Soccer Star Gets 6 Years In Jail For Fingering Teenage Girl While Female Abusers Get Lighter Sentences

Former England national soccer star Adam Johnson was recently jailed for six years for kissing and digitally penetrating a 15-year-old girl. The erstwhile winger, who also played for British club Sunderland, eventually pled guilty to kissing and grooming the underage girl. He maintained his pleas of not guilty for two other sexual assault charges, including the digital penetration, one of which resulted in a conviction.

I will not at all attempt to defend Adam Johnson’s self-admitted behavior, kissing and grooming the girl, and am inclined to believe he did statutorily sexually assault the girl digitally. What I will defend, however, is the need for Johnson to be jailed or not jailed for a term that accords with fairness and common sense.

If he deserves six years in jail, a menagerie of women convicted of more counts of child sexual abuse when in positions of authority deserve between 10 and 40 years in many cases. Yet so many of these women, usually female teachers, escape proper punishment, receiving a good behavior bond (the British equivalent of probation) or a short jail stint that belies the number of times and the severity with which they have offended against minors.

Here’s what British women get for more repeated, egregious sexual abuse of minors

I shall keep my focus squarely on Britons convicted of sexual crimes against the underaged. Inasmuch as American sentencing standards are probably worse, it is helpful to study the same jurisdiction in which Adam Johnson was convicted and jailed.

Caroline Berriman

The teaching assistant had sex with a male student 80 times, but was given only two years in jail last year, even then only because of an appeal to her original suspended term. Unlike Adam Johnson, she engaged in both oral and penetrative sex with the boy. Johnson’s offending, remember, amounted to kissing and fingering. Unacceptable behavior, yes, yet far less repeated than Berriman’s and lacking a similar abuse of position/authority.

Sandrine Brown

This teacher did get a prison sentence of 18 months, but there were serious aggravating factors that did not exist in Adam Johnson’s case. For a start, the two girls Brown violated were younger, the sexual abuse starting when at least one of them was just 13. The period of offending was also much longer, from 2008 to 2011. And, once more, she was using her position of authority as an educator to manipulate them. If Johnson received six years, Brown deserved a minimum of 12.

Donna Brant

Another teaching assistant, Brant asked her victim, aged 13-17, to send photos of himself masturbating. She also promised a sex act if he said he loved her. Some 2,500 mostly sexual text messages were sent by Brant to the boy, including one with a photo of a sex toy. This was nothing short of an epic child grooming attempt, for which Brant received a paltry 18 month community order, 15 days of rehab, and 180 hours of community service.

By the way, the ladies love Johnson a lot more now that he’s in jail

Providing more evidence for an earlier article I wrote about women desiring violent men or men in jail generally, Adam Johnson is being inundated with fawning communications from females, including letters and erotic selfies. I cannot imagine many men who would prefer this prison attention to being a free man, but the situation should cause us to pause in concern.

Sadly, we are seeing the depravity on both ends. Courts continually stamp women’s pussy passes, condoning behavior that should be condemned unapologetically. At the same time, many females’ intrinsic hybristophilia kicks in, making them salivate from both frontal holes over a man in a prison cell. This is a most confusing age for those men not initiated into red pill thinking, particularly Neomasculinity, and still somewhat puzzling for those of us who are.

Don’t be an idiot like Adam Johnson

Adam Johnson’s girlfriend is very decent-looking, too, compounding the legal and moral stupidity of him engaging in ANY sexually-themed contact with a 15-year-old girl.

Being a man nowadays is tantamount to being a rapist in the eyes of very many feminists, but Adam Johnson went above and beyond in painting a target on his back. Incontrovertibly, he broke the law in the United Kingdom. He should not have done what he did, nor should he have Googled the age of consent, found the answer, and then proceeded in spite of it being illegal. Considering he was a well-known soccer player, he was moronic to think the girl would not brag to her friends, which she indeed later did.

There are serious, overwhelming issues when it comes to the pussy pass given to women in the legal system. That argument stands, yet the take-away from this Adam Johnson saga is that there are some laws you just do not mess with. Some men love to opine that age of consent laws vary from country to country, even state to state, and that, considering the age at which many teens reach something resembling physical maturity, they are arbitrary. Treat such opinions as nothing but dross. They invariably only land people in trouble.

And you should not just be concerned about situations where a man knows the age of the girl. It is perfectly conceivable that you could meet a girl in a club who is a minor and feigning her age to you. In many American states and European countries, this will not be a problem, as the age of consent is generally around 16, a threshold under which hardly any girls will be able to get into licenced or similar premises. You still need to be hyper-vigilant, though. Women have no personal responsibility, remember.

Usually it is just better to avoid the wolf than to look it in the eye. Adam Johnson did not do this and he will pay for it for years, both now and after he gets out of jail.

Read More: 17 Previous Assault Convictions But No Jail Time For This Woman

175 thoughts on “Soccer Star Gets 6 Years In Jail For Fingering Teenage Girl While Female Abusers Get Lighter Sentences”

  1. 6 years is a long time. One can commit almost any crime, up to murder, and spend less than 6 years in jail. The age of consent in England is 16, so this girl was months away from him being legally able to bang her, but touching per privates a few months earlier results in 6 years in jail. Yeah, he shouldn’t have been doing that, but just a hundred years ago and for the rest of all human civilization that was a typical marriage age.
    I wonder if his sentence was just as harsh as if he had had sex with her? Was the judge a woman? Of course no one in the media will ask these questions, because who wants to be seen as sticking up for someone who did something modern society perceives as “icky”?
    England completely did away with the crime of Buggery (ass-piratery) a dozen years ago, when it also criminalized things like fucking corpses and watching people have sex (granted that is quite bizarre but I wouldn’t want the person arrested). Buggery is an awesome word, and they should have kept it illegal for that reason alone.

    1. After all the secrets that have come out over the last few years, I’m pretty sure that the second B in BBC is for buggery, lol!

    2. Except drug dealing. Drug dealing and assault/”rape” on a female are the only two crimes that do not require proof to convict someone of. (drug dealers are convicted as dealers, rather than just users, just based on the amount they were carrying, even if there was no evidence he made a single sale).

      1. I was wondering how did they convict him? Even if he did finger her, how do you get evidence of that beyond a reasonable doubt other than text messages or a confession? Otherwise it’s he said/she said.

        1. he pleaded guilty in a lastminute panic change of plea after consulting lawyer. big mistake

        2. Not true, he pleaded guilty to kissing, but not guilty to fingering and having a BJ
          The jury decided he was guilty of fingering but not of a BJ – no idea how

        3. He text her afterwards saying “you felt very turned on” or words to that effect. He claimed he meant he could “feel” from her body language, which in all seriousness is probably BS. I’m personally inclined to believe he is guilty as charged.

      2. Yeah lol, but it’s pretty obvious that if you are caught with 5 ton heroin, you are probably dealing.

      3. Having the drugs is still some form of evidence….
        But still, a charge without evidence. 10 bucks says they don’t even proofread the stuff they write into law.

    3. I’ll stick up for someone who is “icky”.
      Adam Johnson was punished for Jimmy Saville’s crimes.
      Should or should he not have kissed this girl? Who decides? Johnson and the girl? Or the State? If he had done this elsewhere in Europe it would not have been a crime, which calls into question whether it should be a crime since no one can seem to agree when the appropriate age is to begin having sex. In medieval England the age was 12 (right after puberty, which kind of makes sense).
      The author alludes to this as “opinion”. Well no it is not opinion it is fact although the fact is that you should always observe the law whether you agree with it or not, since you will always lose a fight with the State.
      In any case, do not be fooled. These girls know what they are doing. I knew them when I was that age, and loads of them were dating older guys.
      I do reject this word known as “grooming”. Grooming is what you do with a horse or perform on yourself. It has been turned into a “creepy” word when applied to so-called “powerful” men. The fact is, when you read the transcript of the texting between Johnson and the girl, if you didn’t know their identities, you honestly couldn’t tell who was grooming who!
      Was Johnson foolish? Yes. Is he a monster like Jimmy Saville. No. Not at all. And no, I do not think he deserved any jail time. I expected a suspended sentence at most but I guess this is the environment we live in now.
      But I do wonder how long before “game” becomes a form of “grooming”. Be on your guard gentlemen.

