Why are affluent, college-educated people leftists? Many people have realized that one prominent aspect of the leftist agenda is the intentional destruction of the family. The foot soldiers for this agenda are college students. The traits that characterize young people are perfectly suited for these purposes: media savvy, sociable, and outspoken. The reason college students are leftists is because they want to ensure the working class never breaks free from their chains. In short, college students hate poor people and want them to stay poor.
There are three ingredients in the strategy of the affluent to keep their boot on the necks of the poor: social liberalism, social signaling, and maintaining the structure of the system.
Social Leftism And Class Warfare
In one of my classes at Yale, the professor took an anonymous informal survey of the class. He asked the students in my class three questions:
- How many of you grew up in a traditional nuclear family?
- How many of you have parents who have remained married, with no divorce?
- How many had at least one parent stay home to care for you before you started school?
The total percentage for each question ranged from 90-95%. Yet if you asked these same students about their thoughts on single motherhood, women in the workplace, or divorce, they would be firmly in support of all of these issues. None of them questioned whether the reason they had stable childhoods, attend a top tier college, and come from families making more than double the average annual income ($120,000 per year compared to the average of $52,000) is because their families followed traditional social norms.
Why is it that affluent students are pushing ideas like avoiding marriage or promoting single-parenthood, which are obviously bad for individuals and families? The reason is because they hate poor people, at least subconsciously. These individuals have enjoyed all of the benefits of the traditional family and conservative values, while promoting an ideology that is destructive and promotes the destabilization of families in lower social classes.
Social liberalism is a method to hoard wealth and maintain the upper-hand. Liberal college students bask in the upsides of stability, while pushing instability for others so they will never climb the socioeconomic ladder. It is a subtle and ingenious method, because they get to feel good about themselves for being “open” and “accepting” all while enjoying the fruits of a value system they claim is oppressive.
The Average Liberal College Student
In a recent article in Harvard’s student newspaper, the author describes a common zoo animal seen at many elite colleges—The Privileged Liberal:
You’ll oftentimes find Harvard’s Privileged Liberal studying in a coffee shop (Starbucks, no less) sipping on a pricey macchiato. As they flip through the pages of their assigned readings, a notification pops up on their iPhone: Social Justice Club meets in 10 minutes. They get up and walk towards the door, their designer boots clicking loudly on the floor. As they exit the coffee shop they pass by a homeless man, slumped over on his side as he shivers in the New England cold; they pay no attention, wearing their brand new Canada Goose jacket (retailing at about $600 a pop)—it provides only enough warmth for one. They arrive to their meeting just on time, and as they sit down and pop open their shiny Macbook Pro, they share Bernie Sanders’s latest speech on Facebook as he attacks the ‘billionaire class.’
This is as accurate a description of the average college liberal as I have ever seen. If you ask one of these students how to best help the poor, they will undoubtedly give you answers ranging from “free education,” “access to healthcare,” and “increase the minimum wage.” All of these answers generally have one theme in common: more government.
This is entirely by design. The more power individuals hand to the government, the more the poor rely on those in power for their livelihood, the less likely they will be able to climb out of poverty and reach the same positions that the Privileged Liberal is on track to attain.
These students have been conditioned to never under any circumstances reflect on their own privileged upbringing and wonder whether a traditional family structure is beneficial for people other than themselves. These students did not come from a background of government handouts, out-of-wedlock marriages, and divorced households. But if you asked them how to address the problems of poverty, they will say that the government isn’t doing enough to help them. Students will never question whether more government might actually perpetuate the problem.
College Students Care More About Social Signaling Than Solving Problems
As you read the description of the Privileged Liberal, you may have smiled at the hypocrisy of a student who rails against the “billionaire class” while wearing a $700 jacket and typing on a $2000 luxury device built by slave labor.
This is another aspect of college leftism that indicates their disgust for the poor. They wear overpriced clothing and purchase electronics made by child labor without a second thought. Yet they jump at the chance to put a Bernie sticker on their MacBook or post a 400-word screed on the evils of capitalism on Facebook. Why wear a Bernie pin on their jacket rather than forego the jacket and donate the money to charity?
The reason is social status. Individually, wearing a Bernie pin or sporting a Canada Goose jacket will provide some measure of status, but combined they send a powerful signal: “I am a member of two tribes: The well-off group that can afford an expensive jacket, and the compassionate liberal group who wants to help the poor.”
Another method they have recently been using to signal their social class is to ensure that everyone around them knows they hate Donald Trump. Even among conservatives the only candidate they have openly supported is Marco Rubio. This is because he is non-threatening, young, and Hispanic.
Trump has been an icon for the working class, and so all elitist college students, whether liberal or conservative must show their dislike for him. Tucker Carlson wrote a piece in Politico on this very subject: “If Trump is leading a populist movement, many of his Republican critics have joined an elitist one. Deriding Trump is an act of class solidarity, visible evidence of refinement and proof that you live nowhere near a Wal-Mart.”
Even for conservative college students, insulting Trump is a form of cheap and easy social signaling that says, “Though I am a conservative, I’m still a member of the upper-class. I’m not one of them.”
Educated Classes Suppress The Poor For Their Own Benefit
College students are conscious of their hatred of the poor and desire to suppress the lower classes. However, one question that is raised is where their disdain for marginalized groups originated. The answer is the system. Power wants to perpetuate itself. But in the last 10 years our society has swerved into egalitarianism.
It is no longer cool to blame people for their own problems and so the powers-that-be have constructed a plan to allow affluent college students to do their bidding. They enjoy the perks of their social class while promoting values that appear to be compassionate and tolerant, yet are destructive. This method aims to prevent any sort of change within the system by perpetuating the social ills that have sustained it thus far.
Two heroes of American college students are Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. These two politicians have gained enormous influence among leftists for their opinions on class divides. Quotes from Warren which students love to parrot are, “The deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top,” and “The system is rigged.” And from Sanders, “The reality is that for the past 40 years, Wall Street and the billionaire class has rigged the rules to redistribute wealth and income to the wealthiest and most powerful people of this country.”
This philosophy can be boiled down to, “You’re never going to win, so don’t bother playing.” Yet if you look at the outcomes of students at elite colleges, they tend to do quite well. Essentially they are telling the poor to stay out of the job market so the poor never climb high enough to become social class competitors.
