The Truth About Multiculturalism And Third-World Immigration

I recently visited Langley Park, Maryland, a city near the White House that has an 80% Hispanic population. It serves as a case study to show that multiculturalist policies transform good neighborhoods into ones that are unlivable for normal Americans, mostly thanks to the US Federal Government. Here is a video presentation of my argument:

I didn’t begin making this video with an aim to bash immigrants, but it’s clear that they’re being used as a weapon to accomplish a sinister agenda. I can only conclude that multiculturalism is nothing more than an active program to subvert American society and its citizens.

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Read More: The End Goal Of Western Progressivism Is Depopulation

353 thoughts on “The Truth About Multiculturalism And Third-World Immigration”

  1. This is happening in my home town of Santa Maria, CA…. They had maybe 15-17 murders so far in one year(2015) and now they just had 3 the 1st month of 2016!!

  2. Multiculturalism is brought to you intentionally in order to create a race war that will distract everyone from the real issues of the world.
    My advice? Don’t be hateful to the immigrants, be hateful to the ones that let them in.
    And most ideally: convince immigrants of your views.

    1. “convince immigrants of your views”
      Convince guys who come to your countries for welfare to fight an abstract war against globalist overlords ?
      Can I convince a lion to be a vegetarian ?

        1. They will still pour in, becuase our quality of life is infinitely higher than whatever they have at home. Just having clean streets and not being afraid of being killed is a privillege most of the world does not have.

        2. Yes but they will be forced to integrate as us Irish had to. We were spat upon and mocked for our differences but we didn’t start fucking crying over it. We got on with our shitty jobs that we were greatful for and had a few beers to comfort the pain.

        3. Yes, but Irish were European. Even though they were Catholic. Look at how much friction this denomination fight has bought. Protestants and catholics went along like cats and dogs. Just imagine the war between the secular west and fundamentalist Islam.
          Our mistake is to conclude that one instance of successful integration (the first 2 waves of migration in the US), means all instances will be.
          The only successful integration instance was that of Western European people coming into a majority Anglo-protestant nation, and even then we had to impose something like a 40 year moratorium to cope with it.
          We cannot use that one specific instance as an excuse for new migration. We can’t repeat the same conditions.
          It all went downhill since the immigration act of 1965.

        4. Sorry if I sounded like I was defending immigration in any way. The mass exodus from Ireland over the past 170 years has been a disaster for Ireland more than anywhere else.

        5. At some point, the white man is going to snap. Then they will not only be afraid of being killed, they will actually be killed and in massive numbers. It is a simple matter of survival.

      1. I agree with the above contributor in so far as it is the only thing that will possibly work. Love your neighbour as the fella said.

        1. I am against immigration. You are the one who believes in evolution, see your comment above. “We are in the middle of transforming into another species”
          There is little point in talking hatred, it is only adding fuel to the fire as the elite wish. Know who your enemies are. I am certainly not your enemy.

    2. Don’t be hateful to people who rape thirteen year old girls for 30 hours straight? Are you completely insane?

    3. The problem isn’t the immigrants themselves….we’ve had immigration for years. The problem, today, is the type of immigrants that they want to bring in. Let’s face it, we’ve had plenty of people come from the south (Mexico, Central American, etc…) and work into our society nicely. They work, pay some taxes (illegal versus legal) and follow laws (mostly).
      What we are getting, now, is many illegals from third world war torn countries in Africa and the Middle East. These people only know violence and the federal government is placing them all over this country (on taxpayer money). These people will never assimilate and they will work to take over parts of the country. That’s the fact of life and everyone needs to be aware of it.
      This holding hands, feeling good bullshit is just that…it’s bullshit. All immigrants are not the same and some are more deadlier than others.
      Our political leaders in Washington are to blame for importing terrorists, now, and they need to go.

  3. My parents lived in essentially the suburbs of DC 10+ years ago, in this little town called Bristow, Virginia. This is when all of the “War on Terror” money was turning the whole area into a boomtown of sorts, with property values skyrocketing in certain areas due to all the contractors setting up shop in close proximity to DC to take advantage of the massive influx of federal dollars going toward “security/counter-terror”, etc. I remember even then, a massive influx of hispanic immigrants was essentially being imported into the area, with immigrants from Central America completely changing the landscape, including a large presence from murderous gangs like MS-13. Upon establishing themselves in the area around DC, they were hacking off people’s limbs and other atrocious crimes just like they did in their home countries.

  4. What’s the best democratic way to prevent further acculturation by non-indigenous people?

      1. I remember someone tried that in the US.
        It was called Waco.
        Wonder how that ended.

        1. Waco is no comparison to illegals ruining your neighborhoods, local culture and national wages.
          Disingenuous analogy, try and follow the ball.

        2. I wasn’t completely geniune. It’s a good idea overall, but hell if the government doesn’t hate armed militias and won’t do anything to stop them.
          The immigrants are way less of a danger than the government letting them in.

        3. We are witnessing the dismantling of the republican establishment, Trump is surgically shredding it in front of our eyes.
          Many people are slowly becoming aware of the nature of our “leaders” and their globalist agenda. Fox news is currently being outed as a globalist mouthpiece, where just a few short months ago it was the bastion of conservative opinion.
          We are moving at light speed here. The machine is being revealed in real time, the flashpoints of armed resistance may be closer than we would like. Immigrants are being used, I agree, but it does not render their effects any less harmful to our culture and economy. They too will become violent when resources dwindle. They will become violent and they will be in our backyards when it happens.

      1. Yeah, but that’s the rub- if some groups of vigilantes start doing DIY protection of their areas they’ll bring in Big Brother in all its forms to wipe you out even before you’ve begun, that’s why you have to go the democratic route- even Hitler conceded this was the way- and liberals hate the fact that he was elected into power in 1933 by the valid democratic mandate of the Germany people. I’m not endorsing him, I’m just merely making the point that the democratic route is the strongest way to make radical changes in a society.

        1. He was actually pretty progressive for 1930’s.
          He had animal rights and he cared for the environment, and thought smoking was bad too.
          TFW Hitler was a progressive

    1. We need to save ourselves first (spiritually) and then everyone around us.

      1. I don’t think most people feel the need to be saved spiritually. Maybe that’s the real problem?

        1. From the best selling book of 2015…
          Written all of 3,000 years ago.
          [a]Why do the nations conspire,
          and the peoples plot in vain?
          2 The kings of the earth set themselves,
          and the rulers take counsel together,
          against the Lord and his anointed, saying,
          3 “Let us burst their bonds asunder,
          and cast their cords from us.”
          4 He who sits in the heavens laughs;
          the Lord has them in derision.
          5 Then he will speak to them in his wrath,
          and terrify them in his fury, saying,
          6 “I have set my king
          on Zion, my holy hill.”
          7 I will tell of the decree of the Lord:
          He said to me, “You are my son,
          today I have begotten you.
          8 Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage,
          and the ends of the earth your possession.
          9 You shall break them with a rod of iron,
          and dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.”
          10 Now therefore, O kings, be wise;
          be warned, O rulers of the earth.
          11 Serve the Lord with fear,
          with trembling 12 kiss his feet,[b]
          lest he be angry, and you perish in the way;
          for his wrath is quickly kindled.
          Blessed are all who take refuge in him.
          Psalm 2

  5. I can only conclude that multiculturalism is nothing more than an active program to subvert American society and its citizens.
    This is why if a race war begins, the first targets MUST be the elites who developed, fostered and initiated this bullshit.
    They want a race war to begin either a U.N. takeover of the United States or an oppressive police state. Either way they get their final desired outcome of American collapse.
    The only wrinkles we can throw back at them is a scorched earth policy of infrastructure destruction and/or hunting down the elitist garbage responsible. They will either hang, or be left with a wasteland to rule over.

    1. There should be a campaign of boycotting these people. Let them feel the cold wind of exclusion. When they pick up the phone to call for services or help there will be no response.

    2. The first strike of the troubles to come must be to seize the airports so that the elites cannot fly the coop.

      1. Elites have their own airports, helicopters, private jets, security forces, and problem solvers. If the sh#t ever hit the fan, they would be gone before that ever happened. See what happened in OR?

    3. Amen to that-it’ll be glorious when the day comes that all those elites responsible for this are left hanging much as they lynched Mussolini and his cronies at the end of WWII. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of vermin.

      1. Ill just remind everyone Mussolini was solely responsible for Italy not falling into Communist hands

        1. Yup, Mussolini was not the bad guy in WW2. Try the genocidal tyrant Stalin, the greedy warmonger Churchill, and the crippled race-traitor FDR

        2. The fascists considered America as a natural ally against the bolshevik swine but didnt count on zog already being on top calling those shots.
          Hitler wanted terms, the bankers wanted money.
          We know who won last time.
          It will not go according to thier plans this time around.

        3. The advantage being this time with the internet the media can’t out right lie to us like the propaganda that came out of Hollywood in the 30s

    4. I just wanted to say that the UN = US. The UN is a creation of the US to dominate the rest of the World. The UN will never takeover the US since you are already the same thing. Europe is actually quickly becoming like the US: a rootless melting pot.

      1. Close, but not quite. The UN is a creation of the (Jew-dominated) international banking cartel. They put a stranglehold on the entire European banking system (to include the USSR, a project and revolution funded by Jewish Bolsheviks), and then needed to begin breaking down the sovereignty of nations, the very idea that people have a right to their own cultures, lands, and moral law systems… to bow down to some un-named “international” standard.
        That standard would be anti-white, anti-Christian, pro-usury. It helps the banks and evil anti-Christians enslave the world.

        1. All of the drama of human history revolves around one battle: The Cross and those against it, against Jesus Christ our Lord, the God of Abraham. This would put modern “Jews” (who are not the same people of the Old Testament, those true Jews were wiped out, by the Romans and by Jesus… Christians are the real ‘Jews’, the continuation of the nation of Israel).
          There is amazing hope, in the midst of a seemingly insurmountable darkness. Virtually all of South America and Central America is musloid-free, and will soon be seeking meaning in the Church once again. In Tradition and Truth, only provided for by the Catholic and Orthodox apostolic churches. Some estimate put the number of Christians in China, in underground churches, at 300 million, maybe more. This is an entire USA of people being influenced by Christian morality and Law, however imperfectly. This will change China and the entire balance of world affairs, without a doubt. The whole Middle East might be staring down millions of Asian Christian soldiers swarming into those rotten nations to finally wipe out Islam at its heart. South Korea is essentially a Christian nation, and they are disciplined, unified, rich and powerful. Eastern Europe is re-discovering a deeper sense of nationalism rooted in an ancient Christianity, which never accepted the separation of Church and State. They and many other whites across Europe and America are rebelling against the failed experiment and lies of Diversity and Multiculturalism, which are completely anti-Christian, as they demand equal status between just and unjust systems of morality. A contradiction on its face.
          Japan never bought into the multicult BS, and are racially pure and loyal to one another, despite being utterly broken and crushed in WWII, then occupied by the US government, which was by then owned by the transnational Jew-dominated banks. The US government was already full of Marxist sympathizers and advocates. Many of them Jewish as well. That’s why they funded Stalin for the entirety of WWII, and after, as the raping and pillaging of German people and women continued years and years after the war was over. Millions of white Christians from all over Eastern Europe were slaughtered, murdered, raped, and sent to be slaves in gulags.
          Again, it’s The Cross and His enemies. Those are ultimately the only two sides in all of history. Those who reject Him by rejecting His Son, Jesus Christ, cannot help but seek out a way to attack Him and try and destroy His People, Christians. It is rebellion, a desire to rule and be king, a god, of one’s own self, own world. It is in their bones, they refuse to bow the knee to Him.
          The story of all of history is also the story of small groups of people making big changes. The US is certainly not the world’s only hope, it never has been. But, that doesn’t mean it is not important. Americans should be fighting tooth and nail, in every arena, with every tool and weapon at their disposal, to take back their nation from evil people. They can, they just have to follow Christ and be courageous, as Our Lord commanded of us Christians. In the meantime, believe me, there are x-factors out there, some no one even sees right now. No one except God.

