3 Things I Learned From Nine Months Of Celibacy

Peace and grace to you, gentlemen, from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Though I never in my life thought I would arrive at where I am right now, it is God’s will for me that I share with you what I have learned in my transformation from living a degenerate and hedonistic life into a disciple of Christ, who lives by the guidance and conviction of the Holy Spirit.

In fact, I don’t even want to be writing this. I would rather be in the background, living my life and running my business with complete anonymity—but God impressed upon my heart that my story and testimony would do no good for the world if I were to keep it to myself.

Therefore, I’d like to share with you what it’s been like for me since leaving behind the world of harems, threesomes and one-night stands for the celibacy I have been experiencing over the last nine consecutive months. My “Salvation Experience” occurred earlier than that, which I will probably write to you about soon, and that is where my heart and mind were truly transformed.

However, I was still an infant in my walk with Christ, and I became more purified the deeper that walk becomes. Now, looking back, I believe I can somewhat-effectively verbalize an experiential transformation that truly defies description in the limited lexicon of human language.

I will share with you the three greatest lessons I have learned in that span of time, but first I will give you a quick background first on the kind of life I used to be living. I mentioned in my article on copywriting that I often used drugs and sex to numb myself from the pain of this upside-down Clown World we live in.

You know what I mean: the world where being honest and virtuous gets you chastised and mocked, but being a functional sociopath gets you lauded with praise and reward. If you are like me, you may have never felt like a part of this dark world in your heart—even if you had to “play along” sometimes just to survive.

In order to “deal” with it, I was constantly either high, seeking sex, or both at the same time. Those moments of temporary escape were more important to me than the potential consequences, and needless to say, it led me in a very dark and lonely direction.

Since meeting Jesus face-to-face and experiencing the complete transformation of the very core of my being, I have been lifted above this dark world and the material prison in which our souls are trapped. This is not to say I am perfect; I’m far from it, and as guilty of sin as anyone else.

However, that sin is of an exponentially rarer and less serious nature. And rather than dwelling in it (or taking pride in it, like I used to do) I now feel utterly convicted in my heart that when it happens, I have distanced myself from God and from the comforting grace of the Holy Spirit.

So let’s start there.

1. You Cannot Make Genuine Spiritual Progress While Living For The Flesh

If the headline of this section triggered you in some way then I invite you to explore that feeling and its source. You may be hosting some unwanted spiritual guests, invited into your home by your throwing the door open to them.

There was a time in my life when I thought that “learning Game” was spiritual progress. I genuinely felt like I was growing as a person by studying Mystery, David DeAngelo, and other “gurus” back when I was in the position so many men still find themselves in today.

In a way, I was making progress. I learned to stand up straighter, to be more assertive, to be more confident, to ask for what I wanted and to stop acting needy around other people.

All of these were great lessons. However, as with all blessings, they can quickly become a curse when used for the wrong purposes—and that is exactly what the rabbit hole of the “player lifestyle” ended up being for me.

It led to a place of complete inner emptiness, with my being terrified moment-to-moment that “the mask might slip” around some particular woman of interest and I would never see her again. I thought I was in it for sex; looking back, the validation was just as important.

All that time, all that effort, and all that energy spent learning how to please mortal, imperfect human beings was time, effort, and energy I didn’t spend learning how to please the immortal God—the only being whose validation or approval actually matters at all.

Genuine spiritual growth—which you will know by the fruits of a peaceful, harmonious mind and existence—only comes from doing a better job of living up to God’s will. As long as your “spirituality” is just a mechanism to get more of what you want, you will be depriving yourself of these blessings.

2. Your Mind Is Capable Of Phenomenal Creativity And Power

With my thoughts constantly circling around how to maintain this girl in my harem or which kind of opener to use in that situation, I never had the “silence of mind” to explore my own inner world and the incredible depth of what it contains.

We are God’s children—and just as in the situation with our earthly parents, we do not receive the blessings and rewards of our Father in Heaven unless we are obedient to His will. As our parents did not give us allowance and time to play video games when we misbehaved, neither should we expect God to bless us with peace, power, happiness and health while we are our spending our time and energy on materialistic and fleshly pursuits.

The human mind, while capable of wonderful things, is not unlimited in its resources. With your mind focused on the material plane and fleshly pursuits, you will never know its true power and potential.

Look upwards and keep your eyes focused on the Spirit, and you will unlock fountains of energy that you never realized you had within you.

3. God Can Do For You What You Cannot Do For Yourself

The failings of New Age philosophy are many and varied, but this is perhaps the most serious and damaging of them all. At one point or another, I was a part of many different systems of spirituality which all more or less branched off the “New Age Tree”—and one thing they all had in common was the ultimate conclusion that “God” was just a metaphor for “you.”

Not realizing either the blasphemy or stupidity of such a sentiment at the time, I was deep into the particular version of Gnosticism which falsely claims that the idea of man as God was the “secret teaching” of all the other religions. Having no familiarity with the Bible at all—and no spiritual discernment whatsoever—I did not realize this was simply the newest iteration of the world’s oldest lie.

In retrospect, I now realize that this self-directed idolatry is the most prideful and poisonous of all sins. By not recognizing God as without, as a Higher Power that is unfathomably stronger and wiser than a tiny human being could ever dream of becoming, I was cutting myself off from the highest blessings that the spiritual kingdom has to offer.

The most relevant of those blessings, at least for me, was being transported to a higher and purer plane of existence than I ever realized was possible. I do not have to “fight against” my lust, most of the time.

I am not struggling to contain myself; in fact, just the opposite is true. God lifted me to such a high place that the mere thought of going out and hitting on strange women creates a suffocating feeling in my chest.

That, the conviction of the Spirit, is not something that comes from within. It is something that comes from repenting for sin and believing in the risen Christ, exactly as the New Testament details.

If the idea of being celibate for long periods of time sounds impossible to you, it is because you are considering it from your own power. God can do what you cannot do for yourself, for “he who is in you is stronger than he who is in the world.”

Pray sincerely for the power to overcome the flesh, and God will send his angels to attend to your request.

Read More: The 21 Theses Of Alt-Christianity

266 thoughts on “3 Things I Learned From Nine Months Of Celibacy”

      1. You poor thing. I sympathize. Mind sharing why so long?
        A decade is sure to leave some nasty scars on your psyche.

        1. No, fuck it, I do not feel sorry for myself. I was a smack addict, and I occasionally visited prostitutes, they just do not count in my book.
          Basically I was fucked up in the head by the Feminist conditioning. I was as nice guy as fuck, and jumped to all the wrong conclusions about myself as a man and women and sex, resulting in becoming an incel for long.
          Red Pill saved my life, in my head everything kicked into place, thank God. The rest is history.
          The only psyche scar is, as far as I can tell, is that I become extremely agitated and very fucking angry when I face Feminist BS, I could literrally machine-gun them.
          But other than that? Inner peace, love of women, and embracing total masculinity.

        2. But women cost money regardless, it’s two different ways easy mode or hard mode. Gaming a woman is like a downloadable game, you have to pay for DLC or grind to get the most out of it. Or you just pay for the deed and voila, you beat the game.

        3. No, because it is not sex in itself that is important. What is important is seducing the woman of your own choosing, and that she have sex and intimacy with you willingly. That is masculine.
          Paying for sex is beta bux maxed out. When you do it as an incel, you feel this is the ONLY way to get it. You experience the pleasure of sex, and you think that you are excluded from this, now and forever, while others get it for free, which you never will.
          And you hate yourself that much more after that.
          Better than nothing, sure, but only just.

        4. I wish it happened while I was younger. 5 years earlier would suffice. Still, no reason to complain, better than never.

        5. It’s written in human’s programming to simply make babies. It’s you putting it in and do the deed. That’s our prime directive. The other shit that comes after it, is merely more programming to make the experience pleasant.
          All I am saying is that you will have to suffer and you will have to make yourself out of something to be a worthwhile investment for them.

        6. “I was a smack addict, and I occasionally visited prostitutes”
          On the upside, at least you weren’t married.

        7. Rightly so. I was so Blue Pill beta that I would have been cheated on and fucked over by my wife, while on the other hand my children would have gone hungry thanks to my addiction…
          Thank God I still have time to clear up the mess that is my life and start a family if I want, with a Red Pilled mindset.

        8. Here’s my story:
          First 20 years of my life was incel.
          Skinny and weak. School loser.
          Treated lower than dirt & less than human from k – 12.
          Evil witch for a mother.
          Ultra-alpha who did not give a damn as a father.
          Incel from 0 – 20.
          Hard drinking whore chaser from 20-now.

        9. As Buddha said: life is suffering.
          You indeed have to be able to give something to women so they would want to have sex with you.
          And what you have to give to women is a Masculine man, the best version of yourself.

    1. It’s not “incel,” it’s deliberately not engaging in sexual activity even when opportunities present themselves. I’ve slipped up a couple times since giving my life to God, but that’s par for the course and I’ve spent the last 9.5-ish months basically alone (outside of gym and church attendance) while reading and working.

  1. A Catholic high school boy was really hot for this pretty female classmate of his, so he asked the innocent-looking girl if she was celibate.
    She responded, “Yes, I sell a bit here, and I sell a bit there…”

    1. Bob gets the nature of transactions in relationships with both men and women.

      1. Nah, but I think you can find the number for a similar girl in Backpage, pretty much anywhere in the USA…

  2. “occasionally visited prostitutes, they just do not count in my book.”. Huh. Try eleven years without even that. Not that I wasn’t looking, just what was on offer wasn’t very appealing- even when I went back to college in 2010, there just wasn’t any girl/woman there who did anything for me, it just feels still that it’s too much effort for too little reward.
    You try your best, game them, do everything the books say, and their little surrogate life form, the phone blinks and buzzes and they’re off in their own world. No interesting or intelligent conversations, let alone anything else.

    1. Game teaches you how to catch fish, compared to going to prostitutes, which is like buying fish on the fishmarket.
      For me, the change in my life was not even applying Game to women and finally scoring.
      It was embracing my masculinity. Masculine thinking resulting in masculine action. That was key.
      Because I think one of the main problem is that Feminism teaches us, our Feminist conditioning compels us, men, to think like women. No kidding! Reflecting back on my past, the main problem for me is loud and clear now:
      Being incel was the result of thinking and acting like women. Seriously.
      The more I think on it the more I am convinced this was the main problem. Not my looks, not my money, not even my lack of game. But lack of masculine thinking, and what is there, what path remains there for the mind, if a man lacks masculine thinking? Feminine thinking, by default.

      1. I’d put it differently: You weren’t self-actualized yet. Sometimes in life you can feel a click, when your inner self is congruent with your talents and skills and appearance, and suddenly everything falls into place, and the world feels like it makes sense.
        When THAT happens, confidence wells out of you, and then the women come a’flockin’.

        1. “.. when your inner self is congruent with your talents and skills and appearance..”
          Some of us (a small percentage perhaps) were born without any of those things, nor the “genetic stuff” to attain them. Confidence can only be based upon something real.

