3 Simple Rights You Should Have As A Businessman

Once upon a time, the United States was a land of astounding entrepreneurial activity, relatively free from the shackles of government red tape and absolutely no social justice intrusion on the endeavors of men.  This “republic of science” as the founding fathers desired, was exactly the kind of USA that allowed civilization-changing inventions such as light bulbs, telephones, and airplanes to come into being well over 100 years ago.

NO big daddy government, NO cancerous human resources, and NO shrieking SJW’s required back in those days.

However in recent decades, as globalism was pushed, government regulations increased, and retarded leftist agendas began infecting the workplace, the United States started to fall behind while less “diversity” focused countries such as Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea were able to play a serious game of catch up.

So what can we do to help reclaim some of our former entrepreneurial glory? Especially for things which aren’t directly involved in creating botched F-35 fighter jets or degenerate Silicon Valley smartphone apps which help people find threesomes?

Now forgetting about Donald Trump for a minute, one of the best possible ways we can “Make America Great Again” is to give more freedom and power back to the non-leftist entrepreneur, especially those who wish to create a brick-and-mortar operation that is going to provide a tangible service or product (i.e. not a “Buzzfeed” imitation website or impotent “awareness” non-profit organization).

This article will address three rights that all American businesses should have, without being subject to mass ridicule, boycotts, fines, or cease-and-desist notices for their implementation. It’s just a few examples, but vital examples nonetheless for getting back on the right track.

1. No Virtue Signaling


You are in the business of innovation and making money, not partially kowtowing to some opportunistic social justice initiative which is the hottest thing of the hour. Focusing 100% of your efforts to maximizing profit, thus being able to provide the best possible quality of life for yourself and your family, is both your prime directive and your only directive.

You should not feel compelled to tithe a small percentage of your earnings to some kind of Western civilization destroying charity, nor give two shits about the latest eye-rolling “awareness” campaign. By all means, participate in such things on your own time and under your own free will if you feel compelled, but virtue signaling should not have to be tied into your creative mission.

Unfortunately, SJW’s will pressure you about these things if you don’t. I mean what are you, some kind of greedy “racist” or “bigot”? Or maybe you’re just “ignorant”?

Whatever. As former President Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) said, “The business of America is business.” It is not about promoting homosexuality, cultural degeneracy, or some other “social justice” endeavor along with your services like Starbucks does.

2. Hiring Only The Best Candidates

The ability to hire only the best qualified candidates for available jobs in the United States exists in theory, but the practical reality is that if your business is overwhelmingly staffed by white males (or to a smaller extent a white male-Asian male hybrid like many tech companies) you are setting yourself up for an ongoing hurricane of bad publicity and SJW complaints.

News flash: “diversity” has absolutely no inherent value whatsoever. The Apollo Program which led to the moon landings, the greatest achievement in technology and human endeavor of all time, was staffed almost entirely by white male Ph.D’s. They were the best possible candidates for the job, and they got the job done extremely well.

apollo program

A successful failure: Apollo 13 ground crew (1970) worked day and night to help bring the astronauts back safe and sound in one of the best examples of workplace cohesion, ingenuity, and teamwork in human history. (Notice the lack of diversity)

Now fast forward to the 2010’s, where technology companies have been under scrutiny for being overwhelmingly staffed by white and Asian males (and particularly Asians in relation to their overall population).

SJW initiatives to diversify tech companies with more women, blacks, and Latinos have come at a huge expenditure in time, money, and effort. That is, time, money, and effort which could have been entirely focused on creating new products and services to maximize financial returns for these companies.

Why should you have to be saddled with such a coerced affirmative action or diversity headache by HR and SJW’s? Being able to hire only the best possible candidates, taking in zero consideration for race or gender, will help ensure that you will have the most cohesive and productive work environment possible.

Ok lady, now give me just one example of how a technology company achieved greater business results which was directly attributed to somebody’s gender or race…

3. Full Bill Of Rights Protection

bill of rights zelda

Thanks Thomas J!! Now it’s time to make some rupees!

You as an entrepreneur should have the sanctity of the U.S. Bill of Rights apply to your business and your workplace.

The 1st Amendment (freedom of religion, speech, and association) should, for example, protect a baker from the butt hurt wrath of homosexual social justice warriors just because he didn’t want to bake them a damn wedding cake.

(The customer is violating the entrepreneur’s right to diligently follow his religious beliefs regarding traditional marriage, and express his non-violent opinion on the matter without retribution. Chick-fil-A ran into this same problem back in 2012).

The 2nd amendment (right to bear arms) should apply to all entrepreneurs, even in regressive blue states which put heavy restrictions on concealed carry permits. You should have the right to be able to protect your business, and your valued customers, from nefarious forces which may desire to empty your wallets or cash registers of every penny inside.

The 1st and 2nd amendments will be the most applicable in day-to-day operations, but all other constitutional rights should be there for your protection as an entrepreneur.

Unfortunately, most SJW’s hate freedom of expression and gun rights (and often Christianity too). If you want your constitutional rights to work in your favor, you are going to have to fight for them in a regressive leftist world. After all, freedom of speech isn’t free.



Nothing inherently wrong with this non-diverse Huffington Post staff meeting, if they weren’t such flaming leftist hypocrites

In short, Human Resources departments and virtue signaling social justice warriors live to make life a non-stop migraine for libertarian or conservative minded entrepreneurs. That is, people who just want to run a smooth and successful business and then call it a day, without having to kowtow to a leftist agenda which is being permeated in all aspects of day-to-day life.

By applying these rights to all American entrepreneurs, which combine Austrian economics with masculine principles, they can be more diligently focused on product innovation, customer satisfaction, stacking papers, and providing a secure environment for everyone involved.

Addressing a make-believe workplace problem like not having enough peroxide-blond transsexual Muslim black females on the company payroll will simply be a non-issue.

Those who are “triggered” by these rights are free to leave the establishment and retreat back to their safe spaces and adult coloring books. We don’t want your patronage. Now then, let’s get back to business.

The lesson I have to teach is this: Leave all creative energies uninhibited. Merely organize society to act in harmony with this lesson. Let society’s legal apparatus remove all obstacles the best it can. Permit these creative know-hows freely to flow. Have faith that free men and women will respond to the Invisible Hand. – Excerpt from “I, Pencil”. Leonard E. Read (1958)

Read More: Human Resources Have Absolute Power Over Male Workers

181 thoughts on “3 Simple Rights You Should Have As A Businessman”

  1. That picture of the Huffington Post staff meeting always pisses me off. If literally any organization had a picture like that with all white men, they would be crucified.
    Great article – feminism truly does lead to economic stagnation. Feelings become more important than facts, and giant tech companies that got where they were due to MEN innovating, are slowly eaten alive by parasitic HR policies.
    Any thoughts on where the next great “capitalist” nation will be?