        2. Thanks for the good news. You are right of course, God is our hope. I am a European myself and was correcting somebody’s anti-US slur above as I do believe that the US is still a relatively free society not to mention the dominant military of the world. Great to hear of the church in China.
          I also hear that Russia and Cuba are having a revival of faith

        3. Science doesn’t exist. Show it to me. The scientific method exists, and it is put into practice, with varying levels of success, by human beings, capable of making errors. Those humans are called ‘scientists’. Scientists have been proven wrong by later scientists time and time and time and time again. Many other scientists have been proven to be charlatans, faking all their research and data. Many scientists have little to zero training in statistics and crunch their numbers all wrong, as statisticians have showed time and time again, most famously with discrediting the famous “hockey puck” global warming graph.
          Science can go suck a dick. If it had one. If it existed. Do you pray to Science? How does Science speak to you? Is Science eternal, omnipotent? Contained within books? How many? With whose approval and Authority does one book contain Science and the others do not? Is Science limitless?

        4. Science is the religion of knowing you are right and everyone else is wrong until you are proven wrong by another scientist.

        5. Once something is revised enough times we will arrive at indisputable fact. I wonder how many different calenders were written before we finally all agreed across the globe on 365 days with the leap year… science is fallible because of our change as a species. This is more complex than the extremely complex rotation of our solar system, so all we can do is make our best guesses with best minds. Of whom I decide to trust because I am simply not one of them and will never revise the simplest theory.
          Sample size is simply not large enough on our modern most modern thesises . Health, for example, has declined since the first generation of experiments. Probably because scientists are bought and sold as regularly as modern politicians. That big PHD is convincing enough for my grandpa to believe inhaling smoke is good for health

  6. Liberals turned that small american town into a 3rd world ghetto shit hole. That’s not racist that’s just an observation.

    1. Like Peter Sutherland, EU High Commissioner for Refuges who actively advocates that all EU States take more and more refugees:- Below he writes about the positive benefits in an Irish context.
      Nice for a man who lives full-time in a luxury gated apartment complex in Switzerland, which is of course a non-EU country with strict border controls and which hasn’t taken hardly any refugees.Like all liberals (oh and Bildenburg member) he’s again nothing but a self-serving hypocrite who’d be the last to live in any of the ghettos his policies endorse.

      1. Very true. Used to be Chairman of Goldman Sachs, AIB, BP, among other appointments. He is one dangerous fucker. Read his opinions on immigration on his Wiki profile. I find it funny how these kuntz seem to know what is best for the rest of the world. They speak with such authority about the masses yet have absolutely no connection with them. He is a millionaire many times over. He is seventy yet looks years older. I think all those free lunches at the ambassadors have gone to his waist as well as to his bulbous head.

        1. Illuminati. They always have that “undead” look about them. He’s extremely well connected and also 33 degree Scottish rites mason, like Gordon Brown who was tutored by Alan Greenspan who’s also another Bildenburg member and best buddy of Sutherland. All of them Scottish masons too….the rabbit hole truly goes very deep.

        2. There’s something reptilian about this character in the above pic that is very unsettling.

        1. Well, it’s probably on the rail line between Hungary and Slovenia. It has been closed for 6 months.

  7. My ancestors would be turning in their graves at this horrendous science experiment conducted by the fat bloated narcissistic “elites.” We need a new word for them that hits home to what they really are. They don’t deserve the rightful title of elite, because the only thing they have mastered is a system of fraudulent waste. I was going to stick with secular jews, but I realize that there are far too many gentile traitors and sellouts to simply call them all as such. I vote that we call them Invalids. They are like a burst appendix on a great human physique of health and strength, they simply do not belong in this world corrupting it with all of their bile and filth.
    Destroy the Invalids, reject their plans, expose their true ugliness and weakness, and bring more people into the light.

  8. What we must point out is :
    Bad people make bad countries
    Good people make good countries
    We are rich not because of resources but because of our resourcefulness.
    We do not have the moral responsibility of removing other people’s discomfort
    Mexico is a shithole because of MEXICAN PEOPLE. If a liberal tells you it’s because of US laugh in their face. Almost all countries in Africa were shit before colonialism and are shit afer it, we have nothing to do with.
    If we bring bad people into good countries they won’t turn good. If you bring Somalians into Stockholm they will turn it into Mogadishu.
    Remember these talking points whenerver a liberal tries to guilt you. It’s not our job to alleviate other people’s suffering by bringing them here.
    Our countries and institutions were made for US not to serve the thirld World, that’s all

    1. Not quite. There are parts of Mexico, like the northern part, that are better off splitting off from Mexico. I will give you the benefit of this. Plenty of the bad immigrants are coming from the south.

      1. Exactly. And the northern part is more successful because the people there are better. That’s why they will never run to US. They only guys who run illegally into US are the same ones who turned their parts of Mexico into trash and will turn US into trash as well if you let them in.

        1. Also it’s due to excessive socialism gone on too long, basically if Democrats had a country for over 60 years to themselves

        2. Well Scandinavia was socialist for a lot of time, they were relatively successful before muslim hordes came.
          Having a homogenous society of high IQ individuals tends to do that to you
          You could move Europeans to almost any part of the World, under almost any system of government, they would still be succesful.
          Just like Rhodesia, just like every previously prosperous European enclave which turned into a shithole when others took over.

        3. Ah a popular myth they were capitalistic since WWII they just recently went socialist glad to clear that up for you

        4. I did argue in another post that socialism only works in groups that are like minded. Think of the Israeli kibbutz. These are people willing to work as one and willing to help each other out as needed. If the population gets too big or people not like them come in, it eventually collapses.

        5. And ?
          Will other ethnicities become geniuses if we just removed socialism ?
          Will muslims stop beheading if we teach them libertrarian values ?

        6. A high IQ country is then akin to the fulfillment of its own self destruction. If this is the case, then there’s no difference between the self destructive basket case countries in Africa and that of Sweden, meaning either the IQs are the same, which I doubt, or that there’s no correlation between a nation’s IQ and its demise, which is more likely. Emotions lead to the creation and destruction of all civilizations and nations, not the Nation’s collective IQ.

        7. The parody is that a kibbutz would only be possible in a relatively free society. Communes are the privilege never afforded under Communism.

        8. Our emotions lead to destruction. But IQ signifies potential.
          That means that nations that have an average IQ of 69 will never reach what our nations have.
          We can control our emotions, we can’t increase IQ radically.

        9. By that logic countries with Consuellas having 12 kids, half of which have developmental disabilities living in a country with inordinate amount of violence and no public services are better off than first world nations. I’d call that a stretch.

        10. I was just throwing the idea out there for discussion. I know that this is a very narrow view of intelligence.

        11. True.
          But It’s also better to exist in a higher state than a lower one.
          While birthrates definetely matter, I would say other measurements of success matter as well.
          We are more than baboons, we should not look at procreation as the only reason for existence. I say we should try to reach for the stars while we are at it.

        12. I agree with you. I was reading a bit of Plato recently and he explains how an individual’s faith is that of the society he lives in. Therefore, an intelligent man will also depend largely on the actions of those around him. Although I think Plato himself would substitute the word intelligent for Just. Or whatever the Greek for Just is.

        13. I have come to the conclusion that beauty, intelligence, virtue are connected.
          Greeks seeked perfection of the mind, body and spirit.
          Meanwhile we are getting fatter, we believe in nothing but materialism and have the attention span of goldfish.
          A civilization decays when it’s soul is corrupted.

        14. “He who is content with the least will be the richest, for content is the wealth of nature” Plato
          Materialism is the religion that says nothing exists except matter.

        15. Shame to have a land full of high IQs and psychotic women on anti-depressants that can’t cook worth a damn!

        16. Hostile climates produce more resourceful people. But even without sniggers the system would collapse on its own. Less than half of danes work, and the group of tax payers is shrinking relative to tax receivers, and getting worse every year. Only capitalism is sustainable, and capitalistic success always leads to socialism. And so the cycle of empires continues.

        17. The problem is that we are biologically designed to live as hunter-gatherers. We no longer do. We are in a transitional period as a specie, going on for 10000 years and counting now, and we will either transition to something stable or we will eventually collapse back into tribalism. How long that will take, who knows.

        18. Tribalism was socialism. Hunters pooled their kills and shared it evenly among all tribe members. But that only works because tribe is family and because everyone knows everyone and as such everyone is accountable for their actions, or lack of. We are too many to use that system now.

        19. True, but Danes at their worst are better off than Somalians at their best. That’s my point. Europeans recovered from way bigger problems, so there will always be a way to stay afloat. Somalians on the other hand have never even had “good times” and likely never will, because no matter how bad conditions are, human capital is the biggest value a nation has, it’s either it’s salvation or damnation.
          Just think of how rich Swirzerland and Hong Kong is, despite being way poorer in resources than Africa. Human Capital is why Europe is in the First World while Africa is shit. That’s our biggest resource. Liberals just can’t wrap their heads around this.

        20. “Tribalism was socialism. Hunters pooled their kills and shared it evenly among all tribe members.”
          Just because a few tribes claim to distribute meat “evenly” doesn’t mean it happens in fact. Why should meat to distributed “evenly” when the males and adults need to consume more than females and children?

          “The ǃKung promote the belief of community well-being and so the village elders or ‘those of mature years’ will allot meat to the members of the group.”
          Those who vote don’t matter, only those who count the votes. Those who collect their “fair share” of the meat don’t matter, only those who “allot” it.
          Practices like the below are how tribes would stagnate and never leave the stone age and thus escape being studied by Lefty anthropologists.
          “The Juǀʼhoansi had rituals to prevent arrogance amongst male hunters. When a man killed an animal, he would not take it directly into the settlement, but would leave the body and return as if he was unsuccessful. An older man would inquire about his hunt and remark upon his failure, at which the hunter must avoid credit and accept humility. Through a long process, eventually, likely the next day, a group would go ‘see if some small animal was nicked by an arrow.’ Upon finding the hunter would be reassured of the little value of the kill…”
          I’d kill and eat as much meat on the sly as possible, and only bring back the smallest amount not to get thrown out of the tribe.

        21. It don’t agree. African countries have both high reproduction and infant mortality rates which added to these countries woes.

        22. Emotions are the stuff of civilizations, without them, civilizations would die from sterility and lassitude or be beaten into submission and slavery by more savage tribes.

        23. Africa is filled with idiots with a stone age culture.
          Europe is thousands of years ahead.
          The destruction of European societies is from treason willfully committed.
          The tolerance of Christian nations is the Achilles heal that is being used against it.

      2. It’s the other way around North Mexico is where all the cartels are, it’s southern that’s the good part

        1. Not really. Violence has subsided in the North but Michoacan, Jalisco, and Guererro still have big wars going on there. Groups like the Templars, Jalisco New Generation, and La Barredora are wrecking havoc.

        2. I live in Belize, the Yucatan areas are really nice. There are just some patches that are shit, especially the pacific region.

      3. Mexico is two Mexico, North and south, And both hate each other, all the south Mexico is Chilango and all the north is Gringo wannabes. The border is full of narco and immigrants from south who want to cross the border or are deported to Mexico, I’m Mexican living in the Mexican/USA border but in the shitty side. I hate the deported dudes. They are the worst of the worst of the country. Lazy fuckers. The government gives them help to return to their homes they refuse the help. Non profit organization gives them jobs, they refuse the offer. They want the dollar and the welfare check, and work little to non, Then they become beggars and homeless after deported, some of them are criminals and rapists who serve time in jail in USA and deported after being released. The robbers increase in the city after the number of deported dude increase, 90% of deported came from Ciudad Juarez the most shitty city in Mexico they know the problem so they start deporting more dudes to other cities, and those cities are turning to shit too. The government turn a blind eye they know they are a problem but the propaganda in the south portrait them as saints who want to work and support their families (Ayuda al paisano), many of them are young who abandon his 9 children and wife in the south and never return or send money back, almost all of them are alcoholics. Many of the legal workers of the field, spend all their money in alcohol and prostitutes in Mexico, they work for the dollar to spend it all in sex and drugs. And the wife and kids? Who knows. There is a myth of the working Mexican immigrant, The majority are shitty people who are escaping their reality and bring their shit to the USA, if I see them in Mexico with give me, give me, give me, I can’t imagine how they behave in the socialist Obama’s dream of America, They always ask for help and they never say thank you, NEVER. They demand help in Mexico, When some ask me for money, I say fuck off.

