How The Song “Scars To Your Beautiful” Fuels Our Culture Of Entitlement

A song rampant on the radio recently caught my ear for its troubling thematics. Its lyrics perfectly encapsulate the mindset of today’s Me Culture of Entitlement. The pop number currently clogs up the FM channels, exposing radio listeners to a misguided take-home message about “self-love”. We all know about the deficiencies of modern music, but this tune tapped into something specifically wrong about this generation. 

The piece is called “Scars To Your Beautiful” and is performed by Canadian pop singer Alessia Cara. In it, the 20 year-old wunderkind intones an anthem ostensibly about self-love and acceptance and the importance of rejecting the haters who criticize you. On the surface, this sounds like a perfectly healthy message for her listeners, which I would speculate are mostly adolescent females (and single women in their late twenties-early thirties).

The song encourages young girls entering womanhood and insecure about their social identity to accept that it is okay to be different and to realize that the bubble you presently live in and how you fit in to it is only temporary and not indicative of the larger world out there.

Fair enough. Building your self-esteem and having “big picture” thinking is important when you become an independent adult and are trying to seek out a job, a new-and-improved social circle, or even your own family. But as “Scars To Your Beautiful” continues and Cara’s voice starts to assert itself, the underlying message twists into one—intended or not—that actually does a disservice to both jaded Millennials and their juniors.

The devolution of “Scars To Your Beautiful” from hopeful anthem to toxic screed interestingly resembles the regressiveness of left-wing political buzzwords. “Refugees Welcome”, “Love Trumps Hate”, “Black Lives Matter” all seem just at first glance because they appeal to your emotions and make you feel like a morally good person for believing in them. However, once put into context and scrutinized for what they stand for, these mantras reveal themselves as harmful and vapid.

Similarly, “Scars To Your Beautiful” overcompensates with its You-Go-Girl™ message and feel-good platitudes meant to placate self-centred and overly sensitive youth. Beginning with the reasonable belief that beauty can be skin-deep or, as sung, “deeper than the eyes can find it”, the song’s chorus then leaps to the assumption that all things that go unnoticed about you are inherently beautiful:

“You should know you’re beautiful just the way you are
And you don’t have to change a thing
The world could change its heart”

While these lyrics may resonate with an everyday ingenue, those out in the real world who have broken out of their respective bubbles, are trying to make a name for themselves, and gaining incremental victories against regular crushing setbacks, will know immediately that the above is a complete sham. A mere idyll for the idle-minded.

The real world is The Myth of Sisyphus. The steep hill’s incline won’t change, the rock’s weight won’t change, you have to change by pushing harder.

In reality, “the world” has its own natural laws and modus operandi that only people in the highest positions of wealth and power are capable of tweaking to the nth of a degree. As an aspiring individual and one of seven billion participating in the human experiment that is life, your source of power is in your ability to change, to adapt to your environment, improve your flaws, and recalibrate your errors to attain success and happiness. “You don’t have to change”, you need to change. Your body’s evolutionary instincts demand you do.

This much is true: if you are a genuine individual (not a nameless follower) with unique talents and have an eccentric or shy personality, you will likely be criticized, mistreated or excluded by others. Cliques and echo chambers reject individuals because they threaten their means of existence—enforcing uniformity of appearance and thought within the group. Real individuals resist that, which is why they get targeted.

The problem with “Scars To Your Beautiful” is it pushes life advice akin to cultural relativism—this fallacious idea that all “different” people (or cultures) are inherently unique in a good and healthy way and, therefore, it is “the world” that is wrong and needs to change if it treats them unfairly.

This notion fuels our ‘me, me, me’ entitlement culture by insisting that regardless of what others say or think or how the world treats you, you are a super special snowflake and do not have to improve yourself one teensy bit…because you’re special (“we’re stars and we’re beautiful”). And if the world rejects you or judges you or seems to discriminate against you, congratulations here is your certified Victim Card, you special person.

Got your Victim Card?

All you have to do is watch the music video (see above) to grasp the inherent flaws and contradictions in Cara’s lyrics. The video plays up diversity™ by profiling various women and men (the question of why men are included when the song is addressed to a young girl goes unanswered) of different colour, age, size, and…gender. The problem with this type of diversity™ is it assumes these different groups to have separate but equal values, virtues, and hardships.

Suddenly, the woes of eyelashes and hair extensions hold a candle to a child suffering from cancer. A fat woman passively looking for acceptance is now equal to a woman who goes to the gym and gets ripped. But cancer is a real struggle; cosmetic concerns are not. Committing to getting in shape is not the equal to being obese, but the solution. 

Further, the music video glorifies a man with gender identity disorder embracing his delusion, even though the song later advises against giving in to eating disorders:

“She has dreams to be an envy,
so she’s starving […]
She don’t see her perfect,
she don’t understand she’s worth it”

So, what is the consistent philosophy to “Scars To Your Beautiful”? There is none, just so long as you feel good about yourself no matter what, you special person.

