How Flipping The Script Can Help You Meet Hot Girls

Coming into game and understanding inter-gender dynamics is an eye-opener for many men, and it takes some longer than others to understand what the best strategies available are to those who want to improve their success with women. When people find out that I write about game for a living they will often ask what my best ‘chat up’ line is, failing to understand that the ‘opener’ is really just that, an opener. No single line is ever strong enough to get a woman into bed immediately (unless that line is ‘I am Justin Bieber’).

But if they asked me what my best overall strategy for meeting women was, I would say that it is flipping the script. In fact, it is only by learning to flip the scrip proficiently that you will start to see incremental gains in your success with girls over time as well as in your social standing.

What Is The Script?

Think about how social interactions between men and women are usually calibrated for a moment. As you will be aware, the whole set up in Western society positions the woman as the dominant actor with the man a kind of underdog who must kow-tow to her, bring her gifts and entertain her in order to be in with a chance of vaginal access with her.

The concept of courtly love, which was identified by writers and historian in the 19th century but was actually operational from 1099 or so in France, was a highly stylised form of courtship where knights were encouraged to undertake acts of extreme bravery in order to win the hearts of the ladies they were enamoured of. Unbelievably, poets actually declared themselves ‘vassals’ of their lady, even addressing her as maidens, or ‘my lord.’ So subjugated were men at this point that they actually referred to women in the masculine. And you thought guys being cucked was something new!

This notion of the female as a superior being whose affections can only be obtained through male supplication has infused literature, art, music and film ever since. It is so deep-rooted in our culture as to be almost indomitable. And today, in the age of selfies and Instagram, with thirsty men liking each and every attention-whoring post that gets put up, day or night, you might reasonably argue that its fever pitch has only increased. It is for this reason that flipping the script is more important than ever for gaining cut-through in a competitive sexual marketplace.

What Is Flipping The Script?

Flipping the Script is defined like this:

Reversing the usual or existing positions in a situation; doing something unexpected or revolutionary.

It has been part of pick-up phraseology for many years now, along with another, related concept: ‘You are the prize.’ Basically, when it comes to dealing with women, the idea is simply that you must refuse to except the frame of the underdog and instead go into every interaction with the unstated assumption that you as the guy are the dominant party, and she should be the one who proves herself worthy of you.

Of course, this sounds very simple in outline, but how do you actually go about putting it into practice? It’s not easy, especially since you are effectively pushing back against centuries of social conditioning and the conventional operating system that scaffolds our culture.

Why It Works

But it is precisely for these reasons that flipping the script works so well. Think about this for a moment. Who are the guys who are walking around now who are naturally unintimidated by hot girls, and who are naturally uncowed by them? Very rich, very handsome, very high-value alpha males. Pop stars, billionaire playboys, members of the Saudi royal family, rappers, actors. You get the idea.

Now if a hot girl is treated in an offhand manner by one of the above, do you think she’s going to be surprised or mad? No, of course she isn’t. Recognising that such a man is higher value than her, she will naturally expect him to be off-hand with her, perhaps even rude. Why? Because he’s special and unique and she isn’t. You think a really hot girl, a 9, expects Justin Bieber to be nice to her off the bat? No she doesn’t, because she knows that, however hot she is, his social capital as a world-famous celebrity is infinitely higher than hers. So when he is rude to her at the stage door after a concert she will only try harder to impress him, so much so she’ll actually be grateful if he finally deigns to have sex with her.

The Power Of Flipping The Script

Here’s the thing. The social convention of guys having to be supplicating to girls in order to get into their pants is actually extremely useful to women. Not only does it mean they get free drinks, dinners, cars, holidays to Dubai and so on, but it also means that they are able to discern the real high-value men from the fake.

A really high value man, like Bieber, might choose to lavish a girl with gifts, but he wouldn’t have to in order to sleep with her. In fact, most girls would think it weird if he did. Can you imagine? ‘Hi, it’s Justin. I bought you these flowers because I think you’re really nice.’ It would be entirely incongruent. All Justin has to say is three words—‘Room 1895 now’—in order to get girls in his bed: and they know it.