      1. According to feminists, grooming also involves buying gifts for a woman, which she can always reject by the way.

      2. Its called “hypocrisy”. Adam wasnt punished for Jimmy Saville’s crimes, because no real investigation was done into all the powerful figures, still living, who colluded with Mr, Saville, Hence, this isnt a natural overreaction to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past, but a completely fake attempt to distract from the immorality of British society.
        “See? We arent a pack of ugly lecherous drunks who rape children! We are actually uproght moral people. Look how we attack those naughty PUAs and that selfish athelete for having totally consentual sex with that pristine pure little flower who has only fucked 37 men and women before him”
        Its nothing but moral preening and virtue signalling by a pack of filthy drunken sluts and politically connected child-rapists.
        Also, there can be no intelligent sexual policy until one recognizes the simple reality that women do not have self control or the ability to make good long term decisions.

        1. That’s one way of looking at it. To me, Adam Johnson is a symbolic sacrificial lamb to be thrown to the wolves to satisfy the baying mobs lust for vengeance.
          As such, yes no investigation was done into Saville’s enablers but I think your point actually supports mine rather than contradicts it.
          And don’t get me started on Stuart Hall (who got less time than Johnson I believe).

        2. I just checked on Stuart Hall. He served two and a half years for countless cases of out and out pedophilia. He must have friends…

        3. It’s obvious that all the people that gave him a pass are also pedophiles. Which basically means that everyone currently in charge of England can either be assumed to be
          1. a coward
          2. a predator.

    1. I know. Six years is ridiculous. Maybe an ASBO or something, but not jail time.

    2. Yeah, this shouldn’t even be a crime or at most a ticket offense. Make him pay the English equivalent of $49.99 and be done with it.

        1. Never leave your hands at home.
          PS> How you been Tom haven’t seen you in a while.

        2. Good point, man!
          I’ve been in the nuthouse. But the main reason I seldom comment is that I do not really enjoy the content that much at this time. Doing a lot of meditation and focusig on myself, so politics and game is not really what I am about right now. How are you doing?

        3. In a word – terrible.
          If I was a Japanese warrior and this were a few centuries ago I would have already committed seppuku and be done with it. How can one come back from a ruined name and reputation, especially among family and loved ones?
          I tell you this. The strength the devil has is his ability to destroy anything that is good in seconds while building it often takes a lifetime.

        4. A ruined reputation? What did you do? Mind me, I broke off contact with my family and in a letter, I wrote my mum that I wish she had succeeded in her suicide attempt, among other nasty things. Lost my friends in a similar fashion. I still do not regret it, but it may be different if you really care about people. Wish you the best.

      1. $50? That’s a bargain compared to what it would cost to go to a massage parlour and finger a prostitute.

        1. $50 cdn, so like $38.50 US, or about L25 UK. In Mexico, that money would pay for your hotel, Tampequena steak dinner, AND a blowjob.

  2. Yeeaaahhhh…no. While I do not necessarily think Johnson deserves 6 years in prison and a sex offender record, you cannot compare a man who abuses young teenage girls to a woman who “abuses” young teenage boys. While it is hypocritical that feminists claim men and women are equal but then claim that abusers of little girl victims deserve harsher sentences than abusers of little boy victims, we red-pillers should also avoid being hypocritical when we say men and women are NOT AT ALL equal but then claim men who abuse teenage girls should get the same treatment as women who “abuse” little boys.
    We all know that if a girl gets fucked by her male middle-school teacher will suffer life-long consequences, even if she was post-pubescent when it happened and it was consensual. It will affect her personality and her ability to pair-bond with a man in the future. It will also make her less attractive to men if they were to find out. And the alternative is that they would have to lie about it (claim it never happened) for their whole life. I certainly would not seriously date or marry a woman who got fucked by her middle school teacher. Unfair or not, I just wouldn’t have much attraction for her long-term.
    On the other hand, if a young boy (past puberty, obviously), gets “abused” by a female teacher (meaning, most likely, that he gamed her and she opened her legs for him) will likely not suffer many consequences at all from the experience, and will likely even be proud of the experience. He would most likely brag to all his friends, who (if the teacher was hot) would be jealous of him. And I doubt this would be a deal-breaker for very many girls he may date down the road. And if it is a deal-breaker for some woman, she probably wasn’t worth it anyway.
    I would, by the way, punish the female teacher who abused FEMALE students equally to a man who did the same thing. The fact that that teacher did not get a similar sentence to Johnson is complete bullshit
    Boys and men simply are not affected in the same negative way women and girls are from having casual or semi-casual sex. Also, men who have sex with young girls tend to be more predatorial, while women who have sex with young boys tend to just have low self-esteem and be slutty, and just happen to get gamed by some alpha male teenager. C’mon, folks. This is red pill 101 here.

    1. Disagree, if anything female teachers should be punished more. In my experience males don’t mature as quickly as females especially during those teenage years. Typically most males don’t catch up and surpass your average female into their 20s.

      1. So what? I never said that males matured faster. It has nothing to do with that. Are you saying that if you had fucked a female teacher in middle school, you would have felt violated and wanted her to go to jail? And you think it would have lasting consequences for you?
        Bro, if you would be traumatized and feel violated instead or proud after fucking a female teacher as a teenager, then you are a very weak man.
        And by the way, any teenage boy who fucks his teacher has to have gone through puberty. It is physically impossible for a female abuser to get a pre-pubescent boy hard enough to fuck her. Plus, he would have no attraction to her unless he has hit puberty. Now, legit pedophiles (people who molest kids 3-12 yeas old) deserve severe punishment, male or female. But that’s not who we’re talking about here. These female teachers who have sex with middle school boys are not abusing them. The “victim” wants to fuck them very much, and they are not affected negatively by it afterwards.
        Are you serious man? Are you suggesting males and females are equally affected by casual sex? Are you saying females (regardless of age) are not more negatively affected by having casual sexual affairs than males?
        Come on, man. You read ROK. You should know better. That’s FEMINISTS who believe males and females are equally affected by casual sex.
        As a matter of fact, someone JUST NOW wrote an article on ROK about this. It’s called “Why Sluts and Studs are Different,” by Kyle Trouble. You should check it out.

      2. I think only those aged 35 or older (possibly 40 or older) should become teachers. This should solve the problem with 20-25 year old female teachers fucking their male students.

    2. Sure, but if the equality narrative were to be believed it would actually have to mean equal treatment, no?

    3. Not at all. First, it’s not abuse assuming the girl is post pubescent and she consented. Two, most girls start having sex at 15 or 16 anyway. What “lifelong consequences” will come from her taking a 30 year old penis that wouldn’t if she took a 15 year old penis? That makes no sense. It would be different if you were saying they shouldn’t have sex at all.
      Women are affected differently from casual sex, but that’s the case regardless of the age of the men she lays with. I mean what you’re saying is that it’s fine if she gets gangbanged by her high school’s basketball team as long as they’re 15 or 16, it’s fine if she gets pregnant and left a single mom by the local drug dealer as long as he’s 16, but if she sucks one 30 year old cock, then that’s what will leave “lifelong consequences”. I’m sorry, but I don’t buy it.

      1. When did I ever say it was fine if she got gangbanged and all those other things? Can you please point to where in my comment I said or implied that?
        If a young girl has sex with anyone, incuding a 30-year-old man, it will have lifelong consequences. Now, if the man is in a position of authority, like being a middle school teacher, now I think it’s more fucked up. That would be like a cop arresting a 15-year-old girl for smoking weed and then fucking her down at the precinct. Even if it was was consensual, it is fucked up for a man entrusted with authority, like a teacher or cop, to abuse his power in order to take the innocence of a teenage girl.
        Assuming the man is NOT in a position of authority, like he just meets some 15-year-old in a bar (presumably got in with fake ID), is aware that the girl is 15, and still consensually fucks her, I don’t think that man deserves to be punished. It should be the girl’s, as well as her parents’, responsibility to ensure these things don’t happen.
        However, none of this takes away from the fact that a WOMAN having sex with a 15-year-old BOY is not something that should be punished criminally. Whether she is in a position of authority or not, an “abused” 15-year-old boy is not likely to want his “abuser” behind bars, or to even feel abused at all. If you were 15 and you got to fuck some hot teacher/cop while you were in class/jail, would you be all like “she abused her authority and coerced me into sex. I feel so violated.” Hell no, you would be like “fuck yeah!” and you would run to tell your friends as soon as possible. Do I think the woman in this situation should lose her job? Yes. Criminally charged? No, because I’m not an idiot who thinks boys and girls are equal.

