My first knowledge of anarcho-tyranny was when my grandfather got busted in a sting. His “crime” was cutting hair without a license, which got him a fine. I should mention a few particulars. He was retired and just doing this as a hobby. He had been a barber until retirement, cutting hair since likely well before the arresting officer was born. Furthermore, this was near the border of Mexico where drug smuggling and human trafficking was rampant. Also, in that very RV park, burglaries were taking place. It just happened to be more expedient and profitable to bust an old guy for cutting hair—which he certainly knew how to do, despite not having that state’s paperwork—than to go catch some real crooks.
Theodore Dalrymple touched on anarcho-tyranny when he aimed his considerable writing talent at the way parking tickets are disbursed like confetti in Britain. He begins:
The alacrity, efficiency and speed with which monies are collected from certain members of the public are in stark contrast with the incompetence, inefficiency, and waste with which the ends for which the monies are supposedly collected are pursued. In short, the British public administration is a Moloch whose appetite grows with the feeding, and whose only real purpose is to feed itself. Existence and expansion is its very raison d’etre.
Basically, it has nothing to do with public safety; it’s all a big cash cow for the government. Other examples readily spring to mind, such as speed traps. Worse are automated cameras to detect speeding and red light violations. That’s not really about safety, but rather about playing “gotcha” and fleecing citizens. Still, there’s more to it than that.
What anarcho-tyranny means
The late Sam Francis, who would’ve fit in quite well into today’s alternative right scene, did the most to describe the concept. As he put it, that’s “a kind of Hegelian synthesis of two opposites—anarchy and tyranny.” He states as an example that we allow illegal aliens to invade our country, yet at the same time we went out of our way to invade Iraq without due cause.
I would add, it’s not just illegal immigration that’s the problem. Ever since Ted Kennedy’s 1965 Immigration Act, the USA has let in people from anywhere with no thought as to how they’ll fit in with the rest of the public. (The European equivalent is the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, implemented by Eurocrats such as Angela Merkel the arch-hypocrite.) The public is never consulted about these population replacement policies, of course. When problems happen—9/11, the Fort Hood shooting, the San Bernardino shooting, the Orlando nightclub shooting, etc.—the answer always is that the government needs more powers (like the Patriot Act) to stop this. How about instead we stop letting in people not compatible with the host population?
As Francis further explained:
What we have in this country today, then, is both anarchy (the failure of the state to enforce the laws) and, at the same time, tyranny—the enforcement of laws by the state for oppressive purposes; the criminalization of the law-abiding and innocent through exorbitant taxation, bureaucratic regulation, the invasion of privacy, and the engineering of social institutions, such as the family and local schools; the imposition of thought control through “sensitivity training” and multiculturalist curricula, “hate crime” laws, gun-control laws that punish or disarm otherwise law-abiding citizens but have no impact on violent criminals who get guns illegally, and a vast labyrinth of other measures. In a word, anarcho-tyranny.
Basically, the government doesn’t make a serious effort to stop real crime, although it’s certainly capable of doing so. Meanwhile, it harasses honest citizens over petty matters. It’s an overreaching nanny state—verging on a police state—with selective enforcement directed at the wrong people. Since Francis wrote about it, there has been greater effort to control crime. Even so, we’re far from being where we should be, and the government still has misplaced priorities.
Soft on real crime

“Peaceful protesters” on top of Baltimore police car
Some crimes do get taken seriously. Murders will be investigated. The authorities will pull out the stops when politically incorrect motives are involved. On the other hand, don’t expect much effort if you’re the victim of a burglary or mugging. The most that’s likely to come of it is that you’ll get a police report for the insurance company.
Today, gangs aren’t exactly the Jets and the Sharks from West Side Story. Now, we have outfits such as the Bloods, the Crips, MS-13, and so forth. They number in tens of thousands each, cross state and sometimes national boundaries, and use social media to organize and coordinate operations. Why does the government tolerate large paramilitary criminal organizations? With our electronic surveillance apparatus beyond the wildest dreams of Stasi or the KGB, they could be rounded up and charged with organized crime overnight. Apparently whoever is running all that has other priorities in mind.
Gangs, rioters, and the presence of urban “no go zones” seem more befitting of Afghanistan or the outlands of Pakistan. This is symptomatic of a weak state, reminiscent of a Third World country with guerillas lurking in the jungle, or a medieval kingdom with bandits controlling the highlands. The USA isn’t the only industrialized country where this surreal arrangement exists. Every so often, Muslim rioters erupt from the Parisian banlieues to torch cars and buildings . Britain has seen its share of similar incidents too.
The government seems to have a great deal of tolerance for those who steal with a pen. Sure, the Enron executives were brought to justice. (J. Clifford Baxter “committed suicide” shortly after agreeing to testify. Later, CEO Ken Lay had a convenient “coronary” and was hastily cremated.) Bernie Madoff got sent to Club Fed after his $9 billion Ponzi scheme collapsed. Still, there were no legal consequences for the 2007-2008 financial crisis, which plagues the economy to this day.
There were many opportunities for fraud charges: banks that underwrote liar loans for people who defaulted on their ARMs as soon as the interest rate went up, investment firms selling the shady mortgages as bundled securities, rating agencies certifying these investments as high grade, credit default swap issuers way over their heads, etc. Instead, the banksters that got their fingers burnt with their casino capitalism got bailed out because they’re “too big to fail”.
Tough on trivial “crimes”

This is the actual logo of an electronic spying agency. Could they possibly be any more blatant about this NWO stuff?
There’s something to be said for the “broken windows” theory of controlling crime. Giuliani did much to improve New York City by going after graffiti, turnstile-jumpers, and the like. However, anarcho-tyranny goes well beyond this by criminalizing trifling things and coming up with new ways to hassle honest citizens. As Tacitus noted two thousand years ago, “When the republic is at its most corrupt, the laws are most numerous.”
As Sam Francis said:
Just before the end of this year’s legislative session, the Maryland lawmakers passed several new laws that (a) allow policemen to stop drivers for not wearing seat belts, (b) authorize hidden cameras at red lights to take secret photographs of the license plates of cars that run the lights, (c) ban loud car stereos on state roads, (d) forbid minors from buying butane lighters because they might inhale the gas, and (e) require drivers whose windshield wipers are running to keep their headlights on. The lawmakers seem to have missed outlawing cooking breakfast in your underwear, but of course there’s always another session next year.
The citizens of Maryland will no doubt be thrilled to learn that law enforcement in their state has now so mastered violent crime that the cops have little else to do but round up non-seat-belt wearers and butane-sniffers. As a matter of fact, Maryland’s Prince George’s County has just announced that rapes and homicides increased in the first three months of 1997. Nevertheless, you can be certain that no one will be raped or murdered without wearing a seat belt.
Indeed, Maryland is a prime offender. One of my friends got pulled over three times for trivialities shortly after moving there. Later, I was driving him around while visiting, and he warned me not to pull out so soon from stop signs. I replied, “I’ve been waiting five seconds. Should I wait ten?”
