Race, religion, and politics are uncomfortable topics in our political correct world, which is why the topic of Jews, Zionists, and Israel always seems to spark a flame war where everyone is either a flaming Nazi or the evil Jew. Even some readers here at ROK seem to be wondering why such sentiments are so prevalent as it’s hard for most people to remain neutral or reasonable (I fully expect the shills and knee-jerkers to call me an anti-Semite and cry that ROK has turned into Stormfront without even reading this article—all because they saw few words that triggered them). So I will try to explore this topic for all to understand in this two part article.
And due to the nature of the topic, I will go through extraordinary measures to make my points here. I will also have to resort to generalizations for the brevity of this article, one of which will be to describe social currents in terms of general tendencies. Exceptions will be assumed, but not necessarily mentioned.
To start with, I’m not a Nazi, white-supremacist, Alt-Right or any of their other variants. I also don’t consider myself a Leftist, Rightist, nationalist, or socialist. Next, for the purpose of this article, Jews will be considered anyone of Jewish ancestry. Whether they actively practice Judaism or not will be irrelevant. (Some people will accuse you of being an anti-Semite just for saying “Jews” instead of “Jewish people.”)
Zionists, on the other hand, will be referred to as the Jews of prominent social status who are actively influencing the culture and policies of Western nations (especially the US) to favor the Jews and the state of Israel. A non-Jew with Jewish connections who shows exceptional devotion to Israel’s cause may also be considered a Zionist (The “far-right” Geert Wilders of Netherlands, who once called other European nationalist parties “fascists,” is one example. The neo-con George W. Bush may also qualify as a Zionist).
The “Antisemites”
Now, before we even talk about the anti-Semitic sentiments, let us start by asking what qualifies a person as an anti-Semite. The answer is: it really depends on who you ask. “Anti-Semite” is one of those vague words that gets thrown around by those with political agendas, so there is no clear definition that everyone can agree on. Let us take a look at the different levels of antisemitism that are present today based on how it is used:
Level 1 – Shows insufficient devotion for Israel.
This is usually reserved for people in power who are expected to offer unconditional support to Israel but don’t. Obama, for example, would be considered an anti-Semite by some Zionists.
Level 2 – Is critical of Israel’s policy
I will discuss this more in Part II, but today’s surge of liberals who sympathize with the Palestinians has been described as a rise of “new antisemitism.”
Level 3 – Points out the profound Zionist influence on politics and policies.
Yes, simply using the word “Zionist” in politics without singing praise for Israel will also get you labeled an anti-Semite.
Level 4 – Talks about a conspiracy by the Zionists to alter the political and cultural landscape of the US and other Western nations for the benefit of Israel and the Jewish people.
You don’t even have to believe in the conspiracy. Simply talking about the subject to open a discussion will earn you the swastika branding. Roosh was called an antisemite by ADL just for reviewing a book.
Level 5 – Full Nazi. Similar to Level 4, but makes no differentiation between Jews and Zionists; believes they’re controlling everything of significance and are plotting the destruction of White race.
Pretty straight-forward. These are the individuals who have fully embraced the anti-Semite label.
As you can see, it doesn’t take much to be called an anti-Semite by those who want to silence you by bringing up the Nazi connotations. Note I haven’t said whether the above sentiments are true or not; I’ve merely pointed out what will get you labeled as an anti-Semite.
Reasons For Anti-Semitism
With the definitions of Zionism and anti-Semites cleared, I will now state simple facts that lead people to the various levels of antisemitism that I’ve listed above. And to keep the article concise and focused, I will only list facts that are current and relevant; Medieval history and some of the more outlandish conspiracy theories will not be mentioned.
1. Overwhelming Jewish representation in Communism and Leftism
The big names in the history of Bolshevik revolution, including Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky, all had Jewish backgrounds. The other prominent Jewish Communists are: Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, who were involved in the Communist uprising in Weimar Germany (which may have scared the German population into supporting the Nazis); and Béla Kun, the short-lived dictator of Hungary who unleashed Red Terror in the country. Even Albert Einstein, the Time magazine’s “person of the century” was a Communist sympathizer.
For a complete list of Jewish Communists, refer to this link.
We are continuing to see the legacy of Jewish involvement in the Leftist movements with many prominent Socialist, Progressive, and Liberal Jews playing an active role in American politics. But of course, not all Jews were Leftists and many have switched over to the Right following the betrayal of the Left, which I will discuss more in Part II.
2. Overwhelming Jewish representation in feminism
Here is a list from Wikipedia, which has a strong bias against anything they consider anti-Semitic.
We even published an article last year on the same topic, so I won’t delve further here.
3. Overwhelming Jewish representation in culture, finances, and politics
Jewish intellectuals of the past were pretty much the early SJW’s who promoted progressive ideas in the West. Jews today continue to be influential in all areas of Western society, and especially the US.
Prominent historical family like the Rothschilds to the modern globalists such as Henry Kissenger and George Soros, just to name a few, are also Jewish.
Here’s also a list of Jewish American politicians and actors.
4. AIPAC and US foreign policy that strongly supports Israel
Do I even have to lay this out? Both American parties are heavily dictated by Zionist lobbyists and every presidential candidate must prove their loyalty before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) to be considered acceptable presidential material. Just look at what happened to Ron Paul in the last election. He was lambasted as an anti-Semite for suggesting that the US should cut foreign aid to Israel, which was something Netanyahu himself expressed when he said that he wanted to reduce Israel’s dependency on the US.
5. Draconian censorship and attack against anyone critical of Zionism
Nobody likes being silenced. So if the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and other Zionist organizations are trying to dispel the idea of Jewish-Zionist conspiracy, they’re not doing themselves any favors with their extremely repressive efforts to censor and defame others (including other Jews). People will simply recall what Voltaire said about knowing who rules over you.
I can’t even list all of these censorship and defamation efforts because there are too many, but here’s one good example: According to ADL, simply mentioning significant Jewish presence in Hollywood is considered anti-Semitic, a fact one Jew was able to boast openly to the world while Gary Oldman had to apologize for a passing mention of it.
As another example, for all the complaints about the liberal media being too friendly to Muslims, and with many people defending Mohammed cartoons as free speech, no one seems to care about how draconian the laws are against Holocaust denial (I’m not making a commentary on the Holocaust, just the laws surrounding it). And remember Charlie Hebdo? The satirical magazine that had the balls to make fun of Muslims? Guess what, a cartoonist back in 2009 was fired for “ridiculing Judaism.” Where are all the warriors for freedom of speech?
The Zionists even operate an army of internet trolls and shills called the Jewish Internet Defense Force, or JIDF, towards their cause. If the SJW’s are an angry mob that attacks whatever gets their attention, the JIDF is an organized army for defamation and censorship.
Again, the above points are just pure facts. How you interpret that information should be what matters; but no, the Zionists don’t even want you to talk about them or know about them. By simply mentioning the above facts, you will automatically be marked as a level 5 anti-Semite. The fanaticism and the zeal to which they try to repress information and discredit you makes the SJW’s look reasonable in comparison.
I could list much more information and elaborate on them, but that would turn this article into a book. I suggest anyone interested in the truth to do their own research and draw their own conclusions.
White genocide?
You can’t talk about Zionism and anti-Semitism without discussing the supposed white genocide and the destruction of the Western civilization. The oft repeated conspiracy is that Jews or Zionists are actively plotting to decimate the white population and destroy Christianity.
Honestly, I just don’t see it. I will briefly summarize why.
First, it is true that historically, the Jews preferred the European societies to be multicultural and tolerant so that they themselves could thrive without persecution. The more influential Jews may have changed the course of the culture, but I don’t see it as a white “genocide.” Especially so today when multiculturalism is already achieved in all the major Western nations.
People use this short clip as a proof of this genocide conspiracy, but all I see is one old lady talking about Jews helping to spread multiculturalism. That’s not enough to prove an insidious genocide. Presence of Jews in prominent positions in society doesn’t necessarily translate to conspiracy; by using that logic, feminist idea of the “patriarchy” would also be true. Going from anti-white, multicultural propaganda to white genocide is just too big of a leap. But I guess it really depends on how you define “genocide.”
Can it not just be that white population is declining because educated and affluent population prefer to delay marriage and have less children? Low birthrates are witnessed in Japan, where there is almost no Jewish influence and no multiculturalism. It’s hardly a Jewish conspiracy to depopulate Japan. And compared to Japan, Europe was always relatively open to foreign cultures; the recent ethno-nationalism is a rather recent phenomenon.
Ethnic and religious tolerance in the Occident goes back as far as the ancient Rome (which later converted to Christianity and openly invited a horde of foreign invaders to their lands). Let’s also not forget that Alexander the Great promoted race and culture mixing as well. Open-door immigration may be criminal incompetence on part of the European leaders, but if you think that’s a white genocide, you’re going to have to prove it.
The same goes for Christianity. The more that nations are industrialized and the more they embrace the cult of materialism, the less likely they are to be religious. There are exceptions, but that is the general trend that can be witnessed in other non-Christian nations as well. I fail to see how Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and millennial punks rebelling against their upbringing is a Jewish conspiracy to undermine the West.
Instead of obsessing over a specific group, it would be more productive to fight against the tide itself by looking after your own tribe. Because whether you believe in a Jewish conspiracy or not, that’s how they operated to thrive as a group. As it stands, there are more white people engaging in the so-called white genocide than the “Jews” can ever hope to achieve—and constantly pointing to the Jews as the source of all problems will not stop that.
If you really care about the white race, you should have at least two white children; no one is stopping you. In Part II, we will discuss the current trend of Zionism as it relates to the Left and Right.
If you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh’s book Free Speech Isn’t Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.
Read More: One Journalist’s Flawed Analysis Of The Migrant Crisis
Antisemitism is a card identical to “You aren’t paying me more because I’m a woman” or “You fuckin with me because I’m black”. It’s a get-out-of-being-a-shithead card, intent on castration of reasonable discussion.
Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: “Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.”
I wrote about why I believe the antisemitism card by SJWs is used…not the actual reason behind it, which you more or less illustrated in one of the many unfortunate truths.
Ah misread that.
No problem. Shit happens.
Great point
Sir, you are very, very wrong.
Depends on person I am half jewish and half Italian, I could care less about any of this shit. I don’t follow the Jewish faith, I follow my own path of self improvement.
Half Jewish?
Does that mean I’m half Methodist?
Asked that same question before, was told Jews are a race of people. I am still not sure about that.
I think he means as a race…
I know.
But I was taught in highschool that claiming Jews were a race was ignorant and bigoted.
That’s typical though. Jews are white, and not white. Jewish is a religion, and not a religion. They’re oppressed, and they’re God’s Chosen People.
You get the idea.
Not really analogous. There’s no Methodist language or Methodist foods.
There is no Jewish language either. There is however Hebrew, which is a semitic language closely related to the other semitic languages such as Arabic and Coptic. It is used by Jews, yes, much in the same way that the Catholic church once used Latin, which as we know, was not a Catholic language.
It’s Jewish propaganda which has promoted the idea that not only is “racism” and “bigotry” sins, they are the greatest sins.
I call shenanigans.
Biology is real. Religious influences and motivations are real. Accepting reality is not a moral failing.
There is very little that is Jewish about your typical liberal Jew, beyond their ancestry. They are more likely to be more likely to be intermarried than not. They try very hard to showing any favoratism in any way towards their fellow religionists. Many Jewish liberal are actively involved in the BND movement. They loath, detest, despise and abhor their more religious co-religionists. This internationalism they are pushing is an attempt at anti-tribalism. They running away from their tribe,so they are trying to create a brotherhood-of-man that will accept them after they leave Judaism.
Jewish liberals are not acting as Jews.
And its kind of interesting how the Communists accused Jews of being anti-Communists, Conservatives say Jews liberal. Black people say Jews are oppressing Blacks.
And as far as criticism of Israel is concerned, it just that there are all kinds of horrible atrocities going on all over the world and nobody seems to care. But if Israelis extend a housing project people through a hissy fit, These people would never actually do anything to help a Palestinian. They don’t care about helping,just criticizing.
And if Israel has so much influence over American policy why does administration after administration do things and say things that are kinda anti-Israel. For example, when Israelis are killed, there is a call for restraint. When Israel responds the response is disproportionate.
Call for restraint is as meaningless as online petitions. You should judge the US-Israel relationship by their actions, not words. http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/israel-deeply-appreciates-u-s-veto-on-un-resolution-condemning-settlements-1.344390
The article you posted said that the US government actually opposes expanding Israeli settlements, which is exactly my point.
Are you trolling? I just said to judge the relationship by actions rather than words and you do the exact opposite. If you’re going to cherry-pick what you want to believe, I got nothing more to say.
What sort of actions are you talking about? Condeming a UN resolution is just words also. Now, if you meant something like pressuring Israel to not respond while SCUDs are falling on Tel Aviv, or sending people to influence the elections in Israel, I guess those count as actions.
Actions means military action, sanctions, embargos, blockades. The US doesn’t do sh!t to try to stop Israel…
Remember, Israel has semi-secret nukes, something we place embargoes and restrictions on other countries for pursuing. Yet Israel violates the Nuclear Ban Treaty and we just give them more money and shut up about it.
I actually said the same thing a few comments up…
…whoopie doo. “Condemn” while still sending billions every year in aid.
There’s a lot of confirmation bias as well. The media is run by Jews, except for all the non Jews running things, THEREFORE they are controlled by Jews!
That way madness lies. I still think it’s interesting that the only people who hate Israel as much as the American Left are the NatSocs. Kind of confirms my belief that NatSoc is just communism plus “find and replace” class with race.
“…my belief that NatSoc is just communism plus “find and replace” class with race.”
No, it is not. National Socialism is:
– Race realism/racialism
– Nationalism.
– Community/solidarity between the members of the race.
– Eugenics.
– Unique economic doctrine.
– Opposition to liberal democracy.
– Opposition to communisn.
– Opposition to the jews and various phenomena associated with Jews (liberalism, decadence, porn, etc).
Unique economic doctrine?
Looks like the same old hack and slash socialism as any other form of socialism.
Read this:
Actually it isn’t, it’s unique in that their is no economic doctrine, they just simply try stuff that they think will work and dump it if it doesn’t.
Some really interesting and well-reasoned points, along with common objections and rebuttals to them for each point. I’ve never seen such a thorough analysis of policy in the U.S.
2. The private home as a productive space
Each private home should have a yard of about 1/4 hectare. That will allow a worker to raise a significant part of the food he needs from his own land. His life thereby becomes more secure, and he is less dependent on his employer. If the worker becomes an owner who is assured work and the results of his labor on his own land, he will be able to survive necessary reductions in working hours that under current economic and social conditions can result only in absolute poverty for workers.
Objection 1: Agriculture will be hurt by the gardens of homeowners…..
Objection 2: The produce of homeowners will harm farmers’ markets……
Objection 3: Brüning’s government had a complete fiasco with housing settlements at the edges of cities……
I would of course refer you to Leftism Revisited, but that’s not really fair, so here goes. I will say though that it shows a direct line of descent from Marxism to the NSDAP, footnotes and documented.
“Unique economic doctrine”=socialism, the only real economics is Austrian economics, that’s it. Not a little of the evidence all the evidence, including that it is the only economics humans follow instinctively (as boys no one had to teach us to trade lunches).