The woefully misguided will watch this video and shriek, “Harry, are you trying to say a little girl fighting cancer isn’t brave?”. To spare informed readers of the obvious, I will answer that question by adding that I am not criticizing the individuals Cara’s video exhibits. Some of them, like the children with cancer, are real victims with real struggles. I am criticizing the underlying message of the video and how it misleads impressionable listeners into abandoning personal responsibility and shifting their sense of dislocation onto the fault of society alone.

This is what “Scars To Your Beautiful” ultimately panders to.

I am sure Cara is a decent and talented young person worthy of her success. Some of her music is catchy, too, and some of its lyrics I can agree with. It is clear from her music that, like Lady Gaga, she was picked on for her appearances, but embraced her true self, broke free of her bubble, and went on to achieve international recognition and success for her musical abilities. Kudos to her. All of us at Return of Kings can respect that resilience and fortitude.

Unfortunately, it appears Cara has misinterpreted her own virtues and projected that misinterpretation on many of Western culture’s vices. The butt-hurt tone in her music conveys a tone of bitterness reflective of an entitled teenager who just had her iPhone taken away for overuse.

Generally, female-oriented pop music tends to be highly idealistic and feel-good (maternal). It nurtures the listener and reassures her without the force of paternalistic tough love. While uplifting in a superficial, in-the-moment kind of way, “Scars To Your Beautiful” is another example of how popular culture’s subliminal messages are grooming a next generation of spoiled, jobless, victimized narcissists incapable of self-reflection and obsessed with “self-expression”.

Read More: How The “Baby It’s Cold Outside” Controversy Proves There Is No Rape Culture In The West

233 thoughts on “How The Song “Scars To Your Beautiful” Fuels Our Culture Of Entitlement”

  1. I was thinking this along time ago. I wondered if ROK was going to write about this song. I have a 10 and an 8 year old daughter and I flip the station when this comes on.

  2. Excellent dressing down of popular culture. This is where true toxicity is found, and more this stuff gets exposed the healthier society becomes.
    ‘And you don’t have to change a thing, the world could change its heart’
    This is the recipe to being frustrated with every encounter and every attempt at living life, and winding up hate filled and bitter. The attitude expressed in these lyrics breeds fundamentally unhappy people.

    1. I nearly vomitted when I heared this song for the first time on the radio while driving in my car. It’s just as nasty and disgraceful as the J.Lo song ‘Aint Your Mama’.

    2. Only that one line in the chorus is bad. There are some good messages in the lyrics.
      Far far FARRRR worse is that Meghan Trainor song, “Dear Future Husband”, which no girl under the age of 18 should be allowed to hear without red-pill guidance. It’s truly spiteful against our entire gender.

      1. *Barfs loudly*
        Jesus fooking christ. That was nauseating to watch.
        That being said, the song is catchy.

  3. The song “What Have You Done For Me Lately?” was a hit back in 1986. The average western woman was a waste of time and money even back then.

  4. Songs like this make fat women think they don’t have to workout and diet. Basically they think that men should change their taste of women instead herself getting her fat, cellulites ass up and workout.
    We need fat shaming more than ever.

      1. What the fuck does “just be yourself” mean? It sounds so vapid and meaningless. Like literally. I can change myself in an instant. I’m a trained actor. I can literally impersonate a totally new person and create a new identity in a minute or two.

        1. It’s okay. You don’t need to understand it.
          Just be yourself and give me all of your attention.
          Maybe I will marry you when I’ll get off the cock carousel at age 40. But you need to give me your house, your credit card and you need to understand that I need an open relationship =)

        2. Lol.
          I still don’t get why chicks do this. I also can’t believe people are too stupid to believe this.
          (The cock carousel ends at 30. The Wall, remember?)

        3. I have to disagree on the Wall. Yeah, it was 30 years. But now it’s more like 40 years because of social freezing and the fact that the amount of men is higher (result of the migrant crisis) which means the supply of women is low and the demand is high so the women – who are already living in a total matriarchy – are having an increasing worth in general.
          Only sexbots and VR can turn this around.
          Speaking of walls – it’s not going to be built.

        4. To be perfectly honest, the supply of attractive, masculine men has declined, and that’s the only thing that matters. If I, an autistic dude, can get laid easily by virtue of simply being traditionally masculine, it must be easy as fook for others to do so.
          I don’t get why there’s so much demonization of these migrants. Most of them are super nice and don’t take their religion seriously. Most also viciously demonize the ones that rape.

