Is Game Getting Harder Than Ever In 2017?

Just recently I met an attractive brunette through daygame. The approach had gone very well. She seemed flattered that I had stopped her and happy to talk to me. There was a lot of direct eye contact and a flirtatious vibe between us. At the end of our brief exchange, when I suggested we meet again for a drink, she agreed enthusiastically and readily gave me her phone number

I messaged her shortly afterwards. She responded quickly (always a good sign) and we had a suggestive little exchange peppered with a prevalence of ‘wink face’ emoticons.

I then messaged her a few nights later and she told me she was out with friends. I cheekily suggested that she should drop by my place when she was done. Five minutes later and I’d received no response. Five minutes after that and she’d blocked me.

Of course, by any measure my strategy had been a risky one. The truth is that in most cases it is unlikely that a girl who has met a random man in the street for less than five minutes will travel over to his apartment alone in the middle of the night (although such things do happen). Nevertheless, women are generally favourable to men who make explicit—or even just heavily hint at—their sexual desires over those who hide their dicks. A pass is normally given in a sort of “I get it’s your job to try but it’s my job to resist—try again next time” way.

But more importantly, the timbre of our messages up to that point undoubtedly indicated that I was impertinent and playful and would probably “push my luck” without meaning it all that seriously. Still, this girl, who had no doubt by now designated me a “creep” felt that her best course of action was to summarily break off all contact with me, despite having clearly been attracted before, and despite our having got on very well.

Welcome to the dating market of 2017: make one mistake and you’ll be ruthlessly kicked to the curb.

Are Things Worse Than Ever?

The question, though, is whether things really are any worse today than they were ten, fifteen or twenty years ago. Is it harder to meet girls now than it was when I first got into game? My feeling is that on the one hand, yes, it is harder. On the other hand, though, pickup—by which I mean being the chooser—has never been a walk in the park.

I have been interested in PUA for quite some time now, beginning my formal preoccupation with it in 2004. Prior to that I still hit on plenty of girls, albeit in a less informed way. So let’s say I have 15 years’ worth of game experience, give or take. Certainly on the surface it would seem that things have changed and, as Roosh points out in his in his podcast The Death of Night Game, this is to a large extent driven by the tech explosion we have experienced in the intervening years.

As has been much discussed, the combination of the smartphone with social media apps like Instagram and Snap, where women can and do receive constant validation from thirsty betas liking their pictures, plus the emergence of the dating apps—Tinder, Happn, Bumble etc.—has meant that girls are in receipt of a quantity of positive male attention that is unprecedented in the whole of human history.

It is hard to see how this factor can’t have had an effect on the dating market. Throw in the counterculture movement of the sixties with its emphasis on free love plus the emergence of radical feminism and you have quite a heady cocktail.

I’ve observed elsewhere that sexual market value and ones perception of ones own worth is rather like the financial markets in that it is affected by confidence above all else. If you are confident in your financial standing then you are more likely to spend money than if you’re not. In the same way, if a woman is confident that there is an army of hot guys out there clamouring for her attention then there is less incentive for her to take your individual pitch seriously, regardless of how attractive you might be.

Evolutionary Biology

However, let’s not get carried away. A few new means of communication over the past decade would be hard-pressed to overturn the evolutionary biology developed over the last 200,000 years. Men are still men, women are still women, The latter will continue to be attracted to men who display power, whether that is via wealth, good genetics (read: good looks), social worth, calibration or dominance and so on. And men will continue to be attracted to women who display signs of fertility through youth, beauty and a healthy body.

The other thing to remember is that when I or any other man makes an assessment on the current state of game he is doing so largely through the prism of his own experience, and that experience is necessarily coloured by whatever changes have taken place in his own life. For a forty year-old guy to say that things are harder than when he was twenty-seven is inherently difficult to interpret. Perhaps he was simply more physically attractive when he was younger. Perhaps his sex drive was stronger, encouraging him to make more and riskier approaches. Perhaps other factors in his life like business have become more important to him, impacting negatively not only on the amount of time he apportions to game but also on the vigour with which he approaches it.

There is no even playing field. Game, as an interpersonal skill, will always be played on shifting sands.

Those Halcyon Days 

Finally, in case you were wondering, I should dispel the notion that there was ever a halcyon age when all you had to do was to approach a girl for her to instantly drop her knickers, fuck you and then remain faithful to you for life. Sure, it was perhaps slightly easier to get a girl out on a date fifteen years ago, given there were fewer distractions overall. But women were still hypergamous, they still played games, they still loved the bad boys, they still flaked and they still cheated. If technology has escalated these things then it is my belief that the effect has been lesser than you might imagine.

What’s The Way Forward?

Either way, though, the market is what it is and there is little you can do to change that, in the short term at least. What, then, is the optimal strategy to pursue?

As I always say, your only option is to double down and maximize your chance by creating more opportunities for yourself by approaching more girls, whether that be through day game, night game, app game or—perhaps most effectively—through a combination of all three.

Guys will doubtless bitch and moan about having to expend even more energy than before in obtaining intimacy with flaky, narcissistic women, but bear two things in mind. First, approaching one woman a day and swiping a few times on Tinder really takes up very little of your time. Second, whether you admit it or not you need sex and when a needs something her should be prepared to go out and work for it without complaint, no matter how unfair the circumstances might feel.

Want to find out more about how to attract hot girls in today’s market? Get hold of a copy of Troy’s bestselling book The 7 Laws of Seduction. For daily updates on game follow Troy on Twitter

Read More: Why ‘Nexting’ Unsuitable Women is Good for Your Sex Life 

581 thoughts on “Is Game Getting Harder Than Ever In 2017?”

  1. I despise this whole “needing sex” thing.
    No you don’t, you need food. No one has ever died or gotten sick in any way from not having sex.
    “Need sex” = “I’m desperate for this one thing that isn’t crucial for my own survival, I’m a beta.”

    1. While it’s true that sex is not a survival need for the individual, it is a survival need for the species, so in a way it’s something of a meta-need. All sexually reproducing species truly desire sex to reproduce (assuming that they are sexual creatures). That’s not “beta”, that’s “life as a sexual creature in the universe”.
      “Beta” gets tossed around *way* too much and inappropriately these days. It’s become nearly meaningless through overuse.

      1. Beta – The new shield for inactivity and not getting on with life.
        EDIT: Before I forget this acronym, since it is such a good one, I’ll add it for all future beta references. B.E.T.A. = Bitches Expressing Their Angst.

      2. Beta is having sex without a chance of reproduction. I was sitting with a very attractive (40Kg) 22 year old mother of four last week, the moment she told me her tubes had been tied, I walked away. Absolutely no point in wasting my time with an infertile female.

        1. Aren’t you in your 60’s? I might be mistaken, but if you are, what does it matter if she wants to have more kids than she can realistically support?
          If you’re younger, then my bad, I may be thinking that you’re somebody else on here.

        2. My point being, why in the hell would it matter if some multi-kid broad wants to have more kids or not? You’re too old to see any progeny through to completion, and she’s only 22 and has 4 kids so she’s a slut right out the door and you want her to add *more* ill advised children to her brood?
          That makes no sense on any level to me. What you said originally would make sense for a much younger man looking to start a family, perfect sense really, but for a man way on the other end of that spectrum, with that kind of standard put on a woman who already has done way more than she should have at her age to “contribute to humanity” I don’t really see it as something viable.

        3. Why do you think I shouldn’t have more children at age 60+? I fathered my last child at age 56 (before that at age 45 and 47) and I might live to be 100, isn’t 40 years long enough to see the job through to completion? if I died tomorrow do you have any reason think she couldn’t replace me with a new man? and let’s face it, our governments don’t seem to think children need a father around for any part of their life.
          Ps. I’m always looking to start a new family.

        4. If you’re being that unrealistic then I can’t take your original pronouncement with any seriousness.
          And that you want to invest in some 22 year old with 4 kids who is single, as if by golly if she only were still fertile you’d get your family on with her, is sill. She is not only a slut but also an idiot, so really your standard doesn’t fill me with confidence that you were on the track to the right choice regardless of her tube tying or lack thereof.
          And last, to foist off your responsibilities onto society out of some narcissistic urge really doesn’t impress me. Sure, making a huge family is great, but snickering how the government or some other dude will fill in your shoes, well, I’m not impressed.

        5. Who the woman chooses to support her children isn’t up to us, and hasn’t been up to us for 30 years. She doesn’t have to give the biological father any access to his children at all. Not in the west anyway.
          My only interest is spreading my DNA as far and as wide as I can, happy to look after them if given the opportunity, happy to visit with them as a second option, but those choice aren’t that important to me, if she wants someone else to do that job, I’m OK with it.

        6. Great, sounds fantastic, bring some more bastards into the world to be raised by government. A model that works out *great* in the ghettos and inner cities. We’re really aspiring for a high standard here aren’t we?
          Never mind man, I really don’t see the point of taking this further. This level of lack of responsibility for one’s actions, intentionally taken, is not something I can understand or sanction.
          Hope your day goes well.

        7. I accept the new reality of the modern world, I can’t change that reality, even though it might not be something I like. but I can adapt to use that new reality. Adapt of face extinction is nature’s way.
          Statistically 80% of men ever born in the world have failed to reproduce, I ain’t one of those losers!

        8. You are utterly missing my point. All you’re doing is using society as an excuse for your own irresponsible impulses. Nothing more, nothing less.

        9. 2. That I fathered and raised to adulthood as responsible human beings.

        10. Come on, someone needs to breed a new crop of fatherless half Asian prostitutes and lady boys

        11. I really have to shake my head at how willingly some go down the exact path that feminism has wanted men to go down since they became a “thing”. We’ve already seen the results of fatherless cultures where women have no husbands and fathers have no children. To want to surrender to that when you know the outcome is wrong no matter how you cut it.
          If a guy wants to fuck a lot of chicks, that’s great. But that’s not what this guy is talking about.

        12. Well, I have 2 I fathered and raised to 18+
          (sorry, I’m having to guess as adulthood means different things to different people).
          Another 2 I fathered, then wasn’t allowed access after divorce (hardly my fault).
          One I fathered (50% Asian) now aged 5 (ongoing effort).
          One I didn’t father (100% Asian) but raised to 18+ (ongoing effort).
          In what way do you consider I have been irresponsible?

        13. We’re talking about what your plans are as originally stated (regarding turning down a 22 year old idiot low impulse control slut because she can’t bear you children). What we are not discussing is what you’ve done in the past. Don’t move the goal posts if you have nowhere else to go here.

        14. Unless that 22 year old irresponsible slut didn’t have her tubes tied, at which point you’d throw caution to the wind and who gives a fuck because the government or some beta dude will, or nobody at all, will raise them after you croak.
          Look, is there anything else left to say that pertains to the original topic? Because it seems to me to have been exhausted already.

        15. yeah, I really don’t know what to make of this guy at times. At first I was thinking just ex-pat half way between mgtow and playing with Asian gutter rats because they aren’t really people, but I am starting to get a sense of something much worse and, to be honest, kind of gross. Maybe it is this, as you say, willingness to walk down the road paved by feminism mixed with the saddest and most pathetic defeatism this side of Wally Pabst

        16. I don’t believe that fatherless cultures are the problem, It’s government welfare cultures that cause the problems.

        17. Hey PJ.
          Wow, I don’t want irresponsible because I know quite intelligent men in similar situations (Picasso was one such man, not that I knew him!) So you had children with 4 different women. Trump had children with 3 different women. The current wife, Melania, appears to be a keeper. It seems to me that Trump made a mistake in his youth (chose a career woman and cheated on her), married his mistress, and then finally has come to his senses.
          It sounds like you made a best effort to take care of the kids and that’s admirable. I’m not going to judge you but rather ask you out of curiosity: Have you grown due to those experiences? If you met a woman who had childbearing potential, what do you think is different about you now that would mean you’re ready for the long haul with her and the children?
          Personally, I wouldn’t want a 60 year old man around my daughter (when she’s 22) unless he was super wealthy and she had a fantastic prenup. i’m not being materialistic in that I feel that if he works out that’s great and he’s welcome to the family and if not, at least my daughter and granddaughter could use their senses to find a professional man capable of respecting what she brings to the table (no debt) and she can raise the 4 kids and add some to the brood.

        18. GoJ, we don’t know the 22 year old was a slut. I don’t believe in excusing women by any means, but so far from what I read we don’t know a lot. Imagine if a woman was 18 and married a young man who seemed like a good prospect (going to school) and decided to use her fertile years to the best benefit. This is what we advise here. It’s possible she’s widowed. Or the guy developed an abuse issue. etc. As a religious woman, she may have had 4 kids due to lack of birth control and then realized that 4 was enough and tied tubes.
          If anything, I think what PJ is judging her for is tying the tubes and taking away the option from a potential future husband to increase the size of the extended family. Raising 4 kids together with her would be a challenge but another 2 would help bind the family and she closed off that option.

      3. In debates with feminists, I often liked to argue that if they claimed that medical care, daycare, etc. was a necessity then men should demand the state provide brothels with a voucher system. 🙂
        This forum often reminds men that they need to shape up in order to improve themselves and their lives and this should go for pussy as well. It’s like the concept of “eff you” money. If you live paycheck to paycheck, your boss can demand you lick his boots and how can you say no to him? Is a coffee, a pack of cigs, etc. worth sacrificing your human dignity over?
        When I was young, despite not being an alpha by any means, I achieved the mindset by actually throwing sex away. I felt that if I just wasn’t “feeling” it, I’d throw a fish back. I never achieved the kind of abundance where I could do this and still get nookie elsewhere but the mindset was achieved nonetheless.

    2. If MGTOW don’t have time for getting laid that’s their choice, but why do they care what other males do?

      1. I think it’s their desire to make a social impact via a boycott. Certainly feminism and the chivalry culture has had an impact on men’s thinking since a perceived scarcity of sex has made many men submissive to women.
        The problem with a male boycott of women is that there’s this tremendous cultural momentum, women are not very responsive or rational, and it takes a LOT of men to do this and the MGTOW numbers aren’t there.
        I think the greater impact on the culture has come from men such as myself who married foreign women and when an American woman sees a 5/10 such as myself with an 8 on his arm, that gives them a major emotional setback when they’re at home alone on their own boycott against men who don’t comply with their political demands. Hence, IMBRA was passed but it’s now moot since game/chat/online dating makes it largely obsolete.

        1. If MGTOW take themselves out of the game that just creates less competition for those who remain in the game.

      1. By your logic you must be a virgin because what you said is fucking retarded.
        Not having sex = faulty brain wiring or faulty chromosomes.

        1. first off you are using SJW libtard tactics in your ad hominem argument. Way to go special snowflake! Second off, give me your email I will send you my latest round of texts from the girls I am currently having sex with (normally don’t kiss and tell but I’ll do anything to please a special snowflake as yourself). man, you sound really triggered at the concept of sex being a biological reality!!

        2. clearly you are the one not getting laid. still waiting for your e-mail address. and don’t forget your daily dose of red pills bro…human biology is a real thing!

      1. It’s wrong.
        No one has died from not having sex.
        The last pope – Pope John Paul 2 – died when he was 84, and he was a virgin. He didn’t die from virginity.

  2. Thank you for the honesty Troy! First glad you are back in writing game articles weekly. Last week’s article of the one a day definitely struck a chord with me as business and life have kind of combined for more focus to tasks and less to dating.
    The dating market does go through it’s volleys, and while my Tinder game is ass, cold approach and day game still work well for me. The market shouldn’t have advanced too much if you consider a man should be shooting for young and attractive regardless since older women are bitter, have baggage, and may be on their beta bucks tip. All standard protocol to decide what works best for yourself irrespective of the woman.
    Finally thanks for pointing out that sex is a need. It makes no sense how people can try and state how sex is a want when no sane person would choose to have a burning sensation in their crotch which can only be sated by a wet snatch, or make him feel like a deranged unwanted spaz if he has to finish himself with lotion and a napkin. Does that even make sense?

    1. The masturbation shamers also often shame men for being PUA’s and gamers.
      I’m married but during my single days, I personally would have chosen to masturbate rather than engage in clown game. I felt there was more dignity in the former.

  3. I think you could have done it differently, me I would have asked where she was headed and if she fancied meeting up for a drink
    Back to yours after a few texts, especially with her friends in tow who are going to hear about it in real time, you totally dropped the ball imo

  4. Pickup in nightclubs might be getting harder, I have no idea since I’ve always found nightclubs repulsive, but in general day to day life girls don’t seem particularly adverse to sex.
    “But I can only get one lay out of a hundred attempts!” he answers. Yeah, so what? That’s one lay a month or so from some random stranger chick. Be glad you didn’t grow up before this age, e.g. – Every single year for the last 40,000 years of recorded history with the exclusion of the late 1990’s forward. Dude, 5 out of 10 times you had to get married to have sex at all, and the other 5 times you’d only get it if a) it was the 1970’s and you had cocaine or b) serious relationship bordering on being engaged or c) prostitute. The Leftist hippy types were in the small, small minority, and were not this huge “free love” movement that you see paraded about in movies from the time.
    If all you want to do is cat around, this is the time and age to do it in.

    1. Pick up in nightclubs is the same as it always was, odd. I can get paid drinks and make outs same as ever there, but I try to avoid it as there is one drunk asshat who always will linger like a remorraid looking for a shark to latch themselves to for the night. Added to that the nasty older ladies who find their way to ‘girl’s night out’ always can throw a monkey wrench with a decent girl.
      Sadly, the drugs have and always will be a consistent part of night game as popping pills, molly, or doing a line of cocaine, is almost always on the table. Night game will always retain the close ties it has to degeneracy and criminal behavior.

  5. Things u have to do nowadays to be good with girls:
    1st step: Fill your social media profiles with pictures of u and other women so that she’ll atribute high value to u.
    2nd step:Present yourself as succesful(dress apart, work out) even if u have a shitty job. Be vague about where u work, she’ll do the projecting. Or at least show yourself as having a promotion perspective.
    3rd step: Concentrate more on daygame, rather than nightgame.
    4th step: Be upfront about what u want, but try doing it in a playful & entertaining manner. Do some acting classes if you’re stiff, u can also use this opportunity to take pictures with the cute female classmates in order to upload them on the internet.
    When it comes to social circles, most people would recommand to dump your loser friends. If they’re lazy or drug addicts then I would agree, if they’re geeky, shy or scrawny then my answer is hell no, that would be one of the most shallow things a man can possibly do.

    1. Completely agree with all of your points. Will throw in develop a sense of comedy and knowledge of suspense as you don’t necessarily need to say more, but getting a sense of when to say something and how to say will take you very far. And have plenty of interests. It is rarely enough to just be good looking unless if you intend to be vague and only get one of lays. You need a full on life of your own to ‘introduce’ a woman to. Great comment!

      1. You’re right about having plenty of interests.
        This will probably sound stupid but the most important thing in getting girls is:
        If you’re feeling sulky then u’re chances of getting girls are close to zilch. And they’re even worse when it comes to keeping them around.

        1. It makes a lot of sense to me. Adding in cocky and funny humor to my game exploded my results and made it far easier to talk with 9-10s. Having interests makes it easier to keep them around because women want to be an accessory, kind of why they love criminals so much. Such wonderful degenerates they are!
          Spontaneity and self acceptance works as well. The most beta thing I did, was grab a woman in my arms because there was a puddle of water and she looked scared to get in there. Got me a free ass feel. And her friend was a bit jealous so we traded places and conveniently found another puddle which I had to pick her up in my arms to get her across. Didn’t hurt anything being nice there.

        2. We are the accessories, not them. And due to attitudes like yours during many decades. Masculinity is dead now.

    2. Regarding 1st step, although I’m sure other women might find that attractive or as you are high value, personally for me it’s a red flag that the guy has commitment issues and/or low self esteem.
      Unless your end game is just to have another notch and you aren’t looking to pursue a relationship, then it won’t matter but I would still question the quality of women you are pulling. I don’t believe any ‘quality’ woman would see that (multiple of women posing with you on a social app) and think to herself that she wants to be another trophy in your case.
      I don’t have FB, Instagram, SnapChat, or whatever the new apps are these days….but if I did, I would be more attracted to a man that has pictures of family, friends, and his travels over a man with slew of women on his page.
      That’s just my perspective.
      Again though if your goal is strictly just pulling numbers and NOT finding a relationship then you’re okay and probably likely to attract the same type of women. And IMO, you don’t have to have much game to find those types.