Racialism, nationalism, and eugenics; it really depends what you mean. Correlation is still not causation, and race is not a moral characteristic. If by eugenics you mean state control over mating, good job: you’re Margaret Sanger. I don’t want to straw man though, you may not mean those things.
Opposition to liberal democracy is shared with the the great tradition of Christian Greco-Roman civilization. Which civilization caused the rise of Europe and the rise of a limited state compared to the Asian model. There was no word for libertarian in 1913 because even “oppressive” western states had levels of state regulation and control we moderns would call anarchic.
Pinning decadence on Jews is kind of crazy to my mind. No human being on earth has to be taught to be short sighted and sensual, they have to be taught not to be. Jews didn’t invent porn, drunkenness, drugs, or mollities; humanity did. Japan is decadent as hell and they don’t have Jews.
“Each private home should have a yard of about 1/4 hectare.” This is really a purely American concept. A wasteful one at that. Most people end up not doing anything with their plot of land, and it just makes commute times longer and less pedestrian/cyclist/transit friendly…
“Which civilization caused the rise of Europe and the rise of a limited state compared to the Asian model. There was no word for libertarian in 1913 because even “oppressive” western states had levels of state regulation and control we moderns would call anarchic.” Actually they did have a word for libertarian, it was called Liberal.
Depends on what you do with it. Most Americans don’t grow gardens or use them for any productive purpose, so I would agree. This was a plan to utilize the land productively and provide a stronger, more self sufficient population that was more resilient.
The affirmation that there is a direct line from marxism to the NSDAP is maybe the most false and wrong statement I ever read in my entire life.
I know but it isn’t the same word or the same philosophy. Related, sure. But it’s kind of analogous to saying here was no word for Protestant in 1200. Yes there were Catholics, and Protestants share the same creeds as Catholics, but Protestant isn’t another word for Catholic. There are still major differences.
I am talking about actual liberalism, not Hilary Clinton/Obama/contemporary democratic party bullsh!t liberalism. True liberalism is the same thing as libertarianism.
But half a hectare? That is a huge garden. I mean, 1/8 would seem more realistic. I also find it highly improbable that you could do half hectare in lots in Europe without having one massive suburb sprawling the entire continent. And still, it’s costs a lot more money to provide city services to people living in lower density housing…
Google leftist origins of national socialism.
Socialist German Workers Party
Red flag
Hostility to non state controlled religion
State rearing children
One party state
Planned economy
Sound familiar?
Lot of 1/4 hectare would provide for a garden of around 1/8 hectare, which is what was recommended above.
Well sure, you have to stretch out the metaphor a bit. Libertarianism as a continuation of classical liberalism? Sure. A continuation or development but not the same thing. Even classical liberalism had many leftist influences, and right liberalism, or modern libertarianism, is borderline a mid 20th century American development.
I can refute each one of those points with facts (not arguments); but that will be a waste of time for me because you are not going to change your opinion about NS.
Libertarians are so stubborn….and funny.
Fascism is its economic doctrine, which is another in a long line of flavors of socialism. It’s why they call themselves, get this, “socialists”.
You responded to me bro, disagreed without facts or arguments; just statements.
Do what you want I guess.
“Fascism is its economic doctrine, which is another in a long line of flavors of socialism.” Explain to me how their economic models are similar in any way, I really don’t see the resemblance.
Oh yeah, I don’t know how I didn’t think about that. It makes more sense now.
Interest free money with no Joos controlling it
Huge difference
Germany did not tax and spend. The socialism refers only to the fellow kinsman and unity therein. It is not the economic tax and spend via joo central bank
Except for the majority of the german population’s standard of living being higher than ever before. England banned german cruise ships from visiting the island because they were filled with janitors on free holidays while most brits didn’t have jack
“Japan is decadent as hell and they don’t have Jews.”
You are as clueless as the author, occupied Japan was the only country that didn’t require any form of ID/passport to immigrate to after WW2, like the rapefugees these days. Literally countless holohoax survivors with yellow fever moved there and spawned half breeds with geisah whores they bought with the riches they plundered from europe after the war they caused.
Natsoc proves that the terms left and right are meaningless. The Soviet Union used rubles, so it must have been capitalist…
Junior high school version of history ie disinfo
Next you’ll tell us 6 million died in a 2.5 car garage sized center room by use of bug spray in 18 months too
Oh bullshit, there isn’t a Junior High in America that teaches any of this and you know it. The left has a vested interest in calling the NSDAP right wing and you know it. Find me a public school teacher that calls the NSDAP left wing, I dare you, I double dare you.
Call it untrue, call me an asshole, but don’t you dare pawn that “this is what the mainstream wants you to think” crap off on me when the mainstream has screaming that Nazis are right wing since the 50s.
You seriously think the Left makes a big deal about how Nazis are left wing? Is that seriously what you’re trying to hand me?
Confirmation Bias? Look up the lists of names for yourself, then you won’t be confused any longer.
I’ve done the research, clearly you haven’t.
Look at the lists of board members, directors, and executives at any company you believe is promoting degeneracy. Ad agencies, Hollywood Studios, record labels, communist think tanks, liberal lobbying groups, on and on and on…
You means Jews are over represented in high IQ professions? No kidding.
Majority of leftists power players are still plain old white though. Plus no one ever says,”Oh crap my car broke down in the JEWISH neighborhood”.
Am I really supposed to believe that Jews are all coordinating to destroy the white race? How could you possibly know that?
Way to duck and dodge the issue at hand. I’m used to seeing that.
You busted out 4 different Strawman canards in your one short comment. Impressive.
Duck nothing, dodge nothing. Strawman nothing.
The whole Jewish conspiracy thing requires Olympic leaps of judgement.
Gentile Progs and Muslims are eating our lunch and you’re looking for the Jooooos who made them do it.
“Gentile Progs” = marranos, shabbos goy and crypto jews
“Muslims”= House of Saud, who are jews
Perfect, that’s what I’m talking about! You can’t even admit that white people are capable of going wrong on their own! Brilliant!
You see, when you guys say Jew, what you’re really thinking of is: Devil.
In the minds eye of a NatSoc you attribute all the evil of the world to a powerful, shadowy force pulling all the levers, unfortunately because you’re crippled typically by atheism or some stupid Nordic LARP religion (Wicca for men), you land on Jew.
“Communists accused Jews of being anti-Communists” Lol when? Ever heard of (((Lenin)))? (((Trotsky)))? (((Marx)))?
“Conservatives say Jews liberal” They are. Jews are by far the biggest supports of legalized abortion and homosexuality.
“And as far as criticism of Israel is concerned, it just that there are all kinds of horrible atrocities going on all over the world and nobody seems to care. But if Israelis extend a housing project people through a hissy fit, These people would never actually do anything to help a Palestinian. They don’t care about helping,just criticizing.” in what way does other atrocities by other countries excuse Israel’s behavior?
“And if Israel has so much influence over American policy why does administration after administration do things and say things that are kinda anti-Israel.” “kinda” is a really important word their. Israel has nukes. Israel is not a signer of the NPT. Technically, the US isn’t allowed to give aid to Israel, but yet we give billions.
Stalin Stalin wanted to kill all the Jews by y the doctors plot
And America gives loss of money to Arab countries too do it kind of balances.
And the us made Israel absorb those scuds during the first gulf war. The us made israelgive back land duriaft Er the tom kipppur war even though Israel was winning
Stalin was a joo, married to three of them, his sons and daughters married them as well
Joos were in a power struggle in ussr and rats eat mice
Not one synagogue was destroyed by any communist official Stalin included. But thousands of Churches were.
Stalin? You mean Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili?
“Putin” is one also, he was an adopted (((orphan))).
Stalin wasn’t a Jew. you’re also incorrect about the churches and synagogues.
“I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” – Ariel Sharon, former PM of Israel
“The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it
follows that, just as in the Russian revolution the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism.” – Rabbi Harry Waton
more FAKE quotes. keep them coming.
“They loath, detest, despise and abhor their more religious co-religionists. This internationalism they are pushing is an attempt at anti-tribalism. They running away from their tribe,so they are trying to create a brotherhood-of-man that will accept them after they leave Judaism. Jewish liberals are not acting as Jews”
Ironically, it’s anti-semitism that can always pull them back. That’s true even if they’re involved in BDS or whatever. Identity can be defined positively or negatively through fear. Jews as people may fear anti-semitism but in a sense judaism as a whole (like any kind of group identity) may benefit from it
JIDF trolls out in force today.
If you don’t see the truth of white genocide you’re either not looking very hard, or you’re playing semantics.
Otherwise, well done, and thank you.
Don’t be anti-semantic you bigot.
By and large, I love this site, but can’t stand the Jew-hating alt-right retards.
If they are tards, it should be very easy and fast for you to refute their arguments and shame them into leaving the site.
Thankfully, they’re mostly absent from this site, but mention Jews/Israel and they’re here like moths to a flame.
You still can’t refute any of their arguments.
What’s to refute? They say a bunch of stupid shit–controlling the media or harvesting organs or some shit–you call them out and they give some fake quote froom an obscure site cementing their confirmation bias.
Hold still
Did you say jews?
My feelings say otherwise
Harvesting organs?? Hah nice Strawman
Lampshades and soap
That’s not a straw man at all. Swedish papers, neo-Nazi sites, Arab media; all report that horrible lie.
Alt-right, I take it?
(((Communist China))) actually does this to Falun gong
Is dailymail too “obscure” and not (((mainstream))) enough for you shill?
Read the Talmud. Look up the Kol Nidre prayer. You might begin to change your opinion of the Jews. Of course there are rank and file Jews, that live according to decent values. However, the Jewish elites, in a tribal sense, have been the force behind Bolshevism, global Usury, Neoconservatism and now the central banking system as well as the IMF.
What is it specifically that you disagree with? What is the Alt Right wrong about in your opinion? If the Alt Right makes you emotionally upset you’re absolutely entitled to be emotionally upset but I’m incredibly interested in what your criticisms are, specifically.
Are you denying that Jewish own a large majority of TV networks in the US? Jewish people themselves are very proud of this. Are you denying that Jewish people own a vast majority of the major movie studios in the US? Again, Jewish people are very proud of this. Are you denying that Jewish people practice aggressive forms of ethnic nepotism? Because again, they have no problem admitting this themselves. Are you denying that Jewish people don’t make up a vast majority of movie script writers (for TV and movies), directors, etc? Again, they’re very proud of this themselves.
I have no interest in any claims of organ harvesting. That’s neither here nor there.
You’ve not researched any of this. You’re assuming things on behalf of the Alt Right. It emotionally upsets you for people to mention Jewish people in a negative light but yet, instead of getting emotionally upset about it, why not actually research claims made by the Alt right? (inb4: I DON’T NEED TO I KNOW THEY’R WRONG)
Not “emotional” about anything, but the antisemitism and conspiratorial thinking that clearly emanates from this bunch is disturbing.
C’mon, their behavior is pretty apparent. It’s the same rehashed shit and tired stereotypes about Jews–greedy, power-hungry, allegedly destabilizing nations, among many other attributes–that have circulated for hundreds of years. Articles like this drive the Stormfront/Daily Stormer crowd out in droves.
Unfortunately, irrational hatred cannot be counted with logical rebuttals.
It is almost as if you are using allusions to their massive success as a reason to hate them. Fucking making something of yourself instead of whining like a little jealous bitch.
Uggh. Such a tired cliche. You can’t refute it so you call it “irrational”. I see this all over the web. Disappointed in you man.
Ok well let’s try to crystalize your position. Is there anything wrong and unreasonable about the blanket hatred of an entire group of people?
It’s a play on words. I was trying to be punny.
Jesus. I missed that by a mile.
don’t be too hard on yourself I think most people did lol
Ive been holding onto this picture for some time.
I like this story:
A Jew prepares to go for a hike and picnic in the park.
After extensive preparations he steps out the door only to discover a storm approaching with heavy rain.
He scowls in anger: YOu know what did this.
ITs obvious: Anti-Semitism.
A Jew and a Czech go hunting. A bear jumps out and mauls the Czech. The Jew runs back to town to get help. A rescue party set out to save the Czech and they come upon two bears, a male and a female. The leader of the rescue party asks the jew which one attacked the Czech and he says it was the male bear, so he shoots the female bear instead. They cut open it’s stomach and find the remains of the Czech hunter. When the rescue party asked the leader why he shot the female bear he replied
“You can never trust a jew when he tells you the check is in the mail”
Jesus was at least half jewish and it is his birthday. You know who wrote the bible don’t you? It is called the JUDEO-christian tradition for a reason.
Who do you think owns the company that makes those lights and profits from all the shopping and “gift” giving? The same folks who extend the credit to buy them and collect the vigorish on the credit card debt created to afford it
You definitely authored an important article here. I applaud your courage in doing so, and for following in Voltaire’s footsteps. It’s tragic that we have so many people today that pretend to be anti-establishment, rebels or whatever, yet when push comes to shove, they all want to suck up to that establishment, by beating the dogs they tell them to. Voltaire’s defiance was genuine on the other hand, criticizing all the three major religions in the west, French nobility and institutions, as well as being quite scientific in his perspective on Africans – never bothering to be “politically correct”.
It’s easier for idiots to delude themselves into believing modern Jews and Israelis are the same slaves, who Moses lead to freedom in the book of Exodus, than for them to face the reality of Jewish prominence in Bolshevism, pornography, multiculturalism, white guilt, homosexualism, and other repugnant behaviors more commonly referred to as Cultural Marxism.
…again, exodus, written by a Jewish author to serve a Jewish purpose.
“slaves”= accountants/moneylenders who the ancient Egyptians dared to not let run the empire. Yahweh made it rain frogs he was so displeased with the Pharaoh,lol. Jews still celebrate it every year during Passover.
Leave this stuff to the jackoffs at Heartiste who foam at the mouth whenever someone so much as mentions a menorah.
Focus on how you can improve yourself instead.
Discussing Jews isn’t stepping away from the ideology of truth seeking, to which I applaud the author’s restraint. I guess the belief is there are too many articles addressing self improvement but we can always do with more. First impressions are everything and we could lose would be fans and allies by having the first page completely focusing on issues found on Alt Right sites.
I agree. And I applaud the author for writing a well-thought out and well-written article which does not devolve into (whether implicitly or explicitly) “GAS THE KIKES, RACE WAR NOW!!!”
Ya never fail to leave the dumbest comments.
Godwin’s law coming up on this thread for sure.
Godwin’s law is like hitler.
Does it make people wear pieces of flair?
I had to stop at 42 seconds. I think my head will explode if I go further. Literally its hitler.
FYI That’s Gavin McKinnis, the original creator of ViceTV before it went SJW, and he’s trolling.
I watched vice when it was a web show, but only a few episodes. The one where they interview the Russian oligarch ,the one where they are talking to come south American (?) culture that fucks goats and the one with those Russian girls who had plastic surgery to look like Barbie.
I know it is a big thing, but other than watching those three episodes for the lulz I don’t know much about them.
Ironic that the Ford Foundation is now on the leading edge of donating to globalist causes that further Jewish-favored interests.
The Ford Foundation is a CIA front …
That and white guilt.
And the issue isn’t with individual Jewish people. It’s more so with Judaism and the Judaic culture.
It is a belief that is rooted in Jewish supremacy and an us vs. them culture of critique. Marry those teachings with a matriarchal culture and you end up with an unbalanced people who are constantly agitating.