Now, we can take advantage of this phenomenon to our benefit, because when you start acting with the imperious disdain of a rock star then girls are naturally going to be curious. OK, a few might laugh and call into question your right to be so cocky. But even so, they will wonder. ‘How come this guy is acting so dismissive of me? There must be something about him.’ As I have said before, you don’t necessarily have to be a high-value stone cold alpha off the bat. If you can take on some of the habits and attitudes of the alpha then you will find yourself being put into that category by default, since girls by-and-large just aren’t used to low value guys acting like that,

How Do You Flip The Script

How to do it? That could be the subject of a whole book. The most obvious tool at your disposal is ‘fake it ’til you make it‘. To misquote the acting professor Stanislavsky, you should ‘act as if’. Try to imagine what Bieber (or whoever else you’d like to emulate) would do as he walked down this street or came into contact with girls in this club. How would he look at them? How would he speak to them? What would he say? What would his tonality be like? What would his body language look like? How would his eye contact and gestures be?

If you want to get specific, go on to YouTube and study whoever it is you’re thinking of for some tips. Then practice acting just like that. Another tool that has been very useful to me over the years is defiance. I was a classic hard-case beta who simply refused to live my life in that way. Years ago I used to shrink into the corner in nightclubs afraid to make eye contact. Now, friends and colleagues tease me for my walk, which they call a strut—they say I walk around like I own the place, which I do.

My voice is a loud and strong, my eye contact is good and if anything I have to tone down my natural ebullience and confidence when I meet people in order not to dominate proceedings. This is not to big myself up, but merely to indicate that you can change and adopt high-value behaviours—and a great way to spark that process off is by getting angry with yourself and refusing to behave like a little bitch any longer.

A Note Of Caution

One note of caution: if you are at a less than optimal stage in other areas of your life, then simply flipping the script on its own may not deliver you miraculous results. What I mean is this. If you walk around the club acting like a rock star when actually you’re broke, overweight and dressed badly then of course people are going to see through that. Now, perhaps Jack Black walks around the club like that and still gets laid (although of course he’s not broke) but he also has a ton of social proof backing him up.

So my message, as always, is that as with any game tool, as you use it you must also simultaneously look to raise your real sexual market value in all other areas. You should be reading books, you should be going to the gym, you should be eating right, dressing well and so on. But simply by adopting the mental and behavioural habit of flipping the script, I promise you will start to see positive changes in the ways girls react to you.

Want to find out more about how to attract hot girls in today’s market? Get hold of a copy of Troy’s bestselling book The 7 Laws of Seduction. For daily updates on game follow Troy on Twitter.

Read More: Why ‘Nexting’ Unsuitable Women is Good for Your Sex Life

147 thoughts on “How Flipping The Script Can Help You Meet Hot Girls”

  1. Good stuff.
    The sex difference that is most easily leveraged in this regard is physicality….
    Use that default superiority every day. Stand tall. Reach over women. If a woman is in your way move them. Pick them up.
    You will be amazed how they respond.

      1. The average woman is 5.4… in eastern europe they weigh like 110-120 lbs. The average guy is a lot bigger than the average girl so “dominance” is something everyman can do.

        1. Yeah. That’ll never work for me, though, since I’m 5.6. Thank the gods/genes for all else being on point, and thank myself for all the time in the gym and the grooming. But I often notice that girls compare their bodies to mine. A girl might have similar height as me, but with thin arms and small shoulders, while I’ve 25-30 kilos of pure muscle mass more then her. So there is at least one other way to appear masculine/superior, I guess.
          Napoleon complex – whether consciously or not – comes with a will to do everything else to try to get girls between 5-5.8. It can unhesitatingly work, even if one falls short (hehe) sometimes.

        2. Yes. Girls that I look for are typically 5-5.8 but there are always some really short ones here and there.

        3. I don’t know what it is, but my one night stands and girlfriends have all been taller than me, because I’m only 165cm.
          Even had a 10/10 175cm Russian staring my way at barrios in Shoreditch last weekend (fucked up on the approach though, heh)
          Dunno what I’d be doing if I was six foot two. I’d be running away from girls all the time maybe *shrugs*
          I was once conscious of my height, but I just don’t care now. U think girls get it maybe, I dunno.

  2. Have you noticed that many young, conservative guys are such cucks? They get so happy everytime a woman supports their (our) cause and want to treat her like a princess. Lauren Southern and her male supporters comes to mind. It’s the same thing Milo Yiannopoulis got his fame, because many conservatives needs a flaming stereotypical homo as a mascot to show leftists that they are “not homophobes”.