In sum, college-educated leftists promote socially liberal values to destabilize families, wear badges of capitalism in the form of clothing and gadgets to signal their social class, and repeatedly pursue new strategies to suppress the working class in order to maintain the rigid social structure that benefits them. The central goal of affluent liberals is to deprive the working class of their desires, and ultimately erase their opinions altogether.
Read More: The Real Reason Minimum Wage Must Be Raised To $15 An Hour
Dig them dreadlocks. Fucking cultural misappropriation 😉
I’d nail those to the floorboards above my basement and do her while she’s hanging from ’em.
You have a point. It appears to be female. It may not be.
Is that Caribbean Bob Saget?
That is a man’s jaw
Interesting article, but you’re giving college students too much credit imo. The reality is that the vast majority of 18-22 year old people are dumber than fucking dirt.
Even the ones who have been blessed with above average intelligence lack any sort of life experience and the common sense that comes with it. Most kids are liberal because the childish mind thinks utopias are possible. Truly smart people grow out of this infantile mode of thinking and become more conservative as they age and realize how the real world works.
Agree trying to make it in the real world especially in regards to business generally starts to temper all the utopian dreams most kids have in college. Even me who was into rok and the alternative right during college have found myself agreeing with more and more of what goes on here as I age. And I was pretty receptive to it in the beginning.
Admittedly, I was very socialistic back in my late teens and early twenties even though I graduated at the top of my high school. Heck, I was even Atheist until only several years ago when I rediscovered religion and realized the Truth of God.
After I did, together with real life experience of the hard reality of how people actually think and the way the world actually works, everything rapidly started falling into place.
I occasionally meet with some of my high school buddies and the one thing that I’ve noticed is that most of them are exactly as dumb as they were back in the day. They believe in stupid rumors and gossip which if they took the liberty to do some basic 5 minute research on using Google, would discover are actually not true. It’s as if they’ve learned absolutely nothing from their lives and if they were to live them out again, they would do so exactly the same way.
The average college kid, just like the average dummy on the road, thinks they understand how politics, religion, economics, etc. work but they actually don’t understand shit.
Some will grow out of it and gain wisdom through their life experiences to improve themselves and solve their problems on their own (usually conservatives) whereas others will live paycheck to paycheck and blame the world for all their problems and expect the world to solve their problems for them (usually liberals).
Just because they don’t consciously realize why they’re doing it doesn’t make the author wrong.
I thought the same. The actors don’t have to be concious of what they’re doing for the effects to be real and harmful.
I don’t think college aged students are aware of this. I wasn’t.
They just don’t need to be. What I’m getting at is that their reasons for doing it might be very different from the reasons that those who teach them those ideas do the teaching…..and I think on some subconscious level they do realize it, hence their extreme revulsion at anything suggestive of working class Americans.
Don’t kid yourself– I go to school with these clowns. Let’s dispel with this fiction that affluent liberals don’t know what they’re doing. They know exactly what they’re doing. College liberals are undertaking a systematic effort to keep their boots on the necks of poor people.
Agreed and excellent article Rod. A great analysis of these spoiled kids in college.
While I do think people are dumber, they still know what they are doing somewhere in their minds.
Which is why they always project. They advocate for all of this social change yet the bulk of their slacktivism is simply posting rants on social media and false virtue signaling.
The real dirty work of these proposed changes they want to guilt the lower classes into shouldering the load.
Yep. I also don’t think its just an Ivy League Lefty thing and kids from Ivy League conservative families are so much more noble in their intentions when it comes to poor people. With the lefties might be in favor more for social justice when young, both will be leaning right when it comes to economics as they get older. Ivy league kids want to stay wealthy.
I hardy think university kids who spend up on overpriced brand name gear and come from households that earn over $150k are anywhere near in the league of billionaires so I don’t think they are being hypocrites in complaining about wealth distribution and the mega rich.
I went to school with them too. We all did, as college campuses have been overwhelmingly liberal since the invention of colleges.
A few of them may be wise enough to know what they’re doing. I doubt that most are, because you don’t know shit about shit when you’re 20 years old.
Now, if you had said that college professors, administrators, etc are undertaking a systematic effort to keep their boots on the necks of poor people, I’d wholeheartedly agree. The problem is indeed a real one, but the root of it lies in the leaders whose minds are made up, not the students whose minds are still developing.
I went to school with these clowns circa 2000. The disconnect between my small engineering college and the college of arts and crafts was absolute. You are both correct, college kids have no idea which end they shit out of, but they can parrot stuff like an absolute zealot, and that stuff is fed to them from the entrenched former 60s protest movement who have literally spent their entire adult lives pushing a liberal agenda.
I had to listen the other day as a professor went on about women being kept out of great jobs because they are discouraged to pursue science. She went on about the sexism in schools.
I chimed in about males being more likely to dropout of high school, or never even go to college. I also mentioned how boys are lagging behind in reading because of materials that appeal to girls more on tests (where are the alien and zombie stories?!). Silence from her. I pissed off some of my classmates, though. My message did not accomplish a thing.
You had the balls to try!
Good effort, shitlord! Have to know the audience and your end goal. Women are not in science because it’s fucking hard, and that’s all. This one I work with went on about how she was so disadvantaged; I asked her how many job offer she had, and the answer was five.
I replied I had none out of undergrad and only one out of grad, which I took. She then started backpedaling about how excellent she is and it wasn’t about her gender or quotas or some such nonsense. It was almost believable except for the fact that she’s horrible at her job now.
Yeah, I have to start reading my audiences. I seem to make tons of enemies now because of my own inability to read the moment.
I had heard that women receive more jobs offers out of college and also get paid more in their late twenties. Not earn, but paid. There is a difference.
Basically, when they fail it is because they were held back, but if they succeed, then it is all merit.
When I was in college I kept my mouth shut and focused on my grades . I was there to learn a job , nothing more . Any enlightenment I had was through my own interests and reading
I just need to mentally tune out the bull then, and let the others fall into the trap. I feel sorry for all the dudes, though.
I just always remembered college is nothing but job training . The majority of people I met I was only friends with for a semester , if that .
Yes it did, you held on to your integrity. A novel and noble feat in this day and age.
You’re right man.
There’s a lot of useful idiots for sure but any liberal with half a brain knows that the average person doesn’t want the policies and censorship that is being pushed on them.
I used to subscribe to communism and other socialist ideas before the ages of 14-17. But the question kept nagging at me: why is it that socialist ideologies always either deny people the right to religion or do their best to “enlighten” people away from it? I realized that it’s because the true believer in these ideologies is either a useful idiot, or the worst scum of the earth whose motivation is to remove all lofty faith from the people so that they may dedicate themselves to serve his hedonistic “egalitarianism.”
