There are two common misconceptions about game that come up time and again. The first is that game is simply a collection of cheap tricks, chat-up lines and ‘negs’ rather than an holistic set of self-development principles that includes—but is by no means limited to—advice on how to talk to girls. The second is that game is a waste of time and that those who engage in it are doing little more than subjugating themselves to already entitled women.
It probably comes as no surprise to you that I refute both of these positions strongly, but in this article I wanted to provide a slightly different perspective on game, namely that engaging in it will improve many key areas of your life as a natural side-effect alongside your success with women. To that end I discuss below five ways in which game has improved my life and will undoubtedly improve yours too.
1. Vastly Improved Confidence
Let’s be completely honest for a moment: cold approaching women one has never met before in the street or in clubs and bars is perhaps one of the most nerve-wracking things a man can do. Fear of rejection is hardwired into us as in prehistoric times it could mean ostracization from the tribe or even death at the hands of a jealous alpha male.
While these eventualities are remote in 2017, the vestiges of our primordial terror remain. We’ve all heard stories of ex-military men, marines and the like who have faced incredible danger on the battlefield, but who nevertheless are daunted by the prospect of having to approach some skinny 23-year-old girl in Starbucks. So the struggle is real for all of us.
However, the upsides of this are enormous. If you are able to marshal your fear and approach anyway, then soon you will find that your confidence skyrockets. Not only are you doing something that perhaps 95% of the rest of the male population lacks the balls to do, but also you are exposing yourself to way more social situations than the average person.
As a result of this you will find that ordinary, everyday situations like socialising at a party or dealing with people generally will no longer faze you. After all, since you’re doing something that would terrify the majority of your peers everything else is going to see pretty much easy in comparison. Certainly I personally find that after a good day game session there is really very little that can intimidate me in the rest of my social life.
2. Better storytelling ability
Let me tell you, if you go out into a busy city centre and stop 100 girls to talk to them you’d damn well better have something to say, either prepared or off the cuff. When you’re standing there before her gaze like a rabbit in the headlights it’s very easy to dry up and run out of conversational fuel. The great thing, though, is that if you approach regularly you will naturally get better at improvisation and storytelling, simply because you will have to.
The thing to understand about so-called storytelling in the context of game, business and socialising (and it is crucial for all three) is that you don’t have to be JK Rowling or Steven King. No, storytelling in the context of regular social interactions really means making a very little go a very long way. So you can make a story about how you had to take some shirts back to the dry cleaners fascinating and suspenseful with enough skill and practice.
Storytelling ability is a wonderful ability to cultivate, since most social and business scenarios are energised by it. If you can tell a story engagingly and captivate your listener then you will be considered intelligent, creative, likable and interesting, all very much plus points in whatever sphere you’re concentrating.
3. Improved business skills
Storytelling is only one of several key transferable business skills you will see improve if you get seriously into game. Because your confidence will improve you will also find that your public speaking will get immeasurably better. You will find recording podcasts or videos a lot easier. You will become naturally better with clients and suppliers.
If you are cold-approaching regularly and keeping a record of your progress you will have nurtured both discipline and accountability. You will have interacted with a large number of people which will mean your insights into current consumers will be improved. And you will likely be less phased by tough negotiations or having to deal with difficult people. As I said above, given how intimidating cold-approaching can be when you start, if you can do that then you can sure as hell handle a difficult customer or boss.
4. Sharper fashion and grooming
Many guys wonder if they should improve their dress sense, grooming and physique before they go out to approach girls. My advice is start approaching today and you will find that you will naturally begin to improve your overall look anyway. After all, how can you not? Once you start getting immediate, live feedback from the marketplace by interacting directly with your customers (girls) you will naturally want to improve your product (yourself) to the best of your ability.
When I started doing game many years ago I developed a whole new level of interest around my grooming, fashion and physique. After all, why wouldn’t I? As someone who continually going up to new, sexy girls, it was absolutely in my best interests to ensure that I looked as sharp as possible at all times. This is an example of how the practice of game itself will naturally lead you to improve your standards in other areas.
5. A gateway to a whole new world of learning
In a related point to the above, getting into meeting and attracting girls opened up a whole new world of learning for me for which I will always be indebted.
Largely as a consequence of the emergence of the internet, which was developing in tandem with the modern study of game as we know it, men began sharing stories, tips, techniques and advice with one another online. In time, this advice broadened from simply being about girls to encompassing a huge range of topics that include weight training, nutrition, fashion, business, finance, politics and even philosophy. A great example of this is Return Of Kings itself, an institution which probably wouldn’t have existed without the game movement but which now incorporates so much more.
Without a doubt my interest in game has meant that I have been exposed to wisdom shared by other men on a whole range of topics that has entirely changed the direction of my life, an incredible and unforeseen outcome.
In summary, you should by all means get into game because you have a strong desire to get good with women. That is a natural and laudable goal in itself. But realise that it is a path strewn with many other rich fruits and keep your eyes and your mind open. Game has significantly improved my life in a multitude of ways and it will yours too if you let it.
Want to find out more about how to get great at game? Check out Troy’s book The 7 Laws of Seduction and follow him on Twitter.
Read More: The One Girl You Absolutely Must Approach Every Day
Great Article Troy!! I love everything you mentioned in this article but there is one other area that is probably the ultimate side effect of learning game; learning hope. The initial phase of game is the roughest because you are still your most raw here and too used to having reasons not to have hope. Once you get past that initial hurdle, having hope brings room for so much more change and positivity but it starts with simply getting you can do something about your desires. You can’t help but exude your new found hope in all facets of life because now you know it can be done.
Glad you are back and writing these weekly game articles again!
This website and it’s conflict with itself:
If Western women are so horrible then why is it often articles here on ROK suggesting that we should hit on them? This is one thing I don’t get with this conflicting website, some columnists write an article that western women are crap, and before you know it, another columnist write an article about how your life will be so much better if you go out and hit on women and show them how needy you are. Since most of the readers are living in the West, it means that we should hit on western women. My only explaination is that this site is independent and have columnists who have different viwes (kind of like an independent newspaper have columnists both from the left and the right).
Jessi Malay …… cover photo is actually a latino, ‘whited up’ by photoshop.
Nothing wrong with the latinas, so long as they don’t turn on that stupid music of theirs.
We’re going to have to disagree. Put on some old-school Carlos Gardel tango to get your wife in the mood before sexytime. Then dance bachata with her. Then play reggaeton while you’re going to poundtown. She’ll be calling you papi by the end lol.
True, I was talking about that stuff that sounds like polka. I really enjoy tango, salsa or mambo. But that is more from South America.
FYI young Latinas really love this Romeo Santos guy. Quote one of his songs and they’ll swoon. It’ll grow on you after a couple listens, and it’s smooth to dance to. Bachata!
And BTW he’s actually from New York.
good to know, especially if my wife gets hit by a bus and I find myself in a Mexican ghetto, looking for someone to babysit my kids.
Reggaeton and Bachata are the best.
a 60 yr old Brit who lives in SE Asia who listens to reggaeton- you are definitely a citizen of the world
and reggaeton is AWFUL
I have all of Romeo Santos Albums on my phone, and Aventura.
Thai and Filipinos love him too, sing along to his music and you’re in.
Listen to this latest one from Daddy Yankee and Luis Fonsi then tell me it’s awful. Beautiful setting, beautiful sexy dancers and great dance music ………….. Despacito (Slowly)
and dick. they also love dick
only thing worse than rap in english is rap in spanish. only thing worse than rap in spanish is rap in arabic. only thing worse than rap in arabic is rap in japanese
I also listen to Marilyn Manson quite a lot.
