If you will recall, a few months ago I did an analysis of Men’s Health magazine to judge the tips on fitness and masculine behavior they were giving to men. If you will again recall, I judged them and found them severely wanting.
It so happened that at the doctor’s office the other day, I happened to get my hands on another mass market publication, one targeted towards the fair sex, that being Us Magazine. With nothing else to read, I thumbed through it and was genuinely surprised:
For while it had all of the pop culture flotsam and celebrity gossip that most of us would associate with women’s publications, I was surprised at the 20 diet and fitness tips it gave for weight loss. Namely, I couldn’t believe how much better the fitness tips in a woman’s magazine were than a magazine purporting to be for the edification of men’s health.
We can see that Us Magazine’s readers are properly instructed in the following…
1. Do heavy lifting exercises
Regardless of your opinions on whether or not women ought to be lifting weights (personally I feel calisthenics and gymnastics are both more attuned to a woman’s natural attributes and are more likely to give women the figure they desire), the idea of doing strenuous physical activity is always a good idea, albeit that Us Magazine’s idea of “heavy lifting” is not what you or I would call heavy lifting. The core concept is still valid, and once again I would point out that magazines such as Men’s Health don’t even discuss heavy lifting at all.
2. Avoid food that is labeled “lite”
I have absolutely no objections to this, advertisers have long ago learned of the legal loophole that enables them to use “weasel words” that don’t mean anything to fool the consumers into thinking it’s something else. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: don’t eat anything that somebody in 1900 wouldn’t recognize.
3. Work the Core
You are all aware of the importance I place on core workouts, and that demand remains. Granted, their core workout is crappy and ineffectual, but again, the concept remains valid. In neither the mainstream men’s or women’s magazine will you see the core training I advocate, such as the L-Sit or the overhead farmer’s walk, but again the women’s magazine narrowly pulls ahead because it at least raises the question.
4. Do “Informal” Exercise
They call it “find the fun,” but it’s essentially the concept of “informal exercise,” of going dancing, swimming, or walking. Just find some form of unintentional exercise throughout your day in addition to actual structured exercise regimens. It is an effective weight loss technique which makes it all the more annoying that it’s not discussed at all in men’s publications (presumably because we need to hawk more dude-bro merchandise).
5. Judge Yourself With Scales Every Day
Like I said in the willpower article, you always need some concrete metric to give you a kick in the ass. This sort of “tough love” is inherently masculine—the sort of advice that a father should properly give his son—and yet, it’s found in a magazine intended for the fair sex and not in a magazine for men.
6. Balance The Plate
Something that is true in theory, but the magazine recommends 50% carbs, 20% protein, 30% fat, when in fact, both men and women ought to be doing something close to the exact opposite of that for weight loss and general well being. Admittedly, this is advice I have seen in men’s magazine, so in one regard the two publications are equal.
7. Weightlifting
While I did say I’d prefer women to do calisthenics/gymnastics, weights are not so bad for women, and it even recommends compound lifts like squats and deadlifts—presumably targeting the anatomical regions that women will have more of a biomechanical advantage in due to the natural breadth of their hips. And once again, information on these fundamental compound lifts were completely lacking from a comparable men’s magazine, which is the most shocking thing of all.
While some of this may not be the best for women (deadlifting?), the fact remains that a woman’s fashion magazine is giving objectively better advice FOR MEN, then a men’s fitness magazine. This article was thus written didactically, but not necessarily for purposes of training. If you need any proof of how the powers that be are trying to restructure gender roles, here it is.
Read More: When It’s Okay To Listen To Fat People For Fitness Advice
Dude, women’s fitness totally rocks, man! Check this out! I tried it out for just a day and I already lost 5 kg!:
P.S. Liat Bergudo looks like Butthead.
I’m starting to get the sense that these people actually need something to get upset about.
I was walking around a university campus on Friday and found the whole area was plastered with “Fuck Fascism!” posters, clearly put up by the local student body.
Toronto has to be the absolute most PC safe-space multicultural environment in the world right now, and yet these kids are worrying about fascist takeover. What on Earth would Antifa in Toronto even do???
Aren’t you Superman?? Just use your eye lasers and burn those posters up!
Jokes aside, colleges and universities are nothing more than leftist indoctrination centers. You can’t expect anything else from them. In regards to Antifa, I’m sure they’re just target practice for the Muslims.