The communists themselves admit this. They don’t want to be good, or moral, or anything more than scum. They want to reduce men to robbery, women to whoredom, and government to institutionalized crime.
Lenin himself said that “sex should be as easy as drinking a glass of water.”
Read the works of Dostoyevsky.
well said man.
I don’t know why American society thinks year 18 is a threshold when people automatically become adults. In a wealthy society people mature even slower, that’s why letting college kids run campuses has spawned all sorts of idiocy
I believe a minimum voting age should be 25 at least, better 30
That’s not something I would like, but it makes sense and that was the situation in some areas of history like Athens and even Sparta I believe.
if you’re not liberal when you’re young, you have no heart. if you’re not conservative by the time you’re old, you have no brain. or so they say.
I was once on the liberal side. I was a mess. Atheist, feminist, liberal, and voted for Obama twice. That’s all over now. I know the truth. I changed.
Its not very empowering is it?
Hope and Change, the hallmarks of Obama’s campaign. Seems like the hope is gone that Obama will be a good president and it has changed a lot of idiots to become more conservative; or at least to examine reality as a potential alternative to left wing ideology.
I was one of those that examined my beliefs and changed. I may have been an idiot, but I am ware now and that is all that matters.
Being liberal has nothing to do with heart.
Back when that saying was made popular, “liberalism” had not yet fully demonstrated it’s complete and utter incompatibility with anything conceivably worth vile. By now, it most certainly has. Professing belief in any of it’s doctrines these days, at any age, is proof one is either ignorant, stupid, or completely devoid of any semblance of morals whatever. Most likely a combination.
That was Churchill. And it is worth remembering that he was referring to the British, not American, idea of Liberalism, and therefore much closer to the ideals of classical liberalism, not what the term has come to refer to in our degenerate age…
Actually the quote is attributed to much older sources from French politics. The exact wording changes as you go back in time. The earliest evidence located by QI (Quote Investigator) appeared in an 1875 French book of contemporary biographical portraits by Jules Claretie. A section about a prominent jurist and academic named Anselme Polycarpe Batbie included the following passage. Boldface has been added to excerpts: 1
M. Batbie, dans une lettre trop célèbre, citait un jour, pour expliquer ses variations personnelles et bizarres, ce paradoxe de Burke: « Celui qui n’est pas républicain à vingt ans fait douter de la générosité de son âme; mais celui qui, après trente ans, persévère, fait douter de la rectitude de son esprit. »
Here is one possible translation to English.
Mr. Batbie, in a much-celebrated letter, once quoted the Burke paradox in order to account for his bizarre political shifts: “He who is not a républicain at twenty compels one to doubt the generosity of his heart; but he who, after thirty, persists, compels one to doubt the soundness of his mind.”
Wow! Thank you!
Winston was certainly not averse to poaching from classical literature, Demosthenes being a big favourite, this clearly illustrates his source materials net was cast much wider.
Appreciate this contribution and will add to my own Churchill file…
The quote as Bucky tells it (or near as dammit) is the form of words that Churchill used. And he literally illustrated it as he changed political parties from the British Liberal party to the British Conservative party once he matured (and achieved his his greatest successes of course).
JFK’s most famous line was also stolen from classical sources. In politics plagiarism is not only not illegal but is widely encouraged. Besides right is right no matter where the words came from.
“Show me a young Conservative and I’ll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old Liberal and I’ll show you someone with no brains.” – Winston Churchill
My old school rustic sensibilities always felt that the “keeping up with the Joneses” is female trait fueled by consumerism. Men have hierarchies to maintain order and be productive while it’s usually their wives who revel in the opportunity to flaunt their husbands status to make other bitches jealous.
That’s not true : you can be conservative out of compassion and idealism (especially in old countries where there is a civilisation worth conserving) and you can be a liberal or a marxist out of sheer egoism, of prejudice or stupidity : actually this is the real natural correlation in the long run of most societies.
Who’s bitch is this?
You know, I think there is some truth in what you say as well as the author of this article.
I believe there is a subconscious process involved in this as well. These people aren’t going to champion “real” solutions because they don’t want more competition.
But this time it will be too late and they’ll get left holding a very big bag.
“Most kids are liberal because the childish mind thinks utopias are possible.”
Western kids are liberal because that’s what they are told to be. The “childish mind” of the kids in Pakistani Madrasas don’t at all lead them to become typical Western liberals. Utopianists, perhaps, but not particularly liberal.
In the West, well off children are taught to buy “fashionable” products, and cheer for the ruling class. So, that is what they do.
He kinda mentioned that the college students are mere puppets parroting out what those in power lead them to.
In one of history’s greatest ironies, the Progressive movement created the permanent American Oligarchy class. The Federal Reserve Act, and later the minimum wage act, OSHA, welfare, EPA, Obamacare, etc. do more to crush competition than improve the standard of living for the average human.
I’ve yet to hear of one monopoly that came to be without government coercion. These hipsters criticize the same monsters their ideology created.
On a related note, congrats again ROK! You can add McDonald’s to the places that consider you misogynistic! I had to log out of their WiFi to post this because ROK has been blocked, presumably to keep Mickey Ds corner of the web “family friendly”. Yet Cosmopolitan and their online cover featuring Kaley Cuoco and an article about “Online Dating S.O.S: The 4 texts no man can resist!” is still accessible. Also, it can still be bought at your local supermarket. But doesn’t ANYONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!???:-[
Seriously, ROK is banned at McDonnalds? Impressive.
Also banned from the Canadian coffee shop franchise Tim Hortons.
When I try to visit ROK on their wifi they give me a “this website is banned” page.
A corporation that sell shit quality food full of foreign contaminated ingredients is just the kind of beast we want hating us.
If only we could get queer organizations bothering us in the media then we’ll have droves of normal men coming to the site..
Really you should try to get a media response as to why you can’t read a “mens” website?
That would make a great ROK headline..
Not that I wouldn’t want to, I just don’t have what the young ones nowadays would refer to as “trolling” skills. But I bet this would be right up Roosh’s alley. Don’t believe me? Read David Garrett’s new article about how the Guardian is collapsing. There is an email from Roosh in there that is pure gold.
ever since they got rid of the Big-n-tasty I don’t give a fuck bout dos niggas
I can feel the hatred of the privileged left toward the poor and the working class every day.