        1. I don’t agree with the whole “position of authority” concept unless it can be shown that the position was used for blackmail and even then, I think firing or some other internal discipline would be appropriate. But the way I understood your original comment was that you were saying that men over an arbitrary age limit should be jailed for having sex with a sexually developed girl on the basis that its somehow harmful but then say nothing if she has sex with however many men under that age limit.
          That’s why I commented the way I did. I mean in this story, this girl gets fingerbanged by a man in his 20s and despite wanting it at the time, now she’s supposedly traumatized by it. But the only reason given for said trauma isn’t the act in and of itself, but the age of the guy, which makes no sense. If this man was 11 or 12 years younger and did the same act, changing nothing about the situation, now its fine and non traumatic? Unless someone can explain how exactly that works, it makes no sense.

        2. And regarding the law, we all know men and women aren’t the same. But that’s not the point. We live in a society that likes to pretend that it’s the case. And let’s be honest, statutory rape laws when applied to post pubescent girls are based on female sexual jealousy and is a way to further the alpha fux/beta bux aspect of female hypergamy. Men mature slower than women and reach their prime about 10 years later than women. A woman hits her prime about late teens through her mid 20s. Age of consent laws, nonsense about age appropriate dating, this glorification of middle age “cougars” is all attempts to further the female sexual strategy using social norms while demonizing the male sexual strategy also through social norms.

        3. well, that might be their reason for putting him in jail. I never said I agreed with it. Some people were saying that women should be in jail for “abusing” teenage boys through consensual sex, and I think that’s ridiculous. That was my main point.
          like i said, as long as whar the soccer player and the girl did was consensual, it shouldn’t be considered his fucking fault. she is also well aware of what is going on, and is trying to destroy his life. I say this because she decided at the last minute to tell the judge everything and paint herself as the victim. she’s 15, not 8 or 10. she knew what she was doing when the soccer player was fingerbanging her and she now regrets it and ahe knows exactly what she is doing in court.

        4. Bro, if you think alpha-fux beta-bux is the “ideal” female mating strategy, you’re sorely mistaken.
          Traditional family values, female chastity, male stregnth, courage and leadership, etc. are in men AND women’s best interest.
          You should read Jon Anthony’s recent ROK article (published April 1) entitled “How America Went from Greatness to Irreversible Decadence” about the history of feminism in the USA since the beginning of the industrial revolution, and about how the decline of traditional values fucks over BOTH sexes. You seem to think that women have been “getting their way” all this time, and now you want to see men “get their way.”
          “Age of Consent” laws were not put in place to help old single women land a man. That’s ridiculous. The reason people (including conservatives) feel the need for “age of consent” laws is because, due to the degenerate culture feminism causes, teenage girls are often interested in casual sex and dating rather than marriage. Their fathers are told this is normal and they should not make their daughters stay virgins, so when their daughter has a bad experience with a boyfriend, the father (blames the boyfriend). We are told that teenage girls SHOULD TOTALLY be exploring their sexuality with boys their age, and that only if an older man gets involved is it a problem.
          When a father who has been socially conditioned to allow his teenage daughter to explore her sexuality (as long as they practice “safe sex,” it’s no problem! Right?), and his teenage daughter gets pumped and dumped by an older man and then tells her father that it was not consensual (out of shame and embarrassment), the father, instead of saying “gee, maybe I should have encouraged her to preserve her virginity,” will most likely blame the older guy who “raped” his daughter. A father like this would most likely support strict statutory rape laws and a high age of consent.
          Feminists support high age of consent laws because it helps make more girls into victims. Nothin’ more to it.
          During traditional times (pre-industrial revoluion) age of consent laws were not necessary. Fathers simply protected their daughters and did not allow them to just date who they wanted. A father made sure his teenage daughter was always chaperoned when talking to a potetial suitor (who had to get the father’s permission first), and she was usually married sometime between 13-18 years old to a man usually at least 5 years older.
          Anyway, back to my original point, you seem to be saying that since this man and other men are often sentenced unfairly for fucking an underage girl, women should be unfairly thrown in jail too if an underage boy fucks them. If the problem is that people (in this case, me ) are being unfairly thrown in jail, how is throwing more people in jail unfairly, for even less serious offenses (women who “abuse” teenage boys) going to make the situation any better?
          Essentially, your whole argument is “if men are getting punished unfairly, then women need to get punished unfairly too!” How mature.

        5. Yes, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. If everyone is equal and the same, then let’s do it all the way. Enforce the law regardless of gender or don’t have it at all. Age of consent laws made sense in the era where women married young and were expected to be virgins on their wedding night. But regardless of it original intent, it is now being used to punish men for being men. Today, girls start having casual sex by their mid teens, owning dildos and vibrators, experimenting with lesbianism and everything under the sun. But all of a sudden, after all of that, if they have sex with a guy over some arbitrary age limit they are somehow, in some unexplainable way, damaged. That’s why that law is antiquated and makes no sense under the current climate, except to further female hypergamy. And that’s why I say either enforce them equally or scrap them. In 2016, this is no longer the day when you expect your 18 year old bride to be a virgin on your wedding night. This is the day where you can expect her to have a video of her in a 3sum floating around the internet.

        6. Brain transplants, anyone? Our whole society is geared up to punish men for being men. The only way to stop excesses against men is to get women punished by the same laws. For example, many years ago the Feds passed a tax rule that no married man could retire without his wife’s permission. I am not making this up. Those lazy fat bitches who lived off their husband’s work for many years simply did not want them hanging around the house so they were refusing permission.
          So, how was it stopped? A handful of women whose husbands had disappeared were not able to get them to give permission. so, the feminists put pressure on the IRS to change the regs. A man could retire without his wife’s permission, but unless she signed, he could only get a pension with her receiving equal pension after he died, which means much less monthly pension.
          Lord deliver us from White Knights with a superiority complex.
          After 50 years of equality shoved down our throats and up the other end, no intelligent person can possibly argue that women who commit statutory should receive a lesser sentence than men. I am not saying any intelligent person has said that.

  3. Whoa! The UK sounds crazy. Six years is way too long. In Canada, this guy would get a few months at the most, probably just some kind of probation/re-eductation thing.

      1. I know. That’s why I love living here. All this Ghomeshi bullshit puzzles me. Why did she even go to the cops? If she was that pissed at him for his choking game, why not just run him down with her car? She would get a two-year driving ban, then back to normal, and he gets a box in the ground. Going to court/calling cops is always a last resort for me.

  4. If men knew the true ages of the women they look at, they would shit themselves. That little hottie in the bar might be 14. She has likely hooked up with men twice her age multiple times. These girls do what they do intentionally and in spite of adults trying to stop them.
    I’ve know girls who regularly snuck out and preyed on older men, men ignorant of these girls ages. There are millions of 12 year olds who look like grown women.
    How many men can tell a girl’s age? That freshman you just met at 1am in a bar, who just drank you under the table, might be 14, not 19. You cannot tell.
    Case in point:
    Yesterday I saw a beautiful young woman at breakfast that I would have guessed to be 19. My kid in 7th grade informed that that young “woman” was a classmate. I would never have guessed. This girl was taller than me and looked like a run way model.
    Case in point part two:
    Decades ago a guy I know met a girl in a bar, started dating her, and proposed. He was 30. She was a 14 year old drop out. He did not know her age. She was a regular at the bar!
    I always wonder how many of these young girls prey on men intentionally. I would guess 99% of them do this shit on purpose and get off on it.

    1. thats why it is always important to ask the girl’s age when talking to them. I remember when i was in elementary school there was this girl in the class who was the oldest, so i asked how old she was. One of the teachers heard me and said: “real gentleman don’t ask a women’s age”.
      BULLSHIT….another lie from feminists. Now that we have an entire legal system that bends over and kiss ass of women, feminist, white knights, and male feminist, women can lie and we have swallow it as truth.
      So if you see a girl in a bar in the U.S you quickly assume that she is 22 or 21 because that’s the age you can go to those places. You get hooked up on her and god forbid you get caught and that girl is 15, and you are 24, your done. That’s is why it is important to ask a girl’s age, it can avoid a lot of shit. However, it can be challenging since they can get fake ID’s and most 15 years old look like 20 year old girls. .