I also listen to Marilyn Manson quite a bit.
I believe you, all the way. Problem is, I’d rather die than play reggaetron.
Bachata is basically having sex standing up with your clothes on.
who doesn’t like a good polka?!!?!?!?
So, it’s the high school prom hump?
If your high school is in LA.
Definitely not Weird Al Yankovic.
Good thing to keep in mind when you are married. If she shrivels up and becomes frigid it is because she is using it as a tool to manipulate or she has little interest in you. Don’t let her.
Try this one. El Perdon with Nicky Jam and Enrique Iglesias never fails to light up a party. It’s a little beta, basically two guys begging forgiveness, but the music is great.
Me decepciona Onizuka, Regeton es una mierda, es la musica de los pendejetes y las zorras en mexico. Pero si, le pones esa madre a una vieja corriente y te baila en la verga y te perrea encima. Pero para otra cosa o para disfrutar la musica uno solo no mames. La tolero si la zorra me esta brincando encima.
En Colombia reggaeton es la puerta de entrada al cielo que se queda entre las piernas… el chichi.
I once have sex to the tune of Tribal (it was some kind of even more Trashy techno Reggeton). Lucky that genre died fast in Mexico. The genre evolve to Maluma and J Balvi.
No estoy de acuerdo señor Duncan, tienes que mover con los tiempos.
Taco Supreme, Las Vegas, Los Alamos, John has a long mustache.
Nunca he visitado Columbia.
There was a polka rendition of the classic Smokie song Living Next Door To Alice that, back in the day, my grandmother would dance to all the time. I don’t know why, but it is a memory that always makes me smile.
I like both Maluma and J. Balvin.
‘Sin Contrato’ is great and ‘Bobo’ is very amusing.
Me and my son have been listening to those songs all afternoon.
Disagree, in the West she dries up due to Biffaults Law.
Once married and produced a kid, she owns you, all of your assets, and much of your future earnings.
There is no benefit to her, to continue banging you, so she stops, or reduces the frequency to once a month.
El chavo ruco
That´s the real multiculturalism, he is white, wait for some SJW faggot accuse him of cultural appropriation.
Had to look up Biffaults Law. Dude, you have a pessimistic view of life. That is probably the reason your ex stopped banging you, she lost interest in you because of negativity.
If your marriage is where it should be, she bang you because there is a benefit to her. The benefit is she gets the dick she loves.
while rice farming? what a horrendous image. thanks pal!
ANGRY farming!
I’d rather rice farm to The Cure. Or NIN
If I had to rely in any way, shape or form on dancing to attract women, I would have joined a monastery and went ahead and taken my vows of celibacy by now.
If you’re not farming to Amon Amarth or Pantera, you’re doing it wrong.
Thats more coal mining music
MOPEY farming!
cant imagine your goth makeup wouldnt run in the tropics
Wrong. Although I do believe that it was true in your case.
Yep to the Cosign.
Hungarian rap, on the other hand, is the music of the gods.
I don’t even mind the stupid music.
I will flip on the Mexican radio station from time to time, lots of tuba polka music. Can’t understand a word, but I hear lots of modern Lady Gaga type influence coming in.
yeah, not really worth listening to minus the wiggling Latina, but if the wiggling Latina is there and the music increases the amount of wiggling then lo I judge the music good. That said, I am a fan of Ry Cooter and the Bueno Vista Social Club
Cooter is great, that flick is a fave
Accordion can be good at times
Edit: Bagpipes
yes, that sound track is brilliant too. But yes, I will listen to any upbeat latin dance music so long as upbeat Latinas are dancing to it.
If there is a wiggling latina involved, harmonic chalkboard scratching would be worth listening to.
btw your icon reminds me that this weekend I will be watching the underrated and altogether wonderful John Wayne Classic The Fighting Kentuckian
Never seen it, but it looks alright. Davy Crockett story?
it a way, with more girls and Lou Costello
i thought that was laurel or hardy on the right?
MY BAD! Oliver Hardy not Lou Costello what the fuck was I thinking. Sorry, crazy day here.
One of my favorite bits used to be tuning in a latino station on the radio, cranking it up to 11 and leaving it that way for the next person to use the car.
some laughs.
Never thought of that, good one!
Is that thing next to John Wayne the first tranny in the history of motion pictures?
I like leaving a bloody ax in the glove box. do it for all my car rentals
new cars ruined everything….
For a more subtle approach, neglect to remove the caked-up blood and hair from the grill.
leave the deer’s paw in the grill?
that thing next to john wayne is one of the greatest comedians who ever lived my friend.
or the kid’s.
Pretty sure I saw that exact same thing dressed the exact same way in the Woman’s March holding up a sign that said “This pussy grabs back.”
Tuba? mmhh It was Banda, Women Love that shit. It´s the music of the poor and uneducated in Mexico. The lyrics are beta as fuck. All lyrics talk about cheating, rebound sex, revenge sex, “I will survive” type of lyrics or men putting in pedestal women. Banda music is the most beta shit you can sing in Spanish. The fanbase of banda is mostly 80% women. Uneducated Men usually hear Norteño, that music is about violence, crime, murder and drugs. The low of the lowest Low life hear reggeton, the most misogynist lyrics you will hear, and trashy girls love and move their asses the the tune to what they call, perrear.
I wouldn’t have a clue as far as the words, but you can tell just by the sound what they are singing. Much like your boy bands or heavy metal if you didn’t understand the language.
not sure why you were at that march, but I do not think you saw Oliver Hardy there.
Hey, look, I’m not saying anything. I’m just saying.
a hoof. a hoof
thank you Mr. Conway.
Man. Wow. Just wow.
it happens. I didn’t go back an edit because I think it is important for the pleebs to see that even I can make bone head moves.
Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa there, hoss. As long as you don’t try to understand the lyrics, the music is great.
I think it is something about roasted pork.
Why don’t Mexicans have barbecues?
Because their beans fall through the grills.
I’m listening….
Trump has unlearned game.
I was a hope for “changing back” acolyte…
But, this morning when i woke at my 20 year younger chicitas house. I watched CNN (snakeoilcentral).
Trump emotional rhetoric about Assad-The Evil not using NASDAQ/NYSE listed companies’ bombs…
Totally cucked us…
I can litterally hear same rhetoric to EO guns, words, silence, and searches…
2nd, 1st, 5th, and 4th amendments…
he never knew it, I think that is fairly obvious. He is a chump with a lot of money and zero self esteem. The rest of the world is just picking up now on what most New Yorkers have known about him since the 80’s
Back in my twenties, I found much more success in my work when I started to nicely issue commands. If it’s congruent with your skills, you’ll be surprised how readily people comply.
Today, I give orders all the time, particularly to girls, but also to family and friends. It’s default mode.
Excellent advice. Commanding girls in public is how I found the manosphere. Some guy saw me do it, called me a “natural”, talked to me a bit, directed me to Rollo’s Rational Male site and the rest, as they say, is history.
funny, I found this site and, subsequently, the manosphere from an article on how to properly stock a home bar
For me it started with trying to find out what color shoes to wear with jeans…..
trick question to ask the internet. correct answer is Birkenstocks
Youll be munching carpet in no time.
Ii found it through Reaxxion
This is good. Like I said the other day about opening doors or pulling out chairs. You aren’t a door man. You aren’t a servant. Your body language, when you open a door, should say “you walk through this door now” and when you pull out a chair your body language should say “this is where YOU sit”
Ban cars to stop attacks in Sweden. The Onion is no longer needed.
Because, let’s face it, the fundamental problem is the presence of cars which drive muslims to extreme rage.
what if they drive cars with black covers on them? they can cut an opening on the windshield so they can see?