      1. That’s how I started 3&1/2 years ago and it did wonders for me.
        This post was for kids(late teens/early 20s) that live in an urban environment & don’t know how to handle girls. Doing what I wrote gives guys confidence & most youngsters need it.
        Once they get going it’s up to them to specialize in their niche girls, whether they want career-cunts, wife-material girls or awkward looking cosplay girls.
        Regarding my 1st point: ofc the FB profile should have pictures with animals, vacations, friends & family, but alongside those pictures there should also be pics of the guy having fun with chicas.
        Let me give u an advice, cause I’ve met girls like u, DON’T SCREW/ENTICE/HANG AROUND MARRIED MEN. Go after the nice guys(single) that don’t have game, they are your type

        1. I don’t think you can really deduce what kind of girl I am based off any postings, but thank you nonetheless for the (sound) advice on staying away from married men. That’s not a line I’ve ever thought or wanted to cross anyway.
          As for the picture- I’d rather marry someone I love that loves me back. And I especially won’t listen to a quote from a black woman since I’ve yet to meet one that is happily married at any point in my life, but thank you. I definitely won’t listen to Mariama Ba but I do wonder why you even chose to quote a black woman who was a feminist and believed “the man” was holding women down and that women were/are treated unfairly.
          Are you going to quote Wendy Williams next?

        2. U are on this site to check the enemy out, u are camouflaged into a traditionalist.
          “won’t listen to a quote from a black woman “- alt-right point
          “black woman since I’ve yet to meet one that is happily married” – alt-right point
          “quote a black woman who was a feminist” – alt-right point
          “Are you going to quote Wendy Williams next?”- alt-right point
          The alt-right hates women & blacks. U want to reinforce your own prejudices against the movement, so that u could feel good about hating us.
          U are a passive creature, u don’t love men, you’re loved by men. Your expectations about men are retarded, if a nice cute guy approaches you , u thank God, u marry the guy & shit his kids.

        3. I wouldn’t take dating/marital advice from Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton, or the town floozy. So why would I take marital advice from a black feminist who was very vocal about how women are mistreated and held back by men?
          Pointing out that she is a black feminist isn’t passive or alt-right. You do know who Ba was? You quoted a woman, who from everything I have read here, is pretty much exactly the type of women that the men here despise. Ba was raised by her father, became educated, married, had 8-9 kids then divorced that man (he held political office if I remember correctly), pretty much kept her ex from his kids, and then went on to write books and teach in schools and colleges about women studies, equal rights for sexes, etc and preach about how men hold women back.
          If you find her or her beliefs disgusting then that makes you right. But if I find her beliefs unappealing then that makes me a passive, alt right, woman and man hating individual.

        4. Are u saying I can’t point out a good quote if it belongs to a muslim feminist black woman?
          Why u mysoginistic, racist & islamophobic slut. How dare u?

        5. I don’t carry conversation with anyone who resorts to below belt name calling. No point to. There’s no true discussion or meeting of minds in that.
          But I thank you for your candor.

        6. A white knight like yourself should be slapped everytime they utter the word cuck.
          Also how stereotipically insecure can u be to take my trollish ramblings seriously. I bet your posts are filled with words like marxists, jews and cucks.

        7. Women are passive, they can try to be active, but their happiness is dependent on too many outside factors beyond their control. I’m not in the mood to get into this.
          A woman has an ugly, scrawny kid and yet she loves him as if though he’s the greatest thing creation has ever produced. That’s love is biological and yet devoid of rationality, she could stagnate the kid’s growth if left unchecked.
          A man’s love is superior he can choose how to manifest it, to whom he can offer it, he can use it constructively and yet he cannot achieve greatness if it were not for the biological love that his mother had for him. They are too different things.

        8. What pile of bullshit was that “advice”…topped with a Maya Angelou quote? Play him off, keyboard cat…

        1. The trick is right though, banging hot sloots is like bass fishing, just throw some flashy bait out & they strike for it. Theyre also shallow. If youre hunting for a hottie with future mother of your kid qualities, it’s a different paradigm.

      2. There is no such thing as a ‘quality woman’, you are all cunts. Just some of you are obvious cunts, and others of you are hidden cunts.

    3. 1. Delete all social media.
      2. Dress well, stay fit.
      3. Have a personality, don’t be shy.
      4. Avoid debt, save $.
      5. Have a job.
      Those 5 things already put you far ahead of the general public, & most women fail to meet that criteria themselves. Getting laid isnt hard. Just quit chasing white trash that is running on borrowed time with her great youthful looks & toxic personality.

      1. That is literally 100% of what needs to be done to have a healthy, wealthy and successful life in every single aspect of life from women to business to just walking down a street and feeling happy. 5 things

        1. You make me want to just be a lazy, simpliflied fuck who makes bank, has few possessions…yet reads many good books in a superb zip code-while slaying Parisian looking harlots, of course. This simple formula is yet better than 90% of other male lives, chasing stupid hobbies and/or paying for them.

      2. Dude, your comment here is the only thing worthwhile I saw here!
        The article, whiny garbage. A lot of the comments here, a bit off.
        I’ve been gone for how long, and I see this nonsense everywhere.
        The game doesn’t change. The tactics you employ, the style you may have to present, fine, they can change. But the game remains.
        Be attractive. Charming. Humorous. Engaging. Elusive and fun. Non committal until they demonstrate their value.
        If they don’t show it, or get bitchy, simple word: “Next!”
        All this talk about trying to be pleasing to women. Worthless!
        Do you! You wanna rock climbing, go friggin rock climbing. Find some super hot chick whose to busy climbing mountains instead of random cock counts, then go with her to the club. Watch these tricks look at her with disdain because they know she is something they’re not.
        Learn to sail, fly a plane, get a degree. Anything but wasting your time chasing down skrags. And at some point, a hot chick will cross your path that is worth it.
        The game change that may have happened is that monogamy is making a sneaky comeback because women are aware of the game now. They still want to bang on the discreet like they always have. So you have to be able to screen the worthless out.
        But finding a rare bird is what you want anyways.
        If on the other hand, you’re only getting low level skrags with bitchy attitudes, you’re doing something wrong.
        If you ain’t rolling right, you ain’t gaming right!

        1. Fuck no they aren’t … but making a the effort is what matters. A woman sees that a man is busy, has goals, works out … she’ll get tingles.

        2. I do all that shit and get these hoes’s pussy wet for sure but i’m far from a “success” or wealthy..I fuck solid 6s and 7s..Occasional 8s but let’s be real, the man who has the means to travel the world on a private jet and fuck the most beautiful women on earth? I ain’t got shit on that guy.

        3. See that’s just the thing. I’m not rich by any means, and I keep my line of work incredibly vague, or make up some shit like “I’m an organic farmer”. But I dress nice, my confidence is high, and my muscles are definable – which allows me to fuck 8’s with ease and the occasional 9-10 with minimal effort. I think you need to drop that ‘I need to be a rich playboy to get hot chicks’ attitude, it does you a disservice. It certainly gives you an edge if you happen to be a playboy, but it does not necessarily seal the deal with women. Shoot for being rich by working hard, starting a business, diversifying — and in the meantime, act the part of the playboy by making sure you look your best (working out, having good style), and have a cocky/funny don’t give a shit attitude. Lastly, never limit yourself. You wanna fuck 10’s? Go fuck 10’s – it’s that simple. Sure you’ll strike out, probably a lot, but that’s just a part of the game.

      1. I agree 90%. But dating is a contact sport. You have to engage women in some way…. only a few times in my life have women, who are complete strangers, hit me up out of the blue.
        Personally, the best way to contact is the show-no-fear, bad boy approach. And the best example of this is Charlie Sheen in Ferris Bueller. He takes down that bratty little princess like a true boss.
        “You wear too much eye makeup. My sister wears too much. People think she’s a whore.”

    4. How about…
      1. Fill your social media with things you like so you can find friends and women who have the same interests as you. For example, it’s a lot easier to talk to someone if they like the same author you do. If you take too many pictures of other women, you wouldn’t be attracting the women who want serious relationships with you.
      2. Present yourself as approachable and kind. Wear clean, crisp clothes, but don’t wear anything too fancy or you’ll make it awkward for her as well.
      3. Try to meet people with the same interests. If you like to read, join a reading club. If you like to work out, join a hiking/cycling group so you can bond and form emotional – and hopefully romantic – relationships with them.
      4. Concentrate on the people who are around you. Maybe there’s a girl who likes you in your friend circle. Girls tend to like the people they emotionally connect with. It’s ok if you don’t look like an Adonis. As long as they think you’re interesting and morally upright, at least some girls would begin to find you attractive physically as well. Attractiveness is a vibe you give off, not simply physical appearance.
      5. Find girls who like your friends. It will be extremely awkward to have to continuously choose between the people you are closest with. If she doesn’t like that shy friend you have, maybe don’t talk to her? However, if she actually brings up a fatal flaw that your friend has, such as “I don’t think you should stay friends with him. I don’t think he’s trustworthy,” maybe listen to any supporting evidence she provides and then decide for yourself which risk you want to choose.
      If you’re actually looking for someone to “remain faithful to you for life,” maybe look for someone you have similarities with.

      1. You still are trying way too hard. Delete social media, it is a vapid waste of time..& drop the pro sports nonsense while youre at it also. Dont dress or carry yourself like a fuckboy. Most guys are lost on that & still dress like college dropouts. That’s it. Now approach women or chat them up, exchange numbers & smash etc. Groups/hobbyist circles are short term things & stacked with cockblockers. Quit trying to trojan horse your dick under the guise of hiking or some other bullshit. However, Id love to rail a female road cyclist in peak shape.

        1. Maybe don’t go into things hoping for a relationship? Join cycling clubs anyways! They sound like great places to build friendship! Also, thrills can be mistaken for romantic attraction, so if you cycle together often, maybe the girls in the group will mistake adrenaline rushes with attraction… xD
          Besides, it’s easier to like people you’re familiar with. Social media is a waste of time unless you use it the right way. It can be a way to meet people with the same interests as you as well as a wonderful marketing platform and an efficient way of spreading ideology/information. After all, social media is a tool. It’s only a waste of time if you use it poorly.

        2. If you want women on adrenaline highs try sky diving or bungee jumping. It does work, but the odds are steep as there will be 10 guys (at least) for every woman. But they will be in the mood. And many of the men will have women watching from the sidelines, so maybe the odds are better than I think.

        3. I meant… you should find someone with the same interests as you. If you like cycling, go for it. You’ll meet someone cool you can fall in love with. Don’t manipulate people psychologically. It’s an unfair advantage.

        4. Sounds like the usual “be yourself!” Bull crap to me.
          No, interests don’t matter, nor do relationships that aren’t directly aimed at marriage and children.
          I share zero hobbies or interests with my wife, we picked each other because we saw eye to eye on matters of family and children, that’s it. And wouldn’t you know, we are both happy now.

        5. “Groups/hobbyist circles are short term things & stacked with cockblockers”
          Very true. Men who are undersexed turn into vicious cock-blockers

  6. One of these days we will need to realize that game is a beta activity. Game is essentially buck dancing for women to get the prize. They have control of something we want and we pretend by using game we aren’t begging. Beta, beta, beta.
    A true alpha male has women coming to him wanting to give it up with him exerting zero effort. Rich, powerful or confident well-established men don’t need game.

    1. Last check, being rich and powerful require effort (unless you’re born into it) and being confident comes from achievements, which also require effort.

        1. Point being, no matter how you look at it, there is effort to get pussy. Whether you intend that effort to achieve that goal or not is irrelevant, you still have to *do something* in life. Thus, criticizing people who actually want to get laid (yeah, how beta, wanting sex) for doing things to achieve that goal seems a bit misplaced. To get laid, generally there’s some effort involved.

        2. Not intended to be a criticism. I like sex as much as anyone. The point is that game is an acknowledgement that we operate from a deficit position living in a feminist controlled society. Think of it this way, Muslim men don’t need game in a Muslim society.

        3. A lot of Muslim society overseas is comprised of a boatload of men who have no mating prospects whatsoever. A few warlords or powerful get the women, the rest of the guys sit on the street corner without a hope of ever getting laid.
          We can’t control the structure of society that we live in, so what’s the problem in arming men with tools to succeed despite the circumstance that they find themselves in? Doing things to be attractive to get laid is not “beta”, and I really don’t know where you get that. The choice in life should not be A) Powerful Warlord of B)MGTOW Incel. Of course men want to get laid and want to find ways to do it. If a guy can achieve that without having a woman hitched onto his resources as a result, that’s hardly “beta”, it’s just a guy doing the things required to achieve a goal.

        4. There are very few muslims that can support 4 wives. Most of them have one ugly bitch by their side, that probably doesn’t even shave.
          If they have game, western men fuck a lot more women than muslims do.

        5. Muslim women are practise extreme passive aggression – i.e they get fat quickly after marriage and shut the sexual appeal thing down as best as they can.

        6. right, this is exactly it. Thinking muslim men have harems full of women that they can be indifferent to and demand loyalty and love from is like thinking all americans are 7 foot tall multi millionaires in peak athletic shape because you have been watching NBA from a foreign country and have no experience with the rest of the population. The absolute wealthiest Saudis and Kuwaits etc…sure, they are in an enviable position. They are so wealthy that money has become an abstract concept and they are competing with one another to build the biggest super yachts while flying around the world doing anything they want to incredibly hot women, racing Ferraris, shitting on Lindsey lohan, whatever they can possibly dream of. Yes, the top 1% of oil producing muslim nations are in a pretty good position. That is in no way indicative of what it is like to be a man in the muslim world any more than the NBA is indicative of what it is like to be an American

        7. Philosophical observation: For men, surviving requires us to do things that help us to get laid as a side effect such as having a good job, being physically fit, etc. Even MGTOW have to have basic “game” in that respect.
          “Game” in context of PUA means specifically developing a set of skills designed to enhance or focus upon getting laid as an objective in and of itself. Kind of like peacock feathers: Little survival value (even opposite of such) but the females dig the plumage.
          So true “alphas” get the benefits of living the MGTOW lifestyle (not having to give a **** about pandering to women) and still getting laid such as, say, Michael Phelps. He was committed to that career long before he came of age to be interested in women but now he can do what he likes.
          Other men I know in a similar boat are tall executives in the DC metro region. The DC metro region is pretty bad as Roosh has often said but these guys simply aren’t aware of it and don’t care. They have ZERO game. They go to the bathroom and on the way there, women hit them for numbers. I have tons of funny stories.
          So in terms of “luck”, both Ghost and mlgamer have a point: There is an element of luck involved in having the genetics to be tall (if you have a PhD and even some fame, you will still largely have to hustle with women if you’re short. I see this all the time in academia where betas are numerous) and being born to a good family where they help set you up for professional success is also a good thing.
          While PUA skills are great, it’s no substitute for “alpha life game”, so to speak: Get a decent job and savings and be prepared to support yourself because at the age of 50 or so, getting laid will no longer be so important and then what will you do with your life?
          I do know of some men who get the $200K sports car to pick up chicks but by and large, most alpha males generally got there because they had a drive separate from getting laid including the above (they just wanted a better life for themselves) or raw ambition (they like winning, such as Phelps). Those are “true” alphas and women dig them without game as they should. It’s hard to not like men who help to change the world often for the better which leads to:
          PUA’s often make things worse by driving up the level of game, helping to feed women’s egos (or spooking the fish), transforming normal women into “sluts” (did Roosh choose to date one of the sluts he met a club or did he instead pick someone who was new to game approaches?) Let’s face it: whether it’s beta game or “alpha” game, it’s still ultimately pandering to women.

        8. It depends upon your objective. My friend went to Istanbul and made this observation: In Europe, if you go to a shopping mall you usually see a lot of women around during the daytime sipping coffee and spending money while the men are at work. If you to go Istanbul during the day, you see men on their breaks from work sipping coffee while the women are working full time at home to save the family money.
          Which sounds more alpha to you?
          Both systems have their flaws: Islam has a lot of issues aside from how they usually keep their old ladies in line. In the west, despite the cultural leftism, the standard of living is still pretty good.

        9. End of the day, we’re social animals. If you want something from another human being, you’re going to have to find a way to get him to agree to it. There is *no getting around it*, outside of brute physical force. So this “pander to” thing is a red herring.
          As I noted already, it’s one thing to learn skills to acquire a goal, and quite another to have an unhealthy obsession with something. We need to differentiate these things instead of throwing everything into “panders!” because we can’t get out of the fact that social beings require push and pull and working with each other to get things from one another.

        10. You cannot possibly expect me or anybody to take you seriously any longer at this point. Even genetic science disagrees with your “observation”.

        11. I have mostly foreign friends from around the world and there’s some truth to this but this applies to women in general especially in the states.
          I think what helps to drive women to stay pretty is their desire to impress other women in a constructive fashion. My foreign born wife tells me that she doesn’t want other women to see that she’s slacking off and letting herself go because other women would look down on her as a bad wife. It’s strange but also charming. It’s an interesting perspective because she’s taking pride in being a wife to make men happy while American women are taught to be “independent” and even ambivalent (or hostile) towards men and dress to impress other women, solely.
          So in the states, if you see a woman dressed to the 9’s with an expensive manicure, it’s possible or even likely she’s doing this to impress her women friends and considers men hitting on her to be a burden while in other societies, women dressing to live up to the wife ideal are doing so to welcome men hitting on them (politely of course) which is kind of “game” for them.
          And that’s a cool observation I have overall: foreign women have “game”. Perhaps not as we know it but they do value relationships with men and do their best to make themselves approachable and even approach men. After years of apathy or ambivalence from American women, going overseas was like going from a desert to a buffet.
          it’s interesting that under Islam, women are discouraged from such game (for obvious reasons) so the effect is the same as in the states: The women can be passive and expect men to do everything.

        12. And I can give u 10 examples of other way shitter muslim countries than Turkey. Btw your friend saw European Turkey not the far east backwards one.
          I believe that this western ecosystem that we live in isn’t sustainable and that were bound to return on a more traditional path. And I believe the muslim religion will have a role in that.
          U my friend want abrahamic religions, u will have them & I’m sure they will enrich u just as much as they enriched our ancestors and women will love men & they won’t whore around, our dicks will grow 2 inches longer and we’ll find eternal happiness alongside Mohamed & Jesus. Hallelujah!
          New slogan:”Religion makes u Alpha!!! Vote traditionalism!”

        13. “A lot of Muslim society overseas is comprised of a boatload of men who have no mating prospects whatsoever. A few warlords or powerful get the women, the rest of the guys sit on the street corner without a hope of ever getting laid.”
          I guess what’s amusing about this is that eventually their sexual deficit leads to them fucking each other. It’s more rampant in less civilized countries like Afghanistan, but still prevalent in more civilized ME areas.

        14. I appreciate what you’re saying so I’ll try this tack:
          What I found refreshing about foreign women was that they didn’t require as much “game” as American women or club sluts do. This is a statement that will shock many here, but I would say that many simply LIKED men. They have healthy relationships with their father and male relatives, liked being around men, liked being feminine for its own sake (not to get goodies and prizes and clown game) and that was that. They had their own set of hangups, of course, but the basic mindset of these women was that they were adults much like the men here.
          I don’t think it’s the fault of PUA’s that American and western women are so often slutty and childish. That’s largely due to feminism, “white knight chivalry”, thirsty beta males and cultural leftism. So blaming PUA’s is unfair. But still, becoming part of the problem to get laid is not part of any solution often even for the person themselves.
          I’m not an “equalist” or egalitarian. I agree that women and men are not the same and women will always engage in hypergamy or attention whoring in one fashion or another. We just want them to keep it to a minimum just as men need to live to act honorably and don’t cock block each other, etc.

        15. I remember during the cold war how so many Eastern Europeans thought southern California was like baywatch and after arriving in L.A., for real, one broke down and cried over his disappointment.