You summed up the causes of this pathology perfectly. Thank you.
Before WW2 Zionism was rate among American Jews. The single most
important American Jewish organization prior to WW2, the American
Jewish Committee (AJC) and it was firmly against Zionism. The Socialist
and Communist elements were opposed to Zionism.
WW2 is the inflection point – that changed everything. All Jews are Zionists now, excluding the outliers such as the Neturai Kara and Satmar Chasidm as pictured above. The only issue is who are members of the ruling elite, and which aren’t. Religious Jews in the US, whose percentage of the Jewish population is increasing, are not part of the elites – rather the opposite.
Yawn. I am genuinely disinterested in zionism as it is inconsequential and is used as a distraction by Jewish apologists.
Ford made some good bank off those factories in Germany during WWII like several other American companies.
They are buying their atonement in hopes that everyone forgets about “Crazy Uncle Hank”.
Ive read and heard questionable accusations that Walt Disney was a ‘Nazi’ yet Disney corp today is ran by you know who.
Indeed Roosh
The best way to lead opposition is to control it.
They learned that early on. Ford is rolling in his grave. His family sold him out for their shekels of silver
Great article. Thanks much.
Every shitlib, sjw and rainbow marcher’s great grandfather rolls in his grave. Walt Disney was an innovate creative artist and cartoonist. His controlling board long after his passing are globalist and sjw propagandists. L Ron Hubbard was a pipe smoking philosopher and sci fi writer yet the undercurrent with the org today is to be a litigious hack. ‘Harpooning’ someone amounts to mercilessly pelting them every which way using the legal system as a weapon. Far removed from the intriguing plots of his sci fi novels. The founding fathers, they all roll in their graves. I have family relatives and housemates that could be deadly opposition. That’s too close for comfort. They can be influenced and controlled or they can be ignored. To ignore them, they’ll likely turn shitlib. It is the responsibility of the patriarch to lead first your own clan/tribe. Draw the line in the sand in your house/family tribe. Get control the opposition in your own house.
Walt was an “anti-semite” then Michael Eisner bought Disney
The story of the Disney studio in the early days is fascinating. All the usual characters, and all the usual intrigue. Let’s just say that the company was wrested away from Walt against his will.
And that is truly a disgusting travesty.
Ironic that the Ford Foundation, like Disney, were very jew-aware, and were then taken over by (((them))) and converted into some of (((their))) main and most potent weapons in this genocide that’s not happening.
Infiltrate and subvert.
You can guarantee Jews got a kick out of taking over the Ford Foundation
Not ironic, just more of the same MO: Infiltrate and subvert.
Ford is such an interesting figure. He gets held up as this archetypal ruthless Anglo-American capitalist. But he believed in paying his workers a fair wage. He had whole neighborhoods built to house them.
But look at companies run by Jews today and you’ll see outsourcing, hordes of contractors and temps, profits used to pay out massive dividends instead of expanding the company, and slashed benefits.
The (((media))) constantly drags Fords name and others through the mud, mostly by projecting their own jewing onto them.
The reason Ford should be jeered was his insistence on ‘any color as long as it’s black’ strategy. No wonder Sloan, who gave us GM, was able to beat him by creating a portfolio of companies, each focused on a different market segment and consumer profile. Ford was a one trick pony. After creating the American automobile industry, he then couldn’t deal with the fact that competition had reared its ugly head. Ford ceased to be an innovative company al the way through the 1950s. Of the dead Edsel – less said the better. The Tucker Torpedo anticipated far more innovations in auto design that any thing Ford had through thrt 1950s.
Simply put, Ford has reached his ‘level of incompetence’. His realizing this was probably a driver for his crusade against the changes coming into his country. Brilliant as he was in creating a new industry, when he wagered on “The Jewish Question”, Ford became an idiot.
No Ford was a genius his entire life, especially regarding the JQ
Can you give examples? Jews have the most influence in Finance capital investing, not Banking – it’s the difference between Goldman Sachs and Citibank. Hollywood is hemorrhaging due to the digital streaming revolution The Tech industry has it share of Jews – Bloomberg and Zuckerberg come to mind – but Microsoft, Cisco, Google, are not owned and operating by Jews. Most of Tech is not, for the simple reason that Jews went into the professions (Law, Finance, Medicine, Universities) and not into Engineering.
To be sure, Corporate America employs outsoucring, contracting, and Union busting. This is happening in the old industrial economy, where Jews are conspicuous by their absence.
Ascribing all the evil in the world to Jews qua Jews is simply sloth.
Read up on the Ford Hunger March. I guess shooting your starving fired workers is a great thing…
Sigh. Once again. A prime example of the ‘Socialism of Fools’. Strange coming from a man who was once not just a leading business man, but the classic self made inventor whose single insight changed the world..
One should not respond to the obvious falsehoods, many amounting to
libel, in Mr. Ford’s writing. Rather than face the libel trial that a labor organizer, Aaron Shapiro , filed against him, he settled and published a retraction. It was short, and so I provide it in full:
“”To my great regret, I have learned that Jews generally, and
particularly those of this country, not only resent these publications
as promoting anti-Semitism, but regard me as their enemy, Had I appreciated even the general nature, to say nothing of the
details of these utterances, I would have forbidden their circulation
without a moment’s hesitation.” . Really, was unaware? Oh well, it was not wrong to grant him a graceful retreat.
To be fair, Mr Ford was also
anti-immigrant (he said so, don’t blame me), anti-labor unions and anti-liquor. He believed he was defending a way of life – which he himself did more to alter than any other resident of the US.
He is a classic example of why a man
need only do one thing well and the market will reward him. The
greatest irony is that Ford objected to, and did not understand the major cultural changes that had occurred in his lifetime,were driven by his mass-market automobile., That product was the, greatest single impact on American economic, demographic, geographic, and cultural life for all through the 1960s. Suburbia, supermarkets, malls, government funding of major public works for road-based transportation – all the result of his invention, a car so inexpensive everyone could afford it.Indeed, the Model A and T were so well made, yet easy to repair, that the cars could be sold and resold, continually driving down the price. (just like an AK47 – but that would be to digress).
Before Hollywood there was Vaudeville; before the car, there was nothing. Like the railroad before it, the car changed America. Compared to the car, all Hollywood’s impact was a rounding error.
I’m not here to hijack this thread. It is greatly to ROK’s credit that it addresses the issue head on, instead of indulging the euphemisms that block discussion and,any improvement of understanding.
I’m not going to address the other points raised in the article, unless I see any strong interest. Of course I will respond to all questions. Given how much benefit and insight I have received from ROK,,perhaps the right thing to do is write an article of my own, so that people get their turn to toss brickbats at me.
The Germans had the volkswagen 20 years earlier in the 1940’s. The perversions that went on the stages of (((theaters))) in Berlin in the 1930’s would make Holywood and even the porn industry of today look like a G rated after school special. So much for your ridiculous theory, no need to further embarrass yourself with an article of your own
Ford built his cars in the 1920s. Wiemar was simultaneously a period of decadence and of great artistic achievement. Freedom has a down side. We would not have gotten the field “Five Easy Pieces” or “Carnal Knowledge” under the Hayes code. But, we paid fot them with an inundation of firth. But, this is no different that having freedom of religion. In the Second Great Awakening, good Episcopalians were shocked at what they considered to be the crazed, blasphemous antics of the uncontrolled Methodist and Baptists.
They had a further shock when hordes of ignorant, violent, Roman Catholics entered their country in the 1940s. Boston and Philadelphia saw the burning of Catholic institutions. In response to the Pope Pius IX’s “Syllabus of Errors”, good Protestant citizens, offended by he attack on republicanism and religious freedom, formed the American Protective Association to fight the menace of Romanism. This fear of Romanism is what cost Al Smith the 1928 Presidential election, as even Democrats refused to vote for a Roman, and chose Herbert Hoover. That did not go well. But, it got fixed eventfully.
Freedom is ugly.
Freedom is imperfect.
But it is still the least bad system out there.. Wiemar proves it.
PS “Hitler is an enemy to the entire world and Germany” – Henning von Tresckow.
Weimar’s artistic achievement. I suppose the people could have done without it (but who cares about hoi polloi?).
The Hayes code. As early as 1982, Steven Spielberg was directing Drew Barrymore (at age six) to call her brother “Penis-breath” in E.T., a movie for children.
Thanks a lot.
Elliott’s line, not Gertie’s
We are seing the same perversions the German saw in Weimar. There is hardly a normal culture left. It’s all LGBQT/feminism/diversity crap. There is little else normal left. Even marriage is becoming faggotry with polyamorous and polygamy on the way.
Try and think of normal culture. Anything healthy and civilising has been pushed aside.
Had Hitler won ww2 there’d be no communism, abortion, obama, feminism, gay marriage, transgenders, IRS, fed reserve, usury, race mixing, social decay, Israel or porn.
Gosh, it’s be horrible
If he’d won, he’d not be Hitler. He was always gambling for a stake he could not pay. It is one thing to take risks, because the downside of prudent risk is recoverable loss. But to continually gamble, to seek and accept increasing risk for increasingly remote chances of success is bad strategy. It fails in Vegas. It failed for Germany. It was for this reason that Henning von Treskow famously said “Hitler is an enemy to the world and Germany”.
Among the artistic movements which flourished in the Weimar period were Expressionism, Dada, Constructivism and New Objectivity. Basically degenerate jew garbage art that we are cursed with today. National Socialism brought some of the greatest art of our modern time
Yeah this is wrong. Hitler went from a nobody in the trenches to the leader of the German revival. He did this because he didnt sit around with his thumb up his ass like Shmalkandik
The problem with Nazi art is that it was derivative and bombastic. Post WW2 there were many Realist artists who maintained the best in the Western tradition.
I don’t claim to posses political or oratorical talents. The irony is that he abandoned both just when he needed them most. He also made the classic error of never being satisfied with all the power he had. Contrast that with Franco, who actually fought a successful war against communism, created the enabling conditions to rebuild his country after the war, and eventually returned it to democratic rule. Hitler could have been that guy. But, alas, he wasn’t.
Well, the Hayes code died earlier than that, and not all at once, but by degrees. But, this should not surprise us. It was established as a nearly unanimous moral consensus in the country, lead by a Catholic Church eager to prove its Americanism, and thus earned a well deserved reputation of ‘keeping the Puritans pure”. Its roots were not with the elite, but with the multi-ethiic working class. When did this class beging to disolve? In the 1970s. Lear’s TV series “Archie Bunker” was not a cause, but an effect of the loss of leadership by this class. The Democrats kicked orgaized labor to the curb. By the 1980s, they were no lonager a major political factor. No accident that the cinema changed along with its decline. The only comparable group of Puritans were, of course,, Stalin and his gang of New Bolsheviks, who were fond of calling Americans ‘decadents’ in the 1930s and 1940s.
Franco didnt have millions of his countrymen being attacked, murdered and driven from their homes in neighbouring countries. (Germany was divided up between multiple countries at the end of WW1)
Of course there were competent artists in Weimar Germany but the trend was towards degeneracy.
Degeneracy needs a definition.
At its core degeneracy means a society in decline, a society so full of negativity, so demoralised that it can no longer reproduce enough children and no longer cares to keep itself going.
We have that now, a degenerate society.
Ugly, demoralising art can induce degeneracy. Art that lacks beauty can produced degeneracy. Plato’s theory of Beauty was that it remained us of the life force that kept us going. Our love of children was because we saw society being reborn, our love a beautiful youth the same.
When you see ugly left wing art, ugly left wing architecture lacking humanising beauty what you see is an attempt to disconnect western men from their traditions and the ideas that inspire him to a higher plane
Old neoclassical building inspired, art deco building could inspire. We still LOVE these buildings.
This was the essence of the Nazi complaint about Jewish art, it was to disconnect us from our traditions and to also demoralise us. It didn’t inspire higher morality, beautiful life affirming bodies or forms.
Well put, art isnt hard to figure out, if its beautiful and makes you feel proud of your peoples contribution then its progressing. If it looks ugly and makes you feel negatively then its degenerate.
No, it wasn’t. Germany lost Silesia back to the people from whom Frederick II took it. This reversed two partitions of Poland. Russian took a piece of Poland, and in compensation gave Poland what had once been East Prussia – the original territory of Brandenburg. Germans – ‘volksdeutsch” were expelled from every country where they resided, for their enthusiastic co-operation with the 3rd Reich. Thus, the Czechs deported those who had openly conspired to destroy their state. The only thing that should be said of the Germans forced back to Germany is “Brother – you asked for it”.
Such as? And do remember, Dada was led by Schwitters, Duchamp, Tizaara…not Jews, who did not even total 50,000 in all Switzerland.
No, this is the ice cream cone theory of art. “Art is what makes me feel good”. That is not art but Ktusch. Art is the stylized representation of reality. The first – style – can be measure by the degree of skill and innovation the artist displays. The second, is the focus on Reality. Art is use of style to reveal to us aspects of an Objective reality we have not before seen. Perhaps the classic example of this is Impressionism,, which understood color’s potential in a way previously not considered – possible because the new technology of standard paints available in tubes changed completely how Painting could be made. Socialist Realism is bad Art. Picasso is the war on objective reality – a ‘deathworks’ as Scruton put it.
Abstract Expressionism is non-Art.
They asked for it? What the hell did the Germans do to the British/Americans to deserve ethnic cleansing? Not a god damn thing, next time around we will be on the same side.
If the Nazis were destroying your “artwork” it was degenerate
Of course, it is pure coincidence…..
The word “homophobia” was coined by a Jew, George Weinberg, to stigmatize those who opposed perversion. The man who led the the effort to declassify homosexuality as a mental illness was also a Jew, named Alfred Mordecai Freedman. Frank Kameny was a Jewish leader of the gay rights movement who, in 2008, called bestiality an “inalienable right.” Homosexuality was decriminalized in the UK in 1967 via a bill put forth by Jewish millionaire Leo Abse…I could go on and on and on but you get the picture. When you go looking for degenerate culture, under every rock you will find a Jew.
I’m not particularly anti-gay, but it’s really Orwellian to constantly make up -phobias to cast any opinion dissenting from the norm as evidence of a mental illness.
When opposing viewpoints become a pathology, you are in the beginning of the stage that leads to the secret police and the gulags.
Jew shrinks run that lucrative racket too. They’d be all over the middle east and Africa but the jew insurance provider gravy bucks don’t cover those areas. I’m better than any jew shrink and I don’t even get paid to post on here. Haha I’ve even sat in on group sessions with a crazy chick and her shrink. The shit I said left the jew shrink twisted inside out and questioning himself.
Those lists haven’t been updated in a long time. There are Jews doing things now that make those people look good. For example, James Deen, the alleged serial rapist and leading promoter of miscegenation in the porn world. He has been praised in Jewish religious publications.
I read that interview with him where he’s going on about how porn stars should have no right to choose co-stars based on race. As if interracial porn is some great progressive thing and not hammed up to add to the degradation factor.
I was pretty pleased by the rape accusation against him. It’s always nice to see someone on a high horse knocked down a peg.
Plus all those bs articles about how he is a star because young girls find him so irresistibly good looking which is why he gets paid the same as female talent and is rich when in reality it is due to the usual nepotism as his uncle is the owner of Vivid, Steve Hirsch
Holy Cow!!! I knew that the J-Media was fully propping him up and selling him to young White girls, but I had no idea his uncle was Steve Hirsch!!!! The pieces just keep coming together. What a sick people.
