Talk Radio Host Michael Savage Is The Latest Casualty Of Leftist Censorship

Popular talk radio host Michael Savage, whose nationalistic message of Borders, Language, and Culture surely chafes the elites’ asses and their dreams of homogenizing the world into one mass of microchipped cattle, was suddenly taken off the air Monday. The incident happened when Savage, who holds degrees in medical botany and epidemiology was discussing the Parkinson’s Disease drug Levodopa, and it’s possible side effects on a twitchy and fainting Sick Hillary.

The incident taking Savage off the air nationwide was initially chalked up to ISDN problems, but it was strange that it came hours before the debates were scheduled to begin and Sick Hillary’s campaign continues suppressing news about her checkered medical history.

Soon after making comments suggesting Hillary could have Parkinson’s Disease, and attempting to start a scientific discussion about the symptoms we’ve seen the Demoncat candidate display as well as known side effects from Levodopa and other drugs, Savage was abruptly taken off the air on his biggest affiliate, WABC in New York City and replaced with two low-rated hosts who said they conducted a coup on him. Almost immediately following his removal from the airwaves in New York City, he was then taken off the air on an additional 400 affiliates around the nation and replaced with an older, recorded broadcast of The Savage Nation.

What makes this incident intriguing is that it’s just another in a long, long line of convenient “accidents” that happen to the Clintons’ opposition. This certainly isn’t the first such incident, as a trail of “suicides” have been piling up behind the Clinton crime family for 30 years.

This program has been determined inappropriate to the narrative by Big Brother

This program has been determined inappropriate to the narrative by Big Brother

Savage quickly fired off an email about the situation to the press, expressing the belief there was much more behind the incident than technical problems:

Pure sabotage. No advance notice from me or my producers. Then ‘ISDN problems’ during my discussion of the side effects of Levodopa, used for treating Parkinson’s. Then the two fill-ins trying to sound informed and clever from WABC who have 40% lower ratings than me, boasting on air during my hours that they conducted a ‘coup’ by taking Savage off the air.

Savage has a weekly audience that reaches about 20 million people, making him one of the top rated talk radio hosts in the nation. He also has the largest talk show following online, with his show being the most popular amongst those who stream audio. His conservative opinions have often made him a lightning rod for criticism by Social Justice Warriors. Since he has often claimed to be “To the right of Rush and to the left of God” he would likely be one of the first targets in a campaign of censorship, one Matt Drudge has been sounding the alarm about.

Savage’s show is syndicated by Cumulus Media, a corporate media entity which owns 570 radio stations nationwide.

Clinton clearly has serious medical issues, but the issue has been censored and even ridiculed by mainstream media, and there has clearly been a concerted effort by the media to suppress her sickliness. The press has routinely ridiculed those questioning Queen Hillary’s health, and even labeled them “healthers” for months before video of her fainting and collapsing surfaced, forcing the propagandists in the media to back off.

There have been other high-profile incidents of either direct or indirect censorship of this major campaign issue, Hillary’s Health, an issue Lester Dolt of NBC didn’t bring up at the debate only hours after Savage’s expose had “technical problems.”

Perhaps Savage is lucky he didn’t “commit suicide” as so many of the Clintons’ enemies do.

More Censorship Over Clinton’s Health

Dr. Drew was booted from CNN shortly after questioning Hillary’s health

Dr. Drew was booted from CNN shortly after questioning Hillary’s health

Savage’s possible censorship is not without precedent. Dr. Drew Pinsky was recently fired from CNN after questioning Hillary’s health before video of her collapsing on at 9/11 memorial ceremonies surfaced. A source close to Dr. Drew told the press the producers of the show immediately started receiving strange phone calls after he Pinsky publicly questioned Hillary’s health.

First, they demanded he retract his comments, but he wouldn’t… It was downright scary and creepy.

Beyond the well-documented Dr. Drew incident with CNN, The Huffington Post (led by a barely legal editorial team of post-pubescent, mostly white girls who claim to be the model of diversity – LOL) recently fired and banned journalist David Seaman for posting an opinion piece about Hillary’s health, an article that was trending and was ranked #3 on the site when it was abruptly taken down only hours after it was posted.