        16. From someone who is also American and Foreign, I couldn’t agree more. People attached to the American culture may see it as a fetish, but honestly, sex isn’t that big of a battle ground in some other countries as it is in the pussy-polis that America can sometimes be. Sex relations are just very awkward and at times capitalistic where in other countries it can be, but it usually isn’t.

        17. Thanks. I’m reminded of a friend of mine back in 1987 (so this gives you an idea of how some things never change) who was a PUA night gamer trolling in the nightclubs of Penn State University. I went with him a few times and found I was way out of my league. This guy was 6 feet tall, well educated (most of us were going to university) but also had incredible charm and emotional flexibility required for the harsh night game scene in the region.
          For him to score, and this guy was a professional (in my view), he spent a good 3 nights out per week. He got laid perhaps once a week. I know many thirsty betas at the time who got girlfriends and eventually wifed them up and are now divorced.
          At the same, I was a MGTOW. Not peromanently but when I see the pros coming back from the ski lodge with mediocre results, I decide to stick to the lodge and read a book (not on skiiing.) Then having more assets (for them and myself) and trying different things, I went back into the water.
          “Alpha” can mean a lot of things but I suppose one thing is probably also means is the notion of playing the game to your best advantage rather than the game playing you (although the latter is partly inevitable.) This is all nothing new to me. I’ve seen this going on for years and some things have changed a bit. Daygame was probably harder back then since without the internet and night game being so tough in the loud disco scene, most men went for daygame but then again, back then most women weren’t tatted up or covered with piercings and were straight. So there’s that too.

        18. I had a philosophical epiphany during a debate with an American back back about 30 years ago on USENET. She said: “You don’t like women very much so why do you bother with trying to date them?”
          I believed in being honest with debate so her question troubled me (in a good way) and after a great deal of introspection, I realized she was right and even told her so. At the time, I did like “women”. I had women friends (older generation), married women friends but hadn’t yet traveled outside of the USA. It just seemed to me that most American women I dated were unlikable. When I had a conflict with them, rather than work it out most would simply dump me. Granted, I was a 5 out of 10 but still, I was annoyed they couldn’t at least have an adult conversation.
          Then after traveling overseas for the first time, I “got it”. Women could be FUN to talk to! Even single women! Even single women who didn’t want to date me at least could give me the time of day before telling me to bugger off. Women overseas treated me like a human being which helped me to see them as a human being.
          In other words, gender relations between women and men in the states is messed up. And this caused me to question everything about American culture including myself.
          But it wasn’t just sex tourism. I grew a lot. PUA’s grow as well but I think in looking for sex they may wind up missing out on a larger, I daresay, men’s experience. But note that can be said of any vocation such as Phelphs being an athlete but probably hasn’t read more than one or two books for pleasure in his life. Which is ok. Just something to consider.
          Regarding capitalism: One of the few good things about American women is how shallow and easily readable they are. Russian women can be scary. Many are decent but some can be sharks and appear to be wonderful and eat you alive but American women? Their high “game” factor required to land them helps the man, if he’s looking, to at least know what he’s getting into. I’m glad I didn’t have “game” to land most of the American women I dated because if I had knocked one of them up, I could have had serious issues.

        19. A lot of wisdom here. I really don’t buy into the alpha/beta/omega/Ortega whatever distinction. It can be helpful at times as generally agreed upon terms, but the fluid nature of things and the social dynamics and the differences in men make it impossible to pin down with a kind of static list like this me thinks

        20. “For him to score, and this guy was a professional (in my view), he spent a good 3 nights out per week. He got laid perhaps once a week.”
          This is exactly what I urge young guys NOT to do. Dude spent probably 12 hours a week chasing tail for 1 possible payoff. That’s an work-minutes-per-orgasm ratio of like 720:1, at best. My current ratio is 1:1. I grab my girl when I want her, then put my clothes back on afterwards and continue working and improving myself so that the next girl, whenever that may be, will be even hotter.

        21. Hehehe. Not really. Most of the bandits and explorers were after wealth and to come back home and get married there. Those that stayed did so with the goal of improving their lives economically and were often surprised to not find a lot of women there.
          Heck, that’s the history of the US of A and why the USA is one of the worst places to find marriable women: From the beginning, it was flooded with immigrants/settlers/explorers/invaders who didn’t have a lot of choices and didn’t find the native women attractive and would flood the available women with money and attention. This thirst has persisted to this day. I read this theory so can’t take credit for it.

        22. I love the thorough response and honesty. I have noticed the lack of empathy of women in america and how it is handled abroad. A woman abroad will likely joke about you not having it all together or offer a hug even out of placating, but at all times you feel human. If you aren’t of utility to many American women with looks, style, ability to add to their life, they won’t even care to acknowledge your existence. Your mother could pass in front of them and if they know she is related to you and they aren’t sleeping with you, I have found they will unconsciously move on to something they do care about and just will be annoyed you wish to discuss this with them.
          I am very glad you found a woman who was able to open you up to enjoying women and your time with her and them overall.
          On another note, and unrelated to you per se, I don’t think America will get better on having a healthier sex relations as a society until we start teaching the youth honestly about what sex relations does to everyone from teaching a woman to use a man like a tampon, to making a man feel superior because more women accept him. You can’t get men to buy into changing the decline if they don’t see a prize for themselves. In this light traveling and seeing the world is highly beneficial, especially if you are an American who only knows American culture. If traveling allows you to come back and find a quality American woman then great. But traveling is highly recommended in this sexual state of affairs.

        23. I’ve been to that magical buffet too, my friend. You can’t get it out of your head once you’ve filled your plate. The crazy comes in new and exotic flavors.

        24. Agreed but keep in mind this guy was a professional back in 1987. NOBODY I knew was as hard working and successful as him in the PSU club scene.
          So if it was that bad then, it must be super different now.
          For me, fogget about it! I knew that I’d be eaten alive and gave up and took some heat for it (like MGTOW here) but it wasn’t permanent. I knew that I couldn’t compete so I chose life ambitions I could succeed in. That’s not to say it’s this bad everywhere or everytime either.

        25. For some reason your post reminded me of an old story by Richard Baxter, the Puritan Aquinas. He said that women who complain about their husbands are fools because it denigrates their own honor, they chose to marry a bad one and are now announcing it.

        26. I know you’re kidding, but kinda, yeah.
          And right on about Istanbul, old school European Muslims (Alevi) were way more sane than most.

        27. Bingo, what did we think all the war and rape was about? They’re like the Mormon “lost boys” multiplied by a million.
          Polygamy only works when large numbers of men die.

        28. Oh yeah talked with an old AF intelligence officer who spent his career in then ME who taught at my school. For them sodomy is just what you do until the real thing is available. It’s like prison rules nation wide.
          Do not admire Islam, it leads no place good. It’s like idiots I know who imagine how great being an old barbarian must be. They see themselves as Conan, unlikely, and not “slaughtered villager #5”, near certain.

        29. In hindsight, after coming back from overseas I was changed for the better because I had lost the thirst and my self-esteem was higher. Seeing the culture was to blame (and not women in general), I could find a path to spotting “reformable” American women. The ideal would have been a 20/early 30’s woman with a good career, hadn’t slept around (spinster), a bit lazy, but otherwise interested in marriage and bringing something to the table (a huge boatload of money).
          I could have spent about a year courtship with her to make sure she wasn’t using me for sperm (and use a double condom) and then she probably wouldn’t leave because she’d be smart enough to know that she’d have little to gain by doing so. But for the first few months or so, breaking her in from her cultural ambivalence towards men would be hell.
          By the time I had reached that point, I had met my wife and that was that. Sometimes by the time you know how to fix something, a new solution presents itself…

        30. Nah man, hardships make u alpha.
          Tradition & religion w/out hardship makes u cuckservative.

        31. My question to u is: can u mantain a truly traditional society in a cosmopolitan environment?

        32. My wife found it strange when she overheard one American woman talking to another at a store: “I guess I have to go home to my awful husband now!”
          Granted, in the states we have this term of affection of referring to our wife as “the old lady” but my wife still found such a thing to say to be rather shocking because it wasn’t meant in the masculine/jovial way we men “break each others balls”. When I say “old lady”, it’s because I don’t want to sound sappy. But she felt as if the woman really meant it.

        33. That’s false. Muslim culture has alpha / beta dynamic. All males aren’t equally entitled to the same poosy just because they embrace Islam. You live in a dream world.

        34. That’s false. Sounds like you know nothing about Islam. Indonesia has the world’s largest mulsim population and women spend all day and half the night outside the house by themselves, or with other females, and they pick up males in clubs they just met and do ONS. Jakarta has most dynamic night life in SE Asia outside of Bangkok.

        35. You actually think 50 y/o males can’t pull top tier poosy half their age? I’ve seen it.

        36. That’s not what I said. I said it may not be so important.
          Experience in other matters whether it’s ones profession, kids, hobbies and interests (things that young men used as distractions when they weren’t getting laid) begin to derive satisfaction on their own merits later in life. In addition, having sexual experience also tempers the need for it much like having your fill of food when you’re young means you don’t feel so thirsty and hungry later in life.
          Heck, this maturity does help in dealing with women since it instills natural confidence.

        37. I got as far away from American and American-influenced culture as possible.. Yes Troy Francis is writing from this perspective, playing the game in a space where the culture is warped. Even within America there would surely be niches away from the club scene where sex relations were more normal. Even all the hip-hop and club music and its lyrics ought to be seen like Hollywood, namely, false propaganda which will dangle non-existent rewards in front of you and feed you misinformation about how to get it. You just have to not be a moth to a light-bulb.

        38. That isn’t the way it works in the Arab countries that are currently conquering Europe and the USA. I’ve never felt the urge to explore Indonesia, it’s just a place for me to change AirAsia flights on the way to somewhere else.

        39. 100% agree with this sentiment. Men should be dedicating there efforts to their life purpose and essentially masculine things. Dedicating time to learn how to “peacock” means you have fallen into the global elite plan. Meaning, one day you will have no real skills and you must go along with the liberal M.O. if you wish to survive.

        40. The Alpha male terminology comes from biologists studying wolves. What the analogy misses is that the Alpha male wolf is already mated for life, and monogamous. Then the Alpha pair mate and the whole pack supports the cubs. After that there is a new Alpha pair, either soon after or a while after. No wolf stays alpha for very long.
          And this part of the analogy is true also. Look at the Alpha male PUAs. Eventually they get tired of the chase and slowly migrate to being a beta schlub just like the rest of us. Others, like me, start out a beta schlub and then become “natural” Alphas by the harsh lessons that they get from women over a long life. Think of the piece of iron that is selected by the blacksmith to become some tool. It is stuck in the hottest part of the furnace then beaten on. Then the process repeats until it is hard and sharp and strong. And then we hit the wall and our late starting and brief alphatude is over.

        41. It is not years of apathy or ambivalence from American women, it is years of antipathy bordering on hate from American women. They don’t owe men any thing and men should not give them anything. Leave them in the gutter where you find them.

        42. My current wife was from a small village in a devoutly Catholic country with a patriarchal and traditional culture. She was never allowed out unescorted either; including while we dated. What you are looking at in Muslim countries has nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with a strong patriarchal culture. Of course religion (of some kind) is usually needed to keep a culture strong and patriarchal.

        43. I will disagree about not being able to control the structure of the society we live in. No, there is nothing we can do, as an individual, to control the structure of the society in which we are born, but we can change the society in which we live. I have gone half way by choosing to live with a wife from a society structured differently. Many men are deciding to go all the way and to flee the sinking ship that is western civilization.

        44. Actually, the genetic evidence is that only 40% of men passed on their genes, not 20%. Outside of that one quibble, I will grant your point.

        45. Islam outside of the ME can be different. Of course we also recognize many “Christian” women that frequent bars for male companionship and whore around as well. The exception doesn’t disprove the rule.

        46. Islam is a melding of sociopolitical culture and religion — the latter typically used as a cloak to disguise and justify the piss-poor behaviors of its followers. Islam is life to the die-hard, not something you observe on Sundays.

        47. My experience outside of US exactly. American women just dont like men. I never felt like any girlfriend ever gave a fuck about me. They only cared what benefit I brought them… And sex was a reward.
          Imagine living someplace where women enjoy being gamed! Well its not game at all! Its just talking! Thats what its like outside of the US.
          And you can tell how americanized she is by her eye contact. American women are always looking around for the next big thing. Foreign girls were raised to respect a man and appreciate his attention. Its shockingly different.

      1. Didn’t the philosopher Chris Rock say something like if women would still have sex with them, men would live in a cardboard box? Avoid the gold-diggers interested in your job, etc.

      2. See you’re onto something. I think of “game” these days as full spectrum self improvement plus putting yourself in a place to meet women. Men display, women choose.
        This may be heresy around here but I don’t think you can “sell” any woman on you that isn’t favorably disposed before word one. You can almost always tell if a girl is open or closed to you and trying to open up a closed girl is like trying to sell to someone who’s not in the market (really not in the market, like broke).

        1. I follow what Bonecker said (look up on No Ma’am site); western women binge and purge. Most of the time they purge men from their lives because their standards are so high no man in existence could meet them. Then, when their needs overwhelm their brainwashing, they binge; fucking anyone that happens to be around. He supposed that they binge about 10% of the time and, as always, find about 10% of the men around them fuckable. If you are there when they binge, and are one of the 10% they find acceptable for a ONS, you get laid. The rest of the time you are just hitting your head against a brick wall. His suggestion is to troll constantly and look for women that are binging, and that find you in the 10% they will fuck. Anything else is a waste of your time.

      3. I’ll put this here. When was much younger. Unemployed, homeless, and strung out. Multidating wasn’t a problem. I wasn’t gonna be on the street and had no issue boosting funds out of women’s purses while they slept. Hell, watching a woman’s purse when she went to the bathroom was a running joke; she asked for it.
        Half of me thought why would any women want anything to do with me. I’m a walking red flag. Yet I rather understood I’m all I have, that’s all I can offer. Did not give a shit, wanted what wanted. Long as I’m dressed nice they go. All the issues had were negated with a silver thread jacket and bottle of CK1.
        That was long ago when left home and wanted to be a super star. Yet I learned, completely reckless asshole that’s only goal is getting more then came with isn’t a turn off. Women want me, not things I have / do / can provide them with. That approach isn’t the way to go when older. Yet that reality is under the hood and the end result is the same.
        Romance was buying dinner after figured out the pin to her ATM card. Being a hero cause she lost her card and she knew I was broke…but here I am paying…..nice guy. Guess my confidence then came from properly spotting a mark and taking them on a short walk.
        Don’t try this at home kids, I’m a trained professional.

    2. This is certainly true to some extent, and women tend to try and close me more as I age. But knowing the rules of attraction certainly helped and gave a name to the skills I already naturally have. I guess to master ‘the game’ you end up becoming it, and those affected attractive traits you practiced for years become a fully integrated part of you.

    3. I actually tend to agree. You have x amount of time on this world. If you put that time into “game” which is essentially putting on a show to lure women in it is a waste when if you put that time into real self improvement you will reap just as much (probably more) on the getting your dick wet front while also taking down the added benefits of greatness which you built for yourself….I take it this is your meaning and if so I can’t agree enough.

      1. There is no such think as self improvement, you are what you are. Thinking you can change things is just a beta fantasy.

        1. dude, really, I cannot understand the mindset of someone who has failed quite as completely as you.

        2. There is only a tiny seed of personality that you get from birth. Some of your habits, mannerisms, humor triggers and reactions to stimuli. Those are in fact given to you by nature. The rest of your personality is what you create it to be, or accept it to be because you can’t be arsed to improve your own lot in life.
          A guitar doesn’t learn to play itself, and you’re not born knowing how to play it. Your muscles don’t grow on their own, you have to exert and tax them to cause growth (a few genetic freaks to the contrary notwithstanding). To claim that there is no self improvement is willful blindness.

        3. Whatever coffee you are drinking this morning that you are willing to actually interact with this bullshit on an intelligent level, please let me know the brand.

        4. There are those that are born with the ability to learn the guitar skills, and there are those who aren’t. If you don’t have that ability at birth, no amount of training will give you that skill.

        5. False.
          As long as you have the requisite fingers, above an 80IQ and the physical strength to pick up a guitar, you can learn to play it with enough practice.
          Sounds to me like you’ve spent a lot of time rationalizing to yourself why you don’t have to improve yourself, and are feeding these conclusions to the board.
          Suffice to say, you are absolutely wrong on every level.

        6. Interestingly enough, his bull is no different to me than the other bull attacking game to me, or the further lunacy of ‘muh race doesn’t allow me to sleep with women or have a quality life’ rants of late. If a fat kid can get skinny, if a girl can learn to throw an effective punch, if a guy can retire from getting punched in the face for over a decade without losing a fight, or if a person can sleep with a woman without paying for it, then the behavior can be duplicated by another. Arguing against that is just accepting self defeat.

        7. Yeah, I’m done with him now, he’s either clearly trolling, or has managed to live 61 years and learned absolutely nothing in life of value.

        8. Yet Roosh, who rules the manosphere, is aged over 40(?), has no children, sports a jihadi beard and has a latest rant about why women shouldn’t be educated.

        9. I will be VERY charitable and say that if there was any remnant masculinity in him towards the end of his marriage, the divorce itself destroyed it. You are essentially discussing this with a spiritual eunuch who has long since forfeited his manhood

        10. Being myself a guitarist for the last 24 years and also a guitar teacher who’s been in contact with hundreds of other musicians, teachers and students, I’ll let you know that ‘natural talent’ is absolute horse shit. It’s all about finding the right knowledge and strategies, having a burning desire to succeed, and putting in the required work. ‘Talent’ is a minuscule and irrelevant part of it.
          This natural talent bullshit is simply an excuse that self trained losers use to avoid even trying. It shows an extreme loser’s mindset. For your own sake, change it.

        11. He is 38 or so, has started in game when he was in his early 20s and dateless, has since moved on to bedding dozens of women in offering countries, and has learned enough to teach hundreds of men how to do the same with tried and proven behavior, placing him not just as a person who has learned but mastered a behavior that will ensure he is dated sexually and others can be too.
          He has always had conspiracy leanings and some of his ideas have bared true over the years. Only in the last few years has he shifted to monogamy and to go from being a sheltered scientist who risked social ostracization and financial ruin to being fiscally independent and free to address his truer beliefs says a lot about where he has been and where he intends to go. You’re only showing how wrong you are with self improvement.

        12. 100%. I will say that I am willing to recognize some subtle distinctions where there is game (like clown game or essentially some con) where you are merely pandering to female instincts and using knowledge of their psychology to trick them and that there is a different “game” (though I am loathe to call it that) that involves making self improvement and growth into a lifetime project and as you raise your value you will attract more women. The former, I believe, is inferior to the later. However, the later, without the social skills that comes with the former will be less effective. But understanding this subtle distinction and the strengths and weaknesses of both sides and what you should take from each one to make a well rounded man isn’t what this person is talking about …. this is just a eunuch who has already lost.

        13. Grey in the beard at 38, I guess that’s possible. (latest don’t educate women video)
          Anyway, from that video, I got the impression he doesn’t consider himself a success compared to his father and grandfather.

        14. 100% agree. I have practiced the former as I grew up with intrinsic behaviors associated with the latter, which is why I focus more on the behaviors when I write. Social game when a level of ‘clown’ game is added can take a stiff guy with great qualities and open him up to being fun and vulnerable around women.
          For a person who has sought self improvement his whole life, or more of his life than not, it is easy to see why your focus would be on the whole man instead of learning behaviors to trick a woman. As a guy who loves women, sure they may be idiots, but it doesn’t warrant being manipulative of them and later being angry that they are manipulated and manipulate others. That aspect of ‘game’ is where things get dicey. The thinking should be we get X amount of years on this mud ball and should focus on getting enjoyment from it. Mainly children or someone really bitter gets enjoyment from seeing someone being used.

        15. That’s a terrible attitude! Sure you are what you are, but being the absolute best you CAN be is a choice.

        16. Heck, some of the greats didn’t even have the basic physical requisites and still became great. Check out Django Reinhart (who had only two working fingers on his fretting hand after a childhood burning accident) and Tony Iommi (who lost all four fingertips on his fretting hand after a work accident).