    1. Milo was fun. He said the right things (mostly), and he gave feminists conniptions.
      Not a leader or a role model of any sort, but entertaining.

      1. Milo had a sharp wit so I enjoyed his anti liberal humor – while being one of the protected class they champion for.
        No straight white guy could say what he said and get away with it. It took milo to say something stupid years earlier for the fake conservatives to take him down. It was the right and not the left. Sad.
        I don’t think most conservatives are homophobes. Hey, if you want to stick your dik up someones keister; have at it. Just don’t ask me to build society around you. Your mentally deranged enough.

      2. Milo is a pedohilia endorsing, black cock sucking, jewish faggot.
        That sounds like an insult but I just stated the facts.
        The guy is disgusting.

    2. They’re running bad software.
      They are propagandized into the beta mindset like North Koreans.
      I know these guys and I have been these guys. It took a lot of brutal contact with reality and an inquisitive mind to snap me out of it.
      Ironically my conservatism helped me after the fact because when old books talked I listened. The Bible doesn’t put women on a pedestal.

    3. I don’t get the fascination with Southern, personally. There are lots of conservative women, obviously, given who’s in the white house. And she’s not even that hot. I guess she’s the only one brave enough to admit her conservatism?

      1. I can get it. She’s a reasonably attractive blonde of 24 who’s substantially less batshit than the average college girl. She should be average, but her less-than-hysterical-feminist persona pushes her way up the chain.
        I feel bad for the men she attracts, truly.

    4. Just as recent as 5 to 7 years ago “red-pilled” women were trying to break into the manosphere and get the attention of men through blogging. There are still some of them around.

    5. I just stop them and ask if women deserve respect automatically or if everyone has to earn respect. They flip out like the fattest social justice types when I do that.

  3. ” No single line is ever strong enough to get a woman into bed immediately (unless that line is ‘I am Justin Bieber)”
    Or maybe “I have a gram of coke”
    But I get what ya sayin’ Troy.

      1. Right?! I would think “I am Justin Bieber” would be a great pickup line to use on gays and that is it.

        1. That being said…
          C’mon we all know women go for that goofy Canadian. It’s not right but there it is.

        2. Women want what they think they can’t have. Hell, I know women who are really into unattractive homosexuals simply because they know the guys don’t reciprocate.
          He’s a wealthy celebrity who oozes femininity. He’s an unthreatening and simultaneously unobtainable resource who could provide not only wealth but attention.

    1. “Christian Grey is my bitch. Play your cards right, you could be, too”. Boom!

      1. I’ve used the phrase “Christian Grey was a pussy” with great success. Women instinctively know that the story was crap — a billionaire would never become obsessed with any woman.

        1. Better than any line I’ve drawn up about 50 shades. I usually casually remark about how boring the supposed BDSM is, to lower-to-mixed effect.
          Gotta share the gem I stole from GoJ regarding sports (college town, lots of “sports fans”): “Watching sports for me is like watching porn. I’d much rather be the one on the screen than some loser on the couch.”

        2. Kudos to you then , sir! Only flaw is Mark Cuckerberg is obsessed with one broad, but he is probably an outlier.

    2. “No single line is ever strong enough to get a woman into bed immediately”
      Mention Kratom and panties will drop at the speed of light.

      1. I think “I have a debit card with unlimited withdrawal potential” would be more effective though.

    3. Coke, The Real Thing. Yes, that line will work wonders. Better if you just say you have some coke, as most girls would easily gack up that much and more if you let ’em.

    4. Or ‘9 inches’ or ‘I live by the waterfront’ or ‘My bands just got signed’ etc etc.

    5. Maybe in the 80´s, Vaping marijuana is the new trend, all the stupid girls and bad boy gangsta wannabes are doing it. So even next door girls are doing it. You will only get crack whores with that line.

      1. ” Vaping marijuana is the new trend”
        You are correct that each drug has their “trendy” times. Ok so today then the thing to do is invite the trollop for a smoke.

  4. “So subjugated were men at this point that they actually referred to women in the masculine. And you thought guys being cucked was something new!”
    Intriguing piece of history, that is interesting. Somehow knowing that male cuckery is nothing new at least helps put a lot of today’s shit in perspective.