Seaman, who is well experienced in online journalism said:

Both of my articles have been pulled without notice of any kind, just completely deleted from the Internet, and both of those articles mentioned Hillary’s health. I’ve filed hundreds of stories over the years as a journalist and I’ve never had anything like this happen….I’ve never experienced this. This is spooky, to me this is extremely spooky – I don’t like it.

This article was scrubbed from PuffHo because it didn't conform to the narrative that Hillary is healthy as a spring chicken

This article was scrubbed from PuffHo because it didn’t conform to the narrative that Hillary is healthy as a spring chicken

These incidents may just be trial runs for what’s to come when true censorship disguised as “Net Neutrality” clamps down on free speech. The power structure is desperate to regain control of the narrative they lost when the Internet supplanted the centralized communication model that ruled the world for 50 years—one focused on radio and television. Fred Campbell president of the Center for Boundless Innovation in Technology explains how such legislation will put the government’s deadly hands around the Internet’s throat.

This possibility raises the risk that Congress or the FCC could impose restrictions on Internet video and other services that have traditionally been imposed on over the air broadcasting and cable television, including the fairness doctrine that once put the government in charge of determining whether broadcasters were fairly representing both sides of an issue.

The web site Catholic Online said the move of censoring Savage could have been part of coming censorship of radio talk shows and other right-leaning media warned about by such prominent figures as Matt Drudge. The web site wrote:

When private firms are not censoring content by deleting it or pulling the plugs, they’re using soft censorship. For example, YouTube will not monetize content that contains material they don’t like. Neither will many other advertisers. The lack of monetization discourages news outlets from covering such topics. Other forms of soft censorship include inflating non-issues and celebrities to flood the news cycle with hype and fluff. These serve as distractions while the real news stories of the day are either glossed over or ignored.

It is becoming clear the elite will do anything to regain control over our speech. The specter of censorship over Hillary’s health issues reveal just how connected the Clintons are, and how stupid the elite believe we plebeians are. Perhaps Savage is lucky he hasn’t had “a heart attack” like Andrew Breitbart did. (P.S. The government has had an untraceable heart attack gun since the 1970s. Andrew Breitbart was threatening to drop a huge story about the establishment days before he died.)

One day, we may go to tune in to our favorite radio show or call up our favorite web site and find it isn’t there anymore. Just as the Soviet Union moved to silence dissidents during its reign of terror, the United States is now moving so silence dissent of its unfolding socialist New World Order. Hillary has obviously been selected to be the representative of this cabal by a government within the government, and those who cross her do so at their own professional, and personal risk.

Read More: Double Standard: Male Victim Says Men Shouldn’t Walk Alone, No One Yells “Victim Blaming”

130 thoughts on “Talk Radio Host Michael Savage Is The Latest Casualty Of Leftist Censorship”

  1. Let radio die.
    Someone like Dr. Savage can easily continue in his work via internet streaming. That at least will be harder to take down.

      1. I can understand a single website being infiltrated, but can a centralized entity take over the entire web like that?

    1. That’s what Tom Leykis did, and while he may not have the reach of an AM broadcaster in a major market, he’s got his loyal following and seems to be doing quite well for himself.

  2. Michael Savage was Alt-Right long before it existed. From his beginnings as a radio show host, he was spouting his “Borders, Language, Culture” slogan and fighting against unchecked immigration.
    Not bad for a Jew.

      1. And former gay hippie boytoy of Allan Ginsberg. Gets fucked in the ass, then turns and bellows into a microphone for the next three decades about how morally wrong it is for men to get fucked in the ass.
        He’s a self-loathing Jew, to the hundredth degree. You know the type.
        The guy’s a million kinds of fucked up. I almost feel sorry for him.

  3. Perhaps Savage is lucky he hasn’t had “a heart attack” like Andrew Breitbart did. (P.S. The government has had an untraceable heart attack gun since the 1970s. Andrew Breitbart was threatening to drop a huge story about the establishment days before he died.)
    Good thing I have my pyramid powered tin foil vest!!