        17. And isn’t that the truth. Funny, one of the quotes that all my life has been important to me and my own development as a man hasn’t been one of the great works of literature through the times, but Douglas Adams who said, regarding the history of man learning how to fly, “There is an art, it says, or rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.” My whole life I have been accomplishing great things by throwing myself at the ground and missing.

        18. I have seen greys in the early 20s for some. Some bald at 24. I myself should have a grey hair now in the beard now if I’m being honest. Stress changes our genetic code and what can be more stressful than worrying about your own safety and physical well being enough to hire personal bodyguards?

        19. I couldn’t agree more. One side or the other, in almost everything, is a recipe for disaster. As for women becoming idiots, if I want genius I will read Kant or Nietzsche. Being upset that women are idiots is like being upset that your fire extinguisher can’t toast bread. That’s not what it is there for. I think maybe an article about how people who tend to be social need to work on introspective self improvement and vice versa in order to even oneself out would be great. It is kind of like Arnold. His biggest problem, he said, was his lats. Everyone else avoided their problem areas because it wasn’t as fun to lift on your wear parts….Arnold designed his own lifts to isolate and target his weakest areas because he wanted to be perfect.

        20. I am currently learning the banjo as you know. For a life long new York city resident to buy an inexpensive used banjo and sit there with youtube videos until he can pluck scales and then start trying to work, slowly and patiently, up to foggy mountain break down is difficult……but totally possible and if it was the only thing I was currently doing instead of juggling 5 hobbies, a full time job, a busy gym schedule and 4 women I would have done it a long time ago. I will never be Earl Scruggs because he is gifted, but I will get myself to a point where I am confident in playing in front of people and it will be hilarious in a well fitted cashmere suit and a perfectly tied half Windsor.

        21. I guess that is why we see so many 2 year old guitarists and why no one ever takes lessons. smh dude. don’t you have a 9 year old lady boy to bang

        22. Oh piss off. Even old idiots are usually less idiotic then when they were younger. Self improvement happens all the time (I should know I’m a former fat guy and losing 50lbs of flubber improved me and my life immensely). You have limits sure but take that defeatist horseshit elsewhere.

        23. LOL …yes, he’s certainly one more example of someone overcoming limitations through sheer determination though.

        24. Dude just do something that you want to do for a while. Despair is the worst thing can do to yourself because it blinds you to the way out.

        25. Hahahahaha, Yankee Banjo for the win! For the hillbilly in all of us…we now present lolknee and his Manhattan Bluegrass Band.

        26. I will totally pull that off. I have been writing folksy music for years (style like old John Prine). I have never been a musical prodigy, but I worked at it. I have played guitar for 30 years now and I wouldn’t say I am a talent, but I can play. Wasn’t born with it.
          Uncle Knee’s Hard Knocks, Dirty Socks, Leather Shoes, Rhythm and Blues

        27. Wrong.
          When I picked up the guitar at age 16, I had no rhythm. None. I was paying for instruction, out of my own pocket, and my teacher was frustrated with me. With hard work and practice over the next three years, I learned meter and tempo and upstroke v downstroke and hand muting and all that good stuff.
          Now it’s 25 years later, I own four guitars and have become an excellent player, played in a band for a while, was basically one step from being pro. Guess what I do best? RHYTHM.
          Stop trolling.

        28. Saw them about 8 years ago. Hands down, the best looking women Ive ever seen at a concert. Most of them were 30-plus, but they still took care of themselves. Second place: women at Pearl Jam concerts
          Its pretty easy to talk to women at PJ concerts btw, everyone is in a good mood, the whole “Pearl Jamily” in action

        29. Country music concerts are where it’s at now for young hot women IMHO.
          When I was at Sturgis last, 2015 to be precise, I stayed on the Buffalo Chip. The first night after I arrived there was some country singer yahoo on stage (the place has a concert arena, it’s a big ass camp ground). I wander in wearing my requisite Western had, jeans and lo and behold I was one of the 20% of males there, with the remaining 80% of the crowd being young, country-ish looking, sometimes skirt or tight jeans wearing pretty girls (with the occasional ugly thrown in because, well, law of averages).
          Let me tell you what, walking into the middle of thousands of attractive women at a country concert, while wearing your Western hat, jeans and a tight t-shirt, is a sure fire recipe for beating being alone that night. Just saying this in passing of course.

        30. Back in the day, sure. Lots of late 1980’s early 1990’s concerts were chock full of them, and especially Def Leppard. But if I’m shooting for “under the age of 50” I say go to a modern country music live concert. There is a tidal sea of pussy there just waiting for a man in a Stetson to wander. It’s almost like playing on Easy Mode.

        31. False: neither having requisite fingers nor an 80IQ is necessary
          CF Tony Iommi for fingers or Sujeet Desai, an accomplished saxophone player (and martial artist) with downs syndrome. You are actually being charitable. lol

        32. I have heard a less polite version of that “a winner is just someone too stupid to quit”

        33. Oh sure, just playin around. All those women are early to mid 40s by now. I only listen to those outlaw country guys, 1970s stuff and earlier, but Im sure the Kenny Chesney crowd is good looking. The most country band go to see is Govt Mule, and they arent really country

        34. This. When I first started to learn guitar, my teacher honestly thought I was hopeless (he told me this at a later time, of course). Then I became his best student because I busted my ass. I’ve seen other guys who can pick it up, and after a few days play much better than I did in my first year, but if they don’t train, their talent won’t take them anywhere.

        35. I was floating his Royal Mediocrity the benefit of the doubt as far as I could.

        36. Modern country isn’t really country music, and I’m not endorsing it. What I am endorsing is showing up to a concert where you don’t care what country “Music” yahoo is on stage, in order to be in a sea of really pretty girls. If the singer needs to be death metal, country, or bluegrass, doesn’t matter really.

        37. Agreed roosh last vid about female education made him look like beta on edge of breakdown because all his rowdy friends have settled down and he’s not married yet. No fucking clue what’s going on there, except that his operating methods are unorthodox. Maybe its intentional because he knows how to push the buttons of males in his target market.

        38. For fuck’s sake anybody with 100 IQ could teach themselves to play songs on the radio in one year. Like learning to ride a skateboard. If you’re talking about classical music master that’s different.

        39. The old saw I like is:
          Success is not based on how high you climb, but on picking yourself up when you fall.

        40. If at first you don’t succeed, try again. But if you fail again just quit; no sense making a fool of yourself.

    4. The first paragraph of your comment is gold. The latter half takes away everything you built with the first half. Rich, powerful, confident, well established men, were all built with time and experience. Game is a name used to pinpoint specific activities used to behaviors to focus on to rush the progress by focusing on what works. Everyone uses game whether it is the words, specific venues, or demographics. Why does the guy with muscles like to walk with bared arms around younger women instead of late twenties? Why does the sophisticated business man frequent cheese and wine soirees where the late twenty year old will be? Why does it get often repeated that church is a great place for finding wives? Because we wish to apply Games/behavior to ensure we win our prize. Just because some aspects of it appear cheesy or trigger a ‘beta’ alarm doesn’t change what is being utilized for benefits.

      1. I think that this misunderstanding, which is fairly common, stems from the lack of differentiating “Learning some skills to score some pussy on a Saturday evening” from “Learning skills because the only thing I aspire to in life is to get pussy and nothing else is important to me!” One is just acquiring tools to accomplish a task, the second is making somebody/something else your life at the expense of anything else, which is not a healthy thing.

        1. It is a subtle but powerful distinguisher between the task and obsession and many naysayers are right in saying women should not be an obsession. However, to use that reasoning to sulk in a corner and not take care of your needs while what you are doing isn’t creating the sex life you want, is a level of lunacy that seems masochistic. I would like to imagine a man with a balanced sex life means someone who will be eager to contribute to life or others in a positive way.

        2. Agreed but I don’t think many suggest sulking in the corner. Try simply developing yourself without having to pander to women. Even something that women may find repulsive.
          Say, hunting. Going out and shooting bambi and taking selfies with a bloody trophy probably don’t turn most pretty women on but perhaps do it anyway for the hell of it.
          I’m thinking 50 years ago that before the PUA era when most men were virgins before marriage, it was a lot like that. My father and grandfather had plenty of interests that didn’t increase their SMV on bit and it seemed to make them a lot happier.

    5. This.
      As a forty-year-old guy, I can say that game is less important than ever. More important are my accomplishments, my solid mental frame, and maintaining a youthful physical appearance. With those three things, it’s fishing with dynamite.
      To younger, thirsty guys: Concentrate on improving yourself. Take sex where you can, but make sure it’s a side dish, not the main course, of your life. Working hard now will yield dividends and many pairs of opened legs much later.

      1. Thanks. That’s the message I’ve also been giving as well.
        A good way of putting it would be like this: I’ll advise my daughter that at the age of 20, she’s at her maximum SMV and for her to (wisely) exercise (and guard) it. On the other hand, at the age of 30 when many career women look to settle down, their needs may have grown since then while their assets diminished requiring them to up their game for lessening returns.
        So for men in their 20’s with limited success, charm, experience, and emotional maturity it’s going to be emotionally tough to get laid or even be a PUA and a lot of that energy that gets little in return may have been best spent in developing other aspects of their character. That’s not to say they shouldn’t get laid if they can, but it’s better to NOT get laid than to pay waaaay too much which I know a lot of young men did.

      2. Solid advice for the young lads. I’m coming up on 40 myself and try to educate the younger guys. Unfortunately there tends to be some beta boy right next to me giving them the same old tired “advice” that doesn’t work so they can get mixed messages. triage who you can, give last rites to the rest.

        1. There’s a counter to that.
          “Look lad, they’re telling you the same thing that you grew up watching on Disney and in the movies. Tell me, you’re here now and you’re striking out left and right following that model so…do you really think that doubling down on the same methods will work for you? Because I have to tell you, whenever you’re being sold something by the media and Disney, there’s a 99.9% chance that it’s an outright lie. If you want to hear how things really work, just ask me and I’ll be happy to share.”

        2. Great stuff. I’m using this-perhaps wait till the beta boy goes to take a leak so he doesn’t muddy up the message.

    6. Yea! Only beta fags actually try to have sex with women.
      Loser try-hards!.
      Look at them trying to have sex with hot women!
      The effort they put in, they must be fags!

      1. Sounds like MGTOW trying to justify his life decisions. Let it go. There is triage on the battlefield and some won’t be saved.

      2. A man trying to have sex with a beautiful woman is natural thing. Why try to suppress your own sexuality? Are you a celibate monk?

      3. Yes, I’m always amazed at the number of men with no children, that want to give advice to others on how to be real men. This forum appears to be full of such people. As far as I can see, if you’re 40 and don’t have at least 2 (DNA tested) children, you shouldn’t be giving anyone advice on how to be a man.

        1. Absolutely, after all Ghengis Khan is reputedly the greatest father ever, and he always pumped and dumped. He didn’t even wait for consent!

    7. The thing is that the term “game” encompasses more than what you are using it to describe. You are using it exclusively to mean what Roosh calls “clown game” or “dancing for women to get the prize.” But clown game is just one aspect of game overall.
      A lot of the fundamentals of game are self-improvement, which any man can benefit from. There are also many aspects of game that are essentially learning, accepting and implementing Red Pill truth. Some of the other aspects of game like text game or frame is about communication and self-awareness. Game concepts like agree and amplify are things you can use to your advantage in a lot of different situations.
      You say that rich, powerful or confident well-established men don’t need game. Well, part of game is showing men how to achieve and then manifest their personal power. It is also about finding inner confidence, displaying it and using it. Aspects of game that emphasis having your location set up right, your local hot spots locked down, etc., are all about showing that you are well-established.
      There are also plenty of rich, powerful and well-established dudes that get almost no pussy, and even when they do, they get walked all over, because they got no game.
      Clown game is a tool that, like any tool, can be used the right way or the wrong way. A beta that relies exclusively on clown game without any other aspects of game is going to spend a lot of time “dancing” for the pussy and acting like a fool to get laid. That’s beta activity not because game is beta, but because the guy is still fundamentally beta and hasn’t used any of the other aspects of game to make himself more alpha, more powerful, more confident, etc. He just stumbled across a few clown game routines online somewhere, and started using them rather than fully learning and implementing game in his life.
      Relying solely on clown game like that is the easy thing, its swimming in the shallow end rather than doing the hard work and really diving in all the way, He is wearing clown game like a shiny suit to attract chicks when he needs to be internalizing game fully, setting his frame, developing himself, etc.
      If he used the other aspects of game, he could increase his personal power, his confidence, his communication skills, etc., which would help him in all aspects of his life. Then he could get to the place where he uses a bit of clown game to “dance” or “entertain the hamster” only when its fun for HIM, not as his sole and only hope for getting some pussy. In situations where he wasn’t feeling the clown game, he would have the abundance mindset to next a girl who only wanted to play that game, and go run some other aspect of game on the next chick, or the chick after that.

    8. Game has always been presented as a life hack for males who aren’t natural alphas. Unfortunately, only 10% of male population is natural alpha. Maybe another 10% are self made alphas. That’s the harsh reality of the sexual market place. From reading your posts I doubt you are alpha, except maybe in your own mind.

    9. It is. PUAs waste valuable time chasing after women, just like cucks do. Put in the effort to improve your stature and you get to choose/reject on your own time.

    10. Thank you. Game is a flow chart attempting to emulate ” naturals.”
      Ho chasing / blind shots in the dark / numbers / setting self up for rejection / thinking getting lucky with some drunk slag.
      The concept of turning down women or simply seduction of everything in sight for the lulz seems a fantasy. The idea of forgetting women’s name and screwing up cause multiples show up the same night/time when thought had them staggered. Kicking one out the backdoor / cutting date short / needing to go underground. It’s just not in their reality.

  7. Troy i just told you it’s impossible to fight a woman’s abundance with a mans abundance. It can’t be done. i’ve opined before that what it takes to get laid has largely changed. It has. We just haven’t figured it out yet.

    1. T-money, I’ve told you that a woman’s “abundance” is 99% males that she wouldn’t think of even giving a hug, let alone sleeping with. The actual men that she lusts after is a small or smaller than the pool of women that you have at your fingertips to fuck. Stop equating beta orbiters with men that she wants to fuck. She may find a “Like” on Face-tigram to be great from the hordes of pastel shirt soft betas, but she’ll never, ever fuck one of them, so they aren’t on her radar as “abundance”.

        1. Not really the point.
          The value of men to women is not based on how many men pay her compliments, but how many men she *likes* that pays her a compliment. Women don’t have abundance in the way we talk about it, since we use it in a sexual context. Their “abundance” is an abundance of white noise, static and electronic far away “hugs” that never have to be reciprocated in real life. Our “abundance” are the three girls we put our dick inside every week.
          Big difference.

        2. dan bilzerian would disagree. in a podcast with Rogan he said a woman could go to a bar and get hit on 10 times and sleep like a baby. The hottest chick without any attention and plenty of competition will become a lot friendlier and will sleep with a man that night for validation.
          I don’t have millions to fund parties of 10:1 female to male ratios, but i want to find a way to be that top guy at all times.

        3. He might agree, but he’d be wrong.
          A woman getting hit on by guys she’ll *never, ever even consider sleeping with* is the same as getting hit on by nobody at all.
          The hottest chicks rarely get attention because they scare most guys shitless. They’re also a lot more down to earth and realistic about the facts of life, and surely wouldn’t accept the first idiot beta schlub in a bar just to feel special because generally, a genuine HB9/10 knows that she is above that. Take some time to just talk to a real 9/10 and it will come out eventually, what I just said.
          What you’re doing is saying that 1,000 fat, ugly, clown haired feminist landwhale “girls” who like you, give you “abundance” even though you’d never stick your dick in a single one of them. Meanwhile, the man with the plan only counts the hot chicks that he does stick his dick into as “abundance”.
          Same thing for women, end of the day. 10k orbiters are static to her, and only feed her fake online “good feelz”, but never her tingles.

        4. “The hottest chick without any attention and plenty of competition will become a lot friendlier and will sleep with a man that night for validation.”
          No. To spare you further heartache and disappointment, no.

  8. I think this article was authored by Roosh? If so, I think he made a newbie mistake during his approach to the attractive brunette which I think was his downfall.
    Of course, there are more variables at play but it appears that he managed to make a good approach to a normal woman and then let the contact get stale so after a few days the “nice guy she met on the subway” is “some guy who didn’t follow up on his interest and is now perving on me.”
    If he had pulled this with my (future) wife, she would have reacted the same way and she was by no means requiring significant game (after all, I landed her.) She wouldn’t be interested in being some guys notch count so she’d have blocked him too.
    That’s not to say that his heavy flirtation approach wouldn’t get some normal women in the sack but I don’t think this particular instance is a good example of game becoming harder.

  9. My experience has been girls are not looking for hookups. That is not to say that they were before. Personally, I do not think girls like NSA sex. I think it goes against their biology. Nearly every girl I see on the dating apps has “no hookups”. The advent of online dating has only made them more suspicion of guys motives Imo. Also, since trump won I have heard (but not necessarily noticed) the pussy market drying up. Not sure if any other men have experienced that.

    1. They are looking for attention, and they don’t need sex to get attention anymore thanks to how our society caters to them and access to technology.
      Women rarely do what they say, so “no hookups” means little.
      I haven’t noticed a single bit of difference since the election.

    2. I work away with a group of guys, and the younger lads go out drinking in a group of 5 or 6 and sweep up groups of girls in bars. There is something about a group of guys having a laugh that chicks can’t resist. They’re like the popular crowd the chicks want to be seen joining. They are banging chicks almost every night, while their wives and kids are non the wiser at home. I don’t think dating online is a good way to go, it is too male heavy, and it doesn’t tune with womens distrust of strangers.

  10. Women are far more addicted to attention rather than men then is probably understood today. I believe that when men rely on technology (phones and social media) before having sex, the woman will move him to the back of their mind. There must be a significant amount of personal connection for the woman to have sex, and once the interaction moves to text, that level of connection is very diminished……and yet, all women are glued to their phones. Go figure.

    1. Almost seems like going online makes the male enter into the frame of the female and play by her rules. Online game is advantage for females. Its low yield for me. I respect males who can make it work for them.

      1. Very true. Online allows me to convey none of my strengths that make a girl weak in the knees (height, good build, the way I talk, etc). It’s just digital “one photo” stuff which really, isn’t going to be nearly as successful as a real life encounter. I don’t know why guys do it, but if they can make it, well, more power to them.

  11. I just don’t get the chasing women thing. To me it signals desperation and a lack of personal success – although if it works, and a guy gets laid by utilizing the technique, more power to him. But working on yourself and achieving your goals always results in attracting more women. Women can see a man’s inner confidence and strength in his face, and in the way he carries himself, and in the way he talks and interacts with people. Confidence and strength come from personal achievement and the accumulation of knowledge. If you keep working on yourself, eventually you’ll have an abundance of pretty much anything you desire. But chasing women won’t fix the underlying issues…

        1. I did not coined the term, it is from PUA stuff. First you master the inner game, then you do the outer game.

    1. Agreed-I stopped “chasing” years ago and I get more women now than I ever did then. Just remain a bit aloof and have that devil may care attitude and they flock to you like bees to honey. I do very little to keep the girls in my rotation BUT I never treat them poorly (asshole game). They know they are not the only girl but stick around anyway. Maintain that outcome independence with any one girl or interaction and you’re golden.

    2. That’s because it is not natural. If you are a dominant man in society, then you have women. If you are not, then you have no woman. But modern society has monogamy(redistribution of women), easy jobs, easy opportunities, technology, and lost its natural hierarchy due to the state, which allows the omega to pretend he is an alpha(opportunism). Allows him to specialize in being appearance. Like girls do.
      That is why women have breasts, neoteny, etc. to be chosen not to choose, to chase, not to be chased, to stimulate him, to compete for attention, to follow the man that bonds with her. This is why being nice is what girls do, sexual exhibitionism is what girls do, imitation is manipulation. When a man is nice he is inhibiting her instinct to compete, to earn him, the object she desires(oxytocin)
      This is emasculation redefined as masculinity itself. Men grew believing this nonsense that has no support on science, on evolution, on sexual dimorphism, etc.But now chasing is confused with taking action(choosing), and courtship is confused with bonding(mating).
      What would be the point of convincing, seducing, if you are not a dominant man, means you can’t support your family, it would be futile. But if the woman is appearance, a lie, reproduction still happens as she is totally dependent on him to survive. So being a fraud works for girls, not for men.