        2. Well, to claim that hot women now come in droves and do not leave me alone until I fuck them would be a bit of a poetic exaggeration.
          What is real though, is after getting over my extremely serious approach anxiety (at age 30 I would not have dared to approach a hot 20 yo girl), those petite type of girls I have always lusted after but never dared to approach turned out to be quite open and receptive to my newfound seductive charms. Which boosted my self-confidence, feeling of self-worth, and my overall happiness.
          But it was a slow process, step-by-step, it did not happen overnight.

      2. >>> “For me, the change in my life was not even applying Game to women and finally scoring. It was embracing my masculinity. Masculine thinking resulting in masculine action. That was key.”
        This will change everything in your life once a man finally “get’s it.”

        1. Indeed it did change everything.
          Now I feel good in my head, in my body, in my soul, in my life, in my relationships with women.
          It is as if I was born for this. It is as if I was waiting for this in my whole life.
          I feel free. I feel like as if I am naturally high without any drugs. I feel like the control over my life is in my own hands.
          I feel like a man.

      3. Jeez, I dunno.
        I believe a guy can think as masculine as possible, but if he doesn’t have the physicality to put it into action, he will attain nothing. And that does not mean “going to the gym”. It means being born a mesomorph with the right genes. I speak from the other side of the fence.

        1. I do not think one has to be born a mesomorph with the right genes. I, for one, wasn’t. I am quite small by Western standards, 170 cm tops. And as you might imagine based on my previous bad lifestyle choices, I do not have big muscles, my body is what could be called “heroin chic for males” for obvious reasons.
          (However, going to the gym regularly for a year will bring out the best version of an average guy, so it is definitely worth it.)
          But this is unimportant, because that is one of the points. If a guy is worried about his looks, if he wants to aestethically please women, and thinks their selection of him will be based on his looks, that guy is thinking like a woman. He will not get the girl, but not because of his looks, albeit he will attribute his lack of succes to it. The real reason is because he thinks like a woman.

        2. I am about 185cm (that’s 6’1″ here in America) and have worked out regularly, in different capacities since my late teens. Never made a damn bit of difference. My natural ectomorph/introvert genes is what has mattered.
          “The real reason is because he thinks like a woman.”
          – So you are saying a fatso, or a skinny geek, or some butt ugly bum has a chance with hot girls, if he just goes to the gym, cleans himself up and walks through life like he owns the streets? I don’t know bout that…
          Glad it worked out for you, but not sure its a can’t miss formula.

        3. I admit I had to Google up what “ectomorph” means, and according to the explanations and the pictures attached, basically “ectomorph” means “skinny guy”.
          Yep, that’s me, down to a T.
          When I went to the gym in my pre-incel youth, during my Army service days, I was lifting religiously for a year. After 3 months, I looked a bit better. After 6 months, I looked perceptibly better. After a year, I was the best version of myself. I was still nowhere near as hot as born athletes, professional body-buliders, or male Calvin Klein underwear models. But to pick up girls it was good enough. Unfortunately right then I got serious Appendicitis, had an operation, and lost all my muscle gains. After the operation I was advised by my doctor not to re-start lifting for over a year. I was back to square one and I threw in the towel.
          Nowdays, after I came off Heroin and got clean, I realised just how skinny I was. So I decided to re-start going to the gym for a year again, and after that, I will be ready to pick up girls. But then I was like, nah, fuck it, I can not and I will not wait one more year to start Gaming girls! One more year of celibacy would drive me nuts, and besides, after quitting Opiates, my sexual drive was back with a vengeance. So I started hitting on girls right off the bat instead. I reasoned that after my long-term Heroin abuse, they should not expect me to be all muscled up. And I succeeded. I still do go to the gym in order to become the best version of myself on the long run, in order to be able to give more to my beloved petite ladies. But I do not treat this as a basic necessity, but rather as a helping tool.
          What was necessary for my present succes with the ladies was that click in my head, that Masculine thinking resulting in Masculine action. I am skinny as fuck as a result of long-term Heroin use plus my body type, and as you might have guessed, I am totally broke and penniless for the very same reason LOL! So I do not want to be the best male body my female sexual partners ever fucked. I just want to fuck them, period. 🙂
          I am not trying to imply that I found the magic formula for life, but I am living proof that Red Pill saves lives and Game works. I went from Elliot Rodgers/George Sodini-level incel hell a few years ago to today looking forward to meet again that petite girl who is exactly my sexual type which I find the hottest, whom I would not have dared to approach a few years ago, whom I chatted up and started to seduce, and whom I will meet again next weekend with a mutually understood, clear intention to fuck her, and being in with a good chance of closing, God willing. I am living proof that there is hope, that there is no reason to give up. We are men! If we think Masculine and act Masculine and we are proactive with Game, then we are in it to win it!

        4. That’s fantastic the way you turned your life around. You caught yourself early enough in life to make that change. All the best to you.

        5. Unfortunately that is not the case.
          Taking the Red Pill came in 2013 at age 35 for me.
          The previous 10 years was full on incel life…

        6. It is never too late.
          Strange, how in today’s Western society, middle aged White guys like us are not only not appreciated, but are written off as old.
          And let us not even talk about old White guys, who are written off totally.
          I say, fuck that!
          That is only the mainstream, the Media, the social engineering propaganda.
          A man in his 40s and 50s is in his prime.
          In reality, these should be our best years, as they were for the men of the past.
          It is up to us to make it so.
          At first I was worried about my greying temples, and its possible negative effects on the ladies, but boy, was I ever so wrong?
          I had more luck with young women than I ever had during the previous 30 years of jet-black hair.
          It is a lie that we need money to get women, although it does not hurt our case.
          But being an experienced man, irrespective of the type of experience, lets say having life experience, does have its pull.
          So just keep on going ahead. Life stops only in the coffin but not before.

        7. You have a very good attitude.
          I have to work on that.
          Thanks for the replies & have a great day.

    2. I need a good prepared line to use to embarrass a girl for being antisocial with her phone. Not full asshole, but something that has bite.

      1. “I heard smartphones make people dumb, but to you, I don’t think it makes a difference.”

        1. I think that would qualify as full asshole. You need something just to make her feel a little embarrassed.

      2. Why are you munching on your BFF right now, when WE.. we could be watching Orange is the New Black

      3. -“What is so interesting? Let me see!” – then taking it out of her hands, turning it off, and giving it back to her.

      4. Grab it and throw it away.
        Also never pull for phone out during the interaction this gives them a strong sense that you are not easily bored and fun to be around. Same goes with hanging out with the boys as well.
        Seriously though you’re a man, you tell her that it’s rude.

  3. Interesting article, although the game lifestyle usually gets superseded by oneitis / marriage (neil strauss, mystery I think, Roosh….(I may have made up that last one) rather than voluntary celibacy, although there has always been an emphasis on stoicism and self-control at ROK. The ideological grounding for a turning away from the flesh on any basis is always interesting. Is it voluntary or involuntary, or rationalised somehow: the stoical view (which sometimes includes the religious) would both promote abstemiousness (or actual abstinence) with respect to the carnality, so that it no longer has a hold upon you. As such the issue is a question of ‘orientation’. By orientation I don’t (necessarily) mean to arse or pussy, but with respect to where your imagination and preoccupation lies. In a sense, there are three positions here (at least). There is the orientation towards carnality – which could be arses, pussy, chocolate eclairs or whatever, and then there is the orientation towards self-control or self-mastery – wherein no desire of the flesh will break ones will. In the latter case one can do this in order to be the master of the self (or in the new age sense – a living God, master of the universe, self-legislating man, in which the only carnality is to the absolute desires of the self, or alternatively to achieve self-mastery but in orientation towards God or religion or whatever. These options are not always clear, not least because the opposition can be between positions 1 & 2 or positions 1 & 3. Since the only thing tend to be agree upon here is that being a slave to the flesh is undesirable, then the real opposition is between position 1 & 3: absolute orientation towards self or God. At this point one then encounters a further issue: whether in opting for 1 or 3 one is being honest with oneself, true or false to one self.
    Re. the gnostic side of things, I still find myself trying to get such things clear in my head. Sure new age stuff is pretty gnostic, but weren’t the Cathars gnostic? The danger here is the danger that has always existed with respect to the church and its discontents: the Cathars rejected this world as the material world of the demiurge, so when they denied themselves flesh, or refused to procreate (there was sometimes the suggestion that some they might have indulged in non-procreative sex although i’ve never found proof of this) on what basis did they do so? If you abstain from sex / women / pies / pieholes or whatever why do you do so? Is it because the flesh, women, sex is sinful, inherently, and because the whole of the material world is the evil creation of an evil deimurge? Or do you so because carnality in and for itself may consume you, occupy all your thoughts and attention, become the thing one orients towards in mind body and soul/ Do you love your God with all your heart and soul? Do you love your self with all your heart and soul? Do you love cocaine, pussy and / or arses with all your mind, and soul? It’s up to each individual to choose, but one should be clear about what one chooses and why.

    1. Cathars are technically “Gnostic,” but not in the New Age sense of the term. New Agers and other fake Christians replace Christ’s sacrifice with meaningless distractions like “Christ Consciousness” while utterly removing the concept of sin and repentance from their worldview.
      Yes, I see being attached to anything in the material world as trying to make something permanent out of what is temporary. The idea of dualism between “God” and “the world,” through oddly considered a “gnostic” viewpoint by some, is found all throughout the New Testament.
      “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them.”–1 John 2:15
      Further, I think there is a lot of Biblical evidence that the “God” of the Old Testament is not the Most High God, the one that sent Christ into the world to rescue us from the world the Old Testament “God” created.
      I’ve detailed an example of my proof here, using a couple of the stories from Genesis compared to how God is described in the New Testament:

      1. thanks for your reply. I appreciate there are different traditions that could be described as gnostic, with some far-reaching implications for their relationship to the world they see themselves as inhabiting. Your mediation on the identity of the old testament God is an interesting one, although I don’t think it’s quite exclusive to the Cathar perspective, at least I’ve encountered it before a few times although I couldn’t necessarily say in what contexts. Who God is, and the nature of the Godhead are fascinating subjects and I think something that is a question that should remain active in one’s mind (and I would say the same would be true if you were an atheist: which God is it exactly that you do not believe in?). To enquire about the identity of God is always also perhaps to enquire about the morality of God. Ultimately most people don’t accept or reject God, or some idea of God, on the basis of this or that passage in the scripture (however much the Christian etc might be dependent on scripture) but because the God they believe in makes moral sense to them. The questioning of a God who might seem to be petty – whether that rejection is as merely a demiurge or impostor or on a more primae facie – ethical – level – is something that’s been going on for a while now. I would say that the issue is an ethical / aesthetic one (even before it is a theological / philosophical one. Are we merely projecting our egos, or hopes or vanities on God? The likes of Feuerbach seemed to think something of the sort. Likewise what is God’s own relationship to ego, and to jealousy, to anger and vengefulness, and ultimately to evil itself. Jung of course grapples with this issue in a way that has been troubling for many Christians. It’s interesting that the ‘Cathar’ position, seems to be rejection of this dark side of God. The demiurge becomes the God of this world, of fallen creation, a world that by virtue it’s temporality, and as such its distinctness from God, may be adjudged to be evil. I don’t entirely hold with that. Unpacking monotheism, dualism, and trinitarianism (I had a quick look at your other article) offers us a great many possibilities. My view is not that the world is evil – the temporal is after all contained within the infinite isn’t it? – but that attachment to the world, and to material things, and to the desires of vanity, flesh, ego etc – may blind us to the world beyond. It is not the world that is evil, or the God who presides over it, in my view, but rather the relationship and excessive attachment that we may have to that world.
        I respect the distance you put between wishy washy new age gnosticism and catharism (a creed I’ve always been fascinated with ever since reading the Holy Blood and the Holy Grail) but there is a great deal about the modern progressive (and new age?) world views that is profoundly hostile to the world precisely because that world, and above all reproduction and hetersexuality within it, is seen as evil, and therefore in need of improving, repairing, and even perfecting. Again I appreciate that may not be your position, but the rejection of the world and the rejection of attachment to the world may not necessarily be one and the same thing

      2. This interpretation is only possible through selective reading of the Bible and is utterly contrary to what the Bible teaches in its totality. Abandon Protestantism.
        You’re probably attracted to Catharism because you’ve experienced the extremes of sin and are reacting with the opposite extreme. This is false because the created world and sexuality are not evil.