    1. I may not be ready to believe in a heart attack gun (because people die mysterious deaths that are not heart attacks), but I can’t forget some of the fucked up weapons used during the Cold War.
      Like that Russian weapon that shoots a radioactive pellet into the body. You die of radiation poisioning, and nobody can detect it until the autopsy.

      1. Church died in 1984 at the age of 59… 3 months after being diagnosed with a pancreatic tumor… makes ya wonder.

        1. Yep, and Tower died in a plane crash about a decade later. There are a lot of “plane crashes” surrounding politicians who challenge the power structure. So much so Jesse Ventura will not fly – at all.

        2. Given how loco he’s become, I’d be somewhat surprised if JV weren’t on a no-fly list.
          Does JV have to worry about being offed? As governor, he didn’t exactly have a reputation for challenging the power structure, or the status quo.

      2. Haha, sure. I googled and watched the video of this. Ice darts? Even Mythbusters debunked that. Jeeeesus.

        1. Hmm, I don’t remember seeing anything on global warming. I will agree the later seasons became fairly redundant with everything ending up being blown up with an exorbitant amount of explosives.
          I preferred the first few seasons where they were testing actual myths and urban legends and not just seeing if shit done in movies can happen in real life.

        2. A low-rated Discovery channel show does not have the resources nor the R&D of the U.S. government. I suspect the Mythbusters wouldn’t be able to construct an ICBM, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

        3. I don’t know dude. I admittedly never saw the Mythbusters episode you mention, but as I understand it, they used ordinary gunpowder. But we know icicles can fall and kill people. So the question is whether they can be intentionally aimed and fired to do so. It doesn’t seem too much of a stretch that a gun working on compressed air could fire an ice dart hard enough to penetrate and kill.

        4. From what I’ve read, the gun used an “icicle” about the width of a human hair and around 1/4″ in length, laced with shellfish toxin. Penetrating ability would then be based on speed at which the projectile was fired based on the laws of physics. At a fast enough velocity, it absolutely would penetrate human skin. This is how vinyl records became lodged in trees after tornadoes. Rather than disintegrating, they sliced through the wood.

        5. Interesting episode. The bullets fired, but the frozen water was too brittle and cracked and broke. They tried several techniques for freezing the water to try to make them less brittle. Didn’t work. Although they never did try freezing other liquid at body temperate compounds, i.e. poison, which might be less brittle.

        6. Those are a whole bunch of logical fallacies you’ve thrown out to avoid the fact that ice is brittle.

        7. We have the following possibilities, with comparable probabilities:
          1. The CIA 100% lied to Church and Tower
          2. The CIA lied about the gun’s function
          3. The CIA lied about the darts
          4. The CIA was telling the truth
          I say they’re comparable because it was the Cold War, and information was dangerous. I do not consider it entirely unlikely that a spook would lie to their theoretical superiors, especially if the information or disinformation could mess with the Russians.
          However, if there is a way to fire a specially crafted ice dart containing an untraceable poison with no readily-identifiable entry point, it’s a scary thing.

        8. I wonder if it would even be possible to use a conventional gun design to fire something that cold. But perhaps CO2 is more brittle than water when frozen, if I compare chipping the blocks in my ice chest to chipping ice off my car.

        9. This is an area where I have no real information to guide me. In short, I have no idea.

        10. Hmm…I’m trying to think of what they might have missed (having never seen the show). A small enough package might be deliverable over a relatively short distance with minimal required force.
          And, as Gundog mentioned, there might be something not-water that strengthens the ice dart. Too many questions in my brain, no way to test it today.

        11. Yeah, I’m pretty much in the same boat. On the surface, it seems possible to fire a small dart over a short-ish distance (say, 20 yards) with enough force to penetrate skin but not enough to shatter the dart, but I don’t know.

        12. Watching Jaime and Adam plan and build some amazing piece of equipment was always the best part. But as you say, based on all the later season explosions, it seems like it was the least popular part too.

        13. That relates to my other quarrel with that stupid picture. Why have a scope on the spy gun that you have to use at close range? The target isn’t going to see you aiming a giant fucking pistol at him? If that pic showed some tiny subcompact pistol, it would be much more believable.