        5. Men are more desperate than ever. Until that changes, women can continue their inconsequential decision-making.

        6. I’m not so sure. I think that award goes to either jz95, jammyjammybird, or that afrocentrist fuckstick Kisse Ellis.

        7. This dude is always writing bullshit that kills your brain cells. If he is in fact getting laid, it’s cause he began volunteer work at a Berlin homeless shelter.

        8. I’m still trying to figure out what the fuck “scars to your beautiful” means.

        9. The very fact that he has no prob with the immigrants/refugees tells me he is probably part of the problem more than part of the solution.

        10. “I don’t get why there’s so much demonization of these migrants.”
          That’s just part of being autistic.

        11. You know after 30 she finds a poor soul, she squeezes two rug rats, cleans the beta sucker in divorce court and gets back on the cock carousel into her 40s.
          The cock carousel is a woman’s MO with a quick break in her early 30s.
          The human female can simply not function without an abundance of cocks within reach at any time.

        12. The supply of quality for both sexes is declining due to the society placing a lower value on accountability.
          The problem Americans have with immigrants is that we don’t want our superior culture being diminished by immigrants that won’t assimilate.

        13. It’s a song by a 20 year old girl on lolradio which I would bet 80% of the people here have never heard of until this article…I wouldn’t waste too much time deconstructing It’s meaning there devil

        14. It means “stop flattering and supplicating her. She’s just a goofy chick, not a goddess”

        15. Jammy is quite sensible actually even if one might not always agree with all his viewpoints. I can get value from his posts.
          Now, as for the others…… ;D

        16. “I don’t get why there’s so much demonization of these migrants”
          Hmm, maybe it is because they are low IQ idiots with no job skills and no education. Don’t take my word for it, German researchers actually did studies. 75% fit only for menial labour at best, 66% illiterate, etc.
          Oh yes, and they are misogynistic and prone to sexual assault. Don’t take my word for it, Norway actually keeps stats on crimes per national origin.
          “Most of them are super nice and don’t take their religion seriously.”
          You have zero evidence for that claim.
          “Most also viciously demonize the ones that rape.”
          Same with that claim.

        17. ,,Be yourself”
          To a ROK red pill Christian man, basically translates into:
          ,,Disregard the jewish satanic programming, just continue to indulge in diabetic and heart poisoning food & activities. If men bring you down because of your faults just learn to ignore them. Oh and disregard God and His teachings too. Christians are such losers, we should totally convert to Islam, it’s so trendy and those guys really love the pussy. ”

        18. nah, you didn’t understand his point, he said he’s an actor : he started the thread as a good red pill dude and then changed into an migrant loving idiot.. ?
          just appreciate the performance ! lol

        19. Just be yourself, but make sure you constantly yap about being yourself because you are so completely insecure that you have to constantly shout “loooooook at meeeeeeeee”. Otherwise, you would have to get up and move.

        20. Yes, trendy. Very trendy. Like growing tits and cutting off your penis and pretending to be a girl to hide your dysfunction. After the surgery, suicide is the only answer because self mutilation was not.

        21. Un-natural development.
          or put it simply, abomination.
          But it is being done via programming since 50 years ago.
          By music, movies, etc.
          Societal norms have already been instituted.
          And what do we do ?
          Do we become more powerful, spiritually, intellectually ?
          Do we at least try to ask God for the power to help our brothers & sisters come back from hell ? To awake them from their road to death & disease ?
          It’s our people man…
          What do we do ?

        22. Just remembered… the afrocentrist fool who pops up here occasionally is Kisse Ellis.

        23. I’ve honestly lost track of who is joking in this exchange.
          Do you actually have autism?

        24. Well then that was an insensitive comment on my behalf. I hope I didn’t offend you. But it might nonetheless be somewhat true though no?

        25. It’s yours, I can’t stop anyone. I have just been in contact with enough transjenner folks to tell you that most are bat shit crazy and mutilating themselves does not fix the problem.

        26. In my job as a healthcare professional, and in particular working in the correctional and emergency environment, I have to behave in a certain way despite how I feel. Understand that when I am out of my work environment I choose to freely give my opinion and exercise my right not to have these freaks in my life.

        27. Yes certainly. One transjenner we had in the jail had to use plastic dialators twice a day to keep the man made vagina opened.
          When this special person came in, I had to inspect the parts to confirm whether it was crested or cloven. I have to say whoever did the surgery was an absolute artist. Positively a perfect external job.
          Guess when heshe gets to jail the main corridor will be getting dilated on a regular basis.

    1. Like practically all pop culture, this song just propagates the preferential treatment for women at the expense of men.

        1. And why is Katie Hopkins in the middle? I love Katie. Have you seen her going after the Fat Pride jumbos? Pure gold.
          Yes, KK is certainly there in all her glory. I was waiting for that gigantic ass to be exposed. After two kids, that ass need some serious attention. Women with big booties are able to pull it off when young. An ass like that needs to be sanded, buffed and shellacked a couple of times a week. Most women with an ass like that end up kicking themselves in the ass when it drops. JLo takes special care of her ass because gravity will take over. I just don’t understand the big ass fetish. I’m from the small tush generation.