Since the truck of peace incident, Swedish PM Stefan Lofven is apparently on record admitting mass-immigration has been a failure. PM says Sweden will “never go back” to this kind of hyper-liberal behaviour.
Might be too little too late, but if Swedes rediscover their testicles, I will be very happy.
“Truck of Peace”
if they highjacked a train, it would be called the “love train”
I can listen to this song all day. on my 3rd time
I’ve a follow-up question for Mr. Lofven: Under which outcome would mass-immigration have been judged a success?
if they took jobs “the natives dont want” and shut their pieholes like good slaves?
Swedes are to 80% a New Age cult. They only want to cope with terrorism through love. Not that love is bad but there is much more to it.
Nice article on the side effects of game here Troy.
#4 very true.
#5 True.
Through Game I finally learned how to push and destroy my comfort zones. Procrastinating was my biggest enemy in life. It fucked me up in every possible way.
Tell me about it man. I could of had a 4.0 gpa in high school and college if I didn’t procrastinate so much
Same here. I think procrastination is the biggest enemy to success nowadays.
Today we have all the information, all the How To’s for every damn thing. But people (including me) have a hard time to actually do it. To face the possible risks. To actually do it, even if we are unsure about it.
There is no actual specific “One size fits all” approach when it comes to things like “Game” or solving problems.
Logic is not as effective as Fear as a motivator.
Playing game in any European/North American country is like fishing in a polluted river.
Whether you use a makeshift equipment or an expensive one – the results will be the same. You get polluted fish that will kill you or -the vey least-will make you very sick.
You have game in Europe/North America you will still only get woman that is locally available.
I found it was easier to get my finances in order, travel abroad and get decent women elsewhere. The was no need for any “game”. All I needed was to be a man, be reasonably good-looking , have a steady job, show interest in her culture and get along with her family.
“Fishing in polluted water” builds character (sometimes) and is not without adventure value– so it’s not 100% downside. Besides, game is fun.
If you are fishing in toxic water, there is always “catch and release”.
or being smart and do not fish at all
But you’re suggesting buying a Fillet-O-Fish at the drive-through!
what countries did you visit where the women are decent?
You can find decent women in nearly all countries in Latin-America, Africa as well us South and South-East Asia…
I have to disagree….despite the shit storm we kick up about the disgustings ones, European and American women are still the cream of the crop
I think there is a bigger spread. You have the best, and the worst.
correct. And I do not think the problem of the worst is quite as bad as it is made out to be. They talk about all these crazy, left wing, dyed hair, fat screaming bitches. I live in lefty central and I see so few of them that they are a mathematically insignificant percentage >1%
If I went out looking for them I would find them, but they simply aren’t the type of people I run by in my daily routine. If every time some stupid cunt does some stupid cunt thing it winds up on the internet and there is a whole chain of websites where people talk about it ad naseum it simply seems a lot worse than it is.
The crazy dyed protestors are not the worst IMO. They are girls going through a phase (usually aligned with the time they should be most attractive, which is sad).
I think the worst are the type you see at Wal-Mart at midnight. The drug using alcoholics that have done nothing with themselves in a positive manner. They are the “victims” who have no ambition, no sense of self worth, no love for their community. They are the spiritually dead.
A SJW is fun to laugh at, they have some sass, and dish it back at you. Not who I would want in a girl, but they are not the dregs of society. Although, they may become that in time.
I’d put those types you mention, and desperate single mothers out to get a man, any man, any man at all because I’m drowning here omg help me!, together.
well we don’t have wal mart here, but I have heard stories. people, men and women, ruining their lives with drugs is a terrible thing, but again, while I know where to find them I certainly don’t see them in my day to day. As for professional victims, yes, they are terrible but even mor ei don’t see them. I live in an affluent area and work in a high pressure industry at a very high level, I go to bars where professional victims don’t go.
You are 100% right about kids and phases. I mean, I would hate to be judged based on the shit I thought, wore and did when I was 20 years old. A lot of these purple haired freakos will grow up I think. Going through a phase in your early 20’s is fine…even healthy
All of this is depressing….how about the best? This may be some of my church bias, but there is a church college not far from Yellowstone that has 60-70% women, all clean and traditional. 90% are virgins, unless married. There are reasons to have hope in our society.
The Amish have a decent number of actually attractive women. I’ve hung around them for years, got to know some Amish guys and got invited to things like putting in a new floor in the house, etc. Their wives are generally at least passably nice looking, and some are downright Angelic Swiss looking. To be clear, there are some ughs here and there too.
Almost all women have the opportunity to be reasonably attractive, all they need to do is be healthy physically, spiritually, and emotionally. I think that is what makes western society like it is with the wide spread. We have the opportunity to pursue the path we want, whether good or bad.
Walmart at midnight? Don’ remind me.
True. And they are the best looking ones.
I’m simply not into asians at all, and ebonies..not really tho.
Latinas are fine, but caucasian women are simply the hottest ones.
Beauty is subjective.I have always found Black African ladies from Southern Africa the kindest and most beautiful.Some Asian and mixed-race Latin-American. ladies are fine, too. White women? I was never attracted to them neither physically nor spiritually. (Except maybe the ones from Albania – but of course most ROK readers do not consider Albanians white anyway.)
You have to agree that White girls tend to be the most promiscuous with the highest chance of cheating and divorce among all races/ethnic groups. They are also the least likely likely to bear you the sufficient amount of children. (The number of childbirth for “native” white women are below replacement level for every “white” country except Kosovo.)
Eh, in reality, black women are the most promiscuous. 70% out of wedlock birth man, that doesn’t happen in Virgin Land.
Beauty is the eye of the beholder.
it sounds like White women are your preference. I suppose in that case it makes sense for you to look for them in the US/Europe. However, you have to agree that most women, particularly White women are screwed up in mind and likely to STDs by the age of 24-25.Searching for a decent women in the US/Europe is like dumpster-diving in a wealthy neighborhood in a hope of finding some untouched and edible food that the wealthy locals did not want…I suppose the chances of you finding some are pretty slim. (Yes, the chances are slim, not the women you would find.)
Best of luck to you nevertheless.
I don’t have to ageee with that. In fact I disagree that women are screwed up and likely to have STDs by 25. That’s absurd.
I see hundreds if not thousands of beautiful women who are American and European every single day.
Anecdotal evidence?
no evidence is necessary at all. Your claim was patently absurd. It’s only because you were polite about it that I bothered with the antecdotal evidence rather than just laughing
I vote latinas
According to what criteria?
Looks? Sure, if they haven’t destroyed their natural beauty with toxic “choices”.
Personality? They are probably among the worst (excluding Eastern Europe, they are cool)
I have to disagree. I think the personality of European women (both western and eastern) is absolutely wonderful followed on the heels by American. If American women are being a cunt to you, you should look for ways to reign them in or possibly work on target selection.
I’m not American. I’m Swedish. But it’s all the same (or close enough) in “the west”.
It’s not about target selection for me. I just don’t like the way they think, their values and how they’ve become so masculine. They don’t radiate femininity exactly.
They don’t inspire me much outside of the purely physical (which quickly fades) and that’s a problem. There are exceptions of course, but as a general rule.
My favorite girlfriend so far was Eastern European and she was the closest so far. But even she was slowly poisoned by the western culture, being here in Sweden for many years and spending time with the kind of friends that you make here (a lot of feminists and the like whom she met at our university). But then again, it could also have been that she came here to begin with due to having such inclinations deep down already. Hard to say.
Amen bro! u got my vote!
6.) With a little ingenuity and a razor blade, you can sculpt some pretty cool mini-landscapes out of your genital warts.