      1. This is yet another reason to not watch porn or start receiving dirty stuff online from females. You never know if she’s the age she says she is.

      2. Ask her age? She’ll just lie. It’s not like she’s going to say she’s underage. Many men have asked and been lied to only to be charged. Later it is established in a court of law that they were lied to and believed the woman to be of age and they still ended up in prison. The prosecution won’t dress her like she was in the bar or club. They’ll dress her up like a little girl and that’s what the jury will see. They won’t see a woman who could pass for 28 or 30, they’ll see a 12-14 year old girl. It’s a man’s responsibility to know in this society. He will be at fault no matter what due-diligence he did. That’s how bad things have gotten.

    2. Man, there was a solid 8 at the deli near my old job that I would always flirt with. Curves in all the right places, nice long hair, pretty smile. One afternoon when I was getting lunch we were flirting and I asked her out sometime, and she said “I would but my parents won’t let me”. Come to find out she was 16. You really can’t tell anymore. When I went to high school, most kids looked their age. Gotta be careful. I’m just grateful she told me the truth.

    3. A dude at my church got 5 years in jail for visiting one of these “hotties”. She told him she was 19.

  5. This is what angers me. I’m not defending Adam Johnson or against the age of consent laws either, but what angers me is the double standards and the ass kissing to feminists lies. Now we can debate and discuss whether the age of consent is flawed when being applied in real life since it is for men and women. However, when the AOC is applied into action, it is always the male who gets trapped.
    The age of consent is designed to prevent older men (adults in 30’s and 50’s) to take advantage or explode minors sexually, which is understandable. What bothers me is that we see 17, 18, 19, and 20 year old guys being labeled as “rapist”, “pedophiles”, and “sexual offender” in the eyes of the law. In the eyes of society, he is a “pervert”, “creep”, and “he can’t get girls of his age so that’s why he chase younger girls”. They get all of this just because he dated a girl who is 17 and the guy is 21, which is an normal age range for dating.
    However, how many time i’ve heard about females who had sexual relations with 15 year old boys and got light sentence such as, suspension, or short prison sentence.
    Nobody here is denying that there are real pedophiles and rapist who are out there doing such things, thankfully there police operations who are doing a good job on capturing these individuals.
    Anyway i hate the double standards and i don’t know when this is gonna stop…

    1. Age of consent shouldn’t even be applied to anyone past puberty, male or female.

    2. It’s the boys who are less mature emotionally at 14-15 of age. Girls mature faster than boys for obvious biological reasons. So perhaps the sentences should be tougher on perpetrators, men or women, who exploit young boys than other way around. Or at least there should be no child support requirement for under age boys who make babies with considerably older women. If they are not yet eligible to make other financial and legal contracts under the law, how can they be expected to understand they are committing for 18 years of baby prison?

    3. I can only see this type of double standard changing when we see more lawyers arguing for it. There is more than enough examples (cases) to throw at a judge where a woman (or women) was given a lighter sentence due to being a woman. I think the more times that lawyers bring this up in court the greater (and faster) impact it will have in real life.
      We’re not going to see this change from a policy statement point. Politicians are always pandering for the “woman vote” – they’re not about to piss any of them off.

    4. Ken Clarke (British MP) made that exact point about a year ago or so and got hounded by media/feminists screaming “all rape is awful you horrible horrible man ugh feelingz patriarchy oppression”.
      What he said was that a 16y/o boy having consensual sex with his 15y/o girlfriend is not as bad as a man violently raping a woman he doesnt know in an alleyway, which is obviously spot on. Naturally he publicly apologized after a witch hunt. Feelings>Truth.

    5. They would like it if it never stopped. Apparently male judges like it too. Men are tough on other men and when presented with a weepy eyed female, they often soften up.
      Judges need to be reviewed every few years to make sure they don’t sentence based on their own racist or sexists preferences. Basically you review all of their similar cases and review the level of punishment based on race and sex.
      We won’t fire them as a judge, as they are usually elected. But the results could be made public. And I don’t just mean the outcome of the results, but the actual data as well, that way we don’t have to trust the reporting news agency. Then we can find out for every person who was convicted of carry x amount of pot by a jury, how much prison time did they get and what sex and race are they.
      We’ll find out that white women get the shortest sentences by far. If you could rate their beauty on top of it, that would be the real indicator of how short a sentence they get. No judge wants to waste a females best years rotting in a prison. I think all people subconciously want all hot girls out their reproducing.

  6. There was a case in Shitstralia recently where Madonna “accidentally” exposed a 17-year-old “woman”‘s breast during some between-song banter at a gig in Brisbane. No action has been taken against Blyadonna, and the girl has stated that that was the best day of her life. Google “josephine georgiou” for more info.
    Note: Even though Josephine is 17, she looks more like a 22-23-year-old.

    1. Yeah, imagine the shitstorm if that was a male performer? “OMG, that’s a 17 year old child” is what all the feminists and manginas would be saying. As if the performer was supposed to be able to know exactly how old she was.
      Check this out:
      This 15 year old girl, who turned out to be a pastor’s daughter by the way, sneaks into the club with a phony ID, then goes on stage and gives a sexually explicit lap dance to Akon. Of course, as the feminists and manginas see it, it was ALL HIS FAULT. She did nothing wrong of course. Here is the photo of her, some sources say she was 14 at the time, others say 15. This was in 2007.

      1. Pastor’s.. heh heh, it’s always the same. The northern irish girl in ibiza who was competing for a ‘holiday’ was the same, if memory serves.

      2. This is different. Akon is black. As we all know too well, this is done for the sake of “multiculturalism”.

        1. The media still went after him for exploiting a “child”. And none of the blame fell on her. There was a strip club around where I used to live and it employed a 14 year old girl as a dancer. I visited the club once myself. The club ended up being shut down as it also had problems with violence. But the girl lied about her age and showed ID to the club manager saying she was 20 which the manager was able to produce a copy of. It didn’t matter, the narrative was that this girl was being ” exploited” and that somehow, the management was supposed to know she was 14.
          The girls mother claimed to know nothing of it and said she must have been sneaking out of the house every night. It turns out this girl was clearing about four hundred dollars a night. If she danced 7 days a week, she made almost 3 thousand dollars. I wonder how much of that money mama was seeing? After that club closed down, the same girl was caught dancing at another club across town.

        2. Again, they accuse men of grooming these girls, but in all fairness, it’s society as a whole grooming these girls. And then, it’s these girls exploiting their bodies, men, and others.

        3. Grooming? Just what the hell does that even mean??? Buying gifts which the female can always refuse, telling her what she wants to hear? Just what exactly is it and how can we tell if its being done or not?

        4. i had a terrifying experience like this once, with a younger girl who’d told me she was 21. later we were with some of her friends and i mentioned her age. one of her friends laughed and said “you’re not 21.” well aware that ignorance of her true age is no legal defense, i made her show me ID. fortunately, she was 19, but those were a few scary moments.

        5. I remember reading somewhere that the blame was being placed on the bouncers and the establishment for not catching the girls fake ID at the door.

      1. She’ll probably wind up looking like a 50-year-old by the time she’s 18.

        1. And then she’ll complain that men our age are dirty perverted bastards who want to groom 17 year olds for sex. Truly, the circle of life.

        2. I take it back. Total Sabra hummus mafia material. Bet those Emirati sheiks are rubbing their hands like Birdman, or at least, that’s how I think the saying goes.

      1. Hopefully Trump wins and sorts everything out, otherwise it’s a one-way ticket to Sofia, Skopje, Belgrade, Minsk or Moscow for me.

        1. I feel the same way.
          I’ve been watching YouTube videos with American guys and Ukrainian women. Stable, non-crazy women. How refreshing!

      2. here’s an article that will not make you hate america/the anglosphere any less. gushing piece about a 14-year-old actress who has only felt attracted to boys but who says being “open to liking any gender in future is why I identify as queer.” lots of pseudo-intellectual hamstering from the barely pubescent little thing about feminism too. i have a daughter on the way myself and i suppose that’s why this article hit me so hard. first time in my life i’ve caught myself clearly thinking “fuck you, america.”