Not so much hatred from some of my liberal neighbors as contempt because I don’t share their narrative.
So liberals are little PC hypocrites who inhabit the bubble of their progressive correctness! I guess that’s why so few of them ever get jobs in the real world, unless you describe a life long career the Department for “check out your life” in Yale or Sanford a meaningful job.
Nigga u lost me at “they hate poor people.” You really think these people push for leftist policies l because they “subconsciously” hate poor people and want them to suffer? You mean just like whites “subconsciously” hate blacks and want to keep them down? Or like men “subconsciously” hate women and kept them down for all those years?
This kind of leftist shit belongs on Salon or Tumblr.
There is a massive disconnect in the way the liberal progressives (students included) manage to see themselves as working towards the interests of the poor and disadvantage while almost invariably become the financial and cultural elites – even those who end up working for good causes – charities, campaign groups etc – will make sure that they get good professional wages and a great CV that will catalupt them one way or another up the ladder and very often to the very top.
I don’t quite buy the idea that students consciously and cynically miss the hypocrisy involved. Yes social signalling etc is a massive part of that. Being progressive and supporting social justice concerns is an important means in today’s world of gaining not only social approbation but also of accumulating social capital (of whatever kind). This is also – actually primarily – reflected in the corporate world where companies like to seem to be hip and progressive because if they are seen to be ‘ethically capitalist’ it will benefit their businesses as well (especially amongst the young liberal elites who are likely to be their biggest customers)
There are other factors – it’s a cliche and a truism that youth tends to be leftist progressive and then with experience to move rightwards. Their professors too are obviously going to be a major factor too – if the vast majority of academics are leftists, and very often literally marxists – then as young minds they are going to easily be moulded in that direction – particularly if there’s an incentive system to undergird the ideology that is being thrust into the backsides.
The above utopian side of things also predicts what the article mentions – the support for policies that are ultimately going to lead towards more government. What most progressive students may not appreciate is the fact that the types of left politics they are being sold not only supports bigger government but also amounts to collectivisation – which is the reason why the system is never threatened when the leftie students supporting Bernie Sanders protest against Wall Street or billionaires – as long as the result is bigger government both the left and the right will be happy because the common denominator is monopoly capitalism.
That leads back to the issue of individual responsibility – the thing progressive students are – deliberately or inadvertently attacking: the poor etc cannot help themselves to get back on to their feet because for them to do so would threaten the collectivist state which both the left and right relies upon. The idealist utopian student then, moves from supporting left collectivist government in his youth to supporting right collectivist government in his maturity and wins in both instances.
Progressive students really need to be called to task for this. If they are rich, or come from a privileged background they should be forbidden from membership to left political parties. If you live in Hampstead or the Hamptons you should be laughed out of the house if you claim to be a socialist or leftist. I doubt students are really cynical in the way the article describes but the reality is they support the poor and downtrodden for reasons of self-interest one way or another. At the very least they see themselves becoming the leadership of any progressive movement – the managerial class that Burnham wrote about. They all want to change the world and in the process get rich off the backs of those they claim to be representing but who they would never dream of living amongst.
“At the very least they see themselves becoming the leadership of any progressive movement – the managerial class that Burnham wrote about. They all want to change the world and in the process get rich off the backs of those they claim to be representing but who they would never dream of living amongst.”
Nothing more filled with hatful actions and deeds than a liberal. Marriage and stability is for the elites. funny how divorce and family destruction rates are all high except for one class. the college educated upper middle class.
The author is right this is being done on purpose.
College-educated liberals hate working class white men, namely, Trump’s supporters, because these guys deal with reality by handling tools to make useful things. Blue-collar white men can see through the imaginary bullshit about feminism, diversity and equality based on their experiences with real women and minorities.
We should heed the racism of the white working class and pay it more respect. They have way more experience dealing with blacks and Mexicans than foo-foo white liberals because they work alongside minorities in similar kinds of jobs. If they have developed a negative opinion of these groups, this happened through legitimate observation and learning, not because of a failure in moral indoctrination.
I can tell you alot of white-collar office workers will cling to a desk job to avoid working in the real world with tools and trucks, even when the pay can be higher. Frankly, I am one of them but I do get nice raises and perks so it still pays to be a desk jocky.
Nope. White people are left-wing, because it’s good for their reputation to be left. They are PC on the outside, but mostly racist on the inside. They simply hide their real opinions, because they don’t want to be seen as a racist or anti-semite. Of course, there are always leftists who truly believe in the left ideals, but they are a minority.
I’m glad I’m not white and have to participate in those retarted and hypocritical games.
I’m white.
Last check, I despise the Left.
Liberals haven’t supported the “working classes” for a VERY long time. The Liz Warren types much prefer what many call the “non-working” classes. A completely dependent recipient class, provided they actually vote, is a bloc that will NEVER break ranks. Why would they?
For all of their talk about helping the “middle class” they don’t actually want that as an end.
If one puts in a small amount of thought one would see that a prosperous, upwardly mobile middle class is contrary to their goals.
Let’s say hypothetically that the liberals (Democrats I guess) had an unprecedented electoral victory and were able to enact all the programs and policies they dream about. And let’s also assume that these programs had the desired affect (they won’t btw, but this is fantasy) and poverty decreased, unemployment fell, and the more dale class was bolstered. Now you wouldn’t need as much “transitional assistance” and you’d have a bunch of working taxpayers looking at their pay checks wondering “hey I wonder if I could pay less in taxes?” And just like that, fiscal conservatives are in and liberals out.
They want as many people as poor and destitute as possible, completely dependent on government.
The same applies to the amnesty crowd. They get amnesty and then realize that the next wave of illegals come and lowering their wages, they then don’t want amnesty.
Yes, they hate them. The same champagne socialists with Bernie stickers are the ones who despise “ignorants without college degree”.
Every car I ever saw with an “Obama” bumper sticker was being driven by a middle aged (and class) white woman or a car worth more than what the average American makes in a year.
“These students have been conditioned to never under any circumstances reflect on their own privileged upbringing”
well they sort of accidentally do when they project it onto everybody else around them
“check your privilege”
Nah they aren’t doing this intentionally. These are just spoiled ignorant brats. They really believe socialism is the way to go and that it can help poor people. These kids need to be thrown in a second world ex- communist shithole country like mine for a couple of mounths and let them survive with no support from their parents. When they know what the real life is like they will return as hard core right wing nationalist Trump supporters…And yes in Socialism everybody is equal…but that’s only half of the truth. The other half is everybody is poor.