        1. Couldn’t have said it better. And of course calling all Mexicans bad is like calling all white Southerners inbred KKK loving drunk ass meth head cousin fucking rednecks. Which I don’t think it’s applies to all (I hope).

        2. The good Mexican don’t cross the border illegally, all Mexican who live in the border, knows and have relatives who live legally in the USA, The deported and illegals, usually are uneducated and illiterate dudes. When you ask them where do you live, They said Mexico. Yeah what part? Mexico. They don’t know the name of the state where he live and never return to home. I friend of mine work with them in a non profit organization, he interviewed them after being deported some of them don’t even know their age or their last name, Some of them does not even know that you can legally cross the border. Some of them don’t even speak Spanish and speak an indigenous native language. Almost all of them are caught in the dessert the other who are caught in the north USA usually the police arrest them for alcohol related crimes and then deport them. The Polleros (The dude who you paid to help you to cross the border), kidnap them, extortion them, abandon them in the dessert, and charge them thousand of dollars. They are stupid We are not exporting the best of the best of mexico.

        3. I followed Autodefensas in the news and watched it subverted and fought by the government.
          There is still hope, but only if enemies are totally eliminated.
          Scorched earth requires no prisoners taken.

        4. Las autodefensas. That’s why the American can’t allow the government to take their guns. Some poor Mexicans defend themselves and the government fuck them, Why? because of fear of revolution. The Drug mafia took their land, rape their woman and daughters and the government do nothing. The leaders of the Autodefensas (Translation The SelfDefense) are now imprisoned for 30 years. Just for the crime of try to defend themselves. Guns are illegal in Mexico, yeah and the narcos have AK47 and Rocket Launchers. This is the land of lawlessness.

        5. The guv ARE the cartels.
          All Mexicans should support Autodefensas.
          I support their cause and anyone with any sense would also.

        6. Mexican are exactly like the proles in George Orwell 1984 novel.
          From wikipedia the proles :
          “Their functions are simple: work and breed. They care little about anything but home and family, neighbor quarrels, films, football, beer, lottery tickets, and other such bread and circuses. They are not required to express support for the Party beyond occasional patriotic fervor; the Party creates meaningless entertainment, songs, novels and even pornography for the proles”
          “the proles would never revolt because they have no need to do so, so long as they are kept well-fed and distracted. The novel alludes to the unwillingness or inability of the proles to organize politically, noting that any prole suspected of independent thought is simply marked down by the Thought Police to be killed,”
          Yeah Televisa, Football (soccer), TVnovelas and the incarceration of anarchist just like autodefensas.

        7. Of Course Trump is right. I live here in Belize city, Belize. When i go travel to guatemala for some beers, i keep on hearing from the locals that many guats are leaving for the US. I asked them to describe the behavior of these guats and they can’t say much positive things about them. The central americans who are leaving for the US aren’t the best of the best. You are getting rapists, extortionists, gang bangers, drug peddlers etc. The government want those criminals out and thus those criminals emigrate.
          My country is one of the safest in C. America and we are also gettinga lot of immigrants here. You know, it was only the black gangs here who commit almost all the crimes. They are slowly killing each other out hence blacks here are becoming a smaller minority. lately though, i am seeing MS-13 and Vato loco gang bangers here. Those gangs aren’t native to Belize. I found out it was Salvadorian and Guatemalan immigrants who bring that culture here. Luckily for us, we keep deporting people out of this country.
          I’m glad we were a former British colony. Only costa rica and panama are doing better than us.
          Btw Belize suck at multi-culturalism. politics here are becoming tribal and blacks here are becoming desperate. I am considered a castizo(3/4 white and 1/4 maya) I always prefer castiza women or purer white. I hope to see Castizos and whites to become a majority here.

        8. VL is still around? I thought most of them got deported back to El Salvador. The civil wars, death squads, and gov funded cocaine programs really screwed Central America up… I have not been to Belize but I here mixed things about the place. I have been to Panama and I could see myself living there.

        9. Belize was affected during the cold war, we had refugee camps for tens of thousands of central Americans. Vast majority of them left for Canada and the US. Belize is beocming “Latinize” Blacks used to be a super majority here now they are around 25% of the population. My future wife will be a castiza to full white. it doesn’t matter where she is from.
          Belize will give foreigners mixed feelings. However Belize is really safe. Belize is better off than our neighbors but we are still a developing country/

        10. I know some people that have been there before. They liked the place. My Mexican friend that I mentioned before was friends with a few Belizeans back in the day and said they were pretty cool. Obviously he liked the exotic looking mixed black girls but he said one of his friends was a young white dirty blond haired Belizean girl that was a real stunner! Hot! I want to try the turtle soup. Have you had it?

    2. Nope Africa and India were wealthy and doing fine before the British came, they are forced to live the same way as Europeans hence all the social problems it has.
      Also to point Somalia is were it’s at due to a foreign backed regime that toppled years ago

        1. Because dipshit they created a massive welfare system to keep most pf the natives down hell India is just recently partially demolish the system and look at them now in just 20 years into growth. Thanks for showing your maturity level though

        2. Ok, mate.
          When capitalism turns the rest of the world into something resembling Europe call me back.
          Even if capitalism is good for economic growth it’s still does not take away from the fact some people are better and some are worse.
          Pigmeys won’t start writing symphonies if we bring them to our countries. Giving them Thomas Sowell books and I’m sure they will be just as developed as us in no time :

        3. You call the guy a “dipshit,” then have the audacity to talk about HIS maturity level? Take a hike, dindu.

        4. Seconded-it amuses no end when people talk about races being ‘equal’ and yet funnily enough Europeans contributed to the world such that it became civilised and others benefitted from it immensely. I would counter and say ‘we are equal, but certainly not the same’ as Africans in the grand scheme of things have contributed nothing to the development of western civilisation as we know it; Sarkozy summed this up beautifully in a speech he made there some years ago and the liberals were foaming at the mouth over it.

        5. S-
          I lived in both east Asia and East Africa for a while. East Asia had a booming capitalistic enterprising culture long before colonialism. East Africa, not so much.
          The jump from pre to post colonialism wasn’t as big for East Asia as it was for East Africa which was mainly a basic gatherer culture.
          Many African peoples will admit they enjoyed their best years under colonialism. They’re actually quite blunt about it.

        6. I show this video to everyone who says Africans are just as intellectually capable as Europeans. Always good for a laugh. At least he wiped some of the shit off with the cow’s tail. Hahahaha

        7. I love the part where those that say “all cultures are equal” then they bash whites and Europeans as evil. Clearly, they don’t actually believe what they preach.

      1. I guess they defecate out in the open and bathe in their polluted waste water because of the British occupation too right?
        Funny, Romans knew you shouldn’t shit where you drink and had latrines over 2000 years ago. Why can’t modern Indians do the same?

        1. That was the case in London during the medieval times, nice non sequitur though.
          That also proves you didn’t know jack squat about past Indian empires that had canals =Ideologue confirmed

        2. Indeed, Idian have always been more advanced than the stupid brits.
          They had designated shitting streets when the brits still urinated in bushes.

    3. “Mexico is a shithole because of MEXICAN PEOPLE. If a liberal tells you it’s because of US laugh in their face”
      I beg to differ: If a liberal tries to tell you anything, get a hunting knife and gut them like fish. Fixing societies problems starts with extermination of liberals; period.

      1. I’m sure the Mexican elites in their gated communities or on the beaches of Cabo san Lucas think Mexico is great…they don’t have to live with the mess the country is.

    4. “Almost all countries in Africa were shit before colonialism”
      A lot of countries in Africa were actually quite nice under colonialism and/or nonblack-majority-rule, even at or nearly at first-world status, and then promptly went to crap after colonialism ended. For example, Angola and Mozambique, Rhodesia, South Africa, etc.
      But that fact actually contributes to your argument

      1. Liberals accused Taylor Swift of glorifying colonialism due to this video.

        Looks pretty cool to me.

    5. On this I agree with you…it comes down to culture. As I gave in my above example, Brampton was a nice quiet place to live and had a high Sikh/Portugese population…meanwhile Scarborough is know as a crime ridden gang infested waste on the east edge of Toronto…and guess what? Nigerians, Carribeans, Haitians. (all with something else in common…hmmmm) There are other factors but it comes to values and no, not all cultures are equal.

  9. Here’s what I haven’t been able to wrap my mind around. I can see why the elites would be pushing something like Agenda 21 to reduce populations all over the world. The less people there are globally, the less wages the elites have to pay out, and the more money the elites will have at their disposal to buy yachts and prostitutes. But how does lowering the native population and replacing it with boatloads of immigrants help them? If anything, that throws a monkey-wrench in the elites’ plans, because they almost always import people who generally have high birth rates (e.g. Mexicans). I’m sure I’m missing something here…

  10. I have mixed feelings on this. There are two issues at work as far as I am concerned: 1) Accepting immigrants who do not share basic western values is problematic. This introduces people into the society who do not hold any respect for the basic rights of others. This seems to be the problem in European nations that are encountering those problems we see reported in the news; 2) Our economy, like those in Europe, is essentially a socialist economy and this attracts people who merely want to get on the government “teet”. This restricts entry into the market in a productive capacity.
    I’d have no problem with immigration if we accepted immigrants who shared basic western values AND our economy was not configured like a socialist economy. The immigration of today is, in my opinion, much different from the type of immigration that occurred in the past. Immigrants from western and westernized nations were accepted in a time when our economy didn’t exist mostly to subsidize the functions of a bloated government that seeks to support itself as well as the crony-capitalists who man the doors of the various House and Senate committees.

  11. Multiculturalism makes the fallacious assumption that all cultures are somehow equal. There is even a fallacy, known as “argument from equality.”
    All cultures are not equal. While Great Britain controlled the greatest Empire in the history of humanity, there were still people in Africa chucking spears. People in certain parts of Asia were contorting themselves in tribal gear (although some were not and had achieved high levels of civilization centuries before Europe).
    However, it is clear which cultures (or “races” as some here would insist are the same thing, but whatever) are at candidates for being at the top and which are candidates for being at the bottom:
    Civilized Cultures
    -Western Europe
    -Chinese, Korean, Japanese
    -Saracen/Arab/Persian/Semitic etc…
    Uncivilized Cultures
    -South Americans/Latinos
    -Pacific Islanders
    -Australian Aborigines
    -North American natives
    We need to end the bullshit that all cultures are equal. The British Empire gained control over cultures that were too weak to prevent them form doing so. And, as studies have shown, former British colonies are better off than non-British colonies or uncolonized areas.
    Further, diversity does not make us stronger. Intellectual knowledge of other cultures is good, but that does not mean we need more uncivilized culture in the U.S. or Great Britain. We already have enough barbarians here. There known as “liberals”, “Democrats”, “Socialists”, “Communists”, “feminists” and “Social Justice Warriors.”

      1. There’s a hierarchy of sorts in play. Jordan, and parts of iran, oman and lebanon are chill. Dubai and UAE are all about the money which is why they’re chill. The rest are a bit of a clusterfuck.

        1. My understanding is, Palestinians are seen as the equivalent of trailer trash. Emiratis seem pretty easygoing, so do Jordanians. Saudis, on the other hand, remind me of the crazy evangelicals and Catholics back in Mexico

        2. Saudi’s are good to rich people, but horrible to their own people.
          Look up the things the royal family get up too. Makes berlusconi’s bunga bunga parties seem like a tea party.
          Meanwhile their native population is fucked for doing anything.
          They are also supported by oil socialism. [Free healthcare education etc to keep population shut up]

        3. And Syrians, well, that’s a shame. After seeing a Frontline documentary about Assad’s Syria, turns out, that part of Syria looks more attuned to Western ideals than the Saudis. At least they probably didn’t make you pray five times a day or whip you for drinking booze.

      2. They were civilized, they diverged from civilization at one of two points (I am still doing personal research before reaching a conclusion): when Muhammed brought about Islam, or around the 16th century when education took a decidedly theocratic turn.
        Their inclusion on the list is based off the fact that we use Arabic numbers today, as well as the many contributions to mathematics and astronomy by scholars in the region.

        1. ”Their inclusion on the list is based off the fact that we use Arabic numbers today, as well as the many contributions to mathematics and astronomy by scholars in the region.”
          Yes, those were muslim contributions to civilization. But they were not Arab.
          Assuming that you are talking about people such as Avicenna, Rumi, etc.?
          They were Persian.