        1. Man that kind of stuff makes me mad. Just pointless attention whoring. I live in Australia but this kind of thinking is pretty prevalent around the entire western world unfortunately.

    2. If the roles were reversed then the entire country would have ground to a complete halt. The male performer would have has his visa cancelled, news articles, feminist opinion pieces and twitter hashtags would be flying all over the place that would then morph into another ‘end violence against women’ campaign.

      1. Don’t forget the blog articles that would appear about why “it’s problematic.”
        Male shaming is always a go-to for today’s effiminate men and bitch-ass feminists.

    3. And because it was caught on camera, it’s basically child pornography, but that won’t be brought up or talked about.

    1. Why do you type in allcaps Portuguese? I’ve seen you do that at the Daily Stormer.


    1. He must have pissed her off otherwise she would have kept it a secret. Also, its good 15 yo girls have access to abortions. Imagine if this guy did his 6 years then got out and had to pay support money to his surprise child.

      1. He would have to be a particularly potent man to be able to impregnate her with his finger.

        1. It could have been something else he slipped in. Just because he is a footballer doesn’t mean he has a big one.

      2. Could have been something else he put in. Just cause he is a footballer doesn’t mean he has a big one.

    2. If she wanted an abortion, feminists everywhere would be saying “Its her body her choice”, if she sucked off and got fingerbanged by her high schools football team and someone, specifically a man called her out on it, feminists would say ” Its her body, her choice “. She gets fingered by a 27 year old man and suddenly she’s not qualified to make decisions about her body? I don’t follow that logic.

  7. In regards to those light sentences the female perpetrators received the Public Prosecutors Office should have appealed the sentences as being to light, just a guess there would have been some rubbish spun about “mental health” issues – there have been a few female teachers convicted in Australia recently where the sentencing was upgraded after a public uproar.

    1. Those sentences were applied after appeals. And they’re still quite light. AJ is of course appealing too, for a reduction

    1. hahahahahahaa one of the funnies episodes ever and exactly what i was thinking when i said it was different for young boys !!

  8. You think these women who fucked their male students should be in jail?
    Can I get one man in here, JUST ONE, to come forward and state that if he were a teenager and hooked up with a female teacher, he would feel violated and ashamed afterwards (rather than proud of himself), and want the teacher put in jail.
    Bueller? Bueller?

    1. I see your point, but that’s different. Men don’t feel shame by nature about sex. Of course, if the broad pissed you off, then I you have a nifty little weapon against her.

        1. In an ideal world, I wouldn’t want anyone to go to jail. Now, I could see why a teacher would lose his or her job over something like this for the same reason you shouldn’t fuck a coworker, which has to do with workplace ethics. But unfortunately, it does turn into a tit for tat situation. And because they are willing to put men in jail for this, the same same should apply to females.
          This one happened a couple of years in our part of the country. A high school teacher was accused of having sex with an 18 year old student. He got acquitted in the end. But it’s amazing that the wanted him in jail in the first place. Fired? Understandable. Again, improper and unethical relationship. But jailed? Damn.

    2. If I understand the situation correctly the girl in question here didn’t feel violated and ashamed until the rumour of what was going on circulated and she was called a slag by her peers. The rumour presumably circulated, because she boasted about her liaison with a footballer.

    3. Dude, you’re a fucking retard white knight.
      You’re making the false assumption that the girls don’t enjoy it. Younger women pursue older men all the time. They feel no more violated or ashamed than the teen boys do. Hence, the reason the guy is receiving tons of love letters from young girls while in prison.
      Furthermore, speaking to female and male teachers I know, the teaching profession is getting dominated by female sex offender types, much like the Catholic priesthood. They are well aware of the double standard and using it to full advantage. I’ve known more than a few female teachers that have told me this.
      And male teachers I know, get hit on endlessly by their students, and fear even casual flirting less they be branded molesters. Meanwhile, their female counterparts are sucking off the football players, while cuckolding their white knight hubbies like yourself.
      And by the way, I am a man who was violated by 2 much older female, butch lesbians when I was a teen. They were coaches at my high school. This was 20 years ago. No joke, they took me home, got me drunk, and we watched playboy channel. I was just there to get drunk and hang out. When I realized why I was there, it was awkward to say the least. I won’t go into details, but I was not into it. They were nasty butch softball player types, built like german power lifters. But as a guy, there is actually more pressure to perform in such a situation, even when you don’t want to, to prove you’re a man and not face ridicule from them telling everyone you couldn’t perform. I could have easily pressed charges, but using your logic, I wasn’t violated. This bizarre assumption that teen boys will fuck anything or is automatically attracted to any female that comes on to him is ridiculous.
      In hindsight now, it shaped my whole way of thinking about women, because I took the red pill very early. It’s funny to me, that people like you still exist who think women are not more sexual than men, and even more so at a younger age even.
      I mean, the first games girls play, is playing with dolls, dollhouses, thinking of having babies, etc. The female mindset is controlled by mating behavior from an extremely early age. Its only feminism that tries to re-program them from their default mental path to thinking that they have to be something other than sexual.
      So if anything, the female teachers should not just be punished, but punished more harshly, as they are completely subverting the natural selection process and normal male female sexual order.

      1. Yeah, I guess its easier for people to think of teenage girls as these asexual beings who’d never do anything sexual unless they were forced and don’t enjoy sex in any way. This summer, look at how your average 14-19 year old girl dresses. The only “shame” they feel is being found out. I’ve said it be before and I’ll say it again, women in general just want a facade of being chaste and virtuous, they don’t actually want to be chaste and virtuous. They’ll even lie to themselves
        so that they can continue to think of themselves as such. It doesn’t matter how much she may have liked it or if he finger banged her to multiple orgasms. She’ll convince herself that the only reason she went along with it was because he tricked her or manipulated her or whatever. This way, in her mind, she can continue to think of herself as chaste and pure as the driven snow. This is how the hamster rationalizes.
        Its the same how teen girls will get fucked in the ass by multiple men, but rationalize it by not getting fucked in her vagina. That way, she can tell everyone that she’s a virgin (wink wink, nudge nudge).

    4. When I was a senior in HS, about 16 or 17 I graduated when I was 17, there was this teacher I always used to mess with. I don’t know how old she was but id guess late 20s early 30s at the time. I’d have liked if she “traumatized” me by letting me bend her over and take her from behind.

      1. I can think of at least five teachers I would have been happy to have been “traumatized” by. When this whole trend started in FL in the 90s, we joked that the guy got traumatized when his hot teacher banged him because she gave him tennis elbow……from all the high fives he got afterwards!

    5. You are missing the entire point of what the law is about. Having sex with a child is a violation of the law, regardless of how that particular child feels about it or the effect it has on the child’s life. Not all boys and not all girls will feel the same way.

      1. If it is a victimless crime, then it should not be a crime. Yes, how it affects the “victim” is totally important.
        Yes, I realize that the current law exists. I think it is a bad law. If it doesn’t take into account how it affects the victim, then how is that justice?
        If alcohol were still illegal, would you be advocating for bootleggers and even casual drinkers at speakeasies to be given harsh sentences? No, you would realize that it is a victimless crime and that courts should go easy on it.

        1. A person who is about to engage in sex with a child will not know how the child will feel about it until afterwards. The child itself won’t know, nor will it be aware of long term consequences. That’s why society has drawn a line that shouldn’t be crossed.

        2. nature has already drawn that line for us (puberty). why should we not trust nature, and draw our own line (18-years-old)?

  9. sorry but i think he deserves it. Either on this site we believe in masculinity and that we are better than women in many ways and their natural protectors or we’re not.
    We always make the distinction that men are different than women and this is one of them for me. He shouldn’t go near a child and yeah i do think its different with an older women and younger male you’re dam fucking right its different. We cant have it every way.
    And before anyone says about the fact that 16 yo used be the age for marriage that is because life was shorter and people grew up faster. No way a girl of today at 16 is of the same MENTAL maturity as girls in years gone by.
    I am not going to ask ye to not abuse me or get emotional like a bunch of hormonal bitches but if ye do i wont be responding for the simple reason i will end up as stupid/irrational as ye and i don’t like that. Logical debate is more than welcome

    1. Tell these girls’ parents about the maturity part. Mind you, I do agree with you about how girls today are mentally less mature in the past, the parents didn’t get the message. On the one hand, they and the law considers these girls children. On the other hand, they let, and it seems, sometimes encourage these girls to act like adults. And by that, I mean, letting them dress and active in a provocative manner, and letting them loose.