  4. Hmmm.
    Like many here, looking at your nine months’ abstinence as some sort of achievement is, well, an achievement of sorts since you did manage to sort a few things out. However, it does seem a tad brief and encourage you to write from a truly celibate perspective, say ten years, fifteen years.
    The poisons of western feminism are sintered in the cauldron of western men’s lust, and women know that; that you’re wholly dependent on sex to validate yourself, simultaneously empowering feminism the world over.
    Maybe next article you can be more serious.
    Just echoing what many posters are commenting, with a bit of a chuckle at your chastity of nine paltry months.
    Do I look forward to it (sex), when it finally happens for me? – you betcha, fella. But it would have to be with a woman of a sort that these days, are as rare as diamonds.
    And I’m willing to wait. I’ve had my children, and there’s no urgency for me to get F’ed over again by an unscrupulous female.
    Implying that long-term celibacy will cause psychic harm is ridiculous, btw.

  5. “since leaving behind the world of harems, threesomes and one-night stands for the celibacy”
    I hope “God” gives you good company from now on.

  6. Just to clarify, by celibacy you mean also no ejaculation at all, right?

    1. For some strange reason, I have misread that as “no ejaculation at alt-right”.

  7. You might just feel better about yourself if you don’t give credit to an imaginary god for the things YOU did.

    1. And YOU just might learn something from thousands of years of tradition and experience.

      1. “I know better than the millions of people who drew experience and stability from a faith that arguably enabled the greatest of Western Civilizations”
        -Every Internet Atheist

        1. No different from the socialists who yhink they know better than millions of years of evolution and can get humans to acts like ants or bees.

    2. Believing in god allows for the understanding and power of: “they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.”
      Atheism weakens this concept and opens the door for tyranny.
      Christianity provided the comfy civilization for atheists to have the freedom and safe arrogance to question its foundations.

        1. Without submitting to a higher power, there is a vacuum in which tyranny will define what is moral and what is not. Having faith in a religion that created western civilization, that in turn went on to provide amazing advancements for humanity, is paramount for survival.
          Our enemies have faith, and with that power they will be able to conquer societies that have rotted from the lack of faith, that was replaced with consumerism, feminism, celebrity worship and multiculturalism.
          Ancient men that understood the fragility of civilizations and the destructive nature of humans devoted themselves to principals greater than themselves to live up to, thus creating a society that can defend itself from the darkness of Islam and atheism under a unified banner.
          Christianity has gotten us this far, it is no coincidence that turning away from our faith has wrought the mess we currently find ourselves in. Humans still need religion, just because we have cell phones and satellites doesn’t mean we’ve outgrown morality and spirituality. Technology is dehumanzing us because our souls are not growing alongside our material advancements.

        2. You do if you want it to stay together and flourish after conquering it.

        3. I get it now.
          You’re obviously a 20 something year old that just “discovered” the “truth” of atheism and your trolling various religious sites with your “new found” ideology that will save the world from starvation, greed and war if we all just stop believing in god.
          Sorry kid, John Lennon was wrong, and you look like every other naive millennial out there who considers himself intellectual because you read a few philosophy books.

        4. Atheism can’t be true. It’s not a claim.
          What does John Lennon have to do with this?

        5. Oh jeez, I hate that song. Why would I imagine that there’s no heaven?!? I WANT to go to heaven when I die! It’s not that I hate life (well sometimes I do) but heaven seems pretty awesome and I want to go there when I die. And plus, the song itself puts me to sleep. Boring!

  8. “what it’s been like for me since leaving behind the world of harems, threesomes and one-night stands for celibacy”
    This is not what most men leave behind when they go celibate.

    1. I agree, and I think that’s part of what’s made it so meaningful for me. I know exactly what I’m “missing out on,” so I can just focus on my mission without distraction or wandering thoughts.

  9. My journey trough game and “Red Pill” also led me to our Lord. I am not called to the celibate life, my calling is for family life… getting married next year.
    But I get what you mean by the superior state of the soul that is freed from lust by grace. It is so powerfull I often tought of going in to priesthood just to stay like this.

    1. Women will seek out a married man like they seek out a rich man. My wife’s father told it to me and I found it to be true. The forbidden fruit is what they want.

      1. Married= Pre-vetting. Someone thought highly enough of this man to pledge their life to him.

        1. It’s stupid though.
          Okay, you see a married man and he’s faithful to his wife, so he’s the committing type, and what do you do?
          Seduce him away from his vows, demonstrating that he’s not the catch you thought he was?
          Kill his wife so you can take her place?
          It goes nowhere good.
          Complete insanity to regard a married man as “pre-vetted”.
          Any man with sense would avoid like the plague a woman who only gives him the time of day after some other woman married him.

      2. In the same way they seek out a famous man or a man who dates beautiful women.

    2. It may be just a season, and it may be a lifelong calling. I have left that in His hands.

    3. Glad to hear all is well with you Truth and that you are on to the wonderful journey of being a husband and father. Wish you prosperity on your next journey brother.

  10. Cathar ? Thought they were wiped out in that Crusade…Albig…(begins with…)something or other..

      1. Wasn’t celibacy a tenant or practice of Catharism ? Reviving the Cathars ? Cool…best of luck . Joseph Smith started a brand new religion by finding some “golden plates” which have never been found and presto-chango you’ve got Mormonism…

        1. At the highest level of the Cathar hierarchy (called the “Perfects”) they did indeed swear oaths of celibacy, poverty and even vegetarianism (because Cathars believe in reincarnation, and they didn’t want to accidentally eat the soul of a dead friend or relative).
          And thanks, it will be interesting to see where it goes as it picks up steam.

        2. Why Cathar, as opposed to mainstream orthodox (with a small ‘o’) Christianity?
          Watching the Catholics call Protestants heretics all the time online, one can only imagine their response to a Cathar……

        3. After I became Saved, I began to study the Bible and consider what I was reading. I came to many conclusions independently which I did not find understood or discussed by any mainstream sect of Christianity, and only discovered Catharism when I began to explore these unorthodox opinions online.
          Upon discovering that they held many of the very same beliefs which I had logically arrived at on my own, I realized I was far from the only person to come to these conclusions and finally felt as if I had found the right “version” for me.
          I also believe there is plenty of evidence for some of its foundational beliefs in the Bible, such as dualism between “the world” and “the Father” as outlined in 1 John and elsewhere.
          This book (which I am currently updating for a modern version) explains the rationale of Cathar Dualism quite well:

        4. If youre reviving a version of christianity with reincarnation, a lot of people will not consider you “saved.”

        5. Yes a lot of basic bitch Christians will not consider him “saved” by virtue of them defaulting (for lack of intellect and more enlightened leadership to lead them on a better path) to centuries-old doctrinal orthodoxy that was originally decided upon by a 4th century conclave of clerical bureaucrats and politicians.
          And, re: “a lot of people”…Only in Protestantism, is the simpleton opinions of laypeople untrained in any metaphysical subjects given any weight whatsoever. For all the flaws of the Catholic Church, at least the more intellectual elements of the Church tried their best to extrapolate higher ethics and truths from the confused, contradictory scriptures. The Protestant mentality just encourages a constant state of rejecting any sort of intellectual or spiritual authority. Protestantism is the Dunning-Kruger effect manifest.
          After the Reformation, there was never any organized and well-learned priesthood that came along and devised a radically new version of the religion (no, the Mormons don’t count)….just firebrand idiots cherry picking bible passages (many from the demonic OT) for the purpose of promoting whatever political sentiment du-jour was hot in the currentyear of whatever year in question and using those ad-hoc reinterpretations to make incremental tweaks that did nothing to address the core flaws of the religion itself.

        6. I believe that God’s plan for each of us is unique. If you are called to raise a family, do that. If you are called to be celibate, do that. The keys are to pray, listen, and do your best to discern what you are being called to do.

        7. Is that the position of the Cathar worldview, though? My understanding is that it is a strictly antinatalist religion. But that’s exclusively from 2nd hand sources.

        8. Well, it is very difficult to know exactly what the Cathars believed, for two main reasons. First of all, nearly everything we know about them comes from Inquisition records and things they confessed to under torture. Second, there were a number of branches that do not seem to be completely monolithic in nature.
          That said, I do believe it was fundamentally antinatalist–but only for those who chose to become Perfects (the highest level of their hierarchy). Besides the Perfects, the regular followers appear to have lived pretty normal lives.
          The Perfects were antinatalists because they believed the human soul was angelic in nature, and the act of incarnating that soul into a physical body was basically like putting it in a prison. They believed in “reincarnation until salvation” though, which is somewhat deterministic and means those souls fated for reincarnation would be born as something on the Earth whether as a human or some other living thing.
          Ultimately, however, context is also important. At a time of near-universal Christian persecution and when those who most often practice it already have a birthrate below replacement level, one must take these things into consideration.

        9. Very interesting. So, I started reading your site, and it mirrors a lot of my own conclusions about Christianity, although you’ve come to a more productive point than I have.
          There’s a lot I would like to talk about, actually. For now, I’ll read your blog.

        10. “After I became Saved, I began to study the Bible and consider what I was reading. I came to many conclusions independently which I did not find understood or discussed by any mainstream sect of Christianity, and only discovered Catharism when I began to explore these unorthodox opinions online.”
          This is the fruit of the anti-authoritarian Protestant mentality, the same one that leads to Marxism.

  11. A friend is fond of quoting me on the subject: “It’s amazing how much work a man can get done when he’s not chasing pussy.”

    1. Very true. Some of these PUAs are wasting their lives. Red pill, yes. Spending the best years of your life hitting on hundreds or thousands of skanks, no.