Yeah that last sentence always seems to be left out of the equation.
My wife told me stories about growing up in Moscow and standing in line a lot. You hope the store doesn’t run of out food before it was your turn at the counter. It happened at times.
I’ve heard many horror stories from my parents John and standing in huge lines for food and getting up early to make sure you get smth before it ran out is a very typical one. They kept people hungry , weak , miserable and scared back then to make sure they would never revolt against their proletarian masters. My father says that even if there was plenty of food they would throw it away or sell it at low prices just to make sure the people wouldn’t get any of it. There was a proverb from Stalin wich says smth like “You feed a horse well and he turns against you. You keep him hungry and you can easily ride him ” This was used as a model from all the communist dictators of eastern Europe….What’s funny is that some lazy ass failed people want that system back .They will say : At least back then everybody got a piece o bread not like not like now where the “evil rich” take everything. (Bernie Sanders supporters anyone ? )….What they don’t like to hear is that my father and his father before him worked their asses off and were still african-poor when the system fell. My grandfather would always say “If I only saw the table once full with food , then I can die in peace”. Fortunately he saw it before he passed away.
“… worked their asses off and were still african-poor when the system fell.”
The transition years (early 90s) was a rough time in the old soviet block– not that anyone in the west knew about it. I knew it was bad when I heard about russian solidiers selling their gear at rest stops in East Germany in 91′– they had not been paid or re-supplied for almost 6 months. Wife said in Moscow, the poilce weren’t getting paid, so crime was rampant and shortages (and prostitutes) were everywhere.
Oh, I remember those eternal lines when I was a kid. Sometimes people would spend 5-7 hours waiting for staples like bread or potatoes. That’s why this entitled, college crowd makes me want to send them straight to 1930s Soviet Russia to get a taste of some real equality.
Agreed. I little “gulaging” will bring them out of their progressive stupor. The apologists for communists in the west, along with the press, hid all that when I was kid. You would hear some one mention it (usually an emmigre or a conservative author) just to have the communist apologist exhort “oh it isn’t possibly that bad. Thats just more war mongering propaganda.” Leftists are an evil bunch.
What makes me mad is that leftists , libtards and even normal people in general always relate somebody to Hitler when they try to monstrify them. Yet Stalin killed at least double as many innocent people as Hitler did. Stalin literally starved 7 million ukrainian people to death in one single year by taking all of their harvest away and sending it to Moskow. Pol Pot , the hard-core communist dictator of Cambodia , killed 25 % of the country’s total populations. Mao killed millions too. The communist dictators of Eastern Europe did similar crimes. Yet nobody talks about their crimes , only Hitler’s. Talk about double standarts. From a rational point of view and backed up by all facts socialim/communism=nazism or worse.
They don’t care. Most of them are historically and economiclly illiterate and the rest benefit (professors, politicians, lawyers, NGOs, etc…) from the lies as they are insulated from the results of what they are advocating (eg. white SJW loves diversity, but moves further into a tony white neighborhood with heavy police presense that most cannot afford). Take away welfare and make that smug, pseudo-intellectual elite live with their consquences and all that stupidtiy would disapate over night.
“professors, politicians, lawyers, NGOs, etc…” just overrated scum. These are the ” do as we say , don’t do as we do” guys. I’ve come to build a deep hatred towards them and a deep respect towards miners , farmers , construction workers, police oficers , soldiers who keep things moving instead of bullshitting all day long.
The old saying was that the problem with capitalism was the unequal distribution of wealth. The problem with socialism/communism is the equal sharing if poverty.
I friend who grew up in Eastern Europe under communism told me that post communism the saying in those countries is that everything the communists said about socialism was a lie, but everything they told them about capitalism was the truth.
The wealth isn’t meant to be equally distributed and it shoudn’t be. Who works more , should win more. Everebody having equal chances to make it is a better reasoning…Out of the two, I still think Capitalism is the better system (Patriarchal Nationalism promoted by ROK would be the best 😅) . In my birth country, which is still considerably poor in comparison to western european countries, the living standarts have VASTLY improved since communism fell. At least people are not starving anymore , also not living under the terror of security services. The problem is the people had built so many dreams about how perfect capitalism was that now they feel kinda dissapointed.
I used to go to school with these lemmings too. I don’t think it’s some conspiracy to try to keep the working man down, I just think these tits just are tryin to show that they’re smart and “erudite” by regurgating whatever their professors are saying. Just a bunch of over eager beavers.
I spent a few years living and working overseas, and can no longer can stand to be in the presence of 90% of my old college friends. Thought they would have grown up, but the progressive liberal bs has just gotten worse. I was actually lectured about how it is “not cool anymore” to refer to something I didn’t like as “gay,” but that it was “ok,because I was away a long time,” if I wasn’t so confused I would have laughed in his face. Nearly made another white woman faint when I referred to posh NYC club employee as “Faggy.” I really don’t know when it was that everyone decided to play thought police and start worshipping degenerates, but people, especially white people, need to get the fuck over themselves.
Biggest feminist and swj I know… Daughter of a wall street banker and about to become housewife to another..unemployed….lives off her fiancée money…..yet she still spits her propaganda… I don’t know how she can believe her own bs…. Probably doesn’t as she is on every anti depressant know to man and drops a few grand a week of daddy’s and hubbys money on shrinks….
Think it’s time to get the fuck out of this country again.
Ironically, I hear even gay clubs don’t want straight women attending anymore. Apparently they suck the gayness out of those places. Shows that even their “allies” don’t want progressive feminists around.
Exactly! The only reason why straight men put up with them is because they have vaginas. What could possibly be in it for a gay guy? Her charming progressive personality…. Get the fuck out of here! There is a reason gay have their own clubs silly white women…. and that reason is they don’t want to put up with you!
I was out with a group of friends one night when one of the girls were instant that we go to a gay club…obviously none of the men were too excited, but this girls head nearly exploded when a buddy of mine made an AIDS reference. The night ended in an argument and the girls going one way, guys another an me yelling at them
“Go ahead, have fun, you’ll fit right in anyway! You look like a bunch of fucking drag queens!”