I read this segment of an interview with him, where he discusses brutally beating up a co-star on set, and then coming home afterward to enjoy Birthday cake with his mother, while she praised his success.
They’re a different breed.
It’s just a Cohencidence.
“The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in authoritarianism.”
“I believe in me. I’m God. Fuck God. God is your need to believe in some super being. I am the super being. I am your God, admit it. We’re random. We’re the flea on the ass of the dog.”
-Al Goldstein, prolific Jewish pornographer
Goyim means animal. They call us animals
“Goy” means nation/race. And I wouldnt call you an animal, Id call you a filthy liar.
– from their own religious texts:
“The Akum (non-Jew) is like a dog. Yes, the scripture teaches to honor the the dog more than the non-Jew.” Ereget Raschi Erod. 22 30
“A pregnant non-Jew is no better than a pregnant animal.” Coschen hamischpat 405
“The souls of non-Jews come from impure sprits and are called pigs.” Jalkut Rubeni gadol 12b
“Although the non-Jew has the same body structure as the Jew, they compare with the Jew like a monkey to a human.” Schene luchoth haberith, p. 250 b
watch and learn goyim
Look who’s talking ?? The “Chosen” one ?? Chosen by their master god SATAN ! Ugly dog face !! My apologies to dogs !
Uprising- was commenting on the guy below you who just deleted his comment
It means “friend I haven’t met”. It definitely has nothing to do with us being cattle.
“Friend” I haven’t genitally mutilated
I like the name.
An article about Jews isn’t complete without…
As a Russian, I know perfectly well who early Bolsheviks were that killed millions of Slavs (Slav=white). I know which tribe executed thousands of Orthodox priests and demolished countless churches. I remember who butchered the last of the Romanov’s in cold blood. This war between us and them has been going on for thousands of years, and its far from being over.
Don’t forget about the Jewish Oligarchs. After the USSR collapsed, these scumbags seized all the Russian infrastructures and industries, then sold them for nothing. Thus, plunging Russians into poverty and misery (AGAIN).
And don’t forget Obama Chmo.
How can I forget?
“In an overheard conversation at the recent White House Hanukkah Dinner, it’s been reported that when someone commented on the event saying they didn’t realize President Obama was Jewish, Obama stated in a lighthearted manner while walking away:
“I am, in my soul.”
-Independent Journal Review
It was your fucking people that drove mine into the arms of the marxists. You just conveniently forget how your damn church intentionalky pressured the government to support the Jewish atheists so as to split us off from our religion so you could convert us to your worthless religion. It was your precious Romanovs who forbade the religious Jews from operating a single newspaper in your country while giving free reign to the scumbag leftists.
You created the Marxists, and then you have the nerve to bitch about the results. God damn you, you son of a bitch.
Dont forget which country is the worlds #1 slave state and how they get their thousands of blonde eastern european sex slaves.
sure read some more of mainstream sex slavery hoax anti-prostitution propaganda. you sure must believe in “rape culture” then too.
typical example how naive morons are being brainwashed by mainstream media about things they have no idea about whatsoever.
Does being lied about job opportunities, taken to Israel, passport burned then raped till you agree to be a prostitute sound like a mainstream hoax? I can guarantee the guy who wrote that didnt do himself any huge favors over there. Now d18kv178 is obviously a jew or some type of hardcore cuck so he’ll throw anything out there and say anything to try to deflect the truth.
yes you got it right: “being lied about job opportunities, taken to Israel, passport burned then raped till you agree to be a prostitute” IS a mainstream hoax. plus none of it is even mentioned in the link you posted anyway.
now don’t forget that 1 in 5 girls is raped in US colleges. there was a study published in mainstream media – so it must be the ultimate truth.
Yeah theres so many articles about that must have been thinking about this one
And 1 in 5 girls IS raped on college campuses. Just the definition used is so broad that only maybe 1% of those cases meet the legal definition of rape.
Idiot Romanovs. Sowed the wing, reaped the whirlwind.
Slavish, ,cowardly Russian Orgthoxodox church. Once they agreed to suppress the Old Believers, they became complete creatures of the State. True, they were following the earlier, Byzantine tradition where the ruler of the state was God’s Vice Regent. Contrast this with the courage of Roman Catholics against the State, standing up for their Church against governments that claims authority over body and soul. Who was the equivalent of Sir Thomas More in all the Russias, except the Old Believers?
Where are your brave Roman Catholics now? The Pope became a Leftist mouth piece promoting the invasion of Europe and open borders, demanding apologies for gays. Russian Orthodoxy had tough times, yet today it is the only true foundation of Christianity in the World – strong, unapologetic, not afraid to flex muscles in front of degenerate Leftist attacks. I agree that Nickolas the II was weak though, he could’ve prevented the revolution.
you are incorrect and don’t know the Russian history well enough.
Иди на хуй песатый
Regarding Alexanders’s Susa weddiings; it is quite a well known fact.
What the Macedonian s thought of these marriages is evident from the fact
that the nobles all divorced their wives after Alexander’s death,
except Hephaestion, who died before Alexander, and Seleucus. So in spite
of Alexander’s precedent, the Macedonians were no more inclined to
share equally with the Persians than before.
For the most part people like to be with their own kind, outer fringe mixing does occur, any forced segregation or de-segregation will only work as long as it is enforced in some way, by a figure head or current PC system we are exposed to.
I don’t know enough about this topic to comment, and even if I did…
Since progressivism is a religion and Jewish men are natural priests then dominance of religious movements would be dominated by secular jews.
I’m guessing the comments section today will be filled with thought provoking intellectual conversation with very little name calling. 😉
While it seems that Jews are over represented in some areas I just can’t see all these huge conspiracy theories where all the Jews have secret decoder rings along with having quarterly meetings on how to screw over everyone else. Yes there are a lot of leftist Jews along with whites, blacks and everyone else. Leftism is the problem. Commies should be executed wherever they are found.
My biggest problem with Jews is their jumping on the “I’m an oppressed minority”bandwagon and expecting everyone else( mostly white people) to bow at their feet. I bow to no one.
Go spin a dreidel you Georgia hebe.
Lol. Well played lolknee.
I am just still laughing about the idiot from yesterday.
Evidently at some point he has been struck on the head by a tumah object and it rattled something loose in there.
I still see no denials from you that peaches are, in fact, kosher.
So, you know, there is that.
Seriously though, what gets me the most is the cognitive dissonance.
It doesn’t matter if you are blaming the white man, the jews, the patriarchy or whatever people blame shit on…it is all the same thing…and that thing is what is at the core of the real problem: a failure of personal responsibility and a desire to latch onto a philosophy which tells you you are a special snowflake to avoid personal responsibility and an honest look at who you are, where you stand and what you can achieve.
I am sure if I found a bunch of blogs that said “lolknee is really the best but those damn Maltese and their international kabal of anti-knee policies are keeping him down” it would be really tempting to go all in on a belief system like that, especially if I was a moron with no real chance of any personal success.
But in the end, it is taking account of who we are as individuals and making the most of ourselves and our lives which will make a difference. Otherwise you are just a fat chick who dates black guys so she feels attractive.
“It would be really tempting to go all in on a belief system like that, especially if I was a moron with no real chance of succes”.
Maybe that’s why so many morons embrace leftism.
I can think of nothing more distasteful than thinking I was entitled to what others worked for or sitting around waiting on someone to take care of or protect me.
I just know that something is wrong with the world and it needs fixing but, I don’t believe in all these secret society’s that are out to screw us peons. The ” global elites” as are mentioned hereabouts are usually too busy trying to sue and screw over each OTHER than they are worrying about some peon.
we are in absolute lock step here. Distasteful is the right word.
And yes, the lefty desire to live off what others work for is insane. What’s more insane is that in the same breath they will demand benefits from people who are working and then condemn them as evil oppressors.
I get that some sort of safety blanket for the truly destitute, people who are missing legs, people with terrible diseases is in all of our best interests. It is also in my best interest to have things like public libraries, good roads and other bits of infrastructure and I don’t mind chipping in a FAIR amount for that. I will even go one step further and say some very basic assistance for the very lowest of the low if, for no other reason, to keep them from turning feral.
But there is a girl where I work. She has a bigger apartment than me in manhattan which she pays next to nothing for because she qualifies for low income. She just got invisiline braces. She just bought a car (which is the most impractical expense in a major city imaginable) and made a comment on how she is planning on starting a guy and getting a trainer.
Then she goes and gets herself knocked up.
And she is always spouting off some bullshit with the other……..person of color…….typical victim shit. Victim? Fucking hell. She should have to thank me every Friday when I get my paycheck with 40% of it mysteriously missing.
I don’t mind footing some bills to help the community I live in. That is only normal. But this is fucking absurd and the people who are getting this money are shitting on me when I give it to them.
That left wing, minority mentality is no different than the “gay rights” mentality or the SJW or, for that matter, blaming joos or global elites.
It amazes me that some of these people are incapable of seeing that their weak ass bitching amounts to the exact same tendencies that are so repugnant in the people they are bitching about.
It is plain and simple, effeminate, weak and foolish.
You my buddy now. 🙂
Just admit you are a jew and get it over with.
If you’re not, you’d certainly qualify as an Honorary Tribesman, you carry so much water for them.
Stop being such a weak pussy. Try being a man out. It will do you wonders.
Now I’m more convinced than ever.
Biggest fag on the board. Who woulda thought he was a Jew? lol
Mmmkkk big guy. Whatever you want.
lolknee’s first step for “success”, move to the big apple and kiss kosher ass for shekels to impress shiksas half your age with
That rant sounded alot like bitching
Ok there limpy
actually, incorrect. I would never suggest someone move to where I like rather than where they like and I certainly would never suggest kissing any ass. What I would suggest is manning up, addressing your issues, bettering yourself, setting goals and working hard to achieve them while never being afraid to walk away if a reassessment shows that you are off course and never, ever, ever, looking for scape goats as to why your life isn’t the way you want it.
that is fair enough. Maybe it was a little bitching. I am not perfect (hard to believe). ONe of my pet peeves is when men blame everyone.
Women are terrible, lets hate them. No….blame the men who don’t put them to rights.
I don’t make as much money as a man. Blame patriarchy? No….blame the fact that instead of being an engineer you became a first grade teacher. Walk away, figure out where you are, see what better you can do for yourself.
The cops shot me while I was resisting arrest. Problem of white man?
Nooooo….problem is you are doing illegal shit and when the cops said hands up you resisted. Solution: If alive, make some serious changes. If dead…relax
I am fat….problem of marketing and easily available fast food? Noooo….problem is your fat ass being a fat ass. Solution? Start educating yourself and eating healthier and getting exercise.
People discriminate me because I am gay. Problem with society not being accepting? No, yo are a degenerate faggot.
And so on and so forth.
When I see people people talking about global conspiracies of the elite or the joos it is 100% the same exact thing and I will treat them with the same contempt that I treat as I do with the above mentioned degenerate faggots, SJWs, BLM types, feminists and fat asses.
If your life is great and just the way you want it that is fantastic. Enjoy it. If it is not, make it better. After that, you are just jerking off.
I truly believe in individual responsibility. Like a responsible narcissism. I get a lot of flack for not caring about other people, but at least I follow through and look to myself when there is a serious issue.
This is your life. I would suggest that no one be a passive observer in any aspect of it and, at the same time, look inwards for all problems.
If I sound bitchy at times about it it is because it is so fucking annoying for me to see the cognitive dissonance in people with whom I generally have so much in common with and then they turn around and look to blame outside forces without realize they are doing the exact same shit that makes us hate the people we hate.
I will take the rap for being bitchy about it sometimes and I really will try to change that, because I don’t want to sound bitchy while I still do want to be a proponent of this way of thinking. What I wont do is blame some outside force like the patriarchy or the joos because I sounded bitchy. See how that works? cool right?
I am not sure what that one even means.
It’s all kosher dude.
just like a peach
No widespread conspiracy is needed. They respect and guard their own race and culture and look out for each other.
White people, however, are taught before they can even walk that they have no culture, no history, and that a society with fewer people like them is preferable.
No decoder ring required.
I don’t see a problem with looking out for ones own kind.
White people not looking after their own kind is our OWN fault.
No one is twisting white peoples arms and making them believe that crap, they are doing to themselves by raising whimpy boys and convincing their daughters that they are special snowflakes. It seems that the white bandwagons are split these days between “I want to be a whiny oppressed minority too!” Or the self hate band wagon, both of which have the stench of “I suck at life and it’s someone else’s fault!” syndrome.
There’s the rub. No ones denying them the right to look out for their own. But when was the first time you started hearing about the “melting pot”, or ” inclusion”, or how horrible the founders of the US were, or how you don’t even have the right to discuss Jewish privilege even though toubprobably have a grandparent that fought to get them their homeland.
Its not them looking out for their own, its the prevention of white people from looking out for their own, that’s the problem.
I can relate to that.
Control of the Mass Media Narrative is EVERYTHING. You cannot look out for your own when everything you’ve seen in the media since birth tells you to do the opposite.
For starters you can stop watching that junk, it’s not called programming for nothing.
“No one is twisting White people’s arms and making them believe that crap” they just naturally think that. TV , Hebewood and Faceborg have nothing to do with it and are run by the German Death Cult anyway.
Televisions and computers all come with a magic switch. The OFF button.
White people are taught that if more than two of them are together, and there is not a black person present, they are being racist.
Jews, meanwhile, are taught that non-Jews are the equivalent of cattle, there to serve them.
Take a perk at who works at the school board
“I just can’t see all these huge conspiracy theories where all the Jews have secret decoder rings along with having quarterly meetings on how to screw over everyone else.” Of course they don’t. That isn’t what we mean at all.
You again? The moderate socialist.
Yes it’s me.
Of course not, the meetings are not quarterly, only once a year and (((guests))) have to have a minimum net worth to be invited
Ahh yes, I actually forgot about Bilderberg. But still, I take that any Zionist/Jewish conspiracy is more of an unorganized movement of several independent organizations all working towards the same general goal. Example: The SPLC and Bilderberg Group may not be connected, however, they are both conspirators.
“Conservative” Jews are the worst. Assholes like Milo and Prager claiming to represent us?
Fuck that.
Don’t forget Trump and the inlaws, his daughter even converted
White genocide is very real:
Sorry Corey, you are still afraid to see the truth.
Indeed, my nephew, without anyone prompting him, just sent me a picture he took of a trip he took to Toronto last week.
What was he upset about: there are 40 people in the picture of which only 2 are White.
He gets it. He knows these are not tourists. They are invaders and opportunists. And he is 12 years old!!!!
Take the subway any time of the day in TO and that’s what you will see.
North of Toronto there are European suburbs but downtown Toronto has not been white majority for a long time. This city looked totally different ten years ago.
My eastern pa town used to be very conservative and white, about 10 years ago droves and droves of Latinos because of the warehouses they started putting in. Went to see the revenant when it cane out a while ago and no joke 50 or 60 Hispanics were in a line its like they literally picked them up in mexico and just dropped them all off
My son lives near Marlee…THAT is North Toronto, right? Certainly not downtown…
I meant north of the whole city. Vaughan, Woodbridge, etc.
I imagine in part 2 he’ll reveal that he’s actually Jewish.