The campus rape witch hunts are another prime example. As directed by the Obama administration, guys can get thrown out of college on no more than an allegation, subject to the findings of tribunals and without due process protections. If actual crimes are taking place, why are they being handled that way? Too many famous cases turned out to be groundless. Not only are the lives of the falsely accused ruined, it’s simply a bad idea to trivialize a serious crime like that.
Gun control is yet another example of anarcho-tyranny. Some debate the existence of natural rights, but the fact is that survival is encoded into our DNA to be our first priority. American citizens who seek to be as well-armed as the bad guys must deal with a lot of red tape first. The more left-leaning the locale, the more onerous and restrictive this is. Many other countries forbid private ownership of guns. After Britain did so, crimes involving guns increased drastically, and the incidence of home invasions skyrocketed. So what’s going on here—is it just pointy-headed liberals worried about muggers getting themselves shot? Or do those pushing gun control want the public scared, dependent, and disarmed?
Who benefits?
The government gets a lot from anarcho-tyranny. This includes:
- More money from tickets and fines
- Job security and justification for their budgets
- The politicians can talk about how they’re “tough on crime” or doing something about public safety by these empty gestures
- Expanded powers and ability to control citizens
- Security theater
- Domestic spying
- Social engineering
- The ability to crack down on dissidents selectively
Ancillary parties benefit too, such as propaganda groups delivering “sensitivity training” and multicultural curricula (as Sam Francis mentioned), activists, foundations, “watchdog” outfits, and so forth. All told, it’s a hell of a racket for both The System and The Hive.
Wherever anarcho-tyranny is found, that’s evidence that the government has its priorities way out of order and isn’t working for your interests. Unfortunately, this trend is still rising. The greatest problem with soft despotism is that it could lead to hardcore despotism.
Read more: The Baltimore Riots: Where The State Is The Insurgency
(b) authorize hidden cameras at red lights to take secret photographs of the license plates of cars that run the lights
I was talking to lolknee about this offline (of ROK).
In Ohio this was getting to be a real problem, the cameras at stop lights. They were automated, you got no due process, and there’s no real guaranteeing that the camera is functioning correctly. They were popping up in every little small village that wanted to extort cash out of passers by on the road and they were becoming a real nuisance.
The Statehouse found a solution. For every camera at every stop light that was active, a living breathing police officer would have to be present, at the camera, to issue the citation manually. Which utterly defeats the purpose of the camera AND it restored due process (you could now challenge the ticket in court). The towns and village eggheads went ballistic. “We can’t afford that!” The Statehouse calmly replied “Then take down the cameras”.
And then, they were gone or deactivated.
Yay common sense.
We had those damn cameras popping up around my area for a while, but then they all mysteriously vanished. I imagine they were getting too much flak for them among the common folk.
They also cause more accidents. People rear-ending in intersections. When a motorist is aware there’s a camera at the intersection, they’re more likely to slam on brakes when light turns yellow to avoid camera possibly snapping them in turn the second light went from yellow to red.
Like I said, I don’t mind the cameras. Especially here where one person blowing a light can often have aa huge consequence. We have more than 9 cars here in NYC and traffic patterns are complicated so peoples adherence to the rules makes the algorithms work better…and even at best they only are slightly better than cluster fuck.
What bothers me is the 300 pound black and Hispanic women standing at intersections all over the city making 55k a year plus union bennies and overtime to wave people on essentially making them a well paid redundancy reinforcing the idea that red is stop and green is go.
More than 9?
Wowee you big city fellas sure do pack em in
The problem with the red light cameras is that gov is rewarded for people doing bad behavior. So now they can mis time yellow lights making traffic deaths more likely. The same thing is done with speed limits where they put them below established guidelines by gaming the system. Again they are putting profits above lives.
Agreed. That said…you can only care about so many things before you go nuts….ya know?
As always best to focus on the big things.
That’s nothing compared to here (UK)
We give fixed penalty notices for speeding via fully automated cameras like confetti.
A few years ago, my local police force complained to the government that they had to refund hundreds of drivers for a camera they knew was calibrated incorrectly.
Their argument was that they “needed the money”.
Stalinism is alive and kicking
Right, I’m aware. We actually got the shit removed via action at the state level. Federal politics are fucked, but at state level we still have a huge voice. If people would just realize that instead of crying in their beer how it’s “all over” in the U.S.
” Federal politics are fucked, but at state level we still have a huge voice. If people would just realize that instead of crying in their beer how it’s “all over” in the U.S.”
If I ever have to retutn to the states, ohio would be my choice – you’ve convinced me, GOJ!
Increasingly I’ve found this attitude in our public sector workers in my province. They almost seem to revel in their lack of efficiency.
There is some kind of spray (no idea what it would be called in the US). You spray it on the plates and it makes them shine on the camera. They can’t be read from the footage, and at the same time there is nothing suspicious when you look at them with naked eye.
Microglass balls are in the spray same stuff that makes the painted lines in the street reflect your headlights.
When I lived in Denver they had these speed vans that snapped your photo when you sped past them, even if you were 2 miles over the speed limit. Those cameras snapped my middle finger salute on numerous occasions.
Anyhow, they were operated by a private company that had some sort of contract with the courts. Citizens who received tickets in the mail were not required to pay them…that is, unless some dickhead from that private company served you. I never received any tickets, though, because I kept my car registered at a different address from where I lived, so the fuckers couldn’t find me based on my plates alone. And I never got served, either. Had some stranger approached me and asked my name I would have just pretended to be deaf and walked past them. Fuck those automated ticket makers. Most of them not only line the pockets of politicians, but lobbyists and private, crony companies as well.
I have gotten “fines” for driving threw a toll bridge that I have never been on with the licenses of a motorcycle that I hasn’t been on the road since 1996 and it had a picture of a different bike. My friend got a “fine” from the same company but the picture had a licenses plate bracket that was change 2 years prior when he bought the car.
On top of it all your DMV information is suppose be privet. One day we need to flip out and go Samuel Adams on these bastards.
Its always good to be the 1 percent who doesnt make things easy for them. If they have to do any hassle to get you 9 times out of ten they will let it pasa.
I’ve noticed one pattern about 100% of the OH light cameras- they are never EVER in wealthy areas. Can’t imagine why not. Shit I think it was 80% of the fine was shipped off to the Aussie contractor that installed them. Guess it was ‘free money’ at the time.
That’s that opposite in LA. Here the cameras were only in the wealthy/white areas. They eventually had to be reduced. Still you can watch the parking ticket cars parallel streets constantly in these wealthy areas. Other neighborhoods, well people will buy a piece of shit RV or can and live out of it without getting ticketed.
If you drive in the wealthy part of santa barbara county where oprah and michael jackson lived you might see one cop a month. Meanwhile santa barbara has the highest per capita arrests for dui of any county in california. Rich people dont want cops and cops dont want to fuck with lawyered up people.
Shotguns are perfect for fowl as well as traffic cameras.
See my other comment. This red light camera stuff etc is standard in Germany. I am surprised it isn’t elsewhere…
What’s standard in Germany is not acceptable in places in the U.S. where Germans emigrated to. We still have spines out here.
It’s always a pleasure as well as depressing to hear that.
