same architecture, economy, science, universities, music, food, infrastructure, wealth level, geopolitical standing?
    The races are DIFFERENT, full stop. No amount of good will not to judge superficially can change that ! The do-gooder dogmatists need to wake up to their error. They are defeated by reality and have to finally admit their failure.

    1. You can see that even the trendiest SJW and closest followers of PC doctrine don’t really mix with the minorities they try and force on us. In the UK they don’t live in areas like Bradford, Luton and Hounslow unless forced to by lack of money. They move to live in areas full of other white SJWs instead. if you look at their Facebook friends (and anyone else) you find that people have very few minority friends of other races. They tend to have friends that look like them. When they go to Glastonbury Rock Festival, The V Festival or the Hipster Cafes of London they are literally 99.9% white, far more white than the whitest cities and counties in the country.
      Mixing of groups is a myth. I always observe the crowds at major sports events (F1, Wimbledon, Horse Trials, Football), Arts events (Rock Festivals, Book fairs and Galleries), National Events (Royal events in London), Regional Events (Agricultural shows) and notice that the crowds are almost 100% white. Despite what the PC crowd wish for, the recently arrived ethnic groups generally are separate and make themselves separate from the rest of the population. They are not interested in the Country, Royals, Arts or Sports….. But wander into the roughest parts of any city, and observe who hangs about on the streets, on garden walls and in shop doorways generally intimidating the law abiding citizens or taking as much free education as possible at our colleges and Universities, or rioting in the streets or London and then you’ll find our ethnic friends. to be honest – I mean blacks and Asian Muslims. I have yet to see a riot or crime wave caused by Japanese or Chinese immigrants, Sikhs or Hindus, who to be fair do integrate and mix.
      But go to any ‘diverse and vibrant’ area and you will see the BA/MA (Black/Muslim Attitude) and Intimidation you so often find in our cities and any other place they congregate in numbers exceeding one. (I say this, as most blacks and muslims are fine and dandy when they are on their own – they are civilised and articulate), join them with two or three others and the street talk appears and the swagger, and their insistence of avenging the treatment of Kunta Kinte and Chicken George, as though they were slaves themselves.

      1. Damn hypocrites the SJWs and Hipsters.. Certainly know the Black/Muslim Attitude and Intimidation you are talking about. That doesn’t make the news like the machine guns in a Paris theatre but it’s a day to day consequence many of us have to deal with or avoid parts of our cities..

  5. Swede is a white person who speaks and thinks in Swedish as his first language, self-identifies as a Swede and shares a common culture, history and religion with other Swedes.
    Now, you can say “How about a person whose one grandparent was Black/Arab/Asian/Alien”?
    There’s no formula that will cover the term for %100, thus there always will be some grey areas, and they should be dealt with case by case. Its like if you have bedbugs lets say, and there’s a bedbug spray that kills 95% of them. So now you wont use it because “well it doesnt take care of 100% of the problem”?

  6. Maybe we could use Islam to help with our Texas and Arizona border invasion. We just tell the Muslims they’ll never get those Mexicans to convert to Islam or stop eating pork burritos.

  7. I love my neighbor, and we can get together and do great things, but at the end of the day he goes to his home which he runs his way, and I go to mine which I run my way. The world works well that way too.

  8. Well, it’s about time someone said it, so I guess I’ll volunteer to be the Cassandra and suffer the attacks for doing so. The future of Europe is brown Islam, just that simple. White Christain Europe is not reproducing in sufficient numbers to maintain its culture or its social welfare states. The politically expedient solution is young brown Islam immigration to support the pensions of the aging white Christians. The problem is that the young brown Islamic immigrants are not assimilating. As their numbers grow and white Christian numbers continue to crash, political power will shift to the brown Islamic unassimalated immigrants. When they have political power, what is left of white Christian Europe can kiss its ass goodbye. The fact of the matter is that radical Islam cannot exist without at least the tacit support of so-called moderate Islam just like the Irish Republican Army could not have existed without at least the tacit support of the local populace. By the year 2100, white Christian Europe will be gone. And now it is time to say the unsayable. 155 years after the end of WWII the racial purity policies of the Nazis will have been proven correct in terms of white European culture preservation. When you attack me for saying the unsayable, please confine your attack to the argument as presented and not mindless politically correct name calling. I am not racist, but radical Islam is. I am merely applying logical analysis to facts. Please prove me wrong.