Even in India, the students of JNU raised anti-national statements and protested the hanging of the terrorist who bombed the Indian parliament in 2001. They are all hardcore Communists.
“Even in India, the students of JNU raised anti-national statements and protested the hanging of the terrorist who bombed the India parliament in 2001.”
For real! Daaaaammmmn….
It’s not only politicians who would be in that building at the time of the explosion. So that fucker killed people, or at least intended to, government puts him to death for his murderous deeds, and students protest it.
Talk about people who are not worthy of protection.
Thank you for sharing this.
The government slapped them with sedition charges and the media dragged the reputation of the university to the ground. The case was inconclusive, but the entire student body became totally silent as a result. They did not expect the backlash.
Can you imagine if that happened in America?
Both the government and the media would team up and agree the students have a right to protest, speak their mind, etc. Always overlooking the fact that fucker was out to kill people.
I am glad the Indian government and media puts those kids in their place. Apparently, once a child arrives at university or college, reality takes a back seat to causes, having fun, and raising hell for no reason.
“Both the government and the media would team up and agree the students have a right to protest, speak their mind, etc.”
There were a lot of leftists and liberals in India who said the exact same thing. Some media outlets also displayed a subtle but favorable bias towards the Communists. Thankfully, the people were smart enough to see right through that bullshit.
“Some media outlets also displayed a subtle but favorable bias towards the Communists.”
I wonder if they know when Communists are in power, they don’t tolerate dissension from media or students. And Communists would have tortured the shit out of that bomber and killed him years ago. One thing I can say for Commies, they don’t fuck around.
What some people will protest blows my mind. It seems everyone forgot some simple wisdom…. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6effad13b9e64a0e0a95690495be37f3e4042b84f0967f2df2e5bba58ed2e803.jpg
Right on, Captain.
True that, bro.
so you think that ‘eye for an eye’ is the right way for the justice system.
Bro you are so 1700 BC
things are leaning so far to the extreme left that only pushing extreme right isms will bring things back to a normal keel. also just A heads up.. Im so 1776 regarding weaponry
Hallelujah..it works, has worked for centuries, but it offends you snoflakes now..Too bad.
“There’s really nothing quite like someone’s wanting you dead to make you want to go on living.”
― Roger Zelazny, This Immortal
Actually, I believe in an eye, kidney, larynx, lung, and heart for an eye. I payback my debits with interest.
Come on down south and become an “Merican…..Serious. Get outta Canada….
If Trudeau gets re-elected, it’s a no-brainer.
Thanks for the invitation G I appreciate it.
Things are changing too damn fast! Just 6 years ago, I was reading about the many cities in America and Europe trying to find out which place will be a solid choice for immigration. Let’s just say those plans are dead and buried. Not because things are going south, it’s just that my perception on immigration has completely changed. I’m never going to leave my country.
Have you heard of the YouTube channel “Black Pigeon Speaks”?? Very popular channel. Check it out if you haven’t . I never miss miss an episode. The Black Pigeon guy is a Canuck. He’s a disgruntled Canadian expat who got tired of the stifling PC environment of Canada so he left. Lives in Japan. Sounds a lot like you …..
Antifa itself IS facism. Can’t these dumbasses see their own irony?
Antifa should not be bestowed the honour of being compared to true fascists.
Naw man, those are actually fascists. The same groups in 1932 are the ones now. Black pill.
Yeah you and I have clearly been having a disagreement or a misunderstanding over this for a while I noticed. I’m actually surprised at this because in my understanding of what fascism means, you stand out as a prime example of this kind of person.
I see fascism as patriotic militarism.
Mussolini and Hitler saw that Communism and international finance were becoming major threats to the sovereignty of their nations. They decided to unify and militarize their countries to combat this threat. I believe you would do the same.
I don’t think of fascism as a philosophy with some kind of long checklist of specific economic, political, or legal properties. The only central principle of traditional fascism, as defined in Giovanni Gentile’s Doctrine of Fascism, is that “united we are stronger”.
The Italian fascists were trying to re-create the virtues of the Roman empire, and I don’t think these Antifa kids have any of that kind of strength.
I’m interested to know why you hate on the WW2 fascists so much when they were fighting Communism, a powerful enemy that still exists today.
For the record I’m not trying to be a little shit on this. I know you’re coming from a traditional American point of view, while I’m coming from an Italo-Canadian point of view. I acknowledge the heroism of the WW2 Americans, but I’m also drawn to the fact that the Axis powers fought to protect Europe.