You know that new car smell? There’s nothing like it. Except for that new vagina smell.
Sound the trumpets. Bob has returned.
molded plastic? What kind of girls do you date?
Bob doesn’t date girls. He just test drives them and returns them to the dealership totally ragged out.
That pretty much sums up every woman I’ve ever known, my friend – molded plastic.
Ah, the cookie cutter, molded plastic variety.
What did the surgeon say to the man with the detached retina – “Eye shall return.”
Ties in nicely to my support of latin music.
Was that the same surgeon that was on United?
Probably. Or a relative…
People talking shit about that doctor don’t realize that is exactly the type of guy that will be your doctor under government-controlled medicine.
Thing that bugs me about those Iphone videos is you are never given the whole story. I wouldn’t doubt the guy was being belligerent prior to the video. Reminds me of those many videos that show a cop roughing up a black guy;
take the insurance!
United upped Chinese take out game when they found that guy making pee pee in their coke. Staff was violent and wanted to beat the crap out of someone just an hour later. When filling out customer satisfaction card he gave an excellent mark to “hands on customer service”
It took awhile but I just got it. That’s some good stuff right there, kneeman!
A fantastic skill to acquire. Good practice is taking a two line joke, and making a story out of it that’s interesting, engaging and which the person you’re telling it to doesn’t think that you’re telling a joke until you deliver the punchline.
Example (and I use this one, and this is the story I developed behind it)
Initial Joke: “What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef!”
Ok, stupid joke, two lines, badda bing said and done. Now, here’s how I’ve worked it into a conversational story.
Me: (to cute girl): “Hey, did you happen to read the Columbus Dispatch this last Sunday?”
Her: “No, why? (she won’t have read it, it’s a newspaper, nobody reads those any longer)
Me: “Well, there was this weird story in it about the OSU farm campus. You know, the one up near 315 as you go towards Powell?”
Her: “Oh, yeah, I drive by there sometimes!”
Me: “Right, exactly, that place. So anyway I guess there was a calf born up there last week, maybe Monday or Tuesday? I don’t remember one of those. Thing is, it had no legs.”
Her: (eyes widen): “Omg, really?!? That’s awful!”
Me: “Yeah, it is right? So I guess they consuted the Dean of Agriculture about how to classify it, and he recommended calling it ‘Ground Beef’”
Stand back. Grin. Wait for her face to contort into a weird “you got me smile”
Story telling is technique numero uno, if you have frame and confidence already in place.
True, a lead on to make them think you are telling a real story is key to good joke telling.
This is a great example of how to turn a corny joke into a game line. If you can tweak the girl’s emotions as you tell the story, it gets her into your frame, and feeds her hamster. Start off acting like this is important, pressing news, like something big happened to draw her in and then get her attention. Then act like its this “weird” wild thing to get her more emotional about it. Then down-shift and get more laid back as you’re nearing the end of the joke. Then go full shit-eating grin “gotcha” at the end.
Draw her in, play with her emotions like that, then deliver a laugh (even a goofy laugh) and she will definitely remember you.
Thanks. I’ve done this with a *lot* of jokes. Getting them thinking that it’s “for real” and then yanking the carpet out causes a lot of confusion at first and then a strong emotional positive reaction. Works like a charm on women who are not totally defunct mentally.
Any guy looking to up his “small talk” game should just go find a simple joke book, pick out a couple jokes, and then build a longer story out of it just like this. The fact that the joke is corny is fine — hell, its half the point. You are selling it like its important, then playing with her emotions, and then pulling the rug out from under her at the end.
Add in facts relating it to the local area or local things that can get some reaction from the girl, just like in GoJ’s example… these are things that you can use to continue to conversation later. Like if she says she “drives by there sometimes” like in the example, then later you ask her “Why the hell are you driving by that place all the time” or something.
Great technique, 5 stars.
in short: be a buffon (learn game.. lol) entertain bitches and maybe you may score them. cover all this shit in a curtain of mighty words such as “frame” “and confidence (being a buffon.. lol) and you are set to score the marvelous femminazi sluts who roam down the street pubs, unless of course you believe to entertain LADIES who have low notch counts, ready to settle, intelligents, women with marriage mindsets, no.. you are just entertain whores! not unicorns.. and this THIS! is the man!! who believe that time is not money, who invest their lifetime to entertain bitches and be proud of it!
i believe you are more near to Mr. Donalds Mcdonalds! but i admit you have a future as a mangina!
p.s.: if those lines worked for real, then we may realize the level of suck marvelous women you entertained.. lol!
If I were on hardcore street drugs, that might be coherent.
And this kind of post is why I follow GoJ.
i disagree to some level here, imho when the play is rigged against you, no matter what, you are abiding to her rules, not yours.
1) vastly improved confidence
learning how to please women=beta traits the real way to improve confidence start inside yourself, know thyself, your limits and be the best man you want to be, do not abide to women rule in direct way or indirect (how to please women) because when a women likes a man, no matter what, she will bang him in this society, even if you are already married or a punk! courtship a woman is also a beta trait! when women goes south when they just see their music star and they are ready to bang them in a glimph of an eye, or when she just want to fuck their friend’s boyfriends, ring any bells?
2) Better storytelling ability
i scout immediatly people who try to use language to archive their goals because i’ve learned a lot from the teacher of language: women! women use language as a weapon since ages! a man who talk and act like a woman is a no go for me, better stick with real friends with their masculine behaviours rather than learn to be a sissy storytelling
3. Improved business skills
yeah, i agree in this point, if your goal is to sell stuff, your public speaking will get immeasurably better, but let’s get real, we already know this poisoned language skills by politicians. car sellers, from restaurants, travel agencies etc etc.. they simply want to sell somethings to you but this doesn’t means is the best for you as well, so see point 2.
4. Sharper fashion and grooming
Today this doesn’t not make any sense IF your goal is to score with regular chicks, but is useful to disguise you as a man full of money for golddiggers and for thefts as well, todey women prefer bad guys who usually dress like shit (urban style, hillarious drop down jeans and so on) so why bother? maybe is useful to remember that is just fine to be shaved and respect personal hygene, that’s ok! but i saw chicks banged in the disco toilet by guys who even don’t do it.
5. A gateway to a whole new world of learning
Useful if you want to run your website and promote your books and make money useless for the real world where usually if you have cash you score, if you are a bad boy you score, if you are a music star, you score and so on, and these people doesn’t need this points altogether.
Let me guess. “Money and looks only!”?
Or are you just MGTOW in a generic sense?
Doing something to achieve a goal does not make you a slave to the goal. It means you took steps to get what you wanted, and when you’re done, you have a new skill that you do or do not have to use afterward.
Most men used to sit around in bars and barber shops telling stories with elite skill to each other. Great stories. Men who fought WW2 and earlier. “Sissy stories”, Christ almighty, get over yourself.
i can do it without following women requests.
So you what, just stand in a room and flip your dick out, point and tell a woman you’ve never met before “Get busy”.
Because if that works, good for you.
you forgot feces throwing. Remember, people who “use language to archive their goals” are beta simps. It is dick swinging and feces flinging or nothing.
Yeah, language use, how feminine. Men were born without vocal chords and the mental ability to use language effectively, so learning to “ape” women and their amazing verbal skills (lol!) is like totally pussy begging.
on the contrary, im free to be the man i want to be, free to go out with friends, free to spend my money for myself, free to join some friends, freedom! and when i want to fuck i just abide to this feminazi society, i choose the escort i want and i have what i want, unless you believe there are unicorns outside waiting for your marvelous skills and be the bride you ever dreamed about, well , you better wake up and be the chief of yourself rather than a puppet in the women and State hand
ape game!
please would you explain ape term? thx
So if I make my own choices and decide that I admire how some men tell stories, then that means I’m not free because I didn’t conform to your views, but if I do conform to your views against my better nature, then I’m free? Ahhhhh.