      1. Having a look at the lives of some of the most well-known old school “PUA gurus” should be a reality check for those who think it leads anywhere meaningful down the road.

    2. Haha, my friends and I throw a similar line around every so often. And then we go chase some pussy.

  12. Great article. I confess that reading sites like this I’m often struck by schizophrenia of the articles. Either you live your life in a way that pleases God or you don’t. Being a good husband and father is in many ways predicated on being able to look back at the road travelled with a great amount of self-respect. All these articles about “game” do nothing to contribute to a lifestyle that agrees with God’s intent for us, which is — as beautifully illustrated in the story of Eden — to love Him and not play Him.
    At the end of the 90’s, when I came out of a long-term relationship with a female, I took stock of what my relationship with the Truth and fortunately came to some very important realizations. One of the principal ones was that sex belongs in the confines of marriage. When I began dating my now-wife in 2001 I had been celibate for nearly 3 years and told her that I intended on remaining thus until we were married. Because she was a virgin this presented very little trouble. We weren’t able to be married until 2010, and so in the end I went 12 years without intercourse. And I’ll tell you, it never bothered me a bit. Like going to the gym, the trouble lies in rousing yourself to make that change. Once it’s habit, you won’t be bothered again.

    1. I appreciate this comment, because it illustrates precisely why I believe God asked me to write for this site on these topics. I fully understand the situation most men are facing in the West.
      We want good women to partner up with, and are faced with what you might call “limited options.” As a result, many see no point or other way of interacting with women than to learn Game and live the player lifestyle. From the perspective of what satisfies and pleases a man personally, I completely understand as I practiced this same thing for nearly a decade.
      The very real problems with the $50-Billion Divorce Industry certainly do not help the more traditionally-minded man in his search for what used be a normal, healthy expectation.
      However, the more politically and spiritually awakened I became, I had to face a choice: either promote traditional values while living a hedonistic life, or give up the hedonistic life and be a living example of the values I held most deeply.
      If I spread Conservative knowledge while living for the flesh, then I was being a hypocrite. If I gave up my player lifestyle, I would have less “fun” but be living in a way aligned with my actual values.
      I decided I couldn’t be double-minded on the issue and chose to go a more traditional route, even at the cost of all the “fun” I was having before. Not that it ever lead me to happiness or fulfillment anyway.
      Ultimately, I believe that the only way to right the wrongs of our society, and potentially create a livable and sane situation for Americans two and three generations down the line, is to turn back to faith and let the Holy Spirit guide us.
      Spiritual warfare is not won by debate.

      1. Excellent article. It takes a very different view from most on this site. There is much more to explore from this angle, I’d love to see more follow ups.
        Questions: Did you all of a sudden cold turkey become celibate? And did you engage in any sexual activity or release whatsoever? I’d imagine it to be difficult to retain pent up energy for any long periods of time.

        1. It actually gets easier with time as you learn to channel the energy.
          The big thing, though, is to enact a spiritual change, which is to say, a change in your subjective perception.
          Basically, you just choose not to indulge in the sexual thoughts that lead to masterbation.
          I found it way easier to maintain NoFap this way vs with regular hookups. I imagine the reverse is also true – no hooking up is probably easier when you’re not using sexuality to medicate yourself.

        2. As James alluded to below, the energy is not actually pent up; it is transmuted and expressed in a different way. Otherwise, forcing oneself to try and be celibate would feel like being a “dry drunk” having a moment-to-moment battle fighting his own instincts.
          My experience with Jesus was rapid and overwhelming, and within the span of a couple days I felt like a completely new person. That said, yes I have lapsed a couple times and I don’t think perfection can reasonably be expected of anyone.
          We are called to do our best and repent when our best isn’t good enough, always invoking God’s aid to strengthen us against unclean spirits and to restore us when we fail.

      2. For all my concerns with Catharism, this we can agree on. I’ve soft nexted my whole little harem and been celibate and doing nofap for about a month now. Very intently following, “Whoever looks at a woman and lusts after her commits adultery in his heart”.
        I don’t have Christan beliefs, but Christian ideas impress me.

        1. I suggest Orthadoxy by GK Chesterton. It’s not a long read, and it’s old, so it’s tough and good. He liked the ideas, too. He ended up comparing them to his own, and he described what convinced him to look for God in the book.

  13. I think the last stage of my red-pill experience will be religion, I was educated on women, human nature and race realism from red-pill philosophy and keen observation only the woke man can see.
    I admit I was once a fire-breathing atheist, then as the red-pill took hold over the decade I realized the utter selfishness and ignorance that atheism fosters.
    Christians are obvious allies to the neo-masculine movement. The problem I am having is that the current state of Christianity has been subverted by feminism and softness like “turn the other cheek”. I work with a very devote man and his heart is in the right place, but I see him as weak and a victim of the “new Christianity” as practiced today.
    As the world polarizes more and more, and battle lines are being drawn, I will find myself on the side of Christians. However I feel we need to bring back the fire and brimstone version of it in order to temper ourselves from our enemies that would use “flower power” Christianity against us.
    Is it time to weaponize Christianity for our survival, or was it always a weapon but recently defanged?
    I humbly seek enlightenment regarding this topic. I still struggle with it.

    1. I agree. The Jesus of the New Testament was not the weak-willed cuckold that many modern Christians have deluded themselves into believing He was. There is nothing but Red Pill truth throughout the Bible, and Jesus flipped over tables and made whips to attack people who were turning the Temple in Jerusalem into a mercantile.
      One of the contributors to this site, “Michael Sebastian,” recently outlined what he called the “21 Theses Of Alt-Christianity.” I will be responding to each of these 21 Theses on my own website by the end of the weekend if not tonight, but that article is worth finding and reading.
      The sad thing is that it needs the label “Alt,” when most of what he’s outlined is exactly what Jesus and the Apostles intended in the first place. Jesus was merciful, but also embodied the principle of justice.

      1. If labeling ancient truths of Christianity as “alt” in order to rekindle its power to our culture, race and nation, then so be it.
        Long ago I thought that Christianity needed to be “rebranded” or “repackaged” to speak to ever more indoctrinated generations. I’m not saying we change it, only the perception of it for people to buy a ticket and take a ride that would surely enlighten.
        Alt-Christianity must speak to masculinity, power, a warrior’s mind-set and how service to a higher power (and thus your neighbor) is honorable and empowering.

        1. Acts 24 shows Paul in a courtroom facing some accusers. They refer to him as leader of a sect. Don’t worry. If bad people refer to you as part of a cult – or alt – you have good company.

        2. “It is often argued that religion is valuable because it makes men good, but even if this were true it would not be a proof that religion is true. That would be an extension of pragmatism beyond endurance. Santa Claus makes children good in precisely the same way, and yet no one would argue seriously that the fact proves his existence. The defense of religion is full of such logical imbecilities. The theologians, taking one with another, are adept logicians, but every now and then they have to resort to sophistries so obvious that their whole case takes on an air of the ridiculous. Even the most logical religion starts out with patently false assumptions. It is often argued in support of this or that one that men are so devoted to it that they are willing to die for it. That, of course, is as silly as the Santa Claus proof. Other men are just as devoted to manifestly false religions, and just as willing to die for them. Every theologian spends a large part of his time and energy trying to prove that religions for which multitudes of honest men have fought and died are false, wicked, and against God.”
          ― H.L. Mencken, Minority Report

        3. It’s pure bullshit. It’s a mix of several religions thrown together. Not to mention many things mentioned in the bible have been proven to be false(the flood, ect).

        4. Heh, I don’t sound like anyone. Try reading a physics or geology book sometime. Beta, funny. I’m a combat vet, and also backpacked across the country more than once.

        5. You sound Beta, like I said. A man is such due to his word, leadership and being true to himself. You think like most people, making a statement like “Read physics etc”. reading or knowing doesnt make you smart or wise, its living a life thats based on wisdom and truth. Go on now, shu shu, into she barn with all the other religion haters. You’re sooo cool.

        6. Religion isn’t wisdom or truth, though. That is the problem. I don’t think like anyone. And reading and knowing does make you smart, actually. Most of the really intelligent people I know read a lot.

      2. actually I have to disagree. Jesus would definitely have been considered “weak” by whatever standards people here use. This fact is mirrored in Isaiah 53:1. The only example here I’ve seen thrown around of him flipping over tables painting him as some sort of macho man is severely lacking when held up against everything else in Scripture. But the thing you have to realize about him being the proverbial lamb and not (yet) the lion was, that was the whole point. In Jesus’ weakness, he directly identifies with the collective weaknesses of the whole human race, suffering just like we do. And it is in that characteristic, Jesus stands alone. Every other God and person you can think of that tries to be strong or big or powerful and all the rest of it have pretty much one thing in common. From Apollo to Zeus, that’s been done over and over again, hasn’t it. And even today, not much has changed. But Jesus was different. Jesus took the lowliest form; making himself of no reputation and taking the form of a slave, and in his weakness there was strength, because of his total dependance and faith in God. And that’s exactly why the Jewish brethren of his day didn’t recognize him as their Messiah. But here’s the good news: one day he’s coming back as King. And at his second coming, he’ll be like the lion. And that’s going to be an exciting day for anyone who puts their hope and faith in Him. 🙂

        1. Fascinating comment Saxtonk. I would add, though, that there is a history of the sacrificial God – Dionysius, for example, the God of wine (could turn water into wine) and of young animals (good shepherd). He was torn to pieces by the angry father god, but came back to life, revived through miraculous love. The followers of Dionysius believed that by eating bread and wine, as a sacrifice ritual representing his flesh and blood, that they would attain eternal life. C.S. Lewis, the great Christian writer, suggested that these earlier myths are ‘true myths’ – preparations for Christianity.

        2. I suppose it’s a matter of perspective. When I read about Jesus calling the Pharisees “children of the Devil” to their faces, and refusing to budge even one single inch from His mission and purpose even in the face of violence and persecution…I see tremendous strength. And even more than that, I see love. All that He endured, He endured for us.

        3. Our Lord Jesus, with no army, weapons or political favours at hand preached hard facts to the Pharisees and Scribes. THAT takes courage and love for the Truth. Jesus is the Epitome of Man.

      3. Jesus did not attack anyone. He used these whips he made to drive the cattle out of the temple.

        1. Drove both out, but the whips were for the cattle. That is how you make cattle move.

    2. Great comment. I was raised pentecostal, and it seems only thr feel good side of the bible and christianity was focused on in my church. Jesus comes across as kind of a hippy the way they talk about his love etc.
      I always had a hard time believing he was loving, while still inventing a hell. So the idea of going into the world saying ” my god is right and yours is a trick, but mine loves you and forgives you for … not knowing yet” just didnt line up for me.
      Red pill showed me the purpose of religion, how the fear and respect for God keeps a family together, and in turn that benefits all of society. So in that regard, id rather ignore the lovey dovey parts of the bible honestly.