    1. To be fair, the picture backfired on them completely. They eat their own so I’m not surprised.

    2. It’s tricky to tell. The US was the great capitalist nation because we had the British legal tradition (including the Magna Carta, which largely established the concept of individual liberties) and generally adhered to the Christian moral code (which both unites the people and inspires capitalist ideals). Without these two factors, it’s unclear how capitalist a nation can become.
      If any nation comes close, I’d say it was Russia. They’re a largely united nation with a Christian moral code and a learned hatred for socialism. They have a better chance than any Western nation, and none of the Asian nations seem to quite have the right set of ideals to maximize capitalist freedom at this point (though Japan is showing promise lately).

      1. I could be completely ignorant of the dynamics in Russia, but I thought they still were pretty fond of the idea of rebuilding the USSR. Wouldn’t that involve recreating a socialist regime or are they merely interested in retaking the lands they once owned?

        1. I get the impressions from the Russians I know that they would like a return to the days when the USSR was a true superpower, which may or may not include retaking the other former Soviet Republics. They don’t seem particularly enamored of communism, for the most part. One of my Ukrainian exes used to say that “we should have stayed together as the USSR, but ditched communism.”

        2. I’m no historian, myself, but it seems to me that, were it not for communism, the USSR could have taken the place the US currently occupies. They had the industry, the research power, and the might to do it. Moreover, a solid fraction was culturally and ethnically united, which tends to bode well for nations on the rise.
          Of course, perhaps without the KGB spreading communism here in the West we wouldn’t be so close to losing our own empires. We’ll never really know.

        3. That’s a great way of putting it. In my time in the region, most folks of the satellite states were seemingly upset that no one knew or cared what their Kazakhstan, or their Turkmenistan, or their Azerbaijan was. There was a prestige with the USSR that none of these worthless countries could ever dream of recreating alone. Many of the older folks served in the Red Army, and they spin tales of glory, along with a good bit of revisionist history to the young ones. Usually the middle-aged appear to be the least palatable regarding the Soviet Era.

        4. Stalin built the USSR into a superpower by looting all of the wealthy people (nobles and businessmen) and building the largest and most technologically advanced military in the world. Hitler destroyed half of it and having pretty much shot his load it was a steady decline from then onwards.
          Essentially the USSR was the worst thing to ever happen to Russia as it destroyed much of its accumulated capital. Russia is still climbing a mountain to get back.

        5. Sounds like a decent assessment to me. Socialism is great for destroying economies (you don’t even need a world war). I’ve often wondered why Sanders supporters think his ideas would work out better here than Chavez/Maduro in Venezuela.

        6. Sanders supporters have no idea what drives the economy or what history has recorded about socialism. They are idiots.

        7. “Usually the middle-aged appear to be the least palatable..”
          Childhood memories of standing in lines for hours to buy basic necessities will do that. My wife and her mother go at it regarding the “glorious” days of the USSR.

        8. Because Socialism works if only you have the right people in charge. Or so Sanders (and Corbyn) think.

        9. Fond memories of sitting at a cafe watching my acquaintances (who made up a diverse spectrum) go at it with each other.

        10. Look at Ontario and the premier who is currently ruining it.
          If ever there was an example of the damage that socialism can do in just a few decades to an former economic powerhouse this is it!

        11. Socialism works until you run out of other peoples money.
          Once you’ve chased away your manufacturing and large industries and preyed upon small business people to benefit a bloated public sector and have large numbers of useless cunts on welfare then you’re there..
          Ontario is a case study in doing this..

        12. I wasn’t really aware of the situation in Ontario, but it sounds like that’s another example. I wonder if the leftist could come up with one example of Sanders-style socialism that’s worked well in the real world. I know they point to Sweden and Denmark at times, but my understanding is that in spite of their social programs, their economies are actually less regulated than those of the US and UK.

      2. Russia does show many signs of becoming an economic juggernaut. However, their economy is still to heavily reliant on Western Europe. And while the majority of Russians may hate communism, the nation still has a significantly large number of pro communist beliefs. Russia will have to get rid of those two things, as they stagnate economic growth, before their economy can really grow.

      3. “If any nation comes close, I’d say it was Russia. They’re a largely united nation with a Christian moral code and a learned hatred for socialism. They have a better chance than any Western nation, and none of the Asian nations seem to quite have the right set of ideals to maximize capitalist freedom at this point (though Japan is showing promise lately).”
        The problem is that the ruski’s are very corrupt people. Most international business people I know would prefer not to do business with them. As well, local businesses in Russia have to deal with shakedowns from local mafia which may, in some areas, include the local police.
        It’s not just formal constitutional mandates that determine how well a society will funcion, but also the values and integrity of the people.

        1. I have lived in Eastern Europe for some time and in general, it’s a lot like in the USA in that the rural regions are very religious but the city folk are more secular. People often mistake “Christian” for traditional. The Slavic culture has a wide and rich range of customs, superstitions, and manners that make being a Catholic seem simply by comparison (and for Poland, that adds a whole new level of complexity!) 🙂 Many slavic traditions predate Christianity (such as painting Easter eggs which are sold all year round). Just as there are Christian girls in the USA who are little different than feminists in their attitude towards men, many secular women in Russia are also more traditional than their seemingly religious counterparts.
          Here’s another way of looking at it: Mexico is a very Catholic country and church attendance for Mexican Americans is very high, but many of them are not terribly religious or serious about the religion and view the church as a useful resource for community assistance or superstitions to make their lives feel better. But Mexican Americans have out-of-wedlock birthrates almost as high as African Americans.

        2. You gotta remember too that the Bolshevik revolution killed off a lot of the Christians in Russia. Although communism collapsed in Russia, the population today is a population that has lived under communism and has ancestry that killed Christians.

      4. This is essentially why the US is doing its best to destroy Russia. One of a few nations that ignores orders from Washington.

        1. Makes sense but I am sure that given the external situations that Russia faces, it is probably easier to talk about alternatives than actually creating them.

        2. For sure, nobody makes big changes when under external threat.
          Putin’s, KGB background also would naturally make him pre -disposed to the state controlled economy rather than free market system.
          In the end he must control things, increasingly so, when the price of oil is low.
          Oil allowed Russians the gain great material benefit until recently. This made Putin popular.
          Now, Russians don’t get the trickle down effect of oil money, less services, work, handouts like before and are suffering a general decline in living standards.
          Thus Putin must increasingly grab more power and bring it into the office of the president and still needs his oligarchs friends to run economy and they need him to monopolize it.
          Democracy and the free market would be the inverse of this symbiotic relationship.
          His position, possibly persoanl safety, would be untenable unless he is in the top job or controls it like he did under Medvedev so I can’t see him launching the necessary reforms.
          Like Soviet Leaders of the 70’s and early 80’s Putin will die in office..