      1. I agree !!!! and that’s my point don’t we point these things out ?? Then back them when it becomes reality. She shouldn’t be dressed nor act like a whore but he is a MAN and should know better and be held to a higher standard than a FEMALE CHILD
        Is that not what this site is all about ???

    2. 16 is not a child. A girl that age is a young woman. If a 16 year old girl is too immature to have sex, then it should be against the law for her to be involved in any sexual activities with anyone. It makes no sense to have it perfectly acceptable for her to be gangbanged by a platoon of boys, as long as they’re 16, but if she takes 1 27 year old cock, he should be put under the jail and now suddenly, she’s too immature for sex. Bullshit.

      1. no it was 15 and that is not a adult by law nor by culture and no it wouldn’t be too young for sex with someone her own age but not a grown man. I already explained why i think it is i’m not going repeating myself.
        If you can’t handle or get women your own age that says alot about you. I know i wouldn’t want to bang any of the 16 year old immature dumb princess’s of this day and age. They are children who follow the kardashians like god’s,can’t don’t work or function in the world they are fucking CHILDREN you nonce.

        1. Get out of here with that age appropriate feminist bullshit, All women, 16 through 36 are fundamentally the same. That’s why there’s the saying women are like children. And I’m not going to address the old feminist favorite “you can’t get a woman your own age” that story is so old, played out and worn out. And lastly, sex is sex. Its no different if its a 16 or 26 year old penis. The only “reason” you gave is to define them as children and then declare them off limits. Physically, a 16 year old girl is a young adult and where I am at its the AOC. Can’t handle women my own age, what page of the women’s studies 101 textbook did you pull that from?

        2. Thanks for agreeing with me you fucking idiot the girl was FIFTEEN !!!!
          jesus you talk about old and all you can do is trot out the standard bullshit calling me a “feminist” and “womens studies 101 text book” fuck off you walking cliche.
          The age of consent where i am is 17 doesnt mean i want to bang 17yo. If you think that a 16/17 year old in this day and age is a competent adult then why the fuck are you on here ?? There are of course exceptions to every rule.
          Society is fucked up. Western culture is fucked up.Women are walking fucking zombies,absolved of responsibility,addicted to technology,enthralled by sluts like the kardashians but you want to fuck them as teenagers ?? they literally have the minds of children. You keep banging children though because you obviously can’t handle grown women,they most likely intimidate you and you are afraid you wont match up to previous partners sexually thats why you like them young they have no frame of reference !! haha
          Hair on your sexual organs does not make you a man nor a woman. were you a man just because you could blow a load as a teenager ??? no you fucking weren’t. Them days are gone we live a sedentary life and don’t mature like we used. You might not life that but thats a fact.

        3. I’m a walking cliche? Pot meet kettle
          “If you think a 16/17 is a competent adult”
          Well they are tried as adults. If they are competent enough for that, then a girl that age is competent enough for sex. You still left unexplained how a girl that age is competent enough to have sex with 10 16 Year old boys, but not competent enough to have sex with a 30 Year old
          “Can’t get a woman your own age”
          Who says I’d prefer one?

        4. hahahahah the irony of your response “pot kettle” hahaha
          I don’t let the law decide anything for me,do you ???
          and why are you using the ridiculous example of ten boys,can you not make a point without hyperbole to such a retarded extent ??
          I am allready after explaining i consider a 16yo a child. If you can’t understand that i can’t make it any more simple.
          So you do want a 16yo ??? that’s exactly what i said you dirty fucking nonce

        5. You’re the fucking walking cliche with the old ” can’t get a woman your age” when who in the hell says I prefer them? Let’s see “grown women intimidate you” yeah
          sure buddy, whatever helps you sleep at night, you sure you’re not an old hag?
          “You are afraid you won’t match up to previous partners sexually” Yeah because every guys dream is to wife up the 36 year old ex slut who’s had god only knows how many cocks in her worn out cooch. I’ll leave those to you buddy. I’m quite confident in my sexual abilities, but I’d rather have younger, tighter and brand new. Talk about a walking cliché. You get a prize. Go to your nearest cougar convention and collect.
          “They literally have the minds of children” If I didn’t fuck any female because they had the mind of a child, I’d either have to go for senior citizens or be celibate. And honestly, I don’t care about a woman’s “mind” as much as her body. I just want sex, I don’t care if she watches the kardashians or if she is a female Aristotle. If I didn’t want to bang women, I’d probably never have contact with one.
          “Hair on your sex organs doesn’t make you a man or woman” You’ve succeeded in straw manning the hell out of me. Of course it doesn’t, but being past puberty does for the purposes of sexual reproduction. There’s no such thing as a teenager in nature.
          You even argue like a female what with the name calling, logical fallacies and the over emotion. You have to be a women’s studies professor trolling about.

        6. Your explaining is to just define a 16 year old as a child. Big deal, I can say a 70 year old is a child if I just define it as such. That’s an argument by declaration. You can’t just declare something to be true and wave your arms in victory.
          Then, you say it’s because they have the”mind of children “. What the hell does that even mean? Well you give no concrete examples except to say ” they watch the
          Kardashians and are addicted to technology. That’s a total non sequitur. A 1617 year old shouldn’t drive because they are addicted to technology. A 16 year old should not have a job because she watches the kardashians. That’s ridiculous.
          “Women are walking zombies” And that’s my problem because???
          In summary, let us count the number of feminist cliches YOU have resorted to:
          1. Can’t get a woman your own age…Im sure that’s some variation of the ad hominem fallacy
          2.You obviously can’t handle “grown women”….. Whatever handle is supposed to mean. Another ad hominem fallacy.
          3. You are afraid you won’t match up to previous partners…..Why would I want a relationship with a slut and if its just a slut I’m banging, I don’t care about her previous partners. And yes, I’ll admit, I optimally would prefer a virgin for an LTR, the good news for you is that there’ll be more 49 year old cougars who’ve had 100 different guys blow out all her holes for you to wife up.

        7. Fucking idiot bet you still didnt acknowledge she was FIFTEEN . I didn’t bother to read that .I’m confident you didn’t add anything new. I’m sure you didnt address my actual points on the matter and most likely just nit picked. I really do not care what you think or do. Enjoy fucking children. Save yourself the bother because i wont even click on the next response. You fuck 16 year olds because they are impressionable and they have no yard stick. Its classic stuff. We all like young tight undamaged goods but there’s a limit. Even veal can be too young.

        8. fucking idiot,its not like my choices are 15 or 50,get the fuck out of here with your ridiculousness

        9. She was 15 ok. I don’t care my point still stands. Stop bitching and moaning like a female because someone has a different POV. If you read my response, I did address your points, just saying I didn’t especially when you admitted that you didn’t read them, doesn’t mean I didn’t address them.
          You’re just ignoring it when I do address your points. Obviously at this point, you’re just going to resort to name calling and moving the goal posts. Whenever I do address a point, you’ll just say I didn’t and round and round we go. You probably are a woman because you argue just like one.
          Make up an opinion because you “feel” it is correct and use pseudo-logic to support it. When someone challenges your shaky logic and you cannot defend your position, rather than admit that you cannot defend your position, you just resort to logical fallacies and name calling. So I’m done Barbara, have a nice day.

  10. He deserved it. There is a real and substantial difference between a famous male adult performing a sex act with a 15 y.o. girl and a female school teacher doing the same with a male student. We’re all about masculinity being the more rational gender, time to prove it. No mercy.

    1. We’re the more rational gender, so we should white knight for the damsel in distress? That fucking logic man. A crime is a crime, no matter who does it.