        14. Yes, but an injection of succinylcholine will kill someone in a way that will look like heart attack – elevate cardiac enzymes, the whole shebang. A dart with that would be feasible as a weapon. The ice part is the doubtful issue. Perhaps the ice was disinformation but the heart attack gun real, just using a typical dart that would have to be recovered as the shooter goes to “help” and does “CPR”.

        15. Yes of course, government engineers with Phd’s could not invent this because a couple of guys with a TV show said its a fake. Sure ok. I believe you , you convinced me.

        16. OK so maybe there is an elasomer washer in their that softens the blow so it does not shatter. There are a million ways to skin that cat.

        17. Other problem would be that the barrel is too short for precision over a long distance. I think the scope is for aiming from concealment within a shorter distance – you need to hit a minimal area of exposed skin in winter time.
          I think one problem is we’re mostly thinking as if it’s a bullet, not a tiny weak dart.

        18. Darts can be deadly if fired with a slingshot. Gunpowder would shatter ice but a sling is conceivable. It’s been a pastime with Filipino kids to make dart slings with a sharpened nail and bungee cord or rubber strap. They’re damn good with them and lately Filipino gangs use them in their gang battles. They’re deadly and have the straight line aiming accuracy of a long barrel (full arm’s length) when the rubber is fully stretched. They look like great fun for backyard and kid’s homeschooling. Warning: never aim or shoot at your good parents – bad things will happen!

      1. This fucking piece of shit is ‘really’ original, said the same thing in the other article today. “It” is probably some pathetic post op tranny who failed as a man or woman and weighs > 350 lbs.

        1. No, they’ve dropped that pretense around a decade ago. Now they WANT the government to impose the LGBT agenda on everyone.
          Tolerance has morphed to acceptance.
          You will comply or you will be destroyed.

        2. I think you meant to say “You will comply or you will be forcibly buggered (which is not rape because you are an evil white male shitlord).”

      1. Not for certain, we may need to consult with Mao’s former tailors to get an accurate assessment on the cost.

        1. I just assumed that $12,000 tag was the bill for the whole nation to be dressed like that in true socialist style

      2. You have to include the $12,000 worth of medical monitoring equipment and the custom tailoring to give room for the adult diaper.

        1. I’ve joked about how Hillary needs a Darth Vader pantsuit to keep her alive, but now you’ve got me to wondering.
          After Hillary dies, will Chelsea keep her mother’s Vader helmet and have conversations with it?

        2. They shove it up it’s ass, along with the Speak & Spell, everytime before they send it out for at every carefully scripted event..

      1. Her liberal politics are a definite turn-off IMO. Every time she opines on politics she makes the case that she should be “with her”; her RNC speech would have fit right in at the DNC.

        1. Haha. Dude, I care about a woman’s politics like I care what my dog thinks about Mars exploration. As long as she satisfies my desires in bed, and talks only about that kind of stuff, she can think whatever idiotic political shit she wants.

        2. I suspect that’s what the men thought right up until many states granted suffrage and then the 19th Amendment was ratified.
          But in the case of Ivanka’s politics, she’s a special case as she has the status and soapbox to successfully undermine The Donald’s platform.
          I suspect that Trump is harnessing his daughter’s natural liberalism to sincerely pander to lefties but regardless I’d appreciate it if her husband (or someone else) would step up to the plate and keep her too busy to play in politics.

        3. I’d be happy to be that “someone else.” She’ll be very busy . . . believe me . . . it will be uuuuuughe. The best.

        4. It’s also the way to appeal to undecided women. And let’s not fool ourselves about Ivanka. Even the most traditional woman is still a slave to her emotions and thus, prone to progressivism.
          And since when did Michael Weiner aka Savage become a hero for tradionalists and nationalists? The guy is a neo Cohen fraud who would throw Roosh and real nationalists under the bus.

        5. AFAIK Savage greatly rose in status when he got on the Trump Train early on while other “pundits” were against it…the revelation that other well-known “pundits” like Levin and Limbaugh were on the take, explaining why they were trashing Trump, made Savage’s status soar to the stratosphere.
          For appealing to women, could POTUS Trump get away with not implementing all the liberal crap that Ivanka has promised? Ivanka has promised a lot of crap that aligns with Hillary’s platform. Will Hillary hijack that?
          Ivanka already caused Trump some serious issues with her Planned Parenthood and immigration failures. Luckily Lyin’ Ted Cruz was too inept to capitalize on that.