    3. I don’t think they put those Asian chicks in the back on purpose. Maybe more of a “happy accident”, if you will. Yet it shows how they do have their own brand of “white privilege” and either don’t want to admit it, or their heads are way up their va jay jays to notice. Heck, even the “minorities” acting like white girls. Or maybe it does irritate me when Asian American girls cry racism yet tend to demean their own culture and end up behaving like Laguna Beach stereotypes.

      1. I always thought that racial prejudice was supposed to be avoided not ironed flat….. if a black guy wants to work for NASA or Apple… and he makes the grade… great…. he should be welcomed… but running stats on it is a false icon… the idea was that he could attend an interview and be hired without being jeered at and ostracized for his color.
        Women earn less than men, but did anyone consider that perhaps men are harder workers ? White men build tech companies – maybe because they are better at it ? Asians also love technology. Latins are more warm hearted… and family based… they are less likely to sit up all night programming code. I am sure more Latins run hotels and restaurants…. does that mean they should be forced to hire more white males ?
        Putting in place a fair and just moral for society is absolutely fine. There are more black athletes, only men play world cup football… why not force a few women onto the team. Should the German football team have an equal racial profile with the Ghana one ? Of course not.. where do you draw the line ?
        You draw the line with allowing anyone an opportunity and not jeering at them because of their color. You can’t police it by forcing stats onto every company. Sports shows this up perfectly. No one would imagine a sports team should have all equal races and sexes it would be absurd. Why should a company be any different. Both are essentially economic entities. Both are performance based. Both build the best team for the job. Color, Creed and Sex has nothing to do with it. Only name calling and deliberate stigmatization should be avoided.
        Take it to the logical conclusion. MacDonald’s is prejudiced to hamburgers and soft drinks. Should they be forced to sell beer and chinese food ? Is Macdonalds noodlephobic ? A nightclub is prejudiced to techno music, why don’t they hire more violin players ? Are they violinophobic ? A farmer plants only apples and no carrots is he carrotophobic ? Where do you stop ? The direction is clearly aimed straight to the botttom. If everyone is a cave dweller we will all be equal.
        Stats are garbage. They show nothing. If 500 black guys with no law degree apply to join a top NY law firm all will be rejected… none are suitable. It doesn’t show any prejudice at all other than by qualification.

        1. “Women earn less than men, but did anyone consider that perhaps men are harder workers ? ”
          Totally look at your physical surroundings. They were, are and will be built by men.
          Everywhere I look women are %95 doing what my father used to call “indoor no heavy lifting” type jobs while men do the hard, dirty and often dangerous shit.
          End of story men are much harder workers.

    4. The losers of the world are always trying to shackle the momentum of the great. Always droning on with their “power to the people” nonsense, which is just a regurgitation of their Frankfurt School training. They are the perfect useful idiots for the powers-that-be: disposable dummies, addicted to fast food, CNN, and Cymbalta.
      But nothing will change. Because the world will always be divided between those who burn to be great, versus those who wallow in self-hatred and victocratic finger pointing. You cannot stop the Elon Musks of the world from wanting to ghost the loser crowd. Something burns inside of the brilliant that the broken cannot understand – and that is why they despise the great.
      But as you point out, correctly so, brilliant innovations are destroyed by feminism. That’s why it’s imperative for future inventors (99% of which will be male) to adapt a patriarchal Weltanschauung; it’s either that or they will watch their creations perish.

      1. Elon Musk ? crony capitalist, running a fake government funded company that’s nearly bankrupt…. hardly call that aspiring to brilliance… more like a cross between corruption and delusion…

    5. They were crucified for it. BLM’ers are, like Muslims, a force that the left has no ability to control.

    6. Feminism is ultimately a derivative of Socialism, driven by jealous men with a guilt complex.

  2. To simplify and reduce, we should have the right to be free from SJW’s and their crap. I am hard pressed to name a single policy since the 80’s that in any way improved the lot of businessmen, but it takes scant seconds to find policies that harm them. If we want to become an industrial power full of entrepreneurs, we basically have to roll our laws back a hundred years.
    All this is tangential, but related, to Vox Day’s SJW convergence theory. In a nutshell:
    1) Business starts to succeed
    2) SJW’s infiltrate, posing as helpful employees
    3) SJW’s take over
    4) SJW’s invest company resources toward not making money
    5) Business fails

  3. None of this will ever happen unless you can take away the power that HR people have (unqualified people judging whether someone is qualified for a job is akin to the blind leading the blind, in my opinion). To do that, accomplish the following:
    1. Get rid of useless majors (gender studies, political science, soft science, etc) and automate HR functions 100%. Even HR departments can be stripped away if they waste a corporation’s money.
    2. Educate shareholders on what SJWS are. Boycott campaigns and HR departments succeed because they scare shareholders who are afraid of negative returns. Show them that the people making a fuss are freaks that need to be put down and maybe they’ll resist.
    3. Sue companies that allow HR departments to go after people like us. The left uses this tactic against us, we should turn it back on them and make them suffer through litigation.
    Start here, and also boycott leftist organizations.

    1. Rather than 100% automation (which could screen out viable candidates who don’t meet unnecessarily exact criteria – I had this problem because I was a “computer engineer” instead of a “computer scientist”), it makes sense to me for managers to hire those who will work under them. Automate to a degree, bring prospects in for manager and/or coworker interviews and trial periods, and cut out anyone who isn’t actively producing value.
      You know, like those small, agile tech startups everyone is always banging on about.

      1. True, but that’s where HR justifies it’s existence, the whole double checking the software and such.
        Having had to fight through software to get my job, I agree.
        Maybe make it so that in order to be in HR, AT ALL, they need “3-5 years of relevant experience in the company, but in a different department, or as a hiring manager”

  4. Thank goodness construction is still pretty unPC. Workers still get hired both on skill and willingness to work.

    1. Pretty much all the trades are safe enough. Not a lot of women have the ability or desire to raise buildings, build roads, climb power lines, or get elbow deep in sewage.

      1. Indeed. We had some laughably naïve 15 year old girl on here yesterday complaining about male privilege. If there IS such a thing, it’s only because men willingly take on the high risk, demanding jobs that women do not want. With great risks comes great rewards. Perhaps she’ll figure it out….someday….

        1. Western women are the most privileged people on this planet, bar none, across all of history.

      2. I did roofing about 12 years ago. That was one tough job. Just the traveling part where you share a van with guys who drink a bit too much and have to per every half hour, all the while driving to exotic locales like Vegas or North Dakota. And of course, there’s getting up at 430 am., climbing on ladders, tearing roofs, hauling trash, dealing with hot tar, etc. Yet I got a blast for the two years I was there. Not just the money. Simply, I was learning stuff. No women or wimpy boys.
        One thing I did notice, not that many American born guys worked with us. The few just quit after a few days. That’s why our crew was mostly Mexicans. I recall us having a conversation with our superintendent, a young white guy. It started on how it took him less than a couple of months to learn Spanish, cuss words and all, working with us, while it took him 4 years of high school to reach the same level of proficiency. Then out of nowhere he told us something. He said “You know, I have nothing against Mexicans. They’re hardworking and nice guys. I just wish more white boys wanted this kind of work, but they just don’t. It’s not even badly payed, plus they get a van to drive, free gas and lodging, and even a free case of beer at least once a month. I just don’t get it.”
        And that got me thinking. It’s not a white problem. I think that it’s more of an American problem. These kids have been so emasculated that they feel only college will offer them a better life, do they wasted years and money towards that goal, only to be whipped in shape by some corporate lackeys, especially if they got HR departments, and especially if they’re led by feminists. Meanwhile good paying trades get unoccupied, which have to be worked by someone.