      1. Men and women are not the same and you and me already know that! The thing is that, the feminist left employs a fail proof strategy whereas they unconditionally defend the teachers and women who bang boys they will also argue against those men who agree with therm and go full retard against those who don’t. But why?
        Let me explain: The world of leftoid feminism reaks of double/triple/quadruple standards and a quick youtube search will offer more than enough evidence.
        By defending such crimes, feminists stirr shit (for attention) and appeal to those people with common sense which will say that a women should be treated like a man therefore an atmosphere of “women are the same as men in every aspect” is created and which is the goal of feminists everywhere. If they don’t win at defending the women (who is guilty in the face of the law) and proving to their followers that they’re right all the time, they will win at levelling the playing field between men and women.
        They will end up winning something in the end and by the looks of it, lately they’ve been winning at both given the limp-wristidness of VirginTOW and ALT-Right (who try to barter with feminists).

  11. It is perfectly conceivable that you could meet a girl in a club who is a minor and feigning her age to you.

    Here in Perth a police officer was convicted of dealings with a minor. He met her on an online dating site where she claimed she was 19 years of age. Here there is a legal defense that centers on ‘reasonable belief’ where a person conducts themselves in a certain way, and does so in an honest belief that they are entitled to do so.
    But one of the key pieces of evidence against him was that on one occasion he picked her up from a library and she was wearing a school uniform which should have been a big red flag to him that she was lying about her age and he should have dumped her right there and then.

  12. He’s famous and knowingly had sexual contact with a very young girl…no sympathy here. Bad bad juju.

  13. I know ill probably get hate for this but fuck it….
    In defense of the Soccer star: growing up in middle school at age 14, I knew several girls my age that were slutting it up with adult drug dealers. Not something id do myself but oh well.

  14. This guy is a asshole and he will pay for it. If you jeopardize youself then do not complain.

  15. On a positive note: its finally baseball season. Cheeseburga’s pre-season World Series pick: Texas Rangers v. SF Giants. Winner: Giants

  16. Adam Johnson should not be in jail at all. His only crime is having a healthy sex drive and an ability to act on it with consenting women that the people who sent him to jail could only dream of.
    The Daily Mail article on Johnson’s new penpals contained a report from an alleged childhood friend that he cancelled his upcoming wedding after finding out that Johnson and friend’s fiancee had been trading dirty pictures. If that’s true, Johnson may have done him a service giving him second thoughts about marrying a gold-digging slag. The fact that the friend wasn’t the least bit grateful suggests that Johnson is the target of beta-male envy.
    The slutty teachers, meanwhile, are the targets of beta-male wank fantasy. Every boy who couldn’t actually get laid wanted to the thought of banging a fair-to-middling teacher at some point.
    So the sluts, who in healthy societies would be stoned for far less, get a slap on the wrist (if that), and Adam Johnson gets the book thrown at him for doing nothing wrong.
    Oh, by the way? The rule in healthy societies is the rule in real life. When there’s grass on the pitch, it’s ready for a game of ball.
    That’s why women were married off in traditional societies as soon as possible after that. The longer the wait, the greater the chance of her driving her market value to zero.

    1. Beta envy. I’m sure lots of guys would not chastise themselves for not being grateful when they find out one of their mates is banging his girl behind his back. Depends on the circumstances but most are not noble.
      One of my mates was wining & dining this girl, and had been for over a month with no sex. She was a ‘good traditional girl not like that’ type…supposedly. Well one of our other mates ended up meeting her, and was flirting a bit with her when our other friend was not around and noticed she was quite receptive and more friendly to him than she was to our friend dating her. He found out she was going out that weekend to a club to celebrate something with friends, and bf was not going. He decided to test her out and went to the club, charmed her and fucked her in his car afterwards. She hadn’t had sex with the other friend yet so he felt she was fair game. He then confessed to our friend the following week. He was pissed. They didn’t talk for weeks, Eventually though he realized the score and patched things up with the guy that slept with his gf (or would be gf). In this case he did him a favor, quite possibly she could easily cheat on him in the future but also that she was not into him but was DTF within a few hours for the right guy and the traditional girl image was bullcrap.
      Many cases are not like this. The (phony) friend has no intention of giving his friend a head’s up that his missus is a potential cheater. They are not doing the friend a favor by testing the virtue of his gf/wife. They are simply opportunistic pricks. If they were doing the friend a favor they would tee it up beforehand they were going to test her. In Johnson’s case he did ‘indirectly’ do his friend a favor (he now knew both his fiance & johnson were no good) but highly unlikely that was his intent. Like in the crime case, Johnson knew he was dealing with an underage girl but just cared for his own pleasure and still went ahead.
      He was stupid, especially when he would have had so many other single + legal options, but I agree with the article on the double standards when it comes to sentencing women for similar crimes. Its BS.

  17. The logic behind the age of consent concept is that a girl is not mature enough to decide if she wants to have sex with an adult, so if she has there can’t be other reason apart from the adult taking advantage of her. What a naive idea. Pedestalizing women, as always.
    Ironically law says she is able mentally to decide to abort a child, but not to have sex with an adult. On top of that, society encourage girls of 15 and younger to slut around as much as they can.
    We have to stop being so hypocritical. Are they able to decide to have sex or not? If they are, who are we to tell them who they should fuck, only boys less than 18 why?. If they want to have sex with an adult why should we stop them? Or why should we stop the men these girls want to have sex with? If they are mentally able to decide, why are we trying to decide for them? Because even if we punish only the men, we are restricting these girls options indirectly.
    6 years sentence for consented sex. Unbelievable.
    Have we lived in an old fashion conservative society, these sentence would make all sense, but not in this world.

    1. “only boys less than 18 why?” If they have a relationship with a grown man (instead of a young boy) the chance for a child is much bigger.
      The main reason behind most “liftist” laws is to curb population growth.

    2. Exactly. These laws only make sense under a society where women married young and were expected to be virgins on the wedding night. But a 15, 16, 17 , 18 year old girl today is encouraged to dress like a hooker and have as much casual sex as she wants under the doctrine of “her body, her choice”, but as soon as she has sex with a man over an arbitrary age range, then suddenly she’s taken advantage of and traumatized. The funny thing is, no one, not one person can explain how exactly that works!
      I mean, its absolutely absurd to say that a 15 year old girl can do every sex act under the sun with whomever, male or female, as long as the other person or people in some cases are 15 or 16 and she’s perfectly capable of making sound decisions at that point about her sex life. But all of a sudden if she even gets fingered by a 27 year old man, now she is completely incapable of making decisions about her sex life and now, she somehow becomes traumatized and no one ever can explain how or why that works.
      Age of consent laws only serve to further female hypergamy. That’s the one and only answer. If applied to pre pubescent children, this point would be irrelevant, but its very relevant since applied to post pubescent young adults. And, if feminists get their way, I wouldn’t be surprised if the AOC was higher. I mean all they have to do is redefine what a child is. Now supposedly the brain continues growing until 25, which may have some validity to it, except feminists will probably try to use it as ” proof” that under 25 are actually children and thus can’t consent to sex. No this may not happen tomorrow, but 50, 100 years from now, who knows. A 37year old man may be being arrested for the statutory rape of his 24 year old female child neighbor

      1. That’s a valid question that you’ve raised… I guess dads don’t want their daughters getting knocked up by older guys.

        1. Well its up for them to control their daughters. That doesn’t mean the guys should go to jail.

        2. So with daughters being the property of their parents till 18 (or whatever it is elsewhere), maybe it’s a unanimously decided legal barrier to prevent the fathers’ competition (other men) devaluing the worth of their daughters.
          I don’t know, just throwing ideas out there because you do make a good point that under 18s can fuck other under 18s but nobody older, even if they are doing it with full knowledge and consent…

        3. That would make sense under a system where women were expected to be chaste and save sex for marriage. But you cannot possibly justify that under a system where girls having 3sums, experimenting with lesbianism and having anal sex is normal by the time you graduate high school. So it can’t be to protect the purity of the girl. The point of it is to further female hypergamy. It’s instinctual female sexual jealousy. Women know that, at least instinctively, that youth and beauty are correlated and that men tend to go for the most youngest, attractive women they can get. This butts into the female sexual strategy of alpha fux/beta bux. When a woman hits the soft wall at 30 or hard wall at 40 and wants her beta bux, if they are using their status and resources to get a 17 year old girlfriend, then that reduces their resources. So, the way to get around that is to encourage “age appropriate” relationships, attempt to make older man/young woman relationship s a moral wrong or socially unacceptable. This eliminates their younger female competition and most older women are not interested in all but the most alpha of teenage males. This is why feminists or women in general won’t bat an eye if the 34 year old teacher performs oral sex on the 6’2 football team quarterback who looks like a young George Clooney and has the body of a Greek statue but is 17. But if the 34 year old male teacher does the same with the 17 year old cheer team captain, no matter how womanly she is, he’s branded as a pedo, dragged through the mud and there’s much weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth.