        6. Weiner, Levin and Limbaugh. No wonder Conservatism Inc. Has been getting its assz handed to it for decades.
          And Ivanka is an idiot. Look at her husband. But, I keep all my Trump criticism quiet for now.

      1. Look at Hillary pictures from the 1970’s then. She’s always been stone cold homely at best, and ugly most of the time by intent.

        1. and to think bill tried to ask her out on a date and forgot his name…. or atleast thats what hillary says

        2. To be fair, he had only been planning on molesting her (tendency of that with the fuglies for Slick), and forgot what fake name he had given her.

        3. Chelsea didn’t win in the looks department. She is only marginal due to makeup artists and hair stylists.

    1. Ivanka Trump… That sweet Viking Arian princess…. I wish Trump could’ve spawned a few more in his heyday, but this will definitely do.

      1. The Viking Princess is the staple look where I live.
        I’m not complaining.

        1. If they even remotely resemble Mrs. Ivanka, I will have to take some time to visit the green pastures of Ohio one of these days.

        2. I have…friends…who put her to shame and make her seem like a 7. We like to keep this kind of thing quiet here, don’t want word to get out.

        3. You’re a lucky man Ghost. We have Germanic/Nordic stock here in North Dakota. But unfortunately, their recessive fat gene began to express itself once the big chain restaurants were built.

  4. Savage should stick to attacking the Federal Reserve System, like Ron Paul. Our elites just don’t feel vulnerable through the Fed, and you can play-act at defiance by criticizing the Fed all you want while still having an easy life.

    1. Funny, I seem to remember a time when academics and teachers refused to use grammar and language that was not in the dictionary, but originated from pop culture and society slang, as a matter of principle.

      1. Exactly.
        Dr. Peterson further argues that the university is working with groups like BLM to discuss policy changes, when they should not even be considered experts of the field in the first place.
        He publically posted a Youtube video expressing his concerns about PC culture in universities and he’s experiencing backlash. This guy has been a hero of mine for a couple years now.

        1. But seriously you’re in academia, how do you think he’ll last?
          The statment from the university was not very encouraging making a little pithy comment about the importance of free speech and the end..

        2. He’ll either spark a student movement that will support him, or he’s put himself in a very awkward position academically. It’s clear to me that the administration can make your life a living hell for standing up for yourself.
          But if enough students stand up together the university can’t really stop them.

        3. I think expecting Canadian students to stand up for him is a bit naive. The change we need won’t come from uni students.

        4. I’m not expecting students to stand up for an issue like this. But hat would be the only way to defend himself.
          Peterson is a good man, he knows he is putting his career at risk.

        5. No argument from me regarding Peterson. It’s also up to us non academic Canadians to make situations like this an issue and not be silent. The guy has my support and I will speak in his defense any chance I get.

    2. Ive read some of his stuff. He makes great sense. So ofc gubmint and sjws will try to kynch him

    3. And of course no comments sections I guess we rerally are becoming the “silent majority” just not out of choice..
      F*** me I rememeber when the comments sections on most right of center newspapers in Canada were quite open.
      Now their either gone, the Sun, extremely heavily moderated, The Globe (now a left wing rag) or dissapearing allowing us to comment on cooking articles..the National Post…

    1. Fuck. This is demonic in scope isn’t it? The single most evil political family of the 21st century in America, thus far.

      1. Cernovich should be on the lookout for falling barbells, flying dumbells, failing brakes, loaded guns, and electric appliances near the bath tub. He should also make clear he has no intention committing suicide.

    2. Frozen why? They only freeze accounts if there is sufficient evidence the account is being used for criminal activity. I hope he takes legal action against them.

      1. Government can freeze accounts as they see fit these days because they determine what the evidence is. Too many people trust the government and don’t understand that when the same people decide what constitutes sufficient evidence are the same people that can do something, it’s just giving them arbitrary power.