I can do everything you just mentioned, and still manage to tell stories and dress appropriately. I think that there’s a factor in your statement that you’re not considering, bro.
The bride I ever dreamed about and I are going on our 26th wedding anniversary. Maybe, just taking a guess here, I know something you don’t?
not with words. only if you come here so I can throw feces at you
Aping somebody means copying them in form and manner.
that’s your opinion not mine, i focus on society as a whole and i understand what i want in my life. i don’t listen to any storytellers unless he got some beers to spare and we agree to have a funny night outside, that’s ok, but listening to pua or advices to be better with women is a beta trait.
and for what matter marriage, do it, im smart enought to understand that today is a russian roulette, aimed at your family jewels
ok thanks, got it!
ding ding ding! troll alert!
So…trying to improve one’s life of solitude, which some men have here, is beta advice? So being alpha means sitting alone and socially afraid of learning to approach or talk to women. Got it.
You still haven’t answered my question. Are you MGTOW, or do you think it’s all about “money and looks!”? Without any conversational skills, which translate into other areas of life other than women (as the article notes, if you’d read it), then what pray tell do you do if you want to fuck a woman?
As to marriage, it’s what you make of it. If you have natural dominant frame, the State means nothing.
Words!!!!’ Beta simp!
look around you, check how many people are lonely, i just fell good with myself and this means i become positive no matter what, im not mgtow, im myself and i do what i please following no advice at all, no scheme, nothing, and i live well, have good friends and fuck when i want, simple, it is no rocket science. Since men, without money, power or both are useless to women, i just abide with this shit and do what is best for me with the best ROI, why bother spending money for an used femiskunk who have seen lots of cock and pretend drinks and good time from me when i may simply rent an escort? did you ever ask yourself why, today, you want to be with a woman? do you still believe to find the white unicorn? do you still believe to the thrill of hunting a woman? do you still believe you live in a country who uphold the law in an even way between men and women?
ding ding ding! we have a winner here! trollface 2017! congrats mate!
still using words like a woman! for shame! Enjoy your trolling
That didn’t answer my question. Outside of using hookers, nobody “fucks whenever they want”. They have to use social interactions to make that happen. So if you’re saying learning to interact with women socially is “beta” then I’m curious how you get women when you want to “fuck when I want”?
There are two types here. Natural alphas (I fall into this category, so does lolknee and a few others, usually we’re in GenX for the most part) and people who come here to learn how to overcome beta lifestyles.
And not to put too fine a point on it, but when you consider the hierarchical nature of Alpha-Beta social arrangements, all Alphas start out, intially, as beta when they are young and just learning. Naturals don’t pop out of the womb knowing how to get chicks, they get that from observing their environment and determining what works and what doesn’t from already pre-existing alphas, or by trial and error. Every silverback gorilla Alpha you see was at one time, when you was very young, a little beta gorilla hanging with his buddies trying to figure out how to take the silverback’s spot.
Condemning men who are coming here to break out of the beta mold as you are doing, is not productive. They can either learn traits that help them break out of their shell and start getting women when they want, or they can live those lives of lonliness as you seem to be advising them to do.
As to “women, unicorn bride, etc” I’m decades ahead of you on that I’d wager.
AND FECES!!!!!!!!!
i already explained my points above, and im not here to change your opinion as well, you know.. at last, opinions are likes bottom holes, everyones has their own. So stick with yours and be what you want to be.
If you have any poo, fling it now!
No, you did NOT answer my question at all. Saying “I fuck when I want” is not the answer. That’s the end point that the question I’m asking is getting to.
To keep it clear, here is the question. Since you seem to think that doing anything for sex besides standing there is beta, then please fill us all in on what you do. Question below.
Lol. Yeah, so alpha, bro.
Meanwhile I get women without paying money and without being a trained monkey. Totally beta, heh.
Your advice here is invalid. You have no frame of reference on even the basics of socialization. Sorry.
GoJ and LK are are troll tag team, your experiences on this site are way better once you have blocked them.
Because we call you out for trying to advise men to go to the “buy a whore and be a shutin” route, skippy. Of course you block me (and him), we don’t put up with your omega type advice and challenge you on it.
And since I’m blocked, I get to do it with a smile on my face.
because since the world spins around, only women fuck when they want, not men.
So if i like to a girl, she will lend me the pussy without any problems. Trying to score a chick who don’t like you, is beta. because you will be used as a buffon for a night and for free drink ride, and then maybe a phone number and a kiss in the face, of course you may fuck them if you are coooOOoooOOOoL .. wrong, they simply let you score them because you was a nice entertainer.
women fuck who they want at their will, because they have the power of pussy, men are disposable.
men who want to fuck whenever they want MUST pay in a way or another (hooker, escort, courtship, marriage etc etc). so smart men abide to the situation for the best ROI, being a buffon learning skills to please women,TODAY, is just a bonus added to their already inflated ego, hence a beta trait.
oh you still believe there are unicorns outside? lol women are proud to be SLUTS!
While using a whore is fine for some guys, and I don’t criticize them for it specifically, it’s not fine for some whoremonger to come in and start sneering “beta!” because other men have learned or are learning to get girls without paying a whore directly. Fat ugly, bitch tit guys can and do pay prostitutes, and they are omega to the core.
You are not qualified to even begin to define alpha and beta, kid. Sorry. You’re just not. When you can land a girl easily without having to whip out your wallet, while still retaining your integrity and frame, then come back and try to instruct us. Until then, you’re just another omega that pays for whores.
Been married 25+ years kid, and I’m head of the family. I’ve reproduced and raised an alpha son and a sweet, demure daughter. I’ve had girlfriends your whores couldn’t even approach in looks and personality.
What have you done? Besides paying whores because you lack the social skills to get a woman if you didn’t?
bullshits! today on tinder you have to pay in advance only to write to giRRRRls!
women sell themselves for the best men around hypergamy, hence you will never EVER have a quality woman in this corrupted society, so why bother? what’s the difference in your opinion between an escort or the regular YOUGOGRRRL you see down the road or in the pub? the first at least gave you 100% sex, hell! you have also the dinner whore!
So, since you have to deal with sluts, and they are proud to be sluts, where is the difference? better choose an escort and have what you want than workship a feminazi landwhale skunk who pretend to be a princess and free access to your life, wallet and everythings else! there are no unicorns left! bear this in mind!
Sorry omega, you are not qualified to dispense any advice on this forum. Your best course is to sit down, be quiet, and study men who can get girls without having to pay for them. Until then you’re nothing but a know nothing, no social skills omega.
You’re digging your own grave here at this point. Move on, stop posting, and read with an open mind. Your advice is invalid and wrong.
you have your points, i have mine, im not beta omega or martian, im simply smarter than you, and i don’t take any advice OR want to change your opinion, OR classify your sorry ass, be what you want to be, and leave others their right to choose their own path!
Wrong. You are socially inept, which is evident by how easy it is to get you to blow your cool. If whores rejected you, you’d become Elliot Rogers in a week.
Now be quiet Omega. Men are talking.
GoJ don’t waste your time with him..
You know..he is kinda right..
You have to see it though his eyes not yours.
Imagine: You are a loser with women, you never had normal contact with any women in your life. Only in Highschool but you never could cross the friendzone-line. After that. you completely lost connection to women.
Now add porn-addiction to that and MGTOW-Brainwash…
Look: Getting women WITHOUT paying, without having to wait 3 months for sex is out of his reality.