    2. A man’s sexual preferences for thin women aren’t going to change that much overweight women nag about it. It’s biologically determined; their complaint is with God (or Darwin, depending on your point of view), not men. It’s true that Arab cultures like their women a little bit chunky, and some of those old Italian paintings celebrated fat women as beautiful. But that is likely based on a history of famine, in cultures where obesity is considered a sign of wealth.

    3. i fat shamed my obese mom into losing 60lbs. She tried pulling the “i need encouragement” line. i said she will be fat until she wasn’t, just like i was a skinny incel beta until i wasn’t. She’s still fat or on the plump side for a woman her age, but i feel no need to fat shame her anymore and i congratulate her on losing the weight. Ironically she was a lot more pleasant when she was massive.

    4. Why do women expect men to change their preferences for young, fit girls, but girls aren’t expected to change their preferences to accommodate the majority of men. I Mean, when was the last time the head cheerleader was encouraged to settle for the president of the math club rather than the football team captain. Or when was the last time a woman was encouraged to settle for a man making less money than her?

  5. When will we tell smartphones that they are beautiful just the way they are?
    We don’t need developement. We don’t need to cure cancer. We don’t need to travel to other planets. We don’t need to change anything. What we really need to do is to praise our zionist masters. Let’s watch more Talmudvision, more (((porn))) and eat at (((Burger King))). It’s good for us.

  6. This is why the radio in my car rarely comes on any more and if it does its locked to the classical station.
    I need to get some some of those pregnant belly headphones so my future child will pop out already knowing Hank Williams and the Clash.

    1. My son is only a few months old and he has yet to hear modern radio. Classical and Metal will be his only music for a long, long time

      1. Nice. My buddy’s son is around 1 and has only ever seen a television in the doctor’s office. They just read and listen to music. My wife and I have been plotting how to keep them off the cesspool of filth called the internet for as long as possible without harming their ability to function, e.g. a kid today has to learn to type.

        1. It’s not easy. A family friend has an autistic daughter and the only thing they claim keeps her calm is YouTube. Of course I’m considered an ass for calling b/s on that, but to each their own. As for my kid, I’ll teach him how to type the old fashioned way with a typewriter and to write in the dying art of cursive.

        2. I was born in 81 and my parents were strict and sheltered me my entire childhood. I know you guys think your doing the right thing, but because I wasnt aloud to see scary movies or watch MTV or even go to a concert with my buddies…that made me even more lost

      2. May Lord Siva BLESS your SON/SUCCESSOR with Good Health, Long Life, Strength, Courage and Prosperity.

      1. God chose the rainbow as a reminder: every time it appears he’d remember his promise that started wit noah. He didn’t make it on the spot.
        Oh the joys of arrogant edgelords…

        1. Ye-es, sure ‘he’ did. Any particular reason why rainbows are mentioned in The Epic of Gilgamesh waaaaaaaaaaay before the bible was written then?

        2. Not I, I was shielded from religious indoctrination in the education system…but it appears to have had an effect on you.

        3. I live by my own ethics, not some fairy-tale spread to keep the weak-minded pacified.

        4. You misunderstand the purpose of biblical stories, as do most.
          They are not to be taken as literal truths, but dramatic truths. Not the characters themselves, but their actions are to be learned from. These stories were originally told by mouth, passed from generation to generation, changing as they went.
          They might have been primitive myths and legends, but these storytellers built civilization without our hindsight, and that counts. Very few civilizations (if any) have formed without some form of religion.

        5. Dramatic truths not literal truths, oh really? “Revelations 18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. 19 And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.” So you are saying it actually means something other than what was written, are you?

        6. Your scorn towards religion I womanly in simplicity. Context is important. In order to properly judge the past you need context else look as a fool.

        7. Your nitpicking is like complaining of animals talking in Aesop’s fables. The stories are a mechanism to explain truths about human nature and morality.

        8. You avoid the precarious position your statement puts you in. Your ‘God’ is quite explicit in how ‘he’ perceives how ‘his’ word should be taken. Seems to me ‘he’ is of the impression it is literal, otherwise ‘he’ would have said everything that was just said was ‘dramatic’.

        9. I agree, context is important, and so is grammar. I literally cannot understand the gibberish you have written.

        10. As I mentioned before, the context of the passage is important. Who is god addressing? When? Why? How is it relevant in our current state?
          And again, you scorn the moral lessons they teach because you do not like the format.

        11. No I just refuse to take ‘moral’ lessons from a capricious, genocidal, infanticidal , megalomaniacal ‘god’ that’s all.