I’ve told some folks whom I’ve sent pictures to of OSU and high school football nights, that central Ohio is like what Germany would have been if they hadn’t lost WW1. Strong, beautiful, proud, happy, no shame in their own heritage, generous, sociable. You should see the folks here Tom.
Yah, at my current state I would likely feel out-of-place there. Hell, I even feel out of place here. For some reason, I find it difficult to tolerate to be among too joyful people.
Hey GoJ, I’m from Kansas and I remember times like that. That’s what I try to explain to people in the LA neighborhoods in California, that there is no sense of community here. In an invasion or shit his the fan scenario, these ‘diverse’ communities wouldn’t band together. The American flag doesn’t even fly in those areas as often as one from some South American shithole. Anyway, unrelated I think I’ve heard you say you’re a Harley rider. I was wondering if you listen to William Van Dyke? If not I have some biker music you’d really like.
Hmm… Maybe I should visit Ohio, one of these days. My brother lives in the US, and he’s always asking me to go there and explore the country outside of the “typical tour” (which I know too well already).
I’m damn proud to be an Ohioan and always get a kick out of these comments, GoJ.
I’ve lived in Texas, Louisiana, and the UK for work and nowhere else compares. Texas could be great if it wasn’t rapidly turning into a liberal-dominated third world shithole (if you don’t believe me, take a trip to Austin or Houston). To their credit, the Cajuns have a lot of pride in their heritage and it was still very traditional and conservative in the rural area where I lived. But at the same time everything is really run down and horribly disorganized. I don’t even need to go into detail about the UK. Obviously I’m biased, but I have yet to live anywhere with a better quality of life and sense of pride and tradition than Ohio.
I was amazed in columbus ohio even the dmv has great architecture.
I uses to go door to door in southern ca and people wouldnt even know their neighboor who lived there for 5 years
What have you done to convicr the fsa to leave?
Sorry, what’s FSA?
Free shit army
I see. Do you understand his comment?
Free shit army
I see. Can you explain your comment to me? I don’t get it.
Have you done anything to convince the fsa to leave your country?
I don’t do much besides edit some videos, post comments and meditate. How is that related to my original comment, tho?
Germans think much more about laws and have much good policy for the greater good. Here in general laws are made to generate revenue. For example when prop 13 passed in california reducing taxes generated by property tax the number of traffic tickets given out went up 10x. Had to make up for the shortfall somewhere
Greater good? Wtf is that?
Oh, Germany does care about traffic ticket revenue, believe me.
Are they willing to kill people for tax revenue is the larger question. Here in many places the answer is affirmative. Ive also noted that german and japanese doctors are a cut above the worthless doctors we have here(ave doctor here has a shorter lifespan than the ave person).
That is good to know. Thank you.
NJ in a rare act of sanity, removed the cameras. Most of the tickets were for people not coming to a complete stop before turning right on red. Or people getting tickets wrongly (happened to a coworker) but not having the time to take off work to plead the case in front of a judge.
A local radio host called them ‘scammeras’.
That NSA symbol has always been hilarious. I mean, it was like they contacted the department of evil logo design and said “we need a logo that makes sure we look blatantly evil…no, no, we don’t want it to have subtle messages…we want everyone to know.”
The best part (and I am struggling to remember this correctly and if Moner is around he might be able to either confirm, deny or correct this) I remember when this symbol first came out with the logo Scientia est Potentia which was shown to be, ostensibly, knowledge is power from Francis Bacon who meant that having knowledge is helpful. However, this isn’t what Bacon said. What bacon said was Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est when he was talking about knowledge is power.
The person who used scientia est potentia was Thomas Hobbes and he was using it in terms of the power to exert control of the subjects of a nation
lol…but if you are talking about that logo with the all seeing eye, thats not the logo of the NSA, it is the logo of the Information Awareness Office:
But yes, they are really evil anyway.
You are right. I typed NSA ax accidentally and was on my phone and didn’t go back to correct it.
Freudian slip, now we know who’s watching us…..
probably a multi-agency affair. Good information sharing is the key to modern governance after all.
It’s all about stakeholders
Good ol NY TIMES(what are they regarded as? The newspaper of record?) finally did a piece on the MS 13 problem on Long Island, NY; guess it must be real now that they have acknowledged the problem? Buried in the article, they mentioned this gang has been a problem since the late 1990s…
“Still, there were no legal consequences for the 2007-2008 financial crisis, which plagues the economy to this day.”
Need to also remember the greediness and lack of good judgment on behalf of the American middle class that lead to that crises. I am not willing to blame the banks outright. In fact, if they don’t share an equal part of the responsibility than it is actually a greater part of it that should be assigned to foolish people who refused to use brains
The inevitable “bail in”, is that gonna be the fault of greedy middle classers? Hope you dont have an account at BoA
if people didn’t take absurd and, admittedly predatory, offers to borrow money they couldn’t afford to ever pay back this problem could have been avoided.
What percentage of your buyers are cash-only? Just curious
My buyers? Well I don’t sell anything so I can say either 0% or 100 % with confidence
Also, in general it isn’t about buying in all cash. I understand the value in a SMART mortgage.
If two people combined make 100 k a year and put 30k down on a 250k mortgage rather than having an extravagant wedding and then livied a minimalist life until that mortgage wasn’t paid off it is smart:
Same couple decides it’s a good idea to buy a 450k dollar house and both of them want to drive brand new leased cars and go out to dinner frequently and send their kids to expensive private schools…that’s different
You must realize how much shady money is flooding cities like NYC? They are finally cracking down, although its about a decade too late. Russian and Chinese money are buying homes w/o even taking a walk through; Im talking million dollar cash deals for crap attached homes in the outer boroughs. The American market is beyond distorted at this point.
Well, then you are in a sweet position
Yes shady money has always flooded into the high end condo market. That is a very dark field but one I fortunately don’t have any over lap with.
However, Russian oligarchs buying 90mil dollar apartments in extel buildings so their daughters have a place to live when they stay in New York, shady though it may be, is no where near the dramatic impact that people borrowing more money than they could ever reasonably hope to pay off has caused
ordinary people didn’t repeal glass steagall; they didn’t approve bail outs for too big to fail banks, nor the bail-ins that cheeseburger mentions, which will take savers money when the next ‘surprise’ crisis happens. As for people borrowing more than they can afford If cheap money is available there will always be people who are going to take it. Besides ordinary people have virtually zero influence on the system they’re partaking in, not least because it’s a system which is designed to make money out of them
Bailing out the banks might has helped a little. The trillions of dollars that people took in loans were not done by gun point. Absolving the greed, avarice and stupidity of average citizens here is a mistake I believe
I’m not saying they are without guilt. I’m suggesting their greed, avarice and stupidity was entirely predictable, and more seriously perhaps entirely predicted
Fair enough and of course allowing brokers and banks to merge again was the efficient cause of the downfall.
However, I do not believe I am even close to alone on this message board when I say I don’t want or need big government or big corporations being my nanny nor ought they be the nanny for everyone else.
In 1999 I could have taken out a fortune in loans. I was making good dough, had good credit and a good spending history. It was tempting. A CPW condo in a luxe building was totally available for me if I maneuvered right. But I knew it was stupid. I knew young people should by a starter home just like 16 years olds shouldn’t be driving a Porsche.