      1. Religion provides the carrot and the stick for those who need that level of discipline.
        Religion also provides a road map for a functional civilization to prosper, but it requires faith of all its citizens for it to function correctly.
        When liberals / Marxist began mocking Christians in popular culture it took about 2 generations to see it as antiquated, or for rubes. The church subsided in local communities. Families and neighbors lost the glue of “faith” that held cultural values in place in order to prosper.
        Once Christianity was back-seated by Hollywood and pop culture the government was all to happy to step in and begin injecting new age morals into society. A role they have no business in.
        Neo-masculinity with firebrand Christianity can help us reclaim neighborhoods and towns across the country. We need new leaders in the church.

        1. Fortunately, every study I’ve seen on the topic demonstrates that liberal churches tend to lose their membership rapidly, while conservative churches not only retain their members but tend to grow as well. People are craving real spiritual meat, not the watered-down “progressive” nonsense they could just as easily consume by watching TV instead of going to church at all.
          Link to study:

    3. I am right there with you!
      I am also looking for the Faith of my ancestors, the proud Crusaders!
      And not for some flower-power, let’s turn the other cheek, progressive “Judeo-Christianity”!
      I want an intolerant Church!
      A burn the witches and the heretics at the stake sort of Church!
      A lets take back the Holy Land from the dirty Ismaelites and Israelites type of Church!
      A Church that does not lick the asses of the Jews, always trying to appease the very murderers of Christ, being afraid to be called “Anti-Semites”!
      I want an Anti-Semitic Church.
      A Church that does not wash the feet of Muslim criminals in front of TV cameras for all the world to watch!
      I want a Crusader Church intent on Reconquista of Europe!
      A Church that knows its teachings are right, a Church which preached the same message for the last 2017 years.
      I want my real, oldschool Christianity back!
      And I am not alone with this longing.
      We are not alone with this wish.
      There is a Christian awakening among Red Pilled youth in the West.
      But not a single one of us would accept the cucked, PC version, the “Judeo-Christianity”.
      We want the oldschool, the hardcore, the real deal: the Christian Faith of our ancestors back.

      1. As long as you are part of the crazed mob doing the burning, right?!
        “Civilization, in fact, grows more maudlin and hysterical; especially under democracy it tends to degenerate into a mere combat of crazes; the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary. Wars are no longer waged by the will of superior men, capable of judging dispassionately and intelligently the causes behind them and the effects flowing out of them. They are now begun by first throwing a mob into a panic; they are ended only when it has spent its ferine fury.”
        ― H.L. Mencken, In Defense Of Women

    4. Perhaps in those biblical days men were men simply because life was tough. A little gentleness and turning the other cheek might have been fairly unusual in those days.

    5. remember that Jesus derived his strength from within and from above. he was not the “it takes a village type”; his spiritual strength was not derived from followers, popularity, or community support (e.g., the Church). imho and as a life-long christian (much older guy here), your walk with God and Jesus is a solo one, your individual journey, like Enoch walked with God for some 300 years (Genesis 5:22-24). And you will know that is true after you reflect and look back at your years and know that truth in the footprints in the sand poem: he was always there pulling you through your most difficult times. Likewise, in the end when it’s time for you to swim to across the river of life into eternity, you will need to have the strength of faith that God and Jesus cultivated in you to make it there.

  14. Nah you can’t leave without sex it is a basic human need like sleeping or eating.
    One Connot go a full life in celibacy without going nuts 🥜
    Priest or a bad exemple of celibacy I am catholic and most priest look weak & sick conversely to the orthodox ones.
    Also I do “no fap”.
    And I can tell you no fap with dry spell is a bad combination even if you release energy trough weightlifting. You just start going zfg mad…
    Its ok if you leaves in Papua New Guinea but not for Europe im sorry.
    Anyway having a healthy sexual life with someone you really enjoy fucking changes your life.

    1. Paul said marry if you burn with passion, but single to Christ if possible.

    2. From cathar.info: “Procreative sex was bad, since conception would result in another soul being trapped. For this reason, normal sex between man and wife was as bad as any other procreative sex. Marriage was worthless, while contraception was regarded with approval. Also, there was no reason to condemn any form of non-procreative sex.”
      So fapping and buggery are a-okay.

      1. The word ‘buggery’ from the Bogomils, predecessor heretics to the Cathars.

        1. If the bogomils practised buggery it would be interesting to know if there was any evidence that the cathars may also have been indulgent towards non-procreative sex. Someone here – not sure if it was you – suggested that they might have been, but I haven’t really found the idea elsewhere. My understanding of the cathars was always that their lives were impossibly ascetic, and that progression towards become Perfect required complete abstinence. It seems likely that to the extent that catharism overlapped with regular (catholic) christianity, that would make sense, but the question might be asked whether there might for logical reasons have have been a secret core? That’s pure speculation, but it would make sense. One has only to think of the kind of allegations which were later (not that much later) made against the Templars to see that the idea that secret societies / cults might practise some kind of reversal of regular sex was not unknown. Again I would stress that in the absence of real evidence I am more thinking aloud than advancing an argument

        2. ok, the website you linked to answers the question I put, at least to the extent it is accurate. Here is the relevant quote. Unsurprisingly perhaps it is extremely anti-catholic, and argues that any allegations of sodomy, were based on a misplaced logical assumption about what being anti-procreative must involve.
          “Roman Catholic Propaganda: Sodomy.
          There is no evidence that Cathars were given to practice sodomy.
          The accusation probably stems from the observation that the Cathars regarded procreative sex as worse than non-procreative sex. So, Catholic theologians reasoned, Cathars must regard sodomy as being less culpable than conventional sex (true) and they must have practiced the former (false).
          This was an effective and persistent accusation. Remember that Cathars were given many names. When they first appeared in Western Europe they were known to have come from the area be know as Bulgaria. They were thus called Bulgres, a word that Church propaganda turned into French Bougre and English Bugger.
          Ironically, sodomy has always been widely practiced in the Catholic Church, though never formally condoned. Various church orders were famous for it – Voltaire was particularly fond of ribbing the Jesuits about how widespread it was in their Order. And it was not only practised between Catholic men – anal sex was commonly practiced in Catholic countries between man and wife as a means of contraception.
          Since Cathars had no moral objection to other forms of contraception it seems likely that, on average, Cathars would have had less need for recourse to this practice as a means of contraception, so it is possible that they practised sodomy rather less than their Catholic counterparts.”

        3. Re: contraception, what did they have in those days? A quick search suggests condoms are only 200 or 400 years old. Also, apparently they practiced abortion.

        4. I think the Perfect ones were extremely ascetic and ordinary people didn’t have to be so. (I understand as you were dying you were administered the Consolamentum and became Perfect; if you recovered you had to live up to that role!)
          Did the Bogomils, Cathars, Templars, etc. really practice homosexuality or was it just a slur? Here’s an interesting, pro-gay source, from a History of Homophobia that generally suggests they did:
          Apparently the Inquisition term for these heresies was “heretical pravity”, like “depravity”.
          Interestingly enough another early meaning for ‘bugger’ was ‘usurer’. The Cathars had nothing against usury (as didn’t the Templars).
          Here’s the two-on-a-horse Templar symbol. Rumors fly.

        5. I don’t know, sheep intestines? Bottom sex can certainly be used as a form of contraception (at least, within a heterosexual relationship). Clearly there is a distinction to be made between pragmatic buggery and – if you like – ideological buggery, where the non-reproductive aspect of arse-fucking is precisely the (negative) value of the act
          Who would have thought bumming was such a philosophical act

        6. interesting article, although he doesn’t provide references, which makes it hard to check what he is claiming. I suspect his belief that the allegations of homosexuality (amongst other allegations) were true, may reflect his position that there was nothing shameful in the allegations, rather than they were shameful and simply ‘enemy propaganda’. So while I do think he makes a strong and coherent case, the best evidence he comes up with relate to the prevalence of homosexuality in the village of Montaillou, and some written evidence that the knights templar engaged in homosexual initiation rites (as with other secret societies / covens). It makes sense, but when he just asserts that the templars quickly adopted eastern mores, including homosexuality, without saying how he arrived at that conclusion, one can only assume he’s proceeding from the consideration mentioned above. That picture is rather a good find. But who created it, friend or foe? On balance though I think there’s probably a case that the allegations were not without some merit

        7. Two men on a horse was a Templar symbol, there are statues like that and many other pictures.

        8. Some claim no one had thought to make a condom out of animal intestines yet; others say the Egyptians already had them. But then contraception includes bottom sex as you say and such things as pulling out at the last moment, timing against ovulation, etc.
          Anal sex is definitely some sort of occult initiation rite for some, Crowley for example. Maybe even the Templars, but I don’t think Bogomils or Cathars.

        9. For Crowley it was about sex magick. Trying to walk that kind of thing back to the Cathars (don’t know much about the bogomils so couldn’t say) would probably be a mistake as to the best of my knowledge the evidence suggests they were extreme ascetics. Probably best to keep an open mind on the issue though. There has been, and still is a lot of propaganda on this issue, as in some senses it becomes a catholic versus the rest of the world kind of affair.

        10. Right, I’m not trying to connect Crowley to the Cathars at all, as I said I didn’t think they did stuff like this (anal sex as occult initiation rite).
          I’m responding to “Who would have thought bumming was such a philosophical act”, yeah it can be.

        11. Sure, I wasn’t suggesting that you thought there might be a connexion i.e. some kind of secret tradition / rite etc. I imagine sex magick goes back quite far. In a very broad sense all celibacy, re-redirection of or sublimation of sexual energy etc, taps into the same kind of territory

      2. I am not associated with “cathar.info” and don’t agree at all with their view on “non-procreative sex,” assuming you are quoting them accurately to begin with. The Cathar Perfects didn’t engage in marital sex because they saw all indulging in fleshly pleasure as inherently bad (among other reasons), so there is no reason at all to believe they would condemn that while encouraging other forms of sex.

        1. Ha, ha, you imply I’m just making this up, you turkey? Here’s a better link: http://www.cathar.info/cathar_beliefs.htm#implications
          “I am reviving the Cathar Church.” and “it will be interesting to see where it goes as it picks up steam.” Megalomania, much? Why not go to the Languedoc and talk to some Cathars?
          So you’re the leader of the Cathars now and retroactively and we’re supposed to care you are not associated with “cathar.info”?

        2. I was a bit harsh: I’m not really an asshole, I just play one on the Internet. Not a big fan of Gnosticism.
          Apparently a lot of Cathars escaped to the Spanish Pyrenees. Also there’s currently a guy who calls himself ‘John Bogomil’, I think out of Eastern Europe, sort of a neo-Cathar with a following.
          My understanding was they didn’t like procreative sex because it reincarnated souls on the Earth.

        3. I took a trek up Montsegur once to the hillfort where they held out. Just to check they weren’t still holed up there. The church burned them on the field below the mountain.

    3. You’re making shit up and projecting. Celibacy is a perfectly healthy lifestyle. Nearly all spiritual masters are celibate. Sex is for marriage and you only get the idea it’s some sort of “need” that must be pursued at all costs from living in a pornified society.
      And most Orthodox priests look like homeless men.