        1. I’ve made it a minor life mission to redirect kids away from useless majors (often business degrees) toward the trades. Two of my uncles work in power utilities, and they’re always starving for fresh blood.

        2. Judging from personal experience, I’d say you’re completely 100% correct. I was raised in a household where I MUST get a college degree in order to get a good job and anyone who didn’t have a good corporate job were just college drop outs. As I’ve aged and gotten out of that atmosphere, I’ve learned that I was the one who probably made the poor decision of chasing a useless degree. Live and learn. I’ve made peace with my mistake, but I’m not going to force the same mindset on my children.

        3. I mean, if you’re going for a degree in say, engineering, might as well start in a trade, like power utilities. Worst comes to worst, if something goes wrong and you can’t complete your degree, at least you got Plan B. For kids in majors, such as you mentioned, business, there’s no Plan B, unless you count counting coffee beans at Starbucks.

        4. Absolutely. As an engineer, even if somehow the world stops needing decent programmers, I know enough to route networks, design circuits, and repair dynamos. Plus, in my spare time I repair and repaint bikes.
          Trades keep the world going. So long as we have a modern society, we’ll always have a spot for someone who can fix the poo pipes (which makes my cousin enough to own land, cut albums on his own dime, and raise horses).

        5. “we’ll always have a spot for someone who can fix the poo pipes”
          Unless eco-terrorists generalise the dry ecological toilet.

        6. We used to use those in the Boy Scouts. All you need is a trowel, leaves that aren’t toxic, and the foresight to dig a latrine before you have to go.
          Why do you think I love indoor plumbing so much? Digging and filling latrines is shit work.

        7. The day that a “trowel” and “leaves” enter into my bathroom routine is the day I give a blowjob to a shotgun.
          As it is I have a separate IPad for the bathroom. That ipad and its charger never leave the bathroom, ever. They are there for life.

        8. When I got out of the army and went to college I used to work in a tomato canning factory over the summer during harvest season. The machinery was old and labor intensive. Besides me and another vet out of the marines, the rest of the crew was from Mexico. The American college kids wouldn’t last a week before they quit.

        9. Could you go into the pay? The guy said it was not “badly paid”. How not badly?
          I remember working cleaning apartments for a short time back in those days and the pay was decent (temp job) but the work for was. 2 and a half times minimum wage, but I sure earned it. So adjusting for inflation, were the roofers really getting that? I noticed that for 10 bucks an hour in this region I live, the same pay is for jobs of different workload. You can bus tables and become exhausted for that, clean floors, or sit at a counter at the 7-11, or stand around as cashier at the Gap. My wife when she was starting out decided to opt for the easiest of the above.

        10. When I first started roofing, my pay was $17.50 and hour as a 20 year old. At one point while doing projects up in Nellis AFB, is was making up to $24 an hour. And for sheet metal roofing, the experienced craftsmen were making up to $32 an hour. Unfortunately, I didn’t get enough experience to make that money, plus I joined the Air Force. But if you manage to land a job with a big contractor, especially one that handles military and federal contracts, you might potentially make decent money. Of course, in my case, the fact that one of my older brothers was the foreman helped a bit.

        11. Now that you mention this, perhaps a Depression era style outfit like the Civilian Conservation Corps doesn’t sound too bad. True, it’s a bit of govt encroachment that does reek a bit of socialism, but it’s either that or let kids waste their time on meaningless degrees and Pokemon Go. Perhaps rounding them up and sending them to Yellowstone to pull weeds is not that bad of an idea.

        12. My grandfather was a “whistle punk” (google it) at the age of 12 during the depression a few hundred miles from home. He joined the army in 1940. Hardest man I have I ever known.

        13. I think we should start viewing those on the welfare dole as employees of the government which pays them.
          Put ’em to work. Surely we can find something they can do to help earn their keep.

        14. We’ve been getting streamed into college like Indian girls for he last several decades and it’s a problem.

        15. People would feel much much better about themselves. I think that a lot of this low life violence and degradation is internalized shame. A man has to work for himself like a woman has to be a part of something bigger than herself. Just sitting around hustling is fucking ridiculous.

        16. I don’t think we should interfere with Pokemon go… because it separates the productive from the worthless, and the latter will probably walk into traffic or a lake if we leave them alone.

        17. My father lost it on me when I told him I wasn’t going to college immediately after HS. I’m still younger than he was when he proposed to my mom. He didn’t have enough to even buy her a ring. I have enough for a down-payment on a house.

        18. Those people would mutilate themselves simply to collect disability. Not to mention if you’re shitty enough to live off welfare, you probably won’t have any value as a laborer.
          Welfare is simply a ploy to keep folks on the plantation.

      3. I am a woman, a master certified mechanic and have been in the industry for 10 years. No pussy pass, I earned it.
        That being said, I agree that most women are far too stupid, fat, and lazy to do my job. I make fun of the women who do the hr/receptionist/makework jobs on the regular. They are so daft and useless that I will not lower myself to associating with them.
        I’ve also met countless betas over the years that cannot even check their own oil!!! Their fathers must be so ashamed!
        Anyway, nice blog, accurate for the most part. It feels good to be redpill…

  5. Regarding #1: Anyone else work for a company that the United Way has sunk their tentacles into? These people are pure fucking evil. They’ve created this hostile culture at my office where part of the parking lot is for donators only and there are “competitions” between teams/departments with prizes. Non-donators get anything from a razzing to the “team player” talk.
    Regarding #2: There’s zero room for dead weight in a tech startup. I’ve seen company founders paying themselves minimum wage and in one case setting up a sleeping bag in their office. It’s not like a huge government bureaucracy where 80% of the people are playing Bejeweled and 20% are working.
    And it’s curious how no one ever tells these clowns that they’re free to start their own company. Oh, they don’t want to take risks when it’s -their- money? Typical.
    Incidentally, we have a Latino sysadmin and he’s one of the hardest workers I’ve ever seen. He’d be mortified at the thought of getting a “leg up” because the company wanted to virtue signal. But let’s be frank for a second – the diversity pimps measure things in terms of Black vs non-Black. They don’t care how many East Asian, Latino, Desi, MENA, et al people you have.

    1. Can you expand on the United Way thing a bit? I don’t think I’ve ever heard this before. What sort of company would they become involved with? Are they invited to do so or do they bully their way in?

