8 Essential Tips For Girls Who Are Fat

The other day I received news about one of my beta friend’s girlfriend, a nasty, spiteful, ignorant woman who convinced my friend to blacklist me because I was “evil” (read: telling my friend in her presence that he could score prettier girls and should dump her) and a “rapist” (read: I was not shy about my taste for bedding attractive, feminine, submissive girls using aggressive game).

That girl was obese but her face was quite homely and she would have been cute if she did not look like a flesh balloon. The bitterness of her obesity made her a hag, so she got a gastric bypass (sport and a good diet were really too much to ask) and finally lost the extra pounds.

But it appears that she still has the same terrible attitude and even after I and the taxpayer paid for her operation, not an ounce of humility came out of it. She is slimmer now but she will always remain a fat bitch in my eyes.

I am convinced that she would have been humbled if she actually had to work hard to lose weight. So here are my two cents on how fat girls can avoid this situation and transition into a slimmer, happier life.

1. Compensate with other qualities

Being nice is paramount. In the same given situation, people will be less patient and understanding if you are fat. They might give you a pass if you are attractive.

Stop arguing, stop being defiant or snarky. Be normal, humble and patient. Make it a priority to be genuinely kind. Without being stupidly friendly, don’t let the rage created by your ugliness translate to other people.

Be a good homemaker. Know how to cook and receive guests. Take care of yourself and your home. Be reasonably clever and well-behaved in society. Be helpful and do good around you.

2. Be realistic about the situation

Get your goals in order about how much weight you want to lose and be disciplined about it. Know that if you are beyond a certain point of obesity, even heavy surgery and extreme diet and exercise won’t give you back the body you were given before you chose to destroy it.

Scars, excess skin, and squishy flesh might be your future if you don’t do it right.  For desperate cases, progressive fat loss over the years should be the solution so skin has the time to shrink.

3. Do more exercise and eat better

Practice physical activity aimed at fat loss while keeping a reasonable amount of muscle. Start high-intensity training involving compound exercises and cardio at least three times a week while following a low-carb, low-sugar and high protein diet such as the Keto or Paleo diet.

While I despise people who are overweight and do nothing about it, I respect those who make the effort and genuinely want to change, so don’t get into a gym class if you can’t stick to it. There’s no point doing five minutes of elliptic trainer if forty minutes are spent talking to other girls around the machine. Make fitness an essential part of your lifestyle so exercise becomes natural.

4. Stop consuming the mainstream media

The MSM is not your friend or here to help. It is here to make you feel good despite your situation and consume even more. Get off social media where random people on the Internet and your liberal friends will tell you that you are beautiful so they can have their little buzz of virtue signalling before going back to mocking you. You need to be in a mental state of isolation to focus on what you have to do.

Stop reading feminist blogs and believing in fables like the “fat acceptance” or “body positive” trends.  Men want pretty, thin women. It has always and always will be true.

If you need, use alternative media and inspirational stories for your motivation, within reason.

5. Accept that it is your fault if you are fat.

Beauty standards have not changed. It is not your bad genetics or the patriarchy that force you to eat more calories than you spend. You alone are guilty of stuffing your face while having a sedentary lifestyle and not exercising enough.

Despite what Cosmo and Dove might tell you, you are not beautiful. You send an image of poor health, lack of will and laziness. You are destroying the body that was given to you, an amazingly complex and effective machine that was forged out of millions of years of evolution, and you bear sole responsibility for destroying it.

6. Stop being sluts

By the way that is the fat girl known as Trigglypuff

I slept with a few fat girls in my blue pill days. Never sober or with ones fatter than Amy Schumer, but I felt great shame the next morning. They probably felt all right as they had the confirmation that they could score despite their fatness. It did not do a service to anyone, her or me. Betas just see overweight girls as low hanging fruits or the promise of a sexual release that would save them of their incel misery.

If you are single, focus on the issue at hand. If you are with a man, stay with him. If he leaves, let him go but don’t look for another one. When you are slim, find one good man, marry him and have children.

7. Prevent further damage

We might want to have sex with a fitness model even if she has blue hair and tattoos (even if the law of red flags specifically remind us not to), because her body and face match universal beauty standards but a fat girl can’t pull that off.

Do not get any shitty tattoos, body modifications or a short haircut. You are already unattractive as it is. Get rid of your tattoos, remove piercings not located in your ear lobe and grow you hair below shoulder length at the very least and keep on growing it.

About the haircut, go for something nice and classic. No shaving or experimental stuff. If you did a stupid choice and dyed your hair in any other colour than something that exists in nature, dye it back to a natural shade.

8. Stop eating or drinking out

Cook in. It is cheaper and will teach you a useful skill. If you miss social interaction, invite your friends for dinner or visit them at their place. Stop drinking alcohol or go out at night where they serve alcohol. The only liquid that you should ingest is water. You have a mission, don’t get tempted to relapse.

Il n’y a plus qu’à s’y mettre

I sincerely hope that this article will spread and give some needed tough truth for heavy girls in denial. I am just putting it out there even if I know that reason and facts are not appealing to women.

As much of the heathen bastard that I can be, I still wish healthier relationships between men and women and even if only one girl successfully slims down and lives a happier life after reading this, I reached my goal. Some may ask me if I have similar advice for fat men. I do: you are an adult man. Deal with it alone.

Read More: 10 Steps To Stop Being A Fatass

710 thoughts on “8 Essential Tips For Girls Who Are Fat”

  1. Upvote this comment if you don’t want me to post fatty pics and ruin your day.

        1. The really retarded part about this is that they stencil it on you and let you look at it before they ink it. So this moron had the chance to sanity check something in a place that’s perfectly visible, and was like, “yeah dude, looks good, forever brand me as a mouth-breathing moron!”

        2. You’re right. That guy has to be retarded to begin with, but only retards get tattoos anyway. That guy deserves it.

        3. I now have a retarded daughter…I expected nothing less, what with her being robbed from me at the young age of 5, divorce!, and being raised (manipulated) by the retarded ex. Following the D, it all went down hill, for both. Anyway, despite my best efforts to deter my daughters decision, 14 years of brainwashing is dam hard to undo.

        4. I’m sorry to hear that. At least you tried. That’s more than most men even bother to do.

        5. That sucks, man. That’s hard to hear. I hope you get an opportunity to make an opportunity to do what you can.

        6. I’m sorry to hear that. Please stay in her life and try to guide her. It is difficult to undo the brain washing and bad habits. Guide her as best you can. I wish you well, I truly do.

        7. Not really. I got one at the end of Army medic school. Haven’t gotten another one since, but I don’t regret the one I got.

        8. That’s fine. Being part of the military is the only valid reason to get a tattoo. Anybody who asks will understand if you mention this.

        9. Thank you, I stay involved without allowing her to disrespect me…challenging…but she seems to be slowly learning, growing

  2. Hope this does spread as well to highlight how much real men hate fat women and that society gives the low hanging fruit award. Problem is it won’t. Some fat duck will highlight the one line about you sleeping with fatties in your blue pill days and use it as a reason to keep being fat. Unfortunately, they are fat because they are lazy fucks. They will continue to be fat because they don’t care about their health and expect people to listen to them because society listens to women no matter how big of a victim they become. Only recourse is to hope the men still sleeping with these fat ducks learn they can do better than the low hanging fruit, even if it takes a while.
    On another note, someone please put a Trigger Warning for Trigglypuff postings! That thing almost made me shed a Navajo Indian tear in my tea.

    1. If men are disciplined, the women will follow. All of these fatties do not have strong men guiding them. The men that enter relationships with them are losers, thus, the women have no incentive to change themselves.

      1. True enough . Men have always set the standards for society the problem is that most men don’t have high standards now a days

      2. I dont know man. A lot of them have no men. Society already approves of everything the fatties do and its our fault for not seeing theyre inner beauty!

    2. How do we make this thing spread? Facebook? It’s too liberal and not even a little anonymous. You’d have a better shot of getting away with streaking a mall. I’m not saying I disagree with you, but… any ideas?

  3. As much use as this article could be to every fatty out there, it’ll never work. Fat people already know they’re fat and they know how to lose weight. They simply don’t. They need to hit rock bottom before they’ll take steps to improve themselves and even then most aren’t capable of the willpower and work.

    1. Recently I saw a fat family of four. The youngest was a boy of about 8. I felt sorry for him as he “pounded” along his father’s side, as his father looked like it was a struggle to walk. It will indeed take that kid a lot of future willpower to change as obviously his parents just want him to be in their image like it’s healthy and normal.

      1. Took the family to the beach last year. The wife and I were speechless at the number of fat kids we saw. You can usually tell how old a kid is by the way they walk, but so many of them were obese to the point where you couldn’t even guess. And they were all chowing down on funnel cake and ice cream. It’s fucking tragic. Those kids have no chance.

    2. The bullshit empowerment and lack of shaming prevents them from ever hitting rock bottom.

  4. one day this article will be core reading in schools.
    To be honest though I wouldn’t want Triggly Puff to change

    1. Sure she’s fat, and she’s homely, and she’s angry, but she’s also bat-shit crazy, a keeper.

    1. She’s right. Who has a 18″ cock that can penetrate through the layers of blubber to get to the wet spot in the flour? That’s asking a lot.

        1. Why this movie is not required watching in college or high school still is beyond me.

        2. It’s 19 minutes after the hour, and now it’s time for our daily feature The Astrological Hour. A quick reminder these reports are not intended to foster belief in astrology, but merely to support people who cannot take responsibility for their own lives.

        3. So they’re for people who fuck Haitians and Ukrainians?

        4. did dr kersey get banned, or did he delete his account? when you get a ban, do all your posts disappear like that?

        5. Dunno man. I suspect he just got disgusted and deleted all of his messages. Sometimes the End comes quickly, but usually from complications from pneumonia or something like that.