  5. I am so glad ROK is covering this. I am afraid it will get worse with internet switchig to UN control.
    I encourage people to use the transition of the still mostly free internet to set up parallel networks. Drudge could shut down with TPP patent laws as links become copyright infringement. Anita Sarkesian will make another UN speech in the name of the feminazi crybullies. Roosh will be taken down.
    Dominoes are starting to fall folks. Trump may delay things some. But I do not see the internet transfer being blocked. Alex JOnes is trying, but most are yawning.

    1. Internet switching to UN control? What? The Internet isn’t a centralized thing dude. Anyone with a modem, computer, and a piece of wire running to a different modem with more computers is part of the internet. Nobody could ever possibly have control over the internet.

      1. Maybe not “control” per se but you have ISPs block access to sites, domains, etc and so forth.

      2. The US has been preparing to sell control of the Internet to ICANN a California based company who then plans to open the Internet up to foreign, international stock holders. While not ever having complete control through one source, this move has the potential to be extremely dangerous.
        Note how Rockefeller is quoted in this article.

  6. Skypes. Every single time. Google censors everything. Hollywood poisons minds. Media gas lights us. Fed, Wall Street, porn, day care, feminism, socialism, SCOTUS…
    Skypes and Cucktholics.

  7. BREAKING NEWS!! On the Fox News “Kelly File”: Trump fights accusations of sexism. This is a breaking news story by the way.
    I guess Billy the willy has been buried deep in the MSM closet.

  8. This is straight up “De-Platforming.”
    Having driven so called “right wing” opinions from the mass media I think next they’ll go after blogs like this one….

    1. Truly correct. I expect RoK to be yanked at some point and then……the knock on the door…………

  9. Alt right bloggers are so numerous now that we carry weight. Who can say if we’re too numerous and collectively ‘big’ to get yanked. Just keep rapid-fire hurling shit at the toxic elitist establishment. “From our cold dead fingers” will we surrender our keyboards to censors.

  10. Not trying to be overly paranoid, but this article begs the question of what would be done should things take a sharp turn for the worse, such as sites like RoK, the forums and such being shut down and disappearing without without warning

  11. What we are seeing is a disturbing trend within the United States and it goes far beyond just PC driven censorship or clandestine silencing tactics. Leaders in BOTH the private and public sectors, DO NOT want, nor seem to need, to judge people by performance any longer (and YES, this includes both liberals AND conservatives).
    For example Glenn Becks show has about 7 million weekly listeners and Michael Savage has about 5 million, which is very good considering Ryan Seacrest gets about 20 million with a WORLDWIDE broadcast.
    It should be very clear, that the TRUE “Owners of Capital”, with their affiliated oligarchies and limited monopolies, have generated SO MUCH MONEY for themsleves, that “talent” and “ability to produce”, while “performing above your peers”, are virtually meaningless qualities in the current job market. These days it doesn’t matter if you are an A-list celebrity or a lowly runner working in a warehouse. The message is the same for both ends of the employee spectrum and it has been made CLEAR for all to see, “you WILL, do as you are told, at all times, or we will get rid of you, EVEN IF, we stand to lose some money by doing so”.
    It would seem that the TRUE “Owners of Capital” believe that they are so wealthy and so powerful, that they can DEFY the “market conditions”, via bogus laws and PC culture creep. Which in a way, means that there is NO REAL FUNCTIONING MARKET, as we have been led to believe. When the “Owners of Capital” can make financial choices, such as firing celebrities, that are MAKING THEM MONEY, it should make anyone with half a brain start to second guess what kind of “market” we are ACTUALLY participating in. I’d argue that we, in fact, may be living in an command economy that has limitless profit potential, to be made by a chosen cohort, whom relies on a stream of nearly guaranteed “rent” via the threat of imprisonment or financial ruin to those whom could chose not to participate (examples of RENT include: cell phone bills, insurance, fines, taxes, alimony, child support, etc.)
    So I ask, why is anyone still following the instructions of the “Owners of Capital” and why are people participating in this economic farce?

  12. Most conservative talk radio is rubbish, but Savage is the only guy I listen to. A true renaissance man.

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