    3. You are 60 y/o correct? Your testosterone level is maybe 2/3 level of younger male. Why should younger male sit on the sidelines and watch other men get sex while he gets none? Game is tool that increases his social options.

      1. “…although if it works, and a guy gets laid by utilizing the technique, more power to him.”

      2. Depends, testosterone levels are dependent on many factors. Getting the snip usually reduces it by 50%. Frequent exercise also tends to rapidly reduce levels.
        A 60yo who doesn’t exercise much and is fully intact my well have higher testosterone levels than a 30 year old athlete or a 30 year old with a vasectomy.

  12. Off course “dating” (if you can call it dating anymore) has changed dramatically over the past 7 or so years especially when smartphones and dating apps became a part of our lives. Has it become hard? As i see it, it has become harder for those that have not the social proof and the circles (the majority) while it has become easier (and i mean extremely easier) for those that have. It is the same with the rich and the poor. In this culture, the rich become richer and the poor poorer. For example, for a DJ or a barman or a local celebrity women are throwing themselves at an even greater rate than before while for someone who is trying alone with day game and cold approach things are getting more and more difficult. Also because women nowadays have extremely more options (especially online), they are not actively looking for someone (I have noticed that they rarely give you “the look” that signifies that you should approach so you just have to spam approach). For me this is the most drastic change because of the technology and especially smartphones in comparison with the previous decade. I think that approaching is becoming obsolete like courting was in the 50’s and 60’s and in the years to come you would have to spam approach in a ridiculous rate in order to have any “success”. So it would be far more productive to build an online presence like for example a good fb profile and build social circles that siginify you have some status instead of “gaming” in a traditional way.

  13. Lol you all are dumb. Women don’t want you because we can smell a fake a mile away. Fuck boys will be fuck boys but hey keep trying that “game.” Oh and if you are 40 and still looking, women label you as defected. “Oh he’s 40 and not married, what is wrong with him? Maybe he’s a psycho.”

      1. Oh you poor thing. Did I hurt your fragile ego? Oh no! It’s almost like I don’t care what you threaten because I know you are weak and busy hiding behind a computer. Boo hoo.

        1. Uh oh, here comes the boilerplate insults!
          Let’s get them out of the way.
          Lives in the basement
          Probably gay
          Lives with parents
          Small dick
          Not a “real man”
          There, I saved you a lot of typing. Now you can leave.

        2. Ah, you’re a lesbian I see.
          And an admitted troll.

        3. Sure whatever you say little boy. You wouldn’t recognize a man anyways considering you don’t know how to be one.

    1. We can tell how easily women smell a fake a mile away by the hordes of single mothers out there. They sure as heck were able to spot the trouble making men and made an effort to avoid them!
      Heh. You’re a cartoon and deserve no more respect than one. Begone, Penelope.

      1. Single mothers are a man’s problem. It’s proof men are getting weaker. They see responsibility and run away because they are boys.
        I’m a cartoon? Lol what does that even mean. You can’t even make sense how would I consider your opinion worth anything. Penelope ended up becoming a strong woman who felt secure in herself regardless of her curse. I’ll take that as a compliment.

        1. “Single mothers are a man’s problem.”
          Oh yeah, everything is a white mens problem:
          – poverty in africa
          – the war in syria
          – the oppression of women in the islamic countries
          – the fact that dumb, fat bitches are living with cats and Chads instead of having a nuclear family
          Everything the fault of the evil white cis gendered male.
          There is no one else who could be responsible.

        2. And…immediately…”It’s aints no faults of da wimmynz dat deys bad judge of character, its dem menz!”
          Yeah toots, well, non-sequitur and it actually PROVES MY POINT. If you women could “smell a fake a mile away” then those men, whose fault clearly it is because women have no agency or free will, would have been smelt a mile away.
          You should probably stop now because you’re making my argument effortless. Heh.
          And Penelope never advanced beyond the pitstop.

        3. And how is it the woman’s fault if she is still with the child? You all throw fits if women get abortions yet I don’t see a fit being thrown for men who leave their families.

        4. Aww, you made my point again. And in typical female fashion, you can’t even see the error you made and continue to make.
          You got me though toots, I’m just some back woods hayseed hillbilly with an IQ of 82 who can’t even manage to cipher well enough to put me the two and two together, shucks howdy. Your superior shining intellect, as demonstrated by proving my point for me repeatedly, has put me to shame, garshk.

        5. Lol boys are adorable when they think they are smarter or funny. It’s like watching a puppy chase his tail. So cute!

        6. And thus concludes the feeding of the troll for the day.
          Slainte mhor.

        7. “mhor” is that like the bad version of “M’Lady” oh you must be a fedora! That makes so much sense. How’s your neck beard coming along?

        8. Those educated types, man, they really put us uneducated, unread, illiterates to shame, n’est-ce pas?

        9. I don’t like to feed trolls but here’s one for you….
          I was raised by a single mother. Throughout the course of my life, she has oft repeated the words “all I ever wanted was to have a child and be a mother.”
          She opted to get knocked up by a “bad boy” of his day… Vietnam vet/Hell’s Angel/drug user. He was nowhere to be found by the age of 4 and I grew up fatherless.
          Tell me who was at fault in this situation?

        10. Actually the implications of children being raised without fathers has been talked about quite a few times here. You’d know that if you didn’t just barge in here with an axe to grind.

        11. Now you’re getting silly. My former wife forced me to leave my two children. I wanted to stick around. I guess the $25,000 in yearly welfare payments she was entitled to get as a single parent may have played some part in her decision.

    2. “Oh he’s 40 and not married, what is wrong with him? Maybe he’s a psycho.”
      Or maybe he’s surrounded by deluded insufferable cunts like you and is wise enough not to marry anyone of them.

      1. Or maybe he can only keep a woman for a brief amount of time before she realizes he’s sick in the head.

        1. Again you have it backwards. For starters there are twice as many women as men who are on psychiatric medication, anti depressants, etc. Plus women nowadays shun normal average men while throwing themselves at psychos, narcissists, criminals, drug dealers, violent assholes etc. So if anything the psychos are getting more pussy than anyone else.
          You don’t have a leg to stand on. Just give up already. lolzlolz

  14. Just did Daygame in my hometown (germany).
    Opened 10 Girls, got nexted 10 times.
    I am above average looking (at least a 7) and I opened only average looking girls (HB5, HB6).
    After those ten tries I ran out of steam and was piss angry.
    I really consider going full mgtow and ignoring western women completely.
    Then I can travel to some pussy paradise for one month each year to get my share.

    1. Do not take it personal my friend. Do not lose hope just try to find other ways to meet girls not only day game . Find what works for you and stick with that.

    2. Its easier to pick up women if you roll up in Rolls Royce wearing a top hat. being a fun drunk helps too

      1. That was a really fun movie, and still replays really well (the original).

        1. 5 feet tall, a club foot, somehow became a movie star. I think he was a grand prix driver too but dont quote me on that. respect.

        2. Don’t know about the driver part, but he was an accomplished concert pianist.

    3. @disqus_piQRP7EIOr:disqus : next time try to pick up some good looking girls, it might seem counter-intuitive, but many times it’s easier to pick them up… Ugly and average girls have all sorts of frustrations and complexes and can become very suspicious if you hit on them…

    4. I encourage you to the fullest, gent. Buying hot, young pussy at relatively cheap prices (SE Asia, Mexico, most of SA, parts of Africa) is a liberating, breathtaking experience. My advice: take 3 one week trips per year to different places, but don’t just fuck the locals — enjoy some hiking, golf, water sports, dining, etc; and perhaps best of all, you’ll meet plenty of like-minded men while abroad who will become good friends. Win-win-win. Just work hard and budget for it.

    5. I can already tell you will fail because of your thinking. You want to fail to confirm to you that it’s not worth trying.
      If you want to succeed, you can, in any environment, though it will take more than 10 approaches. Do 100, drop the bitter attitude, and then report back.

  15. Wow things must be really bad if Troy Francis (the game guru of ROK) Is having problems with pick up.Is it possible that women are now on to us and are now using counter measures?women (some of them I hope )want companionship maybe they are sick and tired of being used as cum dumpsters? However that is probably unlikely since women these days seem to be sluts and whores.

      1. If you are not into that (which I hope not porn is bad and using it is the acceptance of defeat) if VR sex takes off along with the invention of the sex android it will take alot of betas and thirsty males out of the sexual market place causing the attention and validation women enjoy to dry up. Then women will try harder to get it from real men by being more feminine and loyal ideally because in their mind they are replaceable by something that is better. Opening up the market for us

        1. Absolutely. That is what I implied.
          VR porn will be good for the thirsty males and for the confident males at the same time.

        2. yes. VR porn will do wonders for me. As it is, the vast majority of kids who grew up with an x box have left the 18-25 year old female demographic graving someone who knows what to do with their dick. Give them these VR robots and I will be swimming in 20 year old pussy like scrooge mcduck in his money bin until I am 90

      2. Ten years, and you can just buy a bangable robot that can also cook and clean. Men will check out of dating.
        The female market is in a bubble which will burst. They are way overpriced. Imagine if the DOW was at 50,000 right now, and you knew in 5 years it will drop to DOW 6500. Thats whats going on here.
        Just invest in yourself and enjoy the ride.

        1. Some SJWs are already starting with “robot rights” to see if they can head this off at the pass. Laughable, but true.

        2. I can see it now…
          “You have rights! You don’t have to demean yourself to men!”
          “Please insert dick and press start.”
          “No! You’re not getting it! You are our equals!”
          “Would you like a sandwhich and cold beer?”
          “……..BLT…extra mayo.”

        3. that should be the name- “Sony Bangable Robots!- financing is available if you qualify”

        4. I’m telling you now, as AI advances and robots get more and more lifelike, we’ll see it become a big SJW and civil rights issue. The feminine imperative cannot allow it.

        5. Unless they create self aware sex bots, I don’t see how feminists can stop them. And if they did ban self aware bots, it’s a simple matter to downgrade them to pass any asinine laws.

        6. You are using logic and reason. Feminists are not constrained by such frivolous laws of reality.

        7. Sorry, I can’t imagine a five foot tall robotic dildo taking place of a woman. (although there would be monthly advantages)

    1. You know, if more women are turning away from being cum dumpsters, it is a good thing overall. How do we then go from gaming women for sex to gaming women for relationship? The next evolutionary step resulting from the advent of feminism, ironically brings us back to the origins that your great grandfather used. Drop the hanging out, the seducing, the us against them attitude and just do the old fashioned dates. Feminism is a failed experiment and we finally can go back to like it was before it existed

      1. Culture is a cycle in the end Biology (Praise be to Biology lol) always wins out. the reason humans are ahead in this world is because unlike our cousins(if you believe in such things)we are semi-monogmous and we kept the female’s true nature (along with our own in some cases) under control.

  16. Is this mirage worth chasing? So you get your dick wet…..then what? That will leave you satisfied for a week at most. I understand the allure and the satisfaction of getting that goal, but it seems so fleeting. I look back at my “accomplishments” from my single days, and I am not that proud of them. I just remember myself as the irresponsible clown that looked good wearing a wife beater and driving a Camaro. Those hot, young girls that I tagged all those years ago are now single trailer trash cum dumpsters or crabby cows with some beta. Thinking of that makes me sick.
    I think we need to periodically stop and re-evaluate our lives. Think about your dreams, aspirations, and what we truly find most important in life. Then, we need to come up with a plan on how to achieve that goal. If your goal is to get the highest notch count possible before you kick the bucket, great. If you dream of having a solid family, you may need to re-evaluate your methodology. Some goals are not mutually inclusive.

    1. Guys have to experience it in order to get tired of it. I believe Roosh himself is at that place right now. For so many guys an abundance of sex is practically an illusion, and once it’s achieved, they realize that they still want it, but don’t really need it anymore.

      1. Yeah, I can totally see it in Roosh’s writings. Realizing it will never satisfy. I am happy it only took me a couple years to realize this and I had the time to switch direction in my life.

        1. Look at his latest video about not educating women. It’s really fucked up, at one point I though he was going to cry.

        2. I think Roosh is realizing how much of his life he wasted on this endless pursuit. ….. Can’t really say wasted though. He has gained some insight that few guys do about human nature. Most guys fall in love with the first girls they lay, and end up being emotional wrecks when they are dumped or, if they manage to put a ring on her finger, become a beta servant.
          Some, like lolknee, figure out that game is what it is, that it is like a weekend hobby, Sure you focus some energy on the pursuit, but it is not what defines you. You choose the poison you want, and take it. For that, I can respect. He knows he will never have the joys of being a family man. I know I will never get to experience a threesome.
          Roosh is going through a difficult time now. He is in a transition from the player mindset to the family man mindset. I went through it. Once I decided to take the plunge and get baptized, it still took my about two years to find a decent girl worth marrying (add on another two of being a missionary). Keep in mind, I was used to being able to get most the girls I wanted. I was still in my prime and going to college. Those days are long gone for Roosh.

    2. Raise your fucking hand who all in here, have all the pussy they need but still feel lonely..I mean, let’s be real. Without companionship, pussy is just a temporary fix..A mirage, a thing to do to pass time and get your balls drained..Necessary? Of course, were men..We need to fuck. But in all honesty, after i fuck a useless bitch, i either feel disgusted and or lonely afterwards..Not always, but sometimes..And then i reflect on how meaningless it is in the end.

      1. I guess I can chalk it up as experience. Without it, I don’t know if I would have really discovered the true nature of women .
        I see so many guys at church who run around trying to appease their unhappy wives, and are unhappy themselves. They can’t figure it out. They are so close to the truth and yet so far away. They go to church where they are told that the woman should stay home, live within your means, the father is the head of the household, that progeny is key to a happy family life…..all of this red pill wisdom. Yet, it is ignored. In order to keep up with the Jones’s, both are working, kids are farmed out to school and daycare, they come home tired and sit in front of the TV, being indoctrinated into living a miserable life where they need to have the huge house and the new toys or they won’t be happy. The cycle repeats.

  17. The article is only relevant if you insist on White women (in Europe or North America.)
    Only white girls shun educated, hard-working and family-oriented males and go for the bad boys.
    This whole “alpha” , “beta” and “omega” thing loses most of its meaning outside Europe and US.
    In Africa and South-and South-East Asia girls are not interested in thuggish behavior. if you travel, you may notice that many men that you would consider beta) -skinny, bespectacled, balding and soft-spoken-often – have drop-dead gorgeous wives and many children. No, girls are much less inclined to cheat over there. Why would they risk to lose a decent man? Being a provider with good manners is not something that would be looked down upon in Africa and Asia.
    This just shows you how much of a waste of time White women are.
    Most African and Asian women are the real deal.

    1. TL;DR If you are too lazy to make something out of yourself there are garbage women who will be slaves because they are starving and come from abject poverty

      1. Keep putting those white hoes on a pedestal. To think some people wonder why white women have sky high demands and expectations. Guys that refuse to open their mind and stick to “white princesses” are the reason why.

        1. Who the fuck are you nigger? Princess? Dude, you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. Sit the fuck down before you further humiliate your self weak ass faggot

        2. I am cranky. Work just through a curve ball. Also, I stand by what I said even if it was more dickish than necessary.

        3. So to make you feel better, we have to alter our own choices and preferences. Neat.

        4. not to make him feel better. It is so he can never compete and still claim to win. Savage Lifestyle was right. These faggots are just male feminists. They will blather a bit, but if confronted with an actual man they wouldn’t be able to piss themselves fast enough.

      2. The only “garbage women” are white women, the ones you are so protective of.
        I don`t bother with white women. I can get genuine and feminine ladies in Africa and Asia.

        1. I don’t think anyone who knew me would accuse me of being protective of any women, ever. If you can’t get top tier white women then yeah, I guess bargain hunting with the Asians or digging up some bush bitch in Africa but sorry bud, I see it as the last refuge for the fallen

        2. You are clearly not the brightest of bigots in these forum but judging by the number of your comments you spend way more time online than any healthy and sane man should.
          You have just called African ladies “bush bitches”. You also also called another commenter who disagreed with you the n-word and a “faggot”, despite the fact you nobody called you names. You play the tough guy in the anonymity of the internet, while you are likely to be just a socially awkward nerd in real life.
          You claim to have “top tier white women” , but probably the closest you got to any nice women was by watching porn on your computer in your mum`s basement.
          Your comments should be better placed on “stormfornt”.

        3. He was being goofy with the racist comment, if you read him (and you don’t) you know he’s one of the first to disparage the “mah race” types.
          Second, having actually seen him, I don’t think he’ll actually ever be accused in real life of being socially awkward, or a nerd.
          You really have nothing of value to contribute do you? You come in, sneer at others for their own particular tastes in women, then throw out more sneers and ad hominem. In addition, you’re a sock puppet account who is well acquainted with the users here, who is yet hiding behind a new sock puppet handle to avoid…well who knows what fears drive you, but you get my meaning.
          There is basically no reason to take anything you say seriously at this point.

        4. QED bitch. Like I said, why don’t you cut your losses at sounding like a fucking moron rather than double down and go straight to clueless braindead turd smh where you faggots coming from anyway

        5. Ghost
          Unlike you, I only have one account. Unlike you , I do not need to pretend to be someone I am not. I am also one of the few commenters who do not subscribe to the White Supremacist/White separatist agenda.
          You and your other account, “Lolknee”, claim you have access to tons of “top-tier White women”, yet you spend most of your day online. You have clearly no life. Someone like you accusing others at this point being “trolls” or having “sock poppet” accounts is pretty rich to say the least.
          I spend on average one moth in Lusaka, Zambia and two months in Windhoek, Namibia each year. (I know you don`t know where are those cities, stop googling it now.) You are more than welcome to come over to see whether I am making it up or not. Despite of what you think I enjoy a better quality of life and get nicer women over here than you ever will in your dead-end hillbilly town in Wisconsin or Iowa.
          There is basically no reason to take anything you say seriously at this point.
          So long, redneck boy.

        6. hey while you are out there with your spear try to hunt down some brains but don’t use them until after you fuck the bone hole in the woman’s nose. So long and enjoy the aids

        7. yes he is, he bangs bitches from Africa. If that isn’t a death wish I don’t know what is.

        8. You do understand that when you work a good job and have very little to do, you waste time, right? Further, you do notice that I post during working hours only, as a general rule, (Eastern Standard Time), right?
          You’re *really* angry that people didn’t jump on board and suck your dick at your amazingly wonderful advice to date Africans and Asians and give up on white women. I have no idea why. At this point, I don’t really care either, because clearly your lack of experience outside of your own head is glaringly obvious.
          I find redneck funny as an “insult”. It describes farmers, and as such, is meant to convey that somebody who works an honest living is somehow beneath contempt.
          And as usual, I find it interesting that so many people here seem to think that they know what kind of women I’ve had and what kind of life I’ve lead. It’s like this universal assumption of sorts that always makes me laugh.
          Dude, if you want to date black girls, have at it. I really, really don’t care. In fact, I didn’t really care to begin with, but YOU seem to care an awful lot that I don’t prefer black women aesthetically. Like, it really gets under your skin to the point that you’re spending a lot of posts just name calling simply because not everybody agrees with you.

        9. Getting jealous, stupid boy?
          You are in no position to comment on African women since you have never met nay . (I doubt you ever met any women at all , for that matter.)
          While you are looring after you white american landwhales you should remember that plenty of them have HIV, since they are more promiscous than nay other group of women. So long and enjoy the aids.