    1. Sadly, this is the reality of what will come to pass. Additionally, two of the world’s nuclear powers (France, U.K.) are being infested with Muslims as we speak and the scary possibilities are there. Sure you can say that Pakistan is Muslim and has nuclear weapons, but they know India would annihilate them in a heartbeat and there are at least some level headed people running Pakistan but not for long.
      Europe’s going to have more than riots on their hands soon if the floodgates aren’t closed. In a lot of ways it would make the Balkan Wars of the 90’s look like a pillow fight.

      1. The Ottoman Turk invasion of Europe under Suleiman the Magnificent was stopped at Vienna in 1529 thereby preserving Christiandom. Fast forward 500 years and the Germans under Angela Merkel are inviting an army of invading Islam that dwarfs the forces of Suleiman into their country with open arms. What Suleiman was unable to accomplish by force, Merkel has accomplished by gynocentric political correctness. There is no doubt what Islam will do to Europe given the opportunity. When ISIS is kicking down the door of Merkel’s granddaughters to rape them and pillage their homes I wonder if they will be praising their grandmother for her open minded inclusiveness or be praying for their storm trooper great-great grandfather to magically appear and save them? The answer is obvious. Demographics is destiny. End of story.

        1. You simply state the obvious but never ask the obvious question why does Merkel does what she does?
          The notion that demographics is destiny might be true but only for a primitive predominately agricultural economy. In a highly technological economy when the percentage of the population engaged in food production is less than 10, you don’t need to have an ever growing population. In fact, the reduction of the growth of population is essential for maintaining of high living standard and for the preservation of the environment.
          Besides with automation we need less and less people to make things. Demographics in Europe is just fine as it is. So why does Merkel does what she does and who is behind her? Who was behind Hitler?
          The current Islam invasion has nothing to do with demographics or with Islam itself, the core of the problem lies elsewhere. From my observations, the neomasculinity ideology is not suited to answer the real questions. It only scratches the surface.

        2. Ah, my dear, thank you for the semi-logical and neo-political response. Basic food production is not driven by technology or economics. It is the basis of survival. A peaceful person may produce all the foodstuffs necessary for their survival but the stockpile is vulnerable to looting – be it by Romans, Vikings, Huns, Goths, Visigoths, Mongols, Nazis, or the modern version of ISIS.
          Historically, the killers will take the means of survival (food) from the defenseless by the sword. Men are the defense. Their women and children are those they historically defend. Regardless of technology (the chariot, steel versus brass, guns versus bows, etc.) men do the fighting and dying in attack or defense.
          From your name it appears you are Russian. What makes you think the history of the Nazi invasion of your country in 1942 cannot repeat? Neomasculinity is bullshit. It is a construct to explain away metrosexuals.
          Putin is a man. Period. He will save your country while western Europe is put to the Islamic sword. Or do you think Gloria Steinem would be a better leader to save your culture?

        3. You have it exactly backwards. By freeing people up from food production, we can focus our collective efforts on all the other pursuits to improve our lives.
          Consider: now that it is unnecessary to simply create mass calories, a larger portion of the population can devote themselves to art, poetry, meditation, and of course prayer, all of which will give the rest of the population greater insight into their own condition and pursuit of enlightenment.
          If more esoteric collective efforts do not impress you then consider more base benefits. Such as more time that can be devoted to creating better, healthier food in small private farms (polyface farms in W. Virginia is a good example). Or greater efforts can be devoted to hiring craftsmen such as limeworkers to make buildings, rather than simply pouring ugly concrete into a hole. Greater design work, more innovation, etc.
          Regardless of intelligence of level of ability of the individual concerned, the net benefit is a positive provided the individual is a positive individual.

        4. Putin is another false leader, don’t be silly … but that’s a different conversation.
          The stockpile gets looted by the ruling elite as they do not want people to move up the pyramid and become their competition. All Arab invasions of Europe have been orchestrated from within Europe …. to be precisely from ….
          Do not buy into the Islamophobia, it’s exactly what they want.

        5. She doesn’t have any children (Merkel).. ie doesn’t have that kind of investment in the future.

    2. Yes sadly, that is the 70% probability outcome, but it doesn’t help to be defeatist we need to fight the less likely fight it is also not without a chance. Apart from the UK and France the police force and armies are still not muslim which is certainly a good sign for the chances of an uprising from our ranks preventing this brown outcome you describe.

  9. Off topic. I plan to take up Krav Maga. I have always been fit (some say skinny), but anyways. I’d like to have some insight on Krav Maga. Is it worth it? Or should I go for another martial art?