        6. When I was in high school, they “required” us to watch a movie called “Queen Sized”, with that whale from “Hairspray”. It was about how all the normal people and her normal mom wanted her to stop being fat and were painted as evil even though her dad had already died from obesity complications. She became prom queen or some shit.
          Yeah, that was like 9 years ago. They probably have entire classes like that now.

        7. Ugh. That fucking sucks.
          On the other hand, they tried to scare the living shit out of most of GenX when I was in school, by making us watch The Day After.
          “How was school son?”
          “We’re all going to die from nuclear radiation and the world is ending!”
          “That’s nice. Do you have any homework?”

        8. hahahahah yup!
          seemed like every goddamn DAY in the 80s they were telling us we were fukked!

        9. I still remember doing the duck and cover maneuver during a-bomb drills in grade school. By middle school we were all cynics and when they tried to drill us on the duck and cover we just said, and kiss our asses goodbye.

        10. Duck and cover was one of the single most stupid things they taught us regarding nuclear attacks.
          Yeah, that little 15 pound desk? That thing? Just duck under it. Nukes can’t penetrate their amazing protective powers.

        11. I’m very sad the trolls are gone. They were part of what made the comments section so much fun!
          #BringBackPubis #BringBackKersey

        12. it started off promising, turned it off when shia leboeuf showed up on a bike looking like brando in The Wild One

        13. Exactly what a disgrace for speilberg and harrison ford. What the hell were they thinking?

        14. You can delete all of an account’s posts when you ban someone, but it’s an independent action. I ban spammers and delete their posts. We normally tell each other we banned someone other than a spammer, and I haven’t heard anything about anyone recently. Of course, there are levels above me here.

        15. We had to watch The Miracle of Life in middle school. I still remember the “Schwirl-whirl” noise the microphone picked up in the uterus.

      1. The worst is hearing two fatties brag about their big boobs. Yeahhhhhhh. Youre busty huh? Righttttttt.

    2. Fat chicks don’t have hourglass figures like that drawing. The drawing is a bit thick for my taste but its still signals “female”; WHR, big tits etc. After a beer or 3 a lot of guys would hit that.
      Most fatties aren’t like that at all. They’re more androgynous as well as being much larger from their HWA peers. The fatties are more reminiscent of the Michelin Man IMO.
      I read over at CH that fat women trigger a ‘rival’ response in men’s brains due to their large size, versus a small normal sized female triggering sexual and protective responses.

  5. if there is one article I hope goes fucking viral it is this one.
    Would someone who does the twitters please post this article on line 50 body positive twits?

      1. Understanding the details is simple…the pathology is different. The details is
        I am fat
        Fat is bad
        I should stop being fat
        That takes work
        I am lazy
        I won’t stop being fat
        But if fat isn’t bad I won’t have to
        Ok, fat is GOOD not bad
        Nietzsche calls it the transvaluation of values. He claims that Christians did this to the Roman word good which at one time meant strong, fierce in battle, wealthy, brave, noble, etc and was transvalued into meaning meek, loving, charitable etc.

        1. I guess that is why the ‘villain’ of today’s mythologies are admired by many and rarely as deplorable as their henchmen.

        2. difficult question. The best answer I can give you is that because there is no such thing as objective truth the meanings and values of these things will always shift…but a direct 1:1 shift back to a former time would be impossible….we will never simply use the word “good” the way your average Flavious 6-Pack in Rome would have. That said, the evolution of language and with it thought over time is real and involves the weight of history behind it. So while it will never reverse back, it will continue to change….the trick, as in all speculative markets, is learning how to predict the next change.

        3. I’ve seen a girl go from thin to fat and back again. She was really hot, then turned into really “not”. Her boyo is this really cool dude and he literally just disconnected from her and stopped seeing her on a dime. She was upset and asked why and he told her, just right up front (and keep in mind that this is a Millenial dude) “You got fat, I’m not into fat chicks”. Of Millenial dudes, he’s one of the few I’ve met with his act together, who isn’t a hipster, who is in shape and who is naturally red pill.
          Three months later I saw her, with him, and she shed every last pound and was once again “all that”. Dude stood his ground and didn’t flinch, she complied.

        4. No clue. I think she just got lazy and started drinking too much.

        5. Like I said before, the more men get their shit together the more women will fall in line.
          Man, it feels good to have my shit together!

        6. I’m a fat girl myself, but I think it’s great that the guy was honest with the girl about how the change in her body changed his feelings. Gives a girl a chance to make a choice, “the boyfriend or the burgers?”, instead of a year or ten down the road, the guy can’t take it anymore and has a fling with a skinny girl and all the fattys friends are like “oh he was just a jerk”.

        7. All men are jerks by that definition.
          So let me ask you, do you give better head than skinny girls?

        8. The idea was that the girl’s friends would tell her he was being a jerk to cheat on her “for no good reason”, though I think it would be easy to guess why, I personally would prefer it to be clear instead of wondering if it was something else about me that made another girl seem more appealing. As for the head thing, I’ve actually never given head before or had just regular sex for that matter. Yes, I’m an actual virgin and no, I’m no unicorn paragon of sweetness. That said if I ever end up in a sexual relationship I don’t have any problem with the idea of it, I mean let’s be honest, my mouth is much more accustomed to having things shoved in it than my vagina is.

        9. Aw. I replied to a bitch, too. I told her to shut up. I think this one didn’t realize you were politely telling her off. Must be used to the feeling of denial.

        10. I don’t say things online with the intention of stirring people up (most of the time), but I won’t say I’m unhappy when it happens. At least it keeps us off the streets and out of actual trouble, lol.

        11. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Yes, the fat virgin on the streets and out of Krispy Kreme. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

        12. the “no good reason” part is anything the vagina doesn’t like…….vague and all encompassing..just what women like to manipulate men…all the excuses they ever want for what they do, but god forbid a man may make any decision himself without her approval…..SHeesh, who can take the trials all women put on men, better off single and unattached and rent any hole you wish to explore. Every hole/cave he can be a vacation, come and go after seeing it and not have to deal with the headaches it will always bring after.

        13. That’s why they’re perfect, you get a pair of boobs and a dick in the same package without all the pesky doubts about your own sexuality that come with banging a she-male. Plus fat guys are way easier to find, especially in America.

      2. What’s especially weird is damn you’re just fat no ones saying you’re evil.
        It’s not just that change is hard or what have you, just own it one way or the other, why keep pushing so hard on “society”?
        As a former fat guy myself, I never felt emotionally weird about it, I ate too much, whatever. Some IF and 50+ lbs later, I feel better, sleep better, etc.

        1. Worst part is I basically “cheated”. It wasn’t like I had a Rocky montage of hardcore training and a super strict diet. I basically skipped breakfast and simmered down on the sugar. Occassionally skipped breakfast and lunch. Small amount of calisthenics.
          All the doctors and “experts” told me my body would enter starvation mode (which it would have if I stopped eating for days at a time which I didn’t) and that I needed a comprehensive plan of strength, cardio, etc. It’s all horseshit.

        2. I have +/- 20 I’d like to see gone but its slow-going. Exercising regularly, but the diet needs further pairing down. Still sneaking bread/grain stuff in here and there. Needs to end completely.

        3. Check out a BBC documentary by Dr Michael Mosley about diet. Fascinating stuff although some of his fasting recommendations are a little tougher than they need to be. Still not onerous though
          I know carbs are supposed to be the devil but parents and grandparents et al were eating grains to beat the band and nobody was fat.

        4. That was probably due to a more active lifestyle combined with less frankenfood. Honestly though at the end of the day it’s all calories in vs calories out. I’m a former fat guy myself, down 130lbs and have maintained the loss for almost 5 years (that’s the hard part!).

        5. Ooooh we got ourselves a badass here, congrats 130 is amazing. It’s like you shed a whole other person.

        6. Keep at it man. Discipline in one area of your life will bleed over into other areas…some naturally, others not so much. Just don’t fight it.

        7. “All the doctors and “experts” told me my body would enter starvation mode (which it would have if I stopped eating for days at a time which I didn’t) and that I needed a comprehensive plan of strength, cardio, etc. It’s all horseshit.”
          Gold. If anything, fasting cleanse your body more efficiently and it’s definitely better than juice/smoothie cleanse.
          Yes, you will feel hungry, but it will never kill you or even hurt you. People are so afraid to suffer a bit to achieve something greater, it’s beyond me.

        8. Agree. “Starvation Mode” is one of the biggest piles of horse shit ever told. Look up the Minnesota Starvation Experiment. While you are at it, make sure you also take a look at nazi death camps photos – all those fat people are a real eye-opener. Oh yes, those starving Africans need to lose weight also. I go after people when they spout the “starvation mode” nonsense.

        9. Eating six to eight “small meals/snacks” a day is also nonsense. Fasting puts you in touch with true feelings of hunger. This “snacking” bullshit never allows anyone to know the difference between psychological and physiological hunger cues. Expecting food every 2-4 hours is no better than a dog waiting for a “treat”. I love a beastie yakking about “starvaion”. Really, massive obesity and starvation – hilarous.

        10. I’m with you Bem. We are our own worst enemies and at least you are not blaming other factors. I truly understand the sneaking bread stuff. Try eating an apple, it does help. Those grains are a tasty killer.

        11. Yes Grandma and Grandpa did not sit in front of the TV or computer. Hard work was the order of the day. Walking was necessary because a car was a luxury. Three meals a day, early to bed and early to rise. There was not enough food or money to over indulge and Grandmother made meals. A garden in summer and preserving food for the lean months was her job. Bread is the still the basic staple in many cultures. Wars and revolutions have started over bread or the lack of it. The Mediterranean diet is about lifestyle not pouring olive oil on everything.