Further, I didn’t know this because I was smart. I didn’t know this because it was taught to me in school or by family. I knew. Very clearly all on my own that taking loans out that were 10 times my annual salary was a really fucking bad idea and I passed on the easy money.
Yes, banks and brokers in collusion with both republicans and democrats got the law repealed and they are greedy evil fucks. But here is the thing. I have known politicians and bankers were greedy evil fucks since I was old enough to know what they were.
In the end, it is the greed and arrogance involved in taking the money that is just as responsible as the evil and greed behind lending it. The only thing is we knew one side was evil and greedy…we all did. It was up to us not to be morons and we dropped the ball. I don’t accept that the governments and the banks ought to have been keeping up from making bad decisions. That kind of thinking is what is at the heart of the lefty governments that people here are fighting against
I’m not disagreeing with you that people should be responsible for the decisions they make, and held accountable for them. I had an opportunity to buy a home once at a time when they were offering 105% mortgages. I was in debt at the time, and I chose not to, although I could probably have got the deposit together. I showed responsibility (from this point of view) although in retrospect it might also have been a mistake as house prices rockets some years later. Basically there was a gamble involved in that situation, namely that interest rates would or wouldn’t go up, and that house prices would or wouldn’t go up. Gambling is inherent in the system for most of those who aren’t well established financially. The banking system – at that time in particular – was set up that way. Not only does it encourage irresponsibility / gambling, but it seems to depend on it for doing business. It seems to depend on cycles of boom and bust or at least volatility and instability. The dumb fucks on the ground are in the aggregate entirely predictable quantities, so making this about individual morality / responsibility seems to me the wrong level of analysis, even if it is quite correct to encourage responsibility / personal accountability etc. Remember also public education in most countries doesn’t even involve any kind of financial literacy. People don’t understand money. One might even argue that that’s because they’re not supposed to.
I don’t disagree…but do you blame Casinos and vegas legalized gambling for people who go broke at the tables?
The job of the banker is to make money. The job of the people is to be responsible citizens.
So who really dropped ball?
Couldn’t agree more. If you sign a loan deal out of greed for “I want that!” then you’re the rube, not the guy who gave you a fully detailed contract where nothing was hidden.
Maybe. But the way the system is set up that’s not entirely like saying the job of fish in a barrel is to not get shot
How are buyers/loan applicants forgiven of the responsibility of reading the note they sign? Can’t understand it? Hire an attorney for 1 hour? Can’t afford it? Well then you can’t afford to take out that loan either.
There not but that is simply the least important level of analysis. Cheap money means people in debt. Central banks determine whether there is cheap money
Cheap money, expensive money, end of the day credit and the responsibilities for assuming a debt lay on the borrower. No lender can take advantage, not even a little, of somebody that walks away from the table. Not one.
It’s time we started blaming the lower classes for their greed. The paradigm needs to shift. Yes you have asshole lenders, but in today’s regulatory market they have to disclose everything up front.
Time to share the responsibility for the mess we’re in. The poor and debt ridden have been absolved of any responsibility in the market. That needs to stop.
No but look, I don’t dispute the bankers and politicians are evil cocksuckers.
I also think crack dealers are evil cocksuckers. But I don’t blame them for dead crack heads. And further, if you made all drugs legal I wouldn’t blame you for every idiot who overdoses any more than I blame gun makers for everyone who shots themselves or rope makers for everyone who hangs themselves.
The people really fucked is vecause they wanted immediate gratification on greedy impulses. You can’t even blame culture. This was a generation brought up with movies like Wall Street. Even fucking Hollywood knew this was bad for you and those perverted faggots are about as bad as it gets.
The people got themselves into a bad situation on their own free will and in doing so handed the keys to the economy over to the greediest sociopaths on earth. I am not going to blame the greedy sociopaths…they were doing what they do. If they didn’t have a few trillion dollars to do it with it wouldn’t have been a big deal
And that’s just it. You may argue that you aren’t qualified to read it but just about any local accountant would probably have charged you about 100 bucks to explain it to you.
They didn’t WANT to know the downsides. No more than I want to think about a potential hangover when I am drinking my 5th scotch. But I don’t blame the bartender when I wake up in the morning for not thorough explaining the pitfalls of over drinking while he was pouring me another drink at my request
a potential hangover when I am drinking my 5th scotch
I totally agree but have a point of order here. Do you mean 5th shot of Scotch, or a 5th of Scotch? Heh.
I was thinking about a 5th near scotch. A neat scotch order at my local is probably about a 6 ounce pour. If 5 of them don’t do you in they will st least make you drunk enough to think the next three are a good idea
That’s a generous pour. I get a three second count from a medium pour spout. Yes, I used to be a bartender.
Like, that’s a really generous pour. Ok, 5 of those are a lot of the bottle. Point to you.
Yeah the pours here are huge. Newbies to the city always say something when I take them out. It is commensurate with price. Remember, if I sit down and order a neat laphroaig with a water back it is going to be 26 dollars and I will be expected to leave a tip.
But they don’t even use pourers here. When you order a drink you get enough in that drink to give you a buzz
Our beer is uber cheep (Germans, Irish, figure it out). But hard liquor, that’s pretty cool. 26 bucks is steep but you’re getting basically 6 shots, so it’s actually fairly resonable.
Oh and yes: I would estimate that a bartender at my favorite bar will get 10 drinks to a bottle…7 if he knows you (assuming everyone is drinking near scotch)
Beer here ranges from dollar pints to stupid expensive craft stuff but innecer drink beer.
Scots can get hangovers from Scotch?
…Scots can get hangovers?
Yeah, it’s all upfront cost. Lol until you order mixed drinks and realize a wel vodka and sofa is about 18 bucks
Technically, no. I was just raising a point of order. He’s not Scottish.
Eh, was trying to sound clever. Sounded better in my head than written out.
Carry on.
Fish have no choice in being in the barrel.
Bailouts are utterly wrong and evil But this is about loans to those “fish”.
Personal responsibility. That never gets old 🙂
“However,… don’t want or need big government or big corporations being my nanny nor ought they be the nanny for everyone else.”
Complete agreement, but we are a minority on a national scale. Avoidance of accountability and personal responsibility is part of the current culture, hence you have a multiple felon and rank incompetent who is about to become POTUS.
I’m not talking about absolving anybody of blame / responsibility but expecting the lower classes to change their behaviour isn’t realistic – it is their behaviour the actions and propaganda of state, the banks / corporations etc affect most. As I said to Lolknee we aren’t even taught basic financial literacy in school. On top of that monetary policy not only throws cheap money at people, at the same time it disincentivises thrift and saving (including for pensions) i.e. all those things that taking personal responsibility for oneself would encourage. The market-makers create fear, insecurity for all those behaving responsibly while incentivising absolutely the worst behaviour – in terms of borrowing up to the eyeballs because the entire system is premised on debt creation. Yet you’re saying we should blame the lower classes. You’re right only to the extent that if everyone heeded your advice then the predatory system would have to correct itself. But that doesn’t account for human nature, and in particular the nature of those who are least schooled in self-reliance
“I also think crack dealers are evil cocksuckers. But I don’t blame them for dead crack heads.”