Of course opposition to Jews are based on valid self interest and protection against a hostile ethnic group.
Look at Kevin Macdonald and The culture of Critique as just one example. Or get some personal experience and see first hand the most ethnocentric group in the world– Jews.
Communism is a program created by the high ranking members of the Jewish tribe. They do not see themselves as racially white, and they are actively working to destroy the white race with programs like communism. Some say communism is actually strict interpretation of the torah. Go ahead and brand me with a swastika now and shun me forever. You probably won’t be the first to do so.
Politically speaking, communism is dead. Culturally speaking it is alive and well; and as you correctly mention, it is a creation of the Tribe.
I think it’s the duplicity that drives people bonkers.
I had a close associate who was ethnically half Italian and half German. He has a German last name and an Italian complexion. And he happened to have a sizable nose. He worked in public relations in New York City and was often interviewed by Jewish people who would say to him “oh I always try to hire Jews whenever I can” assuming he was Jewish. He eventually took a job at a PR firm that was Jewish owned and Ager working there for 4 years his boss one day abruptly blew up at him with “you know I thought you were Jewish when I hired you. I never would have hired you had I not thought you were Jewish”.
I suspect that this duplicity, demanding everyone hire based on merit while they hire their own when they can, is what drives people nuts. And SJWs have more or less followed their lead and do the same in the organizations they inhabit, closing the door behind them on the way in. The practice has eroded trust in our society.
Finally I’ve been struck by just how absolutely apoplectic American Jews have been toward the Trump candidacy, even politically conservative Jews. Something is up with that, but I’m not entirely sure what. But I can’t think of any prominent Jews to have endorsed him other than Sheldon Adelaon and perhaps Carl Icahn.
As a rule, Jews attack and destroy anything that acts like them.
Pride is “racism.”
Marrying within your own people is “racism.”
“Liberal” indoctrination to destroy nations?
Promoted by Jews.
Endless lies in the media to promote multiculturalism and anti-White agendas?
Written by Jews for Jewish-owned newspapers.
If people paid attention we’d have Auschwitz working again, this time with actual gas chambers and not showers with rickety wooden doors.
It proves they never really were conservatives. Just Neocohens pushing for endless war in the middle east, all to benefit Israel. The minute that Trump said his presidency would put Americans first, he lost all jewish support.
Man, what a story.. It definitely drives people bonkers, not so much a duplicity but a sense of superiority and parasitic relationship to the mainstream where they are. Does seem to be something degenerate about the way they do business as well. Still though on the side of the author that you can’t quite stretch it to a conspiracy. Surprising to hear they don’t support Trump who is probably good for business etc.
Yeah, it’s just a Cohencidence.
Another interesting aspect that would be good to cover in the next article Corey is the fact that people can be arrested in Erope for denying the holocaust or questioning the jews.
And regarding white genocide, and I’m sure this will come with no shock to ROK readers, is that feminism plays the largest role, and as you pointed out in your article, jews have played a prominent role in feminiam, they did so especially in the 1960’s. This causes women to become unmarriageable considering she is likely to divorce you, take your children, and steal from you through alimony/mommy support. Which unfortunately makes this rok wiki article true http://en.kingswiki.com/wiki/White_Nationalism
Jewish organizations consistently push for non-white immigration into white countries (such as the jew George Soros). But the mos destructive aspect is feminism. And while patriarchy is a stomg belief in white nationalism there are lots of cuck males that, even though women consistently vote liberal to destroy the white race, still want women to be able to vote. It’s usuallynothing but emotions. Also, lots of white nationalist women (a.k.a. “muh aryan princesses”) are for themselves voting regrdless of the destruction it has on their race. Feminism matters more to them than their own race.Stormfront is filled with, and controlled by, these women.
If only there were some movement that combines Seeing the Jew, with Seeing the Hen. Hmmmm. lol
This is why young white nationalists moved to the Daily Stormer and the Right Stuff.
I almost never meet anyone online who hangs out at Stormfront.
Andrew Anglin has called for a complete removal of female human rights. I agree with him. Alt-Righters are hardcore Cunt Crushers. And Thank God. They won’t let even first wave or even zero wave feminism pass. They objectify women and want to remove all their freedoms. I like that.
Pussy whipped white nationalists like Shiksa Goddess fans or guys who unironically use Aryan princess and pictures of women in wheat fields are annoying.
I’m glad someone understands where I’m coming from,
and Andrew Anglin’s views on women are views I agree with. It’s too bad William Luther Pierce is dead, his views on women weren’t as radical as Anglin’ but they were anti-feminism and female suffrage and he would carry some wight with his words.
And yes, those are the 2 white nationalist sites I am on most now, most people don’t last long being a frequent poster on gynocentric stormfront.
6.) You’re forgetting the most important “covenant” – male circumcision.
Seriously, do you think Ancient Greece or Rome were depraved enough to remove their foreskins? They built Western Civilization and they rightfully viewed Jews as a cult of sexual mutilators. And don’t kid yourself with the “it’s just a piece of skin” argument. It has more sexual nerve endings (20,000) than the clitoris (8,000). The Jewish people have an unnatural fascination with sexually ablating their children’s genitalia, living a life of dulled, physical pleasure. In the midst of this lowered sexual pleasure, they pursue the only other means of power they can find – money.
Most North Americans don;t realize how they Jews duped the medical industry into routine medical circumcision. For example, the Gomco device (which has mutilated millions of American penises) was created by Hiram S. Yellen and Aaron Goldstein in 1934-1935. Yellen created the device, and then Goldstein marketed it in major medical journals. By the end of the second World War, public sentiment towards Jews had become favorable, and every American family was being duped by these dastardly doctors.
And I haven’t even touched on Mitzah B’Peh, the Orthodox rabbis who suck the blood out of recently circumcized penises: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/30/metzitzah-bpeh-blood-sucking-jewish-circumcision-ritual-debated-by-nyc-mayoral-candidates-video_n_3360526.html
This shit is too sick to make up.
“It has more sexual nerve endings (20,000) than the clitoris (8,000).” Oh yeah, this bullshit. You do realize not all nerve ending receive the same thing? And anyways, those nerves just end somewhere else (the penis) after the forskin is removed.
“Most North Americans don;t realize how they Jews duped the medical industry into routine medical circumcision.” Please tell me, what benefit would this have?
I’ll go one at a time on this…
“It has more sexual nerve endings (20,000) than the clitoris (8,000).” Oh yeah, this bullshit. You do realize not all nerve ending receive the same thing? And anyways, those nerves just end somewhere else (the penis) after the forskin is removed”
The frenulum is a highly sensitive part of the intact penis. It’s a cord that connects the foreskin to the underside of the penis. Many circumcisions remove this partially or completely. So the frenulum cannot “go another place” so to speak. It goes in the garbage. Or more accurately, it gets sold on the medical black market for Oprah facial creams.
“it gets sold on the medical black market for Oprah facial creams.” That isn’t black market, it’s donated.
“The frenulum is a highly sensitive part of the intact penis. It’s a cord that connects the foreskin to the underside of the penis. Many circumcisions remove this partially of completely. So the frenulum cannot “go another place” so to speak.” Yeah, but the nerves still exist at the base, circumcision doesn’t remove the nerve ending all the way to the brain…
Fair enough. Either way, there is money to be made on the back end.
Not really…
The selling of foreskins is well document already. No tin foil hat is needed for that one.
One baby foreskin can be stretched to grow almost $100,000 worth of fibroblasts.
I don’t have the burden of proof… I didn’t make the original statement.
I’ve got a wallet made from foreskins.
If you stroke it just right, it turns into a suitcase.
This is idiotic. If you cut someone’s hand off the nerve endings aren’t “cut off up to the brain” but the remaining wrist stump doesn’t have the same tactile sensitivity as the finger tips. That isn’t how nerve endings and tissue work.
“Most North Americans don;t realize how they Jews duped the medical industry into routine medical circumcision.” Please tell me, what benefit would this have?”
The answer is speculative. One is financial – hospitals make money on the cut, and they now make money selling the olf foreskins for a variety of products.
Secondly, there was a sentiment back in the day that mass circumcision in the US would “protect” the Jewish people. Note that during WW2, many Jews were identified by their circumcisions. So a thought went, “they won’t be able to know who is Jewish if eveyone is circumcised.”
I vote for a combination of the two, as well as other factors.
The chosen will buy the foreskin
For them it is a delicacy :v
It’s both, absolutely. (((They))) always like to kill two birds with one stone, while poisoning the well, too.
What benefit did it have? Not a medical one, that’s for sure…
Yes it does… It’s very effective at preventing the spread of STD’s, prevents infections, and prevents penis cancer…
Do you work for a circumcisionist? GTFO out of here. There is no rampant penis cancer killing off the uncircumcised white men of Europe. You know what lowers the rate of lung cancer? Removing a lung.
There is always someone, such as yourself, who is incapable of dealing with the emotional reality of your own genital mutilation. So you hamster around the topic.
Better to accept an ugly truth than to live a beautiful lie.
“There is always someone, such as yourself, who is incapable of dealing with the emotional reality of your own genital mutilation. So you hamster around the topic.” Is this really your point? I assure you sir, I do not feel deprived of sexual pleasure, stop projecting…
“I assure you sir, I do not feel deprived of sexual pleasure, stop projecting…”
You have no point of comparison.
Neither do you. Which makes your point about nerve endings full of shit.
Incorrect. I underwent a restoration process. There was a noticeable improvement in sensation.
That isn’t a real foreskin then. On the other hand, adult men who do get circumcised report more pleasure according to some studies. Why should I take your anecdote over a real study?
Hes a yid
I suspect that “Andrew” is a moyel. Either that or he’s just really enthusiastic about circumcised penises.
I guess Mother Nature made a mistake then, the foreskin isn’t supposed to be there, jews knew better.
Mother Nature doesn’t exist, and yes, pieces of tissue can be completely useless. When a body part isn’t necessary anymore, it doesn’t go away, the appendix (though studies do show that it has actually evolved to take on new roles) for example.
Andrew, shouldn’t you be in the synagogue sucking the babie’s forskins off with your mouth?
No, I am not Jewish… On the other hand, assuming you are in fact the person you have for your profile… Well then you should be doing that…
Oh now he gets the IRONY. Welcome to the club!
Laughing Out Loud
“Most North Americans don;t realize how they Jews duped the medical industry into routine medical circumcision.” Please tell me, what benefit would this have?
You could assume the same reason Jewish CEO’s, Media and big time players forgo their Hebrew name for Anglo American ones.
To fly under the radar.
But your surname is a public thing, your penis isn’t…
Nazis would check your dick when they came to power to see if you were a member of the tribe or not. If everybody is cut you can’t do that again
lol, that wasn’t the method they used at all. The Nazi’s used birth certificates and baptismal certificates. Also, mass circumcision started in the mid 18th century, it was not started after the second world war.
It’s infuriating, and the jews have it done to us as babies, we don’t get a say. It happened to me and I’m furious over it! I’ll never get to know what natural sex is thanks to those damn jews!
I resorted to foreskin restoration, which took several years. I was able to gain a lot of sensitivity back. That being said, it was a humiliating procedure that involved, weights, bandages, etc.
A complete joke. And meanwhile, we are supposed to care about women their clotris cut in distant African villages. In short, focus on an atrocity on the other end of the world, so that you can ignore the one done to you!!!
It has nothing to do with them, it’s your parents dipstick.
Andrew, in some cases yes. But remeber that doctors in the 1950s -1970s were HEAVILY pushing the procedure. I even know of one mother who had the child removed and returned – circumcized.
When you are uneducated on a medical procedure and the doctor recommends it, many people will comply.
I’m not saying a jew did it personally or whispered in my parents’ ears to do it to me. But that it is a tradition that is a part of american culture, which is a direct result from the jews’ beliefs.
Thankfully, the trend is reversing now. I think the rate of circumcision is now around 50/50 and gradually declining each year. But to be clear, this is purely a Muslim / Jewish practice and is done nowhere in large numbers other than Muslim or Jewish religious states, plus the USA.
It’s around 50/50 ON THE WEST COAST, and that is for first day circumcisions… plenty of people get them a few days later…
“But to be clear, this is purely a Muslim / Jewish practice and is done nowhere in large numbers other than Muslim or Jewish religious states, plus the USA.” Canada, South Korea, Australia, lost of Africa…
“I even know of one mother who had the child removed and returned – circumcized.” Yeah, I have heard this from so many anti circumcision activists. I think it’s interesting that so many of you know about this woman, but I have yet to meet one of these people…
“It’s not just on policy matters that the U.S. differs from other nations. The strange truth is that the U.S. is the sole country in the world where a large majority of its male population is routinely circumcised at birth for non-religious reasons. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 30% of the world’s males are circumcised. Of these, most (69%) are Muslim men living in Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa; less than 1% are Jewish men; and the rest (13%) are non-Muslim, non-Jewish men living in the United States.”
Anyway, who the hell are you to tell me what I should do with my penis? Fuck off.
Maybe the loss of sensitivity would explain some of the kebabs’ preference for bacha bazi
Like they used to cut out everyones tonsils and now they leave them alone.
Nazis never cut peoples foreskins or tonsils out.
Just sayin
Jews freaked out when animal rights advocates wanted to ban kosher slaughter of animals because it caused as much suffering as possible. Guess who won that one.
“Anyway, who the hell are you to tell me what I should do with my penis?”
God’s chosen you rape apologist ROK reader!
It would be nice if they took out the tonsils but left the foreskin.
I earned a history degree 11 years ago(I ended up landing on my feet in IT, before you make Starbucks jokes) and I spent a lot of time poring over academic journals and databases. Anyways, to make a long story short I ended up just ignoring anything written by a historian with a Jewish surname. 99% of the time it was a word salad filled with purple prose and very anti-white/pro-guilt.
I went right back to being blue pill afterwards. I didn’t want any of this, you know? I had a Jewish mentor figure and played with Jewish kids as a child because my parents were Leftist intellectual types. If they were any subtler about their ill intentions I’d be able to just bury my doubts about them. Who wants to feel like a tin-foil hat conspiracy theorist all the time?
I do feel like we have a good chance of victory over them. They’ve been swept up in the same flood of shit they unleashed on the rest of us. Marrying outside the Tribe is the default now and the “childfree” lifestyle seems to be popular. The pro-Israel lobby is not as strong as it fancied itself. Just look at the failed attempts to stop the Iran Deal. Now I don’t like Obama, but Congress had no right to bring in Netanyahu to try to torpedo him. Luckily it totally backfired.
I’m seeing a growing desperation among the Jews. Holocaust guilt is starting to wear off. People are becoming aware of other atrocities like the Holodomor and Armenian Genocide, prompting more spurious arguments about the “uniqueness” of the Holocaust. We’re also seeing a lot of attempts to shove the Holocaust in our faces, IE the recent kangaroo court trial in Germany against a 90-something former camp guard. Some of the witnesses against him were babies at the time.
Out of curiosity, how do you feel about Jared Diamond and his work?
I hate them. I realize when writing a broad history you’re going to have to use a broad brush, but his stuff is just too full of holes(see attached image).
I imagine most of his loyal cultists would freak out if you used environmental factors to argue for conclusions they didn’t like. IE, the Anthropological theory that the harsher weather that the ancestors of Caucasians and Asians dealt with encouraged long-term thinking(curing meat, building storehouses, carefully nurturing a smaller family, etc), whereas in somewhere like Africa you can live hand to mouth year-round and just having a bunch of children is the name of the game.