None of them talked to me for a month lol
Personally, I don’t mind most gay men much. I’ve known some personally through my life, although to be fair, they’re not the annoying effeminate type, but more of the manly gay type. Polite, very respectful of me being straight (i guess gaydars do exist), and of course, they are excellent chick magnets. With that being said, in a way, I feel bad for them. Just like with other cultures such as nerd culture, hip hop culture, or military culture, gay culture has been corrupted by so called “progressives”. Even South Park made an excellent critique in the episode of South Park is Gay. I actually cheered for Mr. Garrison and Mr Slave.
Been saying that for the better part of a year!Leading Feminists are the daughters of the rich evil white men and the daughters of the middle class bourgeois and proletariat are simple useful idiots.
One of the Rockefeller daughters were leading feminists, but ended up as a housewife.
“I really don’t know when it was that everyone decided to play thought police and start worshipping degenerates,”
It started around 2005. Even now, I still think I may have woken up one day in a different planet.
Nope! It was Tuesday the 3rd, 1992. That’s when we elected the draft-dodging, dope-smoking lothario who lied his way into office and then began dismantling our country. Think I’m wrong? Would our country be better off if he had not been elected? Just asking.
Why 2005?
That was the year when people started protecting homosexuality and anyone against that is evil. At least that’s when I noticed.
Amen! We’ve spent part of the last 14 years working in other countries, and we come back during the summers to see family…..usually after about a month, we’re ready to go back!
Both of those things Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders said were true. The statement of the problem there did not imply a solution. Destroying the system where the elite control the flow of money to make themselves richer is a different but related problem than people getting up and working hard every day. Concentration of wealth at the top does eliminate social mobility, the ability of a man to go from poor to middles class to upper middle class etc… Lack of work ethic also does that but both problems are bad for us as a nation
Go to a 2nd tier state school and study stem. Make sure it’s somewhere like fsu, if, asu where the girls are hot.
Bless you, my son, for calling FSU second tier. I grew up a Gators fan.
In case anyone doubts the ASU girls are hot, let me throw my support behind that. They travel in groups of three or more and it is nearly impossible to figure out which is the hottest; and there are seemingly no grenades.
The problem here is not theirs views, it’s how closeminded they are. I’m atheist, yet at least I’ll share common ground with Christians in topics from masculinity to the situation in Syria to immigration to, why not, gun rights. These people have no such capacity. Partly, I blame consumerism, coddling, and even Protestant Christianity. And by that, anything from the “you’re special because Jesus loves you as you are” doctrine, to the “martyr complex”, to the “faith by salvation only” where these kids adopt it and don’t earn their salvation by doing works. Even the “hater” mentality many liberals have adopted could have come from their Protestant parents and their “either you’re with us or you’re with the Devil” mentality. And let’s not forget that not too long ago it was the Proddies burning Harry Potter books and blaming Marilyn Manson for Columbine. Very similar to both the “bullying” and rape hysterias. And need I remind all of you yet again about who was to blame for Prohibition.
Most of the college liberals live in a bubble. Their world view is reinforce by the artificial environment they put themselves and the lack of classic liberal education. This ‘bubble’ they live in is due to abundance produced from the hard work of the parents for them that isolate from the real world. This brings up a question, When was the last time these people had a part time job with the same working poor?
Working in McDonalds or supermarket, surrounding by those working class people they describe. If as person is a functioning normal human being, there some empathy with workers and managers that run that business, and learn about their lives of their fellow workers. Some people made bad choices, some people had bad luck, or some people are grade A fucks up that barely holding their job. They see how other people live their lives and can reflect on how luck they are. They have face with the working poor and knowledge on how the real world works. They will understand that liberal solution will not work or at least pause to think what would happen to those people they work with if the laws they support will pass.
Facebook is a virtual bubble that extends over our campus. All opposing thought are blocked. They feed off each other and thrive off of reading things that make them offended. I am positive some read this site just to become angry.
An echo chamber, a circle jerk!
I went to a major mid-west university after my hitch and was the same age as the TAs teaching the classes… they taught and I mocked. These snowflakes have never left the institution of education and have no understanding how the world works. Hiding in the ivory tower and pissing their panties resembles terror, not strength and with the hysterics about “rape culture” and trigger words, these kids are truly fucked when they are finally shoved out of college. I work with who will be their global competition in the market place… they are going to get eaten alive.
“Most of the college liberals live in a bubble.”
DC is the “adult” version of this except it’s both Libs and Cucks that leech off the system with their make work tax payer subsidized fuckery. They are clueless to the plight of the working class and are confused to the phenomenon of Trump.
The social signaling is a part of fighting for prestige. They want to take credit for helping poor people. They are the same as philanthropists, who donate big money to be known as great men. The students are copying their professors, who fight to be the first to publish and get credit scientific discoveries.
If poor people are able to help themselves, the students aren’t gonna be able to claim credit for helping the poor. How are they gonna give a TED talk about how they discovered the ‘secret’ for helping the poor.
Most professors remain liberal because they never actually worked in the real world. They went to college, then grad school, then got a job at the university. It’s the same with education majors who work in the public school system. They have zero real world experience, yet they think they know all and pass their “knowledge” to impressionable young minds. It’s a consistent cycle. Only people with half a brain who’ve had to work for what they got will grow out of that Utopian mindset.
Useless pieces of shit. If you haven’t worked a 9-5 once in your life for a real company you shouldn’t be teaching anybody shit…
Not quite. They love those poor people who would be poor even if all obstacles to self-betterment were removed. On the contrary, as many such poors are to be imported as possible, and those already here are to be encouraged to breed like rats.
Black lives matter, because all but a few blacks will be clients of the welfare state so many elite college students dream of managing throughout life, simply because blacks have outlived their usefulness to industrial civilization. (It doesn’t hurt that so many otherwise frigid “feminists” have a taste for BBC.)
The poors it is acceptable to hate are those who, left to their own devices, have a realistic chance of amounting to something through their own hard work, wit and innovation.
With very few exceptions, these people are white, English-speaking and male. They do not attend university for very long, if at all. And, quite correctly, they regard elite college boys as enemies to be vanquished.
The feeling is mutual. No Harvard boy wants to wind up working for some redneck one day.
Still less do they want to see the redneck buy daddy’s firm for a dollar because the redneck came up with the innovation that put daddy’s firm out of business—the innovation daddy’s firm were too busy with tweaking the corporate mission statement and lobbying for subsidies to make themselves
I think the left just can’t come to admit that part of being successful is doing some unsavory, aggressive and competitive things
They want to feel bad for poor people, but they don’t want to advocate the harsh and judgmental measures progress often requires
This is what their politicians are for. Would it not be interesting if everyone had to carry around credentials showing what they vote for and were subject to inspection of those voting records?