Again, the crack heads are responsible for their actions, to the extent those actions were free. To the extent they freely chose to risk their health and finances (and many other things) by buying crack. But crack dealers aren’t passive, they often “get” people hooked on crack. Borrowing money moreover isn’t like crack for the most part. The system we have depends entirely on even the financially solvent borrowing money. The equivalent would be entire society predicated on (designed?) to encourage people to consume and become addicted to crack. You’re certainly right that free will is being tested, and that personal responsibility can be exercised to limit the danger of becoming an addict and having your world collapse around you, but if the intention is to improve things, focusing on the crack or cheap money addict, isn’t the correct angle. The only way that might not be the case would be if people were properly educated at school (etc) to be financially responsible, and indeed financially stoical. But our economies depend on them not being financially responsible or stoical. They depend on people having wants that exceed their needs
Individuals have free will, at least in theory. The reality is that in the aggregate people are often entirely predictable and as easily led by the nose as asses are. The only thing I could see changing that is a) education from an early age to encourage financial responsibility (could happen but probably won’t) and b) an entirely different system of incentivisation to discourage the kind of behaviour that results in massive debt. B) will never happen because the entire global financial situation depends entirely on the creation of massive debt.
That’s a good citizen, comrade. The socialist republic understands the need to set the record straight
Thank you for this. No one held a gun to the heads of the people lying on their sub-prime mortgage applications and told them to claim they earned $250,000 as a 2nd grade teacher.
See my main post for the rest of this.
I will as soon as I am back to a computer.
Yes I know it is tempting for a young family to buy a dream house and have two new cars despite a combined income under 100k.
And it is sleezy of the bankers to dangle home ownership and all these nice things in front of them without warning them of pitfalls.
But I know bankers are sleezy. That’s why they are bankers. Just like I know firemen can grow mustaches and pizza delivery men deliver pizzas.
Blinded by things they knew they couldn’t afford the American pupils jumped with joy into the most ass backwards debt (student loan too) with greed and covetous nature in their hearts and when the whole system went to shit in exactly the way anyone with a brain would have predicted everyone pointed at th3 “evil” bankers.
That’s some Bernie Sanders rich people blaming right there.
I agree. It’s insane to say that, “OMG!!!! WHY DID YOU LOAN ME MONEY AT A 39.9% APR?!?!!?! YOU EVIL ASSHOLE!!!
Yeah, because “evil Jewish banker guy” totally held a gun to your head and said, “sign on the dotted line.” Your own temptation and “jewish” greed that said you just had to have a Ford Mustang, Dodge Charger and a $700k house had nothing to do with your current debt problems.
Fast forward six years and it’s “BERNIE BRO!!! He’ll take on the rich bankers that put me $500k in debt!”
Cut back to my post earlier this week about the instant gratification generation not being able to handle consumerism or basic fucking responsibility.
I’ve made mistakes, but they’re my mistakes. I can’t fathom blaming someone else.
Especially because the banks couldn’t tell many aspiring homebuyers “no”, thanks to government restriction.
The government wants riots and helpless, disarmed citizens who will beg for Big Brother.
It’s the old “give up your guns and freedom, then the government will protect you.”
Oddly enough, minus the arm swag this is pretty close to what she seems to actually wear.
Sometimes, a RoK writer hits one out of the park. This piece was on point.
The authorities have lost all control of society. Sure, there is probably a full division monitoring the alt-right and websites like RoK, but they just don’t have the resources to make our cities safe. If any red-pillers have not yet begun to follow Colin Flaherty on YouTube, do so immediately. His videos provide a real glimpse in to the culture of criminality that envelops the United States.
My swallowing of the pill began with a crash course on gender dynamics around 2009, but open an eye to one dillusion, and the other quickly catches a glimpse of many other areas of societal degeneration.
The author notes of Sam Francis’ discussion on multicultural curricula, and one thinks that mustn’t be that much of an issue. Horrifically, our education system, as most red-pillers know, has been completely converged. Due to cloudy thinking at a younger age, I became a teacher. Not only, is this profession filled with radical leftists who attempt to brainwash their captive audiences, every level of administration has been subverted by communist do-gooders, and any resistance to the establishment has been effectively silenced.
At my school (along with most inner-city schools nationwide) we have instituted a discipline policy that focuses on “restorative justice.” This system, known as Positive Behavioral Instructional Supports (PBIS), has taken any method of real discipline from the teachers. PBIS, aims to end the “school to prison pipeline,” yet all it does is create chaos in the classroom. It is a great way to protect the six-figure jobs of administrators by reducing detentions and suspensions, thus increasing the average daily attendance. Since schools receive their funding based on these figures, it certainly keeps district officials happy.
With no real repercussions for students, any culture of academia that existed before (truthfully, in inner-city schools, there probably wasn’t much of this to begin with) has been completely eviscerated. For example, the quarterback of our horrendous football team, beat up his girlfriend a couple weeks ago with staff witnessing this act of barbarism. Surely, this kid would be suspended, with a possibility of expulsion….. Sorry, he was only required to have a counseling session with the school therapist, and was able to suit up for the next football game that Friday night. You can imagine, what punishment is allocated for less severe offenses, like your more run-of-the-mill student insubordination or skipping class. Next to nothing.
This is why we have lawlessness in the streets. Many people believe they are above the law, because they have never encountered any law. This will continue unabated as long as the current establishment holds power.
If any young red-pillers are looking for a profession, logically I would attempt to sway you away from the field of education. However, our survival as a Nation depends on upending our current education system. Radical leftists have controlled this field for over 40 years, and they have done irrevocable damage.
We have two options, with one, being the collapse of the entirety of our society, and thusly our system of education with it. Yes, although I believe that is a real possibility, it is also a possibility that the system keeps a lug nut or two on each wheel, and the wheels never fall off. If that is the case, young red-pill men need to begin education college immediately. This path of academia is filled with tedious busy-work, but incredibly easy, just check the SJW boxes whenever possible. Barring the collapse of Western Civilization, the subversion of the system from the inside, is the only way forward.
The only reason this is happening is because we, the people, are allowing it to happen. The American Voter is a partisan hack who is easily swayed by negative ads and doesn’t do much research before casting their vote. They vote based on:
-“I like the guy”
-“I hate the other guy”
-“I’m a liberal…”
-“I’m a conservative…”
-“____ pisses me off, so I’m voting _____”
-“They’re gonna put us all back in chains!”
-Continue ad infinitum
The current cultural rot, deficit spending, and numerous failures of the elite in America are really failures of the people: if the drunk, stupid idiots that go to the voting booths devoted 1 hour per week to reading and researching issues, they’d see the destruction of America happening before their very eyes.
And I’m not talking about browsing wikipedia. I’m talking about reading peer-reviewed studies and articles, and classics such as The Wealth of Nations. Real wisdom about governance and policy. And I guarantee it doesn’t fit into a 40 character tweet.