“Need something to get upset about.” Considering the current state, yes that is the case. I would describe it more like, “they need to be stimulated.” The masses don’t like anything half speed or luke warm. If we pushed harder in the opposite direction and overwhelmed them, they would begin to follow. Fight fire with fire. But we don’t. We are a society filled with complacent, content lap dogs who are either too weak or don’t care. It will continue to be this way for a while.
I know you cant say this to anyone on campus, but it would be great if you could ask these students if they knew what Mussolini’s definition of fascism was….
I’ve trolled some of the Bernie-bro junior kids pretty hard in real life actually…
When they see a fit dude 60+ pounds heavier than them saying he thinks the AltRight has a point, they just become quiet..
I wished they would argue back, it’s not like I want to hurt them lol.
Julius Evola was a famous Italian fascist admired by Benito Mussolini and Steve Bannon.
Why do you think you wouldn’t be able to engage college students in a discussion about fascism; it’s a current event.
They would riot over stuff like this, I guess: https://www.thestar.com/entertainment/books/2017/05/10/editor-quits-amid-outrage-after-call-for-appropriation-prize-in-writers-magazine.html
nice troll job of one of our congressmen:
“Two scoops of ice cream. Impeach Trump!”
Lol this just made my day
Bulimia is not a diet.
“don’t eat anything that somebody in 1900 wouldn’t recognize.”
This advice can also be found in ‘Antifragile’ by Nassim Taleb. He talks in detail about the Lindy-Effect.
Things that lasted for a long time, will last for a long time (pyramids, wine, patriarchy).
Things that are new will vanish in a few years (football stadiums in Qatar, energy drinks, feminism).
I highly recommend reading this book. He also talks about ‘Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks’, hedonic adaptation, stoicism and – of course – the concept of antifragility and why you should always choose adversity.
Oh, and I’m not Nassim Taleb and he doesn’t pay me to write this. It’s just honestly the best 12€ investment.
Speaking of the durability of things: The Enlightenment from hindsight looks like an intellectual fad from the 18th Century that has outlasted its plausibility, after people in Western countries have tried to live according to its reforms over several generations. A lot of what it advocated and became the guiding beliefs of “modernity” will probably disappear in another century, notably its notions of equality, democracy and feminism.
“‘Antifragile’ by Nassim Taleb.”
Downloaded a sample to my Kindle. If I like what I read there, I’m buying the book and reading it all. Thanks for the tip.
Yep…agree. “AntiFragile” was reviewed by our very own Roosh V and he gave it a big thumbs up…
Paleo diet.
What is missing from the left side is beer.
Substitute red wine or whiskey. Your gut will thank you.
Scotch is my preference, however there are several micro brews that appeal to my palate and have no effect as to a gut. Overindulgence in not one of my vices. Point taken as to the benefits of red wine.
Truth be told the vegetables and fruits you see in the market are actually far less healthy than what they were several thousands of years ago. Humans cross bred plants so they could produce the most sugar rich fruits because people bought more of those than the less sugar but more nutritious versions. More money means encouraging farmers to cross breed plants towards sugar rich ones
I wouldn’t be surprised if plants used to been more rich in other nutrients like protein
I follow this except still have organic dairy and legumes. Also instead of traditional mass produced grains, I consume ancient sprouted grains.
The other stuff I rarely eat.
Nice. I stick with fish and fruit, for the most part. Lots of lemon juice and fresh ginger as well. Works well for me, I feel great.
I keep meaning to get that back, and I’ve read some interesting things about it. Thanks for the description.
Jack LaLane essentially said the same thing:
“If man made it, don’t eat it”
“If it tastes good, spit it out!”
He lived an extremely long and very healthy life.
This is also a good workout routine, especially if (((they))) shut your TV show (and your brain) down and your living in a Toyota:
Half way through and I was already wishing the video would end in a car crash.
He is literally living in his car now, poor Sam:
lol he flashes like ten grand in cash at the end… He could probably get a real job if he wanted to.