        12. As opposed to capricious, genocidal, infanticidal , megalomaniacal people. I see.
          You wish to follow the path of Christ, recognize the potential for evil that exists within all of us and take responsibility for it.

        13. As opposed to capricious, genocidal, infanticidal , megalomaniacal humans. I see.
          You wish to follow the path of Christ in that recognizing the potential for evil that exists with everyone, and taking responsibility for it.

        14. More waffle. I am none of those things. If you wish to telepathically accept as your master a long dead Jewish zombie whose own father sacrificed him because at a distant point in the past a talking snake convinced a woman who was made from the rib of man who was made from dirt that a mystical fruit from a forbidden tree would be tasty, you are most welcome. That kind of thing may convince you but it certainly does not convince me.

        15. You are thinking literally. I do not accept the bible as literal truth, but as a collection of stories that contains timeless truths about human nature, and as an integral spiritual foundation of western culture that -when removed- results in a complete social collapse.

        16. There is great poetry in the Bible I will concede that, but again, the ‘god’ character was quite, quite clear that he intended it to be literal. There are also plenty of completely ludicrous statements in the Bible, so which is which?

        17. Like in real life, there is no binary answer. It is not the characters that provide moral guidelines, but their actions. Such as Joseph selling the Israelites into slavery during the of famine (showing even he has greed), or Jacobs attempt to take Esaus inheritance from abraham (greed, but time healed that wound)

        18. You do realise that human nature was commented upon way before any of the bible chapters were written? Even as far back as ancient Sumeria? They even had ‘guidelines’ then!

        19. Yeah, some of the stories are adapted from previous cultures. Hell, Gilgamesh even met a the character that became the biblical Noah!
          You just have an axe to grind against Christians, like everyone else.

        20. Nope, I have an axe to grind against religion in general. It’s negative attributes far outweigh it’s positive ones. Christianity is nothing special in the slightest. But even you must see the logical folly of following blindly the Bible? It’s not even original!

        21. …an yet the advancement of civilisation as a whole increases when religion is restricted. Religion never helps science because science destroys religion.

        22. Dude, the reason the renaissance started was because some baron looked at ancient roman art and said “make me some religious art like that”.

        23. Dude, I’m talking about the Enlightenment that started when a bunch of people used reason instead of religion to try to explain the world around them.

        24. The enlightenment philosophies were developed from the re-discovery and emulation of roman culture, which -as a previously mentioned- originated in religious motivations.
          Religion is the Platonic noble lie, which is a narrative created to maintain social harmony. We can see the lack of harmony that results from disregarding our noble lie. To put it simply: most humans are not capable of reason beyond that required to accept religion. Machiavelli said something to the affect of: “we should accept man as he is, not as we wish him to be”

    1. Wasn’t that why the hippies in the 60’s used the rainbow? Except they changed it from 7 colours (special number in the bible) to 6 colours.

  7. Listening to the lyrics I thought it was actually about a fashion model starving herself for fame?

  8. One, two, three, they gonna run back to me
    ‘Cause I’m the best baby that they never gotta keep
    One, two, three, they gonna run back to me
    They always wanna come, but they never wanna leave
    Ummmm….NO! I suffer hearing this song from a pop station. This while working in a shop full of men. What a goddamned narcisistic song. Anyway, here’s Elle King, who sings the song. Judge for yourself. I’ve got crosses, garlic, talismans, silver bullets, and an AR, so I should be safe.

    1. Her father is Rob Schneider. Her music is the sonic equivalent of Deuce Bigalow, European Gigolo.

    2. I kinda like rock songs by fat people. Black Francis. The Deftones. Robert Smith. Even Vegas-era Elvis. Elle King gets a pass from me.

  9. “Tired of trying to cram
    her sparkly star-shaped self
    into society’s beige square holes,
    she chose to embrace her ridiculous
    awesomeness and shine like
    the freaking supernova
    she was meant to be.”
    I found this posted on the FB page of a female Christian artist earlier today. I challenged her to tell me if she had any thought as to how drivel like this caused young girls and women, even Christian ones, to ignore societal norms and go off into the deep end, and if she thought she was contributing to that at all. I haven’t seen any response, but I have noticed that a lot of Christian artists are singing more songs about loving ones self instead of loving Christ.
    This is why the West, particularly Western Christians, are doomed. Slowly but surely they are pushing out God and replacing Him with self, and if you call them on it you get called “judgmental” or, my personal favorite, “legalistic”. I left my last church after I challenged the pastors to keep women from getting up and teaching – they wouldn’t listen. Good riddance. I would rather find a group of guys I can read my bible with for an hour, then go outside and eat.
    You can only warn people so many times before you have to let them fall into the pit they are standing next to, and figure for themselves how to get out, or die trying.