      1. Yeah i think this is very isolated history. Im not english one drop, so the Feudal monarch shit, even with knights, sounded like a miserable society.
        Im Italian, so I’d like to picture my ancestors as romans conquering colonies and bringing back concubines for the harem.

  5. Put a slightly different way, men tend to chase women. Women are accustomed to being the object of attention and desire, and whether they know it or not they take advantage of that.
    Flipping the script means being the prize, yourself. You must adopt a bit of the entertainer’s art, learning to craft your words to build intrigue and buy-in. This is to make her start to pursue you, to make her feel she has to earn everything she gets (and to make her feel it’s worth it).
    With such comparatively simple skills, easy to develop with a hair of practice, you can completely change the dynamic.

  6. I agree that flipping the script on a scag is more difficult when one is not a rich and famous rock star or famous actor, or entertainment industry mogul, or coke dealer – but being a beta cuck is gaurenteed not to work, but if one does get rejected, will always be better getting rejected from a position of strength – i.e. get rejected portraying alpha behaviors.

  7. I used to think articles like this would be “inside” info to guys -making the competition much stiffer- so why help out?.. however, the amount of people who read -as in males- in our society is so minimal. It has zero effect. Also, as far as I am concerned, the day you bring down a woman to your equal – is the day your going hard to the curb. I have experienced enough in my life that I wouldn’t even entertain doing it any other way. Honestly, I don’t think its possible. Its a disasterous snake pit for a man; of which he loses pretty much everything. Its why I stay away from feminist music, religion, and most of the talking heads on tv. Its savages your brain with stupidity and sets you up for a certain female beating and flakage. Acting like that makes you achump. A target.

  8. Great piece.
    Flipping the script also helps you avoid wasting time on the true nut-cases. I’ll never forget the first time I tried this on a girl shortly after redpilling, because her best friend got super pissed and texted me demanding to know what right I had to stand up her friend for a date (after her friend had flaked on me twice in the past month).
    She literally said to me “what do you mean you’re willing to give her one more chance, it’s girls who give guys chances” lmao. Needless to say, she didn’t get one more.

    1. Thats a good point. Ive seen it in action. The only girls that dont respond well to a confident man are the psycho feminazis. Lucky for us, they are usually fat and ugly. Thats why they chose the feminazi route!

      1. It’s that simple. That’s Page 1 of 7.a bunch of liars and game players . They were born with those skills .

    1. I am Justine Beiber, but I pretend to be a fat sad old cuck on the internet just for the lulz.

  9. Additionally, to not just act like a pop star but look like a pop star is also very important. This has to do with prototype theory within cognitive studies (linguistics etc.): the more a person resembles a pop star (Justin Bieber, K-pop stars and so on) with regard to facial features, hairstyle and fashion the more girls will likely respond to you, since they have been pop culturally programmed to like a certain type of celebs. Perhaps it can be counterproductive to copy someone 100% but when using different elements of style and your own flavor it will be appropriately balanced.
    Some might say it is “gay” and there is always a limit to what you want to do, put on and so forth in order to reach that kind of resemblance and style, but it is pragmatic and you will feel good about yourself because it is still you and you like to be treated well.

    1. You don’t have to look like it AT ALL, just act like it. This guy is not good looking, not ripped, not well dressed, not rich. Just pretending to be famous trips the hamsters into massive tingles:

  10. There is a God my friends . As these skanks approach 30 they get more and more desperate to nail down a high smv guy. I’ve had the last 2 give it up within 3 dates and ask for marriage after 2 months . I would drag it along for another 2 months (falsely promising them the world)until they realized I was using them . No game needed . I’m 43 years old

    1. I wouldn’t bother with a second date, if I didn’t bang her on the first.
      My bro always uses Filipino dating sites, they mostly declare undying love in the first week of contact, before he’s even met them ……… and he’s 57, chasing 30 year old women.

      1. Sure, but to be fair, you don’t have game, you just buy whores. So your advice is worthless.

        1. Turns out, they don’t. They laugh at pick up lines and forced smiles. They don’t laugh when their psychological triggers are pulled expertly.

        2. Only if they are already attracted to you (looks and smv) which in turn means the triggers were mostly useless . If you act strange then they get turned off so that could be considered game

        3. Wrong.
          Game is sales. A good salesman can convince an uninterested person to buy shit he doesn’t really need nor did he want when he came in. Why? Because sales is applied psychology. Same with game. Obviously you can’t be 400 pounds, smelly and not using deodorant, but if you’re a normal man, game helps a lot.
          See it every day.