Living in your car can be hell or it can be great depending on whether you planned and mentally prepared for the lifestyle. Still it’s safer than living in a house. Household accidents kill more people than terrorists what with toasters, stairwells and slippery showers. Also the make of vehicle can break the deal. With too small a car, a terminal junk food habit and insufficient jugs of drinking water, your car becomes a coffin:
If booze and dope is required to make the place seem warm and livable, then it’s the wrong make of vehicle in the wrong climate for living comfortably. The mid engine MR2 Toyota van from the 80s is a nice pick with 4cyl and 20+ mpg. I always liked how the driver’s seat flips up to access the engine compartment.
But the universal favorite for decades has always been the people’s car, the VW van:
I like these little vans myself. Since as far as I know Volkswagen doesn’t sell their vans in the US (I would have to jump the border to buy one) I am planning to buy either a Ford Transit Connect or a Nissan NV200. Mostly for work, but I see the possibility of taking one to, say, camping or just traveling. A buddy of mine actually had a Toyota like the one in the picture and it was a sweet ride.
Could it actually be true that the Big Media moguls are deliberately trying to – gulp – turn men into beta males? (Click to enlarge.)
Has to be the best one yet! Hilarious!
Grazie my friend…appreciate the nod…vive le alpha male!
Who the hell is the balding guy lol
He’s just some random, beta, cuck boy, so far as I know…the poster boy for Low-T males, to be sure.
Crap! I made a terrible mistake of trying to search for that guy. Whatever you do, do not google image search “french bald cuck”.
Hahaha! You would definitely need eye bleach after doing that search, amigo. I just did an image search using the photo that I put on the cover, to see if I could find a name for the guy – but no luck. I can see why he wants to remain anonymous…a face only a lesbian mother could love.
I bet he goes to Star Wars conventions without a costume.
it looks like lena dunham with a photoshopped horrid skullet thing.. looks like the crypt keepers tranny sister
I think you could get these published and circulated!
Thanks for the support, my man…
i thought u would make a title much like “fuck with and old cougar, the way to success” or “behind every successul young guy, lies a old woman” or ” act like a president, fuck a granny” with a pic of macron’s old wife or something as cruel like that..
Scale weight is far from “concrete” and I kinda laughed at this advice in a woman’s magazine. I think women generally obsess over scale weight on a daily basis by nature. With that, they panic when they “gain a pound” or “lose a pound” in a day because they have no concept of what salt intake does to make body weight fluctuate.
Even after explaining the concept to women, I’ve heard them later on the phone bragging to friends about how they lost “a couple pounds” in two days or whatever, using this phenomenon to one up their ignorant friend on the scale battle.
Body fat calipers are way more concrete than scale weight.
When they get all excited about dropping a pound today, you should ask them was that before or after they took a shit and emptied all the contents in their bladder from squeezing so hard due to their constipated rectum.
When I workout/run long I can and have lost 6 pounds (yeah, that’s the equivalent of 3 quarts of water- I sweat a lot). Weight fluctuations of a couple of pounds just due to bodily rhythms isn’t out of the ordinary at all. A more realistic timeframe for checking the scale is every couple of weeks to keep from getting discouraged.
Improvements in performance, or changes in body measurements as GoJ points out are probably better metrics.
Only purpose I see for a magazine is publish misinformation and advertise manufacturers products. Basically, confirm people in their softness, dumb them down, and steal their wallet. Thanks for the article.
I read the fitness advice in womens’ magazines and now I run like a girl
Pretty much
At least you don’t throw like one. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/588d6e719c343aea69564832acaf66bb8d5632aaaf4afae69fe19152396e5fcc.jpg
throwing like a girl can get other peeps killed
Why the fuck my comment gets deleted as “spam”?
I’ve written to this site twice about their messed up spam filter and directly commented about it to a mod here in the comments. No answer. I did some basic troubleshooting of my own before the comment I was using for that purpose got flagged as spam because I edit/saved the comment multiple times to narrow down the words causing the spam filter to flag.
Very common words flag RoK’s spam filter. This is the only site out of all the ones I comment on that does that. They seem to be an above board bunch that promote open discussion so I can only assume they have a crappy team and/or response to technical issues.
I just got a pop up on Chrome browser mobile that said I won a prize. I can’t use the back button to get out. I must close the whole app and re-start. It’s been a while since I’ve had this problem and now it’s starting again. Some cocksuckers must have embedded shit on ROK or the comment section. Roosh needs to look into this.
Runs like a chico sounds worse.
Seriously though, why are strong and empowered women so fragile that they must be protected from…words?