Being the “price” as the man? Making the woman even pay your drinks? Having sex with them at the same night you met them? Cold approaching women in the daytime, who don’t give you even 1% signs of interest and fuck them the same day?
Things that are usual and realistic for us, is utopian for him.
For him, using all his money on whores makes sense. It would need a personal coaching to help him to be normal. But most likely this will never happen.
And discussing with him online is just a waste of time.
So…you want the last word, take it.. the evidence is that you believe to be the mighty owner of the true masculine behaviour! lol .. don’t worry, i will survive! i used to have more fun playing the mighty monkey island sword fight! lol!
Fair post. Ok, yes, it does make sense from his angle (hence why I deduce that he’s an omega). And if he’d just come in and said “Eh, I can’t be arsed with game, I just go to whores” I’d be totally cool with that. He comes in and starts sneering “beta!” and then reveals that he’s an omega, and I go for the jugular.
No worries though, I’m through with him now. He’s beneath me and not worth any more effort. I rarely block people, outside of spam types, but the simpering omega sneering at people, eh, I’ll make an exception to the rule sometimes.
woa! ladies and gents! here we have a MAN! who was the only one who born in the mighty 60/70.. listen little boy, we all have had our own adventures in the past years, and no am no impressed by yours since i got mine too, however im not a sissy boy that show my wonderful power pickup list over internet.. that’s a beta trait!
gotta use this where I can:
been saving this one forever!
wow nice.
usually those like you who talks so well about sex experiences are the one who wanks every time over youporn! no.. you didn’t hurt my feelings mommaboy, but hey! we are here to help you! share with us your stories, maybe Ghostofjefferson could use those line for the next buffon showtime
Good point.
What this guy really needs is an afternoon with Player Supreme.
Highly unlikely. Based on my IQ test results you have a roughly 1/1000 chance that you’re smarter than me, and GoJ is one of very few people I’ve ever met who I thought was smarter than I am….so drop that exponentially for being smarter than him.
There’s a dude who used to post around under the name of “Rake” that I really wish all these “money and looks” idiots could meet. He’s a short ( like 5′ 5″), fat, broke, ugly guy who used to be a stage magician in Vegas.
Every time I hung out with this dude he’d come back the next morning with pictures on his cellphone of what was usually one of the top 10 best looking women in the club doing unspeakable things with him. Now I know investment bankers, former NFL players, etc who don’t get laid anywhere near as much as this guy did despite having superior looks and money.
no no no no no….
The point here is that “game”, and the specific 5 factors he describes, trains you to NEVER allow anyone to hold any sort of advantage over you; than no one can MAKE you feel anything you aren’t in control of.
That’s Life Stuff man.
How is being able to please a woman beta? You have no idea. Over 90% of men are not able to please a woman, thats also why their wives and girlfriends fuck behind their back, other guys.
If you truly know how to please woman, you have so much control over them. Most women never had a guy who could actually fuck her good. She will become addicted to your dick.
I can easily see you are one of the guys who are so full of insecurities that you have no chance to escape being a bitch beta mgtow.
just go back to your MGTOW-base and jerk off to the women you “hate”
(I wrote this so maybe some guys who actually are able to escape the MGTOW-Hell, can read this.)
He also buys whores. Because, you know, that’s all alpha and shit. He says it later in the thread.
so you find all unicorns out there uh? what a lucky guy
Not all unicorns, 70% of women are decent enough, so long as you learn how to train her.
I wouldn’t bother, he won’t believe you because as Jordan pointed out, this is simply out of the realm of his experience and he doesn’t have the tools to work with to understand the greater point.
You are probably right, but there are many lurkers out there that need to see through it.
if you say so.. i wonder why you are still in a country where divorce count are skyrocketing and where you may be jailed for false accuse and assraped for nothing.. all those men fellows are stupid or what? when the game is rigged against you! when you must be what you are not just to please women.. you are a BETA!
men learn from their mistakes, SMART men from the others too
Exactly hahah look how mad I made him.
hahaha this moment when the ultra-omega calls other guys beta.
Which is precisely why this conversation is useful.
you have a future in the CNN mommaboy, oh one last word.. in Putin country there are marvelous chicks so you better keep a low profile and don’t misuse Mr. Putin face for bullshits! mommaboy!
unless someone pretend to hold the true in his own hands.. that’s right! being a buffon is not somethings i would be proud off
mad? no.. you amuse me.. mommaboy!
It is not WHERE you live, it is HOW you live that creates the divorce.
you seem quite proud of it now.
it doesn’t matter HOW you live.. i live in earth.. maybe in mars there are no fault divorce laws against men..
are you looking for the next pickup mommaboy? you better post your selfie on tinder! 😉
maybe because you don’t see your face in the mirror.. respect call respect old man.. you got what you deserve
I normally don’t block users, but you are about at the end of my rope. You are behaving like Richard Simmons.
I tried to let this go, but it’s “Momma’s Boy”. Dont forget the possessive ” ‘s “.
if you aren’t able to argue without insinuate then go for it old man.. respect call respect and you should know it well
yeah sorry thanks for the help Mr. bem.
SEE? we’re here to help!
Stop it both of you! I had a stage in my life that was hanging between Going Red pilled or MGTOW and i aint even kidding. It was like my life hanging on a fucking thread. Today i still struggle from this “centrist” syndrome where i couldn’ t make a permanent decision as i tend to swing from being a red pill to mgtow the next.
Stop it both of you! I had a stage in my life that was hanging between Going Red pilled or MGTOW and i aint even kidding. It was like my life hanging on a fucking thread. Today i still struggle from this “centrist” syndrome where i couldn’ t make a permanent decision as i tend to swing from being a red pill to mgtow the next. so hold your horses and keep your fingers crossed.
If what you mean by “going red pilled” is going for the traditional alpha family, I would say that it isn’t without drawbacks. There is the risk of frivorce and a loss of personal time. Becoming a MGTOW also has it’s drawbacks. No family life and having little purpose. It is your decision, the half-assed approach (family but go home to watch football, and drink beer) is probably the worst idea. You would be setting yourself up for failure. If you go the traditional family route, you need to jump in with both feet (wife stays home, no TV, homeschool the kids if possible, church, etc.) Do that, and you will have a good chance of a strong, happy family you can be proud of.
Thanks jim for your advice. I think i would consider it since i am in the begining of my twenties now and according to my circumstances, i am still stuck to some deep shit in my life that needs (fucking idiots whom i hate from college whom insult me on a daily basis and some random asshole that has been staining my reputation by spreading slander and allegories about me about being a fucking fool. I’ve tried to ignore those assholes and continue with my life regardless of what they said about me in the past however i would need some advice for this as it is hard trying to survive like this everyday) comprehending.
ROK is pro-Prostitution:
because bad boys do not please women, they fuck them
because music star do not please women, they fuck them
because politicians do not please women, they fuck them
because movie star do not please women, they fuck them
because men with money do not please women, they fuck them
because when you like to a woman, you don’t need to please her, she already decided to fuck you!
now, who have to please a woman to fuck? betas, pua, husbands, and so on, because women WANT to please men who have power, money or both! or you also believe in the unicorns today?
Women are never addicted to your cock, otherwise explain me the growing divorce rate in western countries, unless you believe they all have short dicks husbands!
what you classify as a bitchy beta trait, i see it as the best ROI today, since almost all women are proud to be slut, where’s the difference between a professional escort and the average pussyGRRrLiwantitall you meet everywhere?
As always it’s my opinion, my vision and im ok, i do everythings i want whitout being a buffon. enjoy!