        2. Which is why Middle Eastern groups are in a single bullet point, including Arabs, Persians and Semitic peoples.
          Nice try on nitpicking, however. Most people in the US wouldn’t know an Arab from a Persian to a an Afghan Tajik.

        3. Haha, I honestly don’t care what most people in the US think. Fact is that Persians and Arabs are two completely different groups of people.
          Persians were conquered by Arabs somewhere in the 7th century. Any contribution during that ”islamic golden age” came from Persians.
          But the Arabs took credit for it, because they were the overlords at the time.
          But whatever.

        4. No one is saying that they aren’t. You are trying to make an argument out of a non-issue, which is a Social Justice Warrior pastime.

        5. Buddy I just made that comment because I felt like it. It didn’t matter whether you read it or not.
          You did not have to reply. But I get your point.

    1. Bullshit this is all a ploy to get votes and start a race war which will lead to marital law. Stop playing to their tricks

      1. I seriously doubt there will be a race war. Not when there are things like money, oil, land, gold and religion to fight over.

      1. Someone mentioned, i think it may have been Mike Cernovich on twitter, that the amount of jobs available for kids to do on the side has gone down considerably as illegals do those things for tuppence instead.
        Best kids can hope for now is small internet businesses [which is why i don’t hate on youtubers, because they’re killing it without getting all that bureaucratic bullshit for starting a job at so small an age]

        1. That, and also, stop support big corporations and buy local whenever​ possible. Heck, encourage your kids to go old school and do a lemonade stand. Or ask around to see if anyone if they need an extra hand. That’s how I got a new job at 15. And please, stop picking up guys from Home Depot. Put your money where your mouths are.

      2. It’s illegal and huge barriers to entry like Anon said hiring illegals or going automation is the way to go

      3. All the jobs are already taken by foreigners. Teenagers are told if they don’t go to college or uni fresh out of high school to become SJWs that they will be worthless subhumans. High school teachers just passing the buck to their fellow union colleagues in higher education

  12. The USA pokes its nose all over the world. It’s the country that has started most wars in the whole of human history. The same goes for most of the first world countries who are only rich by stealing resources from abroad.
    What goes around, comes around. That’s karma bitches!
    If you don’t like the situation withdraw support from your governments and from its stupid wars. Many of the Roosh’s readers from the USA are in fact ex-military men (like the Quintus, for example), meaning they have directly impoverished foreign countries and acted like terrorists over there. So now the terrorists are coming back at ya! That’s karma bitches!

    1. oh jeez, go away man. nursing historic pains is something that will always be pointless. look at Germany. so scared of their own shadow they have men dressing in skirts to express solidarity with molested german women.
      You can bitch about the past or work towards a better future.

      1. Mind you, people like Leopold of Belgium did exploit the shit out of the Congo, yet we can’t use that as an excuse for genocides down there.

        1. I mean the thing is there is shit i am pissed about.
          But it is 100% pointless to be pissed about that shit now.
          For example the British way back when, did initiate the bengal famine in 1770 when they forced indians to cultivate opium instead of native crops so they could use the dope on the chinese and make gains there.
          That did fuck up two countries and led to many millions of indian and chinese dead.
          I hate that that happened.
          BUT, its useless to be pissed about it now. What is an apology going to do? What, so are the local british population responsible for what some elites did 300 years ago?
          Thats what i’m saying, if people have gripes they should concentrate on making their country the best, reparations aint gonna happen.
          If we start down that game, heck Britain would go bankrupt just on the payouts to America let alone everyone else lol

        2. Then again it appears now the immigrants are exploiting the shit out of the U.K. Could be karma, but who knows. Don’t get mad, get even, perhaps?

        3. Belgium in the Congo was an abomination. Not so long ago I came across a photo of a little girl and her father. The father was a rubber plantation worker and the little girls hands had been cut off by his bosses because he hadn’t met their targets. I don’t know for sure that the story was true but while you can argue that there were both good and bad sides to imperialism overall with the Belgian Congo I know of nothing good they can be said at all.

        4. It still happens. While buying a diamond engagement ring will cost you an arm and a leg only metaphorically, there are still African children that do lose them literally for mining them. If anything, we can partly blame this one on whiteys, but, ironically, on SJW women who believe in equality and justice but demand diamonds and other sparkly things.

        5. The blood diamond trade is certainly nasty. The dynamics aren’t quite the same perhaps

        6. I think the ones exploiting don’t have it in their head to collectively decide on a plan. It’s more like, “we see an opportunity out of poverty and think Britain is paved with gold so let’s take it”. Admittedly their rose tinted view of blighty is based on what they were taught under colonial rule but still.
          For some when they come over they contribute and make Britain even stronger (I would put my father in this category).
          Others just come to scrape scrounge and suck up as much as they can to send back to make a house or property back home. They as a loose rule have much less affinity for the host country. Polish do this as well as the south east Asian nations.

        7. I have a friend and co-worker who is of Sikh extraction. He immigrated to the US as an adult post college. I have no problem with him as an immegrant because he came here to become an American. He married an American girl and coverted to Methodism. I asked how his father felt about that. He said, “I told my father before I left India that I was going to America to become an American.” He also told me that he could make $30,000 to $50,000 back in India and live like a king, with servants for everything and never lift a finger again. He said the only problem is to do that he would have to live in India; he would rather eat shit in America.

        8. There are fewer miles of paved roads in the Congo now then when they were under Belgian rule. The country is decaying rapidly back to a state of barbarism. The same is happening more slowly in South Africa.

        9. Leopold’s policies were responsible for the deaths of up to half the population of the congo free state. Rubber quotas resulted in human limbs being collected in some cases as a kind of currency. What benefit are roads if you have no feet to walk on?

      2. Are you living under a rock? What past? USA created ISIS and western politics in the Middle East is DIRECTLY responsible for the immigration crisis NOW.

      1. America has been at war 93% of the time – 222 out of 239 Years – since 1776. And still going strong. The U.S. has only been at peace for 21 years total since its birth.
        Your high standard of living is not down to your economy. It’s down to the fact that you maintain the dollar status as the world reserve currency through wars. So in a nutshell, you are parasites.
        Not taking responsibility for your own doings is exactly what women do, they always blame someone else, it’s beta mentality.

        1. I didn’t blame anybody Rome was at war constantly since it became a republic.
          You’re right American economy is debt based and relies on it being the world reserve currency since the 1970’s. Like the British empire if you abuse it it’ll eventually go away.
          However before then America earned it’s placed

        2. While much of what you say is true, it seems that you remain ignorant of an important fact:
          The US government has not represented the interests or will of Americans in very long time.
          Nothing they’ve done in the last 30 years has helped this country to be safer or more prosperous. Quite the opposite.
          No one asked me if Iraq should be invaded, or if Qaddafi should be toppled. No asked me if there should be war on drugs. Or how I feel about Obamacare or really fuck all about any of it. But they sure as fuck stuck a goddamned gun to my head and demanded their tribute since the day I got my first job.
          Try not paying taxes, any form, and see how quick the guns come out and you end up in cage or dead.
          Our votes mean essentially nothing.
          The last two presidents were elected based on promises that they immediately broke upon inauguration. Our media doesn’t tell the truth.
          And neither does yours.

        3. No central government represents the people. It’s design to uphold corporate interests.
          Even more so today when essentially the whole world is already under one government now. Main stream media is controlled, alt-media is full of disinformation and majority of people are heavily indoctrinated by their education and current professional situation.
          D. Trump is not going to be different president from all his recent predecessors as he is part of the system, the system they call democracy which is just another form of communism. If he plays dare-devil, he will get either assassinated or they will impeach him.
          Do not vote you only encourage them. It’s totalitarianism with a smiley face.

  13. I haven’t bought or read it yet, but I’ve heard the following book by Kelly Greenhill, is the first and most comprehensive in looking at the idea of immigration / mass migration as a kind of weapon – the title pretty much explains the argument. Her vantage point is historical rather than limited to the current phenomenon we’re witnessing:
    Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement, Coercion, and Foreign Policy
    extract from Book description:
    In Weapons of Mass Migration, Kelly M. Greenhill offers the first
    systematic examination of this widely deployed but largely unrecognized instrument of state influence. She shows both how often this unorthodox brand of coercion has been attempted (more than fifty times in the last half century) and how successful it has been (well over half the time). She also tackles the questions of who employs this policy tool, to what ends, and how and why it ever works. Coercers aim to affect target states’ behavior by exploiting the existence of competing political interests and groups, Greenhill argues, and by manipulating the costs or risks imposed on target state populations. This “coercion by punishment” strategy can be effected in two ways: the first relies on straightforward threats to overwhelm a target’s capacity to accommodate a refugee or migrant influx; the second, on a kind of norms-enhanced political blackmail that exploits the existence of legal and normative commitments to those fleeing violence, persecution, or privation.

    1. All of this is true. For those that are interested look up Udo Ulfkotte. Male heavy weighter on this issue.

  14. Personally I don’t Care if people From Other Races and Ethnicities come to America, and I don’t Care if they Practice their Culture in the Privacy of their Home while in America, where I Do Care is when the Immigrants Come to America, and try to Change American Culture into Multiculturalism . Whatever False pagan Gods they worshipped in their Native Country, whatever Failed Culture they came From, some Immigrants Bring it to America….America doesn’t want those Failings, whatever those Failed Practices and Cultures were that Forced the Immigrant to come to America, they should Leave in their Native Country , and Adopt American Values.

      1. It’s different from taking over a land and trying to assimilate the conquered. Here, it’s people coming over. While I’m more liberal towards language, as I still speak Spanish, I do agree on that arrivals have to at least learn the basics. Or else you end up like me having to order pizzas for guys who have been here for 10+ years and can’t speak a lick of English.

    1. I don’t think some people can assimilate.
      Muslims never assimilate, for example. I do care what race, religion, ethnicity you are. I’m afraid some are completely incompatible with our way of life.
      Just think of the recent muslim terroists in US. They al GREW UP in the US and still act like thirld world terrorists.
      Third generation immigrants in Germany and Britain are more radical than their parents. FACT
      What “integrated” third generation muslims think of Germans:

        1. He’s half Persian I believe. His mother is from Armenia which is an ancient Christian country. I’m not sure what his actual religious beliefs are? I don’t know if he’s a practicing Muslim or Christian or neither?

      1. The Immigrants that can’t Assimilate Peacefully into America should be Barred, those who can, and willingly wish to adopt America’s Culture I have no Problem with. I agree, I believe Islam Is incompatible with Western Ideology.

        1. Yeah, but how will you check for that ?
          Remember, the US muslim terrorist GREW UP in the US. In Europe THIRD GENERATION migrants are more radical than their parents and groundparents.
          It’s called reversion to mean. Higher quality migrants come in, but their kids revert to the average of their group.
          The shard does not fall far from the tree, our ancestors knew that.
          Immigrantion outside of the majority racial group should be reserved for very few select individuals at best. But I am afraid there is no other way. You will need ethnic, genetic profiling eventually, it’s just not practical otherwise.

        2. You don’t have to Check to hard, just Do what Trump is Planning , any Country that is Threatening America , you Ban Immigration From.

      2. Right…it’s the descendants i.e. the 2nd or 3rd generations that are causing all the problems. The Paris bombers were young and were 2nd generation, immigrants born in Europe. It’s opposite of what you think….

        1. Studies have shown 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants are more radical muslims on average. That doesn’t mean we dont have first generation radicals.

    2. It’s not so much the language issue, which yes, is important in an everyday sense, but, when you talk about a religion like Islam been confined to private worship in the home, I did we’re deluding ourselves, because certainly it hasn’t worked that way in European countries where Islam is now more publicly visible in some places than Christianity. Islam does not assimilate itself to western values, unless you’re speaking about the facade of multiculturalism which it will use as a vehicle to further its own ends.

      1. I think Islam is more political, that’s why it’s more and center. Christianity, not so much, although that could also be only one of many reasons why a theological Christian state hasn’t risen recently.

        1. Or it could be to do with the central power of the papacy- although your point is interesting, why hasn’t a traditional Christian State come into fruition? Maybe the reformation sapped to much energy.