        4. Whatever man. You’re free to think whatever you want. End of the day, it doesn’t affect any reality except your own. If you want to sneer and snark and think it’s all looks and money, that’s your issue. I’m not here to save the unwilling, and you want to believe whatever it is you believe. And that’s ok.

        5. Same to you as well . I’ve never bought something because of a good salesman

        6. Ok. Whatever. Enjoy either isolation or buying whores. I’m fine with your choices, you should be to.
          Slainte mhor.

        7. Who said I’m either . Little insults don’t prove points . I’ve been married and I’ve posted proof above . I don’t see any from your side

        8. I’m married too, kiddo. I have friends here who know me in real life who can confirm.
          Whatever you think you know, I’m willing to let you believe.
          I know you *ache* for the last word. Go ahead, it will make you feel complete. I won’t read it nor respond to it, be as snarky as you wish.

        9. GoJ isn’t here to discuss, he’s here to belittle you and insult you. You will be amazed how much better your RoK experience becomes once you have blocked him, and can no longer see or read his posts.

        10. Auto and home are required by Texas law . 401k is matched by employer . Free money . No amount of salesmanship would make me buy any of the above

        11. Run of the mill AMOG who embellishes himself . It’s okay, some men need self esteem boosts like women

        12. I see that shit all the time. Just be the most popular dude in her circle. Short, ugly, whatever. Especially with younger college girls at cafes. These are fully developed women dating some dudes who are still mid puberty, scrawny, high voiced, and broke. But they throw big parties and get all the attention in their little world.
          Anybody can recreate that. Workplace, local bar, karaoke, trivia, church, whatever.

        13. So true. Guy that fucked my GF a few years ago was 30 lbs lighter and 0.5ft smaller. Didn’t matter because it was well known that he is a pot smoking skaterboy with a lot of girls (he pretty much was a local Justin Bieber replica).
          It’s all about the status and the mindset (=demonstrating status).

        14. “Throw big parties ” agree with you that these guys choose a line of work that gives them social proof . They usually also supply cocaine and plenty of free alcohol . Many of those guys are not ugly . Scrawny yes BUT not ugly

        15. He had surrounded himself with women something many of us have little time for. Was he a DJ?

        16. Some people, whose advice is to buy whores and have children irresponsibly in their 60’s saying “Eh, the government can take care of them”, who pushes a standard of beauty that is, and I quote “like a 12 year old boy” on women, requires mocking. Like you for example. It’s no surprise that you can’t take the criticism.

        17. I’ve always known GoJ to be fair and relatively insightful, not just here but other places as well.
          I don’t agree with everything he says but I at least consider what he is saying.
          Of course, I’ve noticed some inferiority shit coming from you from time to time so maybe you are just intimidated.

        18. That’s what you think.
          Sales barracudas, like me, work that way. Anyone who tells me, “You’re a really good salesman” is not buying anything. No one who bought EVER said that.
          I put into their minds that it’s their own idea.
          Heh heh.

      1. That’s how it works for me, if you can bed girls on first meetup , congrats .

    2. Good work! Stick it to them. I cant even make it through a date with a 30 something before this go-girl asks me why I dont own a house yet. Because im having too much fun with younger, prettier girls exploring their sexual freedom who only want to try some D!

  11. “If you walk around the club acting like a rock star when actually you’re broke, overweight and dressed badly then of course people are going to see through that.”
    That actually works in the 3rd world all the time …… as long as you’re white.

  12. even addressing her as maidens, or ‘my lord.’

    No, that comes from old Saxon Troy, it’s the traditional term for a regular young lady (virgin, girl, maid). In German it’s Mädchen.
    The rest, cool.

  13. Nahhh.. All above broads good only for Wham Bam Thank You Ma’am ?? Not to make a wife ??

    1. The articles here are littered with pics of pornstars and actual models not real world women any of the writers would actually pick up. It’s not me who has pointed that out either.