    1. ‘Stand By Your Man’ is one but there’s a less known song by Captain and Tennille from the 70s that cuts to the core of the truth about the origin of/relation between the sexes. At 1:23 in the lyrics is the line “Woman draws her life from man and gives it back again.” Appearantly the sing duo ‘Captain and Tennile’ were very spiritual people but their spirituality wasn’t highlighted in the Hollywood community. They performed the ‘Wedding Song’ (1976) at many celebrity and socialite weddings. But the important line in the song (woman draws her life from man) emphasizes that woman came FROM man – from the rib literally.

      The lower male human rib is the only part of the body that can regrow itself if severed or broken off. It contains stem cells! The ‘rib’ scripture has merit. Female was cloned FROM the stem cells of the original male prototype homosapienus erectus. From the rib literally.
      No other pop song puts this so poetically and simply. The entire dynamic process – reproduction thereafter from the original genesis – is described with “woman draws her life from man and gives it back again.”
      This puts the feminist argument to shame of “which came first – the chicken or the egg” by which feminists try to argue who came first and who should be ON TOP or who should be the boss. Sure women reproduce and deliver live birth – BUT in the beginning woman came FROM the carnal body of man!
      In the Quran also, woman is described as crooked like the rib from whence she came, never straight, always deviating and straying and always requiring the straight edge rule of the man. Woman is therefore like a crooked stick thrown into the air, like a boomerang, unable to navigate a straight trajectory on her own. Only carried or in tow of a man walking a straight line does woman cross three consecutive linear points.

  10. The video at 3:14 “You’re going to find out that all those differences are your greatest strengths.” (Shows hot girl with ginormous rack). Fail.

    1. Yeah I don’t get it. Review of this song? What’s next—new rainbow bright dolls not suitable from grown men?

      1. Wait…it’s not? Dang….this changes everything!

  11. Just think of when female pop stars sung like this. Meaningful lyrics and harmonies…no more…all we have is blandness, “sophisticated” attitude and zero talent.

      1. Know Meshuggah since years ago, they are not bad musicians, but they lack something……
        The second one was weird…the only japanese bands I like are Sabbat, Abigail and Tiger Junkies and a little bit of Sigh. Now, if you are into obscure japanese bands (who are funny at the same time) check the ‘nazi’ bands: Rommel, Mein Kampf and Rosenfeld:

        1. Meshuggah isn’t a favourite of mine but I like their soundscape and prog-elements. And I love obscure Japanese metal. This shit you posted is awesome lol.

        2. lol
          Do you know Enslaved? they started as black metal but they evolved into some kind of progblack, I think you might like them:

          If you like experimental/avantgarde metal check this one:

          Last but not least, a personal favorite, and they are from your country:

        3. Check Coffins out-they’re a brutal doom/death band that have a ridiculously thick sound.

        4. Enslaved are good. I saw them open for Amon Amarth a few years ago. Went to the show for AA, but I had the main riff in “Isa” in my head after the show.

        5. I love both, Enslaved and Amon Amarth. I saw AA live twice, Enslaved not yet.

    1. Not a bad choice with Type O Negative. I tend to prefer the more brutal music in death metal and the more esoteric black metal as a matter of taste.

      1. My taste in metal is wide. I don’t like certain genres like progressive (boring), some heavy metal (too happy), most experimental/avantgarde (wtf?). I love death metal because of their energy and attitude; I love black metal too, from the ‘raw’ (Satanic Warmaster), to the ‘melodic’ (Dimmu Borgir), to the ‘punky’ (Impaled Nazarene) to some NSBM bands (Absurd, Kroda). I hate the DBM: “I’m alone in my misery living in my mother’s basement shouting and crying and hitting a drum”.
        Do you know this bands?

        A little bit of energy now:

        1. Nice selection. For me I enjoy the atmospheric black metal stuff as well as the more ‘traditional’ offerings. As far as death metal goes I’m a huge fan of Cannibal Corpse (and even if you know what you’re getting with them they deliver consistently) and Vader. My tastes are pretty eclectic also and I’m always looking for new bands to listen to.

      1. Bitter? Dude was on point and genuinely cool.

      2. Steele was a very troubled individual; however TON is awesome, love their music.

  12. Cannot wait until this author’s viewpoint goes mainstream in five years & the tatted old folk shaming begins. Tats are a supreme sign of fuck beauty, look at my snowflake quote & jizz attention on my face. 95% of time adorned by single mom progeny.

  13. Can you imagine the casting call for this video? “We’re looking for women who are fat, ugly, deformed, weird, or fat and ugly and deformed and weird.” It’s like a freak show disguised as progressive rhetoric.

    1. I’ve been involved in commercials and that’s exactly what was written down on what to look for. Funny how those girls never figure that out… “It was my inner beauty and talent!” No, it’s because you’re a freak! Congratulations!