      1. Ok my questions are you religious ?
        Have you lived in abstinence ? (How long &a how did you feel)

  15. God is so great….why doesn’t he do something for all the children that are being raped in the ass and sodomized while I type this. How do ‘angels’ look down in bliss upon an earth while people are starving, being tortured by despots and the earth in some places razed for profit upon profit for 5 extra yachts and 10 Maserati’s while janitors work hard to be spit on by their employers.
    yea, right.

    1. While I don’t give 2 dead flies about janitors, I will say this. God allowed me to be treated lower than dirt and less than human for 12 straight years of me life. The first 17 of which I was a devout Catholic, with 5 years as an altar boy. God turned his back on me at birth. I have turned my back on him since adulthood.

      1. While I was reading your article I was reminded of the Gnostics. Why are you referring to a website such as this? Do you not realise that gnosticism has nothing to do with Christianity? The main purpose of the book of 1 John was a warning about Gnostic teachings which were infecting churches at the time – i.e. the teaching that denied the divinity of Christ. There is an mysterious attraction to the esoteric teachings of gnosticism, but it will lead you far from the pure gospel of Christ.

        1. Just the opposite–1 John (probably my favorite letter in the whole New Testament) was likely a warning against the branch of Gnosticism which claimed that Christ never had a physical body, but was some kind of “divine phantom” instead. He was warning against those branches which denied the humanity of Christ.
          “Gnostic” is a wide umbrella, embodying many different types of beliefs. Some are extremely dangerous and guaranteed to mislead men away from Jesus, others (like Catharism) are just different takes on things like the Old Testament and whether the dogma of the Catholic Church makes any difference for salvation.

        2. To say “just different takes on things” greatly minimizes how Cathar beliefs differ. According to those, isn’t the Creator of the world Satan?

        3. Depending on who you ask, the Creator of the world would be seen as either a malevolent being, or simply a flawed and lesser one than the true Most High God.

        4. Please read “The Scandal of the Incarnation”, Hans Urs von Balthasar’s edit of Irenaeus.

  16. This was clearly written by a woman who wants men to feel guitly for their God-given sexual desire.
    American white men especially live with far too much guilt. Try celibacy to clear your mind or focus on God if you want, but im sick of being told to be ashamed of everything that feels natural.
    Men deserve to be happy and free, and our pursuit of those goals drives all of society forward. We should be honored and supported for everything that makes us men. That includes our sexual desire, our will to win, and the pleasure we get from accomplishments.

    1. Would a good father reward his son for behaving like a wild animal?

      1. “Good father” seems like an oxymoron in a religion that considers procreative sex to be bad.

  17. Michael, first thing I would like to say is congratulations on your spiritual path. And secondly, I’m impressed by your use of the courage and intellect needed to embrace a “heretical” form of Christianity that isn’t Judeo-cucked like all the mainstream (Pauline) varieties.
    As someone who has long studied and dabbled in various occult/esoteric/gnostic areas of research (I am pretty familiar with the Cathars and their history, along with that of several other Manichean offshoots), it’s pretty cool to come across a fellow seeker who also happens to be red-pilled on the various mundane elements of human nature. Most people these days who get into alt-spirituality seem to fall into the New Age BS trap. As we both know, New Age tends to reject order, hierarchy, objective morality and other key elements of Natural Law; in other words, it’s yet another modern ideology that follows in the footsteps of Protestantism, which itself is the Dunning-Kruger Effect manifest.
    I am quite interested in a religious revival that can (a) successfully avoid any form of Judeo-cuckery and thus refrain from elevating the Hebrew “God” to anything beyond a spiritual entity (or group of entities that you allude to in some of your writings) specific to the Jews, and (b) serve as a uniting force against all the cultural dysfunctions of modernity and be something that can unite entire communities of people deeply committed to both preserving and evolving Western Civilization. Your work looks to be pointing in the direction of promising. And of course (c), function a religious path that harmonizes faith and reason, which you seem more than committed to doing.
    I look forward to reading more of your work!

    1. Thank you Mr. Maximus, nice to meet you and glad you enjoyed the article.

  18. “The failings of New Age philosophy are many and varied, but this is perhaps the most serious and damaging of them all. At one point or another, I was a part of many different systems of spirituality which all more or less branched off the “New Age Tree”—and one thing they all had in common was the ultimate conclusion that “God” was just a metaphor for “you.””
    You have misunderstood. The ultimate conclusion is that “God” is within all of us. In that way, we are all God. Because God is within us.
    Therefore, the third thing you learned from being celibate you did not learn correctly.

    1. That’s called pantheism, and it’s not what Jesus or the Apostles were preaching. They taught complete separation of the material and spiritual worlds (with the exception of “the Kingdom of God” being within those believers who had received the Holy Spirit, and hence “died to the world” anyway).
      “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not from the Father but from the world.”–1 John 2:15-16

      1. I disagree with your definition of what that is called. And so do many modern theologians. That is my Christian faith you are talking about, sir, and what I live by.
        It’s not up to you to decree who follows the teachings of God and our Savior and who does not. So cut it out.
        God is within us all at all times.

        1. If you believe “God is within us all at all times” is what Christ was preaching, you are badly misinterpreting Scripture and/or listening to deceivers who are trying to lead you astray from the core message of the Gospel.
          The Holy Spirit is what you receive when you repent for sin and believe in the risen Christ, and most New Age pseudo-Christians like to ignore that part and continue living in sin while convincing themselves they’re “doing it right.”
          I’m not accusing you of doing that, but it’s a slippery slope and I encourage you to look into whether whoever taught you that doctrine has also removed the ideas of sin and repentance from their teachings.
          Pantheism is a Platonic philosophy which, though Paul occasionally injects it into his letters due to his own admitted tendency to say anything he thought would work to gain more followers, is absolutely nowhere to be found in anything Christ said.
          Steven Bancarz did a great video about this, which I encourage you watch here:

        2. Who appointed you to decide who is misinterpreting anything?
          I told you, bub.
          You don’t have the God line on interpreting the Bible and the teachings of Christ and the Word of God.
          I’m not interested in your interpretations of my faith, which is between myself and Jesus. It’s none of your business, mate.
          Being celibate must have infected your brain. I’m glad you came to the Bible, but that doesn’t mean you have the only angle on it.
          So many who come to faith through celibacy or whatever other method then as their next thing, pretend that they somehow know the only proper way to be Christian.
          It’s ok. I forgive your arrogance and un-Christian attitude toward other Christians. I recommend you go back to celibacy and meditate on Christ’s message.

        3. Your faith certainly was not my business…but then you went out of your way to attack mine. Don’t be a crybully; it’s unbecoming.

        4. Typical bigot who is just like Islamists about his Christianity. Sad!

        5. I notice that you erased your reply that I went out of my way to attack you. That was because you realized that was bullshit.
          I questioned your misinterpretation of many modern Christians. You had it wrong, and when it was explained to you what the difference that you were missing was, you doubled down and said even that correction was still not-Christian.
          Then you got all female and emotional about it. Now you are calling names.
          You need to go back to the celibacy, bud. You got more work to do.

  19. Thanks, but I’d rather get laid once in a while just the same.
    (I rather enjoy the feel of a warm body next to me along with the smell of clean hair and perfume in the morning.)
    Really, this is all a rationalization for self flagellation. It has infected Christianity, unfortunately, for the last 2000 years. And it’s proponents have all turned out to be conflicted and hypocritical nutters.of one stripe or another, creating vastly more problems than they claim to solve.
    (““Lord, make me chaste – but not yet!”)
    Best to push this guy, this Michael Witcoff, into a dark, quiet corner where he can continue to huddle down in solitary misery, muttering darkly to himself. Best instead just to ignore him and find somebody attractive who will add a bit of joy to your life.
    Just a thought.
    P.S. He claims to be a “Practicing Cathar.” OK. Time to do some reading a la Google. Thumbnail: Nice enough people with some good qualities but they didn’t believe in sex.
    Oh, and the Cathar Heresy also got them killed:
    “Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.”
    Wanna’ be like them?

    1. Whoa, practicing Cathar, missed that bit! As I understand it they feel that the God that created the world, that most Christian religions worship is actually Satan. So if “the only hope for salvation is to unite under one faithful banner” that doesn’t seem too likely.
      I used to think they were cool, what with having a crusade against them, certainly the priests and Church of the time tended to be corrupt, holding out in Montsegur, last place the Holy Grail was located in legend, but now, to me, they seem more like a creepy cult.

      1. see my other comment. Out of interest have you read the Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, or do you know of this from the (regular) history books? The Holy Grail reference suggests the former, although that books (eventually) identifies the grail as the sang real, jesus’ physical bloodline. If Given the implications that the world was the creation of an evil demiurge, what would be the implication for such a holy / royal bloodline, since all other procreation is condemned?
        Catharism and that tradition is a strange one, and there may be more than meets the eye there

        1. Not surprising to find you here. (“I’ll take obscure religious sects for $100, Alex.”)
          I first heard about Cathars back in my college days in French authors Pauwel and Bergier’s Morning of the Magicians, which I believe covered the Nazi era German scholar Otto Rahn’s mission to Montsegur including a search for the Grail. So I do have a taste for the speculative, however a couple of years later I read a more scholarly book about the various heresies, Manichean, Bogomils, Cathars, etc.
          I could be slightly bitter on this topic because these ideas created a rift between me and my girlfriend at the time, in retrospect that would have been a good time for me making babies!
          I’ve read Holy Blood Holy Grail, other books by those authors and others. (I even saw the Tom Hanks movie but skipped the Dan Brown book.) The idea that Mary M., perhaps with Jesus’ kids, wound up in the south of France seems popular there. So yeah, did they smuggle a descendant down the mountain from Montsegur the night before it fell? The implication I suppose would be they want Jesus’s descendants to rule on Earth, also Cathars would be the true Christianity.

        2. Can’t go wrong with obscure religious sects….unless you join one.
          I’ve heard of the Morning of the Magicians but haven’t read it. That’s just the sort of thing the nazis would have been looking for. I found the HBHG to be fascinating, even if ultimately it remains fanciful. There are few myths about montsegur, although the idea that it was the ark or the grail that was smuggled out is pretty hard to swallow. Also I don’t quite get why an anti-materialist / anti-reproductive sect would have any truck with the idea that jesus’ descendants – a holy / royal bloodline – would be some kind of great treasure to be preserved – unless there might be something messianically transformative involved. It’s interesting that the secret society the authors investigated was a ‘prieure de sion’ as the mere title seems reminiscent of jewish messianism, and indeed of the idea that the messiah would need to be a descendent of the biblical David. It was quite common I think for royal families to claim davidic descent, and even the windsors do so I believe. What was different about the HBHG reveal, and this was perhaps more apparent in the da vinci code (rip off of the HBHG) was the implication that this holy grail, reflected the sacred feminine somehow. Returning to the cathars, it is noticeable perhaps that the cathars rejecting the body, as a tomb of corruption, seem to have regarded men and women equally at least for spiritual purposes

        3. Morning of the Magicians was my first introduction to alternative and more speculative history. It might be dated now. I think there’s a large body of this sort of stuff in French that doesn’t get translated; I imagine HBHG stumbled upon some of this and mined it.
          I see what you mean now. If we are spirits who incarnate in a fleshly shell, what value would a line of inheritance have?
          Yeah, Prieure de Sion is even rendered Prieure de Zion sometimes. They rarely show up as big behind-behind-the-scenes movers in conspiracy talk nowadays.
          I think there is a recurrent sacred feminine theme associated with the Cathars and that area of France. Some say the troubadors somehow evolved from that line of thought.