The greatest secret about democracy is that when shit starts going bad, its the fault of people. Because in spite of negative ads, media control and what not, the truth is out there. It isn’t found on Twitter, xBox, wikipedia or It’s found in boring works like Clausewitz’s On War or The Prince. In the age of information, there is no excuse for ignorance. The only reason people aren’t informed today about advanced concepts such as the three branches of government (a question people continually get wrong on surveys) is because they are lazy as shit. Why read the U.S. Constitution when you can watch True Bloods or Game of Thrones?
And the funny thing is this: many of these classic philosophers and writers are just more entertaining. The Red Pill lessons of Shakespeare’s MacBeth are a hell of a lot more satisfying than watching Jamie Lannister bang his sister.
No, it’s not people’s fault.
Democracy assumes that everyone is equal and therefore it’s grants everyone an equal vote. Democracy is in fact an evil con as the elite knows that is damn easy to manipulate the vote of the not so bright people who are the majority of voters.
So the problem is the system imposed on the people not the the people.
I just finished reading this:
I’m sure you are going to appreciate that text.
That’s a long read. Bookmarked.
One can never read enough Ludovici. Brilliant.
How to tell an opinion is correct 101. This moron disagrees
It is only an evil con now because we enfranchised the entire population with the right to vote. All you have to do is not be a felon, be over 18 and have a pulse and you can vote.
One of the key things I’ve often pointed out is that, in spite of many exasperated exclamations to the contrary, there isn’t an intellectual deadening in America. There are just more stupid people who have a voice, which lowers the overall IQ of those participating in the discussion.
Enfranchising non-landowners was a big mistake. Because those without a stake in the nation suddenly had a say, and not surprisingly, they’ve voted for higher taxes and more hand-outs.
I would propose limiting the right to vote to those who are net tax contributors or have been honorably discharged from the Armed Forces. Although this is Constitutional (as it doesn’t discriminate based on race, gender, age, poll tax or previous condition of servitude), it probably wont’ get passed.
Realistically, I’d like to see the right to vote be requisite on passing the U.S. Citizenship Test.
Overall, a representative democracy isn’t necessarily a sham. But it can quickly become one when having a pulse and being over the age of 18 is all that is required to vote. Those without stake will almost always vote to take from those with stake in the country. Those with problems will almost always vote to have government fix their problems instead of fixing them themselves (if you’re poor, get a job or lobbying for rent-seeking policies by corrupt businesses).
It is bad that America decided everyone was equal. We aren’t. I’d seriously like someone to explain to me how Stephen Hawking and O.J. Simpson are equal. The only “equality” should equal treatment in a court of law.
Although Anatole France likely said it with sarcasm, “In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread”, it still rings true, much to Anatole’s chagrin.
Okay, so what opinions do you think are more valuable? Scientists? Lawyers? The High IQ-ed?
Holy men who know Truth and the courageous, noble warriors who defend said Truth.
We don’t need to re-invent the wheel. It’s the opinions of the elderly males that are valuable.
Elderly males? Why should the opinions of a bunch of old senile people matter?
Yeah, that sounds all great until you have to actually decide what that means. Who are “holy men”? What merit much you achieve to be a defender? What the fuck is the “truth”? Who decides what is the truth?
I can suggest a few writings for you, whether they will connect with your intellect and you will know them as truth, I cannot predict. Your question already reflects, to me, a modern outlook on Tradition. If you are interested let me know, I will oblige.
Okay, do you have any shorter writings? Essays rather than books?
Yes, just give me a little time, please, you seem genuinely interested so I would like to give this the proper attention.
How about those that have risked death in defense of society are the only ones allowed to vote. Or we could say minimally that only net tax payers can vote since they are the ones paying for everything. Or, we could go with proportional voting based on taxes paid. Or, we could go with disenfranchising anyone receiving government benefits, as voting would be a conflict of interest.
“How about those that have risked death in defense of society are the only ones allowed to vote.” This implies you have a society that even has those. The US for example, hasn’t been in a defensive position in more than 200 years.
Ah democracy, the faux system that allows a fake elite to rule in place of the true elite. The truth shall shine.
Nice post dude
Thank you.
I’ve always very strongly felt that the buck stops in the polling booth, not necessarily the White House. If the country really going down the shitter (it is), who is truly to blame? The leaders who did it? Or the people who chose those leaders?
I honestly think both are culplable, but 51% of the blame goes to those who cast a vote on intellectually dead grounds without much serious thought.
No matter how sick, evil and conniving those leaders are, it is a “fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me” situation: If we are truly being led by idiots, all that means is that we got fooled by…idiots.
That’s really nothing to be proud of. If they are idiots, its like getting cheated out of your lunch money by the special ed kid, then blaming the special ed kid for cheating you: Yeah, it was wrong of him. But you still got fooled by a mentally retarted child.
Yup and lol
And, I think it stands to reason, never ever go full retard on your borrowing.
Lol, it rings true for both for buying homes in 2007 and running a budget for a world superpower.
The biggest problem be it false rape, absurd welfare and entitlement programs or bank loans is that we have got to a point where we just say that people have no fucking responsibility and it is the governments job to protect them.
Great post. The average person is too comfortable grazing in the herd mentality matrix though..
I know women who are voing for Clinton due simply to the rumor she has a vagina. Period. That is the “la raison directe” of her qualification.
Universal sufferage was a huge mistake, but that won’t be corrected in our life times.
Sad but true.
When you live around the gangs. Everyone knows who they are. The murders brag about their crimes and the police know. But they stay on the streets for years. The law is slow. Now try jaywalking? Or say maybe try to sell untaxed cigarettes or alcohol? The law will fall on you fast and hard.
You just described my hometown…
My hometown was East Los Angeles, where was yours?
Pittsburg Tx. But all of East Texas is littered with Thugspawn and drug babies.
Yes. It is.
Because it’s safer for the police and profitable for the local treasury. And every few years, the governor will do early release to cut costs, errr… I mean… show compassion to those less foruntate in our great community.
Excellent, man. Yup, there has to be a reason ehy the scum are allowed to roam free and do what they want ehile decent, productive citizenry are constantly harrased and punished for no reason. It all makes sense when one realizes the elites want chaos.
Very good article! I didn’t know the term Anarcho-Tyranny. It makes sense.
In 2011 I was in London during the riots. I could not believe my eyes – a bunch a spotty kids were roaming the streets in packs trashing mostly small shops and terorizing ordinary people while the police just stood around in full riot gear looking like RoboCops and doing absolutely NOTHING.
And yet there are still people here who can not accept that the government is conspiring against the public.
See? Here you go, making a sane post. I totally agree with everything you said. We have such a love-hate relationship going on. Heh.
It has been going on for a while. Back in the late 1980s here in NJ in a suburban area, a white cop shot a black perp. A gang of black “youth” burned cars and trashed businesses in the downtown. The cops just stood around and watched, deciding to let the riot ‘burn itself out’.
The people who owned those business found themselves ruined and / or guarding what was left with their own personal firearms. I went to college with a kid who’s family had their business looted.
Its a felony to mail order premium pipe tobacco into the state of Washington.It is easier to buy cocaine in Washington than mail order pipe tobacco.