      1. Also check this out. It’s a Youtube channel where they talk about how beauty is on the inside, and as they interview the girls they ask them to strip down to show their imperfections. So they have cute girls, fatties, uggos, and then this. It’s a girl with a genetic skin condition. It’s really hard to watch because it just feels so exploitative.

  14. Anytime you see someone writing off constant wisdom in their face as the spew of haters…well, you know theyre fuckin braindead. As I read earlier elsewhere, women feel no guilt, but plzbelieve they feel shame all the way into nightmares. Load ya ammo accordingly, boys.

  15. Growing up I played in punk bands and always used to hate how processed and overly done-up pop stars were, and I thought it would be cool to see average looking people as pop stars. Then you get a video like this where the singer is dressed modestly and isn’t done up and you realize that pop stardom is a bit like the Olympics – You want to see the biggest and the brightest in terms of spectacle. With the Olympics it’s sports, with pop music it’s the image. I get that it would be antithetical to the message to have this particular singer done up with the video’s message, but imagine if for her next one she got all dolled up and suddenly she was more loved for it?

      1. Fucking hilarious. Filing this move right next to the classic barroom “hey who sings this song” line to someone singing along with the music

        1. Exactly, just compare what Megadeth was doing while punk rockers banged on things at dive bars.

    1. Punk was great. It was about being out there and real. Taking down all the 60s flower power bosh.

  16. The level of smoke and mirrors in the world of pop music is staggering. Listen to Britney Spears singing “live” here, without the cover of AutoTune (where a person’s voice is electronically modulated to make it pitch-perfect) – this is the output from her microphone, before the signal hits the AutoTune gizmo. Yeah, that’s really how her voice sounds. I don’t think it makes her any different that the average pop star, because they all get AutoTuned in concert (and when they are recording songs in the studio). And people actually worship these clowns:

  17. I stopped listening to radio music after wingers she’s only 17 wasn’t popular anymore

  18. Sisyphus is the perfect symbol for ROK – guys destined to forever struggle but always fail.

    1. So why hang out with losers? Or are you now attracted to us because we ARE failures ?

        1. That being the case perhaps you could kindly provide a demonstration of seppuku-it’d be a further educational experience for all.

        2. No, I have to teach in small snippets – I know millennials have short attention spans.

        3. But they love gratuity so have at it-full ritual disembowelment is demanded.

        4. Ha – typical millennial! Thinks the world owes them what they “demand.” Silly rabbit.

        5. Mom jokes … well I have a mother ,yes. I’m sure it sucks for you having 2 dads and all .

        6. Two more male role models than you seem to have had – hence your reliance on ROK to try to figure out masculinity.

        7. So you’ve learned to suck dick from your role models ? You prefer to top or bottom other dudes ? Or do you just toss your dad’s salad?

        8. Wow, look how excited you got! All of this dick sucking and salad tossing! Sorry if that “make role model” thing cut deep, Junior…

    2. Maybe sisyphus should just grow a vag and start making stupid comments. Is that Winning?

    3. Dude, get over yourself. You’re here trolling and nothing more.

    4. Welcome to ROK, Sphincter.
      ‘On courage: “A soft, easy life is not worth living, if it impairs the fibre of brain and heart and muscle. We must dare to be great; and we must realize that greatness is the fruit of toil and sacrifice and high courage… For us is the life of action, of strenuous performance of duty; let us live in the harness, striving mightily; let us rather run the risk of wearing out than rusting out.”
      -Teddy Roosevelt

  19. “Further, the music video glorifies a man with gender identity disorder embracing his delusion, even though the song later advises against giving in to eating disorders”
    Wow that’s a juicy bit of leftist hypocrisy I never thought about before. Somehow it’s not good to give in to the delusion that you’re too fat even if you’re severely underweight but it’s perfectly reasonable to believe that you weren’t born with the right thing between your legs…

  20. No scars to your beautiful.
    But if you’re male and under 5-foot-9, just enter a monastery and get it over with.

  21. Speaking of music, anyone have a Spotify workout playlist they’d recommend? I love hard rock/rap/and classical music that is war themed (Jedi Mind Tricks, Machine Gun Kelly, AC/DC, Danzing, Royal Blood, etc.)

    1. David guetta ” would I lie to you” cazzette “beam me up” , chevin “the champion” Pantera “mouth for war ” white zombie ” thrust” , godsmack”the enemy”

    2. When I started listening to Amon Amarth while riding the bike at the gym, my caloric expenditure instantly increased by 10%. I advise starting with their best albums Versus The World and With Oden On Our Side.