  14. I applaud men who buy and fuck whores. It’s efficient and you can go on with your hobbies and goals immediately after. I’ve tried to buy a whore or 2 and couldn’t get aroused by it. I like the challenge of attracting women however it’s very time consuming

      1. It’s psychological not physical . I could screw a 6 if she flirted like a pro . Being told I have 1 hour to nut makes my ding dong shrivel

  15. Objection: Flipping the script means YOU are being approached by women. That rarely happens, unless they’re desperate fatties. The hard part is: How do you approach women, while still setting the frame of YOU being the prize?
    You have to answer that question. Otherwise this is a rookie article for beginners.
    In my case, I usually use one of my canned openers, then I quickly shift the conversation to topics that make me sound high value:
    Business: “My business partner’s told me to check this bar out.”
    Travel: “I tasted a rum in Colombia once just like this.”
    Music: “Funny, one of my instagram followers requested I play this same song to her on guitar.”
    Women’s approval: “My friend Sophia wanted me to meet her and her friends downtown at ___(most expensive club), but I’m not sure I want to.”
    And if she’s a SJW: “I was picketing at a planned parenthood nearby, so I figured there would be sluts at the nearest bar.”

    1. A discerning rich guy with hugely expensive tastes may walk into a Bond Street store to look at the jewellery on display. Doesn’t mean he’s going to buy anything, or that just by walking into the store he is immediately designating the jewellery as high value.

    2. Hmmm. Open your eyes. Women don’t approach the way you would approach them… cause they are women.
      They will get in your space… or get in your view if they are shy. Them being foreward is initiated physical contact.
      Basic primate stuff.

  16. “Flipping the script so that hot girls can have the good fortune of meeting ME “. Ah, script flipped!

    1. agree, anyone who looks to that Cyberdyne Systems T800 POP Idol Edition for inspiration is very sad indeed (or a 12 year old girl)

  17. I agree with everything you said. This is one of the most important principles of game.
    If you are at a club talking to a girl and she asks you to buy her a drink SHE IS ACTIVELY CHECKING IF YOU ARE A BETA. If you buy her the drink you lose.
    The right answer to that question is: “What the hell, do you even know who I am ? YOU BUY ME A DRINK .
    She will laugh 100%. That’s how I got tons of free drinks already. Sometimes I tell them to make their friendzoned guy buy us two drinks. And they actually do hahahah.
    Also this again proves that I’m an Alpha and that I’m red pilled, to her.
    That’s how you instantly get to the lover-frame and dodge the provider(beta)-frame

    1. This is good!
      I break this rule if I think she wants to get fucked up and make a bad decision (with me.). I usually evade the question and change the subject first though.
      If she persists, I will buy us both a double shot of the strongest shit they have and immediately start kino and go for the makeout.
      I always wanted to say something like ” I trade drinks for kisses”. Or phone numbers or something. Havent had the balls yet.

      1. Just do it man. If you bring it with a cocky-asshole frame she will love it.

    2. “If you are at a club talking to a girl and she asks you to buy her a drink SHE IS ACTIVELY CHECKING IF YOU ARE A BETA. If you buy her the drink you lose.”
      You buy her a drink to indicate interest, then ask the price of her bar fine.
      More than 150pesos ($4) for the drink or more than 2000pesos ($50) for the her, and it’s no deal. Some night clubs even include a nice room and refreshments in with the girl.
      One place I was in, it was cheaper to drink in the nigh club most of the night, then buy the girl (room included), than it was just to rent the hotel room for the night.

      1. I was talking about normal clubs. Not these “clubs” in pattaya. 😉

        1. I’ve not found any other sort of club in Thailand or the Philippines. All full of girls looking for a cash payment.
          Maybe I’m getting it wrong ….. but hardly anyone ever says no.

        2. Lmao what the fck…. PJ youre talking about clubs with escorts bwahahahha
          Other clubs, in Europe and Murrica, mean, theres music and people (not hired by the house) dancing, and theres a bar and tables lmao…

    3. I agree about the buying a drink thing. This past weekend I had a girl approach me not once, but TWICE, asking me to buy her and her friend a drink because it was her friends 22nd birthday. I told her no the first time and the second time I explained to her why I do not buy girls drinks. Unfortunately it didn’t seem to work, at least that time. But I imagine it will in the future.