Is it illegal to buy pipe tobacco or are some local interests keeping out non Washington pipe tobacco
It’s illegal to mail it at all supposedly kids are going to take up smoking pipes. Well they do but they’re glass pipes and that’s not tobacco in them
Now I am picturing kids like 100 mini versions of Walter Brendan in the John Wayne classic rio bravo smoking pipes
Politicians are the smartest people in the world kids are not going to be smoking pipes to get their tobacco fix. In a state where weed is legal.
Hilarious. And I thought New York was crazy
All cities are crazy especially cities that have a lot of money
I’d mail you tobacco and tell you to put that in your pipe and smoke it but we would probably both won’t up in jail
Cocaine isn’t as unhealthy as tobacco.
Good God I hope that was sarcasm
No really, it isn’t. Cocaine isn’t nearly as addictive, in fact it only about 6% of users actually get addicted compared to the 90-95% for tobacco use. As for long adverse effects, cocaine, if not excessively used, pretty much has its effects limited to the liver and kidneys. On the other hand, tobacco just generally fucks with your whole body long after you have stopped using it.
Sorry buddy but you’re off your rocker cocaine is one of the worst addiction. In studies on rats they will actually starve themselves to desth preferring Cocaine to food. Women will sell evey part of their bodies for more cocaine and men will steal from their mothers.
And the odd thing about all this is cocaine is not physically addicting at all. Your mistake is thinking that physical addiction is the worst kind. I had my youth in the 1980’s and 90s when cocaine was bad I know the subject
He’s a Leftist.
“In studies on rats they will actually starve themselves to desth preferring Cocaine to food. ” 1) Humans aren’t rats. 2) The actual rate of developing dependence is about 5-6%, for people who do get addicted it may be pretty sever, but the vast majority of people do not get addicted.
“Women will sell evey part of their bodies for more cocaine and men will steal from their mothers.” You are using anecdotal stories to argue, these don’t necessarily reflect the average cocaine user. Keep in mind, I support cocaine illegality, but it’s not nearly as bad as cigarettes.
“Your mistake is thinking that physical addiction is the worst kind.” I never said anything about physical addiction vs mental.
Oh I wouldn’t be surprised if it was less than 6% because very few people could afford enough of it. but basically you’re just out of your mind the addiction is much worse with cocaine. if you have an unlimited Supply if it was as cheap as cigarettes the addiction rate is much worse. You really have had no experience. if you had you wouldn’t even dream of what you’re saying
How did the planet exist before World War One? Before the Drug Wars? How did we not devolve into primitive tribal units roaming the planet selling our body parts for coke if not for the protection of the state?
Oh please, just because something is basically powdered Satan, doesn’t mean everybody is going to go into it. Especially if it’s extremely expensive and throughout most of History very rare
Andrew will be telling you pipe tobacco killed more people than cocaine next. Ignore this imbecile.
The same as it did before banning heroin. Dude TROLL ELSEWHERE
Leftist who likes coke.
Your words dude.
“Sorry buddy but you’re off your rocker cocaine is one of the worst addiction. In studies on rats they will actually starve themselves to desth preferring Cocaine to food. Women will sell evey part of their bodies for more cocaine and men will steal from their mothers.
And the odd thing about all this is cocaine is not physically addicting at all. Your mistake is thinking that physical addiction is the worst kind. I had my youth in the 1980’s and 90s when cocaine was bad I know the subject.”
I bet you wish you could say something as intelligent as as that
What you said was intelligent? In what way? Because all I got from you was the usual scare tactics employed by LEO and their sycophants.
“You really have had no experience.” I don’t need it, nor do they. Experience is nothing more than experienced anecdotes, and scientific studies are much better than anecdotes.
And Science is the only path to knowledge so says science. Well actually science doesn’t say that. No one really knows much except by experience. Those without it are ignorant and those who do not accept that fact are fools
NO you are unable to get anything at all. Nor do you want to. Your name says it all
Its not experience, its an anecdote.
Whatever you say Andrew. Your ignorance… I can tell it is both intentional and permanent
another kook, flagged and blocked
Lucas approves of the Dalrymple quote.
That man is full to the brim of wisdom.
On the matter itself, punishing minor offences to the upper extremes and ignoring apocalyptic level violence in other … ahem … communities is a great method for the government to force equality down our throats.
If everyone is a criminal, we’re all “equal”
That gif never gets old.
All the contributions from Beau Albrecht are good, but this one is excellent.
You can also look at anarcho-tyranny as the Jewish duality: Jews in Israel run their own country on strict ethno-nationalist and law-and-order lines, to benefit Jews exclusively.
Yet powerful Jews everywhere else support policies which promote chaos in white countries, like how George Soros basically wants to make it illegal for cops in the U.S. to arrest black criminals when he gives money to support the terrorist organization Black Lives Matter.
Yet Jews call us names for pointing this out.
What mystifies me a bit is that, despite Israel’s “aparteid” government, muslims are still free to mill about in Israel, live there in significant numbers and are used as their equivalent to illegal mexicans for cheap labor.
Why haven’t they, or at least the ones not working the sweatshops, been booted out?
Its funny how you guys find a Jew behind every problem. You got Jew on the brain. You got it bad like your furher had it. Have you jerked off to Adolf today?
” Corral 50 of the worlds wealthiest Jews, and there will be no wars”
-Henry Ford
kook, flagged and blocked
excellent article, which I expect to return to, as it contains many useful concepts. There are a great many dirty little tricks which are used to govern us at present, which will if we can hone these and develop them as theory, be rendered obsolete, and embarrassingly naked for those elites who right now parrot them as though they were self-evident truths.
“Just before the end of this year’s legislative session, the Maryland lawmakers passed several new laws that (a) allow policemen to stop drivers for not wearing seat belts, (b) authorize hidden cameras at red lights to take secret photographs of the license plates of cars that run the lights,”
Are you kidding? This stuff has been standard in Germany for many years already.
One of the few cool things my old boss did was to do a lot of propaganda against the cameras that check speeds etc. The hidden cameras are especially sneaky. They are supposed to be ‘safer’ so that they don’t ‘shock’ you. In reality, it’s all about money. There are cases of people who went to work for a few months through their usual route, with a little speed overhead. Every single time they got ‘infrared flashed’. So practically, they had committed some 50 crimes in a month without even being aware of it. Then they lost their license and had to pay shitloads of money.
Those laws were enacted in 1997 in Maryland, not recently.
Good article, things have been this way since the dawn of man I think.
Heaven forbid you pull a wheelie on your motorcycle too on an otherwise deserted rural road. Barney will have that fucker impounded and you tossed in the klink.
This article is spot on. Those red light and speeding cameras are often not owned by the government. A company leases them to the city for a percentage of the tickets. They installed these around me a few years ago and pissed off everybody. After two months every single camera in the city got shot up or mysteriously caught fire. The company backed out of the agreement and no more cameras ever appeared again.
“Also, in that very RV park, burglaries were taking place. It just happened to be more expedient and profitable to bust an old guy for cutting hair—which he certainly knew how to do, despite not having that state’s paperwork—than to go catch some real crooks.”