  10. “Both types of nationalism have their flaws. The exclusive kind,
    inevitably isolationist to some extent, seems out of touch with the
    current globalizing trend where communication, relationships and trade
    become globally integrated”
    In a sane world, the economy should submit to politic and politic should submit to traditions, not the other way around.
    The same way you train yourself to submit your stomach and your genitals to your brain and your brain to your soul, and not the other way around.

    1. these women are so stupid. It would never work because the surviving white males would kill the brown males to prevent them from mating with the white females. If not that, then they would use their political power to exclude brown males and the females that associate with them. Done on a major scale, this would be a nightmare. How can feminists be so short sighted?

      1. I bet this ‘woman’ is genetic XY male and with androgen insensitivity and her calls for castration are nothing but penis envy to compensate for her ‘penis on ice’ i.e. her so called clitoris.

    2. This is a fine test case for seeing if their statement holds ground if we change the variables. Let’s see…
      Swedish feminist calls for muslim males to be castrated…no…
      Swedish feminist calls for black women to be sterilized…no…
      Swedish feminist calls for…you get my drift. Scary thing is, there’s probably Swedish white males who support her.

      1. Well of course the white males need to be castrated…all the better for the Muslim men to breed with the women. /s ( Maybe deep down, these ‘feminists’ crave to wear a burka and be in the kitchen where they will cook for their man. )

    3. “Wallström – a mother of two sons – has been married to her husband, Håkan, since 1984”
      Sons with mothers like this need to hold them to account.

    4. That’s the media but is it what the population think.. It’s getting crazier by the day something’s gotta give.

  11. Sorry Sweden. It does not matter how you argue one way or another. You are doomed. Either you support the Swedish race, or you perish. As simple as that.
    You are up against a force that wants you removed, and you are running around trying to intellectually analyse it while your women are getting less than 1.8 child per woman. It is futile.
    You had the best country in the world in the 1960’s, then they decided to destroy you. Whether the trigger was Tage Erlander or Olof Palme, I do not know.
    Race is maybe the most difficult thing to bring to the table today, as it is so politically incorrect, but in the en that is what it boils down to.
    And damn, I will miss the country that gave us Astrid Lindgren. We will never see that again…

  12. The other day my fellow Canadians found out that Trudeau will now be letting in not 10 thousand but 50 thousand Syrian refugees into Canada. The people have been extremely vocal about how they do not approve of these actions and all I can do is laugh. These are th same stupid fucks who voted him in and now they are paying dearly. You know what I say fuck em fuck everybody at this point. I’m looking out for myself and my family nobody else. I won’t fight for my country the country that realeases ads on TV villianizing my race and gender. Just the other day Wynne the feminist cunt realeased a sexual harassment commercial and suprise suprise all the men doing the sexual hassasing where white men. This seems odd considering they bend over backwards to make there commercials as multi cultural as fuck but when it’s sexual harrasment or rape it’s all white men? Yea get the fuck out of here all these lefties and feminists can reap what they sowed I’m not doing a damn thing when the Muslims come here I don’t have to worry about a damn thing. You think all those Muslims are going to be very diplomatic and accepting of th lefty way of life gays, trans, and women’s right? Yea fucking right and I’m just gunna sit back and laugh as the left eats itself I’ll be bathing in their tears.

    1. I feel the exact same way. Eff all these people who DESERVE to reap what they sow.
      ( im not white , yet I dont support this multicultural narrative bs)

  13. Another issue is that in the good times differences between people can be painted over and ignored as there’s enough to go around, but in bad times they become accentuated. When things are bad you want to feel you can trust that people are ultimately on your side. Minority groups tend to look after their own first, but the majority in most European countries are legally prevented from doing the same. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve walked into shops in the UK (owned by multinational chains) and all of the employees are of the same minority ethnicity. That said, I have several good black and Asian friends in the UK, but I guess they’re my friends because they’re basically assimilated – Brıts first and minorities second.

    1. That’s the thing, that’s why the governments are getting away with this, because fundamentally it’s good times, not an extreme recession like the late 20s and 30s, not a famine. If something economically changes the place is going to go berserk.

  14. Sweden has a population of around 9 million people…that means culturally, ethnically, racially and most importantly, linguistically…that’s it. 9 million people. There are a BILLION Muslims. And while those Muslims have a large amount of racial variation within them, to them, learning Arabic, not Swedish, will be a lifetime priority.
    The simple fact is, if the Swede’s don’t fight to preserve their culture, no one else will, and they will get swamped by an invading culture by sheer numbers. The migrations of people’s can cause changes in cultures on a massive scale…look at the Celts. They were once a massive culture that ruled Europe and kept the Romans and Greeks in check when it came to northern expansion…but over time and military conquests they were reduced in area until today, the only native speakers of any Celtic language are the few Gaelic speaking villagers in western Ireland. Those Romans brought a different religion with them as well, one which supplanted the Druids.