        2. Too much infighting. Also consider this: independently of whether they still apply or not, I don’t see how one can enforce the Ten Commandments. Like, say, the only way you could enforce Thou Shalt Not Kill is what ROKers could refer to as “going Obama” and take away people’s guns. Or enforcing the ban on no work during the Sabbath. I don’t know how Islamists and the Saudis do it.

        3. ” I don’t know how Islamists and the Saudis do it.” Because they’re not democrats and their laws are backed up by severe penalties, like amputation of limbs, whipping, stoning, and the death penalty. Most religious Sates are usually repressive and use the threat or actual violence to enforce its will on the members of society.

        4. And that’s why a Christian nation would never work here. People are not going to submit to religious authority, not even from fellow Christians. They love their freedom too much.

        5. Well, that’s the crux of the ALT-Right isn’t it? We want our traditions and culture to be maintained by a proper right wing government, yet, we don’t want this same government to restrict our freedom and liberty in the name of preserving these values too.

        6. Imagine if we told them they couldn’t drink? Of course that one did happen, ironically imposed on the rest of the population by an ungodly alliance of feminist progressives and evangelical Christians. Look how that turned out.

        7. And yet somehow it can work: you have the stated proper right wing government that upholds values and traditions but at the same time leaves you alone and protects you when it has to. It’s akin to what Reagan said where the job of the government is not to run your life but to leave you alone and protect you if and when necessary.

    3. Nope. This statement is dishonest.
      YOu cannot turn America or any White nation into something else, say 400 milllion Chinese and pretend its not Genocide EVEN if they adopt whatever culture America may be.
      Culture is the flower of racial groups, NOT the root. To miss this is a fatal and hypocritical mistake.
      Nobody would pretend that changing China from 90% Han Chinese to something else would still be China. Stop the lying.

    1. Precisely; same can be said of the other Anglosphere nations-once they let in Africans and Middle Easterners that’s when things took a spectacular nosedive.

  15. Great vid Roosh .Thank you…. We should use the right terminology when speaking of mass 3rd illegal immigration. It is TREASON what these politicians are doing . It’s SEDITION and TREASON and CRIMINAL. These are the adjectives we should be using….

  16. And when that first black or brown family arrives on the street, its always the liberals/lefties and hypocritical white multi-culti lovers who are first on the seat of the ‘white flight’
    Of course they never actually say theyre getting on the white flight because the area will go downhill due to immigrant invaders, its always for ‘coincidental’ reasons. They’ve just so happen to have got a new job or been promoted, or were looking to move anyway due to some other bullshit reason. 99% of the time that ‘co-incidental’ new job or promotion never existed.

    1. Indeed. If all these hypocritical leftist clowns want these uneducated and useless parasites I propose they invite them into their houses and gated communities and pay for them not put the burden on the average taxpayer.

      1. Usually the first family has earned the right to be there. They are paying for it themselves. As for the leftist elite, most people can’t afford to live in their neighborhoods.

    2. Indeed. Most of ‘Refugees Welcome’ crowd have 0 contact with immigrants. They are spoiled children who live in rich white neighbourhoods.

  17. The first American civil war was about importing cheap foreign labor(slaves), creating a permanent underclass for the benefit of a small group of wealth persons. Also, about individual liberty vs. federal authority.
    The second civil war will be over the same issues. Only difference this time the federal government is on the side of the enslavement.

    1. “The first American civil war was about importing cheap foreign labor(slaves), creating a permanent underclass for the benefit of a small group of wealth persons. Also, about individual liberty vs. federal authority.
      “The second civil war will be over the same issues. Only difference this time the federal government is on the side of the enslavement.”
      The importing of foreign slaves had ended before the Civil War. The Civil War was about reducing sovereign states (countries) in a loose voluntary union to one “indivisible” fascist country with subdivisions that would still be called “states.”
      These United States are… (pre-Civil War)
      The United States is… (post-Civil War)
      Then shortly after came the compulsory public education with every child starting the day giving a fascist salute and Pledge of Allegiance (crafted a socialist) to the imperial flag.

  18. Think this a bad, come check out texas. Ive seen in a 20 year period several towns transform from a white middle class economic center to a third world dump.

    1. I’ve witnessed the same myself. A small town just southeast of the city I lived in used to be an affluent farmers town and actually thought of buying property there after leaving the army. Within less than a decade, the town of farmers was overrun with illegals and welfare queens, not even recognizable accept most of the old families had left. At the moment most of the upper middle class and upper class are moving north of the city I live in while welfare queens clog up the streets in the main city. Give it another ten years and the areas north will be just as bad.

  19. The motive is pretty simple – votes. The perp is simple too – The Democrat Party. Sometime in the late 50s, early 60s, the Democrats realized that white Christian men in the United States were becoming so wealthy that they could afford to have and raise families on their own dime, and did not need government assistance. The last thing those men would want is to be forced to give away their money in taxes to be given to others in exchange for votes, which is what had kept the Democrats in power for decades if not over a century. They knew that they were going to lose so many votes that they did two things:
    1 Suddenly agree to give blacks power over whites
    2 Import brown and black 3rd worlders
    This gave them the votes they needed to stay in power. If America’s demographics has stayed unchanged since 1965, the Democrats would have long ceased to be one of the 2 major parties.
    Think this is all conspiracy theory? The British Labour party took a page out of this and was flat out caught having a deliberate policy of open immigration to buy votes.

    1. It is enough that the people know there was an election.
      The people who cast the votes decide nothing.
      The people who count the votes decide
      Joseph Stalin

        1. See Scottish referendum ?? See referendum on European Constitution ?? See Presidential election in the US ?? Or for that matter in any, “free” “democratic” western country ??

        2. Can Trump defy the odds and win, against the wishes of the PTB and Diebold?
          We shall see.

    2. AS you said its about the votes. Those votes equals power to the ruling political class. Along you give a man reason to vote for you, he will be loyal to your party. Multiculturalism creates two problems, 1.) Destroy common culture, and 2.) create identity bloc for votes. We don’t have ‘melting pot’ anymore, we getting people who do not want to assimilated and be part of this great nation. We get people who just want to get the wealth, and nothing more.
      There was story that acquaintance one told me about her grandmother going to the store and someone ask if she was Russian. She said she was an American. The person asking her if she was from Russia, and she said yes. He then asked her why she said she was American. My acquaintance’s grandmother answer, she came to this country to become a American, not to still be a Russian. I remember that story because the grandmother echos my feeling. I’m American, not Indian, not fucking Democrat or Republican, or whatever check box a person wants to put me in.

  20. DIVERSITY = Hate of the White European person ! Hate of the heterosexual ! Hate of the white Christian !

  21. I noticed that also with illegals and “legal” immigrants. They bring in the poverty
    which brings crimes into my city and a few years ago there would only be a few
    crimes a day to being every single or other day.

  22. As a non white I would like to give my thoughts on this.
    I was born in India but have been living in Canada for 66% of my life, so you can say Ive been westernized.
    A lot of you who have experience with Indians whether in work or school can come to the conclusion that they are not much of a nuisance in the same way that the Subsaharans and Arabs are. (Typical problems include body odor and weird custom). The younger generation of Indians ( born in the West) are all basically westernized although the females tend to lead a very liberal/ feminist lifestyle.
    Being in India right now, I can say that Indians as a whole are very unhygenic and uncivilized people. This is not to bash my heritage, ( if it were so, why would I even come to India in the first place). The golden era of India of the past would have been a magnificent sight to behold, but that Golden peak cant be reached due to overpopulation and corruption.
    I honestly wish the British had stuck around here, for as you can see, almost any country where the European powers stuck around, it became a relatively developed nation.
    The indians that immigrate to the west are overall educated and decent people, but even amongst them you can see differences based on religion.
    Obviously the Christians ( such as my family and I ) will blend it the best even while retaining Indian heritage and principles.
    Sikhs are also overall just great people.
    In larger groups the Hindus and Muslims will try and get the government to accomodate thier various requirements. Even still Hindus are good even with their wierd customs as ive seen first hand here.
    Indian muslims are good people compared to the those that are infiltrating Europe right now.
    So these are the various points I had in my head while reading some of the comments on this article.

    1. Absolutely right; I knew a couple of people who were Indian Christians and they were tremendous-presumably you’re from Kolkata? That’s where this gentleman I knew was from and he was great-pity he didn’t listen to me about putting everything on Australia thumping England in the Ashes of 2013-14 as I joked he and I could have told them to kiss our asses at work. Fun times.

      1. Hahah nice. Unfortunately I’ve only seen 1 whole cricket match cause they’re so bloody long.
        No I’m from ahmedabad, Gujarat.

        1. Ah right-interesting. Well, being from Australia it’s fait accompli you watch some and for me it’s way better than baseball as there’s an element of strategy and not just trying to swing for the fences. From Ahmedabad-interesting also that; I’ll have to read up further to learn more of it as I’m more familiar with the Sikh areas having friends who are such.

        2. Sikhs/Punjabs are the lucky Indians, they got all the height and physical advantages over other Indians.

    2. kama sutra, yoga, buddha, beatles, meditation, goa trance… india has always been close to western civilization.

    3. I know Indians, they are good people. Really good thinkers / intelligent people.
      Their only downside is their hygiene, as you mentioned.
      But aside from that, Indians are a plus for whatever society they emigrate to.

  23. Leftist social utopia has no place for white, straight men, and as a consequence for whites in general. If anyone watched a move called “Elysium” – that is what America will look like if current trends continue.
    Here, in Canada, things getting worse by the hour. Having an hour walk through a large Canadian city takes you to Somalia, Nigeria, slums of Bombay, hits you with a stench of Beijin, then drops you to the outskirts of Manila and back again to the first world Western city. All within an hour. Oh, the joys of diversity.

      1. For me especially all this is in a stark contract to the environment I grew up in, in USSR/Russia. Yet life is still well comfortable in North America, but I doubt for long.

        1. How diverse is Russia these days though ? I heard Dagestani and other muslims are invading the capital and other guys from Middle Asia too.
          Though, that is probably way better than Toronto.

        2. I left over a decade ago, during my last trip in a city of over 4 million I saw maybe 15 Africans within a week – most of them most likely being foreign students. Russia is quite diverse, but its not the kind of diversity that comes to your mind (blacks, latinos, indians and such). It still is over 80% Slavic white.

      2. Zoos where the predators aren’t caged, and the viewers are not allowed to carry weapons with which to defend themselves. And those same viewers are brainwashed throughout their entire lives to believe that the zoo animals, despite what they do over there, are not dangerous at all — just misunderstood.

        1. It’s more like reservations in Africa. There are no cages and you can’t shoot animals cause they are protected species, and if you kill a “lion” or something liberals will throw a tantrum and make sure you lose your job.

  24. One of the great benefits of creating concentrated immigrant enclaves is that they can be exploited by the Left through fellow travelers who share the same ethnicity, that are inserted as community organizers and leaders. They can then maintain language and cultural barriers by framing legitimate efforts, to help immigrants acculturate themselves into the host society, as xenophobic attacks on the immigrant’s culture. The immigrants are kept fearful, insular, and dependent upon their Progressive “benefactors” who have socially imprisoned them in their own ghettos, while their children are indoctrinated with Leftist values.

  25. The difference between old American immigration and post 1965 American immigration: welfare. Take away all welfare and new groups (regardless of where they’re from) will be forced to integrate into our culture. Learning English and getting a job will become a necessity instead of a joke.

    1. Didn’t you let in more european immigrants back then? instead of mestizos and somalis etc.

      1. That’s correct. The German, Irish, and Italian cohorts committed the same stereotypes in their day as new immigrant groups do today. The main difference: they worked their way out of stigmas and assimilated into American culture. (No welfare safety nets back then).
        Now groups are given welfare and told they can retain their old world culture so they have no need to assimilate into American values. I think that’s where most of the hate is coming from as opposed to this being purely racial.

        1. Are you forgetting about the black people that has lived in the US for hundreds of years? If it isn’t racial, maybe the achievement gap should be closed? And I mean your argument is so lol, Italians aside, assuming they are not Italians from the North (which many were), German, Irish, Polish etc are basically the same race with minimal differences. Germanic whites used to have an average IQ of 114, now it’s like a 100. East Asians are at like 100-105 somewhere. The only reason they outperform us is because we are getting dumber due to dysgenics. You will never see black people making more money and being more successful than whites (as a group).