This is another bullet in the chamber such as myself who consider those in the military or police occupation as beta cucks to the cucked degree of cuckiness. They do what they do for a pay check and benefits. They are the absolute worst of the Welfare Queens, as they are the deadly enforcers of that state which seeks the end of our culture.
Their first priority is to weaken their biggest competition – white males, so crimes by dark people are ignored in the media and by the state as much as possible. The main goal is to wipe out whites before they concern themselves with restoring order in a police state.
Concerning the Samuel Francis quote from his ’97 article on invasive laws,
(c) ban loud car stereos […]
I disagree with the inclusion of this on said list of criminalizing trivialities. Exhibiting a loud car stereo ought to be a capital offence, with the penalty being meted out in the same manner as those on-the-spot-fines they like to use in the UK for antisocial behaviour.
Same goes for obnoxiously loud exhaust.
The government itself is a gang. They are made up of individuals who share similar interests. Therefore, they enforce policies that, directly or not, further or protwct those interests. The federal government itself is the #1 drug dealer. The FBI got caught selling drugs and their excuse was that they were trying to figure out how the system worked.
It’s actually fair that the government did not mete out fraud charges as the government was responsible for the unwise behavior of the bank as they made owning a home a “right”, forcing banks to lend to those whose credit ratings should have obviously been in the crapper.
In 15-20 years, most of us will be riding in driverless cars. I often wonder what the local police will be doing, since their main source of revenue is from traffic tickets, which will be non existent. I guess they will have to look for other ways to fund their activities.
This is a question I have often thought about as well. There is no way that local police forces will be give up the ticketing revenue….it is unclear that they could actually make their payroll without it in many cases.
They’ll just see to it that new “crimes” are invented out of whole cloth. Guaranteed.
“Sir, I had your car automatically pull over today because your vehicles albedo effect rating was above the legal limit”.
I mean, I know your example is (slightly) (literally Hitler) facetious but really other than making sure that driverless cars never happen (which I would actually be ok with) I don’t see any other way around this shit.
People are self policing with their own firearms. They never thought self checkouts at stores would work either but they do. People trust themselves not to steal. Those self check outs must have some brain affecting frequency emitter that discourages thievery.
It’s odd, I keep hearing about the auto checkouts but I have yet to see one. That said, I haven’t gone out of my way looking for them. It is just that the grocery store I use doesn’t have them…might be the case that one down the block does.
That people don’t steal from them is a very interesting thing and it was predicted by a philosopher named Michel Foucault. If you are really interesting do a good search for “Panopticism” There is some pretty solid research showing that people will normally assume that every person is watching them. Narcissistic fucks we are, one reason we don’t steal in situations like that is because we honestly can’t grasp a world in which we are totally fucking insignificant to the person standing next to us.
In the 90’s the self check outs must have been too expensive for mom & pop stores and indipendent grociers. The walmart backed chains built new gas-food plexes somewhat like super quickie marts in near proximity to the family owned town quickie marts. When I first saw the touch screen fast food kiosks, I thought “what a game killer”. I made a point to chat up the girl behind the wall making my sandwich. “knock knock” “I worked in a real pizza place once” “you ever spin the dough?” >her> “wow that’s cool” . . “hey write your number on the inside of my bread with the mustard squirter”
I have never actually been in a Walmart believe it or not. I like that solid drug store game though…buying the value box of 100 condoms like….hey baby
Self check-outs have annoying loud computer voices that nags when you don’t put the scanned item on the proper bagging area (which also has a built-in scale and detects unscanned items put there.) There’s also usually an employee at the end of the rows who watches all the machines, though they’re not always present. And you can still be checked going out with your receipt.
Traffic cops will get back in their place where they fit right in doing slapstick music performance.
If the cop has no musical ability then I’m sorry. I can’t advise an unemployed traffic cop but I have heard stories of seedy gay porn which features traffic cops. That’s about it. Other than that it might be a good idea to memorize the Declaration of Independence.
Driverless cars are going to be pretty hard to mesh with motorcyclists. There are *WAY* too many bikers for the govt. to simply ban motorcycles, that would be a political death wish. So there’s going to have to be a ‘robot dill weed’ lane “only” and a “motorcycle/free driving” lane.
You tell ol’ Spider or Skull that they won’t be able to bike to Sturgis in 2025 and there will be hell to pay. They’re not the subtle types either.
Driving cars and motorcycles will never go away. Its just that most people wont even own a car in the future. Who wants to lay out $30-$40K, maintain, fuel and insure a car that you only drive 5% of the time. Not me, not anymore. You will summon a car when you need it. It will be cheaper and safer. But, there will always be people who will want to drive their own cars and motorcycles.
driverless cars will never come to fruition on a large scale. In a lab setting on a controlled road, sure they work.
The real world there’s too many variances that’s why they still haven’t done it.
The threat of automation is largely overblown, just because programmers can get something to work in a lab setting doesn’t mean it can consistently function in the real world.
I think you might want to read up on it. By 2nd or 3rd generation (by 2030-2040) they expect it to be safer than human driving. Its coming, trust me.
Nice article, you are getting at some real issues here. My buddy got popped for $30 of pot (the guy buying it was a snitch), and the cops tried to get him to wear a wire and roll over on 3 guys to beat the charges. For a half eighth! Cops are too lazy now to bust non violent offenders themselves; they want us to do it for them. Don’t give in to these fuckers!
What about arresting people for simple drug possession (not selling) and making them into felons?
The so-called “red states” are far worse about this than the blue ones.
Een drug dealers are not violet criminals, and the government is making plenty of more money off drug busts than they would through legalization and taxation. The drug cartels are also getting rich off of probibiton, while the drug user and street pusher are being sent to prison and stripped of their rights.
Government needs to make sure that the citizens are always at each other’s throat and have sheeps distracted so that the government and corporations can do what they do and get away with it. Give them ample amount of sports, entertainment and celebrity gossip and also alcohol bar for their weekend so they can stay distracted and well fed from time to time.
I work in a county jail in upstate NY. The stupidity I see on a daily basis is absolutely gob smacking. Arresting an elderly man for riding a bike without any lights or reflectors, that is, a night in jail and paddy wagon to the courthouse in the morning. The local police arrested a 33 week pregnant woman for driving without a license or insurance. The liability if this woman had of gone into labour could have been in the million$.
Some of the reasons why I’m leaving law enforcement.
Excessive laws and selective enforcement has another name-tyranny. The government can use that to punish anyone it doesnt like. We don’t like your position on X or some behaviour you did. and we know youve committed a crime because everyone has so now we just have to spend a little police time proving it. Your neighbor did it too? Well we like him we wont investigate or prosecute.
Then it’s time to consider the benefits of being an outlaw.
This is so true… my hometown of Santa Maria was infiltrated by MS13 and they started taking down other gangs.. they even cut off a kids hand with a machete.. That along with the city being run over with illegals has made it just a disgusting place to live. My parents live on the outskirts and even their neighborhood is having its own issues: mail theft, breakins, etc etc. We even had a woman that was raped in her home and her face caved in with a hammer.. its just disgusting!!
They even made to the FBI’s most violent list.. and people still say its a nice place to live!!