        12. Exactly. Believe it or not, humans are never meant to eat every fucking hours. Look at evolution! Every cultures and religions ever existed have their own version of fasting. Coincidence? I think not. It’s an old school way to maintain your body, mind and spirit. A slight discomfort will never kill you.
          Humankind is the only animal that has “3 meals a day and snacks in between mealtime” concepts.

        13. Breakfast? After church (which you walked to) you broke your fast and ate. People came home from church and ate a large meal at lunch time. Also, what time you ate was based on your class – working or upper class. People are also confused with what constitutes a “snack”. Their snacks consist of 500 calories or more. Salad? Sure, with about 300+ calories of dressing. I watch people putting about 500 calories worth of cheese and protein on their salad. Have an apple for a snack with a SMALL piece of cheese. Our portion sizes are out of control.

        14. Most people didn’t like the other person they shed….got tired of him always opening his mouth…

      3. It is just getting worse by the second. I just started a new job and had several days of orientation. These women are young and shockingly over weight . I have some pounds on me and definitely need to get my shit together. I noticed several of these plus sizers wear those fitbit bracelets to count their steps. I doesn’t occur to them that the amount of food going in is really the problem. These gals don’t seem to realize that as they age, the weight is harder to lose. On the flip side the trim gals seem to really watch what they stuff in their gobs.

        1. They don’t need gastric bypass or bands, just their jaws wired shut..much less invasive and all around a much better environmental and health fix not just for themselves but anyone around them too…Everybody wins with this strategy

      1. Twelve followers…12 disciples…come on, you came back to earth for the apocalypse, admit it…

      2. You realize one of them is gonna turn on you after a particular big meal in the evening, right?

    1. “who does the twitters”…Mr. lolknee, I believe you turned into an 80-year old Grandfather for just the briefest of moments there…(!)

    1. I think this is ~~~~partially~~~~ wrong.
      Everybody CAN lose weight and keep it off. Only 5% of obese people have the will power, desire and motivation to actually do it.

    1. there was a comedian back in the day who said “i have a new weight loss tape out. It isn’t a video tape or an audio tape. It’s duct tape. Put it over your mouth you fat fuck and stop eating so much”

      1. I love the lies they tell. “I exercise three hours a day and never eat more than 1000 calories, but I’m still fat.”
        If you can’t see your toes, you’re definitely not exercising three hours a day, and if you can maintain that much body fat you’re definitely taking in more than 3k calories per day. No one with half a brain should buy it.

  6. “Squeeze into a size 8”? Dufuq? If you have to squeeze into a size 8, honey, you need some weight loss counseling.

    1. If someone gave me a size 8 shoe I would have a load of squeezing to do

    2. “Squeeze into a size 8”?
      Why did I read this and visually picture an extruder in a candy factory?

      1. Because you’re a strange, strange man. And that’s why we like you here.

      2. Once, many years ago, when I was in my early 20s, I was shopping for Levis. There was a couple of very hot girls also shopping for jeans. The blonde one went into the fitting room, which had bat wing doors that covered from about knee level to shoulder high, and jumped and tugged for a prolonged period. Then she waved her friend in to help her. With the 100% effort of both of them she managed to squeeze into some size 2 jeans. She was not fat, but she was not thin either, WB. She had some tits, and the hips that went with them, but her waist was tiny. She came out and examined her ass in the mirror. She looked like she had had the pants painted onto her, they were so tight. She then turned to her friend and said, “Maybe we can find a pair one size smaller.” I felt like asking if she had a hydraulic press at home to get her into those one size smaller pants.

      1. is she the one who skullfucked matt harvey this year? Mets are done btw, swept out in LA

        1. younger good looking guy with money and some fame tries to date older woman with kids and much more money and much more fame and is suprised at it ending…women wont trade down…

      2. And women still ponder what “looks good”
        how fukkin hard it this?
        although the footgear here is unacceptable.

        1. agreed on footgear but I give her the pass because I think the maker of that footwear was paying her to wear it.

        1. I’m not one…are you one?
          (I think you are old enough to get that)

        2. nope.
          I don’t know the sizes — and only date petite chicks.
          xs – -extra small – seems right to me.
          my gf shops in the kids section…
          My daughter at 8 years old has bigger shoes and dresses.(tall and slim)

        3. nah, it was an old gag in the 80’s that fags would introduce themselves by saying “are you one”
          Yeah, this one looks like a 0 size wise to me so she still has a little chunk. Tonight’s dish du’jour is a Russian I was banging last year and who is aging out of a lackluster modeling career and goes with the full 00. Needless to say I am very excited.

        4. My extra small, XS, wife has a 4.5 shoe size and has to have everything she buys altered down to fit. I have tried to get her to shop in the young misses department, but she says she is a grown woman, and refuses to buy kid’s cloths.

        5. 4.5? USA?
          My gf has size 6 USA
          Her parents were reponsible enough to bind her feet

      3. Nice. That is about as thin as I like to go, and that is one pretty little ass (not to mention a gorgeous face).

        1. My wife is a size 0, and she is 34. She actually weighs a few pounds less than the day we got married, almost 10 years ago. The woman above is in at least a size 00. When I met my wife she was size 00. I like her better as a size 0. It moved her up one cup size and put enough meat on her butt to have dimples at her waist.

        1. Wish I knew who she was. I google imaged something like hot models

      4. I feel like if I slapped her ass, the seat of her pants would blow right off.

    3. And whose validation do they want anyway? Do they think any men are on there with an ad like that? Look at her fat ape face. LOOK AT IT!

  7. Just as well I hadn’t eaten otherwise I would have projectile vomited at the sight of these landwhales.
    Disgusting. And a question-what’s worse: cancer, or having sex with one of those?

        1. The hardest part about eating your vegetables, is getting them back in the wheel chair afterwards.

    1. Having no experience with either, I just cannot say.

    2. depends on the cancer. If it is one of those cancers that is out patient snip and pain killers I take the cancer, but some of those serious cancers that involve radiology and chemotherapy and shit…I would def fuck the fatty

      1. Hmm. You make a very compelling argument. The thought of fucking a fatty makes my flesh crawl.

        1. yes, mine too…but not nearly as much as prostate cancer

      2. I have to admit something – I once fucked a fatty when I was out of my mind drunk after a wedding. And, I’m ashamed to admit that it was kinda fun. But I chalk that up to the fact that I felt no obligation to treat her like a human.

        1. Nothing to be ashamed of…even if you were just mildly buzzed. Why not? Give it a roll. You should step into my shoes….I don’t feel an obligation to treat 9’s like humans. It is kind of why they all come crawling back

        2. Haha. Excellent. I should clarify, she wasn’t a pig like the beasts in the pics in this article. She was probably about 50lbs overweight. Back then – fat. Today, “curvy.”

        3. I assume that. When we talk about a fat girl here I am assuming the one in #1 of this article not…ya know…an orca.

        4. It was actually a funny story in many ways because my condom also broke. Only time in my life it has ever happened, and it had to happen the only time in my life that I boned a fat chick. My buddies occasionally tease me that I have an illegitimate Thurman Murman running around somewhere.

        5. Ha. Thurman Murman!
          That’s excellent.
          But wtf is a condoms?

        6. Man oh man, my condolences. I have been drunk, I have been stone cold drunk, but I’ve never been drunk enough to fuck an ugly or fat girl. By the time I get to stupid levels of intoxication my mind starts moving more towards “Hey, let’s do something illegal for fun!” and less towards “Wow, that pile of whale blubber over there could totally slobber on my knob this evening”. Thankfully.

        7. It’s something that sucks, but is advisable if you decide to fuck a fat chick.

        8. I go case by case but really try to minimize my exposure to the plastic baggie.

        9. It was a weak moment for me. In my defense, not only was I three sheets to the wind, I had also been doing very well with two other attractive chicks all evening. But then I blew it at the very end. Long story short, I pushed for both to come home with me, and neither was having it. After lots of reflection on this, I think that I was just too blunt about it – I didn’t give them the opportunity to consider it their choice as opposed to mine, and I was pretty public about it, which didn’t allow them any discretion at a wedding filled with their friends and family. Then, in my blue-balled drunken state, fatty swooped in and pity-raped me. Ah well, lesson learned.

        10. Honestly, I’ve gotten to the point where I’d rather just not have sex if I have to wear one. Not that this is an issue much these days now that I am married. But there have been times when the wife was not on birth control after the kids came that I went back to them for brief periods, and I wonder how in the fuck I ever tolerated that shit during my single days.

        11. I don’t have a rough and ready count of how many women I have been through since last October but I can say that since Buying a box of condoms in October I have only used 1 of them and it was a few weeks ago. If you told me I had been with 30 women in that time it wouldn’t surprise me at all.

        12. Ok, now I’m curious, why did you feel compelled to use that 1 that you did?

        13. It’s Free Question Friday. I feel compelled to ask this, as I must know.

        14. I plowed a land whale because she provided the weed……
          but that was high school.

        15. of all the fatties in this article I felt she was the most fuckable of them

        16. I mean real life. That one condom you used, why “her” and not anybody else?

        17. this one required it. She was into fetish clubs where her boyfriend watched her get gangbanged and did suspension bondage. This was that cute young one with the pouty lips.

        18. were fashion designers fucking with people in the 70s? so much yellow, brown…fuct up hair, sideburns

        19. It was a really, really, really strange time and despite my best efforts to erase them, I still have many vivid memories of the 1970’s.

        20. yeah, that nice little 20 year old with the super innocent face. She was sitting there telling me, as if she were talking about the weather, how she is into bringing her BF who is 40 years her senior to sex clubs where he is tied down and watches her get gangbanged. She is “poly” and bla bla bla…into latex outfits, suspension bondage….I mean, the girls I fuck do put out but most of them aren’t outright fucking whores…sex and dating is just very casual here…this girl, at a very young age, has had miles of cock run through her…mostly at sex clubs…..and manages to have the most innocent look to her. I boned her, sure. But I strapped up for this one.