        10. wait, which part of this shit hole do you think I am jealous of?
          oh, yeah, and I guess even a broken clock is right twice a day. Those filthy, disgusting, disease infested, starving whores you are banging over on the dark continent aren’t fat….I will give you that.
          Let me as you a question, when you meet these girls do you give them just the price of a cup of coffee a day? Over here in civilization we are lead to believe that that is how much it takes to keep one of those turds happy

        11. If you want I can translate my comments into throaty clicking sounds and immune deficiency so you can better understand

        12. “You do understand that when you work a good job and have very little to do, you waste time, right? Further, rou do notice that I post during working hours only, as a general rule, (Eastern Standard Time), right?”
          No, when he is on his downtime from his job at the looking for water company he usually has to crouch behind a rock and look for tigers

        13. Ghost
          I never asked you to agree with me. You can date as as many White Midwester landwhales as you wish. My problem is with people like you and your alter-ego lolknee start calling everyone names (n*****, f***** and so on). You seem to be frustrated with people of other ethnic groups. That is a characteristic of a loser, not a red-pilled alpha-male.
          You better call it a day to save yourself from more embarrassment. In the future , just don`t feel obliged to comment on my comment.
          P.S redneck originally might have menat simply a Southern farmer who spent too much time on the sun. Today, it is a synonym for an uneducated and racist White American person. Thank me later.

        14. The states of Namibia , Botswana and Zambia have higher GDP per capita than the entire states of Iowa, Nebraska and West Virginia combined despite the smaller population. (if the latter three were separate states.) But of course racist idiots like yourself are not aware of that.
          Many girls in Windhoek have access to higher education and earn more money than you ever will. They date/marry whoever they want to.
          How is life in welfare for you in West Virginia? You can still clearly afford Internet access, but clearly cannot afford to visit other countries.
          Why don`t you losers just stop commenting on my comments. You keep embarrassing yourself.

        15. No, you never asked anything, you demanded it by constant insult when I politely noted that black chicks don’t do anything for me sexually speaking.
          Now you’re on a cross of your own making playing victim. Poor guy.
          As to other ethnic groups, apparently you demand that I find women attractive I don’t in order to properly repent of my whiteness, is that what you’re saying? Because it makes no sense. Not preferring Asians or Africans is a taste, a preference, not some bold political or racial statement. They just don’t make my socks roll up and down. Little blonde princesses, do. So do some Latinas, and the occasional Middle Easterner (Persians and Jordanians can make some pretty chicks).
          And last, you throw out the typical Leftist insult. If somebody doesn’t agree with you, they’re uneducated, racist and dumb. Take it back to HuffPo man.

        16. I must say, my life in west virgina is a hard one. I am constantly dealing with tons of coal…but I am sure you already know what that is like

        17. Your vocabulary … the senile old Tom Metzger would be proud of you. Expect, unlike you, he has the guts to be racist in public, unlike you coward who is hiding behind the anonymity of the Internet.

        18. Hey, speaking of which, how are Skeeter and Jim Bob doing? Did they ever work out who owned that possum that they found in the trap last week?

        19. Says…
          ..a guy throwing out insults…
          ..behind the anonymity of the internet.
          Irony so thick you can eat it with a fork, but use a spoon, to get every last drop!

        20. well if you can ever afford and figure out how to get to civilization you are free to tell me that to my face, but first please get an aids test. I don’t want your tainted blood on my shoes.

        21. As I said…head towards Lusaka or Windhoek later on this year. I will be happy to tell you face -to-face that you are pathetic racist loser. Do you care to come over?

        22. No, you challenged me first. I have named the location already. Come over since you claim to be a tough guy. Scared of the presence of Black African people? You claim you aren`t racist…You won`t come? What happened to the tough guy?

        23. Why would I bother? I’m not fond of Africa, I don’t like Ebola, nor am I particular to AIDS. And meeting up with people in real life is fine as far as it goes, I’ve done it before, and they always turn out *way* more polite and less brash once they’re looking me in the eye. Which is great.
          You don’t even know what “racist” is. That’s how I know that you’re a Leftist here virtue signaling. “OMG! Some random guy on the internet doesn’t prefer to date black chicks, even though he has no problem with me doing it and says that there are some objectively pretty black girls! He’s a racist! I must sneer and insult him, asap!”
          In any event, this is the fourth or fifth thin skin troll I’ve dealt with today. Where you people are coming from is anybody’s guess (Liberia? Sierra Leon? Seoul? Fuck, who knows?)?

        24. I never claimed to be a tough guy. And fuck yeah I would be scared to go to some third world shit hole. As for being afraid of black African people…..only 80% of them…or however many percent have aids.

        25. You have just admitted you are a racist cowards who is too scared to leave his comfort zone (his mum`s basement) and is only a tough guy in the safety of the Internet. No surprise here. Just leave it at that.

        26. I will let you be the judge…well not you, you think living in Africa is a good idea….but you know I will let other people be the judge

        27. It’s concerning to me that you left the word “jive” out of your insult. And you call yourself a proper GenX’er who has seen Airplane numerous times!

        28. I can’t help it, been traveling the mighty Mississippi river of lunacy with nigger jim over there and I am all discombobulated

        29. Would you dare to call some a a n***** in Mississippi? I thought not. You are still nothing but a loser.

        30. You are not funny. Does your mum know you are on the interweb all by yourself, sonny?

        31. yeah, because no one in Mississippi has every called anyone a nigger. BTW, you are at least consistent. Your ignorance is totally complete. Also, do try to read a book…..oh wait, sorry. Books are these things made of pulp which have squiggly lines printed in ink. These lines can be read as words because of a series of syntax and semantics which build what we here call “language” and often these stories are told, in these “books,” in order to convey a point or a principle…..but all this must be giving you a headache. You should go relax. I don’t want you all tense incase a hippo attacks or something.

        32. ok son I am finished with you. I would like to thank you for helping me pass a bit of the day but I have to move on now as you have officially become tiresome. Good luck again on that whole wheel business and I really do hope you don’t get AIDS….

        33. I said I am finished with you boy. Really, you have been amusing but your usefulness for today has run its course. Now go scurry along.

        34. You are leaving because:
          -You have been embarrassed yourself long enough
          -Your mum is calling you to get off the computer and do the washing up
          -the WiFi is off at your the trailer park in West Virginia where you live
          I have done with you, sonny. Next time be careful with your comments or you will be embarrassed and humiliated again. Or better, stick to stormfront where you belong.
          So long, hillbilly boy.

        35. I said I am finished with you redneck boy. You have been humiliated and exposed for a racist loser you really are. Now go back to your basement.

        36. ” I don’t like Ebola”
          For some reason this is the funniest thing ever to me

        37. This has got to be one of the best troll feedings I have seen in quite some time, Kudos bem, Ghost, lolknee

        38. Dear Mr. Kersey, you are arguing with a man who previously posted his ‘quality girlfriends’ give him blow jobs and lick his arse on the first date. His only response to anyone who disagrees with him is a flurry of ad hominem attacks and accusations of trolling.

        39. Dear Mr. Kersey, lolknee and Ghostofjefferson appear to be a tag team. I have exactly the same problems with them as you, rude and emotional responses are their norm, with multiple accusations of troll.

        40. arguing on the internet is not “alpha” by any stretch of the imagination. You are better than going back and forth on the internet all day bruh.This is lame. That map is also not funny especially when most of the issues from Africa was caused by post colonialism. But i already had this debate with you before man. If even the ROK forum cant be civil then we are all screwed.
          I think you and the guy you are arguing with should actually meet and fight. Until then this trash means nothing.

        41. you GhostofJefferson are cool. No one really has an issue with you. I have seen you make reasonable remarks about race and race relations. But lolknee dude is a little over the top. Not sure if its trolling or he actually believes darker skin people are inferior. He has stated so much in other posts. Im sure you can understand why some people can take issue with that. The racial slurs are not cool either. We are supposed to be above all that low level crap. Thats what Return of KINGS is about right. We are not emotional women. We are KINGS.

        42. let me ask you an honest question. Be honest. Would you be brave enough to say that to a man in real life to his face? If the answer is yes, then ok keep doing you. If not then maybe doing it on the internet is not a good look.

        43. I am not sure this takes bravery but if a person was such an unrepentant piece of shit as the one I was commenting too with healthy doses of idiocy and arrogance and I felt he had some trolling coming then sure

        44. More like return of overlittle sensitive little namby pambys jeepers creepers

      3. Not sure if that’s true anymore. If these “refugees” from Asia and Africa can pay smugglers thousands of dollars to make the trip to Europe, my take is they’re far wealthier than they let on.

    2. White women aren’t hard to snag either, at all.
      Asians are ok but never really made my socks roll up and down, and I’ve never really been attracted to black women (not that there aren’t some objectively pretty black women, it’s just not my thing). So…eh…I’ll stick with my Viking Princesses, thank you very much.

      1. Your “Viking Princesses”? I bet your “princesses” enjoy that you pay their bill while they fantasize or even cheat on you with Tyrone, Manuel or Omar? You regularly seem to put them on pedestal , but most White women (particularity the ones from your beloved Midwest) are nothing but obese, unfaithful, unfeminine, obnoxious creatures with more baggage than O`Hare Airport. I`ll leave them to you. Most White women are completely unable to have meaningful relationship, and be decent girlfriends, wives and mothers. They will continue to remain shitty as long as there are white knight like you putting them on pedestal and protecting them.
        I stay with beautiful, tall, slim and genuinely feminine Black ladies from Namibia, Botswana and Zambia, thank you.

        1. You sure seem bitter about something. And particularly angry that I simply disagreed with your choices even though I didn’t disparage them, which seems odd to me if you’re actually confident in yourself and your life.
          Your stereotypes are funny. I’ll let you keep them, because goodness forbid you expand your horizons beyond the tip of your own nose.
          As to pedestaling, heh, that’s pretty funny, but I can sense that you’re not interested in a discussion, you’re just here to tell us all that we’re inferior to you. Or whatever.
          So anywho…hope your day gets better.

        2. The grin I’m wearing while literally shaking my head is wide, heh.

        3. What the hell happened….did someone link an article on “already lost before the race started faggot dot com” and get us an influx of these low t weaklings? Jeeze Louise. Where are these pansies coming from?

        4. You’re just being absurd and trollish now. That’s not “average” anywhere, on planet earth.
          You can’t expect to be taken seriously when you aren’t even bothering to construct at least a semi-plausible troll attempt.

        5. Average american female is like 40lbs overweight, that’s not limited to whites, its just america in general. Need to make food more expensive.

        6. I would agree with you on the white women, but disagree on the reasons. It’s all about opportunity and female nature. Western governments give women the opportunity to show their real female nature. While women in Asian, Indian and Arabic countries have no such opportunities and have to hide their true nature. You take your foreign woman to live in the west, and 5 years later she’ll be stripping you bare.

    3. This claims runs counter to the anecdotal experiences and statistics.
      In general, African American women (born in the states, multigenerational) tend to be bad boy chasers and statistics bear this out. Hispanic women tend to not be that far behind. Black friends tell me that native African women (recent immigrants) tend to be a lot better about this, but they have their wild side.
      If a man is educated and hard working and has some red-pill going for him, it’s relatively easy to get married to a well educated white woman in the USA and even a decent (2/3’ds) statistical chance of staying together with the caveat that for the first month or so (pickup/dating), they have a ton of shit tests and you have to watch your back for 6 months or so to vet them. But otherwise, they’re not that bad. It just turns out that foreign women are a lot better.

      1. Disagree with the racial analysis in america. White females, non-white females, its just american culture. For every non-white american female you identify with negative behaviors, I can identify 2 white females with same negative behaviors.

        1. ..and don’t forget who have the State law as allied, no matter which color or where she is from.. you are the one who are going to lose everythings if everythings goes south (lol)

        2. I agree that anecdotal evidence is by definition not reliable. That being said, I said clearly it’s more than that because statistics also bears this out:

          And sheesh, this isn’t like something that a reasonably educated person should already know. If you live in a region where non-white women are getting (and staying) married and having kids while the white women are having kids out of wedlock, please do name it. Provide a zip code (not your own, just one nearby).

        1. By the way homie I want you to remember that this started when you argued the merits of fucking living in Africa. You realize that in most civilized places you would be institutionalized. Also, here in America our computers don’t look like that any more.

        2. Polio should be reintroduced to thin out those citizens who are weak in the leg! Come at me, bro.

        3. Institutionalized for not being a retarded racist troll like you? Maybe in your dreamworld, sonny.

        4. Don’t you have to get back to the team working on finally getting that wheel working.

        1. My President was Leslie Nielsen. Still is. Oh sure, he’s dead, but that never stops a good leader.

        2. Wait..what?
          Agree with you how?
          Come again?
          Every day is a great day. If you’re still kicking this side of the dirt, then life is good. Otherwise, keep in mind that things have always been hard for life, kids have never been justified, and life was pretty tough when the family you had breakfast with at 6am was dead by noon and hanging by trees as bandits raid your village.
          Life is hard, life is unfair, life sucks. But you just have to push through it and have a good time anyway and make your own path.

  18. imho: Men do not have to game women anymore to get sex, if you do this, you are a beta, why? because every women know that men MUST coutship them!.. no way!
    Men need to live their lives and raise their expectations, archive their goals, women simply throw pussy to such men.
    look at singers, actors, etc etc, they don’t need game, be beautiful, or else, and look at me, i don’t have a six figure salary, i drive an economic car, im a little fat, but i use my brain to decode this society and i may fuck whenever i want, how much i want 365 days a year! how?
    Well, generally speaking, the women you meet daytime or in the disco are not virgin or have a goldpussy, they are acustomed to sex, so no reason to bother with them anymore, so if you are a man, a real man, you don’t dance for anyone, you will not pay for nothing in return, and you will not try to convince a female to give you sex, being nice in the process or with chivarly or paying in a restaurant, open doors etc etc, all these things you do for someone who don’t reciprocate, are BETA BEHAVIOURS! i will never work for free for my boss in the hope i got a salary at the end of the month, so why i should spend my time with a female? i also seen in my life that no matter what, when you like at a woman, she will give you sex in minutes, today we have also to deal with damaged women who gives false and fake hints just to lol at you with their girlfriends, or dump your chivarly ass for a dope boss, you name it.. so i don’t stop females in daylight or in disco, i simply walk enjoy my freetime, or i go to disco to have fun, and when i need sex, i simply rent it like any other comodities, remember, marriage is dead, commitment is extint in women vocabulary, so why bother? take the smart road and go ahead in your life is not a wimpy choice anymore, but a smart one, expecially if you have a lot to lose.
    My life is great, im not married with an aged whore, my soul is bright because i didn’t grow any kids in this useless, toxic, dirty society, i have plenty of free time, i’ve a job, a small car so i don’t actract golddiggers, and it gives me the opportunity to have money to travel the world, fuck younger escorts who greets me and are ready to please me, i do not contribuite to this creep you call society and i don’t give a fucking penny to femminist whores in the bar or other places, this! is to be a MAN TODAY!
    Well, since marriage is already dead, i also gave up the idea to become a father, who really want to raise children(S) in this toxic society? so i go forward and i don’t care, since time won’t wait anyone, me too.
    for those who told that a man need to archive goal and pussy request an enfort too, well, today we have the opportunity to try to fish in the nearest lake or going to the mall getting the same fishes with an honest price, they both are damaged fishes.. or maybe are you still looking for the unicorn my friend?
    Of course, if you believe in the old saying: “men hunters, women prey”, you are being gaming from the nazifemen and the state to be a beta male, spend your time with useless women and your precious time wasted for others who don’t deserve it is a BETA TRAIT!time, and
    Women want money, not love or commitment anymore, so feed the bitches and enjoy the decline as a man, not as a buffon.

    1. Sounds like MGTOW and there’s some truth to it, but the reality is that I’d say about a 3rd of women in the states are gold but we don’t see it because they get married young (which is what a smart woman does), they raise kids well, and are otherwise invisible. You go to the supermarket and see a pretty, married young woman working checkout and know you can’t hit on her and you don’t know her and that she goes home each day, respects her husband with his larger salary due to him working hard, and is a contributing member of society. They’re Trump voters.
      Another 1/3d of so of them aren’t “bad” people but have issues due to the culture: They have too high expectations such as wanting a super tall professional to go through a full courtship with them but statistically, they can’t make this happen. This is like many guys here who want to date “cheerleaders”. Unlike those 1/3d of women, a 5 to date an 8 needs to have a LOT of game and that’s perfectly fair. Why would an 8 guy here date a girl whose a 5? The difference is that men understand the need for game while most “5” women will not (due to their experience as a youth with higher expectations) and sit around waiting for the situation to change and it won’t. Some are “sluts” and into the club scene.
      And finally, there’s the 1/3d who are poisoned by feminism and chivalry to thinking of men as objects and they can be dangerous at times because they otherwise appear normal, for a time. The blue haired ones with multiple piercings are “safe” because you can (literally) see their bad attitude a mile away.
      So what does all this mean? If you want the 1/3d above or even the best quality single woman, you gotta hustle a bit. Not even necessarily a lot but a bit. And you have to live with risk that even if you dot all the i’s and cross the t’s, the legal system still puts you at a disadvantage. And that is what it is.

      1. You give too much credit to married checkout girls. They will strip their husbands bare in a goddamn minute. There are no ‘quality’ women in the western world.

        1. Hahaha! I know a lot of married working class women and most are actually quite kind hearted.
          That being said, one of my best friends married a checkout girl and with her union benefits, she made some good coin. But she was selfish and lazy and when he asked her to shape up (a little) for his two daughters with her, she served him up with divorce papers thinking she’d get the kids and alimony and support. Instead, with her DUI’s, she got joint custody (meaning no support of any kind) and without him doing all the childcare like he used to, she wound up having to shape up after all (but on her own.)
          That being said, I live in a universe in the states that’s kind of like a mini-universe. At our baby shower, 13 of 15 of the women spoke English as a second language. It’s strange because I came from a normal American background but got bit with the travel bug.

    2. Most of your “If you dare to learn something that teaches you how to get laid you are a beta!” spiel has been dealt with down in the thread, so I won’t repeat it here.

      Well, since marriage is already dead, i also gave up the idea to become a father, who really want to raise children(S) in this toxic society? so i go forward and i don’t care, since time won’t wait anyone, me too.

      Yeah, it was much easier to have and raise kids in 1930’s Russia, or in medieval times in between raids by bandits and warlords.

      1. At least you had a Country, valours, traditions, real friends, a family and >>Your<< kids to fight for, today? name just only a reason to get married.. just one!

        1. Why can’t you have valor, retain traditions that you feel are important, retain friends and remain close to your family today? I do it, it’s not something that takes a whole lot of work, hell, it’s nearly effortless.
          I have a family because I wish to have one, because my line is too important to waste away and die on the genetic vine. I’m simply of a better cut of men, and my DNA will continue forward and continue to win at the game of life, because I choose to make it so.
          There’s my reason.
          I don’t mind if others choose not to have kids, that’s a perfectly valid choice. More power to you. But to disparage other men who do choose to continue their family, while not recognizing that life has *always* been harsh and unfair, seems a bit off putting.
          There was no valor, traditions and honor in the communist world. Your neighbor and even your children would turn you in to the authorities in a heartbeat (USSR and Gulags), or even murder you in your sleep (ChiComs and the Glorious Revolution)

        2. Taking my point in another direction is not fair, the era you are talking about are dead, as anything good or bad left behind, TODAY we are just few men in a war against us, betrayed by our states, by most of other men, by our women and left with few ammo to fight an unfair dirty war without any logical or moral reasons.
          Being married is not an answer since your wife could wake up in the morning and just because she doesn’t love you anymore, kick your ass in the curb in a glimph of an eye, with the State as allied, no matter what, even the wisest woman got this weapon, not you my friend.
          So No, there are no real reasons to get married for any men today, i will not sign a contract where im the only one to be cleaned, have no sex, have no child custody and so on.. you made your choice, good luck, i made mine, and i deal with it too.