        2. Irish are Celtic, Germans are of Germanic stock, and Polish are descendants of Slavs-3 entirely different groups of people.
          Welfare crushed the black community. Before the 1960’s blacks had an employment rate that competed with whites, lower divorce rates, and children born out of wedlock. Rid the welfare and you’ll rid the glorification of degenerates.

        3. You obviously don’t know your Genetic history very well. And ofc, I did agree they were different, but only minimally so. In generally Slavs, Celts and Germans are very genetically similar. You do completely forget, or ever knew, about the German and Norse immigration to Poland, Ireland, Scotland etc, which completely altered the genetic composition of these peoples. “Blacks had an employment rate that competed with whites”, I call extreme bullshit on this one, unless you consider low skilled work “competing”, and even if I would agree to that, then you still need to provide a source for it.

        4. Also, you have already stated that you don’t believe racial differences exist (intelligence wise anyhow). So do you think there is that major differences between Celts, Germans and Poles?

        5. You’re right. I’m studying advanced Biochemistry for my MCAT exam as we speak. I obviously know nothing of the subject of genetics.

        6. In the middle ages, Europeans were the degenerates while the Muslims and Chinese were intellectually superiors. All that changed when Europe embraced science while the Muslims fell behind. Trajectory of a people is determined by culture, not race.

        7. Bullshit. Obviously you should read up more on the Middle Ages to see how “degenerate” Christians were then. And you can’t argue that Chinese and “Muslims” were intellectually superior based on an era when Europeans were doing “badly”, badly once again is subjective. Racially we were more intelligent back then. You just sound like you are repeating words some liberal professor told you.
          And here we come into race again. Sure, Islam had it’s Golden Age, but this was when the Arabs were basically white. Then came the slave period and they mixed with their black slaves. And they have never been great since. (Except for the turks and kurds to some extent which are the least mixed and on intelligence level with the Greeks.)

        8. an era when Europeans were doing “badly”,
          That period of doing badly lasted 1,000 years dipshit. It’s called the Dark Ages. The Muslims and Chinese lapped us in science.
          Europeans abandoned superstition during Rennaissance, rediscovered science, and inevitably surpassed all other people on the globe. My Main Point: trajectory of people is non linear. A change of culture brought Europeans from backwater to superpower as much as it turned the middle east from cradle of civilization to a 3rd World hellhole.

        9. Tesla was a Slav. Einstein was a Jew. Al-Kwarizmi (the father of algebra) was Muslim. Hypatia was a female. The richest person on earth is Mexican (Carlos Slim). The richest female on earth is black(Oprah). Every demograph is capable of intellectual greatness and atrocity alike.

        10. Yeah you see, as I said. Once again, Slavs, German, Celts are very genetically similar. Al-Kwarizmi lived before the largest slave period when Arabs decided to mix it up (and haven’t been great since). Lots of Jews are also basically Germanic or mixed. Bill Gates is still the richest (not that it matter since it’s not an absolute, it’s a bell curve, our AVERAGE intelligence is higher.). And if you think Oprah is the richest female on Earth I feel sorry for you, Oprah is not even in the competition for richest female. And I never said that a particular race wasn’t able of “intellectual greatness”, I’m just talking about the odds, due to our higher average intelligence the odds of a Germanic white genius is 3 in 10 000, for a sub-saharan black the odds are 1 in 350 million……

        11. Yeah, and I’m saying that this entire idea of the Dark Ages being that “Dark” is a somewhat a modern myth. “A change of culture brought Europeans from backwater to superpower”. For us it was a change of culture yes, for North Africa and the Middle East it was a change of race.

        12. You’re a nutcase. Intelligence is a phenotype while the body’s ability to produce melanin is a genotype of dominant vs recessive alleles. No one beyond a Bio 101 education will take you seriously.
          Btw, you got me on Oprah. Unlike other females richer than her, she earned her money instead of married/widowed into wealth.

        13. You and your bullshit race theory. Silk Road becoming obsolete due to European discovery of the new world made the Muslims economically irrelevant.
          The Monghols sacked Baghdad in 1258 and killed off every scholar in the former Persian/Iraqi domain set them back centuries which they’ve yet to recover.
          I learned of this when I was in Iraq, btw I didn’t see a single Nubian in my one year there. So much for your bullshit intermixing theory.

        14. If you google “iraqi people” you will see pictures of the iraqi people. If you don’t see their negroid features you are blind.

        15. Maybe you should hit the books again, a phenotype is observable characteristics but that doesn’t mean a phenotype can’t be effected by genes. Intelligence is heritable.

        16. And yeah lol, I think the nutcase is the person that keeps believing something is true, when everything, and I mean everything, says something different.

        17. Hmm, that was badly phrased by me. It’s more like the phenotype is the voice of the genotype.

        18. You use Google. I use one year of real life experience of living in Iraq. I wonder which side the jurors would take if we were in court.

        19. Now that you’ve had time to Google what a phenotype is. Show me one study that links melanin expression with IQ.

        20. Yeah, I have also been to Iraq. What does that do with Iraqi people having negroid features?

        21. See this is what I mean. You were born stupid. No-one claims that there is any link between melanin and IQ, just that both are heritable. And blacks got a lower average intelligence (that they inherit).

        22. It is so lol, your “arguments” are like from a leftie playbook. I’m sure they work on stupid people. I just can’t forget this one lol. First you build up a straw man, like as in that those who believe in race differences actually claim that the link is between melanin and IQ, then you demand the study. It’s so ridiculous.

        23. Eugenics was disproven a century ago, (you’d actually to take a biology class to know this). Now, name ONE example where manipulating SLC24A5 on Chromosome 15 (the gene that determines skin color) created a difference in intellectual quotient.

        24. It’s called independent assortment. There is no link between race and intelligence.

        25. Asians score higher on IQ exams than white people. You attribute it to inheritance/race. I attribute it to their superior cultural discipline, which history shows, can always change. We’ll agree to disagree.

        26. You do realize that eugenics as existing programs in many western countries started in 20s and the 30s, and in my own country our eugenics program ended 1975. Meaning, not a century ago, though you could argue that eugenics was “disproven” before then, which it never was. People felt bad about sterilizing stupid people, that’s what really happened, eugenics has never been “disproven”, they just feel it’s not “nice”. And I have still never claimed that skin colour has anything to do with intelligence. White people inherit their intelligence, black people inherit their intelligence (which on average is lower due to genetic reasons), the skin colour is just a way of referring to groups, which sure has gotten in the way lately. I don’t see why you keep pushing this stupid argument, are you thinking if it failed the first time it will work a second time? NO-ONE claims there is a connection between melanin and IQ.

        27. So all the races had the same intellectual development? No-one is saying that race is the component that determines intelligence either. We are simply saying that black people inherit their intelligence, and for whites the same. And Blacks show repeatedly, that their total inherited intelligence, is lower than that of whites.

        28. Yeah, and it if was a 100 years ago, Whites would do better on exams, but not due to discipline (though let’s face it we were more disciplined), only reasons East Asians (don’t just write Asians because it wouldn’t be true) do better is because of heavy dysgenics among white people, having crashed our IQ and currently its’ dropped by 1-2 points on average each decade. And sure, can “agree to disagree”. The only problem is that your entire theory is based in fantasy, you do not have a single shred of evidence for the supposed equal intelligence shared between the races.

        29. X link Recessive illnesses debunk eugenics. Along with independent assortment, genetic variance, etc. Cool chatting with you.

        30. All non Africans have neanderthal DNA. With your logic, we should have below average IQ since we mated with a race of lower intelligence.

        31. Do you actually believe what you are writing? How do X link recessive illnesses debunk eugenics?

        32. And I see you completely avoided the post with my breaking your “argument” to bits again. And asking for evidence for the equal intelligence shared between races.

        33. You know there are actually those arguing that our higher intelligence is due to mating with neanderthals… judges are out on that one. And even if the neanderthals were this low intelligence group (which is not proven), and our ancestors mixed with them, doesn’t mean our ancestors were completely ruined, or that the later mutations that happened couldn’t have happened. Our neanderthal “part” isn’t that large.

        34. Your link is worthless. Ill stick to what I learned in my Bio 1, Bio 2, Cellular Bio, Anatomy, Genetics, and BioCemistry courses. You stick to whatever suits your agenda.

        35. When you pas Bio 1 and 2, the next step is Genetics class. They discuss this in great detail.

        36. You know what else is not proven by science: eurocentrism and afrocentrism. It’s subject often abused to suit political agenda. Especially by those who’ve never taken the course.

        37. That you even use those words shows how lost you are. It’s sad that someone can get that much “education” (as you claim) and then still know nothing. And instead of coming with an actual argument or evidence to show that the races are equal in terms of intelligence you just attack my person and my as you perceive lack of education (I’m an engineer).

        38. Yep. My 96 average in a Biology course that roots out most people in premedicine means nothing in an argument about Genetics.

        39. Then it shouldn’t be so hard for you to prove that the races are equal in terms of intelligence? Or come up with a single argument or source.

        40. But you might be right in that I haven’t treated some of what you have written seriously. For example you wrote about eugenics being disbunked due to a few reasons, and I didn’t respond properly, I should have written that not all heritable diseases are attached to the X chromosome, such as brittle bone disease for example, and even if they were tied to the X chromosome that is still not a cause for the debunking of eugenics. Also we were speaking in terms of intelligence, and intelligence being heritable is a widely accepted fact in the scientific community today, so if you sterilize stupid people ofc average intelligence would go higher. They have been doing it in China and Israel so maybe tell them it’s debunked ;). And you can’t just throw out words like “genetic variation” and “independent assortment”, without explaining what you mean in terms of the relevant topic.

        41. Intelligence is polygenic and heavily influenced by environment; the closest (supposedly) scientists have come to isolating intelligence genes was on Chromosome 6 NY times published an article about it. That being said, it only had a small (2%) variance effect on overall intelligence.
          How it applies to our argument: many genes that make phenotype differences amongst race (such as skin color) are found on Chromosome 15. Assuming intelligence and race are correlated is false because it violates Law of Independent Assortment (different genes assort independently of each other during cross over).
          The ONLY acception that violates Law of Independent Assortment is that some Chromosomes are crossed linked(inherited together).
          ZERO studies have shown the alleles that make up racial differences are inherited with intelligence. Hence my argument.
          In order to win an argument in Biology, you need to isolate a variable, (in this case, picking a single gene), turn it off (point mutation), and compare the effects to a control.
          Picking whichever genotype you feel dustinguishes races, turn it off, and test the IQ levels to determine if that allele socially (not biologically) tied to race effects intelligence. I used skin color for example. There’s no proven link.
          Then being that intelligence is polygenic and heavily influenced by environment, the correlation vs causation comes to play: was this individual a genius due to natural ability, or was it cultivated? Polygenic combinations increase exponentially with every Chromosome considered.

        42. Let’s be honest to begin with, first off, there is really no funds for such research to begin with (on racial differences in intelligence), and people with the opposing view are constantly harassed and “cleaned out” of our universities. Secondly, we still know very little about the genetic foundation of intelligence.
          What we do know from countless sibling, adoption etc etc studies, like the Minnesota Transracial Adoption study for example, is that intelligence is inherited. This is measured in many ways, IQ is one way to measure. The view of the scientific community today is that intelligence is hereditary. But ofc to clarify, environment has an effect on the limits set by your inheritance. So basically researches say that 80% or so is hereditary.
          The only influence the environment has on intelligence is contained within the limits set on intelligence by heredity.
          And I don’t know if you are deliberately trying to misconstrue my words. Obviously there is no link between race and intelligence as I have said many times, it’s merely the fact of differerent genetic expression of intelligence in different racial groups, meaning whites and asians as a groupd have more of the people with the genes that control for higher intelligence.
          “ZERO studies have shown the alleles that make up racial differences are inherited with intelligence. Hence my argument” <—-This is what I mean, you seem to be contesting that intelligence is inherited at all. I have never argued that intelligence is inherited *together* with racial differences.