        21. ha polyester and bad coke sounds very uncomfortable. only poly I wore was my little league uni, and it was awful to wear in the sun

        22. cant believe peeps thought Soul Train was cool with those fashions…musta been entranced by the dance moves

        23. I know where that place is! right above the TGI Friday’s by Grand Central!

        24. I don’t know about it. I took her to a wine bar near my place that I knew people at so she wouldn’t get ID’d

        25. reminds me of a coworker who was apparently into that, “open” marriage…very pretty and sweet, was shocked when a coworker told me…would always flirt with me, but an open marriage is only open until it isnt…I know nothing about that sceene

        26. I am at an age where I really don’t want any “scenes”
          At one point, and man I must have seemed so innocent, she said “so what are you into” and I told her I like bike riding, museums, going to the gym etc. and she said ‘I meant sexually” and I shrugged my shoulders and said “blowjobs are nice”

        27. i dodged a bullet with that one. blue pill days, I bet I woulda been asking her to dump her husband after a few weeks with her

        28. That whole “what are you into” talk is where you separate the wheat from the chaff.
          Ask a girl what her fantasies are and she says “I dunno, I don’t have any I guess” you just pack up and walk out. Fucking boring chicks is, well, boring.
          Now if she follows it with a long list of things she does, that’s fine.
          “I dunno, I don’t have any I guess. I do like to have my titties twisted painfully and slapped, and biting turns me on, oh, and doing it on the balcony of a hotel outside really gets me wet….” = You’re cleared to proceed to landing with this one. No fantasies, no kinks, no nothing and not really willing to try new things….eh, later chick.

        29. I tend to avoid those talks. I like to be surprised when I open my gifts. My general assumption is that women are really into what I tell them to be into

        30. ha. I just fucked mine, jizzed on her face and told her i’d call her.

        31. I just hate a boring fuck. It’s not the first thing you lead with, it’s for sometime after you’ve nailed her for the 3rd or 5th time, when you want to start exploring a bit more. Some girls just don’t like, for example, pain and biting or whatever so if you go in and expect her to comply she’ll go batshit on you. There are things you can get women to do, but most have at least one “off limits” type thing that is just a preference (and not a matter of prudishness).
          Generally you’re right, but if a girl has kinks and fetishes it makes things much easier for me because she’s up for fun stuff without me having to try to guess or lead her into things that she doesn’t want to do. And generally I’ve found that if I give them some of my “thangs” she’ll end up being down with them anyway. Just one of my little litmus tests. Hate boring fucks.

        32. Strangely enough, the 70s were my Navy days, I remember the stuff on duty, but the rest is kind of a vague blur. Of course most of that time I was drunk or stoned, so I don’t think I remembered it the next day, much less decades later.

        33. I once told a friend that I bought a 12 pack of condoms to take on my trip to Angeles City, PI (pre-wife). He told me that the last time he did that he came back with a dozen unused condoms. His words were prophetic.

        34. Every time I have failed to wrap that rascal (outside of marriage), I regretted it afterwards (for a while).

        35. I had a friend tell me upon his return from a trip to Africa (business) that it was extremely easy to get laid there. Pussy was never more than an arms reach away, day or night. He added that AIDS/HIV was so rampant that he was afraid to take his condom off to take a piss.

        36. I agree. I hate to have to lead a woman astray. I much prefer one that knows the way all by herself.

        37. Oh dear…
          Is that really the late Johnny Cash or was the picture photo-shopped?

        38. Having casual sex in places where HIV is rampant? Did your friend have a deathwish?

        39. See Mike, I’m right with the lord. We have an agreement. You have to get good with god, then you can fuck sloooots with no bag all you want

        40. First Jefferson then Hitler and now John Brown what is with all these historical figures on this site

    3. It is possible to survive cancer, so I posit that worst is fucking one of those fatties shown.

  8. I was out last night, and had a fatty hit on me. Like super blatant, walked right on over to where I was standing, tapped me on the shoulder and introduced herself like she was straight from a PUA forum. My immediate thought was “Oh hell, here we go again” because 99% of the time, fatties have this super bitch attitude and “fuck you” if you’re not into blobzillas. She was smiling and extending her hand, so I shook it and told her my name, then immediately, in the same breath, said “I appreciate the courage it took to come over and introduce yourself, I do, but I’m spoken for”. Expecting the usual Force 10 Bitch thing, I was instead pleasantly surprised when she was, believe it or not, polite and cheerful (what we used to call “jolly”). I mean she literally was like a fat person from the year 1982. She apologized, said she was glad to have met me anyway, and we parted company. Shocked. I was shocked like you would not believe. *This* is how fat/ugly people are supposed to be, polite decent human beings, not snarky, sneering “empowered” idjits.
    So there is hope.

    1. Heh, right on. I suspect if you were fat in the 70s or 80s it was genetic. I’m not too old and I still remember there being “the” fat kid in class, just the one.

      1. No! It wasn’t your “glands” as my grandmother use to say. Generally, they were lower class or ethnic (Italian). These kids were mercilessly teased. Their only hope was when puberty hit they grew and slimmed down.

      2. That was definitely the thing. There was always the “fat kid”. And he was usually cool, just fat. Now its the “fat kids”.

      3. Just one..these days the fit ones are the outliers….America has jumped of the fat ledge into the fat fluff abyss of disgusting.

        1. Glad they aren’t jumping from the windows in tall buildings…just saying…

    2. Yeah there is definitely more attractive fish in the sea than a Blobfish. Like you said, don’t be an “idjit”. haha

    3. I’ve noticed more and more that when you give an easy landing as you did, the fatties are more likely to give a polite retreat. I see this in bars where guys don’t ignore an attractive woman’s ugly friends. By doing this, they gain the fatty’s approval just by acknowledging their existence, which only gets them further with their more enticing counterparts.

    4. With that kinda attitude I wouldn’t be surprised if she one day got her act together and came to live on dry land with us.

      1. When a fatty hits on me, it literally (hitler) feels like sexual harassment, I’m literally shaking.

    5. Err !
      Guess you could call her sexist !
      Guess you could call her creepy !
      Guess you could file a harassment case on her !
      Guess you could file a physical abuse case on her !
      Guess you could open a GoFundMe webpage !
      Err ! Forgot that MEN cannot do those things, those are “reserved” only for
      females !!

    6. I suspect you will see that more as women find they have to swallow their pride in order to gain acceptance from men again. We may be reaching a breaking point.

        1. “back in my day”? Back in my day, good girls didn’t do anything that required swallowing. Only the resident sluts did that and certainly it wasn’t talked about in public.

    7. Yes being nice will definitely help smooth your social interactions as a fat person, especially a fat woman. John Candy was massive but he came off as likeable because of his personality, he was funny without being harsh or crude and gave the impression of being empathetic.

      1. John Canady was a celebrity, comedian and had money. A man’s looks are directly in proportion to how much money he has.

    8. When a fatty comes and hits on me, Im usually disturbed and sad for weeks. It means she actually thought I was in her leaugue. Shudder.
      Why on earth would she think Id want to talk to her? Either her vision is bad or I must have boogers on my face or something.

      1. She has been told that she is fabulous and deserves and high value male. Of course, she constantly yaps about people who judge, blah, blah, blah. Yet, she readily judges males based on looks etc.

      2. It’s even worse online. I went on a date with a girl, who I didn’t know was chubby, and we had a few drinks. She’s sitting around with her head in the clouds acting like she’s too good for me. I couldn’t believe it. I was out of her league, but she thought the opposite. Then she made a snarky remark about this hot girl doing karaoke–this fatty was a loathsome narcissist. Long story short, when the bill came I only paid for my own drinks, despite promising to buy her a couple. She had this weird, embarrassed, bewildered look on her face. I hugged her, pretended to leave. Came back in the bar and went home with the hot karaoke chick.

        1. Rule of thumb if you do try to date via apps. If she doesn’t have a full body picture, you can almost always safely assume she’s fat.
          I went on a dating app recently just for kicks and it was hilarious how within an hour of registering I had almost 10 messages from fat chicks that all said the same thing lol.
          I was talking with this girl who was thicker but acceptable, at least for a bang (big tits). even this chick stopped responding to me once I pitched a meetup, which was somewhat surprising to me.
          The reality is, even fat chicks have a ridiculous amount of offers from thirsty dudes to the point where they can scoff at decent looking to above average men while holding out for the top notch guy they think they deserve.

        2. See my post above about the model chemist thing. I was literally posting my older modeling pics, with chemist as job description. So hot as hell, and smart as hell, and only average interest.

        3. Its a crazy world. I’ve definitely had more success just out and about in public with girls who would never in a million years respond to me through a dating app.
          The thing is these fatties get really bold on apps, but never in a million years would they approach guys like us in real life.

      3. I put up some of my modeling pics on POF one time. I’m 5’11, 150ish, and work out 5 days a week. I put “chemist” as my job title(in college for it).
        It would blow your mind some of the women that sent me replies. I mean, in my organic chem lab, I had really hot girls flirt and talk with me regularly. But the women that sent interest there was absolutely crazy, that they even thought they would have a chance.
        Even crazier is I didn’t get an overwhelmingly large reply from hot women. Quite a few, but damn, it made me wonder exactly who they were holding out for, or more likely they thought it was a fake profile.

    9. Exactly. We would have much less problems if fat girls realized it and stated that they try to change while going the extra mile for being nice and polite.

    10. Generally the thing really is that when a girl approaches you she’s either fat, ugly, crazy or all three.
      But that said, I think most fat chicks are reasonably friendly, we just remember the unpleasant ones.

  9. The cottage cheese usually flattens out more or less when she bends over head down ass up, but when she stands back on her feet it’s an avalanche.