      2. “Age of consent laws only serve to further female hypergamy.”
        That’s interesting. But how so?

        1. By restricting access to the youngest and most desirable girls who are sexually mature. And creates a social system where men are shamed for their normal desires even if the girl is above the AOC. I’m still young myself, late 20s and could hardly be thought of as a “dirty old man”, yet if I openly express any sexual attraction to a 16 or 17 year old girl, then a great portion of society will accuse me of being a pedophile. If the girl is 18, 19 or 20, then its ” creepy”, “just wrong” or “still a pedophile”. Imagine what they’d say about a man ten years older than me. I really believe that if feminist had their way unopposed, the AOC would be 30 years old. And the same social and legal stigmas would be in place to enforce them. A 35 year old man expressing sexual interest in a 28 year old woman is now a pedophile. A 40 year old man expressing attraction to a woman just turning 30 is ” creepy”. That may sound far fetched, but a lot of things sounded far fetched at one time and now here we are.

        2. I always use the example of Jake LaMotta, the world Middleweight boxing champion from 1949-1951 and the fighter to deal the great Sugar Ray Robinson his first defeat and first knock down in 1943. He met his wife in 1945 when she was 15 and he was 23, the following year when she was 16 and he was 24, they got married. At that time, no one thought anything of it. Imagine that same scenario today. He’d be branded a pervert and probably banned from his sport. On the other hand in 1945, it was considered abnormal for a man to dress up like a girl and to want another mans penis up his rectum. You see how the roles have reversed.

  18. With 15 years, a girl is fully outgrown. Her body is done around 13-14 for caucasians (White), while browner races are often outgrown much sooner.
    For 100s of years it was not uncommon in europe to marry at age 14, 15 or 16 and nobody had any problem with it.
    In our age there is a law that says the age is 18. This law is made by humans for socio political reasons and is not a law of nature.
    A shame to send a man in prison for something like that, while the real criminals are left alone.

    1. There was a movie about one of my favorite boxers, Jake LaMotta, who was the world middleweight boxing champion from 1949 to 1951. He fought the great Sugar Ray Robinson 6 times, dealing him his first loss in over 120 fights and also being the first to floor Sugar Ray Robinson, twice, one knocking him through the ropes, although he had a 15 to 20 pound weight advantage. Robinson beat him 5 out of 6 times, but could never knock him down. He won 1 decision over Robinson, Robinson won 4 over him and one technical knockout when he had LaMotta out on his feet. Mr. LaMotta will be 94 years old this year, he was 29 in their last fight in 1951.
      In the movie, it showed how he met his wife, Vikki, at a swimming pool sometime in the mid 1940s. Sadly she died in 2005 at the age of 75.
      At the time, they met and started dating, she was 15 and he was 23 and had already earned a victory over Ray Robinson.They got married a year later when she was 16 and he was 24. Can you imagine the outcry today if a professional athlete that age was dating/marrying a girl in her teens?
      He’d be considered a pedophile, the FBI would raid his house, he might be
      banned from his sport. This is a pic of Jake and Vikki LaMotta in 1949 after he won the middle weight world championship after dethroning the reigning middleweight boxing champion, Marcel Cerdan. She was 19 by then and they had been married 3 years. I’m assuming she looked similar at 15 when she met him.

        1. A few decades ago, it would be normal for her to be dating or marrying a guy 27 as is the age of this soccer player. If you notice, it only became “abnormal” after feminism became the dominant ideology in the west. While that became abnormal, this obsession with middle age “cougars” as objects of sexual desire became normalized. Female beauty is nature’s way of advertising fertility. Beauty is very objective. And since fertility is highest in youth, younger women tend to be most beautiful. Over 40, a woman has a very hard time conceiving and having a healthy pregnancy, hence why their beauty fades, because nature is signaling that she is no longer fertile. So in reality, its abnormal to be sexually attracted to a 57 year old cougar like Madonna. Hence the massive amount of social programming to convince you that 1+1=3. If most men knew that the girl in the photo was 15 or16, they’d pretend not to notice her attractiveness only because of social programming that says that it is abnormal.
          And make no mistake, this is no accident. Feminism is designed to maximize female hypergamy by putting into law or social norms anything that benefits it.

        2. You are right Harold. Our society promotes sexual encounters where no babies can be produced. Like lesbians, gays, older women with younger guy, older woman with guys her age, fat women (fat women have lower fertility, something often overlooked when we talk about obese-epidemic!), random hook-ups instead of stable LTRs, wasting females most fertile years on the pill and in academia to study womens rights (what an irony) etc etc.
          Sexual intercourse where babies could/would/should be the result are shamed. Marry young. Stay at home mom. No higher education but teenage pregnancy instead. Young woman and old guy (who can afford a SAHM + children). Wait with first sex for the “right” guy = a guy who is worth having children with and so on.
          It is all about reducing population growth.

        3. I never looked at it from the population control angle but it does make sense. And in recent times, I have noticed the promotion of obese women as objects of sexual desire. As if they’re conditioning you so that you find a 350 pound woman attractive. I think about that movie Shallow Hal, which was basically a morality tale that a man finding young, in shape women sexually attractive is a bad thing and that inner beauty makes a woman sexually attractive. And these days, most women don’t even have inner beauty to offer. That movie was nothing but propaganda. And even if the girl is 18 or older,its still considered socially unacceptable to an extent for the man to be older. I’m nearly 30 and if I dated an 18, 19 or 20 year old it would still be like I’m violating some social taboo. It’s just creepy is what most feminist would say.

        4. Past 40 here. The grown man + younger girl pair is something truely horrible for feminists. Kills the idea that a woman can age to 30, 35 and even 40 as a strong and inept ™ woman and STILL have an amazing husband and children later on.
          For 99% of 40+ feminists this is a lie. Men with options do dig youth and beauty over “experience” when choosing a wife every single time. So they try to play the “shame on you” card to force you to love them instead. This is just stupid.
          Talking about stupid. In the last few years I did notice that more and more female celebs nowadays have abs like male bodybuilders. This “trend” is getting momentum by the day, even on this site there are men (!) who find this cool.
          It is not. It does curb fertility. Babies need space. Natural child birth is much easier if the woman has a soft body. Men need a hard body like we need a hard dick. People forget even the most basic of things. Dont listen to the crowd, they are full of shit anyways.

  19. Not only that, but when police seized Adam Johnson’s computer, they found animal porn, i’m not making this up.

    1. We’ve all browsed crazy stuff on the internet purely out of curiosity. I’m not ready to assume someone is warped purely because of that.

      1. Hmm, i doubt many people have search animal porn, even fewer downloading it onto their computer.

  20. 6 years for playing with a girl? And yet armed robbery and violent crimes get similar or less.
    There is definitely a double standard in western countries, and we all now this is not about “justice”. It’s about the dog and pony show of convicting a “predator” or because of an “assault” (which of course it is not).
    With these kinds of situations, a man needs to just bail and leave the country. This is insanity. Your life will be irreparably damaged if you allow the courts to convict you. Just bail and go live a life again in greener pastures where a man is far less likely to find himself in the crosshairs of the “witch hunt” against straight males.
    I just don’t understand men who allow themselves to give in, be convicted, and lose a significant portion of their life rather than escape. Also, why subject yourself to being branded a sexual predator for life and all the stigma that follows you in the idiotic public eye?
    Whether or not you would personally find him guilty, you any reasonable man would agree 1) 6 years is extreme, and male biased, 2) she was hardly “assaulted” and likely gladly willing.

  21. What an idiot, he should have done this in Norway and had go off relatively untouched.

  22. Goes to show you what being paid way more than you’re worth can do to your mental state. Females in a position of authority over males always go off their nut.

  23. Been going on for years here in the U.S. Most female phys-ed and health teachers in our high Schools and Colleges are Lesbians who go there most to recruit young girls. People know about, but nobody does anything about it. Gays are a pestlience.

  24. Let me find out ANYBODY is fucking my 15 year old child, man or woman they’re catching this ass beating

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