        43. Being that IQ and race are not genetically linked, my argument is that IQ (the percentage not inherited)is environmental in nature.
          IQ is not set in stone at birth and fluctuates for individuals. I simply stated this same fluctuation occurs in cultures as well.
          I.E.; Germanic countries predominate Europe in modern times economically and scientifically. However, in Roman times the Germanic tribes were the barbarians.
          As large groups of people can reverse their fortunes, the same is true of individuals.
          The average IQ scores for the four major races correlate with their economical status. (Asians->White->Latino->Black). Rid the welfare state that sinks the gene pool to the lowest common denominator and natural selection will begin to favor biologically sound traits such as IQ.

        44. It’s all good man. It’s a classic causation vs correlation debate, these things always get heated.

        45. Yeah, but you have to put “barbarian” in context, did the Germans have an ordered society? They did. They minted coins and all kinds of things, it’s not like they were savages. The Germanic tribes of Roman times where more advanced than most other peoples on the planet. Besides, the Romans themselves were “Germanic”, there is a big difference genetically between northern italians and southern italians.
          Yeah, but I’m saying the part effected by environment is very small. And I’ve never spoken in favour of the welfare state. Besides, even if we got rid of the welfare state and charity for that matter, dysgenics would continue.
          “As large groups of people can reverse their fortunes, the same is true of individuals.” <—and this is only true with the limitation of inherited capacity.
          Culture can change, freedom can be lost and be regained, but racial purity, or genetic advantage, once lost is very hard to regain.
          You will never see a “successful” state with a sub-saharan black population, I mean by Western standards.
          Third world immigration and replacement will be the end of Western civilization.

        46. Sorry, buddy…even though Your correlation-vs.-causality argument, as well as polygenic nature of (not intelligence, but..) genes -connected-with-intelligence-expression (it`s a phenotype, yes?) is correct….you entirely forgot about epigenetics – which work even in germline – and THAT IS influenced by environment (climate, culture, diet, disease, symbionts/parasites, etc.etc.). That, relatively recently found fact diminishes the relevance of single-gene-knockouts in “absolute identification” of culprit genes.
          Our modern crust of recorded history is but a teensie-weensie fart in the Hurricane Of Human Evolution…and thus people originating from different places got selected (genetically so) for their fitness and optimal survival strategy. And their children inherited it. One may argue if an oversimplification such as : “Africa – survival by physical fitness; Europe – survival by intelligence/creativity; Asia – survival by mobilization/synchronization” is valid, or not…but tens of thousands of years without THAT much migration DID create differences, beyond just “cultural”…That might be Thomas` point.
          Watson got burnt bad for saying the non-PC truth.

          Good luck with Your MCAT…I see a nice PhD. in the future. 🙂
          (not being ironic, bro…peace)

        47. The Latins (Romans) were an Italic tribe, as well as the Etruscans, Venetici, Umbrians.
          The Kurgan hypothesis states proto European immigration came from the east (North Caucasus); those who settled in the Alps being the Celts, North of the Alps evolved into Germanics, and in Italy became Italics. Culturally and phonetically separate groups.
          The Alammani had coinage, but the Romans had marvels of engineering (Barbarian is relative): aquaducts, sewers, forums, Colosseum’s, running water, baths, transcontinental roads, villas, etc. That fell into disrepair for 1000 years+ once the Germanic tribes invaded. Everywhere the German tribes went the standard of living and scientific thought dropped dramatically.
          It is well documented how low the Romans spoke of the Germans. One tribe, the Vandals were so mindlessly destructive that their name lives on in our language. Eventually, the Germanics (Goths, Lombard’s, Normans, Etc) did mix in with Italians but it was after Rome had accomplished everything noteworthy.
          My main original point, is that every group is capable of evolving for better or worse if environment is optimal. Ridding welfare is my solution (which again, we agree upon). Everything else is splitting hairs.

        48. Thanks Bro.
          You’re right about epigenetics. A recurring argument in Anthro and Bio is whether sub categories of human (Caucasoid, Monogoloid, Negroid) are naturally superior in certain ways, or, is selectivity dependent upon environment? An advantage in one environment can be made null in another.
          I’m with the mindset that every group is capable of evolving for better or worse under natural (not eugenic) selection. In the context of this argument, my theory is that the welfare state keeps blacks, latinos, and even many whites down because it stalls natural selection. Not because they’re inherently inferior.

        49. Actually, You might be partially right about that…I say “partially” because aeons of accumulated selected traits can not be “bred out” or evolve within our meagre life-spans…Therefore, I am still of the opinion that massive social engineering (mass migration, AS WELL AS welfare!), even if given a benefit of doubt of being “well-meant”, is a potentially disastrous experiment with an uncertain outcome fot everybody. That same social engineering currently taking place might even be “eugenic” in its core…even if You don’t don the tin-foil hat.
          Still…nice to have a sane, scientific voice to debate with)

        50. Well, you misunderstand me, I was simply saying northern Italians today are racially more similar to cultural Germans than southern Italians, you can still see this difference today if you go there. Southern Italians of the past were also more Germanic racially. Some say that Romes decline was a racial matter due to mixing with black slaves etc. Even if Germans and Italians had cultural differences, and if existing very minor racial differences, they were basically the same people.
          “It is well documented how low the Romans spoke of the Germans” <—that’s not really complete evidence though. It’s still true what I said that the Germans were more advanced that most other states/nations at that time. But yeah, sure, Rome was more advanced.

        51. cherry picked exceptional individuals =/= rule
          it might not be scientific per se but the most simple way to look at race, though, is just to look at the kind of societies each race creates when left to their own devices and the way they’ve been for thousands of years.
          average IQ differences bear out this reality. the lower the average IQ the more third world that society is and the more tribal/primitive they are, exposure to education and superior culture changes very little. black australoids (native australians) have an average IQ of 62, which would be classed as retarded in the west.
          it stands to reason that if all races were equal, we’d all be at a similar level of development which is patently not true, and no you can’t blame environmental advantages or lack of, well maybe not in the way the left would suggest. northern europeans and asians endured scarcity and harsh weather.
          actually there’s a school of thought which suggests people from colder climates are more intelligent on average than those from warmer climates. ( cold climate theory )
          whites (btw slavs, etc are white.. do not confuse race and ethnicity) build industrialised, innovative, first world so called ‘western’ nations – like the whole of western europe, canada, new zealand, australia and of course the U.S.A.
          north east asians build highly technical societies like japan, taiwan, china and korea that dominate in education rankings, they tend to make very good immigrants in the west.
          jews build israel.
          blacks on the other hand, can’t run a bath, let alone a country. every single black country on earth, without exception, is a third world hellhole. incompetently and lazily run, masses of people suffering in poverty.. if the pitiful and never ending state of most of africa doesn’t convince you otherwise, you’re a libtard.
          blacks living in the west are a burden on social welfare and constitute a hugely disproportionate amount of the prison population in the USA and UK.
          arabs, mestizos, south asian, SE asian nations etc are better off but generally third world.
          you might desperately want to believe we’re all equal but the real world says otherwise.

        52. 100% agree. (I never said equal, I said environmental)
          Black and Mestizo predominate from abundant tropical countries. They never had the environmental need to build complex civilization like Asian and White. This led to higher IQ due to environment (epigenetic) reasons. As such, IQ can fluctuate over time.
          My entire context was that in the scope of America, many groups (Arabs, Asians, and cultural groups Slavs, Catholics) once seen as having inferior IQ to Anglo Saxons came here-and thrived. America provided that environment.
          Asians came to America in chains too. Now they have higher IQ than white. My thesis (which most people agreed) was to rid the welfare. The disagreement was that relative IQ of Mestizo and Black will rise as Asian did over time.

        53. EDIT: apologies for the long post, was not meant to drag on that long, but it’s an interesting debate (to me at least — i’m a WN).
          i believe it’s inherent in races tbh.
          a couple of generations (a mere blip of time in any meaningful evolutionary sense, i’m sure you’ll agree) of exposure to an advanced/technical society such as the US, Canada or Western Europe changes nothing. the average IQ of an african-american today is 80 – 25 points lower than whites and NE asians but much higher than native subsaharan africans and australoids, and it’s unclear whether that’s because of being brought up in american culture or because a significant portion of african-americans have european blood in them. ben carson is 1/4 white, supposedly. IQ does fluctuate and is not the most accurate measure and can be misleading, but as a general guide it’s a pretty good measure IMO.
          blacks have been in the US for hundreds of years, they had genuine hardships in the beginning like slavery, but they on the whole haven’t progressed. after the civil rights era they were actually given advantages over whites at both a government and a commercial level, such as affirmative action/positive discrimination to increase their participation in education, professions, police force etc.
          did this create a whole new generation of black professionals and geniuses, even only semi-qualified ones?
          nope! ——- degeneracy increased.
          blacks being 12% of the US population are 40% of the prison population and welfare recipients, grossly disproportionate, and not evident in any other race in the US, including mestizos.

          now i see what you’re saying about getting rid of welfare and i do think that’s something that should be seriously cut back and only given to genuinely disabled, elderly or on a very short-term basis to the unemployed.
          you could argue their degeneracy is because they’re mollycoddled by the left and by the state. they’re awarded benefits/welfare so no need to provide a living for themselves, the left and SJW types makes excuses for them, blaming the white man or “white privilege” for the black man’s woes, how the black man grew up without daddy in his life (incidentally, many african societies operate like this, the father busts his nut and moves on, the nuclear family as we in the west see it is not very afrocentric, but that’s another topic), but in that case why hasn’t this level of degeneracy affected all other races equally? how many japanese-americans, chinese-americans, english-americans, german-americans, italian-americans, and whatever have thought “fuck it! only fools and horses work. the state will provide me welfare so i can sit on my arse at home all day watching daytime TV and deal drugs”? some have, hence white trash etc… but to the level of blacks? hell no. poor whites and poor NE asians ( i distinguish them from other asians for a reason ) are more likely to rise up out of poverty through education and/or hard work and become middle class.
          ultimately though, you might not realise it, but you appear to be making similar excuses to the SJWs – by absolving blacks themselves of responsibility, and instead blaming welfare instead of “racism” and white people.
          BTW it’s not just in the USA, but the west in general. blacks here in the UK are just the same as what i’ve observed of the african-american community. first generation africans or caribbean immigrants tend to be at least appreciative of the upgrade in lifestyle and willing to work to provide for themselves and seem to despise spoiled blacks, but that is depending on where they come from (jamaicans, trinidadians(sp) are alright, but east africans such as somalians are muslims and are utter pondlife, and i believe somali refugees are causing problems in michigan and minnesota in the US)… but their kids born here grow up with a huge chip in the shoulder, “da white man was horrible to my peoples innit and owes me a living” and degenerate, by getting involved in gangs, drugs, often never having jobs etc. this is in spite of growing up and being given a free education and advantages their kinsmen in the third world could only dream of (and never build themselves, no matter how much charity and foreign aid pounds/dollars/euros are thrown at them). i don’t think i even have to spell out the mess sweden and germany has got themselves in with allowing in savages.

          Asians came to America in chains too. Now they have higher IQ than white. My thesis (which most people agreed) was to rid the welfare.

          north asians have ALWAYS been sophisticated – going to the USA (a baby country in the grand scheme of things) didn’t make them so, i’m sure you’re aware of the history in that area? japan, china, mongol empire? the inventions? even if they were treated like dirt or went through hardships, as japanese-americans and japanese-canadians did in WW2 through interned.