      1. It’s like an overlord charity. You give to them and they dish out money to various charitable groups. Presumably this is somehow better than just giving directly to the charity.
        I’m not sure whether a company or UW initiates the relationship, but I do know that United Way reps and management have meetings on a regular basis. I myself work for an ISP. They seem to like teaming up with sales and tech places. Never heard of them looking for handouts at a foundry or a paper mill or anything like that.

        1. I have to wonder what management thinks they are getting out of it, and if they realize the hostile culture that it promotes. Unfortunately, it sounds like the type of thing that would be very career-limiting if you were to point it out to them.
          I suppose it’s possible that it could be more of a shakedown/protection racket, too. A friendly operative in the tax or permits office down at city hall could make life miserable for uncooperative businesses. Eh, probably speculating too much here.

        2. I know that PR is definitely important to a company, but I’ve always felt more local projects were the way to go. People will care more about the scholarship the company funded or some field techs helping a lost child than something as abstract as a third world country getting 1.3 million dollars to squander instead of 1.1.
          I’ll definitely check out the possibility of the UW getting involved in local governments. I wouldn’t put it past them.

    2. “Anyone else work for a company that the United Way has sunk their tentacles into?”
      The non-profit is one of the biggest scams going. They make up 11% of the national economy (translation:. the government subsidizes 11% of the economy with bullshit “work”).
      I worked for a non-profit at one time, and one day I had to drive some black chick (mother of two, from two different fathers) to the unemployment office to get her check. Same bitch tells me she is “independent” on the way there – you can’t make this shit up.
      The non-profits are a devious tentacle in the octopus of socialism.

      1. My wife used to work for one. It seemed like an unimaginably toxic work environment. Lots of “voluntary” weekend charity events and guilt-trips whenever she wanted a raise.
        I swear, most peoples’ definition of “independent” seems to “I’m not begging on the streets”.

  6. If that movie “Apollo 13” is in any way accurate, I was blown away when these guys were doing complex math and science by hand, trying to figure out how to get those guys back. Could the current NASA guys do that if the computers went down?

    1. Some of them.
      I’ve got a lot of friends and family at NASA whose entire job is to ensure those computers are the most efficient and redundant calculation engines on the planet. When most of Houston lost power after Hurricane Ike, Mission Control didn’t even notice until main power came back a few weeks later.

      1. Thats amazing. Would be great to see pieces on these guys more in the mainstream media.

        1. Amusingly, they’re happiest when they’re ignored.
          One of them has told me numerous times that, “If I’m doing my job right, no one will ever notice that I work here.” He’s perhaps the number one debugger in the world, but because his code so rarely breaks nobody at the top knows he’s alive.

        2. “If I’m doing my job right, no one will ever notice that I work here.”
          Holy shit, that plaque should be hung on the door of every worker in America

        3. The problem with that is, while I spend 70+ hours a week between the office and the time I am on call making sure that no one knows I even work here there is a woman in another office who spends 70 hours a week complaining non stop, trying to make everything personal, being an informant and texting the partners how “stressed out” she is so often that they keep giving her more money and power. By the time I even notice what is going on, I have been marginalized and have to jump into an office politics game that I a) didn’t even know was going on b) I am already losing and c) has nothing to do with getting my job done (not kidding, I am dealing with this right now)

        4. Thats just wonderful. If I was starting a small business, I’d hire nothing but white guys. What are they gonna do if I fire em? Nuthin! No lawsuits coming CCC’s way

        5. That is true. But I work for 3 women who inherited a small empire, tried to have women run the show and then needed to bring in some men. So today’s absurd culture opened up a position that I was able to personality myself into (without any proper credentials to actually do the job) which is something I could not have done 60 years ago when my job would be done with someone who had experience in the field and in an office filled with people who made the job a lot easier (and thus a lot less valuable) than it is today.
          As Yogurt said, there are two sides to every Schwartz.

        6. I went through a similar thing. I’ve become good at office politics but I still have problems but like with being a helicopter pilot, simply surviving is testament to proficiency.
          As a fellow battle scarred veteran, my advice red-pill comrade:
          If your work is genuinely valuable, you need to remind management of it. I wish I had done this so take heed: Take the longest vacation you can WITHOUT them reassigning your work. If they reassign your work, you’ll be replaced before you even set foot back in the office. Effectively, you need to go on strike. I find 3 weeks is perfect. It’s under a month and just long enough that the place beings to explode without you. When you get back, all the sheep who wouldn’t stand up for you will be begging for your help. This leads to number 2:
          Be busy. If you work 10 hours a day to finish deadlines for people who take credit for your work, then you’re working badly. Work 8 and show your manager your work and then say that X amount of work won’t get done. Make them TRY to hire someone else to do your job. If they can, then you’re through anyway. But most likely they won’t be able to find someone to do your job for a half year or more. Let them FIGHT to beg for your time rather than you stretching to please people who increasingly become more demanding and unappreciative.
          Clock your time. When you start saying “no” to people, management will want to know WHY. So show it. What you do isn’t as important as what management sees you do. Remember that. Have regular 1:1’s with management. A 10 minute meeting with management trumps 8 hours actual work.
          Don’t train your replacement. Or more accurately, don’t train them well. Don’t document yourself out of a job. When a workplace is ethical, then documentation is fine since you are able to pass that work onto someone else up and coming and you move onto a new, higher paying position. But if you’re stuck in place, you’ve got two (bad) avenues: They exploit you to death (literally) or shove you out once you help someone else do your job. The third? You become indispensible AND needed. Badly. If you train someone, train them how to do it in the most inefficient way possible (like when you started 20 years ago). Don’t give them all your tricks. Show them only the most obvious work anyone could do. Avoid doing anything complex in front of them. Obfuscate. Think of yourself as MI-6. Look at it this way: When you watch those cooking shows and they make it so easy, does it work when you try to cook the thing yourself? Be like that cook: You put on a great show but in the end, they learn NOTHING.
          Control your staff. Even if you have no direct reports, as SME (subject matter expert), they’ll ask your opinion for new hires. Give it to them. Don’t recommend on merit but rather on personal usefulness. Will they be allies for you or a competitor or worse, a replacement? Tailor your interview questions to either make the person shine, or bore based upon what works for YOU. Train them to do the mundane tasks while you control the higher level stuff. In a way, this is a promotion as you work fewer hours but at more tasks that require higher level thinking.
          In dealing with enemies, you have to avoid provoking them unnecessarily but you can’t avoid them. The best gains I made in defeating my enemies was in controlled provocation. When they decided to “trigger” on me, I allowed the situation to escalate when it was to my advantage. They made a fool of themselves and I shined. If you avoid them, as some will advise, they’ll use that to show you’re weak and that’s the LAST thing you want to appear as.
          Pick your battles and the timing of the battles. I found that if you needed to have a heated talk with management, it’s best a year before reviews come to an end when they can retaliate against me. Give them time to cool off but be sure to stand up for yourself even if that means causing offense. Nothing is worse than appearing weak (see above.)
          Finally, and this was hard for me: Don’t be so nice. I am a nice person and sometimes can’t help helping people (even my enemies), or being nice to people being mean to me (which they take as a sign of weakness.) In the man’s world, sometimes niceness is seen as a feminine trait (even most women don’t have this anymore.) Yes, it’s great to enjoy your work, but keep in mind it’s work. Being professional doesn’t mean being nice or even polite, it means being firm and controlled.
          Hope this helps.