        4. Some Cathar sects allowed women into the “priesthood” on equal terms with men, though most of them believed that your last incarnation before true salvation had to be as a male. It’s one of the odd contradictions of their beliefs and practices, though not all Cathar sects allowed women to reach the highest level.

        5. There are a lot of beliefs in catharism – at least such that we know of – that need perhaps to be unpacked to more fully understand their implications. Their understanding of the world (and the nature of good and evil) and their attitude towards sex / reproduction is the most obvious of these. Their attitudes to women is another, as is their attitude to human perfectability, something which sits uncomfortably with the notion of human sin (if not necessarily with original sin per se). The role of reincarnation is another interesting one, particularly insofar as it might have implications for human sinfulness and perfection.

        6. that’s exactly right, although in fairness they seem to have credited their debt to the french writers who first introduced the (french) public to the mysteries of rennes le chateau and the prieurie de sion. In fact they seem to have been writing very much for the english speaking world.
          The reason the prieurie de sion rarely show up in conspiracy theory these days is because it’s generally considered to have been an elaborate hoax. At least that’s what I’ve heard. Apparently Pierre Plantard, the guy who seems to have started it all, apparently admitted as much. One can never tell though, it’s not unknown for hoaxers to “admit” to something once their work has served its purpose so to speak.
          I agree that there is a long tradition of the sacred feminine running at least from the middle ages to the present, and the troubador / knightly romance tradition is no doubt a part of that. What the connection to the cathars etc was is not necessarily clear. Their rejection of the body could be seen as either pro-female / anti-female insofar as any kind of biological grounding would become irrelevant to the extent that one transcended such a debased carnal nature

        7. Fundamentally, the Cathar attitude toward the darkness of the world and the spiritual value of celibacy is no different at all from what Paul and John talk about in the New Testament. Paul says “he who marries will have worldly trouble, and I do not wish this for you.”
          I don’t agree with everything Paul says, but I get what he’s saying there. John writes in 1 John “whoever loves the world does not have the love of the Father in them.” The core of Catharism is dualism, which is not part of the Old Testament but arguably a huge part of the New Testament.
          Some Cathar sects allowed women into the higher levels, others did not. They were completely stamped out by a patriarchal warrior culture (the Catholics), which is more or less the same pattern we find occurring in countries with women at the helm right now across the West and the Islamic invasion those women are doing nothing at all to stop in those countries.
          Women in Church leadership roles (at least those with authority over men) is indeed contradictory to what Paul writes a number of times, so it seems the original Cathars made a mistake by ignoring these statements.
          Thus, as I mention on my blog at http://www.michaelwitcoff.com, I think it is wise to return a male-led form of Catharism. Even those Cathar sects which allowed women to reach the highest levels, it seems, had a somewhat dissonant belief that you still had to have your final incarnation as a male before true salvation could occur.
          I don’t believe any of the Middle Age Cathars believed in human perfectibility, and nor do I. I don’t think any Christian, of any stripe, can really believe in it.
          Reincarnation is a belief as old as time itself, found in the New Testament a number of times (particularly with Elijah and Moses), and Cathars believe in “reincarnation until salvation.” In essence, Cathars believe in reincarnation into the physical world (in one form or another) until you become Saved–after that round, you rejoin the Heavenly Host and are free of the cycle of reincarnation.
          It’s similar to the Buddhist concept of Nirvana, except that it requires Jesus.

        8. Upon a little bit of further research, perhaps it’s just a popular legend or uncertain that the Cathars revered Mary Magdalene. I think definitely females had more equality in Cathar society for back then. I thought maybe there was also some connection with all of the Grail legends of that time.
          I guess author Otto Rahn promoted much of the connections between Cathars, Templars, and the Holy Grail. He claimed the medieval epic poem Parzival had information about the history of these groups. He also claimed the Cathars worshipped Lucifer.
          Interesting discussion on an interesting subject for me.

        9. catharism has a romantic appeal about it, not least because its hard not to identify it as the good guy simply by virtue of the militant church that wiped it out of existence, although in doing so perhaps some of its tenets if not necessarily practices may have been driven underground. I do wonder whether that status permits us to romanticise it somewhat. Even aside of its generally (if not as you indicate uniformly) progressive position on women it is sometimes seen as a perhaps purer kind of church, perhaps less for scriptural reasons (I’m not qualified to judge) but certainly on account of its pacifism and non-violence. The dualism aspect seems to me more serious in its implications than you’re making out, even if there is dualism in the new testament. The “whoever loves the world does not have the love of the Father in them” can be read as a statement about the world as a form of corruption / evil (that the Father rejects) or it can be read as pertaining to the individual in relationship to that world, i.e. as an orientation towards the things of this world, the impermanent, trifling and vain, and of course (excessive) sexual desire etc. Now if you take the former view – that is that the world should be rejected (in the case of the Cathars because it is the work of an evil demiurge) then one does indeed generate a dualism between good and higher world of the spirit and a lower corrupt material world. If on the other hand you take the latter view, there is simply no reason to adjudge the world, it’s vices or pleasures etc as evil, or even as needing to be rejected for it is not the world that is the problem but your relationship to it. The idea wouldn’t have been intelligible to the Cathars perhaps back then but one could say that in a sense they could be seen as projecting their sense of sin and fallen-ness onto the world – although in fairness if there were a bunch of bloodthirsty crusaders after me inclined to burn me on a pyre or whatever then I probably wouldn’t consider the world a particularly rosy place. But that’s essentially a separate issue, the problem of theodicy, of evil in the world (although the Cathar solution is to reject the church’s pre-supposition of the goodness of the god of this world). As such I guess you can argue that there is dualism in the new testament, but to do so shifts the responsibility off the back of the individual (sinner) and on to a world that of its own accord sins by its very nature. Now I appreciate that the Cathars may not have been inclined to think human beings were perfectable in any sense that would be recognisable to us (i.e. in comparison to the modern occult notion of the same) but even so the tendency here is towards a reversal of positions: as one becomes more perfected (through ascetic practice or reincarnation or whatever) one effectively leaves behind a world that will contain all the sin, that you as one who partook of that world, is in the processing of leaving behind. Is that identical to regular christianity? I’m not sure. The christian God is indeed a Father in heaven yet he is also the creator of the world, and therefore bears some responsibility for the evil within it, at least ultimately, and the christian rationalisation of how a good God can allow evil in the world always returns to the possibility of human freedom. So there is dualism, but it is only provisional, and instrumental: the Christian God is still a monotheistic God, just as much so as the jewish one (I note your article on the trinity though).

        10. I must read up about this Otto Rahn fellow. I wasn’t aware anyone claims the Cathars worshipped Lucifer. There is certainly some historical and geographical proximity to the grail legends, but whether there is a direct connection is hard to say. I came across a book the other day that seemed to suggest that driving the extermination of the cathars may have driven some ideas underground. This was in the context of the history of the tarot, which obviously features fairly heavily in the occult. I will certainly check out this Otto Rahn fellow

        11. He has a couple of books, Crusade Against the Grail and Lucifer’s Court that sound interesting.
          Elsewhere I categorized him as a ‘Nazi era German scholar’, not sure how much of a Nazi he was, but he was on an official mission to check out Montsegur.

        12. those nazi scholars really managed to think outside of the box so to speak. Rahn does sound interesting. I also thoroughly recommend visiting the Montsegur and languedoc area if you haven’t been there. If nothing else it is a beautiful part of the world with a rich bloody history

        13. The Cathar concept of hell is the material world itself, and so the judgment after death sends a person’s soul either to reincarnation in the material world (if they were not Saved), or back to Heaven (if they were). I do believe in an ultimate Judgment Day as well, when all fleeting things will pass away and only the truth will remain.

    2. “the feel of a warm body next to me”
      To me this is what sex is really about. Not the gymnastics, but the company.

  20. Great solution (sarcasm) to the existential crisis in Europe: Promote a religion that brings down the birth rate to ideally zero.

      1. If you don’t want to Shake, try Quivering instead. The Quiverfull branch of Christianity believes all forms of birth control are wrong and families should produce as many offspring (that is, future soldiers for Christ) as they possibly can.

      1. Yes, but the author wants to revive Catharism, not garden variety Christianity. They felt procreation was bad in that it bound reincarnated souls to one more round in the earthly realm, I believe.

        1. Only the highest tier of the Cathars practiced celibacy. The vast majority of them led lives completely indistinguishable from that of any good Christian.

        2. Well here you are promoting celibacy and Catharism.
          I’d disagree about “lives completely indistinguishable from that of any good Christian”. They were after all judged and harshly punished by the Church for being heretics.
          They’d seem more modern in those days: no communion or confession, I believe, belief in reincarnation, more female equality, access to abortion and birth control.

        3. Absolutely not “access to abortion and birth control.” I already explained this to you; the Perfects turn their backs on all worldly pleasures whether it results in procreation or not. They were punished by the Church because so many Christians were converting from Catholicism to Catharism after listening to debates and observing the difference in lifestyle.

        4. I am not talking about the Perfects here but the ordinary people. You claimed the ordinary Cathars were indistinguishable from other Christians. I pointed out areas in which they differed.
          What about abortion and birth control for non-Perfects?

  21. So you went from obsessing over sex as the ultimate pleasure to be constantly pursued to obsessing over sex as the ultimate obstacle to be feared. Two sides of the same deranged coin. Some of us are capable of moderation and can keep eating, shitting, having sex and other biological functions in their proper place without needing rules or an overarching philosophy.

    1. Yeah, the middle ground is again the best bet, but for men sex is quite difficult to balance. Being successful with women implies a lot of work, and it is always uncertain, particularly if you are after some quality. You can not “plan” sex because it does not only depend on you.