          My entire context was that in the scope of America, many groups (Arabs, Asians, and cultural groups Slavs, Catholics) once seen as having inferior IQ to Anglo Saxons came here-and thrived. America provided that environment.

          white europeans (initially WASPs, later other europeans) provided america itself and the conditions/infrastructure, which is a key point. i don’t believe any other race would’ve or could’ve, even for that matter, north asians – not through lack of ability in their case, but because they don’t operate like that, asians aren’t remotely interested in childish socialist concepts like “diversity” and “multiculturalism” – they value their own culture and race far too much for that.
          america was originally meant to be a melting pot… of europeans, who brought all their know-how and skills as well as individual cultures such as cuisine. the europeans that went to america for hundreds of years were ambitious thinkers, explorers and grafters. immigration policy in america up until the late 1960’s (via immigration and nationality act 1965) specifically favoured europeans and earlier either restricted or excluded outright asians, mestizos, blacks, etc
          USA was 90% white until the 1970’s and most contemporary americans were opposed to the immigration reforms that opened up their country to mass immigration from the third world.
          americans were promised there’d be no major demographic changes… Lol. a massive lie. USA today is 60% non-hispanic white and steadily decreasing.
          you were promised that america wouldn’t be flooded by illiterate, unskilled, criminal, etc immigrants… also a lie. you let in 1 million+ legal immigrants a year (most of which is mestizo or asian, but also a significant portion is black african – i believe around 100k a year?) and 70% of them are either spouses or family reunifications.. aka immigrant/anchor baby gets US citizenship, immigrant sponsors sister, brother, mother, father. they come in after waiting in line for 3-15 yrs, eventually obtain US citizenship, and start their own chains. skilled immigration is heavily restricted and there’s quotas. you also have the “diversity” visa that allots thousands of green cards a year based purely on nationality, very few europeans are awarded it, the UK iirc is excluded, or was a few years ago.
          you have faith that most will integrate and become americans as europeans did a century ago as long as they’re legal (i presume?), personally i think (although it is none of my business really, i am not american) it is a HUGE mistake to open your borders to third world trash and become a multi-racial/multi-cultural society, because on top of racial differences and cultural differences, there’s innate division and that can be very toxic, leading to ethnic tensions. the most racially diverse regions of the world are neither prosperous nor peaceful.. look at the middle east/north africa and much of latin america.
          the whole west has done the same..
          the question is what a white-minority western world will look like? this will be the reality in only a few decades in a few countries at least.

        54. It’s all good Bro. These debates are why we come to ROK.
          I believe we agree on most things. My original post made 2 points:
          1) All the aforementioned groups assimilated due to absence of social safety nets (“fear of starvation” theory in classical economics).
          2) All the groups that came here, assimilated, and thrived were once seen as having “inferior intellect.”
          That being said, of all 5 continents I’ve been to, the current African American culture is by the far the most toxic. (There is no close second).
          I quoted an Anarcho-Libertarian economist named Thomas Sowell. He’s held in high regard amongst the ROK crowd. His interviews are where I discovered that blacks before the welfare system came about, had the lowest divorce rate, least children born out of wedlock, and at one point, even had employment rates (not pay rates, two different things) on par with whites.
          Then came, minimum wage laws, welfare, drugs, etc.
          Cutting the welfare will force black woman to honor and breed with men like Dr Omalu or Dr Carson (as opposed to Flavor Flav who has 7 kids).
          If the stat the other guy posted is to be taken seriously about White IQ falling from 114 to 100(every site I’ve seen has different reports), it shows IQ can fluctuate greatly. Upward or downward.
          I do guarantee an upward IQ and social mobility trend for every group that abandons welfare. What I don’t guarantee anywhere in my comments is how long it takes.
          Btw, don’t believe what you hear about colonialism in Africa. I spent a one year military tour in Djibouti 15 miles away from Somalia. They’ll bluntly tell you their greatest years were under French (and now American) occupation. They love us.
          You live in a country that enables people to behave like animals. Your anger is more than Justified and I don’t judge.

      2. Example: Americans don’t mind Asian immigrants. They are the highest earning race in in America. Zero need for welfare and overall, assimilate fairly easy. This tells me its more about economics and assimilation than race itself.

        1. I don’t think there’s any country that minds Chinese immigrants. They are hard-working people that never cause any trouble.

        2. Very true. The same can be said of any immigration group that makes good money and assimilates. [Chinese, Koreans, Armenians, eastern Europeans come to mind.]

        3. What makes me further angry is that when Asian people need welfare, they are stomped out to make way for Hispanic or Black people. Asian people as a whole avoid any kind of welfare so as not to depend on it. We’d rather eat cheap meals or starve than take welfare.

    1. Regardless of their role, the whites/natives who support, vote for, and fight for open borders are just as bad, if not worse since they’re actively betraying themselves and their own people

  26. Calais is becoming a multiculturalist utopia. Imagine this happening in front of your house.

  27. Eh..Roosh, you’re an immigrant yourself. And you’re from a background that doesn’t fit well into a Western society.
    I have parents who are immigrants too, but when it comes to immigration you have two kinds of people:
    1) Parasites who are messing up the country.
    2) People who just want to go to school and live a normal life.
    Number 1 are mostly Muslims and Negros. It’s my own experience and most people share the same view. Muslims and Negros are just fucked up, with a fucked up mentality and culture. Remember: Number 2 immigrants will suffer from them too, just like the native population.

  28. Fantastic video! Have seen the same kind of thing all corners of the world.. Is a strange thing that it’s near the American capital like that, similar story near the European parliament in Brussels, strange. Would be good to see that adopted for the German audience too so they know what’s coming

  29. Take heart. Either we kill these fake “elite” retards or they end up in the cannibals’ pot as kosher bacon. Gnomesayin?

  30. Roosh, I am not a supporter of multiculturalism but I can say from experience I lived in places with a high immigrant population and I never felt safer…but I will be blunt, this depends on the immigrants. I lived in Brampton, Ontario and while the rest of Toronto might be a PC Multicultural hellhole, the Sikh’s and Portugese there were great neighbors and kept a quiet and safe community. I currently live in North Dakota and my apartment building is filled with Thai’s and Hindu’s who are all busy with work and school and are absolutely the friendliest folk I have ever known…I’m not saying it’s perfect (I have never met a ruder bunch than the Somali’s in my neck of the woods) but compared to some of the ‘native’ born American’s I have dealt with, I’ll take immigrants who come from societies with family values, no ‘feminism’, and a respect for community that many of these groups coming to our country embody. The key is values, which are taught at home.

    1. then why can’t thais and hindus make their own countries better? by your logic india and Thailand would be outstanding places to live, when in reality theyre shitholes.
      only WASPs create good countries

      1. corrupt governments…also I think it speaks to the fact these nations have no ‘winter’ — very much the ant & the grasshopper…civilizations that don’t have ‘winter’ tend not to plan ahead, after all, there is no known time of hardship coming up so why plan ahead or ration supplies? That explains why the inhabitants of the frosty continent of Europe built empires that spanned the planet.

      2. this is pretty much the logical brick wall people hit when they’re flustering about how great immigrants from certain countries are.
        if they were all that great, as great as @rse kissing leftists and neo cons think, we’d all be lining up to get into their countries. they’re usually just dealing with the top 5-10% of their population who have the ways and means to immigrate to the west.
        they wouldn’t be flocking in their droves to get to USA, UK, canada, australia, germany, etc

  31. I think we can all learn from a man named Lee Kuan Yew, who basically built Modern Singapore from a third world dump to a highly successful city in just a generation.
    He has stated that multiculturalism will destroy America, stating that “do you make the Hispanics Anglo-Saxons in culture or do they make you more Latin American in culture?”
    Also, if we go the “ideological direction of Europe” the US is done for.
    This from a man who knows how to build a stable, cohesive society, not some liberal loony toon who is ideologically stuck in freshman year of university.

    1. And gave the Singaporeans the balls to give a US kids ten strokes of the cane for vandalism.

    2. the answer to the question is that they make you more Latin American in culture. I can already see on my local TV station where there is a huge Hispanic push to the point where I see a fat Mexican guy is presented to give the impression that he’s sexy. Couple that with all the other programs like Jane the Virgin, there’s no way to actually watch that stuff w/o it being shoved down your throat.

  32. I live in Scotland and although it’s mostly white, the ideology is extremely liberal in my age group and if you say otherwise you are labelled an asshole. Any sort of logical reasoning makes you a dick, makes you feel like you are the crazy one!

  33. Thank you for making this video. I’ve been trying to tell people so long what it’s like living in my current city but nobody believes me. Now I can show them this video. This city is in a farther level of degradation than mine is. It shows the “future” so to speak, of what could happen to other cities when it’s allowed to spread and get that bad.

  34. Think about it this way:
    When more trashy, criminal people live in your neighborhood and turn it into a ghetto, YOU have to work harder to $$make more money$$ so you can live in a nicer, safer place. This whole “make more money” mentality is directly connected to the fact that the Elites keep pushing more multiculturalism on us, destroying our hometowns and communities.
    We have to chase higher paying careers and all that nonsense to live in a better, safer, cleaner, rapist-free community with a “higher standard of living” because they keep importing people from the most impoverished, failed countries.
    Take it from me, the son of Vietnamese immigrants. My parents failed to assimilate and never learned English. They spent their entire lives pressuring me to $$make more money$$ because they believe that’s what living in America is about. And if you DON’T make a higher income, you’re stuck living in the Mexican/Black ghettos where they’ll mug you and rob you for $5.
    If you think this is racist to say, then fine: I am a racist.

  35. I’m really happy you put this together Roosh. Its so true, multiculturalism is a disaster .Even Trump and Merkel and other politicians admit it. On paper it sounds like a noble idea.It was embraced by liberals because they see the world with rose colored glasses.In denial of cultural traits that are embedded in their D.N.A.
    I live in a very diverse part of southern california and have been all over the country. The city I currently live in hosts about twenty different cultures. There are neighborhoods that have their cultures like cambodian, asian and mexican areas with their respective gangs.
    Its no different than a prison yard or a college cafeteria. The blacks stick with the blacks and latinos stick with the latinos. Intermingling happens on an individual basis. Integration is there with 2nd generation and older but everyone sticks with their own kind.
    My main point not brough up in your article is that since there are a multidude of races and liberal p.c cultural sensitivity of not offending anyone… no one is on the same page as far as ettiquette is concerned. Theres no benchmark for decent human behaviour. Normal thing that white normally used to do like not littering, not talking during movies, not being an asshole are all out the window.Things normal civilized people do like not Bringing babies and toddlers to movie theatres to run amok in the aisles are now common place. This type of ignorant behaviour was unheard of in the place I grew up in the northeast. Now you run the chance of getting in a fight or even shot because you said something to some ghetto pieces of shit about using a movie theater as a daycare center and talking throughout the movie.
    This is one of the many after effects of multiculturalism along with cities and towns going to shit. The politicians know it and have given up on cities like Detroit and Flint Michigan and any other area thats been decimated by globalism and muticulturalism.
    Im glad you pointed out that its the liberals that live in the suburbs that are all about multiculturalism that dont have to bear the brunt of this collosal failure. Another is the trickle down effect of ghetto urban culture that has become embedded in rural white trash of America. The shitty bull dyke masculine attitudes of girls and the wanna be gangsta attitudes of white trash men are very common now. My main point is the ultimate result is an ever increasing nation of douchebag culture. More people are hostile because of social anarchy. There is no longer a common ettiquette since no one is accountable for their actions since no one knows who their neighbor is anymore.
    I used to know families all the way across town and be able to hang out with the next door neighbors. Now the place I live in is basically the not so united nations of neighbors and cultures.A mexican family lives across me in an apartment with a cambodian family below. A white guy lives next door in his apt. Below him is a black family across from them is a Muslim family. An Armenian family above them, an Indian family a few doors down.Apart from the Indian family Id be lucky if I got eye contact and a Hi from anyone of them. And these people think its o.k to litter and toss their wrappers anywhere they want. If it wasnt for the Mexican groundskeepers this place would be a third world shithole just like the countries they came from.

  36. Isn’t Daryush Valizadeh from Iran aka part of the Third World? Wouldn’t that make him a product of the same multicult whose pitfalls he’s trying to showcase? Seems like a strange situation to place oneself in as an immigrant.

  37. Its pretty much about right wing policies that are intended to allow the cheapest workers in the world, to compete in industrialized countries. In order to keep wages down.

  38. there’s no large scale benefit for white countries to be flooded by the third world.
    absolutely none.
    the only real beneficiaries are third world immigrants themselves who trade up for an infinitely superior life, socialist parties who want their vote by promising benefits and positive discrimination, and unscrupulous employers who exploit them.
    for every exceptional doctor, scientist, businessman they produce there’s thousands of useless parents, children, siblings, etc brought along via chain immigration.
    the USA for example lets in over 1 million legal immigrants a year, 70% are spouses or family, not skilled professionals or investors. this is not good for any country.

  39. Its too late to change anything. Borders are now wide open and nothing will be done to stop this

  40. You should be promoting this. What better way to remove the ugly stain of western culture from the world than to actively accelerate its native population’s demographic decline? The more muslims and mexicans who colonize the area, the less “western” and consequently less feminist your societies will become. I can’t think of a single reason why you shouldn’t be the most vocal supporters of this phenomenon.

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