Money tends to migrate to those who will use it (to make more money, that is).
From living in various countries in the world, I can conclude that it is always the affluent the one’s who follow socialist ideas. Most poor people that I meet hate the government and want nothing to do with it. Rod I feel bad for you if you have to go to school with this people, I do as well, most live in their own world and are detached from the sufferings of the poor.
Don’t forget how easily they slam working class people as stupid or racist or lazy when liberals get their views trashed by working peeps. Think Lewis CK thrashing working class peeps with his gags on “low skill”workers. No one is opposing fruit pickers or the like but he would go on a fucking rant and probably commit suicide if USA would import comedians to drive comedy wages down.
In catchy meme-face:
this is a great article. I always envied the kids who grew up in 2 parent homes, but they seemed oblivious to how lucky they are.
When I was younger I used to call myself an apathist in regards to both politics and religion. I reached the conclusion that I was unable in my current form to distinguish between what was likely truth and likely bullshit so I decided simply not to care for the time being. Yet even then I could tell the left were toxic and socialism/communism always irked me far more than the right. Student politics are like baboons screaming and hurling their feces at each other.
The main problem I see with this article is that it doesn’t actually explain why these people hate the poor? But I can answer why; they see the poor as vile, disgusting, violent trash.
When they see a homeless, jobless, filthy guy sitting on the side of a building asking for change, they see a dirty, disgusting, filthy creature instead of a human being. And rather than actually do anything to help that guy, they’d rather someone else do it, someone like the trashman, who collects trash. We pay them to clean up the trash, why can’t we pay government to do likewise?
But in a sense, I’d also say that these liberals hate themselves about as much as they hate the poor wretches they don’t like to see, but they need them in order to feel good about themselves. That way, they can say they’re for whatever socialist drivel and claim they’re doing something without actually doing anything. It’s Unearned Moral Superiority. No matter how bad you may have it, there’s always someone who’s got it worse, but a normal, sane human being doesn’t feel good that someone else is suffering, because that’s a psychopathic narcissism, something quite common of most liberals, because in spite of the two-parent stable home upbringing, they weren’t given the most important upbringing – Religion – a belief in God – to help form their consciences away from narcissism.
You make some solid points. To your question, these people hate the poor because
1. They have different opinions which offends the semi-intellectuals (e.g., upper classes hate Trump, working class likes him).
2. They see the poor as potential social class competition. When poor people climb the social mobility ladder, upper classes view that as a threat.
3. Upper classes want to maintain their clerical, policymaking, and academic positions by ensuring the lower classes depend on them for their livelihood. The lower classes have been rebelling by openly showing disdain for the establishment.
Seems like they need a working class to pit against their opponents in a class warfare style argument. These working class people are nothing more than competition if they vote for the opposing party. They also need people below them to make them feel bigger.
This article echos claims made by the few alert observers, that the objective of liberal elites is to keep the lesser peoples dependent on government to meet their essential needs. Rich elites don’t fear mass third-world immigration either since they’ll be safe in their gated and guarded enclaves.
One other recent observation I’ve made – seems to jibe with this article – is how the drive-by media emphasizes that Trump supporters are “uneducated” in an openly disdainful way.
The left claim to care about the poor yet they are for open borders. They also claim that social mobility is lacking due to the class system, yet at the same time believe that migrants are poor because of racism. Wouldn’t their own beliefs about class logically lead them to the conclusion that migrants are poor because they came to the country poor? Surely langauge barriers are just another issue which compounds the problem?
There is just no logic with these people. They believe whatever makes them feel good and look good.
Australian feminists attacked Roosh to silence him. But when an old feminist arrives and performs sexual harassment on a minor, they approve. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3498240/After-Madonna-pulls-one-female-fan-concert-Brisbane-one-writer-says-stop-double-standards.html
If a Man had done it…..
Let me guess, you’re a stripper?
I actually do not mind Sanders and Warren except for one huge thing. 2nd amendment. That is why I am voting Trump.
Hillary no way. I voted dem until 2008. Swtiched to Ron Paul and libertarians in 2012. But I like Trump better.
Will vote for dems on state level and reps on national level this year. NC dems are ok on 2nd amendment. Also, as a teacher, I want to keep tenure.
We need to get back to the days like the 70’s. Blue collar UAW and steel workers had a job for life, teachers and public servants had job security, rednecks and small farmers had more of their own land. No problem owning guns.
Left is right about Vultures Picnic by Fortune 500. But I find the cultural marxism of dems and SJW’s intolerable. Rather than try to use social programs and individual civil liberties to help all people, they created PC intersectionality and victim culture with victim hierarchy..
They say they support the poor. But how about the poor white redneck ? Both the republican party and the democratic party have excluded the redneck cowboy. Dems because he is not the posterboy victimm like a black person or LGBT. Republicans only want to cater to Wall Street.
I am glad that the white boy redneck is shaking up the system. When I figured out how the left just needed a n….. and the poor white guy was it, I actually started wearing cowboy boots, cowboy hat etc.
I live surrounded by liberals. Enjoy going against the grain. But the old style left with high tariffs to protect jobs along with an abolishing of the federal reserves, funding government with money created by the Treasury instead of federal reserve.
Rural libertarian redneck culture, nationalistic socialism for union jobs in cities. America 1st ! (nationalistic socialism not to be confused with NAZI’s)
You notice Bernie never attacks the millionaire class. He’d loose half his support.
Ideological leftism is only remotely viable within an authoritarian regime. How many liberals / leftists have you met who were tolerant of other political ideologies or opinions? I’m willing to bet not one.. All of these liberals and leftists would without hesitation opt for 100% state control – so long as the state was ideologically leftist.
This is important, because anyone who does not embrace leftist values and ideology becomes an inconvenience to these individuals and their ideology. It’s difficult to implement leftist values when you have individuals voting against leftist governments and their policies.
Given that the leftists can’t just impose their political will while democracy exists, they need to dilute democratic outcomes as much as possible until they hold a significant majority. This is what you have been slowly watching happen over the past half century, the dilution of democracy in the west with the intention of authoritarian control. Lets look at some examples..
Feminism – Encourages women to replace men with the state. The state gains control, because these women who rely on the state won’t vote against what supports them.