      1. I’ve read somewhere that fatties give the best blowjobs. I have no idea if that is true nor do I intend to find out. So I’m asking you, is it true?

        1. I was literally just talking to someone about how I want to get a bj from a fatty to test that out. Not orca fat, but, ya know, kinda fat. I mean, why not. If I met a girl like #1 I would def let me blow her so long as I didn’t have to take her to any place where I know people.

        2. Back in college there were a couple of fatties with cute faces that would not take the hint that I wasn’t interested. I couldn’t bring myself to be cruel to those young ladies so I graciously let them blow me. Needless to say I never heard from them again after they realized I wasn’t going to return their calls. But those blow jobs were phenomenal.

        3. I am fairly sure that the definition of a porn star is a skinny girl who gives head like a fat girl

        4. Being an old guy with a pretty high notch count, I can state with a measure of certainty that girls with small tits give the best head – they try to overcompensate for their self-perceived lack of female assets. Only got one blowjob from one fat girl, and she was terrible. But granted, it’s not like I have a big statistical sample to work with there…

        5. I dunno man, I’ve had mind blowing blowjobs from broads with big ol’ hooters (and skinny waists and nice hips and basically I’m saying that they were hotness personified). Small tit chicks, it’s always hit or miss with me.

        6. I’ve had blowjobs from women who were so good, they could make me cum twice within a period of about two minutes. The first one had small tits. The second one had small tits. The third one had small tits. The fourth one had pretty big tits. So I probably need to do some more field research, but don’t we all…

        7. That’s rather unfortunate as I prefer large tits. But hey, it’s a big world out there!

        8. In hindsight it would have been kinder to refuse and humiliate them, but back then I didn’t know any better. And it’s not like it’s ever gotten easier to say no to a blow job.

        9. A friend of mine had a sister one year younger than him (and thus me) who was smoking hot. He went to some kind of camping thing and she invited me and some other guy over. She was dancing around like a stripper wanting us to “judge” her routine. So basically she was as slutty as you could possibly legally be in the year 1984. Other dude left, and badda bing, she was lap dancing me before there was even such a thing as a lap dance.
          Needless to say, that day went *really* well.
          Dude still doesn’t know that I banged his sister. Heh.

        10. It was a grand time, and a life lesson. She was basically seeing which one of us would flinch and leave and which had the balls to stay. For whatever reason, my 16 year old self didn’t flinch once and held steady and the other guy bolted like a little bitch.
          She smelled really nice, her perfume was intoxicating and she put it in many discrete locations. Girl was DTF before I arrived at her house.
          He will never, ever know. Not seen him in nigh over 20 years.

        11. What’s the definition of a virgin – a 15-year-old girl who can outrun her 16-year-old brother…

        12. Dunno, don’t care. It was 1984. If he’s going to get mad about it, that time passed 30 years ago. Frankly I don’t care anyway, not like I see him in real life any longer.
          She was *smoking* hot though. Fuck. I really don’t want to see what she’s turned into now, that rarely if ever goes well.

        13. Definitely don’t want to see them now. Went to a funeral and came across someone from the past, they had not aged well.
          ETA: also happened to be a friend’s sister, while I don’t think he’s ever found out — I think his other sisters and his wife probably all know.

        14. Ha! It was my friend’s cousin. I woke up and she was trying to get into my pants. Made her lay next to my and tell me that I thought she was beautiful. She was a 5.

      2. Kind of surprised you couldn’t find one or two up there that could be salvaged. The First Lady, red head, would be hot, but she’s too far gone to lose reasonable weight. ‘Tara’ came out hot so the last bastion in picks is the one with all the Consent ladies. I would be alright with the lady on the far right and potentially the other lady second from the left.

        1. Always a tara.
          I could probably get it up for pink shirt under 1 if it was 2 am and I didn’t get lucky. She looks like she can suck the chrome off a hitch. But yeah, I not only don’t like fat…I generally think anything bigger than a B cup is too big. This is so diametrically opposed to what I find attractive it is shocking.

    1. Things to say to fat girls: “Yo bitch, I know you’re familiar with cottage cheese because it’s clinging to your entire body, but have you ever thought about actually eating it…”

    2. a dr swore he never saw a woman with cottage cheese thighs until they started taking birth control…wonder if that has anthing to do it with it

        1. no, I think this was in the early 70s…it suddenly became a thing around then

  10. I just think it’s amazing that whales evolved to live on land. It’s too bad they all became feminists.

      1. It must be weird for you as a Captain seeing all these whales walking around everywhere.

  11. The fat girls who dress slutty are the ones that get me the most – tight shorts, short skirts, low-cut tops, and you see those folds of blubber and you just…I can’t…it’s like…no.

    1. Oddly enough, a big part of the problem is faggots. Let me explain. I believe that by law every faggot gets one fat orbiting fag hag bitch. The more important the fag the more fatties you get to follow you around. So like Dougie Houser and Anderson Cooper who are like Co-Presidents of being faggots, probably have a dozen fatties each.
      Anyway, the faggots all tell the fatties how great their boobs look and how sexy they are. The fatties eat up this attention with the same vigor that they use to, well, eat up everything else until, like all the cake and bacon cheeseburgers, they internalize the idea that their fattits(™) are sexy and need to be shown off. So once again, a big part of the problem goes right back to the sodomites.

      1. OMG…you are on fire lately. It’s a sight to behold, and I enjoy watching as you bash home runs. That TM of “fattits”…hahahahahahaha.

        1. This place cracks me up and some of the things you write are so shocking it jolts a guy out of the here and now (which I enjoy immensely)…

        2. I have loads of shocking fag theories. They are really fascinating. For instance, I spent a lot of time trying to figure out why being a fucking sodomite has an accent. That makes no sense. That is when I finally realized that the fag accent is a mating call meant to simulate a voice when someone has cocks in their throat and that eventually faggots will evolve in such a way that they will simply grow brightly colored plumage and no longer need to lisp their way through life.

        3. Shockingly, you could be right…I would like that, as I hate listening to them. In some ways though, plumage isn’t necessary, because some of them are easy to spot. But having plumage would make it a lot easier, granted. That’s what I like about damaged women, their hair, their tats, their face shrapnel – all dead giveaways. One time I met a prospective new client and did my usual pitch for him. He seemed like a normal guy. After I was done, he asked me if I had ever had sex with a man. I told him I hadn’t. He said he turned more than one guy queer and he’d like a crack at me. I told him he was welcome to take his best shot, provided he didn’t mind getting hit with mine…that was the end of that.

        4. Yes, I am the foremost leader of fag accent theory as well as the only person in the world who has done philosophical research on why, despite athletic ability, black people walk so slow. I have it narrowed down to precognitive ontological condition for the possibility of consciousness or retroactive reparations through petty annoyance. I have both theories well fleshed out and both have positives and negatives.

        5. That was so gay, it almost made me retch. I sincerely hope the conversation did not go like this:

        6. I shall, but have to run out of the office. The gist is that black people have no reason to walk as slow as they do so it is either an integral part of their souls or they have got together and figured out a way to get reparations against whitey by annoying the fuck out of him walking impossibly slow, pretending to know each other, Steve Harvey, etc.

        7. That explains the obnoxious “commentator” Mark (((Steyn))). I used to think he sounded like he had a ping pong ball stuck in his gullet. But now I realize he was advertising for something else! Thanks.

        8. Oh wow that is interesting. I have noticed that blacks will congregate in grocery stores, blocking the aisles with their carts, while they hobnob. This could get really fun…

        9. Yeah, my money is that they are exact reparations through petty annoyance. It takes one black guy on 34th street to literally bring the entire city to a crawl.

        10. I don’t know him, but yeah…if he has fag accent it is a mating call!

        11. I thought it was the Sickle Cell…but now that you mention it, I have seen things like, a black person is at the front of a line (customer service, let’s say) and they will take an hour to finish what should have taken five minutes…

        12. yeah. I don’t think they do this when whitey isn’t around. I think they are all at regular speed until some cracker shows up and then they slip directly into the whole slow black guy thing. That feeling in your chest when you are just trying to get something done and there is a black person doing something slowly so it takes you forever and the frustration becomes physically painful…..that is reparations for slavery

        13. Could it run deeper than that. Could it be some sort of manifestation of self-hatred, because deep down, they wish they were white. I have often wondered about that. They tend to chase and fuck white women in large numbers. I believe that if most of them were given the chance to be reborn, they would choose being white…but I doubt you would find many who would admit it. (Two of my drinking buddies are black, and we have actually discussed this. They both think there’s merit to it.)

        14. it does run deeper but not in this way. They are predisposed to an epistemic shift which is sub conscious to exact repertations as soon as Whitey is around. I call my theory Schrödinger’s Nigger

        15. I have noticed a high proportion of blacks who threaten to sue for the most benign infractions. “I’ll sue your azzzzzz.” If I had a nickel for every time I’d heard that one, I’d have probably 20 or 25 nickels…

        16. Haha!!
          I have no problem per say with faggots but it’s the adopted mannerisms that bug me. Now they have tinder they shouldn’t need to advertise their love of the male rectum and buggary.
          As a rule I don’t associate with faggots but equally dont actively discriminate.

        17. You’re killing me with this statement! I thought I was the only one who studied this. We’ll have to compare notes sometime.

        18. “Philosophical research on why, despite athletic ability, black people walk so slow.”
          Thank you.

        19. I am a strong believer in your latter theory for “nigger walk,” to coin a phrase, but I don’t think it’s retroactive reparations in origin. Slaves got beat for goofing off, but they did not care how well the plantation ran, so the idea was to look like you’re working enough to not get beat, but work the minimum possible in your own self interest. This involves doing everything SLOWLY, enough that the overseer will see “Oh, Kneegro is walking to the next field, OK.” and not chew you out, since you ARE doing work, but the extra three minutes you took is three less minutes picking cotton that day.