  22. Good article, Michael. Better than the last one. More relatable. Tomorrow I’m going to church. I’ll take my kids. Every week I hope I meet some girl worth my time. I hope a friend will tell me she’s interested, or vice versa. I don’t want to exactly make things at church wierd, because I did that at work with a coworker, and it was awkward. She and I were in an exclusive relationship, but I made a couple mistakes and let’s just say I won’t be going to her church when I go tomorrow. Although she rhetorically was most what I’m looking for, she said something was off. I wonder if it was the three month relationship without sex. None at all. She always wanted to make out, though. Also she was tall, 30, a virgin, and red head, but she couldn’t cook. Go figure. I think the reason I’m personally always hooked on ladies (and never hookers, btw) is because I’m really just lonely. I love my alone time, but I had a lot of friends growing up, and they’re all married now. Unlike me they stayed married. A couple definately settled instead of pilling-up. They’re almost never free. So, yeah, now I’m looking for God’s plan, and I don’t even like my plans, but I’m afraid to quit my planning, I think. I still want a lady, but it’s not my reason to go to church. I’m not serving the flesh. It’s definitely left wanting. I tried the no-sex thing. It’s the right approach for an ltr they say. I think maybe “what the world needs now” isn’t love sweet love, it needs the next fathers making sure their daughters get married to older guys instead of leaving guys in the tough spot of the current american dating scene. I mean, the girls are out there, dads just let them get fat, dyed, inked, pierced, employed, and independent. Boss your daughter around while she’s a minor, keep her under your thumb, and set her up with an older gentleman from your local tribe or church who seems up to snuff. Just like the old ways. I have a daughter. That’s what I’m gonna do: pay it forward. In the mean time, maybe God tells me what I’m here for. I think it involves drawing or painting. You guys have a good night. Chins up.

    1. “”..I meet some girl worth my time””
      – this. is. key.
      remember: worth your effort.

      1. You are welcome. To write such kind of articles is good.
        The society becomes degraded admiring boring shit how to travel over the world for sex. Seams that for some men this is the meaning of life.

        1. I understand the appeal, especially when the hormones are raging and it seems pointless to do anything but indulge in pleasure-seeking activities. However, at the end of the day, a functioning society is only possible through the behavior of its citizens.
          If we can put aside our own desires and stay focused on making sure our nation is restored to some level of sanity 2 or 3 generations down the line, I think we can all make a meaningful impact by turning back to God instead of losing ourselves to hedonism.
          Every great endeavor requires sacrifice.

  23. Isaac Newton was asked what the secret of his genius was when he was on his deathbed. His answer…………..”I am a virgin”.
    Think about how much time you spend thinking about sex. I am not condemning it, just saying. I am the same. But imagine all that brain capacity channnelled in other avenues.
    For me, marriage has been the best solution. But as society crumbles, the mystic monk, the married person, the player all have important things to say. Roosh gives voice to all.
    I used to be more mystic than now, meditated hard, even had various powerful out of body experiences and lucid dreaming.
    I still pray and meditate and read scripture, and try to be a holy material man, while carrying around the awareness that this material realm is only part of reality. I know longer reach for the spirit directly but limit myself to converntioanl seeking. In short, I think that it is not my calling to be a mystic monk, but I am grateful to those who do. I actually was made aware spiritually, I think, that the hyper-spiritualized seeking I was engaging in was not proper the way I was doing it. (I recongnize that others are capable of doing it right.)
    So my compromise has been to return to converntional life but with, I think, a more enlightened perspective. For example, I now see certain earthly pursuits in a spiritual light. Like gardening as an intersection of heavenly, earthly and human cooperation. Or getting up and going to work in the morning as fulfilling the task God place before Adam.
    I am thankful that convention still worked for my generation. But it is not working now, as the SERPENT has marketed its brand to EVE.
    The curse (or blessing) of work is being lifted from Man’s shoulders. The pain (or blessing) of childbirth is being lifted from women. As a result, we are all more lost and confused than ever.
    The time is approaching where robots will do the work and children will be born from artificial wombs. There will be tremendous hatred for the “haters” who reject “science”.
    Monogomy will be “selfishness”. Christians will be hated for not wanting to sleep with trannnies, mutants and freaks from laboratories.
    The Abomination of Desolation will come from us overcoming through science the curses placed upon us in the garden of eden. We need faith in Christ so the freak show puppeteers pulling the strings to socially engineer our world do not get their way.

    1. Many of the technological wonders/curses (depends how you use them) you predict will require an advanced civilization to achieve and then maintain. That’s where I think it will fall apart. Our society is now so dysfunctional we’re not producing enough people who are either able or willing to maintain it. In a way I do not fear Big Brother because there are simply not going to be enough viewscreen repairmen running around keeping it all running. Imagine the cost in terms of money and human time required to operate a bank of artificial wombs. The engineers, doctors, technicians, and the millions of tax cattle out in the world working to pay for it. I just don’t think there will be enough people willing and/or able to do the work. Even labor-saving robots will require a great many people to design, manufacture, install, program, operate, and maintain them… I don’t see it working.

      1. The infrastructure would take time for Borg style mass production. But for small scale, we are more or less there. Maybe a few kinks remain, maybe not.

  24. The first picture is from the Museum Replicas catalog.
    It is a fantasy monk costume which I find ideally fitting for the ideas presented in this article.

  25. it’s ok, man.
    you are not alone in this.
    The Awakening is on us.
    and now Odin walks with The Christ.

    1. Interesting perspective, as someone who oscillates between Christianity and Paganism, I’d be interested in how you can marry the two beliefs together?

      1. not real sure- seems right for our age.
        Odin is the Allfather and giver of wisdom…
        and The Christ, w/ his balls re-attached, is no robe-wearing faggot.
        fuck the church.
        our gods are already inside us.
        we are the Godhead.

        1. The future of Christianity, if it is to survive is a Germanic Christianity. I really should try reading the Heliand again.

        2. I was brought a muslim.
          but as I grew I’v seen the shortcoming of my fate, and it was not really my deep rooted faith (being of pure berber origin) .
          Then I started reading and looking to different religions around the world (as I found atheism to be not only not possible, but an anti life ideology at it’s best)
          I had one day an epiphany when I understood the message of jesus christ (self-sacrifice for the truth as the ultimate form of heroism).
          know I see the connections between them all, I lift invoking Tyr, I study venerating thot and I see the life of a real patriarch as the embodiment of christ. as for islam I think that it’s a twisted ideology (with some bright parts anyway) but I still respect it as a small part of my “culture”.

  26. You went insane. Sorry to hear that mate. Better luck next life.
    For the still sane readers i would like to address the worst false idea:”God Can Do For You What You Cannot Do For Yourself”
    The truth is exactly the other way around. What you can not do for yourself, no god ever will.
    First help yourself, improve yourself to the best you can be and THEN have faith in god.
    Go out and bang chicks like the one in the mall AND MAKE BABIES WITH HER and you will do gods will much more than sitting in some dark monastery and dwell on celibacy bullshit and your own weakness and failures.

  27. These I’ve have not had sex for 3 month’s crack me up when people say that, I just burst out in my
    evil laugh. Try going 5 years and get back to me.

  28. “practicing Cathar”
    “exactly as the New Testament details.”
    Pick one. The created world is not evil and Catharism was just a front to promote ritual suicide and conquest.

  29. I’ve pretty much had exactly the same journey, but what do we do? As far as my religion, Catholicism, is concerned I only seemingly have an AntiChurch infiltrated by communists before me! what do we do? If there were an order like the Templars or the Hospitallers that actually protected Christians I would have joined it already. I’m aware of Ordo Militaris but I’m in the UK and cannot be accepted or apply to them due to being a foreigner to the US.

  30. I can’t say that I know what the fuck is going on in the universe or what exactly is god, but in some ways I feel like this return to basics attitude is really just an attempt to structure society in a way that makes it the most powerful. Who is going to be stronger in a war, a group of atheist who think that humans are nothing more than bacteria on a rock, or religious people who believe they are immortal spirits fighting for a supreme being who can give them eternal peace in heaven? The answer is obvious, but I don’t think that just because this creates a more efficient society mean that it is true, its just an advantage to have faith as opposed to not having it. It could be a grand truth or just an empowering lie. And it seems to be really be catching steam with white people, who have their backs against the wall against all these minority groups who are breeding like crazy and have much stronger faith it seems. Game/redpill mentality is very selfish in a way but also understandable, it recognizes that the ship is burning and encourages you to just take what you can and party on a island somewhere, while faith requires a much greater sacrifice of putting not only yourself but your children on the front lines to repair the sinking ship.
    To be quite honest I’m just not willing to make the sacrifice, at least not as far as marrying and having kids and blindly marching forward. I’m definitely of the new age mindset of just don’t be a dick and don’t eat too many sweets lol, but maybe I’ll come around some day. But I’ve found enough peace in the pursuit of strength and knowledge for the sake of helping others and enjoying life.

  31. Wow…that hit home, hard. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, gained through experience and God’s blessings.

  32. Michael Witcoff is a retard. Cathars historically are and still are heretics. They would sacrifice babies, engage in homosexuality and bestiality in order not to get women pregnant because they despise life. Cathars would openly engage in Satanic worship and believe Jesus Christ was the brother of Satan. Be careful of this man because he is very deceitful person by his open proclamation of being a filthy Cathar heretic.

    1. With fact-finding skills like yours, you’d fit right in at CNN. I bet there are some openings after these layoffs–have you considered applying for a spot?

      1. Get your facts right heretic. You go research your devil worshipping cult and refute any of what I said with historical fact then Ill apply to your favorite news channel.

        1. “It’s not our job to prove the Russia-Trump conspiracy theory, it’s YOUR job to prove it didn’t happen.”
          Looks like they’ve already hired you!

  33. Both celibacy and sterile hedonism are evolutionary and thus societal dead ends if one takes any of these particular paths and follow it during one’s entire life.
    However, throughout some phases both can work for the individual’s well-being and progress. To travel around the world for hedonism (among other things) is not bad, as long as one figure out a way to have kids between let’s say 30-40. Celibacy is okay for a certain period but not if the entire existence is centered around it.

  34. I did 1.5 years once, when I had gotten deeply into meditation and yoga.
    As per the knowledge – the Chakras and their energy are the subtle force behind what we run behind and focus on – and vice versa. It can all be transformed, but that’s for whole another article on how Energy can/ should be changed.

  35. First of all, I’m glad you found what you needed in religion, I really am, you sound happy and fulfilled.
    But I don’t think that you need a god to find those 3 things.
    I’m not 100% into that trend of hijacking stuff from foreign cultures, religion included.
    But if I look back to the religion of my ancestors I only see freshly harvested human hearts offered to appease the mighty Huitzilopochtli.
    And I can’t help but wonder why the one true god never bothered to show up in the other side of his creation, I would think this side was his favorite, since he put so much more effort on the amazonian jungle, so full of life, or the majestic caribbean beaches made out of millions of coral skeletons, white as snow than in that featureless desert where he chose to allegedly send his son.
    So either all gods are created by the inherent spiritual search of men coupled with lack of answers and shaped by their particular traditions, physical features and moral code…
    Or god doesn’t like the natives of this continent, of which I’m half descendant.
    So I’ll better keep a healthy distance and when the time comes, I’ll try to side with the one that proves to be the real deal.
    Who knows, perhaps someday I’ll be judged by god, perhaps for eating bacon, perhaps for having lustful thoughts constantly, or maybe because I never offered him the freshly harvested heart of a soldier from a conquered village.
    TL/DR I’m still an atheist, but you do you, as long as it makes you happy.

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