They don’t need protected from words. They need immediate access to a padded running board to quickly burn estrogen so their brain doesn’t prematurely cook.
“Nice day. Wanna smell my finger cupcake?”
Pussy level weight. Girl couldn’t lift my luggage.
False advertising. Females are less athletic than men. It’s not a fucking political message, it’s a fact.
We also need to add these facts too: females are less creative, leadership ready, etc
Because in a fair contest, the majority of professional and Olympic female ‘athletic’ teams can be beaten by a boys’ middle school team.
It’s happened many times.
Didnt a national women’s soccer team from some country get beaten by a u-18 (under 18) high school boys team?
Honestly, you’re in trouble if you are looking at magazines for health and fitness advice. Men’s Health (and Fitness) is junk is so many ways. I heard from the creators of these magazines is that they are actually gay soft porn for guys still in the closet (half naked guy on the cover and lots more throughout, go figure).
Think about it – virtually every cover says the same thing each month (get killer abs with this routine!) but has a different way to achieve it. These magazines are designed for mindless drones who engage in pointless program hopping. Effectively they are for entertainment purposes only.
Just one point about “heavy lifting”. It is only an opinion that heavy lifting is beneficial and not a fact. It’s necessary to mention this because there is an almost religious belief on this site that everyone must lift heavy to progress. This is manifestly untrue.
Disagree. I can bench a Volkswagen and lifting heavy made that come true. 50″ chest is not some fantasy, and you won’t get it lifting light.
I’m sure lifting a Volkswagen (Golf?) is a useful skill if you work in the shop but you misunderstand.I didn’t say lift light nor did I say that you shouldn’t lift heavy. I’m saying that you don’t need to lift heavy to develop significant strength. There are many more types of strength besides your ability to bench. Powerlifters are strong at lifting weight but relatively weak in fighting. Mike Tyson didn’t lift heavy but would you doubt his strength?
I agree. Bruce Lee didn’t lift heavy either, but his feats of strength were legendary. I hold the slim, athletic physique in higher regard than roided bodybuilder muscles. Most martial artists have this slim physique.
Examples: http://files.ctctcdn.com/9df330c3401/8d15dc57-ee65-41b8-86f7-ffb41ae2a9e3.jpg
I get what youre saying, but I seem to remember Bruce used steroids.
Is that first pic real??
There is no hard evidence that Bruce Lee used steroids, only rumors. And yes, that pic is real.
In real fights, powerlifters are tend to be slower compare to their slim counterparts as well. So, they often miss their chances to attack.
Bruce Lee actually on occasion did lift heavy. It was said he could rep out 150-170 lbs. dumbells on chest press. For reps….
I can’t say shit about it from personal experience but the strongest guy I know got their by lifting weights he could only pop one, two or three at a time. The man’s been lifting since we were in junior high and he used to do most workouts at 80 % max. He was already ripped and strong. Now he’s in his thirties. He just started lifting the max he can muster for one, two or three reps: the dude has progressed to levels he could only imagine before. The average man is now scared just to have to chat with him. So I’m a believer. Everyone thinks he’s on roids but I don’t as he is more chill than he’s ever been his whole life.
I agree that most big guys are pretty laid back. That said, the scariest guys I know are the ones that dedicated themselves to combat training. Even so, even these guys won’t cause you any problems unless you test them.
I don’t know what gender roles she was following in 2015:
You’re missing a key component of the necessity for weight bearing exercise for women. Weight lifting reduces odds of osteoporosis and kyphosis.
I had an old buddy from high school come in from the army a few years ago. I never never noticed how beta he was back in school but after hanging out with him as an adult it was unbearable to see him grovel at women’s feet. I tried my best to instill him with red pull wisdom but he refused to learn anything. A few months later the guy calls me complaining that his gf litteraly beats him. The guy had a black eye and a huge cut down his face. After that he finally left her…. for two days then begged her back. She’s no beauty queen folks. She weighs close to three hundred pound, has broad shoulders, two kids from a previous marriage, lives off welfare in the projects and brags about having children so she can draw welfare on them. Not only did this dumbass not head my warning but he got her pregnant with twins. This guy absolutely worships women as much as I hated to lose a friend I completely cut off contact with him once I seen how unwilling he was to change his blue pill way. Fast forward to two years later and I find out he married the wilderness and took her last name. WTF has happened to American men when even a u.s. soldier can get whipped so badly?