        7. Fellow battle scared veteran. I like that. It really is true. I have become good at the politics game in the office out of necessity the same way I became good at negotiations and all the other bullshit that goes along with NYC construction.
          That said, I wish I could take 3 weeks off. I really can’t. It would cripple things over here and it is not something they would let me forget. I just had my annual review and we will see if they give me more money. As long as the money is commensurate with the bullshit I will be fine. It is hard for me to tell what they are thinking just yet. It may very well be the case that they understand that this is all bullshit she is pulling and are going to side with me.
          The controlling of staff is very important. When my junior staff acts unprofessional and fights with her junior staff it comes down bad. Also, maintaining my temper. I had an occasion last week where I lost it and called her a cunt in an email with the partners CC’d. That was a lost battle for me. It was mine to lose and I lost it. I really believe I will win this war, but that battle went sour.
          AS for not being so nice, that is the easy part. In fact, in many ways my job is to be the professional bad cop. I tell a guy I work with who plays the role of good cop to stop being so nice all the time. Being nice is a disastrous thing.
          All in all good advice. The funny thing is that I was trying to explain that adversarial relationships are in fact good for the company. When two intelligent people disagree and can have a respectful and passionate adversarial discussion the end result is better than either of the two parties could have come up with in the first place. This is no different than how capitalism makes for good product. Competition is good. However, this isn’t that. This is one person who is doing their job to the best of their ability and another person who is being a fucking cunt. I am hoping they see that.
          Keep fighting the good fight man.

        8. That man deserves a pat in the back, an unlimited supply of alcohol, and a beautiful Colombiana to give him a massage, and then some.

    2. Assuming that those computers were analog, at least the Apollo 13 crew didn’t have to worry about viruses or hackers. I can’t imagine a scenario like that, where some Russian punk manages to break into a console to wreak havoc. After all, hackers have messed with smart technologies on modern cars.

      1. Its madness. Almost every aspect of your life will become hackable

        1. Indeed. Infact, Cheeseburgercheeseburger didn’t even say this. It was a 12 year old Korean kid who posted that comment.

        2. Don’t insult bacon. Everything tastes better with bacon. Including chocolate.
          I could never be a chaste jew or muslim. Bacon is a weakness.

        3. bacon is never a weakness…..that is like saying kratom is a weakness.
          The line was from pulp fiction where Travolta is incensed that Sam Jackson doesn’t eat bacon.

        4. the revolution will be broadcast via ham radio as only gentiles will be allowed to use them

        5. well done. well done.
          This all goes back to Noah’s son who checked out his junk.

        6. I didn’t know this! The american consulate in Berlin will be hearing from me for depriving me of my bacon rights.

        7. No bacon in Berlin? I could find bacon in most of the civil parts of the ME (if I looked hard enough).

        8. Plenty. Pork is what’s for dinner in Germany… every damn day. Good luck finding a decent steak house or a tex-mex restaurant.
          ME is it’s own peculiarity. I was amused how a Sauid usually had a bottle of Johnnie Walker at home. Gracious hosts though.

      2. All mission critical systems are separate from the Internet. They operate under their own networks only.
        With sufficient hacking power, you could get as far as a secondary system that displays current statistics about objects in flight (O2 levels and the like). But if you want to send any commands, you have to physically sit in the center itself (which is inside a few bunker layers).
        Now, from what I hear, there have been morons who propose putting mission critical systems on the Internet, but so far they’ve been laughed out of the room.

    3. The science is good the integrity is threatened by death.

      I saw scout ships over Kaiser Oregon, (satellite aqquisition is harder) in the early nineties.
      Meta stealth was in progress then the nordics are a favorite for R and D.

    4. Can you imagine the joy and sense of accomplishment every american had that day? I bet it was such a great time to be alive.
      To answer your question…hell no. They may have landed on the moon, but NASA wouldn’t even know where to start if we had to go there today. No shuttle program. No federal funding. Most talent left the agency for private sector jobs. The last 5 years americas space program has consisted of elon musk blowing up rockets and trying to figure out what we did 50 years ago.

  7. I understand the frustration with government red tape in the workplace, though diversity is not the issue. I work for a Fortune 500 that has experienced strong and consistent growth every quarter for the past 5 years. We continue to outpace our less-diverse competitors in terms of sales growth, margin improvements, and stock price. And wouldn’t you know, the company is roughly 75% women and 30% non-white.
    Do I think that companies should meet quotas to ensure diversity? No, of course not. But I do believe in implementing automated talent acquisition prgrams to save time and avoid hiring biases.

    1. As the author shows, big companies can often arrange for favorable regulations to themselves and special treatment especially if they have political connections (such as Volt, GM, Solyndra). One (white) guy who works at a consulting firm told me that they were a certified women AND minority owned company. Other companies have to bid at least 20% below their price to compete so they are often priced out of the market.
      In the meantime, the economy of the USA is propped up by 0.25% FED money pumping. Note that for the rest of financial history as we know it, FED rates bounced between 5 percent to even 18 percent to match inflation. This means that the fed is effectively throwing money at this dog of an economy at -2.75 percent (adjusted for inflation) to keep the stock and housing market going. Housing costs have tripled during the Obama era which appears great, on paper, but this means that people who sell their homes won’t really benefit (since they would have to pay higher rents) and taxes are higher since they are set against housing prices. So now most millennials can’t afford to leave home and birthrates are plummeting (except for Syrian ISIS refugees.)
      Oy vey!
      At one time, the USSR appeared to do quite well too even up into the late 60’s and then the shortages started and the economy collapsed just after Reagan left office. The USA’s economy doesn’t make a lot of sense.

      1. Back during Bush I or Clinton admin, they stopped using food and energy costs to calculate the CPI; have they stopped using housing costs as well? Seems like it

      1. Or you can always make them yourself, sell them at $40 a pop to feminists.

    1. just thinking the same thing.
      I also want one that says
      What’s a Darfur? and on the back says “Ta git inta the room ya idjit”

      1. I want the shirt so I can wear it to the most liberal hipster beer only bar in town and see if they can understand I’m making fun of them. You know the kind of liberal hipsters who only drink beer because their too poor to afford wine, but Still want to act smug.