      1. Jormviking. My output increases by huge amounts.

    3. Um, ManowaR. Battle Hymns and Kings of Metal albums are great for getting fired up.

  22. That song sucks dick. But it is a great demonstration of political thought today. One doesn’t need to be right about anything–they simply need to find enough other people that are wrong, form a coalition, and then advocate for whatever fucked up, toxic agenda they have in order to force the world to ‘change its heart.’ Want to have sex with animals in public? No problem–just get enough other people with the same deranged taste, declare yourself an oppressed minority, and boom! Everyone must accept you or they’re racist.

  23. Funny how it is always good looking persons who always sing or give advices about how one must feel good or be proud, even if their apperances are shitty or if they have no right to deserve praise for being lazy. Fucking hypocrisy.
    Here’s what comes to my mind as an answer to these beautiful people full of shit.

  24. Thing certainly have changed. When I was growing up, my mother told me that “self-love” causes blindness.

  25. A song rampant on the radio … The pop number currently clogs up the FM channels

    Who else was thinking, “wow people still listen to music on the radio anymore?”

    1. Classic hard rock station, classic country station, sometimes oldies. Nope, never known about or heard this song.

  26. I watched a few seconds of the video, now I remember why I haven’t listened to pop music since the eighties.( it wasn’t really that great then either)

  27. The more women think of themselves, the less men think of them, and vice versa.
    Well, she’s all you’d ever want
    She’s the kind I like to flaunt and take to dinner
    But she always knows her place
    She’s got style, she’s got grace, she’s a winner
    She’s a lady
    Oh, whoa, whoa, she’s a lady
    Talkin’ about that little lady
    And the lady is mine
    Well, she’s never in the way
    Always something nice to say, and what a blessin’
    I can leave her on her own
    Knowin’ she’s okay alone and there’s no messin’
    She’s a lady
    Oh, whoa, whoa, she’s a lady
    Talkin’ about that little lady
    And the lady is mine
    Well, she never asks very much
    And I don’t refuse her
    Always treat her with respect
    I never would abuse her
    What she’s got is hard to find
    And I don’t want to lose her
    Help me build a mountain
    From a little pile of clay, hey hey hey
    Well, she knows what I’m about
    She can take what I dish out, and that’s not easy
    But she knows me through and through
    And she knows just what to do and how to please me
    She’s a lady
    Oh, whoa, whoa, she’s a lady
    Talkin’ about that little lady
    And the lady is mine
    Tom Jones – She’s a Lady

  28. I’ve read ROK for over a year and this is a pretty harsh article even if I do agree with a large portion of it.
    It’s simple – this song is clever “psychological marketing” and an irresistible salve for the passive, unfit and defeated. People like this need (and pay for) “affirmation anthems” to get by in life and alleviate the stress of their problems. They were going to seek any affirmation to assuage the misery of low SMV whether or not the song was written/produced. It is the way of all humans to seek comfort. Just be lucky you’re not one of the personality types featured in the music video here, and don’t have to latch on to lyrical poetry to shore up your fragile ego. I’m actually not sure why there needs to be a controversy about this song. It’s just not for my kind, and that’s OK. Ever forward…

  29. When I was a teenager mowing lawns a neighbor said, “There are 3 kinds of people; People that make things happen, people who watch things happen, and people who wondered what happened.”
    I never thought the third would make up several generations of the U.S. population.

  30. people think this is a song???
    i just thought it was a leftist propaganda message with an electronic drum beat in the background?

  31. This is bs. The song’s beautiful and meaningful – and it’s message is heartwarming to many.

  32. Same chick who made that song about being dragged to a party she didn’t want to go to -_-

  33. I have traveled all over the US in the past couple of months.
    This song is played multiple times per hour on just about every single radio station everywhere. I’m barely exaggerating.
    I get a rental car, turn on the ignition and there’s a 50% chance this song is playing.
    I’d like to say that this is the radio giving its demographic (girls aged from 12-50) what it wants.
    But I believe it really is brainwashing by The Cathedral.
    After I decided I didn’t like this song I can’t get away from it. It’s constantly blaring.
    The media establishment not only owns like every radio station, but they’ve programmed them to play this garbage non stop, so you have listeners who, if they use the radio as background noise, are being indoctrinated without even knowing it.
    Go anywhere in the US where there is music playing and you will hear this song. Worst offender was Las Vegas, where music is constantly playing in public.

    1. The singer James Blunt used to be featured everywhere – he had a sort of high pitched voice, and sang this song “Goodbye my love” – with those words over and over.
      Anyway, the people rose in revolt. It was too much.
      “In May last year, an Essex radio station banned Blunt from its playlist in response, it claimed, to complaints from listeners. Then the musician came fourth in a list of 100 most intolerable things. In a poll of 2,000 people, he was deemed more irritating than traffic wardens, ex-smokers and Craig David.”
      Read more at:

  34. If you don’t like it, there’s this nifty little trick I’ve learned called switching stations or putting on music you do like..

  35. Alessia cara is very talented, but don’t be surprised when they, the elite use talent to their own agenda.

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