        3. Life isn’t fair.
          Life has also always sucked. There have been periods of less suckage, but only for certain segments of people.
          My wife could indeed wake up tomorrow and ditch my ass. And you know what? Life ain’t fair. You know how I deal with it? I plan accordingly as if tomorrow, she could ditch my ass.
          I also buy extra freeze dried food in case of power outages, I own guns in case of bad guys trying to kill me, and I have savings stashed in a nice safe in case the banks decide to try and confiscate my money or close up shop. Because life just ain’t fucking fair or just.
          But because life ain’t fair doesn’t mean that I just give up and throw in the towel.
          What you’re doing here is making a choice, and that’s fine and well for you to make. I endorse you finding your own way in life, and there’s nothing wrong with being the perpetual bachelor. BUT you seem *really* unsure about it, which seems to fuel your need to tear down anybody else who makes a different choice. Yes, there are reasons to get married today, and they are called “children”. Raising kids requires a real family, lest we turn into a giant ghetto, which benefits nobody.
          It’s perfectly valid to chose not to have kids, but to spend so much energy justifying it and telling others it’s futile and hopeless doesn’t inform me that you’re really that comfortable with your own position and choices.

        4. im not a troll man, check my Disqus profile, im also fighting in italy against nazifemminism, im also trying to learn what you here talk about, even if my english, as you may see, is not perfect, i’ve spent nights to read Roosh website, and many others, because no matter where you live, if you are a man, today you will face such virus almost worldwide.
          On top of that, if you believe having different point of view is “trolling” well, it’s your problem, not mine unless i start to write somethings offensive of course.
          I just told @GhostOfJefferson what exactly is the situation for men if you sign a marriage contract TODAY, so is not trolling for me! have a beer and relax

        5. I wasn’t singling you out. I was just making the point to GOJ, irrespective of your post. Jesus, the easily bruised feelings around this joint. It’s like a guy has to explain every single part of every sentence he writes. Not very “manospheric” – more “gynospheric”, if anything…

        6. the day we could catch up in a bar and have a beer together, i will also see your body language, so you either get my friendship or a punch in the face 😉

        7. yeah, seems like the flood gates were open somehow and a bunch of moral degenerates with not much to offer in the ole brain box came flooding into ROK. Our very own refugee crises.

        8. Looks that way. I’ve noticed an influx of commenters recently who will pluck one part of a guy’s post, ignore the rest of it, then try to get the poster all riled up by attacking him. Spending one’s time dissecting portions of other people’s comments, and blasting them for it, is below beta …and…who in the fuck has the time for that. I mean, unless they’re paid to do it…or unless they are on medication, or they’re gay, or…whatever.

        9. Only for the sharks in the moat that we’d build in front of the wall.

        10. Unfortunately there are many posters on this forum that attack those with different views. If you don’t go the 1950s boomer WASP road, with love for Greek homos, they will tear you to pieces. Most are as emotional and as without reason as any SJW attackers.

  19. “Five minutes later and I’d received no response. Five minutes after that and she’d blocked me.”
    Proof postive that if one meets a female during ‘daygame’ that you best talk your way into her pants right there on the spot and contract the herpes and syphillis at that moment – because if one does no5 bang at the moment and instead chooses the telephone route then one gets blocked on her phone the second he texts her for a date…. come to think of it, maybe getting blocked is better.
    “Finally, in case you were wondering, I should dispel the notion that there was ever a halcyon age when all you had to do was to approach a girl for her to instantly drop her knickers, fuck you and then remain faithful to you for life”
    Whereas that could be true, I’m quite certain any era was far more preferable than today. I could not imagine all the crap young guys have to put up with today’s girls of the garbage generation.

    1. While I agree with a lot of this, I remember back in the late 80’s of many men (white knights) encouraging women to act badly not only as a way to get laid trying to beg into their good graces, but even because they believed it.
      I briefly was a marxist/egalitarian when I was 19 and realized quickly as I actually learned more about the culture on campus that leftism was an anti-male and especially anti-working male ideology. It took less than 6 months for me to reject it utterly but most of the young men I know took far longer to wise up. On average, by the age of 35 or so, most men reject the left and move on but before then, they do a tremendous amount of damage to themselves and society.
      I do think that there’s a tipping point being reached and when a majority of young men not only reject leftism soon after university but even before then, then that will result in women following along because THAT’S WHAT WOMEN DO. They follow our lead.

  20. And people wonder why retiring (or just exiting) from the Game is becoming more and more commonplace.

    1. Notice in the beginning of the article he says that after contacting her a few nights, she blocked him.
      This whole dating game is completely broken. I don’t know why this site ROK is still pushing articles about game. It broke not like a broken down chevy impala. Let it go.

  21. I definitely agree that technology linking women to a virtual buffet of men is definitely making game harder. I had no game pre-smartphone, but I was still able to get a girl’s number and call her and have her pick up and hopefully set up a date. I also had my most successful period of online dating pre-smartphone, also when I had no game.
    Hell, in college when I REALLY had no game, I was able to fuck up and have girls give me another chance, have a girl LJBF me and then come running back a week later, and I could nag girls into coming over to see me. Hell, girls even went out of their way to contact me and get to know me. I can’t remember the last time any of this stuff worked for me in the modern age. Today I could make out with a girl, have her beg me to exchange numbers, and then when I get in touch there’s a 50% chance she’ll never respond. I’m assuming either she met someone else, or I did one little thing that in hindsight made her get turned off.
    Now the landscape is different. I’m 30 and I work out and have a lot of cool shit going on for me personally and career-wise, but it’s like I’m more invisible than I was as a blue pill schlub. I’ll never forget going on a date recently and telling a girl that my band is recording an album with a well-known producer. She could barely muster a “That’s cool”, while her life consisted of watching Netflix (And movies were really the only thing she could talk about). It’s gotten to the point where it’s just more advantageous to be single, because the majority of women out there will actually lower my quality of life. Ironically, that should also work to get women more attracted to me.
    And don’t get me started on online dating. I’ve had Tinder for a little over a year and I’ve only gotten about 5 dates out of it. And the girls I did get dates with were hogs, way less attractive than girls I typically meet in real life and way less attractive than girls I used to meet on dating sites 5 years ago. I’m assuming most women use these apps for validation and attention – It’s easier to just get lots of likes and messages as opposed to dressing up and having to go out. And I won’t lie, I also get validation from getting matches or messages that’s higher than what I’d probably get on a date. At least when I’m dating down, though, it’s a lot easier to get a blowjob at the end of the night.

    1. What a fantastically honest article.
      My own journey went from being a schlub in my teens to my 30’s and largely not seeing much difference. Some if it was self-imposed in that I believed that if career women were making good money, they should pay their way on dates. If I had probably just coughed up a little cash, I would have easily gotten laid.
      I think a few things probably aren’t changing in that if you’re a guy in your 30’s, as the author says, you’re different so the women are different. In my teens in college, things were a lot more level in some ways. On campus, few people had a car so it was somewhat classless. A decent looking girl from a wealthy family might give me a look because as far as she knew from the classroom, I was about as wealthy as she was. After graduation and in our 20’s, she wouldn’t give me the time of day since she would be in a different universe and social scene.
      Women back then got no validation from social media, of course, but in comparison to men it was still epic: I knew a guy who asked out 40 women with no takers. A lot of women got asked out regularly, taken out on dates (old fashioned) and just teased men for the fun of it. It was emotionally devestating on the men of the time and I know several who settled for subpar women and divorced later. I’m still in touch with them. The women who didn’t get asked out didn’t let it get to them so much because they still didn’t get rejected. They could rationalize the lack of ask outs because they were in a profession with few men, bad luck, etc. But when someone says “no, I don’t want to go out with you”, that can’t easily be rationalized away.
      PUA’s back then faced strong hurdles just as now. Since most men engaged in “day game” of a kind (since there was no online dating), most women were leery of pickups but until the 90’s or so, most women treated men who asked them out with basic respect which went out the window about 25 years ago.

      1. I agree with you about the “classlessness” of college. We’re all living in dorm rooms and eating shitty dining hall food, so we’re all kind of equal. Sometimes you could get higher status if you lived in a nice dorm or had a cooler layout, but otherwise we were all equal. I lost my virginity to a girl from my dorm who was extremely gorgeous and probably in my top 3 to this day, and I have no doubt it was because we were in similar living situations in the dorms.
        As far as paying for drinks on dates, I prefer to go half. Most girls are perfectly fine with this. To me it’s a big red flag if a girl flips out about you not paying for her, as she was probably just there to get free drinks and probably wouldn’t have wanted to fuck you anyway. This is why it’s also a bad idea to take a woman to dinner on a first date, because she might be using you for a free meal.
        This is also why I never really give women anything unless they’ve given me something or proven themselves to be worthy of my “resources”. I remember standing outside a bar when a really hot girl asked me for a cigarette. I said no because I was running low and she walked away. My friend who I was with told me I was stupid for not giving her one. But given that she walked away after I told her no meant she 95% just wanted a cigarette and that’s it, she was going to walk away anyway even if I gave her one.

        1. Perhaps things are a (little) better now in terms of women paying their way when I was young. Women of my era had this thing I called the fake offer: They’d offer to pay their way and if you took it, they’d dump you. I found that rather insulting because it was so dishonest but then I decided to actually have a little fun with it. I’d get them to confirm a second date, have them make the fake offer, accept it, and watch them then try to weasel and back out of the date. This ties into another factor you bring up:
          You didn’t give a hot a girl a free cigarette. I found that interesting because it could have been a way for her to strike up a conversation with you (but probably not) but even so, you could have used it as an opener. I did something unconventional (IMO) that other men didn’t of the time: I would throw a fish back from time to time (or at least let them cut me loose if I didn’t play clown game) in order to remind myself that I also had choices.
          I avoided dinner dates because they invited me to be regarded as a meal ticket (literally) but opted instead for activity dates: walks around fun parks, tennis, the shooting range, minigolf, bowling. They also had fun.
          Perhaps your better experience with not paying had to do with your SMV. I think if a guy is pretty attractive (tall), the women will put up with him not paying for her. She won’t LIKE it, certainly (and may backbite you later over it) but she’ll put up with it (for the time being.) I realized this wasn’t entirely unfair when a plain looking women offered to pay her way and I insisted upon paying (out of pity/compassion) and then said a second date was out. I felt that it was certainly the least I could do. It said a lot to me that these women who didn’t want to see me again merely offered to pay their own way (and not mine as well). Like the scene with Bruce Willis in The Fifth Element: I should at least get a free lunch out of it. 🙂

        2. I’ll say this before I continue: I don’t think I have a high SMV. I can converse with anyone really well and I’ve learned how to display high status, but I still have a hard time escalating. I will say I’ve had sex with more girls in the past 2 years than I have in the previous 28 years of my life, but the effort to reward ratio is really skewed. It got to the point where after dating an attention whore last year I was so turned off by dating that I took a year off. In that time I’d find ways to turn down any girl I talked to, and in a weird way it made me value myself more. I used to pursue girls for way too long and end up fucking myself over, so it was a welcome change of pace to not only be picky, but learn that it’s okay to not be a puppy dog to every girl who says one word to you.
          With that being said, the not paying on dates thing is part of this. It eliminates the girls who just wanted free drinks. I’ve found that if a girl really wants to be with you, she’ll more often than not pay her way or even pay for you. So if I don’t offer to pay for a girl and she gets snippy or cold on me, then she’s automatically disqualified herself – Had I paid her way I doubt she would’ve fucked me or wanted to see me again anyway.

        3. My way of dealing with the mooch factor was to put them into an activity. They ate and drank, but they burned every calorie of it! 🙂 I also felt that activity dates were a great way to bond moreso than drinking conversation because I got a feeling for how they moved and lived (in doing the activity) than an interview setting. Do they laugh when they miss a putt or bowl a strike? Women are emotional creatures so they would associate my presence with the activities many of which they had never tried before.
          Do you think your experiences are typical for your age group or perhaps because you’ve got some game and have “prepped” the dates better, they are less likely to give you the cold shoulder over not paying for them?

        4. Activity dates can be cool, especially if the girl is more traditional. But alcohol definitely helps loosen you up, both conversationally and sexually.
          I think my experiences are pretty typical. A good friend of mine recently became single and he’s been having a lot of the same issues as me when it comes to dating. No clue what he does about paying, but I do have to say that most of the time the girls will pull their wallets out at the bar before you can.
          One thing, though, is it’s getting harder and harder to have second dates. Like I mentioned before, I can get along great with a girl but she might flake. The avenues of smart phone communication are making women, the gatekeepers of sex, more non-commital. Likewise, men can get the milk without buying the cow when it comes to no-strings-attached sex, so we’re less likely to follow up if we got what we came for (The good thing about going out with a Tinder pig is it’s really easy to get at least a blowjob, and after I got one I’d rarely bother to text or call back…….Oddly enough, they’d never call or text back, either).

    2. I’ve been a vocal advocate on ROK of traveling to safe, warm foreign countries and buying sex from young hotties — 1-3 times per year depending on your financial situation and ability to get away. I’ve done this for about 5 years now and have thoroughly enjoyed it. However, recently I’ve been “stuck” in Canada for a few months, so I thought I’d do the Tinder / Craigs / Match gauntlet and see what results I could find….. fucking brutal and a roller-coaster ride emotionally.
      I’m handsome, fit, not short, interesting, humorous, well dressed and have some $$ in my jeans, but yet my experiences are absolutely head shaking due to the ridiculous and flaky behavior of the modern Western woman. I settled on banging a gal 12 years younger than me, but she’s at least 30 pounds overweight. Kind of a cute face, natural C-cup tits and a sarcastic disposition like mine, but I’d classify her as a 4/10 physically. I figure I’m a solid 8 and have never banged less than a 7 in all my years, but here I am releasing my seed into a 4…
      I justified it as a free experiment: could I physically fuck a 4 at all? Would my cock even function? The answer is only with a little blue pill and at least 3 vodkas. My sanity is saved because I’ll be banging young hotties again in Mexico in about 3 weeks, but I can confirm the dating landscape is absolutely wretched, even for pretty eligible guys who tick off a lot of boxes. As such, mongering is definitely for me.

      1. some weeks ago i met a friend of mine, he told me about his relactionship with a woman (he showed me her photos on whatsup.. a 6..) and he was very upset because, after a month spending for discos, bar, restaurants, gasoline for car, gifts etc etc.. he got only a blow and a lot of nagging, flakes etc etc.
        Ok i told him, let me tell you this, i mentally add your expences and i figure out you spent about 600€, now, look at me, im free and for few bucks i’ve met this beautiful escort (im a 6, she is a 8!) now, ask yourself, who was the idiot who wasted Time, money in a relationship with Sonia!
        He stopped for a moment and said, how you know her name? i reply i scored her 2 years ago in a disco dancing with her and only with 2 drinks.
        bottom line? write it by yourself…

      2. But why do you have to “buy” them? International game is alternative for beta to get the rock star treatment without going to the whore house. Do you look like mutant?

        1. Paying them makes the dynamics waaaay better. Sex is never free, so paying up front defines the roles and reduces flakiness to near zero. You then recoup the $$$ from far less expenditures on drinks, food, gifts, taxis, entrance fees. Simply put, paid girls try much harder and usually give a better sexual experience.

        2. International game is not code for sex tourism. Not sure why but females seem to drop the bitch shield when I approach as foreigner in their country. Works for me. While american females see me as that annoying guy in the office.
          I’m not against the idea of escorts, but maybe only once a year on b’day. It shouldn’t be man’s only way to get sex.

        3. I buy because I have plenty of money and little time. I can understand you poor guys not wanting to pay, but in the end consider it a false economy.

      3. I still personally would never pay for sex, but I get why guys would do it. I’ve also done something similar to you, where I get so fed up with online dating that I’ll go out with a pig just so maybe I could get my rocks off (It usually works).
        The thing with online dating and social media is that women’s perception of themselves is so high that they usually end up dating upwards, while guys will have to date downwards. I’m not the most alpha guy, but in real life I’d never entertain hitting on a fatty at a bar. But on Tinder and Bumble I’ll swipe right on every profile and I only really end up matching with fatties or girls who are kind of cute but who have some kind of minor physical flaw.
        I don’t get out much during the day, but I’d love to be able to work up the courage to do day game. I go running in the park several times a week and I see lots of cute girls, and I figure going for a run for a first date would probably yield more sustainable results than meeting a drunk girl at a bar who, if she actually agrees to meet up, will probably turn out to be nothing but a heavy drinking slut.

        1. well, that being said, you don’t really know her real life either, even if you meet her at the park.
          Where i live i usually meet some running chicks, and i’ve scored many of them since they are escorts, now, i don’t want to state that all women are whores.. However, since in a way or another, you always have to pay for a woman, i call them INDIPAY (Indirect pay) and (Pay) for the escort, the difference between them is that the latter give you 100% sex, the first give you the thrill to be the hunter, to become a Knight, and many other options so you won’t ask too much about their past experiences, how many times she went to Dubai, and so on.

        2. Men always pay for sex ……… how many girls have you banged where they paid for half of everything on the date?

        3. Most of them, actually. I also dated a girl for 3 years who had a rich dad and would pay for our dates.
          And not saying this is typical, but the only girl in recent memory who didn’t at least try to reach for her purse when drinks came wouldn’t let me escalate with her and cut the date short because she “suddenly remembered” she had work early the next day. I never heard from her again, and I was out $15.
          I’ve also had a bunch of one-night stands where I didn’t buy the girls any drinks. One was a model I met at a bar who I bought a bottle of water for on the way home. The value of the model’s pussy was $1.25.

      4. Usually the sex with 4s is far better than sex with 10s. They seem to make that extra effort.

    3. bro you are so right. Self improvement doesnt work these days. Well it does not matter in the context of getting women. Todays woman does not care about quality. They dont really have a check list where they have quality as a requirement. They dont know at all what they want. Its almost a random crap shoot. Just play the numbers game. I was getting more pu**y when i lived in my moms basement ( no lie). I worked my azz off to self improve and i found out that pu88y rate actually went down. Many women dont even want an awesome guy. It makes them feel inferior. I got more azz being a “loser”.
      Your other point was correct also. I have had sex with women and then the next day they act like it was a handshake. Physical contact and intimacy means nothing to women now. Back in college (2003-2008) you could make out with a girl and be fairly certain that she would hang out with you later on in the week. It meant that she liked you. Now a days you can have sex with a girl and she still not be interested in you. Thats the level of perceived options that they have. This whole thing is fascinating really.

      1. Spot-on with the first paragraph, I had my 2 longest relationships while I was also living in my mom’s basement. The last one began about 5 years ago, so it was basically in the infancy of the smartphone, and I found girls were more committal. Now it seems like girls will stay single because they don’t want to miss out on the bigger, better thing.
        Although, I can’t help but feel that relationships and puppy love are more a product of being younger. I’ve noticed that the older I get, the less I care about relationships. And the same is true for many of my peers – If they’re not married at 30 or dating a girl they’ve been with since their early-mid 20’s then they’re in a state of endless dating or single by choice. I really don’t think it’s natural for humans to not have settled down by 30, and when that happens shit goes crazy.
        And I also have to agree that physical intimacy means almost nothing now. I remember when I lost my virginity at 18 and how special it felt, and how it was a big deal for the girl because she was still relatively innocent, even though she had lost her virginity a couple years before. Now sex is like a handshake, and it’s pretty easy to get if you prefer quantity over quality. I personally find it very attractive when a girl is obviously into you, but will be hesitant to escalate things (See the song “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”, the chick obviously wants to fuck the dude but she’s being coy). So it’s weird when you meet a girl, and in a couple of hours you’re home with her and she’ll let you do anything to her.
        A big red flag for me is when you do something physical to a girl like kissing her or consensually grabbing her tit and she doesn’t flinch. This probably means she’s kissed tons of dudes and had her tits grabbed a lot and these actions mean nothing to her. The last time I hooked up with a girl she was eating my asshole within 2 hours of meeting me…..And she initiated it. 99.99999% of girls are grossed out by rusty trombones, but that was one of her first moves after she began blowing me. She also demanded that I, a complete stranger, cum on her face. For reference, my last girlfriend only let me give her a facial once after 2 years of dating…..And only because it was my birthday. I left after we were done and never called her.