        20. The hood version is to do the walk, in the middle of the street and make cars stop.

        1. and late night drunks…
          come on guys!!!
          surely Mrs Palmer is better than fatties???
          Need to shame a friend who fucks fatties…

        2. The first thing that comes to mind when I see people like this is “what does her toilet look like afterward?”…

        3. That’s the king of fat arse you want between you and a bomber from the religin of peace. She’ll absorb the shock wave of the C4 and nails. Only problem is that she’ll turn into a flying haze of pepperoni slizes and ruin your custom suit…

        4. Bomb and bullet sponges. That’s probably the only use for their fat asses.

        1. If you marry a woman because she has long legs and big tits, you will end up married to a woman that has big legs and long tits.

      2. There’s a symbiotic relationship that’s at the root of this. I know a fag who’s actually a pretty jacked dude and (no homo) objectively good looking, and not the flamboyant queer type – more the quiet you’d never know unless he: 1) told you; or 2) you spend enough time with him that he starts to ping the gaydar in subtle ways.
        Anyway, he has the stereotypical fat fag-hag friend, and I got to thinking about it and I realized there’s a symbiosis going on. For her, she gets to hang with this dude, and because he doesn’t come across as a little fairy, she can use this as a status boost to other women to make them jealous, and artificially inflate her SMV to whatever orbiters she can snare. But he also gets something out of it – a candid window into the mind of a woman that most of us never get. Women will verbal diarrhea all over you, but there is always an element of calculated, cunning untruth, even when they are spilling their guts to you. They are always working an angle and selectively obscuring something to some later advantage. But for a fag, there is no filter because the woman sees him as another girl. Some of the shit this fatty has told him is the kind of shit I would never hear a woman say to me. This is valuable to him because he is part woman, and I theorize that it gives him valuable intelligence into their psyche that he can then deploy in his own relationships.

    2. you must get to NYC for Dominican or Puerto Rican day parade…
      spandex torture tests…

    3. …. and then you have the older fat women trying to look young and…. well, you just wish eye/brain bleach was a real thing.

        1. Man, I would tear up that little blond right there. I love an innocent, fresh, hinterlands look on a pretty blonde.

        2. Oh yeah, she is stellar. The pick of the litter in that montage. What a face. I’d like to cup it in my hands in a crowded room and say, “What a face!”, and then pull away my hands and ignore her for the rest of the night (hey, sometimes it works)…

        3. oh GOJ those top two are proof that you know what I like.

        4. The trick is to fuck that innocent blonde hard enough that by the time you are done she looks like the girl in the chair

        5. The girl in the chair was actually chosen with you in mind. I like to do right by my homies when I can.

        6. I was just about to post the same exact thing, heh.

        7. yeah, she comes right out of page one of the what the kneeman likes to bone book

        8. she would be fun to throat fuck until she vomited and then slap around a bit.

        9. see while this one is an obvious WB she is so far down on my list of what I like. She looks like every stripper who thinks Red Lobster is a “fancy restaurant”

        10. ha, I am sure our friend and his buddy bruce could shish kebem you if you really wanted.

        11. By the time she and I were done, one or the both of us would sustain life altering injuries and probably end up breaking at least five federal laws.

        12. Funny story, I once woke up in a girls apartment totally hung over and naked. I had the greatest walk to the bathroom. Trying not to wake her as I got myself together for the escape I stepped in her cat’s litterbox, tripped over a back massager which we had used the night before, stubbed my toe on a dresser and finally got to the bathroom where I peed in her hamper….I was the kind of hung over where you are still drunk and the hamper was right next to the toilet…..I then got dressed in everything but one shoe…..her very large dog had the other…he was sleeping on it. I grabbed it and made my escape. A fucking disaster.

        13. again, I would obviously bone — I am alive — her but she isn’t what I would consider hot by any means.

        14. it was such a fucking tragic morning. I never spoke to her again so I am assuming I was either a lame as half mast drunk fuck or she eventually realized that I pissed a gallon of whisky into a hamper full of laundry

        15. That sounds a lot like every movie that Seth Rogan has ever been in.

        16. You wouldn’t believe the things I’d W2 her.

        17. I was thinking the same RE jerry lewis. My movie frame of reference doesn’t really pass 1995.

        18. fake is ok, but it should at least kind of look a little real. I don’t mind fake. I fake interest in her stories. But this is just plastic and trashy.

        19. Well, some people like the story line in a movie and some go for the costumes/ special effects!

        20. There is a local watering hole that is known as a “fun” bar. It is owned and run by the same guy that owns the full nude strip joint next door to it. One of the waitresses, who is extremely well built, sometimes wears a torn down the front t-shirt that says, “Real or Fake” in large letters. Then in small letters under that it says, “like you give a shit.” I have to agree with that t-shirt. When I am only looking I don’t care. And if I am doing anything more than looking my wife has a very sharp knife.

        21. In “The Guide to Weight Loss during Sex” they make a distinction between real and fake orgasms. Real orgasms burn off 20 calories. Fake orgasms burn off 220.

        22. I have had that kind of hangover. The kind of hangover where you can feel your hair grow; and it hurts. Once I started getting those (early 30s) I cut way back on my drinking.

        23. Same. When you wake up in physical and emotional pain, air hurts, you are still drunk and your tongue needs a shave it’s time

        24. She’s my standard go to as well. And strangely enough, the kind that seem to be fiercely attracted to me right from first sight. Which works out great really, when you think about it.

        25. “And if I am doing anything more than looking my wife has a very sharp knife.”
          to deflate the fake boobs or run you through?

        26. I have a drunk habit of disrobing and sleeping in the tub. I think my reasoning is to avoid puking on the carpet… I did this once as a guest and it was a similarly awkward morning

        27. …besides the fact that this was clearly snapped right after she walked off the trail to take a pee.

        28. I’m in my late 30s. When I was 35, I was fat, and had been since 20. I lost a bunch of weight, and have kept half of it off, and run a lot now. Better activity improved where I am so that I’m feeling better than I did a decade earlier, except hangovers hurt, and my back will sometimes get hurt and takes a couple days or so to come back. I ran around one of our car plants on Wed night, and I think my older running shoes are now dead, because the back has hurt for the past 3 days. Getting slightly better. Can still do stuff fine, so I’m working on the library today.

    4. That’s the thing, especially if they use those high heels with laces which sink in the fat; How can they put them on and see their two legs looking like tied ham and think “Yep. Sexy bitch coming through”? A: Mental ilness

      1. They like to refer to themselves as being “curvy”, and while at the grocery, they will bend down low so everyone can see their enormous, hippo-like ass, complete with a red-tinged ass crack that looks like a walrus’s gash. Yes. Mental illness…

  12. My wife owned a personal training business for about 8 years but eventually sold it due to the fact that she could no longer battle with the fatties. These women would pay big money for very personalized nutritional consulting, training, etc., yet they would refuse to take her advice.
    The stories and excuses were endless, and their husbands were always “cheating on them.” She would even have women tell her that they don’t feel comfortable working with her because she’s in shape and was never fat! That line always got me – who better to take advice from? She finally got to the point where she would tell them – “since you’re not going to take my advice, why can’t you just be happy being fat?”…

    1. funny.
      Only after years of redpill is the nonsense they spew so matter-of-fact believable…

    2. Gotta get my man Dr. Noz on that shit. God I love him.

    3. why sell it? You want that repeat biz, cure them of being fat, and you lose $$

      1. Or….in a real marketplace, you get referral business from satisfied customers who lost weight, who recommend you to their fat friends. Not everything is based on cynicism.

        1. I have found cynicism to be highly reliable. It has worked better for me than any other mind set.

      2. It was a very profitable venture and she got a very good offer, plus it was just “time” to sell it.

    4. I’ve seen fitness counselors in gyms who are fat. That bothers me because who in his right mind would take fitness advice as valid from a human being who cannot follow that same advice herself?

      1. many of the womyns fitness instructors i’ve seen are fat.
        The women working at the juice counter is obese.
        diversity hires

      2. Exactly. That always drives me crazy. That’s one business that requires you to be a walking advertisement!

        1. Yeah, that type. In what world would anybody listen to that?

      3. Not only that, Ive noticed a severe lack of talent in the gym in general, this includes gyms in LA and Chicago I’ve been too. I mean 1 outta 10 ten are good looking but there are so many older women, fat chicks trying to get in shape and so on. I thought for sure these would be target rich environments for fit women, but from the corparate gyms I’ve frequented its about 3 guys to every girl, and 2 of those 3 guys are in shape and handsome.

  13. Question 1: Does Dr. Lauren Give Good Head
    Question 2: Does this diet involve Kratom
    Question 3: If it does involve Kratom is that kratom applied rectally with Dr. Laura’s tongue?