        1. pro tip: they can’t. When we live in a society where people can actually get upset that you would deny a fully grown man access to the ladies room because of how they identify, where a woman, like in yesterdays article, can go to a nude beach, get naked, and write an entire article about being objectified because men looked at her naked body and where a guy yelling about fucking allah can blow away like 100 faggots in florida and the faggots demand that white males and guns are to blame then there is literally 0% chance that anyone in a hipster beer bar will understand that they are being mocked by a t shirt.

  8. Leftists hate capitalism, success, and everything else that is good in America. Much like feminism, neoloberalism is cancer

    1. The irony is that while male lefties hate capitalism (blame “the man”), the women they pine over would leave them in a second for successful, Alpha cock.
      That’s one reason that so many women are hypocrites – they pretend to hate the men they love.

  9. Small business owners simply need to stop playing ball with the government. If enough of us do it, what can they do, build new jails for all of us? Lol.
    I already give nearly half of my income to a government that hates me and actively seeks to exterminate my kind. So why the fuck would I play by that government’s rules? Pick and choose your spots of course, but you don’t have to follow laws that are written by the corrupt.

      1. yeah great….right up until the massive “no fucking mortgages for anyone in the country” strike the banks will have when they take a look at your credit.

        1. That maybnot be a significant problem as we gently glide into a feudal Renaissance.

    1. I have given that a lot of thought, such as how to make government issued money obsolete. Barter system, trading precious metals etc, I bet the good old dept of revenue would be on that like flies on a screen door.
      It’s like cash now, almost no one uses it, most transactions are done on plastic or by wire now. It was always said, ” it’s to help prevent theft” or ” its for your convenience”. That may be so but, it’s also a way for someone to keep up with everything you do and everywhere you go. Then they say”well, if you’re not doing anything wrong you have nothing to worry about”. I say it’s nobodies business what I’m doing or where I’m going.

    2. Addendum to my response above, you are correct. You do have to carefully pick your spots.

  10. As much as the left loves to rail about”crony capitalism”or “corporate America” and that sort of thing all that government power to regulate that they seem to love so much is part of the reason that large companies run everything. The regulational hoops that business owners are required to jump through gives large companies an advantage because they can afford lobbyists to get regulations passed in their favor and they can afford to keep teams of lawyers and accountants on the payroll to make sure everything goes the right way. The government and the left have killed enteprenurial individualism in this country, the days of hanging out your shingle and going into business is disappearing unless you were born with the silver spoon because most can’t afford to hire a team of lawyers to jump through the hoops to begin with.
    After hanging out your shingle you already have to start worrying about zoning regulations, employee healthcare, taxes, environmental regulations, labor laws, minimum wage laws,affirmative action laws, OSHA regs, local, regional,state and federal regs,local,state and federal taxes and who knows what all else. You almost have to hire a lawyer now to wipe your own ass. That’s what happens when we elect a bunch of lawyers to make all the laws. It’s just lawyers making up new business for other lawyers.

    1. “That’s what happens when we elect a bunch of lawyers to make all the laws. It’s just lawyers making up new business for other lawyers.”
      And the only thing we can do about it is stop saying yes sir I’ll follow your laws because honor/virtue/whatever.

    2. “You almost have to hire a lawyer now to wipe your own ass.”
      We here at Shithole and Wiper believe that you have a right to a clean balloon knot and will fight for your rights to wipe it.
      Jokes aside…yes, to your whole comment.

    3. The democrats in office know exactly what they are doing. They are the sales force of corporatism and crony capitalism. Then useful idiots soak of the sales pitch and think team D is looking out for them.

    4. “The government and the left have killed entrepreneurial individualism in this country.”
      Very true. Many college courses that teach business writing (technical writing) focus on creating wage slaves: resume writing, understanding cultural diversity, etc. They do this instead of focusing on writing grants, business plans, etc.
      School are one of the worst perpetrators of creating an “employee attitude.” Then again, this could be because colleges (both traditional and non-traditional) have become female dominated (and feminist leaning).

    5. it’s always a conflict of interest to hire a lawyer, because a simple disagreement can easily be solved, but once lawyers get involved every possible why and wherefore must be examined and determined which usually serves to produce increasing amounts of conflict. most legal documents are jammed with incomprehensible garbage that is not enforceable and meaningless since possession is 9/10ths the law. The other 1/10th is openess and trust between the parties.
      There is no need for lawyers. They should all just be scrapped. If you can’t write it and agree it in plain english yourself and if you trust the other party so little you need to spend thousands of dollars on a hundred page document why the hell are you in business with them in the first place ?
      look at the internet.. you go to a site and you have to agree to all kinds of legal policies which cost millions to draft and are plain obvious before they were even written.

      1. The language heretofore known as legalese is an abomination wherefore upon use is to find loopholes in agreements written by other lawyers to find a way for other lawyers to not have to honor the agreement thereby as a reason to hire lawyers so that simple written or handshake agreements are worthless so that lawyers can write legal agreements that other lawyers can find a way around so you can hire more lawyers.

      2. Somebody who has never been stiffed and had to go after someone for breach of contract. ^^^

  11. *The full faith and credit clause of the Constitution should apply to all licences, not just drivers’ licences: concealed carry, ownership of [whatever], professional licences, academic accreditation, business, the whole shebang.
    *The most essential freedoms are freedom of association and freedom to sell. Get those back and everything else follows.
    *No system that makes the government a 3rd party to every transaction (or a required part of nearly any transaction) is consistent with any degree of freedom.
    *No system that does not allow keeping private records permanently private is consistent with any degree of freedom.
    * No system will prosper that does not decide problems of a given difficulty by people with abilities sufficient to the tasks. For those questions too hard for anyone, the most able are by far the most likely to get a satisfactory answer, so putting final decision-making power in the hands of those who have proven most able to answer questions with known answers is a requirement for all governance.
    *These positions demand balancing the interests of different groups, so the decision-maker must also be a faithful representative of his or her own group, the group which he is trying to advance, the group of those who are most able to judge and invent, since this group is the best prospect for investment.
    *We can measure ability pretty well, and have ways of doing it even better.
    *So it is imperative to use those measures to determine who makes decisions. Every other way of selecting decision-makers leads to predictably worse outcomes.

    1. “concealed carry, ownership of [whatever], professional licences, academic accreditation, business, the whole shebang.”
      I can sure support this.

      1. “No system that does not allow keeping private records permanently private is consistent with any degree of freedom.”
        I assume you’re still allowing courts to subpoena documents. Otherwise criminal and civil cases would be impossible to try.

        1. actually I was just quoting the guy above me so I could make a joke that my federal bikini inspector license falls under full faith and credit and I can inspect bikinis in any state.

  12. you’re going to have to revoke the 14th Amendment if you want these ‘rights’.
    the 14th explicitly violates Freedom of Association ( although, strangely, it’s only ever used to violate the FoA of Whites and Men ) and is the justification ( along with an absurdly over broad interpretation of the Commerce Clause ) for the Federal Courts interfering in every aspect of modern life.
    the Oregon baker / gay cake is due to local Oregon law ( and Oregon has a ‘right’ to make that law ), that one is not actually on the Feds.