Education – Leftists now control educational institutions, because this allows them to indoctrinate the young and impressionable. It also creates a pathway towards welfare reliance, by generating large numbers of unemployable individuals. The net result being leftist sympathisers, many of who will become welfare dependant.
Working Class – The working class pose a significant threat to leftism, because these are individuals who are typically well organised, make autonomous decisions and value freedoms. The solution to this was the education system, but I don’t believe this was as effective as they had planned. Many governments struggled to gain support for universal education benefits and so the leftists reverted to the shaming those who did not participate. Note how to a leftist you are immediately “uneducated” if you don’t share their same ideological values?
The Sick, Poor, Ederly & Disabled- The strategy here has been simple, victimise these groups and force them into the nanny state, welfare model where they used as a political football. I frequently see leftists who claim that without state support and leftist policies, these individuals would simply be left to rot. It is worth reminding the leftist / liberal that before they actively dismantled the family unit, most of these individuals experienced significantly better conditions and far better standards of care from their own families than anything the state has ever provided.
Mass Immigration – Those ‘poor’ economic refugees that leftists swoon over, also tend to be welfare consuming and incredibly toxic on the societies that take them. Unfortunately the political recoil that comes from mass immigration is quickly neutralised as these individuals obtain the same rights as citizens. Immigrants don’t vote against the welfare state and pro immigration models that allow them to eventually import their entire family..
The Marginalised & Minorities – LGBTI lifestyle choices are toxic to the societies they occupy, so naturally leftists champion them. It’s simply a case of trading rights in return for control, these people are not going to vote against the ideology that tolerates them and their lifestyle.
Leftists / Liberals cannot be allowed absolute control of any western democracy at any cost. You can expect to experience nothing short of a hell on earth if this were allowed to happen.
“Even for conservative college students, insulting Trump is a form of cheap and easy social signaling that says, “Though I am a conservative, I’m still a member of the upper-class. I’m not one of them.”
Not true I don’t support Trump because he’s big government. I’ll vote for him when the time comes but government is not the answer to our problems neither are trade restrictions
Having worked in both Republican and Democratic administrations I’ll have to say they both suck for the voters. Republicans get in and only work for the already wealthy. Democrats get in and think they’re smarter than the voters who put them there, and immediately start making decisions from an insulated mindset compounded by years of never having been around working class people. I’d have to say that I’d go Republican. That’s because you can follow the money and see who’s going to benefit from the election and then catch the table-scraps. When Democrats get in, it’s an economic free-for-all by the same wealthy people scamming. Life, and the strategies for making a living are unpredictable. Take Obama-Care: The Democrats never put regulations in place to stop the insurance companies from gouging, or medical providers from raising rates past what insurance would pay. Neither did they check with employers first; so it’s practically destroyed the retail job industry. Now more people than ever can’t get insurance or full-time work.
Most Wall Street CEO’s contribute heavily to the Dems. I don’t think that they’re doing it out of the kindness of their hearts.
Vote for Kang.
Another glaring flaw of left-wing college courses is a dearth of solutions. Instead they chew out destructive platitudes like redistribution of wealth, environmental policies that disregard economic impact on local communities, tearing down gender roles etc etc etc.
Any moron can look at something and find fault in it. This is the extent of most of liberal college education. But ask them to come up with concrete, sustainable alternatives and they give you a vacant stare.
I know because I witnessed it first-hand. Soured my view of ‘activism’ in my early 20s.
They could put their classes online for free, still easily pay all of their expenses with their wall street investments. They are not interested in educating the unwashed masses, only holding on to their positions of power and privilege.
This really isn’t that much different then when I was back in college in the 90’s. The only difference is that social class was a little bit harder to display through style and possessions as no one had laptops, cell phones, and campus policy basically kept most students without a car due to lack of parking.
Clothes were the main indicator, but if you had a frugal sense of style you could mimic most of the fashions at the time for pennies on the dollar compared to the name brands.
The big indicators were vacations, Spring Break, and your unearned internships. But, again, you could still fake that at a cost. Back in the day it was “normal” for an 19 year old student to be able to get a $10,000 line of credit with any major credit card (it was also able for that student to pay off that credit credit with their first year salary and bonuses).
The one big difference liberals still had somewhat of an open mind. If you said you supported Bush Sr. or Newt they would still hear you out. There were not the tools of oppression that the SJWs have now via social media. And even at the end of the day they still disagreed with you rarely would they leave the table calling you a bigot, racist, etc. You could also find some of the last hold outs of the old school professor or academic that would not give into the PC culture. The student radicals were still around but they were the exception but not the rule. Now that has all changed.
A Canada goose jacket may be too much for the States but if you live in a place like Quebec it is worth the money it costs
Count D’Money: Your Highness, the peasants are revolting
King Louis: yeah, they stink on ice.
You know what drives me nuts? Actually idgaf, just find it amusing: 20 somethings who have an apartment in the heart of manhattan and complain about being broke paying for their share of the rent at a whopping $1,400 a month, while also going out to the bar several times a week (sometimes drinks are free, thanks to simps and bartenders). The same folks who are still on their parents phone plan and consistently bored money from them for whatever. Yet they brag about being independent. They also whine about having to get up an hour before their shift starts to travel 20-30 min to work. And having no motivation to work out, etc. Also they believe they should get privileges and help in their career advancements.
Meanwhile I’m over here getting my ass up at 4:30am, hit work early, hit the gym after, building my rep at work getting name drops, recommendations, etc, got the second in command coming around just to say hello. Haven’t asked for a dime (like $50) from anyone in a decade (I’m 30). Not really hard things to do, yet 20 somethings (and a few in their 30s) don’t know how to make path. FOH.
The only rational point the author makes is that government assistance can potentially sap one’s desire to improve oneself. He conveniently overlooks the fact that the wealthy always have and always will oppress the weak and poor, simply because it’s in their interest. “Liberalism” has nothing to do with it. The author takes a decidedly perverse view of things when he attacks Sanders and Warren, people who are trying to weaken the undue influence of wealth and power.
As for those who have “discovered God”… What good has religion ever done for the world? What are the major religions doing now to make people more moral?
By the way… I hate Communism for exactly the same reason I hate Capitalism — both systems deny workers the full benefit of the wealth they create. The only “just” economic system is Hunting/Gathering. You don’t work, you don’t eat.
I wish Return of Kings wasn’t considered in liberal circles as misogynist/hateful/rag; liberals need to read this.