Nice. Diamond’s work is standard Jewish nonsense on par with Marx where you use your incredible verbal skills to explain the world without any rigorous hypothesis testing in a way that benefits you and your people.
Diamond has done an awful lot of damage with that one book. It’s whole aim is to convince well-meaning intellectuals that Whites are inherently evil and undeserving.
That book dovetailed perfectly into the past and present victim narrative and white exploiters. I read it when it came out. Such BS. But then back then if you said anything critical about it you were persona non grata.
P.S. Netanyahu’s speech to Congress was cringeworthy, at best. Bibi could have farted and Congress would have given him a standing O.
Obama hates Netanjahu because he won’t roll over. Then O trys to help defeat him in his re-election bid last year by sending Jeremy Bird.
As a man, I respect Netanyahu far more than I respect Barry. However, as an American, I wish Israel were not our indispensable ally™. With allies like Israel, who needs enemies.
Have you been to israel?
Yes, why do you ask?
Just curious why so much hate for israel. They seem to have built a pretty nice place for themselves. With food, nightlife and beach that’s superior to much of what we have. No place is perfect, and some of their policies are questionable, but isn’t considering them an enemy going a bit far?
I don’t hate Israel. I hate that we’re Israel’s gofer and that America creates needless strife, solely to further Israel’s interests.
Thanks for clarifying. I would like to believe that America does it to further its interests as well. I don’t think we can really look at these two countries as separate considering so many of the people who are in charge politically and financially pretty much run both places at the same time and care about both places equally.
Israeli multi-nationalists only “care about” America as far as it benefits their interests. You need to wake up.
I was stationed there. Low evil hostile degenerate people.
Still curious?
What do you mean you were stationed there? And what made them so evil and hostile?
They didn’t build anything for themselves, it is a welfare state built on stolen land with holohoax reparation$ and American tax dollars/military support
“considering so many of the people who are in charge politically and
financially pretty much run both places at the same time and care about
both places equally.”
That statement should be shocking, alarming, and cause for national uprising. Why do you suppose it isn’t?
Maybe because there are enough people out there who see that the benefits of this greater outweigh the harm to both nations,
What you are describing sounds exactly like a parasite/host relationship, to my ears. Remind me again, what do we get from Israel? And please don’t say “intelligence”.
“We” is a bit of a misnomer in this question. Like I mentioned earlier – the same people are pretty in charge of both places, so Israel should be viewed as another state that’s part of America. And yes, they do bring quite a bit of brain to the table – the world’s table.
I meant intelligence in the military sense. When asked what Israel does for the US taxpayer, most people say “they are our only ally in the Middle East”. When pressed, they claim that Israel provides us with valuable military intelligence.
Looking at the bungled Middle Eastern adventures of the past 15 years, I’d say any ‘intelligence’ from Israel is to be considered highly suspect at best. Obviously they are only going to feed us the information that makes us act in their best interests. Besides, for the amount of money we give Israel, we could blanket the entire Middle East with our own intelligence services.
So the question still stands: What does Israel do for the American taxpayer, that justifies us spending our blood and treasure on her?
The “people who are in charge politically and financially pretty much run both places at the same time and care about both places equally.”
Care about both places equally, sorry, have to disagree with you there. I don’t think the people who are in charge politically and financially and pretty much run both places give a damn about Americans.
Unless you are of the opinion that de facto isolationism is a legitimate foreign policy in 2016 (how anyone not fully retarded could believe this is beyond me), we can hopefully agree that the U.S needs a strong ally with a dominant presence in the middle east. Once you accept this basic premise, it is obvious that Israel is its only real choice. The U.S and Israel share military intelligence, resources, training procedures and a variety of other mutually beneficial tangibles and intangibles.
You cannot seriously think that America is Israel’s “gofer”
1. No, I don’t accept that we need “a strong ally with a dominant presence in the middle east” because it’s a false premise. Furthermore, I would read up on Jonathan Pollard, the Lavon Affair and Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty, before assuming Israel is an ally.
2. AIPAC’s control of Congress and its subversion of America’s political process makes America Israel’s gofer. Israel’s deep influence on our mainstream media via AIPAC and Neocons, damages democracy and deforms the national dialogue about any issues relating to the Middle East.
Paid for and still supported by those Evil White Men.
Without allies like Israel, you are demonstrably unreliable as a friend. Unintentionally, the current administration is responsible for the Sauidi led allaince against Iran. Israel now has support, where it needs it, to attack Iran easily by air, land based missile, and submarine borne nuclear weapons. If popular rumor is to be believed (though Ihaven’t seen anything like evidence for it), Israel has finally used the information Edward Teller gave then half a century back, and has added some number of Fusion bombs to its arsenal. It has a very cozy relationship with Putin, who sold them the codes to help defeat the air defenses around the Syrian nuclear site. It gets half a billion dollars a year from the PRC alone for investment in high technology. The country has also forged a strong economic and political relationship with India, very important for building large scale components like aircraft engines. israel is already selling a billion dollars a year in military goods – small arms and avionics – to India.
All this combines to have put Israel in the self-sustained ‘take-off’ phase of economic growth.
There was a time when the political leaders in Israel derived power by showing they had the best relationship with the US. The current administration has changed that dynamic. israel now has achieved a unique technical, economic, and military niche. It can now do what it could not do even twenty years ago – get along without the US.
The potential impact of that will be interesting – if not incandescent.
Obama hates Netanjajew because he wants to be the boss and all these jews keep telling him what to do
Stopped reading at “Without allies like Israel, you are demonstrably unreliable as a friend.” As I said before, read up on Jonathan Pollard, the Lavon Affair and Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty, before assuming Israel is an ally. Israel wasn’t even willing to send a small contingency force from the Jewish Army to Afghanistan. This is a war where any country that was any country, including Iran, either joined along the coalition (France, Britain, Germany; Estonia and Georgia of all countries), aided the coalition (Bangladesh for air space), or offered aid but was declined (Iran, who is an enemy of the Taliban). Sounds like a terrific ally.
Welcome to the real world of geopolitical affairs. Each country does and should look out for its own interest. Singling out Israel for this universal truth IS anti-semitism.
The middle east is up in flames and run over by tyranical, islamic fundamentalism – you really don’t see why it would be in America’s interest to have a dominant ally in the middle east??? You seriously think this is a false premise?
Yes, Jonathan pollard spied on behalf of israel. ALL COUNTRIES spy on all other countries, even their allies – welcome to the real world.
Your other two examples are classic propaganda pieces – you should learn the facts.
AIPAC’s control over congress? Be serious. Yes, AIPAC is an interest group just like any other interest group – it lobbies for its interests. This is how politics works in the United States.
The general flavor of your article is what distinguishes people with legitimate criticism of israel – which is fine and even desirable – from bona fide anti-semites like yourself who have a hard on and just hate “the jews”.
“Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations—entangling alliances with none.”
Was Thomas Jefferson an anti-semite? Spare me your childish insults. Come back when you learn how to debate rationally, like an adult.
Lol. Oh please. For decades now, Israelis have behaved exactly like all the other rag heads in the Middle East. Yet, for some reason, America absolutely has to take Israel’s side on everything, despite anything. “Oh, you sunk our ship? Darn! Well, that’s ok, we’ll have to just make a new one. You keep on with your being awesome Israel.” What a joke.
Let’s respond one by one.
Pollard – the US spies on and suborns people within its allies. Nothing more to be said about that. They do the same to us. Normally, when the US uncovers such people, they are often returned to their home country on the q.t. Here, they made an example.
Liberty – Friendly fire. Happens all the time. Ask Mr.Pat Tillmna.
Participating in US wars – the US strongly declined, indeed directed against, Israel participating in tis Middle East wars since Desert Stomr in 1991. Even enjoined Israel from retaliating against Iraq’s SCUD missle attacks. Hard to think why they would invite them to the one country when they are least welcome.
So, now you are free to read the rest of my comment. or not.
No. I don’t see why it would be in America’s interest to have a dominant ally in the middle east. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cd49401f04de70dc463f8e79f8e61f1ac7a0b36ed2bbd0b0b27b6918212e756c.jpg
Politicians were being criticized in the media for not showing enough enthusiasm in the fifty odd standing ovations.
If by O you mean orgasm you are correct
Lol. I wish.
Really is disgusting how bought and paid for our entire Congress is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asGvjbfIASA
In much of europe Jews can’t walk around with their hat on without getting assaulted by Muslims. Many are fleeing France, the Netherlands etc to go to Israel as they are frightened of petty crime and terrorism.
The Holocaust got shoved down our throats so much at school, in movies, in books, in the media that it has lost its power and people make jokes about it.
Watching this clip is surreal to me. Prime Minister of Israel visits US Congress, gets more standing ovations (from Democrats AND Republicans) than any American leader. When you consider this is not some massive nation or important ally, but instead the ruler of a tiny desert kingdom, it really blows your mind.
Pretty much.
Why is our little client state allowed to demand our foreign policy revolve around them? The fucking nerve of them…
As I keep saying, Israel treats the United States as an overseas colony it can extract resources from at will. It even sends over colonial administrators, like the Israeli banker Stanley Fischer, who runs the U.S. Federal Reserve.
Since the war of northern aggression America is no longer a sovereign nation but a colony of IsraHell
Right. Our own people’s cucks are far more of a problem than the Jews could ever be.
They probably had Mossad minders in the room, looking for anyone not showing the appropriate levels of enthusiasm. Netanyahu has openly bragged that the US Congress is fully controlled by Israel.
Agreed. The US Congress is really no different than N Korean peasants in that regard.
They are at least weeping over one of their own. One has to wonder how much of it is for show though.
This whole subject of Jews having much more influence and power is another example of “don’t hate the player, hate the game”. The problem is the whole system is in need of an overhaul. They just know how to play the game better than other races. They stick together.
Exactly. They stick together.
And by hook or crook while they “stick together” they work like hell to prevent whites from “sticking together.”
Without a host to leech from, they are nothing. The “game” abruptly ends the minute that White people wake up and stop squandering their futures.
They’re “white” when it suits them, and a different race when it suits them.
They don’t play the game better. Rules mean nothing to them. Honor means nothing.
They invented the game and only enforce the rules for the goyim
Nationalism for everyone, America makes moves for America, England for England, Germany for Germany and so on….. That would fix this issue of people seeing Jews in prominent position in countries other then their own.
Have you guys ever heard of pan-nationalism. Check it out over at Amerika.org by Brett Stevens
Genocide is defined as any, ANY conditions consciously imposed to cause the elimination of a racial group. The average age of white americans is 56. The aversfe age of hispanic americans is 9. (NINE!)
White people WILL BE the minority in the US by 2030.
If you ask white people why they arent having kids, you hear about money and living conditions.
We already know that Jewish policy makers are driving diversity/affirmative action/equal opportunity policies in school admissions, hiring, and promotion.
We already know that Jewish policy makers are driving open borders/mass immigration efforts.
All this while Jews jealously guard their own history and culture and Israelis build walls around a country defined in its constitution in EXPLICITELY racial terms.
…its doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to connect the dots.
Can you name these policy makers?
…sweet Jesus on a graham cracker. Can I name a Jewish policy maker that supports affirmative action and open borders?? You could pretty much throw a rock in DC and hit one (and then get charged with a hate crime). You can pretty much rypenin any pro-amnesty or pro-diversity policy and a major sipportwr will be a member of the Tribe.
How about lisping püff Barney Frank? How about former un-funny man Al Franken? How about Ruth Bader Ginsburg or that other softball all-star on the SC, they just put out a finding for diversity in university admissions.
If you got nowhere to be, google us-israeli dual citizen politicians and have your mind blown.
How about the founder of the NAACP….Jewish.
How about Sheldon Adelsen, casino owner, Democratic donor, and funds the Birthright Program to get US Jews a citizenship in Israel.
How about Irwin Jacobs? You havent met him but i have; gazillionaire donor to Killary, and huge proponent of getting more illegals into SoCal schools. Who cares if your kids learn, its all about the vibrant immigrant.
…these aren’t deep dark secrets man.
I assume you meant Sheldon Adelson is a Republican donor. He spent $150 million in the last election on Republican candidates. Gotta cover both sides, you know.
Not to mention Haim Saban, another Israeli billionaire who supports Hillary. You youngsters probably grew up watching the garbage cartoons his company put on American TV over the last 30 years.
No kidding. Doesn’t matter if the donkey wins or the elephant wins, as long as they’re both running for your stable.
…that’s the first time I’ve been called youngster in a while. Thought I was the old man here.
Is this a joke Corey? How about *any* Jew in DC. In fact name a few that are explicitly opposed to these nation wrecking schemes.
I can name a great exception – Stephen Miller with the Trump team. Formerly with Sessions. He’s Grade A.
All we can do now is pray for war.
It is your fault you don’t have kids. Take some personal responsibility.
I have 5 kids. But not everyone is willing sacrifice to prevent real-life Idiocracy….wtf is your excuse?
Well having kids is always a sacrifice. It is individualism which degenerates Westerners into not accepting responsibility.
“Low birthrates are witnessed in Japan, where there is almost no Jewish influence and no multiculturalism”
Even if Japan’s population declines in the next generation, they will still be Japanese. They are already nationalistic in this sense.
What’s happening in Europe threatens to change Europe’s culture and racial identity at a fundamental level. European nationalists feel threatened, and annoyed that everyone around is too dumb to even realize it.
Everyone’s busy playing fucking Pokemon and getting hit by cars…
Nice article.
Japan needs to lower it’s population though. It’s insanely overpopulated, they really aren’t applicable to his point…
Btw the way, what do you mean getting hit by cars?
People are playing pokemon and walking in streets the game even had to say watch where u are walking
Well who cares, people have a right to walk in streets ya know.
I wont miss em
Japan is estimated to lose a 1/3 of its population by 2060, so they’re well on their way there.
Sounds like itll be a paradise in 100 years while we will be Rwanda
I am sure it will flatten out at some point, or will just start cycling…
Good point. Having fewer children is no great crime, unless you are seen as nothing more than livestock for the International Cosmopolitans. Their lower birthrates are probably a rational response to the overcrowding.
I was explaining this viewpoint to a buddy at work yesterday and he went off on me about how it’s going to create so much problems for them, and that immigration can be used to prop up their economy.
I just told him that having a nation never came for free. If they are willing to pay the financial costs of owning their own destiny, then it’s perfectly reasonable to accept a decline in population and finances.
I feel similarly about Brexit. So fucking what their dollar took a hit, they get to own their own fucking country.
I don’t get what’s so difficult about that to understand.
Becaue most people are lazy cowards. Theyd rather sit in their apartments eating cake and watching pr0n then going out and meeting women. Everyone wants Someone Else to do the hard thankless dirty work and take responsibility. Theyd rather pass laws mandating seatbelts then actually create a society where people valie their own lives. They dont want their wives to divorce rape them, but by God they will seize every chance they can get to fuck some other poor assholes wife.
A lower birth rate in a progressing economy requires only a greater amount of capital investment to replace labor. Japan is one of the leaders in Robotics – ahead of the US by most measures – and there is not reason to predict a lower standard of living per capita – or even a reduction in GDP – from a lower level of population.