“bad boys” I’m 100% sure you were friendzoned in your teenage years and had to watch the girl you fell in love, get fucked by “bad boys” the whole time. This was probably the start of your beta journey.
Forget about movie stars and those shit, yes some women will fuck them, but only one time and maybe to get pregnant by them. I don’t deny that there are gold diggers out there. (See Dan Bilzerian). But most women do not care about money, anymore. Today the gov. pays their shit or they have their own money…
Now who have to please a woman? Basically every normal guy + guys who want to reduce the chance of being cheated on./ Getting cucked.
Yes, women can be addicted to your cock/ your sexual skills. I know that this is out of your reality. You probably never had sex with a woman you didn’t pay for. Maybe you are still a virgin. So you can’t even discuss things like this with guys who have experience.
Divorce rates in western countries rise, because they become, as I’ve told already’ less and less dependent from men. Mostly because of the gov.
And yes, over 90% I’d even say over 95% don’t know how to please their women. That’s also the #1 reason why they cheat. And sometimes this can lead to divorce if the husband get’s to know that she cheated.
Being able to please a woman in bed is not about your cock size. Only 1/3 of women can orgasm through cock penetration alone. Good foreplay, fingering and licking get’s them real, full body orgasm.
Often guys simply only care about their fun, most times the women are scared to tell their men that they’re bad in bed. They are scared to tell their man to try different things, because she doesn’t want to be a “slut” in his eyes. (Fact: EVERY WOMAN IS A SLUT in a SEXUAL WAY)
I have friends who are callboy for women. Their clients go from 20-45 years. Single women, taken women, married women..
Many of these women are smoking hot, and they are willingly to pay 400$/hour to finally have some good sex.
I’m sure this is also out of your reality. Your next question will probably be: “Why would a hot woman pay for sex???”
But you are not worth my time for another answer.
oh.. so touchy.. im injured really.. damn man! you have a future as the new weapon a la MINORITY REPORT! please tell me also the next superball numbers.. we may split.. for real!
“Every woman is a slut….” I would definitely concur on that. My wife started off as a prude. She was a virgin on our wedding night, had a bunch of religious hangups, etc. It was who she was, and I sort of accepted it. The first 9 years were rather slow, I would admit. I was frustrated while she was aloof in the bedroom. Then, it just happened. We just started talking about it in an open manner without the usual pissing matches. She told me that she thought I would think less of her if she behaved like a slut.
I had to leave that weekend to help my brother move, so I was gone for several days. When I got back, she was excited to see me. We didn’t have sex right off because of logistics, but I told her that I would like to have her shave down there. She got excited and kept thinking about it the whole after noon. That night, was probably some of the best sex in my life. Since then, we have continued to expand the horizons. We avoid anything that we agree is immoral, but she is now open to many kinks that I would have thought impossible a decade ago.
so you are well trained to please a woman.. usually i pretend to be pleased by them, but only with those who suit my bone test, im not a buffon like you trained to please skunks, and boys like you are the reason why women WON’T please their man anymore, because MANGINA like you are ready to please them, so why they should learn a lesson or two from their husbands? maybe to be more femminine and less egoistic?better dump the husband sorry ass who works hard and be pleased by mommaboy like you! who are ready to please them! shame on you mommaboy!
I’d say every woman has a “slutty” sexual side in her. I’ve never met a woman who didn’t liked to be roughed up by a dominant male. That’s just nature. They were made to be submissive to dominant men. Besides of the things that belong in the toilet, nearly all women have some crazy sexual fantasy, I would never expected in my earlier beta years.
Some women like your wife, need this side of them to be awaken. As you said she was scared to look like a slut to you.
As gay as it sounds; communication is actually VERY important in relationships, especially LTR and Marriages.
There is more than one crazy fantasy running around in their hamster wheel, often following through with one will beget others.
ok ok.. now stop to post your same selfie over and over.. mommaboy!
unless you get assraped in a frivorce because she’s not happppy anymore and be proud to become once again a mommaboy!
learn the lesson boy! never be CPT SAVE THE HOE!
Communication on some subjects is often easier said than done. If they don’t want to discuss it, they won’t. Shortly after that weekend, She bought this book about sex inside of marriage. We read it together out loud, just a page or so every night. Doing that created a venue where we could discuss those matters openly as they came up.
So to speak…
This will please her more than a man ever can.
Don’t forget tongue.
Of course.
It’s actually 80% tongue and fingering.
Only 1/3 of women can orgasm from dick penetration only.
oh look a perfect mangina trained to please women! well done boy.. do you also are able to move your tail in the process?
Virgin. 100% hahahahah
Aries! you loose!
i see you still keep those cartoons from your young age.. mommaboy!
I kept track a couple years ago.
Eleven of the twelve women I slept with in one year had vaginal orgasms from my penetration. Either I’m really good in bed (hopefully) or I just got extraordinarily lucky.
Someone pointed out that women who are out dating a lot are the ones who like sex more because they orgasm more. The women who don’t date don’t like sex because they never orgasm. So they winnow themselves out over time.
Make her climb on top, and massage her tender bits while going at it. Doing so will cause her to rub her clitoris on your pubic bone during penetration. Works every time for us.
Usually a mechanical device works better.
You really want to please her, buy her a cat and a ‘pocket rocket’.
If they enjoy it with you, they will be enjoying it with other guys.
I always thought the Muslims had the right idea, mutilate their parts, so they get no enjoyment from sex. Then they have no reason to fuck the pool boy when you’re out at work.
Doesn’t that tell you something? Obviously, the female orgasm isn’t important and should be ignored, like it’s plainly been ignored by thousands of successive generations of sexually successful men since the dawn of mankind and probably before.
If the men in ancestral populations who sired offspring and thus contributed to human evolution only managed to do so via pleasing the woman’s orgasm then the female orgasm would’ve evolved to become more central to the copulation process. It didn’t. It’s something that’s been ignored by the majority of men who women let them pump full of cum.
This is a kind of hard science fact of proof that an orgasm isn’t exactly what females are looking for.
I’d wager that men who provide females more orgasms have far fewer children than men who ignore female desires, and I wouldn’t fear for losing money.
Whether single or married, I think it comes down to creating an environment where YOU are the one who is in demand. A guy who has to plead, beg, do chores or whatever so he can get a sexual “favor” from his wife is not respected. A guy who pleads, begs, buys dinners, white knights or whatever to get a sexual favor from a girl is not respected. A MGTOW who pays money for a sexual favor is not respected….all the examples are beta behavior. They are giving up their resources in for a “treat” in return.
However, if you become healthy (physically, spiritually, emotionally), you create an environment where you are the one in demand sexually or even socially. The tables are turned. You now have the ability to get them to do the favors. Doing so not only puts you in a position of power, it is healthy for you as an individual.
Perfectly explained Jim.
Yup. That’s exactly what I meant.
Guys who are able to please women are never in this scenario where they have to buy something so they MAYBE get “LUCKY” tonight. (I cringe everytime I hear this.) If you are able to please her sexually, she will be the one who initiates sex all the time. She will suck your dick without asking. Simple reciprocity principle.
“get lucky”…..yeah, that is an old term that irritates me as well. Like luck has anything to do with it. What, did she lose at 3 card Monty? The effort you put into improving your game, being physically fit, and eliminating vices is what will get you sex (which is a side benefit, not the end)
get lucky with an used skunk who used u as a buffon.. go on man! you are rock solid!
this what?
What’s even worse is that you hear this often in long term relationships or marriages. So fucked up.
Damn son, you are so butthurt. I’ve hit you real bad huh?