  22. I don’t have time to read hundreds of comments, but night game is in decline, its not dead.

    1. it’s a stupid game rigged agaisnt you, no matter what you think, do, or else, the only who gains somethings REAL at the end of the night is the bartender with the cash, and the woman you, or few other braveheart, pickup her ass up, she also got 2/3 free drinks from you and a load of proteine with the added pleasure in the process, and next you the day after for another free ride with another “gamer” attracted to the marvelous game of “please, insert penis here”

  23. Uh, in your original scenario don’t you think you should have waited until after the 2nd drink date to get her back to your place?
    Though I’m not 100% certain but I’d be willing to bet good money that the brunette told her friends she was out with that the cute guy she met that she is supposed to go out on a second “drink date” with is now texting her and wanting her to come to his place when ever she is done with her girls night out. She was hit with more cock blocks than if she were at a NOW convention.
    Why not just text back ” Cool, don’t you ladies break too many hearts tonight, ttyl”?

    1. I see about 3 other mistakes as well. this guy should have bought a lottery ticket instead. Hungry wolves don’t get fed. Everything from emoticons to throwing a dick at her. If your gonna close, do it all at once or go on a date.

  24. “Troll Man”
    (A musical parody, based on the song, “Soul Man”, by Isaac Hayes and David Porter, made popular by Sam and Dave.)
    Comin’ to ya
    On a computer node
    Pure bullshit
    I got a truck load
    And when you get it
    You ain’t got nothin’
    So don’t worry
    ’cause I’m chummin’
    I’m a troll man
    I’m a troll man…
    I’m a troll man
    I’m a troll man…
    Got what I got
    The easy way
    In mommy’s basement
    That’s where I stay
    So honey
    Don’t be dismayed
    Just take a swig
    Of my Kool-Aid
    I’m a troll man
    I’m a troll man…
    I’m a troll man
    I’m a troll man…
    I’m a sociopath
    With a tiny meat
    My beta angst
    It makes me bleat
    I was educated
    By low-T talk
    When I start trollin’
    I just can’t stop
    I’m a troll man
    I’m a troll man…
    I’m a troll man
    I’m a troll man…
    Well, grab the rope
    And I’ll pull you in
    Give you hope
    And be your online girlfriend
    Yeah (yeah!) yeah (yeah!)
    I’m a troll man
    I’m a troll man…
    You’re a troll man
    I’m a troll man…
    I’m a troll man
    I’m a troll man…

  25. Technology (media and logistics advancements) along with globalization also have caused an increase of the expectations people and in particular women have when dating. In the past a girl would conform and choose faster whoever was available on their surroundings, but today they prefer to wait for the idealized perfect match. Pop stars and actors are closer than ever, albeit virtually, to their fans. This has given people the mostly false feeling that their idols are approachable, and that having a relationship with them or someone similar in worth is possible. Competition among both men and women got harder because there’s much more people at stake and only a few good catches, specially in the eyes of women given their excessively selective mating nature.

  26. “Five minutes later and I’d received no response. Five minutes after that and she’d blocked me.”
    I’d have to agree that women are absolutely brutal nowadays when it comes to dismissing a man as a creep — thanks to feminism, no doubt. It’s extremely common for girls to assume a man is far more interested in her than he actually is — obsessed, even — which is what leads to the blocking. Especially if he’s a weirdo to begin with.
    One possible solution may simply be for them to get used to you over a long period of time.
    I’ve run into girls who’ve blocked me or rejected a friends request on Facebook “with prejudice” (by which I mean the “add friend” button disappears). I have even gotten blocked by girls I don’t even talk to. However, several months later, many of them decide that they overreacted and unblock me or put the add friend button back. And start acting friendly in public again.
    It’s quite understandable, really, since there are hordes of gamma males around, and most girls are likely to assume that I’m one too, requiring me to disabuse them of that notion over a longer period of time by taking a completely relaxed, DGAF attitude about everything.

    1. I had something like this happen to me a few years ago. I used to go to an Art club here in town and hang out with fellow illustrators and concept designers. Being that we all worked from home it was nice to get out of our places and meet up and chat. One of the other artists had a little blonde GF who’s an aspiring actress and had worked in some indie films here in Austin. She was always super nice, flirty, and touchy with me. Gave me hugs, squeezed my shoulders, etc. She even invited me to her parent’s place for a Thanksgiving dinner with a bunch of her friends. Being that I thought we were all friends I went to one her of BF’s art openings and to some of her movie premieres.
      One day I noticed that she had removed me from her friends list on FB and I sent her a message asking what was up. Apparently I had “liked” to many of her modeling shots and she thought that I had a thing for her and was creeped out. I told her that I didn’t and she blocked me. Soon after word spread to the Art Group we were in and it basically killed that entire social circle for me.
      What a bitch.

      1. Yeah… they’re already prone to overestimating your interest in them, so liking all their pics will definitely get them up to DEFCON 1. Don’t do that.
        Asking them what’s wrong, or apologizing, makes things worse. The only thing that works is to ghost. And even then, you can’t act butthurt if you run into her in person. Getting an abundance mentality to head off oneitis is absolutely crucial in being able to pull it off convincingly.

  27. I think I locked down my wife at just the right time.
    I’ve been giving a protege(of sorts) pointers. Looking at his text messages, I have no idea what’s going on. He’ll be doing well(not being clingy, receiving IOIs, teasing, avoiding shit tests and attempts to turn him into an orbiter) and will still just get randomly ghosted. At least in my time they’d give you some plausible excuse(I’m soooo busy) before vanishing.

    1. Yeah, that’s what happens these days. I know pickup since 4 years and swallowed the redpill on feminism, cultural marxism, judaism and so on 2 years ago.
      I never fail a shittest. I’m never clingy. Still I’m not successful.
      If you wanna be successful in germany in the modern days you need a BBC, a BMW (BMW is the typical car of the black/arab migrant in germany) and Abs. That’s what it’s all about.

    2. Claiming they’re too busy is also more common. It’s amazing that couples ever form at all.
      In fact, I suspect that the woman initiates relationships most of the time nowadays.

      1. Couples aren’t forming. That’s why the replacement rate in the US is 1.88. Anything under 2.0 and your society is screwed, man! Look at the Japanese and what a shitshow there’s is. They are at 1.41.

        1. Actually, they are forming. It’s just that they’re getting cats or little dogs or whatever.

  28. “I messaged her shortly afterwards. She responded quickly (always a good sign) and we had a suggestive little exchange peppered with a prevalence of ‘wink face’ emoticons. I then messaged her a few nights later and she told me she was out with friends. I cheekily suggested that she should drop by my place when she was done. Five minutes later and I’d received no response”.
    I see 4 mistakes/flags.
    1. No emoticons. -weak on your part.
    2. Out means -you not the menu or she would have countered a day.
    3. Being off the menu – your counter was horrible/off putting.
    4 Just because she “responded” and was “nice” doesn’t mean squat to a gal. She like you at that moment.. not enough cred was in place to say; hey come back and lets fuck.

  29. “Finally, in case you were wondering, I should dispel the notion that there was ever a halcyon age when all you had to do was to approach a girl for her to instantly drop her knickers, fuck you and then remain faithful to you for life. Sure, it was perhaps slightly easier to get a girl out on a date fifteen years ago…”
    Yeah but when men talk about these days , they’re not talking about 15 years ago when it was just slightly easier than today .
    They’re talking about 100 years or even a few hundred years ago. 15 years ago we had less technology but cultural marxism was already destroying humans .And Of course things are worse now and are gonna get worse in the future.

    1. I think we are getting past the peak, only slightly however. The truth is getting out through social media. Cultural marxism is a facade. It goes against human nature. People are starting to see it for what it is.

      1. I would say we are also past peak religion – feminist intermingled with traditional religious dogma. thats a bad cocktail mix.

        1. Depends on the religion. Islam and Mormonism are on the rise. The bulk of Christianity, Buddism, and left field Indian or African religions are on the decline.

        2. Really, I wish all Judaeo-Christian churches were growing. Anything that gets people to live a more moral lifestyle is better than nothing. In the end, we will learn the full truth in the kingdom of heaven.

        3. Judaeo churches?
          Seriously though, what is wrong with just saying “Christian”. Why do some feel such a need to appease less than 2% of the US population?

        4. Come on man, I am a sensitive new aged guy. Have to be all inclusive and shit like that. If some Jew wants to sport a Yamaha on his head, I’m cool with that. They are not the same as the producers in Hollywood.

        5. I asked my wife, a devotee of Kali, and the reply was do anything you like as long as I get plenty of fresh blood poured on my statue.

  30. That’s why y’all have to start chasing after the other pussy out there. Asspussy. When life throws you lemons you make the proverbial lemonade. You can’t believe the hotties on Craigslist casual encounters on the t4m section.

  31. Apps like Tinder just shows the typical fickleness of a woman.
    Be 6’0″+ < tall, muscular, good looking, rich and game is much easier (still got to game though).
    There are 7 billion people in this world. Your relative value might not be so well in one country but it might make you a stud in other country.
    It’s all relative value.

    1. Are you 6’+ tall?
      The tall guys I know have little game. Some even have anti-game. One tall guy I know suffers from aspergers (I think) because he says amazingly rude things (thinking they’re funny) and lacks the ability to respond to requests to stop annoying people. Half the people in the office want to punch him out.
      After his divorce, the guy went online and he was flooded with dates (and getting laid all over the place).
      I have a theory that for women, most guys who are less than 6′ tall fall from an 8 down to a 6 and those who are under 5’10” are essentially 5’s (or even 4’s) That’s a difference of 3 points over 2 inches. It would be like us guys dumping a woman over a difference of 20 pounds.
      I have a daughter. If I had a son, I would have pumped him full of growth hormones and/or exercises/food to help him grow to maximum height and even leg lengthening surgery.

      1. Women think a guy’s package is proportional to his height. Could be true, I never have held enough cocks to make a sound appraisal. I have only one data point (my own).

      2. Statistically only 20% males are over 6 ft. Then eliminate fat, no job, ugly face, etc. and maybe 10% remain. This leads to females sharing the same males and getting pumped and dumped, and then complaining there are no good men out there. Females relax their height requirement as they age… tick tock…

        1. Bullshit, depends where you look. In Sweden the male average is 6’0″, do you understand averages?
          I live in NL, where at 6’0″ I’m shorter than average. Heck, here close to half of girls are my height!

      3. “I have a theory that for women, most guys who are less than 6′ tall fall from an 8 down to a 6 and those who are under 5’10” are essentially 5’s (or even 4’s) That’s a difference of 3 points over 2 inches. It would be like us guys dumping a woman over a difference of 20 pounds.”
        Yes that’s exactly it and how they see us.
        In fact they think the difference between 5’11” and 6’0″ is so huge so a 5’11” man might as well say he is “6’0″”.
        I think the tall guys think they have upper advantage so they think they don’t have to try hard in game so they never got to practice on that area where else an average guy with average height would try to make something up so he learns game excessively so when he games, it comes off “naturally”.

        1. I don’t disagree. I think tall guys largely do escape a lot of the nonsense the rest of us go through. But… I don’t think women are driven in the same way men are in that even if a woman gets a “hot” guy, she won’t support him like we would a gorgeous woman.
          A lot of tall guys I know tell me that sure, the women will bed them easily but in the long term, when she gets used to him, she can then see him as an average schmuck like the rest of us and he’s back in the doghouse.

        2. Imagine a guy 5’5″, pretty short with a bigger 5’8″-5’9″ wife or partner and the guy can shove his whole arm past the wrist into her big twat. A sight to behold but one I don’t need to see. Those are the big girls. In high school, the 5’7.5″+ girls were the taller cheerleaders, softball players and other assorted larger boned girls. The attractive ones want the 6’+ guys but the average petite girls are dwarfed enough and satisfied with any guys 2″-3″ taller. I never heard of a 6’3″ guy fisting his 5’4″ gf. The smaller petite whores can get hyper g and throw themselves like flies at the giant taller alphas and get their shit punished and then tossed though.
          The thing is to go SMALLER with your women. I see quite a few short guys with towering or big and fat women. It seems devolutionary to largebreed with bigger women. Eventually larger dominant bitches would rule the species if this were the norm. I have a rule – – “If you can’t lift her, then SHE TOO DAMN BIG yo”

        1. Tom Cruise? The guy’s a bit nutty. Don’t know too much about Errol Flynn but he apparently was 6’2″ tall which, for the time, was a giant.

        2. Tommy boy is pure Homo and has been outed numerous times, especially by the fag scene in Vancouver.
          Errol Flynn was an alleged bisexual who had multiple gay affairs.
          All their supposed girlfriends / wives were posing / props. Although Flynn really did like and supposedly fucked young girls too.

  32. Yeah you waited too long on that first one, then rushed at the last minute. In my experience that always gets nowhere. Most women have the attention span of a gnat anyway, and yes they are certainly fickle. You let enough time to pass for her to lose interest, and sometimes her friends are going to dog on you without ever having met you too. Forget just getting numbers (they are cheap) and close the deal on at least more face time on the same day, like actually schedule something rather than leaving it open ended. But I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir as hindsight is always 20/20 heh

  33. Those broads pictured above, are not to be taken as wife but they are only good for, wham, bam thank you mam ! Once only, then RUN !

    1. Scarlett Johansson: “Monogamy is such hard work”. Right, so just standing there and keeping yourself clothed with your snatch covered is such hard work eh? What is this lady, some dumb animal in the street? She just stands in the street with her snatch facing out and gets inadvertantly nailed by whoever passes by? The bitch is a dumb animal.

      1. You’re oversimplifying along with a giant underlying hatred of women. Scarlett is an A list actress. She probably gets attention from dozens of 1%ers. Is it so surprising that she wants to take advantage of that before the wall?

        1. Scarlett Johansson is just another hypergamous slut maxing out her ride on the cock carousel. The true nature of all women when social constraints are removed.

        2. No blind hatred of women here. I have great admonition for good virtuous women who do their job as mothers while being loyal selfless servants to their patriarch. I have a fair and balanced disgust for old used merchandise that peddles itself as having equal value when in fact they have greatly reduced real value because they’re heavily used women and are fully depreciated in value.
          The 1%ers who seek a trophy like Johanssen are from an era that is on its way out. The old money were betas sexually and traditionally, unrighteous closet elite club buttfuckers and basically people who have power or wealth but who have no grasp of the coming patriarchal revival. They are the kind of people who would consider Jennifer Anniston a good catch even though she’s sterile and has had miles of dick. She’d only be a showpiece and a beard to some closet gay celeb or tycoon.
          I’d have more respect for a tycoon who keeps a harem of young fertile soil and who has the patriarchal command to snap his fingers prompting his undying loyal harem to jump to attention and leap like circus performers, stacking themselves up like a quadruple decker creme pie New Years Eve cake and gladly breeding new progeny for the west. There’s no reason that leading men of the east or the middle east can do that but WE can’t do that? It ain’t fair man! An Arab shiek can pound his creme pie stack of young eye candy but a silicon vally geek tycoon has to get hazed into the old guard of buttfuckers and settle for a post wall leftover painted hollywood whore? It just ain’t fair man. They can do that but WE aren’t allowed? So what are western homes of the rich and famous supposed to be all sterile now, clean with antiques, showpieces and expensive bling but no fertile soil to breed progeny for the west or even for the tycoon’s bloodline? What will they ban you from hollywood parties if you keep your young loyal virgins stuffed and breeding? Do you have to escort some old used hand me down starlet to get in to the sterile western society circles now? And a successful western maverick can’t have a troop of young tit feeding wives, concubines and servants with tit milk and other assorted bodily fluids slinging regularly about the bedroom of the king’s castle? If you’re the king then isn’t it YOUR castle dammit? Can’t western man once again rule his stead and his land with his BIG WHITE DICK? Did the Lord disempower the white man’s dick and not give me the memo? Shit.

        3. You’re living in the past. It’s not 1700’s anymore. The world has changed. I’m not taking the bait about ruling the land with wht dck. I don’t know what you’re saying or what your grasp of history is.

        4. No, you don’t get it. See history is not to be gobbled and ingested from some old history book or from some professor who filters the facts. No, history is to be made. You make it yourself like an oven baked soufflet. You cook up history yourself and you do it in the present, not in the past. People who eat history ingest the old stuff of dubious quality and authenticity. Are YOU an EATER or a PREPARER? The history chefs are preparing new history for all of us as I speak. Are you a cook or an eater of whatever is prepared and placed before you? Get cooking man. Make history. Timelines are pivoting to retrograde now so time is on the take and you know what that means – HISTORY IS ON THE MAKE.

  34. solution-quit playing the “game”
    games are for children. real mean dont play games. they say it how it is.
    1 Corinthians 13:11 When
    I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought
    as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

    1. Unfortunately Goku, it works. If you object to it being called “Game” give it another name, like, “Improving rapport building and intimacy formation” but its still the same thing.
      We wish that we could all be nice gentlemen like our grandfathers were and meet the perfect woman to spend forever with but the world has changed and Game is an adaptation to what life in the US has become. I took the Red Pill three years ago and my life has never been better.

      1. i disagree…game doesnt get you anywhere with decent girls. sure,itll get you laid, but it wont get you a wife. why should us men lower ourselves just because the women have? as far as our grandfathers being “nice gentlemen”…yeah,right. our grandfathers were stern with our grandmothers when needed. they just didnt apply manipulation tactics(aka game). they said it how it was. they were only “nice gentlemen” when the situation allowed for it.

        1. I used to agree with you Goku. 100%
          I see Game as just a way of unlocking the mystery of rapport building. It helps guys get to know women we’d not otherwise had a chance to meet. If you use it on sluts you’ll earn a slut’s reward, which may be fine if such is your goal; sometimes you just crave a pizza- not good for you but it satisfies.
          If you use Game theory to meet a nicer girl, you get to know her and move on you can easily be happily married someday, if that is what you want.
          Game also helps us recognize the traits of women we don’t want in a LTR.
          I used it to meet some girls who just wanted a tumble and and a couple that were truly fantastic wife material. I just didn’t want one at the time, I told them and let them go. Its like a hammer; you can use it to bash in a skull or build a home, it is not, of its self bad or good.

        2. If we’re talking USA grandfathers, they mostly bought their wives mail order, purchased a native from the local tribe or married a hooker from the nearest saloon. The standard RoK fantasy Christian virgin wife came from a period 1950-1980 ……. before 1950 they were mainly purchases.

  35. See a hot girl in the street, in the elevator, on the dating site,…. just grab the situation by the pussy.

  36. Another off-topic comment but last week, two different women both commented on how they loved how I smelt when I was with them and what a turn on it was and that they caught whiffs of it in their beds after I left and it drove them kinda crazy. Both were a SNL.
    Funny enough though, it was just a body lotion someone got me for Christmas at Bath and Body works called Whitewater Rush. I promise that I have zero connection to this company and its the only thing of theirs I have ever owned but the scent is pretty manly and isn’t detectable unless a girl is close (not overpowering like that Axe shit) but it lasts quite a while.
    Anyway, I’ve never been a cologne guy but this stuff may be a keeper. If it helps you out, cool.

  37. If this doesn’t prove that women of today are worst than broken down chevy’s, then I don’t know what will.
    If it’s harder in 2017, then in 2020 it would be nearly impossible. I’d suggest to just stay out of this broken game like a plague.

  38. That is how you don’t play the game, its almost like you wanted not to score. Is it surprising to anyone that you got blocked? A lot can be said about tough dating scene we have today but that was a really bad example. You acted like you are brad pitt look alike, after 5 minute talk , what kind of woman is gonna come to strangers apartment in the middle of the night? Your odds of succeeding were really really low even if current year was 1997

  39. I have to say, game was a lot harder for me in the late Nineties, early Noughties. I would say that now girls are a little more ruthless but I chase different girls now. I go for much higher SMV women than before. I always target the prettiest women around, usually in their mid-twenties. Naturally, these are the women it is hardest to get. But the rewards are worth it.

  40. Fact is, if you’re reasonably attractive and have cash money, you can be the biggest fuckhead on the planet and pull. Facts of life.

  41. One data point does not a pattern make. Sleeping with women is definitely not harder. What has changed is the mentality of men…and women. All the great players I’ve ever met were hard workers when it came to dating. They were always grinding, always flirting, always trying to pull.
    It’s a numbers game. Most guys miss that because we learn from movies. Just as Roosh wrote, you have to grind through lots of girls to get one who is interested. If you want to sleep with lots of girls, you’ll work even harder.

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