Lower birthrates as a response to overcrowding has been shown to be the response in rats in an overcrowding study by John B. Calhoun. The degradation in healthy behavior is called a “behavioral sink”. Passive rats became more passive, aggressive rats more aggressive. Many female rats neglected their offspring and many others were unable to carry a pregnancy to term.
In the context of imposed external mass immigration low birth rate is suicide especially as the immigrants come from cultures and races in which high birth rates are a form of demographic assault.
The mess Africans, Muslims and whomever has created for themselves is not ours responsibility to address with our self sacrifice. The Jew invariably guilt mongers us into taking these people in thereby damaging our societies.
Africans, Muslims and SE Asians must correct their own mess not externalise the costs on Europe. Damn retarded people.
Actually, the mess created in the Muslim world is indeed our responsibility, since it was Western countries that destroyed stable countries such as Iraq, Syria and Libya and created the current refugee crisis. The mass influx of Muslims into Europe is simply chickens coming home to roost.
Who, besides (((((((((Wall Street)))))))) wants more useless eaters in their country?
Unless a miracle happens, Japan will be Chinese, a Chinese satellite/vassal or a radioactive cluster of islands floating on the Pacific by the end of this century. They are not a good example to anyone. Sorry but you can’t “love” your nation when you don’t believe enough in it to invest in its future…
He’s using fallacious logic in saying EITHER the low-birthrates are caused by them OR not. Another possibility in the west is that an organic phenomena is being exploited.
If a White person tries to deal with the immigration and birth rate problem several jews will immediately jump on it and will be there to stop any effective action.
Seen it, experienced it.
Jews have different interests. They are not Euopens. What’s is good form them is not good for us. What is bad for us they think is good. A Chinese German is more European than a Jew will ever be. Never forget that, never ever trust them. They have brought us to the brink and still they push for our genocide by immigration.
Our interests are never in their hearts, never. They wouldn’t have remained intact as a distinct race otherwise.
Who exactly is “THEY”?? Leftists jews – Republican jews – hassidic jews – reform jews – zionist jews – jews that hate israel… Get the point? Speaking about jews as one unified group who all share and serve to promote the same interests is fucking ridiculous.
No no, we are talking about all jews. Pointing out the exceptions when we are talking about group strategies of survival is what idiots do.
These are not exceptions to a general rule because is no general rule -my point of course is that there is no monolithic group called “The jews” with a structured plan to act in any given way. The Jews are comprised of hugely diverse subgroups with fragmented views, goals, beliefs. To deny this obvious point and speak of the cabal of puppeteering jewish masters is the definition of a anti-semitism.
Jews are a genetic group doesn’t matter what they look like they all have jewish DNA, otherwise there wouldnt be DNA test to see if your jewish
And if your worried about the definition of anti-semitism lets look at the history of the word.
“The term anti-Semitism was coined in 1879 by the (((German)))) agitator Wilhelm Marr to designate the anti-Jewish campaigns under way in central Europe at that time. Although the term now has wide currency, it is a misnomer, since it implies a discrimination against all Semites.”
So a communist agitator parasite Jew invented a word to silence all criticism of his own race. Sounds like racism… oh wait another bull shit word invented by a communist Jew.
“Racism was a concept invented by (((((Leon Trotsky))))), a Communist mass-murderer to demonise his opponents and stop people talking about certain issues.”
So for those of us who dont use Trotskyite communist propaganda words we’ll replace anti-semitism with legitimate criticism of jews and we’ll replace racism with genetic evolutionary differences.
Jews are evolved to thrive in the multi culti bazaars of the middle east. The exact opposite of us.
Thanks to 1500 years of Christian European breeding, the Jews were best position to benefit from the two major sources of post-Napoleonic Europe, the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution. Most of the peoples of Europe were farmers and peasants, whose thinking went in tuts a thousand years old. While Christians made their most brilliant mend and women celibate clerics, Jews subsidized their most intelligent men and married them to the daughters of scholars or of welathy men. Christendom stagnated. And, after Luther blew it up, it engaged in civil wr. Any one care to remember what happened at Magdeburg? And not a single Jews was involved in it. Whos to blame? Go to the mirror, boy – and look.
Whos to blame? How about the group that has been kicked out of every country, some multiple times and they still snuck back in. How can a group evolve such parasitic tendencies to slink back into a country you were removed from and continuing the exact same thing? And your right the enlightenment came out of religious struggles, that is literally what Europeans do we learn from our mistakes and advance humanity. We have zero need for Jews.
Jews, in fact, were the only good Europeans. When Europe killed its Jews, it blew its brains out. Europe never recovered. The Europeans did it all by themselves. Typical of the guilty to allocate blame elsewhere.
It got rid of a parasite that infected a critical organ : the central nervous system.
Damn jews with their big noses and curly hair
Are we beating about the bush here?
Are we trying to re-invent hot water ?
Are we discussing things that we already knew ?
What was the purpose of this article, discuss ourselves to death ?
Want to make an impact ? You already know the influence of the j333ws ( or should know ). Write an article on how they fucking destroyed us. If it wasn’t for them we would be living in a WAR FREE WORLD !!! That’s right, you read correctly. Write about how they influence continents to fuck each-other up, how they infiltrated politics in history ( bolshevism, the US, Romania, Russia ) how they commit genocide everyday through economics and politics, how they did and still do child sacrifices, how they drink blood, how God condemns them calling them of Satan.
Treat the subject with more importance not so broadly.
Holocaust was a displacement of jews from europe.
Communism was an engine of ultra-genocide of God’s people.
Do the math, do the research, and come back with some nice work.
I prefer the term “Anti-Jew” to “Anti-Semite.” It’s much clearer, more direct.
Oy vey, this comment section is turning into a second Holocaust … SHUT IT DOWN!
Good post. I just want to make a note. We should stop using the term Anti-semitism because it’s not correct. Semitism referes to ALL the Semitic tribes and languages historically developed in the Middle East and the Levante. That is Caananites, Assyrians, Phenicians, Philistines, Arabians, Zoroashrians, Israelites, Moabites, Amonites, etc. But Zionist Jews (which, by the way, are not Semites, but converted Khazarians) have kidnapped the term in order to colonize Palestine with a cultural cover. So, we should start using the term Anti-Zionism.
A good, logically made article addressing this important issue.
Well written article, thank you.
You make good – and very important points – about the lack of vigor in countries like Japan, which presumably are self-imposed.
I didn’t see a great deal of elaboration on the unremitting hostility Jews have for Christianity, which is a well acknowledged fact of life among secular Jews.
Christianity is a finger in the eye to Jewish identity; it is a constant reminder that they may be the chosen people but they made the wrong choice resisting the Messiah. Don’t underestimate this; every cultural innovation they seek is at odds with family stability and a Christian society. It’s not a coincidence.
Jews will counter that of course they resent Christianity and the persecution it brings. But they don’t appear to retain this resentment to Muslims coming into the West – they appear to embrace it – while keeping it extremely controlled in Israel. So I don’t think it’s entirely about “persecution,” otherwise they’d remain apart from Christian nations – when in fact they thrive in them.
I think we are dealing with levels of ethnic nepotism and narcissism that are so off the charts you can’t even believe it. They refuse to recognize the damage of practically Bond-level villainous figures like Soros (to name one of many) but instead go to the mat for them.
We are living in very interesting times. More realtalk to come!
Jews don’t have “unremitting hostility” for Christians; FFS, Israel, the Jewish state, seems to be the best place for Christians in the Middle East right now.
that’s akin to the least hot place in the middle of a forest fire.
yes, unremitting: http://goo.gl/1owsDl , http://goo.gl/xtf5MD
If Israel was a true friend, they could have gone into Syria WITH EASE and helped the plight of the Christian minority. But our “friends” declined to do so because the bloodbath works for them.
whatever future hardships Israel faces will have been entirely their own doing
Any attacks by Jewish extremists are obviously not the product of Netanyahu and co; Israel is the only Middle Eastern country where the Christian population is actually increasing.
The Syria conflict and the plight of Christians there is not of Israel’s doing; is it also the responsibility of the Jewish state to help the Copts in Egypt suffering under Muslims? All religions have a safe haven in Israel. Jeez, the Bahais, a roundly persecuted religious minority in Iran, has their headquarters in Haifa.
“If Israel was a true friend, they could have gone into Syria WITH EASE and helped the plight of the Christian minority”
no offense, but you’re either trolling severely or have no CLUE whatsoever about even the very basics of international politics.
I’m not trolling at all. Syria isn’t really a nation any longer, but a land with savages out of some Zombie novel targeting innocent men, women and children and acting in the most depraved ways.
their first rate military would curb stomp them in days. yes, it would be a SACRIFICE for Israel, cry some.
Israel doesn’t complain about our enormous sacrifice to free them in WW2. if anything they claim we took too long!
i don’t put ISIS on Bibi’s shoulders, or the Egyptian mistreatment of Copts.
to clarify: Israel is *much* better, and *much* more civilized for everyone than their neighbors.
but let’s not kid ourselves, they’d love to see everyone who isn’t Jewish out of Israel – their prerogative. just respect the wishes of our western nations for doing the same.
this talking out of both sides of their mouths is just so damn disingenuous and harmful to everyone else.
Is it the responsibility of the American state to help the jewish state?
Israel supports jihadists groups like Al-Nusra front in Syria (formerly known as AL-QAEDA). This was confirmed to me personally by an Israeli friend who works on the Golan Heights and assists in evacuating wounded Syrian jihadists to Israeli hospitals.
No one does grudges and hatred like the chosen. Only an evangelist fool could honestly believe that.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IX9Tk2TMA6Q
A few jackass kids; the Israeli government nevertheless allows for religious freedom and if you’re a religious minority (i.e. anything other than Sunni/Shia Islam) in the Middle East, you WANT to be in Israel.
Actually, Christians were an integral part of Iraq and Syria until the West and Israel destabilized these countries.
That’s a pretty low bar though.
Low bar comparing Israel to Muslim shitholes? Ironically, it’s Israel and not said shitholes that draws the ire and lion’s share of attention from the international community. Says a lot about the rest of the world.
Without Muslim societies like Islamic Spain and the Ottoman Empire, where Jews became rich and powerful while being persecuted in Europe, Judaism would not even exist today.
Iraqi Christians lived in peace and prosperity with Muslims for centuries until we invaded and destroyed the country. Same goes for Syrian Christians. In Syria, Hezbollah is protecting Christians from the Wahhabi jihadists, who are backed by the US and Israel.
ha! self hating to boot. although he doesn’t really seem to be putting his shoulder into it the way he is for Europe and America (i.e. Christendom).
if he wanted to gut a tiny nation he could do it relatively quickly – so either he isn’t really trying or Israel knows what he’s about but doesn’t bother telling the rest of us. Friends!
He can’t have one nationalist country where the standard of living is so much higher than in the multicultural “utopias” he creates or people might notice. It’s the same reason NatSoc Germany was attacked
You’re definitely right about “levels of ethnic nepotism and narcissism that are so off the charts you can’t even believe it” Also that resisting the Messiah point says something about how they choose to live among other tribes.
Chief Rabbi of Israel, Ovadia Yosef, stated that Gentiles are like donkeys–their only purpose on earth is to work like beasts of burden for the Jews. “Goyim were born only to serve us… only to serve the people of Israel. This is his servant… why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat… that is why gentiles were created..”
I am often accused by hasbara of sharing a blathering quote by a totally unimportant figure. In fact, his audience laughed with approval when he stated this in his weekly sermon. His funeral drew a million people–the largest in Israel’s history–and was attended by Israel’s most important leaders. Bibi was a huge fan of this guy. If a Christian said this about Jews, we would never hear the end of it. The fact is many–not all, but many (too many) Jews secretly agree with Ovadia. And, judging by their obsequious behavior, too many Gentiles agree with him as well.
However, the SJW crowd that you now see is fiercely anti-Zionist/anti-Israel seeping over into antisemitic, as is most of the left, Jewish or not. The Jewish men holding the placard in the first photo are part of the Neturei Karta crazies, numbering maybe in the hundreds, and no one takes them seriously except those on the extreme left wanting to cement their confirmation bias.
SJW crowd = useful idiots. “Antisemitism” = victim card which you can trade in for reparation$ later.
If you are to believe Kevin Macdonald, which I am inclined to do,
the problem for whites is basically that we don`t have a strong enough in-group mentality, probably as a consequence of our lengthy, relative isolation in frigid (northern) Europe through the last ice age.
(Particularly this is true for the Scandinavian hunter-gatherer descendants)
We in a way lost ut scepticism towards outsiders, because we did not have to face them in conflict, and in stead we started defining who was “good or bad,” and who belonged in the group as a moral abstract, a set of values, that in principle anyone could adhere to.
This weakness is currently being exploited by many, and may in the end be the doom for our genetic phenotype.
Level 3 and 4 have, in fact, been used as code for “Jew.” “Zionist-controlled this,” “Zionist-controlled that.” Going straight back to Protocols of Zion territory, except that text actually had “Jew” written out.
If one is too chickenshit to say “Jew” in any of those instances, then that person most likely hates Jews. All you have to do is look at the unsavory folks in the UK using the “Zionist” terminology. Ken Livingstone, George Galloway, Naz Shah, Jeremy Corbyn, the last of whom is head of the Labour Party and current leader of the opposition. All of whom use said language and have surrounded themselves with genuine antisemites. At least be honest. Everyone knows what the person means.
you’re not wrong, but the problem is the moment anything is labelled as anti-semitism your in trouble, and that’s how it works to intimidate people. Sure anti-semitism is real. So is power and influence working behind the protection that the phrase anti-semitism seems to afford. There are many vulnerable jews in the world, and some of them are on the frontline, but they might as well be human shields given that the targets are often the rich and powerful. Isn’t it worth exploring how there might be legitimate ways of talking about issues that might (or might not) be genuine. There are lots of reasonable jewish guys who frequent these boards. Maybe they could lead the way?
Lenin was 1/4 jewish, i.e., not a jew, unless he was crypto, but he was very proud of his jewish ancestry. Even in NS Germany (biggest anti-jewish movement in history) he would have been a “second-degree” mischling and assimilated into the Aryan state.
So what is the jews’ plan?
Jews who don’t return to Israel will be lumped in with other Whites in the West. I suppose jews don’t consider those who refuse to make aaliyah real jews? Do jews really think nonWhites will accept them as leaders?
I’ve tried convincing a few nonWhites that jews aren’t White, and they aren’t buying it. Israel is constantly referred to as an “Apartheid” state because the nonWhite world sees them as White.
Jews are literally handing out ropes to hang each other with.
his wofe was a jew and therefore his children jewish. He was close enough.
Gotcha. I didn’t know he’d married.
He had children?
I’m not sure about the children tbh but yeah his wife was jewish and IF he had children they would’ve been jewish.
Probably who he got syphilis from.
hahahahha probably !!
Lenin’s wife was not Jewish and they didn’t have any kids.
Great article. Hopefully people will read beyond the title before making any sort of judgment.
I think something like this shouldve been retitled.
Didnt read through the whole thing yet, but the Neomasculine movement has enough unnecessary negative stigma attached to it to heap more on.
As an avid reader I will take the time to hear it out, but as it doesn’t serve the purpose of sattire or provacative thought experiment, I firmly believe this article’s title does disservice to the advancement of our culture.
You will attract stormers, not purple squires.
And for clarification.
Im of Aryan descent.