  18. This is the most important principle by far. Got pretty much all my ONS because of this one point. And I also got into my LTR with this.
    Was sitting on the couch in the school library. Girl comes to me, I tell her to fuck off.
    From that moment onwards she loved me. Broke up with her 5 times in 2 years. She loved me even more after every single breackup. Then she started the Beta-Transformation, I bought her flowers, she cheated on me with a drug abusing jerk and left me for him.
    Remember: Always be a jerk!
    I know a fellow student who is a fat ginger with thick ass glasses. If you see his GF your jaw will drop immediately. But if you talk to him, you know why he has a hot GF: he is the most arrogant person on the planet (even though he has no right to be like that but that doesn’t even matter to some girls).

    1. Excuse me for differing, but Mr. Red does have the right to be arrogant, purely from his ancestry being from the true Celtic master race.
      Adolf was mistaken, the true world elite race have red hair and green eyes.

      1. Well, I love girls with red hair 🙂
        Always slutty and big tits. It’s a well known fact.

      2. This has to be the most perfect example of red hair/green eyes I’ve ever stumbled upon.
        She is flawless. I’ve seen no better anywhere. The tits, the face and forebrow, the hip ratio, the snatch and crotch gap – all so perfect. It’s just a bikini model somewhere out there but honestly the pic alone tugs at your DNA. It may be true what you say about red hair/green eyes seeing as how her mere pic triggers a reflex to want to paddle the sea and locate her. I would stuff her like a turkey and breed her till she gags. If someone told me she was only 16, I would paddle all the faster – like it were an emergency.

        1. Red hair, green eyes is just my type. Only surpassed by strawberry blonde, the rarest of the rare.
          This girl is hot but far from perfect.

        2. Rarer than grn eye/straw blonde is turquoise eyes. Bright green/turquoise eyes are the most rare, at least in Europe. Red haired Celts can have blue, green or light hazel eyes and Nordics can have clear icy blue eyes but the turquoise known as ‘Aryan eyes’ has its ground zero in Pakistan/Iran/Afgh. This Iranian girl with raven hair is an example.

          Brown eyes and hair dominate the region but the turquoise eyes with dark auburn to raven hair stands out and is quite noticable as with this lady from an Armenian brides site:

          This woman is Afghan believe it or not:

          The turqoise eyed U haplogroup here is distinct in origin from the European R1a group but migrations have spread throughout.
          It’s still rare to see in NW Europe the eye color of this Afghan girl:

          Also present in Kurdish:


    2. The flowers should be among an enumerated list of ‘don’t’s’ to avoid in a relationship. If the relationship becomes LTR and you both move into a residence, then another rule to heed is to not let the apartment or house become her prison confines for you. Keep it YOUR castle. One ‘bitch beta dog’ training technique that women will do to turn their men into little beta bitch dogs within their own castles is to arrange dogfights between you and some other man. Your women will lie and stir up a conflict with some other party in the neighborhood and she’ll expect you white knight for her honor and then she’ll have you entered like a chicken in a staged cockfight. That’s the last straw in a relationship when a woman gets her man to do HER bidding. At that point, when you fight her fights, win or lose you’re still chewed up meat to her. You’re dead meat, no flavor. She wants a fresh bite of rare bloody man for her next mouthful.
      You must only fight for YOU and the patriarchal order. Being a pawn in a fight for your bitch is like fighting for your state as a uniformed bitch of your state. Unless your state is fighting to advance patriarchy for man, you might as well cockfight for your woman. Our first fight is to cap and control our women and raise the thrones to the patriarchs. Our tribes and our species for that matter is homeless without its patriarchs victorious and seated in their thrones. Patriarchy is your true home. But fight for your controlling woman and you’re already written off as beta and discarded at that point even if you remain with her. It’s only a matter of time.
      I had a woman who when we first met, we didn’t cohabitate or have our own place. So we fucked like wild dogs in stairwells and on park playgrounds at 2 am. As soon as we got an apt, she starts trying to steer my job and trying to get me to change occupations. I still fucked her like a dog on my time and on my booty call so her attempts to do a makeover on my career didn’t work and she knew it. So what does she do then? She tries to start wars with neighbors and put me up to fight for her entertainment. It was a big mistake when I got into one needless scuffle with another neighbor guy whose delinquent daughter stirred shit and always got her dad to foolishly defend her honor as well. I got with the guy later and the shit stirring females on both sides didn’t like the men of the neighborhood talking. There was a lot of teen goth and witchcraft going on with the local teen girls and a number of moms were single bloodsucking gold diggers. A few men agreed that the bitches were out of control in the community, playing the white knight men to war amongst themselves and driving a wedge between the patriarchs.
      So what does my woman do when she sees me collaberating and normally associating with other men in the neighborhood? She grabs for straws and begins doing the nuclear – calling hotlines, socialist services women’s advocates and cops. If only ‘enablers’ weren’t a part of the picture. Enter the feminist marxists, jews and other assorted cultural police or staff of the various state reproductive regulative authority. Citizen/patriarch spanking/flogging must be reinstated pending dismantlement of the bitch advocacy system and awareness of the certain ‘authorities’ belligerent to our patriarchal culture needs disseminated across the board to all citizens.. Meanwhile crank up the heat on the feminist ‘enablers’ and expose them where they live. Follow and spotlight their every move.
      As with the old LTR of mine, work was too disrupted to pay bills so we moved and went back to fucking outdoors or in the van but I was weary of ever domesticating her in a solid house. That was years ago but that failed LTR in our own house that was rented and fortunately not mortgaged taught me a valuable lesson.