Back to your MGTOW-Forum. You are the kind of guy who is scared to approach hot woman and calls them sluts, but as soon as you go home you jerk off to her hahahahahahahahah. You sad loser.
so you still have those nightmares? don’t worry, take a deep breath and the pills mommaboy!
“Whether single or married, I think it comes down to creating an
environment where YOU are the one who is in demand. A guy who has to
plead, beg, do chores or whatever so he can get a sexual “favor” from
his wife is not respected. A guy who pleads, begs, buys dinners, white
knights or whatever to get a sexual favor from a girl is not respected”
and since almost all women out there are sluts, they are proud to be sluts, femminazi and pretend to be wined and dined, why bother? better get an escort and spare your best for Ladies, but today even if you are lucky enought to find such “unicorn” you still live in a country where she holds the law gun, not you! being a buffon “frame lol for sknks is a beta trait!
This shit really gets under my skin.
“I’m so lucky to have her, I’m so in llluuuuuuurrrvvv!”
“Well, let me go and ask The Boss!”
Fuck them. Seriously.
Had some Mexicans in doing some renovation on a bathroom. They were good workers. They rapped in Spanish and I started talking to them in Spanish and it was fun and cool and shit. The wife was out but comes back just as they’re cleaning up and their lead turns to me and says “Weel, look like the boss is here!” I answered “You bet he is, you’ve been talking to him all day”.
Hate that faggoty shit of belittling yourself in front of others for a woman. It reeks beta.
My girl looked me in the eyes last night post-coitus — a long, unblinking type stare — and said, “I need sex from you all the time. More than when we first met. It’s amazing.”
I flipped the script by pleasing her. The fly ventured into the web.
Everyone pays for sexual favours.
That’s Biffaults Law and you can’t escape it.
Its funny – I used to think my girl kept wanting more sex because I did it wrong the first time….
Everyone’s wife and gf fucks other guys behind their backs. A lot of guys are just too stupid (or in denial) to notice. AWALT.
Not caring if you please them or not, is the route to success.
Not caring if they fuck other guys (you can openly fuck other girls), turns them on. Nobody wants Mr. Needy.
I don’t give a fuck if my wife walks out on me, she’d be replaced within 2 weeks (by a new 20 year old), and she knows it.
The first rule is, the less you care about them, the more they want you.
Not every wife and gf, but many. The chance is always there and there is nothing a man can do to totally kill the chance that she will do it. True
AWALT. Very true.
With “pleasing women” I meant it in a sexually way. Not fulfilling every single of their wishes.
Buy this
Use it on the next woman, you really can’t compete against it.
Literally “every”?
Not to totally kill, but Supreme’s got some great examples of this. It’s all about getting such control over a woman that, to quote him, “my words can bring heaven or hell to a woman”.
It does wonders when they feel like they’re the reacher and you’re the settler in the relationship. Not perfect of course but it’s the best defense you can have….and since it’s an emotion it’s far more powerful than any logical reason for them not to cheat.
I find it odd how you extrapolate your marriage failure onto the rest of humanity.
It’s not a game of chance. Some men will get cheated on. Some will never. The governing factor is the man – if he is high enough value then the risk of losing him by getting caught cheating will become too great for the hussy to become tempted. It’s as simple as that. If she believes he can be replaced with an equal man readily enough then she’ll do what she wants. An irreplaceable man though… no chance
this guy is really special – but at least he is entertaining
I don’t agree with what the guy with down syndrome said, but I don’t think you hit the nail on the head either. There is some truth in the idea women are attracted to arrogant cunts. Confident but typically anti-social behaviour creates a dominant male aura and women think that’s hot.
Id est, one of the best openings to use on a girl is to mildly insult her. Don’t be cruel, but pick on her like tell her her hair is a mess or you don’t like what she’s wearing because it looks boring. Tell her she looks boring and challenge her to prove you wrong – that’s a good opening.
Same with sex. I honestly believe women prefer sex with a selfish man who only cares about satisfying his own desires than a guy who spends most of the night trying to make her orgasm. They won’t tell you this – they probably aren’t even conscious of the fact – but the guy she keeps going back to for more is likely to be the arrogant cunt who told her she’s boring and keeps sticking it in her ass…
Game saves lives.
Troy, You routinely eject gold from the tips of your fingers. One of ROKs best contributors, hands down. (Roosh, give him a raise).
Without question, there is no greater vehicle of which to cultivate a garden to grow fruits of self-actualization for a man, than learning game. The tangential, side effects of learning to overcome fears of rejection, sharpening your sword of playful wit, and rediscovering your masculinity, are real and predictable.
No doubt claims (made explicitly or otherwise) by guys like, Heartiste, Troy, Dante Nero, myself and others, that “game saves lives” is 100% true. It’s these sorts of things that are overlooked by the beta-gay-cats on the outside looking in, as they observe the cad “Chads”, all the while they remain thirsty, jealous of the cad “Chads” ability to bed and bang droves of women, on demand.
One of the key elements to becoming god-like with women is, as ROK and others have written, is becoming the, “I don’t give one fuck” man. Maybe this isn’t profound, but without question this is, regardless of how many times guys like us write about it, the biggest sticking point many guys face is caring too much about outcome. I write at length about ideas on how we can gain exposure to rejection, learn to face it, learn to not care about it, and ultimately learn to love it here. You guys might dig it.
Also, interesting note; it seems like quite a few people in hiring roles for sales roles (male hiring decision makers, obviously) seem to all agree that learning game and the skills there in, like, learning to not give a fuck about outcome etc., parlay beautifully into business. Thus, confirming Troy’s third point here. I spoke with three of them yesterday and ALL of them were eating up our digressions about women and game, even going as far as to say that learning to embrace rejection from women has direct carry over to success in sales.
“3. Improved business skills”
Agreed. Waaaay back in the early 1990’s there was lone pua Ross Jeffries who pioneered “Speed Seduction”, which is essentially an NLP rooted persuasion technique for banging chicks, which he later adopted for his sales seminars as well.
That I’d be more interested in seeing. Say what you will about how shitty PUA techniques are on women, but the well known gurus tend to be amazing salesmen.
A lot of great well thought points. I would also add that it gives men an incredible amount of control over their lives, allowing them to regain control from the feminine hive mind Matrix.
Biggest takeaways in game tech:
Approach 10x more than feels comfortable.
Number close even when it feels weird.
But I don’t recommend kino in the workplace…
Another great article brother, I particularly agree with #4 I do day game mostly, and I am being seen by sober women and bright lights/sunlight, there is nowhere for me to hide a beer-belly or a pair of old sneakers, etc. I have been visiting the gym more often and eating even healthier, I have to once again reference Roosh V’s one approach a day program, that and the 3-4 days a week of weight lifting (plus NOFAP) has literally revolutionized my life in 3 months flat…Carry on brother, wave the NeoMasculinity flag high!
Dead on! One third of my company is life sales. I have stopped with the usual sales books and gotten all of my associates 7 Laws, Bang and Day Bang. Precisely because of how it improves your mindset, fast twitch relational skills and aggression in closing. Our numbers are consistently the best in our enterprise because our closing ratio is unbelievably high. Nothing wrong with 7 habits but the PUA books transform a man.
I always remember a rebuttal Paul Elam made against Game in one of his vids.. he basically said, “Just Be Yourself”. I don’t need to tell anyone that’s probably the worst goddam three words anyone has ever given a fellow man.
I really liked the article. I liked it so much that I translated it to Spanish:
If anybody knows of any manosphere blog in Spanish, I’d like to know about it. Cheers.
Learning game led to deeper understanding of human nature for me. A big plus in business. And game basically is sales. Sex is closing. Show me a great gamer and I’ll show you a great salesman.