    1. The Celts also disappeared because they mixed with the Germanic peoples that invaded their lands. (And in the case of France and Spain, the Romance-speakers.) Being at the far west end of Europe, they had nowhere to flee when the migrations from the east were pushing people westward. Even Ireland and Scotland are actually Celto-Germanic hybrids — both have an Anglo-Saxon and Norse basis along with the Gaelic — and are in no way purely Celtic. Wales may perhaps be the most Celtic country.

  15. “The wars and genocides of the 20th century are reminders of what can happen when one ethnic group claims superiority and hegemony over others.”
    They were the result of cowardly appeasement policies similar to today’s cucks.

  16. “Blue-collar workers have shown themselves to be surprisingly conservative.”
    What planet you from?
    In America the bulk of Trump supporters almost certainly hail from rural and working class.
    It’s like that everywhere.
    And the reason is because those people are actually the ones persecuted by liberals the most.
    You see SJWs, leftoids, and etc. are bullies.
    Now a bullies ‘natural’ prey are the weakest and most vulnerable.
    BUT leftism teaches that the weakest and most vulnerable (minorities, homeless, handicapped, etc.) are off limits.
    So the bully turns to the next weakest thing. The lowest hanging fruit that isn’t hanging TOO low to be off limits.
    And that happens to be white rubes and rednecks.
    Ever wonder why (until relatively recent) the leftoids hate on them more than playboys and billionaire types?
    Are not the latter the rich capitalist guys that keep everyone down?
    (this is the part where a light bulb is supposed to go on in your head)
    Really, much of leftism can be explained this way.
    Teach bullies that it’s wrong to use violence as a means of coercion and the bully will simply double down on being a snarky, tattle tail.
    No wonder they regard the judge’s gavel as a mallet to hit everyone over the head that disagrees with them!
    Teach bullies that it’s wrong to bully and the bully will simply turn to bullying by falsely accusing others of being bullies.
    No wonder we have the false rape/abuse industry!

  17. caring for the weak and the downtrodden.. Why not just tie a metal weight to yourself and jump in a lake! Your words on multiculturalism not working are gold as well as “A society like that would be more stable than one with a mix of peoples who don’t trust or understand each other, and whose goals are opposing”. Yes, the former nations of Europe are struggling to find a healthy nationalism. I was on a train again today through a section of my German city filled with third-worlders and it was positively messed up. I wonder what the average German thinks, not the SJW or tolerance-hipster, not people who reads sites like these but just your average one – when they share a train carriage with people from such foreign and war torn places who look like they’re inbread. So happy to hear nationalism isn’t going away cause I worry with all the censoring and legislating attempts to snuff it out. In Germany they have an even harder time with nationalism I feel, they somehow think that if they go there at all it’s a slippery slope to wanting to invade, dominate and gas. They just can’t let themselves try and do it in a healthy way. Even saw a German journalist had written something about the slippery slope.. From what I have heard and read, it sounds like Denmark has got the healthiest form of nationalism going on.

  18. the best point made in the article about multiculturalism is ” there is a naive and unrealistic notion that people from different cultures will get along fine. ”
    I always question people who say “Diversity is good!” with “Why?”. Is it a good thing to import a culture that says “Church and State are one” (Islam) into a culture that emphatically separates Church and State (most Western democracies, even ones with an ‘established church’, like Britain)? One of them must change, because they clearly can’t co-exist. The idiots in power in most of the West think it is Islam that will change; the realists amongst us know that it will not, and hence either we “change” (i.e. submit to Islamic rule) or there will be war.

  19. Multiculturalism does work for a dedicated supremacist subculture bent on dominance. Multiculturalism describes the transitional period prior to Bolshevism, Nazism or Islamism.

  20. The migrant crisis, ah yes. Women slapped around by Muslim men and the government’s response? Don’t be on the streets after 12 noon. This is gonna be GREAT! Feminist societies the world over, defeated by Islam. We men are getting our privilege back. Now WHERE did I put my prayer mat?

  21. The horrible behavior of Muslim men is the best antidote for Cultural Marxism that God and/or the Devil ever could devise.

  22. “The exclusive kind, inevitably isolationist to some extent, seems out of touch with the current globalizing trend where communication, relationships and trade become globally integrated. ”
    Ever hear of Japan?
    Success in a globalised world doesn’t require letting the entire world move into your house.

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