  14. Yesterday I traveled to NYC for “symposium”
    many very wealthy women – I’ve known them for years — aggravating to be around.
    Speech from Female politician:
    “We are going to right the wrongs from generations (of white male rule)”, etc, etc…
    so disgusted – triggered – but no weapon in site…
    Went to Central Park with womyns – so painful to be around. the noises from their mouths – worse than celulite.
    A cute 5’/100lb spinner stood nearby – hammer time — quick talk – gave her card – as my kid runs over to cockblock…
    A 20ish super fucking hot – 10/10 ass lying on the grass in a thong bikini…
    A model walks past….
    Then 4 extreme obese fatties with one beta supplier — so proud he is with 4 “hot chicks”…
    Couldn’t talk to the model cause my kid was too close — is not good to do that…
    And couldn’t close properly with the young – hottie- -but she may call — they often do — my card has major feelz…
    But sat there with super hotties, annoying mommies, and fatties all within a few yards…
    what a day of an emotional roller coaster …Only in New York. then 4.5 hours drive back….
    There are fatties everywhere — but NYC more than any other place has hot women…
    Trying to find way to move back permanently – -or over to Asia…
    Numbers is the only thing that matters

      1. Then 4 extreme obese fatties with one beta supplier — so proud he is with 4 “hot chicks”…
        thats the best line, especially “so proud he’s with 4 hotties”

  15. Love it!! Great information, so complete!! I’m telling everyone about it! Thank you

    1. SO Big Fat Friend
      We meet again
      You won’t leave her alone
      You roll your eyes and make sarcastic comments
      while you’re sucking on a chicken bone
      that’s ok you think you won the battle but I tend to disagree
      see I know you and your Achilles heel and he’s standing next to me
      it’s my non discrimination friend
      –So what that you’re a cow
      Non discrimination friend
      –I’ll Fuck you anyhow
      I know he’s smells like whisky and he’s had a couple rounds
      but with every shot of Jager hey you lose a couple pounds
      This man is a genius

  16. The solution to fat woman is to get a rope, tied it around their necks and then tie the rope to the roof and kick the chair from under the feet.

    1. that’s great if you want to have to rebuild your now demolished roof-structure…

      1. Actually, if the drop is far enough, and the rope is strong enough, their head pops off and the roof will be ok…

      1. When I was in the military they told me a “10” was a “4” and a six pack of beer.

        1. Heh. I have run screaming right through the walls of a chick’s abode, like a cartoon cutout, upon seeing them in the morning…it’s a rite of passage. At least that’s how I explain it away…

        2. Sad part is, around lots of army bases, that is actually the closest you can get to a ten. I feel bad for those guys. In the Marines, we had some shitty duty stations too, but others weren’t too bad, and Anything in Southern California was the tits, literally.

        3. there is a joke that reminds me of involving a new private showing up to some base and asking what the guys do for sex and being told, repeatedly, they use the horse. After weeks of being disgusted he finally breaks down and fucks the horse. Half way through fucking the horse some sergeant yells “what the fuck are you doing private” and he said “the guys told me to use the horse for sex” and the sergeant tells him “yeah, ride it 10 miles east to the whorehouse”

        4. I was stationed in Ft. Walton Beach, FL. They called it the “Redneck Riviera”. You had clerks, nurses, secretaries, etc. coming there all summer long on vacation from the surrounding Southern states. I told my compadres it was like a golf course. If you were man enough you could play eighteen holes in one afternoon. Ha! The scenery was fantastic, but it was a terrible place for a young married man to be.

        5. A hard dick has no conscience nor a sense of beauty. But as an old friend of mine liked to point out, the worst piece of ass I ever had was still pretty good.

        6. It brings to mind the joke about having a 10 once; 5 2s in one night.

        7. When just a newbie in the Navy I was pulled aside and the COB (Chief of the Boat, submarines) and he passed on some wisdom that has rang true through the years. He said, “No piece of ass is worth more than a quarter, and the worst piece of ass in the world is still pretty good.” You have to meditate on that to get all the value out of it. What I took away was to retain your perspective. Don’t go crazy over what in the end is a momentary pleasure with a momentary person. Don’t put what is only a piece of ass on a pedestal. And, at the same time, take pleasure when you can, without being too judgmental.
          For those saying they would never do a fatty, try being at sea for a few months and not seeing a single woman. It will screw up any esthetic sense, or judgment, you have.

        8. Another saying in the Navy back in another geologic epoch was, “I ain’t never turned any down; except maybe that young boy, and I only turned him face down.”

        9. I was stationed in San Diego twice and it wasn’t the tits. Of course that was back in Nam, and immediately after.
          On another note I saw a meme that I liked recently. It showed an old time boxer in a pose and it said, “Yeah, we had study abroad for a year back when I was in school too. We called it Nam.”

        10. One of may favorite sayings with regard to “the act” is (in my best British accent): The pleasure is fleeting, the position ridiculous and the cost is exorbitant! The older I get the more I understand why my dad used to say he was happy to have reached the age where he could get all he needed over the phone.

        1. I have recently taken the red-pill. Yet, I can say: I have not slept with a fat chick, not even in my most depressed old beta days.

        2. Hopefully it will remain just a bad experience for you, rather than a source of PTSD.

        3. Welcome to the red pill side of life. I’m sure you’ll find it much better.
          That said, I have had experience with fat women. It’s horrible beyond belief and you should avoid it at all costs.

    1. “can I buy you a drink”
      “sure, I will take a 128 ounce cherry coke please”

  17. Big Ass Lil, the whorehouse queen
    The fuckinest thing you ever seen
    Some girls screw with depth and ease
    But Big Lil blew like the summer breeze
    Far to the North
    Where the Twin Rivers meet
    Lived a one-balled halfbreed
    – Big Dick Pete
    They fucked and sucked and fucked for hours
    Tore up trees, and shrubs, and flowers
    Big Lil let out with a whorehouse squeeze
    That brought Big Pete down to his knees
    But Pete came back with a big dick grunt
    That tore her ass and ripped her cunt
    And there in the woods with the setting sun
    Lil finally said, “Girls I’m done”
    (And I forget the rest of it…)

  18. The Ballad of Big-Ass Lil and Yukon Pete (by John Valby)
    Grab your glass and get your seat
    and I’ll tell you about
    Big-Ass Lil and Yukon Pete
    Now Big-Ass Lil was the village queen
    the f**kinest whore you’d ever seen
    While some girls f**ked with grace and ease
    Lil blew dick like the summer breeze
    But when she f**ked, she f**ked for keeps
    she piled her victims up in heaps
    There was a rumor ’round that town
    that no man could put Lil’s ass down
    But way up north where the twin rivers meet
    lived a one-balled half-breed named Yukon Pete
    Pete was a dirty motherless soul
    who f**ked bears, sheep and woodchuck holes
    He got a whip for Big-Ass Lil
    packed up his rubbers and came down the hill
    He strode into town on size 32 feet
    dragging sixteen yards of red-hot meat
    Well the scene was set at Windy Mill
    by the brick shithouse high on the hill
    All the ladies came for a ringside seat
    to watch that half-breed sink his meat
    Well they f**ked, and they f**ked
    and they f**ked for hours
    tore up trees and shrubs and flowers
    Lil did front flips, back flips, stunts
    all unknown to most common cunts
    But Pete caught on to every trick
    and kept on pumping in more dick
    Then Lil gave Pete a whorehouse squeeze
    that brought that half-breed to his knees
    But Pete came back with a Yukon grunt
    that popped out her eyes and split her cunt
    Well Lil rolled over, cut two farts and sighed
    “Boys, I’ve been f**ked,” cut one more and died
    When they asked that half-breed ’bout his amazing feat
    He said, “I’m going back to the Yukon to beat my meat”

    1. That was the only one with that Weisswurst Tess Holliday where the the fat and skin folds where somehow hidden. I had to choose: Boticelli or the readers’ retinas.

  19. I had my quadruple heart bypass surgery 15 years ago. My doctors at the time said I needed to go to a heart healthy diet that pretty much excluded meat. The quote was, meat should be a flavoring, and not a component of your diet. Since then I put on almost 50 pounds. I am currently trying to lose that weight. My doctor now recommends a high protein diet made up of almost exclusively meat. He says try to eliminate carbohydrates where ever possible. So medical science has done a complete 180 on diet in just 15 years.

    1. That’s because 15 years ago and earlier it wasn’t based on science, it was based on what food industries were contributing the most to government. That whole food chart was an absolute scam basically created to help wheat and grain farmers. No science involved, at all.

      1. 50% of all medical study findings are overturned within 2 years. I little faith that doctors, or the medical industry, even know what science is.

        1. I don’t trust science to this day. I read some time ago that coffee is bad for diabetes and tea might cause cancer. In short, your choice of beverage depends on which disease you want to die with.
          Now, they say that it is not coffee or tea, but very hot drinks that cause esophageal cancer. They revised this so many times, I don’t even care anymore.

        2. They also have found that broiling over charcoal causes cancer. Frying in a metal pan causes cancer. Roasting in the oven also is suspect. In fact all methods of cooking food causes cancer. So, it seems the only way to avoid cancer is to eat only raw food. This actually works because then you die of pathogens in the raw food.

        3. The same with cholesterol and salt. They were the devil incarnate 15 years ago. Now the medical community says cholesterol in your diet has zero effect on the cholesterol in your blood, and that salt is just fine unless you have a specific response to salt that causes high blood pressure (fairly rare).

        4. I make my own soup stocks from bones. Usually it is ham bone (navy beans or split pea), turkey (noodle), or beef (onion). I tend to by boneless chicken.

        5. Yes, cooking over high dry heat causes the formation of Hetero-cyclic amines which are known carcinogens, though this is mainly the effect on animal products not plant products. Steaming & boiling still are fine.
          You are hundreds of more times likely to die from pathgens in animal products then plants. And a primarily vegan diet changes your gut flora to beneficial species which protect from illness.

        6. True carnivores and omnivores have zero problems handling dietary cholesterol. We on the other hand do.

      2. The food pyramids are designed to help Animal Agriculture, which in turn helps grain farmers. Check out new netflix film “What the health?”

    2. IMO – for everyone:
      paleo diet:
      meat, and veggies; then fruit, and nuts.
      water to drink…
      Avoid all packed food.
      grains/dairy/sugar minimally…
      never drink sodas, unless diluted with Jack Daniels…(that’s what I tell the kids)

      1. I have reduced my intake of white sugar by 3/4ths. I drink no liquid sugar/HFCS drinks. and I have shifted from white rice to brown rice. I hate to tell the WN idiots, but white seems to be connected to being unhealthy foods. It is working but very slowly. Oh yeah, I also started actually using my tread mill again.