So much for the army making a man out of him and he certainly didn’t lean about situational awareness and booby traps, knocking up a welfare single mum. 300lbs come on, that’s jumbo size…he cant be that pussy starved. I thought plenty of chicks dig a man in uniform.
People often think the white knights are the woosey white collar beta dudes, but I’ve known a number of men that would have an alpha nature & look about them, but had a weak spot for women and tended to put them on a pedestal and needed a ‘old fashioned gentleman’ to protect and take care of them, even if she is a total stranger.
That’s one of the worst scenarios I’ve heard in awhile. Actually that kind of beta enslavement to a state empowered borderline psycho retard whore is more common in the west than most people are aware of. Every public housing project slum and disheveled city neighborhood is crawling with these uneducated stupid feminized monsters who wield the system like a sledgehammer over the heads of their cucked men and poor disemboweled beta lapdogs. Many betas became the way they are under extreme threat, like a quota number of betas is stipulated. The system churns out many betas and bossy, improperly managed mothers produce the rest. Feminist tyranny is already here. It must be smashed.
Your Army buddy sounds pretty voiceless and seems unable to control his bitch. He likely has zero game and I’ll bet he’s circumcised too. He probably won’t even raise his voice to her or try to command her to do anything for fear that she’ll make a telephone call and have him swatted or forced into child support debt slavery. Once a woman learns the ropes to keeping a man cucked ala the system, she never goes back to tradition. She’s as good as dead. No soul. There’s no tempering or fixing her. She’s unfixable. She just needs thrown in the river ASAP.
You know the fat whore pig would squeal for the sentries to come out and whack the guy, and she’d make that call without thinking twice. The system would gladly come in and ‘kill daddy’, promptly dispatching the sire. That’s why women’s advocacy networks, GOs and NGOs combined employ so many state wogs. They need teams of extra judicial muscle and quarterbacking to go full force ramming the agenda of ‘state husbandry’. The quagmire your buddy finds himself in will continue for him and many other men until the bitchsystem is completely smashed.
But my oh my what a worthless piece of shit that woman sounds like. Fat, arrogant, stupid . . whew, she’s the very worst kind of woman, the least desirable and the lowest tier of breeder. She’s definately worthless on all accounts.
But the system empowers her to honey trap and then bitchwhip one sire after another. Her ‘series’ of thirsty sires initially impregnate her and then they find themselves shortly thereafter in the crosshairs, slated for being liquidated by the system. She’s the one dishing out misery and death for the daddy, the sire. And she’s doing it to them while the system empowers her to do so while enforcing the ‘state husbandry’ agenda.
In nature an ugly clumsy mean-spirited and neurotic woman gets thrown away in the trash. Nobody wants her so she dies out and withers on the vine. The system is entirely responsible for facilitating her otherwise improbable nesting and reproduction and beta cuck ‘family’. Her DNA would be a dead end otherwise.
If only your buddy had game and a full unchopped dick, things would be a lot different. I’ll bet 99% the dude was dickwhacked at birth. Circumcision turns a man into a tame and broken lapdog in regards to their inter-relations with women. It renders the man into a ‘Mr Polite Dick’, never too pushy and slow to make the booty call. Too slow, a pushover actually.
Removal of foreskin does indeed make mammals docile, not only humans but animals too. Anyone who breeds dogs, horses or barnyard animals knows that removal of the genetalia domesticates the animal rendering them tame and broken. You can take a raging tiger and the more you snip off, the tamer the tiger gets. You can make them so tame they’ll curl up in your lap like a kitty cat. And for human males circumcised at birth, the whacked man eventually grows up to be a whipped man (like your Army buddy) – never the master of his own house, but rather the other way around.
The west is being socially re-engineered to become circumwhack half-dicked and all-around depatriarched under state husbandry. Every newborn male getting dickwhacked and circumcised moves us closer to total bitch-rule tyranny. And every lousy stinking public housing project that looks and smells like a breeding hive of feral yet indigent wards of the nanny state becomes full to the brim with hideous fat bottom-feeder BEAST women from hell. And they dominate like Amazon queens over the lowest and sorriest beta cucks.
The state funded bitch-whip lifestyle has become so commonplace that you can easily conclude that it is by design. We see the same outcomes in this transformation of communities everywhere.