Do you have a specific criticism of the article’s content?
Now that I am finished reading it, I can confirm I do not.
If you felt that inquiry justified please reread my post.
Do you think with daily events reported as they are contemporarily that we need to attract attention as “The guys trying to legitimize antisemitism” ??
Because I can firmly assure you that if these rich as fuck individuals are so highly over-represented in so many positions of power, the battle for Toronto will end up looking like a tea party compared to coverage of this.
A walking-on-eggshells strategy, eh? How has that been working so far, in your opinion? I don’t hate Jews, I’m not a Nazi, and so on, but if, as Zionists are claiming (with some success that will only snowball) that anti-Zionism equals anti-Semitism, then I am a proud anti-Semite in their opinions, and no bland headline is going to change that.
I have an eye for words. They can be manipulated to say so much more than what’s on the page in black and white.
This is a tactical error, lacking in finesse.
Perhaps a more efficient title would have been:
Why so many people are automatically labeled anti-semites just for making valid observations and critiscisms of society as it exists today.
The title as it stands can be easily paraphrased by the likes of the Washington Post as saying Notorious Pickup Artist’s Misogynist Web-Haven Sinks to New Low, advocating for Anti-Semitism.
Then no one will read the article and vastly influential individuals will take notice.
I voice my dissent.
You make a valid point. However, using the headline you would have preferred would not have diminished the chances of the Washington Post doing exactly what you are worried about.
However they may simply screenshot the current title as all the evidence they could possibly feel need to provide to the skeptical reader in order to all-but-immediately and unequivocally confirm the legitimacy of their invalid bias of agenda against – not just those that criticise zionism, but – all of us and the pantheon of righteous virtues we ascribe to.
Thus, the article will stand little to no chance at drawing in new support to our banner, other than self-affirming actual white antisemites (who traditionally aren’t too fond of Arab-decended individuals either, dear Patriarch if you’re reading) and will serve only as low-hanging fruit by the bountiful boatload for our enemies to hurl back in our faces.
Tactical. Error.
Unless of course, this is actually wrapped up in a greater strategical orchestration that supercedes instantaneous tactical concerns, which would, hypothetically, direct me to take my leave of this place.
well this is interesting
The USA formed Israel and Liberia…one is out of control while the other festers like an outhouse. Just a thought.
one of the interesting things about progressives reform jews is the very popular concept of tikkun olam, which I think means ‘repairing the world. I think many jews, including secular jews – I have no idea how many – would consider themselves to still consider themselves to have some kind of historic mission to ‘make the world a better place’. The problem I guess is that not everyone agrees on what’s involved with making the world a better place, in fact what seems good to the one may seem evil to the other. It’s more than just perspective, it’s about how the world should change, and on what basis. I’d say a further problem here is that there seems little will on either ‘side’ to open up front conversations about such things.
Do you know why the US invests so much in Israel? Because the United States if full of fat fucks, morons, people who can’t read their own fucking language!, generations of welfare, scores of people with drug and alcohol problems and people who live their life by the schedule of their favorite television shows. If you saw Israel, you’d be jealous and wish you had that in America. The solidarity of the people is noticeable, they all go to the military at 18, instead of going off to fuckfest 87′ (typical US college) and learn real skills and develop bonds with not only friends, but countrymen. You would see how they are a young, educated and fearless. This is not possible in the US now. It’s over. We can’t turn back. Too stupid, too fat, too lazy and too diseased to make anything new besides Facebook and mindless entertainment garbage for people to consume. Why Israel, bc they are thinking of the future, building, growing, thriving…all while being attacked constantly. People on here preach patriarchy…Israel is the model for it as far as countries go. They don’t give a fuck about what you think, you attack…you die. Done. Like a real fucking man.
We can all say what we want, but right now the U.S has people sneaking under fences and floating on fucking rafts entering the country illegally…while Israel is ready to annihilate anyone who even comes close to their borders.
The problem is 1) Jewish hypocrisy, and 2) The fact that Jews have 0 right to Palestinian land, not just Israel…
“People use this short clip as a proof of this genocide conspiracy, but all I see is one old lady talking about Jews helping to spread multiculturalism. ”
And what is the result of letting in masses of third world immigrants into countries in where the host nation has a demographic in decline? I think it´s pretty apparent that spreading multiculturalism has a devastating impact, especially when it´s against the will of the people that are being targetted. Barbara Spectre herself mentioned that the jews will have a leading role when it comes to multiculturalism, but also that they will be resented because of it, thus implying it´s inheretly a bad thing that the european people has no interest in.
Furthermore, if multiculturalism is supposed to be looked upon as something helpful and positive, how come Israel doesnt follow suit, but rather goes in the exact opposite direction (outlawing interracial marriage, DNA-tests for jewish ancestry in order to gain membership, throwing refugees into concentration camps, a huge wall protecting their borders against “terrorism” while the very same concept is constantly bashed from the same group of people when Trump ponders over it)?
Knowing the actual powers that be, not the least because jews appear to oftentimes boast or expose themselves for some reason or another, is likely more than enough to draw a line between jewish influence in the most powerful institutions in america as well as in many or most other western countries, and the birth and rise of anti-whiteness and ultimately a drift towards white genocide. If you own the worlds biggest propaganda-machine as well as dominating the instruments that affects the minds and perception of the common people, then you´re able to shape the trends. What does todays trends tell you about what kind of opinions are accepted, and what kind of opinions are forbidden?
What about the origins of cultural marxism (The Frankfurt School), and where has it lead us today? Who are at the very bottom of the current victim hierarchy in which the most “marginalized” gains power over those that are constantly told they are born in privilege and power?
Regarding the low birth-rates among whites, I´d rather say that this is the side effect of worsening conditions in terms of economics as well as social factors, in which multiculturalism and the rising tide of racial conflicts is in great part to blame. Having a family in this day and age isnt quite as appealing as it could be, and not the least too expensive to pull off (a pattern which Hitler successfully turned around, making it more beneficial and desirable for woman to have many kids. The germans didnt suffer a decrease in their population after that), whilst taxes are surging in order to maintain the globalist-agenda to transfer resources from the white working population over to programs and free give-aways earmarked for the influx of suppressed “minorities” who are constantly held down by the evil whitey. And dont forget, a police state isnt cheap either, and would never be necessary in a homogeneous white society.
Our politicians has simply forsaken our own people, to the benefit of a short-lived time in luxury for the “poor refugees” and “victim groups”, and ultimately to the benefit of those who seek to do to other nations what they would never dream of doing to their own. But if you follow the trail of money, you´ll eventually end up finding who´s pulling the strings from behind the curtains. What is the most powerful institution in this planet, and who controls it?
Another multi-billion defense package for our BFF. When can we relieve ourselves of these parasites?
In the present Convention,
GENOCIDE means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
Black on white crime/ 20 vets suicide a day for the zio wars, poverty/despair leading to early deaths of whites, few articles of glee about the demise of whites and the “wounding” we shall receive at the hands of the future commissars.
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; Education/Hollywood/cultural conditioning/Big Pharma – Big heroin
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
THE BANK™/fake wars/financial collapse/ fiat currency, SOROS like financial crimes.
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
Abortion/popular culture/Fembots/ anti christian, anti big family strong father led households.
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Mass immigration, forced diversity, inner city schools.
I’ll leave it up to each individual to decide which of these are happening in your homelands. I’m personally satisfied that most conditions are currently been met albeit it softly, slowly.
Blessed be the heavens, the Americans be armed, check out who is most vocal about disarming citizens.
As the last week has shown it could turn around very quickly.
Then you have homeland security and the alphabet soup agencies, a days research will tell you who profited most from the war of terror and the coming non genocide of whites.
Very interesting article. I could write volumes on the subject after all the research I have done, but I’ll bite my tongue. Just three quick points:
1. I’ve been labeled an antisemite many times simply for identifying someone as a Jew. They wish to be viewed as Whites until the times when they choose to be seen as Jews.
2. Jewish success largely boils down to one simple principle: they practice extreme levels of ethnic nepotism, while demonizing any rival group that tries to do the same.
3. Jewish control of mass media – both newsmedia and entertainment – is the single largest factor used to control all other levers of power in the United States. You have no hope of being a sane, healthy country, for as long as a hostile alien elite controls everything you are allowed to read, see, and hear.
I get the same shit for labeling people as a pussy. I know the feelz….pussy.
Nobody tougher than a muscle fag who turned himself into a one legged “man”
Controlling the money supply is a bigger factor of control.
In fact the biggest.
“The big names in the history of Bolshevik revolution, including Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky, all had Jewish backgrounds.”
That’s why Communism was originally known as Jewish Bolshevism, some of the worst mass murderers in human history were Jews. Genrikh Yagoda (at least 10 million dead) and Lazar Kaganovitch (Stalin called him “My Himmler, at least 14.5 million dead) were both Jews. And they both murdered nearly or more than twice the number that Hitler did. Many of those who engineered the Holodomor were Jews, leading many Ukrainians to wrongly believe that all Jews were responsible for their suffering. This made Jews the target of ferocious revenge in Ukraine. The Nazis were actually shocked at the cruelty the Ukrainians rounded up their Jewish populations. But hey, Holocaustianity must be preserved at all costs. Some people’s sufferings matter less than others, it seems.
If Alexander Solzenitsyn would be slandered as “anti-Semitic” for telling the truths of #1 in this article, then it’s no surprise that the fags at SPLC would label ROK as the same.
there’s no proof that Stalin called Kaganovich (or anyone at all) “my Himmler”. but if anything, the more reliable sources claim that it was Beria whom Stalin called “my Himmler”:
Beria was Georgian, not Jewish. the most brutal NKVD leaders were Beria and Ezhov (not a Jew either).
The Jewish influence factor is a little bit like the chicken and egg analogy.
I’ve pondered how percentage wise Jews can hold such disproportionate influence.
But after researching the Jesuit origins I think its a little more complex than is made out. Apparently Jesuits aren’t above taking on different identities to achieve their aims- including fake Jewish ones- so maybe this should be factored into the equation.
It’s not complicated at all. There’s even a name for it. Nepotism.
One person gets a foothold in a company or an industry, and within ten years that company becomes dominated by Jewish executives who favor other Jews in their hiring.
I’m sure you’ve seen this with Blacks, Asians, Indians, and Hispanics. It’s just more difficult to recognize with Jews because they look White.
It’s as old as dirt. Only problem is, Whites are legally barred from looking out for their own, while others are encouraged to do so.
Well. I believe that corporations should be barred from employing such tactics promoting favoritism. They are publicly owned and thus should be represented by the public. Meritocracy over affirmative action all day though.
But EO shouldn’t be mandated in privately held firms. Makes no sense.
I think the Jews have set up a difficult to escape feedback loop, tribalism and success often makes them a hated group, which requires tribalism and more success to survive, which causes more hatred-and so occasionally they have to leave a country when it gets too bad. Smart Jews leave dumb Jews stay(and possibly die), increasing the average IQ. Only problem is with such low populations, inbreeding and its associated problems are high. High IQ and inbred, isnt that the very definition of who people tend to hate most?.
Great explanation of the topic on hand.
I remember when Hal Lindsey published his bestselling book in 1970 about how Israel fulfills “bible prophecy” and how the rapture will happen any day now. Plenty of Christians in flyover country took this nonsense seriously even through 2016, though Lindsey has reached his 80’s with no rapture in sight.
I have to wonder now if (((certain interests))) promote this delusion because it makes it easier to play American Christians for suckers so that they support pro-Israel policies.
The Christians who have fallen for this bullshit need to wake up. They might think of Israel as a land of goats and deserts, ruins and rabbis; but it more resembles an advanced civilization out of science fiction. People live there who can write damaging software like Stuxnet, break into iPhone encryption and probably hack into Hillary Clinton’s email servers so that they have the goods on her to make her do Israel’s bidding. These don’t sound like the activities of a country friendly to the United States.
Yes. And yes again. I see a ton of cuckservative “Christian” sheep say, “we stand for Israel”. Fools. Do they not know that once you wash in the blood of Yeshua you are an ISRAELITE?! Yet they contnue to support Edomites and the synagogue of Satan. Of course they don’t, they still go to church on Sunday and eat pork. And I bet they say support our troops when the troops are fulfilling the will of the banks. They would also be the type to openly oppose Obama (ok) but support a Ted Cruz or any establishment republican (stupid).
I think Jews in general hate Christianity. BUt good luck bringing up Jews. They have the power to make you an outcast and brand you as a bigot. Good luck finding a job where you have to work for somebody ! I keep my mouth shut on this topic as I like being able to buy groceries.
>>”If you really care about the white race, you should have at least two white children”>>
No you should have six white wives and twelve white children. Keep that dickhead greased ’cause it’ll get sore.
I’ve seen the tribe.
I’ve seen their opposition.
The tribe has the MSM, universities, and Hollywood.
They’re gleefully weak.
They’d do well to be scared.
MSM and universities have all become left/Islamic-loving, so I don’t know where you’re looking.
The “Jewish Internet Defense Force” turned out to be one guy.
O but what a guy. He takes on the legions of anti Semites singlehandedly
Funny article.
Nobody is saying to literally focus on only Jewish people. Nobody is saying that white people (who sided with ideologies that were directly harmful to whites) aren’t also responsible. What you’re asking is to focus on the fingers while the entire arm has gangrene. “NO GOYIM. DON’T WORRY ABOUT THE CAUSE, ONLY FOCUS ON THE EFFECT. THIS SURELY WON’T RESULT IN A PERPETUAL CYCLE OF THE SAME THINGS HAPPENING OVER AND OVER AGAIN. GOYIM, JUST FOCUS ON YOUR FELLOW WHITES AS THEY’RE THE ONLY PROBLEM IN THIS EQUATION”
Pretty much all the “facts” are anything but
May have been said already, but an “anti-Semite” is a person hated by Jews.
And it’s the United States military along with the cops who protect the Zionists to the hilt.
This is the best of the week. Candidate to be the best of the month.
The fundamental problem (and thus the semitism) with the categorization of “The Jews” is that it suggests that there is some sort of highly organized, monolithic group with a hierarchal structure dictating the actions of all other jews. It’s anti-semetic because its totally out of touch with reality and meant only to stir resentment towards Jews.
Bullshit! The Jews help each other and stick together, always and forever.
Says the Sayanim
I mostly agree. Except I think we should highly encourage even more kids for the more intelligent people from within our own ranks.
I do agree that pointing this finger at a Jewish conspiracy is over the top. Jews on the average have the highest IQ’s in the world (only kept up with by a subset of Japanese people I believe) and they stress higher education in jobs that pay a lot. My dad told me to never become a doctor, a lawyer or a politician because he hated all those professions and most the people he met from them. Jews have dads that tell them to go into those and other high paying and powerful fields. It’s obvious to see why they have success and influence. Can we blame them for then working to improve their own tribe and place and influence in the world? We would all do the same if we could. Maybe we should learn from them instead of hating on them.
Instead of bitching about their success, why don’t we try to out-succeed them?
Now, the whole banking thing is another story. But that is a very small set of Jews and some gentiles as well. Most Jews don’t benefit that much from banks controlling the west. Just the specific families that control those banks.
The average iq of Israel is 92.
Joos have success due to nepotism, favoritism, blackmail, and a wasp like hive- insular mentality.
They were rag peddlers just 100 years ago before Krakow flushed their sewers.