  13. I work in high tech and a few observations. It (was) largely one of the egalitarian fields out there (what you can do, you get respect for) but also had massive bullying and management attempts to push overtime work onto naive employees. Scams all over the place. Check out the “ubeam” startup. Bill Gates made his billions from his mother working at IBM getting him the meeting and his father bankrolling his life from crony capitalist estate tax dodges. It’s been that way since even the go-go 90’s.
    “Diversity” in IT now largely means hiring Indians, preferably Telugu language (they are racist towards those outside of their caste, whatever that is.) I laughed when I tuned into a “women in coding” initiative and it was 2 Indian guys and an Indian woman talking about how “women” could get into coding. The Indian women coders were all housewives of H1bs via arranged marriages who got fake masters degrees from India and try to foist their work on American citizens. I have figured out their game and my way of dealing with them is to always appear unavailable. They eventually give up and look for easier pickins much like a car thief testing your car alarm. The IT industry is quickly devolving into a mess like many other workplaces where even the semblence of merit mentioned above doesn’t matter anymore but the good news is: In a way it is egalitarian in that it’s not just white males being discriminated against anymore. Now it’s EVERYONE whose not Telugu! The “fix is in” DC and Hillary and the EOE recognizes workplaces that are 99% Telugu as “diverse”.

  14. Note how most of the Huffpo chicks wouldn’t even pass the binary fuckability test? If it was 2AM and you were in a bar drunk off your ass and your only chance of fucking a woman was one of them, must guys with options would just go home and crank one off.

    1. Can you imagine the egos on these women? Good Lord, it must be unbearable.
      I can imagine some poor shlub who goes on a blind date with one of these women, and then has to hear her done on about her important job as a “writer” for the HuffPo. No doubt she thinks her articles on Eskimo lesbians in the Olympics are so important. It would be pure torture.
      I’d have a hard time digesting my truffle fries.

    2. Would bet that their tech support people are all men. Don’t need no men except when the software or hardware break down.

  15. “So what can we do to help reclaim some of our former entrepreneurial glory? ”
    Let’s see…. CIVIL WAR.
    Whereas all those things you mentioned to improve things make sense, but none will be allowed to be implemented unless we get rid of the cancer destroying America. How do we get rid of it? Let’s see… CIVIL WAR.

    1. Men have been accustomed to not to use violence anymore. Violence is one of the first things feminism erradicated in the West. If violence is present in a society, women have absolutely NOTHING to do. They are totally inferior on these terms, and they know it.

        1. The violent West came together with the concept of honor, unknown to women.

        2. The lack of honor is a cultural evolution among women. A tribe loses, and the men are all massacred. The women are now the new tribe’s property. Easiest just for them to accept it and roll on.

  16. You start off your list by saying “You are in the business of innovation and making money” and shouldn’t be doing any virtue signalling. However, in #3 you say you should be allowed to deny service to some groups because of your religious beliefs. Isn’t that just virtue signalling, but in the other direction? I see a pretty big contradiction here.

    1. Autonomy, not virtue signalling. You should be allowed to deny service or to not deny service as you see fit. At present, the US government places legal limits on the conditions under which you can deny service or employment, which is fundamentally oppressive.

    2. It’s called freedom. He wouldn’t be doing this to attract more customers but, rather it is a natural expression of his freedom to do business and associate with the people of his choosing. Two very different things.

  17. I really liked this article – well thought-out, great job.
    This is not on topic here, but I’m gonna make a prediction, and this is as good a place as any. (I could be wrong, but hey, since the odds are more than 100-1 against me, I’ll look like a psychic if I’m right. And if I’m not, hey, I’m not a psychic anyway.)
    I think the Washington Nationals will defeat the Chicago Cubs in the MLB’s National League baseball playoffs (vindication for Dusty Baker over his former team). And the Nationals will go on to win the World Series. Then we’ll have another black manager who wins a World Series (Cito Gaston being the first), which fits right in with today’s incessant promotion of black men as superhuman entities by the media.
    We will also see various elected officials from Washington in the stands during the Nationals’ televised playoff games – including the ultimate symbol of black dominance, President Obama – which will enhance and solidify their image in the eyes of TV viewers everywhere. (Why do you think they call MLB “The Show”….)

    1. People forget he’s half white. He is only as dark as he is because his father was from the mother continent and black as pitch.

  18. Great article. Isn’t it funny how every HR department is run by a woman?

    1. I assume you include gays and manginas in that combination? Because nothing makes me want to puke more than “men” who run HR departments.

      1. What’s the difference beyond genetics? Mentally they all seem the same to me…

        1. They occupy a special place in hell since they’re like us “physically” speaking.
          Agree completely on the mental aspect though.

  19. Those who became the wealthiest over a 100 years ago, well a portion of them are the problem. They decided that their success gave them the right to shape the lives of their employees and then the society at large. Their money is the source of your complaints to this day.
    Take a look. Take any initiative you don’t like. Any society shaping agenda you don’t like. The sort of thing where you wonder how these people pushing it can afford to spend their lives pushing it. Take a look where those organizations get their money.
    You’ll start to see some familiar names.

      1. I am speaking of the american industrialists that in the words of one of them, decided competition was a sin.

  20. You guys must understand that if this is not a simulation we live in than it runs on the same vein.
    Dont be stupid be good men.

    1. Akashic record is not far off the mark and I say that cause I am psychic and paranormal magnetic.

    1. My thought exactly. Looks like a Peace Corps orientation. Nothing but 5s, at best.

  21. More importantly, supporters of equality should realize that forcing gender and ethnicity diversification has the opposite effect. If all genders and ethnicities are all worth the same then they should not be taken into consideration during the hiring process because they don’t matter.

    1. Should be able to make that innovative sammich darn it.
      Actually jokes aside my wife does innovate – in the kitchen. She combined and adjusts and invents new recipes and I as her chief customer give her feedback which she incorporates into the process.
      Female innovation at its best.

      1. Well done that man! Female innovation in the kitchen and also in the choosing of naughty night attire should always be applauded. And give her a little pat on the behind for me……

  22. HR departments are the death of businesses now. I recently asked a girl at my college what she wanted to do with her psychology degree and she responded that she wanted to join the Air Force. Naturally, I thought she wanted to work on a research team, or help with PTSD, or something. Nope, she wants to work in HR. HR for the Military. Yep, that actually exists.

  23. I used to work for a small business and the guy who ran it simply threw all applications from women in the trash.
    He just couldn’t afford the liability of maternity leave or the possibility of an harassment allegation.
    He needed people who were willing to work unsociable hours, travel long distances and spend days – sometimes weeks – away from home. In other words, men.
    Most women are not work orientated (See Hakim, “Work-Lifestyle Choices in the 21st Century: Preference Theory”). They simply aren’t. And no amount of feminist propaganda is going to change that.

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