        1. I use the tread mill because it works in all weather and I can binge watch Law and Order episodes while I walk.
          Most of my outside time is spent in the garden. Pulling weeds is good exercise. You get a lot of bending and stretching as well as walking (push lawn mower.)

        2. You got this bro. I agree above, breaking carb addiction should be your focus. Smash veggies and meat, lemon water. Brush your teeth frequently so your not reminded of food all day. Stay busy. Reward yourself with a cheat meal once a week maybe, but only if you were solid. Learn to enjoy the discipline. Our whole culture is centered around lethargy and eating. Youll have to pick up some new lifestyle habits to replace the old ones. Good luck

        3. Mike, do a little a day. No breaks. A little a day. A little more the next. Continuous improvement. No home runs. Bunt that fucker and get on base today. Go to second tomorrow, score a run in 3 days, repeat. Don’t push injuries. My back hurts now, I ran on Thursday and wasn’t paying attention and my older pair of shoes is shot. I am not running until it clears up, but then, back at it.

        4. Have you tried minimalist shoes like the New Balance Minimus line?
          Made a world of difference for me…. used to get bad knee/back pain on just a 6 mile run and was replacing my shoes more and more frequently. I’m a heel striker– going to the minimialist shoes with no padding- just a vibram sole forced me to run on the balls of my feet. No more pain.
          *note, if you don’t do calf work in the gym you will really feel it running the first few times in these shoes. You’re using your calf muscles more.

        5. Love my NB vibrams! I used to be plagued by knee flair ups, but since going minimalist I’ve not had a single problem. You’re right though, the key is to work your way up slowly in them. I remember being shocked at how much impact my calves and ankles took when I first started with these shoes. A much more natural stride once you get used to it mind you. I’ve also cut 15 minutes off my marathon time, although I think that has less to do with the shoes actually making me faster, and more to do with being able to train without injury downtime.

    3. Wanna lose weight? Count calories. There are no magic in diets. Their effect is temporary and just plain dumb. Calories in, calories out. You can lose weight even eating cheeseburgers all day. As long as you eat less than you spend over a day.

      1. Quality of food does matter though. Good luck trying to build real muscle mass by restricting your diet to < 2000 calories of cane sugar.

        1. Nobody talked about real muscle. Just weight loss. Absolutely food quality matters. Just not that much as media wants you to believe. For men I would advice to work out too. Having 6pack when you are 50 is great feeling. Too bad most women age like shit.

    4. Stop blaming changes in medical or scientific opinion. Eat less, count calories and exercise. In short be a man, there are excellent sources on fitness on ROK, use them. Good luck in your weight loss.

    5. Doctors are clueless on diet i will admit, but what did you replace your meat calories with? cheap Cereal, baked goods, frozen packaged dinners, sugary drinks, cheese and milk? Those items are arguably more harmful than meat. However, the “heart healthy” recommendations ARE supported by scientific findings. But you can’t just stop at no mea; continue on w/no sugar!, NO Added oil! Kick your food addictions!
      Eat whole plant foods like vegetables, beans,berries, some fruit grains pastas, shoot for high in fiber or water always. Fat is fine in moderation when coming from seeds/nuts. Use meat/dairy as flavoring but keep it below 10% of calories per day preferably less than 5%. This is the diet that is working for me and I have dabbled in them all.

      1. The current heart healthy diet has jettisoned the focus on cholesterol in your diet and now recommends a high protein diet, heavy in meats.

        1. This is because they are doubling down, as plant based diets have been shown to reverse chronic disease in multiple studies and the Agricultre-Food industry-USDA trifecta is on a massive misinformation campaign. the World Health Organization, American dietetic association along with other organizations of medical professionals still recommend to eliminate or greatly reduce meat and saturated fat consumption, refined oil, sugar and, to a reasonable degree, white flour.

        2. Ever read Dr. Dean Ornish’s “Stress, Diet, and your Heart?”
          A good read not just on a diet designed to reverse plaque build up, but on all the factors contributing to heart disease. Some folks have very strong stress response and the clotting factor they release in addition to the tightening of their arterial muscle lining during stress means that they’ll have heart attacks with much lower levels of plaque than others.

        3. They haven’t been proven to reverse shit Vegan. You have just been outed. Ornish’s studies were tiny and demonstrated little. The claims for its effectiveness in ‘curing’ chronic diseases are greatly exaggerated.

    6. its one reason i laugh at folks that treat science like a religion full of undeniable facts, replacing the Gods of old with science!!
      science really has had one hell of a ride in the past 100 years, but its also flip flopped a lot.
      you know in the 60s homosexuality was a mental disorder, now it isnt. the question is thus posed “who was right? and why were they were right?”
      its really what one needs to do with anything science related. why are they right about your diet now but werent 15 years ago?
      sadly no one does this and everyone just believes the “latest research”. no one dares to speak out because doctors have PHDs you know.
      all we’ve really done is place “Father”(from a church) with “Doctor”(from a medical school). thats really all that has happened. both have unchecked authority and no one challenges them.

      1. “doctor” = to falsify; adulterate; etymology: “church father”.
        smelling farts in a jar was a 17th century medical treatment for the bubonic plague.
        “blowing smoke up your ass” was how doctors performed resuscitation in the 18th Century.
        Ignaz Semmelweis, who proposed doctors wash their hands before handling patients, was so mocked by his peers, that he had a nervous breakdown and was committed to a mental institution.
        from 1845-1969, the torture and mutilation of boys’ genitals was a medical treatment doctors sold as a cure for masturbation. and preventing masturbation is only one of 100 different excuses doctors have used to sell this procedure over the last 2 centuries.
        https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dbdf492be4df7186a095eddafebb1878e97f0d0e53822c87d55671c117677fa5.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/32b04d28f6977f3336d5f3d392b205e64e41db101545ffd8f06dbb2acdacd06d.jpg

        1. so i am fully aware of the circumcision history. so that sad part of history is not news to me. i am quite angry about it.
          I am even one of the 50 men in the book:
          i dont get paid anything for you buying it so this me just saying, read it, its a good book, even if it is a bit sad.
          as for those phrases….I’ve long since thought we’ve merely replaces “Father” like a priest with Doctor. Father wore a black coat, doctor wears a white coat. one is a priest, one has a PHD. both with unquestioned authority. but nonetheless i’ll have to look up your phrases, i wasnt aware of that history.

        2. i was raped with a knife, tortured, mutilated, i remember, i’m not fcuking thankful.
          parents who commission this crime belong in prison, and the satanic witch doctors who carry it out belong in the ground.

        3. if only it were that easy….but people are as stubborn as a damn mule when it comes to this topic. never mind if you call it rape, and they get 212342342 times more stubborn

        4. rape = plunder; defile. despoil, violation or abuse. SEXUAL ASSAULT is called RAPE to indicate something of value has been taken. i think it’s something like a piracy charge, when goods or supplies are *carried away*.
          sexually torturing and mutilating a baby is many times more severe a rape than mere intercourse. comparing the two is an insult to victims of genital butchery. gynocentric misandrists say it’s impossible to rape a man because they don’t think men have anything of value.
          value of foreskin fibroblast: $100,000
          value of the loss of 70% of the sexual function over a lifetime: $millions
          price of torture: $tens of millions
          value of my murdered soul: incalculable

        5. so i am completely glad to have met you. its nice to see an intactvist that is willing to call circumcision rape mutilation and torture. so few are willing to call it anything but mutilation. few are willing to state it is infant rape and torture AND mutilation. and fewer still are willing to note the feminist anti man part of the argument that you brought up.
          that said….i do want to correct one thing. circumcision as we know it today is not called rape legally because legally speaking rape requires penetration. yes this is bullshit in reality, but thats the short version of that. some have as such tried to argue because the knife must “penetrate” the hole of the foreskin it constitutes rape.
          theres also the fact that the word “rape” carries a far heavier connotation than even molestation or apparently mutilation or even genital mutilation. yes is ridiculous word play at its absolute finest and most insane, but it is what it is.
          like i said i agree complete it is legalized infant rape torture and mutilation. Jewish Mohels who suck the bloody infant penis with their mouth commit legalize pedophilia blow jobs.
          also sexual assault is again a legally broad term and covers a lot of different types of sexual assault. anything from full scale rape and mutilation to the modern feminist he looked at me and thus sexually assaulted me.
          but again….due to that nasty word play i mentioned before, folks dont and wont see it like that. that and the fact that infants during this torture tend to pass out and thus “appear to be sleeping” or as they say “he slept through it”.
          that picture sounds familiar….i seem to recall that story somewhere.
          “gynocentric misandrists say it’s impossible to rape a man because they don’t think men have anything of value.”
          this really is the point isnt it? that thing we call circumcision(a word i try and refrain from using….i prefer to call it rape and mutilation….i feel circumcision hides the truth) is really an attack on fathers. the intention to destroy the fathers who are the guards of the family and thus it was a subtle secret plot to ruin the family.
          we also know this is true because of how foreskin affects the bonding between husband and wife and also how negatively mutilating your infants penis affects his bond with you the parents.
          i could write essays on this.

        6. Penetration of the penis with a circumcision probe, used to forcibly separate the naturally fused foreskin from the glands, is sexual assault according to the FBI. Penetration of the sex organs of either sex with an object constitutes sexual assault.

        7. look i completely agree. i am just stating what people tend to counter argue against circumcision being called rape. hence i said the penetration of the hole in the foreskin is what some folks used to argue that it is rape.
          but few actually accept that.
          it seems either you think it is rape because you realize taking a knife to someones penis is pure evil….or you go through mental gymnastics to try and say it is something else. that seems to be what happens

        8. Please note that I have not used the word ‘rape’. The FBI definition (of sexual assault) is what I accept. The penetration of the male organ occurs when the circumcision probe forcibly enters the male sexual organ creating an opening or separation in between the glands and the fused foreskin. This constitutes the sexual assault to which I refer.

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