The system has the ‘depatriarching’ process down to a science and the police and judiciary very aggresively enforce bitch-whip compliance with the men moreso than they enforce code regulations and tax collection. ‘Deadbeat dads’ are hounded mercilessly without statute of limitations unlike even the most delinquent tax evaders surprisingly. The ‘depatriarching’ agenda and nanny state guardianship and authority over the young is most prioritized. A million dollar tax evader might have two trenchcoats lazily knocking on the doors of the old addresses, the last known residence of their target, but a deadbeat dad gets extradited from Timbuktu.
And the term ‘parental kidnapping’ was oxymoronic three decades ago. How can a blood parent kidnap their own child? NOW a parent can be charged with kidnapping their own child (taking them back from the nanny state which acts as bitch-husband) and teams of jew state prosecutors are eager to arraign. If they can force a woman’s hand to say yay or nay if the father is allowed among his brood, then the state has the tools to swat the man dead or if he escapes a swatting, they plaster his name on lighted signs above the highways if he’s late returning from state regulated visitation of his own blood offspring. Gawd damn does this shit ever need smashed. The nanny state/bitch state ‘enforcers’ are just like having enemy insurgents upon our soil.
Most of the modern women’s magazines are training women to become masculine, while men’s magazines are making men feminine.
Wrong wrong wrong wrong…wong. Judge yourself with the *tape measure*, every week. Scales/daily is bull-fucking-shit. If you’re gaining muscle mass you’re going to keep weight or put it on while losing fat.
You get the scales that measure your body fat and muscle as percentages of your weight but their accuracy is questionable so they should be used as a general guide.
I judge by the fit of my belt. A belt I have been wearing for over ten years. When I was at my heaviest, it would barely fit.
Now that I am at my fittest, it is a tad too big. It it moves a notch, I know to adjust something to maintain the ideal size.
And maybe every couple of weeks by the tape measure. Folks can get discouraged not seeing progress.
Performance is a good indicator, especially as you’re just starting a program. You should be able to do more than your last workout. If you pushed yourself last workout, eat right, and get good rest– you should be able to lift more, run faster/farther, do more reps, go longer etc. There will be measurable improvement workout to workout. It will be smaller incremental improvements as you progress, but there should be improvement.
You should not just be doing the same weight, distance, speed– or whatever metric you’re using for performance.
Well I am a fit woman and though I’ve never read any fitness magazines, the advice in this article is pretty basic and universal. And yes, both men and women need to resistance/strength train. This becomes even more important as either sex gets older. Strength training for a woman doesn’t have to include massive dead lifting and it won’t result in an unappealing aesthetic. Women just can’t grow muscle like men. I’m frankly always quite suspicious of female body builders. Me thinks there’s more going on there than diet and exercise. Strength training is also great for weight maintenance. Muscle is denser than fat and significantly more metabolically expensive. Core strength is very important for men and women. It will help all athletic performance and improve your posture. As for calories, you’ll find that fit men and women tend to eat quite a bit less than the so called daily recommendation, but they eat nutritionally rich foods. Pay attention to your body: it’s actually quite adept at telling you what it needs food wise, and it never needs processed foods. The only time I eat my recommended calorie intake is when I’m carb loading before a distance run (good carbs—see my point above re fast food). This holds true for my male running counterparts as well. I suspect calorie calculations are very generous. If you’re a man who’s trying to bulk up I’ve no advice to offer but in general keep on the lighter side of the recommended consumption levels. Not only will your weight be stable, your body will perform better.
How many “men’s magazines” are actually owned by women (possibly daughters/wives of the original founder) or by big media empires with female CEO’s?
So many pudgy/skinny/average men consuming those magazines and programs under the delusion they are going to look like the ~5% body fat, bulked specimens they flaunt on the covers.
Not without your vitamin S, pharmaceutical program and some insane time and dedication.
Am I the only one who thinks exercise is not boring, nor grueling and who doesn’t need to listen to music while exercising or doing calisthenics?
If you are doing it right, it shouldn’t be bored.
Then you are a spartan. Those who need distraction are not focused, disciplined or adaptable. I too only need to listen to the music of iron clanging
I’d recommend back issues of Strength and Health (before the early 1960s), Hardgainer, or The Dinosaur Files. Stay away from the glossies at all costs.
“If you need any proof of how the powers that be are trying to restructure gender roles, here it is.”
Nice find and very true. Articles like this are the only places pointing out the inverse advice given to unsuspecting mass consumers.