  19. I will pay you 100$ per hour if you suck my cock and swallow.
    Sounds like a better deal to me.

  20. in the main pic are the two fellas going to shit their pants when the 3 babes walk past?

  21. David DeAngelo = Eben Pagan = ugly Jewish wife. Guys used to follow that guys advice like it was gold . Now he’s known as a bullshitter motivational speaker with a wife I wouldn’t touch with my enemies’ dicks .You would think with all the millions he has (stolen) and all that picking up chicks genius he could land a babe and not some lame ass with a BAD case of fugly

  22. Look, I’ll be blunt, irrespective of how you use the script, it’s obvious when you’re using one. Be yourself. I don’t want to hear what you think I want to hear based on a series of assumptions. If I was single, I’d want to know more about you. I’m not going to get that with a script, and you’re not going to get any attention from me with a script. It’s REALLY obvious, and it’s really cringe inducing.

  23. This is one of your best Troy. Flipping the script. I’ll have to think about that and chew on it for awhile. I’m so used to being in funny joker mode that my dialogue just bustles with innocuous twisted humor sprinkled with sublime sexual inuendos and phrases with dual meanings. I’m barely aware of all the ‘fuck me’s’ that I verbalize to her until I replay it to myself later.
    But flipping the script. Ingenious. I’ll have to be aware and bite my tongue on the humor and learn to focus on both ‘flipping the script’ and transitioning it to the interim goal of ‘flipping’ her numerous times upon the mattress. Three spatula jokes just came to mind and I have to train myself to hold them in like a burning bladder of piss after a long car ride.

  24. This was a useful article, Troy. Good observations and srong theories. Gives a guy positive outlook to have a newly-styled strategy. Thanks for the insight.

  25. I think this whole act like you’re disinterested type of game only works if she is already interested in the guy in the first place. I have no idea how an average male whom she is already treating as if he were invisible (unless she’s about to bump into him, he would go from invisible to visible but as a giant dog turd she should avoid at any cost) would be able to catch a girl’s attention by making himself even more invisible.

    1. I think in this situation, you can flip the script after opening. Like this: you’re invisible to the girl. Open her. Comment on whatever is happening. As you chat, have your body at an angle to hers not facing her directly. She has to win your attention. Disagree with something she says ( lightheartedly). Challenge something she says. Qualify her …’I like travel…do you?’ Sure it’s not going to work as if you were Ryan Gosling starting the convo, but it’s something.

  26. Great article
    Its always good to go against the grain of what everyone else is doing. Stand out don’t try and fit in and become wallpaper
    They are always seeking something different. Its in their nature. Just look at Hypergamy
    Flip the script and give them something different but not JUST because you want to like when the movie industry and pushing out more Superhero movies JUST because it sells no
    Have a purpose and a belief in who you are. Invite her to her world and have her realize the rest of the men that seek to kiss her ass are trapped in the group mentality. Have her see your world is not only better but more real
    Have a belief in your bullshit. Matter of fact, don’t even call it bullshit. Stand by how you feel and have her see your a thorough dude. Flip the script and give her your own movie instead

  27. “…calls into questions your right to be so cocky…”
    B*tch, I’m a man. That alone is enough. Now come here and let us do the dance, then I’m off to the next!

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